August 2021 - Dickinson College
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Dickinson College Children’s Center August 2021 FROM THE DIRECTOR’S DESK (office, classroom, playground, hallway—wherever she is at the time!) August is here! I am so surprised how fast this summer has gone by. We managed to keep Dates to the children excited and busy throughout the last few weeks of summer. Thank goodness for all our playground areas so that we can all take turns outside. This summer we were able to Remember: rent some additional outdoor games for the preschool and summer camp children from 3 Monkeys. We had a misting tent and a variety of other entertaining games available for the children on several occasions. The weather has been great with lots of sunshine and only a August 16—First handful of ‘too hot’ days! day of new clas- The center will be closed on Friday, August 13th. The teachers will be preparing for your ses AND first day child to be a part of their new classroom. The preschool rooms will be moved back to their of Kindergarten! original locations. Each room will be sure to do a 3:30 ZOOM or TEAMS session for all new and current children. On Monday August 16th, we will resume normal operating hours of 7:15—5:30. Please be patient as we adjust back to our regular hours and teacher schedules. Continue to enter through the main Center door wearing face coverings, sign your child in and out of the build- ing using the tablets in the entry hallway, use hand sanitizer, and drop your child off at the door of the classroom. Pick-up time is a little different as some classrooms will be outside. In that case, please pick up your child’s belongings and then retrieve them from their play area. This fall we are excited to welcome Christa Benton to our Blue Bear Room. She will be teaching with Kendra. We will also welcome Ashley Heberlig to our Preschool area. Ashley will be floating around to the preschool and Kindergarten rooms to assist with break and planning coverage for our teachers. Additional information about these two teachers will be available about them in the coming weeks. We are SO excited to have them join our amazing team of teachers here at DCCC. Please keep in mind that the first few weeks in the new classrooms consist of reviewing ex- pectations and getting to know your child. We are excited to once again kick off our Center Wide Expectations (Be Kind, Be Safe and Be Responsible). Be on the look out for center wide bulletin boards as we start the new school year! We will share more of this at our Fami- ly Meeting in October as well as more specifically in our fall Conferences. More infor- mation will be coming out soon. We wish all our school age children who will be moving on from DCCC a wonderful school year. Gina VanKirk, Director
Our First Fundraiser is in the Books! Chicken BBQ was quite successful bringing in, $1212.33 for the Center. Thank you to these area businesses: CHIPOTLE NIGHT OUT!!! Monday, August 30th! Mark your calendars! August means the beginning of our No-Effort Fundraising You can link your Rite-Aid Card to DCCC! EASY PEASY, just grab the QR code hanging on the Fundraising Bulle- tin Board, or click this link: Please share with your friends and family too! Be sure to check out our Fundraising Bulletin Board in the hallway for all the 2021-2022 fundraising efforts. As always, if your family would choose rather to just donate to the fundrais- ing efforts of DCCC, you can drop a check with “fundraising” on the memo line at the DCCC office!
Ducklings July was a busy month in our classroom. We spent a lot of time outside enjoying the summer Reminders: sunshine! We’ve spent time exploring tents, beach balls, the children’s garden, and the beautiful Dickinson campus. We took walks and looked at flowers, Reminders: searched for wildlife, and pretended to be trains going through a tunnel. We’ve also been busy preparing for our transitions to our new class- August 13th-DCCC rooms. We’ve been practicing with our spoons and forks; drinking from closed for in-service cups, sitting in big toddler chairs, helping to clean up, and practicing walking together in line on the “bug rope”. training August 16th-First day in our new classrooms August was a short month together for us, but it was still packed full of fun! The transition to our new classroom looks a little different this year! We are spending some time visiting with our teachers while we are socially distant. While the yellow puppies are on the playground we are able to open our classroom door and talk to the teachers. We have enjoyed this so far, and it’s nice to be able to meet them while we are in the familiar setting of our classroom. Ms Cathryn talks to us over the door between our classrooms, and we periodically peek over the door to see what the “big kids” are doing! The transition to a new room may seem a bit overwhelming at first, but is an exciting time of discovery, and increased independence! If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to let us know. We have loved sharing this year of growth, exploration, and development with you and your baby. Please stop in and say “hi” from time to time! ~Laci & Steph Page 3 Dickinson College Children’s Center
Yellow Pups July was a busy month! We took a week to make some awesome red, white, and blue art after our break. Then we spent the rest of the month talking about the beach, water, and things that go. We made sandcastles in the sandbox, played with toy whales, and sea animals and made car paintings! We love taking walks and running on the playground while looking at things that go, bugs, and flowers. August is always a bittersweet month for us! It’s time for everyone to transition to new classrooms, and while the transition isn’t always the easiest, it is great fun to spread our wings and learn bigger and better things! We thank you for allowing us to be a part of your child’s growth and development this year! Be sure to wave “hi” if you happen to see us! Before we all transition, we enjoy two weeks of August fun together! We will be doing a lot of our fa- vorite things from the past year. Bubbles, singing, reading our favorite books, painting, and coloring. There will be time to get to know the new teachers during the week of 8/9-8/12. Miss Barb and Miss Michele are Yellow Bees teachers. Welcome to the Yellow Puppy Room! We are so excited to begin this adventure with your family! The beginning of the year is a very flexible transition time with our new class as we get to know each other, and learn the schedule. We welcome you to ask any questions at drop off and pick up time. It’s a great way for all to get to know each other! We also love to have pictures of each family to hang up in the room. It helps to be able to look at familiar faces during the day, and we love to talk about everyone in our family, especially our pets! Remember, anytime you have a question please don’t hesitate to ask. Alisha & Diana Dickinson College Children’s Center Page 4
Blue Puppies We made it! What a crazy year! I can’t believe how much growing has happened here in the Blue Puppy room. The puppies will be enjoying some of the fun and favorite activities from our room this past year. We will color a picture, finger paint, and work those fine motor skill with play-doh! We will have fun catching bubbles, playing with balls, singing our favor- ite songs such as “Skid-a-ma-rink-a-dink-a-dink”, “Ram Sam, Sam” and “5 Little Monkeys”. We will have some visits by our new teachers while on the play ground or they may just pop their heads in to say “HI”! It is truly amazing how much your child has grown and what they have learned. The puppies are identifying colors, beginning to count, playing with each other, and singing their “ABC’s” . It will be bitter sweet to see them leave, but we know that they will have so much fun in their new rooms! Each one is leaving some spe- cial laughs with us! We’re so happy that we can still see their smiles at they move though out the center. En- joy the next adventure! Thank you for all your participation, communication, and understanding. ~Cathryn & Mimi Yellow Honey Bees We have enjoyed learning about space, summertime fruits, summertime safety, and the colors of July. Our days have been filled with fun crafts, learning to count to 10, reading books, poems, learning new songs, marching, taking walks around our neighborhood, playing on the play- ground, and of course, lots of potty training! The last two weeks in the Yellow Bee Room will allow us to reflect on “How Much We Have Grown” and now it is “Time to Fly”. During this time, the children will get a chance to see their new teacher’s and more discussion about transitioning to their new rooms will occur. The center will be closed on Friday, August 13th for training and classroom set up. We have had a wonderful year and are so proud of how much the children have grown emotionally. Thank you for sharing them with us! Welcome to our new families! We are excited to begin a new year learning “All About Me”. ~Barb & Michele Dickinson College Children’s Center Page 5
Blue Busy Bees As this year quickly comes to an end, Ms. Cassie and Ms. Jody would like to thank all the families and children of the blue bee room for all the fun we had this year. We would also like to thank the families and children for being so flexible and understanding during this very different kind of year. Blue Bees, you rocked wearing your masks, and all of the extra handwashing. It is always so much fun to watch the children each year grow and blossom from the end of August when they start in the blue bee room till the beginning of August when they move onto be bears. We will have fun our last two weeks together talking about Babies and Growing Up & Moving Up. Ms. Kendra our new Blue Bear teacher will visit us a couple of times and we will also visit the Blue Bear room to see where it is and what it looks like. We will be able to see how much we have grown since birth to being blue bees and then how tall we are now during babies week; we will also have fun caring for the babies in our room and talking about the difference between what we can do now that we could not do as babies. During our last week together, we will read, play, and have fun being together. “SEE YOU OVER THE FENCE AND HAVE A GREAT TIME BEING BEARS” We would also like to take this time to welcome the new blue bees and their families that we will be getting to know this school year. Cassie and Jody will take the first two weeks with the new bees getting to know their likes, dislikes, what skills they have mastered and the skills that we can help them work on this year. WELCOME TO THE BLUE BEE ROOM, IT IS GOING TO BE A GREAT YEAR! Family Reminders: *Please be sure your child has 2 extra changes of clothing (shirt, pants/shorts, socks) * If your child needs a fork for their lunch, you will need to send one in their lunch box *Please be sure that your child’s outside shoes are close toed so they can ride a bike and play on the climber *Please bring a helmet for your child so they can ride a bike Jody & Cassie Page 6 Dickinson College Children’s Center
Preschool Pages... Yellow Bear Cubs We look forward to winding down our Teddy Reminders: Bear year with some Teddy Bear Olympics! We We will be will be virtually visiting our upcoming Bunny sending a lot of items and Bear classrooms over the next few weeks! home such as art We had a great time works, extra clothes talking like a pirate and so you can refresh hunting for treasure during the size/season. pirate week! Beach week couldn’t have been more perfect! We enjoyed the To the upcoming bears… pretend beach fun every day! I am pretty sure Be ready for some virtual fun exploring our camping week was one of our favorite the new environment and getting to themes yet this year! know each other! We will also talk “All It has been a very BUSY year and I have About You” as well as your families as enjoyed watching all we kick off the new year! these bears mature and learn so much through- ~ Mandy out the year! Dickinson College Children’s Center Page 7
Blue Teddy Bears This year was full of more fun than I even imagined. Thank you to my Teddy Bears for choosing Kind, Safe, and Responsible choices all year. We had so many learning experiences I don’t even know where to start. We learned our new schedule and made lots of friends in no time. We all learned how to spell our names at the beginning of the year. We have been practicing every day and most of the Teddy Bears can even write their name now with no help. We have learned to cut with scis- sors so well that we can cut out objects by ourselves. The Teddy bears became super problem solvers and helpful friends. When we see a problem, they come to the teacher or ask a friend for help. One thing about the Teddy bears is that they love to dance and create amazing Art projects. The month of July was full of Teamwork using large paper to create Art together. We will end of year with a special Movie Day and two last Themes Summer Fun and Superheros! During our Summer fun week, we will be making summer crafts and playing lots of outside games. Some of the games include Candy Lane, Bean Bag Toss, and Relay Races. For our Superhero Week we will be playing with Superhero Action Figures and dancing to superhero songs. We will be Creating our own planet to protect and having a Superhero Dress up Day! We have our Countdown ready and are excited to Blast off To the Bunny room!!! All our Blue Teddy bears will be moving up together with some new friends from the other bear rooms. I will be joining Miss Cathryn in the Blue Puppies. I wanted to Thank you for a Fantastic Year! ~Bri Blue Bears July has certainly been a fun, action packed month in the Blue Bear room. During our beach week, we learned some amazing facts about sea animals. We played and built sand castles at our own beach (sand box on the playground) sorted seashells and made some adora- ble crafts. Pirate week was amazing! We dressed as pirates and followed a map to find a real buried treasure. The treasure was buried in our sand box and it was full of Pirate Booty. We also enjoyed some refreshing ice pops, a great treat for a hot summer day. During our camp week, we set up tents, had pretend campfires and made s’mores. We will spend a week doing some fun games outside. We will play ring toss, do relays and more. We will do a Superhero theme. We will pretend we are superheroes and talk about what our powers would be and how we would use them to help people. Of course, as always, we will dress up and do fun games and crafts. We will also spend the beginning of the month of August transitioning into the new classrooms. I will certainly miss our current Blue Bears. We had a wonderful year and wish them well as they head off to the Bunny Room and Kindergarten! Miss Christa and I look forward to meeting our new Blue Bears. We have lots of amazing things planned. ~Kendra
Bunnies In a million words or less, it’s hard to believe the bun- ny classroom is closing a door to a very unusual but unforgettable year! Nevertheless, when one door clos- es, another opens! There aren’t words to adequately describe the nature of the relationship between a teacher and a student, but as this year comes to an end, we would like to con- vey just how much we appreciate being your child’s teacher! Day in and day out, we shared space, knowledge, hopes, disappointments, joys, and many parts of our- selves. Their brilliant smiles brought light to our days, and their selfless nature warmed our hearts. We wont ever forget seeing their face each morning as we began our daily routine. All that said, we are proud of the bunnies and their achievements and we marvel at the confidence everyone has gained this year, both academically and socially! We are certain that this confidence will continue to prepare your children for whatever path they choose for their future. We want to thank you from the bottom of our hearts for entrusting us with a piece of yours. It is not easy to place your son or daughters care in the hands of another, considering what the past year has shown us. To that end, it has been an absolute privilege for us to play such an important role in their lives this year. As the days, weeks, and months, and years continue to pass, we will never forget the time with your children and hope that they continue to thrive! If there is ever anything we can do to help them in the future, please don’t hesitate to contact us! Humble and grateful, Ms. Sarah and Ms. Carly (Miss Katy Fair, too!) Page 9 Dickinson College Children’s Center
Dragons 1 The Dragons I class had an amazing summer under the fearless leading of Mati Wimer, Sophie Moffatt, and Madison Frick. We thank them so much for all of the wonderful care they gave to the children! They created such an amazing newsletter but I cannot figure out how to merge it in- to this document soooo….if you are a parent of a child in this class, you would have seen the newsletter on ClassTag. If you are a parent in the Center and are interested in seeing the Dragons I news, please e-mail Mary Beth ( and I will be happy to send it to you. Have a great school year! Page 10 Dickinson College Children’s Center
Dragons 2—our favorite things We cannot believe that summer camp is coming to an end. We have had some AMAZING times and have made memories. We asked the kids that are at camp what their favorite things were and here is the list. AA: I loved going to Valley Meadows Park CA: Jordan being the "Boss" of everyone CH: Playing games BG: Getting to create my own puzzle MC: Loved going swimming MJ: Seeing my teachers and all my friends PS: Everything! I liked the crafts JK: Teaching everyone to play trash then beating them all. TH: My amazing teachers ZG: Melty beads SM: Friends LM: Going outside ZR: Being an introvert without being an introvert CF: Seeing my friends JB: Bayblades and the corn hole tournament JM: Kona Ice DB: The inflatable Gaga Ball Pit AC: Kona Ice JH: Going to Massey’s GG: Music and dance parties OC: Inflatable mini golf JM: Gaga Ball games KK: When the teachers played Gaga ball with us We hope to see most of you back next year to have even more fun and adven- tures. Thank you for sharing all of your kids with us! We hope you all have a great school year. See you next year! Ms. Brittney, Ms. Carly, Ms. Bree, Ms. Sarah, and Ms. Andrea Page 11 Dickinson College Children’s Center
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