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For the promotion of NEW TESTAMENT CHRISTIANITY Vol. 84, No. 10 TORONTO, ONTARIO October 2019 BANANAS Take a lesson from banana tree, “cause banana can’t grow alone.” SEE ARTICLE ON PAGE 8
The Elijah Complex Hugh Fulford E lijah was a great oral (non- that today (as in Elijah’s day) there enter the kingdom of heaven, but writing) prophet of God who are many good and faithful ser- he who does the will of My Father lived around 860 B.C. His vants of the Lord. Not everyone has who is in heaven” (Matthew 7:21). ministry was carried out during abandoned the Lord’s army for the The sad reality is that most people a time of great apostasy from the army of Satan. Not all who wear the will not have the interest or be will- Lord and His law. 1 Kings 18 tells of name of Christ have become un- ing to take the time to learn the true the contest (debate) Elijah entered faithful. Not all churches of Christ way of the Lord as set forth in the with the prophets of Baal who were have “thrown in the towel” when it New Testament. False teachers and leading the people of Israel into comes to pleading for a restoration false teaching will confuse many idolatry. Elijah challenged the Baal and practice of apostolic Christiani- and cause them to be lost (Matthew prophets to a showdown on Mount ty in the present age. Not all preach- 7:15; Matthew 15:8-9; 1 Thessalo- Carmel in which either Baal or the ers, elders, and congregations have nians 5:21; 2 Thessalonians 2:9-12; Lord would be shown to be the true become liberal. As in Elijah’s day, 1 Timothy 4:1-5; 2 Timothy 4:2-4; God. Long story short, Baal was there still are many “whose knees Jude 3-4; et al). shown to be nothing, the Lord One is not guilty of the Eli- was shown to be everything, the people fell on their faces As in Elijah’s day, there still are many jah complex to point out the and repeatedly declared, “The “whose knees have not bowed to Baal”! preceding matters, and I have to wonder why some elders, Lord, He is God! The Lord, He preachers, Bible professors, is God!,” and the 450 proph- and congregations seemingly never ets of Baal were summarily exe- have not bowed to Baal”! There are get around to addressing the above cuted by Elijah (1 Kings 18:39-40). multiplied thousands who are com- matters, the related texts, and how The New Testament writer James mitted to being the church of the they apply to the contemporary reli- tells us, “Elijah was a man of like New Testament and fully dedicated gious scene. Do they not believe that passions with us” [ASV], or “with to the Lord in both their personal all Scripture is inspired of God and a nature like ours” [NKJV] (James and congregational lives! is profitable? With the old apostle, 5:17). In other words, Elijah was At the same time we must realize “I marvel” (Galatians 1:6). human and subject to all the foibles that the faithful people of God have The great preacher and Bible of humanity, including the tendency always been in the minority. Only scholar, Moses E. Lard, over a cen- to become discouraged. Following eight souls were saved from the tury and a half ago, with clear in- the glorious defeat of the proph- massive, world-wide flood—Noah, sight as to what was happening ets of Baal, Elijah became despon- his wife, their three sons, and their among the people of God at that dent and thought he was the only wives (Genesis 7:13; I Peter 3:20). time, said: “He is a poor observer one who was faithful to the Lord. Just ten righteous souls would have of men and things who does not see He said, “I have been very zealous spared the wicked cities of Sodom slowly growing up among us a class for the Lord God of hosts; because and Gomorrah (Genesis 18:32-33; of men who can no longer be satis- the children of Israel have forsaken Genesis 19). Of the thousands who fied with the ancient gospel and the Your covenant, torn down Your al- left Egyptian bondage under the ancient order of things. These men tars, and killed Your prophets with leadership of Moses, only two above must have changes; and silently the sword. I alone am left; and they the age of 20—Joshua and Caleb— they are preparing the mind of the seek to take my life” (1 Kings 19:14). were eventually permitted to enter brotherhood to receive changes. Be But God had a word for the discour- the promised land of Canaan (Num- not deceived, brethren, the Devil aged prophet. The Lord said to him, bers 32:11-13). (sic) is not sleeping. If you refuse “Yet I have reserved seven thou- Jesus warned that “wide is the to see the dangers till ruin is upon sand in Israel, all whose knees have gate and broad is the way that leads you, then it will be too late. The not bowed to Baal, and every mouth to destruction, and there are many wise seaman catches the first whiff that has not kissed him” (verse 18). who go in through it. Because nar- of the distant storm, and adjusts his Elijah’s mind-set has been re- row is the gate and difficult is the ship at once. Let us profit by his ex- ferred to as “the Elijah complex.” It way that leads to life, and there are ample. refers to those who think that they few who find it” (Matthew 7:13-14). “Let us agree to commune with are the only ones who are faith- Christ went on to say, “Not everyone the sprinkled sects around us, and fully serving the Lord. The fact is who says to Me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will soon we shall come to recognize October 2019 Page 2 Gospel Herald
them as Christians. Let us agree to unclean beasts. To all this let us yet Though we thus speak, and though recognize them as Christians, and add, by way of dessert, and as a sort we see the future not in the most immersion with its deep signifi- of spice to the dish, a few volumes of enchanting light, we yet have hope. cance is buried in the grave of our inner light speculations, and a cargo Many noble men are left. Many true folly… Then the door of heresy and or two of reverend dandies dubbed hearts are still ready to be offered schism will stand wide open, and pastors, and we may congratulate up on the altar of one Book, a pure the work of ruin will begin. Let us ourselves on having completed the faith and faultless practice. In God agree to admit organs, and soon the trip in a wonderfully short time. We and these we put our trust” (Lard’s pious, the meek, the peace-loving, can now take rooms in Rome, and Quarterly, April 1865). will abandon us, and our churches chuckle over the fact that we are as Gallatin, Tennessee, USA will become gay worldly things, lit- orthodox as the rankest heretic in eral Noah’s arks, full of clean and the land. “I Will Never Leave You Nor Forsake You” MEANING OF GOD’S PROMISE FOR YOUR LIFE Harold Bruggen “ B e strong and courageous. explicitly that they could trust Him as he was with our ancestors; may Do not be afraid or terri- to lead them to victory. he never leave us or abandon us” fied because of them, for (1 Kings 8:57 NIV). Lord, capital- It was a call to obedience amidst the Lord your God goes with you; ized, is significant. It means Yahweh, great adversity. Two verses later God he will never leave you nor for- the highest and most emphatic ex- repeated, “The Lord himself goes be- sake you” (Deuteronomy 31:6 NIV). pression of our loving and compas- fore you and will be with you; he will God commands our confident trust never leave you nor forsake you. Do sionate Father. in Him. In a world that encourages not be afraid; do not be discouraged” Genesis 28:15 reads, “Behold, I us to believe in ourselves and to (Deuteronomy 31:8 NIV). When we am with you and will keep you wher- achieve all we deserve, it’s impor- promise “always” or “never” we are ever you go, and will bring you back tant to understand who and Whose incapable of upholding it. Therefore, to this land. For I will not leave you we are. Society sets a bar to earn the infamous saying, “never say nev- until I have done what I have prom- and accumulate. Accomplishments er!” However, when God promises ised you.” The NIV Cultural Back- and accessories are praised above “always” or “never” He can be fully grounds Study Bible notes of Jacob’s humility and God-ordained purpose. trusted to honor His word. “God is dream, “We should not imagine that Often, people have a hard time not a man, that he should lie, nor a the angels Jacob saw were marching taking God at His word. If God says son of man, that he should change in procession down and up the stair- it, that settles it, and there’s abso- his mind. Does he speak and then way as often pictured in art. Rather lutely no reason to doubt it. In place not act? Does he promise and not he saw messengers (angels) going of worldly standards, the Old Testa- fulfil?” (Numbers 23:19 NIV). off on missions and retiring from de- ment admonishment of Deuterono- Imagine having to follow Moses. livering their messages.” my 31:6 can serve as a benchmark Joshua’s call was to lead the Isra- in our everyday lives. Hebrews 13:5 applies the same elites into the promised land Moses had been guiding them towards for concept conditionally, both spiritual Hebrews 13:5 echoes the same forty years. No pressure. Joshua had and physically. The transition from sentiment, putting an extra empha- witnessed the flaws of his mentor. traditional Jewish faith to following sis on what not to have confidence in: Surely, he harbored doubts of his Christ led New Testament writers to “Keep your lives free from the love of money and be content with what you own. But God assured him in Josh- remind believers that efforts to earn have, because God has said, ‘Never ua 1:5 “No one will be able to stand their salvation were not Biblical. Rid- will I leave you; never will I forsake against you as long as you live. For I ding their lives of rules in exchange you…’” (NIV). will be with you as I was with Moses. for a new way of life demanded they I will not fail you or abandon you” put their trust and obedient faith in Deuteronomy 31:6 was written (NIV). Christ alone. If you have obeyed the to encourage the people of Israel, gospel of Jesus scripturally, you have including Joshua, Solomon and He- The legacy of our Heavenly Fa- God with you at all times through zekiah’s military officers. Their Old ther’s character resonates in Solo- the promised Holy Spirit. Is God with Testament reality presented their mon’s reaffirmation as the temple in Jerusalem finally came to fruition: you? If not, why not? lives with unconquerable challeng- es, and God wanted them to know “May the Lord our God be with us Port Colborne, ON October 2019 Page 3 Gospel Herald
who He is, His power and love, our hope—so many memories. We Remember Jesus created memories for the Apostles as Wayne Turner He lived with them and taught them, and as they S eptember 11 marked the 18th were present for the events of His life. They were anniversary of the “9/11” ter- His witnesses, telling others about Him, helping rorist attacks. It was a stag- them to develop memories of Him. Imagine the gering assault which shocked the memory they had of the Last Supper. As they world. It still seems unthinkable passed the memory on by sharing the memorial that four commercial aircraft were meal with others, Christ was made more real used as weapons to cause such a massive and personal. Can we imagine sitting with one amount of death and destruction. For those of of the Apostles as they spoke of sharing that last us who were alive at the time, it still seems re- meal with Christ—perhaps of the words, sights, cent and real. But those people who are now sounds and smells—even of their puzzlement turning 18 have no memory of it, except as at how a familiar Jewish custom was framed in something in the past. They were just born. new words and images to become a new mem- Events like 9/11 are part of our “cultural ory to be observed and passed on? “Do this in memory.” They are embedded in our long-term remembrance of me.” memory even though we may not have person- Over time, memories can fade and lose their ally experienced them. You can probably think significance through carelessness and routine. of many examples, such as the assassinations People often speak jokingly about those who for- of Lincoln and JFK, the attack on Pearl Harbor, get anniversaries and birthdays. As generations D-Day, the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, come and go, 9/11 may fade into history. Howev- the moon landing—to name a few. We may not er, we should never allow the story of Jesus and remember the actual date, but we cannot forget the cross, remembered in the Lord’s Supper, to the event, and may even participate in obser- ever become common and casual. vances that help perpetuate those memories. We remember. Sometimes, memories are encouraged by say- ings like “Remember the …” or “Lest we forget.” The events were so significant and worldchang- GOSPEL HERALD Published Monthly by the Gospel Herald Foundation, a non profit ing they need to be remembered. The sayings corporation, for the Promotion of New Testament Christianity evoke memories which stir feelings. Sometimes, — FOUNDED BY ROBERT SINCLAIR, 1936 — CO-EDITORS the sayings become battle cries. Whatever, they Editorial Editor – Wayne Turner serve as catalysts for the future. Theme Edition Editor – Paul Birston Managing Editor – Max Craddock For Christians, our faith is based on pow- ASSOCIATE EDITORS Edwin L. Broadus, Burlington, ON Marion Waugh, Edmonton, AB erful memories. Much of scripture represents Tim Johnson, Barrie, ON Peter Morphy, Royal Oak, MI the memories of those who participated or Walter Straker, Calgary, AB Harold Bruggen, Welland, ON Don Hipwell, Fenwick, ON Virginia Hipwell, Fenwick, ON observed—which also helps to validate our Geoffrey H. Ellis, Grimsby, ON Kevin Cleary, Meaford, ON Layout/Design - Stephen Gill convictions that these were real events. (Like The inclusion of articles, advertisements and church directory listings does not in every case imply John recalling what he had seen, heard and complete endorsement by the Editors of either source or content. touched.) More than that, our worship centres Send teaching articles to Wayne Turner, 45 Millfield Drive, Winnipeg, MB R2M 2N9 (204) 257-7926 E-mail: on memory. We remember what God has done, Send advertising and subscription information to Max Craddock, PO Box 338 Clarksburg PO, Clarksburg, ON N0H 1C0 Phone: 416-706-5633 E-mail: NOTICE: NOTICE—All materials for publication must be in the hands of the editors by the tenth (10) day of the month preceding the date of issue. Date of issue is the first of each month. All materials for publication must be in the hands of the “Publications Mail Agreement Number 4000 5401” editors by the tenth (10th) day of the month preceding Indexed by Restoration Serials Index the date of issue. Date of issue is the first of each month. Subscription PDF $12 per year October 2019 Page 4 Gospel Herald
endure costs them heaven! Sad beyond words! Articles for this page or reactions to it should be sent to Many, indeed, are called but Max Craddock, Editor, PO Box 338 Clarksburg PO, Clarksburg, ON N0H 1J0, few are chosen. Many begin Phone 416-706-5633, e-mail who do not endure. May we set our minds to do God’s will and never, NEVER, let anything or Christian Life Never a Life of Total Ease anyone turn us from Him who T he Christian life is never It is sad that because of the loves us and died for us on the a life of total ease. We hardship which often comes to cross. know that the Christian the Christian some are not will- Let us not be guilty of un- will always be opposed by evil, ing to endure. (Even though we derestimating the strength of and Satan and his servants will are promised that we will be giv- the opposition. Satan is smart do all they can to overcome the en strength to overcome.) Some, enough and strong enough to Christian’s best efforts. We are because they are faint-hearted, lead us away from our first love. always being encouraged by ad- others because they love this God has provided us the protec- vertisers and even some of our present world, drift away be- tion-we need if we will put on friends to conform to the ways cause of neglect of duty. They the armor He provides “Finally, of the world and to lessen our forget the price that was paid be strong in the Lord and in the standards in every area of life. for their redemption and they strength of his might. Put on the It should not be any surprise count it as unimportant. The de- whole armor of God, that you to us that these pressures come. sires of the flesh and their fulfil- may be able to stand against We are warned several times ment take first place over pleas- the schemes of the devil. For we in the scriptures that ing God. Their unwillingness to do not wrestle against such will be the case. flesh and blood, but However, we are also Care to Help? against the rulers, reminded that the good against the authori- shepherd will walk ties, against the cosmic with us and protect us. powers over this pres- (Psalm 23; John 10:11) ent darkness, against God in His greatness the spiritual forces of is able to make things evil in the heavenly work out in our lives places. Therefore take to be blessings. “And up the whole armor of we know that for those God, that you may be who love God all things able to withstand in work together for the evil day, and having good, for those who done all, to stand firm” are called according to – Ephesians 6:10-13 his purpose” – Romans (ESV). 8:28 (ESV). James tells To win the Christian us, “Blessed is the man crown one must keep that endureth tempta- on keeping on. “But we tion, for when he hath are not of those who Consider a gift that supports Dementia Care been approved, he shrink back and are Donations • Asset Transfers • Will Bequests shall receive the crown Contact Information: destroyed, but of those of life which the Lord 234 Cook St, Barrie, ON L4M 4H5 who have faith and promised to them that 705-627-2218 preserve their souls” – love him.” (James 1:12) Hebrews 10:39 (ESV). October 2019 Page 5 Gospel Herald
“Trust in the Lord, and do good; As the song writer has re- life is a great lesson for us all). dwell in the land and befriend minded us, “The earth will pass Trust God because He is the faithfulness. Delight yourself in and with it common trifles, but fount of every blessing. (James the Lord, and he will give you God and I will go unendingly.” 1:17; Matthew 7:11)—because the desires of your heart. Com- The value of this trust in God of His infinite power which He mit your way to the Lord; trust is seen in such people as Jo- will use for us. “For this reason in him, and he will act” – Psalm seph, the son of Jacob. While I bow my knees before the Fa- 37:3-5 (ESV). young he was sold into slavery. ther, from whom every family in The Christian is one who has When he tried to do the right heaven and on earth is named, come to believe—and as he ex- things he got put down and got that according to the riches of periences more—believes even into trouble with his brothers his glory he may grant you to more in the truth of the state- and some other men. However, be strengthened with power ment we just noted from Psalm because he believed in God, his through his Spirit in your inner 37. The Christian has come Heavenly Father, he remained being, so that Christ may dwell in to the point where he builds faithful and became the sav- your hearts through faith—that his hopes on things that are iour for many from death. God you, being rooted and grounded changeless and eternal. He be- can and will use those men and in love, may have strength to lieves that God is indeed his women who trust in Him and comprehend with all the saints Heavenly Father and on His be- believe in His promises. (Many what is the breadth and length ing and character one builds for others could be noted from the and height and depth, and to the future. Bible who showed the value of know the love of Christ that sur- The Christian has learned trusting in God and doing His passes knowledge, that you may that things which are seen are will. Perhaps you can relate to be filled with all the fullness of not lasting. They have Joseph as well as any and his God. Now to him who a LOOK of being stable; is able to do far more however, these things abundantly than all that will all pass away. The we ask or think, accord- things for which men ing to the power at work strive and fight are only within us, to him be glo- temporary. In Matthew Not sure if your ry in the church and in 24:35 Jesus reminds us Christ Jesus throughout church insurance that “Heaven and earth will pass away.” Materi- policy is giving you all generations, forever the coverage and ever. Amen” – Ephe- al things will end but the sians 3:14-21 (ESV). Be- years of God will go on you need? cause He is alive and be- forever. And, “You, Lord, cause He is faithful, we laid the foundation of the can trust Him and serve earth in the beginning, Brokerforce Insurance is committed to offering Him and He will give and the heavens are the congregations in the Restoration Movement strength for the day! work of your hands; they quality insurance coverage with competitive will perish, but you re- premiums. With the Sanctuary Plus Coverage, May God bless you main; they will all wear congregations are able to devote their energy and your efforts to be out like a garment, like to the work God is calling them into. We have the kind of person He a robe you will roll them over 45 years of experience and a growing list needs you to be. By up, like a garment they of restoration churches we are serving. trusting Him and living will be changed. But you for Him you will save Call or Visit for a Free Quote Today! are the same, and your yourself and will also years will have no end” – 1.800.263.9870 be a blessing to all you Hebrews 1:10-12 (ESV). meet in your life. October 2019 Page 6 Gospel Herald
566 Simcoe St. North, Oshawa Our building is fully wheelchair accessible. When: Saturday, October 26, 2019 Time: 10:00 am – 3:00 pm Registration: Please contact Melanie Harris 905-666-3212 Or 905-434-1258 (Please leave a message.) RSVP by Sunday, October 13, 2019 (Lunch will be provided.) Speaker: Ruth Etienne (Strathmore Blvd. Church of Christ, Toronto) October 2019 Page 7 Gospel Herald
honorable we treat with spe- cial honor. And the parts that are unpresentable are treated Articles for this page or reactions to it should be sent to: with special modesty, while Virginia Hipwell, Editor our presentable parts need no special treatment. But God has combined the members of Bananas and having favor with all the the body and has given great- people. And the Lord added to T he popular children’s their number day by day those er honor to the parts that program, Sesame Street, who were being saved” – Acts lacked it, so that there should often used catchy little 2:42; 44-47 (ESV). be no division in the body, songs to teach a lesson. I am but that its parts should have proof that this is a successful Those first Christians spent equal concern for each other. method as I have remembered time together. They shared If one part suffers, every part with one another. They helped suffers with it; if one part is one of those songs for possi- one another. They needed one honored, every part rejoices bly thirty years. That song is another. We still need one an- with it. about bananas and the chorus other. Now you are the body of goes like this: “Just count one banana, two banana; one for In 1 Corinthians 12, a pas- Christ, and each one of you me and one for you banana. sage which paints some rather is a part of it” – verses 18-27 Count three or four or even comical pictures, Paul tried (NIV 1984). more banana, ‘cause banana to impress on the Corinthian “Not only should each indi- can’t grow alone.” Christians that all members vidual part realize its own im- are needed and important to If you have ever seen ba- the whole. There, as in some portance, but all the other parts nanas growing (or a picture of other letters, he compared the should realize their interdepen- them), you know that the song church to the human body. Just dence as well. One part of the is correct. God placed bananas as all parts of the body are nec- body can never say it doesn’t in bunches. They do not grow essary for the body to function need another part. Those in alone. God also placed Chris- properly, so also are all mem- the church who have the more tians in bunches because we bers needed for the church to spectacular gifts should not can’t grow alone either. look down on or dismiss those function and grow. with other gifts because, in re- “And they devoted them- “But in fact God has ar- ality, all are needed.”1 selves to the apostles’ teach- ranged the parts in the body, ing and fellowship, to the every one of them, just as he Just as God designed each part breaking of bread and the wanted them to be. If they of the body so that it would ben- prayers. … And all who be- were all one part, where efit the whole being, He also lieved were together and had would the body be? As it is, gave each of us gifts which en- all things in common. And there are many parts, but one able us to enrich and strength- they were selling their pos- body. en the body of Christ. sessions and belongings and The eye cannot say to the “Now these are the gifts distributing the proceeds to hand, ‘I don’t need you!’ And Christ gave to the church: the all, as any had need. And day the head cannot say to the apostles, the prophets, the by day, attending the temple feet, ‘I don’t need you!’ On the evangelists, and the pastors together and breaking bread contrary, those parts of the and teachers. Their responsi- in their homes, they received body that seem to be weaker bility is to equip God’s people their food with glad and gen- are indispensable, and the to do his work and build up the erous hearts, praising God parts that we think are less church, the body of Christ” – October 2019 Page 8 Gospel Herald
Ephesians 4:11, 12 (NLT). 2? Those early Christians wor- others when there is a special But it isn’t just the leaders shipped together. They shared need, such as a sickness or mentioned in these verses who meals in one another’s homes. death, but we should always be are to build up the church as They studied together. They concerned about the spiritual we can see from verse 16. prayed together. And they did health of our brothers and sis- this, not just once a week but ters. “He makes the whole body “day by day”. The following fit together perfectly. As each “Let each of you look not verses also point out our need only to his own interests, but part does its own special for frequent fellowship and ex- work, it helps the other parts also to the interests of others” hortation. – Philippians 2:4 (ESV). grow, so that the whole body is healthy and growing and “But exhort one anoth- Read through Paul’s letters full of love.” er every day, as long as it and see how often he men- is called ‘today,’ that none tioned praying for his breth- The rest of the chapter de- of you may be hardened by scribes ways we should be the deceitfulness of sin” – ren. We should be doing like- treating one another so that Hebrews 3:13 (ESV). wise. Prayer is just one of many the body will be healthy and ways in which we can encour- full of love. If we understand “And let us consider how to age each other and build each that all are needed and each stir up one another to love and other up. They all require time one is important, there should good works, not neglecting to and energy, but mostly, they re- be no comparing of talents, no meet together, as is the habit quire love and devotion. jealousy, and no elevating of of some, but encouraging one “Well, I think banana is like one above another. All should another, and all the more as you and me—needing each one be working together for the you see the Day drawing near” in our church family. common good. – Hebrews 10:24, 25 (ESV). Let us take a lesson from ba- Peter said, “God has giv- “So encourage each other nana tree, “cause banana can’t en each of you a gift from and build each other up, just grow alone.” his great variety of spiritual as you are already doing” – (my adaptation of the last gifts. Use them well to serve 1 Thessalonians 5:11 (NLT). verse of “One Banana”) one another. Do you have the There are many believers 1 Life Application Concise New Testament Commentary; WORDsearch7 software; comments on gift of speaking? Then speak who are very good at helping 1 Corinthians 12:21. as though God himself were speaking through you. Do you have the gift of helping oth- ers? Do it with all the strength and energy that God supplies. The Carman church of Christ Then everything you do will is looking for a full time Evangelist. bring glory to God through Je- sus Christ. All glory and pow- Our congregation of approximately 85, is seeking a Godly man er to him forever and ever! true to the word who is willing to work under the direction Amen” – 1 Peter 4:10, 11 (NLT). of the elders and interested in sharing the Gospel in this community. The candidate would be fully supported. Carman We need to be doing all we is a prosperous community located in southern Manitoba and can to help and encourage one another—and that takes more within an hour of Winnipeg. Please submit an application to than just spending an hour to- Wayne Taylor phone number 204-745-0290. gether on Sunday morning. Re- Email or mailing address member the passage from Acts Carman church of Christ Box 955 Carman MB R0G0J0. October 2019 Page 9 Gospel Herald
October 2019 Page 10 Gospel Herald
a pleasure having her at Bayview est in studying the plan of salva- during her time in Toronto.Bay- tion and the role of water baptism view is looking forward to our as it is written in the New Testa- Spiritual Renewal Weekend with ment. After some studies, we are by Harold Bruggen Paul Birston on Saturday, October pleased to report that the eldest Church of Christ, Box 416 26, and Sunday, October 27. Paul, son, Kenny Simbananiye, was bap- Fenwick, ON L0S 1C0 Email: Harold Bruggen at who is on the faculty at Great tized into Christ on Sunday, August Lakes Bible College, will be shar- 25, and then the following Sunday ing his learning from his travels to (September 1), his younger sister, NEW YORK Israel, Greece and Turkey. The ar- Baraka, was also baptized into the cheology of the region has provid- Lord. We pray that God will bless LaSalle – Niagara Falls, NY: We ed proof that God is real and the both of these young people as spent our lesson time on Sunday Bible is His word. More informa- they are beginning their journey September 29 talking about serv- tion about the times for the ses- in serving the Lord God. On Sat- ing children. Additionally, we had sions is provided in this month’s urday, September 14, Strathmore a special contribution that day that Gospel Herald. As well, a contact hosted our 9th Annual Ladies Day. was for the Potter Children’s Home. number is available for those in- Our own sister Cheryl Brown, was ONTARIO the featured speaker, and spoke on terested in attending. Newmarket: This summer we the theme of Defeating Unexpect- Toronto (Strathmore Blvd): In ed Giants. It was a wonderful day walked through the waters of bap- the closing weeks of August, we of godly instruction, encourage- tism with Amanda, Setareh, and had a family visiting us from the ment, and fellowship. We had a to- Hadi. Our annual Summer Camp community for Sunday evening tal of 98 participants representing (VBS) was once again a huge suc- services and they expressed inter- a number of congrega- cess. As September rolled around we once again tions from around south- started making sandwiches ern Ontario, including one for 2 local schools. Please Andrea Des Groseilliers from New York. With the Proprietor success of the July Open visit our website www. newmarketchurchofchrist. House at the Strathmore Bookkeeping & Tax Preparation building, we are hosting ca. In August we grieved at FOR THE PERSONAL TOUCH! another one on Saturday, the sudden passing of Ruth (905) 964-9887 Niagara October 5 beginning at McLeod (Clint). Ruth was 81 Jefferson Ct. W. Welland, ON (289) 799-2338 Hamilton 10 am. The decision was a member for 50+ years. L3C 7G5 made to change the name Her gifts of serving, ensur- of the event to “Open ing the table was set every - Experienced - Pick up & drop off Doors Day” to avoid any Sunday, and her desire to confusion with real estate be the first to hold the new - Efile Available - Reasonable rates open houses. We engaged babies in the congregation in additional congrega- will be missed. Bookkeeping & Tax Preparation tional outreach training Toronto (Bayview for two weeks on Sun- Ave): On September 1, FOR THE PERSONAL TOUCH! days to sharpen us up for after service, Bayview conversing with visitors Look for me on Facebook! celebrated the birthday and moving the conver- of Freddy Akwenyu, who sation to a Gospel focus. has been visiting her “Andrea has filed Joyce’s and my income tax papers Prayers are appreciated daughter, Esther. Freddy the past several years promptly, effectively and cheerfully. for these efforts in reach- No problems. I heartily recommend her services” returned home to Ugan- Ralph Perry ing out to our surrounding da September 3. It was community. October 2019 Page 11 Gospel Herald
Guidelines for News Pages T he News Pages give fellow Christians a glimpse into other congregations and their good works along Dear brothers with the spreading of the Good News in their little corner of God’s kingdom. When you help and encour- and sisters… by Marion Waugh #7, 420 Hunters Green age God’s servants, you become a fellow worker with Please excuse, this is a “group email’ Edmonton, AB T6R 2X3 them in spreading the truth. The brotherhood faces a but it is the easiest way for me to share Phone: (780) 637-0867 challenging moment. Twisted doctrines fly from this with you and others who have a Email: congregation to congregation. Denominational and heart for the lost. (BC news supplied by Barbara Lewis) postmodern influences flow freely. In August I had the opportunity to We, as a board of directors and editors of the Gospel travel to Austria and to volunteer as Herald, seek to serve a brotherhood that sets Scripture a short-term missionary with Gerhard, ALBERTA as its infallible and only guide, that finds in the New the long-term missionary who lives in Edmonton (Northside): Leslie Testament its pattern for work and worship and that Vienna. He is a third generation Chris- Klingbeil will soon be retiring from depends upon the power of God’s Spirit to function tian and originally from Vienna, Aus- the church office after many years of in the world in following our Saviour. We also seek to tria. He studied at Sunset in Lubbock, service. Lanel Canbangon is the new highlight those congregations and saints who follow Texas and is very sound doctrinally. church administer beginning No- those convictions. It is a difficult task, one for which His American wife teaches at an inter- vember 1. Reverence Matukala has we are all too aware of our inadequacies. national school in Vienna and they live moved back to Ottawa to continue Here are some guidelines we would like you to refer to on her salary, which allows Gerhard to her schooling. Peter Grainge passed when presenting news for the news pages. away September 2. There was an dedicate 100% of his time to the mis- 1) Significant Birthdays 80 + sion effort. He takes no salary, but puts African/Caribbean planning meeting 2) Significant Anniversaries 50 + 100% of donations and support into September 15. 3) Baptisms the mission work. Edmonton (Southside): Our An- 4) Deaths nual Gospel Meeting was held Sep- 5) Good news/Outreach that the congregation What did I do during tember 27-29. The theme was Jesus wants to share with others the two weeks? is the Answer. Guest speaker was 6) Good works to share with others Mark Johnson of Littleton, Colorado. 7) Gospel Meetings I taught Bible class or preached a Abandoning Your Life for the Abun- 8) Special days (homecomings, friend days, etc.) sermon for the English speaking Nige- dant Life. John 10:10 was the theme 9) Results of your good works, rian congregation in Vienna, the Farsi for our Ladies Day. Guest speaker gospel meetings, etc. speaking congregation in Vienna, the was Athlene Ashton from Northside Farsi speaking congregation in Salz- Church of Christ, Calgary. burg and the Farsi speaking congre- gation in Klagenfurt. On two consecu- MANITOBA tive Thursdays I led a Bible study in Manitoba Winnipeg: Philom- ena and Oshoka celebrate the birth Pictures & Reports a coffee shop in Traiskirchen. This town is 30 minutes outside of Vienna of their son Oshorekhua Omeriza We are always looking for items concern- and it has the largest refugee facility Monofi. We held a one-day teen/par- ing outreach and service activities of in the country. A few hundred refu- ent rally. The Ladies Day Theme was congregations across Canada. Pictures are gees live in an old Army Cadet College. “Fearfully and Wonderfully Made.” worth a thousand words, they say, and Both members of the church and new The men’s weekend was Mountain we like to have pictures we can publish on guests (who are mostly newly arrived Men Leadership to equip and en- mission outreach and service projects in refugees) attend this study each week. courage current and future leaders. evangelism, teaching and doing service. Because the Austrian government The guest speaker was Dr. Carlos These may be of work done in Canada or moves refugees around the country Gupton. by Canadian congregational groups who to facilities that have vacant rooms SASKATCHEWAN travel and serve outside of Canada. Good in them, many of the newly baptized quality digital photographs allow us to and those who are studying but not Estevan: The 100th anniversary baptized yet, have been moved away celebration of the Estevan church of see, be encouraged by and praise God for from Traiskirchen and Vienna into Christ was held September 20-22. these activities of our fellow Christians. isolated small towns. I travelled out Weyburn: Robert and Marilyn We look forward to being able to share to three such towns on four different held a come and go tea to celebrate these “good news reports” with readers occasions to have small group Bible their 60th wedding anniversary. of the Gospel Herald. studies and fellowship in an effort to – The editors encourage these new Christians and October 2019 Page 12 Gospel Herald
non-Christians. At every gathering study material that he can share with of the program, and would change each person had their own Bible, ei- them every second week via cell phone people out if they stop attending, etc. ther a physical copy or an electronic so they will have a lesson to study or If you think your congregation (or one on their phone, and they turned listen to as many are not ready to 5 people in your church) might like to to every verse in the lesson, read it teach yet. This will help to cut down sponsor one refugee Christian in Aus- for themselves, and followed along. the transportation costs per person, tria, please contact me and we can Gerhard has worked hard at this with but as more are baptized, the costs work out the details. I’ve included a them. He does not use PowerPoint, will continue to rise. photo of Ali, a refugee from Iran who does not put the verses up on a screen Gerhard and I came up with an idea is attending the church of Christ in during worship. He wants everyone to help. We hope to find congregations Salzburg, Austria. He travels 3 hours, turning to every verse, reading and or groups of five Christians who would one way, to come to church. He is thinking for themselves. I was very im- like to sponsor the transportation cost separated from his wife and 1 year pressed by this and the depth of their for one Christian in Austria. If each old son, who are refugees in Sweden. thinking and questions. For example, Christian could give $25 per month, They hope to be together in one coun- one member asked, “Why did God the group of 5 could provide $125 to try in the future. He is an example send an angel to rescue Peter from cover all the transportation costs to of a Christian who would be helped prison but he left John the Baptist to and from church for one Christian. through this program. I am hoping die in prison?” Or, “Jesus said not to (Train and bus tickets are not cheap that as a brotherhood, Christians in cast our pearls before swine, but he in Austria.) Canada could sponsor a total of 10 to also said to pray for our enemies. How 15 Christians in Austria. do I do both?” Gerhard would pick the members to support. He would only pick those who Lastly, here is the link What are the main needs? are already demonstrating commit- to Gerhard’s website: Money for train and bus tickets so ment and active participation in the that people can attend worship. Some church. Then, the group of 5 Chris- Please share this email with any Christians are travelling up to three tians would transfer $125 each month, members of the church that you think hours, one way, to come to a congrega- using PayPal, directly to the PayPal ac- might be interested. You can direct tion in Traiskirchen, Vienna, Salzburg count of the Christian in Austria. This any questions to me. or Klagenfurt. When they do make it, will eliminate administration, delays, etc. The Group of 5 and the Chris- God bless, Gerhard reimburses them for the cost tian in Austria could get to know each Kevin Carson, Member of the of their train and bus travel. As newly other through email, Facebook, What- Edmonton Church of Christ. arrived refugees, they are not allowed to work. They must live in government sApp, etc. Gerhard would monitor You can reach Kevin through the refugee facilities where they get their each Christian in Austria who is part Edmonton Church of Christ lodging and food provided for them, as well as 50 Euro a month for all their other needs and expenses, so they The South Burnaby Church of Christ… cannot afford transportation to and is seeking an experienced minister to work alongside a current minister, under from church. This can cost as much as the oversight of the elders. As a member of the church leadership team, sharing $3200 (USD) in one week for all those in duties and responsibilities of the overall ministry of the church, supporting its who come to all of the congregations. vision and mission. Beginning in the near future, Gerhard is helping the Christians who live in We are looking for an individual who has a passion to lead; is able to provide isolated refugee facilities to organize engaging teaching from God’s inspired word that will challenge mature their own worship every second week, Christians, develop those who are new in their faith and make the Bible so that they only have to travel twice a speak to those with no faith, sharing the Gospel of Christ. month to worship with one of the es- He has a vision for outreach combined with a desire to position our church as tablished congregations rather than a vibrant, growing, outreach-oriented, caring church in a multi-ethnic urban every week. There are some obstacles. setting. In some of the facilities you are not He is a devoted follower of Jesus, has an engaging manner, a caring heart for allowed to hold a worship service, so people and a sense of urgency for those in need. they will have to go outside of the refu- His life demonstrates a passionate faith in God, a strong commitment to gee facility to a public park (or some- the Lordship of Christ, the leading of the Spirit, and the authority of the where inside in the winter) to have Scripture. a worship service. Also, many of the If you have at least 5 years experience and are interested in this position, please members are new Christians, so Ger- send an email to to request an application package. hard has to help them to know how to conduct worship. He is preparing October 2019 Page 13 Gospel Herald
October 2019 Page 14 Gospel Herald
Claims of Jesus Donald Perry (First Published in the Herald in 1985) J The Son esus went about doing good er and coming on the clouds of and teaching those who were heaven.” (Matthew 26:64) When Jesus claimed to have come attracted to Him. Those who Pilate asked Jesus if He were from the Father. He claimed that heard Him began to realize that a king, Jesus answered, “You the Father sent Him. He was doing He was different, for He taught are right in saying I am a king. the work of the Father and saying as one having authority. When In fact, for this reason I was what the Father told Him to say. they saw the miracles which He born, and for this I came into He was going back to be with His performed they really began to the world, to testify to the truth” Father. He and His Father were wonder about Him. Who was this (John 18:37). Jesus made these one, He said. The significance of man who could cast out demons, extraordinary claims and did not this claim challenges us. It chal- heal the diseased, quiet the deny charges of blasphemy even lenges our understanding. It chal- storm and even raise the dead? in the face of death. lenges our faith. It challenges us A great number of people had A separate study of each claim to humble obedience. come to conclude that Jesus was which Jesus made for Himself The Jews understood that from God. Nicodemus, a Phari- would emphasize the meaning when He said that He was do- see who came to Jesus at night, which Jesus can have for us. ing the works of His Father and confessed, “Rabbi we know you Each claim that Jesus makes was indeed calling God His Fa- are a teacher who has come from presents a facet through which ther, that He was making Him- God for no one can perform the we see the glorious personage of self equal with God (John 5). It miraculous signs you are doing Jesus the Christ, the Son of the was on this charge that they put if God were not with him” (John living God. Him to death. Jesus died on the 3:2). After being with cross still calling God Jesus and getting to His Father. “Father, know Him intimately, Peter boldly said, “You Full-time forgive them.” “Father, are the Christ, the Son of the living God” Evangelist position into your hands I com- mit my spirit.” But for us to try to fully under- (Matthew 16:16). In The Church in Fenwick, Ontario is stand how Jesus could many situations, Jesus seeking an evangelist with a passionate be the Son of God is worked quietly and let desire to spread the truth folly. The church in the miracles He did Fully supported the centuries follow- in his Father’s name Well-established congregation of ing Christ divided over speak for Him (John approximately 50+ members efforts to explain the 10:25). But in other sit- Elders and Deacons nature of Jesus as the uations, He made some In a growing community/area Son of God. The real very definite claims for challenge to us is to Himself. For detailed information or to submit a take the word of Jesus “Tell us if you are resumé: in faith. If Jesus as the the Christ, the Son of Son of God can be Im- Church of Christ God,” was the charge manuel (God with us), PO Box 416 of the high priest at Fenwick, ON L0R 1Y0 that is enough. A son the trial of Jesus. He in the family could ful- replied, “You have said ly represent the father. so. But I tell you, from Jesus claimed then now on you will see the that His teaching was Son of Man seated at from the Father, that the right hand of pow- He had authority to October 2019 Page 15 Gospel Herald
forgive sins, that judgement was learning to harness the energy Jesus invites men to follow Him. given to Him, that He could give from the sun. What an invitation! What a chal- life and that He was the resur- We could compare this depen- lenge! This is where a real com- rection. dence on the energy of the light mitment is possible. Man has sought to reach out from the sun to our need for spir- Forgiveness beyond the confines of this life itual light from God through his Jesus told a number of people on earth. He has sought to know Son. Jesus claimed that He came that their sins were forgiven. what is beyond “the cold and so that man might have life and The Jews had a problem with barren peaks” of birth and death. have it to the full (John 10:10). this. They considered sin to be Immanuel Kant, the watershed This high standard of life in the against God, and that God alone German philosopher, stated that spiritual sense is possible to could forgive sins. Yet, Jesus the great questions for man those who will come to the light. claimed to forgive sins. When a through the ages have been of Jesus knew that men would not man was brought to Jesus on a God, man and sin. Jesus came to come to the light because they bed, Jesus first told him that “his reveal God to man. He claimed to love darkness since their deeds sins were forgiven”. When Jesus know man (John 2:24). He came are evil (John 3:19). For those perceived that some to deal with sin and to present questioned His present man righteous before God. Man seeks After we have been told and taught, we need authority to forgive to know the great mys- someone to show us how. God knows how we ought sins, He said to the par- teries of life, death and to live; Jesus shows us how we ought to live. alytic, “I tell you, get up, take your mat and eternity. God answers go home” (Mark 2:11). man in Jesus Christ, the Son of willing to trust Jesus as the Light When the people could see that the Father. Man needs to humbly there is life eternal, a life beyond the man was healed physical- accept the Son as his Lord and our imagination or anticipation. ly, some could believe that they Saviour. An Example could also be healed spiritually The Light After we have been told and by Jesus. Believing in Him, they On a number of occasions, taught, we need someone to could know that He had author- Jesus claimed to be the light of show us how. God knows how ity on earth to forgive sins. Sin is the world. He claimed that the we ought to live; Jesus shows still real though many may deny world was in darkness and that us how we ought to live. Being God and His law. Jesus sent His men were stumbling in the dark- “God among men,” He becomes apostles to preach a message of ness. Light shows flaws. Light to us an example. The “stars” forgiveness of sins and whole- shows us how things should be. of sports, movies and music are ness of life to those who would Light provides a bigger perspec- not enough for us. They have repent and be baptized in the tive. Light helps us to get things the same limitations and aberra- name of Jesus Christ (Acts 2:38). together. Light gives direction so tions that we have. Jesus claimed When He is accepted as Lord, He we know where to go and how to to be the Way the truth and the becomes the Saviour. get there. Man is so dependent on life (John 14:6). After He hum- Conclusion the light from the sun for physi- bly washed His disciples’ feet Space fails to write of Jesus as cal life on this planet that life is He said, “I have set you an ex- the great Shepherd, the water of unimaginable without it. Even at ample that you should do as I life, the bread of life, the resur- night we make use of the stored have done” (John 13:15). When rection, the truth and the vine. energy which has come from the He was trying to teach His disci- He can become everything to sun. In cold weather it is energy ples to avoid personal ambition, those who will put their trust In from the sun that keeps us warm He was able to put His example Him. Praise God for his most ex- as we use fuels and hydroelec- before them: “Even as the Son of cellent way: Not a philosophy of tric energy. The high standard Man came not to be served, but life, but a life: God who became of living man has come to enjoy to serve, and give himself a ran- flesh and dwelt among us! is for the most part due to his som for many” (Matthew 20:28). October 2019 Page 16 Gospel Herald
The Wonder of Writing Geoffrey H. Ellis (First Published in 1985, in the Gospel Herald) F irst, the wonder of writing is graduate student in linguistics. senting basic objects or ideas. The the marvel of language. Sci- In 1982, University of Hawaii Egyptian hieroglyphic script was entific studies in linguistics linguist, Derek Bickerton, pub- developed around 3,000 BC. In have determined that man has a lished his work Roots of Language. Mesopotamia, picture writing was built-in aptitude for both sounds He concluded that the roughly upgraded to the cuneiform script, production and grammatical con- 350 creole languages in the world which involved wedge-shaped struction. For example, studies share almost identical grammati- markings pressed into clay. The have shown that children of all rac- cal structures. Creole, or pidgin, major step forward which pro- es and language groups in learn- languages which sprang up as vided a single symbol to represent ing to speak go through set stages. Colonialism spread from 1500 each consonant, ie. alphabet writ- In the first six months, all children to 1900, are make-shift tongues ing, was first used in the area of make the same sounds and listen which tack together words from and in languages closely akin to to themselves while experiment- the various languages being used Hebrew usage somewhat before ing with over one hundred distinct in order that workers with diverse 1500, the beginning time of the sounds. Next comes a jargon peri- actual writing of the Old od in which even the deaf Testament Scriptures. (Cf. child is active. During the Christians can identify such as evidence of Deuteronomy 31:24). second year specific words design pointing to the creative activity of God. In addition to carvings are learned under parental and other’s tutoring, and in stone and markings in the child attempts to pair words. In clay, paper (from papyrus) was de- languages might communicate. veloped for every day writing and the third and fourth years phrases “Because the structures of creoles vellum (ie. polished leather) for are attempted; children are learn- were formed from scratch, instead valuable records. Aramaic, closely ing by rules. By the fifth year of evolving from existing tongues, related to Hebrew, was the official there is a start at understanding they show grammar and syntax language of the Persian Empire clauses. The child has a sense of developing naturally.” Bickerton (c; 550 BC), and was the common categories of parts of speech and concludes that this may be evi- language in Palestine in the time he won’t mix categories. Primates dence of a bioprogram that shapes of Christ. Portions of Aramaic are who have been trained in rudi- man’s gift for words (Newsweek, found in both the Old and the New mentary sign language have no March 22, 1982) Testaments. By the first century, such inherent grammatical sense. Christians can identify such as Greek, in a ‘common form’, had Prior to the 60s, the behavior- evidence of design pointing to the spread throughout the civilized ists were saying that language creative activity of God. The link- world. Unsurpassed in its expres- learning is controlled response to age of language with intelligence siveness and exacting construc- stimulus, reinforcement, depriva- is the important factor here. Man tion, it became the language of the tion—the usual elements in the has the power of reasoning logic, New Testament writings. explanation of behaviorism. In the of creative thought, of esthetic ap- Thus, through language God 60s, Noam Chomsky and others preciation, of moral evaluation. All “spoke to the fathers through the in the young science of cognitive psychology were demonstrating of these he is able to communicate prophets at many times and in that linguistic ability is an in- through the marvel of language. various ways and in these last days ward functioning of the mind, not The wonder of writing, second- he has spoken to us by his Son.” the predictable results of stimuli ly, is that its development paral- (Hebrews 1:1) And through writ- in the environment. It would ap- lels God’s progressive revelation ing he has preserved this informa- pear that the human mind is pro- of himself in the literary master- tion for God-seekers in every gen- grammed, hard lined in computer piece of all time, the Bible. Written eration. The story of the scribes of terms, for language creation and records go back more than 5,000 the Old Testament, their training, use. These insights were shared years. The earliest forms of writ- discipline and precision, and the with me by Andrew Fleming, a ing were stylized pictures repre- story of the later monastic copiers October 2019 Page 17 Gospel Herald
of the Scriptures, their diligence, fortitude, and devotion, capture Obedience, a Key to Abundant Living Tim Johnson (First published in 1984) men at their. reverent best. The A development of printing, with the braham probably had a people think of obedience as some- Bible the first work to be pro- lot going for him for many thing we do “because we have to.” duced, is a story of the changing years in his hometown. Ur of It’s boring and a terrible drag, etc. shape of modern society. Northrop the Chaldees was a wealthy place. Abraham saw the REWARD! Right Frye’s work, The Great Code: the Abraham came from a well-estab- off the bat, God promised him per- Bible and Literature (1982 testi- lished family, was married to a local sonal greatness, blessings of all fies to the continuing cultural im- girl, no doubt owned a home, and sorts, tremendous descendants portance of the Bible as the single probably had a good job in this an- and later he promised land in cient seaport. “Leave it all.” God told abundance! On top of all that, He- most important influence in West- him one day. Leave all that security brews reveals Abraham was aware ern art and literature. and become a wanderer in a coun- of the heavenly realm, which had The impact of writing upon our try he didn’t even know about yet? obviously been promised him too, lives cannot be minimized. This is Abraham could have refused, dis- (Hebrews 11:16). still true even though, with the ad- obeyed God and continued with the Later on, as his faith was tested vent of TV, whole segments of soci- good life at Ur. But Genesis tells us and Abraham obeyed again, the ety are reverting to a pictographic that this man had more respect and greatest promise of all was made to mentality, where symbolism, emo- faith in God than that. “So, Abram this great man: the Messiah would tionalism, and illiteracy abound. went, as Jehovah had spoken unto bless all the world, and He would Ignatius Loyola’s Spiritual Ex- him” (Gen. 12:4). Hebrews tells us come through Abraham’s seed (Gen- ercises, Thomas à Kempis, The he began a life of wandering, taking esis. 22:18). Why so many promises Imitation of Christ, Karl Marx’s directions from God where to go. and blessings to this one man? God Das Capital, Adolph Hitler’s Mein From a settled life in Ur they now tells us: ‘because thou have obeyed Kampf, illustrate the explosive lived in tents. Those of us who like my voice.” His faith proved to be power of recorded Ideas and tes- to go camping know that tenting is rock-solid by his obedience. tify to the wonder of writing. okay for a while, but rain and many other conditions can make the ex- Obedience Enriches! For a people such as the fellow- perience miserable! I’m sure they All personal benefits of obeying ship of brethren of churches of adjusted to it and lived comfort- God come to us because of another Christ in Canada, no matter how ably, but it was a great change from man who accomplished the great- small we may be or how mute we home! Abraham and Sarah stand as est act of obedience possible. His may feel, to have the privilege of great examples of obedience. name was Jesus. He left heaven in the pages of a Christian journal obedience to God. Then suffering “Because thou hast such as the Gospel Herald, where- the cross at the hands of the very in ideas can be communicated to obeyed my voice” people He had created, His obedi- each other ‘from sea to sea’ is in- Why did he obey the Lord and ence to God was taken to the ex- deed a precious benefit. How pre- thus experience such a great treme. Jesus “learned obedience cious this benefit is to us will be change in life-style? Wouldn’t it be by the things which he suffered” determined by how carefully men easier just to forget about the Lord’s (Heb. 5:8). Through that obedience and women enter the disciplines instructions? Abraham didn’t think he paid sin’s price for every human. so, and he made the night decision. Then he proceeded to conquer our of writing and how thoroughly the He knew something about obedi- other great enemy, death. Obedi- readers examine the thoughts’ ence that made his decision a lot ence, accomplished all of this, and presented. On the occasion of the easier. He was aware that obedi- was rewarded as well: “who for the 50th year of the Gospel Herald, ence to God, while it is not always joy that was set before him endured may we show our gratitude to God easy at first, puts one in harmony the cross” (Heb. 12:2). God rewards for the gifts of language, spoken with the Lord of this Universe, and obedience! and written, by dedicating our- life becomes enriched because of It’s because of Christ’s obedience selves to a more serious use of this it. He subjected himself to God in to the ‘Father that our obedience publication to the glory of God and humility and immediately began to can be an enriching experience the encouragement of men. feel the rewards of obedience. and set us on a course that leads to Rewards? That’s right. Too many abundant living. For example, our October 2019 Page 18 Gospel Herald
You can also read