Autumn 2022 In this issue: Find us online - Housing Choices Australia

Page created by Lewis Schneider
Autumn 2022 In this issue: Find us online - Housing Choices Australia

                                In this issue:
                                Refurbishment Grant
                                Success P4
                                Resident Profile:
                                Pauline is Keeping the
Cover Painting                  Community Spirit Alive P6
In the Pink
by Simon Marchment              Calling All Creatives P8

                        Find us online
Autumn 2022 In this issue: Find us online - Housing Choices Australia
From the
    Salaam, kuso dhawaada         coming year and we will begin      During her talk Melanie
    gacma furan iyo               each newsletter with a different   challenged staff to open
    Warsidaha Housing             welcome to acknowledge the         a wrapped lolly and an
    Choices WA 2022.              diversity of our tenants.          envelope without using
    Hello and welcome            In January, Housing Choices         their fingers (as Melanie
    everyone to the Housing      WA staff celebrated the             does every day). It was
    Choices WA 2022 Autumn       development of our national         an important insight into
    newsletter.                  Diversity and Inclusion Policy.     considering life from the
                                                                     perspective of others.
    This Somali welcome comes We were lucky enough to be             I challenge you to do
    from Housing Choices WA      joined by inspiring tenant and
                                 advocate for people with a          the same in your
    tenant Luul, who featured                                        day-to-day lives.
    in our Summer edition.       disability, Melanie Hawkes.
    At Housing Choices WA,       Melanie shared her experiences      We look forward to inviting
    we believe celebrating       and ideas around how Housing        more tenants to speak to
    and respecting people of     Choices could be more               staff about their experiences
    all backgrounds, cultures,   inclusive for people living with    in the year ahead as
    genders, sexualities,        disabilities. We all learnt a lot   we work on projects to
    and abilities is incredibly  about Melanie and the full          celebrate diversity including
    important. It is a focus for and interesting life she leads.     becoming a Rainbow Tick
    our organisation in the                                          accredited organisation,

    A Word on COVID-19
    As an organisation our way of working, and our
    service delivery may look different depending on
    the COVID-19 situation in WA in the coming months.
    We will regularly review and revise our operations to
    ensure we are putting the safety, health and wellbeing
    of tenants, staff and the broader community first.
    We understand that some tenants are concerned
    for their safety and are anxious about the spread of
    COVID-19 in WA. We want to reassure you that Housing
    Choices WA are following all WA Government mandates
    and advice regarding COVID-19. All of our staff and
    contractors are fully vaccinated against coronavirus
    and we have adopted the recommended hygiene
    and physical distancing practices.
    For the most up-to-date information about Housing
    Choices WA’s business operations, please regularly
    visit our website

Autumn 2022 In this issue: Find us online - Housing Choices Australia
Housing Choices WA
                                                             Public Holiday
                                                             Office Closures

developing a national             impacted by COVID-19       All Housing Choices WA offices
Disability Action Plan,           so we can help link you    will be closed over the Easter
and progressing actions           with services or support   period from 4pm Thursday
from our Reconciliation           you may need.              14 April 2022 until 8.30am
Action Plan.                      Please look after          Tuesday 19 April 2022.
On another important note,        yourselves and keep        Offices will also be closed on
please read the following         an eye on your friends,    Monday 25 April 2022 for
information about our             family and neighbours      ANZAC Day and Monday 6
services and COVID-19.            as we navigate the next    June 2022 for WA Day.
If you have any questions         few months together.
                                                             All calls to the maintenance
about our operations during       In the meantime, enjoy     team will be diverted to the
this time, please contact         our Autumn edition of      Emergency Maintenance
your local office.                Home Stories WA.           Hotline during office closures.
We encourage you to reach                                    We ask that tenants only call
out if you are experiencing       Natalie Sangalli           maintenance when offices are
hardship or are otherwise         General Manager WA         closed if there is a maintenance
                                                             emergency such as a burst
Below: Melanie Hawkes pictured with Housing Choices WA       water pipe or gas leak.
staff at the launch of our Diversity and Inclusion Policy.   Maintenance Hotline:
                                                             1800 203 383

Autumn 2022 In this issue: Find us online - Housing Choices Australia
    Refurbishment                                                 Response
    Grant Success!                                                Times
                                                                  Impacted by
    Housing Choices WA           have done it without             COVID-19
    recently applied for         your assistance.
    grant funding under the      We sincerely thank you
    WA Government Social         for your understanding,          Due to the COVID-19
    Housing Economic             co-operation and                 pandemic our
    Recovery Package             patience, particularly           maintenance team is
    (SHERP) towards              during our visits to your        experiencing delays.
    new homes and the            home to take photos of           This is due to shortages in
    maintenance                  items we are hoping              tradespeople and delays
    of existing homes.           to refurbish.                    in accessing materials to
                                                                  complete repairs.
    We are very happy to         Even though we did not
    announce we received         receive funding for all the      This means that if you are
    $6.75 million to             properties we completed          waiting for a routine repair,
    undertake refurbishments     applications for, we are still   it might take longer than
    in 360 properties across     completing the majority of       usual to complete the
    the Perth, Peel and          these works in the future        works. Our maintenance
    South-West regions.          as part of our ongoing           team is doing all they can
                                 refurbishment program.           to ensure emergency
    As a not-for-profit                                           and urgent repairs are
    organisation, these funds    We have also applied to          completed without delay.
    will go a long way to        build 55 new homes in
    providing well maintained    areas of high demand,            We apologise for any
    properties. The works will   and we look forward to           disruptions in addressing
    be completed between         hearing the outcome of           your maintenance issues
    2022 – 2024 and we will      this application as well.        and we ask for your patience
    notify relevant tenants                                       and understanding about
                                 If you have any questions        this matter.
    of what works will be        about this information,
    undertaken and when          please contact your
    they will take place.        closest Housing Choices
    Our applications for         WA office.
    funding were completed
    quickly and we couldn’t

Autumn 2022 In this issue: Find us online - Housing Choices Australia
2022 ACT
From ACT
Chairperson                                                    10 ACT

Sue Newman                                                     members

Hello fellow tenants,         we are getting prepared to       From Perth
I’m Sue and this is my        try out Zoom meetings if         Metropolitan and
first newsletter column       we can’t meet in-person.         Peel regions
as the Chairperson            We welcome the very
of the ACT (Advisory          helpful Leah from Housing
Committee of Tenants)         Choices WA and her               Tenants from
for 2022.                     tenant engagement team,          a range of
                              who’s helping us navigate        backgrounds
Firstly, a huge thanks
to Trish for doing an         meeting online.
excellent job as the first    I feel quite chuffed when
ACT Chairperson.
I feel quite daunted trying
                              I tell my grandchildren I
                              have a Zoom meeting to
                                                               90 years             90+
to fill her shoes!            plan our next ACT agenda,        experience as        Years
                              as if I didn’t have to ask for   Housing Choices
I would also like to
                              instructions three times on      WA tenants.
welcome our new
committee members             how to Zoom in!
for 2022. We had a            At our last ACT meeting
wonderful training            we had a look at the             Your ACT members
session together in           results from the 2021
January and I am sure our     Tenant Survey and talked         Chairperson:
new members will find         about what issues we             Suzanne from Rockingham
being in the ACT is both      should work on for               Deputy Chairperson:
insightful and enjoyable.     2022. It was great for           Trish from Greenfields
I urge anyone who is able     the committee to get a
to consider a year as an      better understanding of          Secretary:
ACT member. One new           what issues were most            Luul from Gosnells
member recently asked:        important to tenants and
                              made us excited about the        Independent Living
“But what can I contribute                                     Program Representative:
to the ACT?” The answer       year ahead.
                                                               Lynda from Greenfields
is that everyone has          I look forward to being the
experiences, ideas and        Chairperson of the ACT           General Members:
different perspectives on     this year and doing my           George from Greenfields,
everyday life as a tenant     best to make sure tenant         Margaret from Armadale,
- that’s what you can         voices are being heard.          Adrienne from Rockingham,
contribute!                                                    Bob from Cannington, and
                                                               Melanie from Riverton.
We know this year is          Sue
going to be challenging       ACT Chairperson
with COVID-19 and so

Autumn 2022 In this issue: Find us online - Housing Choices Australia
Pauline, who lives with a number of health
                                              conditions, says scaling the stairs to get
    Resident                                  to the third floor of the multi-storey
                                              apartment she previously lived in each day
    Profile:                                  was a struggle.

    Pauline is                                On seeing her first-floor Housing Choices
                                              WA unit Pauline says she was sold.
    Keeping the                               “I absolutely love it.

    Community                                 “I’ve been putting my own touches on it.”
                                              Pauline explains that in her one-bedroom
    Spirit Alive                              apartment she has not only found a stable,
                                              secure and affordable place to live but a
                                              community who care for one another.
    Tucked in Hilton are 19 brick units       “Peter who lives next door to me goes
    that are home to a group of Housing       around each morning and knocks on
    Choices WA tenants aged over 55 years.    everyone’s door and … calls out ‘morning’.
    One of the youngest residents, Pauline    And if the blinds are open that’s a sign
    Culshaw moved into the complex            they’re up.
    after waiting a number of years on the    “As a neighbourhood, we just generally
    Department of Communities Joint           look out for each other.”
    Wait List. The mother of two says since
    being allocated her Housing Choices       The 59-years-old says many of the older
    property, five years ago, she feels a     residents don’t have family or support
    sense of security and stability.          networks. Instead, they rely on each other
                                              to foster community spirit.
                                              “The complex is not a nursing home;
                                              it’s not a retirement village. The
                                              apartments are our individual homes.
                                              And the complex is very multicultural.
                                              “You get lots of different things happening
                                              throughout the year. For example, on
                                              ANZAC Day each year I hold a dawn
                                              service out the front. Last year, I crocheted
                                              some poppies and gave them to my
                                              “We’ve held barbeques for birthdays,
                                              and I do a Christmas get-together in the
                                              amenities room where we all bring a plate
                                              and maybe have a few drinks.
                                              “We had a game of cricket in the car park
                                              a couple of times when we had lockdown
                                              … Just to keep everyone active and make
                                              sure they’re getting out of their units.”

                                              Pauline (pictured left) holds a picture
                                              from the Housing Choices WA end-of-year
                                              Right: (back row) Peter, David, Doug, Colin,
                                              (front) Pauline, Maria and Ladda.
Autumn 2022 In this issue: Find us online - Housing Choices Australia
She says while the majority of residents        “We’ve got some benches outside in
enjoy participating in the mix of activities,   the car park and we’re actually going to
there are a few who prefer to keep to           dedicate one of them to Terry because
themselves.                                     that was his favourite spot.”
“We respect that, but they still get an         The dedication to Terry is just one of a
invite in the post box whenever I               handful of ways the community pays
arrange something like a morning tea            tribute to one another, and Pauline’s hope
or Christmas.                                   is that his bench will become a meeting
“Some of the residents we’ve lost in            place for future residents to congregate.
the last year, so we’ll do a memorial           The seat will occupy a corner of
morning tea for them. We’re also doing          the property where residents are
a memorial garden in one section near           naturally drawn.
the car park for the people who’ve lived        “There’s about four or five of us who
here in the past and we’re putting a rose,      tend to meet out there at about 3 o’clock
not a plaque just a rose, to represent          in the afternoon. I don’t know why it
each person.                                    happens at that particular time, maybe
“One of the residents, Terry, recently          because the cool breeze is in.
died suddenly with some medical issues.         “We don’t have a formal meeting as such,
But he got his wish - he wanted to die          we just talk about what’s coming up.
at home. They don’t want to die in a
nursing home or in hospital.                    “It’s just chit chat but it’s nice.”

Autumn 2022 In this issue: Find us online - Housing Choices Australia
                of Clean!
    Helps You Deal
    with Drains
    Some tenants have had issues with blocked
    drains and toilets, and been charged tenant
    liability as a result. So, we have brought back
    our Queen of Clean, staff member Maria Em,             Calling all
    to provide tips to help avoid this issue.
    What is your advice for tenants worried
    about blocked drains, sinks and toilets?               Housing Choices WA is holding
    Prevention is always your best bet. You can            a Tenant Art Showcase on
    get a sink strainer to prevent debris from going       18 May in Rockingham to
    down the sink and causing blockage issues.             celebrate our tenants’ talents.
    You can find ones for kitchen sinks and shower         We are seeking Expressions of
    drains at shops like Kmart and Bunnings.               Interest from tenants who would
    Toilet blockages are easy to prevent, just follow      like to display their artwork.
    this rule: if it’s not toilet paper, don’t flush it.   All forms of creative expression are
    Even though you may see wipes advertised as            welcome including photography,
    flushable, they will cause blockages as they absorb    painting, sculptures, ceramics,
    water and do not break down. Even tissues do           woodwork, drawings or knitting.
    not break down like toilet paper.
                                                           Based on feedback from our
    What can tenants do to deal with blocked               previous showcase, tenants who
    drains and toilets?                                    display artwork will have the
    Regularly cleaning your drains is the best way         opportunity to sell their art on the
    to dislodge any build up that may occur.               day. Housing Choices WA will also
                                                           be looking to purchase tenant art
    My solution is to pour 1 cup of bicarbonate soda,
                                                           for our offices and for digital use.
    1 cup of warm water and 1 cup vinegar in and
    around the drain and leave for 20 minutes.             Artists will also go into the running
    Once it has had time to do its magic, pour a kettle    to win a prizes during the showcase.
    full of warm water down and around the drain.          All Housing Choices WA tenants
    For toilets, a weak toilet flush often indicates       are welcome to attend on the day
    a clog is forming in your toilet drain. Small clogs    to enjoy the art and get to know
    can also be caused by flushing too much toilet         our tenant artists over some
    paper at once. Use a plunger to try and release        food and drinks.
    clogs or small blockages before they become a          Please contact our Tenant
    more serious issue.                                    Engagement and Capacity
    Please note that hot water is not suitable for         Building Officer Alex Kepes
    use on ceramic sinks. If you are unable to deal        on 0437 887 675 to register
    with a blockage issue yourself, please call our        your interest in attending
    maintenance hotline on 1800 203 383.                   and/or displaying art.
Autumn 2022 In this issue: Find us online - Housing Choices Australia
Unhappy with a
Decision We Made?
Through the 2021 Tenant            Lodging an Appeal
Survey you told us you
wanted more information
                                     Ask for an Appeal Request
about our appeals process.
                                     Form by phone, email or
We spoke with our Advisory
                                     in person.
Committee of Tenants
about how to best share the
information with you in this           WITHIN
                                                  You must appeal within
edition of Home Stories.                6         six (6) months of the decision.

If you are unhappy with a
decision we made you may
be able to appeal that decision.       Provide as much information
When you lodge an appeal,              and evidence as you can.
Housing Choices WA will review
the decision and how it was
made. The pictorial on the right                   A senior staff member will
shows our appeals process.                         review the decision.
Examples of decisions you can
appeal include housing transfer
applications being declined           You will be notified of the
or being charged for damage           outcome within 21 days.                 21
that you don’t believe you are
responsible for. You may also
choose to appeal a decision if                    If you are unhappy with the
we declined a request and you                     outcome, you can request a
believe we haven’t considered                     Second Tier Appeal.
all of the relevant information.
While you can make a
complaint about our policies,
                                   Successful Appeal Example
you can’t appeal against our       A tenant reported a          With this new information,
policies. For example, you can’t   broken window that           the tenant’s appeal was
appeal the way we calculate        needed replacing.            successful and the
your rent, but you can appeal if   This kind of damage is       tenant liability charge
you feel the rent we charged is    a tenant’s responsibility,   was withdrawn.
based on incorrect information.    so the tenant was         Although successful,
Before lodging an appeal,          charged for the repair.   this example highlights
feel free to speak with us         After receiving the       that the charge for the
about why you are unhappy.         bill, the tenant appealed repair could have been
Our staff can explain why the      the charges. The tenant   avoided if the tenant had
decision was made and give         advised us that someone provided the PRN and
you an opportunity to provide      had attempted to break    more information when
any other information you          into his home through the reporting the damage.
think is relevant.                 window and that he had However, the appeals
                                   a Police Report Number process did help this tenant
                                   (PRN) as evidence.        achieve a fair outcome.

Autumn 2022 In this issue: Find us online - Housing Choices Australia
End of Year Tenant
     In December, more than 130              Natalie said the End of Year Tenant
     tenants and Housing Choices             Lunches were a great way for
     WA staff got together to celebrate      tenants and staff to reflect on
     the end of the year with events         the year and enjoy each other’s
     in Rockingham and Hilton.               company during the festive season.
     Tenants and staff shared stories        “We had our inaugural end of year
     over a hearty two-course meal.          event in 2020 and it proved so
     In between courses, guests enjoyed      popular that we held two this year
     games, quizzes, door prizes and         so more tenants could attend,”
     presentations from Housing Choices      she said.
     WA General Manager Natalie Sangalli     “It was very important to us that
     and Advisory Committee of Tenants       we were able to celebrate the year
     (ACT) members.                          with tenants in a relaxed, enjoyable
     Both events had some eye-catching       setting and the feedback we have
     tenant art on display. They also        received tells us we did just that.
     featured a photo booth, run by          We look forward to these being
     tenant photographer Phillip Day, with   annual events in the years ahead.”
     photos sent to tenants as a keepsake.

How to have
a Cup of Tea
Would you like to join us
online for a catch up with
other tenants?
Our tenant engagement team
is committed to finding new
ways for tenants to connect.
Given WA’s ever-changing
COVID-19 situation we would
like to try an online group.
This is an opportunity for all
tenants with digital access to
get together from the comfort
of their own home. No matter
whether you are a tech whiz
or looking to learn more about
connecting online – everyone
is welcome, but you will need
a computer with a camera and
microphone to take part.
As part of the group, we will
share some tricks to make
Zoom fun, play some games
and chat with people in
small groups.
If you are interested in being
part of our online group,
please contact our Tenant
Engagement and Capacity
Building Officer Alex Kepes
on 0437 887 675 or via
to register your interest.

Home Stories Autumn Puzzle
            Win a $50 Bunnings Voucher!
     Find all of the words in the word search except for one, which is not actually
         in the grid. Words may be forward, backward, up, down or diagonal.

 A     W    G   C   T   C L       A E      P    P    A     D
 U     F    N   E   E   O W       E B      S    I    T     E       Autumn
 T     H    I   L   L   M L       E K      C    D    H     F
 U     D    N   E   I   M Y       N W      R    R    F     A
                                                                   Brain Teasers
                                                                   In response to requests
 M     G    I   B   O   U R       I A      E    A    S     R
                                                                   for more puzzles, we have
 N     U    A   R   T   N R       L W      A    I    Q     T       introduced Brain Teasers.
 U     P    R   A   T   I B       N V      T    N    C     I       Answers to the below can
 K     D    T   T   F   T G       O Z      I    S    X     S       be found in the content of
 F     A    H   E   X   Y G       F T      V    E    Y     T       this newsletter.
 S     T    X   V   J   L E       A V      E    S    T     S       1. How many years
 J     E    S   P   I   R I       T Y      F    A    L     L          of tenancy experience
                                                                      does our 2022
                                                                      Advisory Committee
           FIND THESE WORDS IN THE GRID                               of Tenants have?
AUTUMN          TOILET        UPDATE             ONLINE
LEAVES          APPEAL        COMMUNITY          CONNECT           2. What does PRN stand for?
FALL            TRAINING      SPIRIT             CREATIVE
                                                                   3. How much funding did
                                                                      Housing Choices WA
Please tell us the remaining word before Friday 27 May 2022           receive from the WA
by emailing or posting your answer                Government to complete
to: Home Autumn Puzzle, Housing Choices Western                       refurbishments in
Australia, PO Box 105, Burswood WA 6100.                              our properties?
Only one entry is allowed per household. The winners will
score themselves a $50 Bunnings voucher and will be drawn            3. $6.75 million
from the correct entries. Good luck!
                                                                     2. Police Report Number
Congratulations to Marilyn from Dardanup, last edition’s             1. 90
puzzle prize winner.

                           Perth Metro Office        Peel Office          South West Office
                           Level 7, 25 Rowe Avenue   4 Stevenson Street   1st Floor, 25 Victoria Street
                           Rivervale WA 6103         PO Box 1200          PO Box 1539
                           PO Box 105                Mandurah WA 6210     Bunbury WA 6230
                           Burswood WA 6100          P (08) 9534 0400     P (08) 9722 7200
                           P (08) 9430 0900

                              Maintenance Hotline: 1800 203 383
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