BECOME A CREDIT UNION BOARD VOLUNTEER - Make a difference in your community

Page created by Maria Reeves
BECOME A CREDIT UNION BOARD VOLUNTEER - Make a difference in your community
          Make a difference in your community

   Our mission: To build      The Credit Union Nominating Committee is
     strong financial lives   seeking applications from our membership that
                              want to serve as volunteers on the Infuze Board
        together through      of Directors.
   Education, Innovation,
    Member Service, and       How to apply: If you are interested in
 Community Involvement!       volunteering to serve “YOUR” credit union,
                              please inquire at any branch location or with
                              Brittani Clabaugh at 573.329.3151 ext. 8809 to
                              request a volunteer application; paper or
                              digital. Your application must be received no
                              later than January 07, 2022, to be considered by
                              the Nominating Committee for the 2022

     Apply at any Infuze Credit Union branch today!
Board of Director Criteria and Selection Information
Thank you for your interest in serving on the Board of Directors for Infuze Credit Union! The success of our credit union
and the credit union movement would not be possible without the dedication of our many volunteers.

Selection process for the Board of Directors is provided as followed:

Board Positions. There are three (3) Board positions open for the 2022 election and each vacancy shall serve a 3-year
term. The Nominating Committee will nominate qualified members to be placed on the Official Ballot after they are
interviewed, receive support from the Board Executive Committee, and a final vote of approval by the Board of
Qualifications. To qualify for placement on the Official Ballot, applicants:
- Must be 18 years of age or older as of January 1, 2022.
- Must be bondable.
- Must pass a credit and background check.
- Must be a member in good standing with the credit union prior to distribution of ballots.
  (Example: No outstanding delinquencies, charge-offs, etc.).
- Must live within the Infuze Credit Union field of membership.
- Must not be a current or former employee of Infuze Credit Union within the last 5 years. If a former
  employee, you must have left in good standing.
- Must not be an immediate family member of an Infuze Credit Union employee and/or Board Director.
Electronic Balloting Procedure. The positions are filled by a simple majority vote of qualified members.
Electronic ballots will be available to members via our website using a reputable online balloting provider, or a paper
ballot may be requested to mail by contacting the credit union. The election results will be tallied
independently. The nominees receiving the highest number of votes will be confirmed as the new Directors. Incumbents
that are not nominated and run unopposed will be appointed to the Board without an election needed.

Election Results. The election results will be announced at the Infuze Credit Union Annual Membership Meeting
held in early 2022. The Nominating Committee and/or management staff may inform the nominees of the election
standings prior to the Annual Meeting.

Petition Process. If you are not selected by the Nominating Committee, you have the option of submitting a petition
to be placed on the 2022 ballot. Petition procedures require a minimum of 260 signatures of Infuze Credit Union
members (Approx. 1% of the membership.) Petition forms are available by request and must be completed and
returned to Brittani Clabaugh no later than March 1, 2022, by mail to P.O. Box 2009 - Waynesville, MO
65583, or in person at any Infuze Credit Union branch.

Questions. If you have any questions about the balloting process or to obtain a copy of the board member job
description, please contact Brittani Clabaugh at (573) 329-3151 ext. 8809 or by email at

Once again, thank you for your interest in serving as a Volunteer for Infuze Credit Union!

                                         Applications must be returned to:
               Infuze Credit Union - Attn: Brittani Clabaugh - P.O. Box 2009 - Waynesville, MO 65583
                                      Received no later than January 07, 2022
                     You may also drop your application off to any Infuze Credit Union branch.
Application for Board of Directors
                                                       and Appointed Committees
I hearby place my name in nomination for a Volunteer position with Infuze Credit Union. I share the
following information freely and I understand that this application and the Terms of Agreement form can
be turned in to a local branch, Brittani Clabaugh at, or mailed to P.O. Box 2009 -
Waynesville, MO 65583 by January 07, 2022.

Name:          [ ] Mr. [ ] Mrs.
                                                   Last                                         First                                         Middle
               [ ] Miss
                               Street                                       City                                          State                 Zip

                                                                                   CU Account Number:
Position Interested In:                                                            Social Security Number:
    [ ] Board of Directors (Elected)                                               Phone--Home:
    [ ] Credit Committee (Appointed)                                               Phone--Business:
    [ ] Supervisory Committee (Appointed)                                          Phone--Cell:
                                                                                   E-Mail Address:

Present Employer:                                                                  Number of Years with Present Employer:
Type of Business:                                                                  Position/Title:
 *Note: Entire Application must be filled out. Incomplete applications will not be considered. If a section does not apply to you, please write N/A.
Educational Background (Please list years completed):
High School:                                     College:                                  Major Field of Study:

Additional Training or Experience:

Prior Credit Union Experience -- Infuze Credit Union or elsewhere:

                                                                                                                                                       Page 1 of 2
List any voluntary activities you are involved in:

Please provide a personal statement for the official ballot & Nominating Committee to be used (Limit 60

Note: Because our Directors and Committee Members are responsible for the safekeeping of credit union assets, we believe they
must be above reproach. That is the reason for the following questions.

Have you ever held a position of trust at a financial institution?                    [ ] Yes		         [ ] No
If yes, please list the position(s), the financial institution(s), and the date(s):

Are you related to a current or former Infuze Credit Union employee?                                        [ ] Yes		         [ ] No
Have you ever been a director or officer of a financial institution whose charter was revoked?              [ ] Yes		         [ ] No
Have you ever been denied an individual or fidelity bond, or had a bond canceled or revoked?                [ ] Yes		         [ ] No
Have you ever been convicted of any criminal offense involving dishonesty or breech of trust?               [ ] Yes           [ ] No

If Yes, please elaborate:

Nature of Offense:
Date of Offense:                                                                      Date of Conviction:

Sentence Conferred:

Please Read The Following Statement Carefully Before Signing
I certify that the information provided on this form is true and correct. I certify that I am a member in good standing with Infuze
Credit Union and that I am current on all outstanding financial obligations. The credit union is herby authorized to obtain a report
on my credit history and seek whatever information is necessary for completing a background check, should it so desire. I also
understand that I must be familiar with current technology, including but not limited to iPhone, iPad, and a Personal Computer. I
also realize that I will be required each year to complete significant online training, and that I will be required to travel to monthly
Board Meetings, and on occasion, Seminars and Conferences, as well as Committee Appointments.

Date                                 Signature                                                Witness

                                                                                                                                Page 2 of 2
Attachment 1 – Board of Directors Position Description

Primary Duties:

Maintains the general direction and control of Infuze Credit Union. This includes guiding the
organization to fulfill its purpose, setting policies which guide the credit union, and ensuring
that those policies are implemented in accordance with the credit union policy, By-Laws, all
applicable federal and state laws, sound business practices, and membership needs.

Specific Duties and Responsibilities:

The work of the Board is serving as trustees for the member-owners in determining and
demanding appropriate organizational performance. To distinguish the Board’s own unique
work from the work of its staff, the Board will concentrate its efforts on the following work

   1) The connection between the credit union and the member-owners.
   2) The assurance of organizational performance.
   3) Compliance with By-Laws and external regulations pertaining to the Board. This
      includes the requirement that Board Members understand that the third unexcused
      absence from a regular/special Board Meeting, within a rolling 12-month period, will
      result in automatic dismissal. Regular Board Meetings are normally held monthly
      during the last week of the month at 5:00 pm (subject to change).
   4) Responsibility for electing a Chair, Vice-Chair, Secretary and Treasurer annually, and
      the appointment of the President/CEO, if needed. The annual elections take place at
      the monthly Board Meeting following the Annual Membership Meeting.
   5) Fulfilling the annual appointment of the Credit and Supervisory Committees, who shall
      have unquestioned personal ethics and integrity. Background information, including
      employment records, work references, criminal and credit check, will be required on
      all Committee Members. Confirmed negative credit, criminal, and background checks
      may result in disqualification from further consideration.
   6) Set the qualifications and select the President/CEO, when needed, and conduct the
      President/CEO’s performance review on an annual basis and establish compensation
      and performance incentives for the President/CEO.
   7) Use credit union email account to faithfully review and respond to correspondence
      pertaining to credit union matters.

Expectations of Directors:

In addition to the above, the Volunteers serving on the Board of Directors, by election or
appointment are expected to:

   1) Be committed and have the ability and desire to complete initial mandatory training
      and annual training requirements thereafter. Training information will be given at the
      first monthly meeting after the Annual Membership Meeting.
   2) Attend all regularly scheduled and special meetings of the Board or elected
      committees when notified, unless prevented by circumstances beyond your
      control. The expectation for the scheduled meetings is that you will come fully
      prepared, having
Attachment 1 – Board of Directors Position Description

      read all Board Packages (to include, consent agenda attachments, financials, etc.)
      and be ready to discuss and ask questions.
   3) Attend the Infuze Credit Union annual Strategic Planning Session and Annual
      Membership Meeting.
   4) Continually seek to learn more about the Infuze Credit Union organization and its
      services, governing laws and regulations, and your individual responsibilities as a
      Board Member.
   5) Consider the business of Infuze Credit Union and its members to be confidential in
      nature. Business discussed in meetings should specifically not be discussed outside
      of the Board Room with non-board members, credit union members, or staff members.
   6) Disclose any group or organizational conflicts to the Board and refrain from voting on
      issues related to the conflict.
   7) Act as a positive ambassador for the credit union and its products and services.
   8) Participate in Board Committees, when appointed.
   9) Participate to the best of your ability to determine policy and other matters coming
      before the Board or committee; give full attention to the problems of Infuze Credit
      Union, and vote on all issues submitted or proposed for Board or committee action.
   10) Give assistance to fellow board or committee members, appointed officers, and
      employees of Infuze Credit Union in the discharge of your duties.

Skills and Qualifications:

   1)  Must be 18 years of age or older as of January 1, 2022.
   2)  Must be bondable.
   3)  Must successfully pass a credit and criminal background check.
   4)  Must be a member in good standing with the credit union prior to distribution of
       ballots (example: No outstanding delinquencies, charge-offs, misrepresenting
       information or providing false documentation, or threatening employees or causing a
       disruption at the credit union, etc.).
   5) Must live within the Infuze Credit Union field of membership.
   6) Must not be a current or former employee of Infuze Credit Union within the past 5
       years. If a former employee, you must have left in good standing.
   7) Must not be an immediate family member of an Infuze Credit Union employee and/or
       Board Director.
   8) Possess the ability to take and handle criticism for making necessary but unpopular
   9) Have an open mind, the ability to use sound judgement, a willingness to accept
       responsibility, and the ability to make decisions with Board Members.
   10) Ability to utilize current technology, including but not limited to iPhone, iPad, and a
       personal computer.
   11) Must complete all required online training and annual mandatory training thereafter.

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