Body & bones Up close & personal

Page created by Jessica Aguilar
Body & bones Up close & personal
body Up&close
         bonespe rsonal
Body & bones Up close & personal
healthy bones | strength to                                                                                            last a lifetime
Bones are alive                             essential to ensure that young         Bones need calcium                  In general, women have 30%
                                            bodies build the best bones                                                less bone mass than men.
Though it may not seem like it, bone                                               Bone mineral density is a
                                            possible. It is important to work                                          Then, during the first five to
is living tissue. It is continually being                                          measure of the strength or
                                            at maintaining this bone mass                                              10 years after menopause,
renewed through a process called                                                   compactness of bone tissue.
                                            throughout adulthood.                                                      they may lose two to five
remodelling, in which old bone is                                                  It reflects the strength of bones
                                                                                                                       percent of their bone tissue
broken down and replaced with               The tween and teen years are a time    in terms of their calcium content
                                                                                                                       a year.4 This is why women
new bone. Between 10 and 30% of             when consumption of milk products      and can be measured using a
                                                                                                                       are at greater risk of
skeletal bone is replaced each year.1       tends to drop, which means kids        specialized X-raying technique
                                                                                                                       developing osteoporosis
                                            this age may not be getting enough     called dual energy X-ray
Along with calcium, vitamin D and                                                                                      than men.1 However, by
                                            calcium and vitamin D during this      absorptio­metry (DXA).
other bone-building nutrients—                                                                                         age 65 to 70, men and
                                            critical time in their life.
most of which are abundant                                                         As we age, the two kinds of         women lose bone mass

in milk products—physical activity                                                 cells that maintain bone density    at about the same rate.4

is essential for healthy bone                 Recent Statistics Canada             become less efficient.1 We also
                                                                                                                       By approaching adulthood
remodelling. Bone tissue responds           research has shown that 61%            begin to absorb calcium less
                                                                                                                       with strong, dense bones
to appropriate nourishment and               of teenage boys and 83% of            effectively. For those of us with
                                                                                                                       and by minimizing bone loss
physical activity by becoming denser         teenage girls don’t consume           fairly healthy bones, consuming
                                                                                                                       during adulthood, we may
and stronger.                                the recommended amount                enough calcium can help
                                                                                                                       decrease our risk of developing

Bone building begins when we are
                                                  of milk products.3               balance the remodelling process.
                                                                                                                       osteoporosis and osteoporotic
                                                                                   In fact, studies of older adults
very young and continues into our                                                                                      fractures later in life.
                                                                                   show that getting enough
tween and teen years. By our late           Girl also tend to become less active
                                                                                   calcium can slow bone loss and
teens, the body will have built up          at this age which may potentially
                                                                                   reduce the risk of fractures.2
about 90% of its lifetime bone              cause problems later in life.

mass.2 During these years, physical
activity and a bone-healthy diet are

                                                           2                                                                                             3
Body & bones Up close & personal
actively preventing                                osteoporosis
What is osteoporosis?                              Who develops osteoporosis?
Osteoporosis is a condition that
develops when bone tissue and key bone
minerals (like calcium) are lost faster than
they are replaced.4 Bones become so
weak and brittle they can easily break.
In extreme cases, even a simple hug
or sneeze could result in a fracture.

             Healthy bone
                                                                                       1 in 4 women                                              1 in 8 men

                                                                             Osteoporosis affects one in four women and at least one in eight men over the age of 50.1

                                                   Reducing the risk                                  Regular physical activity and a               impact on bone health, especially
                                                                                                      balanced diet rich in calcium,                when accompanied by a low
                                                   Reducing the risk of osteoporosis
                                                                                                      vitamin D and adequate protein                calcium intake.
                                                   is a lifetime process. It is never too
                                                                                                      are essential to building and
                                                   early (or too late!) to start taking care
                                                                                                      strengthening bones and thus
                                                   of our bones. While genetics plays a
              with osteoporosis                                                                       reducing the risk of osteoporosis.
                                                   large role in determining how dense
                                                                                                      Smoking and/or too much alcohol,
                                                   our bones are, lifestyle is also
                                                                                                      salt or caffeine can have a negative

                                               4                                                                        5
Body & bones Up close & personal
active living                              |   a key element of bone health
         In combination with a calcium-rich        And remember, every little       Resistance-strength training            Individuals who have osteoporosis
         diet, our bones need a lifetime           bit counts:                      strengthens muscles in specific         or who are at risk of fracture should
         of regular physical activity to                                            areas. Strong muscles tugging on        also consult a physiotherapist or
                                                     ake the stairs instead
         maintain their strength. Regular                                           bone stimulates bone strengthening.     occupational therapist. It is
                                                     of the elevator
         exercise helps the body store                                              Lifting, whether it’s a bag of          important to be careful performing
         calcium in bones.                         EG
                                                     et off the bus a stop early   groceries or a child, is just as        activities that involve twisting or
                                                     and walk the rest of the way   effective as lifting weights when it    bouncing. If you are planning to
         Weight-bearing activities (i.e.,
                                                     ake a brisk walk with         comes to keeping bones strong.          attend an exercise class, verify
         those we do on our feet such as
                                                     a friend or colleague                                                  that the instructor has had training
         brisk walking, skating, dancing,
                                                                                    Activities that improve flexibility,    leading classes for people with
         hiking and aerobics) are ideal.           EP
                                                     lay with the kids
                                                                                    posture and balance such as yoga,       osteoporosis to ensure that the
         Start-and-stop activities like
                                                                                    tai chi and Pilates exercises can       program will be safe for you.
         tennis or badminton give our
                                                                                    reduce the risk of falling, which is
         bones added beneficial challenges.        Bones respond to the             particularly important later in life.

         Find activities you enjoy and make
                                                   challenge of carrying            They can make it easier to do daily

         active living a pleasurable part of
                                                       a load, such as              tasks and will likely reduce the risk

         your everyday life! Have fun being
                                                     your body weight,              of injury. If you are middle-aged or

         active with your friends or family.       by becoming stronger.            older, consult a doctor before
                                                                                    starting any exercise plan to make
                                                                                    sure it’s right for you.

6                                                                                                      7
Body & bones Up close & personal
your whole body counts                                                                                                         on calcium
Calcium for life                As part of a healthy diet,                                                Teeth                You can bank on it                       The best sources of calcium
                                milk products may also                                                    Helps in the
The human body contains                                          Bones                                    development          Think of your bones as a “bank”          While it’s true that calcium is found in other foods, trying to actually meet our
                                protect against colorectal                                                of healthy teeth.
                                                                 Essential for
more calcium than any                                                                                                          in which your body can store             calcium needs without milk products can be quite a challenge.
                                cancer6 and help us              the building,
other mineral. About 99% is                                                                                                    calcium. If your diet is low in
                                maintain a healthy weight.7      and maintenance
found in bones and teeth.                                        of healthy bones.
                                                                                                                               calcium, the body withdraws              Calcium content of some common foods8
The other 1% circulates in                                                                                                     the calcium it needs from bones
the blood where it supports
                                Always in demand                                                                               to keep blood levels normal. When         Food                                                 Portion         Calcium (mg)
life-sustaining functions       For the body to function                                                                       your diet is rich in calcium, deposits
                                                                                                                                                                         Cheese, Cheddar                                    1½ oz | 50 g           360
such as maintaining             properly, the level of calcium                                            Heart                are made in the “calcium bank”.
                                                                 Blood                                    Maintains normal                                               Milk |
                                                                                                                                                                                  whole, 2%, 1%, skim, chocolate
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           1 cup | 250 mL          300
normal heartbeat, nerve         in our blood must stay fairly    Important                                heartbeat and        If calcium withdrawals exceed                      or lactose-reduced
                                                                 for normal                               blood pressure;
transmission, blood clotting,   constant. The body can’t                                                  may help reduce
                                                                                                                               deposits, bones may begin to              Cheese, Mozzarella | 23% MF                        1½ oz | 50 g           269
                                                                 blood clotting
                                                                 and wound                                the risk of
and muscle contraction.         make its own so calcium                                                   hypertension.
                                                                                                                               weaken and become more
                                                                                                                               susceptible to breaking. That’s           Sardines with bones                                2½ oz | 75 g           286
                                must be consumed every
Just about every cell in the
                                day. If not, our blood will                                                                    when osteoporosis and the                 Yogurt, fruit-bottomed | 2-4% MF                   ¾ cup | 175 g          250
body counts on calcium.                                          Muscles
                                “steal” calcium from our         Required                                                      serious problems associated
Milk products are a                                              for muscle                               Colon                                                          Salmon with bones | canned                         2½ oz | 75 g           187
                                bones to maintain a normal       contraction                                                   with it can result.
nutritious source of calcium.                                                                             May protect
                                                                 and relaxation.                          against colon
                                blood calcium level. That’s                                                                                                              Bok choy                                          ½ cup | 125 mL           84
Consuming enough milk                                                                                     cancer.
                                why a diet rich in calcium
products throughout life not                                                                                                                                             Almonds                                            ¼ cup | 60 mL           79
                                is so important, particularly                                             Nerves
only helps us build strong
                                when bones are growing                                                    Needed for proper                                              Kidney beans | cooked                             ¾ cup | 175 mL           64
bones and teeth, it also                                                                                  functioning of the
                                and developing.                                                           nervous system.
plays a role in maintaining                                                                                                                                              Kale | cooked                                     ½ cup | 125 mL           49
healthy blood pressure.     5

                                                                                                                                                                         Broccoli | cooked                                 ½ cup | 125 mL           33

                                                                                   How calcium helps your body
                                                      8                                                                                                                                     9
more about calcium                                                                                                                                                   Calcium supplements
                                                                                   well absorbed by the body. We can       snack foods such as potato chips,
                                                                                   consume these foods—and, therefore      pickles and condiments, sauce
                                                                                                                                                                     It is important to consume as much
                                                                                   get our calcium—in a variety of         mixes, prepared salad dressings,
                                                                                                                                                                     calcium as we can each day from
                                                                                   forms throughout the day. It is worth   and just about all fast foods. The
                                                                                                                                                                     food sources. Besides supplying
                                                                                   noting that tricalcium phosphate        salt shaker is not always the culprit!
Calcium absorption                       acid which prevents calcium from
                                                                                   (the calcium form added to some
                                                                                                                                                                     calcium, food sources provide our
                                         being properly absorbed. While such
                                                                                                                                                                     body with other important bone-
How well our bodies absorb
                                         foods are nutritious they are, in fact,
                                                                                   soy beverages) is absorbed at only      Our daily calcium needs                   building nutrients such as vitamins A,
calcium depends on a number                                                        75% the rate of the calcium found
                                         poor quality sources of calcium.                                                  Our calcium requirements vary             K and B12, phosphorus, magnesium
of things, for example: our individual                                             naturally in milk.9
                                                                                                                           throughout life. As you can see from      and zinc.
calcium needs, how much calcium
we consume, and most importantly,
                                          You would need to eat four               Calcium loss
                                                                                                                           the table, our body’s demand for
                                                                                                                                                                     Calcium supplements are
how much we’re absorbing from              and a half cups of cooked                                                       calcium increases when we—and our
                                                                                                                                                                     recommended for individuals who
                                                                                                                           bones—are growing and then later
foods we eat. Calcium from foods         broccoli or three cups of cooked          Calcium loss is something else to be
                                                                                                                                                                     can’t meet their calcium needs from
                                                                                   aware of. For example, consuming        in life to help maintain bone health.
such as milk, cheese or yogurt            kale to get the same amount                                                                                                food alone. In most cases, each
                                                                                   too much caffeine can increase the
is well absorbed; so is calcium               of calcium provided                  amount of calcium lost from the body                         Recommended
                                                                                                                                                                     calcium supplement contains 500 mg
from broccoli and kale.                                                                                                      Age (yrs)           calcium intake
                                               by one cup of milk!                 in urine. Coffee, tea, cola beverages                        for Canadians10
                                                                                                                                                                     of calcium. Calcium supplements
                                                                                                                                                                     should be taken with lots of water
However it would be very                                                           and popular energy drinks all contain     1-3                        500 mg
                                                                                                                                                                     and with food to help ensure that the
challenging to meet all of our                                                     caffeine. Consuming up to four            4-8                        800 mg
                                         Most milk products are                                                                                                      calcium is well absorbed. However,
calcium needs from green                                                                                                     9-18                     1300 mg
                                         an excellent source                       caffeine-containing drinks per day is
                                                                                                                             19-30                    1000 mg        calcium citrate does not need to be
vegetables as the amount they                                                      not considered a problem as long as
                                         of calcium, not just                                                                                                        consumed with food to be absorbed,
                                                                                                                             31-50                    1000 mg
contain is relatively small and, in                                                we consume enough calcium to
                                         because they contain                                                                51-70                    1200 mg        but with lots of water.
many cases, much of the calcium                                                    make up for it.1
                                         a lot of it but                                                                     71+                      1200 mg
they do contain is not well absorbed                                                                                                                                 Intake of supplements and
                                         because dairy                             Too much sodium (salt) can also
by the body. Some compounds in                                                                                             Institute of Medicine, Essential Guide   calcium-rich foods should be spread
                                         calcium is                                increase calcium loss in urine. Most     to Nutrient Requirements, 2006.
certain foods bind to calcium making                                                                                                                                 out through the day to provide the
                                                                                                                           Osteoporosis Canada recommends
                                                                                   of the sodium we consume comes
it unavailable for absorption by the                                                                                       that adults over age 50 consume 1500 mg   body with a steady calcium supply.
                                                                                   from processed foods including          of calcium daily.
body. Vegetables such as beet
                                                                                   commercial soups and sauces,
greens, spinach and rhubarb contain
                                                                                   frozen dinners, luncheon meats,
calcium, but they also contain oxalic

                                                      10                                                                                         11
the importance of vitamin D
D is key                             The sunshine vitamin                   need is just a few minutes a day           Recommended daily
                                                                            of unprotected sun exposure,11             vitamin D intake
Vitamin D is critical for helping    When our skin is exposed to
                                                                            so it’s important to achieve a
the body use calcium. It increases   ultraviolet light from the sun, it
                                                                            balance between too much                                        Recommended
calcium absorption by 30% or         produces vitamin D. The amount                                                      Age (yrs)         vitamin D intake10
                                                                            and not enough.                                                  for Canadians
more1 and helps regulate whether     of sunlight we need to produce
calcium is deposited into or         enough vitamin D depends on age,       Getting vitamin D from our                   1-3                       200 IU

                                                                            diet is a healthy alternative                4-8                       200 IU
withdrawn from the bone “bank”.      diet, skin colour, where we live and
                                                                            to unprotected sunlight but,                 9-18                      200 IU
                                     how strong the sun is.11
Recent research suggests that                                                                                            19-30*  †
                                                                                                                                                   200 IU
                                                                            unfortunately, vitamin D is quite
vitamin D may be associated                                                                                              31-50*†                   200 IU
                                        In Canada, between                  rare in food. To help ensure
                                                                                                                         51-70**                   400 IU
with many other health benefits
                                                                            that we consume an adequate
as well, including the prevention
                                        October and March,                                                               71+**                     600 IU
                                                                            amount, all fluid milk in Canada
of certain cancers.                     we don’t get enough                                                            Institute of Medicine, Essential Guide
                                                                            is vitamin D-fortified. This is one
                                         sunlight to enable                 reason why Canada’s Food
                                                                                                                       to Nutrient Requirements, 2006

                                        our bodies to produce               Guide recommends that
                                                                                                                       Osteoporosis Canada recommends:
                                                                                                                       *19 to 50 years of age: at least 400 IU of
                                             vitamin D.                     Canadians drink milk every day.            vitamin D per day, **50+ years of age:
                                                                                                                       at least 800 IU of vitamin D per day.

                                     Even in the summer months, we          Encourage your family to follow            † Includes pregnant or breast-feeding women

                                     may not produce enough of this         Canada’s Food Guide, making

                                     important vitamin. The sunscreen       sure they consume the
                                                                                                                       Health Canada encourages adults
                                     we slather on to protect ourselves     recommended number of
                                                                                                                       over 50 years of age to take a daily
                                     from too much ultraviolet light        servings of Milk & Alternatives.
                                                                                                                       vitamin D supplement of 400 IU.
                                     also prevents the production of        Drinking milk with meals is

                                     vitamin D. In some cases, all we       always a great idea.

                                                    12                                                            13
the power of protein
Main food sources of vitamin D8                                                           Protein is necessary to build and        Milk products have the advantage
                                                                                          repair bone tissue. In fact, our bones   of supplying high-quality calcium
                                                                                          are comprised of about 50% protein.      as well as protein and many other
  Food                                                         Portion           IU
                                                                                          Protein and calcium work together to     nutrients important for bone health.
                                                                                          build bone, and an adequate amount       That’s why they are considered
  Salmon | baked or broiled                                   2½ oz | 75 g    204 - 678
                                                                                          of both is needed to keep bones          an ideal food when it comes to
                                                                                          healthy. With age, protein continues     nourishing our bones.
  Sardines with bones | canned                                2½ oz | 75 g    70 - 360
                                                                                          to be important to maintain bone
                                                                                          mass and help fractures heal.
  Herring | baked or broiled                                  2½ oz | 75 g      162

                                                                                          It is a good idea to include some
  Halibut, Atlantic or Pacific | baked or broiled             2½ oz | 75 g      144       protein in every meal. Protein is
                                                                                          found in Meat and
  Milk | 2%                                                  1 cup | 250 mL     111       Alternatives like beef,
                                                                                          chicken, fish,
  Tuna, yellow fin (albacore, ahi) | baked or broiled         2½ oz | 75 g      105       legumes and
                                                                                          eggs, as well
  Mackerel, Atlantic | baked or broiled                       2½ oz | 75 g       81       as in milk
  Margarine | soft                                           1 tbsp | 15 mL      76

  Tuna | canned in water/drained, unsalted                    2½ oz | 75 g     28 - 60

  Egg | boiled, hard-cooked                                     2 large          52

Canadian Nutrient File, 2007.

                                                        14                                                                               15
up to 16 essential nutrients                                                                    for your health
Milk products every day                       Look at what a glass of milk contains             Nutrients needed for healthy bone growth and development
Milk, cheese and yogurt are an
                                                                                                                             Nutrients          Functions
important part of our diet because

                                                                                                 Bone-building nutrients
they provide up to 16 essential                                                                                              Calcium            Builds bones, both in length and strength

nutrients. And that can help keep                                                                                            Protein            Forms the collagen matrix upon which minerals like calcium and phosphorus build hard bones

our bones healthy.                   Protein                                     Vitamin B12                                 Magnesium          Hardens bone by linking with calcium and phosphorus

                                                                                                                             Phosphorus         Bonds with the calcium in bone for strength
                                     Potassium                               Pantothenic acid                                Vitamin A          Enables bone remodelling (breaks down and rebuilds bone)

                                                                                                                             Vitamin D          Aids in calcium and phosphorus absorption

                                     Vitamin A                                         Folate
                                                                                                                             Vitamin B6         Needed for the body to metabolize protein

                                                                                                                             Vitamin B12        Needed for growth, maintenance of nerve tissue and normal blood formation
                                     Vitamin D                                      Calcium
                                                                                                                             Folate             Helps the body grow and is required for DNA synthesis

                                                                                                                             Thiamin            Needed to help the body convert carbohydrates into energy

                                                                                                 Other essential nutrients
                                     Thiamin                                     Magnesium                                   Riboflavin         Helps convert food into energy

                                                                                                                             Niacin             Needed for carbohydrate utilization and to help tissues in the body take in oxygen
                                     Riboflavin                                   Phosphorus                                 Pantothenic acid   Needed to help the body convert fatty acids into energy metabolism

                                                                                                                                                Essential for growth and development, wound healing, immunity and other physiological
                                     Niacin                                             Zinc
                                                                                                                                                Essential for maintaining the body’s vital fluid balance and important for the proper functioning
                                                                                                                                                of nerves and muscles
                                     Vitamin B6                                     Selenium
                                                                                                                                                Acts like an antioxidant, thereby contributing to the protection of the cells and is essential
                                                                                                                                                for the proper functioning of the thyroid gland

                                               16                                                                                                                       17
following Canada’s                                                                     Food Guide

Healthy bones the natural way                                                                                           Children                           Teens                                  Adults
                                                                                             Age (years)       2-3          4-8       9-13                 14-18                      19-50                    51+
Eating a balanced diet based on Canada’s Food Guide provides a sound
                                                                                                 Gender                Girls & Boys               Female           Male       Female      Male       Female          Male
foundation to keeping your bones healthy year after year. Consuming
the right number of Food Guide Servings from the Milk & Alternatives                        Milk and
                                                                                                                2            2        3-4          3-4             3-4            2           2            3          3
food group helps you get the calcium and vitamin D you need
                                                                                       Eating Well with Canada’s Food Guide, 2007.
every day, along with other important nutrients such as protein.

E Vegetables and Fruit:                    E Milk and Alternatives:                    Sizing up: what constitutes a serving
  Vitamins, minerals and other nutrients     Calcium, protein and other                E 1 cup/250 mL milk                                                   E ½ cup/125 mL grated cheese
  help build and maintain healthy            bone-healthy nutrients help build,
                                                                                       E ¾ cup/175 g yogurt | almost two 100 g                               E 1½ oz/50 g firm cheese | a piece
  bones.                                     strengthen and maintain bones.
                                                                                          single-serving containers                                            2 x 2 x 9 cm or about the size of ½ a deck
E Grain Products:                          E Meat and Alternatives:                                                                                            of playing cards
  Carbohydrates and many B vitamins          Protein and other nutrients help build,
  provide energy for bone-healthy            maintain and repair bones.
  physical activity.

                                                       18                                                                                    19
                                  1. Osteoporosis Canada
                                  2.	Ilich J, Kerstetter J. Nutrition in bone health revisited: a story beyond calcium.
                                      J Am Coll Nutr 2000;19(6):715-737.
                                  3.	Garriguet D. Overview of Canadians’ Eating Habits. Nutrition: Findings from
                                      the Canadian Community Health Survey 2004. Statistics Canada, Catalogue
                                      no. 82-620. MIC-no. 2, 2008.
                                  4.	OHIP.
                                      Accessed 29/01/09.
                                  5.	Appel LJ et al. A clinical trial of the effects of dietary patterns on blood pressure.
                                      N Engl J Med 1997; 336:1117-1124.
                                  6.	World Cancer Research Fund/American Institute for Cancer Research. Food,
                                      Nutrition, Physical Activity, and the Prevention of Cancer: a Global Perspective.
                                      Washington DC: AICR, 2007.
                                  7.	Major GC et al. Recent developments in calcium-related obesity research.
                                      Obesity Reviews 2008; 9:428-445.
                                  8.	Canadian Nutrient File 2007b
                             Accessed 29/01/09.
                                  9.	Heaney RP et al. Bioavailability of the calcium in fortified soy imitation milk,
                                      with some observations on method. Am J Clin Nutr 2000: 71:1166-1169.
                                10.	Institute of Medicine. Dietary Reference Intakes: The Essential Guide to Nutrient
                                     Requirements. 2006; The National Academies Press, Washington, DC,
                                11.	Canadian Cancer Society. Vitamin D.
                                     use%20sunsense/vitamin%20d.aspx?p=1 09/04/2009.

                                                                                                                               BNU 1072
This brochure was developed by the team of Registered Dietitians at Dairy Farmers of Canada
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