Assessment Updates for Special Populations

Page created by Jacob Guerrero
Assessment Updates for Special Populations
Assessment Updates for Special Populations
Assessment Updates for Special Populations


2022-2023 Accessibility Updates
      STAAR Alternate 2
      TELPAS Alternate

Assessment Updates for Special Populations
Accessibility Updates
Assessment Updates for Special Populations
Special Administration of an Online Assessment

Beginning with the December 2022 STAAR EOC test administration,
districts will no longer submit requests for a special administration of an
online assessment for STAAR or TELPAS.
Instead, local committees are responsible for confirming a student has met
criteria for a special administration of an online assessment. Information
about the eligibility requirements for a special administration can be found in
the DCCR.

                 ✓Accommodation cannot be applied online
              ✓Unable to participate in one domain of TELPAS
                      ✓Technology access is precluded

Assessment Updates for Special Populations
Special Administration of an Online Assessment

The student’s test record must have
either the Special Ed Indicator Code
or the Section 504 Indicator Code
turned on in TIDE.

                                       The district will need to set the Test Mode
                                       field to “Paper” and select the specific
                                       paper test format in the new Paper Test
                                       Format field. For TELPAS, the district
                                       would have to select “Holistic” for listening
                                       and speaking and “Paper & Holistic” for
                                       reading and writing.

Assessment Updates for Special Populations
Special Administration of an Online Assessment

       Paper orders for online assessment: Unique Scenarios

       Juvenile Justice Alternative Education
                                                   Texas Testing Support
       Homebound Student Without Internet                   at
          Emergency Medical Situations

Assessment Updates for Special Populations
2022–2023 Accessibility: Reminder


  ▪ Test administrators are allowed to type or select student responses in
    TDS on behalf of online test takers ONLY if the student is eligible for
    Basic or Complex Transcribing.

  ▪ Trained test administration staff will transfer student responses from
    paper booklets into DEI following the guidance provided in the DCCR.
    This is part of test administration procedure and does not require Basic
    or Complex Transcribing eligibility for the student.

Assessment Updates for Special Populations
Special Administration of an Online Assessment

Before the end of the administration window, ALL paper responses must be
entered into the Data Entry Interface (DEI).

                                     IMPORTANT REMINDER:

      Because the December administration of the English I and II EOCs will still include
      an isolated secure writing prompt, those tests will need to be entered at the end of
      the first week.

     Administration    Subject                                  DEI Deadline
     December STAAR    English I, English II                    12/9
     December STAAR    Algebra, Biology, US History             12/16

Assessment Updates for Special Populations
2022–2023 TDS Enhancement

 Graph/Draw Tool

  ▪ Available Dec 2022
  ▪ Allows students to add points and draw
                                              This tool will not be included
    lines                                              on RLA tests,
  ▪ Allows students to ‘free trace’          and it does not save information
  ▪ Available to all students                once a student advances to the
                                                        next item.

Assessment Updates for Special Populations
2022–2023 Order Updates

   Ordering Braille Materials

   ▪   In the Test Format Indicator

   ▪   Under “Paper Test Format”

2022–2023 Oral and Signed Administration Update

Documenting Oral or Signed Administrations for Students Testing on Paper

▪ If a paper tester receives an Oral or
  Signed Administration, it will need
  to be captured as a “non-
  embedded support”. There is no
  dedicated test attribute.

2022–2023 Policy Updates
         Permissive Mode no longer requires ARF submission

      ▪   Must be enabled in TIDE as a Test

2022–2023 Policy Updates

Is an amendment required in the 504 or IEP?

▪ Paperwork that includes the language “pending TEA approval” for a special
  administration of an online STAAR test or holistic rating for TELPAS does not
  need to be amended if the student meets the current eligibility criteria for
  a special administration.

                 NOTE: If the student does not meet the eligibility
                 criteria, an amendment will need to be made.

2022–2023 Policy Updates

Is an amendment required in the 504 or IEP?

Paperwork that includes the language “extra time” does not need to be amended.

▪ no longer a limited four- or five-hour testing period for STAAR
▪ any student may continue testing until the end of the school day
▪ if possible, campuses should dismiss students from the testing session at
  scheduled intervals (e.g., after 1 hour, after 2 hours, etc.)
▪ after four hours, students who are still testing should be consolidated into a
  general testing area to continue testing.
▪ no longer a need to document “extra time” as a designated support in paperwork
  or in TIDE

2022–2023 Accommodation Request Updates

Accommodations Request Process

  ▪   DTCs will be able to approve (or not approve) requests for
      processing within TIDE

  ▪   DTCs will receive an email sent to address posted in AskTED
      prompting them to go into TIDE to process request

  ▪   Drop down option to access previous year submissions

  ▪   “Complex Transcribing” for TELPAS writing added to the TELPAS
      dropdown menu

Online Practice Tests

                        Students may sign in with their
                        credentials to set up their current
                        test attributes.

                        Now includes
                          • STAAR redesign practice tests
                          • STAAR new item samplers
                          • 2022 STAAR released tests
                          • TELPAS Reading and Writing
                            practice sets

STAAR Paper Samplers

For students who meet the eligibility criteria for a special paper administration of
an online assessment, the paper versions of the new online types are available
on the TEA website to familiarize districts with how to interact with these

STAAR Alternate 2
STAAR Alternate Eligibility Decisions

                                 STAAR Alternate 2 Eligibility
                                 ▪ STAAR Alternate 2 Participation
                                 ▪ STAAR Alternate 2 Participation
                                   Requirements Companion
STAAR Alternate 2 Participation Requirements

▪   Participation requirements are
    found on the STAAR Alternate
    Resources webpage.
▪   STAAR Alternate 2 Participation
    Requirements will not be updated
    to indicate a new school year.
▪   Participation requirements will
    remain static unless a content
    change is required.
STAAR Alternate 2 Eligibility Resources

▪   STAAR Alternate 2 Overview Module
▪   STAAR Alternate 2 Eligibility Module
▪   Both modules can be found on the
    Texas Assessment Learning
    Management System (LMS)
ESC STAAR Alternate 2 Training

STAAR Alternate 2: Before, During,
and After the Assessment
▪ Developed in coordination with Texas
   Complex Access Network statewide
▪ Especially for new test administrators
   but also appropriate for veteran test
▪ Very comprehensive, preview period
   organizational tool included
▪ 3 CTE credits
STAAR Alternate 2 Eligibility in TIDE

▪ Any student who needs to take a STAAR Alternate 2 test must have
    ▪ the Special Ed Indicator code to ‘Yes’, and
    ▪ the STAAR Alternate 2 field set to “Yes.”
▪ Student Eligibility - Summative Assessment
    ▪ If a student is enrolled in grade 4 and the STAAR Alternate 2
       field is marked “Yes,” the system will enable the student to
       take STAAR Alternate 2 grade 4 mathematics and RLA tests.
    ▪ For STAAR Alternate 2 EOCs, the STAAR Alternate 2 EOC
       Eligibility fields for specific courses must also be marked “Yes”
       for the system to enable a student to take STAAR Alternate 2
       EOC assessments.
STAAR Alternate 2 Eligibility in TIDE (continued)

 To add students in a bulk file upload, download the template from the Upload Student Information task in the
 Student Information module in TIDE. It is recommended that all student information, including demographics,
 eligibility, and test mode, be included in the initial upload. To ensure that the values entered in the templates are
 valid, refer to the data file formats on the Technology Resources webpage.
STAAR Alternate 2 Test Format Indicator in TIDE

▪ The STAAR Alternate 2 Paper Format field has
  been added to TIDE. The STAAR Alternate 2
  Paper Format defaults to "Regular Print." For
  any students who require a large print version
  of STAAR Alternate 2, "Large Print" must be
  selected from the dropdown.

▪ All indicators must be marked prior to January
  6, 2023, for districts to receive paper materials
  in the initial order shipment. Additional orders
  must be placed for students whose STAAR
  Alternate 2 indicators are added after the due
STAAR Alternate 2 Key Dates

Due Date to Indicate STAAR Alternate 2 Student Participation in TIDE    1/6/23
Initial Order of Paper Test Materials Received                          2/27-3/3/23
Submit Additional Order of Paper Test Materials                         3/3-4/21/23
Preview Window                                                          3/13-4/28/23
Test Administration Window                                              3/27-4/28/23
Deadline for Districts to Enter and Submit Student Information in DEI   By 4/28*
Districts Return Paper Test Materials                                   5/12/23
Test Materials Update

▪ 2022–2023 STAAR Alternate 2
  Scoring Documents will be specific
  by subject.
▪ All RLA assessments will have 28
  questions (two additional field test
▪ All other subjects will have 24
▪ Scoring documents are found in
  the back of the accompanying
  secure test instructions and in the
  online test administrator manual.
STAAR Alternate 2 Webpage Updates: Essence Statements

       Update: STAAR Alternate 2 RLA Strand
       Statements replace Essence Statements

       Purpose: To provide the "big idea" of
       topics to be assessed on Spring 2023
       STAAR Alternate 2

       Essence Statements: All assessable
       essence statements (for any year) can be
       found in STAAR Alternate 2 Curriculum
       Framework Documents
STAAR Alternate 2 Webpage Updates: Instructional Terms

       Update: Reading and Writing combined
       into one list.

       Purpose: To align instruction in functional
       academic classroom with key terms found
       in TEKS

       Instructional Terms: There are no updates
       to the Science Instructional Terms.
STAAR Alternate 2 Webpage Updates: Sample Items

       Update: STAAR Alternate 2 sample test
       items will be posted soon.

       Purpose: To provide examples of new item

       New Item Types: Vocabulary items will be
       embedded in RLA cluster. Writing clusters
       will include both revising and editing.
STAAR Alternate 2 Test Administrators

▪   Ideally, the test administrator should be the student's teacher for the
    subject tested because of the high level of familiarity with the student.
      ▪ Accommodations must be prepared and delivered appropriately so
          that student responses can be understood.
▪   Paraprofessionals may serve as test administrators if they are
    supervised by a certified professional on the same campus throughout
    the test administration.
▪   For additional information on test administrators and their
    responsibilities, refer to the STAAR Alternate 2 Test Administrator
    Training section in the DCCR.
STAAR Alternate 2 Accommodations in TIDE

  STAAR Alternate 2
  accommodations (designated
  supports) are entered in TIDE
  AFTER the administration of
  the test.

             Only accommodations that
             WERE USED during the
             test administration are
             entered into TIDE. This
             information must be
             entered by the last day of
             administration window.

STAAR Alternate 2 and DEI

▪     All student responses must be
      entered into DEI and submitted
      by 11:59 p.m. (CT) on 4/28.
▪     Responses not submitted by the
      due date will not be scored.
▪     It is highly recommended that
      districts reserve the last 2–3
      days of the testing window for
      DEI submissions.

    The DEI Overview Training Module is now available in the LMS. This training reviews how designated
    testing personnel can use DEI to enter and submit data for each assessment.
ESSA Waiver

▪   STAAR Alternate 2 Justification/Assurances online form information
    was sent to districts with participation rates over 1% on October 28th.
▪   District Testing Coordinator and Superintendent should have
    received email notification October 28th.
▪   ESC Testing Coordinators will receive a report of districts with
    participation rates over 1% one week later.
▪   Email notification will include a Qualtrics link where information will be
    retrieved and submitted.
▪   Final date for submitting information is November 18, 2022, 6:00 p.m.
ESSA Waiver (continued)

▪   STAAR Alternate 2 Disproportionality Data guidance will be sent in
    the October 28th Justification/Assurances email.
▪   The STAAR Alternate 2 Disproportionality instructions will guide districts
    to determine whether there is disproportionality in the district’s 1% data.
▪   One Percent Waiver requirements include the requirement for any school
    district/charter school to address any disproportionality in the percentage
    of students in any subgroup taking STAAR Alternate 2.
STAAR Alternate 2 Waiver Resources
ESSA 1% Waiver: Public Comment

                              Waiver will be available for public comment

                              Allows the U.S.D.E. to hear directly from the
                            public on whether the waiver has been effective,
                                  has contributed to improved student
                               achievement, and is in the public interest.

                            How do students benefit from submission of the
                              waiver to assess more than 1.0 percent of
                                   students on STAAR Alternate 2?
TELPAS Overview

▪   TELPAS annually assesses the progress that emergent bilingual (EB)
    students make in learning the English language.
▪   All K–12 students classified as emergent bilingual EB/EL in the Public
    Education Information Management System (PEIMS) are required to
    participate in TELPAS, including those who have parents who have
    declined bilingual/English as a Second Language (ESL) program

The TELPAS testing window is February 20th to March 31st. Districts should plan to use the first
5 and half weeks to administer tests and the last few days for Data Entry Interface (DEI) entries.
TELPAS Components

               Grades K–1                                                Grades 2–12*
     Holistically-rated Assessments                                          Online Tests

       Listening                   Speaking                           Listening and Speaking
                                                                        (2-3, 4-5, 6-8, 9-12)

       Reading                      Writing                            Reading and Writing
                                                                    (2, 3, 4-5, 6-7, 8-9, 10-12)

*For students eligible for a special administration of a TELPAS online test, refer to the Special
Administration of an Online Assessment section in the DCCR.
Exceptions to an EB Student Being Assessed in One or
More Language Domains

An EB student receiving special              An EB student from another Texas school
education services                           district, state, or country who enrolls on
                                             or after the first day of the TELPAS testing
 Decision must be made by ARD committee in
 conjunction with the LPAC.                  Will not be assessed by receiving district in
 Participation must be considered on a       the holistically-rated domains.
 domain-by-domain basis.                     Is required to take the TELPAS reading and
 Reason for not assessing student must be    writing test and the listening and speaking
 well-supported and documented.              test.
TELPAS Online Tests

▪   TELPAS Listening and Speaking Tests
      ▪ No changes to organization and functionality
▪   TELPAS Reading and Writing Tests                               NEW
    ▪ Writing items are interspersed within the reading tests.
    ▪ Text-to-speech (TTS) feature is provided for writing direction lines and
      for the writing prompts for constructed responses.
    ▪ TTS is available for all students, not based on eligibility, and does not
      need to be noted in TIDE.
    ▪ If a student is eligible for speech-to-text (STT), this attribute does need
      to be noted in TIDE.
Designated Supports for TELPAS Online Tests

      Designated Support                     Listening and Reading and                      Attribute        TEA
                                             Speaking      Writing                          in TIDE          Approval
      Basic Transcribing                              X                      X                     X
      Individualized Structured
                                                      X                      X                     X
      Manipulating Test Materials                     X                      X                     X
NEW   Complex Transcribing                                                   X                     X               X
      Extra Day                                       X                      X                     X               X

      Specific information, such as student eligibility criteria and special considerations and instructions, can be found
      in the Accessibility section of DCCR.
Reading and Writing Practice Tests (Full Length)                        NEW
▪ Reading and writing practice tests are grade cluster specific.
▪ Purpose is to familiarize students with the online interface, the available
  tools and to have an opportunity to interact with reading passage, the
  different types of test items for reading and writing, and the text-to-speech
▪ Items are comparable to what is on the actual test
▪ If a student is eligible for speech-to-text (STT), this designated support
  should be noted in TIDE. This will allow the student to practice using STT
  when logging in to practice test with their TSDS ID.
Practice and Released Tests

No TTS Icon in TELPAS Reading and Writing Test

▪ The reading component of the online TELPAS reading and writing test will
  not have TTS available. Therefore, the TTS icon is used to let students
  know that TTS is not available.
   ▪ Test administrators are able to read and simplify reading direction
     lines that are in the gray box.
▪ The writing component of the test will have TTS available for the
  constructed response items, certain prompts, and direction lines. The no
  TTS icon will be used on the parts where TTS is not available.
Scheduling Online Tests

▪ TELPAS online tests are not timed. Students must be allowed to work at
  their individual speed. Once a student begins a test, he or she must
  complete it on the same day.
▪ Districts are not required to test beyond regular school hours but are free
  to do so if they choose.
▪ Districts should exercise judgment about starting a test session after
  lunch, as some students may not have enough time to work at their
  individual speed to respond to the test questions before the end of the
  school day.
▪ Based on a TELPAS administration study from this past spring, students
  that took both online TELPAS tests back-to-back showed a drop of
  performance in the second test.
TELPAS Rater Training for Holistic Administrations
NEW RATERS                                              RETURNING RATERS
K–1 Raters                                              K–1 and 2-12 Raters
Complete an online basic training course, which         Raters, who have successfully completed
includes practice rating activities for each language   calibration activities at least once, are highly
domain – listening, speaking, reading, and writing.     encouraged to complete calibration before rating;
                                                        however, it’s optional, unless required by campus
2-12 Raters (for Special Holistic Administrations       testing coordinator.
of Listening, Speaking, and/or Writing)
Complete an online basic training course and            NEW RATERS AND RETURNING RATERS
practice rating activity. Training for listening and
speaking includes both domains. Training for writing    Annual test security and administration procedures
is only for that domain.                                training is strongly encouraged, especially for
                                                        policies and procedures that have changed.
Both K-1 and 2-12 Raters
Complete calibration activities to ensure that they     Raters should complete their training requirements
are prepared to apply the PLD rubrics consistently      by the first day of the TELPAS assessment window.
and accurately.                                         All raters must sign a test security oath.
TELPAS 2-12 Raters, Verifiers, Centralized Raters, and Assemblers

                    • Will be educators that have been assigned to rate students eligible
                      for a special holistic administration (listening, speaking, and/or
    Raters            writing).
                    • Will need to rate students in all the applicable domains
                      (listening, speaking, and/or writing.
    Verifiers       Will be needed to verify writing collections of students that will have a
                    special holistic administration in the writing domain.
                    Centralized raters will no longer be an option for districts/campuses to
                    use since the educators are required to have familiarity with student in
    Raters          order to conduct a special holistic administration.                         NEW
    Assemblers      The assigned raters will be the educators that assemble a student’s
                    writing collection based on the criteria.
TELPAS Key Dates for Rater Training and Holistic Administrations

TELPAS Assessment Window                                               February 20 to March 31
(Grades K-12 Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing)
TELPAS online training opens in LMS                                    January 9
Assembling and Verifying Grades 2–12 Writing Collections course        January 9
Online basic training courses for new K–1 and 2–12 raters* available   January 23
Calibration window opens for new and returning K-1 and 2-12* raters    February 6
Earliest eligibility date for TELPAS writing samples*                  February 6
*Applicable for 2-12 raters with students with special holistic
Rater Information in TIDE                                                                   NEW
                                                     TELPAS Rater A (Relationship)

                                                    TELPAS Rater B (Collaboration)

NOTE: Rater information can be uploaded in TIDE using the Additional Student Field data file.
TELPAS Score Codes

Score Codes for Online Tests                          Score Codes for Holistic Assessments
 X    ARD-        An ARD committee, in                 X   ARD-decision    An ARD committee, in
      decision    conjunction with an LPAC,                                conjunction with an LPAC,
                  determined that a student should                         determined that a student
                  not be assessed in one more                              should not be assessed in
                  language domains due to a                                one more language
                  disability.                                              domains due to a disability.
 A    Absent      A student was absent each time       E   Extenuating     An eligible student cannot
                  he or she was scheduled to test          Circumstances   be rated in the specified
                  or absent throughout the entire                          domain due to extenuating
                  testing window.                                          circumstances. Due to the
 O    Other       Examples for this score code                             6-week testing window, this
                  include a student did not                                should be rarely used.
                  complete test due to illness or a
                  test administration irregularity.   NOTE: Score codes must be entered in
                                                      TIDE by 11:59 p.m. (CT) on 3/31.
TELPAS and DEI Entries
▪   DEI entries for TELPAS include student
    responses for paper tests (regular print,
    large print, and braille) as well as
    proficiency ratings for holistic
▪   Each domain that a student is eligible for
    will show up as separate ‘tests’ (listening,
    speaking, reading, and writing) in DEI.
▪   If a certain domain/test does not appear
    in DEI for an eligible student, verification
    will need to be made that the correct test
    mode is noted accurately in TIDE.            NOTE: DEI entries must be completed
▪   Rater information will no longer be          and submitted by 11:59 p.m. (CT) on 3/31.
    entered in DEI.
Years in U.S. Schools Calculation              NEW

▪ Starting in 2022-2023 school year, there
  will be a change in how years in U.S.
  schools are calculated.
▪ The calculation will be based on
  consecutive calendar days, rather than
  consecutive school days.
▪ The Instructions for Years in U.S. Schools
  Data Collection document has been
  updated accordingly and is posted on the
  LPAC Resources webpage.
TELPAS Alternate
TELPAS Alternate

There are no changes to the TELPAS Alternate assessment.
TELPAS Alternate Overview
What is TELPAS Alternate?                          Who takes TELPAS Alternate?
A holistic inventory that assesses the language    Are EB students in grades 2–12 who have
domains of listening, speaking, reading, and       significant cognitive disabilities and who are in the
writing for students with significant cognitive    process of acquiring English proficiency in
disabilities in grades 2–12                        listening, speaking, reading, and writing.

Aligned to the Texas English Language              Have one or more disabilities that significantly
Proficiency Standards (ELPS)                       limit their intellectual functioning, as shown by
                                                   their ability to plan, comprehend, and reason, and
                                                   their adaptive behavior, as shown by their ability
                                                   to apply social and practical skills.

Based on alternate Proficiency Level Descriptors   Are EB students that meet the TELPAS Alternate
(PLDs) created to address the specific access      Participation Requirements which can be found
needs of this population                           on the TELPAS Alternate Resources webpage.
TELPAS Alternate Observable Behaviors

▪   The “questions” are called Observable Behaviors. Each Observable Behavior
    describes characteristics that students learning English demonstrate as they
    gain proficiency.
▪   Test administrators, based on their knowledge of a student’s English language
    skills over a period of time, will make holistic judgments across all four domains
    of English language proficiency (listening, speaking, reading, writing) using
    alternate ELPS-aligned observable behaviors.
TELPAS Alternate Observable Behaviors (Electronic Version)

                                               The electronic version of
                                               the TELPAS Alternate
                                               Observable Behaviors is
                                               already posted.
TELPAS Alternate Notes Version and Classroom Examples
Notes Version                         Classroom Examples
▪ A “notes version” of the            ▪   Texas teachers developed
  Observable Behaviors can be             classroom examples to help test
  found on TEA’s TELPAS Alternate         administrators better understand
  Resources web page.                     the descriptions of student
                                          performance for each
▪ It is available so that educators
                                          Observable Behavior.
  can become familiar with the
  Observable Behaviors and            ▪   Elementary and secondary
  practice using them during the          examples describe one way that
  school year.                            students could demonstrate each
                                          skill across the five levels of
TELPAS Alternate Training
                            ▪ TELPAS Alternate Test Administrator Manual
                            ▪ There are two training options.
                               ▪ TELPAS Alternate Training Courses in LMS
                                    ▪ Part 1 includes 4 modules (one per language
                                    ▪ Part 2 includes 4 modules (Introduction, Eligibility,
                                       Accessibility, and Test Administration)
                                    ▪ Educators will get CPE hours once both parts are
                               ▪ A series of training PowerPoints is also available on
                                   TEA’s TELPAS Alternate Resources webpage. Each
                                   PPT can be reviewed by in about 10–15 minutes.
                                   However, CPE hours are not earned for reviewing
                            ▪ While training is not required, TEA highly recommends
                              that test administrators rating students using TELPAS
                              Alternate either complete the courses in LMS or view the
                              training PPTs to become familiar with unique aspects of a
                              TELPAS Alternate administration.
TELPAS Alternate Ratings in DEI

▪ TELPAS Alternate ratings are entered
  in DEI.
▪ If a student’s test is not available in DEI
  to enter ratings, verify that Emergent
  Bilingual Indicator has been marked
  with “1” and the Alternate Student Flag
  for TELPAS Alternate has been marked
  with “Yes” for the student.

NOTE: Ratings must be completed and submitted
by 11:59 p.m. (CT) on 3/31.
Score Codes for TELPAS Alternate
       Alternate        Score Codes
       Extenuating Circumstances
                                     in TIDE
                                  An eligible student cannot be rated in all 40                  Due to the 6-week testing
                                               Observable Behaviors due to extenuating           window, this score code should
                                               circumstances.                                    be rarely used as teachers must
                                                                                                 provide multiple opportunities
                                                                                                 throughout the assessment
                                                                                                 window for students to
                                                                                                 demonstrate their ELP.

     M        Medical Exception (ME)           The ARD Committee, in conjunction with the        These decisions should have
                                               LPAC, has determined that the student has         been made prior to attempting to
                                               met eligibility criteria for ME or for NAAR and   administer the assessment and
                                               will not participate in TELPAS Alternate.         requires documentation in the
                                                                                                 student’s individualized
                                                                                                 education program.

N             No Authentic Academic Response   The ARD Committee, in conjunction with the        These decisions should have
              (NAAR)                           LPAC, has determined that the student has         been made prior to attempting to
                                               met eligibility criteria for ME or for NAAR and   administer the assessment and
                                               will not participate in TELPAS Alternate.         requires documentation in the
                                                                                                 student’s individualized
                                                                                                 education program.

NOTE: Score codes must be submitted in TIDE by 11:59 p.m. (CT) on 3/31.
Texas Testing Support

▪ Simplified phone support menu               ▪
                                              ▪ Testing Personnel section is the new “one-
▪ Phone: (833) 601-8821
                                                stop” for all assessment resources
▪ Chat feature
TEA Contact Information

▪ For inquiries related to development and administration of
   state assessments please contact:

   Student Assessment Help Desk
   (512) 463-9536

▪ For inquiries related to reporting activities, data corrections,
   and rescore requests please contact:
   (512) 463-9536

▪ These slides have been prepared by the Student Assessment
  Division of the Texas Education Agency. You are encouraged to
  use them for local training.

▪ If any of the slides are changed for local use, please hide or
  remove any TEA logos, headers, or footers. (You may need to edit
  the Master slide.) In addition, you must remove the photographs.
  Only TEA has parental permission to use these photographs for
  training purposes.

▪ This training is not intended to replace any materials or additional
  information on the TEA website.
Please provide us your feedback

     Please help us enhance future presentations by
     completing this short survey on today’s presentation.
You can also read