Atlanta Chapter The American Guild of Organists 2020-2021 Yearbook

Page created by Dennis Ball
Atlanta Chapter The American Guild of Organists 2020-2021 Yearbook

       Atlanta Chapter
The American Guild of Organists
     2020-2021 Yearbook
Atlanta Chapter The American Guild of Organists 2020-2021 Yearbook
American Guild of Organists • The Atlanta Chapter • 2020-2021 Yearbook

Atlanta Chapter The American Guild of Organists 2020-2021 Yearbook
American Guild of Organists • The Atlanta Chapter • 2020-2021 Yearbook

             American Guild of Organists

2020-2021 Atlanta Chapter Yearbook

                      Chartered by the Board of Regents
                      University of the State of New York
                              December 17, 1896

                           National Headquarters
                         475 Riverside Drive, Suite 1260
                             New York, NY 10115

                              Telephone: 212-870-2310
                                FAX: 212-870-2163
                      James Thomashower, Executive Director

                              The Atlanta Chapter
                                   Celebrating our 106th Year

                        Chartered as the Georgia Chapter
                                October 26, 1914

                     Name changed to the Atlanta Chapter
                               May 16, 1955

Atlanta Chapter The American Guild of Organists 2020-2021 Yearbook
American Guild of Organists • The Atlanta Chapter • 2020-2021 Yearbook

                                                                Cover Credit:
                                       First Cumberland Presbyterian Church
                                                              Chattanooga, TN
                                                        Four Manual 130 Stops
                                                  Pipe work by Fratelli Ruffatti
                           Console and digital voices by Allen Organ Company
                               Design and installation by Allen Organ Studios

Atlanta Chapter The American Guild of Organists 2020-2021 Yearbook
American Guild of Organists • The Atlanta Chapter • 2020-2021 Yearbook

Contact Information for National and Chapter Officers

Section I
Programs 2020-2021

Section II
Purpose of the Guild
Atlanta Chapter Operating Procedures
AGO Officers (National and Chapter)
Atlanta Chapter Committees
Atlanta Chapter Information
The AGO Atlanta Endowment and Investment Fund
Past Deans of the Atlanta Chapter

Section III
Membership List

Section IV
Find an AGO Organ Teacher
Churches Available for Practice
Supply Church Musicians

Atlanta Chapter The American Guild of Organists 2020-2021 Yearbook
American Guild of Organists • The Atlanta Chapter • 2020-2021 Yearbook

Atlanta Chapter The American Guild of Organists 2020-2021 Yearbook
American Guild of Organists • The Atlanta Chapter • 2020-2021 Yearbook

American Guild of Organists
     Atlanta Chapter

                        Section I

American Guild of Organists • The Atlanta Chapter • 2020-2021 Yearbook

American Guild of Organists • The Atlanta Chapter • 2020-2021 Yearbook

                         Chapter Programs 2020-2021

Saturday, September 26, 2020, 8:00 PM
Chapter ZOOM Meeting
Hosted by Dean Peter Waggoner
& Sub-Dean Cliff Frierson
Saturday, October 24, 2020, 10:00 AM
A Wreath of Carols:
Organ Music for Advent & Christmas
Matthew Michael Brown, organ
Livestreamed on the Atlanta AGO website
from St. Luke Episcopal Church
Saturday, November 14, 2020, 10:00 AM
Improvisation with Herb Buffington, organ
Livestreamed on the Atlanta AGO website
from Peachtree Christian Church, Atlanta

Saturday, December 12, 2020, 10:00 AM
Atlanta Chapter Virtual Holiday Recital
Livestreamed on the Atlanta AGO website
from Atlanta AGO Members’ churches

Friday, January 23, 2021, 7:00 PM
Chapter ZOOM Meeting
Hosted by Dean Peter Waggoner
& Sub-Dean Cliff Frierson

Saturday, February 13, 2021
Organ Music for Lent & Easter
Vicki Fey, organ
Livestreamed on the Atlanta AGO website
from Central Presbyterian Church, Atlanta
February 2021 (Date & Time TBD)
Young Members’ Recital
Dunwoody United Methodist Church
Host Mary R. Laverty Solem

American Guild of Organists • The Atlanta Chapter • 2020-2021 Yearbook

                          Saturday, May 1, 2021
                       Atlanta Chapter
                                        of the
          American Guild of Organists

      Chapter Meeting & Election of New Officers
     Annual Guild Service & Installation of Officers

              St. David’s Episcopal Church
            1015 Old Roswell Rd., Roswell 30076
                    Host: Sue Mitchell-Wallace
                 10:00 a.m. — Brunch & Meeting
                   11:30 a.m. — Guild Service

American Guild of Organists • The Atlanta Chapter • 2020-2021 Yearbook

American Guild of Organists • The Atlanta Chapter • 2020-2021 Yearbook

American Guild of Organists • The Atlanta Chapter • 2020-2021 Yearbook

American Guild of Organists
     Atlanta Chapter

                       Section II

American Guild of Organists • The Atlanta Chapter • 2020-2021 Yearbook

American Guild of Organists • The Atlanta Chapter • 2020-2021 Yearbook

                                   Purpose of the Guild
                                          Mission Statement:
The purpose of the American Guild of Organists is to promote the organ in its historic and
evolving roles, to encourage excellence in the performance of organ and choral music, and to
provide forum for mutual support, inspiration, education, and certification of Guild members.

                                             Code of Ethics
                        Approved by the AGO National Council January 27, 2017

The American Guild of Organists encourages its members to embrace and practice the following values as core
ideals that Guild members aspire to cultivate in their ethical and professional conduct.

Value 1. Responsible Conduct toward Those Whom We Serve (including but not limited to clergy,
supervisors, congregants, choir members, students, children, et al.)
Members shall:
    Treat those whom they serve in a professional manner, with dignity, compassion, civility, and respect.
    Show respect to those whom they serve, regardless of race, ethnicity, religion, age, gender, gender
       identity, sexual orientation, marital status, socio-economic status, disability, or medical condition.
    Avoid any sort of abusive behavior, whether verbal, physical, sexual, psychological, emotional, or other.
    Refrain from disclosing confidential or sensitive information about others obtained in the course of
       professional service, unless disclosure serves a compelling professional purpose or is required by law.

Value 2. Respect for Our Professional Colleagues
Members shall:
    Maintain a professional attitude and act with integrity in relationships with colleagues, regardless of
       race, ethnicity, religion, age, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, marital status, socio-economic
       status, disability, or medical condition.
    Respect the reputation and diversity of colleagues.

Value 3. Integrity in Our Professional Work
Members shall:
    Honor and abide by the conditions and requirements of the job descriptions and work agreements to
       which they have knowingly agreed, so long as those provisions are in accord with all applicable federal,
       state and local laws.
    Follow, as applicable, the principles of professional conduct that are expressed in the AGO Code of
       Professional Standards.
    For the benefit of future generations of musicians and to preserve the instruments of our profession,
       use care to ensure that when playing an instrument, the institution’s expected practices and
       requirements for the care of the instrument and its venue are met.

American Guild of Organists • The Atlanta Chapter • 2020-2021 Yearbook

                  Atlanta Chapter Operating Procedures
In the Summer of 2015 the Executive Committee of the Atlanta Chapter of the American Guild of Organists
proposed the following document as its OPERATING PROCEDURES by which to govern itself. The items
in this document are in complete accordance with the National By-Laws adopted in 1896 and amended through
Spring of 2014. These OPERATING PROCEDURES have been approved by the Southeast Regional
Councillor and by the National Vice President, as required by Article VII Section 4 of the National By-Laws,
and by the Atlanta Chapter. The Dean of the Atlanta Chapter is charged with executing the National By-Laws
and these OPERATING PROCEDURES and with having the latter updated as necessary.

Chapter Operating Procedures (COP’s) should be reviewed and updated as necessary. (Paragraph headings are
given purely for convenience in using this document, and they are to be aligned with the corresponding Article
of the National By-Laws when looking up information.) The OPERATING PROCEDURES must be used as
a complement to, and never a substituted for, the National By-Laws.

1. NAME: The name of this organization shall be the Atlanta Chapter of the American Guild of Organists,
   (hereafter, Chapter), a unit of the national organization known as the American Guild of Organists, which
   is headquartered in New York, New York.

2. STATEMENT OF FUNDAMENTAL PURPOSES: The items in this document shall be read and
   interpreted as being in accord with Article II of the National By-Laws.

3. CLASSES OF MEMBERSHIP: Article III is incorporated here in entirety by reference. (Membership is
   divided into two classes: Voting and Non-Voting. The Voting Members consist of General, Certificated,
   and Affiliate; Non-Voting are made up of National Subscribing, National Honorary, and Organizational
   Affiliate Members. See National By-Laws for privileges.) The dues of Atlanta Chapter Subscribing
   Members shall be equal to the Chapter portion of regular dues. Rates and collection methods will change
   according to National and Chapter directives.

     Chapter & Independent Member Dues
     Regular – TAO print and online                                                                      $105
     Regular – TAO online only                                                                            $97
     Special (age 65 or over, under 21, or disabled) – TAO print and online                               $80
     Special – TAO online only                                                                            $72
     Partner (2nd member at same address, no TAO)                                                         $75
     Young Organist (with student id) – TAO print and online                                              $50
     Young Organist – TAO online only                                                                     $42
     Other Member Dues
     Dual Chapter (paid to second chapter)                                                                 $41
     Dual Chapter Special (paid to second chapter)                                                         $33
     Dual Chapter Young Organist (paid to second chapter)                                                  $18
     Chapter Friend                                                                                        $41
     Lifetime Membership                                                                                $3,000
                   (Contact AGO National Headquarters for payment options and additional information)

4. OFFICERS: The Officers of the Atlanta Chapter shall be seven in number: Dean, Sub-Dean, Secretary,
   Treasurer, Registrar, Newsletter Editor, and Auditor. They shall be elected annually by ballot from the
   Voting Members of the Chapter for a one-year term; their term of office begins July 1st each year. It is
   customary that Chapter Officers are re-elected for a second term, but they shall not serve more than two
   consecutive terms (Treasurer, Auditor, Newsletter Editor and Registrar excepted). Usually if the Dean is a
   man, the Sub-Dean is a woman, or vice versa; this pattern is recommended, but not mandatory. Six
   members of the Chapter shall serve on the Executive Committee divided into classes of two each by year
   of election; their term of office is three years, two people being elected each year and two rotating off. An
   Honorary Chaplain may be appointed at the discretion of the Dean. The Executive Committee shall consist
   of the Officers, the elected Members-at-large, and the immediate past Dean who shall serve one year

American Guild of Organists • The Atlanta Chapter • 2020-2021 Yearbook

  beyond Deanship. It is customary for an at-large-member to be off the Executive Committee for one year
  before being eligible for re-election. Officer, Board and Chairpersons duties may change and/or be
  reassigned by the Dean as the skills and availability of the persons charged are considered.


  Dean: The Dean shall be the Chief Executive Officer of the Chapter and, as such, shall have the following
  a. Hold Executive Board meetings in compliance with National guidelines Article VII, Section 5 of the
      National By-Laws, including quorums as noted. Provide an agenda; solicit reports and present items
      of business for consideration to the board.
  b. Preside at all meetings of the Chapter and of the Executive Committee.
  c. Have the power to appoint chairs of all standing committees and, with the chair, advise about members
      of a committee, or appoint a whole committee.
  d. Appoint a person or persons to fill vacancies that may occur as the result of death, resignation,
      incapacity, removal, or disqualification of any officer or duly elected member of the Executive
  e. Serve as “ex officio” member of all committees with the exception of the Nominating Committee.
  f. Bring to the Chapter such information, recommendations, and business as need consideration by the
  g. Write a Chapter Newsletter column and deliver to Newsletter Editor for printing and distribution;
      schedule of publication shall be announced at start of year so that all members may submit information
      and know when to expect receipt of the Newsletter.
  h. Sign and countersign all contracts and other instruments for and on behalf of the Chapter pertaining
      to usual, regular and ordinary affairs of the Chapter, as may be authorized by the Executive Committee.
  i. Serve as primary Chapter liaison with the District Convener, Regional Coordinator for Professional
      Development, Regional Coordinator for Education, Regional Councilor and Executive Director of the
  j. Oversee Chapter website information and operation in conjunction with Sub-dean and webmaster. Be
      the contact person for email questions and inquiries (
  k. Become a signatory on the primary Chapter checking account to be accomplished within one month
      of taking office.
  l. Represent the Chapter in writing notes as needed (notes of thanks to hosts and churches where
      meetings are held and also to performers, notes of sympathy, etc.).
  m. Execute all other business as necessary.

  Sub-Dean: The Sub-Dean shall, in the absence of the Dean, perform all the duties of the Dean plus the
  following responsibilities:
  a. See to the planning of Chapter programs, including the engaging of performers, churches, program
       venues, meal/reception planning and execution, hospitality for artists, and execution of business
       contracts on behalf of Chapter; provision for printed programs shall also be made.
  b. Become a secondary signatory on the primary chapter checking account, to be accomplished within
       one month of taking office.
  c. In the event of the resignation or death of a Dean, the Sub-Dean shall succeed to that office.

  Secretary: The Secretary shall have the following responsibilities:
  a. Take minutes of Chapter and of Executive Committee meetings, record these chronologically in the
     Chapter Minute Book, and, when this book is full, consult with the Dean and see to filing the Minute
     Book with similar Chapter records at the Atlanta Historical Society.
  b. See that photographs are taken at chapter events and programs. Send Chapter news and photographs
     of chapter activities to THE AMERICAN ORGANIST editor
  c. Submit Chapter program information to public venues such as radio and newspapers for publicity as
     is requested by the Sub-Dean.
  d. Send notes of condolence and get well from Board and Executive Committee as is required.

American Guild of Organists • The Atlanta Chapter • 2020-2021 Yearbook

     Treasurer: The Treasurer shall oversee the areas of financial management and planning and shall have the
     following responsibilities:
     Financial Management
     a. Maintain the Chapter checking accounts, savings accounts and other investments.
     b. Collect dinner payments and other funds, with assistance from cashiers, and deposit receipts.
     c. Collect dinner payments from no-shows with assistance from cashiers. Arrange for non-payment
     d. Receive and pay bills for authorized Chapter obligations in a timely fashion.
     e. Make periodic and annual reports to the Chapter.
     f. Submit records for examination by Chapter Auditor at the close of the fiscal year.
     g. Place completed records with similar Chapter books at the Atlanta Historical Society.
     Financial Planning
     a. Work in consultation with Dean and Sub-Dean to prepare a Chapter budget consistent with solvency;
          this report shall be submitted for consideration by the Executive Committee at the first Board meeting
          of the new calendar year with final review and vote for acceptance at the last Board meeting prior to
          the beginning of the next fiscal year.
     b. Submit monthly status report on budget to the Executive Board.
     c. Provide detailed reports to Dean and Sub-Dean upon request.
     d. Consult with Endowment/Investments Committee on policy for investment of designated funds and
          use of surplus funds that may accumulate.

     Auditor: The Auditor shall perform an audit annually on Chapter records at the close of the Chapter’s
     fiscal year, handle Government tax forms, and report to the Chapter. The fiscal year shall correspond to
     the fiscal year of the National Organization which currently runs from July 1 to June 30 of a year.

     Registrar: The Registrar shall be custodian of the membership records of the Chapter and, as such, shall
     have the following duties and responsibilities
     a. Assist members in gaining access to the AGO ONCARD system for renewal.
     b. Provide opportunities for Chapter members to renew using ONCARD at Chapter meetings.
     c. Understand and be able to retrieve records of the Chapter membership from the AGO’s membership
         database through the ONCARD system.
     d. Maintain appropriate and necessary contact with the ONCARD system as to support the Chapter
     e. Maintain the Chapter’s Google Group.
     f. Send welcome email to new members; notify Dean, Newsletter Editor and Executive Board.
     g. Submit database of member data to Directory Chair for inclusion in annual directory.
     h. Participate in proofing member data in draft of annual directory.
     i. Provides substitute listing details for separate listings in directory and on website.
     j. Provides annual directory updates monthly.
     k. Provide electronic or printed mailing labels (at cost set by the board) to membership as requested.
     l. Prepare monthly membership reports for Board meetings.

     Newsletter Editor: The Newsletter Editor shall have the following responsibilities:
     a. Produce and distribute Chapter Newsletter (The Organizer) on a pre-announced schedule of the year.
     b. Handle any correspondence regarding publications as needed.
     c. Oversees the Chapter Website Calendar of Events.

6. MEETINGS: Chapter and Executive Committee meetings shall be provided for as found in Article VII
   Section 5 of the National By-Laws, including quorums as noted. The schedule of monthly dinners,
   meetings, programs and receptions (usually Tuesday, but not restricted to it) shall be published early in
   September for the whole year and sent to the membership via The Organizer and may also be included in
   the directory.

7. ELECTIONS: Article VIII Section 3 details that by December 31 of a year the Executive Committee
   shall appoint a Chapter Nominating Committee of at least 3 members (usually 5 in Atlanta), a majority of
   whom shall not be members of the Executive Committee. It shall nominate a slate with one candidate for
   each office and two candidates for each of the two positions on the Executive Committee. The slate shall
   be reported to the Executive Committee, recorded in its minutes, and made public to the Chapter prior to

American Guild of Organists • The Atlanta Chapter • 2020-2021 Yearbook

   March 1 of each year. Write-in nominations may be made by petition signed by five Chapter members in
   good standing and delivered to the Secretary by April 1 of a year or within 30 days after publication of the
   slate of the Nominating Committee, whichever is later. The election shall be held by written ballot at the
   May Chapter meeting after the total slate has been announced in April.
        A ballot shall be printed in the May copy of The Organizer for a member in good standing of the Atlanta
   Chapter to mail in to the Chair of the Nominating Committee prior to the May meeting if that member
   cannot be present at the meeting. The ballot shall be cut from The Organizer or printed off the electronic
   version, marked, but unsigned, with name and return address on the envelope. The ballot must be received
   prior to the meeting. The Chair will bring the unopened ballots to the meeting, where they will be counted
   with the rest of the ballots. The Chair is responsible for seeing that no member votes twice. A plurality of
   votes is necessary for election.

8. CHAPTER COMMITTEES: The following committees presently work on business of the Atlanta
   Chapter though more may be added at the discretion of the Dean and of the Executive Committee:

    Chapter Commissions- Oversees bi-annual Chapter Commission. Funds are raised via used music sales
     and private donations. Expenditure is set by Chair and Treasurer. Compositions usually alternate
     between organ and choral works. Contracts for composers are signed by Sub-Dean. Works are
     programmed by the Sub-Dean.
    National/Regional Competitions- Publicizes and oversees NYACOP, RCYO and other competitions
     for the chapter. Secures volunteers for such events.
    Student Scholarships- Oversees yearly scholarship applications and awards.
    Taylor Competition- The Taylor Competition Committee is appointed by and reports to the Chapter
     Executive Board. The committee administers all aspects of the Taylor Organ Competition. All
     expenses related to the competition are paid out of the Chapter’s Taylor Fund. The Chapter
     Endowment/Investment Committee recommends the total amount of money available for each
     competition cycle, and the competition committee determines and administers the budget.
     Responsibilities of the committee include: determining the rules and repertoire of the competition,
     securing judges, hosting and publicizing the competition. In addition to a monetary prize, the first place
     winner will play a solo recital as part of the Chapter’s regular program year. The winner will not receive
     a fee for the recital and the expenses related to the winner’s recital will be paid out of the Chapter’s
     regular programming budget for the year in which the recital occurs.
    Used Music Sales- Oversees sales of donated used music at chapter meetings and events.

    Newsletter- Compiles, creates and edits electronic and print copies and distributes The Organizer.
     Oversees chapter members’ Google Calendar.
    Social Media
          o *Facebook – Maintains chapter pages.
          o *Google Groups List – Maintains chapter’s Group List in conjunction with registrar.
          o *Web Site – Maintains chapter web site.
    Yearbook- Compiles, edits, prints and distributes annual yearbook. Solicits advertising and collects

   This Committee oversees chapter Endowment and Investment funds. These funds support scholarships
   and new compositions as well as other projects of the chapter, as requested by the Board. The committee
   is authorized to expend each year up to 5% of the average total market value of an account for the previous
   three years, as a general rule. The funds are to be invested in a diversified portfolio of high quality funds,
   with guidance from an approved money management firm.
        The Committee is responsible for the prudent investment management of the endowment and
   investment funds, including the establishment of asset allocation guidelines, selection of individual
   investment vehicles, and continuous monitoring of investment performance. The committee will report to
   the Executive Committee such investment policies and other investment changes as necessary. The
   Committee also creates plans and solicits for planned and estate giving to the chapter.

American Guild of Organists • The Atlanta Chapter • 2020-2021 Yearbook

         The Endowment/Investment Committee shall consist of five members appointed by the Dean for
     staggered three year terms, in addition to the Chapter Dean and Treasurer, who will serve as ex-officio
     members. Appointed members may serve consecutive terms to provide continuity. The Committee shall
     meet quarterly and consult more often if necessary by telephone, email or special called meeting.

      Meal cashiers- Collect funds at meetings and meals. Writes payment due notices to no-shows and
       collects monies from non-paid reservations. Reports to treasurer.
      Programs and Hospitality- Programs are planned by Sub-dean. Hospitality of guest artists is usually
       handled by sub-dean with assistance as requested. Meal/Reception planning and execution in
       conjunction with monthly programs may be handled by Sub-dean or with assistance as requested.
      Reservations- A coordinator(s) send email reminders (and phone reminders) of upcoming programs,
       meetings and meals and handles email and phone reservations when required. Reservation numbers
       are reported to the Sub-dean and Treasurer at the appropriate time. Name tags for attendees are printed
       by the coordinator or person assigned to the task. Name tags are generally identified by color to
       designate officers and board members (red), chapter members (black) and guests (green).

      Recruitment, Integration, Retention- Works to bring new members into the Atlanta Chapter by
       utilizing chapter brochure and other tools in directed solicitations for new members; provides greeters
       at meetings for new members; contacts non-renewing members to try to encourage renewal.
      Student Outreach- Promotes and plans separate yearly programs and activities (at least one per year)
       for students age 25 and below. Involvement in POE’s, Pedals, Pipes and Pizza and other programs is

     Nominates Officers and Executive Committee members each year and holds an election according to by-
     laws. Appointed by the Dean.

      Certification and Education- Promotes and gives guidance about Guild professional certification.
        Helps Sub-dean plan yearly workshop events.
      Employment Referrals- Serves to maintain lists of open church positions and of AGO members
        seeking posts. Publicizes openings in chapter newsletter.
      Employment Relationships- Serves to address working conditions of church musicians. Maintains a
        written mediation policy to address grievances and disputes with employers and assists with such if
        requested by a voting member.
      Supply Musicians/Teacher List- Maintains listings of supply organists and local organ teachers. List is
        publicized in Yearbook and on website.

      Archives- Keeps leaflets and bulletins of services and programs of Chapter members as well as
        newspaper announcements of interest for the chapter, affixing these in a scrapbook which, when filled,
        should be placed with previous scrapbooks on file at the Atlanta Historical Society.
      Chapter Librarian- Keeps catalogues of music scores, text books and educational CD’s/tapes owned
        by Chapter and distributes materials for use of members.
      Georgia Pipe Organ Catalogue- Provides online information about area pipe organs.


     PROGRAMMING: It is customary that the Atlanta Chapter present a balanced selection of organ, choral,
     and educational programs each season, and that a variety of geographically accessible host locations with
     suitable instruments by used. As policy, the Chapter does not sponsor premier recitals on new organs.

American Guild of Organists • The Atlanta Chapter • 2020-2021 Yearbook

   MEMORIAL FOR CHAPTER MEMBER: At the death of an AGO member, the Secretary shall send a
   note of sympathy to the family with word that the Chapter will remember the deceased at a future Guild

10. DUES: Determined by National AGO along with rules governing collection. National currently provides
    some Chapter option in setting local amount. (ONCARD)

    changed at any time by action recommended by the Executive Committee and ratified by the Atlanta
    Chapter with subsequent approval by the Region IV Councillor and by the National Vice President a
    revised copy is then to be filed at the National Headquarters.

American Guild of Organists • The Atlanta Chapter • 2020-2021 Yearbook

                                           AGO Officers
                                               National Officers

                            President • Michael Bedford, AAGO, ChM, DMA
                                  918-346-8104 •
     Vice President/Councillor for Competitions and New Music • M. Jonathan Ryan, FAGO, ChM
         8011 Douglas Ave., Dallas, TX 75225 • 214-363-5471, ext. 223 •
              Secretary/Councillor for Communications • Leslie Wolf Robb, BA, CAGO
             1376 Felspar St. • San Diego, CA 92109 • 858-455-7701 •
              Treasurer/Councillor for Finance and Development • John S. Dixon, CAGO
       100 E. Ocean View Ave., #502 • Norfolk, VA 23503-1631 • 757-495-7023 •
                    Executive Director (ex officio) • James E. Thomashower, BA, CAE
      475 Riverside Drive, Suite 1260 • New York, NY 10115 • 212-870-2311, ext. 4300 •
                                    Chaplain (honorary) • Don E. Saliers
      Emory University • 735 Lullwater Rd. NE • Atlanta, GA 30307 • 404-378-9682 •

                                              National Councillors
                            (contact information may be found in The American Organist)

                          Councillor for Conventions • Nicole Marane, DMA
                         Councillor for Education • Vincent Carr, AAGO, ChM
                              Councillor for Membership • Vicki Schaeffer
                            Councillor for Young Organists • Jillian Gardner
                     Chair, Board of Regional Councillors • Leslie C. Smith, CAGO
                    Southeast Region (IV) Councillor • Sue Mitchell-Wallace, FAGO

                                          Atlanta Chapter Officers

              Dean Peter Waggoner • • 770-428-5841
                 Sub-Dean Cliff Frierson • • 404-838-9640
                 Secretary Pamela S. Radford • • 770-382-3511
                    Treasurer Charlene Ponder Wall • • 678-361-4539
             Co-Treasurer Nancy Boyd Dickson • • 770-822-4848
                Registrar David G. Barber • • 770-402-6042
              Newsletter Editor Timothy Gunter • • 678-230-8057
             Chaplain The Rev. Dr. John Beyers • • 770-483-0950
                      Auditor Lamar Savage • • 678-231-9300

                                    The Atlanta Executive Committee

           2021                                        2022                                        2023

        Jeff Daniel                              Vicki Fey, CCM                              William Callaway                                
       404-784-5797                                423-5343861                                   404-257-8828

 Timothy Young, SPC                             Justin Maxey, AD                           Mary R. Laverty Solem                             
     404-579-8772                                  770-403-0208                                 404-660-6334

American Guild of Organists • The Atlanta Chapter • 2020-2021 Yearbook

                                      Atlanta Chapter Committees
Commissions / Competitions / Scholarships                 Resources
Chapter Commissions                                       Archives
    TBA, coordinator                                          The Atlanta History Center
National/Regional Competitions                                Historian TBA
    Sarah Martin                                          Chapter Library
Student Scholarships                                          TBA
    TBA                                                   Georgia Pipe Organ Catalogue
Taylor Competition                                            TBA
    Sarah Hawbecker, chair
    Raymond Chenault                                      Events
    Rachel Ficklin                                        Dinner Reservations
    Charles Higgs                                             David Barber
    Jens Korndörfer                                       Dinner Check-in and Cashiers
    Sarah Martin                                              Don Land, coordinator
    Robert Mays                                           Programs and Hospitality
    James Mellichamp                                          Cliff Frierson, programs
    Kirk Rich                                                 TBA, hospitality
    Timothy Wissler
    Charlene Ponder Wall, treasurer                       Membership
                                                          Recruitment, Integration, Retention
Communications                                                Charles Higgs, coordinator
Newsletter — The Organizer                                Young Organists Initiatives
    Timothy Gunter, editor                                    TBA
    Ralph Daniel, advertising
Social Media                                              Professional Development
    Tim Young, Facebook                                   Certification and Education
    David Barber, Googlegroups                                 Jeffrey McIntyre, CAGO,
Yearbook Editors                                                    Exam Proctor Coordinator
    Timothy Gunter                                        Employment Referrals & Support Committee
    David Barber                                               Arie Motschman, coordinator
    Ralph Daniel                                               Marilyn Oakes
                                                               Peter Waggoner
Endowment / Investment / Planned Giving                        John Beyers
   Herbert Buffington, coordinator                        Supply Musicians & Teacher Lists
   Sarah Martin                                                John Sabine
   Robert Mays
   James Mellichamp
   Fay Pierce
   Ben Harris, investment advisor
   Hamilton Smith
   Warren Williams
   Timothy Wissler
   Charlene Ponder Wall, ex-offico

American Guild of Organists • The Atlanta Chapter • 2020-2021 Yearbook

                                  Atlanta Chapter Information
Address Labels
Self-adhesive Atlanta Chapter address labels are available for noncommercial uses at $25.00 per set postpaid.
Labels can be supplied in alphabetical order by name or numerical order by zip code. Contact David Barber
at 770-402-6042.

Chapter Historian
The chapter keeps copies of publications, programs, photos and other historical items. If you are interested in
seeing any of these items, or in contributing some, please contact Alvin Blount at 706 231 3872.

Dinner Reservations
The cost of a dinner reservation for the program year is $20.00 (unless otherwise noted)

There are two ways to make a reservation:

     1. Chapter members with email addresses are sent a reminder about the upcoming programming and
        requested to make dinner reservations via return email or go on the chapter website in order to use
        PayPal to make the reservations and pay. Reservations can be sent to the coordinator at

     2. Chapter members without email receive a monthly reminder call from a member of the Telephone
        Committee requesting their dinner reservations. Tell your caller when he/she calls if you’d like a
        reservation. If your caller left a message but did not speak to you personally, and you are unable to
        reach him/her, contact Telephone Committee Chair, Karen Bunn at 770-446-2084, whose completed
        list goes to dinner reservation coordinator.

Reservations and cancellations are accepted until five days prior to the program. After that time, stand-by
dinner reservations may be made with the understanding that availability of a meal will depend on cancellations
and no-shows at the meal. Extra meals are NO LONGER added to the head count because the chapter
must pay for the number of reservations provided to the caterer.

The following Dinner Reservation Policy has been approved by the Atlanta Chapter’s Executive Board, updated
May 2013.

        NO SHOWS/CANCELLATIONS - Should a chapter member be unable to attend a chapter meeting
         for which (s)he has made a dinner reservation, the member shall be assessed 100% of the individual
         dinner fee, per reservation made. Cancellation of reservations must be made by the Thursday prior to
         a program.
        A reminder notice of payment due will be sent to the individual. Payment checks should be mailed
         directly to Treasurer: Charlene Ponder Wall at P.O. Box 968, Alpharetta, GA 30009-968
        UNPAID DINNER FEES – Should a member fail to pay the outstanding meal charges, (s)he will not
         be eligible for local chapter benefits until such outstanding fees are paid.

Atlanta Chapter Scholarship and Memorial Funds
The chapter welcomes contributions to our Scholarship/Memorial Funds, both of which are appropriate for
memorial gifts. Checks should be sent to Charlene Ponder Wall, Treasurer, P.O. Box 968 Alpharetta, GA
30009-0968 Acknowledgments will be sent to the donor, and if a memorial gift, to the family of the deceased.
For further information regarding memorial gifts, please contact the Chapter Dean. If you have questions about
making a donation for scholarships, please contact the Chapter Sub-Dean.

Events Calendar
The chapter keeps a master calendar of musical events in Atlanta churches, on which members may register
events in hopes of preventing conflicts. To check previously scheduled events or to add a program to the
calendar, contact Timothy Gunter at 404-365-1050 or preferably, email at

American Guild of Organists • The Atlanta Chapter • 2020-2021 Yearbook

An index of the music collection (consisting primarily of the personal library of Miss Edna Bartholomew) is
currently in progress. If you desire to utilize resources from the chapter library or have any other inquiry, please
visit the chapter website where you will find the complete listing of items available. Instructions are given for
accessing chapter resources.

Professional Certification
The AGO offers five levels of certification for members interested in enhancing their professional
development. Outlines of requirements are published in each July issue of The American Organist, or may be
obtained from the National Headquarters. Consultation is offered locally each year for Atlanta members. For
additional information contact Jeffrey McIntyre, CAGO.

Referral Service
The Atlanta Chapter employment referral service is an information bureau for persons or institutions interested
in listing or searching for permanent church positions. The chapter does not attempt to match individuals with
institutions, but simply provides information regarding employment opportunities.
      The employment referral service is completely separate from the “Supply Church Musicians” listing service.
For information regarding substitute musicians, please see the listing in the yearbook.
      The most up-to-date and comprehensive information regarding permanent job opportunities is found on
the chapter web site. Listings are taken from the web site on the day of the newsletter deadline and duplicated
in the newsletter.
      To list a job opportunity through the web site, go to under “Employment Referral.”

Substitute Musician Listing
The chapter maintains a list of members willing to serve as substitutes. Listings are provided as information,
and negotiating parties are responsible for matching requirements and skills. To seek a substitute or add or
remove your name from the substitute list, contact John Sabine at 678-592-4741. The current substitute list
appears in this yearbook.

Social Media
GOOGLEGROUPS - Belonging to this posting group is a benefit of your chapter membership. There is
nothing you need do to receive posts from our chapter members. Your email was added to our group as
provided in our membership database. To change or update your email, contact our Registrar, David Barber,
at after changing your information in ONCARD. You may also request to
be removed from the group, though we strongly encourage you to not do so, as the Google Groups is our main
link to send out important chapter information between editions of the newsletter. The posts will simply appear
in your email. If you wish to post a message or publicity to Google Groups about your event use the email
address Then, type your message and send as a normal email. You do not
need to create any profile or account.

Things to remember:

    1. Include Atlanta AGO in the subject line to easily identify this as not being SPAM.
    2. Include ALL pertinent information regarding date, time and location of your event in the posting.
       Attaching a poster won’t do, as some folk can’t or won’t open attachments.
    3. Limit yourself to one posting per event.
    4. Please, no personal business ads or postings for friends or other institutions are allowed. We have a
       paid option for business ads, and posting for other churches negates the benefits of being a paid
       chapter member. Job postings may be forwarded to Pamela Ingram for inclusion on the website and
       in The Organizer — the correct venues for such listings.

FACEBOOK - Join us on Facebook! We have two pages, one for all members and one specifically for students.
They are named Atlanta Chapter - American Guild of Organists and Atlanta Chapter Youth - American
Guild of Organists. In addition to Google Groups and The Organizer, this un-moderated outlet is a main
resource for sharing information about your programs and any topic related to the organ or choral worlds. Our
Facebook page membership is open to all, regardless of chapter affiliation, so you’ll reach people not only in
Atlanta but across the country. Creating a Facebook account is free and easy. You don’t have to publically post
your information or make posts to receive information from our chapter.

American Guild of Organists • The Atlanta Chapter • 2020-2021 Yearbook

                The AGO Atlanta Endowment/Investment Fund
                                        A Unique Resource for our Chapter

Created from surplus funds generated by the successful 1992 AGO National Convention the Atlanta Chapter
Endowment/Investment Fund has grown substantially over the years providing expanded opportunities not
available to most chapters.

The Chapter Endowment Fund
    Supports scholarships and new compositions
    Authorized to expend each year up to 5% of the average Total Market Value for the previous three
    Invested in a diversified portfolio of high quality funds with A. Montag & Associates, Investment
      Counselors, a respected Atlanta-based money management firm
    Supervised by the Endowment / Investment Committee of chapter members with investment
      expertise and experience - meeting quarterly with a representative from
          o A. Montag
    Achieved solid investment performance
    A sub-fund of the Chapter Endowment is the “Special Project Fund” created from profits of the 2007
      Region IV Convention. This fund makes up 15.6% of the Chapter endowment. Its purpose is to
      support new or special projects the chapter wishes to undertake. The “Special Project Fund” is also
      authorized to expend each year up to the 5% of the average Total Market Value for the prior three
    Current Market Value of the Chapter Endowment Fund is $244,019.39 as of 6/30/2020

The Elizabeth Abbott Taylor Scholarship Fund
    Created by a generous bequest from long-time Chapter Member Elizabeth Abbott Taylor (1904-2005)
    Invested and managed in a similar manner to the Chapter Endowment Fund and authorized to expend
       up to 5% of the average Total Market Value for the previous three years.
    Funds the nationally recognized Taylor Organ Competition held every three years.
    Current Market Value of the Taylor Fund is $361,484.19 as of 6/30/2020

The Robert Rylander Memorial Fund
    Created by a generous bequest from long-time Chapter Member Robert Rylander.
    Invested and managed in a similar manner to the Chapter Endowment Fund and authorized to expend
      up to 5% of the average Total Market Value for the previous three years.
    Intended to fund scholarships and programs.
    Current Market Value of the Rylander Fund is $211,457.46 as of 6/30/2020

We invite your support and participation
        Tax deductible contribution will insure expanded opportunities for significant chapter activities.
        Future gifts will be recognized in future issues of The Organizer and chapter activities.

How to Contribute:
Send contributions to:  Ms. Charlene Ponder Wall, Treasurer
                        Atlanta AGO
                        P O Box 968
                        Alpharetta, GA 30009-0968
Checks should be payable and designated to “Atlanta Chapter AGO: Endowment / Investment Fund“

American Guild of Organists • The Atlanta Chapter • 2020-2021 Yearbook

                          Past Deans of the Atlanta Chapter

1914-15   Edwin Arthur Kraft, FAGO                     1960-62      Willa B. Lowrance
1915-17   Walter Peck Stanley, FAGO                    1962-64      William Weaver
1917-19   Cecil Poole                                  1964-66      Adele Dieckmann, AAGO
1919-21   C. W. Dieckmann, FAGO                        1966-68      Michael McDowell
1921-23   Charles A. Sheldon, AAGO                     1968-70      Jean Scaglion, AAGO
1923-24   Viola H. Aiken                               1970-72      Herbert S. Archer, Jr.
1924-26   Dora Duck Seidell                            1972-74      Sue W. Goddard, AAGO
1926-27   Alton O’Steen                                1974-76      Gregory Colson, ChM
1927-28   Eda Bartholemew                              1976-78      Adele Dieckmann McKee, FAGO
1928-29   C. W. Dieckmann, FAGO                        1978-80      Dan Pruitt
1929-30   George Lee Hamrick                           1980-82      Porter Remington
1930-31   Joseph Ragan, FAGO                           1982-84      Wallace Zimmerman
1931-32   Bonita Crowe                                 1984-86      Sarah L. Martin
1932-34   Charles A. Sheldon, AAGO                     1986-88      David Stills
1934-35   Wilbur Rowand, FAGO                          1988-90      Maxine Pilcher, AAGO
1935-37   M. Ethel Beyer                               1990-92      Calvert Johnson
1937-38   Emilie P. Spivey, AAGO                       1992-94      Timothy Wissler
1938-39   Charles Johnson                              1994-96      Herbert R. Buffington
1939-40   George Lee Hamrick                           1996-98      Marilyn M. González
1940-42   Edith Howell Clark                           1998-00      John P. Brandt
1942-44   C. W. Dieckmann, FAGO                        2000-02      Sarah J. Hawbecker
1944-46   Frances S. Felder                            2002-04      Phillip K. Parkey
1946-47   Edith Howell Clark                           2004-06      Joanne Brown
1947-50   Emilie P. Spivey, AAGO                       2006-08      Michael Morgan
1950-51   Ruby Chalmers                                2008-10      James Mellichamp
1950-51   Joseph Ragan, FAGO                           2010-12      Jeff Harbin
1952-52   Edith Howell Clark                           2012-14      Timothy Young
1952-54   Marie Bayne Smith                            2014-16      Sue Mitchell-Wallace, FAGO
1954-56   Raymond J. Martin                            2016-18      David Barber
1956-58   Marcus Bartlett                              2018-20      Jack Mitchener, DMA
1958-60   Frances Spain                                2020-22      Peter Waggoner

American Guild of Organists • The Atlanta Chapter • 2020-2021 Yearbook

     New Members, Notes & Things to Remember

American Guild of Organists • The Atlanta Chapter • 2020-2021 Yearbook

American Guild of Organists
     Atlanta Chapter

                      Section III

American Guild of Organists • The Atlanta Chapter • 2020-2021 Yearbook

American Guild of Organists • The Atlanta Chapter • 2020-2021 Yearbook

Dr. Dale Adelmann, PhD, FRSCM                          Mr. Scott Atchison
Cathedral of St Philip                                 78 East Lake Terrace
2744 Peachtree Road NW                                 Atlanta, GA 30317-2609
Atlanta, GA 30305                                      Home phone: 404-378-0481
Email:                      Email:

The Cathedral of St. Philip                            Peachtree Road United Methodist Church
Canon for Music                                        Organist / Choirmaster
2744 Peachtree Road NW                                 3180 Peachtree Road
Atlanta, GA 30305                                      Atlanta, GA 30305
Work phone: 404-365-1051                               Work phone: 404-266-2373

Dr. Albert Ahlstrom                                    Andrew Atkinson, BA Performance
4526 Waters Rd.                                        5309 Reserve Dr
Woodstock, GA 30188-2003                               Atlanta, GA 30319
Home phone: 678-445-4893                               Home phone: 251-382-3644
Email:                            Cellphone: 251-382-3644
Work phone: 404-252-4513

                                                       Ms. Daisy Luckey Aukerman
Mr. W. Thomas Alderman                                 1146 Oakdale Road NE
2631 Old Hickory Drive NW                              Atlanta, GA 30307
Marietta, GA 30064-1833                                Home phone: 404-377-2878
Home phone: 770-427-8548                               Email:
Cellphone: 770-789-5693
                                                       Mr. Jeffrey E. Ayers
Work phone: 770-261-1728                               511 Trabert Ave NW
                                                       Atlanta, GA 30309
                                                       Home phone: 404-456-5434
Mr. Dock Anderson                                      Cellphone: 404-456-5434
30 Stephanie Drive                                     Email:
Newnan, GA 30265
Cellphone: 404-543-6620                                Allen Organ Studios
Email:                          CEO
                                                       3321 Chamblee Dunwoody Road
St. Margaret's Episcopal Church                        Atlanta, GA 30341
Organist-choirmaster                                   Work phone: 770-455-6885
606 Newnan St.
Carrollton, GA 30117                                   Virginia Highland Church
Work phone: 770-832-3931                               Director of Worship
                                                       743 Virginia Ave NE
                                                       Atlanta, GA 30306
Mrs. Mary Archer                                       Work phone: 404-456-5434
3750 Peachtree Rd. Ne #419
Atlanta, GA 30319-1322
Email:                              Mrs. Gwyn F. Bacon, CAGO, SP, BMus
                                                       205 Ballyshannon Dr.
                                                       Dacula, GA 30019
                                                       Home phone: 678-230-2810
                                                       Website: Facebook Consonare LLC

                                                       Consonare LLC
                                                       205 Ballyshannon Dr.
                                                       Dacula, GA 30019
                                                       Work phone: 678-230-2810

American Guild of Organists • The Atlanta Chapter • 2020-2021 Yearbook

Dr. William Baker, DMA                                 Mr. Joe Bazemore
4324 West 53rd Terrace                                 794 Beaver Lake Drive, #1031
Roeland Park, KS 66205                                 Ellijay, GA 30540
Cellphone: 913-488-7524                                Home phone: 404-518-5643
Email:                         Cellphone: 404-518-5643
William Baker Choral Foundation
5450 Buena Vista Street                                Mr. David I. Beecher, M.C.M.
Suite 100                                              121 Rubicon Road
Roeland Park, KS 66205                                 Peachtree City, GA 30269-2850
Work phone: 913-403-9223                               Home phone: 770-632-1650
William Baker Choral Foundation of Georgia
Director                                               Christ Our Shepherd Lutheran Church
2683 Vinings Central Drive SE                          Minister in Music
Atlanta, GA 30339                                      101 Peachtree Parkway N.
Work phone: 404-909-8357                               Peachtree City, GA 30269
                                                       Work phone: 770-487-8717, Ext: 213

Ms. Elizabeth J. Bamberg
1233 Krin Avenue                                       Mr. Dallas E. Bell Jr.
Birmingham, AL 35213                                   11190 Medlock Bridge Rd
Home phone: 205-956-1915                               Suite 406
                                                       Johns Creek, GA 30097-2586
                                                       Cellphone: 404-630-7718
Mr. Charles M. Banks                                   Email:
520 Main Street
Post Office Box 729
Highlands, NC 28741                                    Mr. Mark A. Belloto, CAGO, MMus
Cellphone: 908-451-5082                                6825 Mimosa Circle
Email:                         Tucker, GA 30084
                                                       Home phone: 770-381-2351
Episcopal Church of the Incarnation                    Email:
520 Main Street
Post Office Box 729
Highlands, NC 28741                                    Mr. Mack Beverly, BMus
Work phone: 908-451-5082                               5456 Peachtree Blvd. #210
                                                       Atlanta, GA 30341
                                                       Cellphone: 404-454-0913
Dr. David G. Barber, EdD                               Email:
Past Dean
317 Noel Way
Hampton, GA 30228-6011                                 Rev. Dr. John A. Beyers, BBA MDiv DD
Home phone: 770-478-4747                               413 Long View Drive
Cellphone: 770-402-6042                                LaGrange, GA 30240
Email:                   Home phone: 404-229-3629
                                                       Cellphone: 404-229-3629
Martha C. Barth
3910 E Brookhaven Dr NE                                First United Methodist Church of LaGrange
Atlanta, GA 30319                                      Senior Minister
Home phone: 507-645-7389                               401 Broad Street
Email:                          LaGrange, GA 30240

American Guild of Organists • The Atlanta Chapter • 2020-2021 Yearbook

Mr. Bryan F. Black, BM, MM                              Deborah C. Boyd
732 Hickory Dr.                                         1360 Meadow Creek Way NW
Marietta, GA 30064                                      Acworth, GA 30102
Cellphone: 770-853-8795                                 Home phone: 770-528-0915
Email:                            Cellphone: 678-910-5384

Ms. Alice Bliss
297 Gordon Avenue NE                                    Ms. Mary M. Boyle, MA
Atlanta, GA 30307                                       2608 Valley Stream Dr.
                                                        Doraville, GA 30360
Dr. Frank E. Block Jr., MD
12323 S Wolf Rd
Palos Park, IL 60464                                    Mr. John P. Brandt, SPC, MM
Home phone: 501-421-4143                                St. Lawrence Catholic Church
Email:                             319 Grayson hwy
Website:                          Lawrenceville, GA 30046
                                                        Cellphone: 404-271-4749
Mrs. Diana O. Blosser, BA,MM, MAPT
1000 Stevens Entry Apt M112                             Saint Lawrence Catholic Church
Apt M112                                                Director of Music & Liturgy
Peachtree City, GA 30269
Home phone: 404-713-7724
Email:                            Dr. Martha Braswell, MTNA Certifi
                                                        1331 Dials Plantation Dr.
                                                        Statham, GA 30666
Mr. Alvin R. Blount Jr., BMus, MMus                     Cellphone: 713-854-2639
2100 Wilson Rd Apt 223                                  Email:
Knoxville, TN 37912-6029
Cellphone: 706-231-3872
Email:                           Mr. David Brensinger, AAGO, MM
Website:                            926 Bridgegate Dr.
                                                        Marietta, GA 30068
Episcopal Church of the Good Shepherd                   Email:
Organist/Choirmaster                                    Cellphone: 770-310-7445
5409 Jacksboro Pike
Knoxville, TN 37912
Work phone: 770-382-2626                                Mr. Oliver G. Brett, MA FRCO
                                                        68 Windsor Street
                                                        Rochester, NY 14605
Stuart H. Bond, B.A., J.D.                              Home phone: 585-784-0483
310 Roswell Commons Cir.                                Cellphone: 585-784-0483
Roswell, GA 30076                                       Email:
Home fax: 770-641-7631                                  Website:
Cellphone: 770-634-4711
                                                        Nowell Briscoe
                                                        1261 Briar Hills Dr.
Mr. Justin Bowen, BMus, MM                              Atlanta, GA 30306
2416 Calibre Creek Pkwy                                 Email:
Roswell, GA 30076
Cellphone: 615-962-4539
Email:                              Dr. Jerry Carroll Brooks
                                                        1612 Executive Park Lane NE
                                                        Atlanta, GA 30329
                                                        Home phone: 404-325-8840

American Guild of Organists • The Atlanta Chapter • 2020-2021 Yearbook

Ms. Joanne Cobb Brown, CAGO, BMus MDiv                 Mrs. Madonna Brownlee
5048 Lake Forest Drive                                 1000-49th Street North, Apt. 214
Conyers, GA 30094                                      St. Peterburg, FL 33710
Cellphone: 770-710-8605                                Home phone: 404-257-1163
Email:                         Email:
                                                       670 Glenary Dr NE
Good Shepherd Episcopal                                Atlanta, GA 30328
Director of Music/Organist
4140 Clark Street
Covington, GA 30014-3179                               Mr. Michael Bryant
Work phone: 770-786-3278                               757 Amsterdam Ave. NE
                                                       Atlanta, GA 30306
Montessori School of Covington                         Home phone: 404-888-0071
Music Teacher                                          Email:
4108 Summers Street
Covington, GA 30014                                    Holy Innocents' Episcopal School
Work phone: 770-788-7779                               Director of Orchestra
                                                       805 Mount Vernon Highway NW
                                                       Atlanta, GA 30327
Larry Brown, PhD                                       Work phone: 404-303-2150
1221 Vista Valley Dr NE
Atlanta, GA 30329
Home phone: 404-377-5230                               Mr. Herbert R. Buffington, M.Mus.
Cellphone: 678-642-1389                                3434 Habersham Rd NW
Email:                        Atlanta, GA 30305
                                                       Home phone: 677-488-3591
                                                       Cellphone: 678-488-3591
Mr. Matthew M. Brown, B.Mus, M.Mus                     Email:
St. Luke's Episcopal Church
435 Peachtree St. NE                                   Peachtree Christian Church
Atlanta, GA 30308                                      Organist & Associate Choir Director
Cellphone: 336-684-4946                                1580 Peachtree Street NW
Email:                      Atlanta, GA 30309
                                                       Work phone: 404-876-5535
St. Luke's Episcopal Church
Director of Music                                      Habersham Funding, LLC
435 Peachtree St. NE                                   Director of Human Resources & Accounting
Atlanta, GA 30308                                      3495 Piedmont Rd NE
Work phone: 404-873-7600                               Building 11 Suite 910
                                                       Atlanta, GA 30305
                                                       Work phone: 404-233-8275, Ext: 225
Mr. Palmer Brown
3051 Howell Mill Road NW
Atlanta, GA 30327                                      Ms. Karen Bunn
Home phone: 404-355-0663                               5265 Northwater Way
Email:                     Johns Creek, GA 30097-2486
                                                       Cellphone: 404-502-6292
Mr. Ken Brownlee
670 Glenairy Dr. N.E.
Atlanta, GA 30328
Home phone: 404-257-1163

American Guild of Organists • The Atlanta Chapter • 2020-2021 Yearbook

Mr. Wm Jefferson Bush                                  Joel Carver
3638 Durham Run Way                                    7125 Brandon Mill Road, NW
Auburn, GA 30011                                       Atlanta, GA 30328
Home phone: 770-354-5229                               Cellphone: 612-396-1520
Cellphone: 770-354-5229                                Email:

Immaculate Heart of Mary Catholic Church               Mrs. Sung kyung Chang
Director of Liturgy and Music                          3985 Howell Park Rd.
2855 Briarcliff Road NE                                Duluth, GA 30096
Atlanta, GA 30329                                      Email:
Work phone: 404-636-1418, Ext: 247

                                                       Mr. John D. Chase
Judi Caldwell, MA                                      5536 Aviemore Ct.
3454 Ashwood Ln                                        Suwanee, GA 30024-7524
Atlanta, GA 30341                                      Home phone: 770-932-3365
Home phone: 470-545-5560                               Cellphone: 770-331-9681
Cellphone: 470-371-3237                                Email:
                                                       Hodges-Mace Benefits Group
                                                       Principal / CIO
Mr. William Callaway                                   5775 Glenridge Drive Suite D-350
5215 Glenridge Dr. NE                                  Atlanta, GA 30328
Atlanta, GA 30342-1349                                 Work phone: 404-943-0108
Home phone: 404-257-8828
                                                       Ms. Elizabeth Chenault
                                                       375 Woodward Way NW
Paul J. Campbell Jr., Master of Sa                     Atlanta, GA 30305
97 LaGrande St                                         Cellphone: 404-368-7112
Rockmart, GA 30153                                     Email:
Cellphone: 404-312-7801
Email:                       All Saint's Episcopal Church
                                                       Organist & Choirmaster Emeritus
                                                       634 W. Peachtree St. NW
Valerie Capel                                          Atlanta, GA 30308
4583 Wingfield Way                                     Work phone: 404-267-4261
Flowery Branch, GA 30542                               Work fax: 404-881-3796
Cellphone: 801-234-0992
Email:                          208 Brooke Dr
                                                       Fredericksburg, VA 22408

Ms. Elizabeth B. Carter
3413 Springhouse Circle                                Mr. Raymond Chenault
Stone Mountain, GA 30087                               375 Woodward Way NW
Home phone: 678-684-3360                               Atlanta, GA 30305
Email:                         Cellphone: 404-368-7113

Mr. John King Carter, MM                               All Saint's Episcopal Church
1663 Crestridge Dr                                     Organist & Choirmaster Emeritus
Marietta, GA 30067                                     634 W. Peachtree St. NW
Email:                        Atlanta, GA 30308
                                                       Work phone: 404-267-4261
                                                       Work fax: 404-881-3796
Mr. Ron Carter
219 Lake Somerset Drive                                208 Brooke Dr
Marietta, GA 30064                                     Fredericksburg, VA 22408

American Guild of Organists • The Atlanta Chapter • 2020-2021 Yearbook

Mr. George Chesnut, MMus                               Mrs. Martha U. Clay, CAGO
3589 River Heights Crossing SE                         4392 Vineyard Trail
Marietta, GA 30067                                     Snellville, GA 30039
Home phone: 678-483-6587                               Home phone: 770-979-4318
Cellphone: 770-608-6641                                Cellphone: 770-789-1608
Email:                             Email:

St. Peter and St. Paul Episcopal Church                Cannon Methodist Church
Director of Music                                      Associate Minister of Music
1795 Johnson Ferry Road                                2424 Webb Gin House Road
Marietta, GA 30062                                     Snellville, GA 30078
Work phone: 770-977-7473                               Work phone: 770-972-5463

Dr. Richard D. Chewning, MD                            Dr. John T. Coble, DM
119 Runnymede Road                                     320 Ashbrook Ln.
Griffin, GA 30224-7430                                 Athens, GA 30605
Home phone: 770-227-7536                               Home phone: 770-312-8864
Cellphone: 770-468-0342                                Cellphone: 770-312-8864
Email:                         Email:

First United Methodist Church                          First Presbyterian Church
Organist                                               Director of Music and Organist
1401 Maple Drive                                       185 E. Hancock Avenue
Griffin, GA 30224                                      Athens, GA 30601
Work phone: 770-228-3020                               Work phone: 706-543-4338
Work fax: 770-228-3069

Internal Medicine of Griffin                           Dr. Michael J. Collier, CAGO, SP,LPM, CAGO
Physician: Gynecology                                  6374 Chestnut Pkwy.
619 South 8th Street                                   Flowery Branch, GA 30542
Suite 200                                              Cellphone: 678-343-0878
Griffin, GA 30224                                      Email:
Work phone: 770-227-1587, Ext: 120                     Website:

                                                       Michael J. Collier, DDS, PC
Mr. Joseph Cirou, MA STL                               Dentist
4116B Belvedere Square                                 4211 Mundy Mill Place
Decatur, GA 30035                                      Ste A
Home phone: 404-508-9128                               Oakwood, GA 30566
Cellphone: 404-629-7575                                Work phone: 770-535-8160

                                                       Mr. Marc A. Conley
Ms. Melinda L. Clark, BA- Music                        2519 Paces Landing Dr.
3045 Mornington Dr. NW                                 Conyers, GA 30012
Atlanta, GA 30327-1221                                 Email:
Home phone: 404-355-9318
Cellphone: 404-824-9359
Email:                              Mr. William F. Coscarelli, BMus, MMus
                                                       1718 Brookside Lay Circle
Northside Drive Baptist Church                         Norcross, GA 30093
Organist                                               Cellphone: 706-254-5260
3100 Northside Drive NW                                Email:
Atlanta, GA 30305
                                                       St Stephen 's Anglican Church
                                                       Dir of Music
                                                       800 Timothy Rd
                                                       Athens, GA 30606
                                                       Work phone: 706-543-8657

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