Biennial Report 2020-2021 - National Center for Health ...

Biennial Report 2020-2021 - National Center for Health ...
Biennial Report 2020-2021
Biennial Report 2020-2021 - National Center for Health ...

                                             nized 18 ineffective cancer drugs         ple over the age of 65. These
                                             that are still being prescribed, we       patients are often overlooked in
                                             continue to inform doctors and            clinical trials, and we advocated to
                                             patients about those drugs. Only          change that.
                                             one was proven to improve quality
                                                                                      We continue to work with hun-
                                             of life even though these new inef-
                                                                                       dreds of patient advocates from
                                             fective cancer drugs cost just as
                                                                                       across the country on how to make
                                             much or more than the ones that
                                                                                       their voices heard to improve med-
                                             are effective – up to $170,000 per
                                                                                       ical research on treatments and
                                            We persuaded Congress to pro-
                                                                                      We made our free patient booklets
                                             tect all Americans’ access to af-
                                                                                       widely available to cancer patients
                                             fordable health insurance, includ-
                                                                                       and family members across the
                                             ing those with pre-existing medical

                                            We trained researchers and jour-    Whether we were explaining well-
                                             nalists to better communicate the   established and complicated
In 2020 and 2021, we helped                                                      medical research information to
thousands of adults and children             results of research on which treat-
                                             ments are best for which patients,  families and health professionals,
get the best possible medical                                                    or making sense of controversial
                                             and publicized important new
treatment; we published articles                                                 new research on vaccines,
                                             study results.
and reports that will continue to                                                medications, or toxic chemicals in
help physicians provide better              We urged the Food and Drug          our homes and communities, we
medical treatment; and we had a              Administration (FDA) to require     scrutinized research and provided
major impact on the many invisible           long-term studies of the safety and useful, understandable, and
government policies that can                 effectiveness for all medications,  unbiased information to patients,
reduce or increase our risk of               implants, and vaccines, so that     consumers, policy makers, and the
COVID-19, cancer, heart disease,             consumers could make well-          media.
diabetes, and other major diseases.          informed decisions for themselves
Here’s how:                                  and their children.                 Our research, training and
                                                                                 educational efforts continue to
 Our health helplines helped wom-  We testified before the Consumer represent the interests and needs
    en, men, and children like you           Product Safety Commission, urg-     of all the men, women, and
    across the country. We helped peo-       ing them to ban chemicals in chil- children who are otherwise left out
    ple decide which diagnostic tests        dren’s products and playgrounds     of life-saving public health
    and treatments were best for them,       that can cause early puberty,       decisions. As always, we will
    and which were likely to do more         asthma, attention problems, and     continue to advocate for all Ameri-
    harm than good. We helped people         cancer. We also urged them to ban cans on matters that are crucial to
    reduce their risk of all types of ill-   unsafe sleep products for infants   the health of adults and children
    ness and choose the safest and           and require safer home elevators.
    most effective treatments.
                                            We urged city and state legislators
   We scrutinized all the studies of        to change laws that have resulted
    COVID treatments, vaccines, and          in lead and toxic chemicals in arti-
    other prevention strategies, and         ficial turf and playgrounds, and
    made that unbiased information           responded to community mem-
    available to health professionals,       bers’ requests for information.
    patients, and journalists across the
    country.                                We testified before the FDA to en-
                                             sure that medical treatments are       Diana Zuckerman, Ph.D.
   After our groundbreaking study in        analyzed for their effectiveness in
    JAMA Internal Medicine scruti-           women, people of color, and peo-
Biennial Report 2020-2021 - National Center for Health ...
     Our Largest Program: The Cancer Prevention and Treatment Fund
                                                                cancer for which the   Cometriq (also called Cabometyx) that
                                                                drugs were not         had no benefit to survival compared to
                                                                proven to              placebo, and also caused patients to
                                                                work. When drugs       have a worse quality of life.
                                                                are granted acceler-
                                                                                       Meanwhile, the ineffective cancer drugs
                                                                ated approval, it is
                                                                                       remain on the market, and patients,
                                                                based on very pre-
                                                                                       Medicare, and insurers are still paying
                                                                liminary data with
                                                                                       for them. When we asked FDA officials
                                                                the requirement
                                                                                       why they haven’t rescinded the approval
                                                                that the companies
                                                                                       of ineffective cancer drugs, they stated
                                                                do a better study to
                                                                                       that they still think those drugs might be
                                                                make sure the bene-
                                                                                       effective. They pointed out that once a
                                                                fits of the drug for
                                                                                       cancer drug is approved, it is very
Do Expensive Cancer                       that specific type of cancer outweigh the
                                                                                       difficult to keep patients in a clinical
Treatments Work Better?                   risks. The studies showed that these 3
                                                                                       trial long enough to know if the drug
                                          drugs were not proven to work for 6 dif-
Cancer drugs often drain a                                                             actually saves lives.
                                          ferent types of cancer, and yet they are
patient’s energy and joy for living,
                                          still approved for them. That is costing     In other words, the FDA is approving
but don’t always provide much
                                          patients and Medicare billions of dol-       cancer drugs on the basis of short-term,
benefit. In some cases, the cancer
                                          lars. As of August 2021, Opdivo is no        inconclusive data knowing that we may
may stop growing or even begin to
                                          longer approved for previously treated       never know if those drugs truly are safe
shrink, but ultimately the patient
                                          liver cancer, and Keytruda will no longer    and effective or not.
may not live even a day longer.
                                          be approved for stomach cancer by the        We Need New Cures
Cancer drugs do not have to be proven     end of 2021, but the FDA had not re-
to prolong anyone’s life in order for the scinded other approvals for these 3 can-     Some physicians and patients
Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to cer drugs, despite the evidence that             believe the FDA blocks access to
approve them. And once the drugs are      these treatments do not work, have seri-     effective new cancer
approved, thousands of patients start     ous risks, and cost a fortune.               treatments. We disagree. We
taking these drugs and paying for them,                                                strongly support the FDA’s
                                           Our Cancer Study                            “Expanded Access” program,
not realizing when there is no evidence
of a meaningful health benefit. However, The Cancer Prevention and Treatment           which provides patients access to
the FDA often requires that companies     Fund published a study in JAMA               experimental drugs that have at
keep studying the drugs to find out if    Internal Medicine of 18 cancer drugs         least some evidence that they
those medicines are actually extending    that had not been proven to help             work.
lives.                                    patients live longer. We found that only
                                                                                       The FDA protects patients by requiring
                                          one was proven to improve quality of
FDA is Failing Cancer                                                                  well-designed clinical trials to provide
                                          life. Two made quality of life worse, and
Patients                                                                               evidence that a new cancer drug has
                                          the other 15 new cancer drugs either did
                                                                                       benefits that outweigh the risks. Alt-
In April 2021, the FDA held a public      not improve quality of life, or there is
                                                                                       hough the standards aren’t as high as
Advisory Committee meeting on an unu- no research evidence to know if they do
                                                                                       they should be, the FDA requires
sual topic: What to do about cancer       or not.
                                                                                       evidence that the patient has a good
treatments that are not proven to
                                          We were shocked that the new cancer          chance of benefitting at least in the short
work! The focus was on Keytruda, Opdi-
                                          drugs that are not proven to bene-           term. In contrast, an experimental drug,
vo, and Tecentriq. All 3 are cancer drugs
                                          fit patients in any way cost just as         no matter how “promising”
that are proven to work for a small per-
                                          much as the ones that are effective          is not proven to have benefits that out-
centage of patients with some types of
                                          – up to $170,000 per patient. From           weigh the risks. It is still being studied,
cancer, but were also granted
                                          our study, the most expensive of the 18      and it might not have been tested on
“accelerated approval” for other types of
                                          cancer drugs was a thyroid cancer drug,      more than a few patients.

“NCHR is a constant advocate for a safer healthcare system. I am so thankful for their commitment
and their willingness to help me and so many others." - Sasha T.
Biennial Report 2020-2021 - National Center for Health ...
“I sailed through the surgery, and am thrilled – a dramatic change in course for me after discovering
your work. My gratitude to you is beyond words.” —Harriet Lerner, psychologist and best-selling author of The
Dance of Anger

Some patients are willing to take the
chance on experimental drugs, but they
should be told that they are
experimental, and they shouldn’t have
to pay for them. Experimental drugs
should be provided for free by the
company that makes them because
companies greatly benefit from
information provided by patients in
well-designed studies.

Unfortunately, even ineffective cancer
drugs can cost well over $250,000 per
patient. The prices are usually much
higher in the U.S. than in other coun-
tries. In other words, U.S. patients are
subsidizing the cost of cancer drugs in
other countries. That isn’t fair, and
we’re working with Congress to make
all drugs more affordable.
                                           without any treatment. Treatment          be so frightened by the word "cancer"
Cancer can be prevented, thanks
                                           is almost always chosen. Howev-           that they will make a hasty treatment
to research proving which of your
                                           er, experts cannot yet predict            decision they will later, and forever, re-
habits can reduce your chances of
                                           which new cancers will go away            gret. Fully informed of their options and
developing cancer or of cancer
                                           and which will become dangerous.          free to choose, some women will decide
coming back after treatment.
                                                                                     to have a mastectomy that is not medi-
                                           In addition, recent research shows
Whether the research is on diet,                                                     cally necessary, but thousands more will
                                           that millions of women undergo-
exercise, smoking, vaping, radiation,                                                never even be told when there are safer
                                           ing mastectomies for early stage
carcinogens in artificial turf and                                                   alternatives available. CPTF is working
                                           breast cancer (stages 1, 2 and 3a)
playgrounds, or medications that can                                                 with Congress, health professionals, and
                                           would live longer if they under-
cause cancer, we’re scrutinizing what is                                             insurance companies to improve the
                                           went lumpectomies instead. Ex-
known and not known, and providing                                                   quality of care available to all patients.
                                           perts agree that most women with these
the information to you and to policy
                                           pre-cancers or early-stage cancers will   By explaining complicated research
makers for free.
                                           live longer if they undergo lumpecto-     results in clear, everyday language and
Working to Reduce                          mies instead (also called breast conserv- making that information widely
Overtreatment of Breast                    ing surgery).                             available, we can reduce the number of
Cancer                                                                               mastectomies and improve cancer
                                           Yet, as unbelievable as it may seem,
Every year, more than 250,000                                                        treatment at the same time. We can
                                           medically unnecessary mastectomies are
women are diagnosed with breast                                                      reach this goal by making sure that
                                           increasing in the United States, not de-
cancer or "pre-cancerous"                                                            women understand their treatment
                                           creasing. Some women will undergo a
conditions such as ductal                                                            options, doctors communicate more
                                           mastectomy because the surgery is less
carcinoma in situ (DCIS) that may                                                    clearly with their patients, insurance
                                           expensive than a lumpectomy—a deci-
never become cancer. DCIS and                                                        companies cover the best treatments,
                                           sion that may be made by their insur-
other types of stage zero breast                                                     and doctors and patients know the best
                                           ance company, not by them. Some will
cancer will sometimes go away                                                        ways to prevent cancer.
Biennial Report 2020-2021 - National Center for Health ...
           Our Work to Fight the COVID Pandemic
When the COVID-19 pandemic was                   and what treatments were proven to            and CDC about the studies. We
announced in 2020, we immediately pro-           work and which ones probably did-             praised the large, randomized clini-
vided science-based information to the           n’t.                                          cal trials but expressed concerns
public, to health professionals, and to                                                        about the small number of elderly
                                           2.    We spent hours talking to journal-
journalists. It was not easy – at the same                                                     patients and people of color for
                                                 ists, who were justifiably confused
time that we had to adjust to leaving our                                                      whom information was available
                                                 about the conflicting information
office and working from home, we were                                                          about how well the vaccine
                                                 they were getting. Fortunately, in
analyzing all the information that was                                                         worked. We also criticized the deci-
                                                 July 2020 we received support from
publicly available, some of which was                                                          sions by the vaccine manufacturers
                                                 the Patient Centered Outcomes Re-
science based, but most of which was                                                           to stop the randomized trials early,
                                                 search Institute (PCORI) that ena-
based on speculation, wishful thinking,                                                        making it impossible to know when
                                                 bled us to host 9 teleconferences for
or scientific guestimates.                                                                     booster shots would be needed.
                                                 reporters that featured unbiased
There were four major ways that we               experts who could explain some of     4.      We published an article in
were important voices throughout the             the most confusing information                the American Journal of Public
pandemic:                                        about COVID. These teleconferences            Health, explaining how the criteria
                                                 were attended by more than 180                for “Emergency Use Authorizations,”
1.   We provided free information in
                                                 journalists from across the country,          which allowed COVID tests, treat-
     easy-to-understand summaries of
                                                 enabling them to report information           ments, masks, and vaccines to be
     what was known and what was not
                                                 accurately to millions of Americans.          sold in the U.S., were not as scientifi-
     known about the virus: Who was
                                                                                               cally sound as the usual FDA stand-
     most at risk, how to prevent getting   3.   As information became available
                                                                                               ards for approval. We encouraged
     infected or infecting others, which         about the vaccines, we scrutinized
                                                                                               the FDA to switch to FDA approval
     COVID tests were most accurate,             the data and testified before the FDA
                                                                                               standards as soon as possible.

       Which Diagnostic Tests and Treatments are Best?
Every year, the FDA reviews thou-           improve these policies to prevent             We’re working to change that.
sands of new diagnostic tests and           products that are meant to help us from
other medical devices and allows            harming us instead.
them to be sold—without first
                                            We’ve worked with award-winning
requiring clinical trials. As long as
                                            filmmakers who created and disseminat-
the products are considered
                                            ed documentaries about medical im-
“substantially equivalent” to
                                            plants and other devices that have risks
others on the market (a loose
                                            that aren’t explained to patients or their
definition that often does not
require that they be made of the
same material or use a similar              In 2021, Explant, a documentary about
mechanism of action), they can be           women who became seriously ill from
sold in the U.S.                            breast implants, was released at the
                                            Tribeca film festival. In 2018, The
It’s not surprising, therefore, that many                                                 Companies that make drugs pay experts
                                            Bleeding Edge, a documentary about
of these devices are later recalled                                                       to ensure that the research results that
                                            other unsafe medical implants, was re-
because they are found to be dangerous.                                                   they like get reported on TV, radio,
                                            leased at Tribeca and is still available on
In addition, the vast majority of                                                         newspapers, and social media. But when
prescription drugs and implanted                                                          an important study shows that a popular
devices are approved on the basis of        Training Researchers to                       treatment is not effective, or is harmful,
short-term safety and may not be proven     Explain Their Study                           who is going to pay a PR company to get
safe for long-term use. Some                Results                                       the word out? Thanks to support from
prescription drugs for common               Researchers across the country                the Patient-Centered Outcome Research
ailments, like diabetes, can even           are doing life-saving work, but it            Institute (PCORI) we are helping re-
increase the chances of patients            can take years for the results of
                                                                                          searchers learn how to communicate
                                            those studies to change the
developing cancer. We are working to        practice of medicine.                         their results in interesting, understanda-
Biennial Report 2020-2021 - National Center for Health ...
“I believe there is so much more that needs to be done to investigate all these items put into
the body especially that we were told they were “safe”...Thanks for all your hard work and
resources” -Christina P

                                                                                         •    Protect patients and protect the via-
                                                                                              bility of Medicare by restricting the
                                                                                              unsafe use of Aduhelm, a drug for
                                                                                              Alzheimer’s Disease that is not prov-
                                                                                              en to work but is proven to cause
                                                                                              brain swelling.
                                                                                         •    Improve the accuracy of genetic
                                                                                              tests, cancer screening, and other
                                                                                              diagnostics by reversing policies that
                                                                                              have made it illegal for the FDA to
                                                                                              ensure the accuracy of lab-developed
                                                                                              in vitro diagnostic tests.
                                                                                         •    Promote safer and more effective
                                                                                              medical devices, such as joint
                                                                                              replacements, mesh,
                                                                                              mammography, contraceptive
ble ways to reporters, and we are training    among health policy researchers                 devices, power morcellators, spinal
reporters to ask the right questions to       and scholars.                                   implants, cardiac implants, and
determine the quality of new research                                                         breast implants.
findings and the implications for             We are the most active public              •    Promote safer and more effective
patients.                                     health organizations on FDA                     pharmaceuticals, including Yaz and
                                              issues.                                         other birth control pills containing
In 2019 and 2021, we held 2 successful
workshops for health reporters, teaching
                                              As can be seen in the list of activities on •   Ensure that antibiotics are safe and
journalists about the nuances of research
                                              pages 9-10, we influence policies, educate      effective, and reduce resistant
results, as well as training researchers to
                                              Members of Congress and their staff;            bacteria by preventing the overuse of
make their results understandable to
                                              publish in medical journals and on popu-        older antibiotics in animals and hu-
reporters. Although the pandemic re-
                                              lar websites; and speak at dozens of pub-       mans.
quired us to postpone our second work-
                                              lic meetings. No other nonprofit            •   Improve legislation aimed at
shop from March 2020 to August
                                              organizations participate as close to that      improving FDA decision-making and
2021, the pandemic also resulted in the
                                              level; at many meetings, we are the only        Medicare coverage.
opportunity to host 9 monthly one-hour
                                              public health/consumer safety entity that
live online teleconferences on important
                                              is speaking.                                For several years, we’ve been on the fore-
COVID-related research issues, such as
                                                                                          front of efforts to ensure that medical
the risks to children, the initial research
                                              In 2020 and 2021, the pandemic inter-       products have been adequately tested
results for COVID vaccines, the research
                                              fered with our usual schedule of in-        and analyzed in all kinds of patients
standards for Emergency Use Authoriza-
                                              person meetings on Capitol Hill as well     in order to determine safety and effec-
tions, variants, and other hot topics.
                                              as staff briefings. We expect that situa-   tiveness for women and men, people of
                                              tion to improve in later 2021.              color, and adults of all ages. We have
Prevention and Patient                                                                    approached this issue by helping to write
Safety                                        We conduct research that can improve
                                                                                          and support legislation, by testifying
                                              healthcare, and we publish the results in
                                                                                          about the lack of such information at
Safety and Effectiveness of                   medical, public health, and policy
                                                                                          FDA public meetings, by conducting re-
Medical Products                              journals.
                                                                                          search to document the lack of such data,
Our work on the safety and effec-             In addition, we are fighting to:            and by meeting with decision makers at
tiveness of medical products has              • Improve the quality of health care        the FDA and Congress.
made us a very visible presence in                 through studies that determine
the media, at the FDA, in the non-                 which treatments work best for         Despite our small size, NCHR continues
profit health policy and consumer                  which patients.                        to be instrumental in organizing non-
community, and increasingly                                                               profit organizations to fight for safer,
Biennial Report 2020-2021 - National Center for Health ...
       “I really appreciate all the work you have been doing for me and all the women.”
                                                                             -Priscilla D
effective, and more affordable medical       Action. In 2020 and 2021, we expanded     justification for covering removal. We
products, and is the major consumer          our membership to also include the        are helping women with implant prob-
voice on medical devices. We help non-       Executive Director of Our Bodies Our-     lems obtain coverage for removal when
profit organizations, consumers, and         selves and the CEO of the data analysis   they can meet the criteria, and if not, we
media who turn to us for unbiased infor-     group Device Events. Together, we de-     encourage them to consider other ways
mation on a wide range of controversial      veloped a black box warning and Patient   to afford removal.
topics. Despite our small size, we contin-   Informed Consent Check List, and urged
ue to be instrumental in organizing pa-      the FDA to require both be made availa-
                                                                                  We also provide women with a credible
tients and organizations to fight for saf-   ble to all potential implant patients.
                                                                                  source of information about breast
er, more effective, and more affordable      When the FDA released a proposed     implants at
medical products. We are the major con-      guidance with a draft black box warning
                                                                                  Unlike most breast implant websites, we
sumer voice on strengthening the stand-      and check list in 2019, we met with FDA
                                                                                  are not selling anything. That means the
ards for cancer treatments, to make sure     officials to urge them to improve their
                                                                                  information on our website is not paid
they improve patient’s lives.                draft in 2019, 2020, and 2021.       for by plastic surgeons or breast implant
                                                                                  makers who want these women as
                                                                                  customers. The website provides the
Helping Women Harmed                     In addition to our work with the FDA,
                                                                                  most accurate information available, so
By Breast Implants                       we continued to provide research-based
                                                                                  that women can make choices that are
We continue to be interviewed            information about breast implant illness
                                                                                  best for them.
frequently about the well-documented     and BIA-ALCL to patients and their ad-
evidence that breast implants cause      vocates, and to the leadership of the
                                                                                  The Evidence is In: Obesity
symptoms known as “breast implant        American Society of Plastic Surgeons,
                                                                                  and Lack of Exercise
illness.” We helped organize several re- including advice on how to improve the
                                                                                  Increase the Risk of Can-
mote meetings with patient advocates     accuracy of information about breast
                                                                                  cer, Heart Disease, and
and FDA officials, which gave the pa-    implant risks on their website. We also
                                                                                  Early Death
tients the opportunity to urge FDA offi- reached out to the Centers for Disease
                                                                                  Everyone knows about the obesity
cials to warn patients about breast im-  Control and Prevention (CDC) to en-
                                                                                  epidemic and its impact on diabe-
plant associated anaplastic large cell   courage them to add a billing code for
                                                                                  tes, but did you know obesity can
lymphoma (BIA-ALCL) and other seri-      breast implant illness and BIA-ALCL.
                                                                                  also increase your chances of de-
ous health problems they had developed
                                                                                  veloping cancer? Girls and boys
because of their breast implants. As a
                                         We have surveyed and assisted            are starting puberty as early as 8
result of these meetings and other work,
                                         more than 6,000 women with               years old, and one reason is that
the FDA is considering what infor-
                                         implant problems. Many had               obesity affects hormones, which
mation patients should be given about
                                         previously tried but failed to get       could also increase the risk of
these risks.
                                         insurance coverage to remove             breast cancer, prostate cancer,
In 2019, we started a Breast Implant     their problem breast implants.           colorectal cancer, and some other
Working Group with two former presi-                                              cancers.
dents of the American Society of Plastic Insurance coverage for implant removal
                                                                                  The National Center for Health
Surgeons, patient advocates, and the     is somewhat complicated, but it is some-
                                                                                  Research scrutinized new research to
president of the nonprofit Breast Cancer times possible thanks to the Affordable
                                                                                  determine other potential causes of
                                                Care Act, which prevents exclu-
                                                                                  weight gain.
                                                sions due to pre-existing condi-
                                                tions. Nevertheless, most insur-  Obesity is caused by eating more
                                                ance companies rarely consider    calories than you burn up from physical
                                                surgical removal “medically nec- activity, but some popular prescription
                                                essary,” unless there is silicone medications drastically increase appetite
                                                leakage, chronic pain, or cancer  and obesity. Some of the drugs that are
                                                cells caused by the implants.     especially likely to cause obesity are
                                                Many women have other implant “atypical antipsychotics,” which are
                                                problems, such as leaking saline taken by more than 30 million
                                                implants or autoimmune reac-      Americans each year. These include
                                                tions, which insurance compa-     Seroquel, Risperdal, Zyprexa, and
                                                nies do not consider sufficient   Abilify.
Biennial Report 2020-2021 - National Center for Health ...
“I appreciate you validating my concerns and offering me your expertise and insight...Thank
you so much! - Amanda G.

Can weight loss products make you            Studies suggest a link between BPA         rural areas or anywhere reception is
healthier? Most of these products help       exposure and early puberty, infertility,   poor; text instead of talking; do not keep
with weight loss at first, but many          and prostate and breast cancer. We have    your cell phone in your pocket, bra, or
people gain the weight back within a few     been interviewed by reporters about our    anywhere close to your body while it is
months or a year, so their health doesn’t    concerns for pregnant women and            turned on.
actually improve. We are urging the          children, and testified about the risks
                                                                                        MRI Contrast Agent
FDA to require long-term studies so that     before the FDA and legislators in Mary-
patients know whether these products         land, Virginia, and Washington, D.C.       Many patients undergo numerous MRIs
will improve their health.                   Thanks to these efforts, companies have    with contrast, in an effort to determine
                                             voluntarily stopped making baby bottles    how best to treat their condition. MRIs
The risk of obesity may be increased by
                                             and infant formula cans with BPA.          can be life-saving; however, there is
exposure to BPA, phthalates, and other
                                                                                        growing evidence that the contrast
chemicals that influence hormones and        Our efforts regarding BPA and
                                                                                        agents that contain gadolinium can
fat cells. Regardless of the cause of obe-   phthalates are now focused on getting
                                                                                        accumulate in the patient’s brain or
sity, the evidence is now clear that it      these dangerous chemicals removed
                                                                                        bones, causing serious health prob-
increases the chances of developing          from the packages used for foods, in-
                                                                                        lems. In 2019, we completed a report on
several types of cancer. Learn more          cluding canned foods and beverages and
                                                                                        gadolinium to warn patients and their
about these chemicals below.                 frozen meals, and from artificial turf and
                                                                                        physicians about these risks, and we
                                             children’s playgrounds.
                                                                                        continue to educate patients about this.
Environmental Health                         Keeping Families Safe
Issues                                                                                  Sunscreen
                                             Too many chemicals used in our homes
We continue to be a major voice
                                             and communities can increase the risk      One way to prevent skin cancer is to
fighting to ban dangerous
                                             of serious diseases including cancer. We   wear sunscreen, and we want to make
chemicals, especially those that
                                             explain to families and policy-makers      sure that sunscreens are safe and effec-
can cause obesity, cognitive
                                             how research proves why the cancer-        tive for you to use. We urged the FDA to
damage, asthma, and cancer. Our
                                             causing chemicals in flame retardants      study the active ingredients in sunscreen
current work to ban hormone-
                                             used in drapes and furniture have risks    to make sure they are safe. The effects of
disrupting chemicals such as
                                             that are much higher than benefits – for   different combinations of ingredients
phthalates and BPA builds on our
                                             families and for firefighters.             should also be researched, and we need
successful fight in Congress in
                                                                                        conclusive evidence that sunscreens are
2008 to get phthalates banned                Unnecessary Radiation
                                                                                        safe for children, since this hasn’t been
from children’s toys and products.
                                             Whether from cell phones, unnecessary      studied.
Phthalates are hormone-disrupting            CT scans, or mammography that is done
chemicals used to soften plastic, and        too frequently, radiation can increase
have been linked to birth defects in baby    the risk of cancer even as radiological
boys, including abnormal genitals,           devices can contribute to easy communi-
testicular cancer, and liver problems.       cation or better medical diagnosis. We
We have fought well-funded, repeated         are fighting to reduce unnecessary radi-
efforts by industry to overturn the law      ation exposure, especially for
since 2008, and are glad to report that      vulnerable populations such as
those dangerous chemicals are still          young children, adults at high
banned from children’s products.             risk of cancer, and others.

BPA was originally developed as a syn-       We know that most people are
thetic estrogen that was replaced by an      not going to stop using cell
even more dangerous one (DES). BPA is        phones, but you can lower your
currently used in hard plastic products      exposure and your risks by lim-
and is commonly found in the lining of       iting the length of your calls;
food and beverage cans. BPA leaches out      using hands-free devices,
of the plastic and the CDC reports that it   “speaker phone,” or holding the
is in the bodies of more than 93% of         phone away from your ear; lim-
Americans.                                   iting your cell phone use in
Biennial Report 2020-2021 - National Center for Health ...
Congressional Testimony, Briefings, College Lectures, and Speeches                                                             9
“I'd like to send my appreciation for the information you presented at the FDA Advisory Committee...I have been feeling
overwhelmed and disheartened about the lack of dialogue and transparency in the last year and a half, and am grateful
to you for acknowledging the importance of further investigation about benefits over risk/side effects, especially in that
forum.” -M.C.
Remember – We’re Always                    In 2020 and 2021, NCHR staff
Here for You!                              testified at more than three doz-
                                           en FDA Advisory Committee
We assist individuals through our online
                                           meetings about the safety and
and telephone helplines. In 2020, we
                                           effectiveness of new medical
helped twice as many people as we did in
                                           products being considered for
2014, and this number continues to
                                           approval. A few examples of
grow. In some cases, we spend hours on
                                           these testimonies include:
the phone talking to a patient or family
member, and hours more providing use-
                                            January 2020: Dr. Nina Zeldes
ful information via email. In other cases,
                                               testified about whether the ex-
we provided one or more email respons-
                                               tended release opioid Aximris is
es to questions patients, family members,
                                               likely to be abused.                        about the need for better safety
consumers, or health professionals have
about preventing or treating specific
                                            January 2020: Dr. Nina Zeldes testi-
types of cancer or other diseases, or pro-
                                               fied about the risks of combined Tra-      November 2020: Dr. Diana Zucker-
vided free patient booklets or other ma-
                                               madol and Celecoxib for acute pain          man testified that evidence does not
terials that we had developed or adapted
                                               relief.                                     support the claim that Aducanumab
from the NIH or other credible websites.
                                                                                           (Aduhelm) is effective for treating
We provide policy makers, health              February 2020: Dr. Diana Zucker-            Alzheimer’s disease.
professionals, and other opinion leaders       man testified about evidence that
with an unbiased explanation of                talc in baby powder could be a car-        December 2020: Dr. Diana Zucker-
scientific data so that they can make edu-     cinogen.                                    man testified about the need for bet-
cated decisions that affect everyone in                                                    ter research to determine whether
our nation. Our research and advocacy         February 2020: Dr. Diana Zucker-            the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine is prov-
work represents the interests of ordinary      man testified about the negative side       en safe and effective for all ages and
women and families, who are often left         effects and lack of benefit for             races.
out of policy debates. We educate leaders      Cyramza for metastatic lung cancer.
in our nation’s capital and across the                                                    December 2020: Dr. Diana Zucker-
country.                                      July 2020: Dr. Meg Seymour testi-           man testified about the need for
                                               fied about inadequate research as           better research to determine wheth-
The National Center for Health Re-
                                               well as the risks of Belantamab             er the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine is
search is one of the most active
                                               Mafodotin for patients with relapsed        proven safe and effective for all ages
organizations ensuring that FDA
                                               or difficult-to-treat multiple              and races.
helps patients by approving medi-
cal treatments that are proven safe
                                                                                          February 2021: Dr. Diana Zucker-
and effective. We also work with
                                              August 2020: Dr. Meg Seymour tes-           man testified about whether the
other federal agencies to ensure
                                               tified about how the evidence did not       Johnson & Johnson COVID-19 vac-
that essential research is conduct-
                                               support the proposed use for Trelegy        cine is proven as safe and effective as
ed and that toxic chemicals and
                                               Ellipta for patients with chronic           the company has claimed.
other products are removed from
                                               obstructive pulmonary disease.
our homes and communities.
                                                                                          March 2021: Dr. Meg Seymour testi-
                                              October 2020: Dr. Meg Seymour               fied about the lack of evidence that
We do not accept funding from
                                               testified against claims that Amphet-       Tanezumab is safer or more effective
pharmaceutical companies, medical de-
                                               amine Sulfate immediate release oral        for osteoarthritis compared to over-
vice companies, chemical companies, or
                                               capsules are “abuse deterrent.”             the-counter pain medications.
other companies that make products that
affect our health, making us one of the
                                              October 2020: Dr. Diana Zuckerman          June 2021: Dr. Diana Zuckerman
very few unbiased voices speaking on
                                               gave a presentation at an FDA Medi-         testified about the need for higher
behalf of cancer prevention and treat-
                                               cal Devices User Fee Act meeting            standards for wrist bands and other
Biennial Report 2020-2021 - National Center for Health ...
    medical devices for nausea and                ance for industry recommending
    related health problems.                      that they include more older adults
                                                  in clinical trials for cancer treat-
   August 2021: Dr. Meg Seymour testi-
    fied about the lack of evidence that         December 2020: We provided rec-
    TriGuard 3 is beneficial to patients          ommendations to FDA regarding
    and pointed out that is twice as likely       the development of breast cancer
    to cause strokes and death.                   treatments for premenopausal
   September 2021: Dr. Meg Seymour
                                                 February 2021: We provided recom-
    testified about the need for better           mendations to the Agency for
    data for COVID vaccine boosters.              Healthcare Research and Quality
                                                  (AHRQ) regarding their draft report
We also testified about environ-                  to Congress on improving patient
mental health issues to the EPA                   safety. We recommended that the
and National Academies of Scienc-                 report include warnings about
es, Engineering, and Mathematics                  potential risks caused by unproven
(NASEM):                                          treatments.

                                                 March 2021: Dr. Diana Zuckerman
   December 2020: Dr. Meg Seymour
                                                  wrote to the Belvedere California
    testified about the risks of artificial
                                                  City Council to share information
    turf at the plenary meeting for the
                                                  about the health risks of rubber play-
    EPA's Children's Health Protection
                                                  ground surfaces.
    Advisory Committee.
                                                 April 2021: We provided recommen-
   April 2021: Dr. Meg Seymour testi-            dations to AHRQ to improve their
    fied regarding testing of the forever         draft report about breast reconstruc-
    chemicals called PFAS at a NASEM              tion after mastectomy by including
    meeting.                                      more information about long-term
In addition to our testimonies, we pro-           risks.
vided written recommendations to vari-           July 2021: We initiated and wrote a
ous government agencies through 51                letter co-signed signed by other sci-
comments and letters between January              entific non-profits and that we sent
2020 and August 2021. Some examples               to HHS Inspector General,
include:                                          CMS, and key members of Con-
   January 2020: We provided recom-              gress regarding the FDA’s unscien-
    mendations to FDA about improv-               tific and inappropriate approval of
    ing post-market safety studies of             Aduhelm for Alzheimer’s disease.
    approved drugs and biological prod-          August 2021: We provided recom-
    ucts.                                         mendations to FDA on notifying
   March 2020: We wrote a letter to              patients and healthcare profession-
    the Maryland House of Repre-                  als about the materials used in medi-
    sentatives in support of Maryland             cal devices, to help reduce allergic
    House Bill to Ban State Funds for             reactions and similar problems.
    Artificial Turf and Playgrounds.             September 2021: We submitted rec-
   April 2020: We provided recommen-             ommendations to Medicare and
    dations to FDA about the need to              Medicaid in support of continued
    improve healthcare providers’                 funding of telehealth services for
    understanding of opioids that are             mental health.
    labeled as “abuse deterrent” even
    though they are addictive.

   May 2020: We provided recommen-
    dations to FDA regarding their guid-
COMMUNITY OUTREACH AND EDUCATION                                                                                               11

Internet and Social Media                   decade from children’s toys are allowed
Our websites,       in children’s artificial turf playing fields
and, provide         and playgrounds. But many of these fam-
free information on a wide range of top-    ilies hit a bureaucratic brick wall when
ics important to anyone who wants to        they tried to convince officials from
improve their health or increase their      schools and city agencies to use safer,
chances of getting effective treatment.     natural products.
We also reach a broad virtual audience
                                            We were surprised at how difficult it was
through social media on our Facebook
                                            to get these officials to listen to scientific
                                            evidence or even to common sense, and
nationalresearchcenter and
                                            even more surprised to learn that fami-                    USA Patient Network
                                            lies were installing artificial turf in their
                                            yards as well! We’ve testified in Wash-
Twitter accounts: @NC4HR and                                                                 We are proud that this work was enthusi-
                                            ington, D.C., Maryland, New York, and
@cancer_fund; and Instagram accounts:                                                        astically appreciated by almost 200 jour-
                                            Connecticut about the risks of artificial amd @comicrelief_nchr.                                                         nalists across the country, who used the
                                            turf and playgrounds and we’ve contact-
We have thousands of Twitter and Face-                                                       information we provided as they dissemi-
                                            ed officials in other states as well. Our
book followers.                                                                              nated life-saving information via TV
                                            goal is to stop the installation of these
                                                                                             news, newspaper and magazine articles,
Our online hotlines enable                  fields before children are permanently
                                                                                             websites, and other media.
anyone to obtain free information about     harmed by frequent exposure to
their own health personal concerns by       phthalates, volatile organic compounds,
                                                                                             Patient Training Work-
contacting         lead, and other toxic materials.
                                                                                             shops We help hun-
                                            Training Journalists to                Companies that make medical products
dreds of individuals each year with their
                                            Provide Accurate Medical               financially support many patient organi-
questions regarding
                                            Information                            zations, encouraging them to urge Con-
prevention and treatment options.
                                                                                   gress and the FDA to approve treatments
Community Meetings and                 The news media and social media are         more quickly. However, those patient
Forums                                 major sources of information regarding      groups have rarely focused on safety is-
Parents who had read our articles      health issues, whether it is the 24/7 news sues, or on other outcomes important to
about the dangers of artificial turf cycle on COVID or new research on can- patients.
playing fields and playgrounds         cer, heart disease, pain management,
                                                                                   After hosting free workshops in 2015,
have asked for our help. We’ve pro- diabetes, or other serious health is-
                                                                                   2016, and 2017 to train patient advocates
vided free help to families across     sues. With partial support from the Pa-
                                                                                   about research on the safety and effec-
the country.                           tient Centered Outcomes Research Insti-
                                                                                   tiveness of drugs and medical devices,
                                       tute (PCORI), we hosted free workshops,
People were shocked when we told them                                              the workshop participants formed the
                                       teleconferences, and webinars for report-
that the same kinds of toxic chemicals                                             USA Patient Network, which consists
                                       ers in 2019-2021. The in-person work-
that have been banned for more than a                                              of patients, caregivers, and their friends
                                                   shops and several teleconfer-
                                                                                   and family members that are united by a
                                                   ences and webinars were
                                                                                   common goal: to make sure that medi-
                                                   aimed at improving journal-
                                                                                   cal treatments are as safe and effective as
                                                   ists understanding of im-
                                                                                   possible. The USA Patient Network
                                                   portant new research results
                                                                                   includes patients concerned about cancer
                                                   on a wide range of health top-
                                                                                   and other serious diseases. Many of these
                                                   ics. As noted earlier in this
                                                                                   patient advocates have testified at public
                                                   report, nine of the teleconfer-
                                                                                   meetings with the FDA and other govern-
                                                   ences were focused on re-
                                                                                   ment agencies to improve the safety and
                                                   search information about the
                                                                                   effectiveness of medical products, and to
                                                   spread of COVID and possible
                                                                                   improve the safety information available
                                                   treatments and vaccines, as
                                                                                   to patients and their family members.
                                                   new research information
                                                                                   We continue to work with those patients
                                                   became available in 2020 and
                                                                                   and NCHR president Diana Zuckerman

is an x-officio member of the USA Pa-     mation that men need to know to make           Public Service Announce-
tient Network Board.                      informed decisions about if and when           ment with Actress
                                          they should be screened for prostate can-      Elisabeth Rohm
To find out more about the USA Pa-
                                          cer. If they’ve already been screened for
tient Network, visit their website at
                                          cancer, the booklet explains what it           We were thrilled when Elisabeth Rohm
                                          means if their test showed they had pros-      enthusiastically agreed to film a public
In Unity, there is Clout                  tate cancer. It is available on the Cancer     service announcement for us in
                                                                                         2016. She’s been in TV shows such as
The National Center for Health Research Prevention and Treatment Fund website.
                                                                                         Law and Order, Hawaii Five-O, The
has a primary role in coordinating the
                                          Surgery Choices for Women with Early           Last Ship, Jane the Virgin, and in many
Patient, Consumer, and Public
                                          Stage Breast Cancer. This 24-page book-        films, including starring alongside Jen-
Health Coalition, which includes doz-                                                    nifer Lawrence in American Hustle and
                                          let gives women the information they
ens of well-respected nonprofit organiza-                                                Joy.
                                          need when confronted with an early
tions, including:
                                          stage breast cancer diagnosis. It is also      She is particularly interested in our
American Medical Student Association,     available on the Cancer Prevention and         unique work to prevent cancer and to
American Medical Women’s Association, Treatment Fund website.                            keep cancer-causing chemicals out of
Annie Appleseed Project, ASHES                                                           childrens’ products as well as our neigh-
                                          DCIS: What You Need to Know. This
(Advocating Safety in Healthcare                                                         borhoods, food, and homes. As a devoted
                                          patient booklet explains DCIS in every-
E-Sisters), Association for Medical Eth-                                                 mother, she shares our concerns that her
                                                                   day language and      daughter might be exposed to these
ics (AME), Breast Cancer Action, Breast
                                                                   enables women         chemicals on playgrounds and in toys,
Cancer Consortium, Center for Medical
                                                                   who have been         soda cans, and even pizza.
Consumers, Connecticut Center for Pa-
                                                                   diagnosed with it
tient Safety, Consumer Federation of                                                     You can find a link to this video at the
                                                                   to make informed
America, Consumers Union, DES Action                                                     bottom of our homepage at
                                                                   treatment deci-
USA, Government Accountability Pro-                                            , or visit
                                                                   sions. To date, we
ject, Institute for Ethics and Emerging
                                                                   have distributed      press-releases/actress-elisabeth-rohm-
Technology, Jacob’s Institute of Wom-
                                                                   more than 1,500       urges-give-back-join-fight-cancer.
en’s Health,, MISSD,
                                                                   free hard copies of
National Consumers League, National
                                                                   this 32-page color
Women’s Health Network, Our Bodies
                                          booklet to medical centers, physicians,
Ourselves, The Society for Patient Cen-
                                          and individuals. It is also available for
tered Orthopedics, The TMJ Association,
                                          free on the Cancer Prevention and Treat-
Union of Concerned Scientists, US PIRG,
                                          ment Fund website.
Washington Advocates for Patient Safety
(WAPS), WomenHeart, and WoodyMat-
Through this coalition, we host numer-
ous coalition meetings, strategy sessions,
and nationwide efforts to help consum-
ers understand new health information.

Free Patient Booklets
We continued to distribute electronic
and hard copies of the following patient
booklets, which have been updated as
important new research results are made

                        Prostate Cancer
                        Screening: What
                        You Need to
                        Know. This 10-
                        page booklet pro-
                        vides the infor-
“I wanted to thank everyone for their help, kindness, and insights. I was able to develop various skills and explore different    13
     interests, as well as understand and witness the numerous Public Health entities at play. I am truly grateful for my time spent
     at NCHR” -(Fall 2020 intern)

     Internships                                                                                Washington correspondent for CNN, and
                                                                                                became a federal investigator for the US
                                                                                                Senate and the FDA, where he was a
                                                                                                special assistant to Commissioner David
                                                                                                A. Kessler. Their crusading effort to
                                                                                                regulate tobacco companies culminated
                                                                                                in a 2000 Supreme Court case and the
                                                                                                subsequent regulation of tobacco
                                                                                                products by the FDA. We are honored to
                                                                                                offer the Jack Mitchell Policy Internship,
                                                                                                which is generously supported by his
                                                                                                family, friends, and colleagues.
    Alea Sabry and Edyth Dwyer, Summer 2021

     The National Center for Health Research
     was assisted by 17 impressive interns in                  Janice Bilden
     2020 and 2021, including students from
     Brown University, Cornell University,         Janice Bilden Cancer
     Duke University, Georgetown University,       Prevention Intern
     George Washington University, Konyang         The Janice Bilden Cancer Prevention
     University, UC Berkeley, University of        Interns are responsible for writing and
                                                   updating web articles as well spreading
     Miami, University of Michigan,
                                                   the word about cancer prevention on
     University of Notre Dame, University of
                                                   social media. They also assist with
     Texas Southwestern Medical Center,            research and policy issues of importance               Omega Logan Silva
     University of Virginia, and University of     to cancer prevention, including nutrition,
     Wisconsin-Madison.                            exercise, other health habits, and           Omega Logan Silva
     Interns can focus on health                   avoiding dangerous exposures.                Internship
     communication or policy and gain a wide       The Janice Bilden Cancer Prevention
                                                                                                It is with great sadness that we report the
     range of experiences working with             Internship is an annual internship that
                                                                                                passing of Dr. Omega Logan Silva, one of
     Capitol Hill. Interns learn about the         was started in 2018 thanks to a generous
                                                                                                our long-time Board members. Dr. Silva
     Washington, D.C. policy scene while           donation from Janice’s daughter, Holly
                                                                                                was professor emeritus of medicine at
     helping to communicate with the public        Bilden-Stehling.
                                                                                                the George Washington University in
     about a range of health issues. The                                                        Washington, D.C. She was a long-
     pandemic required us to switch to                                                          standing advocate for universal health
     remote internships in 2020, but we were                                                    care and a committed supporter of
     able to offer hybrid (remote + in-person)                                                  NCHR and of the advancement of
     internships in the summer and fall of                                                      women in medicine. In 1963, she
     2021. Interns gain experience writing                                                      returned to Howard University to train
     and editing articles, reports, and press                                                   as a physician, earning her medical
     releases, and using the internet to                                                        degree in 1967. She served as president
                                                                                                of the American Medical Women’s
     influence people and policies. They also
                                                                                                Association, served on
     develop their research skills and learn
                                                                                                6 different advisory groups for the NIH,
     how to communicate effectively with
                                                                                                and received numerous awards as well as
     patients and consumers.                                   Jack Mitchell                    letters of commendation from President
                                                                                                Reagan and President Clinton.
                                                   Jack Mitchell Health                    The Omega Logan Silva internship is
                                                   Policy Internship                       generously supported by her friends and
                                                   We were devastated when our Director of
                                                                                           family, and focuses on women’s health
                                                   Health Policy, Jack Mitchell, died from
                                                                                           and training women in medicine.
                                                   non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma in December
                                                   2019. Jack started his career as a
                                                   muckraking journalist working for
                                                   columnist Jack Anderson, became a

 Miriam Mosbacher, Nisa Hussain, and Hannah Kalvin
(when in-person hearings were still open to the public!)

In 2020 and 2021, the media turned to the National Center for Health Research for timely, health and medical information
from a credible source. We responded to frequent requests from reporters and producers across the country for information,
comments, and interviews. The following is just a small sample of our coverage from 2020 and 2021. In addition, we publish
and distribute issues of our own printed newsletter, The Voice, and emailed monthly issues of our e-news Digests.

Public Health Experts
Want Rigorous FDA
Review of COVID vaccine
data                                                                      August 7, 2020

                     How Fauci and the NIH Got Ahead of the FDA
                     and CDC in Backing Boosters
                                                                                                 LA Times and
                                                                                                    September 16, 2021

                        NATIONAL BOARDS
             Board of Directors                                 National Advisory Board
       Brandel France de Bravo, MPH
      Author and Preventive Health Specialist                 The Honorable Rosa DeLauro
                                                        U.S. House of Representatives from Connecticut
             Sarah Deutsch, J.D.
Former Vice President & Associate General Counsel,                  Mark Frankel, Ph.D.
            Verizon Communications                     Former Director, Scientific Freedom, Responsibility
                                                        and Law Program, American Association for the
                                                                   Advancement of Science
               Daniel Fox, Ph.D.
               President emeritus,
                                                                       Patricia Hendel
             Milbank Memorial Fund.
                                                          Past President of the National Association of
                                                                    Commissions for Women
          Benjamin Gitterman, M.D.
Associate Professor of Pediatrics and Public Health,                Phyllis A. Katz, Ph.D.
George Washington University & Children’s National       Director of the Institute for Research on Social
                  Medical Center                                            Problems
              Nancy Hardt, M.D.                                   Rebecca Klemm, Ph.D.
  Former Professor and Senior Associate Dean for               President, Klemm Analysis Group
                 External Affairs,
     University of Florida College of Medicine
                                                                    Harriet Lerner, Ph.D.
                                                                    Psychologist and Author
            Judith L. Harris, J.D.
                                                                      Lisa Lopez, J.D.
          Reed, Smith, Shaw, and McClay
                                                       Former Senior Vice President and General Counsel
                                                                for Haemonetics Corporation
            Alan Mendelson, LLD
       Founder & General Managing Partner,
             Axion Venture Partners

              Duchy Trachtenberg
              Former Commissioner,
             Montgomery County, MD

          Susanne Wilke, Ph.D., MBA
                 Former CEO
           Neurotrope Bioscience, Inc.

           Susan F. Wood, Ph.D.
             Research Professor,
  George Washington University School of Public
          Health and Health Services

           Diana Zuckerman, Ph.D.
        National Center for Health Research

    We are very sad to report that two of our wonderful, long time board members passed away in 2020:

                                         Mary G. Hager, M.A.
                                            Freelance Writer
                                      Omega Logan Silva, M.D.
                                          Professor Emeritus,
                                      George Washington University

                              - President’s Circle -

•   Dianne and Rick Ammons               •   Judy Kovler
•   Holly Bilden-Stehling                •   Lisa Lopez and Victor Del Vecchio
•   Diana and Bill Conway                •   Alan Mendelson
•   Sarah Deutsch                        •   Patricia and Jerry Olson
•   Benjamin Gitterman                   •   Pam and Barry Zuckerman
•   Judy Harris and Norm Ornstein        •   Jennifer Yttri
•   Janet Holt

                              - Leadership Circle -

•   Laura Apelbaum                      •    Cindy Pearson
•   Tom Beall                           •    Tess Schulman
•   Nan Booth and Richard Kogan         •    Ellie and Greg Shutak
•   Rita Colwell                        •    Bhuvaneswari Subramanian
•   Wendy Dolin                         •    Marcia Ward
•   Brandel France De Bravo             •    Phyllis Wiesenfelder
•   Nancy Hardt                         •    John Wills
•   Dr. Phil and Katheryn Hutcheson     •    Eleanor Wilson
•   Rob Mostow                          •    Kim Witczak
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