Bishop Fox's 2019/20 School Improvement Plan - Bishop Fox's School

Page created by Mitchell Lloyd
Bishop Fox's 2019/20 School Improvement Plan - Bishop Fox's School
Bishop Fox’s

School Improvement Plan

  High Standards & High Expectations
Bishop Fox's 2019/20 School Improvement Plan - Bishop Fox's School

This plan is central in our efforts to deliver continuing improvement. We aim to build upon our strengths
and develop those areas where we consider that improvement is most needed.

The plan seeks to recognise that everything we do should impact in a positive way on the quality of
teaching and learning; and ultimately on the progress, achievement and outcomes for all of our students.

In particular this plan:

• Details the priorities for the coming year
• Details the one year plans within the context of our school ethos and values which themselves relate to
  the schools Self Evaluation.
• Provides a coherent framework for change based on the expectation of meeting challenging targets.
• Co-ordinates the deployment of staff and our physical and financial resources
• Bring together in one place all the relevant documentation in terms of School Improvement for 2019/20.

The plan is a working document which may be subject to change and amendment throughout the year.

As a working document it will be reviewed and evaluated by Governors’ Committees, the Senior
Leadership Team and Team Leaders. A minimum termly review is expected.

The whole school plan should be read in conjunction with the team plans which share the task of
illustrating the means by which school improvement will be delivered this year. Reference should also be
made to the school SEF together with those produced by every team in school.

The Performance Management process for individual staff links closely with and reflects the school and
team priorities as indeed it should.


                High Standards & High Expectations
Bishop Fox's 2019/20 School Improvement Plan - Bishop Fox's School
                         High Standards and High Expectations.

                           MISSION STATEMENT
 “Bishop Fox’s School is an aspirational learning community where everyone strives to
become successful lifelong learners who are resilient, respectful and responsible citizens”

• We will set no limits on what our learning community can achieve by establishing high
  levels of challenge and a lifelong love of learning.

• We will inspire our community to have a determination to succeed, a hunger to master
  new skills and a willingness to learn from mistakes.

• We will create a safe, caring and inclusive environment, which fosters a strong sense of
  belonging and promotes equality of opportunity for all.

• We will support our students to be charming, respectful, responsible and happy.

• We will celebrate individuality, talents and achievements in school and through a wide
  range of enrichment experiences.

• We will strive to serve every young person by building strong collaborative partnerships
  with their families and our local community.

• We will develop an inspirational learning culture through high quality professional
  development for all staff.

• We will continuously strive to establish the best possible site, resources and working
  environment for us all.

• We will ensure that we provide opportunities to enable all leavers to have ambition to
  continue in full time education, employment or training.

                                                                                  K Tonkin

                    High Standards & High Expectations
Bishop Fox's 2019/20 School Improvement Plan - Bishop Fox's School


       Aspect                         Priority Target                  Lead SLT

          1.1        TR HQVXUH %LVKRS )R[¶V SURYLGHV D KLJK
 Quality of Educationquality curriculum (including enrichment)          KT/SJS
                     that is suitable for all students. All
    Leadership &     curriculum areas will further develop a plan
    Management       for sequential layered learning that allows
Personal Development skills and understanding.

          1.2           To continue to improve on the consistency
 Quality of Education   and accountability of leading learning so      RGH/RWA
                        that all students benefit from high quality      NWB
    Leadership &        teaching, learning and assessment across
    Management          the school.

          1.3           To raise standards of attainment and
 Quality of Education   progress in specific areas of the curriculum    KT/NWB
                        to levels above the national average.
    Leadership &        These to include: Disadvantaged, Boys,
    Management          Literacy, English, History & Business.

        2.1             To eliminate low level disruption and
Behaviour & Attitudes   reduce rates of exclusion (including key          CM
                        groups) through fair and consistent Ready
                        to Learn expectations and routines.

        2.2             To raise levels of attendance, including
Behaviour & Attitudes   that     of   our    Persistently Absent,      NWB/AMT
                        Disadvantaged and SEN students to above
                        that of national average.

         3              To effectively manage the process of            KT/KAR
    Leadership &        expansion without negatively impacting on
    Management          safety and standards.

       High Standards & High Expectations
                                                                       Nov 2019
Bishop Fox's 2019/20 School Improvement Plan - Bishop Fox's School

                                                                                                        SCHOOL IMPROVEMENT PLAN - 2019/20

                            GOVERNORS MONITORING COMMITTEE: Achievement                                             LEAD PROFESSIONAL(S): KT / SJS

                            SIP PRIORITY: 1.1                        OBJECTIVE: 7RHQVXUH%LVKRS)R[·VSURYLGHVDKLJKTXDOLW\FXrriculum (including enrichment) that is suitable for all students. All

                                                                                                                        Timeline      Key Personnel       Resources and costing
                                                   Tasks to achieve objectives                                         (by when)                                                             Success Criteria            End of Year
                            To further embed the principles established in the Curriculum policy across all                                                                                Changes to our approach
                            areas of the school curriculum by:                                                                                                                             to the curriculum are
                                                                                                                                                                                           comparable to those being
                            Make use of links with external agencies, local schools and our Somerset                    April 2020   SJS, KT, RGH, NWB,   Meeting time, potential course   made by similar schools
                            Education Partner to ensure that the curriculum policy is suitably ambitious and                                 RWA                 costs, SEP time           and are validated by
                            clearly establishes principles and practices that will enable students to develop in                                                                           external agencies.
                            line with the vision and values of the school.                                                                                                                 CTLs feel enabled to lead
                            Continuing to make use of CTL meetings to develop the skills and understanding              April 2020       CTLs, SJS             Meeting/INSET time          the development of their
                            of the middle leadership so that they are able to lead their teams on the driving                                                                              teams in further
                            principles of the new approach to curriculum planning.                                                                                                         understanding the intent,
                            Developing opportunities for CTLs to work with their teams to improve the                   April 2020        SJS, KT              Meeting/INSET time          implementation and impact
                            understanding of how the rationale and ambition outlined by each curriculum area                                                                               of their new curriculum.
                            can be embedded into SofW and individual lessons. Thereby ensuring that                                                                                        Resulting in teachers
                            students experience a knowledge rich curriculum based upon sequential layered                                                                                  adapting lessons to reflect
                            learning, with high expectations of literacy and specific subject understanding, that                                                                          the principles of the new
                            ensures all students are appropriately supported so that they are able to make                                                                                 curriculum that enables all

High Standards & High Expectations
                            rapid and sustained progress.                                                                                                                                  students to experience a
                                                                                                                                                                                           richer curriculum and
                                                                                                                                                                                           make more rapid progress.
Bishop Fox's 2019/20 School Improvement Plan - Bishop Fox's School
ƒ                                ƒ
                           To develop a quality assurance process that will ensure all curriculum areas have a   September 2019   SJS/KT/NWB/RGH       Planning time for CTL            SLT links support CTLs

                           high quality curriculum plan that allows students to experience a knowledge rich                                            Line management time             to adapt new

                           curriculum, based on high standards of literacy and specific subject understanding,                                         CTL/SLT                          curriculum plans
                           that is planned with sequential layered learning and appropriate support to enable                                          Time to undertake learning       following presentation.
                           rapid progress for all students. It will make effective use of homework to develop                                          walk and work scrutiny           5 Year plans adapted

                           VWXGHQWV·VNLOOVNQRZledge and understanding and will have a focus on British                                                                               and approved for all
                           values, current affairs and careers education whilst also providing a variety of                                                                             curriculum areas
                           enrichment opportunities that will help students develop in line with the schools                                                                            Approved 5 Year plans
                           vision and values.                                                                                                                                           uploaded to Website

                                                                                                                                                                                        alongside rationale and
                           The curriculum plans will include:                                                                                                                           ambition statements
                           x 5 plan year outlining sequential layered learning                                                                                                          Rigorous QA process is
                           x Key content covering knowledge, skills and understanding                                                                                                   undertaken by SLT and
                           x Key assessment opportunities included to demonstrate student progression                                                                                   CTLs throughout the
                           x Clear rationale and ambition with a statement of intent in relation to                                                                                     spring and summer
                              progression and enrichment.                                                                                                                               terms to ensure the
                           The quality assurance process will include:                                                                                                                  implementation and
                           Autumn ² Intent: CTLs present their new curriculum 5 year plan, rationale,            Dec 2019         SLT, CTLs, LJ                                         impact of the new
                           ambition alongside progression and enrichment statements to SLT. Curriculum                                                                                  curriculum plans.
                           plans are adapted and published on school website.
                           Spring ² Implementation: Series of learning walks and work scrutiny to assess         April 2020.      SLT, CTLs
                           how the new curriculum has influenced the learning experience for all students
                           across the curriculum,
                           Summer ² Impact: Review tracking data, undertake a series of learning walks,          June 2020        SLT, CTLs
                           work scrutiny and students voice to identify evidence of impact on VWXGHQWV·

                                                                                                                                                   ƒ                                ƒ
                           progression through the implementation of the new curriculum.

                           Develop a plan for the review of the 2 year KS3 SOW in all curriculum areas so        Sept 2019        SJS                  Planning time for                SOW reviewed for 2

                           that they reflect the rationale and ambition of the subject and whole school                                                departments                      year KS3 SOW in all

                           curriculum policy.                                                                                                          Line management time             curriculum areas
                           CTL to meet with linked SLT member to review KS3 SOW. Each SLT member to              Dec 2019         SLT                  KT/SLT                           SOW includes

                           review 2/3 subject areas.                                                                                                   New learning materials -         homework and new

                                                                                                                                                       Text books, support              grading assessments.
                           This to include:                                                                                                            materials etc.                   SOW reflect subject
                           x Developing quality first teaching through the T&L Framework with a focus on                                               £5,000 curriculum                and school rational and
                              a metacognitive approach                                                                                                 development budget to            ambition and provide
                           x High expectations of literacy                                                                                             support new resources            breadth of knowledge
                           x Plan for sequential layered learning                                                                                                                       and effective challenge
                           x Promote retrieval practice through silent starters                                                                                                         and preparation for
                           x PURJUHVVLRQLQVWXGHQWV·NQRZOHGJHVNLOOVDQGXQGHUVWDQGLQJ                                                                                               transition to 3 year KS4
                           x Substantive assessment opportunities

High Standards & High Expectations
                           x An approach to ongoing assessment that provide high quality feedback to
                              facilitate greater student progress
                           x Homework linked to SOW
                           x Preparation for KS4
                           x Key focus on target groups
                           x Linking curriculum learning with careers
                           Agreed actions from SLT review are established in updated SofW.                       June 2020
Bishop Fox's 2019/20 School Improvement Plan - Bishop Fox's School
ƒ                               ƒ

                                                                                                                                                                     ƒ                               ƒ
                            To develop a plan to review KS4 SOW for all GCSE and Vocational courses in all           Sept 2019               CTL/SLT                     Planning time for               SOW developed for 3
                            curriculum areas so that they reflect the rationale and ambition of the subject and                                                          departments                     Year KS4

                            whole school curriculum policy.                                                                                  Coordinated by SJS          Line management time            SOW includes

                                                                                                                                                                     ƒ                               ƒ
                            CTL to meet with linked SLT member to review KS4 SOW. Each SLT member to                 April 2020                                          CTL/SLT                         homework and new
                            review 2/3 subject areas.                                                                                        All curriculum areas,       School INSET time               grading assessments

                                                                                                                                             to review 2 Year KS4        New learning materials -        Courses effectively

                                                                                                                                                                     ƒ   ¶5DLVLQJVWDQGDUGV·DQG
                            This to include                                                                                                  SOW and ensure              Text books, support             resourced.

                            x Developing quality first teaching through the T&L Framework with a focus on                                    agreed actions are          materials etc.                  SOW reflect subject

                               a metacognitive approach                                                                                      completed.                                                  and school rationale

                            x High expectations of literacy                                                                                                                                              and ambition and
                            x Plan for sequential layered learning                                                                                                                                       provide effective
                            x Promote retrieval practice through silent starters                                                                                         £5,000 curriculum               challenge and
                            x PURJUHVVLRQLQVWXGHQWV·NQRZOHGJHVNLOOVDQGXQGHUVWDQGLQJ                                                                               development budget to           preparation for
                            x Substantive assessment opportunities                                                                                                       support new resources           transition to KS5
                            x An approach to ongoing assessment that provide high quality feedback to
                               facilitate greater student progress
                            x Homework linked to SOW
                            x Preparation for KS4
                            x Key focus on target groups
                            x Linking curriculum learning with careers
                                                                                                                     June 2020

                                                                                                                                                                     ƒ                               ƒ
                            Agreed actions from SLT review are established in updated SofW.

                            x                                                                                                                                        ƒ
                            To develop and improve our Enrichment provision across all curriculum areas.             February 2020           SJS/KT                      Planning time to complete       Enrichment provision

                                                                                                                                                                     ƒ                               ƒ
                                                                                                                                                                         audit                           audited and report

                            x                                                                                                                                        ƒ
                                 To review the enrichment provision in terms of Extra-curricular, trips, visits,     Produce report          Coordinated by SJS          Student voice audit             circulated

                                 guest speaker and activities, residentials and other subject based provision        identifying current                                 Time to write report            Enrichment provision
                                 Identify any new opportunities to enhance the enrichment provision                  enrichment offer with                               £3,000 enrichment               agreed for 2020/21
                                 To review SOW to ensure effective provision of subjects linking curriculum          agreed areas for                                    development budget to
                                 learning with careers.                                                              enrichment                                          support new provision.

                                                                                                                                                                     ƒ                               ƒ

                            To review and plan the KS3 curriculum in preparation for the school 2020                 December 2019           SJS                         Planning time to complete       Agree new KS3

                            x                                                                                                                                        ƒ                               ƒ
                            expansion.                                                                                                                                   review                          structure and subject
                                                                                                                     Agree KS3 curriculum                                CTL meetings                    provision

                                 To review Key Stage 3 curriculum provision in light of increased cohort in          provision and                                       Revamped staffing               Nurture group
                                 Year 7 in September 2020                                                            structure for                                       requirements due to             provision agreed for

                                 Identify and agree number of teaching groups for each subject and agreed            September 2020                                      expansion                       2020
                                 curriculum blocks.

                                                                                                                                                                     ƒ                               ƒ
                                 Review effectiveness of nurture group in Year 8 in light of mixed ability English

                                 and humanities GCSE teaching

                                                                                                                                                                     ƒ                               ƒ
                                                                                                                     September 2019          SJS                         Meeting time                    Positive engagement of

High Standards & High Expectations
                            To successfully introduce alternative curriculum college links                           Courses begin                                       TA support (Thursday)           students on courses

                                                                                                                                                                         Transport time and cost         Reduced incidents of

                                 To establish College links on Wednesday and Thursday to provides alternative        Monthly review                                                                      behaviour
                                 opportunities for targeted KS4 students                                             meetings                                                                            Improved attendance
                                 Monitor attendance, progress and behaviour of cohort in school and college

                                                                                                               SCHOOL IMPROVEMENT PLAN ² 2019/20

                                     GOVERNORS MONITORING COMMITTEE: Achievement                                                    LEAD PROFESSIONAL(S): RGH/NWB/RWA

                                     SIP PRIORITY: 1.2                        OBJECTIVE: To continue to improve on the consistency and accountability of leading learning so that all students benefit from high
                                                                              quality teaching, learning and assessment across the school.

                                                                                                                                    Timeline     Key Personnel        Resources and
                                                                Tasks to achieve objectives                                           (by                                costing              Success Criteria                   End of Year
                                                                                                                                     when)                                                                                         Review
                                     1.2.1 To further develop and embed, through the teaching and learning                                                                               x
                                     framework, high quality teaching and learning across the school.
                                     Demonstrating greater consistency, accountability and evidence of impact, by:
                                                                                                                                                                                             Staff are aware of framework
                                                                                                                                                                                             and use it regularly, faculty

                                                                                                                                                                                             minutes evidence discussions

                                        x                                                                                                                                                x
                                                                                                                                                                                             and summary evaluation of
                                          Update and re-ODXQFKWKH%LVKRS)R[·V7 / framework                                       Sept 2019   RWA / LJ            Meeting time:            impact
                                          )DFLOLWDWLQJJUHDWHU´WDONIRUWHDFKLQJµ to promote quality first teaching by utilising   Sept 2019 ² RWA                 Staff                    T&L items are regularly
                                          Thurs                                                                                     July 2020                       CTL                      calendared in meetings and

                                          AM briefings, staff meetings, faculty meetings centred around the T&L framework           Sept 2019   RWA                 FM                       evidence in minutes of staff
                                        x Introduce Teaching Hub meetings (replacing SDGs) with a focus on metacognition                                            Thurs AM briefings       sharing positive strategies
                                          to drive quality first teaching                                                           Sept 2019 ² RWA / SLT           Teaching hub             Teaching files in Teacher hubs
                                                                                                                                    July 2020

                                        x Develop system to promote the use of expert observations, practice opportunities                                                                   are completed and demonstrate
                                          and review observations between staff to coach for quality first teaching                 Sept 2019 ² RWA / SLT / CTL /                            teacher reflection of key areas
                                        x Develop feedback loop between SLT, CTL and teaching staff to support and                  July 2020   All staff                                    Quality of teaching and learning
                                          develop effective teaching practice following learning walks.                                                                                      improves, evidence through

                                                                                                                                                                                             learning walks, drop-ins and
                                                                                                                                                                                             team reviews
                                                                                                                                                                                             Closer and more regular liaison
                                                                                                                                                                                             occurs between SLT, CTL and
                                                                                                                                                                                             teaching staff with regular

                                                                                                                                                                                             developmental conversations

                                        x                                                                                                                                                x
                                                                                                                                                                                             becoming the standard
                                            Improving the consistency and quality of feedback between staff and students                                            Meeting time:
                                                                                                                                    Sept 2019 ² RWA / SLT / CTL /   Staff

                                            Increase the opportunities for staff to share good practice through staff meetings,                                                              Evidence through work scrutiny
                                                                                                                                    July 2020   All staff           CTL                      and drop ins that consistency
                                            CTL meetings, faculty meetings and Thurs AM briefings

                                        x                                                                                                                                                x
                                            Increase quality of verbal feedback by providing development points following                                                                    and quality of feedback has
                                                                                                                                                                    Thurs AM briefings

High Standards & High Expectations
                                            learning walks and drop-ins.                                                                                                                     improved

                                            Develop consistency in the use of marking stickers with a focus on specific and task                                                             Improvement identified through

                                        x                                                                                                                                                x
                                            based EBI comments and promoting an appropriate student response through                                                                         work scrutiny

                                            effective use of D.I.R.T.                                                                                                                        Positive student voice results
                                            Improve the presentation of work with an emphasis on student accountability.                                                                     Minutes from various meetings
                                            Change process of work scrutiny to allow developmental conversations within                                                                      evidence effective use of time to
                                            context of student work between SLT, CTL, all staff                                                                                              promote good practice
1.2.2 To develop a comprehensive CPD offer in response to agreed whole
                                     school, team and performance management priorities that supports staff in                                                                             x
                                     developing and embedding consistently high quality teaching and learning
                                     across the school, by:
                                                                                                                                                                                               Successful CPD programme
                                                                                                                                                                                               planned, published and delivered
                                                                                                                                                                                               with a focus on Quality First

                                                                                                                               From        RGH                    Aspects of CPD School        Teaching and Building a Middle
                                     Continuing a IRFXVRQ´4XDOLW\)LUVW7HDFKLQJµWKURXJK                                   September   RWA                    Budget ² Agreed for          leaders Powerhouse
                                                o Coordinated professional development involving INSET/µ7ZLOLJKW              2019 to                            2019/20:                     CPD provision reflective of

                                                    Sessions/CTL Meetings/Staff Briefings/ Staff Meetings/New Learning         September   SLT Line Managers      External events              agreed strands of SIP, T&L
                                                    Hubs/New Staff and NQT meetings                                            2020                               Internal Speakers            Framework,
                                                o In developing aspects of:                                                                                       Courses with 3rd Party       Marking/Feedback/Assessment,
                                                        ƒ Curriculum Development                                                           Literacy Coordinator   commercial providers         CPD priorities and School,

                                                        ƒ Metacognition                                                                                                                        Team and Performance

                                                        ƒ Literacy                                                                         Numeracy                                            Management Priorities.
                                                        ƒ Numeracy                                                                         Coordinator            Meeting time:                The quality and consistency of
                                                                                                                                                                  RGH/RWA                      T&L improves as a result of
                                                o Developing a comprehensive and stranded CPD offer that provides greater                  Aspiring Middle        SLT Line Management          focused CPD sessions as
                                                    opportunities for staff to engage in, UHOHYDQWWRWKHLU´FDUHHUVWDJHµ                Leaders                RGH & Peer Mentors           evidenced in TIP, PM evidence
                                                    expectations and ambitions ² including:                                                                       CTL                          base, Team Review, Work
                                                        ƒ Academic routes                                                                  Pastoral Middle        Learning Hubs

                                                                                                                                                                                               Scrutiny and Focused Learning
                                                        ƒ Pastoral routes                                                                  Leaders                All Staff:                   Walks processes.
                                                        ƒ CTL Training                                                                                            CTL Meetings Staff

                                                                                                                                                                                               Positive reflections in
                                                        ƒ Pastoral Training                                                                UPS Staff              Meetings                     Governor/OfSTED reports

                                                o (QFRXUDJLQJPRUHVWDIIWRFRQVLGHU´OHDGHUVKLSµSDWKZD\V, by:                                                   AM Briefings                 Learning Hub Action plans
                                                        ƒ Continuing to provide a broad range of opportunities to engage in                All Teaching staff                                  established with summary

                                                                                                                                                                                               evaluations of impact in respect
                                                o Developing greater capacity amongst staff to drive whole school aspects of                                      IT Technical Support         of Metacognition
                                                    teaching and learning to improve outcomes for all students.                                                                                Identified strategies shared with
                                     Further developing and monitoring the links between staff attendance at CPD (external

                                                                                                                                                                                               staff resulting in improved
                                     and internal) with accountable project based programmes back at school                                                                                    outcomes for targeted groups
                                                                                                                                                                                               Work Scrutiny findings focused
                                                                                                                                                                                               on key aspects of the SIP, T&L

                                                                                                                                                                                               and CPD priorities
                                                                                                                                                                                               Focused Learning Walks
                                                                                                                                                                                               embedded and used to monitor
                                                                                                                                                                                               key aspects of SIP, T&L

                                                                                                                                                                                           x   6XFFHVVIXOGHOLYHU\RID´/HDGLQJ

                                                                                                                                                                                               and CPD priorities

                                                                                                                                                                                               current and aspiring middle
                                                                                                                                                                                               Staff personalise their CPD offer
                                                                                                                                                                                               by engaging with appropriate

High Standards & High Expectations
                                                                                                                                                                                               programmes in line with TIP and
                                                                                                                                                                                               Performance Management

                                                                                                                                                                                               Priorities ² which are signed off
                                                                                                                                                                                               by the CTL.
                                                                                                                                                                                               Successful delivery of a
                                                                                                                                                                                               ´Aspiring Pastoral Leadersµ
                                                                                                                                                                                               Programme for current and
                                                                                                                                                                                               aspiring middle leaders
1.2.3 Develop an assessment framework that enables regular and effective                                                                             x
                                     interaction between teachers and VWXGHQWV· in a way of that acknowledges
                                     VWXGHQWV·work, checks outcomes, guides predictions and enables decisions to
                                                                                                                                            NWB, RWA                                          Staff are aware of and can

                                     be made about what teachers and students need to do next, with the primary
                                                                                                                                                                                              effectively implement a variety

                                     aim of driving student progress, by:
                                                                                                                                                                                              of assessment methods across
                                                                                                                                                                                              the curriculum. This will be
                                                                                                                                                                                              done in a consistent way across
                                        x Write and launch new assessment framework with staff and merge existing marking                                                                     the school that enables more

                                            and reporting policies into one overarching assessment policy.                                                                                    rapid student progress through
                                        x Improve teacher use of informal assessment models including silent starters,                                                                        timely and informative feedback.
                                            vocabulary tests, A4L activities, thinking talk and student talk to better inform                                                                 Substantive assessments are
                                            students and teachers of progress.                                                                                                                used in each subject in each
                                        x Improve the consistency with which regular substantive assessments are used and                                                                     year group resulting in greater
                                            create more opportunities for standardization and comparative assessment to                                                                       accuracy of assessment and

                                            improve the accuracy of assessments, particularly at key stage 3.                                                                                 more reliable grades used for
                                        x Develop the reporting process at Key Stage 3 to have a greater focus on the effort                                                                  the reporting process.
                                            and application that students are showing as opposed to an end of key stage                                                                       Reporting at KS3 has greater
                                            outcome.                                                                                                                                          impact on student progress by
                                                                                                                                                                                              giving more accurate and

                                     1.2.4 To further develop the teaching and learning quality assurance processes
                                                                                                                                                                                              meaningful data that is also fully

                                     in school, and ensure that it is understood, accepted and implemented
                                                                                                                                                                                              understood by parents.

                                     effectively, by:

                                        x                                                                                                                                                 x
                                            Embedding adjustments to the current Performance Management processes so as         From        RGH                   RGH/RWA                     Middle Leaders/Staff using BFS
                                            to continue to ensure more accurate and rigorous links to performance related pay   September
                                            - with a focus on consistency, accountability and evidence of impact from MPS       2019 to     RWA                   RGH/Sam Simmons

                                            through to UPS which is understand and used by staff, by;                           September                         meeting time                document as a guide for
                                                o EnsurLQJWKH%)6´3HUIRUPDQFH&ULWHULDIRU&DUHHU6WDJH([SHFWDWLRQVµ         2020        Sam Simmons                                       2019/20 PM processes

                                                    document is completed (Autumn Term) to be launched with staff (Spring                                                                     Consistent and accountable

                                                    Term) in readiness for use as a guide for 2020/21 PM process.                           SLT Line Managers     RGH/RWA meeting time        Performance Management

                                                                                                                                                                  + staff included in;        processes² which are signed off
                                            improvement priorities.                                                                                               Team Reviews                by the CTL, that identifies clear
                                            Continuing to develop a system of whole-school quality assurance processes that                                       TSP/TED                     expectations, responsibilities

                                                                                                                                                                  Peer Mentoring

                                            makes more effective use of experienced teachers and middle leaders in checking                                                                   and summary of impact towards
                                            and challenging underperformance.                                                               All Teaching staff:   NQT/New Staff               performance related pay.
                                                                                                                                            UPS Staff

                                            Links made with quality external experts schools to support review of School                                                                      Published Team Review

                                                                                                                                            Teaching staff

                                        x                                                                                                                                                 x
                                            and/or Team improvement priorities resulting in clear recommendations and                                                                         schedule
                                            actions                                                                                         recommended for or    CTL Meeting time            Team Review reports published

                                            Providing targeted support for staff through engagement in a Peer Mentoring                                                                       Positive reflections in
                                                                                                                                            mentoring process.    Coaching/Training for

                                            programme, Teacher Support Programme (TSP) and where necessary Teacher                                                                            Governor/OfSTED reports
                                            experiencing Difficulties (TED) programme                                                       Teaching staff        peer mentors                Links made with quality external
                                            Publishing a schedule of Team Reviews in light of School Priorities, Student                    identified for                                    experts have supported reviews
                                            Outcomes and Subject SpecLILF(5$·V                                                            TSP/TED               Aspects of CPD School       of School and/or Team
                                                o Focused on:                                                                                                     Budget ² Agreed for         improvement priorities, which

                                                        ƒ Subject:                                                                                                                            have resulted in clear
                                                               x History                                                                                                                      recommendations and actions
                                                               x English                                                                                                                      Published and shared findings of
                                                                                                                                                                                              whole school QA processes

High Standards & High Expectations
                                                               x Business Studies
                                                        ƒ Whole School:                                                                                                                       including ´)RFXVHG/HDUQLQJ
                                                               x Literacy                                                                                                                     :DONVµ foci and findings, with

                                                                                                                                                                                              targeted future actions that are

                                                               x Disadvantaged
                                                               x Boys                                                                                                                         closely monitored.
                                                                                                                                                                                              Accountable and targeted
                                            provide an accurate understanding of the strengths and areas for development in                                                                   intervention support through
                                            teaching and learning across the school                                                                                                           Peer Mentoring/TSP/TED
                                                                                                                                                                                              programmes with evidence of

                                                                                                              SCHOOL IMPROVEMENT PLAN ² 2019/20

                                     GOVERNORS MONITORING COMMITTEE: Achievement                                                        LEAD PROFESSIONAL(S): KT / NWB

                                     SIP PRIORITY: 1.3                         OBJECTIVE: To raise standards of attainment and progress in specific areas of the curriculum to levels above the national average.
                                                                               These to include: Disadvantaged, Boys, Literacy, English, History and Business.

                                                                                                                                         Timeline      Key        Resources
                                                                   Tasks to achieve objectives                                          (by when)   Personnel     and costing             Success Criteria                   End of Year
                                     To continue to improve the use of progress data to inform interventions:                                                                   Targets are set for students, sub groups
                                     Use the 2019 results to identify the variability in KS4 estimates provided by DforE and establish November     NWB/TMT      n/a            and subjects that are suitably challenging
                                     a method for tracking whole cohort and sub group progress in Years 10 and 9.                      2019                                     to ensure that the school would achieve
                                     Continue to improve the use of alternative progress data such as CATS scores and Reading                                                   results that are noticeably above national
                                     ages so staff are better able to understand the academic potential of each student.                                                        average.
                                     Establish key intervention strategies for English, Maths and Science from the start of the Autumn                                          Staff have a better understanding of the
                                     term, making use of staff capacity, Ark, Alternative curriculum and other areas of support.                                                academic potential of all the students
                                                                                                                                                                                they teach and are able to tailor their
                                                                                                                                                                                teaching and interventions appropriately

                                                                                                                                                                                Interventions take place in core subjects
                                                                                                                                                                                that have a noticeable impact on

                                     To forensically analyse the exam performance from 2019 to identify improvements
                                     that can be made:
                                                                                                                                                                                ERA are scheduled for identified sub
                                                                                                                                        November    KT/NWB/JMT   n/a            groups and all subjects.
                                     Complete an exam review analysis of all the identified curriculum areas to determine areas of      2019                                    ERA document to make reference to
                                     underperformance and opportunities to develop.                                                                                             Evaluations of intervention strategies
                                     Continue to improve the ERA process so that individual teachers are more aware and                                                         that took place such as HPAS, Boys and
                                     accountable for their exam results and are given the opportunity to analyse their own classes                                              Y11 Mentoring to show the impact of
                                     results in more detail.                                                                                                                    each strategy and therefore inform

                                     Review the impact of intervention strategies that took place in 2018/19 as part of the ERA.                                                school of need to repeat or improve
                                     Involve all key stake holders in the ERA including, where relevant, support staff, HoY, CTLs and                                           each strategy.
                                                                                                                                                                                Staff complete individual ERA documents
                                     To ensure outcomes of the ERA are incorporated into the Team SIP and actioned effectively.                                                 and QLA to identify areas of strength

High Standards & High Expectations
                                     Monitor the impact of subsequent actions though Raising Standards meetings, line management                                                and underperformance in their Year 11
                                     and QA of T&L with specific focus on identified curriculum areas.                                                                          2019 results and are then able to alter
                                     Teachers to make use of online exam board analysis tools to carryout question level analysis of                                            their teaching and interventions
                                     the summer 2019 papers, to ensure they identify areas of strength and development. To use                                                  accordingly.
                                     this information to inform the teaching of their team.                                                                                     Staff take part in targeted CPD linked to
                                     Staff identify areas of training and development linked to their ERA and QLA and liaise with                                               the outcomes of their ERA.
                                     CTLs to enable subsequent training to take place.
To review the teaching, learning and assessment strategies experienced by students
                                     in the identified areas of the curriculum:                                                     December           NWB/RGH      n/a   Team reviews are completed in each
                                     Use the Exams Review Analysis in each curriculum area to identify key lines of enquiry for the 2019                                  identified subject area or sub-group
                                     Team review.                                                                                                                         resulting in improvement in practice
                                     Complete Team reviews in the selected subjects. Present findings of this to SLT and subject                                          across the subject area and greater
                                     teams to ensure new identified strategies and systems are embedded across each subject team.                                         progress made by students.
                                     Complete team review of selected sub-groups and identify areas for development. Present                                              Findings from team review are clearly
                                     findings of this to SLT and whole staff to ensure new identified strategies and systems are                                          communicated to key stakeholders,
                                     embedded across the school.                                                                                                          resulting in improvement in practice
                                                                                                                                                                          across the school and greater progress

                                     To better prepare students for the rigours of end of year, PPE and end of course
                                                                                                                                                                          made by students.

                                     exams.                                                                                             March 2019     NWB/RWA      n/a   Results of End of Year Exams and PPEs
                                     Use INSET to communicate the results of student survey and educational research to highlight                                         show students making greater progress
                                     with staff the best practice for exam preparation and embedding knowledge in long term                                               than previous academic year.
                                     memory.                                                                                                                              Student voice shows students feel well
                                     Establish clear procedures for exam preparation in each year group including effective use of                                        prepared for exams in all year groups.
                                     topic checklists and knowledge organisers.                                                                                           Evidence from Show My Homework
                                     Establish clear routines such as low stakes testing and retrieval practice for the use of tier 3                                     demonstrates appropriate support is
                                     vocabulary in each subject in each year group.                                                                                       provided for all students in al subject
                                     Make more effective use of Show My Homework to provide greater support for studeQW·V                                                areas.
                                     independent learning and help parents become more aware of how they can support students
                                     with their independent learning in preparations for exams in all years.
                                     Ensure Exam Success Strategies in all subjects use evidence from November PPEs to identify
                                     focus for Year 11 in final two terms with regard to exam practice, interventions and revision

                                     To embed the Active Mentoring programme in Year 11 that has a particular boy

                                     and disadvantaged student focus:                                                                   October 2019   NWB/Mentors/ n/a   50+ students will receive impactful
                                     Use progress data to identify a group of 50+ students the majority of whom will be boys and                       HoY11              assertive academic mentoring, whereby
                                     key sub groups including HPAS boys and PP boys, for the mentoring programme.                                                         they meet with their mentor six times
                                     Assign and train 10+ staff including SLT in the process and methods of assertive academic                                            per year at key points to discuss
                                     mentoring.                                                                                                                           progress information. Tracking data of
                                     Establish timeline and pro forma for mentor meetings.                                                                                mentored students shows improved
                                     Inform parents of mentoring plan and ensure they are informed and engaged by the mentor                                              progress with a particular focus on 5+
                                     throughout the process.                                                                                                              attainment in English and Maths.
                                     Develop use of SIMS and or SISRA to enable effective tracking of mentees progress.
                                     Meet regularly with mentors to evaluate the impact of the process.

High Standards & High Expectations
To further develop the role of literacy at the heart of our knowledge rich
                                     curriculum across the school by:                                                                     December   NWB/ PNF/   n/a   Regular line management of literacy
                                     Establish a literacy specific Team Improvement Plan that identifies the strategies and               2019       EH                intervention takes place and clear plans
                                     interventions that will take place in 2019/20.                                                                                    established in Literacy TIP have an
                                     Ensure that progress with the literacy action plan is a standing agenda item on the English Line                                  impact across the school.
                                     management meetings with SLT link.                                                                                                CPD and training takes place regularly to
                                     Ensure there are CPD and INSET opportunities to support teachers to teach a wealth of rich                                        support the aims of the TIP.
                                     vocabulary that will close the word, and attainment, gap for students, particularly those from                                    Year 6 students are better prepared for
                                     disadvantaged backgrounds.                                                                                                        Year 7 and Year 7 are able to make
                                     Improve the quality of transition work to ensure Year 6 students are fully prepared for the                                       greater progress in English.
                                     rigors of Year 7 and that Year 7 work is suitably challenging.                                                                    The profile of and importance of reading
                                     Promote the importance of reading across the curriculum.                                                                          is increased both for pleasure and in
                                     Promote reading for pleasure through tutor time and evaluate the consistency with which this is                                   lesson time.
                                     implemented.                                                                                                                      Literacy interventions are accurately
                                     Ensure that testing of reading ages is accurate and enables the effective identification of students                              targeted and effective in all years.
                                     for literacy interventions.
                                     Embed effective reading and literacy interventions in Year 7 for student identified as not
                                     meeting the expected standard.
                                     Ensure that there is effective reading and literacy interventions for identified students in each
                                     year group.
                                     Promote the consistent and effective approach to teaching tier 2 and tier 3 vocabulary across all
                                     subjects to increase VWXGHQWV· cultural capital, particularly for disadvantaged students.

High Standards & High Expectations
To further raise standards of attainment and progress of disadvantaged students by
                                     implementing strategies around five areas of focus: Quality First Teaching, Targeted
                                     Intervention, Pastoral Support, Parental Engagement and Aspiration & Student Engagement

                                     Aspiration and Student Engagement: Improving levels of attendance and reduce incidences of            November   NWB/PPIW   £500   Attendance of disadvantaged students
                                     persistent absences (See SIP 2.2 for further details). All PPIWs to have improving attendance as      2019                         improves to levels at least in line with
                                     one of their Action Plan targets for 2019/20.                                                                                      national and persistent absence rates
                                                                                                                                                                        decrease to be in line with national
                                     Targeted Intervention: Review the focus of the role of the PPIWs and improve the line                                              Greater consistency of practice in the
                                     management system of PPIWs to help improve practice and develop greater consistency.                                               approach to mentoring students by the
                                     Embedding the mentoring system being used by PPIWs in 2018/19 for all year groups by                                               PP Intervention Team, resulting in
                                     creating a timeline for each year group identifying key mentoring opportunities through the                                        students mentoring having a strong
                                     year.                                                                                                                              academic focus that will result in
                                                                                                                                                                        improved progress at KS4. At KS3
                                                                                                                                                                        disadvantaged students will show a
                                                                                                                                                                        greater engagement in the school
                                                                                                                                                                        community and make a positive
                                                                                                                                                                        contribution to all aspect of the school.

                                     Aspiration and Engagement: Review the rewards programme on offer in school to ensure PP                                            PP students receive a proportionate
                                     students are proportionally represented and therefore feel valued.                                                                 amount of rewards resulting in improved

                                                                                                                                                                        positivity about school and consequently

                                                                                                                                                                        better attendance and attainment.
                                     Parental Engagement: Investigate the potential to increase parental engagement by the EEF
                                                                                                                                                                        informed of the progress there child is
                                                                                                                                                                        making and are more engaged with the
                                                                                                                                                                        school through regular communication
                                                                                                                                                                        via text message.
                                                                                                                                                                        Staff are aware of the students who are
                                     Targeted Intervention: Continue to identify the FSM duration for each PP student to enable                                         most likely to have the greatest barriers
                                     more accurate and early intervention of those students statistically most likely to struggle to                                    to learning and therefore plan their
                                     progress.                                                                                                                          interventions accordingly.
                                     Develop a series of Individual Learning Plans for PP students who are most in need of support.                                     Staff have greater knowledge of the
                                     Based upon the ILPs sued for our SEN students create documents for key students in each year                                       barriers to learning for key PP students
                                     group that identify for staff key barriers and support strategies for these students.                                              and are able to use this information to
                                                                                                                                                                        plan accordingly to ensure students are
                                                                                                                                                                        better able to succeed.
                                     Pastoral Support: PP Strategy is reviewed so that support roles including PPIWs, Pastoral                                          Schools resources are more strategically
                                     support officer, Counsellor, Medical and Welfare Officer are all carrying out responsibilities that                                directed towards offering support to
                                     have a proportionally positive impact on the progress and engagement of disadvantaged                                              disadvantaged students resulting in these
                                     students.                                                                                                                          students showing greater engagement
                                                                                                                                                                        and progress.

High Standards & High Expectations

                                                                                                              SCHOOL IMPROVEMENT PLAN ² 2019/20

                             GOVERNORS MONITORING COMMITTEE: Personnel                                                               LEAD PROFESSIONAL(S): CM

                             SIP PRIORITY: 2.1                              OBJECTIVE: To eliminate low level disruption and reduce rates of exclusion (including key groups) through fair and consistent Ready
                                                                            to Learn expectations and routines.

                                                                                                                                        Timeline       Key Personnel   Resources
                                                              Tasks to achieve objectives                                              (by when)                       and costing            Success Criteria                  End of Year
                             To review and embed the Ready to Learn ² The Behaviour for Learning

                             x                                                                                                                                                       ƒ

                                     Review the impact of Ready to Learn 2018-19 through data analysis, student, staff and           July 19           CM/SLT                            Evidence of Ready to Learn data
                                     parent voice, identifying areas of success and areas for development.                                                                               analysis, impact and area for

                             x                                                                                                                                                       ƒ
                                     Making appropriate adaptations to policies, based upon review recommendations as                July 19           CM/SLT                            development completed through
                                     verified by SLT.                                                                                                                                    the Ready to Learn review paper.
                                                                                                                                     Sept 19           CM                                All adaptations completed to

                                     Lead on staff training with the production of resources and procedures to ensure that

                                     there is clarity in the Ready to Learn procedures including any changes.                                                                            policies and procedures in the light
                                     To initiate individual Ready to Learn arrangements for students with SEND and SEMH              Sept 19           CM/KAC/HOY                        of the review.
                                                                                                                                                                                         Completion of whole school staff

                                     needs through their ILPs/IBPs and PSPs in partnership with the SENCO, HOY and

                                     Pastoral Support Officer.                                                                                                                           training to all staff in September
                                     To complete two weekly reviews of the Ready to Learn approach, with the analysis of             Sept 19 onwards   CM/AJL                            inset.
                                                                                                                                                                                         Evidence of appropriate

                                     data to ensure that there is consistency in the application of the policy by all staff and to
                                     measure the impact of this policy change.                                                                                                           arrangements for SEND and SEMH
                                     To implement individual and group staff training as evidenced by data analysis through          Sept 19 onwards   CM                                students produced through

                                     regular after school Ready to Learn training sessions.                                                                                              ILPs/IBPs and PSPs communicated
                                                                                                                                                                                         to staff on linked documents.
                                                                                                                                                                                         Evidence of two weekly reports for

                                                                                                                                                                                         all students including key groups
                                                                                                                                                                                         identifying trends.
                                                                                                                                                                                         Completion of individual and group

                                                                                                                                                                                         staff training sessions regularly
                                                                                                                                                                                         throughout the year.

High Standards & High Expectations
                                                                                                                                                                                         Reduced rates of Fixed term
                                                                                                                                                                                         exclusions in 2019-20
To ensure that all staff consistently support student wellbeing and positive
                             behaviour management for all students :
                                                                                                                                                                                                  Completion staff training sessions

                                     Whole school training on well-being and positive behaviour management strategies as a        Sept 19 onwards   CM/HOY/SLT                                    throughout the year.

                                     part of quality first teaching.                                                                                                                              Evidence of completed Student
                                     Introduction of Student Passports to summarised students holistic needs and support,         Sept 19           CM/HOY/KAC                                    Passports.

                                     including ILPs, Student intervention Summaries / Behaviour Intervention Plans                                                                                Evidence of differentiated support
                                     completed by all HOY, used by all staff to support interventions.                                                                                            within classes / individual through

                                                                                                                                  Sept 19 onwards   CM/CTL                                        completed Faculty Ready to Learn

                                     Evidence of differentiated support strategies through Faculty Ready to Learn Review
                                                                                                                                                                                                  Review forms.

                                     forms completed by CTL/Class teacher.

                                     Reintroduction of Solution Focused meetings with key class teachers attending.               Sept 19           CM/RH                                         Staff attendance at Solution Focused
                                     Review of Restorative Conversations and Positive Relationships training for all staff.       Sept 19 onwards   CM/HOY/SLT                                    meetings.
                                                                                                                                                                                                  Delivery of Restorative
                                                                                                                                                                                                  Conversations and Positive

                             To ensure that all pastoral staff consistently UHVSRQGWRVWXGHQW·VQHHGVE\
                                                                                                                                                                                                  Relationships training for all staff.

                             following Graduated response through:

                             x                                                                                                                                                                ƒ

                             x                                                                                                                                                                ƒ
                                     Pastoral Team/SENCO and Return to Learn Centre training on the refined Graduated             Sept 19 onwards   CM/KAC                                         Staff successfully completing staff
                                     response strategy.                                                                                                                                            training sessions

                             x                                                                                                                                                                ƒ
                                     Completion of behaviour and welfare impact reports on a monthly basis, as reviewed at        As above          CM/AMT/AJLY/HOY                                Behaviour and Welfare impact
                                     Behaviour and Welfare two weekly meetings.                                                                                                                    reports completed monthly
                                     Student intervention Summaries evidencing the graduated response completed by all            As above          CM/AMT/AJLY/HOY                                Student Intervention Summaries

                                                                                                                                                                                                   completed with action plans

                             To effectively support students through appropriate curriculum / pastoral
                                     HOY, with action plans- reviewed at the Behaviour and Welfare meetings.

                             support and interventions by:
                                                                                                                                                                                                   Development of PIXL/Thrive

                                                                                                                                                                                                   programmes to be completed
                                                                                                                                                                                                   through the Ark and Enrichment

                                     To further develop educational opportunities within school to facilitate students            Sept 19 onwards   NWB/CM            Total of off-site            Centre to support students

                                     experiencing difficulties in key lessons. Current capacity includes The Ark and                                                  costs including              experiencing SEMH difficulties.
                                     Enrichment Centre.                                                                                                               College link not             To develop a proposal for support
                                     To ensure appropriate provision and interventions, with the view to develop these                                                to exceed                    of students experiencing

                                     resources for individuals and small group work, to support the management of students        July 19 onwards   CM/RH/SLT         £35,000                      difficulties in order to access the
                                     who are unable to effectively access all or part of the normal curriculum offer. This will                                                                    curriculum.

                                     be managed through a clear referral and exit system to ensure that appropriate support                                                                        The development of a range of
                                     is in place in a timely manner.                                                                                                                               external providers that can
                                     To develop as a part of the graduated response, a range of external providers to work                          CM/RH                                          supplement student progress,
                                     in partnership to provide alternative opportunities to support key students (including       Sept 19 onwards                                                  achievement and engagement.
                                     work experience).

High Standards & High Expectations
To embed the whole school rewards programme to encourage a positive                                                                             ƒ
                             culture through the use of Positive Achievement Points by:
                                                                                                                              Sept 2019- on   CM/HOY/AJLY   Staff training       Audit use of Positive Achievement

                                                                                                                              going                                              Points in 2018-19 and delivery of

                                                                                                                                                            Meeting time         staff training, student assemblies

                                     Re-visiting Positive Achievement Points through staff training, student assemblies and                                                      and communication with parents.
                                     communication with parents.                                                                                            Rewards budget       Evidence of a standardised

                                     Completion of Positive Achievement Points reports on a monthly basis to be shared by                                                        programme of rewards used by

                                     Tutors on a weekly basis.                                                                                                                   HOY and tutors as a basic
                                     HOY promoting the use of Rewards through the two weekly, half termly and termly                                                             entitlement to all students.
                                     rewards assembly programme (this will include rewards for behaviour, attendance and                                                         Evidence of increased range and
                                     progress)                                                                                                                                   number of rewards given to
                                                                                                                                                                                 students and communicated to

                                                                                                                                                                                 students at a.m. and p.m.
                                                                                                                                                                                 Evidence of standardised rewards
                                                                                                                                                                                 that are being used in all Year

                                                                                                                                                                                 teams for positive behaviour, high
                                                                                                                                                                                 attendance and high achievement.
                                                                                                                                                                                 Evidence of increased use of
                                                                                                                                                                                 rewards in year groups, with an
                                                                                                                                                                                 increased range of opportunities to
                                                                                                                                                                                 reward students in addition to

                                                                                                                                                                                 behaviour, attendance and
                                                                                                                                                                                 achievement and progress.
                                                                                                                                                                                 Successful reviews through student
                                                                                                                                                                                 voice and staff voice of the
                                                                                                                                                                                 amended reward programme.

High Standards & High Expectations

                                                                                                      SCHOOL IMPROVEMENT PLAN ² 2019/20

                               GOVERNORS MONITORING COMMITTEE: Personnel                                            LEAD PROFESSIONAL(S): NWB / AMT

                               SIP PRIORITY: 2.2                       OBJECTIVE: To raise levels of attendance, including that of our Persistently Absent, Disadvantaged and SEN students to above that of
                                                                       national average.

                                                                                                                      Timeline      Key Personnel    Resources
                                                          Tasks to achieve objectives                                (by when)                       and costing            Success Criteria                   End of Year
                               Establish new absence procedures to raise attendance and reduce persistent
                               absence of all students by:
                               Train whole staff on new attendance procedures                                       September      AMT/NWB          Sol costs      Whole school awareness of new

                               Weekly updates using SOL Attendance tracking systems                                 Weekly         AMT/HOY/LAB      Meeting        Transparent tracking system

                               Weekly tracking meetings with HOY (Monday)-HOY timetable to allow for this.          Weekly         AMT/HOY/LAB      Meeting        Clear tracking systems in place with
                                                                                                                                                    time/admin     identification and actions for absence.
                               Implement findings of Sol Attendance audit                                           On-going       AMT/LAB          Meeting        Improved attendance figures above
                                                                                                                                                    time/admin     national average for identified cohorts
                                                                                                                                                                   of students
                               Bi-Weekly meetings with AO to ensure appropriate coding                              Bi-Weekly      AMT/LAB          Meeting        No unexplained or inaccurate coding
                               Implement leavers file with overview procedures template.                            Sept-onwards   LAB              Admin time     Clearly evidenced file in line with SOL

                               To review the processes around failed reintegration meetings following a FTE         Sept           AMT/CM           Meeting and    Systems in place for failed reintegration
                               Monitoring of coding to ensure accuracy including B/D codes                          On-going       AMT/LA/CM/RH     Meeting and    B and D codes recorded accurately.

High Standards & High Expectations
                                                                                                                                                    admin time     Accurate coding
                               Attendance, P.A and lateness to form HOY P.M target                                  Autumn term    CM/HOY           Meeting time   Clear accountability and improvements
                                                                                                                                                                   in PA, lateness and overall attendance.
Raise the profile of the importance of attendance to staff, students and parents
                                     Introduce reporting data in a more effective manner as part of the progress reports for       Immediately   NWB                    Admin time       3 x yearly reports


                                                                                                                                   As per        NWB/HOY/Tutors         Admin time       Clearer awareness, expectations and
                                                                                                                                   calendar                                              impact on missed learning.

                                     Review the rewards programme associated with attendance to make it more timely and            Autumn Term   AMT/LAB/HOY/Tutor      HOY Budget-      Improved attendance
                                     impactful.                                                                                                                         rewards. Admin

                                     Attendance reward focus in fortnightly HOY assemblies.                                        Fortnightly   LAB/HOY                HOY Budget       Raised awareness of attendance and
                                                                                                                                                                        admin time       positive attitude of students towards
                                                                                                                                                                                         regular attendance

                                     Raise profile of importance of attendance through assemblies and information for parent       Throughout    SLT/HOY                Admin and        Raised awareness of impact in lost
                                     including letters and website.                                                                the year                             planning time    learning

                                     All staff to monitor attendance and ensure that missed work is available.                     Daily         Teaching and support   Planning time    Lesson content available
                                     All staff to ensure that students are not disadvantaged by poor attendance or lateness.       Daily                                                 Clearer understanding of impact of lost
                                                                                                                                                                                         learning on specific groups
                                     Students to take responsibility for collecting/completing missed work.                        As required   Students/Parents                        Students accountable for obtaining
                                                                                                                                                                                         missed work
                                     Subject teachers to ensure parents are aware of PA from subject and the impact this has on As per           Subject teacher/HOY    Planning time    Improvements in attendance of subject
                                     progress through phone-calls, parental meetings and parent evening.                        timetable                                                specific absences.

                                     Establish new absence procedures to raise attendance and reduce persistent
                                     absence of disadvantaged students by:
                                     PPIW to have attendance as one of their focus for the year                                    Autumn Term   NWB/JT/PPIW            Planning and     Attendance figures to be above
                                     PPIW to attend weekly attendance meetings                                                     Weekly        PPIW                   admin time       national average for disadvantaged
                                     PPIW to get weekly update on attendance of key students                                       Weekly        PPIW                                    pupils.
                                     PPIW to identify attendance intervention group of students and forge closer relationships     As required   PPIW
                                     with parents to encourage greater engagement in school.
                                     AO to identify Ever6 pupils to establish patterns of PA and to liaise with AHT to establish   Autumn Term   PPIW/Admin
                                     appropriate support from PPIW

                                     Establish new absence procedures to raise attendance and reduce persistent
                                     PPIW to have an overview and understanding of SEND need within year group and                 Autumn term   PPIW

                                     absence of SEN students by:
                                     potential impact on attendance, lateness and PA

                                                                                                                                                                                         Action plans and outcomes for SEN
                                     AO to produce half-termly reports on identified SEN, SEN/PP and SEN/Medical students to       Half termly   AO                     Admin and        students with identified patterns of
                                     establish patterns of absence.                                                                                                     planning time.   absence.

                                     SENCO to attend weekly attendance meetings to discuss identified students.
                                                                                                                                   Weekly        KAC                    Meeting time     Improved attendance of SND students

High Standards & High Expectations
                                     Collaborative working between school, external agencies to provide appropriate and time
                                     limited interventions to support and improve school attendance                                On-going      AMT/KAC/PPIW/HOY                        Improved partnership work and
                                                                                                                                                                                         identified interventions to support
                                     SENCO/HOY to meet regularly with parents to obtain evidence to support PA.                                                                          attendance
                                                                                                                                   As required   KAC/HOY                                 Evidence of PA
                                     Appropriate and time limited provision to be provided within the E.C. to improve
                                     attendance for SEN/Medical students.                                                          As required   NWB/KAC/AMT                             Provision within the EC to improve

                                                                                                 SCHOOL IMPROVEMENT PLAN ² 2019/20

                           GOVERNORS MONITORING COMMITTEE: Finance & Premises                                          LEAD PROFESSIONAL(S): KT / KAR

                           SIP PRIORITY: 3                          OBJECTIVE: To effectively manage the process of expansion without negatively impacting on safety and standards.

                                                                                                                         Timeline            Key        Resources
                                                      Tasks to achieve objectives                                       (by when)         Personnel     and costing                 Success Criteria                   End of Year
                           Preparation for enabling works and start of onsite construction, including demolition of    Timeline          KT, KAR, PP    Various            Staff meeting and assemblies to inform
                           B&E room, fire escape and grub up foundations.                                              shared 1st July                  contractors        staff of timeline and changes to the site
                                                                                                                       19                               involved in pre-   including fencing, bridges and walkways
                                                                                                                                                        requirements to    Summer newsletter item to inform
                                                                                                                       B&E room                         be recovered       parents of impending building
                                                                                                                       emptied by                       from BAM
                                                                                                                       12th July 19                                        B&E room emptied and classes
                                                                                                                                                                           relocated to CLC. ICT blocked off in
                                                                                                                                                                           preparation for demolition during
                                                                                                                                                                           summer holiday
                           Regular meetings and tours of the site to ensure safe working practices are being adhered   From May 19       KT, KAR, PP,   Time               Weekly meetings with KAR (KT) and
                           to.                                                                                         ongoing           Carol Bond                        Carol Bond
                                                                                                                                                                           Site team touring

                                                                                                                                                                           Impact of noise pollution regularly

High Standards & High Expectations
Fire evacuations routes updated in light of the changes to the building and flow of      From 4th         PP/LJ          Time           Fire officer from County Hall consulted
                             staff/students                                                                           September
                                                                                                                      2019                                           SLT and site team staff have delegated
                             Close monitoring and adjustment of the evacuation procedures and updating of the fire                                                   roles with the evacuation plan
                             drill log book
                                                                                                                                                                     Staff informed on INSET day and
                                                                                                                                                                     students in assembly on first morning

                                                                                                                                                                     Evacuation map drawn up and shared
                                                                                                                                                                     showing preferred routes out of the
                                                                                                                                                                     building. Signs displayed in all

                                                                                                                                                                     Evac-chair training completed by LSAs

                                                                                                                                                                     Fire drill documentation updated

                             To ensure the contractor workforce is safe to work on the school site. Safeguarding      From 4th         KAR/PP         Time           SCR updated with all contractors DBS
                             checks are fully compliant and contractors are well informed of procedures.              September                                      and is compliant
                                                                                                                                                                     KCSIE read by all contractors

                             To minimise the disruption and improve communication, weekly meetings are held for a     Weekly from      KAR/Cover/PP   Meeting time   Liaison meetings to be held every
                             brief on the foUWKFRPLQJZHHN·VZRUNLQRUGHUWREULHI6/7DQGSODQIRUDQ\QHFHVVDU\   1st October 19                                 Monday between BAM and School
                             room changes                                                                                                                            staff.

                                                                                                                                                                     Schedule of forthcoming activities
                                                                                                                                                                     forwarded every Friday by BAM

                             BAM will communicate with neighbours to keep them up to date with the building project   As required      BAM            BAM to         To improve the communication flow
                             including newsletters that are produced periodically                                                                     resource       and address any issues as they arise
                             To use media coverage to update stakeholders and local community, marketing              After half-term BAM/KAR/Carol Time             Turf cutting / bolt tightening, topping
                             opportunity                                                                                                                             out and opening ceremonies to be

                                                                                                                                                                     Regular media updates through FfS
                                                                                                                                                                     blog, website; BAM newsletter and

High Standards & High Expectations
                                                                                                                                                                     Facebook page; SCC press releases.
To offer an opportunity for students to find out more about a career on construction site    Periodically   BAM, KT, DD,     Time   Potential work experience
                             and to inform students of the progress being made on the construction of their school.                      CCB                     opportunities for some students, with
                                                                                                                                                                 safe and appropriate checks and risk

                                                                                                                                                                 BAM to arrange tours of the building
                                                                                                                                                                 site through the DT faculty.

                                                                                                                                                                 Updates from BAM in assemblies
                             To ensure that tKHVFKRRO·Vrequirements for classroom interiors and loose furniture are     October ²      KAR, KT, Carol   Time   Series of workshops to be held with
                             agreed and of a high standard of finish                                                      December       Bond, BAM               BAM and School to discuss fixed FF&E
                                                                                                                          2019                                   colour selection (blinds, pin boards
                                                                                                                                                                 etc); internal finishes (walls, floors, IPS
                                                                                                                                                                 & lift); drama lighting scope; key suiting;
                                                                                                                                                                 kitchen layout & dining refurbishment

                             To ensure that the build is running to plan and construction is progressing as planned, so   Monthly from   KAR, KT, Carol   Time   Project Progress meetings held with
                             that an early indication of any delays can be planned for                                    September 19   Bond, BAM               BAM on a monthly basis.

                                                                                                                                                                 Early Warning Notices to be issued by
                                                                                                                                                                 BAM under the contract to notify of
                                                                                                                                                                 any potential programme delay.

High Standards & High Expectations
Pupil Disadvant                                                                          KS2         KS2
                                       Year       Male   Female   Premium    aged        Low      Middle      High    SEN(K)   SEN(E)   EAL    Average     Average     Average
                                      (Size)       No      No        No       No          No       No          No       No       No     No      CATS         Fine       Scaled
                                                  (%)     (%)       (%)      (%)         (%)        (%)        (%)     (%)      (%)     (%)                Point Sc
                                                                                                                                                                      Score (Nat

                                      Year 7       87     110       44       24          48         104        36      41        2      19     Not yet                 103.59
                                      (197)       (44)    (56)      (22)     (12)        (24)      (53)       (18)     (21)     (1)     (10)   available
                                     T Tridgell                                       Predictions based on KS2 Data

                                 Year 8           101      95        40       43          45         104        41      32       2       33     101.3                   104.8
                                  (196)           (52)    (48)      (20)     (22)        (23)       (53)       (21)    (16)     (1)     (17)
                              D Usher-Clark                                           Predictions based on KS2 Data

                                      Year 9      107      85        50       47          52         96         36      37       0       19     98.77                  103.42
                                      (192)       (56)    (44)      (26)     (24)        (27)       (50)       (19)    (19)     (0)     (10)
                                     D Packer                                         Predictions based on KS2 Data

                                 Year 10           91     102        43       47          55         106        22      24       1      17      98.62                  102.52
                                  (193)           (47)    (53)      (22)     (24)        (28)       (55)       (11)    (12)     (1)     (9)
                               D Contreras                                            Predictions based on KS2 Data

                                     Year 11       93      98        43       39         14        100         70       20       0       22     99.72       28.91
                                      (191)       (49)    (51)      (23)     (20)        (7)       (52)       (37)     (10)     (0)     (12)
                                     N Towell

High Standards & High Expectations
                                     Year 12       87      93        45       40          23        82         66       27       3       20     99.16       28.17
                                      (180)       (48)    (52)      (25)     (22)        (13)      (46)       (37)     (15)     (2)     (11)
                                     A Trigg
                                                                                                                                                                                           COHORT PROFILES 2019-2020
                                                                                                                                                                                   (October 2019)
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