Automatic Fire Alarm Association - 2022 Annual Fire Expo - May 2 - 4, 2022 - Palm Coast, Florida

Page created by Anne Collins
Automatic Fire Alarm Association - 2022 Annual Fire Expo - May 2 - 4, 2022 - Palm Coast, Florida
Automatic Fire Alarm Association - 2022 Annual Fire Expo

          May 2 - 4, 2022 - Palm Coast, Florida
Automatic Fire Alarm Association - 2022 Annual Fire Expo - May 2 - 4, 2022 - Palm Coast, Florida
Thank you to our Event Sponsors

When the Message Matters

    Thank you to our Individual Sponsors

Automatic Fire Alarm Association - 2022 Annual Fire Expo - May 2 - 4, 2022 - Palm Coast, Florida
Schedule of Events
              SCHEDULE    OF EVENTS
                           Event                                      Speaker / Sponsor            Time           Room

MONDAY, MAY 2, 2022
                                                                                                 8:00 AM -       Flagler
AFAA Board of Director’s Meeting                                            Multiple              2:00 PM        Room
Exhibitor Set-up                                                                                 12:00 PM -      Ocean
*Exhibitors must be set-up by 4:30 PM for the Welcome Reception                                   4:30 PM       Ballroom
                                                                                                 5:00 PM -       Ocean
Welcome Reception with Exhibitors                                                                 7:30 PM       Ballroom

TUESDAY, MAY 3, 2022
Moderated by: Rodger Reiswig (AM) & Tim Knisely (PM)
                                                                                                 7:30 AM -       Ocean
Breakfast with Exhibitors                                                      -                  9:00 AM       Ballroom
                                                                                                 9:00 AM -       Atlantic
Keynote Speakers: After the Fire!                                 Shawn Simons & Alvaro Llanos   11:00 AM       Ballroom
                                                                                                 11:00 AM -        Atlantic
Refreshments Break                                                                                11:15 AM    Ballroom Lobby
                                                                   Kathleen Almand & Victoria    11:15 AM -      Atlantic
NFPA 72 Research - Past, Present and Future                               Hutchinson              12:15 PM      Ballroom
                                                                                                 12:15 PM -      Ocean
Lunch with Exhibitors
                                                                                                  1:30 PM       Ballroom
                                                                                                 1:30 PM -       Atlantic
ITM Data Collection & Application                                          Fred Leber             2:30 PM       Ballroom
                                                                                                 1:30 PM -       Ocean
Exhibitor Tear Down                                                            -                  4:30 PM       Ballroom
                                                                                                 2:30 PM -       Atlantic
2021 ICC/NFPA Model Codes: Summary of Changes                             Tim Knisely             3:30 PM       Ballroom
                                                                                                 3:30 PM -         Atlantic
Refreshments Break                                                             -                  3:45 PM     Ballroom Lobby
Fire Safety in Very Tall Buildings & the Revised SFPE                                            3:45 PM -       Atlantic
                                                                        Chris Jelenewicz
Guide                                                                                             4:45 PM       Ballroom
                                                                                                 4:45 PM -
Free Time                                                                      -                                    -
                                                                                                  8:00 PM
                                                                                                 7:00 PM -
‘First Time Attendee’ Happy Hour                                               -                                Lobby Bar
                                                                                                  8:00 PM
Fun Activity:                                                                                    8:30 PM -    Course/Grand
Glow in the Dark Putting                                                                         10:00 PM      Event Lawn

Automatic Fire Alarm Association - 2022 Annual Fire Expo - May 2 - 4, 2022 - Palm Coast, Florida
Schedule of Events

                         Event                          Speaker / Sponsor                  Time                Room

Moderated by: Jim Loftus (AM) & Larry Rietz (PM)
                                                                                     Breakfast: 7:30 AM
Breakfast followed by AFAA Business Meeting                   Multiple                    Meeting:
                                                                                     8:00 AM - 9:00 AM
                                                                                        9:00 AM -             Atlantic
Fire Pump System Supervision & NFPA 72               John Denhardt & Kevin Hall         10:00 AM             Ballroom
                                                                                       10:00 AM -              Atlantic
Refreshments Break                                                -                     10:15 AM          Ballroom Lobby
                                                                                       10:15 AM -             Atlantic
ERCES/BDA 2021 NFPA/ICC Code Updates                        Alan Perdue                 11:15 AM             Ballroom
                                                                                       11:15 AM -             Atlantic
Introduction to UL2524 Standard for ERCES          Chris Creamer & Todd M. Iaeger       12:15 PM             Ballroom
                                                                                       12:15 PM -             Ocean
Lunch                                                             -                     1:15 PM              Ballroom
                                                                                        1:15 PM -             Atlantic
NFPA Updates & NFPA 72-2022 Updates                       Shawn Mahoney                  2:15 PM             Ballroom
                                                   Merton Bunker, Rodger Reiswig,       2:15 PM -             Atlantic
AFAA Panel Discussion on NFPA 72-2022 Updates              & Larry Rietz                 3:15 PM             Ballroom
                                                                                        3:15 PM -              Atlantic
Refreshments Break                                                -                      3:30 PM          Ballroom Lobby
                                                                                        3:30 PM -             Atlantic
NEC - How Does it Apply to Fire Alarm Systems?              Tom Parrish                  4:30 PM             Ballroom
                                                                                        4:30 PM -
Free Time                                                         -                                                -
                                                                                         5:00 PM
                                                                                                           Grand Event
                                                                                        5:00 PM -
AFX President’s Dinner                                        Multiple                                       Lawn*
                                                                                         8:00 PM          *Weather permitting

Thursday, May 5, 2022

Free Day                                            Discounts available at several      8:00 AM -                  -
                                                          resort amentities             11:59 PM

Automatic Fire Alarm Association - 2022 Annual Fire Expo - May 2 - 4, 2022 - Palm Coast, Florida
Educational Sessions

                             KEYNOTE SPEAKERS - AFTER THE FIRE!
                             Alvaro Llanos and Shawn Simons | Tuesday, May 3, 2022 | 9:00 AM - 11:00 AM
                             Their journey of recovery and the investigation into the criminal acts of the arsonists are documented in the New
                             York Times Best Sellers book “After the Fire: A True Story of Friendship and Survival” and later turned into an
                             award-winning documentary “After the Fire: A True Story of Heroes and Cowards.” Shawn and Alvaro travel the
                             country speaking to college and high school students about the most difficult time of their lives and the
                             importance of fire safety and prevention both on and off campus. Their story is one of overcoming adversity
                             despite the challenges, becoming comfortable in their burned skin and how their bond with each other, as well as
                             their families, friends and community helped them get back their lives. A true testament that you can have a life
                             “After the Fire.”

    Shawn Simons and Alvaro Llanos were both inner city kids from New Jersey, who despite violence, drugs, and bad influences in their
    neighborhoods, made education a tool to get out of those conditions. Both first-generation college students, they attended Seton Hall
    University in South Orange, NJ in the fall of 1999. Meeting for the first time after being assigned to room together in the freshmen residence
    hall, Boland Hall, they hit it off and found that they had many things in common. Though Alvaro was very shy and reserved, and Shawn was
    very outgoing and the life of the party, they found an equilibrium that complimented each other. Shawn and Alvaro did well in their classes
    their first semester, but little did they know their biggest test would come on the morning of January 19, 2000. While the two roommates
    slept, two classmates, as a drunken fraternity prank, set a banner on a bulletin board on fire in the third-floor lounge and ran off without
    pulling any alarms or alerting any of the residents. As a result of prior months of false fire alarms in the freshmen residence hall, many
    students, including Shawn and Alvaro, took their time getting out the building when the alarm was finally pulled. Three students perished
    and fifty-eight others were injured due to the arson. Shawn and Alvaro were amongst the most severely burned and injured.

                             RESEARCH IN SUPPORT OF NFPA 72 - PAST, PRESENT AND FUTURE
                             Kahleen Almand & Victoria Hutchinson | Tuesday, May 3, 2022 | 11:15 AM - 12:15 PM
                             The Fire Protection Research Foundation has conducted more than 30 research programs for the fire alarm industry
                             in the last twenty years, each enhancing the regulatory framework for fire alarm technology and its installation. This
                             presentation will review these programs and their impact, with a particular focus on current initiatives. The results
                             of a recent planning workshop which prioritized research needs to support new developments in the industry will be

                            ITM DATA COLLECTION AND APPLICATION
                            Fred Leber | Tuesday, May 3, 2022 | 1:30 PM - 2:30 PM
                            Big Data is a catchword these days. The acquisition and use of data have become ubiquitous in our society allowing
                            companies to determine everything from who buys ketchup to which where it should be located in the store.
                            Nevertheless, it seems that access to detailed information is severely limited in the fire detection and alarm
                            industry. Digital tools are used by almost everyone serving the life safety industry, but it seems the information
                            they can collect is not widely distributed. Real-time, real-life data could help us make better decisions and greatly
                            improve life safety. At the very least, economies of scale could be achieved by directing efforts where they are most
                            needed. Relevant codes and standards could be developed or updated based on real data. Many updates are simply
    based on fine tuning historical requirements or because of a single anecdotal, incident or a committee’s best guess. The tools to provide
    us with needed information are available but as William Gibson pointed out to us “the future is here it’s just not evenly distributed.” This
    presentation reviews industry norms in ITM, Codes and Standards development and application while showing how inspection, testing and
    maintenance can and does provide data to further industry objectives. Real time testing programs and current (2021) statistical information
    will be provided with analysis of lessons learned.

Automatic Fire Alarm Association - 2022 Annual Fire Expo - May 2 - 4, 2022 - Palm Coast, Florida
Educational Sessions

                          2021 ICC / NFPA MODEL CODES: SUMMARY OF CHANGES
                          Tim Knisely | Tuesday, May 3, 2022 | 2:30 PM - 3:30 PM
                          An informative 60-minute discussion that provides an overview of the new requirements in the International Code
                          Council (ICC) and National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) model codes for in-building emergency responder
                          radio enhancements systems (ERCES), pull stations, low frequency audible fire alarm signal, visible notification
                          appliances, emergency voice alarm communication (EVAC) systems, carbon monoxide (CO) detection systems and
                          smoke detection.

Presentation Agenda: 2021 I-Code Changes:                            2021 NFPA Code Changes:
   • International Fire Code (IFC)                                   • NFPA 101, Life Safety Code
   • International Building Code (IBC)                               • NFPA 1, Fire Code
   • International Existing Building Code (IEBC)

                          Chris Jelenewicz | Tuesday, May 3, 2022 | 3:45 PM - 4:45 PM
                           Very tall buildings, because of their highly specialized design requirements and the unusual risks for the occupants
                           created because of the building’s height, demand special fire safety considerations. These buildings are being
                           constructed according to various regulations, codes, and standards, many of which did not contemplate buildings
                           of the heights that were being built. This presentation will discuss issues unique to very tall buildings and how the
                           revised SFPE Engineering Guide on Fire Safety in Very Tall Buildings addresses the topics that affect the
                           performance of tall buildings and their occupants during a fire. Topics to be discussed will include egress and
                           evacuation, emergency access, communications/situation awareness, fire resistance/resiliency, reliability of water
supply, active fire protection systems, and facades. The presentation will focus on implementing an integrated approach that looks beyond
simply complying with codes and standards and considers how the height of the structure impacts safety and how the various fire safety
features in the building complement each other to achieve the building’s fire safety goals. Specifically, it will focus on how these goals can
be implemented in a performance-based fire safety design.

As a result of this presentation, participants will be able to:
   • Discuss the unique attributes of very tall buildings that adversely affect the fire safety of a building.
   • Describe how the design concepts discussed can be implemented into the overall building design process using performance-based
      fire protection engineering concepts
   • Understand the different types of evacuation strategies that can be applied in the design of very tall buildings.
   • Identify specific fire safety design issues that are inherent in the design of very tall buildings including emergency access,
      communications/situation awareness, fire resistance/resiliency, reliability of water supply and active fire protection systems, and facades.

                          FIRE PUMP SYSTEM SUPERVISION
                         John Denhardt & Kevin Hall | Wednesday, May 4, 2022 | 9:00 AM - 10:00 AM
                        Depending on what standard or code you are using, “supervision” could mean several different things for a
                        water-based fire protection system. While the alarm industry is familiar with supervisory signal initiating devices,
                        the sprinkler industry uses “supervised” and “monitored” interchangeably in a more general context. This
                        presentation will review the supervision requirements for sprinkler systems (NFPA 13/13R/13D), standpipe systems
                        (NFPA 14), fire pumps (NFPA 20), and water storage tanks (NFPA 22); where initiating devices are requires; what
                        other forms of “supervision” are permitted; and how those requirements interface with the Fire Code (NFPA 1), Life
Safety Code (NFPA 101), and Alarm and Signaling Code (NFPA 72).

Automatic Fire Alarm Association - 2022 Annual Fire Expo - May 2 - 4, 2022 - Palm Coast, Florida
Educational Sessions

    Alan Perdue | Wednesday, May 4, 2022 | 10:15 AM - 11:15 AM
    The Safer Buildings Coalition’s 2021 - 2024 NFPA and IFC Code Updates pertaining to BDA and ERCES is designed to
    provide attendees with an understanding of the technologies, design considerations, and application of model fire
    codes and standards (National Fire Protection Association Standards 72, 1221, and 1225, and the ICC-IFC) related
    to In-Building Public Safety RF Booster Systems. This talk delves deeply into describing the problem, the benefits,
    RF and Technology Basics, FCC requirements, extensive discussion about relevant Fire Codes, standards and listings,
    and future technologies.

    Christopher Creamer & Todd Iaeger | Wednesday, May 4, 2022 | 11:15 AM - 12:15 PM
    The presentation will cover the requirements for Emergency Responder Communications Enhancement Systems
    based on NFPA 1225/1221, IFC, IBC and NFPA 1. Attendees will understand the requirements for the UL Standard
    for listing of these products (UL2524). There will be a discussion covering the differences between UL2524 and UL
    60950 requirements. These two standards are similar, however, the UL2524 requirements provide more the life
    safety aspects of the ERCES system product listings.

    Shawn Mahoney | Wednesday, May 4, 2022 | 1:15 PM - 2:15 PM
    Join Shawn Mahoney, P.E. as he provides an update on everything at the National Fire Protection Association that
    pertains to Fire Alarm, this includes some of the major changes to the 2022 Edition of NFPA 72, National Fire Alarm
    and Signaling Code® such as the new requirements for Cybersecurity, and a quick overview of new offerings
    available from the NFPA including trainings, content, and a look into using NFPA LiNK and its enhanced content.

Automatic Fire Alarm Association - 2022 Annual Fire Expo - May 2 - 4, 2022 - Palm Coast, Florida
Educational Sessions

Merton Bunker - Bunker & Associates, Rodger Reiswig - Johnson Controls,
Larry Rietz - Jensen Hughes | Wednesday, May 4, 2022 | 2:15 PM - 3:15 PM
This presentation will feature an in-depth look at some of the more significant changes made to the NFPA 72-2022 Edition.
What changes have been made to Remote Access allowances and how does that relate to the changes and additions to Cy-
ber Security? Extensive changes were made to Pathway Survivability levels and options. What is the latest regarding chang-
es made to UL 268 and UL 217 for smoke detection? What changes have been made to fire alarm batteries as a secondary
power source? And finally, what changes made to UL 1221 might affect NFPA 72 fire alarm systems? Please join us for this
fast-paced, but in-depth look at some of the changes made to NFPA 72-2022.

  This presentation will feature the following learning objectives:
   • What important changes were made to Remote Access and Cyber Security?
   • How can the changes to Pathway Survivability affect how survivable circuits are installed in the future?
   • How will changes to UL 268 and UL 217 affect smoke detection products in the future?

        Tom Parrish - Telgian | Wednesday, May 4, 2022 | 3:30 PM - 4:30 PM
        The National Electrical Code (NEC) can be a daunting code to learn and understand. Too many people involved in
        the fire alarm industry fail to realize that you need to look at much more than Article 760. This session will attempt
        to de-mystify the NEC and allow the attendee to gain an understanding of how it works, and which sections may
        need to be consulted when installing fire alarm systems.

Automatic Fire Alarm Association - 2022 Annual Fire Expo - May 2 - 4, 2022 - Palm Coast, Florida

           1             2                         3             4                             5                6

                                            O c e a n B a llr o o m

            19          18            17          16             15            14              13              12

     Alliance Communications, 8                   HyperSpike, 5                                     Radix Wire, 22
     Armstrong Fluid Technology, 9                Inspect Point, 23                                 SDi, 1
     Autocall, 4                                  Jeron Electronic Systems, Inc., 14                Service Trade, 6
     Cintas Fire Protection, 10                   Mircom, 7                                         Space Age Electronics, 16
     Comba Telecom, Inc., 24                      NAPCO Security Technologies, Inc., 13             TELECO, 3
     Eaton, 2                                     NOTIFIER by Honeywell, 19                         Telguard, 20
     FFE, 11                                      Potter Electric Signal Company, 15 Radio          VITAlink, 17
     Honeywell Fire (Focused on BDA/Fiplex), 18   Solutions, 12
     Honeywell Fire (Focused on CLSS/Alarm
     Transmission/Pathway), 21
     American Fire Sprinkler Association (AFSA)   Florida Automatic Fire Alarm Association          Safer Buildings Coalition
     AMRACI                                       National Fire Sprinkler Association (NFSA)
11   Electronic Security Association (ESA)        NICET
Automatic Fire Alarm Association - 2022 Annual Fire Expo - May 2 - 4, 2022 - Palm Coast, Florida
Resort Map

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