Bilingual Lexicon Induction - via Unsupervised Bitext Construction and Word Alignment
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Bilingual Lexicon Induction via Unsupervised Bitext Construction and Word Alignment Haoyue Shi ∗ Luke Zettlemoyer Sida I. Wang TTI-Chicago University of Washington Facebook AI Research Facebook AI Research Abstract are possible by learning to filter the resulting lexi- cal entries. Improving on a recent method for doing Bilingual lexicons map words in one language BLI via unsupervised machine translation (Artetxe to their translations in another, and are typi- et al., 2019), we show that unsupervised mining arXiv:2101.00148v1 [cs.CL] 1 Jan 2021 cally induced by learning linear projections to align monolingual word embedding spaces. In produces better bitext for lexicon induction than this paper, we show it is possible to produce translation, especially for less frequent words. much higher quality lexicons with methods These core contributions are established by sys- that combine (1) unsupervised bitext mining tematic experiments in the class of bitext construc- and (2) unsupervised word alignment. Directly tion and alignment methods (Figure 1). Our full applying a pipeline that uses recent algorithms induction algorithm filters the lexicon found via for both subproblems significantly improves induced lexicon quality and further gains are the initial unsupervised pipeline. The filtering can possible by learning to filter the resulting lex- be either fully unsupervised or weakly-supervised: ical entries, with both unsupervised and semi- for the former, we filter using simple heuristics and supervised schemes. Our final model outper- global statistics; for the latter, we train a multi-layer forms the state of the art on the BUCC 2020 perceptron (MLP) to predict the probability of a shared task by 14 F1 points averaged over 12 word pairs being in the lexicon, where the features language pairs, while also providing a more in- are global statistics of word alignments. terpretable approach that allows for rich rea- In addition to BLI, our method can also be di- soning of word meaning in context. rectly adapted to improve word alignment and 1 Introduction reach competitive or better alignment accuracy than the state of the art on all investigated language Bilingual lexicons map words in one language to pairs. We find that improved alignment in sentence their translations in another, and can be automati- representations (Tran et al., 2020) leads to better cally induced by learning linear projections to align contextual word alignments using local similarity monolingual word embedding spaces (Artetxe (Sabet et al., 2020). et al., 2016; Smith et al., 2017; Lample et al., 2018, Our final BLI approach outperforms the previ- inter alia). Although very successful in practice, ous state of the art on the BUCC 2020 shared task the linear nature of these methods encodes unrealis- (Rapp et al., 2020) by 14 F1 points averaged over tic simplifying assumptions (e.g. all translations of 12 language pairs. Manual analysis shows that most a word have similar embeddings). In this paper, we of our false positives are due to the incompleteness show it is possible to produce much higher quality of the reference and that our lexicon is compara- lexicons without these restrictions by introducing ble to the reference data and a supervised system. new methods that combine (1) unsupervised bitext Because both of our key building blocks make use mining and (2) unsupervised word alignment. of the pretrainined contextual representations from We show that simply pipelining recent algo- mBART (Liu et al., 2020) and CRISS (Tran et al., rithms for unsupervised bitext mining (Tran et al., 2020), we can also interpret these results as clear 2020) and unsupervised word alignment (Sabet evidence that lexicon induction benefits from con- et al., 2020) significantly improves bilingual lexi- textualized reasoning at the token level, in strong con induction (BLI) quality, and that further gains contrast to nearly all existing methods that learn ∗ Work done during internship at Facebook AI Research. linear projections on word types.
Guten Morgen . Monolingual Corpora Good morning . Guten Morgen. Good evening. Guten Morgen. Good morning. Guten Abend. Thank you. Guten Abend. Good evening. Danke . Das ist eine Katze. Goodbye. Bitext Das ist eine Katze. This is a cat. Word Danke. This is a cat. Construction Danke. Thank you. Alignment Thank you . Hallo. How are you? … … … Das ist gut. Good morning. … … Statistical Feature Extraction Lexicon Induction 2 cooccurrence(good, guten) = 2 2 one-to-one align(good, guten) = 2 0 many-to-one align(good, guten) = 0 good, guten = 0.95 Multi-Layer 0.8 cosine_similarity(good, guten) = 0.8 Perceptron 1.8 inner_product(good, guten) = 1.8 2 count(good) = 2 2 count(guten) = 2 Figure 1: Overview of the proposed retrieval–based supervised BLI framework. Best viewed in color. 2 Related Work Word alignment. Word alignment is a funda- mental problem in statistical machine translation, Bilingual lexicon induction (BLI). The task of of which the goal is to decide lexical translation BLI aims to induce a bilingual lexicon (i.e., word with parallel sentences. Following the approach of translation) from comparable monolingual corpora IBM models (Brown et al., 1993), existing work (e.g., Wikipedia in different languages). Early work has achieved decent performance with statistical on BLI uses feature-based retrieval (Fung and Yee, methods (Och and Ney, 2003; Dyer et al., 2013). 1998), distributional hypothesis (Rapp, 1999; Vulić Recent work has demonstrated the potential of neu- and Moens, 2013), and decipherment (Ravi and ral networks on the task (Peter et al., 2017; Garg Knight, 2011). We refer to Irvine and Callison- et al., 2019; Zenkel et al., 2019, inter alia). Burch (2017) for a survey. While word alignment usually use parallel sen- Following Mikolov et al. (2013), embedding tences for training, Sabet et al. (2020) propose based methods for BLI is currently the dominant ap- SimAlign, which does not train on parallel sen- proach to this task, where most methods train a lin- tences but instead aligns words that has the most ear projection to align two monolingual embedding similar pretrained multilingual representations (De- spaces. For supervised BLI, a seed lexicon is used vlin et al., 2019; Conneau et al., 2019). SimAlign to learn the projection matrix (Artetxe et al., 2016; achieves competitive or superior performance than Smith et al., 2017; Joulin et al., 2018). Besides conventional alignment methods despite not using an actual seed lexicon, supervision by identically parallel sentences. spelled words is found to be especially effective In this work, we find that SimAlign with (Smith et al., 2017; Søgaard et al., 2018). For un- CRISS (Tran et al., 2020) as the base model supervised BLI, the projection matrix is typically achieves state-of-the-art word alignment perfor- found by an iterative procedure such as adversarial mance without any bitext supervision. Additionally, learning (Lample et al., 2018; Zhang et al., 2017), we also present a simple yet effective method to or iterative refinement initialized by a statistical improve over SimAlign. heuristics (Hoshen and Wolf, 2018; Artetxe et al., 2018). While most methods use variants of near- Bitext mining/parallel corpus mining. While est neighbors in the projected embedding space, conventional bitext mining methods (Resnik, 1999; Alvarez-Melis and Jaakkola (2018) minimize the Shi et al., 2006; Abdul-Rauf and Schwenk, 2009, Gromov-Wasserstein distance of a similarity matrix inter alia) rely on feature engineering, recent work and Artetxe et al. (2019) uses a generative unsuper- proposes to train neural multilingual encoders and vised translation system. to mine bitext with respect to vector similarity In this work, we improve on the approach of (Espana-Bonet et al., 2017; Schwenk, 2018; Guo Artetxe et al. (2019) where we show that retrieval- et al., 2018, inter alia). Artetxe and Schwenk based bitext mining and contextual word align- (2019a) propose several similarity-based mining ments achieves better performance. algorithms, among which the margin-based max-
score method is the most effective; the algorithm 3.3.1 Generation is also applied by following work (Schwenk et al., Artetxe et al. (2019) train an unsupervised machine 2019; Tran et al., 2020). translation model with monolingual corpora, gener- In this work, we use the pretrained CRISS model ate bitext with the obtained model, and further use (Tran et al., 2020)1 to mine bitext. the generated bitext to induce bilingual lexicons. In this work, we replace their statistical unsupervised 3 Background translation model with CRISS, which is expected to produce bitext (i.e., translations) of much higher 3.1 CRISS quality. For each sentence in the source language, we use the pretrained CRISS model to generate CRISS (Tran et al., 2020) is a joint bitext min- the translation in the target language using beam ing and unsupervised machine translation model, search or nucleus sampling (Holtzman et al., 2020). which requires only monolingual corpora for train- We also translate each sentence in the target lan- ing. It is initialized with mBART (Liu et al., 2020), guage into the source language and include the a multilingual encoder-decoder model pretrained bi-directional translations in the bitexts. on separate monolingual corpora, and is trained iteratively. In each iteration, CRISS (i) encodes 3.3.2 Retrieval all source sentences and all target sentences with Tran et al. (2020) have shown that the encoder mod- its encoder, (ii) mine parallel sentences using a ule of CRISS can serve as a high-quality sentence margin-based similarity score (Eq 1) proposed by encoder for cross-lingual retrieval: they take the Artetxe and Schwenk (2019a), and (iii) performs average across the contextualized embeddings of fine-tuning for supervised machine translation with tokens as sentence representation, perform near- the mined bitext as the training data. est neighbor search with FAISS (Johnson et al., 2019),2 and mine bitext using the margin-based 3.2 SimAlign max-score method (Artetxe and Schwenk, 2019a).3 The score between sentence representations s and SimAlign (Sabet et al., 2020) is an unsupervised t is defined by word aligner based on the similarity of contextu- alized token vectors. Given a pair of parallel sen- score(s, t) (1) tences, SimAlign computes token vectors using cos (s, t) pretrained multilingual language models such as =P , cos(s,t0 ) P cos(s0 ,t) mBERT and XLM-R, and forms a similarity matrix t0 ∈NNk (t) 2k + s0 ∈NNk (s) 2k whose entries are the cosine similarities between every source token vector and every target token where NNk (·) denotes the set of k nearest neigh- vector. bors of a vector in the corresponding space. In this work, we keep the top 20% of the sentence pairs Based on the similarity matrix, the argmax algo- with scores larger than 1 as the constructed bitext. rithm aligns the positions that are the simultaneous column-wise and row-wise maxima. To increase 4 Proposed Framework for BLI recall, SimAlign also proposes itermax, which applies argmax iteratively while excluding previ- Our framework for bilingual lexicon induction ously aligned positions. takes separate monolingual corpora and the pre- trained CRISS model as input,4 and outputs a list 3.3 Unsupervised Bitext Construction of bilingual word pairs as the induced lexicon. The framework consists of two parts: (i) an unsuper- Unsupervised bitext construction aims to create bi- vised bitext construction module which generates text without supervision, where the most popular 2 ways to do so are through unsupervised machine faiss translation (generation; Artetxe et al., 2019, Sec- 3 We observe significant difference when using different tion 3.3.1) and through bitext retrieval (retrieval; methods proposed by Artetxe and Schwenk (2019a): in gen- eral, the max-score method produces bitext with the highest Tran et al., 2020, Section 3.3.2). quality. 4 CRISS is also trained on separate monolingual corpora; 1 that is, the input to our framework is only separate monolin- criss_3rd_checkpoints.tar.gz gual corpora.
or retrieves bitext from separate monolingual cor- • The count of s in the source language and t in pora without explicit supervision (Section 3.3), and the target language.6 (ii) a lexicon induction module which induces bilin- gual lexicon from the constructed bitext based on • Non-contextualized word similarity: we feed the statistics of cross-lingual word alignment. For the word type itself into CRISS, use the av- the lexicon induction module, we compare two erage pooling of the output subword embed- approaches: fully unsupervised induction (Sec- dings, and consider both cosine similarity and tion 4.1) which do not use any extra supervision, dot-product similarity as features. and weakly-supervised induction (Section 4.2) that For a counting feature c, we take log (c + θc ), uses a seed lexicon as input. where θ consists of learnable parameters. There are 7 features in total, which is denoted by xhs,ti ∈ R7 . 4.1 Fully Unsupervised Induction We compute the probability of a pair of words We align the constructed bitext with CRISS-based hs, ti being in the induced lexicon PΘ (s, t)7 by a SimAlign, and propose to use smoothed matched ReLU activated multi-layer perceptron (MLP) as ratio for a pair of bilingual word type hs, ti follows: hhs,ti = W1 xhs,ti + b1 mat(s, t) ρ(s, t) = coc(s, t) + λ ĥhs,ti = ReLU hhs,ti PΘ (s, t) = σ w2 · ĥhs,ti + b2 , as the metric to induce lexicon, where mat(s, t) and coc(s, t) denote the one-to-one matching count where σ(·) denotes the sigmoid function, and Θ = (e.g., guten-good; Figure 1) and co-occurrence {W1 , b1 , w2 , b2 } denotes the learnable parame- count of hs, ti appearing in a sentence pair respec- ters of the model. tively, and λ is a non-negative smoothing term.5 Recall that we are able to access a seed lexicon, On the inference stage, we predict the target which consists of pairs of word translations. In word t with the highest ρ(s, t) for each source word the training stage, we seek to maximize the log s. Like most previous works (Artetxe et al., 2016; likelihood: Smith et al., 2017; Lample et al., 2018, inter alia), X this method translates each source word to exactly Θ∗ = arg max log PΘ (s, t) Θ hs,ti∈D+ one target word. X log 1 − PΘ (s0 , t0 ) , + 4.2 Weakly-Supervised Induction hs0 ,t0 i∈D− In addition to fully unsupervised induction, we also where D+ and D− denotes the positive training set propose a weakly-supervised method to learn a lexi- (i.e., the seed lexicon) and the negative training set con inducer, taking the advantage of the potentially respectively. We construct the negative training available seed lexicon. For a pair of word type set by extracting all bilingual word pairs that co- hs, ti, we consider the following global features: occurred at least once and have the source word in the seed lexicon, and removing the seed lexicon • Count of alignment: we consider both one-to- from it. one alignment (Section 4.1) and many-to-one We tune two hyperparameters θ and n to max- alignment (e.g., danke-you and danke-thank; imize the F1 score on the seed lexicon and use Figure 1) of s and t separately as two features, them for inference, where θ denotes the prediction since the task of lexicon induction is arguably threshold and n denotes the maximum number of biased toward one-to-one alignment. translation for each source word, following Laville et al. (2020) who estimate these hyperparameters • Count of co-occurrence used in Section 4.1. based on heuristics. The inference algorithm is summarized in Algorithm 1. 5 Throughout our experiments, λ = 20. The intuition to 6 add such a smoothing term is to reduce the effect of noisy we find that SimAlign sometimes mistakenly align rare alignment: the most extreme case is that both mat(s, t) and words to common punctuation marks, and such features can coc(s, t) are 1, but it is probably not desirable despite the high help exclude such pairs from final predictions. 7 matched ratio of 1. Not to be confused with joint probability.
Algorithm 1: Inference algorithm for yhsi ,tj i is defined as weakly-supervised lexicon induction. Input: Thresholds θ, n, 1[hi, ji ∈ Aargmax ] + 1[hi, ji ∈ Aitermax ]. Model parameters Θ, source words S Intuitively, the labels 0 and 2 represents confi- Output: Induced lexicon L dent alignment or non-alignment by both methods, L←∅ while the label 1 models the potential alignment. for s ∈ S do The MLP takes the features xhsi ,tj i ∈ R7 of the (hs, t1 i, . . . , hs, tk i) ← bilingual word word token pair, and compute the probability of pairs sorted by the descending order of each label y by PΘ (s, ti ) k 0 = max{j | PΘ (s, tj ) ≥ θ, j ∈ [k]} h = W1 xhsi ,tj i + b1 m = min(n, k 0 ) ĥ = ReLU (h) L ← L ∪ {hs, t1 i, . . . , hs, tm i} end g = W2 · ĥ + b2 exp (gy ) PΦ (y | si , tj , S, T ) = P , y 0 exp gy 0 5 Extension to Word Alignment where Φ = {W1 W2 , b1 , b2 }. On the training stage, we maximize the log-likelihood of pseudo The idea of using an MLP to induce lexicon with ground-truth labels: weak supervision (Section 4.2) can be naturally ex- tended to word alignment. Let B = {hSi , Ti i}N i=1 Φ∗ = arg max denote the constructed bitext in Section 3.3, where Φ X X X N denotes the number of sentence pairs, and Si log PΦ (yhsi ,tj i | si , tj , S, T ). and Ti denote a pair of sentences in the source hS,T i∈B si ∈S tj ∈T and target language respectively. For a pair of On the inference stage, we keep all word token pseudo bitext hS, T i, where S = hs1 , . . . , s`s i and pairs hsi , tj i that have T = ht1 , . . . , t`s i are sentences consist of word tokens si or ti . X EP [y] := y · P (y | si , tj , S, T ) > 1 For such a pair of bitext, SimAlign with a spec- y ified inference algorithm produces word alignment as the prediction. A = {hai , bi i}i , denoting that the word tokens sai and tbi are aligned. Sabet et al. (2020) has proposed 6 Experiments different algorithms to induce alignment from the same similarity matrix, and the best method varies 6.1 Setup across language pairs. In this work, we consider Throughout out experiments, we use a two-layer the relatively conservative (i.e., having higher preci- perceptron with the hidden size of 8 for both lexi- sion) argmax and the more aggressive (i.e., having con induction and word alignment. We optimize all higher recall) itermax algorithm (Sabet et al., 2020), of our models using Adam (Kingma and Ba, 2015) and denote the alignments by Aargmax and Aitermax with the initial learning rate 5 × 10−4 . For our respectively. bitext construction methods, we retrieve the best We substitute the non-contextualized word sim- matching sentence or translate the sentences in the ilarity feature (Section 4.2) with contextualized source language Wikipedia; for baseline models, word similarity where the corresponding word em- we use their default settings. bedding is computed by averaging the final-layer 6.2 Results: Bilingual Lexicon Induction contextualized subword embeddings of CRISS. The cosine similarities and dot-products of these For evaluation, we use the BUCC 2020 BLI shared contextualized word embedding are included as task metric and dataset (Rapp et al., 2020).8 The features. 8 Instead of the binary classification in Section 4.2, bucc2020-task.html; Rapp et al. (2020) only release the source words in the test set, and we follow their instruction we do ternary classification for word alignments. to reconstruct the full test set using MUSE (Lample et al., For a pair of word tokens hsi , tj i, the gold label 2018).
Language Weakly-Supervised Unsupervised Pair BUCC VECMAP WM GEN GEN - N RTV GEN - RTV Vecmap GEN RTV de-en 61.5 38.2 71.6 70.2 67.7 73.0 74.2 37.6 62.6 66.8 de-fr 76.8 45.5 79.8 79.1 79.2 78.9 83.2 46.5 79.4 80.3 en-de 54.5 31.3 62.1 62.7 59.3 64.4 66.0 31.8 51.0 56.2 en-es 62.6 58.3 71.8 73.7 69.6 77.0 75.3 58.0 60.2 65.6 en-fr 65.1 40.2 74.4 73.1 69.9 73.4 76.3 40.6 61.9 66.3 en-ru 41.4 24.5 54.4 43.5 37.9 53.1 53.1 23.9 28.4 45.4 en-zh 49.5 22.2 67.7 64.3 56.8 69.9 68.3 21.5 51.5 51.7 es-en 71.1 66.0 82.3 80.3 75.8 82.8 82.6 65.5 71.4 76.4 fr-de 71.0 42.5 82.1 80.0 78.7 80.9 81.7 43.4 76.4 77.3 fr-en 53.7 45.9 80.3 79.7 76.1 80.0 83.2 46.8 72.7 75.9 ru-en 57.1 40.0 72.7 61.1 59.2 72.7 72.9 39.9 51.8 68.0 zh-en 36.9 16.2 64.1 52.6 50.6 62.5 62.5 17.0 34.3 48.1 average 58.4 39.2 72.0 68.4 65.1 72.4 73.3 39.4 58.5 64.8 Table 1: F1 scores (×100) on the BUCC 2020 test set (Rapp et al., 2020). The best number in each row is bolded. F1 score is the main metric of this shared task. on real bitext and then used to mine more bitext Like most recent work, this evaluation is based on from the Wikipedia corpora to get the WikiMatrix MUSE (Lample et al., 2018).9 We adopt the BUCC dataset. We test our lexicon induction method with evaluation as our main metric because it also con- WikiMatrix bitext as the input and compare to our siders recall in addition to the precision. However, methods that do not use bitext supervision. because many recent work only evaluates on the Main results. We evaluate bidirectional transla- precision, we include precision-only evaluations in tions from beam search (GEN; Section 3.3.1), bidi- Appendix D. Our main results are presented with rectional translations from nucleus sampling (GEN - the following baselines in Table 1. N ; Holtzman et al., 2020)13 , and retrieval ( RTV ; BUCC. Best results from the BUCC 2020 (Rapp Section 3.3.2) as the bitext construction method. et al., 2020) for each language pairs, we take the In addition, it is natural to concatenate the global maximum F1 score between the best closed-track statistical features (Section 4.2) from both GEN and results (Severini et al., 2020; Laville et al., 2020) RTV and we call this GEN - RTV . and open-track ones (Severini et al., 2020). Our All of our approaches (GEN , GEN - N , RTV, GEN - method would be considered open track since the RTV ) outperform the previous state of the art pretrained models used a much larger data set (BUCC) by a significant margin on all language (Common Crawl 25) than the BUCC 2020 closed- pairs. Surprisingly, RTV and GEN - RTV even out- track (Wikipedia or Wacky; Baroni et al., 2009). perform WikiMatrix by average F1 score, showing that we may not need extra bitext supervision to V EC M AP. Popular and robust method for align- obtain high-quality bilingual lexicons. ing monolingual word embeddings via a linear pro- jection and extracting lexicons. Here, we use the 6.3 Analysis standard implementation10 with FastText vectors 6.3.1 Bitext Quality (Bojanowski et al., 2017)11 trained on Wikipedia Since RTV achieves surprisingly high performance, corpus for each language. We include both super- we are interested in how much the quality of bitext vised and unsupervised versions. affects the lexicon induction performance. We di- vide all retrieved bitexts with score (Eq. 1) larger WM . WikiMatrix (Schwenk et al., 2019)12 is than 1 equally into five sections with respect to a dataset of mined bitext. The mining method the score, and compare the lexicon induction per- LASER (Artetxe and Schwenk, 2019b) is trained formance (Table 2). In the table, RTV-1 refers to 9 the bitext of the highest quality and RTV-5 refers MUSE to the ones of the lowest quality, in terms of the 10 11 margin score (Eq 1).14 We also add a random pe- 13 fastText We sample from the smallest word set whose cumulative 12 probability mass exceeds 0.5 for next words. 14 LASER/tree/master/tasks/WikiMatrix See Appendix C for examples from each tier.
Bitext Quality: High → Low Languages RTV-1 RTV-2 RTV-3 RTV-4 RTV-5 Random RTV- ALL de-en 73.0 67.9 65.8 64.5 63.1 37.8 70.9 de-fr 78.9 74.2 70.8 69.5 67.3 60.6 79.4 en-de 64.4 59.7 58.1 56.6 57.2 36.5 62.5 en-es 77.0 76.5 73.7 68.4 66.1 43.3 75.3 en-fr 73.4 70.5 67.9 65.7 65.5 47.8 68.3 en-ru 53.1 48.0 44.2 40.8 41.0 15.0 51.3 en-zh 69.9 59.6 66.1 60.1 61.3 48.2 67.6 es-en 82.8 82.4 79.6 74.2 72.3 44.4 81.1 fr-de 80.9 76.9 73.2 74.7 74.5 64.7 79.1 fr-en 80.0 79.0 74.2 72.6 71.6 50.1 79.4 ru-en 72.7 66.8 60.5 55.8 54.0 14.7 71.0 zh-en 62.5 58.0 54.1 50.9 49.3 13.6 61.3 average 72.4 68.3 65.7 62.8 61.9 39.7 70.6 Table 2: F1 scores (×100) on the standard test set of the BUCC 2020 shared task (Rapp et al., 2020). We use the weakly-supervised version of lexicon inducer (Section 4.2). The best number in each row is bolded. It is worth noting that RTV-1 is the same as RTV in Table 1. sudo bitext baseline (Random), where all the bitext Languages SimAlign fast align are randomly sampled from each language pair, as de-en 73.0 69.7 well as using all retrieved sentence pairs that have de-fr 78.9 69.1 en-de 64.4 61.2 scores larger than 1 (RTV- ALL). en-es 77.0 72.8 In general, the lexicon induction performance en-fr 73.4 68.5 of RTV correlates well with the quality of bitext. en-ru 53.1 50.7 en-zh 69.9 66.0 Even using the bitext of the lowest quality (RTV-5), es-en 82.8 79.8 it is still able to induce reasonably good bilingual fr-de 80.9 75.8 lexicon, outperforming the best numbers reported fr-en 80.0 77.3 ru-en 72.7 70.2 by BUCC 2020 participants (Table 1) on average. zh-en 62.5 60.2 However, RTV achieves poor performance with ran- average 72.4 68.4 dom bitext (Table 2), indicating that it is only ro- bust to a reasonable level of noise. While this is a Table 3: F1 scores (×100) on the BUCC 2020 test lower-bound on bitext quality, even random bitext set. Models are trained with the retrieval–based bitext does not lead to 0 F1 since the model can align any (RTV), in the weakly-supervised setting (Section 4.2. co-occurrences of correct word pairs even when The best number in each row is bolded. they appear in unrelated sentences. 6.3.2 Word Alignment Quality tence pairs on average) used by GEN - N, our weakly- We compare the lexicon induction performance supervised framework outperforms the previous using the same set of constructed bitext (RTV) state of the art (BUCC; Table 1). The model reaches and different word aligners (Table 3). Accord- its best performance using 20% of the bitext (3.2M ing to Sabet et al. (2020), SimAlign outperforms sentence pairs on average) and then drop slightly fast align in terms of word alignment. We with even more bitext. This is likely because more observe that such a trend translates to resulting lex- bitext introduces more candidates word pairs. icon induction performance well: a significantly 6.3.4 Dependence on Word Frequency better word aligner can usually lead to a better in- duced lexicon. GEN vs. RTV . We observe that retrieval-based bitext construction (RTV) works significantly better 6.3.3 Bitext Quantity than generation-based ones (GEN and GEN - N), in We investigate how the BLI performance changes terms of lexicon induction performance (Table 1). when the quantity of bitext changes (Figure 2). We To further investigate the source of such difference, use CRISS with nucleus sampling (GEN - N) to cre- we compare the performance of the RTV and GEN ate different amount of bitext of the same quality. as a function of source word frequency or target We find that with only 1% of the bitext (160K sen- word frequency, where the word frequency are com-
F1 GEN - RTV VECMAP 66 倉庫 depot 3 亞歷山大 constantine 7 65 浪費 wasting 3 積累 strating 7 64 背面 reverse 3 拉票 canvass ? 嘴巴 mouths 3 中隊 squadrons-the 7 63 可笑 laughable 3 溫和派 oppositionists 7 62 隱藏 conceal 3 只 anted 7 1 5 10 20 50 100 300 (%) 虔誠 devout 3 寡頭政治 plutocratic 7 Bitext size 純淨 purified ? 正統 unascended 7 截止 deadline 3 斷層 faulting 3 Figure 2: F1 scores (×100) on the BUCC 2020 test set, 對外 foreign ? 划定 intered 7 produced by our weakly-supervised framework using 鍾 clocks 3 卵泡 senesced 7 different amount of bitext generated by CRISSwith nu- 努力 effort 3 文件 document 3 cleus sampling. 100% is the same as GEN - N in Table 1. 艦 ships 3 蹄 bucked 7 For portions less than 100%, we uniformly sample the 州 states 3 檢察 prosecuting ? 受傷 wounded 3 騎師 jockeys 3 corresponding amount of bitext; for portions greater 滑動 sliding 3 要麼 past-or 7 than 100%, we generate multiple translations for each 毒理學 toxicology 3 波恩 -feld 7 source sentence. 推翻 overthrown 3 鼓舞 invigorated 3 穿 wore 3 訪問 interviewing ? F1 F1 禮貌 courteous 3 光芒 light—and 7 70 70 65 65 60 RTV 60 RTV 55 GEN 55 GEN Table 4: Manually labeled acceptability judgments for 50 VECMAP 50 VECMAP 45 45 random 20 error cases made by GEN - RTV (left) and 40 40 VECMAP (right). 3 and 7 denote acceptable and unac- 0 20 40 60 80 100 0 20 40 60 80 100 % of source words % of target words ceptable translation respectively. ? denotes word pairs (a) (b) that are usually different but are translations under spe- cific contexts. Figure 3: Average F1 scores (×100) with our weakly- supervised framework across the 12 language pairs (Ta- ble 1) on the filtered BUCC 2020 test set. We filter ground truth to keep the entries with (a) the k% most performance than that through vector rotation (Ta- frequent source words, and (b) the k% most frequent ble 1), we further show that the gap is larger on low- target words. frequency words (Figure 3). Note that VECMAP does not make assumptions about word spellings whereas our method inherits shared subwords from puted from the lower-cased Wikipedia corpus. In pretrained representations. Figure 3, we plot the F1 of RTV and GEN when the most frequent k% of words are considered. When all words are considered RTV outperform GEN for 11 of 12 language pairs except de-fr. In 6 of 12 6.3.5 Ground-truth Analysis language pairs, GEN does better than RTV for high frequency source words. As more lower frequency Following the advice of Kementchedjhieva et al. words are included, GEN eventually does worse (2019) that some care is needed due to the in- than RTV. This helps explain why the combined completeness and biases of the evaluation, we model GEN - RTV is even better since GEN can have perform manual analysis of selected results. For an edge in high frequency words over RTV. The Chinese–English translations, we uniformly sam- trend that F1 (RTV) − F1 (GEN) increases as more ple 20 wrong lexicon entries according to the eval- lower frequency words are included seems true for uation for both GEN - RTV and VECMAP. Our judg- all language pairs (Appendix A). ments of these samples are shown in Table 4. For GEN - RTV , 18/20 of these sampled errors are actu- On average and for the majority of language pairs, both methods do better on low-frequency ally acceptable translations, whereas for VECMAP, source words than high-frequency ones (Figure 3a), only 4/20 are acceptable. This indicate that the im- which is consistent with the findings by BUCC provement in quality is partly limited by the incom- 2020 participants (Rapp et al., 2020). pleteness of the reference lexicon and the ground truth performance of our method might be even VECMAP . While BLI through bitext construc- better. The same analysis for English–Chinese is tion and word alignment clearly achieves superior in Appendix B.
Model de-en en-fr en-hi ro-en improve the quality of word alignment. GIZA++ † 0.22 0.09 0.52 0.32 From the perspective of pretrained multilingual fast align† 0.30 0.16 0.62 0.32 models (Conneau et al., 2019; Liu et al., 2020; Garg et al. (2019) 0.16 0.05 N/A 0.23 Tran et al., 2020, inter alia), our work shows that Zenkel et al. (2019) 0.21 0.10 N/A 0.28 they have successfully captured information about SimAlign (Sabet et al., 2020) word translation that can be extracted using similar- XLM-R-argmax† 0.19 0.07 0.39 0.29 mBART-argmax 0.20 0.09 0.45 0.29 ity based alignment and refinement. In this work, CRISS-argmax∗ 0.17 0.05 0.32 0.25 the lexicon is induced from the implicit alignment CRISS-itermax∗ 0.18 0.08 0.30 0.23 MLP (ours)∗ 0.15 0.04 0.28 0.22 of contextual token representations after multilin- gual pretraining instead of the explicit alignment of Table 5: Average error rate (AER) for word alignment monolingual embeddings of word types. Although (lower is better). The best numbers in each column are a lexicon is ostensibly about word types and thus bolded. Models in the top section require ground-truth context-free, BLI still benefits from contextualized bitext, while those in the bottom section do not. ∗: mod- reasoning at the token level. els that involve unsupervised bitext construction. †: re- sults copied from Sabet et al. (2020). References 6.4 Word Alignment Results Sadaf Abdul-Rauf and Holger Schwenk. 2009. On the use of comparable corpora to improve SMT perfor- We evaluate different word alignment methods mance. In Proc. of EACL. (Table 5) on existing word alignment datasets,15 following Sabet et al. (2020), where we investi- David Alvarez-Melis and Tommi Jaakkola. 2018. Gromov-Wasserstein alignment of word embedding gate four language pairs: German–English (de- spaces. In Proc. of EMNLP. en), English–French (en-fr), English–Hindi (en- hi) and Romanian–English (ro-en). We find that Mikel Artetxe, Gorka Labaka, and Eneko Agirre. 2016. the CRISS-based SimAlign already achieves Learning principled bilingual mappings of word em- beddings while preserving monolingual invariance. competitive performance with the state-of-the-art In Proc. of EMNLP. method (Garg et al., 2019) which requires real bi- text for training. By ensemble of the argmax and Mikel Artetxe, Gorka Labaka, and Eneko Agirre. 2018. itermax of the CRISS-based SimAlign results us- A robust self-learning method for fully unsupervised cross-lingual mappings of word embeddings. In ing our proposed method (Section 5), we set the Proc. of ACL. new state of the art of word alignment without us- ing any real bitext. Mikel Artetxe, Gorka Labaka, and Eneko Agirre. 2019. Bilingual lexicon induction through unsupervised However, by substituting the CRISS-based machine translation. In Proc. of ACL. SimAlign in the BLI pipeline with our aligner, we obtain an average F1 score of 73.0 for GEN - Mikel Artetxe and Holger Schwenk. 2019a. Margin- RTV , which does not improve over the result of based parallel corpus mining with multilingual sen- tence embeddings. In Proc. of ACL. 73.3 achieved by CRISS-based SimAlign (Ta- ble 1), indicating that further effort is required to Mikel Artetxe and Holger Schwenk. 2019b. Mas- take the advantage of the improved word aligner. sively multilingual sentence embeddings for zero- shot cross-lingual transfer and beyond. TACL, 7 Discussion 7:597–610. Marco Baroni, Silvia Bernardini, Adriano Ferraresi, We present a direct and effective framework for and Eros Zanchetta. 2009. The wacky wide web: a BLI with unsupervised bitext mining and word collection of very large linguistically processed web- alignment, which sets a new state of the art on crawled corpora. Language resources and evalua- the task. Our method for weakly-supervised bilin- tion, 43(3):209–226. gual lexicon induction can be easily extended to Piotr Bojanowski, Edouard Grave, Armand Joulin, and 15 Links to the datasets: Tomas Mikolov. 2017. Enriching word vectors with http://www-i6.informatik.rwth-aachen. subword information. TACL, 5:135–146. de/goldAlignment (de-en); https://web.eecs.˜mihalcea/wpt (en-fr and ro-en); https: Peter F. Brown, Stephen A. Della Pietra, Vincent J. //˜mihalcea/wpt05 (en- Della Pietra, and Robert L. Mercer. 1993. The math- hi) ematics of statistical machine translation: Parameter
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GEN - RTV VECMAP based margin score (Eq 1). The Chinese sentences southwestern 西南部 3 drag 俯仰 7 are automatically converted to traditional Chi- subject 話題 3 steelers 湖人 7 nese alphabets using chinese converter,16 screenwriter 劇作家 ? calculating 數值 ? to keep consistent with the MUSE dataset. preschool 學齡前 3 areas 區域 3 palestine palestine 7 cotterill ansley 7 Based on our knowledge about these languages, strengthening 強化 3 aam saa 7 we see that the RTV-1 mostly consists of correct zero 0 3 franklin 富蘭克林 3 translations. While the other sections of bitext are insurance 保險公司 7 leaning 偏右 7 lines 線路 3 dara mam 7 of less quality, sentences within a pair are highly re- suburban 市郊 3 hasbro snk 7 lated or can be even partially aligned; therefore our honorable 尊貴 ? wrist 小腿 7 bitext mining and alignment framework can still placement 置入 3 methyl 二甲胺基 7 extract high-quality lexicon from such imperfect lesotho 萊索托 3 evas 太空梭 7 shanxi shanxi 7 auto auto 7 bitext. registration 注冊 3 versuch zur 7 protestors 抗議者 3 jackett t·j 7 D Results: P@1 on the MUSE Dataset shovel 剷 3 isotta fiat 7 side 一方 3 speedboat 橡皮艇 7 Precision@1 (P@1) is a widely applied metric to turbulence 湍流 3 lyon 巴黎 7 evaluate bilingual lexicon induction (Smith et al., omnibus omnibus 7 pages 頁頁 ? 2017; Lample et al., 2018; Artetxe et al., 2019, inter alia), therefore we compare our models with exist- Table 6: Manually labeled acceptability judgments for random 20 error cases in English to Chinese translation ing approaches in terms of P@1 as well (Table 8). made by GEN - RTV and VECMAP. Our fully unsupervised method with retrieval-based bitext outperforms the previous state of the art (Artetxe et al., 2019) by 4.1 average P@1, and Appendices achieve competitive or superior performance on all investigated language pairs. A Language-Specific Analysis While Figure 3 shows the average trend of F1 scores with respect to the portion of source words or target words kept, we present such plots for each language pair in Figure 4 and 5. The trend of each separate method is inconsistent, which is consistent to the findings by BUCC 2020 participants (Rapp et al., 2020). However, the conclusion that RTV gains more from low-frequency words still holds for most language pairs. B Acceptability Judgments for en → zh We present error analysis for the induced lexicon for English to Chinese translations (Table 6) us- ing the same method as Table 4. In this direction, many of the unacceptable cases are copying En- glish words as their Chinese translations, which is also observed by Rapp et al. (2020). This is due to an idiosyncrasy of the evaluation data where many English words are considered acceptable Chinese translations of the same words. C Examples for Bitext in Different Sections We show examples of mined bitext with different quality (Table 7), where the mined bitexts are di- 16 vided into 5 sections with respect to the similarity- chinese-converter/
F1 F1 F1 F175 80 65 70 75 60 70 65 70 55 65 60 RTV RTV RTV 60 RTV GEN 65 GEN 50 GEN GEN 55 60 45 55 50 VECMAP 55 VECMAP VECMAP 50 VECMAP 45 40 45 50 35 40 45 40 30 0 20 40 60 80 100 0 20 40 60 80 100 0 20 40 60 80 100 0 20 40 60 80 100 % of source words (de-en) % of source words (de-fr) % of source words (en-de) % of source words (en-fr) F1 F1 F1 F1 55 70 80 75 50 75 70 60 70 RTV 45 RTV RTV RTV 65 40 50 65 60 GEN GEN GEN 60 GEN VECMAP 35 VECMAP 40 VECMAP 55 VECMAP 55 30 30 50 50 25 45 20 40 0 20 40 60 80 100 0 20 40 60 80 100 0 20 40 60 80 100 0 20 40 60 80 100 % of source words (en-es) % of source words (en-ru) % of source words (en-zh) % of source words (fr-de) F1 F1 F1 F1 80 75 70 75 80 70 60 70 RTV RTV 65 RTV RTV 65 75 60 50 GEN GEN 55 GEN GEN 60 70 40 55 VECMAP VECMAP 50 VECMAP VECMAP 45 30 50 65 45 40 20 0 20 40 60 80 100 0 20 40 60 80 100 0 20 40 60 80 100 0 20 40 60 80 100 % of source words (fr-en) % of source words (es-en) % of source words (ru-en) % of source words (zh-en) Figure 4: F1 scores with respect to portion of source words kept for each investigated language pair, analogous to Figure 3a. F1 F1 F1 F1 80 65 75 70 75 60 70 65 70 55 65 60 RTV RTV 60 RTV GEN 65 50 GEN GEN 55 60 RTV 45 55 50 VECMAP 55 VECMAP 50 VECMAP 45 GEN 40 50 35 45 40 45 VECMAP 30 40 0 20 40 60 80 100 0 20 40 60 80 100 0 20 40 60 80 100 0 20 40 60 80 100 % of target words (de-en) % of target words (de-fr) % of target words (en-de) % of target words (en-fr) F1 F1 F1 F1 55 70 80 75 50 60 70 70 RTV 45 RTV RTV RTV GEN GEN 50 GEN GEN 65 40 60 VECMAP 35 VECMAP 40 VECMAP VECMAP 60 50 30 30 55 25 20 40 0 20 40 60 80 100 0 20 40 60 80 100 0 20 40 60 80 100 0 20 40 60 80 100 % of target words (en-es) % of target words (en-ru) % of target words (en-zh) % of target words (fr-de) F1 F1 F1 F1 80 80 75 80 60 70 75 70 RTV RTV 50 RTV 65 GEN 70 60 GEN GEN 60 RTV 40 55 VECMAP 65 VECMAP VECMAP GEN 50 30 50 60 VECMAP 45 40 20 55 0 20 40 60 80 100 0 20 40 60 80 100 0 20 40 60 80 100 0 20 40 60 80 100 % of target words (fr-en) % of target words (es-en) % of target words (ru-en) % of target words (zh-en) Figure 5: F1 scores with respect to portion of target words kept for each investigated language pair, analogous to Figure 3b.
zh-en 許多自然的問題實際上是承諾問題。 Many natural problems are actually promise problems. RTV-1 寒冷氣候可能會帶來特殊挑戰。 Cold climates may present special challenges. 很顯然,曾經在某個場合達成了其所不知道的某種協議。I thought they’d come to some kind of an agreement. 劇情發展順序與原作漫畫有些不同。 The plotline is somewhat different from the first series. 他也創作過油畫和壁畫。 He also made sketches and paintings. zh-en 此節目被批評為宣揚偽科學和野史。 The book was criticized for misrepresenting nutritional science. RTV-2 威藍町體育運動場 Kawagoe Sports Park Athletics Stadium 他是她的神聖醫師和保護者。 He’s her protector and her provider. 其後以5,000英鎊轉會到盧頓。 He later returned to Morton for £15,000. 滬生和阿寶是小說的兩個主要人物。 Lawrence and Joanna are the play’s two major characters. zh-en 一般上沒有會員加入到母政黨。 Voters do not register as members of political parties. RTV-3 曾任《紐約時報》書評人。 He was formerly an editor of “The New York Times Book Review” . 48V微混系統主要由以下組件構成: The M120 mortar system consists of the following major components: 其後以5,000英鎊轉會到盧頓。 He later returned to Morton for £15,000. 2月25日從香港抵達汕頭 and arrived at Hobart Town on 8 November. zh-en 1261年,拉丁帝國被推翻,東羅馬帝國復國。 The Byzantine Empire was fully reestablished in 1261. RTV-4 而這次航行也證明他的指責是正確的。 This proved that he was clearly innocent of the charges. 並已經放出截面和試用版。 A cut-down version was made available for downloading. 它重370克,由一根把和九根索組成。 It consists of 21 large gears and a 13 meters pendulum. 派路在隊中的創造力可謂無出其右,功不可抹。 Still, the German performance was not flawless. zh-en 此要塞也用以鎮壓的部落。 that were used by nomads in the region. RTV-5 不過,這31次出場只有11次是首發。 In those 18 games, the visiting team won only three times. 生於美國紐約州布魯克林。 He was born in Frewsburg, New York, USA. 2014年7月14日,組團成為一員。 Roy joined the group on 4/18/98. 盾上有奔走中的獅子。 Far above, the lonely hawk floating. de-en Von 1988 bis 1991 lebte er in Venedig. From 1988-1991 he lived in Venice. RTV-1 Der Film beginnt mit folgendem Zitat: The movie begins with the following statement: Geschichte von Saint Vincent und den Grenadinen History of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Die Spuren des Kriegs sind noch allgegenwärtig. Some signs of the people are still there. Saint-Paul (Savoie) Saint-Paul, Savoie de-en Nanderbarsche sind nicht brutpflegend. Oxpeckers are fairly gregarious. RTV-2 Dort begegnet sie Raymond und seiner Tochter Sarah. There she meets Sara and her husband. Armansperg wurde zum Premierminister ernannt. Mansur was appointed the prime minister. Diese Arbeit wird von den Männchen ausgeführt. Parental care is performed by males. August von Limburg-Stirum House of Limburg-Stirum de-en Es gibt mehrere Anbieter der Komponenten. There are several components to the site. RTV-3 Doch dann werden sie von Piraten angegriffen. They are attacked by Saracen pirates. Wird nicht die tiefste – also meist 6. The shortest, probably five. Ihre Blüte hatte sie zwischen 1976 und 1981. The crop trebled between 1955 and 1996. Er brachte Reliquien von der Hl. Eulogies were given by the Rev. de-en Gespielt wird meistens Mitte Juni. It is played principally on weekends. RTV-4 Schuppiger Schlangenstern Plains garter snake Das Artwork stammt von Dave Field. The artwork is by Mike Egan. Ammonolyse ist eine der Hydrolyse analoge Reaktion, Hydroxylation is an oxidative process. Die Pellenz gliedert sich wie folgt: The Pellenz is divided as follows: de-en Auch Nicolau war praktizierender Katholik. Cassar was a practicing Roman Catholic. RTV-5 Im Jahr 2018 lag die Mitgliederzahl bei 350. The membership in 2017 numbered around 1,000. Er trägt die Fahrgestellnummer TNT 102. It carries the registration number AWK 230. Als Moderator war Benjamin Jaworskyj angereist. Dmitry Nagiev appeared as the presenter. Benachbarte Naturräume und Landschaften sind: Neighboring hydrographic watersheds are: Table 7: Examples of bitext in different sections (Section 6.3.1). We see that tier 1 has majority parallel sentences whereas lower tiers have mostly similar but not parallel sentences.
en-es en-fr en-de en-ru avg. → ← → ← → ← → ← Nearest neighbor† 81.9 82.8 81.6 81.7 73.3 72.3 44.3 65.6 72.9 Inv. nearest neighbor (Dinu et al., 2015)† 80.6 77.6 81.3 79.0 69.8 69.7 43.7 54.1 69.5 Inv. softmax (Smith et al., 2017)† 81.7 82.7 81.7 81.7 73.5 72.3 44.4 65.5 72.9 CSLS (Lample et al., 2018)† 82.5 84.7 83.3 83.4 75.6 75.3 47.4 67.2 74.9 Artetxe et al. (2019)† 87.0 87.9 86.0 86.2 81.9 80.2 50.4 71.3 78.9 RTV (ours) 89.9 93.5 84.5 89.5 83.0 88.6 54.5 80.7 83.0 GEN (ours) 81.5 88.7 81.6 88.6 78.9 83.7 35.4 68.2 75.8 Table 8: P@1 of our lexicon inducer and previous methods on the standard MUSE test set (Lample et al., 2018), where the best number in each column is bolded. The first section consists of vector rotation–based methods, while Artetxe et al. (2019) conduct unsupervised machine translation and word alignment to induce bilingual lexicons. All methods are tested in the fully unsupervised setting. †: numbers copied from Artetxe et al. (2019).
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