Biotech's Global Event. Customized for You - View Special Pull-Out Section - June 27-30, 2011 Monday-Thursday - Sardegna Ricerche

Page created by Samuel Washington
Biotech's Global Event. Customized for You - View Special Pull-Out Section - June 27-30, 2011 Monday-Thursday - Sardegna Ricerche
Breakthroughs.   View Special Pull-Out Section

                             Global Event.
                             for You.

                             June 27-30, 2011
                             Walter E. Washington
                             Convention Center
                             Washington DC USA
Biotech's Global Event. Customized for You - View Special Pull-Out Section - June 27-30, 2011 Monday-Thursday - Sardegna Ricerche
Italian Trade Commission   Los Angeles                                  Italian Trade Commission   Los Angeles


hALL A / BOOTh 2237
Areta International, Artenergy Publishing, Bio Industry Park Silvano Fumero Spa-Biopmed Cluster, Bio-Ker,
Camera Di Commercio Di Torino, Ceipiemonte, Cisi, Consorzio Interdisciplinare Di Studi Biomolecolari Ed
Applicazioni Industrali, Crom, Molmed Spa, Naicons, Nanovector, Nerviano Medical Sciences Oncology,
Nuova Ompi, Pharma & Biotech Advisors, Progefarm, Promos, Promosiena, Proteogen Bio, Sardegna Ricerche,
Technorizon, Toscana Life Science Foundation, Toscana Promozione, Zebra Venture.

                                         MEET ITALY AT
Biotech's Global Event. Customized for You - View Special Pull-Out Section - June 27-30, 2011 Monday-Thursday - Sardegna Ricerche

Solutions for Your Business…Found at BIO
                                                                                    View Special
Find partners, sustain           BIO Business Forum                             Pull-Out Section
projects and funding             powered by BIO One-on-One Partnering™   p.8

Emerging markets that are        Super Session — Emerging Markets:
shaping business                 The Future of Growth for Biologics?     p.11
                                                                                 TABLE OF CONTENTS
Strong patent protection         Breakout Sessions — Biotech
and key trends in licensing      Patenting and Tech Transfer Track       p.16     4 People You’ll Meet at BIO

                                                                                  5 Companies You’ll See at BIO
Managing early-stage             Breakout Sessions —
company dynamics                 Business Development Track              p.16     6 Schedule of Events

                                                                                  8 Partnering at BIO
Contract research and            BIO Exhibition — Contract Services
manufacturing                    Zone and Summit                         p.30    10 Keynote Luncheons

Venture philanthropy options —                                                   11 Super Sessions
                                 Patient and Health Advocacy
finding a successful model       Community at BIO                        p.32
                                                                                 12 BIO Program Overview

                                                                                 13		 Breakout Sessions

                                                                                 26 Special Programs and
                                                                                 		 Co-Located Events
Sponsors as of March 25, 2011
                                                                                 29 Evening and Networking
Double Helix Sponsors                                                            		 Events

                                                                                 30 BIO Exhibition

                                                                                 32 BIO Pavilion

                                                                                 32 Regional Overview

                                                                                 33 BIO Exhibitor List
                                                                                 		 (Continues on Back Cover)

                                                                                 35 myBIO Overview

                                                                                 36 Housing and Travel
                                                                                 38 Registration Packages

                                                                                 39 Sponsors

                                                                                    2011 BIO International
                                                                                  Convention Regional Hosts

Helix Sponsors

For more information and to register, visit + 1.202.962.6655                                   3
Biotech's Global Event. Customized for You - View Special Pull-Out Section - June 27-30, 2011 Monday-Thursday - Sardegna Ricerche
People You’ll Meet at BIO

        C-Level Leaders and Policy Makers
        from Around the Globe
        More than 80 international public officials and policy
        makers. Influential U.S. governors and congressmen.
        Executives and their teams being groomed for                                Meet a Full Range of Executives...
        leadership. People with new perspectives and vital                                                      2010 Attendance
                                                                                                                by Job Level
        connections. Meet them all at BIO.
                                                                                                                33% Managers
                                                                                                                28% Executive

                                                                                                                24% Directors
                                                                                                                15% C-Level
1 out of 3 BIO Attendees Comes from Outside the U.S.

                                                                                    ...From Companies of All Sizes
                                                                                                                 2010 Company
                                                                                                                 Size Breakdown
                                                                                                                 by # of Staff

                                                                                                                 40% Large
                                                                                                                 33% Medium

                                                                                                                 27% Small

                                                                                                                Small: 1-19
                                                                                                                Medium: 20-499
                                                                                                                Large: 500+
    The Americas    Europe    Asia/Pacific    Middle East   Africa

International Delegations: If you are coming to the U.S.
for BIO, visit

     Attention: International Attendees                                           “BIO is the global marketplace for
     Be sure to stop by the International Lounge to get                            our industry. The depth of content,
     away from the convention crowd, network with                                  opportunities for stakeholders and
     colleagues, make new connections and enjoy                                    biotech companies to present
     benefits such as —                                                            themselves are rich and meaningful.
       • private meeting rooms                                                     Results achieved at BIO give our
       • afternoon beverage service                                                industry a quiver full of activities,
       • computer and internet access                                              especially when Washington, D.C.
       • and more!                                                                 is the meeting place.”
     The International Lounge is open from Monday                                     Domenico Alexakis
     through Thursday. For daily hours and location,                                  CEO, Swiss
     visit                                               Biotech Association

4         B I O I N T E R N AT I ON A L CON V E N T I ON             •   June 27–30, 2011, Monday–Thursday
Biotech's Global Event. Customized for You - View Special Pull-Out Section - June 27-30, 2011 Monday-Thursday - Sardegna Ricerche
Companies You’ll See at BIO

The Most Innovative, Powerful Companies in Biotech
Solutions Providers?
In the BIO Exhibition
                                                                       Join the myBIO Company Network
With 1,700+ exhibitors organized into
Pavilions and Product Focus Zones, you’re                                                                      The myBIO Company Network contains BIO
sure to find companies who can help move                                                                       Exhibitors, Partnering Companies, Presenting
your project forward — no matter the field                                                                     Companies, Sponsors and BIO members, all in
or stage in the process.                                                                                       one spot. Visit to
                                                                                                               connect with the community, view company
See page 33 for a list of exhibitors or                                                                        profiles and build your event plan.
browse the myBIO Company Network.

Powerful Sponsor Companies?                                                     Search by keyword           Send messages to exhibitors
Everywhere at BIO                                                               to find companies           you want to visit and add
Anchoring the BIO Program, BIO                                                  that interest you.          them to your event plan.
Exhibition, BIO Business Forum and
myriad networking events, the biggest                                                                                                               Review
players in biotech — and supporters of the                                                                                                          companies
industry —
         ­ come to lend their experience,                                                                                                           participating
                                                                                                                                                    in the BIO
energy and power to attendees like you.                                                                                                             Business Forum
BIO sponsors are listed on page 39 and
in the myBIO Company Network.

Potential Partners and
New Industry Players?
In the BIO Business Forum
Thousands of companies from around the
world and all industry segments will be at
BIO, ready to build strategic partnerships
that bring innovations to market. Find them
using the BIO One-on-One PartneringTM
                                                                          View profiles with company overviews, representatives
system and schedule face-to-face                                          attending BIO and types of participation such as
meetings in the BIO Business Forum.                                       Partnering, Presenting and Exhibiting.
And be sure to see up-and-coming
innovators — including Buzz of BIO
winners — give hundreds of 15-minute                                See pages 8 – 9 or visit for details on Company
Company Presentations about their newest                            Presentations, BIO Business Forum Partnering and how to maximize your ROI with
ideas and most compelling research.                                 BIO One-on-One Partnering.

                                                                    Find Solutions Every Step of the Way, Across All Industry Segments
                              Research &                            Drug Development
               Royalty &      Development
                                                                                                                   Find what interests you at BIO
               Business                                             Drug Discovery
                                                                    Drug Delivery          Imaging                  Keyword: Drug Development
                                                                    Biomanufacturing       Micro Arrays             Search results
    and                                                             Cell Biology           Nanotechnology           People
    Services                                          Assessments
                                                                    Medical Devices        Pharmacogenomics         Manager, Business Development at Alkermes
                                                                                           Plant-Made               Chairman and CEO at Otologic Pharmaceutics, Inc.
                                                                                             Pharmaceuticals        Companies
                                                                    Stem Cell Research
        Licensing                                                                          Proteomics               ALMAC, Booth 1511
                                            Intellectual            Bioinformatics
                                            Property                                                                Development Center for Biotechnology, Booth 4513
                                            Protection              Biofuels                                        Sessions and Events
                                                                                           Transgenics              A New Clinical Operations Model:
                                                                                           Gene/Cell Therapy        Proactive Planning at Work
                                                                    Animal-Made                                     Are Diagnostic Reimbursement Policies
                                                                      Pharmaceuticals      And more!                Impeding Personalized Medicine?

For more information and to register, visit + 1.202.962.6655                                                                                        5
Biotech's Global Event. Customized for You - View Special Pull-Out Section - June 27-30, 2011 Monday-Thursday - Sardegna Ricerche
Schedule of Events

Saturday, June 25
                                               Can’t-Miss Monday                           FOCUS ON NETWORKING
Registration/Information &
                                               Monday’s special programs feature
Housing Open
                                               some of the biggest names in              We’re hosting hundreds of events
1:00 pm – 6:00 pm                              biotech. Add them to your event plan      during the convention!
                                               at              Visit to—
Sunday, June 26                                                                          • See the various meetups

Registration/Information &                      FOCUS ON LEADERSHIP                        scheduled during BIO.
                                                                                         • Make plans for Tuesday’s
Housing Open                                                                               Open Night by checking out the
7:00 am – 6:00 pm                              Biotech Primer: Bio-Baffled?                BIO Party List.
                                               10:00 am – 12:00 pm
Biotechnology Entrepreneurship                                                           • View all Exhibitor Hospitality Receptions
Boot Camp and Reception                        Leadership Summit: Deploying                happening on Tuesday evening.
                                               Agricultural and Industrial               • Get updates on exhibitor raffles,
8:00 am – 7:30 pm
                                               Biotechnologies to Meet                     affiliated events and more!
                                               Development Challenges
Monday, June 27                                1:00 pm – 4:15 pm
Registration/Information &                     Translational Research Forum and          NEW
Housing Open                                   Reception: Translational Medicine                       Emerging Leaders
7:00 am – 7:00 pm                              — A Global Endeavor
                                               1:00 pm – 6:00 pm                          Emerging Leaders Workshop:
BIO Golf Outing
                                                                                          Hitting the Mark in New Product
8:00 am – 4:00 pm
                                             Breakout Sessions                            Commercialization
BIO Executive Presentation Workshop          2:00 pm – 5:00 pm                            8:45 am – 12:30 pm
8:00 am – 5:30 pm                            BIO Career Fair
Biotechnology Entrepreneurship               2:00 pm – 7:00 pm                          BIO Business Forum Company
Boot Camp                                    Welcome Reception at the Newseum           Presentations
8:15 am – 5:30 pm                            7:15 pm – 9:00 pm                          9:00 am – 11:00 am
BIO 5K Run/Walk
                                             Tuesday, June 28
8:30 am – 10:30 am                                                                        From intellectual property services to
                                             Registration/Information & Housing Open      data analysis and storage technologies
                                             7:00 am – 6:30 pm                            — the BIO Exhibition is where you will
    NEW                                      BIO Business Forum Partnering
                                                                                          get the tools to meet the challenges of
               Emerging Leaders              Meeting Desk Open
                                                                                          this increasingly complex industry.
                                             8:00 am – 6:00 pm
    Emerging Leaders Workshop:               Biotechnology Entrepreneurship Boot Camp      FOCUS ON BREAKTHROUGHS
    Hitting the Mark in New Product          8:30 am – 12:15 pm
    Commercialization                                                                     BIO Exhibition Ribbon Cutting
                                             Breakout Sessions &
    8:45 am – 5:00 pm                                                                     Ceremony
                                             International Case Studies
                                             8:30 am – 5:00 pm                            9:45 am – 10:00 am
                                                                                          BIO Exhibition Open
For complete descriptions, speakers and locations and to add any of these events to
your event plan, visit                                          10:00 am – 6:30 pm

                                                                                        Super Session: Ernst & Young’s 25th
                          Start Your Event Plan Now with myBIO.                         Annual Biotechnology Industry Report
                          Visit to—                            10:00 am – 11:30 am
                          • Search for sessions and events by keyword.                  BIO Business Forum Partnering
                          • Browse speaker profiles and their sessions as well as       10:00 am – 5:00 pm
                            attendees and exhibitor personnel schedules at BIO.
                          • Find profiles of companies that interest you and            Keynote Luncheon
                            communicate with their team before the convention.          12:00 pm – 2:00 pm
                          • Build an event plan that meets your needs so you            Contract Services Summit
                            don’t miss a thing!
                                                                                        2:15 pm – 5:00 pm

6         B I O I N T E R N AT I ON A L CON V E N T I ON           •      June 27–30, 2011, Monday–Thursday
Biotech's Global Event. Customized for You - View Special Pull-Out Section - June 27-30, 2011 Monday-Thursday - Sardegna Ricerche
Schedule of Events

Super Session: Burrill State-of-the-      Keynote Luncheon
Industry Report
2:00 pm – 3:30 pm
                                          12:00 pm – 2:00 pm
                                                                                    Co-Located Events
                                          Super Session: Campbell Alliance 2011
                                                                                    These events require a separate
BIO Business Forum Company                Dealmakers’ Intentions
                                                                                    registration or RSVP.
Presentations                             2:00 pm – 3:30 pm                         Visit for full
2:00 pm – 4:00 pm                                                                   descriptions, pricing and locations.
                                          BIO Business Forum Company
Super Session: It Takes a Village —       Presentations
The Biotechnology Innovation Ecosystem                                              BIO-LES Business
                                          2:00 pm – 4:00 pm                         Development Basics
3:45 pm – 5:15 pm
                                          BIO Exhibition Power Hours                Saturday, June 25, 7:30 am – 7:30 pm
BIO Exhibitor Hospitality Receptions      3:45 pm – 5:00 pm                         Sunday, June 26, 7:30 am – 4:00 pm
5:00 pm – 6:30 pm                                                                   Monday, June 27, 7:30 am – 4:00 pm
                                          Super Session — Worldview 2011:
                                          Scientific American’s Regional            AURP Bio GreenTech Parks 2011
 Tuesday: Open Night in Washington        Bio-Innovation Scorecard                  Saturday, June 25 – Sunday, June 26,
 View the BIO Party List at               3:45 pm – 5:15 pm                                                        8:00 am – 5:00 pm
                                          Think & Drink Discussion Forum:           8th Annual Community College
                                          Innovation Politics — From Capitol Hill   Program
                                          to the Campaign Trail
 Wednesday, June 29                                                                 Sunday, June 26, 8:00 am – 5:00 pm
                                          5:00 pm – 6:30 pm
BIO Business Forum Partnering             International Reception                   Biotech Primer: Biotech for the
Meeting Desk Open                                                                   Non-Scientist
                                          5:15 pm – 6:15 pm
7:00 am – 5:30 pm                                                                   Sunday, June 26, 8:30 am – 4:30 pm
                                          Gala Reception at Union Station
Registration/Information & Housing Open                                             BIO Human Resources
                                          7:45 pm – 9:30 pm
8:00 am – 5:00 pm                                                                   Conference 2011
                                                                                    Sunday, June 26, 4:00 pm – 8:00 pm
                                          Thursday, June 30                         Monday, June 27, 7:00 am – 7:00 pm
  Don’t miss the opportunity to build a                                             Tuesday, June 28, 7:00 am – 4:00 pm
  strategic partnership that ensures      BIO Business Forum Partnering
  your long-term value in the biotech     Meeting Desk Open                         Partnering for Global Health (PGH)
  industry. Visit     7:00 am – 5:30 pm                         Forum and Reception
  businessforum to learn more.                                                      Monday, June 27, 8:30 am – 4:30 pm;
                                          Registration/Information & Housing Open    Reception, 5:30 pm – 7:00 pm
                                          8:00 am – 2:30 pm
   FOCUS ON PARTNERSHIPS                  BIO Business Forum Partnering
                                                                                    2011 Biosecurity Conference
                                                                                    Wednesday, June 29, 8:15 am – 5:15 pm
                                          8:00 am – 5:00 pm                         Thursday, June 30, 8:15 am – 2:00 pm
   BIO Business Forum Partnering
   8:00 am – 5:00 pm                      Diabetes Forum — Emerging Strategies,
                                          Challenges and Partnerships
                                          8:30 am – 11:00 am                         Diversity Summit and
Breakout Sessions &                                                                  Reception
International Case Studies                Breakout Sessions &                        Monday, June 27, 12:00 pm – 3:30 pm
8:30 am – 3:30 pm                         International Case Studies
                                          8:30 am – 11:30 am
Diabetes Forum and Reception —
Emerging Strategies, Challenges and       BIO Business Forum Company
                                                                                       FOCUS ON DIVERSITY
Partnerships                              Presentations
8:30 am – 6:00 pm                                                                    Interested in diversity-related
                                          9:00 am – 11:00 am
                                                                                     programming at BIO?
BIO Business Forum Company                BIO Exhibition Open                        Visit
Presentations                             10:00 am – 2:00 pm                         and search keyword “diversity.”
9:00 am – 11:00 am
                                          BIO Exhibition Power Hours
Super Session: Emerging Markets —         11:30 am – 2:00 pm                        See Special Wednesday Receptions
The Future of Growth for Biologics                                                  on page 29.
10:00 am – 11:30 am                       BIO Business Forum Company
BIO Exhibition Open                       1:00 pm – 3:00 pm
10:00 am – 5:00 pm

For more information and to register, visit + 1.202.962.6655                                             7
Biotech's Global Event. Customized for You - View Special Pull-Out Section - June 27-30, 2011 Monday-Thursday - Sardegna Ricerche
Partnering at BIO

             How Will You Meet Your Next Partner?
             Efficiently. Economically. At BIO.
             Collaboration Begins in the BIO Business Forum.
             Come to BIO with a team, ready to discuss your strategic goals. Thousands of companies
             from around the world and across all industry segments will be in the BIO Business
             Forum with a shared goal — to build relationships that lead to successful partnerships
             and breakthrough solutions. Visit for details.

     “BIO Business Forum provides                                   “Biotech, pharma, universities,
      efficient and high access to the right                         investors...they’re all here.”
      players for business development.”
      International Distribution                                    Industry Type
      (2010 Business Forum Participants)                            (2010 Business Forum Participants)

                                  58% North America                                                 41% Biotech
                                  29% Europe                                                        18% Pharma
                                                                                                    16% CRO/Service

                                                                                                    10% Academic/Tech Transfer
                                   9% Asia
                                                                                                    10% Investor and Other
                                   4% Other                                                          5% Government/Econ. Dev.

Powerful Companies Partner at BIO
Sponsors:                    • Genentech                                    “The BIO Business Forum is a very
• Abbott                     • GlaxoSmithKline                               efficient tool for partnering. Where
• Amgen                      • Human Genome Sciences Inc                     else can you find companies from
• AstraZeneca                • Johnson & Johnson
                                                                             around the globe in one location with
• Baxter International Inc   • MedImmune
• Bayer HealthCare           • Merck                                         the desire to look for opportunities?
• Boehringer Ingelheim       • Novo Nordisk Inc                              The savings in travel alone is worth
• Campbell Alliance          • Novozymes                                     the price of admission.”
• Daiichi Sankyo             • Pfizer                                           Russell Herndon
• Elan Drug Technologies     • Roche                                            President & CEO
• Eli Lilly and Company      • sanofi-aventis                                   Hydra Biosciences
• EMD Serono, Inc            • sanofi pasteur
• FedEx                      • Takeda Pharmaceuticals, Inc
• Forest Laboratories, Inc   • Teva Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd
                             • Upsher-Smith Laboratories, Inc

8           B I O I N T E R N AT I ON A L CON V E N T I ON                 •    June 27–30, 2011, Monday–Thursday
Biotech's Global Event. Customized for You - View Special Pull-Out Section - June 27-30, 2011 Monday-Thursday - Sardegna Ricerche
Planning Your Participation
Interested in partnering at BIO? Here’s                     Plan Ahead with BIO One-on-One Partnering
what you should know ahead of time:
                                                            Maximize your partnering success—
                                                            use BIO One-on-One Partnering to:
  Registration Information                                                                                      BIO One-on-One Partnering
                                                            • Search for industry executives
Choose Full Convention Access and                                                                                  The industry’s most efficient
                                                              and companies.                                            partnering system
Partnering—your best value*
                                                            • Communicate with participants
Save up to 40% when        Early Bird Rate                    and schedule partnering meetings.
you register by May 19.    (before 5/19/11) After 5/19/11
Members                    $1,740           $2,440          • Pinpoint the best opportunities for          17,000+           2,100+
                                                              your business — explore potential          face-to-face     participating      All in 3 days
Non-members                $2,490           $3,140                                                         meetings        companies
                                                              investors, licensing agreements
Includes access to BIO One-on-One Partnering,                 and ways to enhance product
Education, BIO Exhibition and Evening Events.                 pipeline development.
*Partnering included when you register                      Visit for details.
 for Convention Access and Partnering.
 See page 38 for details.

ADDED VALUE! All Full Convention
Access — or Convention Access —
and Partnering registrants receive
                                                                             Hear the Next Big Idea
FREE access to the MedTRACK                                                  Hundreds of new industry players—including the Buzz of BIO winners—
                                                                             will be delivering 15-minute Company Presentations in the BIO Business
database for the month of June.
                                                                             Forum covering a variety of areas, including:
for details.                                                                 • Leading Biotech/Big Pharma   •  Non-Profits/Patient Advocacy
                                                                             • Exciting innovations from the Buzz of BIO winners
  Improve Your Company Presentation                                          Watch this year’s Buzz of BIO winners at
                                                                    to get a preview of what’s in store.
To hone your pitching skills before your
Company Presentation, register early                                         Company Presentation Hours:
for the popular Executive Presentation                                       Tuesday, June 28, 9:00 am – 11:00 am and 2:00 pm – 4:00 pm
Workshop on Monday, June 27.                                                 Wednesday, June 29, 9:00 am – 11:00 am and 2:00 pm – 4:00 pm
                                                                             Thursday, June 30, 9:00 am – 11:00 am and 1:00 pm – 3:00 pm
BIO Business Forum Hours
Tuesday, June 28........... 10:00 am – 5:00 pm                                ➥Add to your myBIO event plan at
Wednesday, June 29.....8:00 am – 5:00 pm                                     Are you the Buzz of BIO? Tell us your story and you could win a
Thursday, June 30......... 8:00 am – 5:00 pm                                 free registration. Visit for details.
Business Forum Wine & Cheese Reception
Wednesday, June 29, 5:00 pm – 6:00 pm
                                                             “For a small company with a
A 10-Step Plan for
Successful Partnering                                         tight budget, the BIO Business
                                                              Forum provides the best
 1. Complete your company profile.
 2. Research potential partners and make
                                                              bang for the buck.”
    your target list.                                           Paul Radspinner
                                                                President & CEO
 3. Consider options beyond big pharma.                         FluGen
 4. Perform competitive intelligence.
                                                                                                             George                Rena’e
 5. Send meeting requests early.
 6. Customize your requests.                                                                                 Contact George, Rena’e or any member
 7. Plan your follow-up on invitations.                                                                      of our Customer Service Team.
 8. Use social media, email and                                                                                 Phone: +1.866.356.5155;
    press releases to publicize that you’ll be                                                                  +1.202.962.6666
    partnering at BIO.
 9. Bring the right personnel.
    Don’t attend alone.                                                                                         Read our blog:
10. Bring business cards, printouts                                                                   
    of company profiles and a                                                                                   Visit:
    concise list of your goals.                                                                                 businessforum.

 For more information and to register, visit + 1.202.962.6655                                                                             9
Biotech's Global Event. Customized for You - View Special Pull-Out Section - June 27-30, 2011 Monday-Thursday - Sardegna Ricerche
Keynote Luncheons

What Do You Need to Keep Pace with the Pulse of the Industry?
BIO Program sessions put you on the forefront of biotech’s most important developments.

        Global Perspective
                                     TUESDAY 12:00 pm – 2:00 pm
                                     An Interview with Tony Blair
                                     Former Prime Minister of Great Britain and
                                     Northern Ireland, Tony Blair shares his unique
                                     perspective on global issues.

                                     Sponsored by:

                                    “Mr. Blair’s vast experience as a global leader will provide our audience with
                                     helpful and inspirational insights as we continue our industry’s global mission
                                     to heal, fuel and feed the world.”

                                     State of the Industry Address
                                     James C. Greenwood
                                     President and CEO
                                     Biotechnology Industry Organization

                                      WEDNESDAY 12:00 pm – 2:00 pm
                                      Join us for a keynote panel about the future of healthcare reform
                                      moderated by BIO’s President and CEO, Jim Greenwood.

                                     Sponsored by:

       Keynote Luncheons are open exclusively to Full or Convention Access registrants.
       Visit for full event and session descriptions.

             “The BIO International Convention brings together the                  Awards
                  most influential leaders in biotech from around the               Awards presented during the
                    world. As a small biotech company, we greatly value             Tuesday Keynote Luncheon:
                      the opportunity to meet with multiple companies in               The International BioGENEius
                       one place at one time. Last year, we met with                   Challenge Awards
                        more than 25 companies that represented                        Biotechnology Heritage Award
                        significant business opportunities for us.”                 Awards presented during the
                              Rachel K. King                                        Wednesday Keynote Luncheon:
                              Chief Executive Officer
                              GlycoMimetics, Inc                                       Governor of the Year Award
                                                                                       Biotech Humanitarian Award

10     B I O I N T E R N AT I ON A L CON V E N T I ON                •     June 27–30, 2011, Monday–Thursday
2011 Super Sessions

  High-Level Takes on Hot Topics
  SUPER SESSIONS                                         C-level speakers from major companies will lead broad conversations on the state of
                                                         the global industry, emerging trends and recommended courses of action for biotech
                                                         companies. Register for Full or Convention Access to attend these exciting talks.

For all confirmed Super Session speakers                 Tuesday, June 28                                             Wednesday, June 29
visit                       3:45 pm – 5:15 pm                                            2:00 pm – 3:30 pm
                                                         Sponsored by: Eli Lilly and Company                          Sponsored by: Campbell Alliance
Tuesday, June 28
10:00 am – 11:30 am                                      It Takes a Village—the                                       Campbell Alliance 2011
Sponsored by: Ernst & Young                              Biotechnology Innovation                                     Dealmakers’ Intentions
Ernst & Young’s 25th Annual                              Ecosystem                                                    The relationship between the biotechnology
                                                                                                                      and pharmaceutical industries has never been
Biotechnology Industry Report                            Innovation is the hallmark of biotechnology.
                                                                                                                      more apparent: partnering equals survival.
                                                         This Super Session will explore how key
Ernst & Young will present highlights from its 25th      components of the biotech enterprise contribute              The competition for unlicensed assets is
annual industry report. The session will discuss         to the development of therapies that advance                 intense, and top dealmakers will shape the
implications for biotech companies as they face          public health. Specifically, this session will               future of the industry.
a more uncertain future in the current business          detail the roles of government research labs,                Building on a successful Super Session
climate. What new approaches do companies need           universities and large and small biotechnology               presented in 2010, Campbell Alliance and
for today’s economic realities? How are firms            firms in the continuum from basic research to                BIO will share new findings from two unique
partnering creatively in a capital-constrained,          FDA-approved products and,                                   meters of deal-making: the Campbell Alliance
risk-averse, high-scrutiny environment? How              ultimately, to the patient.                                  Dealmakers’ Intentions Survey and the BIO
will they need to engage regulators and payors to
                                                         Speaker                                                      One-on-One Partnering Forecast. New
meet their changing needs? What skill sets and
                                                         John Lechleiter, PhD                                         analysis in 2011 will include year-over-
capabilities will these approaches require?
                                                         Chairman,                                                    year trends and the first assessment of the
As always, Ernst & Young will also summarize             President & Chief Executive Officer                          predictive value of these instruments.
the sector’s performance using key metrics               Eli Lilly and Company
                                                                                               John Lechleiter, PhD   This session will then explore what assets are
— financial performance, financing, deals and
                                                                                                                      in demand among pharmaceutical companies
pipeline productivity. These issues will be further
                                                         Wednesday, June 29                                           and how emerging biotech companies
explored with a panel of industry leaders.
                                                         10:00 am – 11:30 am                                          can best position themselves to
Speakers                                                                                                              land the next blockbuster deal.
                                                         Sponsored by: Merck
Glen Giovannetti
Partner and
Global Biotechnology Leader
                                                         Emerging Markets: The Future                                 Ben Bonifant
Ernst & Young LLP                                        of Growth for Biologics?                                     Senior Vice President,
Gautam Jaggi                                             Emerging markets are considered a source                     Practice Area Leader
Senior Manager and Editor,                                                                                            Campbell Alliance
                                                         of growth, but many represent barriers for                                                       Ben Bonifant
Beyond Borders and Progressions
Ernst & Young LLP                    Glen Giovannetti    the life sciences industry, too. While biologics
                                                         are posing new issues for regulators and
                                                         policymakers worldwide, emerging markets                     Wednesday, June 29
Tuesday, June 28                                         are changing assumptions about regulatory                    3:45 pm – 5:15 pm
2:00 pm – 3:30 pm
Sponsored by: Burrill & Company
                                                         expectations, intellectual property rights and               Worldview 2011:
                                                         market access. At the same time, companies
                                                                                                                      Scientific American’s Regional
Burrill State-of-the-Industry Report                     recognize that emerging markets are more
                                                         than just new customers—they present new                     Bio-Innovation Scorecard
Biotech 2011—Life Sciences: Looking Back to
See Ahead. Burrill’s 25th anniversary annual             opportunities to improve productivity and                    Worldview 2011 will feature the third annual
report highlights key global developments in             advance innovations. In this session, leading                Scientific American’s Regional Bio-Innovation
2010, including healthcare reform, comparative           business executives and senior government                    Scorecard, a review of individual country
effectiveness, the specter of biogenerics and            officials will discuss how emerging markets                  programs and policies aimed at growing local
genetic patents under threat that could retard           are shaping businesses and what                              innovative biotechnology sectors. Fareed
biotech innovation. Mr. Burrill will lead us in a look   impact they will have on the future                          Zakaria will moderate a panel discussing this
back over the past 25 years of critical events that      of biotech.                                                  year’s report, which will focus on BRIC (Brazil,
have shaped the industry into the global enterprise      Speaker                                                      Russia, India and China) country efforts
it is today. Finally, he will discuss how companies      Richard T. Clark                                             to build local biotechnology hubs.
can remain competitive in a tougher financial            Chairman                                                     Speaker
                                                         Merck                                  Richard T. Clark
climate with rapidly evolving                                                                                         Fareed Zakaria
technology, globalization and                                                                                         CNN host, Editor-at-Large of
                                                                                                                      TIME Magazine, Washington Post
new emerging markets.                                                                                                 columnist, former Editor,
Speaker                                                                                                               Newsweek International
G. Steven Burrill                                                                                                                                        Fareed Zakaria
Chief Executive Officer
Burrill & Company
                                     G. Steven Burrill

                              Super Sessions are open exclusively to Full or Convention Access registrants.

For more information and to register, visit + 1.202.962.6655                                                                                           11
BIO Program

             Leading Companies, Compelling Conversations: The BIO Program
             The BIO Program delivers a full slate of 125+ inspiring sessions presented by some of
             the brightest names in biotech and related fields. Super Sessions give you C-level, mile-
             high perspectives on trends that are shaping the industry. Breakout Sessions address the
             pressing topics that affect your day-to-day operations. In combination, the BIO Program
             provides the well-rounded knowledge base you need to advance your business objectives.

             16 Tracks Address Your Biggest Business Challenges
             More than 125 thought-provoking sessions along 16 relevant tracks covering
             the latest in business development, research, best practices and more.
             Tracks include:                                 •   Finance
             • Achieving Regulatory Control and              •   Food and Agriculture
               Compliance                                    •   Global Innovations and Markets
             • Biofuels and Biobased Chemicals               •   Health Policy and Reimbursement
             • Biomarkers                                    •   Innovations in Vaccines
             • Biosecurity                                   •   International Case Studies
             • Biotech Patenting and Tech Transfer           •   Manufacturing of Biologics and Drugs        View Special
             • Business Development                          •   NEW! Late Breaking                      Pull-Out Section
             • Diagnostics and Personalized Medicine             (Sessions to be announced soon at
             • Drug Discovery and Development          

     Join the Conversation and Start Planning Now
                                                           Add sessions to your event plan to make
                                                                                                           See expert
                                                           the most of your time. Keep your handy
                                                                                                           speakers from
                                                           schedule on your mobile device.
                                                                                                           a myriad of
                                                                                                           companies —
                                                                                                           new speakers are
                                                                                                           confirmed daily.

     With our enhanced personal planning
     tool, myBIO, you can browse sessions
     by keyword, track and see the speakers
     and personalities behind them. Create
     a plan with sessions to attend and
     exhibitors to meet, then—
     • Export your plan to iCal or Outlook.
     • Access your plan via your smart phone.

                                                Spark conversation with speakers and fellow
                                                attendees by posting questions on the session profile.

12       B I O I N T E R N AT I ON A L CON V E N T I ON                 •    June 27–30, 2011, Monday–Thursday
Breakout Sessions

  Program Co-Chairs                                 Message from the Program Co-Chairs
                                                    We’ve designed the 2011 Breakout Sessions with you in mind. Detailed on the following
                                                    pages, this lineup represents the most compelling of more than 900 session proposals,
                                                    which were carefully vetted by BIO and expert committees. All sessions offer insights
                                                    from top thought leaders, about your top concerns. They are meant to help you—
                                                       • Start and maintain successful development programs.
                                                       • Improve your day-to-day operations to keep your ventures moving.
                                                       • Develop successful partnerships and regulatory initiatives.
      Mark Mlynarczyk       John Carrol                • Fast track towards your long- and short-term goals.
      Director of Policy    Editor, FierceBiotech
      MedImmune                                     We know you will take away a wealth of immediately-applicable information, and we
                                                    look forward to hearing your feedback. For full descriptions of each session, visit

Look for these symbols next to                      Monday, June 27, 2011                                2:00 pm – 3:30 pm
session descriptions.                               2:00 pm – 3:15 pm                                    71 – How Will Congress Act on Upcoming
                                                    74 – Getting Approval for Drugs in an                PDUFA Reauthorization
       Advanced Sessions
       Tailored for experienced biotechnology       Ever-Increasing Risk-Averse World                    • Provide knowledge of the roles of Congress/
       professionals, these session topics will     • Give insight on the changing regulatory              industry/patient groups with respect to PDUFA
       spark in-depth strategic discussion.           environment and critical success factors for         negotiation.
                                                      new applications.                                  • Identify priorities that may be raised in Congress
       CLE Credit Sessions                          • Describe the challenges of a filing process from     and potential impact on final PDUFA legislation.
       Session organizers in the Achieving                                                               • Review where the Biotechnology Industry
       Regulatory Approval and Compliance and         the company’s and regulator’s point of view.
       Biotech Patenting and Tech Transfer tracks   • Learn how to get a cell therapy product              Association is interacting with FDA and Congress
       have arranged for attendees to receive         evaluated as a drug.                                 and the key priorities for the organization.
       Continuing Legal Education (CLE) credits.                                                         3:45 pm – 5:00 pm
                                                    3:45 pm – 5:00 pm
       Hot Topic Sessions                           76 – Rare Disease Drug Development                          77 – Talking About Your Product in the
       These sessions will cover the most current   Goes Mainstream: What are the Regulatory                    New Age: Social Media and the Internet
       issues facing the biotech industry.          Considerations?                                      • Understand current regulatory standards and
                                                    • Highlight unique regulatory opportunities/           policies related to dissemination of information
                                                      challenges for rare disease drug development.        outside of labeling.
Achieving Regulatory Approval and Compliance        • Clarify similarities/differences between biotech
                                                                                                         • Understand current venues for disseminating
                                                                                                           product information on the Internet and through
Sponsored by: Eli Lilly and Company and Foley         and pharma.
                                                                                                           social media.
Hoag LLP                                            • Offer conclusions on how regulatory                • Understand potential liability, and identify
Presenting companies include:                         environment for rare diseases has changed or         measures to avoid it.
                                                      needs to evolve.
Baker & McKenzie
Biotechnology Industry Organization                 Tuesday, June 28, 2011                                              The right service providers can
Boehringer Ingelheim                                8:30 am – 9:45 am                                                   keep your project on track while
Coalition for Healthcare Communication              70 – Optimizing the Review Process for               you navigate the regulatory maze. Find them
EMD Serono, Inc.                                    Medical Countermeasures Requiring Use of
FDA Center for Biologics Evaluation & Research      the Animal Rule for Approval/Licensure               in the Clinical Trials and Business Services
 (CBER)                                             • Explain FDA’s role in facilitating the
                                                                                                         Zones of the BIO Exhibition.
Field Fisher Waterhouse LLP, London Office            development and approval/licensure of MCMs.
                                                    • Explain the complexities of applying the Animal
FoldRx (recently acquired by Pfizer)
                                                      Rule to the approval/licensure of MCMs.
                                                                                                         Wednesday, June 29, 2011
Gordon & Rees LLP
                                                                                                         10:00 am – 11:30 am
National Health Council                             • Explain the industry perspective with regard to
National Human Genome Research Institute              developing MCMs.                                   202 – EMA/FDA Town Hall
Pfizer                                                                                                   • Outline key FDA and EMA organizational and
PTC Therapeutics                                    10:00 am – 11:30 am                                    policy initiatives.
Shire-Movetis                                             72 – Navigating the New Law on                 • Discuss FDA- EMA collaborations.
Taligen TherapeuticsTiGenix                               Licensing Biosimilars
                                                                                                         • Stimulate interactive discussion with respect to
Venable LLP                                         • Explain how the regulatory pathway operates          the initiatives and issues presented.
Wake Forest Institute for Regenerative Medicine       and the legal issues in developing and
 (WFIRM)                                              marketing biologicals.                             2:00 pm – 3:30 pm
                                                    • Review how scientific challenges affect            201 – FDA – TOWNHALL
       Tweet about this track with                    regulators and the companies seeking approval      • Outline key FDA organizational and policy initiatives.
                                                      for biosimilars.                                   • Present FDA’s views on critical topics such as
       hashtag #bio2011_policy                                                                             FDAAA/PDUFA V, drug safety, transparency, and
                                                    • Discuss the EU experience with biosimilars
                                                      and what it may mean for companies seeking           Critical Path regulatory science programs.
                                                      approval in the U.S.                               • Stimulate interactive discussion with respect to the
                                                                                                           initiatives and issues presented.

For more information and to register, visit + 1.202.962.6655                                                                             13
Breakout Sessions

Thursday, June 30, 2011                                  Tuesday, June 28, 2011                                  • Detail research and breakthroughs in the
                                                         8:30 am – 9:45 am                                         modification of plant biomass and sustainable
10:00 am – 11:30 am
                    75 – Regulatory Issues for                        205 – Better Living Through
                    Tissue Engineered Products                        Biology — Synthetic Biology for            • Discuss routes to access the developments
                                                                      Biofuel and Chemistry Production             within the bionergy centers.
• Learn about current FDA approaches to the
  regulation of tissue engineered products.              • Outline synthetic biology-focused approaches
                                                           to chemical and biofuel production.
                                                                                                                 Thursday, June 30, 2011
• Understand good manufacturing practice                                                                         8:30 am – 9:45 am
  concepts for manufacturing for tissue                  • Address the challenges to commercialization of
  engineered products.                                     synthetic biology-based technologies.                 143 – White Biotechnology: From Laboratory
                                                                                                                 to Demonstration Scale
• Discuss additional hurdles on the way to               • Engage in dialogue on the ethical and political
  approval of tissue engineered products.                  challenges the industry faces.                        • Show the importance of networks between
                                                                                                                   industry and research institutes to facilitate
                                                         10:00 am – 11:30 am                                       innovation.
 Biofuels and Biobased Chemicals                                                                                 • Present two success stories of biobased
                                                         80 – Collocation Strategies for Cellulosic
Presenting companies include:                            Biofuel Production: Win-Win Scenarios                     products by innovative processes.
                                                         Through Plant Integration                               • Demonstrate high-throughput bioprocess
Bavarian Network White Biotechnology (BioM WB)           • Describe how process modeling shows                     design as a way to sustainable new products.
Bioenergy Science Center                                   attractive production cost scenarios for
Biotechnology Industry Organization                        collocated ethanol producers.
CA House of Representatives
                                                         • Outline how combined processes allow for
California Green Energy Fund                               reduced carbon footprints relative to stand-          Sponsored by: EMD Serono, Inc
Canale Communications                                      alone processes.
Edenspace                                                                                                        Presenting companies include:
                                                         • Discuss how capital costs are reduced for             Agendia
Edenspace Systems Corporation                              collocated facilities, allowing for reduced risk to
Energy Biosciences Institute                                                                                     Biogen Idec
                                                           the investor.                                         Boston Biotech Clinical Research LLC
JBEI                                                     2:00 pm – 3:30 pm                                       Cancer Research UK
Life Technologies                                              82 – Capitol Hill Trumps Wall Street?             D Young & Co
Mascoma Corp.                                                  Finding the Harmony in Biorenewable               Deloitte Consulting LLP
Metabolix                                                      R&D                                               Eli Lilly and Company
Novozymes                                                                                                        EMD Serono, Inc
                                                         • Outline the ways policymakers are creating            Exiqon A/S
Oak Ridge National Laboratory
                                                           sustainable policy.                                   Food and Drug Administration
Poet LLC
Sapphire Energy                                          • Detail the requirements necessary to allow            Foundation for the National Institutes of Health
Süd-Chemie AG                                              capital markets to support R&D investment.            GlaxoSmithKline
Synthetic Genomics                                       • List the ways current biorenewables companies         Johnson & Johnson
TU Munich                                                  have been successful financing without                Marshall, Gerstein & Borun LLP
Wacker Chemie AG                                           subsidies.                                            Merck
                                                                                                                 Merz Pharmaceuticals
                                                         3:45 pm – 5:00 pm                                       National Institute on Aging
      Tweet about this track with                        79 – Markets for Dual-Use Energy Crops                  National Institutes of Health
      hashtag #bio2011_industl                           • Review the challenges of developing biomass           Orasi Medical
                                                           feedstocks for biofuel/bioenergy.                     Prometheus
                                                                                                                 PROOF Centre of Excellence
                                                         • Introduce novel traits that can be engineered into    RadMD LLC
  COMMENTS FROM BIO                                        crops to provide benefits for multiple markets.       Shaare Zedek Medical Center
                                                         • Describe the improved economics for biofuel/          U.S. Food and Drug Administration
                Brent Erickson                             bioenergy crops that have alternative markets.        University of California, San Francisco
                Executive Vice President, Industrial
                and Environmental Section, BIO           Wednesday, June 29, 2011                                Monday, June 27, 2011
                                                         8:30 am – 9:45 am                                       2:00 pm – 3:15 pm
                                                         241 – From Direct Solar to Drop-Ins: The Next           87 – Use of Imaging in Clinical Development:
 “Industrial biotech has enabled a                       Wave in Biofuels Technologies                           Risk Management Strategies for Site and
  revolution in advanced biofuels and now                • Demonstrate the breadth and rapid pace of             Independent Image Evaluations
  this revolution is moving into renewable                 innovation in biofuels development.                   • Teach participants about the pros and cons of
  chemical platforms as well. Now that                   • Demonstrate solutions to limitations of first           site and central read of imaging data in trials.
  oil is hovering near $100 a barrel                       generation biofuels.                                  • Explain current regulatory environment about
  these biotechnologies are increasingly                 • Demonstrate the need for continued public               site and central reads.
  important and are becoming significant                   policy support of advanced biofuels.                  • Describe how to implement risk management
  drivers in innovation for the chemical                                                                           strategies when using imaging in trials.
  industry.”                                             10:00 am – 11:30 am
                                                               78 – Progress of Research in Bioenergy            3:45 pm – 5:00 pm
                                                               Centers: An Update on the Major DOE               89 – IP Issues Affecting Biomarker-Based
                                                               and Other Bioenergy Research Centers              Diagnostics
                                                         • Describe key fundamental science in                   • Inform biomarker scientists, business and legal
                                                           production and conversion of biomass into               pros on the state of IP law in the biomarker field.
                                                           ethanol and advanced biofuels.
                                                                                                                 • Provide lively discussion and debate and answer
                                                                                                                   audience questions.
     Advanced            Hot Topic          CLE Credit                                                           • Provoke debate and discussion on policy and
     Session             Session            Session                                                                increase awareness of importance of IP to the field.

14        B I O I N T E R N AT I ON A L CON V E N T I ON                             •     June 27–30, 2011, Monday–Thursday
Tuesday, June 28, 2011                              10:00 am – 11:30 am                                  • Examine efforts to assess the threats facing
                                                    84 – The Role of Imaging Biomarkers in Early           different regions.
8:30 am – 9:45 am
                                                    Clinical Phase CNS Drug Development                  • Describe approaches to the standardization
90 – Rediscovering the Promise of
Biomarkers                                          • Give comprehensive landscape of CNS imaging          of regulations, improving coordination of
                                                      biomarkers used in early-phase clinical CNS          transportation, dispensing, and delivery across
• Learn about new models for international PPPs                                                            borders.
                                                      drug development.
  to reduce risk and cost for biomarker research.
                                                    • State suitability of CNS imaging biomarkers to     3:45 pm – 5:15 pm
• Understand the regulatory challenges facing
                                                      measure drug penetration, pharmacodynamics         347 – Successes and Challenges in Public-
  the biomarkers qualification and validation.
                                                      and dose response.                                 Private Partnerships
• Explore how to work internationally to leverage
                                                    • Detail how effective CNS imaging biomarkers        • Review successful public-private partnerships’
  resources for biomarker reseach.
                                                      will accelerate CNS drug development: case           management of complex arrangements or issues
10:00 am – 11:30 am                                   studies.                                             such as IP, legal issues and manufacturing
83 – The Biomarkers Consortium: Facilitating        2:00 pm – 3:30 pm                                      responsibilities.
the Development and Qualification of                257 – Stratified Medicine – Hype or Hope             • Highlight experiences implementing a complex,
Biological Markers                                                                                         multi-site, multi-product research and
                                                    • Learn about the emerging field of stratified
• Describe lessons learned from completed/                                                                 manufacturing enterprise.
                                                      medicine and its challenges and opportunities.
  launched Biomarkers Consortium projects.                                                               • Discuss potential solutions that will help lead to
                                                    • Explore the future field dynamic and trends to
• Describe the challenges of biomarker                                                                     success.
                                                      prepare for, looking at the different aspects of
  qualification and the Biomarkers Consortium
                                                      biomarker development.
  approach.                                                                                              Thursday, June 30, 2011
                                                    • Understand scenarios to consider at different
• Explain why a diverse mix of organizations and                                                         8:15 am – 9:45 am
                                                      stages of development for an informed
  sectors are involved in this effort.                                                                   348 – Financing Biodefense as a National
                                                      decision on biomarker development and
2:00 pm – 3:30 pm                                     commercialization.                                 Security Priority
      86 – Rare Diseases Experience as a                                                                 • Review existing methods for funding the
      Model to Critically Affect Innovation in                                                             countermeasures enterprise, including new
      Biomarker Strategy and Precision               Biosecurity                                           initiatives to stimulate increased private sector
      Medicine                                                                                             involvement.
                                                    Presenting companies include:
• Explain rare diseases, orphan drug model:                                                              • Evaluate the criteria used by private capital
                                                    American Association for the Advancement of            firms to assess new technologies and products.
  challenges and payoff.                              Science (AAAS)
• Review examples of clinical biomarkers use in     Biological Weapons Convention Implementation         • Discuss ways that industry, government
  patient stratification for efficacy and safety.     Support Unit                                         and equity firms can work together and
                                                    Biotechnology Industry Organization                    what milestones would be appropriate in the
• Discuss “Integrity” database to accelerate
                                                    Department of Homeland Security                        countermeasures arena.
  biomarker identification.
                                                    The Henry L. Stimson Center                          9:45 am – 11:15 am
3:45 pm – 5:00 pm                                   Institute for Strategic Threat Analysis and
                                                                                                         349 – Protecting the Unprotected:
85 – The Evolving Business Model for                  Response, University of Pennsylvania
                                                                                                         Countermeasures for At-Risk and Vulnerable
Biomarkers: Status and Future Perspectives          J. Craig Ventner Institute
• Highlight newest developments in the area         National Security Council
                                                    Partnership for Global Security                      • Detail the unmet need for medical
  of biomarkers and personalized/stratified
                                                    Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars       countermeasures to protect all individuals.
                                                                                                         • Evaluate past efforts to protect at-risk and
• Outline impact on business models and
                                                    Wednesday June 29, 2011                                vulnerable populations.
  economics of therapy in the future of
  personalized/stratified medicine.                 8:15 am – 9:45 am                                    • Discuss approaches to integrating vulnerable
                                                                                                           populations into medical countermeasures
• Describe new working relationships between        343 – A View from the Hill                             planning, development, and dispensing.
  biotech/pharma/diagnostic companies and the       • Discuss Congressional views on domestic
  evolving business models.                           biodefense and international biosecurity           11:30 am – 1:00 pm
                                                      initiatives.                                       475 – Managing Technological Innovation in the
                                                    • Review policy approaches to funding,               New Era
            Companies in the                          implementing, and evaluating key biodefense        • Discuss the latest technologies, such as
            Clinical Trials Zone of                   and biosecurity programs.                            synthetic biology and nanotechnology, and their
the BIO Exhibition can help get your                • Evaluate needed policy initiatives to promote        importance for facing new natural and man-
biomarker project on the fast track.                  and prioritize global biosecurity.                   made threats.
                                                                                                         • Describe how technological innovation can
                                                    9:45 am – 11:15 am                                     be used help prevent, identify or respond to
Wednesday, June 29, 2011                            474 – Improving Global Bio-surveillance                emerging diseases.
8:30 am – 9:45 am                                   • Examine efforts to improve bio-surveillance        • Evaluate how technological innovation may be
                                                      efforts around the world.                            used by rogue nations or select groups.
      88 – Lessons From a Mature Public-
      Private Partnership: The Alzheimer’s          • Discuss roles in implementing bio-surveillance     1:30 pm – 2:00 pm
      Disease Neuroimaging Initiative                 programs and integrating them with established
                                                      global surveillance networks.                      351 – Closing Keynote Address: “The Role of
• Outline lessons learned from ADNI.                                                                     the BWC in a Biotech-Driven World”
                                                    • Review bio-surveillance activities in the
• Provide information about the challenges/                                                              • Explain the relevance of the 2011 BWC Review
                                                      zoonotic, food, and agricultural sectors.
  advantages of biomarker qualification through                                                            Conference to multiple constituencies.
  partnership.                                      2:00 pm – 3:30 pm                                    • Discuss ways the BWC annual meeting process
• Explain why a diverse mix of organizations and    345 – Managing Global Challenges in an                 can enhance global biosecurity.
  sectors are involved in this effort.              Evolving Threat Environment                          • Evaluate the Review Conference’s response to
                                                    • Review the multiple challenges facing the            new and emerging technological threats.
                                                      implementation of global biosecurity practices.

For more information and to register, visit + 1.202.962.6655                                                                          15
Breakout Sessions

                                                          3:45 pm – 5:00 pm                                    10:00 am – 11:30 am
 Biotech Patenting and Tech Transfer**
                                                                      93 – A Brave New World: Patent           96 – Lessons From In-Licensing Partnership:
Sponsored by: WilmerHale                                              Litigation Tactics and Strategies        Biotech Company Partners With Global Pharma
                                                                      for Biosimilars                          to Deliver Cutting-Edge Biosimilars
      **CLE Credits are offered by the organizing
      companies of the following sessions.                • Educate companies about the requirements of        • Describe building strong alliances to advance the
                                                            the new biosimilar patent litigation pathway.        development of novel therapies.
Presenting companies include:
                                                          • Explore strategic and tactical choices companies   • Convey key learnings, challenges and opportunities
20/20 Gene Systems                                          face along the new patent litigation timeline.       of a global partnership in orphan drugs.
Agricultural Research Service, USDA
ANAND AND ANAND                                           • Consider questions and concerns companies          • Celebrate the differences: strategically leveraging
Bayer HealthCare Pharmaceuticals                            face in planning to navigate the new pathway.        big pharma and biotech in a partnership.
Biogen Idec                                                                                                    2:00 pm – 3:30 pm
Choate Hall & Stewart LLP                                 Tuesday, June 28, 2011
                                                                                                                            91 – Collaborative R&D From the
DCGI (Retired) European Patent Office                     8:30 am – 9:45 am                                                 Perspective of Large Multinationals,
Marshall, Gerstein & Borun LLP                                  218 – The Myriad Case and the                               Universities and Start-ups
Mayo Clinic                                                     Patentability of Isolated DNA Molecules
Merck                                                                                                          • Teach participants how to approach technology
                                                          • Enable a spirited discussion of this and other       owners and what their needs are.
Monsanto Company
                                                            high-profile patent cases affecting BIO’s
Novartis Institutes for Biomedical Research                                                                    • Describe how to attract sponsors for research
                                                            members, including the Supreme Court’s 2010-
Novita Therapeutics                                                                                              and licensing revenues to your university.
                                                            2011 patent docket.
Novozymes                                                                                                      • Discuss key aspects of collaboration and
NUtech Ventures                                           • Educate the audience about recent
                                                                                                                 licensing agreements.
Office of Technology Transfer, NIH                          developments in the Myriad case and BIO’s
Pfizer                                                      leadership role as an amicus.
                                                                                                               Thursday, June 30, 2011
Protalix Biotherapeutics                                  • Inform BIO’s membership of the importance of
The Frankel Group                                           continued involvement with the issues raised,      8:30 am – 9:45 am
The Procter & Gamble Corporation                            whether at the Supreme Court stage or in an              95 – Innovative Collaborations: Deal
Thompson Coburn LLP                                         effort to obtain legislative remedies.                   Structures for Nonprofit/For-Profit
WilmerHale                                                                                                           Collaborations
                                                          10:00 am – 11:30 am
                                                                                                               • Describe successful industry collaborations with
 COMMENTS FROM BIO                                              259 – Patents in the                             nonprofits and drafting those clauses in your
                                                                Supreme Court                                    agreement.
                Tom Dilenge                               • Learn about the multiple currently-pending         • Explain how collaboration terms vary when one
                General Counsel and Senior                  patent cases in the U.S. Supreme Court and their     or both of the parties is a non-U.S. entity.
                Vice President, Legal &                     profound implications for the biotech industry.
                Intellectual Property, BIO                                                                     • List structures and terms to avoid in the interest
                                                          • Learn why the Supreme Court is reviewing high-       of a successful collaboration.
                                                            profile patent cases at an unusually high rate.
                                                          • Explore the direction in which the Supreme         10:00 am – 11:30 am
  “The lifeblood of biotechnology                                                                              306 – Protecting your Biotech IP in Europe —
                                                            Court is developing patent law, and prepare for
   innovation is strong patent protection                   future big patent law issues in the Supreme        One of the Largest Markets in the World.
   and commercially-attractive licensing                    Court.                                             • Define the expected changes in patent (case)
   practices. Our track will focus on                                                                            law, at European and national levels.
                                                          2:00 pm – 3:30 pm
   what biotech executives, investors, IP                                                                      • Analyze the consequence of these changes on
                                                          473 – Counterfeiting — How Corporations and
   attorneys and others in the industry                   the Government Can Work Together                       global patenting and licensing strategies.
   need to know about the latest key trends                                                                    • Anticipate new IP trends and translate them in
                                                          • Knowledge of roles industry/law enforcement/
   and best practices in this critical area.”               judiciary; fight importation of counterfeit          terms of business development.
                                                          • To clearly identify specific steps industry can     Business Development
Monday, June 27, 2011                                       take in working with law enforcement agencies.
                                                                                                               Sponsored by: Pfizer and Pillsbury Winthrop Shaw
2:00 pm – 3:15 pm                                                                                              Pittman LLP
92 – Drug Patent Linkage and Compulsory                                  Visit the Business Services           Presenting companies include:
Licensing — Challenges of Working Patented                               Zone of the BIO Exhibition
Inventions in India for Pharma Sector                                                                          5AM Ventures
                                                          to meet law firms specializing in                    Aegerion Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
• Pharma patent enforcement scene in India in                                                                  Amgen
  view of linkage and CL provisions and recent            intellectual property.
                                                                                                               Anchor Therapeutics
  Court orders.                                                                                                AstraZeneca
• Knowing recent circular on patent working                                                                    Avila Therapeutics, Inc.
  information and patent CL discussion paper
                                                          Wednesday, June 29, 2011                             Biotie Therapies
  and decisions.                                          8:30 am – 9:45 am                                    Bristol-Myers Squibb Company
• Effect of CL discussion paper on Public-                94 – Innovative Marketing and Technology             Celgene Corporation
  private deals in view of the Indian version of          Transfer — Federal Agencies Have Joined the          Eisai
  Bayh-Dole Act.                                          Game                                                 EnVivo Pharmaceuticals, Inc
                                                          • Teach about the new tools for business             EURORDIS
                                                            development and technology transfer.               Foley Hoag LLP
                                                                                                               Fulcrum Pharmaceuticals, Inc
                                                          • Clarify the importance of streamlining internal    Genentech
                                                            processes for business development.                GlaxoSmithKline
                                                          • Describe how to create a better user               Hyperion Therapeutics
     Advanced           Hot Topic            CLE Credit     experience for website visitors using Web 2.0      Johnson & Johnson
     Session            Session              Session        tools.                                             Macdougall Biomedical Communications

16        B I O I N T E R N AT I ON A L CON V E N T I ON                             •    June 27–30, 2011, Monday–Thursday
Marina Biotech, Inc.                                 2:00 pm – 3:30 pm                                   10:00 am – 11:30 am
Merck                                                188 – The Changing BD Environment:                  187 – Relationship Management: An Essential
Micromet                                             Overcoming Our Past to Succeed in the Future        Key Enabler for Alliance Success
New Enterprise Associates
                                                     • Explain the dynamics (type, economics, timing,    • Give practical implementable lessons about
Novartis Pharma
                                                       roles) driving biotech/pharma collaborations.       building AM capability in organizations.
OncoMed Pharmaceuticals
Orexigen Therapeutics, Inc.                          • Conceptualize novel approaches to biotech and     • Describe establishing metrics to support the
Pfizer                                                 pharma collaborations.                              value proposition provided by AM best practice.
Pillsbury                                            • Identify key deal showstoppers from either a      • Describe Alliance Portfolio Management
Plexxikon                                              historical or novel transaction approach.           through AM best practice.
Roche Pharma Partnering                              3:45 pm – 5:00 pm
sanofi pasteur                                       185 – Is Something Wrong With Our Alliance?:                     Meet service providers with
Skyline Ventures                                     How to Find Out Quickly                                          business development
Sutro Biopharma                                      • Identify problems early-on using health-check     experience in the Business Services Zone
Tolerx, Inc                                            methods appropriate for different alliances.
Vertex Pharmaceuticals Incorporated                                                                      of the BIO Exhibition.
                                                     • Describe different methods, their requirements,
                                                       advantages and drawbacks, and when to
                                                       employ them.
       Tweet about this track with                   • Convey through in-depth biopharma-specific
                                                                                                         myBIO keyword search: Business Services
       hashtag #bio2011_bd                             examples how to maintain successful alliances.

                                                     Wednesday, June 29, 2011
Monday, June 27, 2011                                                                                     Diagnostics and Personalized Medicine
                                                     8:30 am – 9:45 am
2:00 pm – 3:15 pm                                    184 – Secrets of the Big Pharma Dealmakers          Sponsored by: Abbott and Enterprise Florida
174 – The Effect of a More Risk Averse
                                                     • Identify approaches for identifying good          Presenting companies include:
Environment on Licensing Deals
                                                       partners and how to get noticed by big pharma.    Abbott
• Describe the current environment within                                                                Accentia Biopharmaceuticals
                                                     • Spotlight latest trends in deal structures and
  licensing biopharma companies with regard to                                                           Agenzia Italiana del Farmaco – AIFA
                                                       key contract terms now being negotiated.
  risk for in-licensed programs.                                                                         AltheaDx, Inc.
                                                     • Explain the “do’s” and “don’ts” of managing
• Indicate specific risk management strategies                                                           AstraZeneca
  and their implications.                                                                                Baker Botts LLP
• Give advice from licensees on how best to          10:00 am – 11:30 am                                 Banyan Biomarkers
  strategize with a licensing partner.               186 – Premature or Prescient? When Big              BioMarker Strategies, LLC
                                                     Pharma Is Doing Preclinical Deals With              BioVest International
3:45 pm – 5:00 pm                                    Seemingly Clinical-Stage Valuations                 Boston Healthcare
190 – Disco Inferno — Pharma Feels the Heat                                                              Cardio Dx
                                                     • Provide alternative approaches to gaining
With Discovery Deals                                                                                     Clovis Oncology
                                                       access to important resources that will support
• Present the current ‘state of the state’ on                                                            Compendia Bioscience
                                                       drug discovery.
  pharma pipelines and appetite for discovery                                                            Eli Lilly and Company
                                                     • Provide emerging companies with ideas about       European Commission DG Enterprise and Industry
  stage deals.
                                                       collaborating with pharma.                        Genomic Health, Inc
• Discuss challenges for biotech companies to                                                            Health Advances
                                                     • Showcase successful collaborations that
  preserve autonomy and IP when partnering.                                                              Ipsen Innovation, Ipsen Group
                                                       provide pharma access to promising early-
• Query representatives on both sides of the fence     stage assets.                                     Medco Health Solutions, Inc.
  as to how to get successful deals accomplished.                                                        Medco Research Institute
                                                     2:00 pm – 3:30 pm                                   Novartis Molecular Diagnostics
Tuesday, June 28, 2011                               260 – Moving to the Next Level: Accessing           On-Q-ity
8:30 am – 9:45 am                                    Capital Internationally                             Personalized Medicine Coalition
                                                     • Learn how to position your company to access      Pure Communications Inc.
176 – The Partnering Conundrum: To Partner
                                                       capital from these types of investors.            Research & Development, Inc
or Not to Partner, That Is the Question . . .
                                                                                                         Sanford-Burnham Medical Research Institute
• Describe the benefits and drawbacks of             • Discover how to keep a deal alive.
                                                                                                         School of Medicine, The University of Manchester
  partnerships from various perspectives.            • Find out what types of deals and companies        Scientia Advisors
• Describe key value driving/preserving terms to       investors at this level look for.                 XDx, Inc
  keep in mind while negotiating a partnership.
• Discuss how to achieve a successful exit after
                                                     Thursday, June 30, 2011                              COMMENTS FROM BIO

  a company has partnered a key asset.               8:30 am – 9:45 am
                                                                                                                       Daryl Pritchard, PhD
                                                     189 – Accelerating Product Development With                       Director, Research Programs
10:00 am – 11:30 am                                  Nondilutive Funding for Private Biotechs                          Advocacy, BIO
191 – Navigating New Trends in the Industry:
                                                     • Outline types of funding sources available for
How Pharma and Biotech Collaborations Are
                                                       early-stage biotech companies.
Shaping the Future of Drug Development
• Discover how pharma and biotech partnerships
                                                     • Review the pros and cons of applying for public     “Personalized Medicine and the
                                                       and/or private sources of nondilutive funding.       integration of advanced diagnostics into
  can increase drug development diversification.
• Offer insights from industry experts on
                                                     • Detail the process for applying for and              wellness and health condition decision
                                                       successfully receiving funding.                      making IS the future of healthcare. This
  the strategic value of pharma and biotech
  collaborations.                                                                                           evolution of the healthcare system
• Discover how to meet patients’ needs through                                                              will happen through advances in
  advancements in novel therapies and industry                                                              Biotechnology.”

For more information and to register, visit + 1.202.962.6655                                                                        17
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