Banco do Estado do Pará Global Scale 'BB/B' And National Scale 'brAA-/brA-1' Ratings Affirmed, Outlook Still Stable
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Research Update: Banco do Estado do Pará Global Scale 'BB/B' And National Scale 'brAA-/brA-1' Ratings Affirmed, Outlook Still Stable Primary Credit Analyst: Vitor Garcia, Sao Paulo (55) 11-3039-9725; Secondary Contact: Cynthia Cohen Freue, Buenos Aires (54) 114-891-2161; Table Of Contents Overview Rating Action Rationale Outlook Ratings Score Snapshot Related Criteria And Research Ratings List WWW.STANDARDANDPOORS.COM/RATINGSDIRECT SEPTEMBER 4, 2014 1 1357431 | 301278129
Research Update: Banco do Estado do Pará Global Scale 'BB/B' And National Scale 'brAA-/brA-1' Ratings Affirmed, Outlook Still Stable Overview • The Brazilian commercial bank, Banpará, continues playing the role of financial agent in the state of Paráy and focuses on payroll-deductible and consumer lending. • We are affirming our 'BB/B' global scale and 'brAA-/brA-1' national scale ratings on the bank. • The stable outlook reflects our opinion that the bank will continue expanding its core activities in the state with sound asset quality and strong capital levels, while it struggles to diversify its business lines. Rating Action On Sept. 4, 2014, Standard & Poor's Ratings Services affirmed its 'BB/B' global scale and 'brAA-/brA-1' Brazilian national scale ratings on Banco do Estado do Pará S.A. (Banpará). The bank's stand-alone credit profile (SACP) is'bb'. The outlook remains stable. Rationale The ratings on Banpará reflect its "weak" business position, "adequate" capital and earnings, "moderate" risk position, "above average" funding and "strong" liquidity. Under our bank criteria, we use our BICRA's economic and industry risk scores to determine a bank's anchor, the starting point in assigning an issuer credit rating. Our anchor for a commercial bank operating only in Brazil is 'bbb-', based on the banking sector's economic risk score of '6' and industry risk score of '5'. The economic risk reflects Brazil's low GDP per capita levels and only modest growth prospects that limit household credit capacity and the country's ability to withstand economic downturns. It also considers our view that economic imbalances have increased as a result of rapid credit expansion amid a slowly growing economy, which isn't likely to pick up for the next two years, further increasing the household debt burden. In addition, we expect Brazil's external vulnerability to rise somewhat over the next several years, which also contributes to our "high risk" assessment for economic imbalances. However, the Brazilian corporate sector's moderate leverage and the absence of high-risk loans somewhat mitigate the higher risk factors in our economic risk assessment. Our industry risk score of '5' reflects our belief that the industry risks in WWW.STANDARDANDPOORS.COM/RATINGSDIRECT SEPTEMBER 4, 2014 2 1357431 | 301278129
Research Update: Banco do Estado do Pará Global Scale 'BB/B' And National Scale 'brAA-/brA-1' Ratings Affirmed, Outlook Still Stable Brazil's banking sector continued to increase. In our view, there are growing market distortions due to an increasing market share of loans from publicly owned banks during the past two years and an increasing spread differential between public and private banks, which have reduced the sector's profitability. Extensive coverage, effective supervision of the financial system, and an adequate and stable deposit base support our industry risk assessment. The bank's business position is "weak" given its small size and market share and its concentrated customer base. Nevertheless, the bank's revenues are stable due to its ownership and role as financial agent of the state. Banpará is the 40th-largest financial institution in Brazil, according the central bank's March 2014 data, accounting for less than 1% of the financial system's assets. As of December 2013 it had R$4.6 billion in assets, R$2.7 billion in loans, and 44 branches in the state of Pará. The bank was founded in 1959 to expand banking services to the population of the state that has very isolated municipalities, some only accessible by boat, while generating profitability for the shareholder. In 1998, the bank adopted the PROES program in which the federal government liquidated, sold to the private sector, or restructured the state-owned banks to reduce their market share. Banpará was one of the state-owned banks that was not sold because private banks had a negligible presence in the state. The bank also received a capital injection of R$195 million and is 99.98% owned by the state of Pará. The credit penetration in the state is lower than the system average, underscoring a big potential for the bank's expansion. However, the bank's customer base and loan portfolio are currently concentrated in the employees and retirees of state-owned companies, and the payroll-deductible lending and consumer financing segments account for 69% and 19% of the bank's total loans. Banpará also has concentrated revenues sources, resulting from small cross-selling of products and few business lines, as more than 60% of 2013 revenues came from payroll and consumer lending. Banpará has opened 11 new branches in 2013, 10 of which were in non-covered municipalities, contributing 26% of loan growth during 2013. In, 2014, the executive board approved a project to open more than 40 new branches to extend its presence to 100 of 144 state municipalities. We expect the bank to decrease the small to medium enterprise (SME) and corporate lending share of its total portfolio, due to some asset quality deterioration during the year. Payroll and consumer financing will remain the bank's core activities. Banpará's capital and earnings assessment is "adequate" given the bank's adequate capital base and historically sound profitability. The bank's capital, measured by our risk-adjusted capital framework, was about 9%, as of December 2013 and we expect it to be slightly below 8% on average for the next couple of years, which supports our "adequate" capital assessment. The bank's relatively strong loan growth is due to sound profitability and internal capital generation. In 2013, despite a small decrease in net interest margin, return on assets (ROA), when measured by our core earnings methodology, reached 3.2% and averaged 3.7% in the last five years. Such solid bottom-line results and a dividend payout ratio of around 40% should prevent significant capital deterioration, even amid loan growth of 20%. WWW.STANDARDANDPOORS.COM/RATINGSDIRECT SEPTEMBER 4, 2014 3 1357431 | 301278129
Research Update: Banco do Estado do Pará Global Scale 'BB/B' And National Scale 'brAA-/brA-1' Ratings Affirmed, Outlook Still Stable The overall "moderate" risk position is based on the bank's historical asset quality and conservative risk management and pulverized credit operations, which are partially offset by strong growth appetite and geographic concentration. Banpará's loan portfolio expanded 26.1%, down from the 40.5% growth in 2012, mainly in its payroll and consumer financing segments. For the next couple of years we expect credit growth to remain strong, between 15% and 20%, but still focused on the bank's core businesses. We believe there is still significant potential for credit growth on the state of Pará and that the bank will remain focused on the state in the medium term. On the other hand, Banpará has a fragmented customer base that reflects in low loan single-name concentration, with the 20 largest debtors representing only 2.3% of total loans as of December 2013 in light of its retail focus. The bank has sound asset quality given that the majority of its loan portfolio consists of payroll-deductible lending with nonperforming loans (NPLs) of 1.96%. Nevertheless, NPLs have spiked by around 60 basis points last year mainly due to rising credit card delinquency and deterioration of the bank's corporate portfolio, resulting in more credit loss provisioning, although profitability remained sound. We expect small asset quality deterioration if the bank's SME portfolio growth resumes. The bank has "above average" funding profile and "strong" liquidity. Banpará's funding base is very particular when compared to other banks in Brazil and enjoys relative stability. The base consists of time deposits and retail deposits, from both its retail clients and related parties, in this case the government of the state of Pará, municipalities, and the judiciary. As of December 2013, related parties funding represented 47% of total funding base, the executive 30%, and the judiciary 17%. The latter are deposits that the government receives from ongoing judicial process and trials and then invests in the bank. They are likely to be withdrawn only when the process is over and one of the parties involved is to receive the funds. In Brazil, these processes take many years, even decades to be solved, giving this type of deposit a very long-term nature. The other portion of the related parties' deposits, 30% of total funding base, are resources from state-owned companies, according to a state decree, must have their current accounts and investments in Banpará and from the executive government itself. The retail deposits--demand, 10%, savings, 16% and time, 3%--also enjoy better-than-average stability, given that a state law guarantees that the payroll of all the employees and suppliers of the state must be in Banpará. A governor's decision and state legislature vote are necessary to change these characteristics, which is unlikely because the state is the only shareholder and receives dividends from the bank. The bank's available stable funding was about 133% as of December 2013. That shows that Banpará, which depends on core deposits as its main source of funding, has its funding needs, basically loans, strongly covered by these deposits. The bank also enjoys a very comfortable liquidity position, meaning that it has a large volume of liquid assets when compared to its short-term sources of funding, coverage of more than 7x as of December 2013. We classify Banpará as a government-related entity (GRE) with a "moderate" likelihood of government support, given its "limited importance" to the WWW.STANDARDANDPOORS.COM/RATINGSDIRECT SEPTEMBER 4, 2014 4 1357431 | 301278129
Research Update: Banco do Estado do Pará Global Scale 'BB/B' And National Scale 'brAA-/brA-1' Ratings Affirmed, Outlook Still Stable government and its "strong" link with government. This assessment is based on the state government's majority control and influence in the bank's strategy, but also on the fact that the services it provides could eventually be replaced by another entity. Outlook The stable outlook reflect our view that the bank will continue to expand its lending activities in the state of Pará amid sound asset quality and strong capital levels, while it struggles to diversify its business lines. A positive rating action would depend on the bank gaining significant scale and market share, as well as diversifying its business lines and revenues sources. On the other hand, the rating could be lowered if the bank does not generate internal capital to keep RAC ratio above 7%. However, we don't see it as a likely scenario on the coming 18 months. Ratings Score Snapshot Issuer Credit Rating BB/Stable/B brAA-/Stable/brA-1 SACP bb Anchor bbb- Business Position Weak (-2) Capital and Earnings Adequate (0) Risk Position Moderate (-1) Funding and Liquidity Above Average and Strong (+1) Support 0 GRE Support 0 Group Support 0 Sovereign Support 0 Additional Factors 0 Related Criteria And Research Related Criteria • Criteria - Financial Institutions - Banks: Banks: Rating Methodology And Assumptions, Nov. 9, 2011 • Criteria - Financial Institutions - Banks: Banking Industry Country Risk Assessment Methodology And Assumptions, Nov. 9, 2011 • General Criteria: Rating Government-Related Entities: Methodology And Assumptions, Dec. 9, 2010 • Criteria - Financial Institutions - Banks: Bank Capital Methodology And Assumptions, Dec. 6, 2010 WWW.STANDARDANDPOORS.COM/RATINGSDIRECT SEPTEMBER 4, 2014 5 1357431 | 301278129
Research Update: Banco do Estado do Pará Global Scale 'BB/B' And National Scale 'brAA-/brA-1' Ratings Affirmed, Outlook Still Stable Ratings List Banco do Estado do Para S.A. Counterparty Credit Rating Foreign and Local Currency BB/Stable/B Brazil National Scale brAA-/Stable/brA-1 Complete ratings information is available to subscribers of RatingsDirect at and at All ratings affected by this rating action can be found on Standard & Poor's public Web site at Use the Ratings search box located in the left column. WWW.STANDARDANDPOORS.COM/RATINGSDIRECT SEPTEMBER 4, 2014 6 1357431 | 301278129
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