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BIROn - Birkbeck Institutional Research Online
BIROn - Birkbeck Institutional Research Online

Oakley, B. and Tillman, J. and Ruigrok, A. and Baranger, A. and Takow, C.
and Charman, T. and Jones, Emily J.H. and Cusack, J. and Doherty, M.
and Violland, P. and Agnieszka, W. and Simonoff, E. and Buitelaar, J. and
Gallagher, L. and Murphy, D. (2021) COVID-19 health and social care access
for autistic people: A European policy review. BMJ Open 2021 (11), ISSN

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Open access                                                                                                                          Original research

                                        COVID-19 health and social care access

                                                                                                                                                                          BMJ Open: first published as 10.1136/bmjopen-2020-045341 on 17 May 2021. Downloaded from on July 6, 2021 by guest. Protected by copyright.
                                        for autistic people: European
                                        policy review
                                        Bethany Oakley,1 Julian Tillmann ‍ ‍,2,3 Amber Ruigrok,4 Aurélie Baranger,5
                                        Christian Takow,5 Tony Charman ‍ ‍,2,6 Emily Jones,7 James Cusack,8
                                        Mary Doherty,9 Pierre Violland,5 Agnieszka Wroczyńska,10 Emily Simonoff,11
                                        Jan K Buitelaar,12,13 Louise Gallagher,14 Declan G M Murphy,1,15 AIMS-2-­TRIALS
                                        ECRAN & the AIMS-2-­TRIALS Consortium

To cite: Oakley B, Tillmann J,          ABSTRACT
Ruigrok A, et al. COVID-19                                                                                Strengths and limitations of this study
                                        Background The global COVID-19 pandemic has had an
health and social care access           unprecedented impact on European health and social care
for autistic people: European                                                                             ►► Comprehensive review of regional and national pol-
                                        systems, with demands on testing, hospital and intensive
policy review. BMJ Open                                                                                      icies and guidelines on access to COVID-19 health
                                        care capacity exceeding available resources in many
2021;11:e045341. doi:10.1136/                                                                                and social care services from 15 European countries.
bmjopen-2020-045341                     regions. This has led to concerns that some vulnerable
                                                                                                          ►► Large-­ scale survey of the lived experiences of
                                        groups, including autistic people, may be excluded from
►► Prepublication history and
                                                                                                             1301 individuals from the autism community, cap-
additional material for this                                                                                 turing real-­world COVID-19 health and social care
                                        Methods We reviewed policies from 15 European
paper are available online. To                                                                               provision.
                                        member states, published in March–July 2020, pertaining
view these files, please visit                                                                            ►► Synthesis of policy and survey findings in the con-
                                        to (1) access to COVID-19 tests; (2) provisions for
the journal online (http://​dx.​doi.​                                                                        text of a multi-­disciplinary, participatory collabo-
org/​10.​1136/b​ mjopen-​2020-​         treatment, hospitalisation and intensive care units (ICUs);
                                                                                                             ration, including autistic people, non-­profit autism
045341).                                and (3) changes to standard health and social care. In
                                                                                                             stakeholder organisations, clinical experts and re-
                                        parallel, we analysed survey data on the lived experiences
                                                                                                             searchers from across Europe.
BO, JT and AR are joint first           of 1301 autistic people and caregivers.
                                                                                                          ►► Nuanced analysis and comparison of regional and
authors.                                Results Autistic people experienced significant barriers
                                                                                                             national service provision is challenging due to vari-
                                        when accessing COVID-19 services. First, despite being at
Received 29 September 2020                                                                                   ation in health and social care systems and a lack
                                        elevated risk of severe illness due to co-­occurring health
Revised 28 January 2021                                                                                      of available policy or survey data in some European
                                        conditions, there was a lack of accessibility of COVID-19
Accepted 17 February 2021                                                                                    countries.
                                        testing. Second, many COVID-19 outpatient and inpatient
                                                                                                          ►► Self-­selection of survey respondents and variation
                                        treatment services were reported to be inaccessible,
                                                                                                             in the impact of COVID-19 across European coun-
                                        predominantly resulting from individual differences in
                                                                                                             tries might have introduced response or publication
                                        communication needs. Third, ICU triage protocols in many
                                                                                                             biases that influenced the information available for
                                        European countries (directly or indirectly) resulted in
                                                                                                             this study.
                                        discriminatory exclusion from lifesaving treatments. Finally,
                                        interruptions to standard health and social care left over
                                        70% of autistic people without everyday support.
                                        Conclusions The COVID-19 pandemic has further                   During global viral pandemics and public
                                        exacerbated existing healthcare inequalities for autistic       health emergencies, like COVID-19, there
                                        people, probably contributing to disproportionate increases     is a significant risk that overwhelming and
                                        in morbidity and mortality, mental health and behavioural       sustained demand for healthcare resources
                                        difficulties, and reduced quality of life. An urgent need       could exceed the capacity of health-
                                        exists for policies and guidelines on accessibility             care systems.2 3 Consequently, mitigation
                                        of COVID-19 services to be updated to prevent the               measures to reduce pressure on health and
© Author(s) (or their                   widespread exclusion of autistic people from services,          social care systems have been implemented
employer(s)) 2021. Re-­use              which represents a violation of international human rights      in many regions, including strict national
permitted under CC BY-­NC. No           law.
commercial re-­use. See rights                                                                          lockdown policies (ie, restrictions on move-
and permissions. Published by                                                                           ment) to slow virus transmission.4 Neverthe-
BMJ.                                    INTRODUCTION                                                    less, within just 1 month of COVID-19 being
For numbered affiliations see           Over 26 million SARS-­  CoV2 infections                         declared a global pandemic, the European
end of article.                         (hereafter COVID-19) and 550 000 COVID-                         Centre for Disease Prevention and Control
 Correspondence to                      19-­
                                           related deaths had been confirmed                            reported that many EU countries were expe-
 Dr Bethany Oakley;                     in Europe by the close of 2020, making it                       riencing unprecedented demands on testing
​bethany.​oakley@k​ cl.​ac.​uk          one of the worst hit regions worldwide.1                        capacity, personal protective equipment

                                                 Oakley B, et al. BMJ Open 2021;11:e045341. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2020-045341                                           1
Open access

(PPE), and hospital and intensive care capacity, far             were distributed and implemented within national poli-

                                                                                                                                               BMJ Open: first published as 10.1136/bmjopen-2020-045341 on 17 May 2021. Downloaded from on July 6, 2021 by guest. Protected by copyright.
exceeding available resources.5 In such situations,              cies across Europe to safeguard autistic people is unclear.
disparities in healthcare access are magnified, leading            We collated and reviewed regional or national poli-
to concerns that some groups of individuals, including           cies and guidelines from 15 European member states,
autistic people, might be particularly vulnerable to             covering three priority areas: (1) access to COVID-19
being excluded from services, support and treatment in           testing and screening; (2) provisions for treatment, hospi-
pandemic situations.6                                            talisation and access to intensive care units (ICUs); and
   Reports from the United States during the first global        (3) access to standard health and social care. We consid-
peak of COVID-19 infection indicated inequalities in             ered whether current guidelines (directly or indirectly)
access to COVID-19 services, with one study highlighting         discriminate against (or are protective of) autistic people.
that 27 states had adopted ‘healthcare rationing’ policies       Furthermore, to capture lived experiences of COVID-19
that could harm autistic people and those with disabil-          health and social care provision at the level of the indi-
ities (including intellectual disability).7 Furthermore,         vidual, Autism-­Europe provided secondary data from a
COVID-19 may disproportionately impact autistic people           large-­scale survey of autistic people and caregivers.
(who represent at least 1% of European citizens and
at least 32% of whom have a co-­occurring intellectual
disability)8 9 due to elevated physical health comorbidi-
ties and existing healthcare inequalities. For example,          METHODS
physical health conditions are experienced at substan-           Study design
tially higher rates by autistic people compared with the         AIMS-2-­TRIALS is an international public–private part-
general population, including conditions associated with         nership that brings together autistic people and their
high risk of severe illness from COVID-19 (eg, cardiovas-        families, researchers and clinicians, charities, industry and
cular or immune conditions, diabetes, obesity).10–12 In          pharmaceutical companies to improve understanding of
addition, autistic people experience numerous existing           autism and enhance treatment options for autistic people
barriers to accessing general healthcare,13 which may            (https://www.​aims-​2-​trials.​eu/). To assess COVID-19
also increase their risk of being excluded from COVID-19         health and social care provision for autistic people,
services. These barriers include communication or inter-         according to the priority areas described above, a two-­
pretation difficulties, which can lead to misunderstand-         step methodological approach was implemented. First,
ings by healthcare providers and reduced involvement             COVID-19 health and social care policies from 15 Euro-
of patients in healthcare decision making (and might be          pean countries were collated and reviewed by researchers,
exacerbated by mask wearing, which reduces the avail-            clinicians and non-­profit groups from the AIMS-2-­TRIALS
ability of non-­verbal facial cues during interaction); diffi-   Clinical Trials and Early Career Researchers in Autism
culties adjusting to change and novel procedures; sensory        Networks, and a panel of five representatives from the
sensitivities (eg, around physical examinations, mask            autism community.
wearing); difficulties identifying or describing pains and          Second, Autism-­    Europe provided de-­        identified
symptoms; and inconsistent specialist clinician training,        secondary data from their large-­scale survey of the impact
awareness and knowledge about autism and intellectual            of COVID-19 on 1301 autistic people and caregivers. An
disability.13–15 Health providers might also misattribute        overview of the European countries represented in this
COVID-19 symptoms to existing medical, mental health             review is presented in figure 1 and Autism-­Europe respon-
or behavioural problems, or autism itself (‘diagnostic           dent characteristics in online supplemental table 1.
overshadowing’), increasing the risk of severe disease due
to missed or late diagnosis.16                                   Materials and procedures
   Difficulties and delays in accessing COVID-19 services        Review of European COVID-19 policy and guidelines
may partly explain why the UK death rate of people with          COVID-19-­related policies and guidelines from 15 Euro-
intellectual disability (some of whom are also autistic)         pean countries (figure 1) were assessed using a common
increased by 134% in the period from mid-­April to May           review template (please see online supplemental material
2019 compared with 2020, notably higher than in the              1), indexing three priority areas: access to testing and
total population, where deaths increased by 80%.17 18            screening; access to treatment, hospital and intensive
Additionally, at least 40–60% of confirmed deaths from           care resources; and changes to existing health and social
COVID-19 across European countries with community                care. To be included, policies and guidelines had to be
transmission are believed to have occurred in long-­term         publicly available (ie, online/open access) and published
care facilities,19 a proportion of which offer residential       between March and July 2020. A full list of included docu-
care for autistic people. Of further concern, although           ments is provided in online supplemental table 2, with
guidelines around COVID-19 management and intellec-              source of access specified.
tual disability were released by the World Health Orga-            Policies and guidelines were collated and translated
nization in March 202020 and more detailed information           into English by a panel of 30 AIMS-2-­TRIALS early career
has since been published by charities and clinical research      autism researchers and five representatives from the
teams,21–23 the extent to which these recommendations            autism community. In addition, documents were reviewed

2                                                                 Oakley B, et al. BMJ Open 2021;11:e045341. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2020-045341
Open access

                                                                             written permission for the publication of their anony-

                                                                                                                                            BMJ Open: first published as 10.1136/bmjopen-2020-045341 on 17 May 2021. Downloaded from on July 6, 2021 by guest. Protected by copyright.
                                                                             mised quotations, which were included for illustrative

                                                                             Public and patient involvement
                                                                             Representatives from the autism community, and chari-
                                                                             ties Autism-­Europe and Autistica, were involved as active
                                                                             research partners in all aspects of the research through
                                                                             identifying priority areas for policy review, collating and
                                                                             reviewing policy guidelines in selected countries, inter-
                                                                             preting findings, making recommendations for policy
                                                                             guidance, and editing or co-­authoring the manuscript.
                                                                             Autism-­ Europe independently designed the survey
                                                                             content and collated all responses.
Figure 1 Schematic highlighting the 15 European countries
included in this study, colour coded by number of Autism-­
Europe survey responses from each region: Spain, n=304;                      RESULTS
Italy, n=192; Greece, n=165; the Netherlands, n=143;                         Review of European COVID-19 policy or guidelines (March–
Switzerland, n=144; France, n=86; United Kingdom, n=66;                      July 2020)
Germany, n=60; Malta, n=53; Belgium, n=34; Luxembourg,                       Accessibility of COVID-19 testing and screening
n=33; Austria, n=12; Ireland, n=5; Poland, n=3; Portugal, n=1.
                                                                             First, we considered guidance on access to COVID-19 tests,
                                                                             particularly in the context of testing shortages. As explic-
                                                                             itly acknowledged in documentation released by several
by clinicians with extensive experience in autism diagnosis                  European regions reviewed in this study—including the
and intervention, who provided expert commentary.                            UK, the Netherlands and Belgium24–26—those with rele-
                                                                             vant physical comorbidities and/or living in residential
Lived experiences from the autism community                                  care meet criteria for priority COVID-19 testing. This
As noted in the Introduction, where specific guidance has                    guidance is relevant for autistic people, given a high
been published, the extent to which recommendations                          proportion experience physical health comorbidities that
for supporting autistic people and those with intellectual                   are associated with increased risk of developing severe
disability have been implemented in everyday practice                        disease on contracting COVID-19, including cardiovas-
is unclear. Thus, alongside our policy review, Autism-­                      cular or respiratory illness, autoimmune conditions,
Europe (an international, non-­        profit organisation:                  diabetes, obesity and hypertension.
https://www.​autismeurope.​org/) also provided de-­iden-                        Second, approximately 5–25% of autistic people live
tified secondary data from their independent, large-­scale                   in residential care (ie, higher intensity nursing or large
survey of experiences of the COVID-19 pandemic from                          group homes) and up to a further 27% in supported
the autism community.                                                        accommodation (ie, lower intensity congregate care
   For the purposes of this review, we included Autism-­                     settings in the community), with upper bound esti-
Europe survey responses from the 15 countries for which                      mates referring to those with co-­occurring intellectual
we also had access to published policy or guidelines. We                     disability.27 This is notable because the transmission rate
excluded respondents who were not autistic, or relatives/                    of COVID-19 in residential care settings is high due to
caregivers (as the identity of ‘other’ respondents were                      factors such as care staff interacting with multiple resi-
not clearly defined), and those who opened but did not                       dents throughout the day; global shortages of PPE and
answer survey questions. This resulted in a final conve-                     testing for care staff; difficulties for some individuals
nience sample of 1301: 346 autistic people and 955 care-                     with strict adherence to personal hygiene practices; and
givers. Please see online supplemental table 1 for survey                    impracticalities of maintaining physical distancing (eg, if
demographics.                                                                residents require personal care).28 29
   Survey items requested from Autism-­     Europe for the                      Despite existing evidence of increased risk of poor
purpose of this review are documented in online supple-                      outcomes from COVID-19 for autistic people, our review
mental table 3. The survey was disseminated publicly                         indicated that they have not been routinely specified for
online between 7 April and 31 May 2020, in 10 languages,                     priority access to testing across Europe. For instance,
with participants recruited via Autism-­Europe, UK autism                    early in the COVID-19 pandemic, many regions with
charities and social media. Administration of the survey                     testing shortages initially prioritised essential workers
was conducted under the ‘Rights, Equality and Citizen-                       and those hospitalised with suspected COVID-19 symp-
ship programme 2014–2020’, funded by the European                            toms.30 In the UK and Ireland, care home residents
Commission. Respondents were notified of the Autism-­                        (including those who were asymptomatic) were not offi-
Europe GDPR policy that responses would be used for                          cially added to the list for priority access to COVID-19
the development of policy recommendations, and gave                          testing until 29 and 17 April 2020, respectively, at least

Oakley B, et al. BMJ Open 2021;11:e045341. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2020-045341                                                             3
Open access

2 months after the first confirmed COVID-19 cases in             Access to intensive care

                                                                                                                                               BMJ Open: first published as 10.1136/bmjopen-2020-045341 on 17 May 2021. Downloaded from on July 6, 2021 by guest. Protected by copyright.
these regions.26 31 Similarly, other countries that did not      Our review indicated that—where officially docu-
initially identify individuals in residential care settings      mented—interpretation of ICU triage protocols and poli-
as priority for testing, including the Netherlands and           cies could pose a barrier to equitable care and access to
Belgium,24 25 now prioritise these groups; the Nether-           lifesaving treatments (please see table 1).
lands is the only country to directly prioritise individuals        For example, several European countries with
with serious behavioural problems in residential care for        published triage protocols recommend the consideration
testing.                                                         of ‘functional status’ and/or the use of ‘frailty assess-
  However, we did not identify any additional published          ments’, including the UK, Ireland, France, the Nether-
guidance, or strategies specifically for enhancing accessi-      lands, Italy, Belgium, Austria and Germany.39–47 These
bility of testing for autistic people across any other country   assessments were originally designed with reference to
reviewed in this study. For instance, even in the countries      elderly populations to determine individuals with very
identified above where individuals with certain physical         poor prognosis for recovery from their current illness.48
comorbidities and those living in ‘high risk’ settings were      Despite this, concerns have been raised over ambiguity in
prioritised for access to testing in case of shortages, there    some current guidance on the application and interpre-
was no guidance published for those living in supported          tation of frailty assessments, whereby the support needs of
accommodation and the community. A lack of guidance              some autistic people may be conflated with ‘frailty’.37 49 50
was also identified for enhancing the tolerability (and          As an example, frailty assessments refer to an individual’s
thus accessibility) of test procedures for autistic people.      dependency on others for support with daily care needs
For example, sensory sensitivities and difficulties around       and personal care. Similarly, the assessment of functional
uncertainty and changes in routine are highly associated         status often includes quality of life outcomes, which are
with autism,32 33 and COVID-19 diagnostic tests frequently       known to vary considerably among autistic people but
involve nasal and throat swabs or aspiration,34 use of           may also be broadly underestimated because of a reliance
necessary PPE (a potential sensory and communication             on ‘neurotypical’ indicators of well-­being.51
barrier), long waiting times and travel to an unfamiliar            In light of these concerns—and in response to chal-
location—sometimes without the option to be accompa-             lenges by advocacy groups and a proposed judicial
nied by a caregiver.                                             review52 53—on 25 March 2020, the UK National Institute
                                                                 for Health and Care Excellence amended their recom-
                                                                 mendations to specify that frailty assessments should not
Access to treatment or hospitalisation
                                                                 be used for younger people or autistic people and those
Next, we reviewed current recommendations for the treat-
                                                                 with intellectual disability.54 55 They also added weblinks
ment and admission to hospital of autistic people who
                                                                 to ethical guidance from medical associations (9 April
have COVID-19. Findings first highlighted that guidance
                                                                 2020) and stated that—where they are appropriate—
from several European countries, including Belgium, Italy        frailty assessments should be recorded in the patient’s
and the Netherlands, currently recommends that autistic          medical record for transparency (29 April 2020). Similar
people and those with behavioural problems are treated           clarifications on the lack of suitability of frailty assessment
for COVID-19 within existing designated specialist neuro-        for those with intellectual disability have been published
developmental or neuropsychiatric pathways, rather than          in the Netherlands.56 57 Nevertheless, such measures
general hospital settings.35 36                                  to prevent the misapplication of frailty assessments to
   This approach may have some benefit in access to              autistic people have not been implemented systematically
a greater range of specialist staff and resources to             across European countries.
adequately support individuals with additional needs,               Moreover, the Working Group of Bioethics of the
as well as providing more flexibility around some regu-          Spanish Society of Intensive, Critical Medicine and Coro-
lations (eg, allowing visitation by a caregiver or support       nary Units published triage guidance that explicitly speci-
person, with appropriate hygiene measures in place).             fies ‘severe baseline cognitive impairment’ as an exclusion
   Nevertheless, in an open letter to EU leaders, the            criterion for ICU care.58 This recommendation is based
European Disability Forum specifically recommended               on previous advice published in 2010 by the European
that ‘persons with disabilities should not be segregated         Society of Intensive Care Medicine Task Force for ICU
into separate facilities, where healthcare for COVID-19          triage during an influenza epidemic, further specifying
is often of a lower standard’.37 Examples of concerns            the exclusion of ‘a patient who is unable to perform activ-
about COVID-19 care provision in neurodevelopmental              ities of daily living due to cognitive impairment or is insti-
or psychiatric pathways include shortages of staff with          tutionalised due to cognitive impairment’.59 60 Similar
medical or surgical and psychiatric expertise and expe-          guidance from the COVID-19 Paris region recommends
rience. In addition, there are challenges for controlling        attention to a patient’s previous condition, including
infection spread in neurodevelopmental or psychiatric            neurocognitive status—mildly or severely impaired cogni-
inpatient settings due to factors like close contact between     tive functions.44
patients and care providers and shortages of PPE, for               These criteria (and ambiguity in their intended appli-
which general hospitals may be prioritised.38                    cation to real-­world clinical practice) plainly increase the

4                                                                 Oakley B, et al. BMJ Open 2021;11:e045341. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2020-045341
Table 1      COVID-19 triage ethical guidance, published per country, with description of references to frailty, disability, equity and other relevant information
                                                                                                 Austria                   Belgium                      France                 Germany               Greece                 Ireland                  Italy
                                                                             Source(s)           Secretariat of            Belgian Society of       Azoulay et al ;            German             WHO Regional Office Department of Health           Italian Society
                                                                                                 the Bioethics             Emergency and Disaster Comité Consultatif           Interdisciplinary  for Europe                                         of Anaesthesia,
                                                                                                 Commission, Vienna;       Medicine and the Belgian National d'Ethique         Association for                                                       Analgesia,
                                                                                                 Austrian Society for      Resuscitation Council;                              Intensive Care and                                                    Resuscitation and
                                                                                                 Anaesthesiology,          Ethical Committee Care                              Emergency Medicine                                                    Intensive Care
                                                                                                 Resuscitation and         UZ Leuven
                                                                                                 Intensive Care
                                                                             Date of             31 March 2020;            22 March 2020; 17 March 5 June 2020; 13             17 April 2020         August 2017*           27 March 2020            16 March 2020
                                                                             publication         17 March 2020             2020                    March 2020
                                                                             ‘Frailty’           ►► Short-­term            ►► Short-­term prognosis     ►► Baseline            ►► Short-­term        ►► No unified national ►► Short-­term         ►► Short-­term
                                                                                                    prognosis using           and ‘good functional         condition and          prognosis and         triage system          prognosis and          prognosis, life
                                                                                                    clinical risk             outcome’ using               frailty score          clinical frailty                             premorbid              expectancy and
                                                                                                    assessment                clinical frailty scale       (COVID-19              scale (COVID-19                              and long-­term         functional status
                                                                                                    (COVID-19                 (severe comorbidity,         severity, age,         severity,                                    functional health   ►► ‘Clinical suitability’

Oakley B, et al. BMJ Open 2021;11:e045341. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2020-045341
                                                                                                    severity, chronic         chronic low quality of       comorbidities,         comorbidities                                status (COVID-19       (COVID-19
                                                                                                    disease/                  life, reduced cognition      neurocognitive         if relevant to                               severity,              severity,
                                                                                                    comorbidity,              in elderly patients)         status)                current illness)                             comorbidities,         comorbidities)
                                                                                                    physical reserves)                                                                                                         frailty independent
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               of age)
                                                                             Disability          ►► Special support/       ►► None                      ►► Notes that          ►► No exclusion       ►► No unified national ►► None (though          ►► None
                                                                                                    resources for                                          prioritising           on the basis          triage system          no single factor
                                                                                                    those with                                             greater life           of underlying                                should be used as
                                                                                                    disability to ensure                                   expectancy             illnesses/                                   exclusion criteria)
                                                                                                    equal access and                                       could negatively       disabilities
                                                                                                    life chances                                           impact those
                                                                                                                                                           with disabilities
                                                                             Equity              ►► No exclusion           ►► Each individual should ►► Value of each          ►► All individuals    ►► No unified national ►► Recognises the        ►► Allocation criteria
                                                                                                    based on non-­            have access to same          individual             considered            triage system          moral equality of        apply to all
                                                                                                    medical criteria          current standard             recognised as          equally and                                  all people               intensive care
                                                                                                    (including age,           of care or ‘the best         absolute               according to                              ►► Equal access             patients
                                                                                                    quality of life)          possible spread … to                                same criteria                                to/chance of
                                                                                                                              the maximum amount                                                                               benefiting from
                                                                                                                              of people’                                                                                       healthcare

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Open access

                                                                             BMJ Open: first published as 10.1136/bmjopen-2020-045341 on 17 May 2021. Downloaded from on July 6, 2021 by guest. Protected by copyright.
                                                                             Table 1   Continued
                                                                                             Austria                Belgium                    France                Germany               Greece                Ireland                Italy
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Open access

                                                                             Other           ►► Consider the will    ►► Consider the will of ►► Consider the will ►► Consider the will ►► No unified national ►► Consider the will of   ►► Consider the will of
                                                                                                of the individual       the individual          of the individual    of the individual    triage system          the individual            the individual
                                                                                             ►► Transparency         ►► Transparency in      ►► Transparency      ►► Transparency                             ►► Transparency           ►► Transparency to
                                                                                                in documenting          documenting decision    in documenting       to patients in                              to patients and           patients in decision
                                                                                                decision making         making                  decision making      decision making                             in documenting            making
                                                                                             ►► Involve local ethics ►► Triage informed by   ►► Recommends        ►► Involve local                               decision making        ►► Second opinion
                                                                                                advisory service        expert team             strategies           ethics advisory                          ►► Involve                   useful for difficult
                                                                                                                                                to reduce            service                                     stakeholders in           cases
                                                                                                                                                stigmatisation                                                   preparedness           ►► Flexible/eligible for
                                                                                                                                                of groups                                                        planning                  local adaptation
                                                                                                                                                facing social
                                                                                                                                             ►► Involve local
                                                                                                                                                ethics advisory
                                                                                             Luxembourg             The Netherlands            Poland                Portugal              Spain                 Switzerland            UK
                                                                             Source          Commission             Royal Dutch Medical        Polish Society of     National Council of   Spanish Society of    Swiss Academy of       National Institute
                                                                                             Nationale d’Éthique    Association                Anaesthesiology       Ethics for the Life   Intensive Critical    Medical Sciences       for Health and Care
                                                                                                                                               and Intensive         Sciences              Medicine and                                 Excellence; British
                                                                                                                                               Therapy                                     Coronary Units                               Medical Association;
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Royal College of
                                                                             Date of         31 March 2020          16 June 2020               October 2012*         3 April 2020          21 March 2020         24 March 2020          29 April 2020; April
                                                                             publication                                                                                                                                                2020; 2 April 2020
                                                                             Frailty         ►► Short/medium        ►► Short-­term prognosis   ►► Short-­term        ►► None               ►► Short-­term        ►► Short-­term         ►► Short-­term
                                                                                                term prognosis,        with clinical frailty      prognosis                                   prognosis             prognosis and          prognosis with
                                                                                                general health         score (including        ►► Chronic, severe,                         ►► Chronic, severe,      perceived benefit      clinical frailty score
                                                                                                                       recovery time) but         end-­of-­life                               end-­of-­life         of intensive care      (comorbidities,
                                                                                                                       do not exclude ID/         comorbid illness                            comorbid illness   ►► Chronic, severe,       benefit vs risk,
                                                                                                                       physical disability                                                                          end-­of-­life          quality of life) but
                                                                                                                       based on daily                                                                               comorbid illness       should not be
                                                                                                                       support needs                                                                                                       used for younger
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           people, those with
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           disabilities, autism/


Oakley B, et al. BMJ Open 2021;11:e045341. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2020-045341
                                                                             BMJ Open: first published as 10.1136/bmjopen-2020-045341 on 17 May 2021. Downloaded from on July 6, 2021 by guest. Protected by copyright.
Table 1      Continued
                                                                                                Austria                   Belgium                     France             Germany                 Greece                   Ireland                   Italy
                                                                             Disability         ►► Discrimination         ►► Creating capacity        ►► None            ►► ‘Special             ►► Exclude ‘severe       ►► Discrimination         ►► Duty to not
                                                                                                   based on disability       for care in                                    attention’ to           baseline cognitive       based on chronic          disadvantage
                                                                                                   absolutely                neurodevelopmental/                            vulnerable groups       impairment’              disability precluded      one group
                                                                                                   prohibited                residential care                            ►► Avoid inequalities                                                         disproportionately
                                                                                                                             settings                                       in access to                                                               (eg, disability)
                                                                                                                          ►► Should not consider                            diagnostics/                                                            ►► Caution indirect
                                                                                                                             ‘mental/physical                               treatments                                                                 discrimination,
                                                                                                                             limitation’, or prior                          (eg, for those                                                             for example,
                                                                                                                             quality of life                                with chronic                                                               ‘first come first
                                                                                                                                                                            conditions)                                                                served’/‘capacity
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       to benefit quickly’
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       may disadvantage
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       those with
                                                                             Equity             ►► No exclusion           ►► Allocation criteria      ►► None            ►► Value of each        ►► Selection criteria    ►► Equity crucial         ►► Each individual
                                                                                                   based on non-­            apply to all intensive                         individual              must be equitably        as recognised             matters equally;

Oakley B, et al. BMJ Open 2021;11:e045341. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2020-045341
                                                                                                   medical criteria          care patients                                  recognised as           applied for all who      principle of              equal chance
                                                                                                ►► Value of each                                                            absolute                would benefit from       medical ethics            of benefiting
                                                                                                   individual                                                                                       ICU                                                from resources
                                                                                                   recognised as                                                                                                                                       should mean
                                                                                                   absolute                                                                                                                                            equal chance of
                                                                                                ►► All patients treated                                                                                                                                receiving them
                                                                                                   fairly and equally

                                                                             Other              ►► Consider the will    ►► Transparency to      ►► Focus on order ►► Transparency to ►► Consider the will           ►► Consider the will of         ►► Consider the will of
                                                                                                   of the individual       patients and in         of medical            patients and the      of the individual       the individual                  the individual
                                                                                                ►► Transparency            documenting decision    prioritisation,       public in decision ►► Transparency         ►► Transparency                 ►► Transparency
                                                                                                   to patients and         making                  rather than           making                to patients and         in documenting                  to patients and
                                                                                                   in documenting       ►► ‘The right care in      inclusion/         ►► Remove                in documenting          decision making                 in documenting
                                                                                                   decision making         the right place’        exclusion criteria    decision making       decision making      ►► Triage informed by              decision making
                                                                                                ►► Involve local ethics    (eg, consider home                            responsibility     ►► Involve local ethics    expert team                  ►► Involve local ethics
                                                                                                   advisory service        treatment)                                    from individual       advisory service                                        advisory service
                                                                                                                        ►► Triage informed by                            care providers     ►► Exclude those who                                    ►► Flexibility in
                                                                                                                           expert team                                ►► Case-­by-­case        need resources                                          adaptable
                                                                                                                                                                         decision making       that cannot be                                          circumstances

                                                                             Malta is not included because no publicly available triage recommendations or documentation were identified.
                                                                             *Current COVID-19 specific triage protocols were not identified, however existing information was available about allocation of resources in the case of shortages.
                                                                             ID, intellectual disability.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Open access

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Open access

potential for discriminatory exclusion of autistic people,       Finally, for those receiving community-­based care, we

                                                                                                                                             BMJ Open: first published as 10.1136/bmjopen-2020-045341 on 17 May 2021. Downloaded from on July 6, 2021 by guest. Protected by copyright.
especially those with co-­occurring intellectual disability,   also identified evidence from the UK of ‘easements’ to
and are incompatible with international human rights           publicly funded adult social care in response to COVID-
laws (also emphasised by Spanish reports61 62); yet, they      19.73 These easements were introduced to relieve pressure
may be informing clinical decision making.63                   on social care services and assist with prioritising support
                                                               for those in highest need, by reducing the duty to carry
Access to existing health and social care services             out detailed assessments of individual care and support
Overall, our review would suggest that the impact of           or financial needs, and reducing the duty to prepare or
COVID-19 has emphasised longstanding pressures on              review individual care and support plans. We identified
health and social care systems across Europe and pre-­         no published evidence to date that any local authorities
existing healthcare inequalities for autistic people. The      in England have yet exercised social care easements.74
first trend observed across all regions reviewed has been      Nevertheless, it is essential that this situation continues to
the abrupt interruption of usual social support and inter-     be closely monitored to ensure that those in need receive
vention services to prevent infection spread. While an         adequate support, particularly given the significant lack
important safety precaution, without appropriate mitiga-       of reliable data gathered on community-­based health and
tion measures in place, for some individuals, services have    social care provision across Europe.75
ceased altogether.64
   Usual health and social care services for autistic people   Lived experiences from the autism community (April–May
have been particularly impacted in three key areas. First,     2020)
many services were already stretched in non-­pandemic          Accessibility of COVID-19 testing and screening
times, including autism diagnostic services, for which         Corresponding to findings from our policy review—
average waiting times can be well over a year (a maximum       detailed above—the results from Autism-­Europe’s survey
of 13 weeks is recommended by the UK National Insti-           of autistic people and caregivers (see table 2) also indi-
tute for Health and Care Excellence).65 Considered ‘non-­      cated that despite being considered at increased risk of
essential’ in light of the COVID-19 pandemic, cancelled        poor outcomes from COVID-19, there was a lack of acces-
or postponed diagnostic appointments may further delay         sibility to COVID-19 testing.
autistic people accessing needs-­based support (eg, mental        For instance, 26% (n=327) of autistic people repre-
health interventions), which could be contingent on            sented in Autism-­Europe’s survey were reported to be
receiving a formal diagnosis.                                  considered at high risk from COVID-19. Nevertheless,
   Second, many community-­based services across Europe        of the 5% of autistic people who accessed a COVID-19
(eg, day services, workshops, supported employment) are        test, 25% (n=13) felt they did not receive, or were unsure
provided by the private sector and non-­profit organisa-       whether they had received, adequate accessible informa-
tions. These organisations have reported experiencing          tion about the test procedure (table 2). Furthermore,
acute financial instability due to COVID-1966 and are          only 39% (n=22) were provided with autism-­        specific
not always eligible to claim reimbursement for appoint-        reasonable adjustments (eg, allowed to be accompanied
ments that have been shifted to online delivery (though        by a support person; tested in a quiet space). These issues
see flexible legislation from Belgium),67 meaning some         were particularly emphasised by the report of one parent
have been forced to close completely.68 As a result, for       of a child with autism, who commented:
some autistic people, relatives and other caregivers are         I wanted to get my son tested but there was no way
currently the only available support people.                     to get this done without sedating him. This was not
   For those living in residential care settings, with low       provided by the doctors and it was such a traumatic
capacity for testing and PPE provisions, restrictions have       experience ended up [sic] not doing the test after 1.5
been imposed on visitation from relatives or other care-         hours of trying and quarantined instead for 2 weeks.
givers. These restrictions may include a complete ban on
visitation, limits on the number of visitors and/or time
limits on visitation.35 69–71 These measures are designed      Access to treatment, hospitalisation and intensive care
to prevent infection spread in ‘high risk’ long-­term care     Additionally, survey data showed that a proportion of
facilities. However, loss of contact with relatives or care-   autistic people also experienced difficulties accessing
givers (also constituting a change in routine) could cause     COVID-19 outpatient and inpatient treatment services.
distress for autistic people and increase uncertainty and        Of the 2% (n=28) of autistic people captured by
loneliness. Consequently, necessary restrictions on visi-      Autism-­Europe’s survey who required COVID-19 treat-
tation to residential care settings must be balanced with      ment, around half reported access difficulties (n=12),
flexible options for alternative communication, such           mostly accounted for by inaccessibility of the process
as regular and consistent access to video or telephone         of contacting healthcare providers (n=9; for example,
contact72—though it should be acknowledged that                contact by telephone was required):
these options are not sufficient or appropriate for all          Similarly, communication difficulties can represent a
individuals.                                                   major barrier for receiving quality inpatient treatment

8                                                               Oakley B, et al. BMJ Open 2021;11:e045341. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2020-045341
Open access

 Table 2 Autism-­Europe survey responses for access to COVID-19 health and social care services for people with autism.

                                                                                                                                                BMJ Open: first published as 10.1136/bmjopen-2020-045341 on 17 May 2021. Downloaded from on July 6, 2021 by guest. Protected by copyright.
 Data are numbers (%)
                                           Overall response                  Autistic person response         Caregiver response
                                           Yes         No          Unsure    Yes       No         Unsure      Yes       No         Unsure
 High COVID-19 risk (autistic              327         795         133       90        213        33          237       582        100
 person)                                   (26)        (63)        (11)      (27)      (63)       (10)        (26)      (63)       (11)
 Tested for COVID-19                       56          1095        1         13        295        0           43        800        1
                                           (5)         (95)        (0)       (4)       (96)       (0)         (5)       (95)       (0)
 Accessible information—COVID-19 40                    10          3         7         4          1           33        6          2
 test                            (76)                  (19)        (6)       (58)      (33)       (8)         (80)      (15)       (5)
 Reasonable adjustments—                   22          31          4         6         11         3           16        20         1
 COVID-19 test                             (39)        (54)        (7)       (30)      (55)       (15)        (43)      (54)       (3)
 Required COVID-19 treatment               28          1112        13        7         296        5           21        816        8
                                           (2)         (96)        (1)       (2)       (96)       (2)         (2)       (97)       (1)
 Difficulties accessing treatment          12          15          1         5         2          0           7         13         1
                                           (43)        (54)        (4)       (71)      (29)       (0)         (33)      (62)       (5)
 Difficulties contacting treatment         9           3           0         3         2          0 (0%)      6         1          0
 provider                                  (75)        (25)        (0)       (60)      (40)                   (86)      (14)       (0)
 Require daily or occasional               882         398         21        184       146        16          698       252        5
 support                                   (68)        (31)        (2)       (53)      (42)       (5)         (73)      (26)       (1)
 Usual daily support stopped               595         211         31        73        84         17          522       127        14
                                           (71)        (25)        (4)       (42)      (48)       (10)        (79)      (19)       (2)
 High COVID-19 risk (support               279         409         149       50        94         30          229       315        119
 person)                                   (33)        (49)        (18)      (29)      (54)       (17)        (35)      (48)       (18)
 Second support person available           247         523         67        44        107        23          203       416        44
                                           (30)        (63)        (8)       (25)      (61)       (13)        (31)      (63)       (7)
 Accessible information—COVID-19 421                   557         234       119       117        94          302       440        140
 public health                   (35)                  (46)        (19)      (36)      (35)       (28)        (34)      (50)       (16)

in general hospital settings, as noted by one person with                    survey respondents being unaware or unsure of accessible
autism:                                                                      information about current COVID-19 measures.
  I had to be hospitalised with acute abdominal cramps.
                                                                             Access to existing health and social care services
  On the spot, the nursing staff took my temperature
                                                                             Finally, reflecting the impact of the abrupt interrup-
  and, worried, they did not know what to do: whether
                                                                             tion of usual social support and intervention services on
  to put me in a separate room, because I could have
                                                                             autistic people, 71% (n=595) of Autism-­Europe survey
  COVID-19, or not. I was in the Emergency Room
                                                                             respondents included in this review indicated that their
  for 6 hours, the doctors deliberated my case, and in
                                                                             usual support services had been stopped due to COVID-
  the end I was not tested. During the whole process,
                                                                             19. This is notable given that approximately one third of
  I was mute, paralysed. So I wonder if there is a way
                                                                             those surveyed indicated that they required daily support
  to communicate with the medical professionals about
                                                                             (35%; n=451) and one third required occasional support
  everyone’s situation without adding to the medical
                                                                             with daily life activities (33%; n=431).
  professionals' workload.
                                                                                In addition, 33% (n=279) of Autism-­            Europe survey
  Moreover, concerns regarding inequalities in access to                     respondents stated that their usual support person was
COVID-19 services could pose a barrier for seeking treat-                    also at increased risk of COVID-19% and 63% (n=523)
ment, with one autistic Autism-­Europe survey respondent                     reported they did not have access to another support
revealing:                                                                   person if their usual caregiver became infected.
  I am also afraid that as a mentally impaired [sic] re-
  cipient of a disability pension, during possible triage
  I will be rated worse than those capable of working of
                                                                             Summary of key findings and recommendations
  the same age (ableism) should there be shortages of
                                                                             We reviewed COVID-19 health and social care access for
  medical care.
                                                                             autistic people across 15 European member states, based
  This comment highlights the importance of ensuring                         on published policies or guidelines and results from a
that public health information is made accessible for the                    large-­scale survey of over 1300 autistic people and care-
autism community, with 65% (n=791) of Autism-­Europe                         givers. Our findings highlighted several issues regarding

Oakley B, et al. BMJ Open 2021;11:e045341. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2020-045341                                                                  9
Open access

COVID-19 service access for autistic people that require
                                                                Box 1 Recommendations for an aligned European

                                                                                                                                              BMJ Open: first published as 10.1136/bmjopen-2020-045341 on 17 May 2021. Downloaded from on July 6, 2021 by guest. Protected by copyright.
rapid consideration, in terms of testing and screening;
                                                                strategy for reducing inequalities in access to health and
accessibility of treatment, hospitalisation and ICU care;
                                                                social care services for autistic people and those with
and changes to standard health and social care provision.
                                                                intellectual disability in pandemic situations
   Specifically, we identified (1) failure to prioritise and
provide adequate adaptations to promote access to testing,      Policy recommendations
despite elevated risk of severe COVID-19 disease due to         1. Policy documentation should explicitly outline strategies for promot-
commonly co-­    occurring physical health problems; (2)           ing equitable access to testing and screening for autistic people,
barriers for accessing treatment and hospitalisation (eg,          including clinical guidance on identifying symptoms (given evidence
alternative communication needs) and ICU triage proto-             for atypical symptom presentation, diagnostic overshadowing and
cols that directly or indirectly (ie, through their ambi-          high comorbidity burden), providing accessible inpatient and out-
guity) discriminate against those with additional needs;           patient care and enhancing the accessibility of testing procedures
                                                                   by providing preparatory materials and considering flexible test
and (3) abrupt interruptions to existing service provision
                                                                   procedures (eg, saliva vs swab testing). Autistic people with phys-
(eg, mental health or community-­based services) without           ical health comorbidities and those living in ‘high risk’ settings for
appropriate mitigation measures, further exacerbated by            disease transmission, such as residential care and supported ac-
longstanding pressures on health and social care. Consid-          commodation, should be considered for priority access to proactive
ering these issues, we formulated a set of recommenda-             testing and screening, even when apparently asymptomatic.
tions for policy and clinical practice to improve health        2. If hospital admission is necessary, autistic people should receive
and social care access for autistic people in pandemic             the necessary accommodations and support to facilitate access to
situations and other public health emergencies (box 1).            the same resources and standard of care as other individuals. This
                                                                   support may include the development of consistent policies to en-
                                                                   sure: accessible information and communication methods; frequent
Enhancing accessibility of COVID-19 testing and screening          consultation between the individual, their families (if appropriate)
As outlined above, our first key finding was a failure to          and care provider(s); formal guidance and training to support care
prioritise and systematically provide adequate adapta-             providers from all specialities; greater flexibility in care provision.
tions to promote access to testing for autistic people.         3. Triage protocols across Europe require urgent review and update,
COVID-19 strategies published by the World Health                  in consultation with stakeholders (eg, intensive care and autism
Organization and European Commission emphasise                     communities), to inform an aligned European strategy on the fair
the critical importance of testing people with suspected           allocation of resources in public health emergencies that does not
COVID-19 so that people with confirmed infection can               explicitly or inadvertently discriminate against any individual or
                                                                   groups of individuals on the grounds of pre-­existing characteristics
be isolated and their close contacts traced.76 77 COVID-19
                                                                   or difficulties.
testing strategies and capacity have varied among Euro-         4. The impact of COVID-19 on health and social care service provi-
pean countries. However, broadly, infrastructure limita-           sion should be comprehensively reviewed to inform mitigation or
tions (eg, manual processing of test data, financial) and          contingency plans for the safe and effective delivery of services in
supply shortages mean that testing capacity has fallen             the short and longer term. In particular, the collection of high quality
below growing demand across the EU.78 According to the             and reliable data on health and social care provision will support a
World Health Organization and European Commission,                 targeted approach for identifying (cost-­)effective strategies for re-
in the case of insufficient testing capacity, priority groups      structuring and investment in health and social care, likely including
for rapid testing in EU countries should include those             greater flexibility in service provision (eg, telehealth, needs vs diag-
at increased risk of developing severe disease (including          nosis based support) and community based care.
acute respiratory illness and elderly populations with          Clinical practice recommendations
chronic health conditions); symptomatic health and              1. Mandatory provision of alternative, accessible and easy-­        read
social care workers; and those in closed settings, such as         healthcare information and communication toolkits.111 112
residential care homes76 79—criteria highly relevant to a       2. Mandatory consultation with autistic people to provide prior infor-
proportion of autistic people.                                     mation about themselves, their preferences and healthcare needs,
                                                                   in case they become unable to communicate on admission to hos-
   However, it must be acknowledged that many autistic
                                                                   pital (eg, the COVID-19 ‘Grab and Go’ Guide).113 This is essential
people experience additional barriers that could increase          to prevent healthcare decisions being made without the consent of
their risk of poor outcome from COVID-19, which should             patients and their families, as exemplified by the concerning ap-
therefore also be explicitly acknowledged in policy and            plication of COVID-19 'Do not attempt resuscitation’ orders to the
clinical documentation and guidance. These barriers                notes of some autistic people, without consultation.114
include atypical symptom presentation (which may partly         3. Mandatory, regularly updated formal guidelines and training for all
reflect high comorbidity burden and also lead to relevant          healthcare providers, co-­developed with autistic people and sup-
comorbid physical health risk factors going undiagnosed),          ported by access to specialist providers like learning disability or
diagnostic overshadowing, and difficulties identifying             psychiatric liaison staff.35 63 115
                                                                4. Introducing flexibility to some regulations (if appropriate), such as
and describing symptoms (see reviews of interoception
                                                                   allowing a caregiver or support person to accompany the individual
difficulties and alexithymia in autism),80 81 which could          into hospital, following all necessary infection control procedures
lead to late or missed diagnosis, or misdiagnosis, and diffi-
culties gaining access to appropriate treatments.                                                                              Continued

10                                                              Oakley B, et al. BMJ Open 2021;11:e045341. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2020-045341
Open access

                                                                                 guidance to be provided for clinicians on the fair allo-
 Box 1     Continued

                                                                                                                                                 BMJ Open: first published as 10.1136/bmjopen-2020-045341 on 17 May 2021. Downloaded from on July 6, 2021 by guest. Protected by copyright.
                                                                                 cation of resources in times of scarcity. For example,
     (already in place in regions of the UK, Germany and the Netherlands,        officially documented intensive care triage protocols for
     according to clinician reviews) and making reasonable adjustments           public health emergencies, combined with designated
     to ensure this flexibility is fulfilled in real-­world clinical settings.   local ethics panels within healthcare settings, are essential
                                                                                 to ensure that individual clinicians are never responsible
                                                                                 for taking or implementing triage decisions and to avoid
  Considering these issues, our first recommendation                             conflicts of interest.86 87 On the grounds of fundamental
for an aligned European strategy for responding to                               human rights, it is paramount that this guidance does not
pandemic situations is that— in the case of testing short-                       discriminate against individuals or groups of individuals
ages—autistic people should be considered for priority                           on any illegitimate grounds, including developmental
access to testing if they are living in ‘high risk’ settings for                 difference or disability, as highlighted in a recent open
disease transmission (even when apparently asymptom-                             letter by the International Disability Alliance88–90 and
atic), such as residential care and supported accommo-                           reflected in the ICU triage protocols of eight of the 14
dation (box 1).                                                                  European regions reviewed (please see table 1).
  To further promote equitable access to testing, it is                             Consequently, our second set of recommendations
important to also consider flexible testing methods to                           relate to proper resourcing and care planning, which
remove barriers for autistic people, who often experi-                           must be implemented to support autistic people who
ence sensory sensitivities associated with procedures like                       develop severe COVID-19 symptoms in general hospital
swab tests. Currently, if an individual is symptomatic but                       settings (box 1).
cannot be tested then good public health practice would                             While these recommendations have been specifically
be to treat the individual as a suspected case, which                            applied to supporting the needs of autistic people, it
could result in enhanced (and potentially unnecessary)                           should be emphasised that they may be more broadly
restrictions being disproportionately imposed on some                            beneficial for other groups. For instance, introducing
groups of individuals with additional needs. Examples of                         flexibility to regulations may also support individuals with
methods for enhancing the accessibility of testing proce-                        intellectual disability (but not autism), other neurodevel-
dures include the provision of high-­quality preparatory                         opmental conditions (eg, attention deficit hyperactivity
materials, such as social stories and videos, available in                       disorder and behavioural problems) and mental health
different languages and easy-­read formats, to demonstrate                       conditions, such as anxiety. Similarly, the provision of
the testing procedure in advance (for examples, please                           accessible healthcare information and communication
see AsIAm 87). Moreover, for those who cannot tolerate                           toolkits would be equally applicable for individuals with
swab testing, the use of non-­invasive saliva sampling could                     sight or hearing loss, or speech and language difficulties.91
be considered and can be readily performed at home. Of                              Moreover, our third recommendation is that triage
note, the utility of the saliva method for COVID-19 testing                      protocols are urgently reviewed and updated, in consul-
has been demonstrated82 83 and is already approved by the                        tation with stakeholders, to inform an aligned European
US Food and Drug Administration, and in use in some                              strategy on the fair allocation of resources in public health
European countries, including Germany.                                           emergencies (box 1). This strategy is essential to prevent
                                                                                 the widespread exclusion of autistic people from ICU, to
Enhancing access to treatment, hospitalisation and intensive
                                                                                 promote better healthcare equality across Europe, and to
                                                                                 provide official guidance and support to regions where it
Enhancing the accessibility of COVID-19 testing, particu-
                                                                                 is currently unavailable. Joint consultation between ICU
larly in cases of shortage, has added potential to reduce the
                                                                                 clinicians and the autism community could further aid
proportion of autistic people who require any treatment,
hospitalisation or intensive care by reducing viral trans-                       this progress by clarifying the application of triage proto-
mission. This is significant given that autistic people often                    cols in everyday clinical practice, reducing the potential
have suboptimal experiences of accessing healthcare and                          for bias to enter into clinical and legislative recommenda-
hospital admission,13–15 and experience higher odds of                           tions, and promoting transparency to ensure that individ-
death in hospital. Furthermore, the resources required to                        uals are not deterred from seeking services due to fear of
adequately support autistic people during hospitalisation                        exclusion.
are likely to be considerably stretched in pandemic situ-
ations.84 There have been (and are currently) concerns                           Enhancing access to existing health and social care services
across Europe about the ‘surge’ capacity of healthcare                           With the proper resourcing and funding of health and
systems to cope with acute increases in patients requiring                       social care systems, the prospective need to implement
hospital and intensive care beds.85                                              triage protocols is reduced. After the economic crisis of
  Increasing capacity and investing in resilience plan-                          2008–13, public spending on health slowed or fell across
ning should be the primary response for ensuring equal                           at least 24 European countries, both in absolute terms
access to hospital and intensive care resources, across                          and as a share of overall government spending.92 In
the population. Nevertheless, it is necessary for formal                         addition, there is very little available evidence to suggest

Oakley B, et al. BMJ Open 2021;11:e045341. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2020-045341                                                                 11
Open access

the most (cost-­)effective ways to provide social care for       provisions (eg, strategies for earlier detection of support

                                                                                                                                               BMJ Open: first published as 10.1136/bmjopen-2020-045341 on 17 May 2021. Downloaded from on July 6, 2021 by guest. Protected by copyright.
autistic people.93                                               needs and early interventions) for autistic people.
   Despite these issues, many non-­emergency health and
social care services have not altogether ceased as a result of   Learning from best practice and future directions
COVID-19, but instead have been shifted from in-­person          Though it is of paramount importance to address the
to remote or online delivery (ie, ‘telehealth’). The fast        barriers for COVID-19 health and social care services
implementation of telehealth in response to COVID-19             highlighted in this review, it should be noted that we
could have a positive impact on clinical practice in the         also identified good examples of strategies to support
longer term,94 95 particularly for improving accessibility       autistic people and those with intellectual disability. Many
and reducing costs of health and social care services.           services and individual professionals have made consid-
For instance, one previous systematic review showed that         erable efforts to continue to support autistic people in
outcomes of telehealth assessment and interventions for          these unprecedented times and shown incredible adapt-
autistic people were broadly comparable to face-­to-­face        ability and innovation. For instance, non-­profit organisa-
consultations and superior to comparison groups who              tions across Europe have provided comprehensive and
received no consultation at all.96 Additionally, telehealth      accessible online toolkits to support families and regular
may be particularly beneficial for enabling individuals          expert webinars on topics like mental health and coping
who live in areas with particular service or specialist staff    with uncertainty.23 102 103 Additionally, some healthcare
shortages to access high-­quality support from elsewhere.97      providers have implemented 24/7 telehealth services and
Thus, even prior to COVID-19, telehealth had been iden-          live-­in residential care.63 Several reasonable adjustments
tified as a key area for promoting more effective, acces-        have also been made across Europe for autistic people,
sible and resilient European healthcare systems.98               including exceptions on wearing face masks in public
   However, there is a lack of research about the most           and allowing increased daily exercise during lockdown
effective and appropriate methods for implementing tele-         periods. Finally, in response to lobbying by non-­profit
health services that ensure continuity of care, and more         organisations, new and amended guidance on supporting
data are needed about which in-­person services (particu-        autistic people has started to be released, which we aim to
larly in the social care domain) are (or are not) conducive      complement and accelerate with the current report.
for remote implementation. Therefore, to ensure that                It is clear there are many additional issues facing autistic
telehealth fulfils its future positive potential to improve      people in relation to COVID-19, which were beyond the
the quality of healthcare for autistic people and those with     scope of the current review, but must be investigated
intellectual disability, more research is required on how        in future research. These issues include the impact of
it can be implemented in an accessible and personalised          isolation; changes in education and employment; public
way.99 100 For instance, the European Disability Forum           understanding of adjustments to regulations for autistic
recommends that all information is provided in plain,            people; and, now, how earlier policies have impacted on
easy-­to-­read language, alternative methods are provided        the accessibility of vaccination programmes and strate-
for those who communicate by different means or who              gies. In particular, the mental and physical health impacts
do not have access to certain technologies (eg, video, tele-     of COVID-19 should be assessed, given high reported
phone, email/messaging services), and the accessibility          rates of pandemic-­related stressors among families with
needs of different groups (including younger children)           a child with autism,104–106 and possible long-­term mental
are considered—for example, appropriate sign language            and physical health implications of COVID-19 infec-
interpretation or captioning and symbols.101 Some of             tion.107 108 Furthermore, longitudinal data on health and
these recommendations require that the care provider             social care access and the impact of disruptions to educa-
has specialist training on supporting autistic people and        tion and community facilities before, during and after
those with intellectual disability, and all require future       the COVID-19 pandemic may reveal critical areas for
research into their efficacy in everyday clinical practice.      addressing future policy and practice.
   Overall and based on the evidence reported above, our
final (and broadest) recommendation is that the impact           Strengths and limitations
of COVID-19 on health and social care service provision          This review represents the first comprehensive analysis
for autistic people is comprehensively reviewed to inform        of COVID-19 health and social care access for autistic
contingency plans for the safe and effective delivery of         people across 15 European countries, also capturing the
services in the short and longer term (box 1). This could        lived experiences of over 1300 individuals from the autism
include a shift to more community-­based care and incor-         community. Nevertheless, our findings must be consid-
porating greater flexibility to ensure that services can         ered in the context of the following limitations. First, it
quickly adapt to changing circumstances—for example,             was not possible to collect information from all Euro-
reducing the demand for a formal diagnosis of autism as          pean countries in this study and there were important
a prerequisite for accessing needs-­based support. Further-      regional differences within countries that were included,
more, there is a significant need for high-­quality and reli-    in terms of COVID-19 policies and public health strat-
able data75 to identify key areas for targeted restructuring     egies. As a result, the reported findings represent an
and investment for improving health and social care              overview, rather than a nuanced analysis, of the current

12                                                                Oakley B, et al. BMJ Open 2021;11:e045341. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2020-045341
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