Page created by Florence Chang
                                                                                                       4.0     HUMANISE WORK .................................................................... 20
                                                                                                               Humanising the employee experience ................................... 21
                                                                                                               Nurturing your people and culture ......................................... 23
                                                                                                               Fostering diversity and inclusion .............................................. 24
1.0     NEW WORLD, NEW WAYS OF WORKING .............. 3                                                        Supporting wellbeing and accessibility ................................. 24
                                                                                                        Customer story: University of Nottingham:
2.0     A CHANGE IN THE AIR ..................................................... 6
                                                                                                        Enriching the learning experience for all ............................... 26
        Understanding your concerns .............................................. 7
        Remote working ........................................................................ 8      5.0     FUTURE WORK ............................................................................ 27
        Changing times, Changing attitudes ................................... 8                               Embracing AI and automation .................................................. 28
 Recognising the need for                                                                                      Making the most of knowledge management .................... 29
 digital transformation ............................................................ 9                         Enabling smart offices and meetings ...................................... 30
        Maintaining and building profitability ............................ 10                                 Smart offices .................................................................................... 30
        Fit for the future ...................................................................... 11           Smart meetings ............................................................................... 31
        With every challenge comes opportunity ...................... 12                                Customer story: Shakespeare Martineau:
 Customer story: ARUP:
	                                                                                                      Preparing for the future today .................................................. 32
 Digital transformation at speed ......................................... 13
                                                                                                       6.0     BUILD RESILIENT TEAMS ...................................................... 33
3.0     PRODUCTIVITY IN A HYBRID WORKPLACE ........ 14                                                         Creating a culture of continuous learning ............................ 34
         iving people the freedom
        G                                                                                                      Managing your talent for success ............................................ 35
        to be more productive .......................................................... 15
                                                                                                               Moving forward with crucial workforce insights ................ 36
        Digitising your business ........................................................ 16
                                                                                                               Finding and nurturing skills for new roles ............................. 37
        Making your digital workspace work ............................... 18
                                                                                                        Customer story: University of Lincoln:
        Cloud migration and boosting productivity ................. 18                                  Creating a resilient learning environment ............................ 38
         ustomer story: CNTW: Transforming
        the way healthcare teams work ......................................... 19                     7.0     MAKING DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION A REALITY ...... 39

                                                                                                                                                                                     Embracing the new world of work | 2

For years, we’ve heard about the digital
transformation set to sweep through the
world of business and beyond.
Some were sceptical. But now it’s happening
– at speed. It took a global pandemic to spark
this acceleration, but it’s already touched
every level of society, including government,
industry and individual consumers.

                                                 Go To Home | Embracing the new world of work | 3
While this remarkably rapid and exciting
                                                            shift is taking place, the shadow of
                                                            economic unpredictability looms large.

It’s radically reshaping infrastructures, practices,   On top of COVID-19, there are other major           On the ground, many businesses are taking a
relationships, even cultural attitudes, and some       economic factors to take into account. With         serious hit to productivity due to supply-chain
changes, such as the reliance on remote working,       Britain and the EU locked in complex trade          disruption and new workplace safety and hygiene
seem irreversible.                                     negotiations, the true impact of Brexit is still    practices. According to a CNN news report3, offices
                                                       unknown. This could influence future investment     are going to have to make costly changes to be
However, while this remarkably rapid and exciting      decisions. The UK has also seen record levels of    virus-safe and ready for a full workforce return.
shift is taking place, the shadow of economic          indebtedness. In May 2020, debt rose to 100.9
unpredictability looms large.                          percent, the first time it’s exceeded 100 percent   Dig a little deeper and we see that during this time
                                                       of GDP since the early 1960s.2                      of upheaval and hyper-accelerated change, many
A recent BBC report1 revealed that the IMF is                                                              organisations have simply sought to replicate
forecasting a growth rate of 5.9 percent for                                                               how they previously worked in the office in
the UK economy during 2021. However, given                                                                 a virtual environment. But is this the optimal
the current economic climate, any predictions                           PROJECTED
                                                                        GROWTH FOR                         way for organisations to operate in the
are more uncertain than usual.

                                                                                                           ‘new normal’?

                                                                      1.9  %
                                                                IMF World Economic Outlook, 2020
                                                                                                                 Go To Home | Embracing the new world of work | 4
There’s also an increasing recognition that
                                                                                         new workplace policies may be here to stay.
                                                                                         Our research has found that while 83 percent of
                                                                                         UK managers expect to have more flexible work-
                                                                                         from-home policies post-pandemic, 72 percent
As a tentative recovery takes shape, we believe                                          of UK employees and managers report a desire to
this crucial moment offers the workplace some                                            continue working from home, at least part-time.
unique opportunities for innovation and

creativity. Just a handful of statistics using                                           Yet on the other side of the coin, increased
Microsoft internal data from the first half of                                           remote working raises a particular concern.
2020 gives a sense of the direction of travel:                                           Sixty-two percent felt less connected to their
                                                  of UK employees and                    team working from home.5
 	5 billion Microsoft Teams meeting              managers report a                      In short, we’re seeing some remarkable shifts in
   minutes in a single day                        desire to continue                     working patterns. So this e-book aims to explore
                                                                                         the ‘New World of Work’. It’s a huge subject and
 	Video used twice as much                       working from home                      we’ll tackle it by asking four key questions:
   in Teams meetings
                                                  ‘For remote working to be a success,   	How can organisations best drive
 	1 billion Windows 10 devices,                  the first thing we need to change is   1 productivity in a hybrid workplace?
                                                  how we think about it’ blog, 2020
   up 30 percent year on year
                                                                                         	How can we humanise our
                                                                                         2 employees’ experience of work?
                                                                                         	What might tomorrow’s reimagined
                                                                                         3 workplace look like?
                                                                                         	What’s the best way to go about
                                                                                         4 nurturing resilient teams?

                                                                                               Go To Home | Embracing the new world of work | 5
     THE AIR

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your concerns
Dealing with the pandemic has been an
unprecedented challenge. And the crisis has
highlighted some crucial issues and pain-points.

Taking care                                        Doing the right thing
The pandemic has demonstrated a pressing           Organisations are also mindful that they need
need to look out for people. That can include      to address issues of compliance, trust, identity,
everything from introducing flexible working       safety of information and privacy, effectively
and best practices, to considering creative ways   manage employee lifecycles, and implement
to maintain employee satisfaction and wellbeing.   the correct health and safety measures.

Protecting productivity                            Meeting customer needs
Leaders looking to maintain the commercial         Customers and service-users including
vigour of their organisations are increasingly     consumers, university students and hospital
seeking to harness the power of data and           patients expect an ever-higher level of service.
workplace analytics, and improve cross-            Harnessing digital tools can help organisations
organisational communication.                      satisfy that demand swiftly and safely.

                                                         Go To Home | Embracing the new world of work | 7
Remote                                       Changing times,
working                                      Changing attitudes
Most UK managers expect to implement         One of the more remarkable things to come out      concern for front-line workers is a fear of catching
more flexible work-from-home policies,       of the pandemic is a marked attitudinal shift on   COVID-19, remote workers worry about the
even after the pandemic has passed. Many     the part of employers and employees alike. Both    breaking down of work/life boundaries and
employees are equally keen to embrace        have expressed a desire to see greater emphasis    the tendency to put in longer hours.6
remote working. This new mindset may         on wellbeing, inclusiveness and a sense of
permanently reconfigure the workplace.       community at work.                                 The question is: how can we support this desire to
If so, new challenges will swiftly emerge.                                                      refigure the workplace, so that it boosts inclusivity,
                                             This new attitude may have been driven, at least   diversity and creativity, while enabling employees
Learn more about Productivity in             in part, by some serious concerns that have        to work in a fulfilling, productive and safe way?
a hybrid workplace                           surfaced during the pandemic. Thirty percent of
                                             workers report increased burnout. While the key    Discover how you can Humanise work

                                                                                                      Go To Home | Embracing the new world of work | 8
                                                                   of executives say
                                                                   they have skills gaps
                                                                   in their business

Recognising the                                                    Beyond hiring: How companies are
                                                                   reskilling to address talent gaps,

need for digital                                                   McKinsey & Company, 2020

The COVID-19 pandemic has been a watershed                So how can we help organisations and employees
moment for the digital transformation of business.        gain the skills they need to achieve more in the
Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella says, “We’ve seen             changing world of work?
two years’ worth of digital transformation in two
months.”7                                                 Companies recognising the need for increased
                                                          agility are also looking to invest in resilience.
But research reveals an alarming UK digital skills        Those that fortify their people, places of work
gap. While a recent Lloyds Banking Group report8          and processes with digital tech are likely to
states that 11.7 million people lack the digital skills   recover faster and emerge stronger than others.
needed for everyday life, a 2020 McKinsey survey9
found that 87 percent of executives say they have         See Build resilient teams
skills gaps in their business.

                                                              “ We’ve seen two years’ worth of
                                                                digital transformation in two months.
                                                                Satya Nadella, CEO, Microsoft, April 2020

                                                                                                              Go To Home | Embracing the new world of work | 9
    and building                                  Digital transformations build long-term
    profitability                                 resilience and increase profitability
    In a recent Boston Consulting Group
    survey, 65 percent of executives said
    they anticipate increased investment
    in digital transformation. And for
    good reason. The report states that:

   Companies that use digital
   levers can expect their
   profit margins to increase,
                                                          12% to 20%
                                                                                             40% to 50%
                                                                                                                                20% to 30%
                                                                                                                                                                 Up to 60% less IT
   on average, by 12 percent                                                                 faster speed                    higher workforce                    error and rework4
                                                       additional EBIT1                       to market2                       productivity3
   to 20 percent. They will                                                                                                                                      (in 6 to 9 months)
   generate as much as 50                               (about half of it               (in about 3 months)                    (about half of it
                                                      within 12 months)
   percent of the additional                                                                                                  within 6 months)
   profits in the first year,
   thereby generating the
                                                  Source: BCG analysis and case experience.
   resources needed to                            1
                                                     ccording to BCG’s Performance Improvement through Digitization 2019 study, based on analysis of 40 digital resilience levers.
   fund the rest of the                           2
                                                    Enabled by applying advanced analytics to economic indices and establishing a control tower for high-frequency demand forecasts.
   transformation journey.10                         Achieved with AI and smart working tools such as chatbots, workflow automation, and decision-support systems.

                                                      From BCG experience in the insurance sector, achieved by designing cybersecurity in a uniform way for all applications and platforms.

   The Digital Path to Business Resilience,
   BCG, 2020

                             AGILITY                                                          AGILITY
                                                                                                                                      Go To Home | Embracing the new world of work | 10
12% to 20% 12% to 20%12% to 20%12% to 20%
Exploiting the
                                      latest technology
                                      can make smart
Fit for                               meetings a reality
the future
Companies that embrace
innovation are likely to be far
better prepared to face future
challenges. That enlightened
approach can manifest itself
in many ways.

Weaving AI into your organisation
can transform the way people
work. Using a common platform
to store and share content can help
organisations extract more value
out of their knowledge. And
exploiting the latest technology
can make smart meetings a reality,
where participants can collaborate
and contribute effectively and
safely, wherever they’re working.

Look ahead to Future work

                                                           Go To Home | Embracing the new world of work | 11
With every
challenge comes
As organisations recover, they have a precious   Whichever direction organisations take, there’ll be   This cultural change, supported by company
chance to reimagine the way they operate.        an increasing need for tools that enable people to    leaders and enabled by tech, has the potential
Those that do, stand a better chance of          work wherever they are – at an office, remotely, or   to give businesses both the resilience and
gaining and maintaining a competitive edge.      on the move. Technology is key. A recent Forrester    competitive muscle to thrive in a decidedly
                                                 Study11 reveals that, “86 percent of survey           unpredictable world.
Some may embrace the flexibility of temporary    respondents with Microsoft 365-powered Surface
spaces, such as remote-working environments      devices deployed agreed that their organization       When, where, and how we work is fundamentally
and hotels. Offices may become occasional        is better able to support a remote workforce,         changing. And Microsoft is in a position to track
drop-in venues for customer meetings, creative   compared to 71 percent of respondents using           the trends that are reshaping the future of work.
workshops and team-building opportunities.       non-Surface devices.”                                 In a recent keynote address12,
                                                                                                       Jared Spataro, CVP of Microsoft shared the latest
                                                 But it’s not just about the physical workspace        research. It reveals that while the global shift to
                                                 and hardware. Businesses also have the chance         remote working has brought positives, such
                                                 to boost productivity with AI that can harness an     as increased empathy between teammates,
                                                 organisation’s knowledge via the cloud. And with      challenges like elongated working hours and
                                                 more remote working, there’s an opportunity to        meeting fatigue need to be addressed.
                                                 draw on a deeper pool of talent drawn from a
                                                 wider geographic area.

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Customer Story

 ARUP: DIGITAL                                                         “
                                                                       The first challenge was keeping people
                                                                       connected and able to work with their
 TRANSFORMATION                                                        clients. Luckily, we had already made

                                                                       the decision to shift to Teams.
 AT SPEED                                                              Rob Greig, Group CIO, Arup, September 2020

For over seven decades    Setting a new direction                Arup also needed to facilitate access    Arup is now running 45 percent of
                                                                 to the high-performance specialist       all workloads in the cloud. And for
Arup has been at the      Initially, Greig met with pockets of   applications critical to its work, and   Greig, there are fewer barriers to
forefront of design       resistance, but pressing on his team   relieve pressure from its traditional    cloud adoption and innovation.
and engineering.          mapped out 3,000 servers and 400       infrastructure. Shifting to Microsoft    As he puts it, “Once you have that
                          applications that could either be      365, Teams, SharePoint and               culture of rolling forward, you start
When COVID-19 struck,     lifted and shifted to the cloud or     Dynamics 365 achieved just that.         to get that momentum and the
its existing cloud        transformed. By the end of 2019,                                                business starts to think of the ways
                          they were moving 10 workloads          Windows Virtual Desktop was
transformation journey                                           another asset. Greig was initially
                                                                                                          it can benefit from being digital
                          to the cloud per month. And then                                                by default.”
was vastly accelerated.   COVID-19 hit.                          reluctant, but one of the engineers
                                                                 did a demo for him and said, ‘this       Explore the full Arup story.
Rob Greig, Group          Responding fast                        is as fast, if not better, than the
CIO thinks cloud          As Greig remembers, “The first
                                                                 workstation I have on my desk
                                                                 in my office’.
transformation is the     challenge was keeping people
foundation for digital    connected and able to work with
                          their clients. Luckily, we had
transformation and his    already made the decision to
team were challenged      shift to Teams.”
with the task.

                                                                                                 Go To Home | Embracing the new world of work | 13

                    Go To Home | Embracing the new world of work | 14
Giving people                                Rapid advances in cloud-based technology
                                             make it easier than ever for employees to
                                                                                                    The crucial role that hardware has to play
                                                                                                    shouldn’t be underestimated either. A recent
the freedom to be                            stay connected and productive.                         Forrester Study14 states that, “88 percent of
                                                                                                    survey respondents indicated that Microsoft
more productive                              While Microsoft Office apps on Microsoft 365
                                             allow remote workers to access resources, share
                                                                                                    365-powered Surface devices had helped
                                                                                                    their employees become more collaborative,
                                             and work together with others, Microsoft Teams         compared to 79 percent of respondents without
                                             acts as a vital virtual central hub that enables all   Surface devices.”
                                             workers to collaborate. It’s underpinned by
                                             Microsoft Sharepoint, a secure content store.          Many organisations, such as Lloyds Banking
                                                                                                    Group, have taken strategic control of their
                                             Using cloud-based technology can also help to          modernisation journey by exploiting the
                                             address those clear and rising concerns about          potential of Microsoft Managed Desktop.
                                             isolation. For instance, collaboration tools within    Delivering end-to-end device management and
                                             Microsoft 365 such as Outlook, Teams and               security monitoring, it helps you focus on your
                                             Stream actively encourage communication                digital transformation while keeping everyone
                                             and meaningful interactions.13                         productive, secure, and up-to-date. As John
                                                                                                    Chambers, Chief Information Officer says, “As
                                                                                                    part of our digital transformation we’re creating

                                                                                                    a modern digital workplace and I am really
                                                                                                    excited about the impact of this new technology.”15
         As part of our digital transformation we’re
         creating a modern digital workplace and I
         am really excited about the impact of this

         new technology.

         John Chambers, Chief Information Officer, Lloyds Banking Group, 2020

                                                                                                         Go To Home | Embracing the new world of work | 15
Microsoft Power Platform, including products
                                                              such as Microsoft Power BI, Microsoft Power
                                                              Automate, Microsoft Power Apps and Microsoft
                                                              Virtual Agents can give you the ability to analyse

Digitising your                                               data, build solutions, and place innovation at the
                                                              heart of your organisation’s DNA.
business                                                      A single-view dashboard shows owner, usage
                                                              level, connections, licensing and more. And you
Forward-thinking businesses are rapidly adapting and          can easily automate essential processes using no
automating to:                                                or low code apps.

                                                              SharePoint Syntex also uses advanced AI and
 	Cope with the pressures of remote working
                                                              machine teaching to capture, classify and manage
 	Overcome disruption, for example when                      information, helping you turn content into
                                                              knowledge, improve security and compliance,
   people have to use new and unfamiliar tools                and cut down on time consuming manual tasks.
 	Simplify laborious paper-based processes                   While digitising your business can also help
                                                              streamline and protect your operations, customer
 	Plug gaps in systems with additional                       service is another area that can be significantly
   functionality                                              improved. With Microsoft Dynamics 365 you can
                                                              learn from every transaction and respond with
 	Ensure that vital collaboration continues                  meaningful interactions.
Swiftly addressing these issues is crucial, and fortunately   When the health crisis hit, many organisations, like
there are solutions out there that can simplify the whole     the Care Quality Commission (CQC), had to move
digitisation process.                                         fast. It needed to support the NHS, other health
                                                              and social care providers, and patients. So it used
                                                              Dynamics 365 Customer Voice to quickly deliver
                                                              an emergency response that was highly secure,
                                                              robust, scalable, and accessible.

                                                                   Go To Home | Embracing the new world of work | 16
We plan to use machine
learning and AI in
                                                It allowed them to survey more than 10,000
                                                home care providers. They then processed
                                                the data using Dynamics 365.
                                                                                                    Of course, while many of us are working from
                                                                                                    home, countless others are out in the field.
                                                                                                    Microsoft Dynamics 365 Remote Assist empowers
Dynamics 365 to provide                         CQC is already looking ahead. As Mark Sutton,
                                                                                                    technicians to collaborate more efficiently by
                                                                                                    working together from different locations.
insights about where to                         Chief Digital Officer says, “We plan to use machine Available on HoloLens, Android or iOS devices,
                                                learning and AI in Dynamics 365 to provide
focus our attention, and                        insights about where to focus our attention,
                                                                                                    it allows them to share their real-time view with
                                                                                                    experts, and access critical information whenever
to share meaningful                             and to share meaningful analytics with providers    it’s needed.
                                                and the public”. See the full CQC story.
analytics with providers

                                                                                                    It may be a cliché, but at times of rapid change,
and the public.                                 With periods of disruption likely to continue,
                                                Microsoft Dynamics 365 Supply Chain
                                                                                                    knowledge can be powerful. While interrogating
                                                                                                    data can help you gain crucial business insights,
                                                Management is another useful tool. It gives         analytics and AI can help people understand what
Mark Sutton, Chief Digital Officer, CQC, 2020
                                                total visibility of your supply chain. So you       they need to focus on, access the information they
                                                can keep it resilient and capable of dealing        need, and measure their use of time to improve
                                                with rapid fluctuations in supply and demand.       their effectiveness and personal wellbeing.

                                                                                                    By leveraging technology you can implement
                                                                                                    processes that increase efficiency, reduce costs,
                                                                                                    and drive scale and customer reach. Documenting
                                                                                                    internal processes, measuring key performance
                                                                                                    indicators, and incorporating automation enables
                                                                                                    you to plan, learn from, and make more informed

                                                                                                         Go To Home | Embracing the new world of work | 17
Cloud migration
Making your digital                                                                                      and boosting
workspace work                                                                                           productivity
                                                                                                         Cloud migration can help your organisation
                                                                                                         act faster, innovate, and focus IT operations
An effective digital workplace thrives on innovative                                                     on what matters most. Key to enabling and
and proven technology. Tech that employees love                                                          encouraging the ’work anywhere’ approach,
                                                                                                         it allows you to:
using, because it lets them communicate, collaborate,
and create with agility.17                                                                                	Scale workloads, applications and
                                                                                                            networking capacity on demand
Empower your employees to drive business goals, Digital workplace, Microsoft                                to meet business needs
                                                                                                          	Stay secure and resilient across
Microsoft 365 is an integrated cloud platform           Another milestone in the evolution of               hybrid work environments
that encourages productivity, engagement,               computing is Windows Virtual Desktop, a
and collaboration through a smart, efficient            desktop and application virtualisation service    	Optimise costs at a time of
operating system, mission-critical enterprise-          running in Azure. It enables secure remote          constrained IT budgets
grade security tools, and seamlessly integrated         working by allowing users to access their
workplace-productivity apps such as Teams,              desktop and apps from anywhere via a              	Migrate data with confidence to
Word, Excel and PowerPoint.18                           virtualised Windows 10 experience optimised         leverage cloud analytics services
                                                        for Office 365 ProPlus. With Windows 10 multi-      and gain business insights
                                                        session, you can run multiple concurrent user
                                                        interactive sessions easily with the same        Migrating to the cloud also gives your
                                                        deployment for more cost efficiency. And         employees constant, secure access to vital
                                                        many customers are already licensed to use       productivity tools such as those available
                                                        Windows Virtual Desktop via their Windows        through Microsoft 365: Teams, Outlook,
                                                        10 Enterprise licenses.                          Word, OneDrive and more.

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Customer Story

 CNTW: TRANSFORMING                                                     “We knew the technology could help
                                                                         keep staff working, even if they were
 THE WAY HEALTHCARE                                                      having to isolate or shield themselves.

                                                                         Darren McKenna, Director of Informatics, Cumbria,
                                                                         Northumberland, Tyne and Wear NHS Foundation Trust, 2020
Cumbria,                  Delivering services,                    Keeping
Northumberland,           maintaining standards                   connected
Tyne and Wear NHS         Initially, the Trust invested in        To help communities stay in contact       Revell Cornell, Infrastructure
Foundation Trust is one   Microsoft Teams to explore how          with frontline services, the Trust also   Manager has the last word: “The
                          much staff travel time and expense      installed Surface Hub 2S as all-in-       main impact of the Teams, Surface
of the largest mental     could be saved each year. But when      one digital whiteboards in a number       Hub collaboration during COVID-19
health and disability     COVID-19 struck, Teams had the          of locations. Remote workers used         is the ability for staff to carry on
Trusts in England,        potential to play a greater role.       Surface Go 2 as a lightweight laptop      providing amazing care to patients.”
                                                                  with tablet functionality, and
providing services to     The priority was to ensure people       Surface Pen capabilities for easy         See the full CNTW story.
1.7 million people.       remained safe while delivering          data capture.
                          services to the same high standard.
Like many healthcare      Kirsty Charlton, Clinical Manager of    With staff using Teams to
                          the Trust’s Autism Services says that   communicate with patients and
providers, it’s faced     Teams offered a rapid solution: “We     each other, the Trust has been
huge disruption in the    knew the technology could help          conducting around 1,100 Teams
wake of the pandemic.     keep staff working, even if they        meetings per day since the
                          were having to isolate or shield        pandemic began.

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04       HUMANISE

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Humanising the
employee experience
The experience of the past few                  Maintaining a connected experience                Most recently, we’ve introduced a new
                                                                                                  feature called Teams Together. It uses an AI
months has revealed some                        Sometimes, it can be all too easy to focus on     segmentation model to place participants
positive benefits of working                    organisational efficiency and productivity.       together on a shared background and shows
remotely, including less                        But this is a human challenge with a simple       face and body movements to enhance
                                                question: how can you support your                interaction. It’s designed to make it easier to
commuting, increased employee                   employees so that working remotely isn’t          manage sessions, and reduce the cognitive load
productivity and improvements                   a lonely experience?                              when engaging for long periods onscreen.
in performance. And numerous                    One answer is to set up a cloud-based home
reports suggest that a growing                  office with Microsoft 365. Features like Office
number of employees will want                   apps, Teams and OneDrive give people the
                                                power to stay connected with colleagues
to continue working remotely in                 through chats, calls and meetings,
a post-pandemic world.                          access emails, calendars and files,
                                                and securely save their files.
To some extent, remote working has
connected people on a more personal level.
The occasional glimpses into other people’s
lives may have made us more empathetic
and understanding. But there are growing
concerns about isolation and a sense of
disconnect. Counteracting this and protecting
the wellbeing of employees is a challenge
we are keen to recognise.

                                                                                                       Go To Home | Embracing the new world of work | 21
Other new features include custom layouts,     Having the right hardware is crucial too. The
which allows people to make presentations      Forrester Study19 mentioned earlier reveals that,
more engaging, even gaining the ability

to include a presenter’s video feed
transposed onto the foreground of the
slide they’re showing. With breakout
rooms, organisations can easily split         86% of survey respondents with Microsoft 365-powered
participants into smaller brainstorming       Surface devices agreed that their organizations successfully
or workshop sessions. And then there’s
recap, giving participants instant access     improved employee experience, compared to 76% of

to transcripts, recordings and any files      respondents using non-Surface devices.
shared during a meeting.
                                              The Total Economic Impact™, Forrester Consulting, 2020
But what about the fact that remote working
can sometimes lead to longer working
hours? Microsoft MyAnalytics gives people      Surface devices were also described as:
the opportunity to view work patterns and

manage their time to enhance their sense
of wellbeing.

Within Microsoft 365 Dynamics Human           more flexible to the changing nature of the ‘workplace,’
Resources, we also have a range of specific
HR solutions to strengthen links with your
                                              allowing employees to remain productive whether
employees and maintain a nurturing            working from their office, a communal space,

environment.                                  a coffee shop, or their couch.
                                              The Total Economic Impact™, Forrester Consulting, 2020

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Nurturing your
people and culture
With endorsement from the board, organisations have the
power to make the hybrid workplace a success. But to get
there, teams need to embrace new technology through
adoption and change management methodology. That
won’t happen overnight. It calls for proactive management.

Senior management can help by speaking with one voice
and focusing on three key areas: leadership, culture
and technology.

Leadership                                        Culture                                         Technology
It’s important to devise a strategy that helps    People are the beating heart of any             Having the right technology platform can
people work effectively regardless of location,   organisation. An effective culture gives them   nourish a strong community culture.
enables collaboration, encourages creativity      the means to be productive, and the power to
and maintains a sense of cohesion and shared      innovate, adapt and progress.
purpose. Regular and clear communications
from leaders can help keep people feel valued,
‘in the loop’ and an important part of an
organisation’s mission and culture.

When these three areas work in concert, it encourages
the sort of improved co-operation that’s possible
through Teams – a single, safe space in which
employees can chat, call, meet and generate ideas.

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Fostering                                                                                          Supporting
diversity and                                                                                      wellbeing and
inclusion                                                                                          accessibility
In April 2020, the IDC produced an influential   Inequality and reduced social mobility are        Work-related stress has a negative effect on
survey – The Impact of Employer and              often driven by lack of quality education         wellbeing. And it has economic repercussions
Employee Engagement.20 It reveals that           and work opportunities. But the increasingly      too, with many working days lost to illness.
focusing on diversity and inclusion has a        digital workplace, with its need for different
profound impact on creating a ‘people-first’     skill sets and flexible working, can contribute   Leaders can support the mental health of their
culture in which employees feel part of one      to overcoming some of these problems.             employees by promoting a culture of sharing
team shaping business outcomes.                                                                    and learning, and by empowering employees
                                                                                                   to manage their work-life balance.
Establishing a standardised approach to
employee engagement increases employee                                                             During the pandemic, this issue has become even
commitment and productivity, lowers costs,
                                                    Whatever the post-COVID-19                     more urgent, with workers reporting increased
and generates higher profits. And an                digital workspace looks like,                  burnout, and many experiencing a rise in work
                                                                                                   chats between 5pm and midnight.22
increasing amount of research on the                inclusion and accessibility can
effects of overall Environment, Social, and
Governance (ESG) measures, emphasises
                                                    be driven by a simple mantra:                  Support can take many forms. Line managers
                                                                                                   can monitor workloads and take action if needed.
the positive financial implications of ‘doing       ‘leave no one behind’.                         They can also stress the importance of regular
good’ as a company.21                                                                              breaks and holidays, screen downtime and
                                                                                                   ignoring work emails out of hours.

                                                                                                       Go To Home | Embracing the new world of work | 24
Perhaps paradoxically, tech has a role in             A culture that promotes individual wellbeing       Microsoft 365 comes with accessibility
supporting wellbeing. Within Microsoft 365,           and accessibility is naturally going to be more    built-in to give people with different abilities
employees can access the MyAnalytics                  diverse and inclusive. Tech has a role to play     the freedom to create, communicate and
dashboard, while individual users can use it to see   here too. Microsoft products and services are      collaborate. For instance, Office 365
their own activity levels and get automated help      designed to empower people with vision,            applications work seamlessly with screen
to improve their focus and wellbeing.                 hearing, neurodiversity, learning, mobility        readers and keyboards on most devices, Tell
Managers can detect broad themes and trends           or mental health disabilities.                     Me lets you quickly access commands without
across their organisations. At all times, data                                                           navigating the command ribbon, and Office
privacy is paramount.                                 Windows 10 and Microsoft 365 apps have             Lens helps you transform text on a printed page
                                                      built-in and third-party accessibility features,   into digital content that can be read aloud.
Remote workers have also lost some of those           which let users choose how to interact with
breaks in the day that allowed them to recharge.      their screen and work effectively, whether         And in a world increasingly being shaped by
                                                      they have a disability, personal preference,       AI, it too is being harnessed to amplify human
So next year we’ll be adding a feature to Teams       or simply a unique work style.                     capabilities and support people with disabilities.
that lets people schedule a ‘virtual commute’,                                                           For instance, the University of Texas is working
to give them a productive start in the morning                                                           with Microsoft Research on an Ability Initiative
and a chance to disconnect in the evening.                                                               to improve the accuracy of automatic image
And because 70 percent of people feel that                                                               descriptions of photos captured by
meditation could help them reduce their stress                                                           people with no or poor vision.
levels, we’ve partnered with Headspace to bring
users a curated set of mindfulness experiences
and science-backed meditations.23

And in a world increasingly being shaped by
AI, it too is being harnessed to amplify human
capabilities and support people with disabilities.

                                                                                                              Go To Home | Embracing the new world of work | 25
Customer Story

UNIVERSITY OF NOTTINGHAM:                                                                  To say we are at the beginning of
                                                                                           this journey is an understatement.

ENRICHING THE LEARNING                                                                     Dr. Luis Neves, Faculty of Engineering and Digital

                                                                                           Learning Director, University of Nottingham

Limited by ageing          The university began its cloud             Reinforcing access and                    Cloud Solution Specialist points out,
                           migration traditionally, but had to        equality                                  “With Azure, we can now spin up a
hardware, the University   swiftly adapt when COVID-19 struck.                                                  64-core virtual machine to help
of Nottingham needed       Nick Mount, Digital Learning               Another challenge the university          them advance their work.”
a scalable, long-term      Director for the Faculty of Social         faced was unequal access for
                                                                                                                Researchers can also benefit from
                           Sciences says, “It was clear from          students with inferior computers.
computing solution         the get-go that Microsoft Teams            So the university turned to Windows       Azure Cognitive Services. It offers
that could empower         and the rest of our Microsoft              Virtual Desktop – a desktop and           speech-to-text capabilities that
                                                                                                                enable them to transcribe audio
new ways of learning,      infrastructure were going to               app virtualisation service running
                                                                                                                to text in more than 30 languages.
                           be absolutely central.”                    on Azure.
researching, and
                                                                                                                It’s clear that the university has
teaching.                  Innovating in the era of                   Dr. Luis Neves, Faculty of
                                                                                                                already found the move to Azure
                           remote learning                            Engineering and Digital Learning
                                                                                                                advantageous. But the best is yet
It soon focused on                                                    Director says, “Windows Virtual
                                                                                                                to come. “To say we are at the
                           “In terms of delivering real-time          Desktop is an equaliser, because it
Microsoft Azure and        remote learning sessions, Teams            grants every student access to the        beginning of this journey is an
Microsoft 365, with        really showed its mettle,” says Dr. Neil   same computing power.”                    understatement,” says Dr. Neves.
particular emphasis        Hughes, Digital Learning Director                                                    Learn more about the University of
                           and Director of Modern Language            Delivering scalability
on Microsoft Teams.        Teaching, Faculty of Arts. “I’ve been
                                                                                                                Nottingham’s journey.
                                                                      Researchers at the university used to
                           able to move to a more interactive
                                                                      be limited by the processing power
                           lecture format, with some students
                                                                      of their computers. But as Ross
                           more engaged than they were
                                                                      Shonfeld, Technical Manager and
                           during normal face-to-face sessions.”

                                                                                                      Go To Home | Embracing the new world of work | 26
         Go To Home | Embracing the new world of work | 27
Embracing AI                                      In the current crisis, selling to customers has
                                                  become a digital rather than a face-to-face skill.
and automation                                    Microsoft Dynamics 365 Sales empowers
                                                  organisations to provide an end-to-end digital
                                                  buying experience across every stage of the
How can incorporating innovation and AI into      customer journey, from demand response to
your organisation enhance its value and enable    transaction. Businesses can adjust to fluctuations
everyone to use technology in a meaningful way?   in demand by scaling their sales resources, arming
Exploiting the potential of AI can:24             digital sellers with training/skilling and next best
                                                  action enablement resources. In addition, with
 	Help optimise business processes               unified relationship data across the full customer
   to improve efficiency, cut costs               lifecycle, organisations can utilise artificial
                                                  intelligence to generate actionable insights to
   and generate new revenue
                                                  create more meaningful customer connections.
 	Empower employees and increase                 In times of uncertainty, front-line workers,
   productivity by reducing time spent            customers, and citizens reach out in higher
   on repetitive tasks, as well as                volumes seeking guidance, reassurance, and
   facilitating machine teaching and              clarity. Microsoft Dynamics for Customer Service
   reinforcement learning                         provides built-in intelligence, automation, and
                                                  mixed reality to ensure teams are properly
 	Improve customer service with end-             resourced to provide real-time support.
   to-end customer management, and                Collectively, these technologies empower your
                                                  service teams to act as the trusted front line of
   real-time behaviour prediction and             your company – by providing meaningful insights
   data monitoring                                and connected experiences from anywhere,
                                                  at any time.

                                                                                  Go To Home | Embracing the new world of work | 28
Making the most   The most effective way to create, share, use
                  and manage your organisation’s knowledge
                                                                   Another day-to-day way to share knowledge
                                                                   is through Teams. As millions of us discovered
of knowledge      is through a multi-disciplinary approach. That
                  means using a common platform to store and
                                                                   during lockdown, you can use it to easily share
                                                                   files and store them by Chat or Team group.
management        share your content – from HR handbooks to
                  data-security policies.                          And there’s another knowledge management
                                                                   tool that lets you integrate your entire
                  Microsoft SharePoint is a globally popular       knowledge network: Project Cortex.
                  solution. You can use it simply as a medium
                  for intranet sites. But organisations can also   It uses AI to deliver ‘just-in-time’ knowledge
                  adapt and build useful things with it – from     within the apps you use every day. It scans
                  basic content repositories for teams to          and analyses content across teams and systems,
                  large-scale systems that track sophisticated     extracting important information, and auto-
                  business processes.25                            organising content into shared topics like
                                                                   projects, products, processes and customers.
                                                                   So you can access knowledge topics from
                                                                   Teams, Outlook and Sharepoint, anywhere,
                                                                   anytime, within a consistent Microsoft 365
                                                                   user experience.

                                                                       Go To Home | Embracing the new world of work | 29
Enabling                  Smart offices
smart offices             Azure Digital Twin allows you to model your physical
and meetings              space digitally. You can then add the real-time location
                          of people in that physical space, and what devices
                          they’re using. Hooked up to Microsoft Internet of
                          Things (IoT) devices through the cloud, it creates a
Physical meeting          totally joined-up experience:
spaces aren’t going
to disappear. But with     	Employees admitted from lobby to office
people working across        areas via facial recognition – no ID cards
multiple locations,        	Visitors auto-checked-in on arrival and
                             connected to wireless network
not just a single room,
they’ll need to be         	Kiosks on each floor use IoT sensors to
                             show visitors room availability in real time
more carefully
                           	Wayfinding app shows visitors how to get
managed, responsive          to their room
to user needs, and
                           	Employees book a room with a single click
conducive to

                                                         Go To Home | Embracing the new world of work | 30
Smart meetings
IoT sensors linked to Azure Digital Twin
allow facilities managers to auto-control
office temperatures, lighting and ventilation
– enhancing personal comfort, simplifying          To help create workspaces where people      The ability for our teams
management and cutting costs. See how              can collaborate effectively and safely,     to seamlessly connect to
Microsoft is turning its HQ into a smart campus.   both remotely and from the work site,
                                                   it’s important to enable an experience      meetings, share content,
As the pandemic fades, and organisations           where every attendee is a first-class       work through issues in
gain the confidence to return to the               participant. As organisations continue
workplace, Azure IoT can help safeguard            the transition back to the office, shared   whiteboarding sessions
the work environment, by reducing the risk         space devices like Microsoft Teams          regardless of location
of transmission with contactless interfaces,       Rooms and Surface Hub will be critical
proximity monitoring and thermal screening.        tools in delivering the ultimate hybrid     through Microsoft Teams
And with Power Platform, you can use a set
                                                   workplace experience.                       and on Surface Hub ensures
of apps and dashboards to determine the            You can deploy Microsoft Teams Rooms        we can keep cargo moving
readiness of workplace locations, identify         into spaces of any size, from very small
COVID-19 hotspots, and keep employees              huddle areas to extra-large conference      at all times, regardless
                                                                                               of circumstances.

safe with self-service tools and screening.        rooms. And with new Surface Hub 2S,
                                                   you can make the most of an all-in-one
                                                   digital whiteboard, meetings platform,
                                                   and collaborative computing device that
                                                   brings people together, no matter where     Fabio Catassi, Chief Technology Officer at MSC
                                                                                               Mediterranean Shipping Company
                                                   they’re working.

                                                                                                   Go To Home | Embracing the new world of work | 31
Customer Story

 SHAKESPEARE MARTINEAU:                                                                   Without those devices, much of the
                                                                                          firm wouldn’t have been able to

 PREPARING FOR THE                                                                        work from home securely.

                                                                                          Dal Virdi, IT Director, Shakespeare Martineau

The experience of top       “It was really important to facilitate    deployment, users were given              A COVID-19-secure
                            agility across the firm,” says IT         permissions to securely log on to         environment for the future
UK law firm, Shakespeare    Director, Dal Virdi. “Microsoft           the firm’s Azure tenancy to access
Martineau, reveals how      Surface gives our staff the freedom       and download scripts they could           Almost everyone in the firm now
innovation, exploiting      to work in a way that suits their lives   then run to automate the new              has their own Surface laptop, Arc
                            whilst maximising productivity.”          upgraded build on their Surface           mouse and personal headset, and
the latest technology and                                             laptops.                                  offices are being reconfigured to be
creating a collaborative    When COVID-19 hit, fee earners                                                      pure hot-desking environments that
working environment         used their new Surface laptops to         Better Teams working                      are clinically clean.
                            operate at home. “Without those
can strengthen an           devices, much of the firm wouldn’t        Another challenge for all law firms is    Shakespeare Martineau’s roll-out
organisation’s ability      have been able to work from home          client confidentiality. So enabling       of Surface devices has delivered
                            securely,” continues Virdi.               internal users to access key              improved morale, increased
to overcome future                                                    Microsoft apps had unexpected             productivity, reduced downtime,
challenges.                 The new Surface laptops also              benefits. As Virdi explains, “Because     an increase in billable hours and
                            enabled the team to optimise the          of the security concerns around           enhanced client satisfaction.
Seeking to provide          user experience, by deploying             other video conferencing platforms,
                            Microsoft 365 apps, including             many clients will only use Microsoft      See the full Shakespeare Martineau
people with the right       Teams and OneDrive. To support                                                      customer story.
                                                                      Teams for calls and collaboration.”
working tools, the
company started to
identify the technologies
it needed.

                                                                                                       Go To Home | Embracing the new world of work | 32

  Go To Home | Embracing the new world of work | 33
Creating a culture of
continuous learning

An effective culture not
only gives people what they
need to work in the here
                                      People drive your business, and it’s important to support them in as many ways as
                                      possible. Beyond facilitating remote work and new safety processes, that includes
                                      helping to re- and upskill your employees.

and now, but also the power
to innovate, adapt and
                                      The most successful organisations will be the ones that
progress for the future.

                                      transform both technically and culturally, equipping
                                      their people with the skills and knowledge to become
Nick Hedderman, Modern Work           the best competitive asset they have.

and Security Lead, Microsoft UK

                                      Simon Lambert, Chief Learning Officer for Microsoft UK

                                                                                               Go To Home | Embracing the new world of work | 34
1. Assess current
                                                   workforce skills

                                                                                                      Managing your
                                                                                                      talent for success
                           2. Determine            3. Create a plan to                              From the way people job hunt to staff
                               future needs             bridge the gaps                               management, huge shifts were taking
                                                                                                      place in the world of work long before the
                                                                                                      pandemic struck.

The key is to create a culture that embraces      Creating a learning environment can arm your        Technology now gives organisations new
continuous learning. Perhaps the most             employees with the skills they need to thrive       ways of working, hiring, and interacting with
effective first step towards that goal is to      within the hybrid workplace. And taking an          employees. Advanced HR management
identify your organisation’s skills gaps and      inclusive approach can pay dividends too.           systems can help seek out the best potential
then create a roadmap to get your business        In many instances, that can be achieved by          recruits. And once someone’s part of the
where it needs to be.                             simply asking people what they want to learn,       team, those same systems can energise their
                                                  listening to feedback, and then responding to it.   personal development.
With this approach, technology can be seen
as a feature that optimises employees’            For employees who aren’t office-based,              Microsoft Dynamics 365 Human Resources
experiences, enhancing everything from            Dynamics 365 Guides is a smart way to support       is an HR management platform that delivers
individual productivity to job satisfaction       and encourage learning. It delivers timely          everything you need to optimise human
and peer-to-peer learning.24                      on-the-job guidance, sharing step-by-step           resource management and care for your
                                                  holographic instructions, photos, videos and        people. It works seamlessly with other
                                                  3D models that can help reduce errors,              Microsoft Dynamics 365 apps, Microsoft
                                                  reinforce skills, and close knowledge gaps.         365 services like Outlook – and LinkedIn.

                                                                                                           Go To Home | Embracing the new world of work | 35
Moving forward with                                                            You can use the insights to promote skills, nurture
                                                                               new leaders, or break down silos and develop
crucial workforce insights                                                     powerful cross-disciplinary networks. Microsoft
                                                                               Dynamics 365 Human Resources has a role to play
                                                                               here too. It lets you manage:
Many organisations are eager to        Using data from everyday work in
adapt. And they know where they        Microsoft 365, it gives you a dynamic
want to be. But getting there can      view of how people are interacting,      	Admin details – comprehensive
be difficult if you don’t understand   allowing you to respond swiftly to         worker info from hire to retire
where you are right now.               improve employee experiences,
                                       and sharpen customer focus.              	Performance vs. salary information
That’s why having a clear picture of
                                                                                  – implement and track profile-based
how an organisation is functioning     That can help foster productivity,
is crucial to enhancing employee       but it can also protect wellbeing.         time management and generate pay
productivity and their working         With Workplace Analytics and               information to export to a payroll system
experience. Microsoft Workplace        MyAnalytics now integrated
Analytics can help you delve deep      within Teams, you can assess             	Upskilling – review performance,
to understand and reshape your         how your workforce is faring               implement worker goals, and set up,
workplace culture.                     in these challenging times,                deliver and analyse training courses
                                       and act fast to take action
                                       if needed.

                                                                                       Go To Home | Embracing the new world of work | 36
Finding and nurturing
skills for new roles
Arming your people with the right skills can ensure    While Microsoft Envision UK has recently
that everyone moves forward together, and that all     launched ‘Get on 2021’, a five-year
are capable of making a meaningful contribution.       campaign to help 1.5 million people build
                                                       careers in technology, our digital skills
Those organisations that build talent streams and      website is a powerful learning hub that
make informed use of AI and automation can make        reinforces our commitment to helping
it easier for employees to optimise the knowledge      people achieve more.
at their disposal. It’s becoming clear that actively
embracing a culture of ongoing learning can            And both Microsoft Learn and LinkedIn
lead to more resilience, adaptability, and             Learning represent a huge reservoir of
ultimately, improved performance.                      professional courses that people can
                                                       easily access, as and when they need to.
Moving forward, the transformed digital
workspace is going to see an increased
demand for new skills. Indeed, over the                                  AN ESTIMATED
next five years, estimates suggest there will

be approximately 149 million new tech jobs.
So it’s crucial that businesses start thinking today
about the skills they might need tomorrow.27

                                                                         NEW TECH JOBS
                                                                         OVER THE NEXT

                                                                         5 YEARS
                                                          10 roles and skilling resources for job seekers in the
                                                          new normal, Microsoft blog, 2020
                                                                                                                   Go To Home | Embracing the new world of work | 37
 Customer Story

 UNIVERSITY OF LINCOLN:                                                                 Remote learning is going to remain
                                                                                        as one of the toolsets we’ll use to
 CREATING A RESILIENT                                                                   enhance the student experience.

                                                                                        Dr. Derek Foster, Computer Science Programme Leader,
                                                                                        University of Lincoln
The University of Lincoln   Continuing learning                    Digital delivery into
has an international        through COVID-19                       the future
reputation for the          Usually, Computer Science learning     Microsoft Teams helped teachers         Given this success, the university
quality of its teaching     takes place at the university’s        and students to adapt. Dr. Derek        plans to integrate Microsoft Teams
                            impressive new Isaac Newton            Foster, Computer Science                into its ongoing operations. Dr.
and research.               Building. But in March 2020, that      Programme Leader says,                  Foster says, “Remote learning is
                            changed suddenly.                      “Microsoft Teams had a really           going to remain as one of the
Cloud computing plays                                              important role to play in terms         toolsets we’ll use to enhance the
an important role in the    Like many higher education             of one-to-one support, smaller          student experience.”
                            institutions, the university had to
university’s highly         quickly adapt its teaching and
                                                                   group meetings, as well as larger
                                                                                                           Read the full University of Lincoln
                                                                   group meetings. Students picked
ranked Computer             learning approach to ensure that       it up very, very quickly.”              customer story.
Science programme.          students and staff could continue to
                            enjoy a safe and positive              The close integration of Microsoft
But when COVID-19           experience. Deputy Vice Chancellor     Teams with other essential
struck, Microsoft cloud     Professor Liz Mossop says, “We         learning tools, such as Microsoft
solutions began to play     moved very quickly to move all our     Word, as well as the security and
                            teaching and learning online within    integrity of the Microsoft 365
an even more important      24 hours.”                             platform, are highly valued by
role for all students.                                             staff and students alike.

                                                                                                  Go To Home | Embracing the new world of work | 38
                 Go To Home | Embracing the new world of work | 39
Learn more
                                                                                                 Productivity in a hybrid workplace:
           Take a walk through the once bustling commercial                                      Teams
           centres of our cities and you soon realise that a                                     Remote Assist
                                                                                                 Windows Virtual Desktop
           new world of work has arrived.                                                        Microsoft Dynamics 365

                                                                                                 Humanise work:
                                                                                                 Microsoft 365
The hybrid workplace is here. So organisations   We are here to help make your digital           Teams
are having to rapidly rethink how they manage    transformation a reality. As a result, you      Accessibility features
their people and processes. Being successful     can create a more agile and competitive
                                                                                                 Future work:
is all down to focusing on clear leadership,     organisation, develop a culture that fosters
a willingness to embrace new cultures and        continuous learning, and deliver an
                                                                                                 Power Automate
the informed use of technology.                  improved bottom line.
                                                                                                 Dynamics 365 Customer Insights
The new workplace can be reimagined with         Above all, you’ll be setting your people free   Teams Hardware
cloud computing that can boost productivity,     from an outmoded workplace culture and
                                                                                                 Build resilient teams:
harness the power of knowledge and protect       ready to achieve their potential in a more
                                                                                                 Digital Skills
what matters most. It can also be enlivened by   intelligent, technology-enabled world.
                                                                                                 Workplace Analytics
enabling employees with devices that empower
                                                                                                 Microsoft Learn
and engage them.
                                                                                                 AI Business School

                                                                                                      Go To Home | Embracing the new world of work | 40
  IMF upgrades 2020 economic forecast but            11 	Maximizing Your ROI From Microsoft 365           18 	Building a modern workplace with Microsoft
  warns of a slower 2021, BBC, 13 October 2020            Enterprise With Microsoft Surface, a                  365, Microsoft corporate website, accessed
                                                          commissioned Total Economic Impact™ study             19/10/20
  Creating a blueprint for UK competitiveness             conducted by Forrester Consulting, July 2020
  e-book, Microsoft, 2020                                                                                  19 	Maximizing Your ROI From Microsoft 365
                                                     12 	The Future of Work, Microsoft keynote, 22             Enterprise With Microsoft Surface, a
  The pandemic is turning into a super-                   September 2020                                        commissioned Total Economic Impact™ study
  expensive business quagmire, CNN, 20                                                                          conducted by Forrester Consulting, July 2020
  August, 2020                                       13 	Four ways to enable the Anywhere Office,
                                                          Microsoft e-book, 2020                           20 	The Impact of Employer and Employee
  IMF World Economic Outlook, June 2020                                                                         Engagement, IDC survey, April 2020
                                                     14 	Maximizing Your ROI From Microsoft 365
  For remote working to be a success, the first           Enterprise With Microsoft Surface, a             21 	Digital Transformation 2.0, The Partner
  thing we need to change is how we think                 commissioned Total Economic Impact™ study             Journey to Disruption, IDC e-book sponsored
  about it, Microsoft, 8 September 2020                   conducted by Forrester Consulting, July 2020          by Microsoft, August 2020
  Microsoft Work Trend Index                         15 	Lloyds Banking Group and Microsoft form          22 	Microsoft Work Trend Index
7 	2 years of digital transformation in 2 months,        partnership to accelerate bank’s digital
                                                          transformation strategy, Microsoft, 16 January   23 Microsoft Work Trend Index
    Microsoft, 30 April 2020
                                                          2020                                             24 	Put AI into action and empower everyone in
8 	Locked out before lockdown: 9 million                                                                       your organization, Microsoft blog, 23 June 2020
    people struggled to get online, Lloyds           16 	The Microsoft Digital Transformation Series,
    Banking Group, 21 May 2020                            Part 4: Optimizing Operations, IDC e-book,       25 	Microsoft SharePoint and Knowledge
                                                          2020                                                  Management Systems, KPS, 2019
9 	Beyond hiring: How companies are reskilling
    to address talent gaps, McKinsey & Company       17 	Empower your employees to drive business         26 	10 roles and skilling resources for job seekers in
    survey, 12 February 2020                              goals, Microsoft corporate website, accessed          the new normal, Microsoft blog, 19 August 2020
10 	The Digital Path to Business Resilience, BCG,                                                         27 	10 roles and skilling resources for job seekers in
     6 July 2020                                                                                                the new normal, Microsoft blog, 19 August 2020

                                                                                                                Go To Home | Embracing the new world of work | 41
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