Association for Research at University Nuclear Accelerators - Interconnected collective of 11 institutions

Page created by Vernon Edwards
Association for Research at University Nuclear Accelerators - Interconnected collective of 11 institutions
Association for Research at University Nuclear Accelerators
 Interconnected collective of 11 institutions
LECM 2021 – ARUNA Overview

Association for Research at University Nuclear Accelerators - Interconnected collective of 11 institutions
ARUNA in a Nutshell

 Nuclear Science Advisory Committee (NSAC) Long Range Plan 2015
 “We recommend increasing investment in small-scale and mid-scale projects and initiatives that enable forefront
LECM 2021 – ARUNA Overview

 research at universities and laboratories. […]”

 ARUNA’s core mission

 Maximize and optimize the use of all nuclear accelerator facilities at universities in the U.S.
  ARUNA institutions host world-unique experimental capabilities/facilities, including high-intensity photon
 beams, ultra-low background conditions, intense neutron sources, high-intensity stable and radioactive ion

 Provide unique training opportunities for the next-generation nuclear workforce
  20% of US nuclear-physics PhDs come from ARUNA institutions

 Mount innovative science programs and complement science program of National Laboratories
  ARUNA institutions perform research in nuclear structure, nuclear astrophysics, to test fundamental
 symmetries, and to apply nuclear-physics techniques to national security, nuclear power and to benefit society.
 2  ARUNA members are main contributors to the science program at FRIB, ANL and other national laboratories.
Association for Research at University Nuclear Accelerators - Interconnected collective of 11 institutions
Association for Research at University Nuclear Accelerators
 Interconnected collective of 11 institutions
LECM 2021 – ARUNA Overview

Association for Research at University Nuclear Accelerators - Interconnected collective of 11 institutions
Graduates from ARUNA institutions (2019-2021)
 ARUNA graduates went on to work at, e.g., FRIB, the different national laboratories including ANL, BNL, LLNL,
 and PNNL, at NASA, at the US Department of Defense, at Northrop Grumman, Duo Security, and Intel Corp.
 2019 2020 2021
LECM 2021 – ARUNA Overview

 Abromeit, Brittany (Ph.D., Tabor, FSU) Aguilar, Sebastian (M.S., Ahn, Notre Dame) Agarwal, Shiva (M.S., Famiano, WMU)
 Anastasiou, Maria (Ph.D., Wiedenhöver, FSU) Anderson, Tyler (Ph.D., Collon, Notre Dame) Asher, Benjamin (Ph.D., Almaraz-Calderon, FSU)
 Bagdasarova, Yelena (Ph.D., Garcia, UW) Bennett, Eames (Ph.D., Christian, TAMU) Gerken, Nathan (Ph.D., Almaraz-Calderon, FSU)
 Bartram, Chelsea (Ph.D., Henning, UNC) Caves, Louis (M.S., Bardayan, Notre Dame) Karrick, Hayden (M.S., Famiano, WMU)
 Chyzh, Roman (Ph.D., Tribble, TAMU) Dowen, Lori (Ph.D., Iliadis, UNC) Liu, Peifan (Ph.D., Wu, Duke)
 Cooper, Andrew (Ph.D., Champagne, UNC) Glennon, Kevin (Ph.D., Folden, TAMU) McGuinness, Sean (Ph.D., Peaslee, Notre Dame)
 Dermigny, Jack (Ph.D., Iliadis, UNC) Howard, Kevin (Ph.D., Garg, Notre Dame) Perello, Jesus (Ph.D., Almaraz-Calderon, FSU)
 Drees, Eric (Ph.D., Young, NCSU) Huestis, Patricia (Ph.D., Couder/LaVerne, Notre Dame) Sensharma, Nirupama (Ph.D., Wiescher, Notre Dame)
 Du, Xiaojian (Ph.D., Rapp, TAMU) Jedele, Andrea (Ph.D., Yenello, TAMU) Siegel, Mark (M.S., Famiano, WMU)
 Friesen, Forrest (Ph.D., Howell, Duke) Li, Xiaqing (Ph.D., Gao, Duke) Soltesz, Doug (Ph.D., Meisel, Ohio U.)
 Gilardy, Gwenaelle (Ph.D., Couder, Notre Dame) Little, David (Ph.D., Janssens, UNC) Vande Kolk, Bryant (Ph.D., Wiescher, Notre Dame)
 Gillis, Tom (Ph.D., Wilkerson, UNC) Liu, Qian (Ph.D., Wiescher, Notre Dame) Whitehead, Taylor (Ph.D., Holt, TAMU)
 Giri, Rekam (Ph.D., Brune, Ohio U.) Long, Jacob (Ph.D., Brodeur, Notre Dame)
 Hall, Matthew (Ph.D., Bardayan, Notre Dame) Malone, Ronald (Ph.D., Howell, Duke)
 Heacock, Benjamin (Ph.D., Huffman & Young, NCSU) Marshall, Caleb (Ph.D., Longland, NCSU)
 Hooker, Josh (Ph.D., Rogachev, TAMU) Paneru, Som (Ph.D., Brune, Ohio U.)
 Hunt, Sean (Ph.D., Iliadis, UNC) Reingold, Craig (Ph.D., Simon, Notre Dame)
 Jayatissa, Heshani (Ph.D., Rogachev, TAMU) Rubino, Elizabeth (Ph.D., Tabor, FSU)
 Kelly, James (Ph.D., Brodeur, Notre Dame) Siegl, Kevin (Ph.D., Aprahamian, Notre Dame)
 Koehler, Katrina Elizabeth (Ph.D., Famiano, WMU) Skulski, Michael (Ph.D., Collon, Notre Dame)
 Lubna, Rebeka (Ph.D., Tabor, FSU) Strauss, Sabrina (Ph.D., Aprahamian, Notre Dame)
 Meijer, Samuel (Ph.D., Wilkerson, UNC) Upadhyayula, Sriteja (Ph.D., Rogachev, TAMU)
 Raeger, Jamin (Ph.D., Hennig, UNC) Xiong, Weizhi (Ph.D., Gao, Duke)
 Sultana, Irin (M.S., Meisel, Ohio U.)
 Villafana, Kalisa (Ph.D., Riley, FSU)
 Viola, Merinda (Ph.D., Folden, TAMU)
 Yang, Zhidong (Ph.D., Fries, TAMU)
 Yingying, Chen (Ph.D., Wiescher, Notre Dame)
Association for Research at University Nuclear Accelerators - Interconnected collective of 11 institutions
Association for Research at University Nuclear Accelerators
 Interconnected collective of 11 institutions
LECM 2021 – ARUNA Overview

Association for Research at University Nuclear Accelerators - Interconnected collective of 11 institutions
Association for Research at University Nuclear Accelerators
 Interconnected collective of 11 institutions
 Precise measurements of 6He and
LECM 2021 – ARUNA Overview

 19Ne beta spectra via Cyclotron

 Radiation Emission Spectroscopy
 → Searching for chirality-flipping

Association for Research at University Nuclear Accelerators - Interconnected collective of 11 institutions
CENPA at U. of Washington
 University of Washington
 Precise measurements of 6He and 19Ne
 beta spectra via Cyclotron Radiation
 Emission Spectroscopy (CRES)
LECM 2021 – ARUNA Overview

 → Searching for chirality-flipping
 interactions (tensor currents to
 shine path beyond Standard Model)

 Collaboration with ANL, Mainz,
 NCSU, PNNL, Texas A&M,
 → Measure beta energy by frequency of cyclotron radiation: = 2 / 
 Multi-track electron event

Association for Research at University Nuclear Accelerators - Interconnected collective of 11 institutions
Association for Research at University Nuclear Accelerators
 Interconnected collective of 11 institutions
LECM 2021 – ARUNA Overview

 Detailed studies of the Hoyle state with
 TexAT TPC, neutron detection and
 211At production

Association for Research at University Nuclear Accelerators - Interconnected collective of 11 institutions
Experiment performed at Cyclotron Institute using MARS beamline, 12N beam implantation
 Measurement of direct decay of 12C in Hoyle state Stringent limits on the Efimov state in 12C
 Direct-looking event Additional Efimov state
 exceeds triple-alpha rate at
 6 x 107 K required for red
 giant phase

 β-feeding strength
Association for Research at University Nuclear Accelerators - Interconnected collective of 11 institutions
Experiment performed at Cyclotron Institute using MARS beamline, 12N beam implantation
 Measurement of direct decay of 12C in Hoyle state Stringent limits on the Efimov state in 12C
 Direct-looking event Additional Efimov state
 exceeds triple-alpha rate at
 6 x 107 K required for red
 giant phase

 β-feeding strength
Experiment performed at Cyclotron Institute using MARS beamline, 12N beam implantation
 Measurement of direct decay of 12C in Hoyle state Stringent limits on the Efimov state in 12C
 Direct-looking event Additional Efimov state
 exceeds triple-alpha rate at
 6 x 107 K required for red
 giant phase

 β-feeding strength
Clear n/γ PSD and separation TexNeut - p-terphenyl neutron detector array
 between n’s in different crystals.
 n’s 6 individual 2 x 2 x 2 cm3 p-terphenyl crystals in
 ‘pseudobar’ geometry. Readout PMT at either end
LECM 2021 – ARUNA Overview

 >300 keVee

 • Can be coupled to TexAT TPC or
 run in stand-alone mode
 • PSD-threshold 150 keVee
 • Position resolution (to single
 crystal) 300 keVee
 • Timing resolution < 700 ps
 • Commissioning expt:
 9Li(p,n) – structure of 10Li(g.s)

 via IAS in 10Be with 48 bar array
 • Many exciting experiments to
 D.P. Scriven et al. NIMA 1010, 165492 (2021)
At-211 Production at Texas A&M
 Production Water Flow Rapid recovery of At-211 by
 209Bi(α,2n)211At at 28.8 MeV, 4-8 µA extraction chromatography
LECM 2021 – ARUNA Overview

 28.8 MeV α

 Dissolution of Target
 6–12 M HNO3 (nitric acid) New purification method
 results in larger At-211 yields
 faster than previous methods.
 Purification based on newly
 discovered chemical interaction
 Experimental Chemistry of At-211 with ketones.
 Separations and Fundamental
 Background: Targeted Alpha Therapy
  Potential to be a curative treatment for patients
 after primary cancer treatment
  211At is the only α-decaying isotope fulfilling the
 Radiolabeling for Targeted Alpha criteria for nuclear medicine applications
 Therapy → T1/2 > 1h
 → No serial decay (which could contribute
 13 J.D. Burns, et al., Chem. Commun., 56, 9004-9007, 2020.
 J.D. Burns, et al., J. Sep. Pur., 256, 117794, 2021. to toxicity in vivo from daughters), one alpha
Association for Research at University Nuclear Accelerators
 Interconnected collective of 11 institutions
LECM 2021 – ARUNA Overview

 Sub-barrier fusion studies, secondary
 γ rays for Nuclear Astrophysics, and
 13C(α,n)16O for neutron background

 in precision neutrino experiments

 LECM 2021 – ARUNA Overview

 NSF grant No. PHY-2011890
 LECM 2021 – ARUNA Overview

 NSF grant No. PHY-2011890
 LECM 2021 – ARUNA Overview

 NSF grant No. PHY-2011890
Association for Research at University Nuclear Accelerators
 Interconnected collective of 11 institutions
LECM 2021 – ARUNA Overview

 Education, determination of water
 contamination and interdisciplinary work

Research Experience for Undergraduate Students

 Nitrogen Beams with a National Electrostatics Corporation Alphatross Source and
LECM 2021 – ARUNA Overview

 a 5SDH Accelerator
 B. Harlow, P. A. DeYoung, and V. A. Bunnell
 Undergraduate Research in Physics

 With a careful calibration of the analyzing magnet based on 14 beams
 of many energies, the formation of NH- and NH2- by the ion source was

 Activities at Hope College:
  Application: RBS characterization of thin targets (most recently with R. deSouza, Indiana University)
  Application/Society: Development of an inexpensive anti-Compton suppression shield to lower the minimum
 level of detection in proton induced γ-ray emission (PIGE) measurements. [Fluorine detection in samples to
 monitor water contamination in western Michigan.]
  Interdisciplinary Work: Biologists use the accelerator to irradiate mice to determine the effects of chronic low
 19 dose radiation similar to that experienced by astronauts.
Association for Research at University Nuclear Accelerators
 Interconnected collective of 11 institutions
LECM 2021 – ARUNA Overview

 Atomic Physics and Material
 Sciences using the WMU accelerator

LECM 2021 – ARUNA Overview

 Atomic Physics:
 Radiative Double Electron Capture for F on Graphene

 Clear difference!
 Students working inside the tank.
 Nefiodov AV et al 2005 Phys. Lett. A346, 158
 La Mantia D S et al 2020 Phys. Rev. Lett. 124,
 La Mantia D S et al 2020 Phys. Rev. A. 102,

 X-Ray Spectra
 Experimental Setup NSF PHY-1707467
LECM 2021 – ARUNA Overview

 Materials Science: Localized Surface Plasmon Resonance
 (LSPR) of metal nanoparticle (MNP) due to
 Ion-implanted Silver Nanoparticles for Metal-Enhanced Fluorescence coherent oscillations of conduction band
 electrons with incident electromagnetic
 Enhancement due to 4x105 No Nps radiations of a specific wavelength. LSPR is
 Ag Nanoparticles! 0.8 x 1016 p/cm2
 1.1 x 1016 p/cm2
 generated in MNP at a size smaller than the
 1.3 x 1016 p/cm2 wavelength of light

 Fl Intensity
 1.5 x 1016 p/cm2
 3 x 1016 p/cm2



 450 500 550 600 650
 Wavelength (nm)
 Ph.D. Dissertation
 Emission spectra of C515 dye on bare and silver-
 Plasmonic field enhancement due to
 Singh, Manpreet, et al. Sensors 17.2 (2017): 428. Implanted quartz for different Ag ion fluences. An
 plasmonic coupling or hot spots for the
 Iqbal, Shahid, et al. AIP Advances 8.9 (2018): increase in the fluorescence intensity of C515
 spherical NPs with diameter of the 5.6 nm:
 095217. indicating the influence of MEF in the presence of
 Left: Monomer, Right: Dimer.
 22 Ag implanted substrates.
 Metal Enhanced Fluorescence (MEF) has promising applications in the field of optical displays, bio-sensing and photodynamic therapy.
Association for Research at University Nuclear Accelerators
 Interconnected collective of 11 institutions
LECM 2021 – ARUNA Overview

 Detailed γ-ray spectroscopy experiments after INS for
 constraining nuclear structure input for neutrinoless double-beta
 decay and scattering of fast neutrons on materials relevant for
 reactor design.

University of Kentucky Accelerator Laboratory
 Probing nuclear structure with fast neutrons: Neutrinoless
 double-beta decay and shape coexistence in Ge nuclei
LECM 2021 – ARUNA Overview


 DSAM lifetimes
 τ = 28(2) fs
 Mixing ratios
 Branching ratios
 Identify and
 ẟ = +5.84+48 UKAL
 all low-energy −60

 states Transition
 probabilities Arrow widths proportional to B(E2)s

 Transition probabilities for:
  Constraining 0νββ nuclear matrix PRC 95, 014327 (2017) and more coming soon!
 element calculations (e.g., Ge nuclei)
 24  Identifying shape coexistence
University of Kentucky Accelerator Laboratory
 Probing nuclei with fast neutrons: cross section
 measurements for basic science and applications
LECM 2021 – ARUNA Overview

  12C Angular distributions of neutron elastic and inelastic scattering cross natC Neutron (n,n) Cross Sections
 sections to guide R-matrix global evaluations of scattering from carbon.
 Important for use as a neutron standard and for reactor materials.
  112,114 Cd (n,γ) cross sections important for many applications.
  7Li Potential -ray production standard; large discrepancies currently exist in
 the neutron inelastic cross sections; best current resonance parameters
 are inconsistent with our understanding of 8Li nuclear structure.
  19F Coolant component for molten salt reactors and passive interrogation.
 Difficult target because of the 90 ns isomeric first excited state.
 Measurements were abandoned in the 1960s because of this. Installation
 of new digital DAQ at UKAL should provide new opportunities to measure
 these cross sections. E.A. Chouinard,
  24Mg Potential coolant component for molten salt reactors and used as a S.E. Evans,
 strengthener in aluminum alloys. Angular distributions are needed for U. Dallas
 verifying reaction model calculations. students,
 Summer 2021
 Collaboration: UK, USNA, UDallas, and MS State
 A hands-on student-run facility
Association for Research at University Nuclear Accelerators
 Interconnected collective of 11 institutions
LECM 2021 – ARUNA Overview

 Detailed nuclear structure studies
 with the SE-SPS, CLARION-2 and
 neutron-γ coincidences to study the
 nucleosynthesis of galactic 26Al

 γ-ray spectroscopy at FSU and CLARION-2 Florida State University
  CLARION-2 (16 active
 S. Ajayi
 CLOVER detectors) is
 being installed at FSU.
LECM 2021 – ARUNA Overview

  Detailed study of high-
 spin states in 59Co
 E. Rubino
 approaching the 2nd island
 First experiments will of inversion.
 start soon! → 2019 experiment with 6
 [V. Tripathi, S. Tabor, J.M. Allmond] CLARION-2 Clovers!

  Particle spectroscopy at the Super-Enge Split-Pole Spectrograph and Fox Lab REU program
  SE-SPS has been the most used device at the Fox Lab.
  Several high-resolution experiments ran using (d,p), (p,p’), (d,d’), (α,d) to study single-particle states,
 the N = 32 subshell closure (52Ca), fully-aligned states and collective structures.
  REU program at SE-SPS successfully continued in its 2nd year with students from Ursinus (L. Riley)
 and Davidson College (A. Kutchera).
 FSU REU 2021

 G. McCann
 C. Benetti

 J.M. Nebel-Crosson

 [50Ti(d,p): L. Riley, J.M. Nebel-Crosson, et al., Phys. Rev. C 103, 064309 (2021)]; [27Al(α,d)29Si: C. Benetti, S. Tabor] NSF grant No. PHY-2012522
 Coincident neutron and γ-ray spectroscopy of 26Si Florida State University
 J. Perello
  Single-particle structure of the PDR in 48,50Ti
LECM 2021 – ARUNA Overview

 47Ti(d,p)48Ti = 1− @ HIγS

 Sp @SE-SPS*

 A. Conley
 resonances Sn

  24Mg(3He,nγ)26Si to inform 25Al(p,γ)26Si relevant

 B. Kelly
 for nucleosynthesis of galactic 26Al.
  First tests for particle-γ experiments @ SE-SPS
 49Ti(d,p)50Ti = 1− @ HIγS


  Four 2×2 inches CeBr3; digital
  Onset of PDR beyond N = 28?
 → Larger array planned.
  Identification of PDR doorway states for direct neutron
  New 8-inch diameter Al scattering capture. Is the complete PDR important for (n,γ)?
 chamber constructed at FSU.
 28 → Increases FEP efficiency by a NSF grant No. PHY-2012522
 factor of 8. *targets provided by the Center for Accelerator Target Science, ANL
Association for Research at University Nuclear Accelerators
 Interconnected collective of 11 institutions
LECM 2021 – ARUNA Overview

 Nuclear Astrophysics studies with neutrons and detailed
 benchmarking of simulations.

Ohio University (Edwards Accelerator Laboratory)

  Evaporation Spectra for 59Cu(p,γ) in X-ray Bursts
LECM 2021 – ARUNA Overview

  Performed at the Edwards Accelerator
 Laboratory using the beam-swinger and neutron
 time-of-flight tunnel.
  The 58Ni(3He,n) double-differential cross section
 was used to determine the nuclear level density
 of 60Zn, which is the compound nucleus of the
 important rp-process reaction 59Cu(p,γ). We
 Doug Soltesz (Ph.D., 2021) found that at X-ray burst temperatures, the level
 density has an unexpected plateau and is on the
 border of validity for the statistical regime.

  3He+4He Scattering for Solar 3He(α,γ)

  Performed at TRIUMF using the (Scattering of Nuclei in
 Inverse Kinematics) SONIK chamber
  Determined s-wave scattering length for 3He+4He, which
 helped constrain the 3He(α,γ) astrophysical S-factor. This S-
 factor is the main uncertainty in predictions of the solar
 neutrino flux from 7Be and 8B. This uncertainty hinders
 benchmarks of solar models.
 Som Paneru (Ph.D., 2020)
Ohio University (Edwards Accelerator Laboratory)
  13C(α,n) Cross Section for Geoneutrino Detector Backgrounds
  Benchmarking MCNP for … Everything!
 and s-Process Nucleosynthesis
LECM 2021 – ARUNA Overview

 [Voinov+ PRC 2020]
  Cross section measured for [Brandenburg+, in prep.]
 d(n,2n) @ En = 15 MeV
  Aimed at improving
 diagnostics for inertial
 confinement fusion
 facilities, such as NIF and Kristyn Brandenburg
  Found that JENDL describes the data better than the ENDF  Measured excitation function of 13C(α,n) at energies of interest for
 neutrino-detector backgrounds, where existing data was known to
 library that is used in MCNP*.
 *Monte-Carlo N-Particle Transport Code have a significant systematic uncertainty.

  Bayesian R-Matrix Analyses of t(d,n) for Big-Bang Nucleosynthesis & Internal Confinement Fusion
 Daniel Odell

  Implemented Bayesian methods in R-matrix
 data analysis, using t(d,n) as a proof of


  Currently being expanded to other light-ion
 [Odell+ arXiv:2105.06541] reactions of interest for nuclear astrophysics.
Association for Research at University Nuclear Accelerators
 Interconnected collective of 11 institutions
LECM 2021 – ARUNA Overview

 Fission fragment studies, new opportunities at HIγS,
 studies at LENA and upgrade, the TUNL SPS Nuclear
 Astrophysics program.

RApid Clover+CeBr3 array at HIγS
LECM 2021 – ARUNA Overview


  Fission Product Yields (FPYs) measured in collaboration
 with LLNL and LANL
  Measured > 60 fission products with t1/2 > 0.5 s from  8 (16) Clover-type HPGe* and 12 (2x2 inches)
 235U, 238U, 239Pu CeBr3 detectors
  Energy dependent FPY data at En = 0.57, 2.0, 4.6, 9.0,  Higher rates in HPGe possible due to segmentation
  Higher granularity
 14.8 MeV
  CeBr3 detectors have no intrinsic activity
  WIENER Mpod high-voltage control system
 Molly DeLuca @ RABITTS
  Automatic LN2 filling system (ANL)
 TUNL REU student, summer 2021  Optional replacement of HPGe with LaBr3
 available at HIγS
 *Provided by the Clovershare Consortium, the US Naval Academy, the
 US army research lab, and TUNL.
Jack Dermigny,
 PhD 2019; Dermigny et al., PRC 102, 014609 (2020)

  Study of 30Si(p,γ) to understand abundance
 anomalies in globular clusters Caleb Marshall,
  First observation of resonance and precise PhD 2020
LECM 2021 – ARUNA Overview

 measurement of another Marshall et al., PRC
  Reduce recommended reaction rate by a factor of 10
  23Na(3He,d)24Mg to constrain Na
  Significant reduction in uncertainty
 production in globular clusters
 Influence of previously
 LENA γγ-coincidence spectrometer unobserved resonance (surrogate for 23Na(p,γ)24Mg)
  Discovered new energy for key
 133-keV resonance
 Previous rate  Factor of two increase in
 recommended reaction rate

 New rate

 On 435-keV resonance; HPGe spectrum

 γ-ray energy [keV]
Jack Dermigny,
 PhD 2019; Dermigny et al., PRC 102, 014609 (2020)

  Study of 30Si(p,γ) to understand abundance
 anomalies in globular clusters Caleb Marshall,
  First observation of resonance and precise PhD 2020
LECM 2021 – ARUNA Overview

 measurement of another Marshall et al., PRC
  Reduce recommended reaction rate by a factor of 10
  23Na(3He,d)24Mg to constrain Na
  Significant reduction in uncertainty
 production in globular clusters
 Influence of previously
 LENA γγ-coincidence spectrometer unobserved resonance (surrogate for 23Na(p,γ)24Mg)
  Discovered new energy for key
 133-keV resonance
 Previous rate  Factor of two increase in
 recommended reaction rate

 New rate

 On 435-keV resonance; HPGe spectrum

 γ-ray energy [keV]
Jack Dermigny,
 PhD 2019; Dermigny et al., PRC 102, 014609 (2020)

  Study of 30Si(p,γ) to understand abundance
 anomalies in globular clusters Caleb Marshall,
  First observation of resonance and precise PhD 2020
LECM 2021 – ARUNA Overview

 measurement of another Marshall et al., PRC
  Reduce recommended reaction rate by a factor of 10
  23Na(3He,d)24Mg to constrain Na
  Significant reduction in uncertainty
 production in globular clusters
 Influence of previously
 LENA γγ-coincidence spectrometer unobserved resonance (surrogate for 23Na(p,γ)24Mg)
  Discovered new energy for key
 133-keV resonance
 Previous rate  Factor of two increase in
 recommended reaction rate

 New rate

 On 435-keV resonance; HPGe spectrum

 γ-ray energy [keV]
Jack Dermigny,
 PhD 2019; Dermigny et al., PRC 102, 014609 (2020)

  Study of 30Si(p,γ) to understand abundance
 anomalies in globular clusters Caleb Marshall,
  First observation of resonance and precise PhD 2020
LECM 2021 – ARUNA Overview

 measurement of another Marshall et al., PRC
  Reduce recommended reaction rate by a factor of 10
  23Na(3He,d)24Mg to constrain Na
  Significant reduction in uncertainty
 production in globular clusters
 Influence of previously
 LENA γγ-coincidence spectrometer unobserved resonance (surrogate for 23Na(p,γ)24Mg)
  Discovered new energy for key
 133-keV resonance
 Previous rate  Factor of two increase in
 recommended reaction rate

 New rate

 On 435-keV resonance; HPGe spectrum

 γ-ray energy [keV]
Jack Dermigny,
 PhD 2019; Dermigny et al., PRC 102, 014609 (2020)

  Study of 30Si(p,γ) to understand abundance
 anomalies in globular clusters Caleb Marshall,
  First observation of resonance and precise PhD 2020
LECM 2021 – ARUNA Overview

 measurement of another Marshall et al., PRC
  Reduce recommended reaction rate by a factor of 10
  23Na(3He,d)24Mg to constrain Na
  Significant reduction in uncertainty
 production in globular clusters
 Influence of previously
 LENA γγ-coincidence spectrometer unobserved resonance (surrogate for 23Na(p,γ)24Mg)
  Discovered new energy for key
 133-keV resonance
 Previous rate  Factor of two increase in
 recommended reaction rate

 New rate

 On 435-keV resonance; HPGe spectrum

 γ-ray energy [keV]
Association for Research at University Nuclear Accelerators
 Interconnected collective of 11 institutions
LECM 2021 – ARUNA Overview

 Study of environmental pollution
 with low-energy ion beams.

Ion-Beam Analysis of Environmental Pollution
  Lead Contamination in Soil Around Bridges
LECM 2021 – ARUNA Overview

  PFAS Contamination From Fire-Fighting Foam
 1.0MV Tandem

 Peaslee+ Environmental Science & Technology Letters (2020)

 Source: United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
 Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) are a group of man-made chemicals that have been
 in use since the 1940s, and are (or have been) found in many consumer products like cookware,
 40 food packaging, and stain repellants.
Association for Research at University Nuclear Accelerators
 Interconnected collective of 11 institutions

 See upcoming talk by A. Rogers
LECM 2021 – ARUNA Overview

Recent Research Highlights
 UMass Lowell Radiation Lab
 Main Facilities: 5.5-MV Van de Graaff
 1-MW Research Reactor
LECM 2021 – ARUNA Overview

 6 graduate students, ~6-8 undergrads, 1-2 postdocs

 Analysis of BNL BLIP isotopes
 • Medical isotopes produced at BNL
 BLIP are brought to UML for
 Large Volume HPGe detailed assay.
 Implanted targets and • The Lowell array of Compton-
 suppressed HPGe detectors are
 characterization used for precise measurements of
 • Lifetime measurements of excited states yield, dose and impurities
 using well-characterized implanted Beam
 targets. Compton-suppressed
 HPGe Array
 • Deuteron beams (~2 A) are energy
 degraded and implanted in a target foil. Exit window

 • Elastic Recoil Detection Analysis (ERDA)
 using 4He beams to characterize the External-beam development
 depth and number of implanted 2H. • Ion-beam analysis and high-
 • Future project: Develop low-energy ion throughput irradiations of in-air
 source for ion-implantation applications. samples.
 42 • Initial test using PIGE for identifying
 and quantifying 19F from PFAS.
Recent Research Highlights
 UMass Lowell Radiation Lab
 Main Facilities: 5.5-MV Van de Graaff
 1-MW Research Reactor
LECM 2021 – ARUNA Overview

 6 graduate students, ~6-8 undergrads, 1-2 postdocs

 Analysis of BNL BLIP isotopes
 • Medical isotopes produced at BNL
 BLIP are brought to UML for
 Large Volume HPGe detailed assay.
 Implanted targets and • The Lowell array of Compton-
 suppressed HPGe detectors are
 characterization used for precise measurements of
 • Lifetime measurements of excited states yield, dose and impurities
 using well-characterized implanted Beam
 targets. Compton-suppressed
 HPGe Array
 • Deuteron beams (~2 A) are energy
 degraded and implanted in a target foil. Exit window

 • Elastic Recoil Detection Analysis (ERDA)
 using 4He beams to characterize the External-beam development
 depth and number of implanted 2H. • Ion-beam analysis and high-
 • Future project: Develop low-energy ion throughput irradiations of in-air
 source for ion-implantation applications. samples.
 43 • Initial test using PIGE for identifying
 and quantifying 19F from PFAS.
An Outreach Example: Inspiring the next generation
 2021 in-person camp
LECM 2021 – ARUNA Overview

 2020 online camp
 2020 online camp

 2020 online camp

Association for Research at University Nuclear Accelerators
 Interconnected collective of 11 institutions
LECM 2021 – ARUNA Overview

Association for Research at University Nuclear Accelerators
 Interconnected collective of 11 institutions
 Thank you for your attention.
LECM 2021 – ARUNA Overview

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