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Be Respectful Be Successful - Portland ...

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Be Respectful Be Successful - Portland ...
Senior School Subject Selection Information
The Senior School at Portland Secondary College consists of Year 11 and Year 12 students (and students
from younger years completing a Senior School subject). There are two main pathways for students
entering into the Senior School to complete:
    • the Victorian Certificate of Education (VCE); or
    • the Victorian Certificate of Applied Learning (VCAL).
Both pathways can include Vocational Education and Training (VET) qualifications.
This handbook focuses on VCAL.

Table of Contents
1.     Victorian Certificate of Education (VCE) ....................................................................................................3
     1.1. Overview ............................................................................................................................................3

2.     Victorian Certificate of Applied Learning (VCAL) .......................................................................................4
     2.1. Overview ............................................................................................................................................4
     2.2. Differences between VCE and VCAL ..................................................................................................5
     2.3 VCAL Curriculum Offerings ......................................................................................................................6
     2.4    School based apprenticeships and traineeships (SBATs) ..................................................................7
     2.5    Work Placement ................................................................................................................................8
     2.6    Work Experience ...............................................................................................................................8

3.     Vocational Education and Training (VET DSS) ...........................................................................................9
     3.1   PSC offering .......................................................................................................................................9
     3.2   TAFE offering .....................................................................................................................................9
     3.3   VET DSS VCE.....................................................................................................................................10

4. Enrolling in VCAL..........................................................................................................................................11

5. Senior Secondary Certificate Reform ..........................................................................................................12

6. Subject Costs................................................................................................................................................14

Foundation English Units 1-2 (Intermediate) .................................................................................................15
Foundation Mathematics Units 1-2 (Intermediate) ......................................................................................16
VCAL Numeracy Senior ...................................................................................................................................17
Personal Development Units 1-4 ...................................................................................................................18
VCAL Literacy Senior .......................................................................................................................................19
Work Related Skills Units 1-4..........................................................................................................................20
VET DSS – Certificate II in Community Services .............................................................................................21
VET DSS – Certificate III in Early Childhood Education and Care...................................................................22
VET DSS – Certificate II in Engineering ...........................................................................................................23
VET DSS – Certificate II in Furniture Making ..................................................................................................24
VET DSS – Certificate II in Kitchen Operations ...............................................................................................25
VET DSS – Certificate III in Tourism (Partial Completion) ..............................................................................26

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1. Victorian Certificate of Education (VCE)

1.1. Overview
The Victorian Certificate of Education (VCE) provides diverse pathways to further study or training at
university or TAFE and to employment.

Each VCE study is designed to be a 2-year program, with Units 1 and 2 at a Year 11 standard and Units 3
and 4 at a Year 12 standard. Each VCE unit involves 50 hours of scheduled classroom instruction and 50
hours of self-directed learning for students.

A student must satisfactorily complete 16 units to be awarded their VCE, which must include three units
from the English group (including a Unit 3-4 sequence) and at least three other sequences of Unit 3-4

At PSC it is expected that students will undertake 6 subjects (12 units) in Year 11 and 5 subjects (10 units)
in Year 12, for a total of 22 units. Exceptions can be made to this through the Senior Sub-school AP.

Students may undertake Units 1, 2 or 3 without previously undertaking a Unit of a study. However, it is
strongly advised that students complete Units 1 and 2 of Accounting, Chemistry, Languages and Physics
before attempting Unit 3 of these subjects. Students must successfully undertake Unit 3 before
commencing Unit 4 of a study.

The levels of achievement obtained by students for Units 3 and 4 form the basis of a student's Australian
Tertiary Admissions Rank (ATAR). Most universities require an ATAR for entrance to their courses for high
school leavers (but not all).

If you think the VCE is the pathway for you then you should download the VCE Course Selection Handbook
for further information.

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2. Victorian Certificate of Applied Learning (VCAL)

2.1. Overview
VCAL aims to provide the skills, knowledge and attributes to enable students to make informed choices
about pathways to work and further education. The VCAL program is underpinned by personal
development, students’ interests and pathways for Senior School students, in the context of applied

VCAL is issued at three award levels:

    •   Foundation (usually offered at the Reengagement Campus only)
    •   Intermediate (usually undertaken by Year 11 students)
    •   Senior (usually undertaken by Year 12 students)

Each VCAL course must include units in the following strands:

    •   Literacy Skills
    •   Numeracy Skills
    •   Personal Development Skills
    •   Work Related Skills
    •   Industry Specific Skills

At PSC, VCAL students will normally complete an additional VCE subject on top of the above course
requirements, which contributes credit to their program.

It is recommended that all VCAL students undertake a school-based apprenticeship or traineeship (SBAT),
or structured workplace learning (SWL).

If you think the Victorian Certificate of Applied learning (VCAL) is the pathway for you, then you need to
continue to read this Course Selection Handbook.

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2.2. Differences between VCE and VCAL

VCE - Victorian Certificate of Education         VCAL - Victorian Certificate of Applied
A two-year certificate awarded when               Intermediate or Senior certificates awarded
requirements of VCE are met, usually at the       as each level is completed, usually at the end
end of two years.                                 of each year.
A main requirement for entry into University      Best suited to students seeking
or TAFE courses. Some employers also              employment, vocational training,
require it for selection purposes.                traineeships, apprenticeships or TAFE
All units have a theoretical component.           Some units have large practical components
Some subjects have a large practical              and require students to demonstrate this
component.                                        through written evidence.
Courses consist of VCE units and can include      Courses consist of VCAL and VET DSS units
VET DSS Units.                                    at school and/or TAFE. Students can elect to
                                                  undertake some VCE Units.
Semester-long units of work where set             Semester-long units of work where set
outcomes must be completed by the end             outcomes must be completed by the end of
of the semester.                                  the semester.
All students studying a Unit must meet            All students studying a Unit must meet the
the same outcomes.                                same outcomes.
Students must satisfactorily complete 16          Students must complete a minimum of 10
Units, including 3 Units of English, and Units    credits per certificate, VCAL core subjects
3 & 4 in at least 3 other subjects.               and credit gained through VET DSS or VCE
Students attend school for six periods per        Students attend school for six periods per
day, five days a week.                            day, three or four days a week, depending on
                                                  their approved Work Placement and TAFE

    VCAL and VCE students are subject to the same Discipline and Wellbeing policies, Uniform
    policies and Attendance requirements. All students are enrolled in, and their progress
    reported on the same computer system (VASS). Both VCE and VCAL are overseen by VCAA.

    VCAL and VCE students are offered the same opportunity to participate in all College
    programs including graduation ceremonies, sport and other extra-curricular activities.


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2.3 VCAL Curriculum Offerings
The following outlines the curriculum offerings for the VCAL program at PSC by VCAL strand.

 Strand            Intermediate (Year 11)                         Senior (Year 12)
 Literacy Skills   VCE Foundation English                         VCAL Senior Literacy
                   or                                             or
                   VCE English (Units 1 + 2)                      VCE English (Units 3 + 4)
 Numeracy          VCE Foundation Maths                           VCAL Senior Numeracy
 Skills            or                                             or
                   VCE General Maths (Units 1 + 2)                appropriate VCE Maths option
                   VCE Maths Methods (Units 1 + 2)
 Personal          VCAL Intermediate Personal Development         VCAL Senior Personal Development
 Development       Skills                                         Skills
 Skills (PDS)
 Work Related      VCAL Intermediate Work Related Skills          VCAL Senior Work Related Skills
 Skills (WRS)      or                                             or
                   VET Certificate II (only if a SBAT is chosen   VET Certificate II (only if a SBAT is
                   for Industry Specific Skills)                  chosen for Industry Specific Skills)
 Industry          VET certificate II (1st of 2 years):           VET certificate II (2nd of 2 years):
 Specific Skills        • Engineering                                • Engineering
                        • Early Childhood Education and              • Community Services
                           Care (partial completion)                 • Early Childhood Education and
                        • Community Services                              Care (partial completion)
                        • Kitchen Operations                         • Furnishing (1st year must be
                        • Tourism (partial completion)                    completed)
                                                                     • Kitchen Operations
                   Or a School Based Apprenticeship or
                                                                     • Tourism (partial completion)
                   Traineeship (SBAT)
                                                                  Or a School Based Apprenticeship or
                                                                  Traineeship (SBAT)
 VCE Subject       Any Year 11 VCE subject (Units 1 and 2)        Any Year 11 VCE subject (Units 1 and 2)

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2.4 School based apprenticeships and traineeships (SBATs)

SBATs are targeted at VCAL students due to the flexibility of their program. Any VCE student interested in a
SBAT must contact the Careers Co-Ordinator for an individualised discussion.

A SBAT will replace a class for students, usually their VET subject.

Students must gain the consent of the Careers Co-Ordinator and the Senior Sub-School Assistant Principal
to undertake a SBAT.

What is a SBAT?

A school based apprenticeship or traineeship (SBAT) offers students the option of combining part-time
employment, school and training. The program runs under a contract with an employer and has a training
plan registered with the Victorian Registration and Qualifications Authority (VRQA). The training must lead
to a nationally recognised qualification.

The vocational training components of SBATs also contribute credit towards a senior secondary certificate.
Many school based apprentices and trainees move on to a full-time contract with their employer after
leaving school, while others choose to continue their education and training at a registered training
organisation or university.

In order to undertake a SBAT, students attend their workplace on a weekly basis (or similar). They also
undertake theory-based training in their own time, through various providers.

Apprenticeship/traineeship: What’s the difference?

Under an apprenticeship:

    •   An employer agrees to employ the student for the term of the apprenticeship and to support them
        in their training for that period of time, and the student agrees to follow instruction and attend off-
        the-job and/or workplace-based training.
    •   If ownership of the business changes during an apprenticeship, the new employer must continue
        with the training contract.
    •   Once the probationary period of the training contract has passed, all parties must agree in order
        for the contract to be cancelled. Any disagreement about this can be resolved by contacting the
        Victorian Registration and Qualifications Authority (VRQA) on 1300 722 603.

Under a traineeship:

    •   An employer agrees to employ the student for the term of the traineeship and to support them in
        their training for that period.
    •   The student agrees to follow instruction and attend structured training.
    •   If ownership of the business changes, the new employer does not have to keep the student on as a
    •   Either the employer or trainee can cancel the contract by signing a cancellation form or letter
        stating the date of cancellation. There is no need for mutual agreement.

For more information on SBATs, students and parents should contact the Careers Coordinator and review
the Victorian DET School Based Apprenticeships and Traineeships (SBATs) Guide.

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2.5 Work Placement
The VCAL program allows students the flexibility to undertake Work Placement (otherwise known as
Structured Workplace Learning (SWL)) instead of undertaking a VCE subject.

Work Placement allows students to:

   •   gain on-the-job experience while completing their VCAL studies;
   •   experience various industries/work places they might be interested in; and
   •   learn new skills in a hands-on/practical environment.

Any days of Work Placement must be pre-approved by the Senior Team and a Structured Workplace
Learning Arrangement Form must be completed and signed by:

   •   the employer;
   •   the student;
   •   the parent/guardian of the student (if the student is under 18 years of age); and
   •   the Principal or Acting Principal

before the Work Placement commences.

For more information on SWLs, students and parents should contact the Careers Coordinator and review
the Victorian DET Structured Workplace Learning Manual.

    2.6 Work Experience

Students are encouraged to explore Work Experience options, particularly throughout the School Holidays.
Students wanting to complete extra Work Experience must complete the appropriate paperwork with the
Career’s Coordinator and the Senior Sub-School Team before commencing.

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3. Vocational Education and Training (VET DSS)

Vocational Education and Training delivered to secondary students (VET DSS) aims to support quality
vocational pathways and provide options for all students.

Successful completion of the two-year course will result in the award of a Certificate II in most courses.
Failure to successfully complete both years will provide the student with a number of Units of Competency
(outlined by a Statement of Attainment) but will not provide the student with the Certificate of
completion. Completing one year of the course will not result in the award of a Certificate I.

    3.1 PSC offering
PSC delivers two VET subjects:

    •   Kitchen Operations
    •   Furnishing (only available to students who have completed 1st Year Furnishing)

Both subjects will run from 1pm to 5pm on Thursday afternoon. Kitchen Operations will run in the
Discovery Hospitality Trade Training Centre (next to PSC campus). Furnishing will run on the PSC campus.
Both classes may have other students from local secondary schools.

If enrolment numbers permit, one 1st year Kitchen Operations may run within the normal PSC timetable. It
would be expected that these students complete 2nd year in the 1pm to 5pm timeslot if they continue with
the subject.

    3.2 TAFE offering
PSC has a partnership agreement with TAFE to deliver the following VET courses :

    •   Engineering
    •   Early Childhood Education and Care*
    •   Community Services
    •   Tourism *

These courses will run 1pm to 5pm on Thursdays at SWTAFE Portland Campus (Hurd St, Portland). SWTAFE
is entirely responsible for the delivery of these programs, including teaching, behaviour management,
attendance and pastoral care. Students are responsible for making their own way to the TAFE Campus
ensuring they miss as little class time at PSC as possible.

*SWTAFE is only offering Tourism units which make up part of a Certificate III in Tourism, and Early
Childhood Education and Care units which make up part of a Certificate III in Early Childhood Education
and Care. Students taking this class in Year 11 and 12 need to be aware that this course cannot be
completed in two years. To gain the full certificate students would need to continue with this TAFE course
after they complete Year 12.

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The following VET DSS classes are able to be completed by VCE students:

   •   Kitchen Operations
   •   Furnishing (only available to students who have completed 1st Year Furnishing)
   •   Engineering
   •   Community Services

VCE students wishing to study Engineering or Community Service (i.e. VET DSS courses completed at
SWTAFE) need the approval of the Senior Sub-School Assistant Principal.

For more information, please review the TAFE Subject Information Pages at the end of this guide.

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4. Enrolling in VCAL

Students wishing to enroll in VCAL in 2022 should make the appropriate selections on their Course
Selection online request sheet.

Those students will then be invited to complete a formal application for selection into the VCAL Program.
This selection process will be completed early in Term Four.

Applicants will need to prove their suitability for the program and will be interviewed by a panel.
Unsuccessful candidates will be provided with advice and options available for future study and may be
placed on a waiting list.

Please note acceptance to the VCAL Program is not automatic and all applicants will be judged on merit
and on the space available as numbers are limited.

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5. Senior Secondary Certificate Reform

Victoria is transforming the delivery of senior secondary education with the introduction of a single senior
secondary certificate that will offer greater access to quality vocational and applied learning pathways for
all students. The senior secondary education reforms aim to provide access to education and training that
is relevant, engaging and that delivers in-demand skills for the future world of work, ensuring that students
can access education that leads to employment.
Next year students will still be able to enrol in either the Victorian Certificate of Applied Learning (VCAL) or
the Victorian Certificate of Education (VCE). The following year, in 2023, VCAL students will be enrolled in
the new VCE Vocational Specialisation or the new foundation pathways certificate which will be introduced
to replace Foundation VCAL.
The VCE Vocational Specialisation will be recognised internationally, be valued by employers and will build
on the strengths of VCAL including providing:
•       flexible timetables that allow students to study at school, TAFE and work
•       opportunities to experience real-life workplaces
•       subjects that will build students skills and prepare them for life after school
•       greater access to high quality VET learning, either in school, a neighboring school or a local TAFE
The new certificates are part of a suite of 38 reforms recommended in the Review into Vocational and
Applied Learning Pathways in Senior Secondary Schooling (the Firth Review) to lift the quality and
perception of vocational education and help more students access high-quality applied learning programs.

Course selection in 2022
We are supporting all students in their course selections for 2022 and are providing the following advice
and information to students considering a VCAL pathway.
If students are studying VCAL in 2022 they will transfer into the VCE Vocational Specialisation with credit
for completed VCAL subjects in 2023. In 2023, students will continue to study Senior VCAL subjects in the
new certificate as part of the implementation process. At the end of 2023, these students will be awarded
the VCE Vocational Specialisation if they meet the requirements.

Students who are studying Foundation VCAL over multiple years, including in 2022, will transfer into a new
foundation pathways certificate in 2023 with credit for completed subjects. These students will study the
new foundation subjects and graduate with the foundation pathways certificate.

This approach provides assurance and clarity to current Year 10 students some of whom will be among the
first cohort to receive a VCE Vocational Specialisation certificate in 2023.
The following diagram sets out the senior secondary pathways for students commencing the VCE or VCAL
in 2022.

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* Note: Students can also move between certificates

If you would like to talk further about these changes please contact, Carla Shiel. To learn more about
Victoria’s senior secondary certificate reform, you can email the Senior Secondary Reform team.

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6. Subject Costs

Portland Secondary College Council continually reviews the Essential Student Learning Items, Optional
Items and Voluntary Contributions (Donations) requested from parents.

The Department of Education SRP allows schools to provide students with free instruction to fulfil the
standard curriculum requirements as outlined in the Victorian Curriculum F-10, VCE and VCAL.

Parent Payment requests (School Fees) are made for Essential Learning Items which are for items and
activities which the school deems essential for student learning.

Year 11 & 12 students will be charged an overarching fee for all core subjects English & Mathematics. In
addition to this there is a base elective subject charge. If your child chooses an elective such as some Art,
Technology, Food or VET subject you will be invoiced an additional fee for the cost of consumables used in
that subject.

We make every effort to keep the cost of items and activities to a minimum and affordable for all parents.

Full subject costs for your child will be available to you at the time of Course Confirmation.

The College understands that some families may sometimes experience financial difficulty and therefore
offers a range of support options and payment arrangements including:

    •   cash
    •   cheque
    •   credit card
    •   EFTPOS
    •   Direct Credit
    •   Centrepay (Centrelink)
    •   BPay
    •   Payment Plans via Compass Pay (including individual plans to suit your financial situation)

In 2022 Portland Secondary College will be introducing and incursions/excursions charge. This charge will
cover activities that are linked to the curriculum such as buses and entry fees for local and regional
excursions, Year level activities, cultural excursions, sporting carnivals, etc. and incursions that have been
identified as part of the curriculum. Where Physical Education forms part of the core curriculum the cost
of transport and entry costs for PE will also be included in this cost. Families that have CSEF can apply this
directly to the charge.

Please note that Year Level camps and major excursion such as Top Arts will be invoiced to those students
who elect to attend and will not be included in this incursion/excursion charge. Full details of what will be
included in the is charge will be available at Course Confirmation.

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Foundation English Units 1-2 (Intermediate)
The Foundation English study is designed for students who may require a more vocationally
orientated approach to English or may be aiming to directly enter the workforce upon completing
their senior secondary studies.

                  VCE Foundation English focuses on how English is used to communicate through written,
 Overview         spoken and multimodal texts of varying complexity. The study of this subject enables
                  students to improve their skills in comprehending and responding to a variety of texts, and
                  to enhance their overall communication skills.
 Unit 1           In this unit, students focus on developing language and communication skills, primarily
                  through the study of a variety of texts. They develop communication skills in order to listen,
                  speak, read and write effectively in academic, workplace and social contexts. Topics include
                  reading and viewing texts, creating texts and listening to and presenting persuasive texts.

                  In this unit students develop a range of literacy skills and learning strategies. They extend
 Unit 2           the understandings and processes required to read and write effectively. Students employ
                  learning strategies designed to enhance their achievement in and enjoyment of the English
                  language. Topics include reading and viewing texts, creating texts and listening to and
                  presenting persuasive texts.
 Assessment       Students may sit school-based assessments that includes prose summaries, digital or
                  handwritten graphic representations, instructional and informative writing, oral
                  presentations, written response to questions, creative responses. Students will sit an exam
                  at the end of each Unit. Detailed assessment information can be found in the Study Design
                  (see below).
 Associated       Foundation English develops language skills which are applicable to a wide variety of
 Career Areas:    workplaces, academic settings and community participation. Skills such as active listening,
                  reading for meaning, the use of formal and informal language and the conventions of a
                  range of text types are widely applicable to the modern workplace.
 Ahead of time    Students must be accepted into the VCAL Program to study this subject.

 Study Design     This subject is bound by the Study Design, which can be found on this website.

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Foundation Mathematics Units 1-2
Looking for a trade after school but still need to be able to use measurements, work with money and other
number-related tasks? Numeracy is the choice for you. Skip the tests, skip the theoretical, work just on
practical maths projects relevant to jobs and choose Numeracy.

 Topic             VCE Foundation Mathematics provides for the continuing mathematical development of
 Overview          students entering VCAL and who do not intend to undertake General, Further or Methods
                   in Mathematics in both Year 11 and 12. The natural progression for VCAL students
                   undertaking Foundation Mathematics in Year 11 would be to complete Senior Numeracy in
                   Year 12.
 Foundation        In Foundation Mathematics there is a strong emphasis on the use of mathematics in
 mathematics       practical contexts encountered in everyday life in the community, at work and at study. The
                   areas of study for Units 1 and 2 of Foundation Mathematics are ‘Space, shape and design’,
 Units 1 and 2     ‘Patterns and number’, ‘Data’ and ‘Measurement’.

 Assessment        Students may sit school-based assessments that includes application, modelling and
                   problem-solving tasks. Students will sit an exam at the end of each Unit.
                   Detailed assessment information can be found in the Study Design (see below).
 Associated        Numeracy is a requirement for the VCAL course and is required by many trades.
 Career Areas:
 Ahead of time     Students must be accepted into the VCAL Program to study this subject.

 Study Design      This subject is bound by the VCAA Study Design, which can be found on this website.

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VCAL Numeracy                                                                           Senior
Looking for a trade after school but still need to be able to use measurements, work with money and
other number-related tasks? Numeracy is the choice for you. Skip the tests, skip the theoretical, work
just on practical math projects relevant to real-life and choose Numeracy.

 Topic            VCAL Numeracy provides for the continuing mathematical development of students
 Overview         entering Year 12 who do not intend to undertake Unit 3 and 4 Further Mathematics or
                  Maths Methods. The natural progression for VCAL students undertaking Foundation
                  Mathematics in Year 11 would be to complete Senior Numeracy in Year 12.
                  The purpose of this unit is to enable students to explore mathematics beyond its
 Unit 1           familiar and everyday use to its application in wider, less personal contexts such as
                  newspapers and other media reports, workplace documents and procedures, and
                  specific projects at home or in the community.
                  The purpose of this unit is to enable students to develop, refine, extend and apply
                  numeracy knowledge and skills through an investigation in an unfamiliar industry area
 Unit 2           in which they have an interest and may seek future employment. The numeracy
                  involved focuses on Number, Measurement, Financial Numeracy, and Probability and
 Assessment       Students may sit school-based assessments that includes application, modelling and
                  problem-solving tasks.
                  Detailed assessment information can be found in the Study Design (see below).
 Associated       Numeracy is a requirement for the VCAL course and is required by many trades.
 Career Areas:
 Ahead of time    Any year 12 student can apply to the Senior Sub-School Assistant Principal for approval
                  to study this subject. This subject is a continuation of students who complete
                  Foundation Numeracy in Year 11.

 Study Design     This subject is bound by the VCAA Study Design, which can be found on this website.

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Personal Development                                                              Units 1-4
 Topic            The Personal Development Skills units recognise learning that is valued in the community
 Overview         and develop the knowledge, skills and attributes identified in this strand. The units
                  emphasise the importance of self and connection to the community through locally
                  developed programs. Students apply their learning through community-based projects,
                  both internally and externally.
 Unit 1           Unit 1 focuses on the development of appropriate knowledge, skills and attributes in
                  relation to: resilience, self-esteem and efficacy; health and wellbeing; family and social
 (Intermediate)   connectedness; environmental awareness; critical and creative thinking; planning and
                  organisational skills; problem solving and interpersonal skills; collaborative skills; leadership
                  and decision-making skills for group work or teamwork.

 Unit 2           Unit 2 focuses on the development of appropriate knowledge, skills and attributes in
                  relation to: community engagement; social and environmental awareness; participation in
 (Intermediate)   a democratic society; social connectedness; critical and creative thinking; planning and
                  organisational skills; problem-solving and interpersonal skills.
 Unit 3            This unit focuses on the development and implementation of appropriate knowledge, skills
                  and attributes in relation to: resilience, self-esteem and efficacy; health and wellbeing;
 (Senior)         family and social connectedness; environmental awareness; critical and creative thinking;
                  self-directed planning and organisational skills; problem-solving and interpersonal skills;
                  collaborative skills; leadership and decision-making skills for group work and teamwork and
                  builds directly on skills learned at the intermediate level.

 Unit 4           This unit focuses on the development and implementation of appropriate knowledge, skills
                  and attributes in relation to: community engagement; social and environmental awareness;
 (Senior)         participation in a democratic society; social connectedness; critical and creative thinking;
                  planning and organisational skills; problem-solving and interpersonal skills and builds
                  directly on skills learned at the intermediate level.
 Assessment       Students may sit school-based assessments that includes written work, oral presentations,
                  object production and project implementation. Students must be observed to demonstrate
                  achievement of a learning outcome on more than one occasion and in different contexts to
                  ensure the assessment is valid, reliable, fair, flexible and equitable.

                  Detailed assessment information can be found in the Study Design (see below).

 Associated       For most Careers students need the ability to work with others.
 Career Areas:
 Ahead of time    Any year 10 student can apply to the Senior Sub-School Assistant Principal for approval to
                  study this subject in Year 10 and 11.

 Study Design     This subject is bound by the VCAA Study Design, which can be found on this website.

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VCAL Literacy                                                                          Senior
 Topic Overview    The purpose of the literacy curriculum selected for this stand is to enable the
                   development of knowledge, skills and attributes relevant to reading, writing and oral
                   communication and their practical application in the contexts of everyday life, family,
                   employment, further learning and community.
 Reading and
                   The purpose of this unit is to enable students to develop the knowledge, skills and
 Writing           attributes to read and write complex texts. The texts will deal with general situations and
                   include some abstract concepts or technical details. At this level, students produce texts
                   that incorporate a range of ideas, information, beliefs or processes and have control of
                   the language devices appropriate to the type of text.
                   Students identify the views shaping the text and the devices used to present that view
                   and express an opinion on the effectiveness and content of the text. At the end of the
                   unit students will be able to read, comprehend and write a range of complex texts across
                   a broad range of contexts.
                   The unit is broken into 4 separate areas of study:
                          -Public Debate
                          -Practical Purposes
                   The purpose of this unit is to enable students to develop the skills and attributes to
 Communication     speak in complex discussion. A supportive and encouraging learning environment needs
                   to be developed so that students feel comfortable to take risks and participate safely.
                   Students should not be forced to participate until they feel safe to do so. By rotating
                   turns and scaffolding skills, students can develop this confidence. Establishing a
                   consensus on guidelines for talks and discussions by listening to and respecting others is
                   At the end of this unit students will be able to use and respond to spoken language,
                   around every day subject matter, which may include some unfamiliar aspects, for a
                   range of purposes in a number of contexts, which may be interrelated.
 Assessment        The purpose of VCAL assessment is to measure a student’s achievement of a learning
                   outcome by collecting evidence about their performance and making a judgment about
                   whether they have met the requirements of that learning outcome. These requirements
                   are clearly outlined in the elements of each learning outcome.
 Associated        Apprenticeships and traineeships, further study at TAFE, full-time employment within
 Career Areas:     vocational areas.
 Ahead of time     Any year 12 student can apply to the Senior Sub-School Assistant Principal for approval
                   to study this subject. This subject is a continuation of students who complete Foundation
                   English in Year 11.

 Study Design      This subject is bound by the Study Design, which can be found on this website.

PORTLAND SECONDARY COLLEGE – VCAL – 2022 COURSE SELECTION HANDBOOK                                19 | P a g e

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Work Related Skills                                                                   Units 1-4
The purpose of the VCAL Work Related Skills Strand is to develop student skills, knowledge and
attributes valued within community and work environments as a preparation for employment. The
development of employability skills within this strand provides students with a capacity to explore,
consider and choose from a range of pathways. Knowledge and understanding of occupational health
and safety (OHS) is integral to student preparation for a variety of community and work

 Topic            Students are offered a range of experiences within a particular industry sector to help
 Overview         them make informed decisions for future pathway choices and to promote their
                  employability skills. It is not specifically intended that students will graduate as
                  qualified in an occupational area, but that they will have gained highly relevant
                  experience and employability skills for an industry sector.
 Unit 1         Work Related Skills Unit 1 is designed to develop knowledge and understanding of OHS,
 (Intermediate) as well as a range of work environments and pathways. This unit has five learning
                outcomes at the Intermediate level.

                Work Related Skills Unit 2 is designed to develop knowledge, skills and attributes, with a
 Unit 2         particular focus on employability skills and their application in specific industry and
 (Intermediate) workplace settings. This unit has six learning outcomes at the Intermediate level.

 Unit 3           Work Related Skills at this unit is designed to develop knowledge and understanding of
 (Senior)         OHS, as well as a range of work environments and pathways. This unit has five learning
                  outcomes at the Senior level.

                  Work Related Skills at this unit is designed to develop knowledge, skills and attributes,
 Unit 4           with a particular focus on employability skills and their application in specific industry
 (Senior)         and workplace settings. This unit has six learning outcomes at the Senior level.

 Assessment       Students may sit school-based assessments that includes a comparative essay,
                  analytical essay, review analysis, creative response, reflective commentary and an
                  interpretative essay. Detailed assessment information can be found in the Study Design
                  (see below).
 Associated       Employability skills and knowledge of Occupational Health and Safety Skills is necessary for
 Career Areas:    all jobs.
 Ahead of time    Any year 10 student can apply to the Senior Sub-School Assistant Principal for approval
                  to study this subject in Year 10 and 11.

 Study Design     This subject is bound by the Study Design, which can be found on this website.

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VET DSS – Certificate II in Community Services
Community Services is held at SWTAFE on a Thursday from 1-5pm.

 Topic             This course is students who are interested in further study in both the health and
 Overview          community-based services that focus on the promotion of good health practices. The
                   course reflects the role of workers in the community and / or residential setting who follow
                   individual health and wellbeing plans for people who may require support due to ageing,
                   disability or some other reason. Students will learn about the health and community
                   services sector and explore its different contexts of work.
 You will learn:        - To provide first aid
                        - How to respond to client needs
                        - Workplace health and safety
                        - To work within a community development framework
                        - How to manage personal stress in the workplace
 Education              - Certificate III in Community Services
 Pathways:              - Certificate III in Individual Support
                        - Certificate IV in Child, Youth and Family Intervention
                        - Certificate IV in Disability Support
                        - Diploma of Community Services
                        - Diploma of Nursing
 Assessment        Each UOC has set work to complete, with feedback from your trainer
 Associated             - Aged care worker
 Career Areas:          - Case worker or manager
                        - Child welfare officer
                        - Community health worker
                        - Counsellor
                        - Disability support officer
                        - Residential carer
                        - Social welfare worker
                        - Youth worker
                        - Nurse
 Who can take      VCAL any year, VCE Year 11 or 12
 this subject      Students must complete the first year of the course before they can undertake 2nd year.
 Credit            Credit:
                   1st Year: 2 x Year 11 VCE credits; 2 VCAL credits
                   2nd Year 2x Year 12 VCE credits; 2 VCAL credits
                   2nd Year: Scored assessment (full ATAR contribution)

PORTLAND SECONDARY COLLEGE – VCAL – 2022 COURSE SELECTION HANDBOOK                               21 | P a g e

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VET DSS – Certificate III in Early Childhood
Education and Care
Early Childhood Education and Care is held at SWTAFE on a Thursday from 1-5pm.

 Topic             Do you love kids, toddlers and babies? Gain the skills you need to provide quality
 Overview          education to children. If you are passionate about the development of young children
                   and want to learn more about providing quality education and care in a range of
                   environments, this course is for you. You will learn to provide safe, nurturing,
                   meaningful and inclusive education and care for children in a fun and playful setting.
                   Learn using role plays, simulations, project work and a total of 120 hours of structured
                   workplace learning over two years (60 hours per year) in a variety of settings.
 You will learn:      - How to care for babies and children up to 12 years old
                      - How to develop positive relationships with children
                      - How to provide experiences to support children’s play and learning
                      - Effective interaction with children
                      - Childhood development
                      - Workplace health and safety and first aid.

 Education            -      Certificate III in Early Childhood Education and Care
 Pathways:            -      Certificate III in Education Support
                      -      Diploma of Early Childhood Education and Care
                      -      Bachelor of Early Childhood Teaching

 Assessment        Each UOC has set work to complete, with feedback from your trainer
 Associated           - Early childhood educator
 Career Areas:        - Family day carer
                      - Kindergarten or preschool assistant
                      - Nanny or out-of-school hours care assistant

 Who can take      VCAL any year, VCE Year 11 or 12
 this subject      Students must complete the first year of the course before they can undertake 2nd year.
 Credit            Credit:
                   1st Year: 2 x Year 11 VCE credits; 2 VCAL credits
                   2nd Year 2x Year 12 VCE credits; 2 VCAL credits
                   2nd Year: Scored assessment (full ATAR contribution)

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VET DSS – Certificate II in Engineering
Engineering is held at SWTAFE on a Thursday from 1-5pm.

 Topic             This course includes the theoretical and practical components of basic engineering studies.
 Overview          Students learn the correct use and capabilities of a range of hand tools, perform basic
                   machining processes and apply basic fabrication techniques to work with metal.
 You will learn:        - Basic machine processing and fabrication techniques
                        - Workplace health and safety
                        - To use hand and power tools
                        - Creating 3D sketches and drawings
                        - Configuring and programming robotics
                        - Computer aided engineering drawings
                        - To perform computations.
 Education              - Engineering apprenticeships
 Pathways:              - Careers in manufacturing industries
                        - Certificate III in Engineering - Fabrication Trade
                        - Certificate III in Engineering - Mechanical Trade
                        - Certificate IV in Engineering
 Assessment        Each UOC has set work to complete, with feedback from your trainer
 Associated             - Boilermaker
 Career Areas:          - Engineer
                        - Machinist
                        - Fitter and turner
                        - Hydraulic controls technician
                        - Metal fabricator
 Who can take      VCAL any year, VCE Year 11 or 12
 this subject      Students must complete the first year of the course before they can undertake 2nd year.
 Credit            Credit:
                   1st Year: 2 x Year 11 VCE credits; 2 VCAL credits
                   2nd Year 2x Year 12 VCE credits; 2 VCAL credits
                   2nd Year: Scored assessment (full ATAR contribution)

PORTLAND SECONDARY COLLEGE – VCAL – 2022 COURSE SELECTION HANDBOOK                               23 | P a g e

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VET DSS – Certificate II in Furniture Making
Furniture Making is held at PSC on a Thursday from 1-5pm.

Only students who have completed First Year Furniture Making are eligible to enrol in Second Year
Furniture Making for 2022

 Topic             This course includes the theoretical and practical tasks, designed to introduce and develop
 Overview          the skills required in the Furnishing and Cabinet making industry. Students undertake
                   projects which allow them to research, use CAD design, and develop prototypes and
                   constructive furniture.
 You will learn:       - To use furniture making sector hand and power tool
                       - To assemble furnishing components
                       - To plan and undertake a basic furniture making project
                       - Making measurements and calculations
 Education             - Apprentice cabinet maker or joiner
 Pathways:             - Certificate III in Joinery
                       - Certificate III in Cabinet Making
                       - Certificate IV in Building and Construction (Building)
 Assessment        Each UOC has set work to complete, with feedback from your trainer
 Associated            - Cabinet maker
 Career Areas:         - Furniture maker
                       - Kitchen installer
                       - Builder
                       - Carpenter
                       - Sales representative in kitchen/bathroom industry
                       - Production operator in a cabinet making enterprise
 Who can take      Year 12 VCE or VCAL students who have completed the first year of the course
 this subject
 Credit            Credit:
                   2nd Year 2x Year 12 VCE credits; 2 VCAL credits
                   2nd Year: Scored assessment (full ATAR contribution)

PORTLAND SECONDARY COLLEGE – VCAL – 2022 COURSE SELECTION HANDBOOK                                24 | P a g e

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VET DSS – Certificate II in Kitchen Operations
Are you interested in the Hospitality Industry? Would you like to get a step up in part time
employment? Do you like cooking and preparing food? If so, you will enjoy Kitchen Operations.
Kitchen Operations is held at PSC on a Thursday from 1-5pm.

 Topic             This course is designed to provide students with a range of food preparation and cookery
 Overview          skills to prepare food and menu items in a kitchen. Graduates typically provide routine and
                   repetitive tasks and are directly supervised. Pathways may include employment in various
                   workplaces within the hospitality industry such as restaurants, hotels, catering, operations,
                   clubs, pubs, coffee shops, institutions, aged care facilities, hospitals, prisons and schools.

 You will learn:      - Hygienic practices for food safety
                      - How to clean kitchen premises and equipment
                      - How to make appetisers and salads
                      - How to cook vegetable, fruit, egg, pasta and rice dishes
                      - How to prepare poultry dishes
 Education            - Certificate III in Hospitality
 Pathways:            - Certificate III in Commercial Cookery
                      - Certificate III in Baking
                      - Certificate III in Cake and Pastry
                      - Certificate III in Tourism
                      - Certificate IV in Travel and Tourism
                      - Diploma of Travel and Tourism
 Assessment        Each UOC has set work to complete, with feedback from your trainer

 Associated           - Barista
 Career Areas:        - Bar attendant
                      - Kitchen hand or chef
                      - Waiter
                      - Butcher or bakery assistant
                      - Catering assistant
 Who can take      Year 12: VCAL any year, VCE Year 11 or 12
 this subject
                   Students must complete the first year of the course before they can undertake 2nd year.

 Credit            Credit:
                   1st Year: 2 x Year 11 VCE credits; 2 VCAL credits
                   2nd Year 2x Year 12 VCE credits; 2 VCAL credits
                   2nd Year: Scored assessment (full ATAR contribution)

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VET DSS – Certificate III in Tourism (Partial
Tourism is held at SWTAFE on a Thursday from 1-5pm.

 Topic             This course is designed to introduce students to the local industry of tourism and the
 Overview          important industry for the Great Ocean Road region. Students will gain an insight and basic
                   knowledge of the tourism industry operation, understanding of cultural awareness and
                   service provision to international visitors.

                   Students will learn the importance of customer service skills within a retail and hospitality
                   environment and students will develop marketing skills including digital merchandising and
                   social media.

                   This is a two year course. Please note this is a partial completion program. On successful
                   completion of this program, students will be eligible for a statement of attainment towards
                   the completion of this course.

 You will learn:      -      To source and use travel information on the tourism industry
                      -      To show social and cultural sensitivity
                      -      To lead tour groups
                      -      How to interpret aspects of local Australian Indigenous culture
                      -      Customer interaction and assistance
                      -      Workplace health and safety
                      -      To provide accommodation reception services
                      -      To use social media in business
 Education            -      Certificate III in Tourism
 Pathways:            -      Certificate IV in Travel and Tourism
                      -      Diploma of Travel and Tourism Management
 Assessment        Each UOC has set work to complete, with feedback from your trainer

 Associated           - Travel agent
 Career Areas:        - Events and conference officer
                      - Accommodation and reservations coordinator
                      - Cruise ship assistant
                      - Tour guide
                      - Visitor information officer
 Who can take      VCAL any year, VCE Year 11 or 12
 this subject
                   Students must complete the first year of the course before they can undertake 2nd year.

 Credit            1st Year: 2 x 11 VCE credits, 2 VCAL credits
                   2nd Year 2 x Year 12 VCE credits, 2 VCAL credits
                   No study score available

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Glossary of Terms
 VCE                                          The Victorian Certificate of Education.
 VCAL                                         The Victorian Certificate of Applied Learning.
 VET DSS                                      Vocational Education & Training Delivered to
                                              Secondary Students.
 SBA                                          School-based Apprenticeship.
 VCAA                                         The Victorian Curriculum & Assessment Authority.
 STUDY                                        A subject. Most VCE studies are made up of 4 units
                                              (Unit 1 & 2 in Year 11 and Unit 3 & 4 in Year 12).
 UNIT                                         A self-contained study of a semester’s length
                                              representing about 100 hours of work, of which 50
                                              hours are class time and 50 hours homework.
 RTO                                          Registered Training Organisation.
 SEMESTER                                     A half year
 UNITS 1 & 2                                  Level of difficulty usually associated with Year 11.
 UNITS 3 & 4                                  Level of difficulty usually associated with Year 12.
 LEARNING OUTCOMES                            What you must know, by the time you have
                                              finished a Unit.
 S/N                                          S - refers to satisfactory completion
                                              N - refers to work that has not reached a
                                              satisfactory level
 SATISFACTORY COMPLETION                      A Unit of work has been satisfactorily completed
                                              when all of the outcomes have been met as
                                              specified in the Study Design. Students will be
                                              made aware of the criteria for satisfactory
                                              completion of each unit. 90% attendance and
                                              meeting are two of the criteria.
 SCHOOL ASSESSED TASK (SAT)                   A task done in school in design or practical-based
                                              studies to assess how you are performing in Units
                                              3 & 4, set and marked by teachers, and reviewed
                                              externally by VCAA.
 SCHOOL ASSESSED COURSEWORK (SACS)            The assessment of coursework, done mainly in
                                              class time, to establish how you are performing in
                                              Units 3 & 4.
 VTAC                                         The Victorian Tertiary Admissions Centre which
                                              organises the process by which students apply and
                                              gain entry to a tertiary course.
 GAT                                          The General Achievement Test done by all students
                                              doing a Unit 3 & 4 sequence. It is used by the VCAA
                                              to check that schools are marking school assessed
                                              course work to the same standard.
 ATAR                                         Australian Tertiary Admission Rank.
 STUDY DESIGN                                 Course and assessments for each subject that are
                                              set by VCAA.
 STUDY SCORE                                  A score from zero to 50 which shows how you
                                              performed in a VCE study, relative to all other
                                              students doing the same study.


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