Bendigo & Heathcote Explore the Bendigo region - Bendigo & Heathcote

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Bendigo & Heathcote Explore the Bendigo region - Bendigo & Heathcote

Bendigo &

Explore the Bendigo region

Bendigo & Heathcote Explore the Bendigo region - Bendigo & Heathcote


                     of the
                     Easter Fair                                         15th – 18th April, 2022

                     Commencing in 1871,          and surrounding streets
                     the Bendigo Easter Fair      will be transformed
                     is one of Australia’s        into a vibrant precinct
                     longest running              bursting with family-
                     community events and         friendly entertainment,
                     is a beloved Bendigo         stage shows, hands-on
                     tradition. The event         activities, live music,
                     highlights the regions       roving performers, an
                     rich Chinese heritage        Easter egg hunt and
                     and culture which has        more!
                     been an integral part        Join locals and visitors
                     of the Fair since 1879.      alike to line the streets
                     In 2022 the Bendigo          on Easter Sunday night
                     Easter Fair will celebrate   for the illuminating
                     its 150th anniversary.       Torchlight Procession,
                     To recognise the             then again on Easter
                     significance of this         Monday to watch the
                     occasion the celebrations
                                                  gorgeous display of
                                                                                   For more
                                                  colour in the Gala
                     will be extended to
                                                  Parade, featuring              information
                     include additional
                                                  Dai Gum Loong, the
                     entertainment, activities,
                                                  world’s longest Golden
                     and celebratory events.
                                                  Dragon, as he weaves
                     Over the four-day Easter     his way through the
                     long weekend. Bendigo’s      historic streetscapes
                     beautiful Rosalind Park      of Bendigo.

Bendigo & Heathcote Explore the Bendigo region - Bendigo & Heathcote

                   Welcome to Bendigo & Heathcote    4
                   Events & Festivals               6
                   History Buffs                    8
                   Culture Vultures                 18
                   Family Fun                       42
                   Nature Lovers                    48
                   Heathcote                        56
                   Explore the Region               65
                   Stay Another Day                 73
                   Getting Here                     74
                   Service Information              75
                   Maps                             76

                   to join the conversation
‘I am Djaara’
by Drew Berick.    on social media.
Image COGB 2021.       Facebook

Bendigo & Heathcote Explore the Bendigo region - Bendigo & Heathcote


                               Aboriginal people have lived in this part of Australia
                               known as Victoria for over 60,000 years. The
                               Aboriginal clans who occupied this land prior to
                     Welcome   European settlements were the Dja Dja Wurrung and
                               Taungurung People. Both clans are part of the Kulin
                               Nation, five distnict but closely related communities,
                               now referred to as south central Victoria.

                               Acknowledgement of Country
                               The City of Greater Bendigo is on Dja
                               Dja Wurrung and Taungurung Country.
                               The City acknowledges and extends its appreciation
                               to the Traditional Owners of the land, and pays its
                               respects to leaders and Elder’s past, present and
                               emerging for they hold the memories, the traditions,
                               the culture and hopes of all Aboriginal people.
                               The City expresses its gratitude in the sharing of this
                               land, sorrow for the personal, spiritual and cultural
                               costs of that sharing and hopes that the community
                               may walk forward together in harmony and in the spirit
                               of healing.

Bendigo & Heathcote Explore the Bendigo region - Bendigo & Heathcote
Cultural Significance

Ulumbarra Theatre
Meaning ‘gather together’
in the language of the
local Dja Dja Wurrung
People, Bendigo’s
Ulumbarra Theatre rises
majestically from what
was once the Sandhurst
Gaol. Visit Ulumbarra to
take in a performance by
national and international
performing artists, join a
guided-tour, experience                                    Dja Dja Wurrung
Cell 26 or hold your own                                   Talking Tram
                                                           Tells the story of
View the mural of                                          Bendigo’s first People
young Dja Dja Wurrung                                      and features artwork
woman Akira Kelly, by                                      inside and out by
renowned artist Adnate                                     Dja Dja Wurrung,
on loan from the Djaara                                    Yorta Yorta and Jaru
(Dja Dja Wurrung Clans                                     artist Natasha Carter.
Aboriginal Corporation)
and displayed in the Hon.
Howard Nathan Foyer
at Ulumbarra Theatre.

Dja Dja Wurrung
Scarred Trees
Three ancient trees
                             Djaara Lights
have been installed
at Ulumbarra Theatre.        Located along Oscars Walk, neighbouring Bendigo
View tangible links to the   Creek and Bendigo’s Telstra Exchange building, each
Ancestors of this land.      night you can explore the spectacular display Djaara
                             Lights. The installation features neon artworks, street
                             art and augmented reality telling the stories of the
                             Dja Dja Wurrung People.
                             Dja Dja Wurrung and Yorta Yorta men, Drew Berick and
                             Troy Firebrace, are the leading artists of this culturally
                             significant art project. Discover the 9.6m large-scale
                             illuminated mural ‘I am Djaara’, an inspiration artwork for
                             all Djaara People. Admire mural, The Cultural Flower, a
                             symbol of healing and coming together as a community.
                             And use your mobile phone to view artworks along
                             Bendigo Creek via an augmented reality app.

Bendigo & Heathcote Explore the Bendigo region - Bendigo & Heathcote


                                        to Bendigo
                                        & Heathcote
                   Bendigo’s history is as diverse as its landscape. Before
                   European settlement, this region was known as Jarra
                   Country by its traditional land owners. Between 1850
                   and 1900, it became the world’s richest city thanks to the
                   gold rush and most recently, a cosmopolitan revival of
                   movers and shakers has put Bendigo back on the map.

                                        Today, Bendigo is
                                        renowned for its
                                        creative fusion of classic
                                        with contemporary,
                                        offering a world-class
                                        arts scene where the
                                        city itself is a living
                                        gallery – passionately
                                        and personally shared
                                        by its creators, curators
                                        and the community.           Bendigo’s history is all
                                                                     within reach and simply
                                                                     immersive with authentic
                                                                     hands on experiences.
                                                                     Explore a real gold mine
                                                                     and become a miner for
                                                                     a day, take a ride on a
                                                                     vintage tram, create your
                                                                     very own clay pot, learn
                                                                     about our Chinese history
                                                                     and get up close and
                                                                     personal with dancing
                                                                     lions and meet the world’s
                                                                     longest Golden Dragon.

Bendigo & Heathcote Explore the Bendigo region - Bendigo & Heathcote
                              Gather for an impressive
                              calendar of events that

                              will feature the return of
                              Australian exclusive art
                              gallery exhibitions, the
                              Lost Trades Fair, White
                              Night and the 150th
                              Bendigo Easter Fair.
                              Enjoy this insider’s guide
                              to the Bendigo and
                              Heathcote region and
                              discover a place that
                              locals know and love.

Indulge in Australia’s
first UNESCO Creative
City of Gastronomy,
celebrating the region’s
culture, creativity and
Meet the makers and
hear their stories, fall in
love with local produce,
wine and craft beer, visit
intimate and boutique
cellar doors and tasting
rooms, saviour earthy
flavours and experience
the paddock to plate
ethos in much-loved
cafes and award-
winning restaurants.
Feel the earth
underneath your feet
and within your hands,
breathe in the fresh air
and take advantage
of wide-open spaces,
green and wholesome.
Walk, ride or drive the
changing landscapes
that make this region
what it is, a place for
exploring, sharing
and connecting.

Bendigo & Heathcote Explore the Bendigo region - Bendigo & Heathcote


                        Arts and culture, food, wine and beer,
                        music, national and international sports,
                        business and corporate – Bendigo is
                        your regional destination of choice
                        for world-class events and festivals.

Bendigo & Heathcote Explore the Bendigo region - Bendigo & Heathcote
                              Elvis Presley in the 1968
                              NBC television special,

                              Singer Presents… Elvis, later
                              known as the ‘Comeback
                              Special’. Photograph:
                              Fathom Events/CinEvents

In 2022, our most well-
known and loved event,
Bendigo Easter Fair, will
be celebrating 150 years.
Australia’s oldest running
community festival is all
                              See big showcase events
about connection, culture
                              Groovin the Moo and night
and families at one of
                              events White Night and
Bendigo’s most beautiful
                              Awaken add a splash of
times of the year.
                              colour and excitement to
Home-grown events             our beautiful city.
will continue to shine with
                              Bendigo Art Gallery in
the return of favourites,
                              partnership with Graceland,
Bendigo Blues and
                              will bring to Bendigo an
Roots Music Festival,
                              all exclusive blockbuster
Bendigo on the Hop, the
                              exhibition, Elvis: Direct from
Australian Sheep and
                              Graceland, March - July 2022.
Wool Show, Heritage
Uncorked Week,                With so many events, big
Bendigo Writers Festival,     and small, whatever the
Lost Trades Fair and          season, this is a region
Heathcote on Show.            with an event for you.

                               View our Events
                                 & Festivals
                                Calendar here

Bendigo & Heathcote Explore the Bendigo region - Bendigo & Heathcote
ExploreBendigo   ExploreHeathcote

Our story begins tens of thousands of
years ago with the traditional land owners
of this land, the Dja Dja Wurrung people.
Sometime later European settlement in this region was claimed
by pastoralists, until the discovery of gold in the 1850s with people
from all over the world flocking to the world’s richest goldfields.
Today, you’ll find a vibrant regional city standing tall and proud.
Streetscapes of stunning architecture paying homage to its past
and a revival of heritage buildings being brought back to life.



                   Bendigo is
                   proudly built
                   upon a gold rush
                   legacy stretching
                   back to the
                   1850s, when the
                   wives of two
                   pastoral workers,
                   Mrs Kennedy
                   and Mrs Farrell,
                   changed the
                   course of history
                   alluvial gold
                   nuggets in the
                   Bendigo Creek
                                       So, in 1851 people from all over the world descended
                   while hand          on Bendigo looking to change their fortunes in what
                   washing clothes.    became the world’s richest goldfields from 1851 to 1900.

A visit to one of            Take in Bendigo’s
Bendigo’s most               golden history from
popular and authentic        another level with a
attractions, Central         climb up the stairs of
Deborah Gold Mine,           Rosalind Park’s Poppet
once a working mine,         Head, a favourite
now welcomes visitors        amongst visitors and
daily. Learn first-hand      active locals alike,
what it was like to be       seeking a great workout
a miner. Visitors can        and 360 degree views
take a tour and explore      over Bendigo.
up to 228 metres
underground, work the        This area we now
mine drills, look for gold   know as Rosalind Park
and even have a miner’s      quickly turned from
lunch underground, aka       grassy woodlands and
a Cornish pastie.            fresh water pools, to a
                             makeshift shanty town
Above ground a visit         of mud and tents, home
to Victoria Hill Reserve     to the original tent
offers a fascinating self-   settlement, filled with
guided walk through of       people from all over the
an untouched treasure        world looking to change
from Bendigo’s boom          their lives.
days, where open cut
shafts, poppet heads         And so, the gold rush
and an historic gold         boom came in fast,
battery feature along        much of the wealth
walking paths cut            remained and was
through quartz reefs.        invested into building
Around $8 billion worth      a city. Today a legacy
of gold in today’s value     of grand European-
was found here, and the      inspired architecture,
area once boasted the        historic gardens, statues
world’s deepest mine,        and stately homes stand
at 4,613 feet.               proud.



                   In the mid-1800s, 20 per cent of
                   Bendigo’s population hailed from
                   China. They came as miners and
                   merchants, bringing their customs,
                   culture and beliefs to the goldfields.
                   Today, remnants of these treasures
                   can be found and experienced
                   throughout Bendigo.

Start your day with
a history lesson at

Bendigo’s Dai Gum San
precinct. Taking pride
of place on what was
once a Chinese camp,
the Golden Dragon
Museum is now home
to the world’s longest
Golden Dragon, Dai
Gum Loong, and the
beloved Bendigo
Easter Fair. Nearby,
soak up the tranquil
and relaxing vibes of
Yi Yuan Gardens and
Kuan Yin Temple, home
of the Goddess of
Jump aboard a vintage     Visitors can feed
tram to Bendigo’s         the fish, explore the
heritage-listed Joss      temple’s different rooms
House Temple, a           and hear about the
Chinese place of          intriguing beliefs and
prayer, opened in         rituals once practiced
1871. Standing for over   here.
150 years, it is one
                          Wander across the road
of Australia’s oldest
                          to Bendigo’s historic
remaining temples of
                          Chinese market gardens
its kind, constructed
                          and brick kiln, now
with locally handmade
                          reinvigorated and home
bricks, painted red
                          to PepperGreen Farm.
symbolising happiness,
                          This beautiful social
strength and vitality.
                          enterprise is leading
                          the way in bringing the
                          community together
                          through food, art and
                          education. Purchase
                          fresh produce straight
                          from the gardens, enjoy
                          a bite to eat in the
                          historic tram and check
                          out the artist studio and




                   Bendigo is undoubtedly a city full of
                   beautiful architectural streetscapes,
                   from a once gold rush era. Passionate
                   locals continue to find contemporary
                   uses for beautiful heritage spaces
                   that are characterising this historic
                   city as totally modern. Today, many
                   of Bendigo’s old banks, theatres,
                   hotels and public buildings have been
                   reinvented as restaurants and bars,
                   retail spaces, galleries and more.

                   Tour some of the city’s      And indulge in a high
                   grandest buildings. In       tea and tour of the
                   the heart of the CBD,        magnificent Fortuna Villa,
                   the former Post Office       once home to mining
                   from 1887 to 1997,           magnate George Lansell.
                   is now welcoming
                   travellers as the
                   Bendigo Visitor Centre.
                   Ulumbarra Theatre rises
                   majestically from what
                   was once the Sandhurst
                   Gaol circa the 1860s,
                   where heritage and
                   modern elements blend
                   beautifully in contrast to
                   its harsh past.

Many of the city’s          The city’s precincts
top restaurants and         have also undergone
cafes are housed in         transformations. Once a
buildings created           local market, baths and
for entirely different      theatre, Bath Lane is
purposes. The Good          now a thriving boutique
Loaf Sourdough Bakery       and retail precinct
& Café is in the circular   decorated with colourful
heritage-listed former      street art installations.
Beaurepaires tyre outlet.   And discover the
Once a butchery, The        creative and character-
Woodhouse restaurant        filled Chancery Lane,
is still one of the best    once home to a
places to find a mouth-     dispensary.
watering steak.
Masons of Bendigo is
housed in a former glass
factory and the Wine
Bank on View was once
a gold rush era bank.
MacKenzie Quarters and
Ms Batterhams have
most recently been
lovingly transformed
from a schoolhouse
and deanery to
lounge bar and
reception centre.



                   Discover Bendigo’s diverse history from        Mid morning
                   its traditional landowners, a gold rush        Take a tour of one of our
                   era to a thriving regional city.               many heritage buildings.
                                                                  Tour Ulumbarra Theatre,
                                                                  where heritage and
                                        Breakfast                 modern elements
                                                                  blend beautifully within
                                        Start your morning with   the walls of the former
                                        artisan baked goods       Sandhurst Gaol.
                                        and locally brewed
                                        coffee at The Good        Indulge in a high tea and
                                        Loaf Sourdough Bakery     tour of the magnificent
                                        and Café, housed          Fortuna Villa, once
                                                                  owned and built by one
                                        within the uniquely
                                                                  of Australia’s wealthiest
                                        transformed and
                                                                  mining magnates,
                                        heritage listed former
                                                                  George Lansell.
                                        Beaurepaires building.
                                                                  Or travel first class on
                                                                  the authentic heritage
                                                                  railway linking historic
                                                                  goldmining towns
                                                                  Castlemaine and
                                                                  Maldon with Victorian
                                                                  Goldfields Railway.

                                                                    Find out more
                                                                   about Bendigo’s
                                                                     history and
                                                                    heritage here

Lunch                       Afternoon

Grab a bite to eat from     Immerse yourself in
one of our local pub        Bendigo’s history at
faves, The Boundary         iconic attractions. Learn
Hotel, adorned with         about our mining history
mining and gold rush        at Central Deborah Gold
memorabilia. Or dine at     Mine, hop on board
the iconic 19th century     the Vintage Talking
Hotel Shamrock in           Tram tour, and discover
the heart of the CBD,       Bendigo’s Chinese
majestically restored       history at Bendigo Joss
and an architectural        House Temple and
masterpiece.                the Golden Dragon
Follow up with a visit to
the Bendigo Soldiers        Or take a guided
Memorial Museum, a          Bendigo Walking
landmark on Pall Mall       Tour weaving through
and home to wartime         the city’s historic
memorabilia.                streetscapes and hear
                            stories about radicals
                            to royals, larrikins and
                            leaders who shaped
                            Bendigo’s history.
                            Alternatively, see the
                            city via horse-drawn
                            carriage with Cobb &
                            Co. Carriages. Or for
                            something completely
                            different, join a ghost
                            tour with the team
                            from Twisted History.

                            Dinner                       Evening
                            Dine in one of Bendigo’s     Catch a movie at Star
                            many repurposed              Cinema, formerly
                            heritage buildings.          Eaglehawk Town Hall,
                            Once gold rush banks         from the comfort of your
                            and now local dining         own couch with a glass
                            favourites choose from       of local wine or craft
                            Bunja Thai or Wine Bank      beer.
                            on View. Or enjoy locally-
                                                         Or take a moonlit walk
                            inspired cocktails at
                                                         along Pall Mall and
                            Ms Batterhams, a former
                                                         View Street and admire
                            school hall basement
                                                         the city’s most iconic
                            now sophisticated
                                                         heritage buildings and
                            lounge bar.
                                                         monuments lit up.

ExploreBendigo   ExploreHeathcote
Culture                   Vultures
Bendigo is regional Victoria’s premier arts
and cultural destination. A space where
you can explore, be creative and perform.
Be inspired by the latest local, national and international
exhibitions at the renowned Bendigo Art Gallery. Discover
bold and colourful street art, murals and installations
throughout our city streets and laneways. And catch a
live performance, music and festivals all year round at
Ulumbarra Theatre, The Capital, and in our parks and gardens.



                   Bendigo is home to an eclectic array
                   of artisans, shaping and leaving their
                   mark on the city. With such a strong
                   arts scene, you’ll find an extensive
                   range of experiences to choose from.
                   Get hands on and create your own
                   piece of art, wander through galleries
                   and artist studios, meet the makers,
                   take home a piece of locally made
                   art and browse boutique shops.

                                        View Street has been      Adjacent, La Trobe
                                        the beating heart of      Arts Institute presents
                                        Bendigo’s arts offering   a full program of
                                        since 1890, when          contemporary art
                                        architect William         and public lectures,
                                        Vahland restyled the      cementing the great
                                        Volunteer Orderly         relationship between
                                        Room as a gallery.        the community and
                                                                  the university.
                                        Today, Bendigo Art
                                        Gallery’s façade has      Make your way down
                                        changed, it is one of     View Street and shop
                                        Australia’s oldest and    for antiques, vintage
                                        mostly highly regarded    clothing, creative
                                        public galleries,         homewares, artisan
                                        combining heritage        products and indie
                                        and stunning modern       labels.
                                        extensions to host
                                        changing Australian
                                        first and international

Valentine’s Antiques           Venture further to
Gallery has recently taken     local highlights, Gail
over the former Sandhurst      Tavener Art Studio
Trustees building with an      and The Forest
extensive range of fine        Gallery & Gardens.
quality antiques, furniture,
                               On the outskirts of
artwork and jewellery. It
                               Bendigo, experience
is also an arts hub for a
                               the history and craft
range of local artists and
                               of Australia’s oldest
a great opportunity to
                               working pottery with
meet local makers and
                               hands on activities and
There are dozens of            interpretive displays.
studios and galleries          Opening in 1858,
across the Bendigo             Bendigo Pottery is a
region showcasing artists      beautiful authentic
who work in mediums            experience. Be sure
including glass, paint,        to try your hand at
metal, printmaking and         throwing a clay pot on
pottery.                       the wheel, decorating a
                               plate or simply wander
The Living Arts Space is
                               the sales gallery,
attached to the Bendigo
                               explore the antique
Visitor Centre, located
                               and collectables
in the majestic historic
                               centre or visit one of
Post Office building on
                               the smaller studio
Pall Mall. The Space
                               galleries and artisans
offers professional
                               available onsite.
Central Victorian
creatives somewhere            If you’re chasing a fun
to showcase their              night time experience,
work through carefully         head along to one
curated exhibitions,           of Pinot and Picasso
demonstrations,                Bendigo’s paint and
workshops, and artist          sip sessions and create
talks.                         your own masterpiece!



                   from                                   19 March –
                                                          17 July, 2022

                   Bendigo Art Gallery continues to shine with its reputation
                   for hosting incredible art and fashion exhibitions of
                   some of the most iconic names, including Grace Kelly,
                   Marilyn Monroe and most recently Tudors to Windsors.

                                                             Elvis Presley, publicity still
                                                             for Jailhouse Rock, 1957.

                                                               Find Elvis
                                                              tickets and
                                                             packages here

In 2022, Bendigo Art
Gallery in partnership

with Graceland, will
host an exclusive
exhibition exploring the
extraordinary life and
style of Elvis Presley.                                   Elvis Presley during his U.S.
                                                          Army Service, 1958-1960.
One of the most iconic
public figures of the
20th century, Elvis’s
influence of music,
design, art and pop
culture was profound.         Direct from Graceland
He is arguably the single     archive, the exhibition
greatest influence            will feature a wide range
on the history of             of costumes and ultra-
modern men’s fashion,         cool outfits, vintage
constantly referenced         memorabilia, and
and re-mixed by               treasured items from
designers                     his beloved Graceland
and celebrities today.        home.
                              Fashion highlights          Elvis Presley strolls the grounds
It will explore his
                              include Elvis and           of his Graceland estate, 1957.
humble childhood              Priscilla’s wedding         Photo by Michael Ochs.
on the poverty line in        outfits, the repurposed
small-town Mississippi,       ’68 Special costume he
immersed in the rich          wore to meet President
and diverse music             Nixon, the diamond-
culture of the deep           encrusted Maltese cross
South. It tells the story     necklace designed by
of cutting his first single   Linda Thompson, and
at the legendary Sun          a dazzling array of
                              Vegas jumpsuits.
Studios in Memphis,
the signing of a major        Personal treasures on
record deal and virtually     show include his gold
overnight super-              telephone, karate gi,
stardom the likes of          his first-grade crayon
                              box from Tupelo, and
which had never been
                              the bongos Priscilla
seen before.                  gifted him on their first
Plus, an inside into          Christmas together in
the private haven of          Graceland.
Graceland and key                                         Elvis, Priscilla and Lisa Marie Presley, 1970.
fashion items carefully                                   Photo by Frank Carroll/Sygma.
created by Elvis that
                                                          © EPE. Graceland and its marks are
established a ground-                                     trademarks of EPE. All Rights Reserved.
breaking new style.                                       Elvis Presley™ © 2021 ABG EPE IP LLC.


                   Street                            Art

                   Bendigo has long been a haven for        A whole day can easily
                                                            be spent exploring
                   creative types. Talented artists have    Bendigo’s street art
                   converged on the city to create a        scene. The best way
                   beautiful fusion of art forms and        to explore is by foot.
                                                            So, arm yourself with
                   styles, and perfectly nestled            comfortable footwear,
                   them amongst historic buildings and      grab your camera and
                   streetscapes. Bursts of colour and       get ready to discover
                                                            some of Bendigo’s most
                   personality capture your attention and   photographed pockets
                   lead you on journey of discovery and     and ultimate selfie spots.
                   storytelling, through hidden laneways    Take a self-guided Artist
                   and unsuspecting pockets of our CBD.     Walk through the city.

                                                             Find your guide
                                                               to Bendigo’s
                                                              street art here

Exploring at your own
pace, kick start your

morning with a laneway
coffee and wander
through the uber
cool, Chancery Lane.
Flourishing with ever-
changing wall art, from
paste ups to a green
wall of succulents,
there’s not a space left
Venture a little further
to the corner of Myers
and Mitchell Streets       In Bath Lane, sculptures
to find accomplished       of a Reel and Hamlet’s
artist, Minna Leunig’s     Bath, are an ode to the
natural world mural,       laneway’s history, while
paying homage to the
                           Jack Fran’s Girl with
bush and Australian
                           Wattle, Laity Lane’s
                           Flying Man and Daisy
Nearby, the beautiful      Legs Geometric Shapes
bird mural by artists      bring new life to the
Geoffrey Carran and        precinct.
Rowena Martinic, is
                           If you’re still on the hunt
hidden between Queen
                           for more amazing street
and King Streets,
                           art, jump on your bike
combining a passion
for native birds with      or drive to Bendigo’s
abstract art.              Back Creek Art Trail,
                           combining four artists,
Back towards the city      three bridges and a
centre, the Bath Lane      whole lot of concrete.
precinct is a hub of       Check out Mundy,
creative spaces. Making    Williamson and Miller
your way through           Street underpasses
Pennyweight Walk’s         for colourful tunnels
open air gallery, you’ll   depicting an immersive
find a collaborative       psychedelic mural, the
space and collection       connection between
of street art from         humans and modern
emerging artists.          age technology, and
                           extra-terrestrial beings…
                           just to name a few.



                                       Bendigo’s live arts scene is one to
                                       be envied. The diversity of venues,
                                       genres and performances on
                                       offer covers such a vast array of
                                       experiences for all ages and interests.
                                       From grassroot venues featuring
                                       unique and specialty performances,
                                       through to the historic Capital Theatre
                                       and the magnificent 1,000-seat
                                       Ulumbarra Theatre. Every year you
                    See what’s on at   can see some of Australia’s finest
                   our theatres here   theatrical and fine music, dance
                                       companies, live music, comedy,
                                       cabaret, niche and boutique events.

So, where to start?
Catch a live show at

Bendigo’s arts centres.
Located on the historic
View Street, The
Capital was originally
built as the Sandhurst
Masonic Hall in 1873
and reopened as
a performing arts
complex in 1991. Today
its beautiful heritage
architecture and original
Victorian grandeur
add to the best live
performances and
theatre on offer. The
Engine Room next door
is the former fire station
and is the home of           You can slip into a
intimate, contemporary       laneway, jump aboard
theatre. And nearby          the Blues Tram, step
Ulumbarra Theatre            into the intimate Church
plays host to big-name       on the Hill, venture into
acts, musicals, ballet       hidden beer garden
and bands. Housed            Handle Bar, local pub
in the historic former       favourite The Rifle, or
Sandhurst Gaol, you’ll       breweries Cornella
enter under the gallows,     Brewery and Palling
so be sure to look up.       Bros. in Heathcote
                             to enjoy regular live
If you haven’t heard
                             acoustic tunes.
already, the grass
is bluer in Bendigo.         How does an arthouse
From humble grass            film, a glass of red and
root beginnings to           a comfy sofa sound?
the emerging music           The Star Cinema in
scene that is blues and      the historic Eaglehawk
roots, Bendigo is fast       is just the ticket for a
becoming known for           memorable night out.
its unique blues scene.      This community-run
                             cinema serves up a
                             daily dose of the best
                             foreign and Australian
                             films. Choose a local
                             wine or craft beer, grab
                             a handmade rug and
                             nestle in for a great



                   Be inspired by a creative hub of
                   movers and shakers shaping the city.

                   Breakfast                 Mid morning
                   Dive into a beautifully   Indulge in a morning
                   handcrafted pure          of spiritual wellbeing at
                   butter croissant and      The Great Stupa, the
                   coffee at Harvest Food    world’s largest Buddhist
                   & Wine. You won’t be      Stupa outside of Asia.
                   disappointed, but you     Or a little retail therapy
                   will be back for more.    in one of our favourite
                                             shopping precincts,
                                             Bath Lane.


                            Wrap your tastebuds around some internationally-
                            inspired cuisine, the options are endless. We’re loving
                            tapas style dining at El Gordo and The Dispensary
                            or a mouth-watering burger at Hustler Bendigo.

                            Dinner                        Evening
                            Wine and dine at the          Enjoy Bendigo’s nightlife
                            beautifully curated           with live music, the
                            Alium Dining. Positioned      performing arts and
                            in the heart of Bendigo       entertainment. Check out
                            on View Point, enjoy          balconies, beer gardens,
                            their refined menu, local     laneways, underground
                            wine, craft beer, cider       and rooftop bars, The
                            and cocktail menu.            Capital or Ulumbarra
Afternoon                                                 Theatre. Or view the
Explore the arts precinct                                 spectacular Djaara Lights
in View Street, home                                      display beautifully lit along
to an extraordinary                                       Oscar’s Walk and beyond.
collection at one of
Australia’s largest
and most impressive
regional art galleries,
Bendigo Art Gallery.
Don’t forget to stop by
Gallery Cafe for drink
before you venture a
little further on foot to
discover colourful street
art in our laneways and
hidden pockets, plus
studios, galleries and
artisan wares.

ExploreBendigo   ExploreHeathcote
Set off on a culinary adventure, as a foodie
revolution is taking pride of place is Australia’s
first UNESCO City of Gastronomy.
Take your time to reconnect with your food and the land, as you meet
the makers and growers of the region. Where the focus on menus is
on local, seasonal produce and fresh ingredients. The opportunities
to embrace our foodie culture is spread far and wide. Foodies can
immerse themselves in paddock to plate experiences, indulge in
vineyard to glass tastings, embrace handpicked and homemade
goodies, or create your own feast from green grocers, markets
and providores for a more relaxed and slower style of dining.


                                    A city of


                      There is no doubt that the greater
                      Bendigo region is full and enriched
                      with a diverse food culture.

                      So much so, that in late    local produce in all its
                      2019 it was designated      forms that makes it so
                      a UNESCO Creative           special. From cultivating
                      City and Region of          a seed in the earth, to
                      Gastronomy – the            education, the nurturing
                      first to achieve this       of produce, building
                      recognition in Australia.   a connection, and
                      It is the community’s       preparing your food,
                      commitment to high          it all plays a part in our
                      quality, sustainable        City of Gastronomy.

There’s no better way to
learn about food culture

than to experience it for
yourself. The region’s
Gastronomy Guide
celebrates the diversity
of food and beverage
businesses on offer and
opening their doors to
visitors. It is designed to
connect you with local
food and beverages
at their source and the
experiences that come
This culinary adventure
allows you to tailor your     Make a vine escape
foodie journey your           to the Bendigo and
way. There are so many        Heathcote regions to
options to choose from,       meet the winemakers
that it will simply keep      of boutique wineries.
you coming back for           Follow the ale trail of
more. You can forage          craft brewers producing
for fresh produce at          small batch craft beer,
local farmers markets,        from locally sourced
farmgates, green              barley and hops.
grocers or providores.
                              Meat at the butchers
                              for local and organic
                              produce. Or indulge in
                              fine dining with paddock
                              to plate experiences,
                              prepared in front of
                              you and presented
                              as art on a plate.
                              With the region made
                                                         View the Bendigo
                              up of so many small
                              primary producers, it         & Region
                              means that you’re more       Gastronomy
                              than likely to meet the       Guide here
                              maker, the passionate
                              producer and nurturer
                              of what lies before you.
                              Your experience will be
                              unique and tailored to
                              you. Enjoy!



                        If you’re looking to join the foodie
                        revolution that is taking over the
                        Bendigo region, you don’t have to go
                        far to find something that will tickle
                        your taste buds.

                        From paddock to plate          The hardest part for you,
                        and fine dining, vineyard      will be choosing where
                        to glass and crafty ales.      to start first.
                        From herbs and meats,
                                                       Fresh produce straight
                        fruits and cheeses. Be
                        assured, if it’s local, it’s   from the producer. It’s all
                        on a menu. Meet fellow         about connection, the
                        foodies, passionate            ability to meet and buy
                        baristas, green thumbs,        direct from the people
                        and loveable bartenders        who grow, make and
                        waiting to share their         produce quality fresh
                        love of food and drinks.       produce. Visiting the
                                                       Bendigo Community
                                                       Farmers Market is
                                                       a must and a local
                                                       favourite for foodies.
                                                       You’ll find them every
                                                       second Saturday of the
                                                       month, 9am-1pm at
                                                       the Bendigo Pony Club
                                                       or get down to their
                                                       pop-up mini market in
                                                       the heart of the Bendigo
                                                       CBD at The Good Loaf
                                                       every Thursday from

For a one-on-one
experience go straight

to the source and visit
local and regional
farmgates and
producers. Bridgeward
Grove Olives, Custom
Coffees and Simply
Tomatoes offer authentic
foodie experiences.
A visit to Lyttle Eat
Street, Bendigo’s newest
                              Our favourite is the
foodie neighbourhood
                              number of award-
is a must. Made up of
                              winning restaurants
14 food traders located
                              producing incredible
along Lyttleton Terrace,
                              food and experiences to
you can stop by for a         be savoured and shared
lyttle taste of everything,   with loved ones. Dine
from breakfast bites,         at Borchelli Ristorante,
international cuisine to      Malayan Orchid, Masons
late night drinks. The        of Bendigo, Ms Batterhams
traders host regular          and The Woodhouse.
events from Slow
                              At the end of the day
Smokin Saturdays
                              there’s always time to
to Lyttle Street Beats.
                              enjoy a cheeky drink or
If you’re seeking a fun
                              two in a beautiful location.
and vibrant atmosphere,
                              Bendigo has some
food options to cater
                              gorgeous drinking spots
for everyone and a true
                              that are always a hit and
neighbourhood vibe,
                              on the must visit list.
get on down to Lyttle
                              Enjoy a drink at laneway
Eat Street.                   bar The Dispensary,
You’ll be spoilt for          sunset drinks at Nimbus
choice when it comes to       Rooftop Bar, cocktails at
dining in Bendigo, from       Miss Molly’s, enjoy garden
quaint corner shop eats       vibes at Babylon Bar and
to European inspired          beers and live music at              More
laneway restaurants.          Handle Bar.                      information
                                                                 on food
                                                             experiences here



                   As one of Australia’s oldest wine
                   regions, with vines dating back as
                   far as 1855, it’s no wonder why the
                   region has such a great reputation
                   for making award winning wines.
                   And while Shiraz is the hero and
                   most common wine produced
                   in the area, other varietals such
                   as Viognier and Tempranillo are
                   proving to be just as successful
                   and gaining popularity.

                                        With more than 30          Be greeted by resident
                                        cellar doors and           wine dogs, the
                                        wineries waiting to be     playful companions
                                        discovered throughout      loyally following their
                                        the Bendigo region,        winemakers around
                                        there is a diverse range   the vineyard. And
                                        of experiences and         see the latest vintage
                                        offerings available to     being harvested from
                                        celebrate.                 February to April.
                                        Choose from intimate       If you’re chasing a cellar
                                        wine tasting sessions      door with an added
                                        or taste straight from     bonus or something a
                                        the barrel, meet the       little special, we’ve got
                                        passionate winemakers      you covered. Based
                                        of boutique wineries       in the city centre, Ellis
                                        and hear their stories.    Wines offer an urban
                                                                   cellar door experience
                                                                   with tastings and local
                                                                   platters available.

Creative vibes are           regional produce on
flowing at Killiecrankie     the menu, Mandurang

Wines with a quirky          Valley Wines have a
gallery space inside         gorgeous café onsite,
and street art outside,      or enjoy a grazing board
plus Glenwillow Wines        and pizzas at Vin du Van
have a beautiful range       Estate.
of local artisan pieces
                             At the end of the
nestled amongst their
                             day, is there a better
cellar door.
                             option than to stay
You can find epic views      amongst the vines?
of rolling hills and vines   Balgownie Estate offer
at BlackJack Wines,          luxury glamping tents
St Annes Winery and          dotted throughout
Sutton Grange Winery         their grounds. Choose
in the southern end of       a romantic getaway
the wine region.             at The Stables at
If you’re feeling peckish    Byronsvale Vineyard or
and fancy a side of          Heart of Gold Vineyard.
food with your glass         Or settle into fully self-
of wine, get along to        contained cottages at
Balgownie Estate for         Sandhurst Ridge.

                                                           Learn more
                                                          about our wine
                                                           regions here



                                                Bendigo might be known for its
                                                quality wine, but for those of you
                                                who fancy a beer, will be more
                                                than satisfied with the region’s fast-
                                                growing craft beer culture. From crafty
                                                creators to cluey curators, Bendigo
                                                and Heathcote’s craft beer scene is
                                                seriously hopping. From two annual
                                                festivals dedicated to the art of craft
                                                beer, and the increasing number of
                                                venues who support the experience
                                                all year round, you’re guaranteed to
                                                find the perfect craft beer somewhere
                                                within the region.

                   If you’re craft beer mad
                   and you’re chasing
                   down local small batch
                   breweries, the Heathcote
                   region is the place to be.
                   With three awesome
                   breweries across the
                   region, each with their
                   own personality, you’re
                   going to love a day out
                   meeting the brewers,
                   taking a brewery tour
                   and getting all the
                   inside knowledge.

Open daily, Cornella
Brewery is a

microbrewery based at
The Shiraz Republic, a
family-run vineyard. Their
beers are handcrafted
from grain to glass
by Matt and Spencer
using barley grown
on the farm. Using           Moving down the Northern
modern craft brewing         Highway, you cannot
techniques, you’ll find an   go past the taprooms at
ever-changing variety of     Tooborac Hotel & Brewery,
beers on tap at the cellar   housed in the National
door or at selected bars     Trust-listed bluestone
and bottle shops around      building. The brewers at
the region.                  Tooborac might draw their
                             ideas from traditional beer
In the heart of
                             recipes, but they honour
Heathcote, the crew at
                             the working traditions of
Palling Bros. Brewery
                             Australia. Local favourites
are passionate about         include the Shearers Lager
all things craft beer        and the Woodcutters Ale.
and the whole artisan
process. Meet owner          Alternatively, if you’re
and head brewer Peter,       chasing a bar crawl of
who loves a chat, a          quality crafty ales in
                             Bendigo, be sure to visit
story and supporting the
                             hidden beer garden Handle
local community. Enjoy
                             Bar, laneway bar The
live music, poetry, open
                             Dispensary, pub favourites,
mic nights, local artwork
                             Cambrian Hotel and The
and their fabulous beer
                             Rifle Brigade Hotel, beer
                             mad Hustler Burger & Beer
                             Bar in the CBD and The
                             Hop Supply Co. for all
                             your takeaway needs.

                                Learn more
                              about our craft
                              beer scene here



                                               Enjoy the foodie revolution that has made
                                               Bendigo the UNESCO City of Gastronomy.

                                                                          Treat yourself to a Roaming
                                                                          Lunch at food mecca,
                                                                          Masons of Bendigo.
                                                                          That’s five dishes
                                                                          beautifully curated by
                                                                          passionate foodies at an
                                                                          award-winning restaurant.

                   Breakfast                   Mid morning
                   Tuck into a healthy         Jump on board one
                   breaky and green            of the city’s new
                   smoothie at a local         walking foodie tours
                   providore café, where       and meet passionate
                   local produce is the hero   foodie heroes.
                   on the plate. Bendigo       Alternatively, head out
                   Wholefoods Kitchen or       to PepperGreen Farm
                   Edwards Providore are       where this beautiful
                   your best bet.              social enterprise grows
                                               their own fresh produce.
                                               You can pick fresh
                                               produce straight from
                                               the garden, purchase
                                               locally handcrafted
                                               preserves or enjoy
                                               the café.


Enjoy an afternoon of
meeting the makers at
boutique cellar doors of
award-winning wineries.
Shiraz is our speciality in
the region, but Spanish
and Italian varieties are
now available. Learn
their stories, sample the
latest vintage or taste
straight from the barrel.
If craft beer is more your
style, there are a great
range of craft breweries
to choose from. Meet
the brewers, take a tour,
enjoy a paddle while
listening to live music.

                              Dine at the 2021 Age
                              Good Food Guide
                              People’s Choice
                              restaurant, The
                              Woodhouse. Wagyu
                              lovers will salivate
                              over the menu, along
                              with woodfired pizzas,
                              charcuterie boards,
                              indulgent desserts
                              and an extensive         Kick into the night
                              drinks menu.             with rooftop and city
                                                       skyline drinks at Nimbus
                                                       Rooftop Bar, live music
                                                       and craft beer at hidden
                                                       beer garden Handle Bar,
                                                       or laneway drinks at
                                                       The Dispensary.

ExploreBendigo   ExploreHeathcote
     Family                                   Fun
Bendigo is the perfect destination for a family getaway.
There’s plenty of fun to be had, for families of all ages. Whether you’re
looking for chilled day out, adventure, the great outdoors or something more
educational, Bendigo’s got you covered. Your kids will love the clay play at
Bendigo Pottery, can try their hand at panning for gold at Central Deborah
Gold Mine or enjoy learning disguised as fun at Bendigo Discovery Science
& Technology Centre. Let them loose on regional Victoria’s best playgrounds
or burn some energy at The Zone Fun Park and Bendigo Bowling Centre.



                   Family getaways are all about having       Discovery Science &
                                                              Technology Centre offers
                   fun. Bendigo is the perfect destination    a unique and fun way
                   with plenty of adventures for your         to spend your time and
                   little ones, and your older ones of        you’re sure to learn some
                                                              interesting things along
                   course. There is a great range of free     the way too. With loads
                   activities, outdoor spaces, interactive    of interactive exhibits
                   play, creativity and fun for everyone in   to explore - favourites
                   your family.                               include relaxing in the
                                                              Bendigo Planetarium,
                                                              the famous Vertical Slide,
                                                              the tallest of its kind in
                                                              the southern hemisphere,
                                                              with a sheer drop of
                                                              seven metres you will
                                                              fall at a speed of 30-
                                                              40km per hour, and the
                                                              Kaleidoscope for budding
                                                              young scientists. Keep an
                                                              eye out for the incredible
                                                              Da Vinci’s Machines
                                                              exhibition, coming
                                                              February 22 to June 2022.

                   More family fun
                    activities here

If you’re chasing             If outdoor play and
something more                adventure is more

challenging or looking        your thing, there is
for mind boggling             an awesome range
activities for teenagers,     of outdoor spaces to
step into the Breakout        explore throughout the
Bendigo Escape Rooms.         region. Choose from
With three different          water activities and a
rooms to choose from,         hidden pine forest at
you and your fam can          Crusoe Reservoir, larger
become secret agents,         than life leafy trees and
join the wizarding world      landscapes in the CBD
or solve a murder             at Rosalind Park or the
mystery. Beginners            colourful out of this
welcome and all it            world landscape of Pink
takes is 60 minutes.          Cliffs in Heathcote.
For hours of fun for          If you have little ones
all ages, weather and         that love a great
abilities, be sure to
                              playground, you cannot
check out our great
                              go past award-winning
range of indoor play
                              Eaglehawk Regional
centres. Choose from
                              Play Space at Lake
pool tables, arcades
                              Neangar or Strathdale’s
and ten pin bowling
                              Park Play Space in
at Bendigo Bowling
                              Crook Street. Both
Centre, a four-level
                              offer all-abilities play
indoor play centre
for little ones at Park       spaces and coffee vans
Lane Play Bendigo,            on weekends to keep
or get action-packed          you well caffeinated.
excitement with go-           Another local favourite
karts, laser tag, minigolf,   is the Bendigo Botanic
skate sessions and            Gardens with an Alice
a combat zone at              in Wonderland-inspired
The Zone Fun Park.            playground, beautiful
                              picnic grounds and so
                              much more.
                              Don’t forget, Bendigo
                              is pet-friendly. Bring
                              along your furry friends
                              to enjoy your stay
                              too, with many cafes,
                              accommodation and
                              experiences accessible
                              to your whole family.


                       Keep the whole family entertained
                       with authentic hands on activities.

                       Breakfast                   Mid morning
                       Catch a vintage tram        A little something for
                       to Percy and Percy and      young and old, learning
                       grab a table in the ever-   is disguised as fun at
                       popular leafy courtyard     the Discovery Science
                       for a breaky, babyccino     & Technology Centre,
                       and coffee fix.             learn about gold at
                                                   Central Deborah Gold
                                                   Mine or give your brain
                                                   a challenge at the
                                                   Breakout Escape Rooms.
                                                   Feeling peckish? Treat
                                                   yourself to a sweet
                                                   treat at the popular
                                                   Beechworth Bakery.

Lunch                      Dinner
Enjoy lunch with a         Feed those hungry
view at The Boardwalk      appetites at family
Bendigo, overlooking       favourite burger
the picturesque Lake       hangs, Grill’d or
Weeroona. Nearby,          Schnitz Bendigo.
your little ones can run   Or choose from an
off their lunch at the     extensive kids menu
playground and take        at Bendigo’s local
a leisurely stroll while   family-friendly
enjoying a handmade        restaurant, Clogs.
ice cream from
Favourite Flavours.
                           Complete your
Afternoon                  family fun night out
Get creative and try       with an evening of
your hand at wheel         ten pin bowling at
throwing and clay play     Bendigo Bowling
at Bendigo Pottery.        Centre, complete with
Or for those a little      pool tables, arcade
more adventurous,          amusements, licenced
hit up The Zone, the       bar and café.
ultimate venue for
indoor and outdoor fun.

ExploreBendigo   ExploreHeathcote
         Nature                       Lovers
Now is the time to get out and about and explore the
great outdoors. Our region is home to wide open spaces,
diverse landscapes and waterways. Fuel your senses
and take the opportunity to discover new surroundings
and reconnect with nature. Some of the best memories
are made in the most unsuspecting places.
Go hiking or biking on trails across everchanging landscapes. Wander through
leafy canopies and lush green gardens throughout the city. Find the best
adventures for little ones in creative playgrounds and magical settings.
Hear the water running and the birdlife singing in and amongst Lake Eppalock
and Campaspe River. Venture just a little bit further and reap the rewards.



                                     Open Spaces
                   Locals in Bendigo love getting       Park yourself under
                                                        ancient elms in the
                   outdoors, and for good reason.       beating heart of
                   Bendigo and surrounds offer          Bendigo. Rosalind Park
                   an amazing range of parks and        is a leafy escape along
                                                        Pall Mall with 60 acres
                   gardens, waterways and reserves,     of lush lawns, a fernery,
                   easily accessible and ready to be    authentic poppet head,
                   explored. Pack your picnic baskets   ornate statues and a
                   and rugs, gather your friends and    backdrop to some of
                                                        Bendigo’s best-loved
                   family, and get ready to enjoy       events. In autumn it’s
                   a beautiful day out amongst          transformed with warm
                   Bendigo’s beautiful green spaces.    golden leaves and in
                                                        spring it comes alive with
                                                        50,000 blooming tulips.
                                                        On the edge of the CBD,
                                                        travel by vintage tram
                                                        to local favourite, Lake
                                                        Weeroona. The kids
                                                        will love the adventure
                                                        playground, and no
                                                        one ever tires of the
                                                        picturesque walking
                                                        loop. You can dine
                                                        on the lake, grab a
                                                        coffee to go or enjoy
                                                        handmade ice cream
                                                        on a sunny day.

Nearby, the Arch of         It’s most well-known
Triumph welcomes you        to locals as home to

to the Bendigo Botanic      hundreds of dahlias
Gardens. The historic       in autumn and its
gardens have seen           culturally significant
many changes over the       native birdlife, wildlife
years. Today, you can       and gardens at nearby
enjoy one of Bendigo’s      Lake Tom Thumb and
most magical play           Lake Neangar. If that’s
spaces, wander through      not enough, you’ll find
flowering gardens,          the most amazing play
an aviary, Bendigo          space inspired by Banjo
Creek, trust-listed trees   Patterson’s Mulga Bill,
and most recently           fit for children of all ages,
completed Garden            stages and abilities.
For The Future.
                            If you’re chasing
In Eaglehawk, the           more water activities
Canterbury Gardens          venture a little further
is more formal with         to Crusoe Reservoir or
cottage style gardens.      Lake Eppalock. There’s
                            a good chance you’ll
                            catch a fish, see an
                            abundance of birdlife,
                            walking trails, paddlers
                            and boats on board.

                              Find out more
                                about the
                            region’s outdoors
                               spaces here


                   Get On Your


                         The Bendigo region has long had a
                         reputation as a cycling-friendly city,
                         and with over 350km of dedicated
                         tracks and trails, it’s guaranteed to be
                         one of the best and most fun ways
                         to explore the region. So, whether
                         you’re a serious rider, into racing,
                         adventure or just a family looking
                         for a leisurely pedal, there is a path
                         to uncover for all ages and stages.

The Bendigo Creek
Trail connects many

of Bendigo’s major
landmarks and offers
an easy and safe way
for families and those
wanting to ride at a
more leisurely pace to
explore the city. The
trail can be split into
two rides. The Parks to
Pottery Path will take
you from Rosalind Park,
                           If you’re seeking a little
past Lake Weeroona
                           more action, the Spring
and the Bendigo
                           Gully Mountain Bike
Botanic Gardens,
                           Park is the perfect place
to Australia’s oldest
                           to start. A choose-your-
working pottery.
                           own-adventure area
Alternatively, you can     offers a variety of tracks
head in the opposite       and paths for mountain
direction on the Trams     bikers and BMXers alike.
to Cafes Path leading
                           For those searching for
from the fascinating
                           a little more distance
Bendigo Tramways
                           in your ride and
Depot, past colourful
                           ever-changing rural
street art dotted along
                           landscape, the O’Keefe
the underpasses and a
                           Rail Trail will take you
variety of popular cafes
                           49km from Bendigo to
on your way to Spring
                           Heathcote along the old
                           railway line. Ride past
                           waterways, stunning
                           bushland, recreation
                           reserves and a couple
                           of great country pubs.
                           Serious mountain bike
                           riders will love the
                           picturesque Goldfields
                           Track. Point-to-point,
                           the track runs 210km
                           through historic towns,
                           beautiful forests and
                           glorious countryside
                           following the old gold
                           route from Bendigo
                           to Ballarat. A great
                           challenge with amazing
                           payoffs along the way.



                   Ignite your sense of adventure
                   and explore the great outdoors.

                   Breakfast                   Mid morning
                   Rise and shine early to     Jump on your bike
                   see the sunrise over        and ride the Bendigo
                   Bendigo from the sky        Creek Trail through the
                   with Balloon Man.           city’s heart, past inner
                                               suburbs, leafy Rosalind
                   Follow up your morning
                                               Park, the beautiful Lake
                   with a delicious café
                                               Weeroona and Bendigo
                   breaky at Old Green
                                               Botanic Gardens. With
                   Bean. Better yet, they’re
                                               plenty of stopovers,
                   a micro roaster, so
                                               parks and gardens,
                   they’ve got some of
                                               street art, cafes and
                   the best coffee going
                                               points of interest along
                                               the way, it’s one of the
                                               best ways to explore
                                               the city.


                                Whether you want an
                                afternoon to relax, enjoy
                                nature or get active,
                                then Crusoe Reservoir
                                and Lake Neangar can
                                offer you all this and
                                more. Just think walking,
                                birdlife, fishing, paddle
                                boarding and so much
Lunch                           more.
Enjoy classic pub               Alternatively, venture
favourites alongside            out to Castlemaine to
contemporary meal               wander the beautiful
options at The Botanical        grounds of Buda
Hotel Bendigo. Our top          Historic Home &
pick, check out their           Garden, complete with
popular alfresco dining,        three acres of gardens,
the perfect compliment
                                retail plant nursery and
to great food and local
                                gold-rush era home.
If you’re a keen bike rider,
the O’Keefe Rail Trail starts
nearby taking you out on
a 49km stretch passing
the picturesque Lake
Eppalock, native bushland
and onto Heathcote. Be
sure to stop in at Axedale
Tavern at the halfway
point for a refreshing
drink or bite to eat.           Dinner
                                Enjoy mouth-watering
                                woodfired pizzas, local
                                wine, cocktails and
                                more at Kennington
                                Tavern. Yum! Plus,
                                there’s live music and
                                entertainment over
                                the weekends and an
                                amazing alfresco space      Evening
                                for the warmer months.      Take the 3km hike up
                                                            One Tree Hill for some
                                                            of the best views over
                                                            Bendigo and some
                                                            pretty wicked photos
                                                            at sunset.

ExploreBendigo   ExploreHeathcote
All roads leading into Heathcote tell a story.
Where rolling hills, volcanic boulders and
dramatic changes in the landscape meet and
a little town with a whole lot of heart is found.
With village vibes and a passionate community, you’ll meet
the makers of boutique wineries and the brewers of small
batch craft beer. For nature lovers, you’ll be surrounded by forest,
walking and cycling trails, lookouts and the stunning Pink Cliffs.
This is your tree escape, to indulge, be active or simply relax.



                         Based in the heart of Central Victoria
                         and nestled between the stunning
                         McHarg and McIvor Ranges, you’ll find
                         the charming township of Heathcote.
                         Where a perfect combination of
                         relaxed and intimate, boutique and
                         artisan are taking pride of place,
                         offering those village vibes that
                         visitors and locals alike have come
                         to know and love.

Established in the 1850s
after gold was discovered

in the area, Heathcote
is full of hidden gems.
A stroll along country
Victoria’s longest main
street showcases the
craftsmanship and
architecture from a gold
rush era gone by, where
a beautiful blend of
modern and quaint little      Nature lovers will
cafes, boutique retail        appreciate the
and cellar doors proudly      spectacular landscapes
take their place.             surrounding the
                              town, allowing you
Today, the Heathcote
                              to truly take in the
region is fast becoming
                              great outdoors. Enjoy
known as one of
                              family-friendly bush
Australia’s most loved
                              walks to Viewing Rock,
wine regions. Famous for
                              a picnic in the Valley
its rich and earthy Shiraz
                              of Liquidambers and
and more recently its
                              fun at Heathcote’s
Mediterranean varietals,
                              gorgeous market play
there are 30+ cellar doors
                              space. Discover the
to choose from, leaving
                              colourful Pink Cliffs,
you spoilt for choice. And
                              picturesque views from
if that wasn’t enough,
                              Mt Ida lookout or ride
there’s an emerging craft
                              the historic O’Keefe
beer scene moving in.
                              Rail Trail. Spend time
Well worth the visit, there
                              fishing, boating, paddle
are three impressive
                              boarding or swimming
and passionate small
                              at Lake Eppalock or
batch breweries offering
                              nearby Campaspe River.
an amazing array of
experiences and styles        Be sure to make a
of craft beer to choose       weekend of your stay
from.                         with a beautiful range
                              of boutique stays,         Learn more about
                              from luxury villas           the Heathcote
                              and eco cabins, farm          region here
                              stays and cottages,
                              camping grounds and
                              self-contained stays.
                              Heathcote is the ideal
                              place to slow down,
                              get back to basics and
                              appreciate the vine



                        Heathcote’s wine history began during
                        the 1850s gold rush period, when
                        the first vines were planted in the
                        Colbinabbin area by the Rathjen family.

                        Whilst over the years      Today, Heathcote’s wine
                        most of the original       industry is flourishing
                        vines have been lost,      with more than 30 cellar
                        some still remain          doors and even more
                        and a resurgence of        vineyards throughout
                        winemaking in the
                                                   the region. With such a
                        late 1960s has seen a
                                                   diverse and changing
                        growth in wines being
                                                   landscape from north
                        grown and developed
                        in the region. In fact,    to south, elevations
                        some of the oldest vines   ranging from 160 to
                        in Australia producing     380 metres, and a mix
                        Shiraz, Heathcote’s        of micro climates, you’ll
                        most famous varietal,      find high quality grapes,
                        are right here in the      distinct flavours and a
                        Heathcote region.          beautiful range of wines.

                              a cellar door filled with
                              fascinating stories,

                              gallery space, delicious
                              food and courtyard
                              perfect for sunny days.
                              Be spoilt with cellar
                              doors with epic scenic
                              views. Make your way to
                              Heathcote’s Peregrine
                              Ridge, with elevated
                              views 250+ metres
                              above sea level on the
                              Mt Camel Range. Floor
While many visitors           to ceiling windows
come here for the             offer some of the
rich and earthy Shiraz,       most incredible views
there is a new line up        as far as the eye can
of Mediterranean-             see. Travel along the
inspired varietals gaining    Heathcote-Rochester
popularity. Be sure           Road to Sanguine
to sample Marsanne,           Estate for a cellar door
Sangiovese, Tempranillo,      surrounded by rolling
Viognier and Cabernet         hills of endless vines
Sauvignon, just to name       and beautiful views of
a few.                        Mt Ida in the backdrop.
If you’re on the hunt for     And at the southern end
something unique and          of the Heathcote wine
boutique, we’ve got you       region, McIvor Estate
covered. Weekends             sits nestled within the
mean live music at The        Great Dividing Ranges
Shiraz Republic, not to       surrounded by large
mention their onsite          ashen boulders and
brewery, family-friendly      majestic rolling hills.
vibes and great food.         At the end of the day
Neighbouring winery,          relax with a night at
Silver Spoon Estate,          Heathcote II’s luxury
is completely off-grid,       villas, The Cellars,
championing sustainable       complete with their own
vineyard practices and a      wine cellars, or settle
new cellar door. Fellow       into fully self-contained
winery, Vinea Marson,         cabins at Vineyard
will make you feel at         Views at The Shiraz
home around the family        Republic. Both offer
table with a beautiful        gorgeous views of the
Italian story, wine tasting   vines, clear night skies
and antipastos. In the        for stargazing and a
middle of town, you’ll        beautiful space
find Heathcote Winery,        to chill out.

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