Australia's IMG helps meet rail target for intermodal shipments

Page created by Beatrice Marshall
Australia's IMG helps meet rail target for intermodal shipments
The newsletter for Watco Companies                                                                                         September 2019, Volume 20, Issue 9

Australia's IMG helps meet rail target for intermodal shipments
by Tracie VanBecelaere                  The Forrestfield Intermodal Termi-
Managing Editor                         nal (FIT) and the North Quay Rail
                                        Terminal (NQRT) at Fremantle’s
   Watco’s jointly owned Intermodal     Inner Harbour. The NQRT achieved
Group (IMG) recently helped hit a       a record-breaking month, process-
rail target of 20% containers on rail   ing more than 14,300 containers
at Western Australia’s Fremantle        for both import and export in July.
Port. Congestion is becoming an         This is the highest volume recorded
issue in the city due to large truck    by IMG since it commenced opera-
numbers moving in and out of the        tions at NQRT in 2007. Container
Port. To counteract this problem,       volumes at FIT were also at record
the State Government introduced a       levels in July, with more than 10,000
subsidy for rail freight that moves     containers contributed to the short-
through the Fremantle Port Authori-     haul rail shuttle service.
ty’s (state government owned) North        “Attracting more container
Quay Rail Terminal.                     volumes onto rail is a key focus
   IMG’s focus on moving contain-       for IMG and will only be achieved
ers by rail resulted in achieving the   with the continued support of our
State Government’s 20% target in        Customers and key stakeholders,”         Containers are railed in and out of Fremantle Port, a project encour-
2018-2019. This is an increase from     said Grant Thompson, IMG Chair           aged by the government in an effort to reduce congested areas of
around 11 percent in 2009-2010 or,      and Watco Australia CEO. “As the         Perth and reduce the wear and tear of the big trucks on the city road-
according to government calcula-        current operator of NQRT and as-         ways. 				                                   Photo by Chase Gunnoe
tions, the equivalent to removing       sociated FIT, we are proud to work       from FIT. IMG is the exclusive            packing the containers for CBH.
110,000 one-way truck trip move-        with our Customers to be an active       operator of NQRT and has intro-              In addition, the recently an-
ments. Moving this traffic to rail      contributor in attracting more freight   duced efficiencies during the past 12     nounced IMG partnership with
not only eases the congestion and       on rail and reducing truck traffic on    months that have resulted in regular      Qube Logistics has started to pro-
improves road safety, it also reduces   roads around Fremantle Port.”            triple daily return services between      duce results, with container volumes
wear and tear on the city roads.           Approximately 80 percent of the       FIT and NQRT. The majority of the         beginning to transfer from road to
   IMG operates two terminals           volumes currently received at NQRT       services have been export containers      rail. IMG is confident this partner-
served by our Watco WA Rail Team.       are transported by IMG’s rail service    due to a strong grain season, but the     ship will result in more import and
                                                                                 team has focused on increasing the        export container volumes moving
                                                                                 import containers as well, making         on rail, which will underpin the
                                                                                 full trips both in and out of the Port.   growth required to achieve the State
                                                                                    Thompson said: “We have worked         Government’s ultimate rail target of
                                                                                 closely with our Customers to             30%.
                                                                                 achieve record growth in container           IMG provides services seven
                                                                                 numbers through NQRT over the             days a week and has the ability to
                                                                                 past 12 months. These outstanding         provide services around-the-clock
                                                                                 volumes are the result of the current     if needed. Currently, there is not a
                                                                                 State Government’s support to en-         consistent need, but IMG is flexible
                                                                                 courage more freight on rail through      and willing to operate as Customer
                                                                                 the container port rail subsidy,          need demands. Right now, there are
                                                                                 strong demand for WA agricultural         20 IMG team members at NQRT,
                                                                                 exports and initiatives implemented       47 IMG team members providing
                                                                                 by IMG to attract and retain Cus-         service at FIT.
                                                                                 tomers on the port rail service.”            “The excellent service provided
                                                                                    CBH Group was Watco’s first            by these team members and help-
                                                                                 Customer in Australia and they are        ing achieve the State Government’s
                                                                                 a part of the successes IMG has ex-       20% port rail freight target, has
The Intermodal Group Team handles numerous containers and                        perienced at the Port. FIT sits right     positioned IMG extremely well to
helped the state government reach a goal of moving more than 20                  next to a CBH’s Metro Grain Center        continuing as the preferred opera-
percent of the containers at Freemantle Port by rail.                            and the team not only moves export        tor at NQRT for another term,” said
				                                      Photo by Chase Gunnoe                  grain containers, they also assist in     Thompson.
Australia's IMG helps meet rail target for intermodal shipments
Savannah & Old Fort Railroad excited to serve Georgia Customers
by Tracie VanBecelaere
Managing Editor

   On August 30, Watco's first short
line in the state of Georgia began
delivering cars to Customers along
the Savannah River.                       the line have an impact internation-
   The Savannah & Old Fort Rail-          ally, one example of this is the line's
road (SVHO) is a 6.45-mile long           top Customer, Georgia Biomass.
line that connects with the CSX at        They bring in wood pellets that are
Southover Yard, which lies south          shipped to Germany and are used in
of the river. The railroad was given      the operations of a power plant.
the name as a nod to Old Fort James          Other large Customers on the line
Jackson, which lies one mile east         include Southern States Chemicals
of Savannah. Old Fort Jackson was         and Argos.
constructed between 1808 and 1812            Thrall said, "In addition to the
to protect Savannah from attack by        current Customers, we're already in
the sea. It was one of three Confed-      talks on some other big projects and      WAMX 4014 is decorated with the Savannah & Old Fort Railroad logo and
erate forts that protected Savannah       are focused on growing the busi-          ready to serve Watco's newest Customers in Savannah, Georgia. The rail-
during the civil war until the Union      ness, both with new and our current       road celebrated its first day of service on August 30.
army captured the city by land.           Customers."
    The railroad delivers a variety of       There were approximately 15,470
commodities to terminal operators         cars shipped on the line but Thrall
along the river. Although there are       feels that with our experienced
eight Customers on the line, there        team, there are opportunities to
are 29 different Customers who our        grow that number.
Customers deliver to.                        Terence Snell is serving as the
   "I've had some of the Customers        general manager of the railroad. He
reach out to me and commend our           joined the Watco Team nine years
team on how they have communi-            ago and was a conductor with the
cated with the Customers on the line      Vicksburg Southern, a trainmas-
and reached out to teach them the         ter for the Baton Rouge Southern
various tools that are available to aid   Railroad and the general manager
the Customers in setting up ship-         of the Bogalusa Bayou Railroad. He
ments, and ordering and tracking          is excited to be back in Savannah,
cars," said Rob Thrall, VP of busi-       where he is from originally.
ness development. "They've been              Other team members include Jef-        The red lines in the map above indicate the route the Savannah & Old Fort
very appreciative of how proactive        frey Infinger, conductor/engineer         Railroad (SVHO) will take when delivering cars to Customers along the
they are in getting things set up and     Paul Mitchell, conductor; Jasper          Savannah River. Approximately 29 different Customers will be receiving
ready for them to use on day one."        Nail, roadmaster; Christopher             products at the terminals served by the SVHO.
   A ten-year agreement was signed        Odom, conductor; Donald Robert,
with CSX to operate the line with         CMO; Eric Smith, conductor/engi-             Ron Spencer, commercial direc-       without fail."
growth obligations built into the         neer, Montel Stanley, conductor/en-       tor, said, "This was a very smooth        The team got off to an interesting
agreement that could expand the           gineer, and Daryle Rogers, conduc-        and successful start-up that allowed    start as only a few days after start-
length of the contract.                   tor/engineer. Another team member,        us to have all Customers switched       up, they had to tie things down and
   Because of its connectivity to the     Jared Costello, conductor/engineer,       within the first 24 hours of opera-     secure them and then shut down for
river accessing the Atlantic Ocean,       will be joining the team in a couple      tion. All departments pulled together   a few days to prepare for Hurricane
the commodities that are shipped on       of weeks.                                 and performed their assigned tasks      Dorian.

  Watco Team Members participate in back to school supply drives

  Two Watco locations were all about giving back during back to
school. The Pittsburg (KS) and Overland Park (KS) Teams partici-
pated in separate events to provide underprivileged kids with school
supplies. The Pittsburg Team donated enough supplies to fill 20
backpacks and helped the community "stuff the bus" full of back-
   The Overland Park office donated more than 40 backpacks filled
with supplies to the FOX 4 Love Fund’s Back to School Bash.
  Thanks to both teams, many school kids will be able to have what
they need to start their school year off right.

Left photo: Pittsburg Team Member Cassie Bicknell helps stuff the
bus with donated supplies. Right photo: Carter Kallenbach, son of
Overland Park Team Member Cori Kallenbach, helps pick out sup-
plies to donate to the Fox 4 Love's Fund Back to School Bash.

2 • The Dispatch • September 2019
Australia's IMG helps meet rail target for intermodal shipments
Alabama Warrior receives President's Award for safety
by Tracie VanBecelaere                                                                                       mitted themselves to coming to work and not put-
Managing Editor                                                                                              ting themselves in position to injure themselves
                                                                                                             or anybody else,” Anthony Hoyte, general man-
  The Alabama Warrior Railroad (ABWR) was                                                                    ager, said. “They bought into it and we haven’t
recently notified that they were recipients of                                                               had any issues with RPIs (Reportable Personal
American Short Line and Regional Railroad As-                                                                Injuries) since.”
sociation's President's Award. The ABWR Team                                                                    The railroad has 21 team members and primar-
won for having the best safety rate in the cat-                                                              ily handles coal on the 24-mile long line.
egory of less than 50,000 man-hours worked. The                                                                 Team members at the ABWR are:
award will be presented at the ASLRRA Southern
Regional Meeting November 12 in Charlotte,                                                                       Allen Gearhart           Johnny Johnson
North Carolina.                                                                                               Anthony Hoyte JR             Joshua Garrett
  ASLRRA’s President’s Award is presented                                                                      Archie Fields III            Justin Mead
annually and recognizes railroads that have                                                                       Brian Butler           Marty McClendon
achieved either a 0.0 accident frequency rate, or                                                            Christopher McKinney         Matthew Garrett
the best safety rate below the industry average as         - 2.75 YEARS INJURY FREE                                Curtis Rice             Michael Lewis
measured by the lowest accident frequency rate             - ASLRRA PRESIDENT'S AWARD                              Daren Jolla             Nakia Jenkins
per man-hour of operation. They must also be a                                                                Dean Schexnayder               Olen Reid
Jake Award recipient, which recognizes above-           Distinction, for their injury-free 2017.                 Emmitt Carter           Quinchez Marshall
industry average safety performance during the            “It's all because the team made a decision to            Jace Fisher           Torrance Hendrix
previous year. The ABWR received a Jake with            come to work each day and be safe. They com-           Jermaine Woods

Six Watco railroads added to safety award recipient list
by Tracie VanBecelaere                                  Award. The six railroads are the Alabama Southern    sissippi Southern Railroad, Pacific Sun Railroad,
Managing Editor                                         Railroad, Blue Ridge Southern Railroad, Cicero       Palouse River and Coulee City Railroad, Pecos
                                                        Central Railroad, Geaux Geaux Railroad, Jack-        Valley Southern Railway, San Antonio Central Rail-
  The American Short Line and Regional Railroad         sonville Port Terminal Railroad, and the Louisiana   road, Stillwater Central Railroad, the Swan Ranch
Association (ASLRRA) announced the winners of           Southern Railroad.                                   Railroad, and the Timber Rock Railroad.
the 2018 Jake Awards and Jake with Distinction           Railroads who were on the original list were the     To win a Jake Award, an ASLRRA member
Awards last month, recognizing regional and short       Alabama Warrior Railroad (President's Award re-      railroad must perform better than the Class II and
line railroads' safety efforts.                         cipient), Arkansas Southern Railroad, Austin West-   III industry average for injury frequency rate, as
  Initially, 19 Watco short lines earned a Jake Award   ern Railroad, Autauga Northern Railroad, Baton       reported by the Federal Railroad Administration
with Distinction, which recognizes reportable           Rouge Southern Railroad, Birmingham Terminal         ring a calendar year.
injury-free performance in 2018. The ASLRRA             Railway, Bogalusa Bay Railroad, Great Northwest       Watco's Wisconsin & Southern Railroad and
recently added six more Watco lines to the list         Railroad, Louisiana Southern Railroad, Lubbock &     Watco's Switching Services both received the Jake
of short lines receiving the Jake with Distinction      Western Railway, Mission Mountain Railroad, Mis-     Award this year.

 Mission Mountain Railroad celebrates three years injury free
by Tracie VanBecelaere
Managing Editor

 The Mission Mountain Railroad Team celebrat-
ed their three-year safety anniversary with a big
splash. Mid-August, the team joined together for
a rafting trip down the Northfork River at Glacier
National Park.
 The team met at the depot in the morning and
then drove down to the river, aired the rafts up
and off they floated. The water wasn't moving ex-
tremely fast, so they were able to enjoy a relaxing
                                                        Mission Mountain Railroad Team Members               Mission Mountain Railroad Team Members who
trip on the water.                                      celebrated going three years injury free with a      helped reach the three year safety injury-free
 Team member Pam Ridenour followed the group            rafting trip at the Glacier National Park.           milestone are: Back row (l to r) Kent Ainsworth,
in her car and took pictures and then transported                                                            Kyle Jeschke, Pam Ridenour, Rob Jansson, and
the group back to their cars at the end of the trip.    work and celebrate their accomplishments," said      Ariel Zak. Front row (l to r) Jonathan Roquet, Jake
 "The team has done a good job focusing on              Kyle Jeschke, MMT general manager. "I hope we        Thomson, Jacob Thain, J.T. Buckley, and Sam
safety and it was fun to get together outside of        can come back next year to celebrate four years."    Pedersen.

  Know someone looking for a new career?
                                send them to          
                                                                                                                      The Dispatch • September 2019 • 3
Australia's IMG helps meet rail target for intermodal shipments
100 million barrels of
bakken oil shipped by rail                                                                                   Wellness
 Hess Corporation recently
announced that they hit
two major milestones: total
                                                                                       waste and boosts
                                                                                       efficiency," said
                                                                                       Sheldon. "As a
production of more than                                                                contractor, the
250 million barrels of oil                                                             Watco Team fol-
equivalent in the Bakken,                                                              lows that same
and 100 million barrels                                                                principle, and      by Brenda Antle
moved by rail.                                                                         it has lead to a    Benefits Specialist
 In 2011, Hess built the                                                               great partner-
Tioga Rail Terminal (TRT)                                                              ship between the     Once again, the Benefits
and products are moved                                                                 two. I think if     Team has chosen to waive
east, west and south by                                                                the Watco Team      all wellness require-
train and then down to                                                                 didn't practice     ments for the 2020
Texas and Louisiana by           The Tioga  Rail  Terminal in the mist of the Bakken   it, we wouldn't     benefit year.
                                 Formation has moved more than 145,000 railcars
pipeline. Hess Midstream                                                               have been there     What does this
                                 from the facility.
operates the system of                                                                 this long."         mean for you?
pipelines and rail transpor-                                                            "The desire         Team members
tation.                                                by both parties to continue improving has           will not have to
 The Watco Team is responsible for loading             lead them to be able to find solutions together;    complete a wellness
unit trains of NGL's and crude oil. The termi-         there's that mutual respect there."                 exam in 2019 for
nal runs 24 hours a day, seven days a week,             Hess CEO John Hess said things aren't go-          2020 to receive the
and there are 59 team members at the location.         ing to slow down either. He said production is      incentive. Spouses                 enrolled in your
In addition to the team members loading the            expected to grow approximately 20 percent per       coverage will also not need to meet the wellness
trains, Watco is also responsible for providing        year to 200,000 of oil equivalent per day by        requirement.
on-site security at the site.                          2021.                                                All team members on the HRA plan will receive
 With all the activity, the team is proud of their      To date, approximately 1,400 unit trains or        their HRA dollars day one (previously the first
safety record, and they haven't had an RPI since about 145,000 railcars have moved through the             $500 in deductible had to be met before receiving
2012.                                                  Tioga Rail Terminal since start-up, and Hess        funds).
 Steve Sheldon, Commercial Manager, said one said they only see the operation continuing to                 All team members on the H.S.A. plan will re-
interesting facet is the relationship between the      grow.                                               ceive the full Watco contribution in their H.S.A.
two companies.                                          Kim Boles, director of Bakken operations,          account (previously funds were not provided if
 "Hess subscribes to the Lean Kaizen philoso-          said, "The Hess operation in the Bakken is a        wellness was not met).
phy. Which is a methodology that eliminates            success story, pure and simple."                      However, Watco still strongly recommends all
                                                                                                           team members still have a wellness exam com-
                                                                                                           pleted. Your health is always changing, routine
Ann Arbor TS&IC provides water for emergency                                                               blood work, and yearly physicals can help lower
by Jay Benedict                                                                                            your risk of future health issues when caught
Digital Communication and Social Me-                                                                       early.
dia Specialist                                                                                                             Please Note: Tobacco compliance
                                                                                                                                     will still be a require-
  As an algae bloom threatened water                                                                                                 ment for 2020. In order
supplies, Toledo, Ohio's largest mis-                                                                                               to pay lower premiums,
sion asked for donations to support their                                                                                          all tobacco users will
emergency relief supplies, and the Ann                                                                     need to begin the Tobacco Cessation Program by
Arbor Team stepped up.                                                                                     November 30, 2019. To enroll in the program,
  Led by the TS&IC Team, they gath-                                                                        please contact Quit-4-Life at (866)-784-8454.
ered resources, purchased, and delivered                                                                    All team members will still need to log onto
a pallet of bottled water to the Cherry                                                           to select Yes or No re-
Street Mission.                                                                                            garding tobacco use. If the option Yes is selected,
  "It's a great feeling when our team                                                                      the team member will also have the option to
can come together and support the same         Pictured: Gray (3rd left), Ann Arbor conductor/en-          confirm enrollment in the Tobacco Cessation
community that we work in," said Ian           gineer William Richardson (far right) and the Cherry        Program.
Gray, Ann Arbor conductor/engineer and         Street Mission Team                                          For any questions or concerns, please email
TS&IC leader.                                                                                    

                                                                                                                     Celebrating a special
                                                                                                                   event and need an idea?
                                                                                                                     Visit our web store for
                                                                                                                      more information on
                                                                                                   special orders.

4 • The Dispatch • September 2019
Australia's IMG helps meet rail target for intermodal shipments
Northwest gangs celebrate four-year safety anniversary
  Rain or shine, the Northwest Track and Tie
Gang 168 and the Surfacing and Lining Gang 167,
know how to perform their jobs safely. They re-
cently hit a four-year injury-free milestone. These
gangs have traveled the northwest railroads com-
pleting various capital and maintenance projects,
all in a safe manner. The gangs have performed
work on the Boise Valley Railroad, Eastern Idaho
Railroad, Palouse River and Coulee City Railroad,
Great Northwest Railroad, the Mission Mountain
Railroad, and the Pacific Sun Railroad. That's a
span of more than 1,421 miles.
  Supervisor Ben May said, "I'm very proud of
this team and their accomplishments. They've
done a great job focusing on safety in all kinds of      The Track and Tie Gang 168 and the Surfacing and Lining Gang 167 work in all kinds of weather condi-
conditions."                                             tions to make sure the infrastructure is safe for the Operations Teams to run the trains on.
  The team members that are on these gangs in-
clude: Ben May, supervisor; Jose Martinez, track         track machine operator; Dee Burwell, surfacing  track machine operator.
machine operator; Francis Benally, track machine         foreman; Latt Hyde, track machine operator; Mark Congratulations on safely taking care of the in-
operator; Boyd Standley, foreman, Trevor Todd,           Mazur, track machine operator; Jose Trevino,    frastructure that our team operates on!

Federal Grant to rehabilitate rail will help Eastern Washington Farmers
   A $5.7 million federal grant will help     will infuse just over $11 million (in-
rehabilitate rail infrastructure used by      cluding matching funding) into the rail
farmers in Eastern Washington.                system over the next few years."
   Watco's Palouse River and Coulee             Farmers and the PCC Rail Authority
City Railroad (PCC) will benefit from         have worked with the state Depart-
this grant. The PV Hooper branch on           ment of Transportation to recover three
the PCC is a portion of the line that the     rail lines that are at various stages of
funding will be used to upgrade. The          disrepair, said Paul Katovich, CEO of
line between Hooper, Washington, and          HighLine Grain Growers.
Endicott, Washington, will be upgraded          "If you slow the trains down enough,
to help the PCC provide service to the        you can get across almost everything,
new Northwest Grain Growers unit              but you lose a lot of the efficiency,"
grain loading facility at Endicott.           Katovich said.
   Ted Kadau, VP of Commercial, said,           "We’re basically trying to make up
"This is a victory for the rehabilitation     for that lack of infrastructure invest-      Grain growers in Eastern Washington state will benefit from the
of the PCC rail system and the com-           ment over the past few decades and get       rehabilitation of rail line along the Palouse River and Coulee City
bined funding from this BUILD Grant           caught back up."                             Railroad. 				                                Photo by Mike Parker

Operation Lifesaver training classes offered                                                                   TS&IC training held in Burley
  Watco and CDL Electric Company, Inc. recent-           teers. They're now ready to work toward OLI's           Four team members recently attended TC&IC
ly hosted Operation Lifesaver Inc. (OLI) training        goal to reduce injuries and fatalities resulting      Training held in Burley, Idaho. The two-day class
in Pittsburg, Kansas. Nine team members became           from trespassing and grade crossings incidents        covered methods the team could use to lead their
Kansas Operation Lifesaver Authorized Volun-             through community education.                          coworkers in creating the safest work environ-
                                                           While it used to be common to visit schools         ment while providing more communication, and
                                                         and create awareness of rail safety, there has been   interaction with the communities we operate in.
                                                         a lack of authorized volunteers to cover all the
                                                         schools. Now with additional representatives in
                                                         the area, the message of rail safety can be pre-
                                                         sented not only to schools but local organizations
                                                         and others who will benefit from the presentation.
                                                           Crystal Arnold, director - digital asset manage-
                                                         ment, said she can see many instances where the
                                                         class can be useful beyond the traditional school
                                                           Arnold said, "In working with GIS mapping
                                                         systems and helping first responders in rail-relat-
                                                         ed incidents, I can see this as being a very useful
Participating in Operation Lifesaver classes were
                                                         tool. We can let first responders know how to not
front row (l-r): Jenifer Little, Joely Gath, Jana Aus-
terman, Kelli Frazier, Amber Brown                       only access rail property using the mapping, but      Taylor Osterhout, Eastern Idaho Railroad(EIRR)
Back row (l-r): Jay Benedict, Afton Lundy (CDL),         then we can provide the education so that they        car repairman; ; Julio Diaz, EIRR conductor/en-
Crystal Arnold, Shea McLaughlin (CDL), and               know how to be safe around the railroads as they      gineer; Brian Dasilva, EIRR conductor/engineer;
Adrian Hertog (OLI Coach).                               are working."                                         and Brian Kelley, Toledo, Oregon, switchman.

                                                                                                                        The Dispatch • September 2019 • 5
Australia's IMG helps meet rail target for intermodal shipments
Why Watco - Team member thrives on keeping others safe
by Tracie VanBecelaere                                    called blitzes. They go into a site and audit it. They
Managing Editor                                           look at the weak areas and target the areas where
                                                          they need help.
  A saying said many times throughout the work-              “We don’t just go in and see what they aren’t do-
day at Watco is that we want our people to go             ing, we stay with them as a team until we find out
home in the same condition they came to work in.          how to get it corrected safety-wise,” said Penrod.
But EHS Manager Shannan Penrod wants more                 “It’s one of my favorite things to do, just because I
than that.                                                like helping people and feel like I’m leaving them
  “I want our team members to go home in better           in a better, safer situation.”
condition than when they came,” said Penrod. “I              Penrod primarily covers the tank side, but she is
want them to have learned something that they can         looking forward to learning more about the freight
take home with them, to make them better people.”         side so that she can help Vice President of Occupa-
  Penrod, who supports the Scottville, Texas,             tional Safety and Health Jeff Baum, with whatever
and Zwolle, Louisiana, mechanical shops, has              he needs her to do.
been with Watco for five years. She came into the            She said she’s worked with a few companies
industry after working as a paramedic for 13 years.       since going into the safety field but one thing she
What triggered her career change was responding           feels is that, unlike a lot of companies, Watco has
to too many calls involving victims of industrial         truly cared about the team members and doesn't
accidents.                                                want them to get hurt to just to make a living.
  Penrod said, “I’ve always been interested in               Penrod said, “That’s why I’ve stayed. We were
helping people, which is why I became a first             never called employees. We have a team member
responder. After seeing so many work-related ac-          number, team member benefits. I feel like I’m not
cidents, I started thinking about what I could do to      a number or just a person; I am part of a whole.
                                                                                                                   Shannan Penrod, Watco Mechanical EHS
help people before they ended up in an accident.          From my experience, I’ve felt they always valued
                                                                                                                   Manager, traveled to the Neodesha, Kansas,
People shouldn’t have to trade blood for money,           their people when it came to safety, that it was not     mechanical shop to teach the team confined
and working in unsafe conditions shouldn’t just be        just given lip service, but they backed what they        space rescue skills when they received a new
part of the job.”                                         said.”                                                   extraction device.
  Nineteen years ago, Penrod made the move                   Penrod is excited to say that the Scottsville shop
and began her pursuit of a career in safety. She          is celebrating 3 ½ years of safety by taking owner-      folks who were there when they opened the doors
received her bachelor’s degree and has also taken         ship of safety at the location and looking out for       back in the '70’s.
safety specific courses to further her knowledge of       each other. The Zwolle shop is turning around               Before joining the Watco Mechanical Team, Pen-
the industry.                                             their record and talking responsibility for looking      rod had been working in Houston in the construc-
  “I don’t want to see injuries happen and I don’t        out for each other. There is an average of about 80      tion industry.
want to see someone have to take workman’s                team members at both locations, and one issue that          “The rail industry was a huge challenge, there
comp. When someone ends up in that situation,             occurs in the area is the battle with the oil indus-     was a lot to learn, and I love it,” said Penrod. “It
they’re going to take a cut in pay, and it will most      try for workers. When prices go up, and they’re          was time to come back home and be around my
often affect their families and their lifestyles,” said   paying high wages the younger folks will chase           daughter and sons. This is home, I have 15 years
Penrod.                                                   the money and then when the prices go down; they         left, and I hope this is where I finish up. This really
  As the EHS Manager, Penrod works what are               come back. Luckily, she said there are still several     is family.”

   Port of Vicksburg Team Member                                                                                                     Wedding

         celebrates 45 years
                                                                                                                    Kelly Jo Soucy - Todd Trammell
                                                                                                                    Kelly Jo
   The Port of Vicksburg                                                                                           Soucy and Todd
 Team had something big                                                                                            Trammell were
 to celebrate on August                                                                                            united in mar-
 19; it was the number of                                                                                          riage on August
 years that fellow team                                                                                            30, 2019.
 member, Willie Mc-                                                                                                 The couple
 Runnels, has worked at                                                                                            were married at
 the facility. McRunnels                                                                                           the Lea County
 has been at the location                                                                                          Courthouse in
 for 45 years.                                                                                                     Lovington, New
   Terminal Manager                                                                                                Mexico. They
 Kevin Neilhaus said,
                                                                                                                   celebrated with
 "Willie's hard work over
                                                                                                                   friends and fam-
 the years has made him
                                                                                                                   ily at their home
 an incredibly valuable
                                Helping Willie McRunnels celebrate 45 years at the Port of Vicksburg               following the ceremony.
 asset to the Port."
                              are fellow team members (l-r): John Brown, operator; William Haynes,                  Kelly is employed at Hobbs Family Dental Care
   McRunnels is an            operations supervisor, Donna Moore, CSR; Terminal Manager Kevin
 equipment operator at                                                                                             and Todd is the general manager for the Texas &
                              Neihaus, McRunnels, Drew Beard, crane operator; Sam Skipper, operator,
 the facility.                                                                                                     New Mexico Railway, the Lubbock & Western
                              and Marquita Connor, CSR
                                                                                                                   Railway, and the Pecos Valley Southern Railway.

6 • The Dispatch • September 2019
Australia's IMG helps meet rail target for intermodal shipments
Congratulations to the following Team Members        Miramontes, Maddie VanBecelaere, Juan Vasquez,       20 Years: Kara Bowman
    celebrating anniversaries this month             Jordan Wells, Carina Wiles, Marcus Zambrano,         21 Years: Donald Browder, Eric Davison,
                                                     Owen Zidar, Kelly Zulfer                             Lawrence Swenson
1 YEAR: Donovan Allen, Brendan Bilderback,           5 Years: David Bailey, Andy Cordischi, Ta'Darius     22 Years: Jackie Brady, Richard Gruber, Nathan
Kody Blair, Travis Blair, Joseph Blanford, Carlton   Dawson, David Farrell, Travis Gage, William          Trejo
Boxley, Jessie Brown, Kenneth Burns, Phillip         Haynes, Matthew Hembree, Javier Jimenez,
Burrous, James Carter, Kerry Childs, Craig Daley,                                                         23 Years: Kenneth Fletcher, Larry Smith, Jesus
                                                     Curt Johnson, Matthew Keating, Jeffrey Kebert,       Victoria
Christopher Dalton, Timothy Demery, Derrick          Elliot King, Justin Lapresta, Kayla Lepine, Luke
DeWitt, Jimmy Escobar, Richard Flowers, Clark                                                             24 Years: Brad Hayes, Michael Moore
                                                     Lohrmeyer, Darryl Lovett, John Lucy, Josh
Fritton, Tabarius Garner, Christina Gonzales,        Lutz, Shawn Mettler, Bryan Meyer, Victor Nava,       25 Years: James Smith
Jose Gonzalez, Joe Grady, Kevin Griego, Lensi        Brandon Parham, Reginald Paschal, Raymond Post,      26 Years: Danny Sepulvado
Gutierrez, Larry Hairl, Carter Hanson, Jarell        Jose Rojas, Christopher Salary, Hugo Sanchez,        28 Years: David Tarwater
Harris, Kenneth Heaton, Brandon Heckler, Joey        Nicholas Sanders, Ashton Speckman, Jerry Stacks,     29 Years: Pete Wilczewski
Heimburger, Corey Hornig, Nicholas Hughes,           Robert Steensnes, Adam Underwood, Kyle Vannoy,
Travis Hutchinson, Alexzander Kater, Michael                                                              31 Years: Gary McKern
                                                     Michael Williams
Kolec, Ryan Laverdure, Tyler Lyzenga, Joshua                                                              32 Years: Timmie Benson, Eric Davis
                                                     6 Years: Ignacio Alatorre, Jacob Cahill, David
Mathis, Michael May, Martin Mayes, John                                                                   38 Years: Randy Alcorn
                                                     Callan, Jesus Carmona, Allen Chamberlin, Jennifer
McCrossen, James Merritt, Nicholas Mora, John                                                             39 Years: Alfred Anderson, Fred Porter
                                                     Crossno, Michael DeHoyos, Jace Fisher, Joy
Moschella, Vincent Oliver, April Potter, Cassandra
                                                     Lavoie, Arden Martinie, Christopher Porter, Brett    40 Years: Robbie Meshell
Ramirez, Orlando Reveron, Migel Rodriguez,
                                                     Travis, Michael Urness                               41 Years: Ray Lee, Cas Love, Rickey Moore,
James Rogers, Sarah Romero, Mary Saenz, Bennie
Scere, Richard Serrano, Chad Settles, Zakary         7 Years: Christopher Burns, Leslie Dodd, Billy       Robert Watson
Smalling, Benjamin Smith, Henry Smith, Brian         Edwards, Charles Foster, Laramie Gahman, David
                                                     Giertych, Daniel Gorseth, Christopher Hughes,
Sparks, Kevin Terry, James Theodore, Nicholas
Tipton, Darrell Tolbert, Trevor Tuttle, Eric Vail,   Joe Irving, Donald Kopsie, Don Latimer, Leonidas                       BIRTHS
Anthony Waldschmidt, Brandon Warnick, Quincy         Mejia Escobar, James Mobley, Craig Rasmussen,         Kamrynn Nevaeh Moore
Wells, Turkson West, Brandy White, Michael           Gilberto Rivera, Daniel Rodriguez, Floyd Schrock,
                                                     Clint Woods, Rito Zertuche                            Michael and
White, Loretha Williams, Brian Womble, Bryan
                                                     8 Years: Robbie Aucoin, Mark Cendejas, Justin        Sydney Moore
                                                     DeWitt, Ernie Farrand, Fred Hinson, Justin Hoggle,   are proud to an-
2 Years: Matthew Allen, Filian Barrientos, Shaun
                                                     Linda Jordan, Albert Merritt, Steve Sheldon, Adam    nounce the birth of a
Berkheimer, Ramon Betancourt, Joshua Bowling,
                                                     Weddle                                               daughter, Kamrynn
Sayre Collie, Marquita Connor, Travis Cooper,
                                                     9 Years: Dawna Baker, Benjamin Beers, Laurie         Nevaeh.
William Costantini, Kearney Costello, Matthew
Crissman, Erin Davis, Michael Del Vecchio,           Caler, Damien Cantrell, Cedric Graham, Steven         Kamrynn was born
Matthew Diehl, Christopher Escamilla, Nicholas       Johnson, David Mathews, David Miller, Andrew         on August 4, 2019.
Everett, Cameron Ginther, Chastity Gonzales,         Moots, JaCorey Murray, Bradley Shows, Benjamin       She weighed 5lbs.,
Logan Gruver, Mitchell Guenther, Harley Hamrick,     Tarran, Peter Tietjen, Sam Wolfe                     5oz., and was 19
Joshua Harper, Vernon Haynes, Milton Hernandez,      10 Years: Lewis Barlow, Curtis Joyce, Michael        inches long.
Riley Jaynes, Jimmy Jolivet, Cameron Lawrence,       Reeves, Chadd Thimesch, Cody Winkleman                Kamrynn was wel-
Levi Mcwilliams, Hunter Muller, Samantha             11 Years: Daniel Archer, Robin Combs, Kevin          comed home by her big brother Kashen Moore,
Pederson, Tyler Post, Austin Pursley, Richard        Griffin, Michael Hankins, Kevin Kennison, Joseph     11 months.
Richards, Tristen Richardson, Daryle Rogers,         Lunsford, Michael Stitzel, Lori Vaden                 Michael is a conductor for the Stillwater Central
Donald Scott, Larry Shepherd, Jon Singleton, Laura   12 Years: Bryan Bernath, Dale Cross, Sergio          Railroad.
Smith, Nancy Stockman, Tyrone Thompson, Darion       Delgado, Timothy Dykes, Donald Moss, Jamie
Vickers, Robert Wagner, Travis Wiley, Justin         Wilson                                                Russell James Maston
Wittenauer, Cody Woolsey, Johnathon Zorn
                                                     13 Years: Nancy Dickey, James Hagans, Thomas          Daphne Geary and
3 Years: Delmer Armentrout, Jeremy Bouler,           Laugavitz, Megan McDaniel, Bill Miller, Wesley       Aaron Maston are
Ryan Dimick, Macy Freeze, Matthew Garrett,           Murray, John Weitzel
Allen Gearhart, Travis Grose, Kourtney Hatch,                                                             proud to announce
                                                     14 Years: Aubrey Berguin, Christopher Boatman,       the birth of a son,
Earl Musick, Darin Price, Brandon Salee, Nick
                                                     Jonas Colley, Matthew Davis, Annetra Garcia,         Russell James Mas-
Schwartz, Aaron Snow, Trusty Whiddon, Johnny
                                                     Matthew Hare, Mark Harrington, Kari Stephens,        ton.
Williams, Liang Yan
                                                     Reynaldo Vargas, Thomas Williams, Steve Yates,        Russell was born
4 Years: Zakkary Briggs, Richard Burchfield,         Carol Young
Zachary Eaton, Matthew Haviland, Clinton                                                                  July 31, 2019. He
                                                     15 Years: William Balzen, Charles Clay, Brandon      weighed 8 lbs., 11
Johnson, Drury Kane, Chad Klopfenstine, Jeremy
                                                     Craddock, Stacy Grant, Joseph Nazimek, Julio         ounces 20 inches.
Knight, Jeremy Lemarr, Daniel Martin, J. Homero
                                                     Parada                                                Big sister Elizabeth
Medina, Raul Medina Ramirez, Daniel Mendoza,
John Moriconi, Justin Morrison, Kevin O'Rourke,      17 Years: Arnulfo Rangel, Eric Wayne, Michael        Cowett was happy
Harry Pellegrine Jr., Danny Queen, Thomas            Wilson                                               to welcome him
Rochelle, Jonathan Roquet, Robert Ross, Travis       18 Years: Chuck King, William Patterson, Gary        home!
Schnelle, Michael Schoenherr, Angela Segat,          Rosenow                                               Daphne is a mem-
Austin Slinkard, Jerry Theriault, Manuel Torres-     19 Years: Ramon Castro, James Yon                    ber of the Peabody Switching Team in Wyoming.

                                                                                                                   The Dispatch • September 2019 • 7
Australia's IMG helps meet rail target for intermodal shipments
Queensland locomotives headed to australia
 Two Watco locomotives rolled out of
the factor in mid-August, but oddly, they
weren't pulling any trains, they were on
 The eight six-axle 42 inch-gauge locomo-
tives were fitted with new NRE trucks and
equipped with an EMD 12-645E3B diesel
 The locomotives will be traveling a lon-
ger distance than most; they are on their
way to Queensland Australia for service in
the GrainCorp fleet.
 Earlier this year, Watco announced it
would expand its Australian operations
after signing a seven-year contract with
grain marketer and handler GrainCorp for
haulage on the narrow gauge network in
the state of Queensland beginning in late

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The newsletter for Watco Companies

315 W. Third Street
Pittsburg, KS 66762

Watco President speaks at Leadership Kansas
  Watco President and CFO Rick Baden spoke on         the terminal and port space Watco operates in has
a speaker panel hosted by Leadership Kansas on        grown in recent years.
August 22 titled "Planes, Trains and Automobiles."       With three short lines railroads, three mechanical
   Baden explained to the group how taking care       shops and one terminal operating in the state, Wat-
of Customers and solving their logistics and supply   co has played a part in driving the Kansas economy,
chain problems is what drives everything Watco        not only as an employer of Kansas workers but also
does and the places it expands its business into.     as a shipper in helping get commodities delivered
  He explained that the locations that Watco has      to market for Kansas businesses.
expanded the business in is driven by Customer           Other speakers on the panel were Bob Brock,
need.                                                 director of aviation with the Kansas Department
  "We don’t say, you know, going forward that we      of Transportation and Kansas Turnpike Authority
have a strategic plan that we’re going to end up in   CEO Steve Hewitt.
Western Australia or we’re going to end up on the        Leadership Kansas, an affiliate program of the
East Coast somewhere," Baden said. "That happens      Kansas Chamber, is designed to enhance and moti-
because our Customers take us there."                 vate future leaders from various Kansas communi-
  Baden also went on to describe that although the    ties. Several Watco Team Members have benefited         Watco President and CFO Rick Baden speaks
company has numerous short line railroads, that       from participating in the program.                      at the Leadership Kansas panel titled "Planes,
                                                                                                              Trains and Automobiles."
Australia's IMG helps meet rail target for intermodal shipments Australia's IMG helps meet rail target for intermodal shipments
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