Ational lovak ociety Where "Family Matters" - NSS Life

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          N         A         T         I        O      N   A   L   N   E   W   S

                                   ational lovak ociety
                    Where “Family Matters”

     JANUARY 2014 | NUMBER 3465 | VOLUME 106
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                                                 National Slovak Society News
          N     A       T       I     O        N       A       L              N        E      W    S

                                                                                                       Inside this Issue...
                            ational lovak ociety
                Periodical Postage Paid at McMurray, Pennsylvania and Additional Mailing Offices
                                                                                                          Assembly Activities
                                           Owned and Published by the                                   Activities at a Glance ............................        3
                                   NATIONAL SLOVAK SOCIETY
                               OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA                                            From the Executive Officers
                                   Organized February 16, 1890
                        351 Valley Brook Road, McMurray, PA 15317-3337                                 President’s Column.................................         5
                              USPS 0371-140 - ISSN: 0027-7940                                          Vice-President’s Column ........................            6
                        Phone: (724) 731- 0094 -- E-Mail:                             Secretary/Treasurer ................................        7
                                  NSS Web Site:
                                      Fax No: 724-731-0145
                        Founder and Honorary President, Peter V. Rovnianek                                NSS Financial Matters
                                            LORI CROWLEY                                               3rd Quarter Financial Report .................. 8
                                           Published Monthly                                           Annuity Interest Rates ............................ 10
                                     Send articles for publication to:
                                               Lori Crowley                                               NSS Sales Department
                                        351 Valley Brook Road
                                      McMurray, PA 15317-3337                                          National Sales Director............................ 11
                         Unsolicited manuscripts are not returned unless accompanied
                                    with a self-addressed stamped envelope.
                                    Deadline: 5th of preceding month.                                     NSS Activities
                                “POSTMASTER” SEND ADDRESS CHANGES TO:
                                        NATIONAL SLOVAK SOCIETY                                        Fraternal Activities Coordinator Column.. 9
                            351 VALLEY BROOK ROAD, MCMURRAY, PA 15317-3337                             Assembly Photos ...................................... 16

                                    NSS NATIONAL OFFICERS
                          David G. Blazek, FIC, National President & Elder
                                  Dean Burns, FIC, Vice-President                                         Assembly News
                                 Linda Strom, Secretary/Treasurer
                                                                                                       PVR Donations ....................................... 4
                                                                                                       Departed Members ................................ 16
              NSS NATIONAL DIRECTORS                             NSS HONORARY OFFICERS                 Meeting Notices .................................. 12-13
                    Anthony Beno                              Sophia Hudak, Tribunal Member
                   Keith S. Godor
                   Mary Jo Holker
                                                                  Edward Havir, Director                 Na;rodne; Noviny
                                                                 Edward Koches, Director
                   Robert Katricak                                Paul J. Godor, Director
                   William B. Knoll                           Joseph Tomaskovic, Jr., Director         Modlitba na zac'iatku Nove;ho roku.                        17
                   Susan Ondrejco                                                                      Rok Sedembolestnej Panny ;Marie.....                       17
                  Joseph Stefka, Jr.                                                                   Na sanici . ............................................   17
                    Drew Wesnak                                                                        Ohla;sk' a c'kenstvu.................................      17
            FSWFE HONORARY OFFICERS                             PBU HONORARY OFFICERS
               Justine Wesnak, President                         Henri O. Albert, President
         Reverend Monsignor Thomas V. Banick,                    Reverend George Virchick                Youth Circle
                    Spiritual Advisor
                                                                                                       Ornament Contest Winners .................... 18
                                    ROCWMAS HONORARY OFFICER                                           Poetry Winners - Third Place .................. 19
                                        Olga Kasnot, President

                             FSWFE and PBU merged with NSS in 1997
                              ROCWMAS merged with the NSS in 1998

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                                                  Activities at a Glance...

      REGION 2                          Assemblies L075, P09M, 0146, 0617

         January 13                     Assembly L075, Meeting, Moosic Diner, Moosic, PA at 1:00 pm
         February 23                    Assembly L075, Convention Meeting, Grande Restaurant, Moosic, PA at 1:00 pm

      REGION 5                          Assemblies P38A, 0039, 0100, L105, 0108, 0123, L161, 0283, 0377,
                                        0434, 0441, 0588, 0700, 0737, 0774, 0809

         January 2                      Assembly 0434, Meeting, NSS Home Office, McMurray, PA at 7:00 pm
         March 5                        Assembly 0039, Meeting, Denny’s Restaurant, Uniontown, PA at 7:00 pm
         March 8                        Assembly 0737, Meeting, Godor Residence, N. Huntingdon, PA at 1:00 pm
         March 9                        Assembly 0108, Convention Meeting, Strom Residence, Baldwin, PA at 2:00 pm
         March 11                       Assembly 0039, Convention Meeting, IHOP Restaurant, Uniontown, PA at 6:00 pm
         March 16                       Region 5, Meeting, NSS Home Office, McMurray, PA at 1:00 pm

      REGION 7                          Assemblies P09A, 0008, 0731
                                        No activities at this time

      REGION 8                          Assemblies 0004, 0070, 0160, 0432, 0595

         January 15                     Assembly 0160, Annual Dinner/Meeting, Lorain, OH at 6:00 pm
         January 19                     Assembly 0004, Annual Audit/Meeting, Havir Residence, Westlake, OH at 2:00 pm
         January 21                     Assembly 0160, Dinner/Meeting at 6:00 pm
         February 18                    Assembly 0432, Tobogganing, Cleveland Metroparks Chalet, Strongsville, OH
         February 22                    Assembly 0432, Annual Reverse Raffle, St Elias, Brooklyn, OH at 6:00 pm

      REGION 10                         Assemblies 0065, 0586
                                        No activities at this time

      REGION 14                         Assemblies RO59, L102

         January 5                      Region 14, Annual Holiday Party, Wesnak Home, Whitehall, PA at 2:00 pm
         February 16                    Assembly RO59, Meeting, Lahutsky Residence at 1:30 pm

      REGION 15                         Assemblies L002, L006, 0028, L145

         February 22                    Region 15, Annual Meeting, Jesus School Meeting Room, Stratford, CT at 9:00 am
         February 22                    Assembly 0028, Annual Meeting, Jesus School Meeting Room, Stratford, CT at 9:00 am
         April 12                       Region 15, Convention Meeting, Jesus School Meeting Room, Stratford, CT at 9:00 am

      AT LARGE                          Assemblies R019, R023, P31M, 0038, L040, L075, 0110, 0207, 0236, 0240, 0267,
                                        0299, 0316, 0381, 0554, 0568, 0705, 0800, 0805, 0813

          February 1                    Assembly 0236, Convention Meeting, Kocerha Residence, Colorado Springs, CO at 1:30 pm
          February 2                    Assembly 0554, Convention Meeting, 135 McCullough St, DuBois, PA at 2:00 pm
          February 8                    Assembly 0813, Convention Meeting, Holker Residence, Englewood, FL at 2:00 pm
          June 27-29                    Assembly 0110, Bi-annual Weekend Outing, Villa Roma Resort, Callicoon, NY

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                                            National Slovak Society News

         “2014 Convention” Recommender Campaign                                                 PVR SCHOLARSHIP
            Here is an exciting opportunity for you to help NSS while earning some extra        FUND DONATIONS
         cash. This contest is open to all members and fraternal agents of the Society.         November, 2013
         (regular agents are excluded)                                                          In Memory of my father, Dusan Blazek:
            From November 1, 2013 to May 31, 2014 every recommender form you send                 From Dave Blazek              50.00
         in that is approved and issued will get you one chance in a drawing. There is no       Matching Funds from
         limit to how many chances you could have in the drawing. NSS will award four             Assembly L161:              250.00
         (4) prizes; one to who ever has the most recommenders in this seven month pe-          Matching Funds from
         riod; and three (3) random winners will be drawn at the NSS convention in Hershey,      Assembly 160:                400.00
         PA in June 2014. Only one prize per person. Each prize is $250.
            In addition to the convention campaign prizes, please see the back page of the      Donations:
         magazine for a new easier recommender form. There you will find the new recom-           Assembly L161               250.00
         mender earns $25 (except for the youth term plan which is $10) for all plans.            Bill Knoll                  100.00
         You can copy this form and send in as many as you can. Good luck.                        Assembly 160                400.00

     Youngstown/Spisska                             Heritage Museum                             DONATE TO THE PVR
     Nova Ves 17th                                  Donations as of                             SCHOLARSHIP FUND
     Annual Heritage Tour                           December, 2013                              Here are good reasons why making a
                                                                                                donation makes sense...
       Visit Slovakia with the Youngstown                                                       • Every penny donated goes directly
                                                     Dean Burns.................. $100.00
     Spisska Nova Ves Sister Cities Heritage                                                      into the PVR Scholarship Fund.
                                                     Dave Blazek.................. $50.00
     Tour from July 7 to 21, 2014.                                                              • Your contribution will help our young
                                                     Lt. Paul Tomanek.......... $10.00
       Contact Jim and Kay Bench at                                                               members achieve their academic
                                                     Csider Family................ $20.00 or phone 724-                                                              goals.
                                                     Bob Katricak................. $50.00
     858-5843 or 724-771-7900 for fur-                                                          • Your donation may benefit your own
                                                     Tony Beno..................... $50.00
     ther information. Paul Hudak at                                                              son, daughter, niece or nephew.
                                                     Mary Jo Holker............... $25.00
     Adventure International Travel will be                                                     • Every year, requests for grants
                                                     Bill Knoll....................... $50.00
     making travel arrangements also. He                                                          increase, making more demands on
                                                     Donation Box in Museum..$42.00
     can be reached at 216-228-7171 or                                                            the PVR Scholarship Fund.
     800-542-2487 or Fax 216-228-7174.                                                          o YES, I want to help our young
                                                                                                members attain their academic goals.
                                                                                                Here is my donation of $ ________.

                               Happy New Year from                                              City:
                           the officers and staff to                                            Zip:

                        all of our members.                                                     Please issue your check to:
                                                                                                  NSS PVR Scholarship Fund
                                                                                                And send to:
                                                                                                  National Slovak Society
                                                                                                  351 Valley Brook Road
                                                                                                  McMurray, PA 15317

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                      National Slovak Society News from the Home Office

     From The
     President’s Desk…                             Convention 2014                                      Be Thankful
                                                      Convention is less than 6 months                     Be thankful that you don't already
                                                   away and we are full speed ahead in                  have everything you desire. If you did,
                                                   making our final preparations for the                what would there be to look forward to?
                                                   event which will be held in Hershey,                 Be thankful when you don't know some-
                                                   PA, from June 22nd through June                      thing, for it gives you the opportunity to
                                                   25th, 2014. Hopefully every assembly                 learn. Be thankful for the difficult times.
                                                   that is eligible to send delegates has               During those times you grow. Be thank-
                                                   scheduled their meeting to elect dele-               ful for your limitations, because they
                                                   gates. With the convention happening                 give you opportunities for improvement.
                                                   a little earlier than usual, we will need            Be thankful for each new challenge,
                                                   to have the names of delegates as soon               because it will build your strength and
                David G. Blazek, FIC               as possible to name committees, and                  character. Be thankful for your mistakes;
                 National President                make rooming and meal arrangements.                  they will teach you valuable lessons. Be
                                                   We are attempting to schedule visits to              thankful when you're tired and weary,
                                                   any Region meetings that will be held                because it means you've made a differ-
        From the Officers, Board members,          in the next 6 months to discuss poten-               ence. It's easy to be thankful for the
     and entire staff at the home office, I        tial by-law revisions and answer any                 good things. A life of rich fulfillment
     would like to wish each and every one         questions regarding what will be hap-                comes to those who are also thankful
     of our members a very Happy, Healthy          pening at the convention.                            for the setbacks. Gratitude can turn a
     and Prosperous New Year in 2014. As I                                                              negative into a positive. Find a way to
     write this article in early December and                                                           be thankful for your troubles and they
                                                                                                        can become your blessings.
     we are winding down the fiscal year of
     2013, I am pleased to report that we
                                                   “Auld Lang Syne”
     continue to grow the organization both           The song, "Auld Lang Syne," is sung
                                                   at the stroke of midnight in almost
     in membership numbers and assets at
     a steady growth using the model the           every English speaking country in the                News of Narodniars
     Board had implemented a couple of             world to bring in the New Year. At least                Happy birthday wishes go out to
     years ago. It is a business model for         partially written by Robert Burns in the             Honorary Directors Paul Godor and
     success. Based on the third quarter           1700's, it was first published in 1796               Edward Havir, former Home Office
     results of 2013, we project the assets        after Burns' death. Early variations of              employees Karen Orban and Cathy
     at year end to be in the $730 million         the song were sung prior to 1700 and                 Lydic. Also celebrating this month are
     range. I learned many years ago that          inspired Burns to produce the modem                  Tod Wilcock, Susan Payerchin, Else
     we can not control the economy, or the        rendition. An old Scotch tune, "Auld                 Resosky and daughter Shannon Woods.
     number of deaths the society incurs           Lang Syne" literally means "old long                 Happy Birthday to all others celebrat-
     during the year, but we can control           ago," or simply, "the good old days."                ing in January.
     expenses, which is what we have               Here are the lyrics:
                                                        Should auld acquaintance be forgot and
     strived to do over the years. This ex-
                                                                never brought to mind?
     pense control is a very important part             Should auld acquaintance be forgot and
     of the profitability that we have shown                    days of auld lang syne?
     over the past many years. I am proud                    For auld lang syne, my dear,
     of the work our Board has done, as                            for auld lang syne,
     well as the outstanding work that our                  we'll take a cup o'kindness yet,
     home office staff has provided to our                         for auld lang syne.
     membership. To the board, my fellow                            Happy New Year!
     officers, and staff, I extend my sincere
     thanks for a job well done. More finan-
     cial details will be forthcoming from                     Paraprosdokian of the month:
     National Secretary/Treasurer Strom in                     ADULT TRUTHS: Sometimes I’ll look down at my watch 3 consecutive times and still
     future issues as we close the books on                    not know what time it is.
     the fiscal year 2013.

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                                            National Slovak Society News

                                                 Whatever day that may be, work on it
         The Second Opinion                      and try hard to make it better than the
                                                                                              Things to do
                                                                                                 Make sure your will is up to date and
         from the Vice-President                 last one or at least as good. If January
                                                 first is a screwed up day, start on the      specifies what you want done after you
                                                 second or third or the 23rd. That can        are gone. Have your spouse do the
                                                 be up to you. But do it. Pick a day and      same.
                                                 start making your life better. Call them        Make peace with those you have of-
                                                 resolutions or whatever. Unless your         fended. Dying with enemies is point-
                                                 life is perfect, strive to make it so. You   less.
                                                 might not get there, but you can make           Clean out old papers so that your
                                                 progress.                                    heirs do not have to. The heirs will ap-
                                                                                              preciate it.
                                                                                                 Find something which will serve as
                                                                                              your legacy. Even small things will
                                                                                              make a difference. Some things will
                                                                                              make a big difference.
                   Dean Burns, FIC               Experience                                      Try to think of things that others
               National Vice-President              Because I have been around a while,       have left for you when you wish they-
                                                 I have seen a lot and experienced a lot.     would have taken care of it themse-
                                                 I know that most of you have as well,        leves.
                                                 but I have a need to try to give the ben-
                                                 efit of my experience to others in order
         Happy New Year                          to make life a little easier for them.
                                                 So, if anything I say doesn’t make any
            This time of the year finds          sense or difference to you, just skip           In six months, we will be making de-
         many, if not most, people wishing       over it. I said I had a need to give out     cisions about how the NSS will be gov-
         each other a Happy New Year. Jan-       advice. I know that you may have no          erned for the next four years. The NSS
         uary first is an arbitrary day to       need to heed it. It will make me feel        is a member based company. Each as-
         claim the beginning of a new year.      good to say it. It may make you feel         sembly is entitled to send delegates to
         Some people would claim their           good to ignore it. I will not be of-         a convention and make the rules by
         wedding day or the birth of a child     fended.                                      which the company will operate. We
         or some other event as the begin-          I have not had a good day for just        need your help in finding the best peo-
         ning of a new period in their lives.    over two years. I do not mean that           ple to be Board members.
         There are many days which begin         every day was bad. Some were semi-              Delegates will be elected in January
         a new period in our lives.              okay. But it was not my plan to have         and February. If you would be a dele-
            Not all of those periods are         my wife pass away before me. But             gate, you need to let your assembly of-
         happy occasions. In fact some are       things happen, whether we are ready          ficers know that you want to be on the
         downright devastating to one fam-       for it or not. We deal with it and move      ballot to represent your assembly.
         ily or another. Others are bad for      on. Trust me. It is easier said than            The rules for election are spelled out
         one family and sort of good for an-     done.                                        in the bylaws. If you do not have a
         other. But, that is how life goes.         If I had any warning, I would have        copy, call us. We will get that informa-
         Not every event is a happy one.         found out where things were. I would         tion out to you.
         Fortunately, neither is every hap-      have asked how to do certain things. I          Follow the dates in the newspaper
         pening, bad.                            also would have done better at making        which apply to your assembly. You can
            But we mean well when we wish        Nancy understand how important she           be nominated from the floor as well as
         you good experiences. And we are        was. As I said before, my plan was to        by your assembly. If you need assis-
         arrogant enough to think that God       just continue to float along and expect      tance with any of this, call us. We will
         is listening and will make our          to live forever and have others make         help you. It behooves us to get the best
         wishes for you come true. Of            decisions for me. The best laid              qualified people elected to the board.
         course, that is illogical or no one     plans….                                         The convention is earlier than usual
         would ever have a bad day.                                                           so some timeliness may be compressed.
            You may pick any day you wish                                                     We need to follow those timeliness as
         as the beginning of your new year.                                                   they are part of the rules. Help us
                                                                                              stick to the bylaws.

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                     National Slovak Society News from the Home Office

     A Page From My Notebook......                                                            gram and discussed inactive assem-
                                                                                              blies and how to help them get active.
     By Linda M. Strom, National Secretary/Treasurer                                          Changes to the tracking program will
     Email:                                                                be determined after all contest rules
                                                                                              are reviewed and rewritten.
                                                                                                 The Fraternal Growth Committee acted
     Happy 2014!                                                                              upon all petitions received for consider-
                                                                                              ation; researching Giveaways for 125th
        This year promises to be a very busy
     one here at the Home Office. Plans are                                                   Anniversary Banquet; Committee will
     in full swing for our upcoming 36th                                                      work with the Fraternal Activities Coor-
     Quadrennial Convention in June. There                                                    dinator to rewrite rules for all contests;
     is much work to be done but I am look-                                                   Fraternal Activities Coordinator will
     ing forward to what I believe will be a                                                  work with the Youth Convention Com-
     very enlightening convention. Begin-                                                     mittee to develop an agenda.
     ning this month my article will contain                                                     The Membership Growth Committee
     important convention information. Stay                                                   reviewed the Convention Campaign;
     tuned.....                                                                               125th Anniversary Campaign; recom-
                                                                                              mended reinsurance retention rate revi-
                                                      All Bond Sales, Exchanges and           sions and reviewed the NSS Strategic
     Region Visits                                 Purchases through September 30,            Business Plan recommending minor
        This convention will once again re-        2013 were ratified and all Mortgages       changes.
     quire preparation, thought and deci-          reviewed. Minutes of the May 2013             The Audit Committee Report, pre-
     sion-making as we plan for the future         Spring Board and the August 2013           sented by National Director Robert Ka-
     of the NSS. President Blazek and I are        Executive Committee Meetings were          tricak, indicated that the Bond Audit
     also preparing for the convention by          approved.                                  was completed and that all was in
     visiting each Region within the next             Sales Director Greg Felton presented    order. The CPA firm of Reddinger, Will,
     several months to outline items that          the Sales Directors Report highlighting:   Gallagher & Dickert, LLC were again re-
     will be presented to the convention for       2012 Third Quarter Sales; Policy,          tained to audit for year ending
     discussion and/or action.                     Member and Sales Comparisons; Mem-         12/31/2013.
                                                   bership; New Agents; New Business             The Museum Committee Report,
                                                   and Growth since 2001.
     Convention Information                           CPA Donald Reddinger presented an
                                                                                              presented by Museum Curator Sue
                                                                                              Ondrejco, provided an overview of a
        1. A convention packet will be sent        Overview of the 3rd Quarter of 2013        very successful year for Museum events
     this month which will contain a report        which showed Net Income of $2.9mm,         and marketing. President of the
     showing the number of delegates your          Total Assets of $711.7mm and Surplus       Museum Keith Godor reported on the
     assembly or region is entitled to elect.      of $20.2mm.                                overall operations of the Museum.
     The required delegate forms, which               The Fraternal Directors Report, pre-       The Salary Committee presented its
     must be filled out after your elections       sented by President Blazek, recapped       report and recommendations. This was
     and sent in to my office by March 22,         the events of 2013 and those that are      followed by the approval of the recom-
     2014 for verification, will also be in-       upcoming in 2014.                          mendations by the Board of Directors
     cluded in addition to other convention           President Blazek introduced NSS            Revisions to the NSS Insurance &
     information.                                  Asset Manager Larry White (AQS) who        Annuity Policy and the NSS Investment
        2. Make sure you announce the date,        touched upon: Portfolio Metrics; Trail-    Policy Guidelines were approved.
     place and time of your assembly and/or        ing Reinvestments, Investment Quality         Several items pertaining to Home
     region meeting for the purpose of elect-      Distribution; Sector Distribution;         Office operations were discussed.
     ing delegates in the “National News”          Municipal Distribution overall and by         President Blazek appointed National
     newsletter. This will ensure that your        State; Projected Forward Cash Flow;        Director Susan Ondrejco to serve on
     meeting is “official” and your delegates      Portfolio vs Crediting Rates; Gross        the Executive Committee for 2014.
     are approved.                                 Annuity Margin; our Annuity Book;             The following tentative Board and
                                                   Buys; Sells; Q3 Actual Data vs Full        Exec Committee meeting dates were an-
     Recap of the 2013 Fall                        Year Projections; final commentary and
                                                   US Job Information.
                                                                                              nounced: Winter Executive Committee
                                                                                              Saturday 3/8/2014; Spring Board
     Board Meeting                                    Annuity Interest Rates were reviewed    Meeting Friday 6/20/2014; 36th Quad
       The 2013 Fall Board Meeting was             and a motion was made to keep the          Convention June 22-25, 2014;
     opened and called to order on Novem-          rates the same for the 1st Quarter of      Summer Executive Committee Meeting
     ber 23, 2013 by National President            2014.                                      Saturday 9/13/2014 and Fall Board
     David G Blazek with all Board members            The Assembly Growth Committee           Meeting Saturday 11/22/2014.
     present.                                      reviewed the Assembly Tracking Pro-

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                                                        Financial Matters


         Net Admitted Assets:                                         Summary Of Operations:
                                    September          December                                  September        December
                                      2013               2012                                     2013              2012
         Bonds                    $680,641,065       $623,541,210     INCOME:
         Preferred Stocks              587,999          1,570,759     Premiums & Annuity
         Common Stocks                 634,012            591,442       Considerations          $81,045,267     $106,134,490
         Mortgage Loans on                                            Net Invest. Income         25,113,883       31,128,114
           Real Estate              7,492,624             7,386,404   Amortization Of Interest
         Certificate Loans            424,335               441,415     Maintenance Reserve          28,986        (169,800)
         Real Estate Occupied                                         Income Sub-Total         $106,188,136     $137,092,804
           By Society                 793,078             793,078
         Cash On Deposit           11,372,390           9,331,469                                 September         December
         Electronic Data Equipment          0                   0                                  2013               2012
         Uncollected Premiums         110,687             165,621     EXPENSES:
         Investment Income Due      9,640,896           7,761,460     Death Benefits             $1,196,703       $1,568,544
         TOTALS                  $711,697,086        $651,598,874     Matured Endowments             44,612           36,415
                                                                      Annuity Benefits           39,533,881       65,107,124
         Liabilities and Unassigned Funds:                            Disability, Accident,
                                    September          December         Health Benefits               3,437              632
                                      2013               2012         Surrender Benefits          2,372,088          450,390
         Aggregate Reserve        $653,368,500       $599,041,260     Interest On Deposit
         Deposit-type                                                   Type Contracts               66,659            21,278
           Contracts               28,832,505            27,111,834      Increase In Aggregate
         Certificate Claims           450,000               450,000     Reserve For Life
         Commissions Due              334,500               100,000     Contracts                54,327,240       57,480,416
         Refunds Due and Unpaid       250,000               250,000   Commissions On
         General Expenses Due       1,274,800             1,454,600     Direct Business           2,509,481        3,362,323
         Retained By The Society                                      General &
           As Trustee                 253,826              500,519      Fraternal Expenses        2,725,097        3,303,440
         Asset Valuation                                              Insurance, Taxes,
           Reserve (AVR)            2,722,500             2,284,000     Licenses, Fees              100,524          133,522
         Interest Maintenance                                         Expense Sub-Total        $102,879,722     $131,464,084
           Reserve (IMR)            4,001,346           2,876,311
         Contingency Reserve          150,000             150,000
         Unassigned Funds          20,059,109          17,380,350                                September         December
         TOTALS                  $711,697,086        $651,598,874                                  2013              2012
                                                                      Net Gain From Operations
         Surplus Account:                                               Before Refunds
                                     September           December       To Members               $ 3,308,414      $5,628,720
                                       2013                2012       Refund To Members             (171,341)      (257,440)
         Beginning Surplus         $17,530,350          $13,619,454   Net Gain From Operations
         Net Income                   2,969,60            5,401,810     After Refunds
         Change in Net Unrealized                                       To Members                  3,137,073      5,371,280
           Capital Gains or (Losses)      147,651            2,585     Net Realized
         Chge in Nonadmitted Assets             0          308,243      Capital Gains               (167,465)         30,530
         Change in Valuation                                          Total Net Income            $2,969,608      $5,401,810
           Reserve                       (438,500)        (966,400)
           Aggregate Write-ins for Gains                                                                       Linda M Strom
           and Losses in Surplus        _       0         (835,342)                                National Secretary/Treasurer
         Net Change In Surplus         2,678,759          3,910,896
         Surplus At Statement Date $20,209,109          $17,530,350

     8          N AT I O N A L S L O V A K S O C I E T Y N E W S                            JANUARY             2014
Ational lovak ociety Where "Family Matters" - NSS Life
61055NSSNatlNwsJan14_Layout 1 12/18/13 2:42 PM Page 10

                                             National Slovak Society News

       Fraternal Matters...
       By: Pam Blum
       Fraternal Activities Coordinator         2014 Fraternal Activities & Important Dates
                                                to Remember

                                          The best way to find yourself is to
                                          lose yourself in the service to others.

         n Youth Achievement Award - Nomination forms due April 1, 2014

         n Fraternalist of the Year -Nomination forms due April 1, 2014

         n United Slovak Fraternals Bowling Tournament
         AMF Mt Lebanon Lanes, Pittsburgh PA
                                                                                    PVR Scholarship

         Friday & Saturday, April 25 & 26, 2014

         n PVR Scholarship Program
         First Year Applications due May 1, 2014

         n AFA Join Hands Day - Saturday, May 4, 2014

         n May Art Contest - Deadline May 31, 2014

         n 36th Quadrennial Convention - Sunday thru Wednesday,
         June 22-25, 2014 - Hershey Lodge, Hershey PA

         n PVR Scholarship Program - Renewal Transcripts due July 15, 2014

         n NSS National Golf Tournament - Friday - Sunday, July 18-20, 2014
         Sawmill Creek Resort, Huron OH

         n Youth Poetry Contest - Deadline August 15, 2014

         n Photo Contest - Deadline October 1, 2014

         n Christmas Ornament Contest - Deadline December 1, 2014

     N AT I O N A L S L O V A K S O C I E T Y N E W S                               JANUARY           2014   9
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                                                 NSS Financial Matters

                                “Relax ... your money is growing.”
                                                                       Current Interest Rates
                                                                        Effective January 1, 2013

                                                                     Preferred Choice                1.00%
                                                                     Optimum 3                       2.00%
                                                                     Preferred 5                     3.00%
                                                                     Preferred 8                     3.50%
                                                                *Preferred 7 and Flex earning 4%, these plans are no longer available.
                                                                  Please contact your NSS Life financial service representative or
                                                                         Joe Elliott in the Home Office at 1-800-488-1890.

                    Your Money is Safe and Secure
                          with NSS Life
                                                         Members of NSS
                                                                             Elder Law Management is offering discounted estate
                         NSS L                                               planning documents for members living in Western PA.
                                                                             These important documents include Wills, Living Trust,
                                                                             Durable Powers of Attorney, Healthcare Directives and
                                                                             Living Wills.
                                                                              Also offered are plans to lower potential inheritance
                                                    taxes, assist with Medicaid planning and avoid Probate cost and delays. Western
                                                    Pennsylvania members can receive 10% to 15% discounts off our already competi-
                                                    tive rates.
                                   ers                 For a no cost consultation call our Pittsburgh office at 412-456-4700; toll-
                        Family Matt                 free at 1-877-456-4700. Ask for Estate Advisor Rich Nulph.

     10    N AT I O N A L S L O V A K S O C I E T Y N E W S                                             JANUARY                      2014
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                                                 NSS Sales Department

      From the Sales Department…                                                                   But what if you died tomorrow and
      By Greg Felton, CLU, ChFC                             February is                        were no longer around to provide for
      National Sales Director
                                                              “Insure Your                     your family? Without your income and
                                                                                               all the other things you do for your
                                                                Love” Month                    loved ones; would they be able to
                                                                     What do love and          maintain their current lifestyle?
                                                                    life insurance have in         That’s where life insurance comes
                                                                                               in. It can’t put your family back the
     The Many Benefits                                              common? More than
                                                                                               way it was, but it can keep your loved
                                                                    you might realize. The
     of Annuities                                                  motivation behind pur-      ones in the world they are used too. So
                                                                                               if you think you need life insurance now
     People wonder why annuities are                              chasing life insurance
                                                                is love. We buy it for the     is the time to do something about it.
     such a good savings vehicle. Many
     times it is one key point that appeals                  people we love and want to
     to a person. Usually this is the interest           protect financially. Think of it as   A Different Way of
     rate especially when compared to bank         the ultimate act of love.
     CD’s which are currently running about
                                                                                               Expressing Your Love
     1%.                                           The things we do for love                      Preparing a romantic dinner, buying
                                                                                               flowers or planning a surprise getaway
     In reality there are many benefits to an
                                                      We go to great lengths for our           weekend are all expressions of love that
     NSS Life annuity. Here are some of the
                                                   loved ones. We work hard to provide         are sure to be appreciated. But why not
     most common ones:
                                                   them with a life filled with happiness,     consider giving your loved ones a more
     • Guaranteed minimum rate of inter-
                                                   comfort and opportunity. In fact,           enduring and lasting gift of love: life
     est. ( 1or 2% depending on the prod-
                                                   there’s almost nothing we wouldn’t do       insurance. Nothing says “I Love You”
                                                   for our loved ones. We re-arrange our       better than the promise to provide for
     • Competitive current interest rates
                                                   schedules to never miss our child’s         someone’s well being even after you’re
     (currently 3.50%)
                                                   sporting events. We put in extra time at    gone.
     • Guaranteed lifetime income options
                                                   work to save up for that special family
     • Tax deferral (3.5% after tax equals
                                                   vacation. We rush out of the office to
     4.7% taxable in a 35% tax) bracket.
                                                   make sure we’re home in time for din-
     • 10% Free withdrawals within limits
     • Proceeds pass outside of probate
                                                   ner with our loved ones.                    Thought for the Month
                                                                                               The best way to cheer your self up is to cheer
     • Values are not subject to the claims
                                                                                               someone else up first.
     of creditors
     • Special, favorable tax treatment for                                                                           Mark Twain (1835-1910)
     annuitized payouts.
     • No reinvestment risk as there is with
     • Conservative investments supporting
     annuities are regulated for your protec-
     • Flexible deposits may be made at
     any time.

     Now is the time to stop procrastinating
     and cash in that old CD. Transfer the
     money to NSS and start earning more
     interest right now. For more informa-
     tion about our products and services
     and how they can help you and your
     family, please contact your NSS repre-
     sentative or Joe Elliott in the Home Of-
     fice at 1-800-488-1890.

     N AT I O N A L S L O V A K S O C I E T Y N E W S                                          JANUARY                   2014              11
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                                                         Assembly News

     ASSEMBLY 004                                  ASSEMBLY 075                               ASSEMBLY 110
     Parma, OH                                     Duryea, PA                                 New York, NY
        A meeting will be held on Sunday,             A meeting will be held on Sunday,          Our biannual weekend outing will
     January 19, 2014 at 2:00 p.m., at the         February 23, 2014 at the Grande            be held on June 27-29, 2014 at the
     residence of Edward and Mildred               Restaurant Birney Avenue Moosic, PA        Villa Roma Resort in Callicoon, New
     Havir, 1744 Westhill Blvd., Westlake,         at 1:00 p.m. Nominations and elec-         York. Reservation forms will be mailed
     OH. This is our Annual Audit Meeting          tions for delegates to the convention      out at a later date. Please contact
     and all annual reports are due at this        will be held at this meeting.              Maryann Malik at (516) 794-9014 for
     time.                                                                  Lehrae Edwards    more information.
        The members of Assembly 4 in                                              Treasurer                            Rich DeSanctis
     Cleveland, Ohio would like to wish a                                                                                    Secretary
     Happy New Year to all of you.
                                 Sonia Vorell                      
     ASSEMBLY 039                                  ASSEMBLY L102
     Uniontown, PA                                 Schnecksville, PA                          ASSEMBLY 123
                                                      Come join us for our annual Christ-
     Delegate Election Meeting                     mas party/meeting on January 5th,
                                                                                              Pittsburgh, PA
        Our first meeting in 2014 will be          2014 at the home of Drew and Sharon           The New Year is the time for resolu-
     held on Tuesday, March 11th, 2014             Wesnak, 1727 Elmhurst Drive, White-        tions. Good luck with all you made;
     at the IHOP Restaurant (community             hall, PA at 2:00 p.m. President Blazek     they are sometime easy to make but
     room), in the Walmart Plaza in Union-         and Secretary Treasurer, Linda Strom       not so easy to keep.
     town, PA at 6:00 p.m.                         will be joining us!! Members of L102          Perhaps you can put with your reso-
        We will be electing delegates to the       and RO59 all are welcome!! See ya'll       lutions to become more involved with
     2014 NSS Quadrennial Convention in            there. Happy New Year.                     our assembly’s activities this year. If
     June 22-25, 2014 at the Hershey                                       Sharon Wesnak      there is something you would like to do
     Motor Lodge in Hershey, PA. Come and                                       Secretary     or find out about please call me at
     enjoy a free dinner and the fraternal                                                    724-242-5085. I’m open for new and
     fellowship.                                                                              interesting ideas.
        We wish all of the NSS membership                                                        As a member of NSS you are a part
     and friends a most blessed, joyous and                                                  of a fraternal group whose mission is to
     prosperous New Year!                                                                     serve its members and the community.
                              John Payerchin                                                  That being the case, I’d ask you to re-
                                   President                                                  solve to become more involved with
                                                                                              your church or some charity and per-
                                                   ASSEMBLY 108                               haps volunteer or donate to your local
                                                                                              food bank. You might be surprised how
     ASSEMBLY 059                                  West Mifflin, PA                           good it will make you feel.
     Whitehall, PA                                    A meeting will be held on Sunday,
                                                                                                 Don’t forget we are open for new
                                                                                              members. Your friends, relatives or per-
        A meeting will be held on Sunday,          March 9, 2014 at the Strom resi-           haps someone from your church may
     February 16, 2014 at the Lahutsky’s           dence, 3453 Bench Drive, Baldwin, Pa       become the next member. There is a
     home at 1:30 p.m. If needed, the snow         at 2:00 p.m. All members are wel-          $25 referral recommender fee avail-
     date will be Sunday, February 23, 2014.       come.                                      able to you for referring a new client to
         If directions are needed, please call                               Joseph Palko     us. You can call either me at 724-242-
     610-266-7346. There will be election                                        President    5085 or agent Bill Del Monaco at 412-
     of officers at this meeting. Please try to                                               264-7268. Have a great 2014!
     attend. Thank you.
                                                                                                                             Bill Knoll
                                  Nancy Sabol

     12    N AT I O N A L S L O V A K S O C I E T Y N E W S                                    JANUARY               2014
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                                                         Assembly News

     ASSEMBLY 160                                  ASSEMBLY 432                                 ASSEMBLY 737
     Lorain, OH                                    Lakewood, OH                                 North Huntingdon, PA
        Our Annual Dinner will be held on             Mark your calendars for the follow-          A meeting will be held on March 8,
     January 21, 2014, starting with a brief       ing events:                                  2014 at the home of Paul J. Godor,
     meeting at 6:00 PM. The meeting will             On February 18, 2014 - Toboggan-          9280 Clubview Drive, North Hunting-
     be followed by hors d’oeuvres and             ing at 16200 Valley Pkwy, Cleveland,         don, PA at 1:00 p.m.
     cocktails, and then a sit down dinner.        OH 44136. Please call Dave Pytel at             All assembly business will be dis-
     We hope to see many familiar faces            (440) 777-4054, or Bill Shuttleworth         cussed at this time, including dele-
     (and some new ones!) at this event.           at (440) 331-6997 so we can get an           gates for the upcoming convention.
                             John P Katricak       accurate count for how many people           All members are urged to attend.
                               Vice-President      will be attending.                                                      Paul J Godor
                                                      On February 22, 2014 - Our Annual                                       Treasurer
                                                   Reverse Raffle will be held at St. Elias,
                                                  8023 Memphis Ave, Cleveland, OH
                                                   44144. The fun starts at 6:00 p.m.
                                                   sharp! Come enjoy a night out with           Assembly 813
     ASSEMBLY 236                                  family and friends. You will be provided
                                                   with dinner, drinks, games, a DJ and         Englewood, FL
     Colorado Springs, CO                          plenty of fun! Please call one of the           Members of Assembly 813, Engle-
                                                   following to reserve your spot:              wood, FL will meet on Feb. 8, 2014
        A meeting will be held on February            Dave Pytel - (440) 777-4054,              at 2:00 p.m. at the home of Secretary
     1, 2014 at 2504 Pine Bluff Rd., Col-             Bill Shuttleworth - (440) 331-6997        Mary Jo Holker, 1048 Iowa Avenue,
     orado Springs, CO. at 1:30 p.m. This             Tony Beno - (216) 226-7005                Englewood, FL. All members are urged
     meeting's primary purpose will be to                                       Shawn Pytel     to attend as we will be finalizing plans
     elect delegates to the NSS Life 2014                                   Activity Director   for the 2014 events.
     quadrennial convention. Other assem-                                                          We will also be electing delegates
     bly business will also be conducted at                                                    for the 36th Quadrennial Convention to
     this meeting. Please try to attend.                                                        be held June 22-25, 2014 at Hershey,
                                Bob Kocerha
                                                   Assembly 434                                 PA. If your schedule prevents you from
                                                      We will hold a meeting on Thursday,       attending the meeting, but you wish to
                                                   January 2, 2014 at the Home Office at        give input for the 2014 plans, or wish
                                                   7:00 p.m. Please call Secretary David        to be considered as a delegate to the
                                                                                                convention, please advise Secretary
                                                  Blazek if you plan on attending. Elec-
                                                                                                Mary Jo Holker by mail, email (jo-
                                                   tion of delegates will take place.
                                                                               David Blazek or telephone at
     ASSEMBLY 377                                                                 Secretary     941-473-0559 no later than Feb. 6th.
                                                                                                                         Mary Jo Holker
     Bentleyville, PA                                                                                                          Secretary
        Our next meeting will be held on                                                                         
     March 2, 2014 at the Grand China
                                                   ASSEMBLY 554
     Buffett, 301 Oak Springs Road, Wash-          Curwensville, PA                              Deadline For Publication
     ington, Pa. 15301. We will discuss the
     convention and yearly plans.I will also          A meeting will be held on February
                                                                                                Please be advised that all articles,
     give an update of how our assembly is         2, 2014, at 135 McCullough Street,
                                                                                                notices, etc., MUST BE received by the
     doing. Please RSVP to me at 724-207-          DuBois Pa. at 2:00 p.m. This meeting
                                                                                                Home Office no later than the 5th of the
     0410 and join us for a nice afternoon.        will be held to select delegates for the
                                                                                                month. Every effort will be made to pub-
     tion. Hope to see you there!                  upcoming Convention of the National
                                                                                                lish the article in a timely manner.
                            Suzanne Skrypak        Slovak Society.
                                                                                                   Also, all articles should be typewrit-
                                  President           Contact Jim Stricek at (814) 590-
                                                                                                ten in regular type and original photos
                                                   7021 or for
                                                   more information.
                                                                                 Jim Stricek            Home Office Phone Number
                                                                                  Secretary                    724-731-0094

     N AT I O N A L S L O V A K S O C I E T Y N E W S                                           JANUARY               2014            13
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                                                           Assembly News

      Assembly L002 Activities                       Assembly 28
                                                     You Can Make A Difference Day
                                                                                                          As has been our practice for many years now
                                                                                                         the following once again participated in the
                                                                                                         National You Can Make A Difference Day in
                                                                                                         October 2013. We do this via monetary dona-
                                                                                                         tions and assisting with the preparation of a
                                                                                                         luncheon and serving same to the guests.
     L-R: Kristin Toman , Joelle Marticek, and                                                           Monetary Donations included:
     Joann Marticek are surveying the food items                                                          Slovak Catholic Sokol - Group 2;
     to be donated to the Sterling House in Strat-                                                        Assembly No.9, INC; Wreath 1;
     ford, Connecticut.                                                                                   Wreath 39; and Assembly 308.
                                                      Participants who assisted with the preparation
        On September 8, 2013 members                                                                      The National Slovak Society: Region 15;
                                                      and serving of the meal to the guests were L-R
     of Assembly L002 held its 24th annual            front: Carol Ladue, Nelson Ladue, Lorraine Kelley, Assembly 2 and Assembly 28.
     business meeting. Members were                   cook at the Merton House, Eileen Wilson and John Slovak Alliance;
     asked to bring a non-perishable food             Golias. L-R back: Joseph Goda, Judith Salamon       Gymnastic Slovak Sokol;
     item to the meeting. These items will            and John Tkacik.                                    First Plavecky Society Of The Holy Trinity,Inc.;
     be donated to Sterling House, a multi-                                                               Jednota: Rev. Matthew Jankola District 1;
     service community center in Stratford,                                                               and Eileen S. Wilson. Checks amounting to
     Connecticut.                                    $600.00 were presented to Mark Grasso, Director, Merton Center and vice president Catholic


                                                     Scenes from Assembly 28

      On the left accepting the retired flag dona-
      tion is Tom Marticek. On the right is Nelson
      Ladue who donated the torn American flags.

     On September 8, 2013 two American
     flags were brought to St. Stephen's
     Society for retirement. They were given
     to the local VFW Post in Stratford,                                                                    Mr. Goda with the 2013 Family Of The Year
     Connecticut.                                                                                           Mr. and Mrs. Decker (Kenneth and Diane) and
                                                                                                            their two children Kerry and Kenneth (Known
                                                                                                            as K.J.)

                                                                                                               The Decker family was nominated
                                                                                                            “Family of the Year” by the Polish Fal-
                                                     Mr. & Mrs. Goda (Marge and Joe) delegates              con Nest 307 of Southington, Ct.
                                                     from the National Slovak Society to the New               Mr. Goda presented the family with
                                                     England Fraternal Alliance Annual Meeting,
                                                                                                            a plaque and a check for their favorite
                                                     Sea Crest Beach Hotel in Falmouth, Ma. and
                                                     89th Annual Reception and Banquet held in              charity.
     On the left accepting the donation is Raymond   November, 2013.                                           Brother Goda serves as the Chairper-
     O'Donnell, Adult and Youth Program Director                                                            son of The Family Of The Year Award.
     and Food Pantry Coordinator at Sterling                                                                He was also elected to the Board of Di-
     House. On the right is St. Stephen's Society                                                           rectors.
     member Mary Bludnicki.
                                                                                                                                  Eileen S. Wilson
       On November 6, 2013 non-perish-                                                                                                   Secretary
     able food items were donated from St
     Stephen's Society L002 to the Sterling
     House in Stratford, CT.

     14       N AT I O N A L S L O V A K S O C I E T Y N E W S                                               JANUARY                   2014
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                                                         Assembly News
     Assembly L075                                 Note of Appreciation to Assembly 028
                                                      On behalf of everyone at The Thomas Merton Center, I'd like to thank you and
                                                   everyone with the different Slovak societies for coming here to serve lunch to our
                                                   guests on 10/23/13, as well as the wonderful donations you folks provided. Organiza-
                                                   tions like the ones you represent are in many ways our backbone, as we rely on the
                                                   support of many generous folks like you to ensure we will be able to meet the needs
                                                   of those who visit us for help. As always, we will certainly put these funds to good
                                                   use. We continue to see more and more people come through our doors for help. Un-
          Members of our assembly voIun-           fortunately, we don't expect that to change anytime soon due to the cuts in "food
      teered at the Wilkes Barre Veterans          stamps" that many of our guests have experienced.
      Administration Center recently by               Again, thank you, and we wish you and everyone with the Slovak Societies all of
      sponsoring a bingo party. Veterans           the best!
      were treated to a pizza party and were                                                          Mark W. Grasso, MS - Vice President
      given Canteen books as prizes. L-R:                                                                       The Thomas Merton Center
      Gary Edwards, Lehrae Ann Edwards,
                                                                                                                          Catholic Charities
      Dorothy and Gary Collins. A spring so-       ..... I WAS HUNGRY AND YOU FED ME, THIRSTY AND YOU GAVE ME DRINK, I WAS A STRANGER AND
      cial is being plannedfor next year.          YOU RECEIVED ME, NAKED AND YOU CLOTHED ME, I WAS SICK AND IMPRISONED AND YOU CARED
                                                   FOR ME ..... MATT.2S
     Assembly 731
        Mikayla and Shae Hanley, members
     of C731, enjoyed an afternoon at
     Youngstown’s Lanterman Mill for an
     “Olde Fashioned Christmas” with enter-
     tainment by musicians and other fine
     performers. They watched as artisans
     such as a potter, tinsmith and wood-
     carver demonstrated their crafts. The         Assembly 617                                    Assembly 0039
                                                                                                      Over thirty-five brave souls came
     day was topped off with a taste of            Ashley, PA                                      out to our annual Christmas Party and
     roasted chestnuts, a visit with Santa,
     and the sight of the Mill festively              Our assembly recently made a dona-           annual meeting at the Knights of
     dressed in fresh greenery and ribbons.        tion to the St. Vincent De Paul Soup            Columbus Hall in Uniontown. Following
     This annual tradition is provided by the      Kitchen on Jackson Street, Wilkes-              a delicious catered dinner, a memorial
     Mill Creek Metro Parks for the commu-         Barre, PA and was a sponsor for the             service was held to remember the sev-
     nity to enjoy.                                day. The soup kitchen’s volumn of peo-          enteen members who died this past
                                                   ple they feed each day has increased            year.
                                                   again. Our society is pleased that we              Over $250 was raised for the PVR
                                                   are able to help them. We hope we can           Scholarship Fund and a 32" HDTV was
                                                   get members to volunteer to serve the           raffled off along with gift cards, beauti-
                                                   poor at the kitchen in the future. We           ful poinsettias and other door prizes
                                                   will publish an announcment in the              and giveaways.
                                                   paper. We may make it a Matching                   Officers for 2014 were elected as
                                                   Fund Project, but we can’t do it with-          follows:
                                                   out your help. Please come to the                  President - John Payerchin
                                                   meetings and give us your help and                 Vice-President - Timothy Schwer
                                                   support.                                           Secretary - Paul M. Payerchin, Jr.
                                                      Our assembly also donated to the                Treasurer - Nancy Schwer
                                                   Catholic Social Services to help pur-              Trustee - Anthony Bartock
                                                   chase Christmas gifts for the children             Trustee - Rita Leonard
                             Our assembly          of needy families in our area.                     Trustee - Mackenzie Payerchin
                             welcomes our                                  Rose Mary Strish           Trustee - Thomas Kocis
                             newest young                                         President                                  John Payerchin
                             member, one                                                                                           President
                             year old Kaden

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                      National Slovak Society News from the Home Office

                                                                            OUR DEPARTED MEMBERS
     SENIOR MEMBERS                                                             November, 2013
     A Fraternal Program
     PURPOSE ~                                           Name                    City and State       Date of Death    Assembly
     To encourage our older members to
     continue their education and to make                Blacklidge, Leo         Apollo Beach, FL         09/01/2013     0813
     fuller use of their leisure time.                   Bowman, Earl F          West Finley, PA          10/05/2013     0377
                                                         Bryant, David R         Toledo, OH               10/29/2013     0160
     MEMBER ELIGIBILITY ~                                Buliano Jr. Thomas J    Hazel Twp, PA            10/13/2013     L102
     Any life insurance or annuity member,               Burrelli, Doris A       North Braddock, PA       10/13/2013     0434
     fifty-five (55) years or older, who has en-         Chasky, Michael W       Baldwin Boro, PA         10/28/2013     0100
     rolled and successfully completed a                 Clack, Mary             Keizer, OR               09/11/2013     0774
     continuing education or adult education             Croyle, Ernest L        Johnstown, PA            10/03/2013     0038
     course. Members may submit up to two                Dagger, Marjorie        Elizabeth Twp, PA        10/01/2013     0737
     (2) applications in one calendar year.              Dell, Rose Marie        East Huntingdon, PA      10/31/2013     0737
     COURSE ELIGIBILITY ~                                Emmons, Della I         Polk, PA                 11/08/2013     0731
     Vocational schools, community colleges              Fusco, William G        Punxsutawney, PA         10/02/2013     0737
     and universities offer a variety of short-          Gessay Jr. Stephen      Vernon, CT               03/21/1993     0110
     term courses which may include areas                Joyce, Thomas           Belleville Town, NJ      10/04/2013     0299
     like computer training, cake decorating,            Klima, Susan M          West Brownsvillle, PA    11/03/2013     0377
     photography, landscaping, small engine              Knutson, Marian         Chicago, IL              08/20/1996     0586
     repair, ballroom dancing, etc. This pro-            Kocerha, Judith Marie   Monte Vista, CO          08/31/2001     0236
     gram does not cover courses that assist             Kosco, John             Rostraver, PA            11/03/2013     0038
     you to maintain your current full or                Krajovic, Evelyn A      McCandless, PA           12/09/2012     0700
     part-time job. (Example: We will not                Kubasky, Stephen        Mt Pleasant, PA          11/15/2013     0737
     reimburse life insurance or real estate             Lacey, Olga             Commerce, PA             01/03/2013     0008
     agents who take continuing education                Leslie, Georgette M     Largo, FL                09/01/2013     0813
     credits to maintain their licenses.)                Mikulay, Charles        Lyon, MI                 01/22/2011     0381
                                                         Miller, Arthur J        Kissimmee, FL            10/12/2013     0813
     PROCEDURE ~                                         Olsen, Erwin            South Bend, PA           09/15/2013     L105
     Members should enroll and pay for the               Pavelko, Sara B         Rostraver Twp, PA        11/19/2013     0377
     course of their choice. Once member                 Peters, Adesta M        Aliquippa, PA            07/03/2013     0123
     has finished the class, they must                   Poliak, Noraleen A      Florissant, MO           11/05/2013     0586
     submit an application, along with                   Rao, Joanne G           Pittsburgh, PA           10/05/2013     0100
     verification that the class was success-            Schaper, Patricia F     Cranberry Twp, PA        10/20/2013     0434
     fully completed, to the Home Office for             Schulz, Ilse            Palm Harbor, FL          10/14/2013     0813
     approval by a National Officer. If the              Sebolt, Hugh L          Peters Twp, PA           09/09/2013     0588
     scholarship application is approved, the            Slezak, George          Sterling Heights, MI     10/13/2013     0381
     NSS will reimburse one-half (1/2) of the            Smolik, Edward S        Arbutus, MD              11/28/1993     0100
     tuition for the course up to, but not to            Stephens, Mary Ann      South Strabane, PA       08/09/2013     0588
     exceed, one hundred dollars.                        Susko, Elsie J          Hilton Head Island, SC   08/05/2013     0434
                                                         Swansegar, Margaret     Cuyahoga, OH             08/05/2013     0004
     INFORMATION & APPLICATION ~                         Synder, Harriet J       Valley Twp, PA           11/06/2013     0617
     For an application or additional                    Toth, Frank             Rockville, MD            01/26/2008     L075
     information on this NSS Scholarship for             Truman, Jessie          Powellton, WV            09/12/2013     0774
     Seniors Fraternal Program, contact the              Tuten, Henry E          St Petersburg, FL        09/14/2013     0813
     National Slovak Society Home Office                 Valli, Eugene A         Greensburg, PA           09/10/2013     0434
     at 1-800-488-1890. The National                     Walko, John A           Cedar Rapids, IA         04/03/1994     0070
     Officers are the sole authority in any              Wilk, John              Hempfield, PA            11/18/2013     0737
     decisions regarding this scholarship                Zucco, Mildred          Export Boro, PA          10/22/2013     L105
     program. Their decision is final in all

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                                                         Národné Noviny

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                                                         Youth Circle News

                                     2013 Poetry Third Place Winners

              KEATS GROUP                                 FROST GROUP                                     SHAKESPEARE
              AGES 5, 6 & 7                              AGES 11, 12 & 13                                    GROUP
                                                                                                         AGES 14, 15 & 16
                    Race Cars                                 Emu Escapee
                by: Jacob Ostrowski                       by: Elizabeth Ostrowski                                  Listening
                     Age 5 - YFC C617                            Age 12 - YFC C617                        by: Katherine Ostrowski
                                                                         I am an emu.                             Age 15 - YFC C617
                       Dave is the driver
                      Of the racing cars                          ‘Tis said that I can’t fly.                 Only letting words and sounds
                        White and black                                      It’s true.
                                                                                                                Pass through your ears and
                      Engine on the side                                       Sigh.
                         Wing on top                                  I’m gonna escape                        Without meaning to your brain,
                        Little and loud                               Through the gate.                               Is not listening.
                       Racing in an oval                     Wait for the truck to go through.
                                                                                                                  But if one would stop,
                  He crashes on the first lap.                            Quick run!!!
                                                                           I’ve done it,                        Really hear those sounds,
                                                                          I’m through.                            Contemplate on them,
                                                                      Now what to do?!
                                                                                                          They become something new and true.
                                                                             OH NO!!!
          ANGELOU GROUP                                                 The emu patrol                 How often we block the meaning of sounds.
           AGES 8, 9 & 10                                                 They see me.                        Not taking in what they mean.
                                                                      Quick!! To the left,
                    The Beach                                           No, to the right.
                                                                                                               We might hear birds chirping

                                                         Darn it, should have done this at night.        And it never occurs to us that it’s spring.
                   by: Noah Strish                         The patrollers jump out of their cart      We must really listen to our family and friends,
                     Age 9 - YFC C617                                    and chase me
                                                                                                         Then will we come to a greater love and
          Our family went to the beach for a few days.       While I try to hide behind a tree.
                                                                   AAAK!!! I’m cornered!                          Appreciation for them.
                 We went to the Aquarium and
                                                             They herd me back to my cage,                     If we stop talking for a little,
                     got to pet stingrays!
                                                               And though it may look as if                           Hear and think,
               We went swimming in the ocean.
                                                                   I’m shaking with rage,                      We will be able to appreciate
                After putting on suntan lotion.
                 I dug a deep hole in the sand.
                                                                          You can bet,
              And covered my brother to his neck                    The day ain’t over yet.
                        with my hands.                              I will escape again!!
                   We went to the Steel Pier.             I will just wait ‘til the patrol is gone.
              I rode the big coaster with no fear.                      But don’t worry,
              Being on vacation is so much fun.                     THIS time the escape
               I can’t wait to go on another one.                      Won’t go wrong.

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                                                     Youth Circle News
                                      2013 Ornament Contest Winners
                                    Youth Circle of National Slovak Society • 351 Valley Brook Road, McMurray, PA 15317

              Frosty - age 5-7                             Rudolph - age 8-10                   Snowflake - age 11-13
          Jacob Ostrowski - C617                          Ben Ostrowski - C617               Elizabeth Ostrowski - C617

               Santa - age 14-16                                 Region                              Assembly
                Madison Beatty                           Paul Payerchin, Jr. - 0039             Mary Jo Holker - 0813

                                                             Adult Member
                                                           Anna Kostrej - 0108
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       Could you use a little extra “green?”                                              Office. Upon receipt of this form completed in its
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          Recommender                                                                     change. Thank you.

          As a proud member of NSS Life, there is no better time than now to share
          your experience with friends and family. Best of all, you will receive a cash   Name
          reward for recommending someone that we end up issuing a policy to. You
          will receive a $25 recommender free ($10 on youth term) for each person         Assembly No.
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     20      N AT I O N A L S L O V A K S O C I E T Y N E W S                                     JANUARY                 2014
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