Australian Pork Limited - STRATEGIC PLAN 2020-2025

Page created by Ricky Valdez
Australian Pork Limited - STRATEGIC PLAN 2020-2025
S T R A T E G I C P L A N 2 0 2 0 –2 0 25
Australian Pork Limited - STRATEGIC PLAN 2020-2025

At a glance                             4    Strategic Theme 1:
                                             Market and product differentiation                    18
Message from the Board                  6       Diversity of markets and products
                                                Quality consumer eating experiences
Executive Summary                       8
                                                Valuable provenance of Australian pork
Who we are                              10
                                             Strategic Theme 2:
Strategic planning context and themes   12   Manage volatility for viable farms                    20
                                                Timely relevant through-the-chain information
The strategic themes                    16      (Data Utilisation)
                                                Reduce cost of production and processing
                                                Diversified pig business extension opportunities

                                             Strategic Theme 3:
                                             Drive consumer demand                                 22
                                                Maintain domestic fresh demand
                                                Grow domestic demand
                                                Grow targeted international demand

                                             Strategic Theme 4:
                                             Leading community social licence                      24
                                                Biosecurity leadership
                                                Climate friendly farming
                                                Leaders in animal care
                                                Leaders in human nutrition
                                                Industry visibility

                                             Strategic Theme 5:
                                             Building industry shared vision                       26
                                                Producer relations (shared values)
                                                Technology adoption
                                                Organisational effectiveness

                                             Australian pork industry performance tracker          28

                                             Appendices                                            30
                                               A balanced R&D portfolio
                                               Industry assumptions 2020-2025
                                               Financial performance 2020-2025
                                               Pork industry operating environment
                                               and situational analysis
                                               National and rural research
                                               and development priorities
                                               Corporate governance
                                               and compliance statements
Australian Pork Limited - STRATEGIC PLAN 2020-2025
           GLANCE           Australian Pork                                      Who we are
                            Limited Strategic                                                       our purpose                                  Audacious vision and goal

                            Plan 2020-2025
                                                                                                    is to enable                                 Australia’s preferred choice protein;
                                                                                                    a thriving                                   Sustainably adding $1 billion
                                                                                                    pork industry                                 to farm gate value by 2025

Consultation                             Key industry                                               our headline                                 Culture
                                                                                                    we are the                                   • Human approach to producer relations
                                         achievements to date                                       progressive pork
                                                                                                                                                 • Proactive by nature, reactive by exception
                                                                                                                                                 • Whole of APL thinking
           16 stakeholder
                               made fresh       35%                                                 what we do                                   Values
                                pork more       increase in domestic                                • Effective Marketing
                                  popular       pork consumption                                    • Proactive Policy
                                                                                                                                                 • Results Driven
                                                                                                                                                 • Team Players
                                                                                                                                                                           • Challengers
                                                                                                                                                                           • Future Focused
                                                                                                    • Impactful Research
           APL staff
                                    grown       $5.3 billion
                                  industry      (from $3 billion in 2012)
                                                through increased productivity   Strategic Themes
           APL Board
                                   reduced      piggeries now use 60%
                             environmental      less carbon, as well as
                                     impact     many generating electricity
                                                through on-farm waste

Key Priorities                                                                   market and
                                                                                                       volatility for
                                                                                 differentiation       viable farms          demand                 social licence               shared vision

 knowledge                  minimise cost of      environment
 management                 processing and        and climate                      Diversity of           Timely relevant    Maintain domestic          Biosecurity              Producer relations
                            production            change                           markets and          through-the-chain     fresh demand              leadership                (Shared Values)
                                                                                    products             information (data
                                                                                                                              Grow domestic           Climate friendly              Technology
                                                                                     Quality                                     demand                   farming                    adoption
 market                     social licence        reduced                        consumer eating         Reduce cost of
 diversification            to operate            volatility
                                                                                   experiences           production and
                                                                                                           processing         Grow targeted             Leaders in                 Organisational
                                                                                                                               international            animal care                effectiveness
                                                                                     Valuable                                    demand
                                                                                  provenance of            Diversified
                                                                                                                                                        Leaders in
                                                                                  Australian pork         pig business
                                                                                                                                                      human nutrition
 product                     industry             innovation in                                            extension
 diversification             shared values        health and                                                                                         Industry visibility
Australian Pork Limited - STRATEGIC PLAN 2020-2025
                 FROM THE              creating a
                                                                                                                                                                   THE BOARD HAS COMMITTED

                                                                                                                                                                   T O C R E AT I N G A P R O G R E S S I V E
                                                                                                                                                                   O R G A N I S AT I O N T H AT PA R T N E R S

                                                                                                                                                                   WITH FARM ERS AN D OTH ER KE Y
                                                                                                                                                                   S TA K E H O L D E R S T O B E T T E R D E L I V E R A
                                                                                                                                                                   T H R I V I N G P O R K I N D U S T R Y.

The strategic planning                 APL has been supporting activities to                                    APL will contribute to the delivery of    As we begin on the next five-year
                                       advance the Australian pork industry                                     a thriving pork industry by focusing      path for our industry, we would like to
consultation approach for
                                       for almost twenty years.                                                 on five strategic themes:                 thank our stakeholders – producers,
2020-2025 was loosely                                                                                           • Market and product differentiation      processors, retailers, governments
                                       During the last ten years, some of
inspired by the adage that             the big industry achievements have                                       • Manage volatility for viable farms
                                                                                                                                                          and other key stakeholders – for
if you do something the                been:                                                                    • Drive consumer demand
                                                                                                                                                          their active participation in the
                                                                                                                                                          consultation process.
same way as before, you’ll                                                                                      • Leading community social licence
get the same results.                                                                                                                                     We look forward to continuing to

                                                                                                                • Building industry shared vision.
                                             made fresh                                                                                                   progress the future of pork with
As such, APL deliberately                     pork more                                                         The focus for the first year of this      you all.

took a different approach                       popular                        increase in domestic
                                                                               fresh pork consumption
                                                                                                                strategic plan will be biosecurity
                                                                                                                (particularly regarding an ASF
                                                                                                                                                          On behalf of the APL Board,

to the consultation, asking                                                                                     readiness plan), developing data
stakeholders to identify                                                                                        and analytical capability, a robust
                                                                                                                R&D plan, ensuring structural fit and
possible futures and how                                                                                        people capability, clarity of industry-
those futures might be
created or avoided.                                  grown                     $5.3 billion                     wide perspectives on key issues,
                                                                                                                knowledge management, producer
                                                        the                    (from $3 billion in 2012)        engagement, social licence, market
The conversations and feedback                     industry                    through increased productivity   testing and clarification of the eating
                                                                                                                                                               ANDREW BAXTER
provided during the consultation                                                                                experience.
phase drove the evolution of                                                                                    Above all, APL will continue to
APL’s vision for pork, from being “a                                                                            develop a culture underpinned by
uniquely contemporary part of our                                                                               values that will ensure sustainable
food industry” to pork becoming the                                            piggeries now use 60% less
“preferred protein choice”.                  reduced                           carbon, as well as many
                                                                                                                progress and delivery of valuable
                                                                                                                and relevant industry outcomes.
As such, the Board has committed
                                       environmental                           generating electricity through
to creating a progressive pork                 impact                          on-farm waste
organisation that partners with
farmers and other key stakeholders
to better deliver a thriving pork

                                                 improved                      encouraged and educated
                                                   animal                      industry to voluntarily phase
                                                   welfare                     out gestational sow stalls

6    AUSTRALIAN PORK LIMITED                                                                                                                                                                        S T R AT E G I C P L A N 2 0 2 0 – 2 0 2 5   7
Australian Pork Limited - STRATEGIC PLAN 2020-2025
                              a targeted                                                                         priorities were

                              five-year                                                                          determined
                              plan                                                                               through
Australian Pork Limited       APL operates on a five-year strategic
                              planning cycle. This plan is the key
                                                                        This strategic plan outlines each
                                                                        theme's supporting programs,
(APL) is the services
                              planning document that will guide         key result areas and the enablers
body for Australian pig       APL’s investments for the period          required to deliver the strategic
producers, performing         2020–2025. This plan specifically         plan. Delivery of the strategic plan
marketing activities to       targets market and product                will be enabled with increased
                              differentiation, better management        use of technology, improved
improve the demand for
                              of market volatility, driving consumer    communications and knowledge
Australian pork, research     demand, social licence and enabling       transfer initiatives; and constant
and development to            viable productive farms.                  realignment of APL’s projects with
make the industry             These priorities were determined
more competitive, and         through extensive consultation with       Annual operating plans will outline
representing industry to      levy payers, the Commonwealth, the        the annual levels of investment
                              supply chain, industry representative     in projects designed to achieve
ensure that government        bodies, other RDCs, and other key         the outcomes for each program
and regulators have all of    stakeholders.                             and annual reports will review and
the necessary information     During the consultation process APL
                                                                        monitor APL’s performance in the
for successful policy         considered and sought feedback
                                                                        specified key result areas and
                                                                        delivery on APL’s revised purpose: to
outcomes readily available.   on the strengths, weaknesses,
                                                                        partner with farmers to better deliver
                              opportunities, threats and long-term
                                                                        a thriving pork industry.
                              trends in the Australian pork industry.
                              This resulted in a new purpose for
                              APL – to enable a thriving pork
                              industry – and the development of
                              five Strategic Themes:
                              • Market and product differentiation
                              • Manage volatility for viable farms
                              • Drive consumer demand
                              • Leading community social licence
                              • Building industry shared vision.

8   AUSTRALIAN PORK LIMITED                                                                                                        S T R AT E G I C P L A N 2 0 2 0 – 2 0 2 5   9
Australian Pork Limited - STRATEGIC PLAN 2020-2025
our purpose
                WE ARE                                                        is to enable
                                                                              a thriving
                                                                              pork industry
                               the progressive pork                           our vision and goal
                               organisation                                   Australia's preferred choice protein;
                                                                              sustainably adding $1 billion to
                                                                              farm gate value by 2025

                                                      our                     our                                what
                                                      culture                 values                             we do
                                                      • whole-of-APL          • results driven                   • effective marketing
                                                        thinking                 – say what we’ll do;                   – measured consumer insight,
                                                                                   do what we say; prove it               creativity and collaboration
                                                      • proactive by                                                      which results in sales growth
                                                        nature, reactive by   • challengers                               over time.

                                                        exception                – courageously question
                                                                                                                 • proactive policy
                                                                                   to actively learn
                                                      • human approach to                                               – shaping an environment that
                                                                              • team players                              stays ahead of community
                                                        producer relations                                                expectations whilst remaining
                                                                                 – one team, shared dreams
                                                                                                                          safe and practical for producers.
                                                                              • future focused                   • impactful research
                                                                                 – position for tomorrow’s
                                                                                                                        – making a difference to all
                                                                                   needs today
                                                                                                                          Australians through learning
                                                                                                                          and sharing new ways to build
                                                                                                                          revenue and reduce costs
                                                                                                                          and risks.

10   AUSTRALIAN PORK LIMITED                                                                                  S T R AT E G I C P L A N 2 0 2 0 – 2 0 2 5   11
Australian Pork Limited - STRATEGIC PLAN 2020-2025
          PLANNING             the
              THEMES           consultation                                                                         The key findings from

                                                                                                               stakeholders were that the
                                                                                                                 investment areas of most
                                                                                                                  benefit to industry were:

                                                                                                               knowledge              minimise cost of           environment and
                                                                                                               management             processing and             climate change
                               The development of this                Producers want a single source of                               production
                                                                      truth for innovation in marketing and
                               Strategic Plan involved
                                                                      research, leadership, advocacy and
                               an extensive stakeholder               information regarding industry trends
                               consultation process,                  in animal welfare, biosecurity and
                               starting from first principles         markets. Producers want accurate
                                                                                                               market                 social licence             reduced
                               and involving stakeholders             whole-of-industry data to inform
                                                                      their business decisions. They           diversification        to operate                 volatility
                               along the entire supply                want a representative body which
                               chain, as well as industry             delivers on its promises and uses
                               stakeholders such as                   its resources to increase demand
                               government.                            and production opportunities for
                                                                      the industry and ensure funding is
                                                                                                               product                industry                   innovation in
                               As levy payers, Australian pig         available to help the industry.
                                                                                                               diversification        shared values              health and
                               producers are APL’s primary            The consultation process also                                                              convenience
                               stakeholders. As the industry grows    confirmed that Commonwealth
                               and evolves over time, so do the       and State governments both have
                               needs of these stakeholders,           vested interests in the Australian
                               although – through this consultation   pork industry, due to the varied
                               process – it has been shown that       contributions the industry makes to
                               their core requirements remain the     the community, whether through job
                               same.                                  creation, food security, environmental
                               Producers expect responsiveness,       impact or the economy. Government
                               honesty and realistic expectations     stakeholder needs have remained
                               from their industry body. For many     relatively constant over time, valuing
                               producers, their assets are their      consistency in issues management,
                               superannuation, so they want to        transparent and proactive
                               ensure their industry is stable and    communications, a unified industry
                               sustainable, and can deliver a         voice, cross-sectoral collaboration
                               consistent profit to their business.   and to maximise their investment
                               Producers want an industry body to     in the industry for returns against
                               create positive change on a level      social, economic and environmental
                               which individual farms cannot.         measures.

12   AUSTRALIAN PORK LIMITED                                                                                                                             S T R AT E G I C P L A N 2 0 2 0 – 2 0 2 5   13
Australian Pork Limited - STRATEGIC PLAN 2020-2025
                                      foundations to
         CONTEXT AND                                                                                                              Australia’s preferred choice protein;

                                      shape the future
                                                                                                                                  Sustainably adding $1 billion
                                                                                                                                  to farm gate value by 2025

As a company, APL                                                                        Knowing what our
exists to fulfil obligations                                                             organisation has already
under the Pig Industry                                                                   achieved provides a strong                            Market and
Act 2001, which are                                                                      direction and encourages                                  product
to deliver marketing,                                                                    a future-focused approach                          differentiation
promotion, strategic                                                                     to the next five years, with
policy development and                                                                   the intent to break new
research and development                                                                 ground and identify step-
outcomes for the benefit of                                                              change opportunities for
the Australian pig industry.
                                            made     35%                                 the industry.                                            Manage
                                       fresh pork                                                                                             volatility for
APL has been delivering these
                                            more     increase in domestic pork
                                                                                         To enable this vision, the strategic                 viable farms
benefits since 2000, when, at             popular    consumption, from fourth to
                                                     second most popular meat            planning consultation process
the direction of industry, APL                                                           involved levy payers, the
was established to combine the                                                           Commonwealth, the supply chain,
functions of the Pig Research                                                            industry representative bodies, other

                                                     $5.3 billion
and Development Corporation,                                                             RDCs, and other key stakeholders.
Pork Council of Australia and the          grown                                                                                                     Drive
Australian Pork Corporation into              the
                                                                                         The consultation considered and
one company.
                                                     (from $3 billion in 2012) through
                                                     increased productivity
                                                                                         sought feedback on the strengths,
                                                                                         weaknesses, opportunities,                               demand
                                                                                         threats and long-term trends in the
                                                                                         Australian pork industry. This helped
                                                                                         identify priority areas for investment
                                                                                         for the period 2020–2025, distilled

                                                     piggeries now use 60% less          into the five Strategic Themes,
                                                                                         described in detail throughout this                      Leading
                                                     carbon, as well as many
                                                     generating electricity through      document and summarised on the                        community
                                            impact   on-farm waste                       next page.                                          social licence
                                                                                         This process also shaped our
                                                                                         sustainability goals: climate friendly
                                                                                         farming; carbon positive and zero
                                                                                         waste by 2025; recognition as

                                        improved     encouraged and educated
                                                                                         animal welfare leaders and an
                                                                                         industry which develops its people.                      Building
                                          animal     industry to voluntarily phase                                                                industry
                                          welfare    out gestational sow stalls                                                              shared vision.

14    AUSTRALIAN PORK LIMITED                                                                                                                           S T R AT E G I C P L A N 2 0 2 0 – 2 0 2 5   15
Australian Pork Limited - STRATEGIC PLAN 2020-2025
               T H E M E S AT
                A GLANCE

                                                                    Industry consultation resulted in five
                                                                    Strategic Themes that will govern the

                                                                    specific programs under each of those
                                                                    objectives for APL and the wider pork
                                                                    industry in order to deliver against the
                                                                    targeted outcome statements. These are
                                                                    outlined below and will be supplemented
                                                                    with an Annual Operating Plan and
                                                                    reported against in Annual Reports. The
                                                                    Annual Operating Plan is implemented
                                                                    through a multi-disciplinary and cross
                                                                    divisional approach designed to maximise
                                                                    internal and external collaboration.

market and             manage                drive                   leading                 building
product                volatility for        consumer                community               industry
differentiation        viable farms          demand                  social licence          shared vision

Price realisation.     Better anticipate     Increased volume       Blazing a trail for      Building
We add value and       market fluctuations   demanded; getting      Australian agriculture   relationships and
increase the price     and flatten the       more Australian        to be sustainably        a narrative of being
premium customers      peaks and troughs,    pork on forks, be      celebrated and           a progressive,
are prepared to pay    making the industry   they at home, eating   making our               informed,
versus other similar   more stable.          out or overseas.       Australian investors     informative and

                                                                                                                        APL will continue
products or markets                                                 proud of what            unified industry.
domestically and                                                    they do.

                                                                                                                     to develop a culture
     Diversity of         Timely relevant     Maintain domestic          Biosecurity          Producer relations         underpinned by
                                                                                                                          values that will
     markets and        through-the-chain      fresh demand              leadership            (shared values)
      products           information (data

                                                                                                                      ensure sustainable
                                               Grow domestic           Climate friendly          Technology
     Quality                                      demand                   farming                adoption
 consumer eating         Reduce cost of
   experiences           production and
                           processing          Grow targeted             Leaders in             Organisational              progress and
                                                                                                                     delivery of valuable
                                                international            animal care            effectiveness
     Valuable                                     demand
  provenance of            Diversified

                                                                                                                    and relevant industry
  Australian pork         pig business                                   Leaders in
                           extension                                   human nutrition

                                                                      Industry visibility

Australian Pork Limited - STRATEGIC PLAN 2020-2025
The true
                                                                                                                                                                              stories we
                                                                                                                                                                               can tell of
                                                                                                                                                                             where, how
                                                                                                                                                                            and why our
                                                                                                                                                                             is valuable.

           S T R AT E G I C
                               market and
          THEME ONE                                                                                                Diversity of markets               Quality consumer                          Valuable provenance
                                                                                                                   and products                       eating experiences                        of Australian pork

                               differentiation                                                                  “Nothing else in the world…
                                                                                                                not all the armies… is so
                                                                                                                powerful as an idea whose
                                                                                                                time has come.” —Victor Hugo
                                                                                                                                                   “We are what we repeatedly
                                                                                                                                                   do. Excellence then, is not an
                                                                                                                                                   act, but a habit.” —Will Durant
                                                                                                                                                                                            “Storytelling is the most
                                                                                                                                                                                            powerful way to put ideas into
                                                                                                                                                                                            the world.” —Robert McKee
                                                                                                                                                   Most Australian pork is bought           Different customers value
                                                                                                                Pigs are already used in a         for human food. People are               different benefits slightly
                                                                                                                remarkable array of products,      learning organisms. As such,             differently. However, there is
                               Building a broader portfolio             to pay more for our product or
                                                                                                                from soap, to bread, to            people repeat experiences                an opportunity to add value at
                                                                        service than they previously were
                               of points of difference                                                          margarine, road building and       they and their loved ones enjoy.         every step of the value chain
                                                                        or they are prepared to pay more
                               that are more valuable to                than other available options. This      ammunition manufacture.            These truisms mean that people           from how that grain grower
                               some customers than other                theme covers market diversification,    However, this versatility is not   have a “core repertoire” of              rotated crops to how the
                                                                                                                fully understood and the value     meals that they cook at home.            supermarket packaged the
                               competing products or                    eating experience (the single most
                                                                                                                not completely captured by         These account for the vast               product sustainably, with easy to
                                                                        important factor in Australian pork’s
                               services.                                                                        the producers of this versatile    majority of the meals they eat.          follow cooking instructions that
                                                                        biggest market) and the true stories
                                                                        we can tell of where, how and why       raw material. The purpose          This repertoire changes slowly           any consumer can convert to
                               Specifically, the points of difference   our provenance is valuable.             of this program is to uncover      however, meals with consistently         success. This program is focused
                               are market driven and we can                                                     new opportunities, prioritise      good eating experiences are              on creating the options for
                               demonstrate that they add value.                                                 existing opportunities and build   more likely to arrive in the             telling industry’s stories, market
                               We measure added value through                                                   significant businesses in a        core-repertoire. The building            by market, product by product,
                               target customers being prepared                                                  broader array of markets than      popularity of pork recipes in            producer by producer and
                                                                                                                food.                              people’s favourite meals is the          most importantly, consumer by
                                                                                                                                                   goal of this program.                    consumer.

18   AUSTRALIAN PORK LIMITED                                                                                                                                                          S T R AT E G I C P L A N 2 0 2 0 – 2 0 2 5   19
Flattening the extremes
                  S T R AT E G I C
                                          manage                                                                        and providing a great
                                          volatility for
                 THEME TWO

                                                                                                                        variety of business options
                                          viable farms                                                                  to select from.

                                          The uncertainty that                  The intention here is to provide a
                                                                                great variety of business options
                                          goes with all markets is
                                                                                for individual commercial entities to
                                          particularly intense with             select from. These options include
                                          agriculture.                          timing in terms of anticipation. They
                                                                                also include a broader array of
                                          The large numbers of individuals      available markets by being more
                                          who get similar commercial prompts    cost-competitive globally as well as
                                          at the same time tends to create      building on existing capabilities to
                                          booms and busts. This theme is        both build revenue and drive social
                                          about flattening those extremes.      benefits.

       Timely relevant                         Reduce cost of                        Diversified pig
       through-the-chain                       production and                        business extension
       information                             processing                            opportunities
       (data utilisation)

     “Time is the wisest of all             “Sometimes it's more difficult        “Spend each day trying
     things that are; for it brings         to achieve a 10% cost                 to be a little wiser than you
     everything to light.” —Thales          reduction than it is to tell          were when you woke up.”
                                            people they have to achieve           —Charlie Munge
     Our recent history has taught
                                            50%. Small incremental steps
     us that understanding “through                                               This program seeks to provide
                                            block your view of doing
     the chain” supply and demand                                                 alternate pork business
                                            something fundamentally
     can help all industry players                                                options for pork producers’
                                            different.” —Eckhard Pfeiffer
     plan, evaluate and decide                                                    consideration. In general,
     more effectively. This program         Australia has many natural            when pork production is
     focuses on improving the               strengths. We also have               profitable there comes a point
     timeliness, flexibility and            expensive labour, high feed           where decisions get made on
     availability of information to         prices and a relatively small         how to invest the proceeds.
     support individual decision            number of people distributed          Historically, a common choice
     making. Markets operate most           over almost 7.7 million square        has been to increase the
     efficiently where there is perfect     kilometres. This program              volume of production. This
     data immediately available to          is focused on those cost              will remain a valid option, as
     all participants. In multi-stage       measures that individual              is investing in margin, climate
     value chains data will not be          producers cannot afford               friendly sustainability or
     perfect, however that does not         alone, including big, high risk       valuable product or market
     diminish the value of targeting        opportunities – with everyone         differentiation.
     perfection.                            sharing a small part of the risk.

20       AUSTRALIAN PORK LIMITED                                                                                                            S T R AT E G I C P L A N 2 0 2 0 – 2 0 2 5   21
Creative telling
     of motivating
     stories and
     the consistent
     delivery of

         S T R AT E G I C
       THEME THREE                                                                                                Maintain domestic                   Grow domestic                              Grow targeted
                                                                                                                  fresh demand                        demand                                     international demand

                               demand                                                                          “If you are persistent you will
                                                                                                               get it. If you are consistent you
                                                                                                               will keep it.” —Anonymous
                                                                                                                                                   “Logic will take you from A to
                                                                                                                                                   B. Imagination will take you
                                                                                                                                                   everywhere” —Albert Einstein
                                                                                                                                                                                              “Purity is the gatekeeper
                                                                                                                                                                                              for everything precious and
                                                                                                                                                                                              blissful.” —Eric Ludy
                                                                                                               Sustainable growth is founded       This is the extension program of           This is also an extension
                               Ultimately, it is the person           consumer is prepared to pay will
                                                                                                               on a solid base. Australia has      inspiring research that uncovers           program of research that
                                                                      continue to be one of the roles
                               with the gold who makes                                                         been increasingly falling in        the needs of Australian                    uncovers the needs of
                                                                      APL plays for our stakeholders. The
                               the choices.                           relentless search for factual truths,    love with fresh pork. “Get some     consumers both inside and                  consumers in other parts of the
                                                                      the creative telling of motivating       pork on your fork” has been         outside the food category.                 world. Particularly, respecting
                               Influencing consumers as the           stories and the consistent delivery of   revived over the last decade        Extension in this instance                 both the similarities and
                               source of product approval, industry   promises remain the building blocks      and transmitted consistently into   means telling a story Australians          differences of people based
                               appreciation and the enjoyment         of a sustainable industry.               homes, shops and the palms          want to hear and engaging in a             upon their cultural beliefs.
                               of eating is essential to increasing                                            of Australian’s hands via their     conversation about improving               Extension in this context still
                               demand of pork. Understanding                                                   mobile phones. The investment       lives, strengthening social                means telling a story consumers
                               what the consumer wants and                                                     in positive momentum provides       bonds and eating healthily.                and customers want to hear.
                               providing that in a better way than                                             both the time and confidence to     Pork is already enjoyed in                 Our neighbours in Asia value
                               our competitors, and at a price the                                             explore, experiment and enjoy       more than 4 out of 5 Australian            safety as well as taste, texture,
                                                                                                               Australian pork.                    households, this program                   aroma and visual attractiveness.
                                                                                                                                                   seeks to extend the uses and               Adding value at each stage of
                                                                                                                                                   occasions of that enjoyment.               the supply chain will be key to
                                                                                                                                                                                              leveraging Australian pork’s
                                                                                                                                                                                              first-class quality systems.

22   AUSTRALIAN PORK LIMITED                                                                                                                                                           S T R AT E G I C P L A N 2 0 2 0 – 2 0 2 5   23
                               leading                                                                              Leaders in
                                                                                                                    animal care
                                                                                                                                                                                                     Climate friendly

        THEME FOUR

                               social licence
                                                                                                                 “The love for all living            “Commitment eats impossible                 “We cannot hold a torch to
                                                                                                                 creatures is the most noble         for breakfast.”                             light another's path without
                                                                                                                 attribute of man.”                  —Honorée Corder                             brightening our own.”
                                                                                                                 —Charles Darwin                                                                 —Ben Sweetland
                                                                                                                                                     With the sea as a natural
                                                                                                                 Australia’s pork industry has       boundary and diligent                       The provision of tasty, high
                               Social license brings with it            It does mean balancing the               been a proactive leader in          professionals in our ports,                 quality, sustainable food is a
                                                                        major factors for sustainability;        animal care for more than a         Australia has managed to stay               challenge for every country
                               the implication of societal                                                       decade. In 2011 the industry        free of many of the animal                  on earth. Finding ways to do
                                                                        affordable for shoppers, safe for
                               permission.                              workers, responsible to the planet,      voted to voluntarily remove         diseases experienced in other               this that are friendly to the
                                                                        considerate of the animals, nutritious   gestation stalls and set a target   parts of the world. The vast                planet are not only possible
                               Often societal permission holds          for consumers and viable for the         of legislating this move in 2017.   majority of Australia’s pork farms          but already occurring. This
                               organisations to a higher standard       farmer. It also means investing in       When governmental priorities        already have a biosecurity                  program seeks to build on the
                               than the law. This strategy is aiming    research that provides opportunities     delayed the review of pig care      plan. This program seeks not                extraordinary work of some
                               higher than both. The goal is societal   for leadership.                          standards and guidelines, APL       only to maintain our current                Australian pork producers who
                               celebration. This does not mean that                                              volunteered to help fund the        biosecurity levels but also to              already capture farm waste to
                               every special interest group will be                                              process of review, in order to      investigate ways in which we                generate electricity to keep
                               automatically agreed with.                                                        deliver on our promise. This        can “push back the borders” in              piglets warm. Building on
                                                                                                                 proud tradition of proactivity      space and time by extending                 research into real sustainability
                                                                                                                 continues with investment in        our biosecurity on behalf of all            (particularly responsible to the
                                                                                                                 research to further extend this     Australians.                                planet) this program seeks
                                                                                                                 leadership tradition.                                                           to shape the narrative of
                                                                                                                                                                                                 sustainable and farmed.

     The goal
                                                                                                                                                        Leaders in                                  Industry
                                                                                                                                                        human nutrition                             visibility

     is societal
     celebration                                                                                                                                     “Let food be thy medicine and
                                                                                                                                                     medicine be thy food.”
                                                                                                                                                                                                 “A basic tenet of a healthy
                                                                                                                                                                                                 democracy is open dialogue.”
                                                                                                                                                     —Hippocrates                                —Peter Fenn.
                                                                                                                                                     Australian pork already offers              Australian pork producers are
                                                                                                                                                     consumers a large number                    proud of their standards and
                                                                                                                                                     of health benefits. Some are                methods of operation. This
                                                                                                                                                     common to all meats such as                 program targets making our
                                                                                                                                                     micro-nutrients that are more               methods easily available to
                                                                                                                                                     bio-available when consumed in              people in towns and cities
                                                                                                                                                     meat than a vitamin supplement.             whilst protecting the welfare
                                                                                                                                                     There are other unique                      of our animals. It also protects
                                                                                                                                                     combinations of nutrients that              the biosecurity that producers
                                                                                                                                                     set pork apart. This program is             and others have worked so
                                                                                                                                                     focused on helping Australians              hard to achieve whilst providing
                                                                                                                                                     understand and recognise the                nutritious, consistent protein for
                                                                                                                                                     nutritional value of pork as part           consumers.
                                                                                                                                                     of a balanced diet.

24   AUSTRALIAN PORK LIMITED                                                                                                                                                              S T R AT E G I C P L A N 2 0 2 0 – 2 0 2 5   25
          THEME FIVE
                                                                                                              Producer relations                  Technology                                    Organisational
                                                                                                              (shared values)                     adoption                                      effectiveness

                               shared vision                                                               “The goal is to provide
                                                                                                           inspiring information that
                                                                                                           moves people to action.”
                                                                                                                                               “Technology frightens me
                                                                                                                                               to death. It’s designed by
                                                                                                                                               engineers to impress other
                                                                                                                                                                                            “Collaboration allows us
                                                                                                                                                                                            to know more than we
                                                                                                                                                                                            are capable of knowing
                               In any collective there are          Over time the goal is to shape this    —Guy Kawasaki.                      engineers. And they always                   ourselves.” —Paul Solarz
                                                                    into a well informed and focused                                           come with instruction booklets
                               perceptions of bias,                                                        The purpose of this program                                                      Every successful organisation
                                                                    narrative – one where we are all                                           that are written by engineers
                               advantaging some                     clear on what is and is not on the
                                                                                                           is to inspire and strengthen
                                                                                                                                               for other engineers – which                  evolves and finds better
                                                                                                           two-way communication with
                               participants by                      agenda, and where the producers
                                                                                                           producers and the APL team.
                                                                                                                                               is why almost no technology                  ways of working, more
                                                                                                                                                                                            efficient methods of allocating
                               disadvantaging others.               are treated like customers and their
                                                                                                           This not only enables producers
                                                                                                                                               ever works.” —John Cleese
                                                                                                                                                                                            and prioritising resources,
                                                                    APL employees are respected as
                                                                                                           to take advantage of the            This program involves                        developing people and
                               This is as true for the Australian   experts.
                                                                                                           research, policy and market         presenting beneficial                        building skills and capabilities.
                               pork producers as it is for other    There may be too much passion for      opportunities that exist but also   technologies in simple, clear
                               agricultural professions.            total agreement but we will accept     enable APL to stay updated          ways that the user group                     This program is focused
                                                                    relentless progress towards our        about existing and future           understands. Particular effort will          on on-going reflection and
                               This theme involves creating                                                                                                                                 continuous improvement in
                               dialogues with each APL member       shared goals.                          needs of producers. Another         be made to ensure messages
                                                                                                           element is to enable industry       are framed to influence                      operational performance.
                               and finding value that they can
                               add to the industry as well as                                              collaboration and mutual            uptake of new technologies
                               finding value that APL can add to                                           progress across producer            and practice changes. The
                               their business.                                                             groups and other parts of the       aim will be to help producers
                                                                                                           value chain.                        understand how the use of the
                                                                                                                                               technology or introduction of
                                                                                                                                               the practice change will benefit
                                                                                                                                               their business. It also includes
                                                                                                                                               recording which technologies
                                                                                                                                               have been adopted by whom,
                                                                                                                                               what learnings and adjustments
                                                                                                                                               have been made and any other
                                                                                                                                               practices that either enhance or
                                                                                                                                               damage the intended benefits
                                                                                                                                               of adoption.

26   AUSTRALIAN PORK LIMITED                                                                                                                                                         S T R AT E G I C P L A N 2 0 2 0 – 2 0 2 5   27
        AUSTR ALIAN                                                    Table 1. Australian Pork Industry Key Result Areas
                                                                            STRATEGIC                    INDUSTRY                                                  TARGET OBJECTIVE

      PERFORMANCE                                                                                                                    MEASURE
           TR ACKER                                                           THEME                      OUTCOME                                                   2020                    2025
                                                                                                   Increased domestic
                                                                                                                                 Frequency of retail
                                                                                                   preference for pork as a                                                    9                       11
                                                                                                                                 purchase per annum
                                                                                                   protein source
                                                                           market and
                               Any strategy seeks to move a                product
                               competitive position from the current                                                             Number of new
                                                                           differentiation         Increased diversity of        markets worth $50m
                               one to a new, more attractive one.                                                                                                              0                       5
                               The measures and targets outlined                                   markets and products          revenue (includes
                               below are aspirations APL has for                                                                 premium)
                               each Strategic Theme.
                                                                                                                                 Price variation,
                               Each measure, although summarised                                   Price stays within historic
                                                                                                                                 adjusted for inflation             3.14 – 3.64           3.40 – 3.90
                               here has a formalised methodology                                   trend range
                               of reporting to ensure it is measured
                                                                           manage                                                (A$ per kg HSCW)
                               in a consistent manner with a defined
                                                                           volatility for
                                                                           viable farms            Reduced cost of
                                                                                                                                 Indexed cost of
                                                                                                                                 production at                              100                       85
                                                                                                                                 constant grain price

                                                                                                                                 Per capita fresh pork
                                                                                                   Increased domestic
                                                                                                                                 consumption                                10.2                      11.1
                                                                                                   popularity of pork
                                                                           drive                                                 (HSCW kg)
                                                                           demand                  Increased international       Australian Pork
                                                                                                   demand for Australian         international sales                       137.9                 240.0
                                                                                                   pork                          (A$m)

                                                                                                                                 Social license
                                                                                                   Demonstrated leadership
                                                                                                                                 leadership positions                           1                      3
                                                                                                   on social license issues
                                                                           leading                                               taken
                                                                           social licence          Maintaining Australia’s
                                                                                                                                 Number of new
                                                                                                                                 exotic diseases                               0                       0
                                                                                                   biosecurity credentials

                                                                                                                                 Members who know
                                                                                                   Meaningful member
                                                                                                                                 their primary APL                        60%*                       90%
                                                                                                                                 contacts name (%)

                                                                           building                Increased on-farm
                                                                                                                                 Members who can
                                                                           industry                adoption
                                                                                                                                 recall APL adoption                      30%*                       80%
                                                                           shared vision                                         this year (%)

                                                                                                                                 Producers who
                                                                                                   Effective research
                                                                                                                                 consumed APL                             20%*                       50%
                                                                                                                                 information (%)

                                                                                                           * These measures do not yet have a base-line in 2020 and are estimates for 2020.

28   AUSTRALIAN PORK LIMITED                                                                                                                            S T R AT E G I C P L A N 2 0 2 0 – 2 0 2 5      29
                               a balanced
                               R&D portfolio

APL invests in new,            Investment is allocated to achieve       “Horizon projects” are typically
                               balanced, financially responsible        medium to long term projects.
developing, maturing
                               investment outcomes from both            Depending on the project, the
and established industry       industry and Commonwealth                outcomes may be transformative,
opportunities. These           matching funds.                          significant in terms of the total value
investments may                Our investments integrate the
                                                                        added to the industry, will take
                                                                        multiple years to complete and are
complement relevant            triple bottom line objectives of
                                                                        likely to deliver observable industry
national and cross-sectoral    economic, environmental and social
                                                                        outcomes some years after the
                               responsibility. Investments are
initiatives.                   planned to spread 30 per cent of the
                                                                        project has been completed.
                               long run investment budget towards       APL’s systems enable the portfolio
                               what is currently being referred to as   of investments to be classified by
                               “industry solutions” and 70 per cent     various dimensions including:
                               towards “horizon projects”.              • government research priorities
                               “Industry solutions” are typically       • theme objectives
                               short-term projects which will deliver   • project length
                               relatively immediately observable
                                                                        • levels of risk, return and leverage.
                               outcomes. Industry solution
                               projects may be either pro-active        The Board has established the
                               or responsive. Typically the risk of     Investment Committee to assist
                               not achieving project outcomes for       in prioritising and recommending
                               solutions projects is low.               specific investments to the Board
                                                                        for funding. Elected Delegates
                                                                        representing Australian pork
                                                                        producers communicate the
                                                                        contemporary views of the Australian
                                                                        pork production industry to APL
                                                                        at least twice per annum. APL
                                                                        management and APL committees,
                                                                        including subject matter experts,

                                                                                                                  Investment is
                                                                        consider the views of industry when
                                                                        identifying and evaluating projects.
                                                                        If proposed projects are supported
                                                                        by the relevant committee, they
                                                                        are recommended to the Board for          allocated to achieve
                                                                                                                  balanced, financially
                                                                        endorsement and funding.

                                                                                                                  investment outcomes
30   AUSTRALIAN PORK LIMITED                                                                                                              S T R AT E G I C P L A N 2 0 2 0 – 2 0 2 5   31
                               The table to the right                    Table 2. Projections for Industry Development to 20251
                               outlines the assumptions
                               around the key industry                                                                                                                                                             2020 vs               2025 vs
                                                                             YEAR ENDING JUNE 30                                                       2010          2015          2020          2025              2015 (%)              2020 (%)
                               parameters over the term
                               of the Strategic Plan                          Number of sows                                                            254,930       265,057       271,447      286,000                      2.4                      5.4

                               The industry outcomes targeted                 Pigs weaned per sow per year                                                  22.2         22.6          22.8         24.5                      0.9                      7.5
                               in this strategic plan incorporate
                               relatively modest volume of                    Slaughter numbers                                         millions            4.56         4.92          5.15          5.91                     4.6                     14.6
                               production growth assumptions and
                               relatively aggressive industry value
                                                                              Average weight                                         HSCW kg                 72.6        75.4         77.97         79.97                     3.4                      2.6
                               assumptions, targeting maintaining
                               industry value (gross value of
                                                                              Total domestic produced                      HSCW tonnes 000's             331.260       371.164        401.7         472.3                     8.2                     17.6
                               production on-farm) at around its
                               highest level ever (2020).
                                                                              Industry gross value of production                      $ millions            917.6       1195.1       1502.3       1725.59                    25.7                     14.9
                               Achieving that goal will add $1 billion
                               to the Australian pig industry over            Total exports                                   SW tonnes 000's               35.31       37.94        33.00         48.00                    -13.0                     45.5
                               the five years of the strategic plan.
                                                                              Import volume HSCW                     HSCW equiv tonnes 000's              254.99       286.74        369.21       294.59                    28.8                  -20.2

                                                                              Total available domestic                     HSCW tonnes 000's              548.46      622.80         740.53        734.01                    18.9                     -0.9

                                                                              Australian population                                     millions          22.032       23.816         25.74         27.57                      8.1                      7.1

                                                                              Domestic consumption fresh               HSCW kg/capita/annum                 8.66         9.74          10.2              11.1                  4.7                     8.8

                                                                              Domestic consumption processed           HSCW kg/capita/annum                  13.14          14.9          15.7          15.7                  5.4                      0.0

                                                                              Domestic consumption total               HSCW kg/capita/annum                 21.80       24.64          25.9         26.8                       5.1                     3.5

                                                                              Total fresh                                  HSCW tonnes 000's               190.79      231.97        262.6         306.0                     13.2                     16.5

                                                                              Total processed                              HSCW tonnes 000's              289.39       354.86         404.4         433.1                    14.0                       7.1

                                                                              Total Australian processed                   HSCW tonnes 000's              102.67        84.09         108.7         133.4                    29.3                     22.7

                                                                              Total Australian pork consumption        HSCW kg/capita/annum                 13.32       13.27          14.4          15.9                      8.7                    10.5

                                                                              Australian processed share                                      %             35.5         23.7          26.9          30.8                    13.4                     14.6

                                                                             Sources include the Australian Bureau of Statistics, APL Producer Surveys and Nielsen

32   AUSTRALIAN PORK LIMITED                                                                                                                                                                             S T R AT E G I C P L A N 2 0 2 0 – 2 0 2 5       33

The industry assumptions       As a principle, the Board has            The key assumptions used to
                               decided to introduce a degree of         ascertain the forecast financial
in the previous section
                               flexibility into forward budgets. In     performance are:
have been used to forecast     previous strategic plans, the five-      • The Pig Slaughter Levy remains
the financial performance      year budget included predetermined         unchanged at $3.25 per slaughter,
of APL for the period of the   apportionment between each                 as received by APL;
                               strategic objective. These
2020–2025 Strategic Plan,                                               • The continuation of the Export
                               apportionments were reviewed by
including the resources        the Board annually. Occasionally
                                                                          Market Development Grant
                                                                          (EMDG) system that is currently in
required to deliver against    these reviews resulted in
the Strategic Themes.          reapportionment of budget between
                                                                        • The continuation of the R&D
                               strategic objectives.
                                                                          matching system in its current
                               As the Australian pork industry has        form and at its current levels; and
                               become more dynamic, particularly
                                                                        • Other revenue streams which
                               in the last four years, APL has
                                                                          include interest income and
                               identified a need to be more resilient
                                                                          reimbursement for services
                               to the changing environment. APL
                                                                          provided to other industry
                               will address this need by improving
                                                                          organisations are consistent with
                               the agility of its processes and
                                                                          current expectations.
                                                                        The ambitious goals of this
                               This strategic plan is therefore more
                                                                        strategic plan mean it is possible
                               dynamic than previous plans in the
                                                                        that delivering the plan will require
                               sense that the Board has committed
                                                                        additional resourcing. As an
                               to allocate up to 30 per cent of
                                                                        industry we may need to consider
                               each year’s revenue to funding
                                                                        changing the levy amount in order to
                               “industry solutions” and up to 70 per
                                                                        facilitate improved R&D and market
                               cent to strategic industry “horizon”
                               outcomes, as referenced under
                               A balanced R&D portfolio (page 30).

                                                                                                                APL has identified
                                                                                                                a need to be more
                                                                                                                resilient to the changing

34   AUSTRALIAN PORK LIMITED                                                                                                           S T R AT E G I C P L A N 2 0 2 0 – 2 0 2 5   35

Table 3. Forecast APL financial income and expenditure planning through to 2025

                                                                           2021                              2022                             2023                             2024                                         2025
           YEAR ENDING 30 JUNE
                  $ ‘000
                                                                  R&D             Marketing         R&D               Marketing      R&D               Marketing      R&D               Marketing                R&D                 Marketing

  Levy                                                $           5,322,000           11,974,500    5,433,000           12,224,250   5,497,000           12,368,250   5,547,000           12,480,750             5,547,000               12,480,750

  Government R&D Matching Contributions               $           5,452,000                         5,563,000                        5,627,000                        5,677,000                                  5,677,000

  Other Revenue                                       $                                 305,000                           313,990                          318,056                           322,199                                         326,421

  Total Income                                        $           10,774,000          12,279,500    10,996,000          12,538,240   11,124,000          12,686,306   11,224,000          12,802,949             11,224,000                12,807,171

  market and product differentiation                  $            1,514,476              333,111    1,545,682             340,130   1,563,675              344,147     1,577,731             347,311               1,577,731                347,425

  manage volatility for viable farms                  $           3,869,083             188,094     3,498,806             192,057    3,539,534              194,325    3,571,353              196,112             3,571,353                   196,177

  drive consumer demand                               $            1,140,400           8,529,187      1,163,898         9,609,427      1,177,447          9,722,781     1,188,031          9,812,022                1,188,031              9,815,008

  leading community social licence                    $            4,387,487            821,422      3,459,723            838,087    3,498,483             849,644    3,528,764             858,806               3,528,764                 859,382

  building industry shared vision                     $            1,342,724           1,342,364      1,370,391          1,370,649   1,386,343            1,386,835   1,398,806            1,399,586              1,398,806                1,400,047

  Other Expenditure                                   $              85,733              56,696        87,500               57,891      88,518              58,574        89,314               59,113                 89,314                   59,132

  Total Expenditure by Category                       $          12,339,903           11,270,874     11,125,999         12,408,240   11,253,999          12,556,306   11,353,999          12,672,950             11,353,999                 12,677,171

  Total Expenditure                                   $                  23,610,777                        23,534,240                       23,810,306                      24,026,949                                    24,031,170

  Surplus/Deficit                                     $                   (557,277)                               0                                0                                0                                           0

  Reserves                                            $                  3,734,000                          3,941,962                       3,965,083                        3,992,690                                     4,004,961

36       AUSTRALIAN PORK LIMITED                                                                                                                                                                        S T R AT E G I C P L A N 2 0 2 0 – 2 0 2 5       37
Purpose                                Evaluation of possible project
                                                                                importance    On-going evaluation of                    Evaluation of projects at the             Program Framework
This Evaluation Framework                                                                     project investments                       end of the life of the projects           APL’s Evaluation Framework
supports APL’s Program                 The decision to invest in a project is                 The impact of the strategic pillars       Selected Programs incorporate             supports the following Program
Framework. The evaluation              made following evaluation of the:                      and themes on the industry as             a budget for ex post evaluation           Framework.
framework is a requirement of          • Alignment of the project with the                    a whole are measured using                of projects to be performed by
the Funding Agreement between                                                                                                                                                     APL has an established structure
                                         Strategic and Annual Operating                       Key Result Areas (KRAs). APL’s            external independent consultants.
the Commonwealth of Australia                                                                                                                                                     which facilitates planning, guides
                                         Plan. The Strategic Plan is                          performance in efficiently and            These post-project evaluations
represented by the Department                                                                                                                                                     investment selection, monitors
                                         reviewed annually                                    effectively delivering projects to        apply the evaluation guidelines for
of Agriculture, Water and the                                                                                                                                                     performance and reports on
                                       • Alignment with APL’s Governance                      support those pillars are measured        the assessment of performance
Environment (the Commonwealth)                                                                                                                                                    progress/achievements resulting
                                         Framework and Corporate Social                       using organisation Key Performance        impacts developed by the Council
and Australian Pork Limited                                                                                                                                                       from the investment activities.
                                         Responsibility policies                              Indicators (KPIs). APL’s KRAs and         of Rural Research and Development
(APL). APL consulted with the
Commonwealth in preparing the          • Likely economic, societal and          time period   KPIs are published in APL’s Annual
                                                                                              Operating Plan which is available on
                                                                                                                                        Corporations. APL also participates
                                                                                                                                        in the Council’s process for
                                                                                                                                                                                  The Program Framework has the
                                                                                                                                                                                  following elements:
Evaluation Framework.                    environmental impacts with
                                                                                              APL’s website.                            aggregation of performance impact         • The Australian Pork Limited
                                         particular consideration given to
The Evaluation Framework describes                                                                                                      evaluations undertaken across the             Strategic Plan 2020-25 which
                                         the national rural R&D priorities                    Projects are measured and
the process of undertaking                                                                                                              RDCs.                                         describes the objectives,
                                         and providing outcomes for                           evaluated through their life
rigorous and regular evaluation          Australian pork producers and the                    to determine whether further              Typical ex-post reports performed             outcome statements and key
of Research and Development              Australian pork supply chain as a                    investment would add value to             by external independent consultants           performance indicators to direct
activities and Marketing activities.     whole                                                the Australian pork industry. The         include:                                      investment of levy payer funds
Outputs and performance impacts                                                               measured KRAs and KPIs for each                                                         and Commonwealth Matching
                                       • Value for money and budget.                                                                    • Industry Economic Impact Reports
of APL’s Program investments are                                                              program are reported to the APL                                                         Payments
                                         During the evaluation stage the                                                                   (whole of industry)
systematically evaluated through                                                              Board regularly. The measured                                                       • Delivery of the strategic objectives
                                         expected benefits to Australian                                                                • Ex-Post Economic Analysis
APL’s Evaluation Framework and                                                                outcomes are reported in APL’s                                                          are supported by Annual
summarised in APL’s Annual Report.
                                         pork producers is estimated. The
                                         potential and likely contribution         ease       Annual Report which is available on
                                                                                                                                                                                      Operating Plans (AOPs). The
                                                                                              APL’s website. The Annual Report          • Ex-Post Benefit Cost Analysis               AOPs are annual investment plans
Strategies, objectives, and KPIs are     of non-financial impacts are also
                                                                                              describes, inter alia, how the projects      (programs)                                 that describe the projects to be
set out in APL’s Strategic Plan and      considered in conjunction with
the Annual Operating Plan which          APL’s Strategic Plan                                 advance the objective outcomes of         Research and Development findings             funded to achieve the agreed five
outline projects by Program. The                                                              the Annual Operating Plan and the         are published and disseminated                year strategic outcomes.
                                       • Pathway to adoption, uptake and
Evaluation Framework describes:                                                               Strategic Plan.                           through APL’s various communication       • The annual report brings together
                                         commercialisation opportunities,
• Evaluation of possible projects in     where relevant                                                                                 channels unless there is a cogent             performance related information
   the Program                                                                                                                          reason why publication is not                 generated by the Program
                                       • Project risk assessment.
                                                                                                                                        appropriate such as when APL                  Framework and summarises
• On-going evaluation of projects
                                       The R&D and non-R&D costs of each                                                                is pursuing a commercialisation               the AOP outputs and impact of
   through the life of the Program
                                       project being evaluated are reported                                                             opportunity.                                  investments
• Evaluation of projects at the end
   of the life of the Program and
                                       separately and in aggregate.
                                                                                   cost                                                                                           • Undertaking a performance
                                                                                                                                                                                      review conducted by an
   dissemination of outcomes.
                                                                                                                                                                                      independent party
                                                                                                                                                                                  • The performance review under
                                                                                                                                                                                      the Funding Agreement will
                                                                                                                                                                                      include information on the extent
                                                                                                                                                                                      to which planned services and
                                                                                                                                                                                      deliverables were met and
                                                                                                                                                                                      the outcomes of evaluations

38     AUSTRALIAN PORK LIMITED                                                                                                                                                S T R AT E G I C P L A N 2 0 2 0 – 2 0 2 5   39
                                    pork industry
                                                                                                              Driver                  Outlook/Impact/effect                                                          Assessment

                                                                                                              Supply chain            There’s a polarisation between big producers and small                        Weakness
                                                                                                              fragmentation           producers which when combined with an increased diversity
                                                                                                                                      of consumer sales outlets and channels that means product

                                    and situational
                                                                                                                                      tracking becomes exponentially more complex.

                                    analysis                                                                  Perceived reliance
                                                                                                              on supermarkets
                                                                                                                                      Supermarkets have a much bigger share of producer and supply
                                                                                                                                      chains mind than they do have of product. Serving supermarkets
                                                                                                                                      needs is very important, and serving other channels needs is
                                                                                                                                      roughly twice as important.

                                                                                                              Increased               The pork industry has recently seen a significant amount of global            Opportunity
                                                                                                              media                   press, due to the spread of African swine fever (ASF) and negative
                                                                                                              attention               health coverage of meat. This has increased the number of people
                                                                                                                                      who may consider restricting meat consumption for perceived
                                                                                                                                      health benefits. The opportunity lies in ensuring that Australian
                                                                                                                                      consumers are well informed about their nutrition and understand
                                                                                                                                      the role that meat and pork can play in delivering their nutritional

     Driver            Outlook/Impact/effect                                                     Assessment

                                                                                                              Diverse market          90% of Australian pork is currently sold domestically for food. An            Opportunity
 Increased focus on    The global spread of African swine fever (ASF) has seen an                Strength     requirements            ideal sales strategy has fewer eggs in more baskets.
 biosecurity           increased focus on biosecurity from all stakeholders, raising the
                       profile of biosecurity from a farm-gate problem to a national priority.

                                                                                                              International protein   ASF-driven pork shortages have led to protein substitutions                   Opportunity
                                                                                                              shortages               Stronger global prices may put some pressure on bacon and ham
 Domestic consumer     Domestic consumer demand continues for fresh pork, with supply            Strength                             processors and their import purchasing plans due to the global
 demand                issues the limit on volume consumption growth going forward.                                                   African swine fever epidemic.
                       Most of the core consumer needs for food (consistency of supply,                                               Commentators are predicting a shortfall in pork production in China
                       nutrition, sustenance, affordability, value and taste) remain constant.                                        over the next couple of years of up to 18 million tonnes, which is
                                                                                                                                      completely impossible to replace by increased production in other
                       Pork consumption has grown by 37.4 per cent over the last 20
                                                                                                                                      parts of the world. At best, only three to four million tonnes of extra
                       years. Contributors to pork growth include increased recognition of
                                                                                                                                      Chinese imports are possible and even this will place great stress
                       healthy cuts and cooking versatility.
                                                                                                                                      on pork demand globally.
                                                                                                                                      Export volumes have come down as domestic pig prices have
                                                                                                                                      improved over the past year, leading to a growing unwillingness to
 Productivity          Other than feed costs, Australian pork producers are seeing               Strength                             continue supplying very cheap overseas markets. Strategic markets
 improvements          improvements in productivity from previous years, from the                                                     such as Singapore continue to provide a strong volume outlet and
                       changing role of technology in production and research –                                                       dynamics look good for increasing global prices with ASF induced
                       including ever-improving genetics – to efficiencies realised by                                                production challenges.
                       adapting to climate change.

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Driver            Outlook/Impact/effect                                                      Assessment    Driver               Outlook/Impact/effect                                                        Assessment

 Favourable            Food for some can be a source of pride in how they provide for             Opportunity   High grain prices    Due to the high cost of grain in drought periods, Australian                Threat
 consumer trends       their family and can be a focal point for a small amount of daily                                             production costs are often at the mercy of weather conditions.
                       inspiration and enjoyment.
                                                                                                                                     High grain prices are the biggest factor in producer profitability
                       A rising consumer trend towards nationalism and higher                                                        presently in Australia’s pork industry, given that pig prices
                       expectations around animal welfare and sustainability has seen                                                returned to positive levels in 2019.
                       stability in the domestic fresh pork market.
                       Technology has changed the consumer marketing landscape
                       in the past decade, giving consumers instant access to recipes,
                       instructional videos, influencers and information on farm practices.                     Import competitors   Even at the best of times, Australian pork prices are not                   Threat
                                                                                                                                     internationally competitive, with approximately 80 per cent of
                       Consumers are making their purchase decisions based on whole                                                  smallgoods produced in Australia using imported pork.
                       meals, rather than deciding on a protein source and building a meal
                       from there. Improvements in convenience packaging, cut diversity
                       and versatility awareness has balanced the consumer shift towards
                       ‘flexitarian’ eating, with domestic fresh pork consumption continuing
                                                                                                                The pig cycle        The Australian pig industry operates in the context of strong market        Threat
                       to increase year on year.
                                                                                                                                     forces, as do many other industries. Currently the pig industry
                       Consumers are paying increasing attention to the nutrition supply                                             appears to fall in a farm gate price cycle of approximately five to
                       chains and want to know that the food they buy is sourced ethically                                           seven years, known as ‘the pig cycle’.
                       and sustainably. This represents a great opportunity for the pork
                       industry to differentiate our products and communicate our
                       achievements in animal welfare and resource efficiency.

 Eating quality and    Recent research has seen an increased appetite for                         Opportunity
 consistency           interventions in eating quality and consistency, creating an
                       opportunity to increase the number of pork meals in consumer
                       meal repertoires, thereby increasing demand.

 Competitor proteins   Recent drought conditions have led to higher beef and lamb prices          Threat
                       and decreases in retail supply, providing opportunities for pork to fill
                       the void.
                       Chicken continues to be significantly cheaper than other protein
                       options, and this will likely drive consumption growth – alongside
                       competitor supply issues – at retail over the next five years.
                       While plant-based proteins have seen growth in recent years,
                       demand is much lower than for animal proteins. Consumer
                       sentiment may increase growth in new product development of
                       plant-based proteins, however in the short term, growth is likely to
                       be restricted by supply.

42      AUSTRALIAN PORK LIMITED                                                                                                                                                           S T R AT E G I C P L A N 2 0 2 0 – 2 0 2 5   43
                               and rural
                               research and
The Australian                 The Australian Government                 productivity and government rural
                               contributes to the Australian pork        R&D priorities and provide robust
Government provides
                               industry by providing matching            and objective information on the
public investment in           contributions to APL for eligible R&D     overall economic, social (public
rural R&D because              expenditure to a limit of the lesser of   good) and environmental returns
profitable, competitive        an annual cap of 0.5 per cent of the      produced by APL’s R&D portfolio.
                               industry’s gross value of production
and sustainable rural                                                    APL is committed to ensuring
                               or the cumulative R&D levy collected
industries provide             by the Government from industry.
                                                                         a sustainable and competitive
                                                                         Australian pork industry focused on:
benefits for the               This substantial support provided
                                                                         • The economical and
whole Australian               by the Commonwealth enables APL
                                                                            environmentally sustainable
                               to significantly leverage producer
Commonwealth.                                                               implementation of new and
                               levies and their investment into
                               its research, development and                advanced technologies and RD&E
                               extension investments.                       outcomes by producers and key
                                                                            industry stakeholders to enhance
                               Matching contributions provided              animal welfare, biosecurity, soil,
                               by the Australian Government may             water and natural resource
                               only be spent in accordance with             management, traceability, product
                               the Pig Industry Act (2001) and              quality and safety, animal health,
                               the funding agreement between                pig management practices;
                               the Commonwealth and APL.
                                                                         • Protecting Australia’s community,
                               The funding agreement prohibits
                                                                            public health, primary industries
                               expenditure on agri-political
                                                                            and environment from biosecurity
                               activities and payments to industry
                               representative bodies.
                                                                         • Enhancing productivity; and
                               APL’s programs and plans must
                                                                         • Market insights
                               be consistent with the Australian
                               Government’s National Science             The strategic objectives and
                               and Research Priorities, Rural RD&E       supporting themes and enablers
                               Priorities, and other guidelines          are reviewed by the Board annually.
                               and priorities communicated by            Subsequent to the annual strategic
                               the Commonwealth and reflect              review, planned financial resource
                               the dynamic nature of the global          allocations are determined and
                               market. As a rural Research and           described in the Annual Operating
                               Development Corporation (RDC),            Plan.
                               APL has also developed and refined
                               its R&D process to implement key
                               investment evaluation and reporting
                               frameworks to demonstrate its
                               alignment with both industry

44   AUSTRALIAN PORK LIMITED                                                                                     S T R AT E G I C P L A N 2 0 2 0 – 2 0 2 5   45

Table 4. Alignment with Rural RD&E Priorities

                                                                                                SOIL, WATER AND
                                                                                               MANAGING NATURAL   ADVANCED TECHNOLOGY   BIOSECURITY           ADOPTION OF R&D
                            Diversity of markets and products                                                                                                               Yes
     market and
     product                Quality consumer eating experiences                                                                                                             Yes
                            Valuable provenance of Australian pork                                                        Yes                                               Yes

                            Timely relevant through-the-chain information (data utilisation)                                                                                Yes
     volatility for         Reduce cost of production and processing                                  Yes                 Yes                                               Yes
     viable farms
                            Diversified pig business extension opportunities                          Yes                 Yes                                               Yes

                            Maintain domestic fresh demand                                                                                                                  Yes
     consumer               Grow domestic demand                                                                                                                            Yes
                            Grow targeted international demand                                                                                                              Yes

                            Biosecurity leadership                                                    Yes                 Yes               Yes                             Yes

                            Climate friendly farming                                                  Yes                 Yes                                               Yes
     community              Leaders in animal care                                                                        Yes               Yes                             Yes
     social licence
                            Leaders in human nutrition                                                                                                                      Yes

                            Industry visibility                                                       Yes                 Yes               Yes                             Yes

                            Producer relations (shared values)                                        Yes                                   Yes                             Yes
     industry               Technology adoption                                                       Yes                 Yes               Yes                             Yes
     shared vision
                            Organisational effectiveness

Rural RD&E Priorities available at

46     AUSTRALIAN PORK LIMITED                                                                                                                        S T R AT E G I C P L A N 2 0 2 0 – 2 0 2 5   47
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