Augmented Humanity - Trends Report 2019 -

Augmented Humanity - Trends Report 2019 -

Trends Report 2019
Augmented Humanity - Trends Report 2019 -
Augmented Humanity                                                                                                                                               2

“2018 has been another year of                 Over the last year we’ve witnessed         This has impacts on everything from          Throughout this report we aim to
enormous, constant change. With major          the rise of a concept that centres on      how we work and play, to how we              highlight the benefits that technology
developments in areas like voice               the relationship between technology        experience art, to how we travel, shop,      brings to our lives, but we won’t shy
technology, unattended retail, extended        and humans and the way in which this       spend our leisure time and engage            away from the challenges.
reality, artificial intelligence and machine   impacts our daily lives. We call this      with our favourite brands. Crucially it
learning, our world continues to evolve.       concept Augmented Humanity. So,            also has major implications on the time      We’ll explain why we believe that this
                                               what do we actually mean by this?          we spend on repetitive manual tasks          is an important moment in human
Technology today plays a key role in                                                      that can be automated, optimised or          history, outline some of the myriad
driving relevance, scale, and elevating        Augmented Humanity is what happens         digitised.                                   opportunities that these developments
human experiences. The changes we’re           when humans work in harmony with                                                        open up and shine a light on some
seeing have the potential to transform         technology and machine intelligence        These changes fundamentally impact           of the challenges posed by these
fundamental aspects of our human               to expand and enrich life, helping us to   key aspects of our existence. As a           developments. Crucially we’ll also
existence, helping us to live better lives.    experience more and in deeper ways, to     result we believe that this state of         highlight why businesses can’t afford
It is our job to harness its wonderful         make better decisions and to fulfil our    Augmented Humanity is another key            to close their eyes to change and we’ll
power and potential for businesses and         potential as humans.                       stage in our evolution as humans.            offer advice on navigating this new
brands, in serving people better.                                                                                                      landscape in order to benefit in the
                                               More and more, intelligent machines        We see this development as a
Our 2019 trends report shines a light          are dramatically transforming how          potentially hugely positive step for
on key themes for the coming year –            we imagine our relationship with           humankind. But we acknowledge that
and highlights the role that businesses        technology. The dramatic speed of          there are potential risks – some of
and brands can play in the age of              development in areas such as AI and        which we’re already beginning to see in
Augmented Humanity.”                           machine learning means that the master     our daily lives, played out in the current
                                               and servant relationship is shifting and   political climate and the emergence
          – Jean Lin, Isobar Global CEO        we’re increasingly moving to a point       of a backlash against technology
                                               where we as humans work in harmony         companies. After all, technology
                                               with the technology that surrounds us.     amplifies the good – and the bad.
Augmented Humanity - Trends Report 2019 -
Augmented Humanity                                                                                                                   3

The context for change
If we look back 60 years and consider     This modular, mix and match approach
                                                                                        Digital as a force for good?
where we thought we’d be in 2019,         is much more appropriate for humans
it was a widely held belief that by       with very individual needs and demands        While the digital economy has driven growth and
this stage robots would now be            – rather than a one size fits all solution.   brought benefits to many, technological change
                                                                                        also brings major challenges. As part of Dentsu
rolling around our houses doing the                                                     Aegis Network’s Digital Society Index Report from
housework and releasing us from           This approach now means that as
                                                                                        earlier this year, 20,000 people from around the
                                                                                        world were surveyed to determine their openness to
domestic drudgery. Like the Jetsons.      a species we’re living in a state of          technological change. The report found that just 45%
But that didn’t happen.                   Augmented Humanity where technology
                                                                                        of respondents believe that digital will be a force for
                                                                                        good. A further 57% of people believe that the pace of
                                          scales our most human attributes –            technological change is too fast.

Instead, it’s become obvious that a       both good and bad.
                                                                                        Digging further into the stats revealed intriguing
large, multi-purpose robot isn’t as                                                     differences by country. China emerged as the most
effective as taking the components that                                                 optimistic country with 73% seeing digital as a force
                                          As a result we now have faster access         for good - perhaps explaining why the country leads
make a robot useful and incorporating                                                   much of the major advances in this area. The US on
                                          to information that can help inform our
them into our own lives.                                                                the other hand was more cautious, coming joint 6th on
                                          decisions. More and more, technology          41%. The UK finished in 8th on 40%.
                                          also enhances our life experiences and
                                                                                        Overall, the report concluded that while people are
The features that those robots would      allows us to interact and engage in           generally confident that the positive impacts of digital
have offered now become part of our       ways we didn’t know were possible. In         technology will outweigh the negative over the next
                                                                                        five to 10 years (65%), when it comes to the more
indoor environments or integrated         the right hands, technology increases         specific measures of its ability to create future jobs
into everyday things. And so, instead     our capacity as humans – and indeed           (29%) and to address societal challenges such as
                                                                                        poverty, health risks, or environmental degradation
of a single machine that does many        has the potential to redefine what it         (42%), people are more pessimistic.1
things, we have many machines that        means to be human.
each carry out small tasks, essentially
turning our environments into their own
connected ecosystems.
Augmented Humanity - Trends Report 2019 -
Augmented Humanity                                                                                                                             4

Our five themes for
We will be exploring five key themes
which we believe demonstrate how
the relationship between humanity
and technology is evolving. Each of
these has implications for businesses
and brands in the coming months and     The evolving interface                  The human algorithm                   The fluid vs the collective self
years.                                  How the intersection between humans     How data can help us to better        How the digital world enhances
                                        and technology is changing.             understand ourselves and enable       personal and collective experiences.
In each chapter we’ll cover evolving                                            better decisions.
trends and developments alongside key
learnings for businesses and brands
– and showcase some of the best
examples of these trends.

                                        The trust paradox                       The transformed experience
                                        How technology can help – or hinder –   How Augmented Humanity enables
                                        our understanding of the increasingly   us to feel and experience the world
                                        complex world around us.                differently and in deeper ways.
Augmented Humanity - Trends Report 2019 -
Augmented Humanity                        5

The evolving
How the intersection between humans and
technology is changing.
Augmented Humanity - Trends Report 2019 -
1. The evolving interface                                               6

First, we look at the starting point of
our interactions with technology –
                                             The guiding principle
the interface between humans and             behind these changes
technology. This is a key point in any
evolutionary journey – learning how to
                                             is the ambition to
use tools more effectively.                  remove friction from
                                             our interactions with
Developments in voice and gaze as
human machine interfaces allow people        technology and brands.
to go hands free when interacting
with machines. The removal of this           As ease of access continues to
physical layer reduces friction, opening     improve, this will undoubtedly impact
up the possibility that we can access        on our behaviours as consumers –
information as quickly as we can think       something that should be of interest to
about it.                                    all brands.

Undoubtedly the key discussion point
in this space over the last year has
been the growing importance of voice
technology. However we will also
be discussing major developments
like unattended retail which rely on
technology such as facial and retina
recognition to change the way that we
interact with technology in everyday life.
Augmented Humanity - Trends Report 2019 -
1. The evolving interface     7

1.1                    Voice
Augmented Humanity - Trends Report 2019 -
1.1 Voice                                                                                                                                                        8

It has been impossible to avoid talk of
voice technology in 2018 and there’s
                                           While this doesn’t
no sign that this trend will slow down     necessarily mean that as
throughout 2019.                           a species we’re ready to
Research now suggests that already         abandon screens – some
20% of the US population2 has access       voice assistants now
to smart speakers.
                                           incorporate screens after                   Case study: Commerce-enabled voice solution for Bonafont

The popularity of technologies such as     all – the move from visual                  Isobar Group Brazil created the country’s first commerce-enabled voice solution for
                                                                                       leading water brand, Bonafont. The application, called Bonafont Em Casa, allows
Alexa, Google Home and Xiaomi’s Xiao       to verbal represents a                      customers to purchase water supply to their homes by voice command. Each customer
AI smart speaker are starting to make                                                  is served by the distributor closest to their home address. Delivery is made within one-

voice assistants a common feature in       fundamental shift.                          and-a-half hours after the order has been placed, or by appointment if the customer
                                                                                       prefers, with payment also being made through the platform.
many households across the globe.
                                                                                       In addition to practicality and convenience the voice solution provides customers,
                                           The development of this trend will          Bonafont Em Casa was also designed to give more transparency to customers, giving
                                                                                       them the option to schedule the orders, monitor the status of delivery, and enabling
Elsewhere, we’re finally seeing            require a new way of thinking about         them to evaluate the quality of service of more than 85 registered dealers in Greater
podcasts deliver on their early promise    brand identity, and calls for a new level   São Paulo.

with the medium now firmly in the          of creativity in voice search. Tellingly,
mainstream.3                               Gartner Research5 suggests that voice-
                                           driven search queries are on track to
                                           become the dominant search mode for
We’re also seeing news media
                                           mobile users.
experimenting by moving from print
straight to voice, as in the case of the
recently launched Guardian Voice Lab.4
Augmented Humanity - Trends Report 2019 -
1.1 Voice                                                                                                                                                                      9

Amongst other things, brands now need        starting with “who”, “what”, “where”
to consider how easily product names         and “how” has increased by 6% in the
translate for voice. The importance of       UK since 2015.6
this can’t be understated. Many brands
have several different pronunciations.
                                             This development will make natural
Brands must now consider how they
                                             language search increasingly important.
can standardise pronunciation.

                                             It’s also important to note that voice
Beyond this, tech providers need to          technology will allow brands to have                      Case study: Voice-enabled cocktail solution for Diageo
resolve how to deliver results in a          their ‘own voice’ for the first time. In                  Isobar worked with Diageo to create The Bar, an Alexa skill designed to help customers
                                                                                                       work on their cocktail skills at home. The Bar enables people to create their favourite
medium where multiple search results         this new world, brands will be forced to                  cocktails and learn new techniques using the Amazon Echo Show, tapping into the
don’t work. More and more we’re              consider what they should sound like.                     latest voice technology and the visual functionality of the device. Users are presented
                                                                                                       with three different options for a complete 360 degree cocktail making experience. The
entering a world where the first result      This presents a great opportunity, but                    Bar is also enabled with commerce functionalities, allowing users to order the right
returned will be the default decision –      also a challenge.                                         ingredients directly through Amazon Prime.
resulting in the equivalent of the screen-
based Google “I’m feeling lucky”
                                              The Conversational Canvas:
search.                                       A tool for businesses and brands

                                              The world of chatbots, digital assistants and smart
Voice technology is already                   speakers like Google Home and Amazon Alexa
fundamentally changing the way we             is rapidly maturing. More and more brands are
                                              using these platforms successfully, the number of
search. As consumers become more              applications is growing exponentially and the user
used to having conversations with             experience is getting better. But how do you design a
                                              good conversational interface?
assistants, so searches will likely
                                                                                                       Case study: Voice-enabled mobile banner for Godrej Security Solutions
become more conversational. Microsoft         To help businesses and brands understand how to          Isobar collaborated with Godrej Security Solutions (GSS) to launch India’s first voice-
research shows that we’re already             do this better, Isobar Netherlands has developed The     enabled mobile banner promoting the brand’s latest security camera. On Mother’s
                                              Conversational Canvas7, a free template that helps you   Day, GSS created an emotional digital video, #MomsJustKnow, focusing on maternal
seeing an increase in questions as part       to design a digital assistant that really adds value.    instinct. Isobar created a digital media campaign for GSS that leveraged the mother’s
of search phrasing. The use of queries                                                                 lullaby in the form of a ‘Voice Driven Banner’ ad to trigger a video, which was executed
                                                                                                       for the first time on a mobile device.
Augmented Humanity - Trends Report 2019 -
1. The evolving interface          10

1.2                    The retail
1.2 The retail interface                                                  11

When considering the                       Earlier this year, Amazon opened its
                                           first Amazon Go9 store in Seattle. The
evolving interface, one                    launch brought to mainstream attention
of the most interesting                    the concept of unattended retail. Here,
                                           shoppers pick up items in the store and
areas of development                       leave without paying. Amazon later bills
is in the physical retail                  the shopper’s credit card based on the
                                           items they selected.
                                           While Amazon Go is the most high-
Here, changes in how we interact           profile unattended retail launch in the
with technology and brands are being       west, a number of retailers – particularly
driven by developments in facial, retina   in China – are trialling similar systems.​
and finger print recognition, driving
us increasingly towards the cashless       From a retail perspective, this
society.                                   development has huge implications for
                                           the store of the future, with the capacity
Facial recognition is already playing      to transform all aspects of shopping as
a growing role in the mobile space.        retailers look to introduce increasingly
Counterpoint Research predicts that        frictionless experiences.
more than one billion smartphones will
include facial-recognition features in
the next two years – that’s 64% of all
smartphones in 2020, up from 5% in
2017.8 This is a trend which is set to
impact many sectors.
1.2 The retail interface                                                                                                                                     12

As a result of these trends, at Isobar        They can introduce, cross-sell or up-sell
we’re seeing increasing demand for            you in a language you understand. They
physical retail innovation from our           can also temporarily remember your
clients. One particular area of interest to   face and offer you a coherent brand or
us is in the global trade environment.        product narrative as you move between
                                              physical displays and product portfolios
In airport retail, it’s common to find a      within the retail environment.
broad mix of shoppers from different
cultures, all speaking different                                                          Case study: ‘Shop as a design’ prototype for Clarins
languages. They might also be                                                             Isobar Taiwan created an experimental space to accelerate the idea-to-launch process.
                                                                                          The team launched a ‘shop as a design’ prototype in their NowLab space – Isobar’s
unfamiliar with brands that don’t exist                                                   global innovation accelerator – to simulate customer experiences, collecting data,
in their home countries. To address                                                       behaviour insights and experimentations to develop an innovative business process. In
                                                                                          this space, clients can experience the brand commerce process and learn how to use
this, clients with physical retail spaces                                                 digital technology to stimulate sales and optimize brand engagement.
often engage brand ambassadors to
explain their products. However, the
ambassadors can’t be there 24/7 and
they can’t all be master linguists.

To help with problems like this, we’re
investigating ways to augment physical
retail shelves with computer vision and
multi-lingual product knowledge bases.
With these, the ‘shelves’ can recognise                                                   Case study: Voice-enabled ordering for KFC
                                                                                          Isobar used Baidu’s NLP & UNIT to create a system designed to configure multiple
what products you’ve just picked up.                                                      scenarios based on users’ information. KFC’s brand templates, corpus, and Q&A library
                                                                                          were integrated to enable AI ordering. The platform allows consumers to interact with
                                                                                          the brand using voice and text through mobile devices. The AI barista then delivers a
                                                                                          quick service and user-experience, such as selecting food from a personalised menu,
                                                                                          adding food to a shopping cart, confirming orders and making payments.
1. The evolving interface                                                                                                                                 13

What it means for businesses and brands:

A word of caution                          Don’t lose sight of the visual             A new canvas                               Convenience versus data privacy
Despite the hype, it’s important to note   While it’s true to say that we’re          Consumer adoption of voice technology      When thinking about developments
that adoption rates of voice technology    beginning to fall back in love with the    opens up a rich new canvas for brands      in the retail interface, a key issue that
in the home still aren’t the runaway       medium of voice and its ease of use,       looking to communicate with customers      will drive future conversations is the
train that many would have us believe.     as a species we still love screens.        in new ways. Interactive narratives        protection of personal data. Retailers
True mainstream acceptance is still        After decades of training ourselves to     for example offer a glimpse into the       still have a long way to go to convince
some way off. Another important            use screens, our brains are now very       future of this evolving space. As the      consumers that the sacrifice of
consideration is that most of the          conditioned to screen life. Humans are     role of voice technology develops,         increasingly personal data in the name
development from the major tech            also very visual animals. The idea that    there’s no doubt that it’s creating new    of convenience is an acceptable trade
companies in this area has so far          we’re desperate to untether ourselves      opportunities for brands looking to tell   off. Legacy brands are finding it hard
tended to focus on the big international   from the bondage of screens is perhaps     stories in different ways.                 to gain a level of digital trust simply
languages, meaning that there is work      stating the case too strongly. So while                                               because they are an unknown quantity
to be done to make this a truly global     it’s vital to keep ahead of evolving                                                  when it comes to gathering personal
trend. Businesses and brands now           interface trends, brands should be wary                                               data from sensors. Starting off on the
need to focus on testing and learning      of losing sight of the visual element of                                              right foot is therefore essential.
so that they are geared up for success     their branding efforts.
when mass adoption occurs.
Augmented Humanity                          14

The human
How data can help us to better understand
ourselves and enable better decisions.
2. The human algorithm                                                 15

As we become increasingly reliant         associated with the tech sector than
on digital technology, a necessary        healthcare, have entered the market.
by-product is the data that these
interactions produce. In this chapter,    Alongside digital healthcare start-
we’ll focus on how we’re finding          ups, tech giants such as Google and
ways to put this personal data to use     Apple are increasingly seeing health
to augment our understanding of           as a growing area of their business
ourselves and to make our lives better.   and bringing disruptive thinking to the
A key development in
                                          The use of personal data also has the
this space is the way                     potential to transform our experience
in which personal data                    of a range of services we make use
                                          of in our daily lives. As a result we’re
is now used across the                    seeing service providers across a range
health and wellness                       of sectors offering services tailored
                                          to an individual level based on our
sector.                                   behavioural data.

We’ve seen a recent explosion in the
number of companies with an interest
in healthcare. As advances in digital
technology have transformed the
sector’s ability to develop services
which are designed to inspire behaviour
change, new entrants, often more
2. The human algorithm         16

2.1                  Wellness
2.1 Wellness                                                            17

A key example of this disruptive           Wearables help in the process of
thinking has been the wearables space      getting to root causes. Faced with
where a wide range of companies offer      financial and resource constraints,
customers the opportunity to access        healthcare professionals (HCPs) have
and analyse their own personal data,       been relatively slow to this trend, but
making them better able to monitor all     alternative healthcare and the health
aspects of their physical health from      and wellness movement is tuned in to
measuring sleep patterns to monitoring     these new technologies.
fitness and self-diagnosing illness.
                                           Illnesses such as type 2 diabetes, heart
What we’re seeing in this trend is the     disease and chronic pain conditions
ability for consumers to take control      are all best solved with changes in
of their health data to make more          lifestyle, diet and exercise. It may be
informed decisions about their personal    the case that the giant leap in progress
care.                                      is the technology to measure, diagnose,
                                           and recommend made possible by
                                           wearables, IoT devices and machine
More and more, people are taking           learning.
their own personal health seriously
and using technology and the internet
to bypass doctors. The future will see     With the rising costs of healthcare,
chronic health problems being solved       and an increasingly elderly population,
by rigorous accession of data which will   wearables of course offer a cost-
encourage changing health habits, diets    effective solution to a growing problem.
and exercise routines, the lowering of
stress and the ending of addictions –
which people often don’t even know
they have.
2.1 Wellness                                                                                                                                                18

Aligned with this, AI-powered chatbot     As an example we recently worked with
technology is transforming the way        Tivity Health in the US on a campaign
in which people interface with HCPs,      to encourage seniors to lead more
putting less strain on public services    active lifestyles. We also worked with
and allowing patients to take more        Australian brand Sleeptite10 to develop
regular control over their own health     a product that can help understand
decisions.                                movements and key biological factors
                                          in the elderly when sleeping.
Machine learning is also being used                                                 Case study: Empowering millions of older adults to live healthier lives
more and more in the health sector,                                                 Tivity Health, a leading provider of fitness and health improvement programs, wanted to
                                                                                    increase new enrolments, member engagement and brand advocacy for their lifestyle
helping to improve patient diagnosis                                                brand, SilverSneakers, the nation’s largest fitness program for older adults.
and care. Meanwhile, biometric
data has multiple applications in                                                   SilverSneakers is a lifestyle brand that “gets” active seniors. Their core offering is a
                                                                                    free fitness benefit included with most Medicare plans. Membership includes access to
the healthcare sector. For example,                                                 more than 15,000 fitness locations with specialised exercise classes for all abilities led
biometric patient ID allows HCPs to                                                 by SilverSneakers trained instructors.

quickly access medical histories and                                                Using proprietary Emotional Science techniques, we developed creative campaigns
ensures that they are pulling the right                                             specifically designed to empower the target audience, a key emotional motivator to
                                                                                    start a fitness habit. The result: Isobar increased the number of SilverSneakers sign-ups
data for the right patient. ​This cuts                                              by 792% year over year. Campaigns were tested using Isobar’s proprietary research
down on time consuming administrative                                               tool MindSight®. Biometric analysis showed how to further maximise engagement and
                                                                                    optimise messaging impact. Our solution included development of a customer data
work, allowing patients and HCPs to                                                 platform for audience segmentation, with feedback loops to update propensity scores
focus more attention on healthcare                                                  based on campaign analytics and attribution data.
                                                                                    Isobar’s Consumer Engagement Management strategy also guides the brand
                                                                                    experience to drive sustained engagement with members. SilverSneakers marketing
At Isobar, we’re seeing more and more                                               communications, as well as the website and blog, were redesigned to enable true
                                                                                    omni-channel integration for a multi-touchpoint full lifecycle experience.
demand for this type of work across a
range of clients.
2. The human algorithm             19

2.2                  Personalised
2.2 Personalised services                                                                                                                                 20

A key development as part of this            The connected car offers the
trend is the use of data by the financial    opportunity to make use of a multitude
services and insurance sectors in order      of data to augment our experience
to tailor packages for the individual. The   of driving, from providing advice on
increased availability of real-time data     improving fuel efficiency to remote
is beginning to help insurers tackle the     coaching to prevent accidents and
uncertainty involved in assessing risks      unnecessary vehicle wear and tear.
and premium levels.
                                                                                      Case study: AI-based distracted driver tool

There are also benefits                                                               Nine people per day die in the US because of preventable distracted driving, and 60%
                                                                                      of teen crashes involve driver distraction. In answer to this issue, Isobar in Detroit

for consumers who                                                                     prototyped ‘Third Eye Drive’, an AI-enabled distracted driving assistant.

can take control of their                                                             The solution recognises faces and actions, tracks behaviours and rates level of
                                                                                      distraction, provides metrics, scores and videos of distracted moments in the mobile

premiums and decrease                                                                 application. ‘Third Eye Drive’ uses machine learning to impact and celebrate long-term
                                                                                      behaviour change of drivers.

their costs by adapting
their behaviour.
Connected to this, the use of driving
data to improve personal performance,
efficiency and safety – and to improve
the collective experience of driving –
is a key area of development in the
connected car space.
2. The human algorithm                                                                                                                                     21

What it means for businesses and brands:

The growth of connected devices                          Accurate predictions                                       Data ownership
We’ve witnessed steady growth in the uptake of           Dramatic advances in AI and machine learning               Very real concerns exist around the security and
wearables as a means of tracking personal fitness and    technology will see this area experience rapid growth      ownership of this hugely personal data – especially
wellness. According to Statistica Consumer Surveys,      in the years to come. Developments will make               when thinking about how it can be used to assess
30 percent of US consumers own a fitness wearable        predictive analysis much more accurate across a            health insurance and life insurance premiums in the
and 44 percent use them daily.11                         range of the services that we make use of. As a result,    future. Trust issues around data are sure to continue to
                                                         in the healthcare space we’ll see an increasing interest   be a major concern throughout 2019. As an example
                                                         in prevention rather than cure, cause rather than          of this, Tim Berners Lee’s new project Solid is an
The future of this space will see more and more of the
                                                         effect.                                                    attempt to give individuals more control over their data
devices in our day to day lives being used to provide
                                                                                                                    in an effort to create a fairer internet for all.12
useful data about our daily routines. As more devices
become connected, expect to see the growth of
services built around understanding this data in order
to help people live better, healthier lives.
Augmented Humanity                        22

The fluid vs the
collective self
How the digital world enhances personal
and collective experiences.
3. The fluid vs the collective self                                                                                                                  23

A feature of the development of digital    A knock on effect of this is a growing   no longer so pronounced as people         personal computing to a new
technology is the extent to which it has   interest in personalised products,       are increasingly more able to explore     world of collaborative computing
enabled two very different realities to    services and experiences which is        different aspects of their character      – especially with the advent of 5G,
flourish.                                  driving a movement away from the         through combinations of many different    cloud computing, and easier access to
                                           mass production which drove the          decisions and choices.                    Augmented Reality.
On the one hand, humans can now            industrial revolution. Instead we’re
enjoy more and more choice in almost       moving towards a future of bespoke
                                                                                    On the other hand however, digital        In this world, all interactions with
everything they consume. From              production at scale.
                                                                                    technology has also enhanced              technology can be social and offer a
products to music, we are now able to                                               the human ability to enjoy group          deeper connection to people and things
choose at the click of a button things                                              experiences, making it easier for us to   within the ecosystem.
which previous generations would have      As a result of this                      connect with large, like-minded groups
had to work hard to hunt down in the       drastically expanded                     wherever they may be in the world,        The fact that digital technology enables
physical world.                                                                     to come together and share a tribal,
                                           range of choices,                        collective experience.
                                                                                                                              these two very different realities poses
                                                                                                                              major challenges for all brands from
Factors such as widely available           we now have the                                                                    a strategic and tactical perspective
computer components and
manufacturing efficiencies have driven     opportunity to behave in                 This powerful capacity to appeal to the
                                                                                    human need for a sense of belonging
                                                                                                                              – and leaves serious questions to be
                                                                                                                              asked about the right approach on an
the rise of the maker movement             much more fluid ways –                   allows big, established brands to reach   individual brand level.
which has also benefited from the
availability of 3D printers, affordable    making us increasingly                   a mass market seeking to rally round a
                                                                                    central concept and enjoy and be part
microprocessor platforms and open          hard to categorise and                   of a collective experience.
source software. Companies that
previously couldn’t scale up to actually   therefore hard to target.
                                                                                    Further, we’re beginning to witness
produce goods, prototypes or other
                                                                                    a movement from individuals being
hardware and software applications         For those who seek out unique            fixated on personal computers and
quickly are now able to do so – and        experiences, old, easy tribalism is
much more cheaply.
3. The fluid vs the collective self     24

3.1                      Embracing the
3.1 Embracing the individual                                            25

The proliferation of digital channels has   Membership schemes and
made it more possible for small, niche      crowdsourcing now play a bigger role
players to target an interested audience    in the creation of what feels like an
with segment-specific marketing             exclusive, unique, authentic experience
messages – instead of using the mass        for consumers. The guarantee of orders
scale ‘spray and pray’ method of old.       through these schemes also allows
As a result, we’re seeing a growth in       smaller players to produce the right
small brands which focus on issues          amount of product for the right time,
such as their environmental impact,         cutting down on waste and the need to
organic credentials and authenticity        store unprofitable stock.
which are growing in importance for
modern consumers.                           We’re seeing similar changes in
                                            product discovery with new digital
Connected to this,                          tools helping us to discover these
                                            more niche products. This trend can
new business models                         be seen across all aspects of the CPG
made possible by                            space for example. In the drinks sector,
                                            discovery apps like Hello Vino13 offer
digital technology allow                    consumers the ability to specify wine
smaller players to disrupt                  characteristics that they like and are
                                            then matched with a wine tailored to
existing models.                            their requirements.
3.1 Embracing the individual                                                                                                                                             26

Artificial intelligence is also playing    This focus on creating personalised
a key role in personalised product         products and experiences at scale does
development – at times in the most         of course open up myriad challenges
unlikely places.                           for brands – especially those used to
                                           operating in the mass market.
In the drinks sector for example,
artificial intelligence is now being
applied to the brewing process with         Increasing levels of competition

companies like IntelligentX offering                                                                Case study: AI chatbot to recommend hotels
                                            The Dentsu Aegis 2018 CMO Survey was published in
what they describe as the world’s first     July, drawing on a survey of 1,000 CMOs from around     HowRU is an AI chatbot delivered through WeChat to help users save time finding and
beer brewed by artificial intelligence.​    the globe and across industries. CMOs were asked:       booking hotels in China. Based on voice recognition and NLP technology, the HowRU
                                            “What are the key barriers you face when building       chatbot is able to understand customers’ commands via multiple rounds of dialogue.
                                            better relationships with consumers over the next 2-3
                                            years?” At 56%, “increasing levels of competition”
The provision of personalised products      was the biggest barrier to better consumer
                                                                                                    Users trigger the chatbot by selecting HowRU in the WeChat menu or by saying “Hello
                                                                                                    HowRU”. The bot responds with a greeting, and asks for details on where the user
is an especially developed trend within     relationships.                                          would like to stay, check in and check out dates.
the Generation Z audience who are
                                            CMOs were also asked to name what they thought          Using these parameters, the HowRU bot serves recommendations on where to stay,
increasingly open to giving up personal     was their key strategic opportunity. “Using data        including images of the hotels. Alternatively, if the user knows exactly where they want
details in return for personalised          to reach real people” emerged as the number one         to stay, the dates and how long for, HowRU can complete the full booking process
                                            opportunity with 29% saying that the ability to         using voice or text-based dialogue.
brand experiences.14 The growth of          use data to reach real people, rather than proxies
personalised shampoo products is a          or customer segments was the biggest strategic
                                            opportunity over the next 2-3 years.15
good example of this trend.

In these cases, personalisation
becomes a form of social currency – a
way of obtaining something personal
which others don’t have.
3. The fluid vs the collective self      27

3.2                      Augmenting
                         the collective
3.2 Augmenting the collective experience                                                                                                                        28

The other side of the coin is the extent     This opens up major questions for
to which digital technology can help         brands about what side they want to be
create and augment mass movements,           on, but creates enormous potential for
where the internet is a tool which           reaching individuals strongly invested in
creates increased tribalism. We have of      a collective cause.
course witnessed this trend in recent
political campaigning tactics. This in
turn has resulted in the growth of more
politicised marketing campaigns.
                                                                                         Case study: Re-imagining China’s cultural history for KFC
                                                                                         KFC wanted to create a collective experience for young people in China. The Awaken
                                                                                         History with Technology campaign tapped into young people’s love of their country,
The ability to rally the millions is still                                               drawing on China’s rich cultural history, while re-imagining it for a tech-savvy audience.
a key ambition of the biggest brands.                                                    Collaborating with the National Museum of China and acclaimed new media artist
                                                                                         Junting Lin, KFC sought to use technology to bring history back to life.
In essence they’re aiming to create a
crowd experience. Think of a major
music festival as an analogy. If the
whole event took place as a silent
disco and everyone had a unique
performance tailored to their own
personality, would it not be boring?

From a brand perspective then, digital
technology makes it possible to tap
                                                                                         Case study: A cutting-edge art installation for Shiseido
into and – in some cases – create mass
                                                                                         The Nuit Blanche festival’s 2018 program sponsor Shiseido partnered with Isobar
movements.                                                                               Canada to bring a cutting-edge art installation to life that fused face-mapping
                                                                                         technology, reactive artwork, gesture and play to create a multi-sensory interactive
                                                                                         experience. The installation was fuelled by audience gesture interaction, inviting visitors
                                                                                         to manipulate a world of colour, pattern and sound and demonstrated the extent to
                                                                                         which evolving technology can enhance artistic experience.
3. The fluid vs the collective self                                                                                                                       29

What it means for businesses and brands:

Personalisation at scale                                Increased polarisation                                    Striking a balance
As consumers continue to search out unique products     The power of digital tools to help create and shape       Brands are facing fundamental questions about their
and experiences, personalisation as a trend is set to   collective experiences and movements has helped           operating and marketing strategies. Marketing may be
continue and develop throughout 2019. This poses        fuel increasing polarisation within society. This means   moving to individualised spaces, but brands need to
new challenges and opportunities for all brands         that brands are increasingly facing a choice about the    think about how this fits with their ambitions to create
– big and small. In extreme cases it will involve a     extent to which they want to be involved in important     collective experiences. Will hyper personalisation lead
fundamental shift in supply chain processes.            cultural discussions – and indeed what side of the        to the erosion of the brand? Will humans soon have
                                                        discussion they want to be on.                            too much choice? Are the majority of people really
                                                                                                                  unique – and do they want unique offerings? Brands
                                                                                                                  need to understand where they sit when considering
                                                                                                                  the balance between doing things for everyone and
                                                                                                                  engaging in personalisation at scale.
Augmented Humanity                                        30

The trust
How technology can help – or hinder – our understanding
of the increasingly complex world around us.
4. The trust paradox                                                                                                                                             31

The rise of fake news and content            We are still prone to buying into these      In an increasingly connected world,          mechanisms to keep us honest and
alongside developments like deepfake         myths – but only until we can prove          a brand’s advertising, products and          leveraged new concepts such as
technology and advanced audio                them to be objectively false. Digital        services are now more and more               digital certificates of authenticity
spoofing is making it increasingly           technology gives us increased ability to     interconnected and, as a result,             enabled by blockchain to do so. The
difficult to distinguish between the fake    lift the curtain and see the truth behind    our relationships with brands have           public ledger serves as a means to
and the real.                                these myths. After all, we live in a world   changed.                                     track transactions, but also any type
                                             of online reviews and platforms such as                                                   of data that humans can benefit from
                                             Trustpilot which offer us quick access                                                    auditing – locations, movement and
To help humans decipher the truth, in
the future machines will need to assist      to opinions.                                 Brands are now more                          ownership – leading us to assurance of
humans by augmenting our own ability                                                      than what they say.                          authenticity. In short, blockchain offers
                                                                                                                                       an opportunity to provide the essential
to recognise the small details that make
us human – identifying patterns that act
                                             However, just as we live increasingly in
                                             a world of fake news, the problem of
                                                                                          Brands are what they do.                     checks and balances on our new digital
as signals of a false reality that perhaps   fake reviews is growing just as fast.                                                     reality.
we can’t identify ourselves. As digital                                                   Consumers are now more cynical about
technology has made it possible for                                                       brands – and the stories that they tell.     There are now a number of ways for
                                             Recent research by Which?, the UK’s
us to manipulate the truth, so we will                                                    As a result, the brands that will flourish   us to check the authenticity of brand
                                             largest consumer association, shows
also need to use it to verify the truth,                                                  in the future will be those which move       claims. Blockchain is one of these.
                                             that 97% of people use online customer
leveraging machines to see through the                                                    away from unattainable mythology             We’ll explore this technology in more
                                             reviews when researching a product,
false veneer that has been delivered as                                                   and instead focus on purpose in              detail throughout this chapter – and
                                             meaning that £23bn a year of UK
a mask to false realities.                                                                order to create experiences that talk        assess the extent to which it can also
                                             consumer spending is influenced by
                                                                                          meaningfully and truthfully about the        revolutionise the very business of
                                             online customer reviews. However, the
Of course, advertising used to be about                                                   brand.                                       marketing.
                                             Which? research revealed that 31% of
building myths – for example the idea        people had bought a product because
that buying a certain deodorant would        of excellent customer reviews and had        To ensure authenticity and truth in the
make us more attractive.                     subsequently been disappointed by it.16      digital world, we’ve come up with
4. The trust paradox                  32

4.1                     Augmenting
4.1 Augmenting authenticity                                                                                                                                    33

With the continued growth of the global     Similar technologies are being deployed
economy, luxury and FMCG brands             across the food sector where food fraud
including alcohol, fashion and tobacco      is a growing concern. The ability to
companies are increasingly seeking          track and trace products from paddock
to protect their brand and develop          to plate, allowing consumers to verify
systems that ensure local market            the provenance of food products, will
compliance and product protection.          therefore be a key trend to watch in the
There is also a need to tackle fraud        months to come.
head on to ensure brand security.
                                                                                       Case study: Track and Trace solutions to ensure supply chain integrity
                                                                                       Isobar Switzerland helps ensure full compliance and supply chain integrity, bringing
                                                                                       over 10 years’ experience in helping preserve brand integrity. Since 2004 the team has
As an example, the global tobacco                                                      deployed the Track and Trace solution in 105 countries, on 400 production lines, across
company, Philip Morris, uses a suite                                                   1,600 tracking locations.

of solutions with digital serialisation,
                                                                                       The solution offers packages and services to deploy, operate and manage track and
Track and Trace17 and authentication                                                   trace technology in the Tobacco, Luxury, Pharma, Beverage and FMCG industry
built in and deployed across over 400                                                  verticals. Our tracking technology identifies, authenticates, tracks and traces finished
                                                                                       goods across entire supply chains – from factory, warehouse, third party logistics
production lines, across 1,600 tracking                                                providers, up to point of sale. As products travel in the supply chain, movements are
locations in 105 countries.                                                            scanned by warehouse operators and logged in the journey history recorder.

                                                                                       Our expertise includes serialization, aggregation, traceability, product authentication,
                                                                                       application development, business intelligence and analytics, IoT, blockchain, ITIL
With over 10 billion items to trace, PMI                                               service management, integration, training, and more.
is working with Isobar to ensure the full
transparency and integrity of its supply
chain, and then deliver exceptional
customer service.
4. The trust paradox                34

4.2                     Blockchain
4.2 Blockchain                                                                                                                                                              35

Supply chain transparency                  Security of payments                       Blockchain in media and marketing

Beyond proving authenticity of             Blockchain has the potential to            There is much discussion within the
                                                                                                                                  Blockchain playbook
products, we’re increasingly seeing        transform the world of online              digital marketing and media industry
companies turning to blockchain            commerce, bringing with it the promise     around the potential of blockchain          In our recently published Blockchain Playbook, Isobar
technology in an effort to improve the     of a future of increased security –        to help solve issues of transparency,       unpacks blockchain’s potential beyond value stores
                                                                                                                                  and currency replacements, and in areas such as
transparency of their product offerings.   and improved efficiency – for online       privacy and fraud. It’s still early days,   Supply Chain, Commerce, Transparency and Identity
                                           payments.                                  but a number of start-ups are making        Management.

A good example of this trend is the                                                   progress on solutions to advertisers’
                                                                                                                                  The playbook looks at blockchain in practice, and
online clothing retailer Everlane.com18    As the adoption of bitcoins and            challenges, and 2019 will be a year of      how it’s developing in high growth markets including
                                           cryptocurrencies grows, traditional        testing and learning. The programmatic      Brazil, India and China. Isobar’s experts dive into its
which uses blockchain to provide a                                                                                                impact on the Media and Marketing industry, including
                                           payment methods and operators are          ecosystem is the primary area where
more transparent breakdown of how                                                                                                 looking at Media Supply Chains, Transparency, Brand
                                           facing disruption. One disruptor is        blockchain has the potential to offer       Management and Creativity.
much it costs to manufacture and
                                           OpenBazaar, an open-source, peer-to-       most benefit, with the opportunity to
sell their clothes. This allows them to                                                                                           For more information, download our Blockchain
                                           peer network developing decentralised      increase the transparency of processes      Playbook here.20
provide greater pricing transparency to
                                           blockchain utilities to connect buyers     that can involve many third parties.
                                           and sellers, without an intermediary and
                                           the associated charges, and with no        Due to the inherent relationship
                                           restrictions on goods sold. Elsewhere,     with cryptocurrency, it’s also being
                                           CyberMiles offers a blockchain platform    considered to bundle payment
                                           for e-retailers that claims to be 20,000   facilitation across the different
                                           times faster than Ethereum19, has a        programmatic players. Identity
                                           smart contract template for ease of        management is another area of interest
                                           development, and is free of charge for     for marketers, as blockchain has the
                                           standard use. It’s worth noting that       potential to assist companies comply
                                           many of these early bitcoins may fail.     with privacy laws.
                                           But many more will come in their wake.
4. The trust paradox                                                                                                                                        36

What it means for businesses and brands:

The future’s now                                          Revolutionising marketing                                 An omnichannel revolution
To an extent, blockchain still feels very much like       Blockchain has the potential to change fundamental        The world of online commerce is set for dramatic
an “on the horizon” type of development. But what         elements of the business of marketing. The likely         upheaval. There is potential for traditional online
should savvy businesses be doing now to make sure         common denominator is that it will be used to verify      payment systems to be transformed as blockchain
they stay ahead of this trend? Brands should be           components of the advertising ecosystem across            moves more into the mainstream. One knock on effect
aware that the mythologies that they may have relied      the supply and buy sides. The verification element        of this is blockchain’s impact on online to offline brand
on in the past aren’t going to be enough to convince      will focus on the presence of desired outcomes like       experiences. Instead of retailers relying on cookies
consumers to buy their products any more. Instead,        human browsing, attention, viewability and the validity   and other customer identifiers to track shoppers
embracing blockchain technologies has the potential       of sites or audiences.                                    across channels, blockchain, with its non-repudiable
to help them prove the truthfulness and authenticity of                                                             logging attributes, could help retailers identify
their product claims.                                                                                               customers easily regardless of channels.
Augmented Humanity                                     37

The transformed
How Augmented Humanity enables us to feel and
experience the world differently and in deeper ways.
5. The transformed experience                                          38

Beyond the practical applications of       Another key area of future development
technology which help to make our lives    will be in the telepresence and
easier, there are very real – but harder   copresence space. As barriers to
to quantify – impacts that technology      international business continue to be
can have on the way that humans            broken down, the need to communicate
experience the world.                      more effectively across continents and
                                           time zones has become ever more
As part of this, we anticipate a growth    urgent.
in the uptake of hologram-like 3D
objects or content.                        As a result, telepresence and
                                           copresence technology is developing
For example, the start up HoloMe21         dramatically, allowing individuals to be
                                           “present” in multiple places at the same
works with fashion brands to allow
                                           time. Spatial23 is a good example of the
consumers to test out items of clothing
                                           possibilities in this sector.
in 3D visual space from the comfort of
their own home.

We will also see technology playing a
bigger role in enabling and improving
real world interactions. Hellofriend22
is one such example, a decentralised
shared economy for real life activities
such as meeting new people over
coffee. The company’s stated goal is
to tackle social isolation by connecting
people in real life.
5. The transformed experience      39

5.1                  Extended
                     reality (XR)
5.1 Extended reality (XR)                                                                                                                                    40

As augmented reality (AR), virtual reality   As an example of the possibilities of
(VR) and mixed reality (MR) have moved       this technology, Isobar recently worked
increasingly more mainstream, at Isobar      with the musician William Patrick
we’ve adopted the term extended              Corgan to create Aeronaut, a fully
reality (XR) to more accurately capture      immersive experience which invites
the possibilities offered by these           users into a unique world allowing them
technologies.                                to experience the music in a deeper,
                                             more personal way than ever before.
XR demonstrates how advanced                                                           Case study: A fully immersive experience for William Patrick Corgan
technologies and creative processes          Staying in the music space, another       New technologies have transformed the creative landscape – from how we design
are changing our own realities.24            Isobar project points to a future         new experiences, to how we consume content. Musician and artist, William Patrick
                                                                                       Corgan wanted to debut his 2017 solo album ‘Ogilala’ with a launch that could support
                                             where technology and art can fuse to      his creative vison, so we created a first-of-its-kind VR experience that could bring his
                                             create new experiences. By joining        unique visual art to life.
XR allows users to temporarily inhabit       together the Chicago Youth Symphony
and experience a world that may              Orchestra Conductor Allen Tinkham
normally be closed to them – or indeed       and artist Teek Mach, the Tilt Brush
be impossible to imagine otherwise.          Concerto project created an additional
                                             layer to traditional performance by
From a creative                              using VR to invite people to experience
                                             sound in a new way.
perspective this is
genuinely revolutionary,
opening up the                                                                         Case study: Transforming experience with the Chicago Youth Symphony Orchestra
                                                                                       Isobar partnered with the Chicago Youth Symphony Orchestra and Tilt Brush artist Teek

possibility of truly                                                                   Mach to create a live, large-scale, staged collaboration between music and room-scale
                                                                                       3D painting in VR. The Concerto for Tilt Brush and Orchestra was a brand new concept

augmented art forms.                                                                   for the presentation of classical music. It combined music and art with the latest in VR
                                                                                       technologies to immerse the audience in both sound and light. The project pushed the
                                                                                       boundaries of what’s possible in live classical music performance, demonstrating how
                                                                                       technology can transform music.
5.1 Extended reality (XR)                                                                                                                                                       41

While this technology opens up
                                             A Dutch Masterclass
revolutionary opportunities for mankind
and brands seeking to create more            The opportunity we have in retail interfaces is to
meaningful experiences for customers,        make emerging technologies seamlessly integrate
                                             in the user experience. The challenge is to not force
until now brands have been hesitant          people into a technology-enabled experience, but
to invest without a way to measure           to look at ways technology can enrich the customer
                                             experience. The starting point is to think of real human
effectiveness and justify the cost.          needs. Fundamental needs don’t often change, the
                                             technology through which they can fulfill those needs
As a response to this, at Isobar we                                                                       Case study: An immersive multi-platform showcase of Australia
                                             In one particular case in the Netherlands we’re
recently launched the world’s first          putting this thinking into practice. For a Dutch retail /
                                                                                                          In awe of the depth and diversity of Indigenous Australian culture, Isobar partnered
                                                                                                          with Red Dogs VR to create Carriberrie, an immersive multi-platform showcase of
virtual reality emotional measurement        construction store, we’re building an interactive touch
                                                                                                          Australia that celebrates indigenous song and dance. Nine Aboriginal and Torres
                                             experience that helps people envision how they can
and analytics platform – which resulted      style their interior in their home. What we learned from
                                                                                                          Strait Island cultural groups welcome us on a breathtaking journey through their land,
                                                                                                          encompassing the traditional and contemporary, giving us a deeper understanding of
in Fast Company naming us25 one of           consumer research is that customers are insecure
                                                                                                          Australia’s Indigenous people. Carriberrie is the biggest and most advanced 360 degree
                                             about making design decisions. They don’t have
the top 10 most innovative companies         problems collecting interior inspiration, but they have
                                                                                                          documentary VR project ever produced in Australia, using immersive technology to
                                                                                                          transcend cultural boundaries.
in AR / VR.                                  a lot of difficulty envisioning what this inspiration will
                                             look like in their home. This is a fundamental need we
                                             can solve through 3D rendering of people’s personal
                                             spaces, styled with their own interior inspiration.
In collaboration with the MIT Media
Lab, we co-developed a way to capture        Another way we integrate technology in the user
                                             experience is through the use of RFID. What we
and analyse behavioural data in              learned is that texture and feeling physical samples
virtual reality with the aim of furthering   is very important for people when it comes to interior
                                             decoration. By adopting RFID technology in our
the understanding of the emotional           integrated touch experience, we allow people to
response to content delivered in             feel physical samples before they add them to an
                                             interactive moodboard.
virtual, augmented, and mixed reality
experiences. These developments offer                                                                     Case study: AR and facial mapping app for Philips
precise methods to measure ROI from                                                                       The Philips Beard AR Grooming App is a proof of concept that uses AR and facial
                                                                                                          mapping to enable users to try a range of trending beard styles in real time and learn
VR brand experiences.                                                                                     how to pull them off. In addition to AR, the service creates personalised advice with
                                                                                                          AI-enabled facial analysis that assists men on an on-going basis to track their progress,
                                                                                                          and provide tips and tricks on maintaining the desired facial style.
5. The transformed experience        42

5.2                  AI and machine
5.2 AI and machine learning                                                                                                                                   43

AI and machine learning provide
the hard computational rigour that
                                            As a result, we foresee
runs throughout most of the exciting        a future where humans
innovations in the digital space.
From a creative perspective, these
                                            work in harmony with
technologies now offer enormous             intelligent technology
benefits to help us make better work
by understanding human impulses and
                                            to create work that truly
responses. Indeed, these technologies       impacts on a human
                                                                                        Case study: Using deep machine learning to create AI Zimmy
open up the possibility that some of the                                                At Isobar’s NowLab in Shanghai - one of 16 global Isobar innovation spaces - multi-
work involved in the creative process                                                   disciplinary teams wanted to analyse famous songwriters’ lyrics by using deep machine
                                                                                        learning to see whether the technology could mimic signature styles.
can be outsourced to machines.
                                            Advances in AI and machine learning
                                                                                        There were many great lyricists to choose from but the team elected to analyse lyrics
                                            lie at the very heart of this discussion,   written by Bob Dylan between 1962 and 2012. By entering keywords, the intelligent
There are many examples of how              allowing us the capacity to test and        algorithm then generated new sentences that mimics Dylan’s style. The project
this can be applied. One example            learn from creative executions, helping     showcases the power of intelligent algorithms, and how they can be applied across
is Tensorflow26 which uses machine          us to create work which truly impacts
learning to remove some of the              on its intended audience.
repetitive tasks from the design

Of course these developments are not
without their dangers. But, as the title
of this report suggests, we believe that
technology has the capacity to augment
human creativity, rather than replace it.
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