Page created by Vanessa Yang
TABLE OF CONTENTS                                                                                                                                                            Greetings!
                                                                                                                                                                                 On behalf of Long Beach City College, it is my great pleasure to welcome you, and to recognize the
                                                                                                                                                                                 achievements of our Black students. LBCC has been serving students for more than 90 years. And whether
                                                                                                                                                                                 you are looking to transfer to a university, earn a degree, or earn a certificate, LBCC will help prepare you for
    Career & Academic Pathways������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 4
                                                                                                                                                                                 success in all your career and life goals.

                                                                                                                                                                                 LBCC views our wonderful diverse student population as one of our strengths. Over the years, we’ve
                                                                                                                                                                                 developed a strong Black student community through the Umoja Scholars Program, as well as our student
    Success Centers��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������7
                                                                                                                                                                                 organizations like the Black Student Union. We’re proud to offer a number of courses at our College that
                                                                                                                                                                                 explores Black art, history, and music, as well as taking on topics such as race and ethnicity in the United
    Admissions & Aid����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 8
                                                                                                                                                                                 States. Additionally, LBCC provides opportunities for you to visit and tour Historically Black Colleges and
                                                                                                                                                                                 Universities (HBCUs) as you consider your options once you complete your education here at LBCC.
    Student Life & Bookstore����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������10
                                                                                                                                                                                 In the backdrop of a national outcry for racial justice which has been evidenced by movements like
    Athletics������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 11
                                                                                                                                                                                 Black Lives Matter, and the inequities revealed during the Covid-19 pandemic, LBCC is committed to
                                                                                                                                                                                 being an antiracist college. We stand in solidary with the Black Lives Matter movement and recognize
    Counseling ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 12
                                                                                                                                                                                 our responsibility in building coalitions across racial groups to advance change. Further, we aim to make
                                                                                                                                                                                 substantial progress toward closing education, culture and identity gaps, and provide a welcoming
    Health & Wellness��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������14
                                                                                                                                                                                 campus environment for all our students. These commitments, and others, are affirmed in the Framework
                                                                                                                                                                                 for Reconciliation which proclaims the colleges pledge to identify and dismantle oppressive structures that
    Student Services�����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������16
                                                                                                                                                                                 disproportionately impact our students of color.

    Transportation Services�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������18
                                                                                                                                                                                 With that in mind, this resource guide is one of the many ways we are committed to ensuring that our
                                                                                                                                                                                 community is responsive to your needs. Through this Black Student Resource Guide, we hope to assist
    University Transfer�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������18
                                                                                                                                                                                 our Black students in their journey through LBCC. Included in the guide is information about LBCC
                                                                                                                                                                                 Student Services, tips to achieve academic success, information on transfer, on and off-campus resources
    Police & Campus Safety�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������19
                                                                                                                                                                                 and much more. More importantly, there are several resources specifically focused on serving our Black
                                                                                                                                                                                 student community.
    Welcome Center����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������20
                                                                                                                                                                                 Our goal is to prepare students to assume their roles as culturally
    Police & Campus Safety������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 21
                                                                                                                                                                                 empowered and contributing members of the student body population at
                                                                                                                                                                                 Long Beach City College and the greater community. Together, we hope to
    LBCC Phone Numbers - Quick Reference ������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 22
                                                                                                                                                                                 create a thriving, equitable and inclusive campus community for all.

                                                                                                                                                                                 We are proud that you have selected Long Beach City College as part of
                                                                                                                                                                                 your educational path and we hope that this Resource Guide will assist
                                                                                                                                                                                 you on your journey to success.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Dr. Mike Muñoz
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Long Beach City College

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CAREER &                                                                                                            ACADEMICS
    Accounting                             Elementary Teacher Education (ADT)    Political Science (ADT)
    Acting Academy                         Emergency Medical Technician          Psychology (ADT)
    Administration of Justice (ADT)        Engineering                           Public Health Science (ADT)
    Advanced Transportation Technology     English (ADT)                         Radio/TV
    Alcohol and Drug Studies               Family and Consumer Studies           Real Estate
    Android App Developer                  Fashion Design                        Robotic Welding Automation
    Anthropology (ADT)                     Fashion Merchandising                 Social Media Application
    Architectural Design                   Film, Television & Electronic Media
                                           (ADT)                                 Sociology (ADT)
    Art History (ADT)
                                           Fire Science                          Solar Photovoltaics Installation and
    Athletic Coaching                                                            Design
                                           Floral Design
    Baking and Pastry Arts                                                       Spanish (ADT)
                                           Foreign Language
    Biological Sciences                                                          Studio Arts (ADT)
                                           Geography (ADT)
    Biology (ADT)                                                                Theatre Arts (ADT)
                                           Geology (ADT)
    Business Administration (ADT)                                                Traffic Signal Systems
                                           Graphic Design
    Business Information Worker                                                  TSA Associate
                                           History (ADT)
    Business Management                                                          UNIX Network Administrator
                                           Home Health Aide
    Business, Money & Banking                                                    Web Development
    CAD Professional Certificate                                                 Welding
                                           Human Services
    Child Development and Educational
    Studies                                Journalism (ADT)
                                                                                 (ADT) indicates that this area of
    CISCO Certified Network Associate      Kinesiology (ADT)                     study has an Associate Degree for
    Communication Studies (ADT)            Library Technician                    Transfer. An ADT allows a student to
                                                                                 earn an Associate Degree at LBCC
                                                                                 and get a guaranteed spot at a
                                                                                                                        BLACK LIVES MATTER                                              UMOJA SCHOLARS
    Computer Hardware Repair               Linguistics
                                                                                 California State University.
                                                                                                                        LIBRARY RESOURCE GUIDE                                          PROGRAM
    Computer Science                       Logistics
    Computer Technology                    Magnetic Resonance imaging
                                                                                                                        The Black Lives Matter resource guide was designed              Umoja Scholars Program, (a Kiswahili word
    Creative Writing                       Marketing
                                                                                 NONCREDIT                              as a starting point to spark necessary conversation,            meaning unity) is a community and critical
    Criminal Forensics                     Mathematics (ADT)
                                                                                 CERTIFICATES (FREE)                    exploration and dissection of systemic racism, inequity,        resource dedicated to enhancing the cultural
    Culinary Arts                          Medical Assisting
                                                                                 Computer Hardware Repair               injustice, oppression, and discrimination. The resource         and educational experiences of African
    Customer Relations Specialists         Medical Insurance Billing
                                                                                 Home Remodeling
                                                                                                                        guide is not meant to be comprehensive, rather a                American and other students. Umoja believes
    Cyber Security                         Metal Fabrication
                                                                                 Office Technologies, Microsoft
                                                                                                                        dynamic collection of literary material. It includes lists of   that when the voices and histories of students
    Dance                                  Microsoft Windows Networking
                                           Technician                            Outlook                                books, ebooks, article databases, streaming videos and          are deliberately and intentionally recognized,
    Database Management
                                           Music (ADT)                           Office Technologies, Microsoft         accessible online resources.                                    the opportunity for self-efficacy emerges and a
    Diagnostic Medical Imaging                                                   PowerPoint
                                           Network Cabling Specialist                                                              foundation is formed for academic success.
    Dietetics                                                                    College and Workplace Readiness
                                           Nursing - RN, VN
    Digital Design and Publication                                               English as a Second Language
                                           Nursing Assistant                                                                                                                            Umoja actively serves and promotes student
    Digital Film Making                                                          English for Everyday
                                           Nutrition and Dietetics (ADT)                                                                                                                success for all students through a curriculum
    Digital Media Arts                                                           Reading Skills for ESL
                                           Nutrition Assistant                                                                                                                          and pedagogy responsive to the legacy of
    Drafting – Architecture & Mechanical
    Design                                 Personal Financial Planning                                                                                                                  the African and African American Diasporas.
    Early Childhood Education (ADT)        Personal Trainer                                                                                                                             Umoja students receive academic counseling,
    Economics (ADT)                        Philosophy (ADT)                                                                                                                             participate in a motivational conference, cultural
    Electrical Technology                  Phlebotomy                                                                                                                                   events, and may attend tours and field trips
                                                                                                                                                                                        to UC/CSU and Historically Black Colleges and
                                                                                                                                                                                        Universities based on space and availability.

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ACADEMICS (CONT.)                                                                                                SUCCESS
    Learn more about Black history, heritage and culture through these courses offered at LBCC.
                                                           Hist/African-American - HIST27B                           MULTIDISCIPLINARY                                                                   Dr. Erainia Freeman
                                                           A comprehensive survey of African-American social,        SUCCESS CENTERS                                                                     Interim Associate Dean
                                                           political and economic development in the United          The Multidisciplinary Success Centers strive to contribute                          Student Support Services
                                                           States from the Reconstruction Period to the present.     to the success of all Long Beach City College students
                                                                                                                     by providing quality learning assistance. We have a staff     How do you identify?
                                                           History of Jazz - MUSIC32                                 of Instructional Specialists and qualified tutors ready       African American
                                                           An historical overview on the development of the          to help, at both LAC and PCC, during all center hours.
                                                           jazz tradition, tracing back to its African roots, and    Explore the many services we offer to find the right one      What makes you proud to be
                                                           forward through the different styles, including blues,    for your needs!                                               Black/African American?
                                                           ragtime, swing, bebop, and postbop.                       (562) 938-4699                                                I am proud to be an African American women
                                                                                                                                                            because of our rich history of hard work
                                                           Music of Multicultural America - MUSIC35                                                                                dedication, persistence, and the ability to survive
                                                           A comparative and integrative study of the                MATH SUCCESS CENTER                                           and overcome life challenges.
                                                           multicultural musical styles of the United States,        The LBCC Math Success Center provides Supplemental
                                                           based on the fundamental principles of music              Learning Activities and tutoring to students of all levels.   Who is your Black/African American
                                                           appreciation. This class will feature the music           (562) 938-4228                                                role model?
    African, Oceanic, Native American Art - ART4/4H        histories and progression of Native Americans,                                                                          My Black/African Americana role models are my
    A survey of the painting, sculpture, architecture      European Americans, African Americans, Chicano/                                                                         parents because they raised me to be proud of
    and other cultural objects of sub-Saharan Africa,      Latino Americans, Pacific Islanders, Asian Americans      WRITING & READING                                             my heritage and know that the only limitations
    Australia, Polynesia, Melanesia, Micronesia and        and Middle Eastern Americans                              SUCCESS CENTER                                                of my success is those that I place on myself. My
    Native North America.                                                                                            The Writing & Reading Success Center is available to          parents taught me that I could achieve anything
                                                           Introduction to Non-Western Philosophy - PHIL8            help students with both writing and reading needs. The        that I want to as long as I am willing to work
    Folk and Ethnic Dance-African - DANCE18A               A broad introduction to some of the main                  Center has a computer lab for students to use type and        hard to make my dreams become a reality.
    An introduction to dance from African cultures and     philosophical traditions from around the world,           print class work, or a quiet place to study. Staff are also
    examines its role in society through the practice of   such as Buddhism, Taoism, African Philosophy, and         available to help with tutoring needs.                        What advice would you have for your
    dance traditions and rituals.                          American Indian Philosophy.                               (562) 938-4520                                                20-year-old self about your identity?
                                                                                                                                                            The advice that I would give my 20-year-old
    American Literature - ENGL41                           Race & Ethnic Relations in the U.S. – SOCIO11                                                                           self about my identity is to be proud of the
    A survey of American literature from Native            (3 units)                                                 TUTORING CENTER                                               rich history of your heritage and know that
    American oral literature to published texts from the   An analysis of migration patterns, stratification,        Tutoring is offered at both campuses for a variety of         when you put your mind to something, there is
    time of the Civil War. Readings will include authors   gender, social movements and inter- and intra-            subjects, including math, accounting, economics,              nothing in this world can stop you. I would also
    of diverse cultural backgrounds: African American,     group relations. The sociological study of diverse        physics, geology, chemistry, biology, anatomy, physiology,    tell myself to continue to exceed and excel in
    European American, Hispanic American, and Native       racial and ethnic groups in the U.S., including Latino,   philosophy, psychology, and foreign languages (including      the things that you commit to achieving.
    American. Transferable to UC or CSU; see counselor     Asian American, African American and Native               Spanish, Japanese and German), and much more! Don’t
    for limitations.                                       American sub-groups is covered.                           see your class subject listed? Come talk to us. The           How do you celebrate/honor your heritage?
                                                                                                                     Tutoring Center may still be able to help!                    I celebrate/honor my heritage by remembering
    History of the African-American to 1877 - HIST27A      Race & Ethnic Relations in the U.S. - SOCIO11/11H         (562) 938-4474                                                that I stand on the shoulders of those that
    A comprehensive survey of the African-American         The sociological study of diverse racial and ethnic                                             sacrificed their lives for me to have opportunities
    experience in the United States from the colonial      groups in the U.S., including Latino, Asian American,                                                                   that were not possible for them. Every day of my
    period to the Civil War emphasizing African            African American and Native American sub-groups.                                                                        life I have an obligation to work hard to make a
    civilization prior to European enslavement.                                                                                                                                    positive impact in the lives of others.

6                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        7
    & AID
                                                                                                                      Pell Grants                                                Cal Grants
                                                                                                                      Pell Grants are a federally funded program                 Cal Grants are state funded grants available to
                                                                                                                      for undergraduates who demonstrate need.                   California residents who qualify. U.S. citizens,
                                                                                                                      The amount of the Pell Grant varies according              permanent residents, or eligible noncitizens may
                                                                                                                      to eligibility (determined by the FAFSA) and               apply for Cal Grants via the FAFSA or California
                                                                                                                      enrollment. Pell Grants are limited to 12 full-time        Dream Act application at:
                                                                                                                      semesters of enrollment.                                   Cal Grants also involve a GPA submission
                                                                                                                                                                                 requirement. The Cal Grant has a deadline of
                                                                                                                                                                                 March 2 each year for all California college students.
                                                                                                                      Federal Supplemental Educational                           Community college students have an additional
                                                                                                                      Opportunity Grants (FSEOG)                                 deadline of September 2 for limited remaining grants.
                                                                                                                      This grant is available to undergraduate students
                                                                                                                      who demonstrate exceptional financial need. The
                                                                                                                      awarding of FSEOG funds is limited to the availability     Scholarships
                                                                                                                      of funding and must be given to maximum Pell               The Long Beach City College Scholarship Program
    ADMISSIONS & RECORDS                                      Free Application for Federal Student                    Grant recipients. If eligible, you must be enrolled in 6   awards approximately $1 million in funds to LBCC
    OFFICE                                                    Aid (FAFSA)                                             units or more to receive funding.                          students annually. To apply for a scholarship,
    The Admissions & Records office is the first stop for     The application process for financial aid begins with                                                              students complete one online application,
    new students, acting as a gateway to their educational    the completion of the Free Application for Federal                                                                 autobiography and two references. This one form
    future. Admission & Records can help by assisting         Student Aid (FAFSA), which is available on October 1    Federal Work Study (FWS)                                   can help you apply to the 700 scholarships available.
    students with registering for classes, changing your      for the following Fall semester. Students may apply     This program provides employment opportunities   
    major, transcripts, and support in understanding          online at                         to student with financial need. Students awarded
    prerequisites and registration requirements.              In addition to having financial need, students must     FWS receive an allocation of funds earned through
    (562) 938-4485                                            meet the following requirements:                        part-time jobs on campus. Students are employed                           ■ Be enrolled in an eligible program leading to the     a maximum of 16 hours per week while school is
                                                                  completion of a degree, transfer requirements,      in session. For more information please visit the
                                                                  or a certificate program                            Financial Aid office at LAC and PCC to lean about
    FINANCIAL AID                                             ■ Be a U.S. citizen or eligible noncitizen              your eligibility to participate.
    LBCC administers a comprehensive student                  ■ Register with the Selective Service,
    financial aid program to assist students in meeting           if student is a male
    college costs. The amount of financial aid awarded        ■ Not be in default on any student loan or owe a        Direct Loan Program
    varies from student to student depending on the               refund on any grant made under any                  This federal program provides loans to student
    individual’s need and resources. Please contact the           Title IV program                                    to be used for educational expenses. Students
    LBCC Financial Aid offices if you would like additional   ■ Have a high school diploma, GED or equivalent         having completed less than 30 units may borrow
    information on any of the programs listed below.          ■ Maintain Satisfactory Academic Progress               up to $3,500 per year, and students completing
    (562) 938-4485                                                                                                    over 30 units may borrow up to $4,500 per year                                Additional documentation, such as transcripts,          in subsidized loans. Interest does not accrue on a
                                                              tax returns, and verification documents may be          subsidized loan as long a student remains enrolled
                                                              requested from students and/or parents. Students        in 6 units or more.
                                                              and parents will be able to submit any requested
                                                              documentation online through Campus Logic at

8                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         9
STUDENT LIFE                                                  ATHLETICS
                                                      LBCC has a vibrant student life that will make your           Since capturing its first state title in 1928, the Long Beach
                                                      college experience fun and memorable. There are               City College Athletics program continues to make a
                      Quanisha Judeh                  hundreds of opportunities to get involved through             name for itself locally and nationally. While academics
                                                      student government, student clubs, community service,         remain a constant emphasis at LBCC, the institution is
                                                      athletics, honors programs, and more.                         proud of its athletic program’s success. To date, Long
                                                                                                                    Beach City College has won 16 national titles, seven
 How do you identify?
                                                      LBCC’s Student Life office is dedicated to providing          runner-up national titles, 93 state titles, and 51 state
 African American
                                                      events, programs and services that enhance the                runner-up titles. Athletics is an important part of a total
                                                      academic success, personal development and sense of           college experience. It provides students (whether they
 What makes you proud to be
                                                      belonging for Black students at Long Beach City College.      are the athletes competing or the student fans cheering
 Black/African American?
                                                      If you want to get involved or learn more, stop by our        and supporting) many opportunities to develop skills
 My existence is a testament to the strength and
                                                      offices at either campus.                                     such as teamwork, leadership, and dedication to a goal.
 endurance of generations of Black people. My
                                                      (562) 938-4552                                                These are concepts that can be used in the classroom, as
 existence is a testament to the strength and
                                                                              well as in the workplace. Our 18 teams give hundreds of
 endurance of generations of Black people. That
                                                                                                                    young men and women of color this opportunity each year.
 is why I am proud to be Black.


 How do you celebrate/honor your heritage?
 I honor my heritage by teaching its history and my
 participating in community cultural engagement.
                                                      The Bookstore sells a variety of items including textbooks,
                                                      apparel, electronics, discounted software, supplies,
                                                      accessories, gifts and more. We match and
                                             on textbook prices.
                                                      (562) 938-4223

                      Cheryl Williams
                      Operations Manager,

 How do you identify?

 What makes you proud to be
 Black/African American?
 The selflessness and strength of all of those who
 came before me that sacrificed to make my
 voice count.

 What advice would you have for your
 20-year-old self about your identity?
 Know you are special and unique in your own
 way. All diamonds are beautiful, but none are cut
 the same.

10                                                                                                                                                                                  11
                                                      Counseling services at LBCC are in place to help students
                                                      identify and clarify personal, career and educational goals.
                                                      (562) 938-4561
                      Dr. Jerome Hunt
                      Assistant Professor,                                                                                                                                                          Jimmie Flowers
                      History & Political Science
                                                      CALWORKS                                                       UPWARD BOUND PROGRAM                                                           Athletic Equipment
                      Student Equity, Coordinator                                                                    The goal of the Long Beach City College TRiO Upward                            Technician
                                                      CalWORKs is California’s Welfare-to-Work program that
                                                      gives cash aid and services to eligible needy California       Bound Program is to prepare high school students from
 How do you identify?                                                                                                                                                           How do you identify?
                                                      families.                                                      the Long Beach Unified School District. The Program
 African American                                                                                                                                                               Black
                                                      (562) 938-3116                                                 accomplishes this objective by enhancing participants’
                                                                                          academic skills, personal motivation and confidence that
 What makes you proud to be                                                                                                                                                     What makes you proud to be
                                                                                                                     is needed to succeed in college.
 Black/African American?                                                                                                                                                        Black/African American?
                                                                                                                     (562) 938-3177
 The fact that as a community we continue                                                                                                                                       As a Black American, we have had to pave
 to thrive in the best way possible despite the       EXTENDED OPPORTUNITY                                 
                                                                                                                                                                                roads and remain positive regardless
 obstacles placed before us makes me proud to be      PROGRAMS AND SERVICES                                                                                                     of the circumstances.
                                                                                                                     DREAM SERVICES
 Black/African American. Instead of folding under
 oppression we continually find ways to make our      Extended Opportunity Programs and Services (EOPS)                                                                         Who is your Black/African American
                                                      is a state funded retention and support program.               Long Beach City College is proud to take a stand
 mark in society and foster a culture that is rich,                                                                                                                             role model?
                                                      The mission of EOPS is to identify and assist students         and support our undocumented students. The
 diverse, and admired all across the world.                                                                                                                                     Martin Luther King, Hank Aaron,
                                                      who are affected by social, economic, educational, or          Dream Center is dedicated to serving the AB540 and
                                                                                                                                                                                Robert Kennedy.
                                                      language disadvantages.                                        undocumented student population through advocacy,
 Who is your Black/African American
                                                      (562) 938-4273                                                 guidance, and support.
 role model?                                                                                                                                                                    What advice would you have for your
                                                    (562) 938-5101
 My parents and Bayard Rustin.                                                                                                                                                  20-year-old self about your identity?
                                                                                                                                                                                1. Be proud of who you are.
 What advice would you have for your                                                                                                                                            2. Hold your head up at all times!
 20-year-old self about your identity?                TRIO GO PROJECT
                                                      The TRiO GO Project is a comprehensive program of              INTERNATIONAL STUDENT
 Even though, many people will try to make                                                                                                                                      How do you celebrate/honor your heritage?
 you feel less just because of who you are, don’t     academic support and personal development services                                                                        1. I pray and give thanks to God.
                                                      for low-income, first-generation college, and disabled         The International Student Programs (ISP) offers
 listen to them. What makes you unique is just as                                                                                                                               2. I celebrate Black History month.
                                                      students to achieve retention and graduation rates that        specialized support and immigration advising to F-1 and
 important as the things we all have in common.
                                                      exceed that of the general student body.                       M-1 status students on campus, as well as assistance to
 To stand in your truth, you will help so many
                                                      (562) 938-3233                                                 prospective students during the application process.
 people by embracing who you are.
                                                                                         (561) 938-4745
 How do you celebrate/honor your heritage?
 I celebrate/honor my heritage in the way that I
 teach by ensuring that African Africans are not
 excluded but included in the course materials.
 Additionally, my research focuses on and
 promotes the African American community
 in circles that often ignore or exclude the
 community from conversations.

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                                                                                                                           LBCC STUDENT
                                                                                                                           HEALTH SERVICES                                                                        Dr. O. Lee Douglas
                                                                                                                           The LBCC Student Health Services (SHS) supports
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Vice President of
                                                                                                                           students by providing quality and accessible primary
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Academic Affairs
                                                                                                                           care, and mental health services and education. Student
                                                                                                                           Health Services partners with the City of Long Beach and         How do you Identify?
                                                                                                                           the surrounding community to provide comprehensive               Black
                                                                                                                           clinical services to students. We engage students in
                                                                                                                           making informed decisions about their healthcare, and            What makes you proud to be
                                                                                                                           empower them to be self-directed healthcare consumers.           Black/African American?
                                                                                                                           (562) 938-4210                                                   Everything! I am especially proud to belong to a
                                                                                                                                              culture that has achieved greatness in the face of
                                                                                                                                                                                            adversity. “Say it Loud, I’m Black and I’m Proud!”

                                                                                                                           MENTAL HEALTH SERVICES                                           Who is your Black/African American
                                                                                                                           (MHS)                                                            role model?
                                                                                                                           Mental Health Services are designed to serve students            My mother has always been my role model. She
     COVID RESOURCES                                                                                                       who are experiencing stress or other emotional difficulties.     is a strong Black woman who has always be-
     CAL FRESH                                                211 – HOUSING                                                You have paid a student health fee that provides you up          lieved in me and made great sacrifices so that I
     CalFresh is available for qualifying students to         SERVICES HOTLINE                                             to six free individual therapy sessions during a regular         would have opportunities in life.
                                                              211 is a 24/7 hotline that is available for you to call in   semester, based on clinical need. Services assist with
     make sure you not only have food temporarily,
                                                              an emergency situation regarding homelessness,               issues such as stress, anxiety, panic attacks, depression,       What advice would you have for your 20 year
     but can receive additional aid to purchase food
                                                              violence in the household, healthcare, and other             grief and loss, identity struggles, relationship difficulties,   old self about your identify?
     and eat healthier. LBCC has a representative that
                                                              social services. You can call the number anytime,            substance abuse and eating disorders. Each therapy               Speak up for those that have no voice, stand up
     works specially with our students to make sure
                                                              and also browse their resources on their website.            session is approximately 50 minutes.                             for what is right, no matter the cost personally or
     you are eligible and to walk you through the entire
                                                                                                    (562) 938-3987                                                   professionally, and wake up to what’s happening
     application process. You can email her anytime and
     let her know you are enrolled as a LBCC student and                                                                                                                                    to Black people locally, nationally, and globally.
     want to apply for Cal-Fresh benefits. Students can
     receive awards up to $193.00 a month for groceries.      FREE LA COUNTY                                               “OVER-THE- COUNTER”                                              How do you celebrate/honor your heritage?
     LBCC CalFresh representative: Cinthia Onoa               HOTSPOT LOCATOR                                              OTC NUTRITION                                                    I honor my heritage by acknowledging that I am
     (323) 234-3030 ext. 169                                  Follow the link below to an interactive map that             The Viking Vault                                                 here by the grace of God and the blood, sweat and
                                                                                                                           During Covid-19, the Viking Vault will be hosting                                     shows WIFI locations throughout LA County. If you                                                                             tears of my ancestors. I also honor and celebrate
                                                              require additional help, please dial 211 or go to            Grab-n-Go events for you to pick up a free, pre-packaged         my heritage by giving back to my community.
                                                                                              bag of non-perishable groceries to last you through a

     FEEDING AMERICA                                                                 couple weeks. The Grab-n-Go’s take place every 2 weeks

     “FIND YOUR LOCAL FOODBANK”                                                                                            at both LAC and PCC campuses, and are drive-thru
                                                                                                                           events where you can stay in your car the whole time
     In case you need additional food resources beyond
                                                                                                                           to receive your food. We are currently planning our next
     the Viking Vault, you can use this link to find a food
                                                                                                                           event, so check your email often for updates on the next
     pantry in your community. You can search by zip
                                                                                                                           Grab-n-Go date and time.
     code on the Feeding America website.

14                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                15
     Long Beach City College aims to support our Black students by offering a variety of services to ensure that
     our students are successful during their time here.

                                                            CHILD DEVELOPMENT                                        LGBTQIA+ RESOURCES
                                                            CENTER                                                   LBCC is committed to serving members of the
                                                                                                                                                                                                   Jerome Thomas
                                                                                                                                                                                                   Media Producer,
                                                            The Child Development Center (CDC) and Learning          campus community who identify as lesbian, gay,
                                                            Lab offers year-round half-day and full-day preschool    bisexual, transgender, and queer. Visit the LBCC
                                                            programs for children ages 2-5. The Center               website to find resources and information on
                                                                                                                                                                             How do you identify?
                                                            serves children of students, faculty, staff and the      campus and community-based programs and
                                                            community, with locations at both the Liberal Arts       services that support the LGBTQ+ community.
                                                            Campus and the Pacific Coast Campus.           
                                                                                                                                                                             What makes you proud to be
                                                            (562) 938-3079
                                                            (562) 938-3082
                                                                                                                     VETERANS SERVICES
                                                                                                                                                                             Knowing the African-American struggle, its
                                                                                                                                                                             rich history, and its accomplishments, makes
                                                                                                                     The Veterans Services Office (VSO) provides a caring
                                                                                                                                                                             me feel a sense of pride each day. For me,
                                                                                                                     and supportive environment for veterans and their
                                                            DISABLED STUDENTS
                                                                                                                                                                             each are a personal source of enrichment and
                                                                                                                     dependents by assisting with services they need for
                                                            PROGRAMS & SERVICES
                                                                                                                                                                             soulful enlightenment. This is what makes me
                                                                                                                     enrollment, receiving their VA benefits, and
                                                                                                                                                                             most proud to be an African-American.
                                                            Disabled Students Programs and Services (DSPS)           other resources.
                                                            at Long Beach City College provides many support         (562) 938-4162
                                                                                                                                                                             Who is your role model?
                                                            services that enable students with disability-related    (562) 938-3929
                                                                                                                                                                             Without doubt, my mother.
                                                            limitations to participate in the College’s programs
                                                            and activities. DSPS offers a wide range of services
                                                                                                                                                                             What advice would you give your 20 year old
                                                            that compensate for a student’s limitations, such
                                                                                                                                                                             self about your identity?
                                                            as note-taking assistance, interpretive services, test   STUDENT TECHNOLOGY
                                                                                                                     HELP DESK
                                                                                                                                                                             Be a constant seeker of truth and knowledge
                                                            taking assistance, and alternative media formats at
                                                                                                                                                                             of self. This is the foundation of peace
                                                            no cost to students.                                     The Student Technology Help Desk (STHD) supports
                                                                                                                                                                             and happiness.
                                                            (562) 938-4458                                           all LBCC students in accessing and successfully using
     ADULT EDUCATION                                                 LBCC technology. 
                                                                                                                                                                             How do you celebrate your heritage?
     The Adult Education program offers short-term                                                                   All assistance provided is FREE for LBCC students.
                                                                                                                                                                             Each day I pause to remember those who
     personal and professional development courses that                                                              (562) 938-4250
                                                            LBCC CHROMEBOOK &
                                                                                                                                                                             paved the way for me. Their sacrifices will
     are open year-round to members of the community.                                                      
                                                            HOTSPOT LOAN PROGRAM
                                                                                                                                                                             never be forgotten.
     (562) 938-3248                                           LBCC Students who are in need of a computer or                           hotspot can submit a request to the LBCC Student
                                                            Emergency Aid Application.
                                                            (562) 938-4040
     CAREER CENTER                                
     The Career Center helps students explore career        Application:
     interests and learn about what degree programs are     login/?dtype=1&appID=8b29ab39-b729-42f1-9c45-
     right for them.                                        84217821830c
     (562) 938-4360

16                                                                                                                                                                                                                          17
TRANSPORTATION                                                  UNIVERSITY
                                                     SERVICES                                                        TRANSFER
                                                     LAC – PCC CAMPUS SHUTTLE                                        THE TRANSFER CENTER
                      Angela Fowlkes
                                                     Have classes on both campuses, or just need to get              AT LBCC                                                                           Dr. Alisia Kirkwood
                                                     from one campus to the other? No problem. The Viking            Are you thinking about transferring to a four-year
                      Financial Aid Specialist,                                                                                                                                                        Dean,
                                                     Voyager runs regularly between the Liberal Arts Campus          university after you complete your studies at LBCC?
                      Enrollment Services                                                                                                                                                              Student Affairs
                                                     and the Pacific Coast Campus.                                   The Transfer Center at LBCC can assist with a smooth
 How do you identify?                                Visit for pick-up/            transition to university life. A variety of services such   How do you identify?
 African American                                    drop off locations. You can take the shuttle for free for the   as university appointments, transfer fairs, admissions      Black
                                                     first two weeks of the semester and then can ride for free      workshops and university tours are available to you.
 What makes you proud to be                          after that with your College Services Card.                     LBCC students also have a guaranteed transfer to CSU        What makes you proud to be
 Black/African American?                                                                                             Long Beach through the Promise 2.0 initiative. Visit        Black/African American?
 What makes me most proud to be African                                                                              the Transfer Center to explore transfer options, ask        Our ability to remain compassionate, respectful,
 American is our Dynamic Resilience, Rich            LONG BEACH TRANSIT TAP                                          your questions about transferring, and further your         and diligent in our personal and professional
 Heritage, Religious Traditions, Various Dialects,   STUDENT BUS PASS                                                education goals.                                            pursuits, generation after generation, while
 Evolving Music and Incredible Fashion Sense.        If you’re traveling to the College by using public              (562) 938-4670                                              being met with relentless, intentional, and
                                                     transportation, Long Beach Transit offers a reduced-fare                                pervasive systemic/systematic oppression.
 Who is your Black/African American                  student Transit Access Pass. LBT Student TAPs are $40/
 role model?                                         month (compared to the regular $65/month!).                                                                                 Who is your Black/African American
 Biddy Mason who was an African American                                                                                               role model?
 nurse, a Californian real estate entrepreneur                                                                                                                                   Frederick Douglass, Harriet Tubman,
 and philanthropist. She is the founder of the                                                                                                                                   and Malcolm X.
 First African Methodist Episcopal Church in Los
 Angeles Born a slave, she developed a variety                                                                                                                                   What advice would you have for your
 of skills and developed knowledge of medicine,                                                                                                                                  20-year-old self about your identity?
 child care, and livestock care.                                                                                                                                                 Never over-value another person’s assessment/
                                                                                                                                                                                 opinion of you as a Black woman, know the
 What advice would you have for your                                                                                                                                             importance of courage because there will be
 20-year-old self about your identity?                                                                                                                                           many days when you will be required to stand
 I would most definitely advise my young self to                                                                                                                                 alone and defend your principles, and remain
 listen and adhere to the wisdom of my parents                                                                                                                                   unapologetic when advocating on behalf of those
 who have raised me to be a contributing part of                                                                                                                                 who suffer marginalization at the hand’s of others.
 society. I would have identified with mentors who
 would have guided me through both my personal                                                                                                                                   How do you celebrate/honor your heritage?
 and professional endeavors. I would have taken                                                                                                                                  I honor and celebrate my heritage, my
 the time for self care and to read more.                                                                                                                                        ancestors, and my people 365 days of the
                                                                                                                                                                                 year by loving and empowering my family,
 How do you celebrate/honor your heritage?                                                                                                                                       embodying through action the Principles of
 To honor my heritage I have educated others                                                                                                                                     Kwanzaa in my daily life, and remembering
 on Black Inventors, the Principles of Kwanzaa,                                                                                                                                  that only what I do for others will last; therefore,
 and celebrated the lives of African Americans                                                                                                                                   I have committed my life to the service of others.
 who have overcome, given me a voice and the
 opportunity to become an Agent of Change.

18                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  19
WELCOME                                                   POLICE &
                                                          CENTER                                                    CAMPUS SAFETY
                                                          The Welcome Center is a one-stop-shop that provides       Contact the Police Department for the following:
                                                          first time and returning student information about Long   ■ Safety Escorts
                        Chrishaad Moye                                                                              ■ Keys locked in vehicles                                                        Barry Barnes
                                                          Beach City resources and services.
                        Umoja Counselor                                                                             ■ Lost & Found                                                                   Head Coach,
                                                          (562) 938-4049
                        Coordinator                                                                                                                                                                  Men’s Basketball
                                                                                                                    (562) 938-4910 or
 How do you Identify?                                                                                                                                                          How do you identify?
                                                                                                                    (562) 435-6711 for non-emergencies
 Black/African American Male-He, Him, His                                                                                                                                      Black

                                                                                                                    After business hours call the General Service number, or
  What makes you proud to be                                                                                                                                                   What makes you proud to be
                                                                                                                    9-1-1 for an emergency.
 Black/African American?                                                                                                                                                       Black/African American?
 When I think about what makes me proud the                                                                                                                                    Being judged because the color of my skin and
 first thing that comes to my mind is a quote by                                                                                                                               not being accepted because of that. I am so
 Audre Lorde; “We are pow­er­ful because we have                                                                                                                               proud to be Black to know that those words or
 sur­vived, and that is what it is all about- sur­vival                                                                                                                        actions did not defeat me.
 and growth.”
                                                                                                                                                                               Who is your Black/African American
 Who is your Black/African American                                                                                                                                            role model?
 role model?                                                                                                                                                                   My brother, Joe Barnes.
  Joe Louis Clark
                                                                                                                                                                               What advice would you have for your
 What advice would you have for your 20 year                                                                                                                                   20-year-old self about your identity?
 old self about your identify?                                                                                                                                                 Be proud of who you are and no matter what
 Before we were formed our identity was known,                                                                                                                                 people think of you, always believe in yourself
 all we have to do is be true to our purpose and                                                                                                                               and never give up on your dreams.
 work toward becoming better everyday.
                                                                                                                                                                               How do you celebrate/honor your heritage?
 How do you celebrate/honor your heritage?                                                                                                                                     I honor and celebrate my African American
 I honor and celebrate by heritage by showing                                                                                                                                  heritage by sharing historical stories that I
 up and being my best self.                                                                                                                                                    have learned with family and friends, as well as
                                                                                                                                                                               attending and participating in community events.

20                                                                                                                                                                                                                               21
     ADMISSIONS & RECORDS                    HONORS PROGRAM                         STUDENT TECHNOLOGY HELP DESK
      ■ (562)938-4485                         ■ (562)938-4354                        ■ (562)938-4250
      ■                   ■                      ■                                                    Elijah Sims
                                                                                                                                                        Interim Director
     CALWORKS                                INTERNATIONAL STUDENT SERVICES         TRANSFER SERVICES                                                   Long Beach College Promise
      ■ (562)938-3116                         ■ (562)938-4745                        ■ (562)938-4670
      ■                     ■               ■                    How do you identify?
     CASHIER’S OFFICE                        JUSTICE SCHOLARS                       TUTORING CENTER
      ■ (562)938-4010                         ■ (562) 938-3208                       ■ (562)938-4474                               What makes you proud to be
      ■               ■             ■
                                                                                                                                   Black/African American?
                                                                                                                                   As a former musician and current music lover,
     COUNSELING                              LBCC CHILD DEVELOPMENT CENTER (CDC)    UMOJA
      ■ (562)938-4561                         ■ (562)938-4253                        ■ (562)938-3159                               I’m most proud of our rich cultural tradition of
      ■                                                        ■                             blues, jazz, and hip-hop.
                                             LEARNING & ACADEMIC RESOURCES
     DESTINO                                  ■ (562)938-4699                       VETERANS SERVICES                              Who is your Black/African American
      ■ (562) 938-3071                                                               ■ (562)938-4162                               role model?
      ■                      LIBRARY                                 ■                           My mother and father, because they taught me
                                              ■ (562)938-4232                                                                      the importance of service and humility. They
     DISABLED STUDENTS PROGRAMS & SERVICES                                          VIKING BOOKSTORE                               would say that God is love, so loving my brothers
      ■ (562)938-4558                        MATH SUCCESS CENTER                     ■ (562)938-4223
                                                                                                                                   and sisters is how I demonstrate my faith.
      ■                   ■ (562)938-4228
                                                                                    WELCOME CENTER
                                                                                                                                   What advice would you have for your
     DREAM SERVICES                          MULTIDISCIPLINARY SUCCESS CENTER        ■ (562)938-4049
      ■ (562)938-5101                                                                ■                                20-year-old self about your identity?
                                              ■ (562)938-4699
      ■                ■                                                                      I would say two things: (1) Don’t shy away from
                                                                                    WORKFORCE CENTER                               your gifts. Take steps to nurture them every day
     ENGLISH AS A 2ND LANGUAGE CENTER        NEXT UP                                 ■ (562)938-3248                               and untold blessing await. (2) The women of
      ■ (562)938-3160                         ■ (562)938-3218                        ■                              color in your life will open many doors for you.
      ■                    ■                                                                    Be kind to them always.
                                                                                    WRITING/READING SUCCESS CENTER
     EXTENDED OPPORTUNITY PROGRAMS &         POLICE AND CAMPUS SAFETY                ■ (562)938-4520
                                                                                                                                   How do you celebrate/honor your heritage?
     SERVICES (EOPS)                          ■ (562)938-4910                        ■
                                                                                                                                   I honor my heritage through the oral tradition
      ■ (562)938-4273
      ■                                                                                                              of story-telling among family. I enjoying hear
                                             PUENTE PROGRAM                                                                        from the elders in my family about their lives.
                                              ■ (562)938-3095
     FINANCIAL AID                            ■                              GET THE HELP YOU NEED-               I have a great appreciation for the challenges
      ■ (562)938-4485                                                                                              LBCC CHAT HUB   and sacrifices that they made so that I could
      ■                                                                                                      have the opportunity to be a good man, college
                                             STUDENT HEALTH SERVICES
                                              ■ (562)938-4210                      To help get you started we’ve grouped           professor, and counselor today.
     GO PROJECT (TRIO GO PROJECT)                                                      together some helpful links to key
      ■ (562)938-3233
                                             STUDENT LIFE                                       content and resources.
                                              ■ (562)938-4978            
      ■ (562)938-3216

22                                                                                                                                                                                    23
                      Uduak-Joe Ntuk
                      LBCCD Board of Trustees President, 2021-2022
                      Supervisor, California Geologic Energy Management Division
                                                                                                                                 Barry Barnes        Dele Ladejobi
                       President Ntuk proudly represents Uptown Long Beach on the Long Beach Community
                       College Board of Trustees. Elected in 2018, he is the first African-American male elected to              Eric Becerra      Kathryn McMurray
                       serve in this capacity since the College’s founding in 1927, and is the first African-American
                       male to serve as Board President.
                                                                                                                               Richard Blackmon         Deborah
 How do you identify?                                           What advice would you give your 20 year old self
                                                                                                                                Ama Boakyewa
 African-American                                               about your identity?
                                                                                                                                                    Chrishaad Moye
                                                                Never let anyone’s else’s insecurity or false stereotypes
                                                                                                                               Andrew Boquiren
 What makes you proud to be Black/African-American?             about you, define your self image or identity.
                                                                                                                                                    Uduak-Joe Ntuk
 I am part of a grand tradition of a people who have
 overcome great adversity to achieve remarkable                 How do you celebrate your heritage?
                                                                                                                               Charles-Bohannon       Derek Oiree
 success. It brings me pride to see the wide array of           I celebrate my unique African American heritage by
 accomplishments by others, collective community                participating in global family events, traveling to national
                                                                                                                                 Melvin Cobb          Linda Olmos
 support of one another, and when we take time to               museums, worshipping in a Black Church, committing
 celebrate our common struggle together.                        to a day of service on MLK Day, and advancing public
                                                                                                                                  Donna Coe          Anthony Pagan
                                                                policy that recognizes the dignity in each person.
 Who is your role model?
                                                                                                                                Kimberly Davis       Debra Peterson
 Frederick Douglass is a role model of mine. He fought
 for both African American and Women’s equality. Mr.
                                                                                                                               Sonia De La Torre     Michele Pope
 Douglass believed in dialogue and in making alliances
 across racial and ideological divides, and in the liberal
                                                                                                                                Donald Douglas     Wendy Porter-Coste
 values enshrined within the U.S. Constitution.

                                                                                                                                O. Lee Douglas         Lisa Roper

                                                                                                                                Jimmie Flowers      Dewayne Shaffer

                                                                                                                                Angela Fowlkes     Shamika Simpson

                                                                                                                               Erainia Freeman         Elijah Sims

                                                                                                                               Michael Hubbard      Jerome Thomas

                                                                                                                                Jermone Hunt          Stacey Toda

                                                                                                                                Tamieka Hunter       Oshin Tudayan

                                                                                                                               Shaheen Johnson       Nevon Watson

                                                                                                                                Quanisha Judeh       Cheryl Williams

                                                                                                                                Alisia Kirkwood       Moh Wright

24                                                                                                                                                                     25
26   27

          Version 2022.02
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