Attention Please! Learning Analytics for Visualization and Recommendation
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Attention Please! Learning Analytics for Visualization and Recommendation Erik Duval Dept. Computer Science Katholieke Universiteit Leuven Celestijnenlaan 200A B3000 Leuven, Belgium ABSTRACT rent work on learning analytics and achieve broad adoption, This paper will present the general goal of and inspiration it is imperative to establish a global open infrastructure, as for our work on learning analytics, that relies on attention we briefly explain in section 5. The two next sections briefly metadata for visualization and recommendation. Through present the two approaches we’ve explored so far to lever- information visualization techniques, we can provide a dash- age learning analytics: learning dashboard (section 6) and board for learners and teachers, so that they no longer need learning recommenders (section 7). Before concluding the to ”drive blind”. Moreover, recommendation can help to paper, we briefly mention exciting opportunities that learn- deal with the ”paradox of choice” and turn abundance from ing analytics provides for data based research on learning in a problem into an asset for learning. section 8. 1. INTRODUCTION 2. BACKGROUND ON ANALYTICS Attention is a core concern in learning: as learning resources The new field of learning analytics is quite related to similar become available in more and more abundant ways, atten- evolutions in other domains, such as Big Data [1], e-science tion becomes the scarce factor, both on the side of learners [14, 9, 26], web analytics [7], educational data mining [25]. as well as on the side of teachers. (This is a wider concern, All of these have in common that they rely on large col- as we evolve towards an ’attention economy’ [10].) lections of quite detailed data in order to detect patterns. This detection of patterns can be based on data mining tech- Learners and teachers leave many traces of their attention: niques, so that for instance recommendations can be made some are immediately obvious to others, for instance in the for resources, activities, people, etc. that are likely to be form of posts and comments on blogs, or as twitter mes- relevant. Alternatively, the data can be processed so that sages. These explicit traces are human readable, but can be they can be visualized in a way that enables the teacher or difficult to cope with in a world of abundance [29]. Although learner rather than the software to make sense of them. some refer to ’information overload’, we prefer Shirky’s ”fil- ter failure” as a way to think about the problem of dealing In fact, the research in my team gets much of its inspira- with this abundance [30]. In any case, human attention tion from tools like wakoopa ( traces are extremely valuable, but do not scale very well. or rescuetime (, that install tracker tools on the machine of a user and then automati- In this paper, we will explain how machine readable traces cally record all activities (applications launched, documents of attention can be used to filter and suggest, provide aware- accessed, web sites visited, music played, etc.) by that user. ness and support social links. A typical illustration of the visualizations that such tools This paper is structured as follows: section 2 provides a brief provide is figure 1, where a simple overview is presented of background on the field of analytics in general. The section the software applications I used last week and last month thereafter focuses on applications from the world of jogging, and how their usage is distributed over time. (Tuesday- as these provide a particularly rich source of inspiration for Thursday were travel days...) In this way, such an applica- our work. The general concept of goal oriented visualiza- tion can help a user to be more aware of her activities. tions is at the core of learning dashboard applications: that is why it is the topic of section 4. In order to scale up the cur- Moreover, based on these tracking data, the wakoopa tool can compare the activity of a user with that of other users and recommend software or contacts - see figure 2. It doesn’t require much imagination to see how similar visualizations could be useful in the world of learning, for instance to chart learning activities, tools used or recommended, and This text is a PREPRINT. Please cite as: E. Duval Attention Please! peer learners or suitable teachers in one’s social network. Learning Analytics for Visualization and Recommendation. To appear in: Proceedings of LAK11: 1st International Conference on Learning It is important to note that the tracking occurs without any Analytics and Knowledge 2011. manual effort by the user - although it is of course important
that the user is aware that her activities are being tracked. developing and maintaining motivation, to help define re- Actually, such tools typically also make it possible to pause alistic goals and develop plans to achieve them, as well as tracking. Some applications allow users to set goals (”spend connect learners or teachers with other learning actors, etc. less than 1 hour per day on email” or ”play computer games In that way, they can help to realize a more learner-driven for less than 1,5 hour per day” or ”write more than 3 hours approach to education, training and learning in general. per day”) and will notify them when they are in danger of not meeting their goal, when they get close to the self- imposed limit - or signal them that they did reach their goal. 4. GOAL ORIENTED VISUALIZATIONS Moreover, they provide quite detailed visualizations of all Many of these inspiring applications take a visual approach. the activities of a user, so that she can analyze where most Yet, if visualizations are to have any effect beyond the ini- of her on-line activity takes place and make better informed tial ”wow” factor, it would be useful to have more clarity decisions on how to manage these activities. on what the intended goal is and how to assess whether that goal is achieved. Many visualizations look good - and A similar tool is tripit ( notewor- some are actually beautiful. But how we can connect visu- thy about this tool is that when a user forwards flight or alization not only with meaning or truth, but with taking hotel reservations to a tripit email address, all the struc- actions? This is very much a ”quantified self” approach (see tured data is extracted and a calendar is created with all [31], where for instance a vi- the relevant information. This is an excellent example of sualization of eating habits can help to lead a healthier life, automatic metadata generation [6] or information extraction or where a visualization of mobility patterns can help to [5], an essential technology if we want to collect metadata explore alternative modes of transport, etc. Such visualiza- of resources, activities and people at scale. Note also that, tions are successful if they trigger the intended behaviour if other people from the user’s network are near, tripit will (change). That can be measured, as in ”people smoke less mention that - see figure 3. when they use this visualization” or ”people discover new publications based on this visualization” (we are actually Of course, more mainstream tools like google offer similar evaluating such an application) or ”people run more using functionality, such as for instance ”google history” that pro- this visualization” etc. vides an overview of every search that a user ever submitted (when logged in) or that indicates who from a user’s social It would be really useful if we could draw up some guide- circle tweeted about an item included in a search result, etc. lines to design effective goal oriented visualizations. As an example, it is probably kind of useful to be able to visualise progress towards a goal - or lack thereof. If you want to run 3. INSPIRATION FOR OUR WORK further, a visualization can help you to assess whether you’re A particularly inspiring set of applications comes from the making progress. Or if you want to spend less time doing domain of jogging, and sports in general, where applica- email, a simple visualization can help. Another guideline tions like nikeplus (, see fig- could relate to social support, that enables you to compare ure 4) or runkeeper ( provide de- your progress with that of others. tailed statistics on how fast, far, often, etc. one runs. What is particularly relevant in a learning context is that 5. TECHNICAL INFRASTRUCTURE FOR many running applications also help runners to set goals LEARNING ANALYTICS (”run a marathon in november”), develop a plan to achieve If we want to apply learning analytics at a broader scale, that goal, find running routes in a foreign town, locate other then it is imperative that we realize an infrastructure that runners with a similar profiles, challenge them so as to main- can support the development of tools and services. Such an tain motivation, etc. Sometimes, such tools even take a more infrastructure will need basic technical agreement on com- pro-active role and send messages to users to enquire why mon standards and protocols [8]. they have stopped uploading activities, whether they need to re-define goals and plans, or want to be connected to other A first question is how to model the relevant data. Our users that can help, etc. early work on Contextualized Attention Metadata (CAM) [19] [36] defines a simple model to structure attention meta- Although there are few studies that show whether these spe- data, i.e. the interactions that people have with objects. cial purpose social networks actually change user behavior, The ontology-based user interaction context model (UICO) [16] did find that ”users’ weight changes correlated positively [24] focuses more on the tasks that people carry out while with the number of their friends and their friends’ weight- interacting with resources. Either we need to better un- change performance” and ”users’ weight changes have rip- derstand how to map and translate automatically between pling effects in the Online Social Networks due to the so- different such models, or we need to find a way to achieve cial influence. The strength of such online influence and its broad consensus on and adoption of a common schema or propagation distance appear to be greater than those in the a small set of schemas, as in the case of learning resources real-world social network.”. An early overview of how the where nearly everyone has now adopted Learning Object combination of tracking and social network services can lead Metadata (LOM) or Dublin Core (DC) [8]. to a more patient-driven approach to medicine is provided in [32]. Similar to the way we manage learning objects and their metadata [33], we will need a service architecture that can One assumption underlying our work is that similar appli- power a plethora of tools and applications. One interest- cations can be built to track learner progress, to assist in ing approach is to rely on technologies like widgets that
enable the dynamic embedding of small application com- For example, the green line (the logged in user) works on ponents - an approach at the core of Personal Learning average in the early evening and is spending an average time Environments (PLE’s), researched in the ROLE project on in line with the majority. He does not use so many different Responsive Open Learning Environments (see http://www. documents and on average looks at these for a short time. [15] [12]. Another approach is the Learn- He scores the worst here. The average student of the class ing Registry architecture that makes ”user data trails” avail- (in yellow) is also presented. This is a somewhat complex able through a network of nodes that provide services to visualization, but our evaluation studies show that students publish, access, distribute, broker or administer paradata considered the visualizations clear [13]. They rated the tools (see as usable, useful, understandable and organized. 6. LEARNING DASHBOARDS A much more simple such visualization is edufeedr [21], For learners and teachers alike, it can be extremely useful where a matrix includes a row for every student that dis- to have a visual overview of their activities and how they plays his progress along a series of assignments. A nice fea- relate to those of their peers or other actors in the learning ture is that such progress can take place on the individual experience. blog of the student, outside of the institutional Learning Management System (LMS), Virtual Learning Environment In fact, such visualizations can also be quite useful for other (VLE) or even institution provided PLE widgets. Rather, stakeholders, like for instance system administrators. Figure the coherence of the course is maintained through the track- 5 provides an early example of such a visualization that dis- back mechanism between the teacher blog and those of the plays the number of events in different widgets deployed in students. the ROLE context [27]. From the visualization, it is rather obvious that users were most active in the May-July period What these visualizations have in common is that they en- (towards the left of the diagram), that they enter chat rooms able a learner or teacher to obtain an overview of their own (top of area 4 on Figure 5) much more often than they post efforts and of those of the (other) learners. This is the messages (third row of area 4 on Figure 5), etc. Such in- essence of our ”dashboard” approach to visualizations for formation can help a teacher to re-organize the activities or learning that remedy the ”blind driving” that often occurs on even to retract or add widgets that learners can deploy in the side of teachers and learners alike. Similar approaches their PLE. have proven to be beneficial in for instance software engi- neering [3] and social data analysis [18]. Similarly, [28] describes a tool that includes a ”zeitgeist” of action types (opening a document, sending a message, etc.) 7. LEARNING RECOMMENDERS and specific user actions. By selecting a time period and the By collecting data about user behavior, learning analytics relevant action types, the user can control the visualization can also be mined for recommendations, of resources, activ- of relevant data (see also ities or people [17]. In this way, we can turn the abundance role-tool/cam-zeitgeist). of learning resources into an asset, by addressing ”l’embarras du choix” that is at the core of ”the paradox of choice” Following a similar visual approach, the Student Activity [29]. Of course, similar approaches have been deployed for Monitor (SAM) supports self-monitoring for learners and books, music, entertainment, etc. Yet, only by basing rec- awareness for teachers [13]: In area A on figure 6, every line ommenders on detailed learning attention metadata can they represents a student in a course. The horizontal axis repre- take into account the learning specific characteristics and re- sents calendar time and the vertical axis total time spent. quirements of our activities. If the line ascends fast, then the student worked intensely during that period. If the line stays flat, the student did not In one particular tool, we applied this approach to filter and work much on the course. For example, student s1 started rank search results when a learner searches for material in late and worked very hard for a very short time. Student YouTube (, SlideShare (http:// s2 started early and then worked harder in about the same and Globe (http://www.globe-info. period as student s1. At the bottom, a smaller version of the org/): as figure 7 illustrates, every search activity in our tool visualization is shown with a slider on top to select a part is tracked in the form of attention metadata that are stored of the period for analysis of data dense areas. Area 2 dis- in a repository. The user can indicate whether search results plays global course statistics on time spent and document are relevant or not and that feedback is also stored in the use. The colored dots represent minimum, maximum and attention metadata repository. Search results are filtered average time spent per student and the time spent for the and ranked based on earlier interaction by the user and by currently logged in user and for a user selected in one of the other users in her social network, as made available through visualizations. The recommendation area in Box 3 enables OpenSocial. Although we need to do more user evaluations, exploration of document recommendations (see also section the first results are very encouraging [11, 20]. 7). The parallel coordinates in area B display 8. DATA BASED RESEARCH ON LEARN- 1. the total time spent on the course, ING 2. the average time spent on a document, On a meta-level, learning analytics provides exciting op- 3. the number of documents used and portunities to ground research on learning in data and to transform it from what is currently all too often a collection 4. the average time of the day that the students work. of opinions and impossible-to-falsify conceptualizations and
Figure 2 CAM Dashboard overview At the top of the dashboard (label 1), there is the option of • Role Web 2.0 Knowledge Map. This widget allows to Figure 5: The CAM dashboard search for articles by[27] filtering per application. The modification of this filter affects all visualizations. The charts are also interlinked. Table 1 presents entering keywords. which actions trigger updates of other visualizations. • XMPP Multiuser Chat. This widget enables chat functionality between different users based on the XMPP technology. Table 1 Actions overview Section Action triggered Affected Sent Information visualizations 1 Selecting an application 2,3,4,5 Name of the widget 2 Restricting a period of 3,4,5 Starting date time Ending date 3 Selecting a day of the Visualizing 2,4,5 Activities Day of the week for Self-reflection and Awareness 5 week 4 Selecting a type of action 5 Type of Action 5 Selecting a type of item 4 5. USE CASE: XMPP CHAT BEHAVIOR Figure 3 XMPP Multiuser Chat visualization This use case describes the behavior of a specific widget in a PLE In this use case, we will focus on the XMPP Multiuser Chat environment, deployed during a course at RWTH Aachen widget because it is the most active in terms of event University during the period May to July 2010. After this period, communication providing us more information about its particular the environment was occasionally used in an informal way. In this characteristics. We will now explain how we can derive the PLE, four widgets were used. The widgets use Open Social [13] conclusions from: for their communication in a PLE. 1. Detect changes on usage patterns: When we select theXMPP • ABC Testing widget. This widget was only used during the Multiuser Chat in part 1 one of Figure 2 and we obtain an first two weeks (this information is also displayed in the overview of the overall activity (Figure 3). The annotated time dashboard). line chart (Figure 3) enables us to see that the activity was • Cam Widget. This widget tracks the Open Social concentrated during the period from May to July 2010. After communication and translates this communication to this period, the activity was reduced considerably. In the CAM. Users can deactivate or activate tracking of their “events per type of action” chart (Figure 3), we can see that data. people enter to room chats more than sending messages (if we Fig. 1. The user interface with the 3 di↵erent visualizations. Figure 6: The Student Activity Monitor (SAM) [13] The parallel coordinates in visualization B are a common way to display high-dimensional data [10]. On the vertical axes, we show (i) the total time spent on the course, (ii) the average time spent on a document, (iii) the number of documents used and (iv) the average time of the day that the students work. A student is represented as a polyline connecting the vertices on the vertical axes. The position of the vertex on the i-th axis corresponds to the i-th data point coordinate. For example, the green line (the logged in user) works on average in the early evening and is spending an average time in line with the majority. He does not use so many di↵erent documents and on average looks at these for a short time. He scores the worst here. The ‘average’ student of the class (in yellow) is also calculated. This is a much more advanced visualization but can provide a good overview of the tendencies in the behavior of the students.
tent on your personal social gle Buzz). Bing collaborates ar functionalities: searching and in content liked by your al features based on its em- king behavior and ratings to ant blogs, wikis, forums and ocial search is also a popu- ] extends mainstream search s can create sharable search these folders is used for rec- Figure Figure1.7:The client-server Storing architecture attention metadata of in thefederated federated search searchand [11] ows people to create search recommendation service. queries andtheories results[23]. in these Some people are quite concerned about the ”filter bubble” e-rank the search results. itory4 , but extra sources can be easily added to support that personalization dif- and recommendation engines may cre- As a precursor to making that happen, it is important that ate [22]: we agree that there is a certain danger there, but repositories, weone agreecan ways to shareferent on apply learning data sets, in an scenarios. ”open science” When we all also the believe resultsthat are more returned advanced algorithms and ethical which collects all the meta- approach [26, 9, 14]. That from is whythe a data group sources of interested(step re- 3), the federated reflection can search help us service to address these issues. ntral repository for faster re- re-ranks searchers has started an initiative the results around ”dataTEL” (step(http:4) based on the metadata with the Apache // h vast repositories of web is2.0 Lucene library [34].[14]. The The In ranked results any case, are returned we believe that learning analytics can be used main objective to promote exchange and interoperability to put the user in control, not to take control away in an mpossible to ofapply harvested educational data sets. to the widget in the ATOM format [15] (step 5), which en- Intelligent Tutoring Systems kind of way, by using attention h is concerned, Ariadne [11] ables us in the future to make the toservice filter OpenSearch and suggest, provide com-awareness and support social 9. CONCLUSION between different reposito- pliant [16]. OpenSearch allows search links. engines to publish on the Standard QueryoneLan- Of course, of the bigsearch problemsresults around in learning a standard ana-and open format to enable syn- lack of clarity about what exactly should beIn future, dication and aggregation. 10. we ACKNOWLEDGMENTS plan to adapt the rability and lytics is the to offer a trans- This research has received funding from the European Com- measured to get a deeperservice to return results every time understanding of how learning the repositories return f repositories. Ariadneplace:also munity Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013) is taking plied in the GLOBE them to typical measurements improve includesearch speed. time spent, Once the widget receives the (ROLE) and no. 231913 number ofnetwork logins, number of mouse clicks, number of ac- under grant agreement no. 231396 and WebFeat provide cessed feder- resources, search results, they number of artifacts produced, number ofare presented to the (STELLAR). user and Much themoresearch importantly, the support, com- ent [12]. WebFeat finished sends result URLs are sent the etc. But is this really getting to the assignments, to the recommendation ments and service feedback (step from my 6). team and students have thought me much more than I will ever be able to teach them. heart of the matter? then shows the results in all This service will return recommendations, based on the at- ntrast with MetaLib tention metadata stored in the database. 11. 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