Borough of Fair Lawn Municipal and Recycling Calendar - NOTICE

Borough of Fair Lawn Municipal and Recycling Calendar - NOTICE
Stacey Klein
                                          “Meet the Flickers”

     Borough of Fair Lawn                       2021
                                   Recycling & Garbage Handbook
Municipal and Recycling Calendar       Recycling & Garbage
                                        Collection Schedule
             2021                  INCLUDED & ATTACHED INSIDE
Borough of Fair Lawn Municipal and Recycling Calendar - NOTICE
Keeping Connected In Your Community

From the desk of the Mayor
2020 was a year unlike any other. While many residents missed important events and milestones due to the pandemic, some of our neighbors also suffered
through unemployment, financial difficulties or, sadly, the tragic loss of a loved one, friend or neighbor who will always be remembered. Throughout these
difficult times, we were still able to find hope in our community.

Our first responders answered every call for help, often putting themselves at risk for our safety. The phrase “above and beyond” is used too frequently, but in
Fair Lawn it truly represents the actions of so many in our community. When the County Meals on Wheels program asked for assistance with delivering meals,
our first responders signed up to make sure Fair Lawn families in need did not go hungry.

Our Borough employees were not slowed down by the pandemic either, working in person straight through to assist our
residents. Once the Municipal Building was reopened to the public, they worked diligently to bring things back up to speed.
Fair Lawn efficiently and safely opened our pool and our Library continued book lending along with creative, socially-distanced
programming. Seniors were offered outdoor exercise programs and our children were able to participate in youth sports
programs, including the addition of a new kickball program for our 3 to 5 year olds. Thank you to all those who helped make
these programs possible.

Although we still have many challenges and some uncertain times ahead, I know that Fair Lawn will always stand strong and
residents will continue to support and help one another. On behalf of the Mayor and Council, I wish our residents a Happy and
Healthy New Year. I look forward to the day when we can all be together once again.

Best regards,
Mayor Kurt Peluso

Important Information
**Due to the unknown status of group gatherings at the time this calendar was printed please note that some meetings and events may
take place virtually or be cancelled. Please contact the department, committee or organization for the current meeting location or status.

Meeting Locations

       Council Chambers, Court Room, Rooms 201, 215 and B5 are located at Fair Lawn Borough Hall, 8-01 Fair Lawn Avenue.
       Dobrow Complex, Harristown Road & De Boer Drive.
       Fire Company #4, 14-15 Radburn Road
       “FLCC Theater”, “FLCC Gym”, “FLCC Card Room” and “FLCC Art Room” are located at the Fair Lawn Community Center, 10-10 20th Street
       Library, 10-01 Fair Lawn Avenue
       Senior Center, 11-05 Gardiner Road
Borough of Fair Lawn Municipal and Recycling Calendar - NOTICE
January 2021
                                          BOROUGH OF
                                          FAIR LAWN

         SUNDAY                               MONDAY                        TUESDAY                  WEDNESDAY                    THURSDAY                       FRIDAY                      SATURDAY
                                                                                                                                                       1 New Years Day                  2
                                                                                                                                                       - Borough Offices Closed
                                                                                                                                                       - No Minibus
                                                                                                                                                       - Schools Closed

                                                                                                                                                       -Overnight Parking Enforcement
                                                                                                                                                       Suspended 2-5am & 8-10am

3                                     4                                5                        6                            7                         8                                9
                                                                       - Council Re-            - Environmental              -Access for All Meeting   -Access for All Dance            - Hurdy Gurdy Concert
                                                                       Organization Meeting,    Commission                   7:00pm Room 201           6:30pm FLCC Gym                  8:00pm FLCC Theater
                                                                       6:00 pm Council          7:30pm Room 201
                                                                       Chambers and FLTV
                                                                       live coverage

10                                    11 - Planning Board              12                       13                           14                        15                               16
                                      7:00pmWork Session               - Council Work Session   - Health Advisory Board
                                      Rm 201                           7:30pm Room 201          9:00am Room 215
                                      7:30pm Regular                                            - Historic Preservation
                                      Meeting,                                                  7:30pm FLCC Card Room
                                      Court Room                                                -Fire Board
                                      - Arts Council                                            8:00pm, Fire Co. #4
                                      7:30pm                                                         Christmas Tree Collection Week
                                      FLCC Card Rm
17                                    18 Martin Luther King            19                       20                           21                        22                               23
                                      Day                              - Council Budget         - FLASAP/Alliance            -Community Relations
                                      - Borough Offices Closed         Meeting                  6:30pm Room 201              Advisory Committee
                                      - No Minibus                     7:30pm Room 201                                       7:30pm Room 201
                                      - Schools Closed

-Overnight Parking Enforcement        -Overnight Parking Enforcement
Suspended 2-5am                       Suspended 2-5am & 8-10am

24                                    25                               26                        27                           28                       29                               30
                                      - Senior Citizen                 - Council Regular        - Green Team 7:30pm          - Shade Tree Meeting      - Old Library Theatre            - Old Library Theatre
                                 31   Advisory Committee               Meeting                  Room 201                     4:30pm Room 201           8:00pm FLCC Theater              8:00pm FLCC Theater
                                      5:30pm Room 201                  7:30pm Council
                                      - Zoning Board                   Chambers and FLTV
                                      7:00pm Court Room                live coverage
           - Old Library
    2:00pm FLCC Theater
Borough of Fair Lawn Municipal and Recycling Calendar - NOTICE
Keeping Connected In Your Community
Staying Alert                                    Staying Social                                                       Staying Informed
Sign up for alerts from the Office of                                                                                 Fair Lawn’s TV Station
Emergency Management                                     
                                                                                     Channel 37 - Verizon FIOS, Channel 77 – Cablevision
You may register your phone numbers at                        Facebook: @FairLawnBoro                   Instagram: @FairLawnBoroughNJ                              Visit or email
                                               Borough of Fair Lawn, NJ            for schedule and
                                                                                                                      submission information.
                                                 Sign up to be notified of emergency notifications, public notices,   Fair Lawn Television Productions, Inc. is looking for
                                                 and special events through our email notification system.            dedicated volunteers. No television experience needed.
                                                                                                                      Email or call 201-794-5394.

Important Information
Fair Lawn for All Ages (FLFAA) is a new and exciting age-friendly initiative funded by a grant from the Henry & Marilyn Taub Foundation. Our goal is to support programs
and resources that will make our community more "age-friendly" or a place where we all want to live as we grow older. Fair Lawn joins several other New Jersey towns
in this quest to address healthy lifestyles, safety, walkability and volunteerism as well as social and civic engagement.

This program will work in partnership with the Mayor & Council, municipal departments, senior citizen advisory committee, local businesses and health and social
service providers. Fair Lawn for All Ages is committed to raising the community’s awareness of its senior residents, ensuring that their voices are heard and their
ongoing contributions are recognized. Visit our website at for a listing of events and resources or follow us on Facebook. We can be reached
by email at and welcome feedback and ideas from our senior community members. You can also write to us at Borough Manager's Office,
Attn: Lisa MacClements, 8-01 Fair Lawn Avenue, Fair Lawn, NJ 07410.

February Events
“A Taste of Our Town”
Monday, February 22, 2021 6 pm - 8 pm

The Fair Lawn Chamber of Commerce presents a Celebration of Great Food. Sample offerings from Fair Lawn’s finest restaurants. For information and reservations
please call 201-796-7050 or email Net proceeds to benefit The Fair Lawn Food Pantry.
February 2021
                           BOROUGH OF
                          FAIR LAWN

      SUNDAY                    MONDAY                        TUESDAY                 WEDNESDAY                 THURSDAY                     FRIDAY                SATURDAY
                        1 1st Quarter Taxes              2                        3                         4                         5                       6
                        Due                              - Council Work Session   - Environmental                                     -Access for All Dance   -Hurdy Gurdy Concert
                                                         7:30pm Room 201          Commission                                          6:30pm FLCC Gym         8:00pm FLCC Theater
                                                                                  7:30pm Room 201

7                       8                                9                        10                        11                        12 Chinese New Year     13
-12:00pm CPR Course     - Planning Board                 - Rent Leveling Board    - Historic Preservation   -Access for All Meeting                           -Infinite Motion
Ambulance Corps         7:00pmWork Session               6:30pm Room 215          7:30pm FLCC Card          7:00pm Room 201                                   Performing Arts     Rm 201                           - Council Budget         Room                                                                        Academy “Free To Be
                        7:30pm Regular                   Meeting                  -Fire Board                                                                 Me” FLCC Theater
                        Meeting                          7:30pm Room 201          8:00pm, Fire Co. #4
                        Court Room
                        - Arts Council
                        7:30pm FLCC Card Rm
14                      15 Presidents Day                16                       17                        18                        19                      20
                        - Schools Closed                 - Schools Closed         - FLASAP/Alliance         -Community Relations                              -Skyline Theater Co.
                        - Borough Offices                                         6:30pm Room 201           Advisory Committee                                Anniversary
                        Closed                                                                              7:30pm Room 201                                   Celebration
                        - No Minibus                                                                                                                          FLCC Theater

                        -Overnight Parking Enforcement
                        Suspended 2-5am & 8-10am

21                      22                               23                       24                        25                        26 Purim                27
                        -A Taste Of Our Town             - Council Regular Mtg.   - Green Team 7:30pm       - Shade Tree Meeting      - Old Library Theatre   - Old Library Theatre
                        Chamber of Commerce              7:30pm Council           Room 201                  4:30pm Room 201           Production              Production
                        6:00-8:00pm FLCC Gym             Chambers and FLTV                                                            8:00pm FLCC Theater     8:00pm FLCC Theater
                        - Zoning Board                   live coverage
                        7:00pm Court Room

- Old Library Theatre                                                                                 Snow Removal
                                                     Borough Ordinance prohibits the shoveling, placing, throwing or blowing of snow into or upon any street in Fair
2:00pm FLCC Theater
                                                  Lawn. For the safety and welfare of our residents, please attempt to clear snow around fire hydrants and crosswalks
                                                    located on or in close proximity to your property. Please do not park vehicles on the street until the streets have
                                                        been plowed sufficiently and to the extent that parking will not interfere with the normal flow of traffic.
Borough Department Information
The Office of Fire Prevention
A Fire Inspection is required before any one or two family residence is sold, leased, or made subject to a change of occupancy. Inspections can be scheduled by calling
the Fire Prevention Bureau at (201) 794-5408. The requirements can be found on our website,

The Fair Lawn Senior Center
                                       The Senior Center is the site of many diversified activities, events, programs and services for older adults, 60 years and

                                       Located on the corner of 11th Street and Gardiner Road, we are ideally located one block from the library and Borough
                                       Hall, easily accessible to free public transportation, and open seven days a week: 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., Monday through
                                       Friday, 10:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. and Saturday and Sunday, 12 Noon to 3:00 p.m.

                                       Please call 201-796-1191 for more information.
Recycling & Sanitation
Visit for information about Recycling Collection, Regulations, Mandated Materials, Recycling Center Hours,
Permits, Recycling Barrels, and additional resources.

Household Hazardous Waste Days
For more information call 201-807-5825 or visit their website at .

Cultural Planning
Enjoy plays, musicals, concerts and more at the Fair Lawn Community Center. We have partnered with the Hurdy Gurdy Folk Music Club to bring you some of
the best musicians in folk music. We are also home of the Old Library Theatre and the proud co-sponsors of Pioneer Productions Company, St Annes Stages,
Skyline Theatre Company, the Ridgewood Gilbert & Sullivan Opera Company and many more.

Borough Boards & Committee Information
Cadmus House Museum
The official museum of the Borough of Fair Lawn is The Cadmus House, which is a Dutch style Brownstone built in the early 1800’s. The museum houses
numerous exhibits and artifacts highlighting Fair Lawn’s history. For more information contact Rich Ball at:

                            Historic Preservation Commission

                            The Spirit of our Borough, our State, and our Nation are reflected in its historic past. It is the goal of the Fair Lawn Historic
                            Preservation Commission to help safeguard and preserve the historic and cultural foundations of the borough, so that our historic
                            districts, sites and landmarks will be available for the education, pleasure and welfare of all the citizens of Fair Lawn and its future
                            generations. Contact Chairperson Amy Hummerstone at for more information.
March 2021
                                     BOROUGH OF
                                  FAIR LAWN
         SUNDAY                          MONDAY                           TUESDAY                       WEDNESDAY                       THURSDAY                    FRIDAY                   SATURDAY
                                 1                                2                                3                                4                         5                       6
                                                                                                   - Health Advisory Board                                    -Access for All Dance   -Hurdy Gurdy Concert
                                                                                                   9:00am Rm 215                                              6:30pm FLCC Gym         8:00pm FLCC Theater
                                                                                                   - Environmental                                            -Adelphi Orchestra
                                                                                                   Commission                                                 Concert 7:30pm FLCC
                                                                                                   7:30pm Room 201                                            Theater

7                                8 International Women's          9                                10                               11                        12                      13
                                 Day                              - Council Work Session           - Historic Preservation          -Access for All Meeting   - St. Anne Stages
                                  - 7:00pm Planning               7:30pm Room 201                  7:30pm FLCC Card                 7:00pm Room 201           Production              - St. Anne Stages
                                 Board Work Session Rm                                             Room                                                       7:30pm FLCC Theater     Production
                                 201                                                               -Fire Board                                                                        7:30pm FLCC Theater
                                 7:30pm Regular Meeting                                            8:00pm, Fire Co. #4
                                 Court Room
                                 - Arts Council
                                 7:30pm FLCC Card Rm

14 Daylight Savings              15                               16                               17 St. Patrick's Day             18                        19                      20
Begins                           - Senior Citizen                                                  -FLASAP/Alliance                 -Community Relations       - St. Anne Stages      - St. Anne Stages
- St. Anne Stages                Advisory Committee                                                6:30pm Room 201                  Advisory Committee        Production              Production
Production                       5:30pm Room 201                                                                                    7:30pm Room 201           7:30pm FLCC Theater     7:30pm FLCC Theater
2:00pm FLCC Theater

Change your smoke & CO
alarm batteries when
you change your clocks.

21                               22                               23                               24                               25                        26                      27 Passover Begins
- St. Anne Stages                - Zoning Board                   -Council Regular                  -Green Team                     - Shade Tree Meeting
Production                       7:00pm Court Room                Meeting                          7:30pm Room 201                  4:30pm Room 201
2:00pm FLCC Theater                                               7:30pm Council                                                     -Skyline Theatre Co.
                                                                  Chambers and FLTV                                                 NJ Alliance Stages
                                                                  live coverage                                                     Festival
                                                                                                                                    7:30pm FLCC Theater
                                                                                                                                                                                      -Overnight Parking Enforcement
                                                                                                                                                                                      Suspended 2-5am

28 Holi Festival                 29                               30                               31
                                                                                                   -Library Board of
                                                                                                   Trustees, 8:00pm

-Overnight Parking Enforcement   -Overnight Parking Enforcement   -Overnight Parking Enforcement   -Overnight Parking Enforcement
Suspended 2-5am                  Suspended 2-5am                  Suspended 2-5am                  Suspended 2-5am
Borough Department Information
The Fair Lawn Food Pantry
Non-perishable food items and personal products are requested for our neighbors in need. We also accept grocery store gift cards and monetary donations which are
used to purchase fresh produce and other perishable items. Checks can be made payable to “Fair Lawn Human Services Trust”. The Food Pantry is located in the
basement of Borough Hall. Find us on Facebook at: for the most updated information. Contact Liz Maresca at 201-794-5333 or

Borough Boards & Committee Information
Arts Council

The Fair Lawn Arts Council engages the residents in projects that have no age or talent limitations and are creative and fun. Contact,
visit or follow us on Facebook and Instagram @FairLawnArtsCouncil for more information on upcoming meetings and events.

                                                      Garden Committee

                                                      The Fair Lawn Borough Garden Committee (FLBGC) is a volunteer committee that plants and maintains gardens
                                                      in public spaces around the Borough. We are appointed by the Mayor and Council and meet formally (4) four times
                                                      a year. We garden April through November, weather permitting. Email for more

Community Relations Advisory Committee

Educating, advocating and promoting inclusion, inter group understanding, compassion and respect for diversity in our community.
The committee meets on the 3rd Thursday of each month. Please send an e-mail to for more details.
Follow us on Facebook @FairLawnInclusion

April Events
Litter Clean Up Days

              The Recycling Division will be holding litter clean ups on Saturday April 17, May 15, June 12, and September 11th from 8:45 AM to 12:30 PM.
                For more information or to register, call 201-794-5341 or e-mail

The Edith Wigod Spring Food Drive
Help us stock our shelves! This time of year we begin to struggle to keep the shelves full. Any donation, large or small helps! Email for information.
Monetary donations can be made out to “Fair Lawn Human Services Trust Fund” or with a credit card by choosing “Fair Lawn Human Services” in the Donation link on Follow us on Facebook @FLFoodPantry.
April 2021
                                  BOROUGH OF
                                 FAIR LAWN
         SUNDAY                           MONDAY                          TUESDAY                       WEDNESDAY                          THURSDAY                            FRIDAY                        SATURDAY
                                                                                                                                    1                                2 Good Friday            3
                                                                                                                                    -Access for All Meeting          - Schools Closed
                                                                                                                                    7:00pm Room 201                  - Borough Offices Closed
                                                                                                                                                                     - No Minibus

                                                                                                                                    -Overnight Parking Enforcement   -Overnight Parking Enforcement   -Overnight Parking Enforcement
                                                                                                                                    Suspended 2-5am                  Suspended 2-5am                  Suspended 2-5am

4 Easter Sunday          5                                        6                                7                                8                                9 - Blood Pressure               10
Last Day of Passover     - Schools Closed                         - Schools Closed                 - Schools Closed                 - Schools Closed                 Screening at Sr. Center          - Skyline Theatre Co.
-Recycling Center Closed                                                                           - Environmental                  - Skyline Theatre Co.            9:30-11:30am                     Production
                                                                                                   Commission                       Production                        - Schools Closed                7:30pm FLCC Theater
                                                                                                   7:30pm Room 201                  7:30pm FLCC Theater              - Skyline Theatre Co.
                                                                                                                                                                     7:30pm FLCC Theater
-Overnight Parking Enforcement
                                                Yard Waste Collection Begins                                                                                         -Overnight Parking Enforcement   -Overnight Parking Enforcement
                                                                                                   -Overnight Parking Enforcement   -Overnight Parking Enforcement
Suspended 2-5am                                                                                                                                                      Suspended 2-5am & 8-10am         Suspended 2-5am & 8-10am
                                                                                                   Suspended 2-5am & 8-10am         Suspended 2-5am & 8-10am

11                               12                               13 Ramadan Begins                14                               15                               16                               17
- Skyline Theatre Co.            - 7:00pm Planning Board          - Council Work Session            - Historic Preservation         -Community Relations                                              - Litter Clean Up Day
Production                       Work Session Rm 201              7:30pm Room 201                  7:30pm FLCC Card                 Advisory Committee                                                Register: 201-794-5341
2:00pm FLCC Theater              7:30pm Regular Meeting                                            Room                             7:30pm Room 201                                                   - Hurdy Gurdy Concert
                                 Court Room                                                        -Fire Board                                                                                        8:00pm FLCC Theater
                                 - Arts Council                                                    8:00pm, Fire Co. #4
                                 7:30pm FLCC Card Rm
-Overnight Parking Enforcement   -Overnight Parking Enforcement   -Overnight Parking Enforcement   -Overnight Parking Enforcement   -Overnight Parking Enforcement
Suspended 2-5am & 8-10am         Suspended 2-5am & 8-10am         Suspended 2-5am & 8-10am         Suspended 2-5am & 8-10am         Suspended 2-5am & 8-10am

18                               19                        20                                      21 Earth Day                     22                               23                               24
                                 - Senior Citizen Advisory - Rent Leveling Board                   - FLASAP/Alliance                - Shade Tree Meeting             - Old Library Theatre            - Old Library Theatre
                                 Committee                 6:30pm Room 201                         6:30pm Room 201                  4:30pm Room 201                  FLCC Theater                     Production
                                 5:30pm Room 201                                                   -Green Team                      - Old Library Theatre                                             FLCC Theater
                                                                                                   7:30pm Room 201                  Production
                                                                                                                                    FLCC Theater

25                               26                               27                               28                               29                               30
- Old Library Theatre            - Zoning Board                   - Council Regular
Production                       7:00pm Court Room                Meeting
FLCC Theater                                                      7:30pm Council
                                                                  Chambers and FLTV live
May Events
Memorial Day Services

Veteran Grave Decoration
Saturday, May 29, 2021
The Fair Lawn Veteran’s Council will hold a Veteran Grave Decoration Ceremony at 11:00 a.m. at the Fair Lawn Memorial Cemetery
located at 22-21 Maple Avenue. All are welcome to attend.

Memorial Ceremony
Sunday, May 30, 2021
The Fair Lawn Veteran’s Council will hold a Memorial Ceremony at 2:00 p.m. at the Fair Lawn Memorial Cemetery located at 22-21 Maple Avenue. All are welcome to

Memorial Day Parade & Ceremony
Monday, May 31, 2021
The parade begins at 10:30 a.m. from Pollitt Drive to Fair Lawn Avenue to River Road to Berdan Avenue and down the Avenue of the Heroes into Memorial Park. All
military, civic, volunteer and service groups are welcome to participate on this special day to honor the Fair Lawn residents who died in service to our country.

After the conclusion of the Memorial Day Parade, a Memorial Ceremony honoring the 47 Fair Lawn residents who died in service to our country will follow at the circle
at the Avenue of Heroes in Memorial Park. All are welcome to attend.

Important Information
Voter Information
The last day to register to vote is Tuesday, May 18, 2021. The Municipal Clerk’s office, Room 206 in the Municipal Building, will remain open until 9:00pm to accept
You must be registered as a Republican or Democrat to vote in the Primary. If you have never voted in a Primary, you may declare yourself at the polls.
If you are a registered Democrat or Republican and will be unable to vote in person on Primary Day, you can obtain a Vote by Mail ballot by picking up an application
from the Municipal Clerk’s Office. If you have any questions or need assistance, please call the Municipal Clerk’s Office at 201-794-5340.

May Events
Construction Material Collection
Week of May 3rd. Construction material includes anything that is part of a structure or is secured to a structure. This includes, but is not limited to, sheet rock, tiles,
toilets, cabinetry, flooring, fences, toilets and sinks. During construction collections, residents may put out up to four 32-gallon containers of construction or up to 200
pounds. Construction collection does not include brick, block, concrete, asphalt, dirt, rocks, stones, sod, hazardous materials (such as paint) or recyclables.
Fair Lawn Green Fair
The 7th Annual Green Fair will be held at the Fair Lawn Community Center on May 16, 2021, 2:00- 4:00pm.
Follow us on Facebook: @FairLawnGreenTeam or Instagram: @FairLawnGT
Free Rabies Clinic
In May from 6:00pm to 7:00pm at the Memorial Park garage. Owners should check their pet’s rabies vaccination expiration date. Call: 201-794-5327 for the date of the
May 2021
                                     BOROUGH OF
                                     FAIR LAWN
         SUNDAY                          MONDAY                           TUESDAY                       WEDNESDAY                        THURSDAY                    FRIDAY                    SATURDAY
                                                                                                                                                                                        1 2nd Quarter Taxes
                                                                                                                                                                                        - Hurdy Gurdy Concert
                                                                                                                                                                                        8:00pm FLCC Theater

2                                3                                4                                5                                6                         7                         8
                                                                                                   -Environmental                                                                       -Adelphi Orchestra
                                                                                                   Commission 7:30pm                                                                    Concert 7:30pm FLCC
                                                                                                   Room 201                                                                             Theater

                                                                                                   Construction Collection Week

9 Mother’s Day                   10                               11                               12                               13 Eid al-Fitr            14                        15 Armed Forces Day
                                 -Planning Board                  -Council Work Session            - Historic Preservation          -Access for All Meeting   - Blood Pressure          Peace Officers Memorial
                                 7:00pmWork Session Rm            7:30pm Room 201                  7:30pm FLCC Card                 7:00pm Room 201           Screening at Sr. Center   Day
                                 201                                                               Room                                                       9:30-11:30am              - 12:00pm CPR Course
                                 7:30pm Regular Meeting                                            -Fire Board                                                -Access for All Dance     Ambulance Corps
                                 Court Room                                                        8:00pm, Fire Co. #4                                        6:30pm FLCC Gym 
                                 - Arts Council
                                 7:30pm FLCC Card Rm                                                                                                                                    - Litter Clean Up Day
                                                                                                                                                                                        Register: 201-794-5341
16                               17                               18 Last Day to                   19 EMS Day                       20                        21                        22
- 12pm First Aid Course,         -Senior Resource Fair,           Register to Vote                 - FLASAP/Alliance                -Community Relations      - Old Library Theatre     - Old Library Theatre
Ambulance Corps                  Senior Center - 1:30-                                                                              Advisory Committee        Production                Production
                                                                                                   6:30pm Room 201              3:30                                                                                               7:30pm Room 201           FLCC Theater              FLCC Theater
- Arboretum Day,                 -Senior Citizen Advisory
12-3:00pm, Fair Lawn             Committee
Ave Arboretum                    5:30pm Room 201
- Green Fair, 2-4:00pm           - Zoning Board
                                 7:00pm Court Room
23                               24                               25                               26                               27                        28                        29
- Old Library Theatre                                             - Council Regular                - Green Team                     - Shade Tree Meeting                                - 11:00am Veteran’s
Production                                                        Meeting                          7:30pm Room 201                  4:30pm Room 201                                     Council Grave
FLCC Theater                                                      7:30pm Council                                                                                                        Decoration Fair Lawn
                                                                  Chambers and FLTV                                                                                                     Memorial Cemetery
                                                                  live coverage                                                                                                         -Overnight Parking Enforcement
                                                                                                                                                                                        Suspended 2-5am

30                               31 Memorial Day
- 2:00pm Veteran’s               - 10:30am Parade
Council Memorial                 followed by a Ceremony                                            -Overnight Parking Enforcement
                                                                  -Overnight Parking Enforcement   Suspended 2-5am & 8-10am
Ceremony-Fair Lawn               at Memorial Park                 Suspended 2-5am & 8-10am
Memorial Cemetery                - Schools Closed
                                 - Borough Offices
                                 Closed - No Minibus
-Overnight Parking Enforcement   -Overnight Parking Enforcement
Suspended 2-5am                  Suspended 2-5am & 8-10am
Important Information
                                       Memorial Pool Veterans Program
                                       All members of the U.S. Armed Forces, Veterans and their immediate family (as defined by the Borough’s Recreation
                                       Department’s guidelines) receive a 50% discount on their Memorial Pool membership. Also, any Veteran who is deemed by the
                                       U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs as having a 100% service connected disability or was a Prisoner of War, should receive a free
                                       Memorial Pool membership for themselves and their immediate family (as defined by the Borough’s Recreation Department’s

                                       Also at Memorial Pool, we have placed “Military and Veterans Only Parking” signs at four designated parking spots along the
                                       fence line of the pool. We are looking to also place these signs in the parking lots of other Borough owned buildings and parks.

Borough Department Information
Health Department
Vital Statistics: Fair Lawn residents who are getting married can contact the Registrar up to 1 year in advance of the wedding for information about obtaining your
marriage license. Births, deaths, marriages, civil unions and domestic partnerships that have occurred in Fair Lawn from 1924 to present can be applied for in our office
or via postal mail. Information can be found on, by calling 201-794-5333 or via email

Minibus Service: Fair Lawn residents can take advantage of the free minibus pick up and drop off service, within Fair Lawn only, Monday- Friday, 9:00-4:00pm by
making advanced reservations at 201-794-5327. On Saturdays the bus runs on a regular route around town. Details about the route and times can be found on

Mosquito Issues: Please contact Bergen County Mosquito Control at 201-634-2880.

Project Medicine Drop Box: Project Medicine Drop allows residents to bring their household medications, 24 hours-a-day 7 days-a-week, to Fair Lawn Borough Hall,
8-01 Fair Lawn Avenue, and drop off unused and expired medications into a secure monitored drop-box that can be found on the main floor, inside the Municipal
Building near the Police Department .

June Events
                               Cat License Renewals
                               Cat License Renewals are now due. Cats over 6 months must be licensed. Visit for licensing
                               requirements and cost or call 201-794-5327.

                               Pet owners are reminded to clean up fecal waste promptly after their pet defecates on private and public property to prevent a public
                               nuisance. Feeding of pets should not be done outdoors since they may attract rodents, wildlife, stray cats and insect problems. Feeding
                               of stray cats is prohibited as it promotes exposure to cats that may carry rabies. Dog owners are reminded that a dog barking longer than
                               10 minutes is considered a noise disturbance, which can result in a summons to court.

For animal complaints contact the Fair Lawn Police Department at 201-796-1400.
June 2021
                             BOROUGH OF
                             FAIR LAWN

      SUNDAY                   MONDAY                TUESDAY                   WEDNESDAY                         THURSDAY                            FRIDAY                       SATURDAY
                                               1                          2                                3                                4                                5
                                                                           - Health Advisory Bd                                                                              - Hurdy Gurdy Concert
                                                                          9:00am Room 215                                                                                    8:00pm FLCC Theater
                                                                          -Environmental Comm.
                                                                          7:30pm Room 201

6                        7                     8                          9                                10                               11                               12 Women Veterans Day
                                               - Primary Election Polls   - Historic Preservation          -Access for All Meeting          -Bergen Arts Amble               - Litter Clean Up Day
                                               Open 6:00am to             7:30pm FLCC Card                 7:00pm Room 201                  FLCC Theater                     Register: 201-794-5341
                                               8:00pm                     Room                                                                                               - Victoria Ballet
                                                                          -Fire Board                                                                                        FLCC Theater
                                                                          8:00pm, Fire Co. #4

                                                                   Twice Weekly Garbage Collection Begins

13                       14 Flag Day           15                         16                               17                               18 Juneteenth                    19
- Radburn Street Fair    - Planning Board      - Council Work Session     - FLASAP/Alliance                -Community Relations             - Moonlight Ballroom             -Fair Lawn Luau
-Creative Bergen Arts    7:00pmWork Session    7:30pm Room 201            6:30pm Room 201                  Advisory Committee               Dance Studio                     4:00-10:00pm
Amble, Cadmus House      Rm 201                                                                            7:30pm Room 201                  Dance Showcase                   Memorial Park
- Dance A Lot Ballroom   7:30pm Regular                                                                                                     FLCC Theater                     - Old Library Theatre
Dance Showcase           Meeting                                                                                                                                             Benefit Concert
FLCC Theater             - Arts Council                                                                                                                                      8:00pm FLCC Theater
                         7:30pm FLCC Card Rm

20 Fathers Day           21                    22                         23                               24                               25                               26
                         - Senior Citizen      - Rent Leveling Board      - Green Team                     - Shade Tree Meeting
                         Advisory Committee    6:30pm Room 201            7:30pm Room 201                  4:30pm Room 201
                         5:30pm Room 201        - Last Day of School
                         - Zoning Board        Schools Early Dismissal
                         7:00pm Court Room
                          -Schools Early
                                                                          -Overnight Parking Enforcement   -Overnight Parking Enforcement   -Overnight Parking Enforcement
                                                                          Suspended 2-5am & 8-10am         Suspended 2-5am & 8-10am         Suspended 2-5am & 8-10am

27                       28                    29                         30
-X-Quisite House of                            - Council Regular          -Library Board of
Dance, FLCC Theater                            Meeting                    Trustees, 8:00pm
                                               7:30pm Council             Library
                                               Chambers and FLTV
                                               live coverage
Borough Department Information
Tax Collector
Information about tax rebates, programs and the online payment of taxes and water bills can be found at For your convenience, a mail box has
been installed in the parking lot of the Municipal Building for easy drop off of current tax and water payments. NO CASH PLEASE.

Important Information
Residence Translating Assistance
The Borough of Fair Lawn Office of Emergency Management is looking for individuals who fluently speak another language or know American Sign Language and can
assist emergency services in translating during an emergency. If you are interested in volunteering, please email OEM Coordinator Wendy Alvarez at or call 201-794-5390.

July Events
                          Fireworks Spectacular
                          On Thursday, July 1, 2021 commencing between 9:00 and 9:15 p.m., the skies will be aglow with a multitude of
                          colorful designs and explosions to honor America’s freedom. Bring your family, friends, blankets or lawn chairs to
                          Memorial Park. A DJ will perform. Gates to the park will open at 7:30 p.m. The rain date is July 6. For additional
                          information or ticket sales, please contact the Recreation Department at 201-796-6746.

Free Summer Music Concerts
Please visit or call 201-794-5372 for information.

Emergency Services
Ambulance Corps
The Fair Lawn Ambulance Corps provides emergency medical services for the residents, visitors and workers within the Borough of Fair Lawn, and to surrounding
communities during times of emergency. Visit us at or email us at: to get your application! Additionally, The
Fair Lawn Volunteer Ambulance Corps offers CPR and First Aid course throughout the year. Please contact us at or call 201-797-5321 to
register for a course or for more information. Follow us on Facebook: @FairLawnVAC or Instagram: @FairLawnEMS

August Events
National Night Out
Tuesday, August 3rd at 7:00 pm. The event will take place on Schmidt Field, located in the rear of Memorial Middle School. Millions of neighbors take part in National
Night Out across thousands of communities from all fifty states, U.S. territories and military bases worldwide on the first Tuesday in August. The evening will include
information on crime prevention, free giveaways, food, snacks, vendors, emergency service vehicles and children activities.
July 2021
                                   BOROUGH OF
                                  FAIR LAWN
         SUNDAY                        MONDAY                      TUESDAY                  WEDNESDAY                  THURSDAY                            FRIDAY                        SATURDAY
                                                                                                                 1                                2                                3
                                                                                                                 - Fireworks 9:00pm
                                                                                                                 Memorial Park

                                                                                                                 -Overnight Parking Enforcement   -Overnight Parking Enforcement   -Overnight Parking Enforcement
                                                                                                                 Suspended 2-5am & 8-10am         Suspended 2-5am & 8-10am         Suspended 2-5am
4 Independence Day               5 Independence Day           6                        7                         8                                9                                10
                                 (Observed)                   - Fireworks Rain-Date    - Environmental                                            -Access for All Dance            - Hurdy Gurdy Concert
                                 - Borough Offices            9:00pm Memorial Park     Commission 7:30pm                                          6:30pm FLCC Gym                  8:00pm FLCC Theater
                                 Closed                                                Room 201
                                 - No Minibus

-Overnight Parking Enforcement
Suspended 2-5am

11                               12 - Planning Board          13                       14                        15                               16                               17
                                 7:00pmWork Session Rm        - Council Work Session   -Willie Wilson Summer     -Willie Wilson Summer            -Willie Wilson Summer
                                 201                          7:00pm Room 201          Workshop Production,      Workshop Production,             Workshop Production,
                                 7:30pm Regular Meeting                                FLCC Theater
                                                              - Regular Meeting                                  FLCC Theater                     FLCC Theater
                                 Court Room                                            - Historic Preservation
                                 - Arts Council               8:00pm Council                                     -Community Relations
                                                              Chambers and FLTV        7:30pm FLCC Card Room     Advisory Committee
                                 7:30pm FLCC Card Rm
                                                              live coverage            -Fire Board               7:30pm Room 201
                                 -Skyline Theater Co. Dance
                                 Workshop FLCC Theater
                                                                                       8:00pm, Fire Co. #4

18                               19                           20                       21                        22                               23                               24
                                                                                       - FLASAP/Alliance         - Shade Tree Meeting             - St. Anne Stages                - St. Anne Stages
                                                                                       6:30pm Room 201           4:30pm Room 201                  Summer Workshop                  Summer Workshop
                                                                                                                                                  Production                       Production
                                                                                                                                                  7:30pm FLCC Theater              2:00&7:30pm FLCC

25                               26                           27                       28                        29                               30                               31
                                 - Zoning Board                                        - Green Team                                               - Old Library Theatre            - Old Library Theatre
                                 7:00pm Court Room                                     7:30pm Room 201                                            Production                       Production
                                                                                                                                                  8pm FLCC Theater                 8pm FLCC Theater
August 2021
                            BOROUGH OF
                            FAIR LAWN
      SUNDAY                  MONDAY                   TUESDAY               WEDNESDAY                   THURSDAY                   FRIDAY                 SATURDAY
1 3rd Quarter Taxes     2                        3                        4                         5                         6                       7
Due                                              - 7:00pm Fair Lawn       - Environmental           - 7:00pm Rain Date Fair   - Old Library Theatre   - Old Library Theatre
- Old Library Theatre                            Police National Night    Commission 7:30pm         Lawn Police National      Production              Production
Production                                       Out & Family Night at    Room 201                  Night Out & Family        8:00pm FLCC Theater     8:00pm FLCC Theater
2:00pm FLCC Theater                              Memorial Park                                      Night at Memorial Park

8                       9                        10                       11                        12                        13                      14
- Old Library Theatre   - Planning Board         - Council Work Session   - Historic Preservation                             - St. Anne Stages       - St. Anne Stages
Production              7:00pmWork Session       7:00pm Room 201          7:30pm FLCC Card                                    Summer Workshop         Summer Workshop
2:00pm FLCC Theater     Rm 201                   - Regular Meeting        Room                                                Production              Production
                        7:30pm Regular           8:00pm Council           -Fire Board                                         7:30pm FLCC Theater     2 &7:30pm FLCC
                        Meeting, Court Room      Chambers and FLTV live   8:00pm, Fire Co. #4                                                         Theater
                        - Arts Council           coverage
                        7:30pm FLCC Card Rm

15                      16                       17                       18                        19                        20                      21
- 12pm CPR Course                                                         - FLASAP/Alliance         -Willie Wilson Summer     -Willie Wilson Summer
Ambulance Corps                                                           6:30pm Room 201           Workshop Production,      Workshop Production,                                                       -Willie Wilson Summer     FLCC Theater              FLCC Theater
                                                                          Workshop Production,      -Community Relations
                                                                          FLCC Theater              Advisory Committee
                                                                                                    7:30pm Room 201

22                      23                       24                       25                        26                        27                      28
                        - Zoning Board                                    - Green Team              - Shade Tree Meeting      -Pioneer Productions    -Pioneer Productions
                        7:00pm Court Rm                                   7:30pm Room 201           4:30pm Room 201           Production              Production
                                                                                                                              FLCC Theater            FLCC Theater

29                      30                       31
-Pioneer Productions
FLCC Theater

                              Twice Weekly Garbage Collection Ends
Borough Department Information
Office of Emergency Management
Please visit

Residential Special Needs
The Borough of Fair Lawn Office of Emergency Management has established a Residential Special Needs Registry for citizens who may require special attention during
times of emergency. If you or someone you know is using oxygen in their home, requires a walker to get around, or has any other form of disability, fill out an application.
All information is kept confidential and is distributed to the police, fire, rescue, ambulance, health, and public works departments for use during emergency. To sign up
for the registry visit If you have any questions, contact OEM at 201-794-5390.

Community Emergency Response Team (CERT)
CERT members give critical support to first responders in emergencies, provide immediate assistance to victims, organize spontaneous volunteers at a disaster site,
and collect disaster intelligence to support first responder efforts. If you join a CERT, you will receive basic-level training in Emergency Preparedness, Disaster Medical
Operations, Fire Suppression, Light Search and Rescue Operations, Incident Command System, Disaster Psychology, Terrorism Awareness and Community Animal
Response Team. Total training is usually about 20 hours, scheduled in 2-4 hour modules, over a period of weeks. Training courses, student materials and equipment
are provided free of charge. Fair Lawn CERT is always looking for new members to assist in the community. If you are interested in becoming a CERT member, email
CERT Director Nancy Brouca at

RACES (Radio Amateur Civil Emergency Service)
The Fair Lawn Radio Emergency Service organization during its 46-year history has always been dedicated to helping our community and our country when needed in
times of crisis. Through Fair Lawn OEM, the Fair Lawn Radio Emergency Service organization has always been considered part of the Borough's Emergency Services.
Membership is open to any person interested in Amateur Radio whether they are licensed or not. Please e-mail

September Events
September 11th Ceremony
September 11th, time TBD. Honoring the World Trade Center victims at the 9-11 Remembrance Memorial Wall at the Municipal Building, 8-01 Fair Lawn Avenue.
In the event of inclement weather, the ceremony will be held in the Council Chambers. All are invited to honor residents who perished on that day and remember the
brave men and women who gave their lives to save so many others.
Art in the Park
Sunday, September 19th 12:00- 4:00 pm at Berdan Grove Park. Residents are invited to celebrate our extraordinarily artistic Fair Lawn
neighbors with a day devoted to enjoying art, music, nature and community. Artists and musicians will be situated throughout the park
for residents to walk around and visit or to sit back, relax and enjoy. Bring chairs, blankets and find a spot to chill under the trees and
take it all in. Activities for children and families will be available throughout the day. Visit the Arts Council at
for the most up to date information.

Fair Lawn Community Camp-Out and Movie Night
Saturday September 25th 4:00pm. Forget about the TV and the computer for the night. Pop up a tent and enjoy the night under the stars with your family and friends.
Enjoy this one of a kind event full of activities for everyone. There is no registration fee but campsites are limited and will be available on a first-come, first-serve basis.
September 2021
                                    BOROUGH OF
                                   FAIR LAWN
         SUNDAY                          MONDAY                           TUESDAY                       WEDNESDAY                         THURSDAY                         FRIDAY                         SATURDAY
                                                                                                   1 - Health Advisory Board        2                                3                                4
                                                                                                   9:00am Room 215                                                   -Pioneer Productions             -Pioneer Productions
                                                                                                   Commission 7:30pm Room                                            Production                       Production
                                                                                                   201                                                               FLCC Theater                     FLCC Theater
                                                                                                   -Historic Preservation
                                                                                                   7:30pm FLCC Card Room

                                                                                                      Twice Weekly Garbage Collection Ends September 4, 2021
5                                6 Labor Day                      7 Rosh Hashanah                  8 Rosh Hashanah                  9                                10                               11 Patriot Day
-Pioneer Productions             -Borough Offices Closed                                           -Fire Board                      -Access for All Meeting          -Access for All Dance            -Litter Clean Up Day
Production                       -No Minibus                                                       8:00pm, Fire Co. #4              7:00pm Room 201                  6:30pm FLCC Gym                  Register: 201-794-5341
FLCC Theater                                                                                                                                                                                          -9/11 Ceremony
                                                                                                                                                                                                      Time: TBD, Boro Hall
                                                                                                                                                                                                      -Hurdy Gurdy Concert
                                                                                                                                                                                                      8:00pm FLCC Theater
                                 -Overnight Parking Enforcement   -Overnight Parking Enforcement   -Overnight Parking Enforcement   -Overnight Parking Enforcement   -Overnight Parking Enforcement
-Overnight Parking Enforcement
                                 Suspended 2-5am & 8-10am         Suspended 2-5am & 8-10am         Suspended 2-5am & 8-10am         Suspended 2-5am & 8-10am         Suspended 2-5am & 8-10am
Suspended 2-5am
12                               13                               14                               15                               16 Yom Kippur                    17                               18
                                                                                                                                                                                                      -Overnight Parking Enforcement
-Skyline Theater Co.             -Planning Board                  -Council Work Session            - FLASAP/Alliance                                                   - Old Library Theatre          - Old Library
                                                                                                                                                                                                      Suspended  2-5am Theatre
Gala, FLCC Theater               7:00pm Work Session              7:30pm Room 201                  6:30pm Room 201                                                   Production                       Production
                                 Rm 201                           -Rent Leveling Board                                                                               FLCC Theater
                                                                                                                                                                     -Overnight Parking Enforcement   FLCC Theater
                                                                                                                                                                     Suspended 2-5am & 8-10am
                                 7:30pm Regular                   6:30pm Council
                                 Meeting Court Room               Chambers
                                 - Arts Council
                                 7:30pm FLCC Card Rm                                               -Overnight Parking Enforcement   -Overnight Parking Enforcement
                                                                                                   Suspended 2-5am & 8-10am         Suspended 2-5am & 8-10am
19                               20                               21 Sukkot                        22                               23                               24                               25
- Art in the Park                 - Senior Citizen                                                 - Green Team                     - Shade Tree Meeting                                              - Community Campout
12:00pm – 4:00pm                 Advisory Committee                                                7:30pm Room 201                  4:30pm Room 201                                                   4:00pm, Memorial Park
Berdan Grove Park                5:30pm Room 201                                                                                     -Community Relations                                             -Overnight Parking
- Old Library Theatre            - Zoning Board                                                                                     Advisory Committee                                                Enforcement
Production                       7:00pm Court Room                                                                                  7:30pm Room 201                                                   Suspended 2-5am
FLCC Theater
                                                                                                                                                                     -Overnight Parking Enforcement   -Overnight Parking Enforcement
                                                                                                                                                                     Suspended 2-5am & 8-10am         Suspended 2-5am

26                               27                               28                               29                               30
                                                                  -Council Regular
-Overnight Parking Enforcement                                    Meeting 7:30pm
Suspended 2-5am                                                   Council Chambers and
                                                                  FLTV live coverage

-Overnight Parking Enforcement   -Overnight Parking Enforcement
Suspended 2-5am                  Suspended 2-5am & 8-10am
Important Information
Voter Information

The last day to register to vote is Tuesday, October 12, 2021. The Municipal Clerk’s office, Room 206 in the Municipal Building, will remain open until 9:00pm to accept

You can obtain a Vote by Mail ballot by picking up an application from the Municipal Clerk’s Office. If you have any questions or need assistance, please call the Municipal
Clerk’s Office at 201-794-5340.

Emergency Services
Fire Department                                                                          Fire Prevention

                    The Fire Department Needs Volunteers!                                To help you stay safe from fire, the following courtesies are
If you have 2 to 3 hours of free time a week, like to help others, meet new friends,        Fire safety inspection of your home.
could use a small pension for your service, receive some discounts at local                 Designing a fire escape plan from your home, for all
establishments for volunteers, then joining the Fair Lawn Volunteer Fire                      family members.
Department is for you. Follow us on Facebook: @FairLawnFireDepartment                       Installing, testing, and changing batteries of smoke alarms.
                                                                                         For more information contact Fire Prevention at 201-794-5408.
If you are 16 years or older and wish to become a part of this organization, please
call 201-794-5389 for more information or visit your nearest Fire House on
Mondays between 7:30pm and 10:00 p.m.                                                    Rescue Squad
                                                                                         The Fair Lawn Rescue Squad is a volunteer organization, created for the purpose
                                                                                         of preserving life and property.
             Company # 1                                 Company # 2
            12-34 George St.                            24-00 Route 208                  If you are over the age of 16 and are interested in volunteering or learning more
                                                                                         about the Rescue Squad, please call 201-794-5388 and leave a message or stop by
             Company # 3                                 Company # 4                     the building on Tuesday nights (16-01 Romaine Street). Follow us on Facebook:
             2-05 Plaza Rd.                           14-15 Radburn Road                 @FairLawnRescueSquad or on Instagram: @FairLawnRescue

October Events
Halloween Costume Parade
Please visit or call 201-794-5372 for information.

Construction Material Collection
Week of October 18th. Construction material includes anything that is part of a structure or is secured to a structure. This includes, but is not limited to, sheet rock, tiles,
toilets, cabinetry, flooring, fences, toilets and sinks. During construction collections, residents may put out up to four 32-gallon containers of construction or up to 200
pounds. Construction collection does not include brick, block, concrete, asphalt, dirt, rocks, stones, sod, hazardous materials (such as paint) or recyclables.
October 2021
                                      BOROUGH OF
                                      FAIR LAWN
         SUNDAY                           MONDAY                           TUESDAY                           WEDNESDAY                         THURSDAY                            FRIDAY                         SATURDAY
                                                                                                                                                                          1                                2
                                                                                                                                                                                                           - Hurdy Gurdy Concert
                                                                                                                                                                                                           8:00pm FLCC Theater


                                                                                                                                                                          -Overnight Parking Enforcement   -Overnight Parking Enforcement
                                                                                                                                                                          Suspended 2-5am & 8-10am         Suspended 2-5am

3                                 4                                5                                    6                                7                                8                                9
                                   -Planning Board                                                      - Environmental                  -Access for All Meeting          -Access for All Dance            - Skyline Theatre Co.
                                  7:00pmWork Session Rm                                                 Commission                       7:00pm Room 201                  6:30pm FLCC Gym                  Production
                                  201                                                                   7:30pm Room 201                  - Skyline Theatre Co.            - Skyline Theatre Co.            7:30pm FLCC Theater
                                  7:30pm Regular Meeting                                                                                 Production                       Production
                                  Court Room                                                                                             7:30pm FLCC Theater              7:30pm FLCC Theater
                                  - Arts Council
                                  7:30pm FLCC Card Rm

-Overnight Parking Enforcement                                                                          -Overnight Parking Enforcement   -Overnight Parking Enforcement   -Overnight Parking Enforcement   -Overnight Parking Enforcement
                                  -Overnight Parking Enforcement   -Overnight Parking Enforcement
Suspended 2-5am                                                                                         Suspended 2-5am & 8-10am         Suspended 2-5am & 8-10am         Suspended 2-5am & 8-10am         Suspended 2-5am
                                  Suspended 2-5am & 8-10am         Suspended 2-5am & 8-10am
10- Fire Department               11 Columbus Day                  12 Last Day to                       13                               14                               15                               16
Open House                        Indigenous Peoples Day           Register to Vote                     - Historic Preservation,                                          - Old Library Theatre            - Old Library Theatre
Memorial Park                     - Borough Offices                - Council Work Session               7:30pm FLCC Card                                                  Production                       Production
1:00-3:00 pm                      Closed                           7:30pm Boro Hall Rm                  Room                                                              8:00pm FLCC Theater              8:00pm FLCC Theater
- Skyline Theatre                 - No Minibus                     201                                  -Fire Board
Co. Production                                                                                          8:00pm, Fire Co. #4
2pm FLCC Theater
 -Overnight Parking Enforcement   -Overnight Parking Enforcement   -Overnight Parking Enforcement       -Overnight Parking Enforcement   -Overnight Parking Enforcement   -Overnight Parking Enforcement   -Overnight Parking Enforcement
Suspended 2-5am                   Suspended 2-5am & 8-10am         Suspended 2-5am & 8-10am             Suspended 2-5am & 8-10am         Suspended 2-5am & 8-10am         Suspended 2-5am & 8-10am         Suspended 2-5am

17 -Open House Fire               18                               19                                   20                               21                               22                               23
Co # 3, 1:00-3:00 pm              - Senior Citizen                                                      - FLASAP/Alliance                -Community Relations             - Old Library Theatre            - Old Library Theatre
2-05 Plaza Rd                     Advisory Committee                                                    6:30pm Room 201                  Advisory Committee               Production                       Production
-River Road Street Fair           5:30pm Room 201                                                       -Cadmus House Annual             7:30pm Room 201                  8:00pm FLCC Theater              8:00pm FLCC Theater
-Old Library Theatre                                                                                    Meeting 7:30 at the
Production                                                                                              Cadmus House
2:00pm FLCC Theater
-Overnight Parking Enforcement
                                                                                                    ** Construction Collection Week**
Suspended 2-5am

24                                25                               26                                   27                               28                               29                               30
- Old Library                     - Zoning Board                   - Council Regular                    - Green Team                     - Shade Tree Meeting
Theatre Pro                       7:00pm Court Room                Meeting                              7:30pm Room 201                  4:30pm Room 201
2:00pm FLCC                                                        7:30pm Council                       -Library Board of
Theater                                                            Chambers and FLTV live               Trustees, 8:00pm
                                                                   coverage                             Library

             31 Halloween
Borough Department Information
Veterans Affairs
IMPORTANT REMINDER: Please ensure that you and your immediate family know where your discharge papers are. The importance of this is imperative.
Unfortunately, many Veterans or family members look to locate discharge papers when they are met with a dire or tragic situation. Please give a copy to those individuals
that have been designated to make decisions for you (spouse, children, power of attorney, etc...).

U.S. Flag Retirement Drop Box
The Borough of Fair Lawn’s Veterans Affairs Office is pleased to announce that a U.S. Flag Retirement Drop Box has been installed at Borough Hall. The box is located
next to the Parmelee Avenue entrance of the Municipal Building. Residents are reminded that worn or tethered U.S. flags should not be placed in the garbage and are
encouraged to deposit them in the drop box at Borough Hall. The flags will be held for the semiannual flag retirement ceremony held by the Fair Lawn Veteran’s Council. Follow Us On Facebook @FairLawnVeteransAffairs and on Instagram @FairLawnVetAffairs

November Events
Veteran’s Day, Thursday, November 11
The Fair Lawn Veteran’s Council will hold a Veteran’s Day Ceremony at 11:00 a.m. at the Fair Lawn Municipal Building
located at 8-01 Fair Lawn Avenue. All are welcome to attend.
For more information, please contact the Veterans Affairs Office at 201-794-5314.

The Edith Wigod Thanksgiving Food Drive
This program provides a Thanksgiving Dinner to our neighbors in need. Nonperishable food items, paper products, and gift certificates to local supermarkets are
gratefully accepted. Items requiring refrigeration may not be able to be accepted. Call before delivery. Please check expiration dates. Expired items cannot be distributed
and will be thrown away. Please deliver Thanksgiving donations before Thursday November 18th so that they can be included in the Thanksgiving baskets.

The Holiday Sharing Program
This program provides gifts and gift certificates to local stores for our young residents in need for the Holiday season. Gift certificates and monetary donations are
currently being accepted for this program.
Thanksgiving and Holiday donations can be given to the Department of Health and Human Services, 8-01 Fair Lawn Avenue. Contact Liz Maresca at 201-794-5333 or
email for more information. Monetary donations can be made out to “Fair Lawn Human Services Trust Fund” or with a credit card by choosing “Fair
Lawn Human Services” in the Donation link on Follow us on Facebook @FLFoodPantry.

Dog License Renewals & Free Rabies Clinic
A FREE rabies clinic is held in November at Memorial Park. Pet owners should check their pet’s rabies vaccination expiration date. Please call: 201-794-5327 for the
2021 date.

Dog licenses are due in December 2021. All dogs over 6 months must be licensed. Owners must show proof of rabies vaccination good through November 1, 2022 in
order to obtain a 2022 dog license. The license fees are: $12.00 (spayed/neutered) or $15.00 (unspayed/unneutered). There is an addition $10 fee for a dog license
renewal obtained after January 1st. Residents are urged to license their dogs to avoid summonses to municipal court. For info on 3-year licenses, or if your dog’s rabies
shot expires prior to November 1, 2022, call 201-794-5327.

Pet owners are reminded to clean up after their pet even on their own property in order to prevent public nuisances. Feeding of pets should not be done outdoors
since they may attract rodents, wildlife, stray cats and insect problems.
November 2021
                                    BOROUGH OF
                                   FAIR LAWN
         SUNDAY                          MONDAY                          TUESDAY                        WEDNESDAY                         THURSDAY                             FRIDAY                        SATURDAY
                                 1 4th Quarter Taxes              2 Election Day                   3                                4 Diwali                         5                                6
                                 Due                              - Election Day Polls             - Environmental                  - St. Anne Stages                - St. Anne Stages                 - St. Anne Stages
                                                                  Open 6:00am-8:00pm               Commission                       Production                       Production                       Production
                                                                                                   7:30pm Room 201                  7:30pm FLCC Theater              7:30pm FLCC Theater              7:30pm FLCC Theater

7 Daylight Savings               8                                9                                10                               11 Veterans Day                  12                               13
Ends                             - Planning Board                 - Council Work Session           -Fire Board                      - Borough Offices                -Ridgewood Gilbert &             - 12:00pm CPR Course
- St. Anne Stages                7:00pm Work Session              7:30pm Boro Hall Rm              8:00pm, Fire Co. #4              Closed                           Sullivan Opera Co.               Ambulance Corps
Production                       Rm 201                           201                              -Historic Preservation           - No Minibus                     Production             
2:00pm FLCC Theater              7:30pm Regular                                                    Program Night                    - Veteran’s Ceremony             7:30pm FLCC Theater              - Hurdy Gurdy Concert
                                 Meeting                                                           7:00pm FLCC Theater              11:00am Borough Hall                                              8:00pm FLCC Theater
Change your smoke & CO           Court Room
alarm batteries when
                                 - Arts Council
you change your clocks.
                                 7:30pm FLCC Card Rm
14                               15                               16                               17                               18                               19                               20
- 12pm First Aid Course          - Senior Citizen                 - Rent Leveling Board            - FLASAP/Alliance                - Shade Tree Meeting             - Old Library Theatre            - Old Library Theatre
Ambulance Corps                  Advisory Committee               6:30pm Room 201                  6:30pm Room 201                  4:30pm Room 201                  Production                       Production              5:30pm Room 201                                                   - Historic Preservation,         -Community Relations             8:00pm FLCC Theater              8:00pm FLCC Theater
-Ridgewood Gilbert &                                                                               7:30pm FLCC Card                 Advisory Committee
Sullivan Opera Co.                                                                                 Room                             7:30pm Room 201
FLCC Theater

21                               22                               23                               24                               25 Thanksgiving                  26                               27
- Old Library Theatre            - Zoning Board                   - Council Regular                - Schools Early                  - Borough Offices                - Borough Offices
Production                       7:00pm Court Room                Meeting                          Dismissal                        Closed                           Closed
2:00pm FLCC Theater                                               7:30pm Council                                                    - No Minibus                      - No Minibus
                                                                  Chambers and FLTV                                                 - Schools Closed                 - Schools Closed
                                                                  live coverage

                                                                                                   -Overnight Parking Enforcement   -Overnight Parking Enforcement   -Overnight Parking Enforcement   -Overnight Parking Enforcement
                                                                                                   Suspended 2-5am & 8-10am         Suspended 2-5am & 8-10am         Suspended 2-5am & 8-10am         Suspended 2-5am

28                               29 Chanukah Begins               30

-Overnight Parking Enforcement   -Overnight Parking Enforcement   -Overnight Parking Enforcement
Suspended 2-5am                  Suspended 2-5am & 8-10am         Suspended 2-5am & 8-10am
December Events
                      Holiday Light Parade and Town Hall Lighting

                      This special holiday event will feature the caroling of the Fair Lawn Girl Scouts and Boy Scouts. Santa Claus will arrive at the Fair Lawn Municipal
                      Building to help with the official lighting of the building. All children will be able to see Santa and will receive candy canes. Bring your camera! For
                      more information, call 201-796-6746.

Santa Claus Telephone

Weekday evenings beginning Friday, December 3 through Friday, December 17 (Calls will be placed between 5:00 p.m. & 8:00 p.m.). On one magical evening this
holiday Santa Claus will contact the children in the town of Fair Lawn directly by telephone. Parents are encouraged to fill out a form and return it as soon as
possible. Santa will be making his calls continually throughout the two week period to guarantee he finds out “who has been naughty and who has been nice.” For
more information, call 201-796-6746.

Borough Department Information
Human Services Department
Visit for information about the food pantry, holiday assistance programs and other social service programs that are handled by the
Borough of Fair Lawn. Follow us on Facebook @FLFoodPantry

Important Information
                                                                            SUPPORT LOCAL BUSINESSES
                   We have a number of businesses in town that continuously support our local organizations and borough wide events. Fair Lawn businesses support
                   our children, senior citizens and residents. They are the backbone of our community and it is important that we return the favor by patronizing our
                   local businesses. The next time you head out to the store or grab a bite to eat, please remember to SHOP FAIR LAWN FIRST!

Fair Lawn Library
Your library is more than just stacks of books. We have the newest movies, music, and video games. We have materials for you to enjoy without even stepping through
our doors, with online books, audio books, magazines, music, and more. We offer a story time for children and book clubs for young kids all the way up to seniors and
everything in-between. Use our museum passes for a weekend getaway, bring the kids in costume to our Haunted Library or our Library Con, buy gifts at our Holiday
Arts & Crafts Boutique, or sign up for our yearly Summer reading program for kids, teens, and adults. We have ongoing clubs to share recipes, read your poetry or prose,
perfect your English as a second language or play games. Come see a movie screening with a captive audience, or join us for a specialized lecture or book talk by an
author. And yes, we still have books, too, whether you prefer a gripping mystery, a cook book, graphic novels, picture books, or biographies. If you don't see what you'd
like, just ask one of our friendly staff members and we will find it for you.

Follow us on Facebook: @FairLawnPublicLibrary, Instagram: @FairLawnLibrary or check our calendar for special events, like concerts or art gallery openings.

Yard Waste Collection
The final yard waste collection for the season will be the week of December 13, 2021 on your regular recycling collection day.
December 2021
                                    BOROUGH OF
                                  FAIR LAWN
         SUNDAY                          MONDAY                           TUESDAY                          WEDNESDAY                         THURSDAY                            FRIDAY                         SATURDAY
                                                                                                      1                                2                                3                                4
                                                                                                       - Health Advisory                                                -Santa Phones Start              - Old Library Theatre
                                                                                                      Board, 9:00am                                                     6:00-8:00pm                      8:00pm FLCC Theater
                                                                                                      Room 215                                                          -Access for All Dance
                                                                                                      - Environmental                                                   6:30pm FLCC Gym
                                                                                                      Commission 7:30pm                                                 - Old Library Theatre
                                                                                                      Room 201                                                          8:00pm FLCC Theater

                                                                                                                                       -Overnight Parking Enforcement   -Overnight Parking Enforcement   -Overnight Parking Enforcement
                                                                                                      -Overnight Parking Enforcement
                                                                                                                                       Suspended 2-5am & 8-10am         Suspended 2-5am & 8-10am         Suspended 2-5am & 8-10am
                                                                                                      Suspended 2-5am & 8-10am
5                                6 Chanukah Ends                  7                                   8                                9                                10                               11
- Old Library Theatre                                             - Council Work Session              -Historic Preservation,
2:00pm FLCC Theater                                               7:30pm Room 201                     7:30pm FLCC Card
- Holiday Light Parade                                                                                Room
6:00pm Borough Hall                                                                                   - Green Team
                                                                                                      7:30pm Room 215
-Overnight Parking Enforcement   -Overnight Parking Enforcement                                       -Fire Board                      -Overnight Parking Enforcement   -Overnight Parking Enforcement   -Overnight Parking Enforcement
Suspended 2-5am & 8-10am         Suspended 2-5am & 8-10am                                             8:00pm, Fire Co. #4              Suspended 2-5am & 8-10am         Suspended 2-5am & 8-10am         Suspended 2-5am & 8-10am

12                               13                               14                                  15                               16                               17                               18
                                 - Planning Board                 - Council Regular Mtg.              - FLASAP/Alliance                - Shade Tree Meeting             -Santa Phones end                -Hurdy Gurdy Concert
                                 7:00pm Work Session              7:30pm Council                      6:30pm Room 201                  4:30pm Room 201                                                   8:00pm FLCC Theater
                                 Rm 201                           Chambers and FLTV live                                               -Community Relations
                                 7:30pm Regular Meeting           coverage                                                             Advisory Committee
                                 - Arts Council                                                                                        7:30pm Room 201
                                 7:30pm FLCC Card Rm
                                                                                                   Final Yard Waste Collection Week
-Overnight Parking Enforcement   -Overnight Parking Enforcement   -Overnight Parking Enforcement      -Overnight Parking Enforcement   -Overnight Parking Enforcement   -Overnight Parking Enforcement   -Overnight Parking Enforcement
Suspended 2-5am & 8-10am         Suspended 2-5am & 8-10am         Suspended 2-5am & 8-10am            Suspended 2-5am & 8-10am         Suspended 2-5am & 8-10am         Suspended 2-5am & 8-10am         Suspended 2-5am

19                               20                               21                                  22                               23 Christmas Eve                 24 Christmas                     25
- Skyline Theatre Co.            - Zoning Board                                                                                        - Borough Offices                - Borough Offices
Holiday Show                     7:00pm Court Room                                                                                     Closed                           Closed
3:00pm FLCC Theater                                                                                                                    - No Minibus                     - No Minibus
                                                                                                                                       - Schools Closed                 - Schools Closed

-Overnight Parking Enforcement   -Overnight Parking Enforcement   -Overnight Parking Enforcement      -Overnight Parking Enforcement   -Overnight Parking Enforcement   -Overnight Parking Enforcement   -Overnight Parking Enforcement
Suspended 2-5am & 8-10am         Suspended 2-5am & 8-10am         Suspended 2-5am & 8-10am            Suspended 2-5am & 8-10am         Suspended 2-5am & 8-10am         Suspended 2-5am & 8-10am         Suspended 2-5am & 8-10am

26 Kwanzaa Begins                27                               29                                  29                               30                               31 New Years Eve
                                                                                                      -Library Board of
                                                                                                      Trustees, 8:00pm

-Overnight Parking Enforcement
Suspended 2-5am
                                 -Overnight Parking Enforcement
                                 Suspended 2-5am & 8-10am
                                                                  -Overnight Parking Enforcement
                                                                  Suspended 2-5am & 8-10am
                                                                                                      -Overnight Parking Enforcement
                                                                                                      Suspended 2-5am & 8-10am
                                                                                                                                       -Overnight Parking Enforcement
                                                                                                                                       Suspended 2-5am & 8-10am
                                                                                                                                                                        -Overnight Parking Enforcement
                                                                                                                                                                        Suspended 2-5am & 8-10am
                           BOROUGH OF
                          FAIR LAWN

      8-01 FAIR LAWN AVENUE ● FAIR LAWN, NEW JERSEY 07410 ● 201-796-1700
Councilmember                         Cristina Cutrone              201-794-5340
Councilmember                         Kris Krause                   201-794-5340
Councilmember                         Kurt Peluso                   201-794-5340
Councilmember                         Joshua Reinitz                201-794-5340
                                                                                                                               Important Websites
Councilmember                         Gail Rottenstrich             201-794-5340
Borough Manager                       Jim Van Kruiningen            201-794-5310            
Municipal Clerk                                                     201-794-5340                                        
Ambulance Corps                       David Epstein                 201-797-5321                
Animal Control via Police Department Bergen County Animal Control   201-796-1400                                        
Chief Financial Officer               Karen Palermo                 201-794-5351
Chief of Staff/ Veteran Affairs       Nicholas Magarelli            201-794-5314
Community Response Team               Nancy Brouca                  201-794-5390                  Borough Committees
Construction Official/Zoning Official Richard Bolan                 201-794-5307
Cultural Planning                                                   201-794-5346          Alliance for Substance
Emergency Management                  Wendy Alvarez                 201-794-5390         Abuse Prevention
Engineering                                                         201-794-5300                                 Arts Council   
Fair Lawn Television                  Saul Rochman                  201-794-5394       Community Garden/
Fire Chief                            Tom Carney                    201-794-5389             Garden Committee
Fire Official                         Angelo Castronovo             201-794-5408       Environmental  
Food Pantry/Human Service             Liz Maresca                   201-794-5333              Commission
Health Officer                        Carol Wagner                  201-794-5327           Green Team     
Health/Minibus/Animal Licensing/Vital Records                       201-794-5327           Property Maintenance
Housing Liaison                       Cathryn Hochkeppel            201-794-5300      Rent Leveling            c/o
Library Director                      Adele Puccio                  201-796-3400
Municipal Court Administrator         Clare Cabbibo                 201-794-5348
Planning Board                                                      201-794-5300
Police Chief                          Glen Cauwels                  201-794-5405
Police Non-Emergency                                                201-796-1400
Police- Overnight Parking                                           201-794-5399
Public Works- Recycling Division      Ron Lottermann                201-794-5341
Public Works Superintendent           Alan Neggia                   201-794-5305
Public Works- Water Operations        John Williams                 201-794-5374
Recreation and Community Center       James Graff                   201-794-5372
Rescue Squad                          Steven Milnes                 201-794-5388
Senior Center                         Karin Krankel                 201-796-1191
Tax Assessor                          Tim Henderson                 201-794-5318
Tax Collector                         Connie Graci                  201-794-5338
Zoning Board                                                        201-703-4255
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