Assessment of Sri Lankan Power Sector - October 2020 - K Seeds Investments
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Contents 1. Overview of Sri Lankan Power Sector 1.1 Accessibility to power 05 1.2 Per Capita Electricity Consumption 06 1.3 Power Structure of Sri Lanka 07 1.4 Key Challenges Faced by SL Power Sector 07 2. Global Power Generation Trends 09 3. Power Generation System 3.1 Existing Power Generation System 12 3.2 Power Generation Expansion System 14 4. Cost of Production, Selling price and Demand for Power 4.1 Cost of Production 16 4.2 Selling Price 17 4.3 Average Selling Price Vs Average Cost at Selling Point 21 4.4 Comparison of Selling Prices 21 4.5 Demand for Power 22 4.6 Demand Projections 24 5. Power Distribution and Collection 5.1 Distribution of Power 26 5.2 Collection 27 6.Regulator of the Electricity Industry of Sri Lanka 28
7. Mini Hydro projects available in the industry 7.1 List of Mini Hydro Projects Undertaken by Listed Power Companies in Sri Lanka 32 7.2 Small Hydro Power Developers Association (SHPDA) 34 7.3 Cyclin Impact on the Hydro Power projects 35 7.4 Approval of a mini-hydro project 38 7.5 Factors to consider by an investor who is looking to have exposure to the mini hydro sector 39 8. Wind projects in the Industry 40 9. Solar Power projects in the Industry 9.1 Solar Power Projects Undertaken by CEB 45 9.2 Solar Power Plants Capacity Additions 45 9.2 Development of rooftop solar power 46 10.Thermal Projects 10.1 The Capacity Breakdown of the Sectors and the Sources of Generating Thermal Power 48 10.2 Thermal Plant Specific Cost Comparison 54 11. Listed Power Generation Companies 11.1 Vidullanka PLC (VLL) 55 11.2 Resus Energy PLC (HPWR) 57 11.3 Vallibel Power Erathna PLC (VPEL) 58 11.4 Panasian Power PLC (PAP) 59 11.5 Laugfs Power PLC (LPL) 60 11.6 Laugfs Power PLC (LPL.X) 61 11.7 LVL Energy Fund PLC (LVEF) 62 11.8 Lotus Hydro Power PLC (HPFL) 63 12. Conclusion 64 13. References 65
1. Overview of Sri Lankan Power Sector Over the past 15 years, electric The production of nonconventional power use has nearly doubled – renewable energy (NCRE) and from 297 kwh per capita to 531 kwh liquefied natural gas (LNG) is per capita, and 100 percent therefore a must in order to meet electrification has been achieved in long-term energy demand in a Sri Lanka. To meet the increasing sustainable and cost-effective way. energy needs, Sri Lanka will need to The natural gas sector in the country look beyond publicly funded has been slow to develop and the projects, increase its share of exploration of domestic gas basins is commercial financing and promote uncertain. The focus has now increased involvement by the shifted to procurement of LNG to private sector in the renewable fuel the power sector, but there is energy sector to end the era of fossil lack of clarity on the demand for fuel dominance in the energy sector. LNG beyond the power sector. In the power sector, LNG is expected to Given that the power sector in Sri fuel about 700 MW of old oil-fired Lanka is heavily dependent on hydro power plants which are to be plants, any change in the monsoon converted to gas-fired plants, and pattern hurts the industry. At that about 1,600 MW of new gas plants time, country will become are also planned in the long term increasingly dependent on imported generation expansion plan (LTGEP). fuel and eventually impact trade However, LNG procurement and exchange rate balances. CEB methodologies and their cost spending on liquid fuels was close to effectiveness are yet to be examined USD 0.5 BN per year, and will in detail. continue to rise.
1.1 Accessibility to Power During 2019 CEB reached out to all its prospective customers and hit an electrification pace of 99.7 percent by the end of the year. Over the year the number of buyers rose by 146,360 making the total number of customers as 6,500,641 at the year end. Throughout the year the CEB provided its customers with electricity for the entire 24 hours of the day, except for occasional short- term breakdowns. FIGURE 01: ELECTRICITY ACCESSIBILITY
TABLE 01: ELECTRICITY FIGURE 02: SL PER CAPITA CONSUMER BASE 2019 ELECTRICITY CONSUMPTION Electricity Consumer 2018 2019 Increase in Accounts accounts 2019 Domestic 5,543,137 5,651,452 108,315 Religious 39,422 40,724 1,302 General Purpose 704,173 739,122 34,949 Hotel 447 470 23 Industrial 62,570 64,241 1,671 Government 4,530 4,574 44 Agriculture - 56 56 Bulk Supply to LECO 1 1 0 Street Lighting 1 1 0 Total 6,354,281 6,500,641 146,360 Source: Statistical Digest 2019 Source: Generation Expansion Plan - 2019 FIGURE 03: ASIAN COUNTRIES 1.2 Electricity Per Capita PER CAPITA ELECTRICITY Consumption CONSUMPTION: The average per capita electricity consumption in 2017 and 2018 were 626kWh per person and 650 kWh per person respectively. Generally, it has been rising steadily; however, in the period 2007 – 2009 amidst the slow down of electricity growth, the per capita consumption has stagnated. A similar trend is observed during 2012 to 2013. Figure 2 shows Sri Lanka's increase in per capita electricity usage from 2004 through 2018. It is compared to other Asian countries with differences in per capita electricity usage between 2004 and 2016 as Source: Generation Expansion Plan - 2019 shown in Figure 3.
1.3 Power Structure of Sri Lanka • A substantial amount of investment Below figure depicts the key is needed to improve the existing entities involved in the generation, power generation, transmission and transmission and distribution of distribution system. Sri Lanka power in Sri Lanka. therefore needs to promote greater involvement of the private sector in FIGURE 04: POWER the power sector. Sri Lanka will need STRUCTURE to mobilize capital investments of about USD 5.0 BN in generation, USD 1.1 BN in transmission, USD 229 MN in distribution, and USD 512 MN in proposed DSM programs to meet its estimated demand for electricity in 2026. Such a large investment cannot be financed only by public sector funding. • As the composition of world electricity generation moves towards renewable energy (RE), Sri Lanka 1.4 Key Challenges Faced by Sri needs to look at ways of promoting Lankan Power Sector RE growth. While Sri Lanka is blessed with numerous forms of renewable • During adverse monsoon energy resources, there are no seasons, costly power production research facilities within the country methods using oil is mostly dedicated to RE growth. adopted to offset low hydroelectric power generation, • Slow roof-top solar production due resulting in higher average power to lack of proper customer education generation costs relative to other and limited options from commercial countries. (~ 8.5 US cents / kWh in 2016, compared to ~ 5.5 in India banks for low cost financing. In spite and ~ 6.5 in Bangladesh). of having regulations promulgating rooftop solar adoption, Sri Lanka has been unable to generate any gainful momentum in the country's rooftop solar deployment.
The high cost of rooftop solar • There are a large number of players systems, combined with the lack of in the power sector and new affordable financing or business licensees are on a tender basis for models open to the public to build future projects. As a result, the and use these systems, is one of the primary reasons for this. entrance of new players would be influenced by pricing and the benefit will be marginal. • There is a large gap between CEB visionaries and industry developers, which could slow down the industry considerably. Targets and objectives for the power sector have not been completely aligned among stakeholders in the sector. The 2018 - 2037 long-term generation plan was approved in June 2018 following lengthy deliberations among sector stakeholders. Lack of coordination between sectoral entities can continue to delay implementation of the project and hinder commercial finance mobilization. • Sri Lanka lacks the domestic potential to finance ambitious commercial bank projects. Without funding from multilaterals and low-cost financing by international banks, growth would be difficult to achieve.
2. Global Power Generation Trends The energy world is changing… manufacturing industries. The last Regionally, over the coming years, 10 years have also witnessed a Asia Pacific is expected to be a drastic price drop as the experience leading contributor to the global and scope of renewable energy power generation market. Growing projects extended. demand for advanced power The global energy market has begun generation and distribution to evolve in encouraging ways, with infrastructure in Southeast Asian widespread renewable energy countries and constructive adoption and related technology government funding to develop the boding well for a sustainable future. power generation and distribution The global demand for new power networks in emerging economies generation capacity is being like India and China are the leading dominated by renewable drivers for the Asia Pacific power technologies. In many markets, solar generation market. power and wind power are rapidly In the coming years, steady growth the cheapest source of electricity, of the renewable energy sector is and most renewable energy sources likely to be a key feature of the Asia would be competitively priced at full Pacific power generation market, as cost. In 2019, as renewable the area is closer to the equator electricity production increased by than either North America or more than the growth in electricity Europe and thus has considerable demand, a new milestone was potential in terms of wind and solar reached, while fossil-fuel electricity generation. This is further aided by generation decreased. This is the the massive drop in renewable first time in decades that the energy costs and using electricity to production of fossil fuels has decarbonize the industry is decreased as the total generation of increasingly desirable, transport and electricity has increased.
FIGURE 05: RENEWABLES IN THE WORLD’S ENERGY MIX Source: IRENA Global Renewables Outlook Developed economies continued to be the early adopters of renewable energy technologies like wind, solar and biomass. Increasingly, however, in the 2010s, and particularly once costs have fallen to parity with fossil fuel alternatives, developing economies have chosen the baton up. Figure 6 shows that, for the first time in 2015, emerging economies accounted for the majority of global investment in renewable energy power, and have retained this since then. In 2019, out of a world total of $282.2 billion, they accounted for $152.2 billion, a 54 percent share. This was the same proportion as in 2018, but down from a 62 percent share in 2017. In 'other developing countries', except China and India, 2019 was the highest number ever for renewable capacity investment. This jumped 17% to $59.5 billion, and for 2016, it was double the equivalent amount.
FIGURE 06: GLOBAL INVESTMENT TRENDS IN RENEWABLE ENERGY (in USD billions) Source: UNEP, Bloomberg New Energy Finance Further, a start-up based in New Zealand “Emrod” has developed a method of transmitting electric power securely and wirelessly over long distances without the use of copper wire, and is partnering with Powerco, the second largest power distributor in the world to introduce it. Emrod currently has a working prototype of its device, but will develop another one for Powerco, with plans to produce by October 2020, and then spend several months in laboratory testing before moving to a field trial. The prototype system is said to be able to supply "quite a few kilowatts" of electricity, but can be scaled up easily. Wireless transmission is, indeed, seen by Emrod as a key enabling technology for renewable energy, which is often produced far from where it is required. This kind of device could be a perfect way to get offshore and remote renewable energy generation products into city grids without the need for giant storage batteries and the like.
3. Power Generation System 3.1 Existing Power Generation along with the sources of power System generation. TABLE 02: POWER The country's current generating GENERATION 2019 system is mainly operated by CEB along with substantial private-sector ownership. Until 1996 CEB owned the entire electricity system. As of 1996, the private sector also engaged in producing electricity to meet the rise in electricity demand. The country's existing generating system has approximately 4,046 MW of installed capacity by 2019 including 610 MW non-dispatchable plants operated by private sector developers. CEB owns the bulk of the dispatchable power, which comprises 1,398.85 MW of hydro and 1,504 MW of thermal Source: Statistical Digest 2019 generation capacity. Independent Power Producers (IPPs) own However, the government of Sri balancing dispatchable energy, Lanka, through the envisaged which is totally thermal plants. renewable energy targets and projected generation planning, has Table 2 illustrates the breakdown of been pursuing a shift toward clean contribution by CEB and IPP in 2019 power generation, including both NCRE and LNG based generation.
FIGURE 07: POWER GENERATION COMPOSITION OVER THE PAST YEARS Source: Revised LTGEP Sri Lankan Power System has operated maintaining 30%-60% share of renewable energy throughout the recent years. This trend will be continued in the future with the optimum amount of renewable energy integration to the system. FIGURE 08: RENEWABLE SHARE IN THE RECENT PAST Source: Revised LTGEP
3.2 Power Generation • 4,199 MW of wind (1205 MW), Expansion System solar (1389 MW) and gas (1605 MW) projects by 2037 FIGURE 09: SRI LANKA 2050 ELECTRICITY GENERATION MIX: 100 PERCENT RE Additionally, base case also estimates installation of 215 MW of mini hydro, 85 MW of biomass, 822 MW of major hydro, 2.7 GW of coal and 320 MW of oil-based generators up to 2037. Vision is to pave the way for Carbon neutrality to be realized by 2050 according to the draft Energy Policy. In 2016, the share of renewable energy in power generation was 32%. Power generation facilities are planned and implemented according Source: Assessment of Sri Lankan Power Sector, to CEB 's Long-Term Generation UNDP Expansion Plan (2018-2037) to cater for the growing electricity demand. LTGEP 2018-2037 focuses on Main concern is given to the diversifying the power mix and construction of optimal power growing reliance on projects generating plants with minimum relating to renewable energy and impact to the environment and all gas. Base case under the 2018- plans are prepared to meet 2037 LTGEP provides for: international obligations including COP 21. • 1,035 MW of wind (270 MW), solar (360 MW) and gas (405 MW) projects by 2020 • 1,980 MW of wind (585 MW), solar (690 MW) and gas (705 MW) projects by 2026
FIGURE 08: PLANNED CAPACITY ADDITION AS PER LTGEP 2018- 2037 BASE CASE Source: Assessment of Sri Lankan Power Sector, UNDP Capital investment requirement is estimated based on the power generation expansion plan. Total capital requirement includes capital costs expected to be incurred for setting up the generation plants (including both conventional and renewables). Additional investment will be required for operating plants and for fuel related expenditure. TABLE 03 :CAPITAL REQUIREMENTS OF POWER GENERATION SEGMENTS All Values in USD Power Generation million Solar Wind Gas Coal Others Total Short term (till 360 351 631 - 424 1,767 2020) Medium Term 690 761 756 1,100 1,724 5,041 (cumulative up to 2026) Long 1,389 1,567 1,881 2,700 2,056 9,564 Term(cumulative up to 2037) Source: Assessment of Sri Lankan Power Sector, UNDP
4. Cost of Production, Selling Price, and Demand for Power 4.1 Cost of Production The average cost at selling point in 2017 and 2018 were Rs. 20.34 per 1 kWh and Rs.19.12 per 1 kWh respectively. Following table depicts the generation cost of one kwh for several power stations during 2016. TABLE 04: POWER GENERATION COST OF SEVERAL POWER STATIONS DURING 2016 Source: Generation Performance in Sri Lanka-2016
4.2 Selling Price Block Tariff The average selling price per unit in Consumption blocks are based on a 2017 and 2018 were Rs. 16.26 per 1 30-day billing period and the number kWh and Rs.16.29 per 1 kWh of units in a block would be prorated respectively. according to the number of dates in FIGURE 09: COST OF POWER VS each billing period. END USER PRICING ( US Cents/kWh) Domestic Low Users (if monthly consumption is 60 units per month or less than 60 units) Consumption Energy Charge Fixed Charge per month (LKR/kWh) (LKR/month) (kWh) 0-30 2.50 30.00 31-60 4.85 60.00 Source: Source: World Bank Domestic-Users over 60 units per month 4.2.1 End User Tariff Structure Consumption per Energy Charge Fixed Charge month (kWh) (LKR/kWh) (LKR/month) Used for domestic purposes in private residences. There are two 0-60 7.85 - types of Domestic Tariff Categories. 61-90 10.00 90.00 1. Block Tariff 91-120 27.75 480.00 2. Time of Use Tariff (TOU): 121-180 32.00 480.00 The optional tariff for domestic More Than 180 45.00 540.00 consumers Source:
Optional Time of Use (ToU) Tariff Consumption per Energy Charge Fixed Charge for Domestic Customers month (kWh) (LKR/kWh) (LKR/month) Team of Use (ToU) Energy Fixed 0-30 1.90 30.00 Charge Charge 31-90 2.80 60.00 (LKR/kWh) (LKR/month 91-120 6.75 180.00 ) 121-180 7.50 180.00 Off Peak (22.30-5.30 13.00 More Than 180 9.40 240.00 hrs) 540.00 Source: Day (5.30-18.30 hrs) 25.00 Peak (18.30 -22.30 hrs) 54.00 3. Hotels Source: Customer Category H-1 2. Religious and Charitable This rate shall apply to supplies at each individual point of supply delivered and metered at 400/230 The tariff will be charged on Volt nominal and where the Incremental Block Tariff basis. This contract demand is less than or rate shall apply to supplies of equal to 42 kVA. electricity to, Energy Charge Fixed Charge Maximum • places of public religious (LKR/kWh) (LKR/month) Demand worship including private Charge Per month( residences of priests where such LKR/kVA) residences are associated with or 21.50 600 are within the place of public religious worship, Source: • Homes for aged, orphanages Customer Category H-2 and homes for the handicapped, This rate shall apply to supplies at which are specifically certified by each individual point of supply the Director of Social Services as delivered and metered charitable institutions, and the 400/230 Volt nominal and where installation should not include any the contract demand exceeds building used for commercial 42kVA. purposes.
Time Interval Energy Fixed Maximum Customer Category I-2 Charge Charge Demand Charge This rate shall apply to supplies at each (LKR/k (LKR/mo Per month( individual point of supply delivered Wh) nth) LKR/kVA) Peak 18.30- 23.50 and metered at 400/230 Volt nominal 22.30 and where the contract demand Day 5.30-18.30 14.65 exceeds 42 kVA. Off-peak22.30- 9.80 3,000 1,100 Time Energy Fixed Maximum Demand 5.30 Interval Charge Charge Charge Per month( Source: (LKR/kW (LKR/mon LKR/kVA) Customer Category H-3 h) th Peak 20.50 This rate shall apply to supplies at (18.30- each individual point of supply 22.30) Day (5.30- 11.00 delivered and metered at 11,000 18.30) Volt nominal and above. Off-peak 6.85 3,000 1,100 (22.30- Time Interval Energy Fixed Maximum 5.30) Charge Charge Demand Charge Source: (LKR/kW (LKR/mon Per month( Customer Category I-3 h) th) LKR/kVA) Peak (18.30- 22.50 This rate shall apply to supplies at each 22.30) individual point of supply delivered Day (5.30-18.30) 13.70 and metered at 11,000 Volt nominal Off-peak(22.30- 8.80 3,000 1,100 and above. 5.30) Time Energy Fixed Maximum Demand Source: Interval Charge Charge(LK Charge Per month( (LKR/kW R/month LKR/kVA) 4.Industrial Consumers h Peak 23.50 Customer Category I-1 (18.30- 22.30) This rate shall apply to supplies at Day (5.30- 10.25 18.30) each individual point of supply Off-peak 5.90 3,000 1,000 delivered and metered at 400/230 (22.30- 5.30) Volt nominal and where the Source: contract demand is less than or 5.General Purpose equal to 42 kVA. Consumptio Energy Fixed Maximum Supply of electricity to be used in n per Charge Charge Demand Charge shops, offices, banks, warehouses, month(kWh (LKR/kWh (LKR/month Per month public buildings, hospitals, educational establishments, places of
Customer Category GP-1 Time Interval Energy Fixed Maximum Charge( Charge(L Demand Charge This rate shall apply to supplies at LKR/kW KR/mont Per month( each individual point of supply h h) LKR/kVA) Peak (18.30- 25.50 3,000 1,000 delivered and metered at 400/230 22.30) Volt nominal and where the Day (5.30- 20.70 contract demand is less than or 18.30) Off-peak 14.35 equal to 42 kVA. (22.30-5.30) Source: Consumption Energy Fixed Maximum per Charge Charge Demand month(kWh) (LKR/kWh (LKR/mo Charge Per 6.Government ) nth) month( LKR/kVA) Supply of electricity to be used in Less than or 18.30 240 - schools, hospitals, vocational equal 300 More than 22.85 training institutions, and 300 universities, which are fully owned Source: by the Government and funded through the national budget and Customer Category GP-2 provide their services free of charge This rate shall apply to supplies at to the general public. each individual point of supply Customer Category GV-1 delivered and metered at 400/230 Volt nominal and where the This rate shall apply to supplies at contract demand exceeds 42 kVA. each individual point of supply delivered and metered at 400/230 Time Interval Energy Fixed Maximum Demand Volt nominal and where the Charge Charge Charge Per month( (LKR/k (LKR/m LKR/kVA) contract demand is less than or Wh) onth) equal to 42 kVA. Peak (18.30- 26.60 3,000 1,100 22.30) Day (5.30- 21.80 Energy Charge Fixed Charge Maximum 18.30) (LKR/kWh) (LKR/month) Demand Charge Off-peak 15.40 Per month( (22.30-5.30) LKR/kVA) Source: 14.65 600 Customer Category GP-3 This rate shall apply to supplies at Source: each individual point of supply delivered and metered at 11,000 Volt nominal and above.
Customer Category GV-2 Day (0530-1830 hrs) 30.00 This rate shall apply to supplies at Level 2 each individual point of supply AC Peak (1830-2230 hrs) 55.00 delivered and metered at 400/230 Charging Volt nominal and where the contract demand exceeds 42 kVA. Off peak (2230-0530 hrs) 20.00 Energy Charge Fixed Charge Maximum Source: (LKR/kWh) (LKR/month) Demand Charge Per month( 4.3 Average Selling Price Vs LKR/kVA) Average Cost at Selling Point 14.55 3000 1100 FIGURE 10: AVERAGE SELLING PRICE VS AVERAGE COST OVER THE PAST YEARS Source: 25 Customer Category GV-3 Avg Selling Price Vs Avg Cost 20 15 This rate shall apply to supplies at Average Selling Price Per each individual point of supply 10 Unit(Rs/kWh ) delivered and metered at 11,000 5 Average Cost Per Unit (@ selling Volt nominal and above. 0 point)(Rs/kWh ) Energy Charge Fixed Charge Maximum (LKR/kWh) (LKR/month) Demand Charge Year Per month( Generally, average cost per 1 kwh at LKR/kVA) 14.35 3000 1000 selling point is rising steadily; however, in the period 2015 and Source: 2018 it has been reduced by 24.7 percent, 6 percent respectively. An Commission approved Electricity increasing trend is observed with Tariff for the customers who are average selling prices per 1 kwh charging their vehicles at CEB over the period. owned charging stations. 4.4 Comparison of Selling Prices Tariff Charge Category TOU Time Period (LKR/kWh) SL selling prices of 1 kWh for Day (0530-1830 hrs) 50.00 households and Businesses (as at DC Fast Dec. 2019) is compared to Peak (1830-2230 hrs) 70.00 Charging benchmark countries depicted in Off peak (2230-530 hrs) 30.00 Figure 11.
FIGURE 11: SELLING PRICE COMPARISON WITH BENCHMARK COUNTRIES 0.16 0.14 0.12 0.1 0.08 0.06 0.04 0.02 0 Country Household, kWh Business, kWh 4.5 Demand for Power Total power demand in Sri Lanka increased by 12,785 GWh in 2016 during the period 2011-16 at a CAGR of 5.0 per cent. CEB has forecasted power demand to rise to 50.978 GWh by 2044 at a CAGR of about 5.0 per cent. FIGURE 12: POWER DEMAND EVOLUTION (2011-2016) - 14000 12785 11786 12000 10624 11063 10026 10475 10000 8000 6000 4000 2000 0 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 Source: Sri Lanka Energy Infrasap,World Bank The sectoral contribution to the existing demand is highlighted below.
FIGURE 13: SECTORIAL CONSUMPTION OF ELECTRICITY 2005-2018 Source: Generation Expansion Plan 2019 FIGURE 14: SECTORIAL CONSUMPTION OF ELECTRICITY 2018 Source: Generation Expansion Plan 2019 These Figures reveal that the cumulative industrial and commercial (general purpose, hotel, government) sectors’ electricity consumption is much more than the electricity consumption by the domestic sector.
4.6 Demand Projections Development Project, Administrative Cities Development Project, Multi The Government has proposed Model Transport Hub (Pettah) and and planned for large scale Science and Technology City) under development projects, which will the Capital City and Colombo lead to an increase of electricity Commercial City development demand in the future. The major programs of Ministry of Megapolis and development plans are mainly Western Development are indicatively identified by Western Region estimated as 121MW for 2018-2022, Megapolis Plan and Hambantota 399MW for 2023-2026 and 508MW Port Development Plan in for 2027-2030 period. Southern Region. The Western Region Megapolis Plan identifies The Colombo Port City Development following major areas for the Project is a major development development. project under the Western Region Megapolis Plan and indicate • Multi Model Transport Hub cumulative electricity demand (Pettah) requirement estimated as 30MW by • Administrative Cities 2020, 177MW by 2025, 313MW by Development Project 2030 and 393MW by 2040. Hambantota Port Development Plan in • Science and Technology City Southern Region also estimated • Maritime City Development approximately 400MW electricity Project demand for the initial stage in the • Colombo Central Business present development plan. The District Electricity Demand Forecast 2020- 2044 was prepared considering the • Housing Development phase development of the above • Horana & Mirigama Industrial large-scale projects. During the Township detailed planning stages, it is required to identify the time-based load • SME Industry requirement to determine the load • Colombo Port City pattern which would impact on actual electricity demand. • Transport Different demand forecast scenarios • Tourism were planned in the power generation The cumulative electricity demand expansion plan 2019, taking into requirements for the identified account growth rate variations in the projects (Maritime City baseline demand forecast, long-term trend approach,
end-user approach, and those listed FIGURE 15 : GENERATION below. FORECAST OF LOW, HIGH, 1. High Load Forecast - The forecast LONG TERM TIME TREND AND developed considering 1% higher MAED WITH BASE economic growth of the country beyond 2022 and economic sector change based on higher growth in Industrial and Service sector in future. 2. Low Load Forecast - The forecast developed considering 1% reduction from the annual growth rate of Base Load Forecast. 3. Long Term Time Trend Forecast - The forecast developed purely based Source: Generation Expansion Plan 2019 on the time trend approach using the past 25-year electricity demand FIGURE 16 :PEAK DEMAND figures starting from 1993. FORECAST OF LOW, HIGH, LONG TERM TIME TREND AND 4. MAED Load Projection – The MAED WITH BASE projection derived from MAED software by considering end user energy demand data and identifying technological, economic and social driving factors influencing each category of final consumption and their relations to the final energy. For the above four scenarios, including the Base Load Forecast, Figure 15 & Figure 16 graphically displays the power production and Source: Generation Expansion Plan 2019 peak load forecast.
5. Power Distribution and Collection 4.5 Distribution of Power Division Province Area North Western Chilaw,Kurunegala,Kuliyapi tiya,Wariyapola,Puttlam and Narammala Major part of the country's Distribution Division 1 North Central Anuradapura,Kekirawa and electricity distribution is handled by Minneriya CEB amounting to 88 per cent of the North Jaffna,Kilinochchi and overall sales volume, while the rest Vavuniya is managed by the subsidiary of CEB, Colombo City Colombo North, Colombo South,Colombo West and Lanka Electricity Company Ltd Colombo East (LECO). Distribution licensees are responsible for supplying end user Division Province Area power and receiving end user Eastern Ampara,Batticaloa,Trincomalee revenue. and Kalmunai Central Province Kegalle,Mawanella,Kandy For ease of administration and Distribution Division 2 City,Peradeniya,Kundasale,Katug service, the entire CEB distribution astota,Galagedara,Matale,Damb ulla,Nuwaraeliya,Ginigathena,Na system is geographically divided into walapitiya four Divisions; Distribution Division Western Province North Gampaha,Kelaniya,Negombo,Ja- 1 (DD1), Distribution Division 2 ela,Divulapitiya and Veyangoda (DD2), Distribution Division 3 (DD3), and Distribution Division 4 (DD4). The key aim of creating the four Division Province Area Divisions is to achieve benchmark Western South II Province Bandaragama,Homagama,Avi ssawella Sri competitiveness that can boost Distribution Division 3 Jayawardenapura,and consumer efficiency and supply Horana quality. Sabaragamuwa Ratnapura,Kahawatte,Ruwan wella,Eheliyagoda and Embilipitiya Uwa Badulla,Diyatalawa,Monarag ala
Division Province Area Southern Province Ambalangoda,Galle,Hambant hota,Matara,Tangalle,Akures Distribution sa(formally Weligama) and Division 4 Baddegama Western Province South I Ratmalana,Kalutara and Dehiwala 5.2 Collection The CEB's collection agents, Sampath Bank, National Development Bank (NDB), and National Savings Bank (NSB), have introduced real-time online (OLRT) monitoring of consumer electricity bill payments over the year.
6. Regulator of the Electricity Industry of Sri Lanka Public Utilities Commission of Sri Lanka (PUCSL) is the economic, technical and safety regulator of the electricity industry. The Commission regulates the industry through licenses, regulations, rules and methodologies. Economic Regulation PUCSL Mandate Technical Safety Regulation Regulation Price Regulation Safety Regulation Technical & Safety Economic Regulation Regulation Market Service Regulation Quality Technical Quality Regulation
OUTCOMES OBTAINED BY PUCSL 1. Improved productivity & convenience for electricity consumers. 2. Affordable Price for consumers and sustainable financial stability for licensees. 3. Improved safety of every living being and properties of general public, licensees & operators. 4. Improved environmental conditions for humans, animals and plants.
7. Mini Hydro Projects in the Industry Sri Lanka is blessed at a local generation of colonial-era large-scale location relative to rains in the tea plantations. Since then, until the interior of, in addition to especially 1960s, the limited hydro capacity around the central mountainous steadily expanded until the expansion regions. Heavy rains and the sloping of the power grid to provide power. nature of the land have resulted in a CEB 's assistance to the development series of small and large streams carrying water throughout the year, of the Mini hydropower sector was enabling a variety of reservoirs to given in the 1990s with the necessary produce and meet significant assistance to the private sector, which sections of the energy needs of the involved training & capacity building, country. Although the government is pre-feasibility studies, and resource carrying out large-scale power assessments. Beginning in 1997, the generation projects, the private process for the purchasing of electricity sector has been approved for from Small Power Producers (SPPs) by projects with a capacity of under 10 the CEB was regularized by the MW. Many local organizations are pursuing potential locations and publication of the Uniform Power selling the generated energy to the Purchase Agreement (SPPA), which Ceylon Electricity Board when the included a scheme to measure the green light is provided, building and purchase price based on the concept of installing power plants. avoided costs. Further, 2006 National Energy Policy established fuel diversification and energy security in Sri Lanka's history of small electricity generation as a strategic hydropower generation extends over a century and is largely target and as part of this strategy the associated with the power development of renewable energy projects was established. In view of
the above, the implementation of a Minihydro capacity is expected to three-tier tariff was introduced grow moderately over the next instead of the avoided cost-based twenty years in the long-term tariff with effect from 2008. Both generation expansion plan, as most of large-scale hydropower generation the attractive resources and sites facilities will remain under have already been established. government control for the near future, and the private sector will be responsible for the construction of small hydropower plants. Currently the technology specific cost reflective tariff introduced in 2012 is in force. The geo-climatic condition in Sri Lanka is favorable for the mini hydro development and several past studies have assessed the potential for the development of mini-hydro resources. A comprehensive study was conducted as part of the hydropower portion of the Ministry of Irrigation and Water Resources' Dam Safety and Water Resources Planning (DSWRP) project, focusing on the country's 13 river basins, and the study concluded that the country's total Minihydro capacity is 873MW. The total grid-connected Mini hydro capacity at the end of 2018 is 393.5 MW, comprising 368.5 MW built by the private sector and 25 MW under the multi-development project Moragahakanda Kaluganga Development by the relevant Ministry of Mahaweli Development and Environment with the Mahaweli Authority of Sri Lanka.
7.1 List of Mini Hydro projects undertaken by Listed Power Companies in Sri Lanka TABLE 05:LIST OF MINI HYDRO PROJECTS UNDERTAKEN BY LISTED POWER COMPANIES Power Project Ownership Generation Location River Catchment Plant Commissioning Capacity Factor Year Bambarabatuoya Vidullanka 3.2 Mw Rathnapura Kalu Ganga, 44% 1-Jun-2001 MHPP PLC Bambarabatuoya Rideepana MHPP Vidullanka 1.75 Mw Badulla Badulu Oya 4% 15-May-2015 PLC Lower Kothmale MHPP Vidullanka 4 MW Kotmale, Kothmale Oya 37% 25-Jun-2014 PLC Nuwara-Eliya Madugeta MHPP Vidullanka 2.5 MW Neluwa, Gin Gange 46% 1-Nov-2013 PLC Galle Wembiyagoda MHPP Vidullanka 1.3 MW Kalawana, Koswathu Ganga 40% 19-Mar-2013 PLC Ratnapura Ganthuna MHPP Vidullanka 1.2 MW Ganthuna, Gurugodaya 38% 26-Mar-2010 PLC Aranayake, Kegalle Ethamala Ella Vidullanka 2 MW Matara Nilwala Ganga 44% 30-Sep- 2016 PLC Batatotha MHPP Vidullanka 2.0 MW Kuruwita, Kuru Ganga 58% 6-Mar-2007 PLC Ratnapura Udawela MHPP Vidullanka 1.4MW Badulla Badulu Oya 45% 29-Dec-2017 PLC Upper agra oya Resus 2.6 MW Lindula, Agra Oya 39% 01-Feb-2006 hydropower project Energy PLC Thalawakele Giddawa hydropower Resus 2.0 MW Giddawa, Huluganga 45% 01-Oct-2008 project Energy PLC Teldeniya Upper magal ganga Resus 2.4 MW Dikellakanda. Magal Ganga 40% 01-Sep-2011 hydropower project Energy PLC Maliboda Gomale oya Resus 1.4 MW Magala, Gomale Oya 30% 01-Aug-2016 hydropower project Energy PLC Maliboda Moragaha oya Resus 1.5 MW Panvila, Moragaha Oya 35% 01-Mar-2017 hydropower project Energy PLC Kandy
Ranawala oya Resus 1.2 MW Maliboda, Ranwala Oya 37% 29-Nov-2018 hydropower project Energy PLC Deraniyagala Upper hulu ganga Resus 1.9 MW Panwila, Kandy Hulu Ganga 35% 25-July-2019 hydropower project Energy PLC Rathganga MHP Panasian 3 Mw Ratthurugala, Rathganga 45% 2004 Power PLC Ratnapura Manelwala MHP Panasian Walapane,Nuwa Kurundu Oya 38% 2008 Power PLC ra Eliya Padiyapelella MHP Panasian 3.5 Mw Padiyapelella, Beliul Oya 43% 2017 Power PLC Nuwara Eliya Erathna mhpp Vallibel 9.9 MW Kuruwita, Kuru Ganga N/A 2004 Power Rathnapura Erathna PLC Denawaka ganga mhpp Vallibel 7.2 MW Malwala, Denawaka Ganga N/A 2012 Power Rathnapura Erathna PLC Kiriwaneliya mhpp Vallibel 4.65 Norton Bridge, Maskeli Oya N/A 2011 Power MW Nuwara Eliya Erathna PLC Ginigathhena Laugfs 0.7 MW Ginigathhena N/A N/A 2017 Power PLC Ranmudu Oya Phase 1 Laugfs 0.5 MW Balangoda N/A N/A 2017 Power PLC Ranmudu Oya Phase 3 Laugfs 0.55 Balangoda N/A N/A 2017 Power PLC MW Belihul oya LVL Energy 2.2 MW Balangoda Horton Plains 47% May 2002 Fund PLC Assupini ella LVL Energy 4.0 MW Gampola and Maha Oya 47%. November Fund PLC Mawanella 2005 Kadawala LVL Energy 6 MW Watawala and N/A 25% March 2008 Fund PLC Kadawala Neluwa LVL Energy 2.2 MW border of Galle Gin Ganga 33% January 2008 Fund PLC and Kalutara Theberton LVL Energy 1.3 MW Kiriwaneliya N/A 41% September Fund PLC 2015 Campion LVL Energy 1.2 MW Bogawantalawa Kehelgamuwa Oya 45%. May 2017 Fund PLC Bambarapana LVL Energy 2.5 MW Bambarapana, Uma Oya 41%. February 2018 Fund PLC Badulla
7.2 Small Hydro Power 6 Zyrex Power (Pvt.) Ltd. N/A Developers Association (SHPDA) 7 Elpitiya Plantations 4.46 Mw The Small Hydro Power Developers 8 Lotus Hydro Power Plc. 4.9 Mw Association (SHPDA), representing (Formerly known as Hydro the major local power generators Power Free Lanka / Browns of renewable energy in Sri Lanka, Hydro Power Plc.) seeks to jointly work with relevant state authorities to formulate and 9 Natural Power (Pvt.) Ltd. N/A implement appropriate national 10 Dunsinane Power Co. (Pvt.) N/A Ltd. renewable energy policies. SHPDA 11 Midland Energy (Pvt.) Ltd. N/A members currently supply 12 Vallibel Power Erathna Plc. 21.85 Mw approximately 10% of the nation’s 13 Serendib Energy (Pvt.) Ltd. N/A demand, saving millions of dollars in 14 Weswin Power (Pvt.) Ltd. N/A foreign exchange to the country 15 Agraoya Hydro Power N/A annually. Moreover, small (Pvt.) Ltd. 16 Santak Power (Pvt.) Ltd. N/A hydropower projects, while being 17 Energy Reclamation (Pvt.) N/A environmentally friendly, have Ltd. stimulated tangible economic 18 Hydro Trust Lanka (Pvt.) 4 MW progress among rural Sri Lankan Ltd. communities. Table 06 includes the 19 WKV Hydrotechnics (Pvt) 43.4 Mw Ltd. members of Small Hydro Power 20 Samangiri Hydro Electrical N/A Developers Association. Co. Pvt 21 Hynford Water Power N/A TABLE 06: MEMBERS OF SMALL (Pvt.) Ltd. HYDROPOWER DEVELOPERS 22 Resus Energy Plc. 13 MW ASSOCIATION (Formerly known as Hemas Power Plc.) Company Installed 23 Falcon Valley Hydro N/A capacity in mini 24 Bogo Power (Pvt.) Ltd. N/A hydro projects 25 Vidullanka Plc 32.35 Mw 1 Access Energy (Pvt.) Ltd. N/A 2 Eco Power (Pvt.) Ltd. 58.2 Mw 26 Mark Hydro (Pvt.) Ltd / N/A 3 Recogen Haycarb (Pvt.) N/A Mark Marine Services Pvt. Ltd. Ltd. 4 Hydrodynamics (Pvt.) Ltd. N/A 27 Royali Power (Pvt.) Ltd. N/A 5 Saman Jala Viduli Co. N/A 28 Branford Hydro Power N/A (Pvt.) Ltd. (Formerly (Pvt.) Ltd. known as Hydro Tech Lanka Dickoya)
29 Hayleys Power Ltd. 9.5 MW 7.3 Cyclin impact on the hydro power (Formerly known as projects Hayleys Industrial Solutions) 30 Panasian Power Plc. 8.9 Mw Although an assessment of a project's 31 Waltrim Hydropower 6.6 MW technological viability would be (Private) Ltd. Formerly straight forward, the climate known as Sunshine Power conditions could be highly (Pvt.) Ltd. 32 Terraqua International N/A complicated. (Pvt.) Ltd. The climate of Sri Lanka is marked by 33 Sujalashakthi (Pvt.) Ltd. N/A 34 the southwest monsoon and Wellawaya Hydro Power N/A Pvt. Ltd. northeast monsoon. The Climate 35 Castle Power House (Pvt.) 11.85 Mw experienced during the 12 months Ltd. period in Sri Lanka can be 36 Energy Generators (Pvt.) N/A characterized in to 4 climate seasons Ltd. 37 Laugfs Power Ltd. 1.75 Mw as follows. 38 Ceylex Engineering Pvt. 7.5 MW Ltd. (LTL Power) 1. First Inter-monsoon Period (March 39 Magalganga Power (Pvt.) N/A to April) Ltd. 40 Bhoruka Power Lanka N/A Arm and uncomfortable conditions, (Pvt.) Ltd. with thunderstorm-type rain, 41 Hiran Power (Pvt.) Ltd. N/A 42 Nilwala Vidulibala N/A particularly during the afternoon or Company (Pvt.) Ltd. evening, are the typical weather 43 Eskey Power Generators N/A conditions during this season. The Pvt. Ltd. distribution of rainfall during this 44 Fair Energy Developers N/A period shows that the entire South- Pvt. Ltd. 45 Campion Hydro Pvt. Ltd. N/A western sector at the hill country 46 Escas Owala Pvt. Ltd. N/A receiving 250 mm of rainfall, with 47 Mossiville Hydro Power N/A localized area on the South-western Pvt. Ltd. slopes experiencing rainfall in excess 48 Aqua Power Pvt. Ltd. N/A of 700 mm (Keragala 771 mm). Over 49 Meunex Nahawathura N/A most parts of the island, the amount Hydro Power Pvt Ltd. 50 Hydro Jet Power Pvt. Ltd. N/A of rainfall various between 100 and 250 mm, the notable exception being the Northern Jaffna Peninsula (Jaffna- 78 mm, Elephant pass- 83 mm).
5-month long period. Lowest figures are recorded from Northern and Southeastern regions. Source: 2. Southwest Monsoon Period (May to September) Source: Windy weather during this monsoon eases off the warmth that prevailed during the 1st Inter 3. Second Inter-monsoon Period monsoon season. Southwest (October to November) monsoon rains are experienced at any time of the day and night, The thunderstorm-type of rain, sometimes intermittently mainly particularly during the afternoon or in the Southwestern part of the evening, is the typical climate during country. Amount of rainfall during this season. But unlike in the Inter- this season varies from about 100 monsoon season, the influence of mm to over 3000 mm. The highest weather system like depression and rainfall received in the mid- cyclones in the Bay of Bengal is elevations of the western slopes common during the second (Ginigathhena- 3267 mm, Intermonsoon season. Under such Watawala- 3252 mm, Norton- conditions, the whole country 3121 mm). Rainfall decreases experiences strong winds with wide rapidly from these maximum spread rain, sometimes leading to regions towards the higher floods and landslides. The second elevation, and in Nuwara-eliya, it Intermonsoon period of October – drops to 853 mm. The variation November is the period with the most towards the Southwestern coastal evenly balanced distribution of rainfall area is less rapid, with the over Sri Lanka. Almost the entire island Southwestern coastal belt receives in excess of 400 mm of rain experiencing between 1000 mm during this season, with the to 1600 mm of rain during this Southwestern slopes receiving
higher rainfall in the range 750 the minimum is in the Western mm to 1200 mm (Weweltalawa coastal area around Puttalam (Chilaw- Estate in Yatiyantota recording 177 mm) during this period. 1219 mm) Source: Source: Seasonal Rainfall 4. North-East Monsoon Period (December to February) The rainfall pattern is influenced by the monsoon winds of the Indian The dry and cold wind blowing Ocean and Bay of Bengal and is from the Indian land-mass will marked by four seasons. The first is establish a comparatively cool, but from mid-May to October, when dry weather over many parts winds originate in the southwest, making the surrounding pleasant bringing moisture from the Indian and comfortable weather except Ocean. When these winds encounter for some rather cold morning the slopes of the Central Highlands, hours. Cloud-free skies provide they unload heavy rains on the days full of sunshine and pleasant mountain slopes and the and cool night. During this period, southwestern sector of the island. the highest rainfall figures are Some of the windward slopes receive up to 250 centimeters of rain per recorded in the North, Eastern month, but the leeward slopes in the slopes of the hill country and the east and northeast receive little rain. Eastern slopes of the The second season occurs in October Knuckles/Rangala range. The and November, the inter-monsoonal maximum rainfall is experience at months. During this season, periodic Kobonella estate (1281 mm), and
squalls occur and sometimes tropical cyclones bring overcast tape. Whenever a developer finds a skies and rains to the southwest, potential site for a hydropower northeast, and eastern parts of the project, they must examine the island. During the third season, feasibility and apply an application for December to March, monsoon construction to the sustainable winds come from the northeast, energy Authority (SEA), which would bringing moisture from the Bay of grant a provisional approval (PA). Bengal. The northeastern slopes of With the PA, the developer will now the mountains may be inundated be applying for a CEB Letter of Intent with up to 125 centimeters of rain during these months. Another and Central Environmental Authority inter-monsoonal period occurs (CEA) environmental approval. from March until mid-May, with The CEA will refer the application to light, variable winds and evening another authority serving as Agency thundershowers. for Project Approval (PAA). The PAA sets in scope meetings and government agencies from which the developer needs to seek project approval, which will include no objections from the Grama Sevaka and Divisional Secretary calling public meetings. PAA will also provide Terms of Reference (TOR) for an initial report on environmental assessments (IEER). Source: The developer shall submit the IEER 7.4 Approval Process of a mini- to PAA along with other approvals to hydro Project be reviewed by the Technical Assessment Committee (TEC) Obtaining recognition and appointed by PAA. approval of a mini-hydro power project requires lengthy Environmental clearance for the inspections as outlined below, Energy Permit (EP) shall be given to and going through loads of red CEA if approved.
The developer is required to begin physical construction at the proposed site upon receipt of EP. The developer would submit Public Utility application from the Public Utilities Commission of Sri Lanka (PUCSL) for Energy License and apply for signing a Power Purchase Agreement with the CEB. 7.5 Factors to consider by an investor who is looking to have exposure to the mini hydro sector If an investor is going to purchase an already established plant, the historical generation of the plant or the plant factors need to be considered. Once the technical feasibility of undertaking the project is done, marginal cost and benefit analysis needs to be performed. If only marginal cost of generating 1 Mw is less than the additional revenue it generates, the project is feasible. Most of the locations of the projects are inaccessible and developers need to create roads or upgrade existing footpaths to allow vehicles and equipment for construction. Power generators are very heavy and the operation of the plant requires daily access after completion, therefore proper roads are required.
8. Wind Projects in the Industry More than a century ago, wind generating electrical energy. turbines first appeared. In the 1830s, after the invention of the Depending on the size of the turbine electric motor, engineers began trying to harness wind energy to and the length of its blades, the generate electricity. Wind power amount of power which can be generation took place in the United harnessed from the wind is Kingdom and the United States in determined. The output is 1887 and 1888, but in Denmark, proportional to the rotor's where horizontal-axis wind turbines dimensions and to the wind speed were built in 1891 and a 22.8-metre cube. In principle, as wind speed wind turbine began operation in doubles, the capacity for wind 1897, modern wind power is power increases by a factor of eight. considered to have been first developed. Wind-turbine capacity has increased Using the kinetic energy created by over time. Typical turbines had a air in motion, wind is used to nominal capacity of 0.05 megawatts produce electricity. Using wind turbines or wind energy conversion (MW) and a 15-metre rotor devices, this is converted into diameter in 1985. electrical energy. Wind first hits a turbine’s blades, causing them to The turbine potential of today's rotate and turn the turbine latest wind power projects is around connected to them. This converts 2 MW onshore and 3-5 MW kinetic energy into rotational energy offshore. Commercially available by rotating a shaft connected to a wind turbines with rotor diameters generator and, by electromagnetism of up to 164 meters have achieved a capacity of 8 MW. In iron smelting
fucentury B.C., Sri Lanka is the capacity is economically exploitable. country which first used wind for The Ceylon Electricity Board has industrial use. established these possible exploitable wind resources and, along with the The National Renewable Energy expansion of transmission networks, Laboratory (NREL) of the USA has prioritized their growth activities. developed the All Island Wind Energy Harnessing the exploitable wind Resource Atlas of Sri Lanka in 2003, power potential is then subjected to suggesting nearly 5,000 km2 of windy various technical constraints such as areas with good-to-excellent potential power systems stability, power for wind resources in Sri Lanka. Of the system operation, seasonality and total windy area, approximately 4,100 variability. This technical potential is km2 is on land and about 700 km2 is defined by the renewable energy grid in lagoons. The windy land represents integration study conducted by the about 6 percent of Sri Lanka's total Ceylon Electricity Board. land area (65,600 km2). Using a conservative estimate of 5 MW per In the next 20-year period, Mannar km2, nearly 20,000 MW of potential and Northern areas will be focused installed capacity could be provided for wind power development at large by this windy property. The total scale and the Puttalam, Eastern and theoretical wind capacity rises to central highland areas are will approximately 24,000 MW if the contribute to small to medium scale windy lagoons are included. wind power resource development. Sri Lanka Sustainable Energy Sri Lanka is blessed with quality wind Authority has identified resource energy primarily in the coastal region locations for large scale wind power of the northwest, the northern and development in Mannar, Jaffna central highlands. There is a slightly peninsula, Kokilai and Puttalam areas. higher potential for wind power in There is both public and private areas exposed to the southwestern participation in the production of monsoon. For different factors, such these tools, and competitive pricing as overlapping land uses, accessibility strategies are increasingly being and environmentally sensitive issues, sought in the production of these only a fraction of the overall available power projects at present.
FIGURE 17 : CUMALATIVE CAPACITY ADDITION OF WIND POWER Source: TABLE 07 : WIND RESOURCE REGIMES AND EXPECTED ANNUAL CAPACITY FACTORS Wind Regime Annual Capacity Factor(%) Northern 34.1 Mannar 36.7 Puttalam 32.1 Eastern 27.3 Central Highland 19.1 Source: Generation Expansion Plan 2019
TABLE 08: CEB OWNED WIND 2021 - 50 400 POWER STATIONS (10 MW X 5Nos. - Power Station Capacity (in MW) Year of Trincomalee, Commissioning Monaragala, Mampur 10.000 May,2010 Kilinochchi…) Seguwanthivu 10.000 May,2010 2022 - 290 290 Vidatamuna 10.000 July,2010 Pooneryn 240 MW Mannar 50 Willpita 0.150 Oct,2010 MW Nirmalapura 10.000 Oct, & Jul,2012 2023 - 160 MW 160 Uppu Daluwa 10.000 July,2012 (Mannar 60 Madurankuliya 10.000 July,2012 MW, Mannar Ambewaka-Ace 3.000 Aug,2012 mainland 100 Wind MW) Total Wind 73.040 As at Dec,.2012 2024 - 50 50 (Kokilai - 50 MW) Source : 2025 5 130 135 (Puttalam - 100 Wind power plants with a total MW, Jaffna - 30 capacity of 210 MW will be added MW) in 2020, 2022 and 2023. Other Total 5 800 805 wind power plants will be added Source: Renewable Energy Development Plan Phase I giving priority to the areas with high wind energy resource potential identified in the RE resource inventory. A pilot project on offshore wind energy will be connected to the national grid in 2025. TABLE 09 : WIND POWER CAPACITY ADDITION Capacity (MW) Offsho Onshore Total re 2019 - 20 95 (Chinaka -10 MW x2 Nos.) 2020 - 100 100 (Mannar-100 MW)
9. Solar Power Projects in the Industry Solar power generation has come a countries such as Bangladesh, long way from its inception and is making solar rooftop projects more now becoming a very competitive appropriate for Sri Lanka. renewable energy source. Solar power can be generated using many methods and the most common and While the government of Sri Lanka environmentally friendly alternative has not been able to promote solar is photovoltaic (PV) panels. rooftop projects until recently, several private companies have Both rooftops and solar farms will install PV panels. Solar farms are successfully carried out their own desirable choices for countries with projects in their factories and office large open land areas, such as the buildings. At their fabric park in Middle East, Australia and North Thulhiriya, MAS Holdings has America. But it isn't a feasible choice completed a 1 MW solar rooftop for an island nation and a project. With a 1.3 MW rooftop biodiversity hotspot like Sri Lanka solar project to power the famous with restricted land resources. HNB buildings of Colombo, 249 HNB Rooftop solar systems, on the other customer centers throughout the hand, reuse existing government rooftops and private office island and seven solar-only buildings, factories, and residential branches, Hatton National Bank houses. They have no negative followed up. environmental consequences, can be easily installed in a very short time. Excess power from on rooftop solar panels can be fed back to the national grid. Rooftop solar projects also provide the benefit of being able to install grid off in rural areas, as seen in
9.1 Solar Power Projects other than solar parks. Monaragala, Undertaken by CEB Pooneryn, Polonnaruwa and Mahiyanganaya have been identified TABLE 10: CEB OWNED SOLAR for establishing solar parks. POWER STATIONS Out of these, 100 MW from Monaragala and 130 MW from Power Capacity Year of Commissioning Station (in MW) Pooneryn will be added by 2021. 100 Battaramull 0.018 Jan,2002 MW each will be added from a Polonnaruwa, Monaragala and Gannoruwa- 0.500 April,2011 Mahiyanganaya in the period 2023- 2 Thiruppane 0.123 July,2011 2025. Apart from these, Maduru Oya Gannoruwa- 0.737 Aug.,2011 floating solar project will be added in 1 2021. Solar roof top systems will be Total Solar 1.378 As at Dec,.2012 added through the Soorya Bala Sangramaya project. Source: TABLE 11 : SOLAR POWER 9.2 Solar Power Plants Capacity CAPACITY ADDITION Additions Ca pa cit According to Renewable Energy y Development Plan Phase I 2019- (M W) 2025, 25 projects of 1 MW X 60 Large Roo Float Total power tender were added ftop ing in 2019, and the balance will be 2019 25 70 - 95 added in 2020. Projects under 1 MW (1 MW x 25 Nos.) 2020 129 30 - 159 X 90 Nos. solar power tender will be (Valachchenei - 10 MW, added in 2020, 2021 and 2022. Vaunathivu – 10 Further, the already tendered 10 MW, Pooneryn – 80 MW, 1 MW X 29 Nos.) MW projects of Valachchanai and 2021 270 30 100 400 Vaunathivu will be added in 2020. (Monaragala – 100 MW, Apart from these, a total capacity of Pooneryn – 50 MW, 1 MW X 50 Nos., 70 MW 360 MW will be added from 2021 to from other projects) 2025 from this type of projects
2022 90 26 15 31 penetration on small scale and top (1 MW x 20 Nos., 70 MW from other roof. projects) 2023 180 MW 25 15 220 In Sri Lanka, in 2010, the Ministry of (Monaragala – 100 MW, 80 MW from other Power and Renewable Energy, Ceylon projects) Electricity Boards (CEB) and Lanka 2024 170 MW 40 50 265 Electric Company (LECO) launched the (Polonnaruwa – 100 MW, 70 MW from other 'Energy Banking Facility' for such projects) micro-scale generating facilities, 2025 170 MW 104 20 294 generally known as the 'Network (Mahiyanganaya – 100 Energy Metering Facility' for MW, 70 MW from other projects) electricity consumers. This scheme Total 1034 330 200 1564 requires any user of electricity to engage as a producer in the Source: Renewable Energy Development Plan Phase I production of electricity from a source of renewable energy for their own use and in the export of any 9.3 Development of Rooftop Solar surplus energy. The installed capacity Power of the generating facility shall not surpass the customer's contractual Roof top solar systems are beginning requirement. Consumers are not to play a prominent role in providing charged for energy exports, but are electricity consumers with energy compensated (in kWh) for consuming needs and it is an efficient type of the same amount of energy over embedded generation located at the subsequent billing periods. No end user. financial compensation is paid out for the consumer's surplus energy With the availability of rooftop exported. Taking into account the spaces, rooftop solar PV installations difference between the import and can significantly reduce land use and the export of energy, the electricity environmental issues, especially in bill is prepared. At present, under a urban and suburban areas. Several net metering scheme amounting to schemes are introduced around the 106 MW of solar power, the country world to create an enabling has around 14,700 such installations. environment for photovoltaic
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