Page created by Leslie Kim
YOUR 2020

Current Team Members:             Hilton Grand Vacations is all about experiencing life at
                                  its best. Every day, we focus on creating exceptional
BENEFITS                          experiences for our Owners and guests. And that’s what
                                  we want for you, too.
ANNUAL                            As a benefits-eligible HGV Team Member, we invite you to explore all
ENROLLMENT                        of HGV’s benefits that are available to you and create a benefits
                                  package tailored to your needs. You can “make it yours” by actively
October 21 -                      enrolling in your benefits by your enrollment deadline.
November 1, 2019

How to enroll in your
HGV benefits
Visit Grand Central at
                                  SIMPLE STEPS
                                  Take a few minutes – for you and your loved ones – to consider your
Go to Team Member Life >          2020 benefits needs.
Benefits and Wellness >
                                  Then, follow these simple steps to ensure you have benefits to protect
Manage/Enroll in Benefits:
Your Benefits Resources           your family, improve your health and enhance your life.

Then, follow the easy on-screen
prompts that will guide you
                                  Enroll by your deadline.
through the enrollment process.
                                         Current Team Members1,2: Enroll during benefits Annual Enrollment
                                         between October 21 and November 1, 2019
Need assistance
accessing                         • New Team Members: Enroll within 90 days from your start date1,2
Grand Central?                    • Rehired HGV or Hilton Team Members: Enroll within 30 days if you
                                    were rehired less than one year after leaving HGV, or within 90 days
For login or password help,
                                    if rehired one year or more since leaving HGV
contact the HGV Service Desk:                   It’s easy!
All Team Members now have
                                                           Learn about enrolling

an email address, which is
                                                                                                                             Page                                in your HGV benefits                                               4
If you have the same name
as someone else, your email                                Consider your needs for the year ahead
may include a numeral, such as
Check with the HGV Service
                                                           Choose the benefits that

Desk to confirm.                                           best meet your needs                                              Page
                                                           Shopping for your benefits is like shopping                        5
                                                           for anything else. You want to find your
                                                           perfect fit, so compare all your options.

                                                           Enroll in your HGV benefits

                                          3                It’s quick and easy. You will be able to see
                                                           and compare your cost options and HGV’s
                                                           subsidy amount when you enroll online at

                                  Does not apply to all Team Members and may vary based on eligibility or location.

                                      For specific requirements and details, please refer to your Summary Plan Description (SPD) or
                                      contact the HGV Benefits Center.
• Know that HGV cares about your health                   • Consider taking advantage of voluntary benefits
  HGV helps Team Members live healthier lives by            Voluntary medical benefits are designed to
  providing high-quality health care coverage. In fact,     supplement your medical coverage and offer extra
  HGV supports most of the cost of your medical             financial protection for those unexpected things that
  coverage through a subsidy, which reduces your            happen in life. The benefits they provide help offset
  medical premiums. You will see your HGV subsidy           your deductible and other out-of-pocket expenses if
  amount when you enroll in your benefits.                  you experience a covered condition. Note: You need
                                                            to be enrolled in medical coverage to elect any of
• Review all your options Because everyone’s needs          these voluntary medical benefit options:
  are different, HGV gives you options to consider. For
  example, some people want the lowest paycheck            – Critical Illness Insurance provides a cash benefit
  deductions, while others choose a plan that costs          when you or an enrolled dependent becomes
  more up front, but less when they need services. See       seriously ill with a covered condition.
  coverage details when you enroll, and review your        – Hospital Indemnity Insurance provides a lump
  options carefully.                                         sum payment when you or an enrolled dependent
                                                             has a hospital stay. The money can be used to
• Ensure your doctors will be in your insurance              cover out-of-pocket costs beyond what your
  carrier’s network Visiting out-of-network doctors,         medical plan covers, in addition to deductibles,
  hospitals, dentists and eye doctors can cost               copays and expenses.
  substantially more than staying in-network. When
  you enroll, you will want to check that your doctors,    – Accident Insurance administered by Aflac, helps
  dentists and eye care specialists are in-network.          pay for costs your health insurance doesn’t cover,
                                                             if you have one of over 150 different covered
• Consider your costs One way to help control your           events. Use it to pay for your medical insurance
  health care costs is by enrolling in the lowest-cost       deductible, copays, household bills and more.
  insurance carrier for your area. The lowest-cost
  carrier may change from year to year, and will differ   • Enhanced Short-Term Disability (STD) coverage
  depending on where you live. Using the Help Me            Provided by HGV For 2020, HGV is enhancing its
  Choose tool when enrolling will help determine if         company-paid STD benefit.1 STD provides 60% of
  the lowest-cost carrier may be the best choice for        your weekly earnings for up to 26 weeks, if you
  you. Note: Changing insurance carrier networks            have a serious injury or illness and are unable to
  might require that you change your primary care           work. The weekly maximum is being raised from
  physician or hospital.                                    $500 per week to $2,308 per week. Because of
                                                            this enhancement, optional STD Buy-Up is being
• Save with a Health Savings Account (HSA) If you           eliminated for 2020.
  choose the Bronze Plus medical plan, you will be
  eligible to enroll in a Health Savings Account (see
  page 7). For 2020, you can save up to $3,550 if you
  cover just yourself or $7,100 if you cover yourself
  and your family. If you’re age 55 or older (or will
  turn age 55 during the plan year), you can also make
  additional “catch-up” contributions to your HSA, up
  to $1,000.

Learn about your
HGV benefits
To learn more about your options,
visit >
Team Member Life > Benefits and
                                    WHO CAN ENROLL?
Wellness, then select Manage/       • Full-time HGV Team Members who are regularly scheduled to work at
Enroll in Benefits: Your Benefits     least 30 hours per week1
Resources. (Or log into             • You can also enroll your legal spouse or domestic partner and any       eligible dependent children (through the end of the month in which
You will see a special section        they turn age 26)2,3,4
at the top of the page devoted
just to new Team Members!           • To ensure all covered dependents are eligible, you will need to
                                          provide verification documents when you add any new dependent
                                          for coverage

                                    WHEN DO I ENROLL?
                                           Current Team Members: Enroll during benefits Annual Enrollment
                                           between October 21 and November 1, 2019

                                    • New Team Members: Enroll within 90 days from your start date1,4
                                    • If you are hired late in the year, you may need to enroll twice – once
                                      for your HGV benefits for the remainder of the current year, and one
                                      more time for the full year ahead. Once you enroll for the current
                                      year, you have 31 days to enroll for the next year.
                                    • Rehired HGV or Hilton Team Members: Enroll within 30 days if you
                                      were rehired less than one year after leaving HGV, or within 90 days
                                      if rehired one year or more since leaving HGV

                                    WHAT IF I DON’T ACTIVELY ENROLL?
                                    • If you do not actively enroll, please understand that you will not have
                                      HGV medical, dental and vision coverage for 2020, nor will you be
                                      able to enjoy the tax savings from participating in a Health Care or
                                      Dependent Day Care Flexible Spending Account (FSA). You will only
                                      participate in benefits and programs that are 100% paid for by HGV.

                                           Current Team Members: If you have any of the following optional
                                           coverages through HGV today, your current coverage will
                                           continue in 2020 - at 2020 rates - unless you make a change
                                           during benefits Annual Enrollment:
                                           • Supplemental Life Insurance
                                           • Spouse/Dependent Life Insurance
                                           • Accidental Death and Dismemberment (AD&D)coverage
                                           • Long-Term Disability

                                    • The next time you will have an opportunity to change or enroll in your
                                      benefits is during Annual Enrollment for 2021 benefits, during the fall
                                      of 2020, unless you experience a qualified life event change, such as
                                      a marriage, divorce, birth, or adoption

                                    Does not apply to all Team Members and may vary based on eligibility or location.

                                        If you add or change dependents who are covered under HGV health care plans, you will be required
                                        to provide documentation that proves those dependents are eligible. You will receive a letter at home
                                        explaining exactly which documents to submit, how to submit them and when they are due.
                                        If you do not have your dependents’ Social Security Numbers (SSNs) when enrolling, it will
                                        not prevent you from enrolling, but it could cause delays in claims processing when your
                                        dependents use health care coverage.
                                        For specific requirements and details, please refer to your Summary Plan Description (SPD) or
                                        contact the HGV Benefits Center.
CHOOSE                                                                                                    Which coverage
                                                                                                          level is best?
                                                                                                          Don’t let the names of the
When you enroll in your HGV benefits, it’s like any online shopping                                       coverage levels fool you. One
experience. You’ll see a variety of great options for you to choose from                                  option is not any better than the
that best meet your needs. Here’s how to find your fit!                                                   other. The coverage levels give you
                                                                                                          choices – so you can choose the
                                                                                                          one that best meets your needs.
FIRST, CHOOSE YOUR COVERAGE LEVEL                                                                         To learn more about coverage
Each year, you may see plan changes in your medical options –                                             levels, visit >
such as what is covered, increasing deductibles and out-of-pocket                                         Team Member Life > Benefits and
maximums, or changes to your copays and coinsurance. That’s why it’s                                      Wellness, then select Learn About
so important to carefully consider your total expected costs (including                                   Benefits: Make it Yours. Or visit
what comes out of your paycheck and what you pay for care).                                     

There are four coverage levels, represented by four metallic levels:
                                                                                                          When enrolling, you can use the
       BRONZE PLUS                   SILVER                    GOLD                  PLATINUM             Help Me Choose tool. You simply
    Payroll                                                                                               answer a few questions about
    ContrLower                       Higher                   Higher                   Highest            your preferences, and the tool will
    Out-of-Pocket Costs                                                                                   provide an unbiased score (from
            Higher                   Lower                     Lower                   Lowest
                                                                                                          1 to 100) for each medical option.
                                                                                                          The higher the score, the more
    Annual Deductible1 (individual/family)
                                                                                                          the plan matches your needs and
        In-network:               In-network:              In-network:               In-network:
      $2,450/$4,9002            $1,000/$2,000             $800/$1,600                $250/$500
      Out-of-network:           Out-of-network:          Out-of-network:          Out-of-network:         The Help Me Choose tool is provided to help

      $2,450/$4,9002            $2,000/$4,000            $1,600/$3,200            $5,000/$10,0003         review plans. HGV does not recommend any
                                                                                                          specific option or insurance carrier.
    Out-of-Pocket Maximum
         In-network:              In-network:              In-network:               In-network:
      $3,900/$7,8002           $5,300/$10,600            $3,600/$7,200            $2,300/$4,600
      Out-of-network:          Out-of-network:           Out-of-network:          Out-of-network:
     $11,500/$23,0002          $10,600/$21,200           $7,200/$14,400          $11,500/$23,0003
    Access to a Health Savings Account (HSA)
              Yes                      No                        No                       No

There are several best-in-class insurance carriers from which to choose.
The insurance carrier is the company that will administer your coverage
and determine your provider network.
• Each offers benefits that are consistent within each metallic coverage
  level; however, there may be slight differences
• Each carrier offers its own network of providers (doctors, hospitals,
  dentists, eye care specialists) and may cover prescription drugs
  differently. Ensure that your doctors, dentists and specialists are in
  the network you’re considering – because the cost of in-network
  providers is much lower.
• Costs vary with each insurance carrier. When enrolling, you can
  compare costs to see which carrier offers the lowest-cost option
  for you. Note: The lowest-cost insurance carrier for your area may
  change from year to year. Using the Help Me Choose tool when
  enrolling will help determine if the lowest-cost carrier may be the
  best choice for you. (Just remember, you may need to switch doctors
  if you switch insurance carriers.)
There are separate annual deductibles and annual out-of-pocket maximums for in- and out-of-

network care. Out-of-network charges do not count toward your in-network annual deductible
or annual out-of-pocket maximum. In-network charges do not count toward the out-of-network
annual deductible or annual out-of-pocket maximum.
    The entire family deductible must be met before the plan will pay benefits for any covered
    family member, and the entire family annual out-of-pocket-maximum must be met before the
    plan starts to pay for eligible expenses at 100% for the rest of the year. There is no “individual”
    annual deductible or out-of-pocket maximum when you have family coverage.
    For some insurance carriers in CA, CO, DC, GA, MD, OR, VA and WA, an HMO plan that covers
    in-network care only.
Before You Choose a Carrier
                                      Visit Grand Central at                                   Choose the Health & Insurance
  See what insurance carrier                                      tab, then select the Find a
  networks your doctor is in
                                                                                               Doctor or Hospital link
                                      Go to Team Member Life > Benefits
                                      and Wellness > Manage/Enroll in
                                      Benefits: Your Benefits Resources                        Choose the Health & Insurance
  See if your prescriptions will be                                                            tab, then select Prescription
  covered under each carrier          Or visit                                                 Drugs, then choose Save on
                                                        Prescriptions to compare carriers

See how your                              Which insurance carrier should I choose?
options compare                           • Compare coverage and premiums. Each carrier offers the same metallic
                                            levels, but the cost you pay for coverage may vary.
For detailed information on
medical, prescription drug,               • If you choose the same metallic option under a different insurance
dental or vision coverage, check            carrier, you may be able to get similar services and pay less
out the comparison charts on              • Insurance carriers have their own list of preferred drugs and step
pages 14 – 20                               therapy requirements.1 This is important if you are taking ongoing
                                            prescriptions for a medical condition. You will want to know if your
                                            prescriptions are covered and how much you will pay throughout
                                            the year.
                                              – The Find a Doctor tool is an easy way to see if your doctors are
                                                in each insurance carrier’s network. Also, check out the reviews to
                                                see what others are saying about the insurance carrier’s customer
                                                service, network of providers and websites. You can also rate your
                                                current carrier through the Rate Your Carrier link.
                                              – The Check Your Prescriptions tool is a good way to see if your
                                                current prescriptions are covered, and any drug requirements that
                                                may apply
                                           Step therapy requires that you try some medications first before “stepping up” to drugs that
                                           cost more. For example, you might try an over-the-counter medication for your allergy, but it
                                           does not control your symptoms. Your doctor prescribes a prescription drug that still does not
                                           give you relief. A third medication that is more expensive works well, but requires step therapy.
                                           In this case, your prescription is covered only if you have tried the first two choices. If you have
                                           not tried the first two choices, the drug may cost you more or may not be covered at all.

                                                  How can you learn more about
                                                  your HGV benefits?
                                                  LEARN MORE about your HGV Benefits by going to
                                         > Team Member Life > Benefits and
                                                  Wellness, then select Learn About Benefits: Make it Yours
                                                  Or visit There are also useful
                                                  articles and videos about using your benefits
                                                  ENROLL: During your enrollment period, you can compare
                                                  your options, features and costs – then choose the options
                                                  that best meet your needs. Visit >
                                                  Team Member Life > Benefits and Wellness, then select
                                                  Manage/Enroll in Benefits: Your Benefits Resources.
                                                  Or log into

CHOOSING BRONZE PLUS QUALIFIES                                                                                  Consider a flexible
YOU FOR A HEALTH SAVINGS ACCOUNT                                                                                spending account
If you enroll in the Bronze Plus medical coverage level, you can open a                                         (FSA)
Health Savings Account (HSA), which offers tax advantages, including a                                          • A Health Care FSA allows you to
tax-free way to pay for eligible health care expenses.                                                            use before-tax dollars to pay for
• HSA contribution limits for 2020 – You can contribute between                                                   eligible expenses
  $100 and $3,550 for individual coverage, or $7,100 if you have family                                         • FSAs have a use-it-or-lose-it rule
  coverage (If you are age 55 or older, you may contribute up to an
  additional $1,000 in catch-up contributions)                                                                  • You can only use the funds from
                                                                                                                  your 2020 FSA for services
• Accessing your HSA funds – You can use the Your Spending Account™                                               performed between January 1,
  (YSA) Visa debit card to pay for eligible health care expenses incurred                                         2020 and March 15, 2021
  by you or any qualified tax dependent. You can also pay for expenses
  yourself, and then reimburse yourself by transferring money from your                                         • You can contribute to both an
  HSA to your own personal bank account.                                                                          HSA and a Health Care FSA.
                                                                                                                  However, if you have an HSA,
• You can manage your HSA online. Simply access the YSA website                                                   your Health Care FSA can only
  through Your Benefits Resources™                                                                                be used to pay for eligible
• Download the mobile app called Reimburse Me from the Apple App                                                  dental and vision expenses.
  Store or Google Play                                                                                          You will receive one YSA debit
• Stay informed of account activity instantly by signing up for text                                            card to use for both accounts.
  messages                                                                                                      YSA will automatically recognize
• Grow your savings When your HSA has a balance of $1,000 or more,                                              your expenses and will deduct
  you can choose to invest the money and receive any investment                                                 from the appropriate account.
  earnings tax-free
Restrictions apply. Talk to your tax advisor to ensure you are eligible to make HSA contributions.

SIDE-BY-SIDE: Compare the financial accounts
                           HEALTH SAVINGS                HEALTH CARE FLEXIBLE                LIMITED PURPOSE FSA           DEPENDENT CARE FSA
                           ACCOUNT (HSA)                SPENDING ACCOUNT (FSA)
 Who is              Only those enrolled in             Anyone                             Anyone in Bronze Plus         Anyone
 eligible            Bronze Plus medical plan                                              medical plan with an HSA
 Purpose             Reimburses you for eligible        Reimburses you for eligible        Reimburses you for eligible   Reimburses you for
                     medical, dental and vision         medical, dental and vision         dental or vision expenses     dependent care services
                     expenses now and in the            expenses in the current year       (only) in the current year    (i.e., preschool, summer day
                     future – even in retirement.       through March 15 of the            through March 15 of the       camp, before- or after- school
                                                        following year                     following year                programs, and child or adult
                                                                                                                         daycare) so you can work
 Contribution        If you have Individual             Between $260 and $2,700            Between $260 and $2,700       Up to $5,000
 limits for 2020     coverage: $100 - $3,550
                     If you have family coverage:
                     $100 - $7,100
                     Additional $1,000 if you will
                     be age 55 or older in 2020
 Changes to          You can start, stop or             Once enrolled, no changes (unless you have a qualified life event during the year)
 contributions       change your contributions
                     at any time
 Earns interest      Yes                                No
 Tax                 • Contributions are pre-tax        • Contributions are pre-tax
 advantages          • Your HSA grows tax-              • You do not pay taxes on the money used to pay for eligible expenses
                       free (through interest or
                       investment earnings)
                     • Withdrawals are tax-free
                       (as long as the money is
                       used for eligible health
                       care expenses)
 Unused              Any unused money stays             FSAs have a “use it or lose it” rule. You have until April 30 of the following year to
 balance             in your HSA                        submit your claims. After that, you lose any remaining funds in your FSA.
 If you              Take your HSA with you.            You can submit claims only for eligible expenses that were incurred before you leave.
 leave HGV           You own the account                You lose any remaining funds.

How much life               CHOOSING BEYOND HEALTH BENEFITS
insurance do                In addition to offering the medical, dental and vision coverage you and
you need?                   your family need, HGV is proud to offer industry-leading benefits that
                            enhance all aspects of your life.
Go to
insuranceneeds and          At HGV, we believe that life is a journey toward “well-being” – and HGV
choose the Life Insurance   benefits are designed to enhance that journey every step of the way.
Needs Calculator.
                            Protection from the unexpected
                            Life’s journey can be full of twists and turns – so HGV provides benefits
                            that can help smooth the road ahead. We provide a level of income
                            protection from life’s unexpected events, such as a serious illness or
                            injury that keeps you from working and bringing home a paycheck. We
                            also provide life insurance to provide protection for your loved ones
                            should something happen to you.

                                                   Basic Short-Term Disability (STD)                                      Paid by HGV
                                                                                                                          and provided
                                                   HGV provides Short-Term Disability Insurance,1                         to you
                                                   which pays 60% of your basic weekly earnings for                       automatically
                                                   up to 26 weeks. The weekly maximum for 2020 is
                                                   STD begins to pay benefits after your first seven
                                                   consecutive days off and provides protection that
                                                   can help you pay some bills until you are able to
                                                   get back to work.

                                                   Long-Term Disability (LTD)2                                            Optional
                                                   If you are ill or injured and unable to work for
                                                                                                                          paid by
                                                   more than 180 consecutive days, LTD replaces
                                                   a portion of your income. You may choose to
                                                   purchase either of the following coverage levels:3
                                                   • 60% of your pay, up to a monthly maximum of
                                                     $20,000 (less deductible sources of income)
                                                   • 50% of your pay, up to $3,000 (less deductible
                                                     sources of income)
                                                   Either option is paid with after-tax dollars, so
                                                   should you need this benefit, you will receive the
                                                   money tax-free.

                            STD is provided by state mandate in California, Hawaii, New Jersey, New York, Puerto Rico, and

                            Rhode Island. Contact your local HR department for details. If you are in Hawaii or New York,
                            contact Cigna directly.
                                If you are enrolled in this plan and your disability begins during your first 12 months participating,
                                the plan will not pay benefits for that disability if it is due to a pre-existing condition. A pre-existing
                                condition is an illness or injury for which you have received medical services or advice, saw a
                                doctor for diagnostic tests or treatment, or took prescribed drugs within three months of the
                                date your coverage became effective or the effective date of your LTD benefits increase.
                                Certain amounts of coverage may require Evidence of Insurability (EOI).

                 Basic Life Insurance                                         Paid by HGV
                                                                              and provided      up to date?
                 Financial protection for your loved ones should              to you
                 you pass away. Basic Life Insurance pays your                                  For your Life and AD&D
                 beneficiary an amount equal to 1x your regular                                 Insurance benefits, please
                 annual eligible earnings, up to the plan’s $2.5 million                        choose a beneficiary when
                 maximum. See the Summary Plan Description (SPD)                                you enroll on the enrollment
                 for more details.
                                                                                                website. A beneficiary is
                                                                                                a person you choose to
                                                                                                receive benefits if you die.
                 Supplemental Life Insurance                                  Optional
                                                                              coverage          It’s important to keep this
                 In addition to your Basic Life Insurance, you may                              information up to date as your
                                                                              paid by
                 purchase more protection for your loved ones –
                                                                              Team              situation changes (for example,
                 from 1x to 8x your regular annual eligible earnings,
                                                                              Member            if you get married, divorced or
                 up to a maximum of $2.5 million – not combined
                 with your Basic Life benefits.3                                                have a child).

                 Dependent Life Insurance                                     Optional
                 Dependent Life Insurance pays benefits to you if
                                                                              paid by
                 your child or spouse/domestic partner passes away.3
                 You may choose:
                 • Spouse/Domestic Partner Life: $5,000, $10,000,
                   $25,000, $50,000 or $100,000; amount may
                   not be more than 100% of your total life benefits
                   (Basic and Supplemental combined)
                 • Child(ren) Life: $5,000 or $10,000 per child from
                   live birth to age 26

                 Accidental Death and Dismemberment                           Optional
                 (AD&D) Insurance                                             coverage
                                                                              paid by
                 AD&D provides a cash benefit to your beneficiary if          Team
                 you die in a covered accident or a payment to you            Member
                 if the accident results in a covered loss that causes
                 a permanent impairment (such as loss of a limb or
                 eyesight). You can choose coverage for yourself
                 of 1x to 8x your regular annual eligible earnings,
                 up to a maximum of $2.5 million – not combined
                 with your Basic Life Insurance benefits. If you enroll
                 in AD&D coverage for yourself, you can purchase
                 Family AD&D:
                 • A spouse/domestic partner is covered for 40% of
                   your AD&D amount, and each child is covered at
                   10% of your AD&D amount
                 • If you have an eligible spouse/domestic partner
                   but no eligible children, your spouse/domestic
                   partner is covered at 50% of your AD&D amount
                 • If you have eligible children but no eligible
                   spouse/domestic partner, each child is covered at
                   15% of your AD&D amount
                 • In any case, the maximum benefits allowed are up
                   to $500,000 for your spouse/domestic partner, and
                   up to $50,000 per child

                 Business Travel Accident (BTA) Insurance                     Provided to
                                                                              some Team
                 BTA Insurance pays your beneficiary a cash benefit
                 if you are killed or are seriously injured while
                                                                              by HGV
                 traveling on company business.4

Not available to all Team Members at all locations. Benefits may vary based on eligibility or

location. Benefits of Team Members represented by a union will be governed by the applicable
collective bargaining agreement or applicable bargaining obligation.

Other things to enroll in once a year
During your enrollment period, you may also choose to enroll in the following benefits

                    TURN TIME INTO MONEY If you don’t plan to use all your paid time off1 – or you’d rather have
                    money instead of time off – HGV’s PTO Sell Program provides a way for you to sell back up to
                    40 hours per year of the PTO you will accrue in the year ahead.2 Based on the amount of accrued
                    PTO hours you have remaining at the end of October 2020, you will receive a payout for the hours
                    elected (and still available). Your payout (usually in your first paycheck in December) will be based
                    on your salary as of November 2020.

                    ACCIDENT INSURANCE Accidents happen when you least expect them, and trips to the
                    emergency room can be very expensive. Even seemingly small injuries can come with high hospital
                    bills. Accident Insurance from Aflac provides a financial cushion for life’s unexpected events by
                    helping you pay for costs that aren’t covered by your medical plan. If you are in an accident and
                    suffer a covered injury (such as a fracture, dislocation, or concussion) or need medical services
                    (such as an ambulance, surgery or physician follow-up), Accident Insurance can help pay for
                    deductibles, copays, household bills and more.

                    INSURANCE TO HELP CURE HIGH HOSPITAL EXPENSES Health care coverage only covers
                    certain expenses. But if you or a family member is admitted to a hospital, there may be many costs
                    that you will have to pay. Hospital Care Coverage from Cigna pays you a cash benefit if you or a
                    covered family member is admitted to a hospital. Note: If you enroll in Bronze Plus coverage, this
                    can be particularly valuable since it can be used to cover health insurance deductibles upon
                    the occurrence of certain events. Coverage includes a hospital admission benefit ($1,000) and a
                    hospital confinement benefit of $200 per day for up to 30 days.

                    NEED LEGAL SUPPORT? HGV has partnered with Hyatt Legal Plans, a MetLife Company, to offer
                    you valuable legal services at group rates and through convenient payroll deductions. If you
                    anticipate needing legal advice in the year ahead, this benefit can eliminate the stress of finding a
                    lawyer and paying hefty legal fees. It gives you access to experienced, pre-qualified attorneys for
                    an unlimited number of personal legal matters, including creating or updating wills and trusts,
                    debt matters, real estate transactions, traffic violations and more.
                    This benefit is only available during benefits Annual Enrollment. You may not enroll during the
                    year, even if you have a qualified life event change. Learn more at (access code:
                    9900395) or call 800-821-6400. Visit > Team Member Life > Benefits
                    and Wellness for more information.

                    DON’T BECOME AN IDENTITY THEFT VICTIM Identity thefts occur every day. To provide the
                    protection you need, HGV offers Identity Theft Protection through InfoArmor. You can choose
                    to cover yourself – and/or your family members. InfoArmor will continually monitor your credit
                    reports and scores and will create an annual credit report. They will also monitor social media.
                    In addition, they offer restoration services should your identity be stolen – and up to a million
                    dollars of coverage should someone steal your identity and your bank account.

PTO does not apply to all Team Members at every level.

    PTO Sell does not apply to all Team Members at every level.

ENROLL                                                                      Need assistance
                                                                            logging into
LOG IN                                                                      Contact the
                                                                            HGV Service Desk
From work: Visit Grand Central at                       at 877-641-2582 or
Go to Team Member Life > Benefits and Wellness >                  
Manage/Enroll in Benefits: Your Benefits Resources
Or: Log into

Follow the easy steps that guide you through the enrollment process.
Look for the helpful and easy-to-use online decision tools.
For medical, dental and vision coverage, choose each of your
dependents whom you want covered.
Benefits that are 100% company-paid, such as Basic Life Insurance,
will remain in place. No action is required on your part to continue this

   Current Team Members: If you have any of the following optional
   coverages through HGV today, your current coverage will
   continue in 2020 – at 2020 rates – unless you make a change
   during benefits Annual Enrollment:
   • Supplemental Life Insurance
   • Spouse/Dependent Life Insurance
   • Accidental Death and Dismemberment (AD&D)coverage
   • Long-Term Disability

Once you’ve made all of your selections, your elections are saved.
However, make sure to hit Confirm in order to complete your
enrollment. Review your choices on the Confirmation of Enrollment
page, and print a copy for your records.

Take advantage of all the great rewards that HGV offers – outstanding benefits that can save you time, and money,
and simply make life better

                    GET EXCLUSIVE TRAVEL DISCOUNTS! Go Hilton – Team Member Travel Our signature benefit –
                    and definitely one of our most popular! Go Hilton provides exceptional travel experiences to Team
                    Members, their families and friends – all at amazing discounts! Go Hilton provides 70 Family & Friend
                    room nights in 2020. Combined with your current 30 Team Member nights, that’s a total of 100 Go
                    Hilton nights for 2020! Plan your next getaway at Visit >
                    Team Member Life > Go Hilton for more information.

                    EXPERIENCE CONCIERGE SERVICE To help you get the most out of the Go Hilton travel program,
                    the Go Hilton Concierge service offers support with hotel searches, room reservations, cancellations,
                    changes and other Go Hilton questions. Email for more information.

                    ENHANCED PARENTAL LEAVE FOR PARENTS OF A NEW BABY! At HGV, our Team Members and
                    their families are part of our family. And we want the best for our family! We understand there are
                    few moments in life more precious than those spent bonding with a new child. HGV’s Parental Leave
                    Plan is one of the best in the industry! HGV now offers up to 12 consecutive weeks of fully paid
                    parental leave to eligible Team Members.

                    BEST IN THE INDUSTRY! Adoption Assistance In addition to fully paid parental leave, HGV
                    offers an industry-leading adoption assistance benefit that reimburses eligible Team Members
                    for adoption expenses – up to $10,000 per child, with no limit to the number of adoptions.1 For
                    more information, contact the plan administrator, Your Spending Account, at 844-487-5601. Visit
           > Team Member Life for more information.

                    MAKE TIME TO TAKE TIME! HGV’s Paid Time Off (PTO) Program2 provides an opportunity for you
                    to use time off during the year to recover when you’re not feeling well, to enjoy adventure, or simply
                    for a little rest and relaxation. Take the time you need, when you need it.

                    TELEMEDICINE – TALK TO A DOCTOR, BUT AVOID THE WAITING ROOM Most medical carriers
                    offer telemedicine as a convenient alternative to going to the doctor’s office. Simply call your carrier
                    using the number on the back of your medical ID card. The copay/cost is similar to an office visit. The
                    telemedicine doctor can diagnose your illness and write a prescription, if needed. Covered students in
                    your family who are away at college can use this valuable benefit too.

                    GET GREAT DISCOUNTS AND DEALS Maximize your spending dollars by using our great Team Member
                    discount program from – you’ll save on computers, phone service, home improvement
                    products, theater tickets and much more! Visit > Team Member Life > Perks and
                    Discounts for more information.

                    BUILD YOUR FUTURE The HGV Retirement Savings Plan, administered by T. Rowe Price, makes it
                    super easy! To get started, visit or call 800-922-9945. Visit >
                    Team Member Life > Benefits and Wellness for more information.

The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) sets limits on the amount of adoption assistance that can be provided free of federal income taxes each year. You will be

required to pay income taxes on any adoption assistance benefits that you receive in excess of the IRS limit.
    PTO does not apply to all Team Members at every level.

SAVE MONEY ON COMMUTER EXPENSES HGV’s Commuter benefit allows you to set aside pre-tax
funds each month from your paycheck to pay for qualified commuting expenses, like parking expenses
or public transportation fees (bus, train, subway, ferry, trolley or vanpool) – up to $260/month for
transit and $260/month for qualified parking.

REAL HELP WHEN YOU NEED IT MOST If you’re facing a complicated benefits or billing issue,
Advocacy Services provides free assistance when you need it. Professionally trained Health Pros
can help you resolve even the most challenging health care billing and insurance claim disputes,
understand your HGV benefits, and consider the best course of action when you have a medical or
benefits question or concern. Your Health Pro is ready to help! Contact Advocacy Services by calling
the HGV Benefits Center at 844-487-5601, Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. ET, and listen to
the prompts to reach Advocacy Services.

STAY FIT FOR LESS The Active&Fit Direct program™ offers discounted gym memberships to
HGV Team Members! Choose from more than 10,000 participating fitness centers and select
YMCAs, nationwide for only $25 per month (plus a $25 enrollment fee and applicable taxes).
To enroll, visit Grand Central at Go to Team Member Life > Benefits and
Wellness > Active&Fit.
The Active&Fit Direct program is provided by American Specialty Health Fitness, Inc., a subsidiary
of American Specialty Health Incorporated (ASH). Active&Fit Direct is a trademark of ASH.

TAKE STOCK IN THE COMPANY – AT A DISCOUNT! Twice a year, we offer Team Members an
opportunity to become stockholders in the company. Through the Employee Stock Purchase
Plan (ESPP), eligible Team Members can purchase HGV common stock at a 5% discount through
convenient payroll deductions, becoming an owner in our company.

GIVE A LITTLE LOVE FOR YOUR PETS, TOO! If you’re a pet lover, you know how costly veterinary
bills can be. HGV’s Pet Insurance from MetLife covers a wide range of veterinary services. You pay
just a little, and Pet Insurance pays the rest! Use any licensed veterinarian, and you can add or drop
coverage at any time during the year.

take advantage of special group rates and policy discounts on many types of insurance – including
auto, home, condominium, renter’s, and recreational vehicle insurance. You enroll for coverage
directly with the insurance carrier, which you’ll be able to find on the enrollment website. You can
add or drop coverage at any time during the year and pay your premiums by credit card, debit
card or payroll deductions.

THE HELP YOU NEED – WHENEVER YOU NEED IT There are so many helpful benefits available
through our Employee Assistance Program (EAP), administered by ComPsych, most at no cost to
you. Work-life specialists can provide referrals to local child care centers, after-school programs and
summer camps for kids, or referrals to assisted living and other housing options for the elderly. They
can also provide expert counseling services for individuals and families – for whatever you’re going
through. Don’t feel that you are alone! You and your dependents can get up to six free confidential
counseling sessions per issue per year. Get more information at (Organization
Web ID: HGVEAP) or 844-236-4491.

HEADED ON AN INTERNATIONAL VACATION? We offer affordable, comprehensive International
Vacation Medical Coverage from GeoBlue for family members traveling outside the U.S. Call
844-358-7278 for more information.

A HEALTH CARE EXPERT IS IN YOUR CORNER When you have a bill of at least $300 from an
out-of-network provider, Bill Negotiation Services is available to make sure the amount billed
is appropriate. In some cases, they can help save 20% or more! Anytime during the year, go to or call 844-891-8981.


Medical coverage level options
You have several coverage levels to choose from. Each coverage level is available from different insurance carriers at
different costs.
When you enroll, you’ll find plenty of tools and resources to help you choose a coverage level.

                                      BRONZE PLUS                          SILVER                          GOLD                          PLATINUM
 Option type                         High-deductible                         PPO                             PPO                    PPO that offers
                                     option with HSA                                                                              limited benefits for
                                                                                                                                 out-of-network care*
 Paycheck                                      $                              $$                             $$$                             $$$$
                                                                   Annual deductible
 In-network                           $2,450/$4,900                   $1,000/$2,000                    $800/$1,600                       $250/$500
 Out-of-network                       $2,450/$4,900                  $2,000/$4,000                    $1,600/$3,200                   $5,000/$10,000
 Traditional or                         True family                     Traditional                     Traditional                       Traditional
 true family?
                                                          Annual out-of-pocket maximum
 In-network                           $3,900/$7,800                  $5,300/$10,600                   $3,600/$7,200                   $2,300/$4,600
 Out-of-network                      $11,500/$23,000                $10,600/$21,200                  $7,200/$14,400                   $11,500/$23,000
 Traditional or                         True family                     Traditional                     Traditional                       Traditional
 true family?
                                                                   In-network benefits
 Preventive care                      Covered 100%,                   Covered 100%,                   Covered 100%,                    Covered 100%,
                                      no deductible                   no deductible                   no deductible                    no deductible
 Doctor’s office visit                You pay 25%                    You pay $30 for                 You pay $25 for                   You pay $25 for
                                     after deductible               PCP visit and $50               PCP visit and $40                 PCP visit and $40
                                                                    for specialist visit,           for specialist visit,             for specialist visit,
                                                                      no deductible                   no deductible                     no deductible
 Emergency room                       You pay 25%                  You pay $150, then                 You pay 25%                        You pay 15%
                                     after deductible             30% after deductible               after deductible                  after deductible
 Urgent care                          You pay 25%                     You pay 30%                     You pay 25%                        You pay 15%
                                     after deductible                after deductible                after deductible                  after deductible
 Inpatient care                       You pay 25%                     You pay 30%                     You pay 25%                        You pay 15%
                                     after deductible                after deductible                after deductible                  after deductible
 Outpatient care                      You pay 25%                  If not an office visit,         If not an office visit,         If not an office visit,
                                     after deductible               you pay 30% after               you pay 25% after                you pay 15% after
                                                                        deductible                      deductible                      deductible

*For some insurance carriers in CA, CO, DC, GA, MD, OR, VA and WA, the Platinum coverage is an HMO option that covers in-network care only.
Traditional Deductible: Once a covered family member meets the individual deductible, insurance will begin paying benefits for that family member.
Traditional Out-of-Pocket Maximum: Once a covered family member meets the individual out-of-pocket maximum, insurance will pay the full cost of covered
charges for that family member.
True Family Deductible: The entire family deductible needs to met before insurance will pay benefits for any covered family member.
True Family Out-of-Pocket Maximum: The entire family out-of-pocket maximum needs to met before insurance will pay the full cost of covered charges for
any covered family member.


Prescription drug coverage
                                     BRONZE PLUS                         SILVER                          GOLD                        PLATINUM

 Preventive drugs                      You pay $0*                    You pay $0*                    You pay $0*                    You pay $0*

                                                                 30-day retail supply

 Tier 1                              You pay 100%                     You pay $12                    You pay $10                     You pay $8
 (generally                        until you reach the
 lowest-cost                        deductible, then
 options)                             you pay 25%

 Tier 2                              You pay 100%                     You pay $50                    You pay $40                    You pay $30
 (generally                        until you reach the
 medium-cost                        deductible, then
 options)                             you pay 25%

 Tier 3                              You pay 100%                     You pay $70                    You pay $60                    You pay $50
 (generally                        until you reach the
 highest-cost                       deductible, then
 options)                             you pay 25%

                                                        90-day retail or mail-order supply

 Tier 1                              You pay 100%                     You pay $30                    You pay $25                    You pay $20
 (generally                        until you reach the
 lowest-cost                        deductible, then
 options)                             you pay 25%

 Tier 2                              You pay 100%                    You pay $125                   You pay $100                    You pay $75
 (generally                        until you reach the
 medium-cost                        deductible, then
 options)                             you pay 25%

 Tier 3                              You pay 100%                    You pay $175                   You pay $150                    You pay $125
 (generally                        until you reach the
 highest-cost                       deductible, then
 options)                             you pay 25%

*Preventive drugs are determined by the insurance carrier. You will need a doctor’s prescription for the medication – even for products sold over the counter
 (OTC) – and you will need to use an in-network retail pharmacy or mail-order service.


     Live in California?
     Your options will be different, depending on the insurance carrier you choose.
     For starters, each insurance carrier in California may offer each coverage level either as an option that
     offers in- and out-of-network benefits (e.g., a PPO) or an option that offers in-network benefits only
     (e.g., an HMO).
     Also, insurance carriers can choose to offer either the standard Gold option or a Gold II option – not
     both. The Gold II option offers only in-network benefits.
     Review the table below to see which insurance carriers offer out-of-network benefits for the coverage
     levels you’re considering.

                        BRONZE PLUS          SILVER             GOLD            GOLD II          PLATINUM

                            In- and           In- and           In- and                            In- and
        Aetna              out-of-           out-of-           out-of-            N/A             out-of-
                           network           network           network                            network

                            In- and           In- and                            In- and
        Cigna              out-of-           out-of-             N/A            out-of-
                           network           network                            network

                            In- and           In- and           In- and                            In- and
                           out-of-           out-of-           out-of-            N/A             out-of-
                           network           network           network                            network

        Kaiser            In-network       In-network                          In-network        In-network
        Permanente            only             only                                only              only

                            In- and           In- and          In- and                             In- and
                           out-of-           out-of-          out-of-             N/A             out-of-
                           network           network          network                             network


Medical coverage level
                                 BRONZE PLUS                  SILVER                   GOLD                   GOLD II                PLATINUM

 Option type                    High-deductible                 PPO                     PPO                     HMO              PPO that offers
                                option with HSA                                                                                  limited benefits
                                                                                                                                    for out-of-
                                                                                                                                  network care*
 Paycheck                                $                       $$                     $$$                      $$$                    $$$$

                                                                Annual deductible

 In-network                     $2,450/$4,900†           $1,000/$2,000             $800/$1,600                  N/A                 $250/$500

 Out-of-network                 $2,450/$4,900†          $2,000/$4,000            $1,600/$3,200                  N/A              $5,000/$10,000

 Traditional or                    True family              Traditional             Traditional             Traditional              Traditional
 true family?

                                                       Annual out-of-pocket maximum

 In-network                     $3,900/$7,800‡          $5,300/$10,600           $3,600/$7,200           $5,400/$10,800          $2,300/$4,600

 Out-of-network                $11,500/$23,000‡         $10,600/$21,200          $7,200/$14,400                 N/A              $11,500/$23,000

 Traditional or                    True family              Traditional             Traditional             Traditional              Traditional
 true family?

                                                               In-network benefits

 Preventive care                 Covered 100%,           Covered 100%,            Covered 100%,           Covered 100%            Covered 100%,
                                 no deductible           no deductible            no deductible                                   no deductible

 Doctor’s office visit           You pay 25%            You pay $30 for          You pay $25 for         You pay $25 for         You pay $25 for
                                after deductible          PCP visit and             PCP visit               PCP visit               PCP visit
                                                        $50 for specialist         and $40 for             and $40 for             and $40 for
                                                            visit, no             specialist visit,       specialist visit        specialist visit,
                                                           deductible             no deductible                                   no deductible

 Emergency room                  You pay 25%             You pay $150,            You pay 25%              You pay 30%             You pay 15%
                                after deductible         then 30% after          after deductible                                after deductible

 Urgent care                     You pay 25%              You pay 30%             You pay 25%              You pay 30%              You pay 15%
                                after deductible         after deductible        after deductible                                 after deductible

 Inpatient care                  You pay 25%              You pay 30%             You pay 25%              You pay 30%              You pay 15%
                                after deductible         after deductible        after deductible                                 after deductible

 Outpatient care                 You pay 25%             If not an office         If not an office        If not an office        If not an office
                                after deductible          visit, you pay           visit, you pay          visit, you pay          visit, you pay
                                                            30% after                 25% after                  30%                  15% after
                                                            deductible               deductible                                      deductible

*For some insurance carriers in CA, CO, DC, GA, MD, OR, VA and WA, the Platinum coverage level is an HMO option that covers in-network care only.
†Under Kaiser Permanente, if you cover dependents, no covered member pays more than $2,700 toward the family deductible. Also, these options
 feature a traditional annual deductible.
‡Under Kaiser Permanente, these options feature a traditional annual out-of-pocket maximum.


Prescription drug coverage
                                  BRONZE PLUS                  SILVER                    GOLD                    GOLD II                PLATINUM

 Preventive drugs                  You pay $0*              You pay $0*              You pay $0*              You pay $0*              You pay $0*

                                                                30-day retail supply

 Tier 1                           You pay 100%              You pay $12              You pay $10              You pay $10              You pay $8
 (generally                       until you reach
 lowest-cost                      the deductible,
 options)                            then you
                                     pay 25%

 Tier 2                           You pay 100%              You pay $50              You pay $40              You pay $40              You pay $30
 (generally                       until you reach
 medium-cost                      the deductible,
 options)                            then you
                                     pay 25%

 Tier 3                           You pay 100%              You pay $70              You pay $60              You pay $60              You pay $50
 (generally                       until you reach
 highest-cost                     the deductible,
 options)                            then you
                                     pay 25%

                                                        90-day retail or mail-order supply

 Tier 1                           You pay 100%              You pay $30              You pay $25              You pay $25             You pay $20
 (generally                       until you reach
 lowest-cost                      the deductible,
 options)                            then you
                                     pay 25%

 Tier 2                           You pay 100%              You pay $125            You pay $100             You pay $100              You pay $75
 (generally                       until you reach
 medium-cost                      the deductible,
 options)                            then you
                                     pay 25%

 Tier 3                           You pay 100%              You pay $175            You pay $150             You pay $150             You pay $125
 (generally                       until you reach
 highest-cost                     the deductible,
 options)                            then you
                                     pay 25%

*Preventive drugs are determined by the insurance carrier. You need to have a doctor’s prescription for the medication – even for products sold over the
 counter (OTC) – and you need to use an in-network retail pharmacy or mail-order service.


Dental coverage level options
                                        BRONZE PLUS                          SILVER                          GOLD                        PLATINUM2
                                                            Annual deductible and plan limits

    Annual deductible                      $100/$300                      $100/$300                        $50/$150                          None

    Annual maximum                    $1,000 per person               $1,500 per person              $2,500 per person                       None

    Orthodontia                           Not covered                  $1,500 per child              $2,000 per person                   Varies by
    lifetime maximum1                                                                                                                insurance carrier

                                                                     In-network benefits

    Preventive care                      100% covered,                  100% covered,                  100% covered,               Varies by insurance
                                          no deductible                  no deductible                  no deductible               carrier; generally
                                                                                                                                     covered 100%
    Minor restorative care               You pay 20%                    You pay 20%                     You pay 20%                      Varies by
    (e.g., root canal                   after deductible               after deductible                after deductible              insurance carrier
    treatment, gum
    disease treatment,
    and oral surgery)

    Major restorative care                Not covered                   You pay 40%                     You pay 20%                      Varies by
    (e.g., implants,                                                   after deductible                after deductible              insurance carrier

    Orthodontia                           Not covered                 You pay 50%, no                 You pay 50%, no                    Varies by
                                                                     deductible; children              deductible; for               insurance carrier
                                                                      up to age 19 only              children and adults

• Fluoride treatment limited to two per plan year, until age 19
• Sealant limited to once every three years, until age 19
• Periodontal maintenance limit: four per plan year
If you switch insurance carriers, any orthodontic expenses you’ve already incurred under your current carrier will count toward your new carrier’s

orthodontia lifetime maximum.
    Platinum coverage is an HMO option. Not available in some limited areas. Only the coverage levels for which you are eligible will show as options
    when you enroll.


Vision coverage level options
                                                    BRONZE PLUS                                SILVER                                 GOLD
    Routine vision exam (once                       Covered 100%                            You pay $20                            You pay $10
    per plan year)
    Frames (once per plan year)                  Discount may apply                       $100 allowance1                        $200 allowance1
                                          Lenses (once per plan year; premium lenses may cost more)
    Single vision                                Discount may apply                         You pay $20                            You pay $10
    Bifocal                                      Discount may apply                         You pay $20                            You pay $10
    Trifocal                                     Discount may apply                         You pay $20                            You pay $10
    Standard progressive2                        Discount may apply                         You pay $20                            You pay $10
    Lenticular                                   Discount may apply                         You pay $20                            You pay $10
                                                                    Lens enhancements
    UV treatment                                 Discount may apply                         You pay $15                            You pay $15
    Tint (solid and gradient)                    Discount may apply                         You pay $15                            You pay $15
    Standard plastic scratch-                    Discount may apply                         You pay $15                            You pay $15
    resistant coating
    Standard anti-reflective                     Discount may apply                         You pay $45                            You pay $45
    Standard polycarbonate                       Discount may apply                         You pay $40                            You pay $15
    Standard polycarbonate                       Discount may apply                       You pay nothing                        You pay nothing
    Other add-ons                                Discount may apply                        Discount only                          Discount only
                                                                       Contact lenses
    Medically necessary                              Not covered                            You pay $20                            You pay $10
    Elective                                         Not covered                          $100 allowance      1
                                                                                                                                 $200 allowance1
    Fit and evaluation                           Discount may apply                         You pay $20                            You pay $10
                                                                        Laser surgery
    Elective                                  15% off regular price or               15% off regular price or                 15% off regular price or
                                             5% off promotional price               5% off promotional price                 5% off promotional price

Allowance can be used for frames or elective contact lenses, but not both.

    Vision benefits are for standard progressives. Enhanced progressives may cost more and will vary by insurance carrier.

These charts are a high-level listing of commonly covered benefits across carriers and coverage levels for the Aon
Active Health Exchange. They are intended to provide you with a snapshot of benefits provided across coverage
levels. In general, carriers have agreed to the majority of standardized plan benefits recommended by the exchange.
Individual carriers may offer coverage that differs slightly from the standard coverage reflected here.
The enrollment website gives a more detailed look at these and additional coverages – and does account for some
carrier adjustments to standardized plan benefits. To see summaries when you enroll online, check the boxes next to
the options you want to review and click Compare. In order to get the most comprehensive information about any
specific coverage, you will need to call the carrier directly.
Note: For additional comparison, you may find Summaries of Benefits and Coverage on the enrollment website.
Where to go when you need care
                          Walk-in clinic* or
                          telemedicine              Doctor’s office           Urgent care center       Emergency room

 Cost                     $                         $$                        $$$                      $$$$

 Reasons to go            • When you have           • Annual preventive       • Fever without a rash   • An emergency:
                            symptoms of a             care checkup                                       life-threatening
                                                                              • Non-life-threatening
                            common illnesse                                                              illness or injury
                                                    • When you have             allergic reactions
                            (cough, flu,
                                                      symptoms of a                                    • If you think you
                            bronchitis, ear                                   • Burns, broken bones
                                                      common illness                                     may be having a
                            infection, sore                                   • Sprains and cuts
                                                      (cough, flu,                                       heart attack
                            throat, urinary tract                               (and stiches, if
                                                      bronchitis, ear
                            infection, or skin                                                         • Sudden pain
                                                      infection, sore           needed)
                            condition like a rash                                                      • Difficulty breathing
                                                      throat, urinary tract   • Other serious but
                            or itching)
                                                      infection or skin         non-life-threatening   • Deep cuts
                          • Can diagnose your         condition like a rash     conditions
                            illness and write         or itching)
                            a prescription, if
                                                    • Screenings
                                                    • Vaccinations
                          • Walk-in clinics also
                            handle screenings
                            and vaccinations

        Free preventive care
        included with your HGV
        medical plan
        Your preventive care checkup is 100%
        covered under your HGV medical plan.
        When you call your doctor’s office, simply
        tell the receptionist that you’d like to
        schedule your preventive care checkup.
        With regular checkups, your doctor can
        identify risk factors for chronic disease –
        even if you have no apparent symptoms.
        Preventive care services include wellness
        visits and standard immunizations, and
        screenings for blood pressure, certain
        cancers, cholesterol issues, obesity and
        Type 2 diabetes.

Whenever you have questions or concerns about your HGV benefits, call the HGV Benefits Center at 844-487-5601,
Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. ET.
If you have questions about specific benefits, you can contact the insurance carrier or provider.

 insurance          Pre-enrollment      Post-enrollment
 carrier            Phone               Phone             Pre-enrollment website           Post-enrollment website
 Aetna              855-496-6289        855-496-6289  
 Cigna              855-694-9638        855-694-9638 
 Dean / Prevea360   877-232-9375        877-232-9375 
 Florida Blue       800-967-8938        800-664-5295  
 Geisinger          844-390-8332        844-390-8332      
 Kaiser             877-580-6125        CA:                  
 Permanente                             800-464-4000
 Medical Mutual     800-677-8028        800-541-2770      
 Priority Health    833-207-3211        833-207-3211 
 UnitedHealthcare   888-297-0878        888-297-0878  
 carrier            Phone                                 Pre-enrollment website           Post-enrollment website
 Aetna              855-496-6289                  
 Cigna              855-694-9638                 
 Delta Dental       800-503-4162                
 (Bronze, Silver,   Post-enrollment: 800-471-7614
 Delta Dental       800-546-9751                
 (Platinum)         Post-enrollment: 800-471-8073
 MetLife            888-309-5526                
 UnitedHealthcare   888-571-5218                  
 carrier            Phone                                 Pre-enrollment website           Post-enrollment website
 EyeMed             844-739-9837                 

 MetLife            888-309-5526                
 UnitedHealthcare   888-571-5218                  
 Vision Service     877-478-7559                    
 Plan (VSP)


Insurance company or provider   Plan type                       Phone                      Website

Alight Solutions - Your         Health Savings Account,         844-487-5601     
Spending Account (YSA)          Flexible Spending Accounts,
                                Commuter Benefits

Cigna                           STD, LTD, Hospital Care         800-244-6224     
                                Coverage, Salary Continuation

ComPsych Corporation            Employee Assistance Program     844-236-4491     
                                                                TDD: 800-697-0353          Organization Web ID: HGVEAP

Securian                        Life and AD&D Insurance         866-881-3348     

T. Rowe Price                   Retirement Savings Plan         800-922-9945     


Insurance company or provider   Plan type                       Phone                      Website

Aflac                           Accident Insurance              800-992-3522     

Hyatt Legal Plans (a MetLife    Legal Services                  800-821-6400      (access code:
Company)                                                                                   GETLAW)

InfoArmor                       Identity Theft Protection       800-789-2720     

MetLife                         Auto, Home and Pet Insurance    800-GET-MET 8    

        Additional benefits information
        A Summary of Benefits and Coverage (SBC) provides medical plan information, such as plan limits
        and costs for certain health services, in a consistent way across employers and plans.
        Summary Plan Descriptions (SPDs) provide even more detailed descriptions of your benefits information.
        These notices are available at
        The Retirement Plan SPD is available at
        You can also get a paper copy, free of charge, by contacting the HGV Benefits Center at 844-487-5601,
        Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. – 7 p.m. ET, or by emailing

You can also read