Beta-Blocker Use in Hypertension and Heart Failure (A Secondary Analysis of the Systolic Blood Pressure Intervention Trial)
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Beta-Blocker Use in Hypertension and Heart Failure (A Secondary Analysis of the Systolic Blood Pressure Intervention Trial) Daniel N. Silverman, MDa, Jeanne du Fay de Lavallaz, MDb, Timothy B. Plante, MD, MHSc, Margaret M. Infeld, MD, MSc, Parag Goyal, MD, MScd, Stephen P. Juraschek, MD, PhDe, Geoff B. Dougherty, PhD, MPHf, Peter W. Callas, PhDg, and Markus Meyer, MDh,* Given the concern that beta-blocker use may be associated with an increased risk for heart failure (HF) in populations with normal left ventricular systolic function, we evaluated the association between beta-blocker use and incident HF events, as well as loop diuretic initi- ation in the Systolic Blood Pressure Intervention Trial (SPRINT). SPRINT demonstrated that a blood pressure target of
Systemic Hypertension/Beta Blockers and Heart Failure in SPRINT 59 Figure 1. Cumulative incidence of events contributing to primary composite outcome. Cumulative incidence of events contributing to the SPRINT primary composite outcome stratified by treatment group and higher BP target (
60 The American Journal of Cardiology ( systolic BP, was analyzed using linear mixed-effect models controlling for multiple co-morbidities (fixed effects). As multiple data points were available for each subject, a patient identifier was used as random effect. Results This secondary analysis of SPRINT included 9,012 par- ticipants with a median age of 67 years (interquartile range 61 to 75). Median follow-up was 3.3 years, with 8,736 sub- jects (96.93%) followed after 1 year, 8,736 subjects fol- lowed after 2 years, and 6,076 subjects followed after 3 years. Of these, 4,501 (50%) had been randomized to the lower BP arm, 3,218 (36%) were women, and 3,803 (42%) were non-White (Table 1). A history of acute MI was pres- ent in 576 subjects (6%), and 397 (4%) had a history of ACS. Most of the trial participants were using between 1 and 3 antihypertensive medications at baseline. Overall, 3,248 subjects (36%) were on a beta blocker at the begin- ning of the trial, and 2,813 (31%) received beta blockers for Figure 2. Flow diagram of analyzed population. Flow diagram of patient the entire trial. In addition, 3,284 subjects were matched inclusions and exclusions leading to the analyzed population. using a propensity score. An analysis of subjects who received beta blockers for including MI, stroke, or postmortem findings of an acute the entire trial compared with subjects who never received CVD event. a beta blocker was well balanced in terms of concomitant For the primary analysis, we compared subjects on a beta BP medications (Table 2). The types of beta blockers used blocker for the entire trial with subjects who never received and dosing was similar to the overall cohort a beta blocker to assess the risk of incident HF and beta- (Supplementary Tables 1 and 2). In the matched group that blocker status. To correct for a maximal number of con- never received beta blockers, there were 6 incident HF founding variables, we created propensity score−matched events, and in the group that received beta blockers for the (PSM) cohorts. After estimation of the propensity score, entire trial, there were 41 HF events. The cumulative inci- subjects within the subgroups were matched in a 1:1 ratio dence of HF and competing events are shown in Figure 3. to the controls accounting for 27 confounding variables: This analysis confirmed a positive association between beta age, gender, race, previous MI, previous ACS, carotid blocker use and incident HF (hazard ratio [HR] 5.86, confi- artery disease, peripheral artery disease (PAD), aortic ste- dence interval [CI] 2.63 to 13.04; p 400, low ankle brachial index, left ventricular hypertrophy beta-blocker use (i.e., history of MI, ACS, and previous cor- on ECG, study arm, Framingham risk, systolic BP, diastolic onary revascularization or AF) demonstrated a positive BP, number of antihypertensive agents at enrollment, smok- association of beta-blocker use and incident HF in the PSM ing status, aspirin use, estimated glomerular filtration rate, analysis (Supplementary Table 3). In the PSM cohort of high-density lipoprotein, total cholesterol, body mass index, subjects who remained on an antihypertensive drug class statin use, and antihypertensive class use. We used the for the trial versus subjects who were never exposed, no sig- “nearest neighbor” matching algorithm with a caliper size nificant association was seen between beta blockers and risk of 1% of the SD of the estimated propensity score to con- of CVD death (Supplementary Table 4). struct a matched-paired sample.8 This caliper size is more Beta-blocker use versus nonuse was associated with a stringent than typically recommended for observational lower heart rate ( 5.09 beats per minute, p
Systemic Hypertension/Beta Blockers and Heart Failure in SPRINT 61 Table 1 of HF including in the cohort with recommended beta- Baseline characteristics of subjects with hypertension and without heart blocker use (e.g., history of ACS, MI, and AF). failure in SPRINT The prevalence of CAD in the SPRINT population was Variable Overall cohort n (%) below 20%, and the prevalence of AF was 3 first-line agents, were also Hispanic 965 (11%) not common in this population (Table 2).4 In our analyses, Other 169 (2%) we attempted to correct for co-morbidities and clinical sce- White 5,209 (58%) narios that could favor beta-blocker use. Nonetheless, beta Lower BP target arm 4,501 (50%) blockers were consistently associated with an increased risk 10 y Framingham risk, median [IQR] 17.7 [12.0, 25.6] for incident HF. Adverse or neutral effects of beta blockers SBP, median [IQR], mm Hg 138.0 [130.0, 149.0] on HF and other cardiovascular outcomes in subjects with DBP, median [IQR], mm Hg 78.0 [70.0, 86.0] Number of antihypertensive agents normal EFs have previously been documented in hyperten- 0 868 (10%) sion trials, prospective and observational CAD studies in 1 2,700 (30%) the reperfusion era, and in HF with preserved EF.12−15 2 3,178 (35%) Randomized trials that directly compared beta blockers 3 1,795 (20%) with other antihypertensive medications have not yielded 4 455 (5%) such clear results. Subjects in the Losartan Intervention For 5 15 (0%) Endpoint reduction in hypertension study (LIFE) random- 6 1 (0%) ized to atenolol had significantly more CVD events com- Current smoker 1,192 (13) pared with losartan. Similarly, atenolol was less efficacious Aspirin 4,530 (50) than amlodipine in preventing major cardiovascular events Statin 3,850 (43) Cholesterol, median [IQR] 187.0 [162.0 to 215.0] in Anglo-Scandinavian Cardiac Outcomes Trial (ASCOT), BMI, median [IQR], kg/m2 29.0 [25.8 to 32.9] mostly riven by an excess in strokes. Nonetheless, incident History of acute myocardial infarction 576 (6%) HF was uncommon and statistically not different.13,16 History of acute coronary syndrome 397 (4%) Whereas LIFE and ASCOT excluded patients older than 80 Coronary revascularization 790 (9%) and 79 years of age, respectively, SPRINT did not have an LVH on ECG 396 (4%) upper age limit. The median age for HF events in SPRINT Beta blocker was 77 years, and 25% were older than 81 years. SPRINT At baseline 3,248 (36%) was also enriched with HF emergency room visits, raising Sometimes 4,626 (51%) statistical power.4,13,16 Previous analyses of patient cohorts Never 4,386 (49%) with presumably normal EFs receiving beta blockers simi- Entire trial duration 2,813 (31%) ACE-I/ARB larly have shown inconsistent results with respect to the At baseline 5,853 (65%) effect of beta blockers on HF outcomes,17−19 probably Sometimes 7,705 (85%) influenced by factors such as baseline patient CVD risk, Never 1,307 (15%) inclusion and exclusion criteria, sample size, and study Always 5,128 (57%) duration. CCB Some of the adverse outcomes associated with beta At baseline 3,612 (40%) blockers may be explained by their heart rate−lowering Sometimes 6,184 (69%) effects. Lower heart rates are known to increase central BP Never 2,828 (31%) because of reflected systemic arterial pressure waves that Always 3,152 (35%) coincide with the ongoing systolic ejection. In addition, Thiazide At baseline 4,516 (50%) lower heart rates prolong diastolic filling that can only be Sometimes 6,754 (75%) accomplished at higher filling pressures as left ventricular Never 2,258 (25%) compliance declines. These effects combine to increase Always 3,260 (36%) ventricular wall stress, which explains why natriuretic pep- ACE-I = angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor; ACS = acute coro- tide levels are higher with beta blockers in historic hyper- nary syndrome; ARB = angiotensin receptor blocker; BMI = body mass tension studies and in HF with preserved EF.4,20,21 Subjects index; CCB = calcium channel blocker; DBP = diastolic blood pressure; with higher BPs have a higher HF risk and are therefore ECG = electrocardiogram; IQR = interquartile range; LVH = left ventricu- more susceptible to the adverse effect of beta blockers as lar hypertrophy; SBP = systolic blood pressure. suggested in our individual analyses of the SPRINT treat- ment arms.10,22,23 Previous studies of beta blockers in populations with preserved EFs have also varied considerably in their con- p = 0.002). This result may not be surprising because hyper- clusions regarding their effects on CVD mortality.6,13,23−27 tension and age are the most important risk factors for the It may be possible that the anti-ischemic and antiarrhythmic development of HF,10,11 and BP reduction has been consis- effects of beta blockers convey some mortality benefits in tently shown to have a protective effect.10 In contrast, beta- specific subgroups of patients with normal EFs. Mecha- blocker use was consistently associated with a higher risk nisms by which such subgroups may derive benefit from Descargado para BINASSS BINASSS ( en National Library of Health and Social Security de por Elsevier en febrero 15, 2022. Para uso personal exclusivamente. No se permiten otros usos sin autorización. Copyright ©2022. Elsevier Inc. Todos los derechos reservados.
62 The American Journal of Cardiology ( Table 2 Baseline characteristics and propensity score−matched cohorts of subjects on beta blocker (beta blocker) for the entire trial versus those never on a beta blocker for the duration of the trial (no beta blocker) Before propensity score matching After propensity score matching Variable No beta blocker Beta blocker p value No beta blocker Beta blocker p value Number of patients 6,199 2,813 1,642 1,642 Age, median [IQR] 66.0 [60.0, 75.0] 68.0 [61.0, 76.0]
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