Berkeley Optometry & Vision Science - 2021 Commencement Ceremony - UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, BERKELEY

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Berkeley Optometry & Vision Science - 2021 Commencement Ceremony - UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, BERKELEY

Berkeley Optometry & Vision Science
 2021 Commencement Ceremony
Berkeley Optometry & Vision Science - 2021 Commencement Ceremony - UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, BERKELEY
Commencement Speakers

John G. Flanagan, PhD, DSc, FCOptom, FAAO, FARVO

              Class Representative
             Shazib Haq, OD Program

              Faculty Representative
            John C. Corzine, OD, FAAO

           Outstanding Student Citations
John G. Flanagan, PhD, DSc, FCOptom, FAAO, FARVO

               Award Presenters
                Shazib Haq, OD
            Johnny Cao-Nguyen, OD
        Debora Lee Chen, OD, MPH, FAAO
             Kathy Tran, OD, FAAO
            Marlena Chu, OD, FAAO
          Cheyenne Huber, OD, FAAO
           Nancy McNamara, OD, PhD
                Kalina Grim, OD

                 Name Readers
             Marlena Chu, OD, FAAO
              Dan Harvitt, OD, PhD

                  PhD Degrees
              W. Rowland Taylor, PhD

                   OD Degrees
John G. Flanagan, PhD, DSc, FCOptom, FAAO, FARVO

            Berkeley Optometric Oath
               Ida Chung, OD , FAAO
    President, California Optometric Association
Berkeley Optometry & Vision Science - 2021 Commencement Ceremony - UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, BERKELEY
Message from the Dean
To the Class of 2021, your partners, family and friends, CONGRATULATIONS!

Commencement is such a special celebration. It is a time to share with family, friends and loved ones
the crowning accomplishment of so many years of hard work and dedication. As you graduate with
your doctoral degree, we know that you have been attending institutions of higher education for
many years, and we -- your teachers and your loved ones -- have all witnessed the industry, drive, and
sacrifice required to have reached this life milestone. You deserve to be celebrated.

The Class of 2021 has experienced a time like no other in recent history. You have endured and
persevered, you have negotiated extraordinary demands and lived with the threat of infection,
whilst constantly caring for your patients, conducting your research, and supporting your friends
and community. You have excelled. Please take time to be as proud of yourselves and your
accomplishments as your dean, your professors, your patients, and your institution are of each and
every one of you. Many congratulations to you all!

My hope is that you leave Berkeley Optometry and Vision Science confident in your knowledge and
skills, humble in your calling to serve, respectful of the need for lifelong learning, thankful to all those
who have helped you in your journey, and proud of the great institution from which you have learned.
Together, you are the Class of 2021. We celebrate your many accomplishments and look forward to
witnessing your future successes and contributions.

John G. Flanagan, PhD, DSc, FCOptom, FAAO, FARVO (he, him)
Dean and Professor
School of Optometry
Berkeley Optometry & Vision Science - 2021 Commencement Ceremony - UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, BERKELEY
Doctors of Philosophy in Vision Science

       Billie Beckwith-Cohen
       Probing neurophysiological function in the outer retina using
       chemogenetic manipulation and optogenetic sensors.
       Chair: Richard Krammer, PhD

       Ethan Bensinger
       Dysflective Cones in Healthy and Diseased Eyes
       Chair: Austin Roorda, PhD

       Paul Cullen
       Under Pressure: The Role of Retinal Astrocytes and the Response to
       Ocular Hypertension
       Chair: John G. Flanagan, PhD, DSc, FCOptom, FAAO, FARVO

       Katharina Foote
       Multimodal Assessment of Structure and Function in Inherited Retinal

       Chair: Austin Roorda, PhD

       Sanam Mozaffari
       Structural and Functional Adaptive Optics Retinal Imaging
       Chair: Austin Roorda, PhD

       Emilia Zin
       Development of Neuroprotective and Gene Replacement Therapies
       for Models of Retinitis Pigmentosa and Neuronal Ceroid Lipofuscinosis
       Chair: John G. Flannery, PhD
Berkeley Optometry & Vision Science - 2021 Commencement Ceremony - UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, BERKELEY
Doctors of Optometry
             Pavit Kaur Basiβ                                            Michelle Meza
           Emmalena A. Boydβ                                            Yuki Nakamura
     Tien Johnny Bao Cao-Nguyenσ                                       Angie Ka Wai Ngβ
       Paige Robin Shermis Carrβ                                    Jacqueline D. Nguyenβ
        Armaeiti Foulandi Chamiβ                                    Jessica Lynn Nguyenσ
         Michelle Victoria Chanσ                                    Elizabeth Ann O'Neillσ
              Phoebe Chenβ                                              Timothy H. Ohσ
              Jasper Chengσ                                          Erika Seoyeon Parkσ
          Adrienne G. Coulterβ                                      Johnny Adrian Pascual
            Tarik Issam Dabitβ                                            Tiffany Pham
             Jordan E. Dulayβ                                          Wendy U. Phamβ
          Dylan Robert Franchi                                       Divya Bellapu Reddy
          Julie Nicole Furnessβ                                        Rafael Remotigue
         Amanda Rita Hadeedβ                                          Julia C. Richardsonβ
           Loukia Hadjiyianniβ                                       Rosio Uribe Sandoval
               Shazib Haq«                                             Natalia C. Santizo
                Bonnie Hoσ                                                Sheila Shojaσ
              Veronica Hom                                                 Phoebe Taiβ
         Cynthia Barbara Huang                                       Amanda Houng Thaiβ
             Vanessa Huangβ                                              Joanna Tonerβ
              Kristin T. Kiangσ                                         Amanda T. Tranβ
               Ashlynne Kim                                      Caroline Ngoc Quynh Tranσ
             Jeffrey J. Kongβ                                            Elena B. Tranβ
         Richard George Langσ                                             Janice Trangβ
           Alyssa Megan Lauσ                                     Krystle Ann Bibat Villamayor
                 Shin Leeσ                                                Jessica N. Vu
               Maylea C. Liβ                                     Michael Christopher Wongβ
                 Melissa Liσ                                                Sally Wuσ
                Kristina Linσ                                            Vivian M. Yaoσ
           Dorothy Karen Maβ                                       Michelle Ho Yoshimotoβ
        Mahsa Katherine Masoudi                                         Bethany Zhangβ
           Marlon D. Mendoza                                              Yujia Zhangσ

Beta Sigma Kappa (BSK) is the international optometric honor society. Students are invited to join
based on high academic achievement for the preceding year.
 «    Beta Sigma Kappa Silver Medal: Third year members select the recipient of the Silver Medal based on
      excellence in academics and dedication to the principles and activities of BSK.
 β    Beta Sigma Kappa honor graduate: Member in good standing for all eligible years, gold & black cords.
 σ    Beta Sigma Kappa honor graduate: Member in good standing, gold cords.
Berkeley Optometry & Vision Science - 2021 Commencement Ceremony - UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, BERKELEY
Doctors of Optometry

  Pavit Kaur Basi       Emmalena A. Boyd       Tien J. B. Cao-Nguyen    Paige R. S. Carr    Armaeiti Foulandi Chami    Michelle Victoria Chan        Phoebe Chen           Jasper Cheng         Adrienne G. Coulter       Tarik Issam Dabit       Jordan E. Dulay      Dylan Robert Franchi

Julie Nicole Furness   Amanda Rita Hadeed       Loukia Hadjiyianni        Shazib Haq              Bonnie Ho                Veronica Hom          Cynthia Barbara Huang     Vanessa Huang           Kristin T. Kiang         Ashlynne Kim           Jeffrey J. Kong     Richard George Lang

 Alyssa Megan Lau            Shin Lee              Maylea C. Li            Melissa Li             Kristina Lin           Dorothy Karen Ma          Mahsa K. Masoudi      Marlon D. Mendoza         Michelle Meza            Yuki Nakamura         Angie Ka Wai Ng      Jacqueline D. Nguyen

Jessica Lynn Nguyen    Elizabeth Ann O’Neill      Timothy H. Oh        Erika Seoyeon Park   Johnny Adrian Pascual           Tiffany Pham            Wendy U. Pham        Divya Bellapu Reddy     Rafael Remotigue         Julia C. Richardson   Rosio Uribe Sandoval     Natalia C. Santizo

   Sheila Shoja             Phoebe Tai         Amanda Houng Thai         Joanna Toner           Amanda T. Tran        Caroline Ngoc Quynh Tran       Elena B. Tran          Janice Trang       Krystle A. B. Villamayor     Jessica N. Vu         Michael C. Wong            Sally Wu

   Vivian M. Yao       Michelle Ho Yoshimoto      Bethany Zhang           Yujia Zhang
Berkeley Optometry & Vision Science - 2021 Commencement Ceremony - UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, BERKELEY
CLASS OF 2021                                                                                  CLASS OF 2021
Graduation with Honors in Research                                                             Fourth Year Awards
                                                                                               Alcon Case Study
                                                                                               Michael Christopher Wong
Jacqueline D. Nguyen
A Decade of Low Vision Care: Characterizing Trends in Functional Complaints and Vision Aid     Bernell Binocular Vision Award
Demonstrations                                                                                 Shazib Haq

Mentors: Marlena Chu, OD, FAAO and Emily Cooper, PhD                                           Bernhardt N. Thal, OD VSP Scholarship
                                                                                               Jeffrey J. Kong

                                                                                               Beta Sigma Kappa Silver Medal
Joanna Toner                                                                                   Shazib Haq
Human Albinism: Normal Contrast Sensitivity for Large Targets Despite an Alternative Retinal
Organization                                                                                   COVD Binocular Vision Award
                                                                                               Jordan E. Dulay
Mentor: Susana Chung, OD, PhD
                                                                                               Dr. Justin Kwan Scholarship
                                                                                               Michael Christopher Wong

                                                                                               Dr. Robert Greer Low Excellence in Low Vision Award
                                                                                               Joanna Toner

                                                                                               Dr. Roy Brandreth Scholarship
                                                                                               Shin Lee

2021                                                                                           Eschenbach Low Vision Award
                                                                                               Janice Trang
Student Awards to Faculty                                                                      Gold Retinoscope Award
                                                                                               Shazib Haq

                                                                                               GP Contact Lens Clinical Excellence Award
Marlena Chu, OD, FAAO                                                                          Phoebe Tai
Michael G. Harris Family Classroom Teaching Award
                                                                                               HOYA Leadership Award
                                                                                               Divya Bellapu Reddy

John C. Corzine, OD, FAAO                                                                      Johnson & Johnson Award of Excellence in Contact Lens Patient Care (American Optometric Foundation)
Roy Brandreth Teaching Award                                                                   Shazib Haq

                                                                                               Marvin R. Poston, OD VSP Scholarship
                                                                                               Joanna Toner

                                                                                               Opelec Excellence in Low Vision Award
                                                                                               Veronica Hom

                                                                                               William Feinbloom Low Vision Award
                                                                                               Dorothy Karen Ma
Berkeley Optometry & Vision Science - 2021 Commencement Ceremony - UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, BERKELEY
Professional Student Support Fund Awards
Professional Student Support Funds (PSSF) are endowed gifts provided through the generosity
of Berkeley Optometry faculty, staff, students, alumni, and friends. These endowments support
students at the School of Optometry in perpetuity.

The Dr. Robert W. Lester Professional Student Support Fund                             Pavit Kaur Basi              The UC Optometry Alumni Ocular Disease Professional Student Support Fund      Dorothy Karen Ma

The Berkeley Optometry Class of 1999 Professional Student Support Fund                 Emmalena A. Boyd             The Berkeley Optometry Class of 2009 Professional Student Support Fund        Mahsa Katherine Masoudi

The Dr. Michael G. Harris Excellence in Leadership Professional Student Support Fund   Tien Johnny Bao Cao-Nguyen   The Jimmy and Lillian Low Optometry Scholarship Fund                          Michelle Meza

The Berkeley Optometry Class of 1975 Professional Student Support Fund                 Paige Robin Shermis Carr     The Dennis and Marilyn Levi Optometry Student Support Fund                    Yuki Nakamura

The Drs. Bernhardt N. and Lawrence S. Thal Professional Student Support Fund           Michelle Victoria Chan       The Berkeley Optometry Class of 2013 Professional Student Support Fund        Angie Ka Wai Ng
The Jimmy and Lillian Low Optometry Scholarship Fund                                   Phoebe Chen                  The Curtis W. Keswick Alumni Veterans' Affairs Residency Low Vision PSSF      Jacqueline D. Nguyen
The Pamela Fong and Family Graduate Student Support Fund                               Jasper Cheng                 The Dr. Karen Walker-Brandreth Excellence in Optometry Education PSSF         Jessica Lynn Nguyen
The Winston Nielsen School of Optometry Scholarship Fund                               Adrienne G. Coulter          The Tony and Elna Adams Optometry Student Diversity Support Fund              Johnny Adrian Pascual
The Berkeley Optometry Class of 1983 Professional Student Support Fund                 Tarik Issam Dabit            The Contact Lens Clinic Faculty Professional Student Support Fund             Wendy U. Pham
The Dr. Joseph Singer '38 Scholarship Fund                                             Jordan E. Dulay              The Teresa Wu and Family Student Leadership Scholarship Fund                  Tiffany Pham
The Winston Nielsen School of Optometry Scholarship Fund                               Armaeti Fouladi Chami        The Pamela Fong and Family Graduate Student Support Fund                      Divya Bellapu Reddy
The Levi Family Professional Student Support Fund                                      Dylan Robert Franchi         The Berkeley Optometry Class of 2010 Professional Student Support Fund        Rafael Remotigue
The Winston Nielsen School of Optometry Scholarship Fund                               Julie Nicole Furness         The Dr. Elizabeth Grenier Smider Memorial Professional Student Support Fund   Julia C. Richardson
The George L. Schneider Memorial Scholarship                                           Amanda Rita Hadeed           The William J. Burlington Memorial Scholarship Fund                           Natalia C. Santizo
The Berkeley Optometry Class of 1971 Professional Student Support Fund                 Loukia Hadjiyianni           The Ko Clinic/UC Optometry Alumni Professional Student Support Fund           Phoebe Tai
The Dr. Michael G. Harris Professional Student Support Fund                            Shazib Haq                   The Berkeley Optometry Class of 2011 Professional Student Support Fund        Amanda Houng Thai
The Pamela Fong and Family Graduate Student Support Fund                               Bonnie Ho                    The Robert and Jeanene Greer Professional Student Support Fund                Joanna Toner
The George L. Schneider Memorial Scholarship                                           Veronica Hom                 The Dr. John R. and Norma M. Austin Optometry Student Support Fund            Amanda T. Tran
The Curtis W. Keswick Alumni Veterans' Affairs Residency Low Vision PSSF               Cynthia Barbara Huang        The Curtis W. Keswick Alumni Veterans' Affairs Residency Low Vision PSSF      Caroline Ngoc Quynh Tran
The Peng Family/UCBSO Alumni Association Professional Student Support Fund             Vanessa Huang                The George L. Schneider Memorial Scholarship                                  Elena B. Tran
The Drs. Bernhardt N. and Lawrence S. Thal Professional Student Support Fund           Jeffrey J. Kong              The Berkeley Optometry Class of 2011 Professional Student Support Fund        Janice Trang
The William J. Burlington Memorial Scholarship Fund                                    Richard George Lang          The Berkeley Optometry Class of 2013 Professional Student Support Fund        Jessica N. Vu
The Dr. John R. and Norma M. Austin Optometry Student Support Fund                     Alyssa Megan Lau             The Carl Moore Contact Lens Professional Student Support Fund                 Michael Christopher Wong
The Berkeley Optometry Class of 2008 Professional Student Support Fund                 Shin Lee                     The Ming Pow Low Professional Student Support Fund                            Sally Wu
The Berkeley Optometry Class of 1986 Professional Student Support Fund                 Maylea C. Li                 The Alameda Contra Costa Counties Optometric Society (ACCCOS) PSSF            Vivian M. Yao
The Berkeley Optometry Class of 2015 Professional Student Support Fund                 Melissa Li                   The Pamela Fong and Family Graduate Student Support Fund                      Michelle Ho Yoshimoto
The Berkeley Optometry Class of 2011 Professional Student Support Fund                 Kristina Lin                 The Dr. Cheslyn Gan and Dr. Linda Cushing Optometry Student Support Fund      Yujia Zhang
Berkeley Optometry & Vision Science - 2021 Commencement Ceremony - UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, BERKELEY
Residency Placements
One-year post-graduate mentored residency programs provide advanced clinical education in specialty
areas of optometry at an institutional or hospital-based setting. These programs prepare optometrists for
lifelong leadership and scholarship in patient care and education.

Tien Johnny Bao Cao-Nguyen            SUNY, State College of Optometry                                      Mahsa Katherine Masoudi    Omni Eye Services of Atlanta
                                      Primary Care Optometry/Ocular Disease                                                            Ocular Disease

Paige Robin Shermis Carr              Eye Center of Toledo                                                  Angie Ka Wai Ng            Veterans Administration Central California Health Care System, Fresno
                                      Ocular Disease/Anterior Segment/Retina                                                           Ocular Disease

Phoebe Chen                           W.G. Hefner Veterans Administration                                   Jacqueline D. Nguyen       Vanderbilt Eye Institute
                                      Ocular disease/primary care residency                                                            Pediatric Optometry

Adrienne G. Coulter                   University of California, Berkeley                                    Jessica Lynn Nguyen        Veterans Administration Long Beach Healthcare System
                                      Primary Care Optometry/Community Health Optometry                                                Primary Care Optometry/Low Vision Rehabilitation

Julie Nicole Furness                  Veterans Administration Long Beach Healthcare System                  Johnny Adrian Pascual      The University of Alabama at Birmingham, School of Optometry
                                      Primary Care Optometry/Low Vision Rehabilitation                                                 Primary Care Optometry
                                                                                                            Julia C. Richardson        Veterans Administration San Diego Health Care System
Shazib Haq                            Baltimore Veterans Administration Medical Center                                                 Primary Care Optometry
                                      Ocular Disease/Glaucoma/Retina
                                                                                                            Rosio Uribe Sandoval       Veterans Administration Central California Health Care System, Fresno
Cynthia Barbara Huang                 Veterans Administration Long Beach Healthcare System                                             Ocular Disease
                                      Primary Care Optometry/Low Vision Rehabilitation
                                                                                                            Joanna Toner               Kaiser Permanente, Seattle
Vanessa Huang                         SUNY, State College of Optometry                                                                 Primary Care Optometry
                                      Vision Rehabilitation/Brain Injury Rehabilitation
                                                                                                            Amanda T. Tran             New England College of Optometry
Jeffrey J. Kong                       University of Houston, University Eye Institute                                                  Pediatric Optometry
                                      Cornea and Contact Lenses
                                                                                                            Elena B. Tran              SUNY, College of Optometry
Shin Lee                              University of California, San Francisco Medical Center                                           Vision Rehab/Vision Therapy and Rehab
                                      Ocular Disease/Primary Care Optometry
                                                                                                            Janice Trang               Veterans Administration Palo Alto Health Care System
Maylea C. Li                          ICON Surgical Eye Care                                                                           Ocular Disease/Geriatric/Low Vision Rehabilitation
                                      Ocular Disease/Refractive and Ocular Surgery
                                                                                                            Michael Christopher Wong   University of California, Berkeley
Kristina Lin                          University of California, San Francisco Medical Center                                           Cornea and Contact Lenses
                                      Ocular Disease/Primary Care Optometry
                                                                                                            Michelle Ho Yoshimoto      Midwestern University, Arizona College of Optometry
Dorothy Karen Ma                      Veterans Administration Palo Alto Health Care System                                             Cornea and Contact Lenses
                                      Ocular Disease/Geriatric/Low Vision Rehabilitation
Berkeley Optometry & Vision Science - 2021 Commencement Ceremony - UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, BERKELEY
Administration & Faculty
University Administration                          Faculty, School of Optometry                 Clinical Professors              O. Vanessa Avery, OD         Andrew L. Sorensen, MD
                                                                                                Shirin Barez, MS, MD             Tran Bianconi, OD            Anne Tasaki, OD
President, University of California                Professors                                   Dennis S. Burger, OD             Amara V. Callahan, OD        Jacqueline Theis, OD
Michael V. Drake, MD                               Anthony J. Adams*, OD, PhD                   Thomas M. Callan, OD             Molly S. Cardenal Phan, OD   Kathy Tran, OD
                                                   Ian L. Bailey*, OD, MS                       Nancy Carteron, MD               Alvaro Castillo, OD          Nguyen Tran, OD
Chancellor, UCB                                    Martin S. Banks, PhD                         Stephen R. Chun, OD              Stefanie Chan, OD            Tan N. Truong, OD
Carol T. Christ, PhD                               Lu Chen, MD, PhD                             John C. Corzine, OD              Debora M. Chen, OD, MPH      Melissa Valdellon, OD
                                                   Susana T.L. Chung, OD, PhD                   Robert E. Dister, OD, JD         Patrick J. Clark, OD         Lee Q. Vien, OD
Executive Vice Chancellor and Provost, UCB         Jay M. Enoch*, OD, PhD                       Bernard J. Dolan, OD, MS         Jorge A. Cuadros, OD         Alfred Vong, OD
A. Paul Alivisatos, PhD                            John G. Flanagan, PhD, FCOptom               Robert B. Greer*, OD             Jennifer Fisher, OD          Yen-Linh Vu, OD
                                                   John G. Flannery, PhD                        Michael G. Harris*, OD, JD, MS   Sarah N. Fisher, OD, PhD     Crystal Wang, OD
Dean Graduate Division, UCB                        Suzanne M.J. Fleiszig, OD, PhD               Patsy L. Harvey, OD, MPH         Dennis W. Fong, OD           Anthony White, ABOC
Lisa Garcia Bedolla, PhD                           Ralph D. Freeman*, OD, PhD                   Pia Hoenig, OD, MA               Sara L. Frane, OD            Brian E. Wolff, OD
                                                   Xiaohua Gong, PhD                            Carl H. Jacobsen, OD             Cheslyn M. Gan, OD           Walter A. Wong, OD
                                                   Karsten Gronert, MS, PhD                     Donald R. Korb, OD               K. Scott Gee, OD             Meng-Hua Wu, OD
Optometry Administration                           Gunilla Haegerström-Portnoy, OD, PhD         A. Mika Moy, OD                  Celia Gong, OD               Yu-Tai (Mark) Wu, OD
                                                   Stanley A. Klein, PhD                        Glen Y. Ozawa, OD                Emily Gorski, OD             Kerri K. Yoshiyama, OD
Dean                                                                                            Edward J. Revelli*, OD           Harry M. Green, OD, PhD
                                                   Dennis M. Levi, OD, PhD                                                                                    Clinical Instructors
John G. Flanagan, PhD, FCOptom                                                                  A. Lee Scaief, OD, MS            Sandra N. Harpster, OD
                                                   Robert B. Mandell*, OD, PhD                                                                                Joan Browne, OD
                                                   Bruno A. Olshausen, PhD                      Karen L. Walker-Brandreth*, OD   David Hicks, OD
Associate Dean, Academic Affairs                                                                                                                              Barbara Cohn, OD
                                                   Kenneth A. Polse*, OD, MS                    Gerald Westheimer*, OD, PhD      Cheyenne Huber, OD
Gunilla Haegerström-Portnoy, OD, PhD                                                                                                                          Mark Dunbar, OD
                                                   Austin J. Roorda, PhD                        Meredith M. Whiteside, OD        Ludmila Jikovska, ABOC
                                                                                                                                                              Denis P. Finney, OD
                                                   William Rowland Taylor, PhD                  Christina S. Wilmer, OD          Kathryn Johnson, OD
Associate Dean, Clinical Affairs                                                                                                                              Molly O. Johnson, OD
                                                   Clifton M. Schor*, OD, PhD                   Ava J Wu, MD                     Heather Jones, OD
Christina S. Wilmer, OD                                                                                                                                       Jasmine Junge, OD
                                                   Michael A. Silver, PhD                       David Yang, OD                   Stephanie Joo, OD
                                                                                                                                                              Don Knauss, ABOC
                                                   Richard C. Van Sluyters*, OD, PhD                                             Isabel Kazemi, OD
Associate Dean, Student Affairs                                                                                                                               Janis Miller Lightman, OD
                                                   Christine F. Wildsoet, OD, PhD               Associate Clinical Professors    Nicholas G. Kerry, OD
Nancy A. McNamara, OD, PhD                                                                                                                                    Kristine Loo, OD
                                                                                                Charles H. Bailey, OD            Chang Kim, OD
                                                                                                                                                              Sarah Lopez, OD
                                                   Assistant Professors                         Frank G. Balestrery, OD, MS      Sarah Kochik, OD, PhD
Sr. Assistant Dean & Chief Operating Officer                                                                                                                  Deana E. Lum, OD
                                                   Emily Cooper, PhD                            Marlena A. Chu, OD               Katherine Lai, OD
Monica Porter, BA                                                                                                                                             Andrew Mangum, OD
                                                   Jorge Otero-Millan, PhD                      Kathryn A. Dumbleton, OD, PhD    Linh Le, OD
                                                                                                                                                              Burke Manning, OD
Assistant Dean, Student Affairs                    Teresa Puthussery, OD, PhD                   Darlene T. Fong, OD              James Lee, ABOC
                                                                                                                                                              Emily D. Mathiak, OD
Jessica R. Rivers, MA                              William Tuten, OD, PhD                       Daniel Harvitt, OD, PhD          Mira Lim, MD
                                                                                                                                                              Amanda Miskewicz-Zastrow, OD
                                                                                                Michelle J. Hoff, OD             Kenneth N. Lowe, ABOC
                                                                                                                                                              Mary Ann Murphy, OD
Assistant Dean, Development and Alumni Relations   Professors of Clinical Optometry             Kuniyoshi Kanai, OD              Melanie Mason, OD
                                                                                                                                                              Tran H. Nguyen, OD
Kristen C. Williams                                Meng C. Lin, OD, PhD                         Jeffrey Ko, OD                   Karen Molina, OD
                                                                                                                                                              Chelsia Park, OD
                                                   Nancy A. McNamara, OD, PhD                   George K. Lee, OD                Ghazal Naseri, OD
                                                                                                                                                              Marisa A. Perez, OD
Director of Affiliated Residency Programs          Deborah A. Orel-Bixler, OD, PhD              Randall R. McPherran, OD         Charlie Ngo, OD
                                                                                                                                                              Marla F. Plecha, OD
Christina S. Wilmer, OD                            Wayne A. Verdon*, OD, PhD                    Andrew B. Mick, OD               Teresa Nguyen, OD
                                                                                                                                                              Justin Sandholm, OD
                                                                                                Jennifer Seino, OD               Winson Ong, OD
                                                                                                                                                              Aaron Severson, OD
Director of Residencies: On-Campus Programs        Associate Professors of Clinical Optometry   Kelvin K. Tang, OD               Ella Piflaks, ABOC
                                                                                                                                                              Andrew Ta, OD
Kuniyoshi Kanai, OD                                Yue Maria Liu, MBA, OD, MPH, PhD             Kathy Tran, OD                   Matthew A. Rhodes, OD
                                                                                                                                                              Jennifer Tan, OD
                                                                                                Lillian I. Wang, OD              Vicki B. Rich, ABOC
                                                   Affiliated Professors                                                                                      Susanna M. Tamkins, OD
Chair, Vision Science Graduate Program                                                          Barry C. Winston, OD             Claudia Ruegg, OD
                                                   Eugene Switkes, PhD (UCSC)                                                                                 Jenny Truong, OD
W. Rowland Taylor, PhD                                                                          Vikki V. Yu, OD                  Pam Satjawatcharaphong, OD
                                                                                                                                                              Melissa Turner, OD
                                                                                                                                 Angela Shahbazian, OD
                                                                                                Assistant Clinical Professors                                 Katherine Warner, OD
                                                                                                                                 Todd D. Severin, MD
                                                                                                Sarah Arneal, OD                                              Nazret Weldeghiorgis, OD
                                                                                                                                 Mark Sherstinsky, OD
                                                                                                Sia Assar, OD                                                 Diana Wu, OD
                                                                                                                                 Mary Ann C. Shui, OD
                                                                                                Joan Astorino, OD                Jeremy Shumaker, OD
Berkeley Optometry, A Brief History
        “All the material gain I have in this world I must credit entirely to Optometry. The little
      knowledge I have, by which I am able to render fair service ... has come to me by virtue of
    those who sacrificed before me. Therefore, if success in life is to leave the world a little better
         for having been in it, then I feel honor bound to give to that which has given to me.”
                                                            - GEORGE L. SCHNEIDER, OD (JANUARY 18, 1923)

In 1907, three optometrists representing the California State Association of Optometrists interviewed
UC President Benjamin Wheeler in regard to establishing a “Course in the Science of Optometry.”                              Berkeley Optometric Oath
The campaign for optometry instruction on the Berkeley campus was headed by George Schneider,
a visionary Berkeley optometrist. The meeting would be the first of many between optometrists and
the University, comprising a 16-year campaign that would culminate in the inaugural curriculum in
August 1923. Their tireless efforts and resilience in the face of opposition from within and outside the
profession represent a story of remarkable individuals dedicated to the ideal that optometry and the            I swear that to the best of my ability and judgment:
public welfare would benefit from an affiliation with the University—an institution of international repute
with exacting standards of education and achievements in research.

George Schneider became the first Lecturer in Optometry, while Ralph Minor, Professor of Physics,               I will respect the hard-won scientific gains of those clinicians and scientists in
headed the curriculum. Initially, undergraduate students took two years of upper division courses in            whose steps I walk, and will gladly share such knowledge as is mine with those
Optometry, earning a BS in Physics and a Certificate in Optometry. In 1929, the major was revised               who are to follow.
to Physics-Optometry. For 23 years, Minor directed and expanded the program, working toward
independence from Physics. In 1939, the Department of Optometry was established, and in 1941 the                I will strive to increase my knowledge and broaden my skills throughout my career
School of Optometry began with Minor as its first director and then, in 1945, first dean.                       so that I am always capable of providing the highest standards of vision care.
Programmatic enhancements were especially important to all deans of Berkeley Optometry. In 1946,
Kenneth Stoddard (dean, 1946–60) launched the Graduate Group Program in Physiological Optics,                   I will render my services fully and honestly, and with concern and compassion, and
the forerunner of today’s Vision Science Graduate Program. Two years later, he instituted a five-year           I will strive to see that none shall lack for proper vision care.
curriculum (BS Physics after four years; MOpt after a fifth graduate year). Meredith Morgan (dean,
1960–73) was instrumental in establishing a four-year doctoral program in 1966, granting OD degrees             I will practice the art and science of optometry faithfully and conscientiously, and
to an entire graduating class for the first time in 1970. A one-year, on-campus Optometry Residency             to the fullest of my ability.
Program began in 1983 during Jay Enoch’s tenure (dean, 1980–92). Dennis Levi (dean, 2001–14) has
also presided over changes in the curriculum—the bachelor’s degree as a prerequisite for admission
(2002) and incorporation of the program into the UC Graduate Division (2003). Gradually, student                I will uphold and honorably promote by example and action the highest standards,
enrollment increased from the fledgling graduating class of only two in 1925 to recent classes of 60 or         ethics, and ideals of my chosen profession and the Doctor of Optometry degree I
more students.                                                                                                  am about to receive.

From the start, Berkeley Optometry was challenged to provide adequate facilities for its programs.
                                                                                                                I will remember that I remain a member of society, with special obligations to all
The first breakthrough occurred when Dean Stoddard presided over the conversion of Durant Hall
into the “Optometry Building” (1948; renamed Minor Hall in 1970). Construction on a new building—               my fellow human beings, those sound of mind and body as well as the infirm.
Minor Addition—was begun during the tenure of Monroe Hirsh (dean, 1973–78), and two floors
were added to Minor Hall (1992–93) under the direction of Dean Enoch. Completion of the adjunct
Optometry Eye Clinic in the Tang Center (1993) and renovation of the Meredith W. Morgan University                     I hereby commit myself to be steadfast in the performance
Eye Center (1995) occurred during the administration of Anthony Adams (dean, 1992–2001).                               of this my solemn oath and obligation as a graduate of the
                                                                                                                         University of California, Berkeley, School of Optometry.
After 90 years of program development and facilities expansion, Berkeley Optometry, once only
the dream of pioneering optometrists, has become the premier institution of its kind. Now under the
stewardship of John G. Flanagan, our eighth dean (2014–), we will continue to evolve and to graduate
the best-trained optometrists in the profession.
                                                                                                              Adapted from the Optometric Oath by R. Hopping and the Modern Hippocratic Oath by L. Lasagna.
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