Astrology Opposes Science and Rationalism - Breakthrough ...
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Astrology Opposes Science and Rationalism Subrata Gouri∗ Nowadays belief in astrology is almost all- born baby is determined by the position pervasive. We see highly educated, as well of stars in the sky, at the time of birth. as less educated people wearing, not one The position of the moon decides the zodiac but several rings with colorful gems. Prac- sign. There are huge differences among the ticing astrologers from footpath foretellers astrologers of different countries on what to high profile astrologers have hardly any determines the proper birth time of a new- scarcity of customers. Since astrology has born baby. Some of them believe that it had deep rooted impact on people over is the time of delivery; some others opine the ages, we need to analyse this matter that it is the time of cutting the umbilical critically. cord. In ancient Greece and Babylon, The subject, of late, has become very sig- horoscope was drawn up during the period nificant, since some fundamentalist groups of pregnancy. getting overt and covert patronage from Astrology tries to explain the influence of even persons in power, have started con- the stars on different persons. People rush certed attacks on history and practices of to astrologers believing that they have some science. It is very important to achieve outstanding power to foretell one’s destiny real scientific and secular outlook in order and can reduce, enhance or control the to combat trends like the introduction of influence of stars. subjects like Vedic astrology in academic syllabus. It was initiated by previous NDA A few pertinent questions government and then onwards teaching of Before discussing the influence of celestial these subjects goes on uninterrupted. bodies on human life, we would like to discuss on some pertinent questions as The prime belief of astrology to why there is no mention of Uranus, Astrology starts with the premise that some Neptune and Pluto in Indian astrology. Why stars and planets have direct influence on there is no mention of the Earth where human destiny. In our country, the idea of we live, breathe, and acquire food for our nine planets (Nava Graha) prevails. These lives? The fact that sun and the moon nine planets namely, Sun, Moon, Mercury, are not planets is known to even children Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Rahu and nowadays. Actually, in ancient time, they Ketu influence every activity of human had been treated as planets as per the world. The question why they are called geocentric concept. People believed what planets will be discussed later. they could see with naked eyes. They believed that the sun and the moon and Astrology believes that the future of a new other celestial bodies are planets revolving ∗ Mr Gouri is a member of the National Executive round the earth. This concept was proved Committee of Breakthrough Science Society . wrong by Copernicus a few centuries later. 22 Breakthrough, Vol.20, No. 2, June 2018
General Article Then why do astrologers still nourish that Do all these events prove that during the old concept even today? birth time of those victims, the location of Again, astrology mentions two mythical the stars and planets were same? Could planets i.e. Rahu and Ketu which are astrologers foretell all these catastrophes? actually only two points of the space actu- ally. Besides, astrology does not mention the influences of Uranus and Neptune and Astrologers argue that if spring and neap other moons of Venus, Jupiter, and Saturn, tides occur due to the attraction of the except moon of the earth though they are sun and the moon, why not the events larger than our moon. Astrology mentions of human life? Primitive people believed only 108 stars out of 5000-6000 visible to that mental problems had close connection naked eyes. with the moon. This was because they did not believe in the existence of supernatural How much is man influenced by elements, which were not related to objects stars and planets? they see in their daily life. They sought ex- planation from the material world around. Astrology considers those nine planets as They did not understand the scientific rea- gods or demons. They think that one son behind every natural phenomenon. So can either be affluent bestowed with the the explanations were wrong to a large divine grace or be in adverse situation by extent. Man would think so because they the influence of demons. It depends on observed that the movement of moon and the location of planets. So, astrologers its incessant change of its shape. Today prescribe for gems or precious stones for we are acquainted with its scientific rea- mitigating the evil effects. son. The word ‘lunatic’ comes from ‘Luna’ Modern science has proved that gods or i.e. the moon. Modern science especially demons are merely the product of man’s psychology can explain many factors that imagination. So, astrologers need some are responsible for human psychological ‘scientific’ explanations’ to describe how problems and does not admit any lunatic stars or planets, millions of kilometres away factors. In 1969, American astronauts, Neil from earth, exert powerful force influencing Armstrong and Edwin Aldrin, descended on the life of a new born baby. Gravitational the surface of the moon and stayed there for force exerted on earth by celestial bodies an hour. But, they are mentally very sound; is a weak force and cannot act unequally never did they face any lunatic problems. on different persons. If one claims of any other force, one will have to explain the force scientifically as well as the method to Another notion is that the moon affects quantify that force. If stars and planets can human body also. During the new and determine the future of a baby during its full moons, one may feel that arthritic birth, the future of all the babies born at pain increases. Therefore, human body is the same time should be same. But, in affected by both the sun and the moon. If reality, they are different. Thousands of we accept this logic, it will only contradict people died in super cyclone of Orissa in the fundamental belief of astrology, for it 1999, horrible flood in West Bengal in 2000, is not related to birth-time and horoscope. earthquakes in Gujarat in and Uttarkhand And if arthritic pain increases in the new in 2000 and 2013 respectively, and heinous and full moon, why aren’t other patients or attack on Gaza by Israel in 2014 and so on. normal people affected on those days? Breakthrough, Vol.20, No. 2, June 2018 23
General Article Astrologer’s predictions and truth are capable of reading the psychology of the clients. Experienced and intelligent The astrologers often claim that if astrology astrologers even extract information from is fictitious, how do astrologers narrate their clients like a professional detective. the past incidents or predict the future so Those weak and distressed people who have correctly? We cannot refute it outright. surrendered in the life struggle, answer to The general predictions based on common all the questions of astrologers and do not sense may become true in a very small keep in mind that they have unknowingly number of cases. These sorts of incidents provided much information to them. They spread out among the friends and relatives are astonished when astrologers tell all the quickly. People remember those incidents information back to them. In many cases that come true and forget the rest. popular astrologers engage paid informers Now, how do the forecasts of astrologers for accumulating data of their customers. come true? In fact, we must keep in Even booking system and appointment are mind that there are two types of predictions compulsory for the visitors in many cases. i.e., speculation and scientific prediction. Sometimes the name and address and Speculation is based on assumptions and question of a customer have to be submit- tries to find out similarities from some coin- ted before the visit. cidences in a random manner. For example, the moment a crow flew above a palm tree, Astrologers usually make prediction de- a fruit fell down. Should we deduce that liberately vague so that they never can be the fruit has a cause effect relationship with proved wrong in any incident. Suppose the flying of the crow? No, because there a student asks an astrologer whether he is no causality in this incident. If it is would pass in an upcoming examination. seen that two incidents occur in same time The astrologer may answer, “Your coming in 5% cases, it may be said that they are days are very auspicious as Jupiter is the co-incidental and there is no cause-effect ascendant now. But it is worrying that relation between them. On the other hand, the relation between Jupiter and Mercury if the similarities are found in 95% cases, it does not happen to be well. Therefore is strongly suspected that they have cause- Mercury may work against the influence effect relationship. Scientific predictions of Jupiter. So you are advised to wear rely on facts and their inter-relationships. rings with Pokhraz to subdue the influence For example, during monsoon we easily can of Mercury”. If the student fails in the easily predict that there will be rainfall, examination, the astrologer easily answers observing the formation of dense black that Jupiter has been affected by Mercury. clouds in the sky. So prediction comes If the student passes the examination not out to be true in this case. We know the wearing any ring, it will be explained that scientific reason behind this truth. the Jupiter was in the ascendant. Thus, as- Astrology belongs to the first category. trologers protect themselves so that people It has been estimated that in 25% -30% are not aware of their falsehood. A “heads I cases, the assumptions of astrologers come win, tails you lose” scenario. out true but in majority cases, they turn But, things will be different if they try out wrong. The believers in astrology only to predict something precisely. A story remember the assumptions that come true. may be mentioned here. Bankim Chandra Most of the astrologers, using their expe- Chattapadhaya, the famous Bengali writer, rience in dealing with persons in distress, believed in astrology. He married off his 24 Breakthrough, Vol.20, No. 2, June 2018
General Article two daughters according to the advice of May 5, 2000, astrologers claimed that the astrologers, who gave suggestions after earth would face tremendous disaster as examining their horoscopes meticulously. the planets are being constellated almost These two daughters were widowed just near to the earth. But, scientists declared a few days after their marriage. Bankim on the basis of their scientific study that Chandra in a letter to his son wrote “Do our earth would be safe. In fact, the not rely on any astrological calculation latter proved right. In the same way, since any more. I have given this up after 2011, astrologers had been warning that in close examination”. Recall the incident 2012 the earth would be destroyed. The of astrologers examining the horoscope of scientists explained clearly that there was the great scientist Satyandranath Bose and no possibility of destruction of the earth. predicting his bleak academic future. And Ultimately, astrologers proved wrong and we know the truth we are still living on this planet. In the 1977 Parliament elections, Indira Gandhi was defeated and the Janata Party Can metals and gemstones alter came into power. But, due to conflicts in human destiny? the party, the stability of the government Astrologers not only predict, but also claim was in question. In July 1979, the then to be able to change the future by providing renowned astrologer and the secretary of various solutions. This is because of their Astrological magazine, B V Raman pre- profiteering motives. People burdened by dicted that there was hardly any possi- the sufferings and setbacks of life, also look bility of the fall of Janata government as forward to wishfully change their fate. The Jupiter which was in the ascendant and claim actually contradicts itself. Astrology would protect the government. After a considers the fact that all incidents of our few months, the government fell. Again, lives are pre-determined, that they have in November 1979, the same astrologer been destined at the moment of birth. So declared “In 1980, the position of stars how is it possible that the predestined inci- and planets will be congenial to Janata dents can be changed by wearing amulets Party. So, Janata Party must win. Indira or gemstones or other good luck charms Gandhi might be able to make her position which can neutralize the negative influ- a bit stronger, but will not be able to form ences of stars from our lives? the government”. We know that Indira Let us now discuss the properties of these Gandhi formed the government with an gemstones. We all know that there are overwhelming majority. 118 elements of which 91 are metals and In 1984, another renowned professional the remaining 27 non-metals. So, it is astrologer named Sukracharya, the then surprising that astrology speaks of only 8 president of Calcutta Astrological Society metals and is silent about the non-metals. had predicted “Saturn and Mars have There are some ‘scientific’ explanations changed their positions. Saturn will not be which the researchers of astrology try to in ominous side. As it is Mrs. Gandhi’s provide. They say that since metals, like ruling planet, there is no scope of her iron, are present in human body, they will losing power. This position will sustain till work upon the human body in some form November”. We know she was killed by her or the other. Many people tend to believe own body guards on October 31 that year. this logic. Even if it is possible for the Now, recall two recent incidents. On metals to have an effect over the human Breakthrough, Vol.20, No. 2, June 2018 25
General Article body but how can they have an effect like ologists opine that what we know as gem- transforming the future? stones are actually ordinary ones. These Let us now consider the fact as to how are the oxidized form of the minerals like much scientific it is to use the metals. If aluminum, sodium, calcium, silicon potas- it is accepted that metals affect human sium etc. Minerals in their pure form body, then it is quite obvious that the metal are colourless. But the presence of other which is abundant in nature should be elements or matter within them contributes considered first. But the astrologers do not to the formation of these colours. These are even mention of calcium, the element which generally oxygen amalgamated with iron is found in abundance. or chromium compound. The adulterated Now the question arises why only gem- minerals create some luminous coloured stones are used to eradicate negative effects effects. These are used by astrologers to or enhance future prospects. Gemstones mystify and overwhelm the ordinary people. are of varied colours and are beautiful too. Why not other stones? If we look back, Astrology: wrong judgment in we would find that from ancient days, man recognition of time thought of colours to symbolize different Past, present, and future; these words features. Red symbolized death or dan- reflect the ideas of time. Astrology de- ger, white symbolized peace, surrender and fines one’s future which too involves time. purity whereas black stood for sorrow or What is it that astrology mainly propa- ominous things. This did not have any sci- gates? The incidents in human life and entific basis but were folklore. The reason affairs which occur every day are pre- behind this leads us to the psychological determined as if everything has been pro- development of man in the primitive age. grammed beforehand and inscribed on our They believed that if any object created a foreheads or hands. Had all these been danger for him; the object had to be pacified known a scientific invention would have using a colour identical to it. For example if been achieved very easily just predicting planet Mars indicated danger, the use of red the future. Actually, astrology is based was prescribed. Similarly blue colour was on the theory of pre-determination which used to pacify Saturn and white to pacify is unscientific. Today, science has shown the moon. that all natural incidents are based on Anthropologists term this custom ‘sym- causality. Every incident has cause-effect pathetic magic’. This was widely practiced relationship. Nothing is pre-determined. when men lived in groups. Though these Rainfall needs an accumulation of clouds in may have been erroneous, this approach a proper density. It can be understood by was commendable as the primitive men the theory of probability which is applied in sought to explain the cause-effect relation- micro-molecular world. The exact location ship from a materialistic viewpoint. Astrol- of an electron cannot be defined. But, the ogy negates the developments of the later probability of its location can be judged. stages of science and clings to those age This is applicable for all objects. But, we old beliefs of the primitive stage of human can say with conviction that nothing is pre- civilization. determined. Let us now examine what these gem- Modern science has proved that the con- stones are. Do they have any special flict of an object with the outer world and its properties that may affect human life? Ge- inner conflict determine its future. All phe- 26 Breakthrough, Vol.20, No. 2, June 2018
General Article nomena involve these conflicts. So, future destroyed by plastic surgery. Does it affect can be presumed. One can explain possible our fate? Sometimes the life line of a baby future based on facts and governing laws. is seen indicating long life line but it died soon as after its birth. Will the astrologers Is there any objective ground for be able to answer such questions? palmistry? Emergence of astrology Telling past, present and future has been proclaimed as an extraordinary unworldly We need to answer why and how astrology, power. Despite countless scientific inven- which stands on a wrong footing, can still tions by innumerable scientists and their deceive people and entrap them by blind inexhaustible efforts for thousand years, faith through the ages. To know this, we what modern science has not achieved, must go back to the origin and history of astrologers claim to do easily with the help astrology. of palmistry. But if it were really possible, From the very inception of human civi- it would have lessened human labour. But lization, man tried to know and understand is it really possible? his surroundings. Man observed numerous First, let us examine what is palmistry. cosmic bodies in the night sky and gathered We see two types of lines in an open knowledge gradually. This study of cosmic palm. According to the astrologers, some body was known as astrology then. During of the thick lines are called heart line, some pre-historic times, the luminous stars were lifeline, some headlines etc. Other thinner supposed to influence the life struggles lines indicate health, marriage and other of human beings. During the day, the events of life. And the bulging parts which only source of light was the sun and at are separated by those other tiny lines are night it was the moon. Again, man could called the areas of different planets. Is calculate time, day-night, summer-winter, there any scientific ground for these beliefs? rain-drought, low-high tide of sea and river Astrologers have not given any adequate with the movement of the sun and the and satisfactory answers. moon. Thus, they succeeded in making Modern science has shown how palm of almanac in olden days, calculating the lines form during the embryonic stage in a month, seasons, years etc. In the same fetus in women’s womb. They are formed way, travelers while going through the in various bone joints of palms and fingers dense forest, the deep valleys and river and in the hand’s gripping posture. Science has lake, would take the help of larger planets also explained that in course of growth of a like Jupiter and Saturn or a bright star like baby since infancy, many other small lines Venus for guiding them. on palm either appear or remain perma- Man’s thought and experience did not nently along with thick lines, or disappear stand static. They observed the revolution due to daily contraction and expansion of of the sun and saw that the planets too muscles of the palm. Then, why do people had their own orbits. They saw the stars believe in palmistry that claims to define did not move but the sun and planets past, present and future? did. The path of the journey of the sun If palm lines can determine everything and the planets in the backdrop of the dealing with human life, how does a man still stars came to be known as Zodiac. live with arms cut-off or palms distorted? Keeping the Zodiac in the centre, the 18 Nowadays, palm lines can be recreated or degree wide path through which the planets Breakthrough, Vol.20, No. 2, June 2018 27
General Article journey is called the Zodiacal strip. This all human beings or during solar and lunar circle was then divided into 12 parts and eclipse food gets contaminated for all. the stars in any one part were clubbed together, a shape imagined and was named Class division: its effect on in keeping with that shape. Thus the society zodiacal signs are Leo, Capricorn, Pisces etc. Since the sun and moon changed their The invention of agriculture brought about positions in the sky, they were considered some important changes in the society. planets. Obviously this was wrong but First of all, man got a permanent source that astronomy was then at its natal stage, of food. So a large number of people were cannot be overlooked. involved in several newly introduced tasks in agriculture. Secondly, this also led to The planets and moving objects in the the inception of permanent property, which sky were compared to animals and their was the source of production. names were given accordingly in those Division in human society began to take days. They believed that like men, these place from that time. Among the fighting stars and planets belonged to a family and groups, the victorious one would kill the op- had family relationships with one another. ponents who lost the battle or the defeated They believed that the Sun and Moon were became the members of victorious groups. benevolent to man since they saw their After the introduction of cultivation and role in human life was always positive. domestication, a maiden thought struck They also thought of Jupiter and Venus the mind of the people of victorious groups as helpful planets. Mercury was not of- that the use the defeated ones in produc- ten seen so they considered it malevolent. tion process would be profitable instead of Since Mars appeared red in colour, they killing them. So, they were forced to work considered it as a symbol of warfare and for production. Subsequently, a handful of bloodshed and hence malevolent. They felt the strongest people started to force others that the influence of these planets, good or of the same group to yield to them. Thus, bad, affected whole society, in this case the they came to possess all the wealth of groups in which they lived in. society by dominating others and became When agriculture developed, man began the masters while treating others as slaves. to produce more and some questions re- Hereon, society gave birth to two ideas. lated to agriculture became important for How does society run systematically? Be- them. For instance, questions like, which cause, of a superior master. Then, as the season was appropriate for cultivation of world is also running systematically must a particular crop or in which time of the there not be a master? Thus, the idea year there would be heavy rainfall etc. of god was derived. Secondly, the idea of needed answers. It was still then that they personal interest also came. Before this, believed that the influence of the planets man would think in the interest of all in was same for all human beings. It was the society. But, the idea of different inter- not considered to affect an individual only. ests of different people also came because Rather their influence on the whole group from experience man understood that the was considered. Some traces of this belief interest of masters did not match with that are still seen in our society. Those who of slaves. They are antagonistic. So, the believe in astrology believe that the noon idea of fate came. This is found in the time of Thursday bears negative effect on literature of ancient Indian philosophy. At 28 Breakthrough, Vol.20, No. 2, June 2018
General Article its very inception, plural form such as ‘we’ nal practice to discovering new stars and was used, later it changed to ‘I’. From planets and it culminated in the birth of then, conception of division system was unworldly concepts like how human life is introduced in the interest of a handful of influenced etc.,. So, we see that in ancient people who ignored others. The idea of fate times, the renowned scientist Aryabhata and destiny later on evolved from this. practiced astronomical science himself, but Henceforth, fate of different classes be- Varahamihira played the role of a royal as- came different. Some became rich and trologer in the court of King Vikramaditya. while others poor and oppressed. As man So, his ‘Pancha Sidhantika’ is counted as did not know the proper reason of emerging the first authentic book of Indian astrology. class division in society, they explained in Thus, astrology started to determine the their own way. The idea of fate in per- past present and future of human beings on sonal life began here. Along with a fusion the basis of the location of handful number with spiritual thought, this idea started to of different stars and planets. Though influence the human mind. The luminous astrology deviated from its original path, stars were thought to be the soldiers of god. the term remained the same. It was also believed that these determined The people who continued the original the destiny of people at the time of birth. practice of accumulating knowledge of dis- As a result, man changed his views about covering newer celestial bodies, they had to the stars. Before class division, man think of a name different from the original bestowed many human qualities on the term. The branch of science which relates stars. They did not look upon these as any to the matter of cosmic world was newly supernatural objects. But, now idea began named astronomy. This was the stage to change in tune with social change. They when astrology became stagnant. It did began to think that the stars were superior not include any new knowledge after this supernatural forces which could determine stage. The misconception which had been the future and direction of human life. there in astrology persisted. But, astron- omy rectified the existing flaws in astrology Earlier, it was the kings and the masters and expanded its perimeter of knowledge. who were eager to know their future. The Astrology still believes that the sun and slaves did not have the opportunity to the moon are planets. It does not have inquire about the future. Their work was any mention of stars other than the 108 determined as serving the master class. stars. Today, even a primary student knows The dynasties would fight against their that the earth is moving round the sun, enemies in order to protect and expand but astrology still believes in the geocentric their wealth and territories. They would view. appoint royal astrologers in their courts to know whether they would win or lose; who would be the successor or heir; whether Is astrology a science? male heir would be born etc. They were The believers of astrology proclaim it to eager to know their future as they had be a science in order make it acceptable to fight against the enemies to protect or to people. It demands that psychology expand their wealth and dynasties. The as- or climatology is not science in the sense trologers would apply zodiac concept which physics is. This is because, there are was already embedded in society. unexamined and conjectural ideas found From this time, astrology left its origi- in these branches. Astrology, though not Breakthrough, Vol.20, No. 2, June 2018 29
General Article developed like psychology is equivalent to So, can astrology be termed science in science in this sense. In the same way, this aspect? some believers in astrology question that The development of science is through if it is not science then how do many continuous experiments and gathering of predictions come out true in real life? Why knowledge. Astrology is still advocating the do people go to the astrologers, if there is old obsolete notions on celestial bodies of no practical basis of this knowledge? 1500 years ago when new and modern con- Now the question is why do we call cepts have been accepted through several physics and psychology science? First of discoveries replacing the old ones. all, science does not give recognition to any There is a co-ordination among all sorts of myths, beliefs and ideas unexam- branches of science. They do not oppose ined. Science accepts that which is well- but are conducive to each other. But in experimented and examined with concrete the case of astrology, when the examined proof and causalities. Science accepts that and accepted astronomical notions about knowledge from nature which has not been the sun and moon do not match with those developed on mere imaginations. Rather espoused by astrology, the astrologers do it has developed itself as common and not pay attention or rethink. Therefore impersonal knowledge through repeated ex- it is considered as stagnant knowledge in perimentations and formulations of all op- the history of development of knowledge. erative laws and relations of nature. Thus, Astrology therefore cannot be called science as per the characteristics of science, these since its basis is mere imagination. laws and formulas are applied through repeated examinations, rectifications, in- Does astrology have any Vedic clusion and even exclusion of relatively old version? standing or trusted ideas or resolutions. Now let us examine whether applied astrol- In any stream of science, while facing ogy have any Vedic version. Previously we an unknown circumstance, a scientist as- have mentioned the first authentic book on sumes some proposals or plans of action. astrology, the ‘Pancha Siddhantika’ written But, they are not accepted in science around 700-800 AD. It is no doubt that till they are not finally proved. Taking the period mentioned is centuries after the decisions basing only on the saying of a Vedic Age. No books on applied astrology renowned scientist goes against the ethics are found dating from the Vedic Age. of science. Science rather judges the So, what existed during the Vedic Period? accuracy of a theory in various ways and In that period, astrology meant what as- tries to determine its authenticity. Until tronomy means today. Like other ancient a piece of knowledge is proved false, it civilizations, man in the Vedic period also is considered as a fact in science. That tried to determine the location of several means when the given explanation about cosmic bodies. Although, in other civiliza- any phenomena stand on observed facts tions, astronomy was practiced in respect and can explain other events, it is called of expanding mainly the agricultural-based the theory of science. Science of climatology economy, in the Vedic civilization, it was and psychology can be different in nature, related to the development of economy but they need to follow the common char- based on domestication of animals. So, in acteristic of physical sciences. So, all are our country, people tried to determine the regarded as different streams of science. location of stars and planets for different 30 Breakthrough, Vol.20, No. 2, June 2018
General Article programmes and it was conducive to the Zodiacal signs and their divisions were development of astronomy. For carrying out designed following the apparent course of these sorts of programmes, the use of year- the sun. This was so for the moon also. book or almanac was mandatory. In the In ‘khagol’, the celestial spheres of the sun age of Brahambanas, ‘yotish’ was known and the moon are more or less same. So, as a particular subject. In the literature it is very easy to calculate the course of the of Brahambanas, ‘yotish’ was called the moon with the location of the stars under study of stars and the astrologers (read the celestial spheres. The Chinese divided astronomers) were called Ganaka. At first, the celestial bodies into 28 parts of stars. the almanac was made considering one The Vedic saints divided it into 27 parts month as comprising thirty days, one year with 27 luminous stars. They were named as three hundred and sixty days, even as in the Vedic Age. The name of ‘magha’ thirteen months. This thirteenth month is and ‘falguni’ has been mentioned in the called ‘malmasa’. It was a way of keeping Rig Veda. In ‘Taittirio Sanhita’ the name balance between lunar year and solar year. of 27 stars has been mentioned. These In the Vedic Age, the lunar month which names prevail even today in the books of started from the full moon was used for cal- astronomy. culating a year. The last day of a year was From the next day of the full moon, the the full moon when the location of the moon months were treated as lunar months. The with that of a particular constellation of name of a month was given in the name stars called ‘purva falguni’ and the location of the star which marked the end of the of the sun was on the Tropic of Capricorn. full moon. Such as, baisakha, kartika start The next day was the first day of the new after the end of the full moon of Bishakha year of the month of Falguna. Some years and Krittika stars. Later, new months were consisted of 13 months. introduced as solar months replacing lunar months, but the names given on the basis A year was divided into two parts. The of lunar month remained unaltered. first part was summer solstice that marks the journey of the sun from the Tropic of Since the time of the Rig Veda, Indians Capricorn to the Tropic of Cancer and the were acquainted with 7 planets. Some of second was the winter solstice marking the them carried Indian names such as Mangal, solar journey from the winter solstice to Brihaspati and Sukra. The moon has no again the summer solstice after circumam- light of its own. The source of light of the bulation of another six zodiacs. In ‘the moon is the sun. This idea might have Satapath’ and ‘Koushitaki Brahammana’, existed in the Vedic Age. At least, the celestial points, summer and winter sol- conception of the relation between the sun stices were mentioned and discussed also. and the halo of the moon prevailed in those They were also often observed by the sages times. In ‘Satapath Brahammana’, the of this age. So, it is clear that people of earth has been described as ‘Parimandala’ the Vedic Age were well acquainted with (constellation). Therefore, many think that zodiacal signs. In a hymn in the Rig in that age, the idea of revolution and Veda, the course of the sun in the sky rotation of the earth were assumed. has been compared to the wheel of twelve We have discussed so far about space, spokes. As per the analyst, Sayan, the planets and stars as was thought about by twelve spokes are nothing but the twelve the people of the Vedic Age. First of all, symbols of zodiacal signs. there is a direct attachment of astronomy Breakthrough, Vol.20, No. 2, June 2018 31
General Article with the idea that people fostered, it is tional unscientific practice. The question not that of applied astrology. The idea of like, why it is so engraved in our society, determining the future of an individual on cannot be left unanswered. So we need to the basis of the location of stars and planets pay attention to the psychology of society were absent then. Secondly, there was nourishing all these false ideas and come no fundamental book on astrology (read out with a critical explanation of socio- astronomy) during that time. The various economic factors behind it. astronomical concepts were amalgamated It has been shown that society was di- with different hymns and verses of the vided into two parts i.e. exploiting class and Veda. In this subject, ‘the Vedanga Jyotish’, the exploited one, in the course of social the most ancient book written between 600 development giving birth to the sense of BC and 200 AD was no doubt a precious personal property and other individualistic collection of the study of space science. ideas. In this course the fate of human But, it does not have any relation with lives became different for different individ- applied astrology. This book is treated as uals. It is precisely here that astrology an almanac in the Vedic Age. Even during had begun to build its foundation in our that time, at the summer and winter sol- society. Unfortunately, even in modern stice points, the location of the stars named times, filled with unprecedented scientific ‘Aslesha’ and ‘Dhanistha’ was mentioned. and technological developments, most of The study of planets was highly developed. the people in our society are still ignorant The idea that those planets and stars were of the reality that society is class divided not the same cosmic body was known at and its impact. As a result, man seeks to that time. explain the reason behind inequalities with So, it is clear that the existence of Vedic the concept of various supernatural forces astrology is not found. Firstly, no book conjured up by their imaginations. Thus, is exclusively written on astrology then. existence of class division is the main social Secondly, the practice of applied astrology factor for the presence of astrology in the started in 6th century BC, not in the Vedic society. Age. Thirdly, it is based on unscientific no- It is true that due to the progress of tions. So, the practice of applied astrology modern science and rapid advancement of makes us superstitious and victims of blind production system, the hoard of knowledge faith in spite of development of rational of human being as well as quality of his life thinking. style has increased manifold. But, the fruit of this advancement has not reached down Why do people believe in to the poorer sections of people. They are astrology? compelled to lead subhuman lives. Why? It is very significant to raise the question The workers and peasants of the society that if it is not fruitful to human life, why who involve in our production system to do people believe in it? It is a fact that a produce commodities are considered the significant number of people from all strata most insignificant section of the society. have faith in it. Wearing several rings, some They are kept at a distance from enjoying of them perform scientific experiments in the fruit of advanced modern production laboratories and discuss about modern de- system. Unfortunately people do not know velopments in scientific inventions. Even a the reason behind this condition. So they section of astronomers believe in this irra- depend on their own individual thoughts 32 Breakthrough, Vol.20, No. 2, June 2018
General Article which are derived from blind faiths through its cause has given birth to astrology and, ages. Another point to be remembered is so far, has kept it still thriving as a dis- that the progress of history and social sci- seminating social base. Besides, prolonged ences is not in proportion to the growth rate and extreme effect of superstitions, crisis of of advancement of natural sciences. But, secular, scientific education, and absence history and social science are much more of genuine scientific outlook, even in edu- important as yardsticks for measuring the cated people, has helped it to dig deep roots human view point of the progress of society in the society. Therefore, people continue than natural science. to associate Jupiter with good and Saturn What is the present socio-economical as- with bad. In this connection, people are pect of human life? Day by day crisis is seen keeping trust in a tiny creature such increasing. A father is not certain whether as a parrot and wearing special ornaments his children would get proper education. A to protect themselves from the malignant member of a lower middle class family does influences of the planets far away. They not go for any treatment when he is ill, wear amulets around their necks, waists thinking it as his fate. An educated youth and rings on fingers throughout their lives. who has passed engineering having spent lakhs of rupees remains unemployed. A How will people stop believing in worker is under constant threat of being astrology? fired or locked out. Everywhere, uncer- The answer is simple. The factors which tainty permeates. help people believe in astrology intensely But, why does this condition persist? must be obliterated. With the growing Why does this hapless condition get in- uncertainty in society, people lose faith in tensified in the lives of common people themselves and start believing in astrology. with the simultaneous growth of science The same phenomenon, perceived through- and technology? The common people are out the ages is still continuing today. Only unacquainted about reasons responsible an objective condition conducive to build up for their condition. So, they resort to a scientific and a rational bent of mind can some false ideas. They think, fate, cruel change the prevalent ‘faith based’ thinking. destiny are responsible. They think that This change in the thought process from all these troubles of life are one’s personal irrational, unscientific to a much more matter and can be solved only by changing logical and rational one is imperative and one’s fate and destiny. As he is enslaved crucial. by his daily drudgery, he cannot think of Unfortunately, the very opposite is be- a new society which not only will ensure ing applied in our society. An attempt abundant supply of essential requirements, to induce the faith based thought system but also set a suitable atmosphere for is deliberately being implemented in the personal development, ensuring education, education system and even through the health, proper employment, security for media. Whereas higher education is being aged people and so on. In that society, curtailed day by day, the implementation all the people will be able to build their of this irrational faith-based system will no own futures instead of putting faith on doubt serve as the barrier in proliferation nonexistent mystical spiritual forces. of scientific and rational thought amongst It is obvious that predominance of an educated people because through our ed- uncertain life and people’s ignorance about ucation system, syllabi, teaching and ex- Breakthrough, Vol.20, No. 2, June 2018 33
General Article (Continued from page 21) • Astrology is an aesthetic affront. It cheapens astronomy, like using On the other hand, Sudarshan has never Beethoven for commerical jingles. missed an opportunity to make public his • Faith is a great opt-out, the great frustration. Robert Marshak, Sudarhan’s excuse to evade the need to think and supervisor and co-author has vividly de- evaluate evidence. Faith is belief in scribed the circumstances and has owned spite of, even perhaps because of, the up the three blunders he had committed lack of evidence. that led to Sudarshan’s major scientific discovery of V-A theory being not given Richard Dawkins its due [1]. About the 2005 Nobel Prize, Sudarshan himself wrote to the Nobel Com- mittee, “I am therefore genuinely surprised amination processes, a student will be able and disappointed by this year’s choice. It to learn only formulas and information but would distress many others and me if extra- will not be taught to analyse cause-effect scientific considerations were responsible relation behind all things. So, people who for this decision” [2]. have wide range of knowledge of the facts There is a strong opinion among the and figures of science are seen believing physicists that Sudarshan should have in age old blind faiths and superstations. shared the prize with Glauber. We may Besides astrology, Vedic mathematics is speculate about the reasons why Sudar- being introduced in syllabus on the pretext shan was denied the Nobel prize, but that of learning Indian culture and heritage. will serve little purpose. In an article pub- Advertisements of astrologers are rampant lished in ‘The Guardian’ in 2010, British in TV and newspapers, to the extent that scientist Sir Harry Kroto, winner of the many television channels are solely dedi- 1996 Nobel prize for chemistry is quoted cated to airing shows on practice of astrol- as saying that he believes ‘A Nobel is not ogy. These joint endeavors of these vicious just an award for a piece of work but is a agencies are entrenching these reactionary recognition of a scientist’s overall reputa- thoughts in the minds of people. tion’. It is possible that Sudarshan’s ‘not- In order to purge this process of indul- so-scientific’ attitude in some issues has gence in false beliefs completely from our stood in his way of getting a Nobel prize. minds, we need to build up a strong anti- Still, Sudarshan’s contribution to science current of movements to ensure an amount will always be treasured by scientists. As of certainty in our lives. Simultaneously we Sudarshan himself said, “I don’t do re- should take initiative to build up science search for a Nobel, I do it because I enjoy movements to cultivate scientific approach the process.” 2 and scientific temper among people across the country in order to transform the References present rigid thought process into a living thought process. The strength of these 1. Zeitschrift fuer Naturforschung, 52a, 3- movements can only determine how soon 8. 1997 we will be able to uproot all these harmful 2. Frontline, Vol. 22, Issue 24, Nov. 19- faiths like astrology from our society. 2 Dec. 2. 2005 34 Breakthrough, Vol.20, No. 2, June 2018
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