ASSESS - Newnham St. Peter's
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COVID 19 Risk Assessment September 2020 updated 11/09/20 ASSESS Decide appropriate control measures for managers and employees to implement under a ‘Plan’, ‘Do’, ‘Review’ cycle. *The preventative measures in this risk assessment are not mandatory but are provided as guidance on reducing the risk of transmission. Each school/setting must consider their own situation and adapt the assessment by editing the measures where appropriate Who may be at risk: Employees, pupils and young people, families (parents, carers and siblings), visitors, contractors, members of public. Vulnerable groups – this risk assessment considers vulnerable groups which the NHS lists as ‘people at high risk (clinically extremely vulnerable)’; and ‘people at moderate risk (clinically vulnerable)’. . Some people with particular characteristics may be at comparatively increased risk from COVID-19 (due to age, deprivation, ethnicity, etc.). An individual risk assessment may be appropriate for those who are very anxious about returning to their workplace. PLAN DO REVIEW Prepare Building, timetables Prepare Employees Communicate and Minumise contacts Infection Control and lessons, policies and and Parents and Control Access Review and Social Distancing Measures procedures pupils Arrangements Buildings Employees Access Bubbles Minimise contact with Consultation with individuals who are employees and Ensure that all health and safety Involve employees in Entry points to school Small, consistent unwell: trades union Safety compliance checks have been plans to return to controlled (including groups of pupils split Refer to PHE guidance Reps on risk undertaken before opening (e.g. school and listen to deliveries). into bubbles. Class and Action Cards for assessments fire alarm, emergency lighting, any suggestions on groups will be kept School Managers water hygiene lifts, etc.). preventative measures together in separate that can be taken ‘bubbles’ throughout the day and do not mix with other groups Fire servicing has continued as Staff consulted Each group has a Children to remain in Displayed in isolation The is no staff union normal and emergency lighting through emails, virtual separate entry point. class bubbles. room , school office rep. However the has been tested with one light staff meeting and and staff rooms headteacher has
replaced. Legionnaire testing has face-to-face sessions Deliveries via front Year 1 pupils who are offered to engage continued a normal. with staff in school. entrance only split across two classes with all unions Staff involved in to have outside classroom layouts and playtime together in planning the structure of the day. Risk assessment available on Teams for staff to contribute Reviewing emergency and Consider personal risk Building access rules Keep a record of pupils Anyone with COVID-19 Risk assessment evacuation procedures (e.g. fire factors: age, clearly communicated and staff in each symptoms, or who published on school wardens, escape routes, roll-call, pregnancy, existing through signage on bubble, lesson or close have someone in their intranet and website. assembly areas, etc.). health conditions and entrances contact group. household who does, ethnicity and where not to attend school. necessary conduct individual risk assessments Fire evacuation point to remain See staff risk Signage in place Registers and staff sign In home school Available on website on recreation field whist the risk assessments ins ensure record is in agreement and from week starting assessment is in place to allow place parents regularly 24/08/20 to enable for social distancing between reminded via the school to respond bubbles. newsletters. Posted at to any additional AB- infant zone warden each entrance point changes that occur SP junior zone warden over the summer holidays Make provision for children who Employees fully School start times School breakfast and If anyone becomes Nominated display COVID-19 symptoms/ briefed about the staggered so bubbles after-school clubs to unwell at school they employees tasked to become ill during the day to be plans and protective arrive at different keep to the bubbles will be isolated, sent monitoring isolated. Space should be measures identified in times used during the school home and provided protection measures identified in addition to the the risk assessment day where possible. with information on usual medical room. what to do next.
Old library allocated as isolation Risk assessment Staggered starts and Hall and hut to be used Parents informed in Monitoring timetable room shared through Teams finishes with clear to create zones and line with current to be completed for and to form part of handovers. Parents to children to remain in guidance SLT September INSET be informed of time bubble group. slots via text After school extra- curricular clubs to be provided for one class bubble a night Ensure school has sufficient Regular staff briefings. Floor markings outside Minimise mixing An unwell child Members of staff are supplies of PPE including school to indicate awaiting collection will on duty at breaks to cleaning materials and hand distancing rules (if Bubbles to be kept be isolated in a ensure compliance washing/sanitising liquids that queuing during peak apart from other suitable room with or with rules meet DfE/PHE requirements. times). groups where possible. without adult Groups use the same supervision classroom or area of a (depending on age and setting throughout the needs of the child). day. SBM to monitor stock levels Weekly Teams Markings in place. Blue Each class has a Isolation room – old School daily meeting for all staff for Pre-school, separate entry and exit library . timetable Reception, Year 1, red point and there are no for all others cross over points. Toilets cubicles to remain allocated to bubbles to prevent cross contamination Provide suitable and sufficient Keeping in touch with Screens installed to Mixing between Staff caring for a child Staff encouraged to bins to support pupils and staff off-site workers on protect employees in bubbles kept to a awaiting collection to report any non- to follow the ‘catch it, bin it, kill their working reception minimum during keep a distance of 2 compliance it’ approach arrangements arrival, lunchtime, metres including their breaks and departure welfare, mental and
physical health and personal security. Pedal bins in all classrooms, All staff due on site in This is already in place Staggered start and Open door policy. staffroom and school entrance September. SLT to drop off times outside Isolation room Review of practice is liaise with any staff of the school day. allocated a weekly item on who have to self- Break times in separate staff meeting isolate parts of the school agenda. allocated on a weekly rota system. Lunch in classrooms for Years 3and 4, 5 and 6 Year 2 to have lunch in the Hut. Preschool. Reception Year 1 to have lunch in the hall The 4 y1 children not in this bubble to be seated in a separate area, as in breakfast club s Provide sufficient tissues in all Regular Shared pens removed Pupil movements ; The effectiveness of rooms. communications that from reception around the school site, • PPE to be worn by prevention measures those who have either in groups or staff caring for the will be monitored by coronavirus individuals is child, including: school leaders. o a face mask symptoms, or who controlled to limit worn if a have someone in their contact and mixing. distance of 2 household who does, metres cannot are not to attend be maintained. school. o if contact is necessary, then gloves, an apron and a
face mask should be worn eye protection where there is a risk of fluids entering the eye, for example, from coughing, spitting or vomiting SBM to monior stock levels Home school This is already in place Classes to use PPE equipment kept in SLT monitoring agreement. Include on individual entry and seconds staff room. timetable. website (changing exit point. Only one Emergency kit in each current wording child allowed in toilet room for cleaning around absence) and block (2 for pre-school purposes in newsletters. / reception) Signage on all entry points Consider if the school site can be Information shared Touch screen signing Groups will stay within Staff to wash their This risk assessment split into separate zones where about testing available in devices in reception a specific “zone” of the hands after caring for will be reviewed if groups of pupils can remain to for those with cleaned regularly site to minimise mixing a child with symptoms the risk level changes minimise mixing. symptoms and/or in light of updated guidance The school is split into infant and Staff leaflet and verbal As with the summer All zones allocated Posters displayed to Governor action junor zone and classes do not update on current risk assessment the remind staff of need to mix within zones . Y1 procedures touch screen will not procedures pupils to be able to play outdoors be used in the Autumn together term and visitors will sign in via the SBM Create a plan of the building to Resources Hand sanitiser Large gatherings such All areas where a mark out areas where bubbles provided at all as assemblies or person with symptoms do not mix (e.g. classrooms) and Teachers to identify entrances collective worship with has been to be where mixing is more likely and shared resources and more than one group cleaned after they so where distancing and other how to prevent mixed to be avoided. have left measures are required. contact (e.g. cleaning between bubbles or
rotas for equipment use). Areas already maked oit from Rotas to be in place SBM to monior stock Teams to be used to Posters displayed to eth summer erm – no additional levels share collective remind staff of plan required worships. HT to visit procedures one bubble per worship. Consider separate facilities be Identify and plan Pupils, staff and Multiple groups do not Should staff have close provided for meals and lessons that could take visitors to remove face use outdoor hands-on contact they refreshments in different zones place outdoors coverings at school equipment should monitor (e.g. pods, kiosks, cafes). and wash hands simultaneously themselves for immediately on arrival. symptoms of possible COVID-19 over the following 14 days. Lunches to be delivered to each Included in Recovery To be communicated Outdoor equipment to Staff to also inform classrooom Curriculum. Staff have to parents be timetabled to one Headteacher also reviewed long group a week and not term plans and used on Friday to allow identified what lessons for 72 hours can be adapted for an outdoor focus. To be evidenced in medium term plans Evaluate the capacity of rooms Consider how online Covered bins provided Limiting the number of Handwashing and shared areas resources can be used on entrances to pupils who use the to shape remote dispose of temporary toilet facilities at one Frequent hand learning. face coverings. time. washing encouraged for adults and pupils (following guidance on hand cleaning).
: Pedal bins to be used One cubicle per bubble Part of daily routine. Reception/ Class bubble Seesaw and Teams to Signage for hand gel preschool/1 be up and running for at main entrance. Year 1/2 Class bubble September. Child and adult posters Year ¾ class Class bubble Each class to have an displayed Year ¾ class Class bubble emergency pack to Year 5 class Class bubble send home the day a Year/6 Class bubble child is absent – to class cover first day. Online Hall 15 learning to then be Y3 class – provided. breakout room Staffrooms 3 each seated . 1 additional person can acces the sink/hhotwater/ microwave in main staffroom. Ht office to be used for 2 additional people if needed Hut Admin 1 office Heads 2 office
Plan for staggered lunches with Plan for remote Sealable plastic bags The same teacher(s) Sufficient more sittings to avoid mixing, education for pupils, provided for reusable and other staff are handwashing facilities allowing time for cleaning, alongside classroom face coverings to take assigned to each are available. devise seating plans, safe teaching in case of a home with them. bubble and, as far as Where there is no capacity etc. lockdown or pupils possible, these stay the sink, hand sanitiser having to isolate same provided in classrooms Lunch rotas revisited to allow for Resources to be shared Bags to be purchased PE specialists to cover The Year 5 classroom each class to eat in classrooms . via Seesaw a class for the whole has had additional hot This avoids staggered lunches afternoon rather than water plumbed in over when food is delivered on site rotating. Same with the summer holidays and will get cold if not served music specialists. so all classrooms now Pastoral worker to have facilities for work with one class per handwashing afternoon, potentially a different class in the morning. HT providing PPA to one class only and will visit one class a day only during worship. Drop in monitoring to take place from bubble perimeters. SLT observations to be planned to reduce contact across groups in one day Consider door signs mounted to Parents/pupils Gathering at the Staff that move Skin friendly skin identify max number in room / school gates between classes and cleaning wipes used as toilets at one time. Review EHCPs where prohibited year groups, to keep an alternative to hand required washing or sanitiser
their distance from pupils and other staff. Signs to be added to satff rooms Reviewed by SENDCo In home school See above for plans to In the first instance and to toliets in response to each agreement limit movement parents to provide transition individual hand soap / wipes if there are allergies COVID-19 posters/ signage Educate pupils before Staff on duty outside To avoid mixing during Pupils to clean their displayed. they return about the school to monitor breakfast and after- hands when they Identify ‘crunch points’ (e.g. need to stay apart protection measures. school clubs, a carousel arrive at school, when entrances/ exits/ corridors/ from others and system to be operated they return from shared space and consider how expectations around with children from breaks, when they movement can be staggered) hygiene different bubbles change rooms, when rotating between they return from activities (e.g. inside, outdoors and before outside, snack time and after eating etc.) with cleaning surfaces between groups Signage in place and crunch The majority of pupils Headteacher on duty In addition use of the Part of class routine points addressed have returned to large tables in the hall and supported by school. Rules form part to set up distanced signage of first day back and activities with children will do again in facing away from each September Children bubble are sent letters before return Consider one-way system if Communicate to Wherever possible Distancing Staff help is available possible for circulation around parents on the keep meetings on a for pupils who have the building preventative measures virtual platform (e.g. Staff to keep 2 metres trouble cleaning their being taken. 1:1 session with from other adults as hands independently professionals, much as possible. (e.g. small children
recruitment and pupils with interviews, parental complex needs) meetings etc.). One way system in place for drop Home school Teams is in place Two staff rooms off and collection Children do not agreement available with limited overlap inside the building so no numbers. one way system required Whole staff meetings held remotely or in a large space. Teacher only meeting to ensure adults are sat 2m away and front facing. Put down floor markings along Post the risk Parents/carers and Where possible staff to Use resources such as the middle of two-way assessment or details visitors coming onto maintain distance from “e-bug” to teach corridors/stairs to keep groups of measures on school the site without an their pupils, staying at effective hand hygiene apart and ‘keep left’ signs. website. appointment is not to the front of the class. etc. be permitted Markings in place To be posted once In home school Classroom arranged to Included in Recovery agreed by governors agreement allow for a 2m space Curriculum for teachers. Carpet spaces removed In areas where queues may Parents and pupils Site guidance on Staff to avoid close Respiratory hygiene form, put down floor markings informed about the physical distancing and face to face contact to indicate distancing. process that has been hygiene is explained to and minimise time Adults and pupils are agreed for drop off visitors on or before spent within 1 metre of encouraged not to and collection. arrival. anyone touch their mouth, eyes and nose. Markings in place To be communicated To be communicated To be included in staff to parents by by SBM training and monitored individual letter, by SLT
including drop off and collection times Can separate doors be used for Ensure parents have a Where possible visits Supply teachers, Adults and pupils in and out of the building (to point of contact for arranged outside of peripatetic teachers encouraged to use a avoid crossing paths). reassurance as to the school hours. and/or other tissue to cough or plans put in place. temporary staff to sneeze and use bins minimise contact and for tissue waste maintain as much (‘catch it, bin it, kill it’) distance as possible from other staff. All classes use separate doors Headteacher email To be arranged by To be allocated Signage around included in all SBM secondary staffroom school. Tissues correspondence when in school provided. Pedal bins in classrooms. Bins to be emptied throughout the school day if used. Class teachers to monitor. Identify doors that can be Limit the equipment A record kept of all The occupancy of staff Singing, wind and propped open (to limit use of pupils bring into visitors to assist NHS rooms and offices brass playing should door handles and aid ventilation) school each day to Test and Trace for 21 limited not take place in taking account of fire safety and essentials such as days, including: larger groups such as safeguarding. Seek advice from lunch boxes, hats, the name; school choirs and HSE if necessary. coats, books, a contact ensembles, or school stationery. Bags are phone assemblies allowed number; date of visit; arrival and departure time;
the name of the assigned staff member. Note: where the visitor is known to the school and contact details are known a record of the visit is sufficient Internal doors to be propped To be communicated To be stored by SBM 3 per staff room. One Numbers limited to 15 open. To be closed during in home school for 21 days addition staff member • Measures to be evacuaton and at the end of the agreement may access the sink, taken when school day. hot water, microwave playing Door stops needed in the main staffroom. instruments or Signage in place singing in small 1 per SBM office groups such as in 2 per Heads office music lessons include: 1. physical distancing; 2. playing outside wherever possible; 3. limiting group sizes to no more than 15; 4. positioning pupils back-to- back or side- to-side; 5. avoiding sharing of instruments;
6. ensuring good ventilation. Identify rooms that can be Parents informed only Open Days/ Parents Use of staff rooms to Cleaning accessed directly from outside one parent to Evenings be minimised. (to avoid shared use of accompany child to Sanitising spray and corridors). school. paper towels to be provided in classrooms for use by members All classrooms can be accessed Included in home Open days and parents See above. In school SBM to monitor stock from outside except Y1/2 . Year school agreement evening will not take day meetings to be levels 1/2 to be the only class using the place on site in the first planned in larger Hut double doors term of Autumn. This building will then be reviewed. The school will use virtual platforms as these become available Organise classrooms for Parents and pupils Staff in shared spaces Thorough cleaning of maintaining space between seats encouraged to walk or (e.g. office) to avoid rooms at the end of and desks. cycle where possible working facing each the day. other Classroom reorganised to Included in return to Tables arranged Cleaning sheets on maximise space school communication accordingly classroom / office doors Arrange desks seating pupils side Staggered drop-off Use a simple 'no Shared materials and by side and facing forwards. and collection times touching' approach for surfaces to be cleaned planned and young children to frequently (e.g. toys, communicated to understand the need books, desks, chairs, parents. to maintain distance. doors, sinks, toilets, light switches, handrails, etc.).
Classroosm reorganised – all Parents have Modelled by staff and Enhanced cleaning by rooms have front facing seats individual drop-off and included in PSHE staff. Governors have collection times – lessons and social identified a potential family groups stories need for additional allocated similar time cleaning hours to ensure they are only on site at one time Inspect classrooms and remove Encourage parents to Older children to be Resources that are unnecessary items and furniture phone school and encouraged to keep shared between to make more space make telephone their distance within bubbles (e.g. sports, appointments if they bubbles art and science wish to discuss their equipment) to be child (to avoid face to cleaned frequently face meetings). and meticulously and always between bubbles. Classrooms have been In home school Included in classroom Shared resources reorganised agreement routines timetabled to allow for cleaning. Additional storage boxes to be purchased so items can be easily grouped and a cleaning record attached to boxes Make arrangements with Encourage parents to Minimising contact Outdoor equipment cleaners to put in place an phone school and appropriately cleaned enhanced cleaning schedule that make telephone Doors propped open, frequently. includes frequent cleaning of appointments if they where safe to do so to rooms, shared areas that are wish to discuss their limit use of door child (to avoid face to handles. Ensure closed face meetings).
used by different groups and when premises frequently touched surfaces. unoccupied. Governors have approved To be on website and Internal doors open, Rotas to allow for additional cleaning hours at the in parental agreement door stops provided. cleaning end of the day if required . Staff Closed as part of to support with cleaning of evacuation and at end frequently touched surfaces of day Timetabling and lessons Discourage parents Taking books and other Toilets to be cleaned and pupils from shared resources home regularly. Consider staggered starts or bringing in toys and limited, although adjusting start and finish times other play items from unnecessary sharing to keep groups apart as they home avoided. arrive and leave school. Staggered start and finish times In home school Teachers to plan for Staff to be responsible agreement minimal material to go for bubble cubicle. HT home. Seesaw to be responsible for staff used where possible for toilets. Signage sheets homework on door Stagger break times and lunch Others Staff and pupils to Staff providing close times to avoid mixing and time have their own hands-on contact with for cleaning surfaces in the Communication with individual and very pupils need to dining hall between groups contractors and frequently used increase their level of suppliers that will equipment, such as self-protection, such need to prepare to pencils and pens. as minimising close support plans for full contact and having opening (e.g. cleaning, more frequent hand- catering, food washing and other supplies, hygiene hygiene measures, and suppliers). regular cleaning of surfaces
Assurances that caterers comply with the guidance for food businesses on COVID- 19. SBM to contact Staff and pupils to To include staff who have own individual change nappies wallets of regularly used resources When timetabling, groups PE and School Sport PPE should be kept apart and movement around the school Pupils kept in same The majority of staff in site kept to a minimum to avoid consistent bubbles education settings will creating busy corridors, where possible during not require PPE entrances and exits. PE and sport. beyond what they would normally need for their work. PPE is only needed in a very small number of cases, including: • where an individual child or young person becomes ill with coronavirus (COVID-19) symptoms while at schools, and only then if a distance of 2 metres cannot be maintained
• where a child or young person already has routine intimate care needs that involves the use of PPE, in which case the same PPE should continue to be used. Class zones enable this to Taught in classes. PPE stored in happen. Staff to consider when Clubs, if offered, to be Headteacher’s office childern are sent to the toilet class clubs not key cubicles stage Prepare arrangements to allow Assurances that Sports equipment First Aid remote learning to take place caterers comply with thoroughly cleaned should a partial or full closure of the guidance for food between each use. Check if qualifications the school be required, at any businesses on COVID- run out. Consider point in the next academic year. 19. enrolling more staff on training. Teams and Seesaw Provided by Cater Cleaning to be The school has more Cater timetabled in. than sufficient first Equipment limited to aiders in place and one group a week increased the number during lockdown Policies and procedures Discussion with Contact sports avoided Employees providing caterers to agree until guidance changes first aid to pupils will Update policies to reflect arrangements for not be expected to changes brought about by staggered lunches maintain 2 metres COVID-19, including: (e.g. seating capacity, distance. The holding hot food,
Safeguarding/child cleaning between following measures protection sittings, distancing and will be adopted: Behaviour minimising contacts). • washing hands Curriculum . or using hand NQTs sanitiser, Special educational before and needs after treating Visitors to school injured Charging policy (wrap person; around care) • wear gloves or cover hands when dealing with open wounds; • if CPR is required on an adult, attempt compression only CPR and early defibrillation until the ambulance arrives; • if CPR is required on a child, use a resuscitation face shield if available to perform mouth-to- mouth
ventilation in asphyxia arrest. • dispose of all waste safely. Plans agreed prior to Long term plans Ventilation end of summer term updated Ensure website is compliant with Communication with Outdoor sports should Increase the supply of regards to the publishing of other building users be prioritised where fresh air by opening policies. (e.g. lettings, extended possible. Large indoor windows and doors (where safe to do so). school provision, spaces used where it is regular visitors, etc.) not. No evening lets during Long term plans Widows in rooms to the Autumn term. updated. If the hall is be opened. Doors to Holiday sport provision needed due to bad be opened only if to comply with school weather staff allows ventilation is not risk assessments for half the class only sufficient. Establish a visitors’ protocol so Limit visitors by that parents, contractors, exception (e.g. for professionals working with priority contractors, individual children are clear emergencies etc.). about the infection control measures that you have in place. Visitors information leaflet Governing Boards and school Lettings: Distance between Face coverings leaders to have regard to staff pupils from mixed (including the headteacher) Out of school settings bubbles will be work-life balance and wellbeing. for children are maximised during PE
Information shared about the permitted if those extra mental health support for responsible for them pupils and teachers is available. are ready to do so and they can do so safely, following COVID-19 Secure guidelines Staff signposted to GCC and SAS No evening lets during Areas to be allocated. Staff and pupils are support services the Autumn term. Field to be zoned off if not required to wear Physical marking of books to be Holiday sport provision used by more than one face coverings. minimised to reduce time spent to comply with school bubble Visitors will be asked in school as books cannot go risk assessments to wear face coverings home. in areas outside of classrooms where Resources shared in staff rooms. social distancing is not Staff governor report to GB on possible staff wellbeing. (Agenda item) The school CoG monitor HT wellbeing. environment has been adapted and risk assessed to ensure staff can maintain social distancing when not in classrooms (ie staffrooms) Response to any infection Lettings and non- Sporting activities school users: delivered by external Leadership understands the NHS The use of indoor coaches, clubs and Test and Trace process and how facilities by adults organisations will only to contact their local Public should remain closed go ahead if they can Health England health protection until guidance satisfy the above team. changes, apart from requirements. toilets and throughways. Risk assessment shared with sports provider
and sports provider risk assessments monitored against school requirements Plan how to inform staff Lettings and non- Changes of clothing to members and parents/ carers school users: be minimised to that they will need to be ready A risk assessment reduce items being and willing to should determine the brought from home. book a test if they are maximum capacity of Children only to displaying symptoms; a hall or hire space change in one room inform the school while able to maintain due to ‘bubble’ space immediately of the results of social distancing a test; according to the provide details of anyone current relevant they have been in close guidelines. contact with; self-isolate if necessary. Lettings not to start Children to wear PE kit back. on PE days. Children Visitors to follow who are attending routines. clubs many get changed as this will be smaller number . Children in clubs will remain in PE kit after the session Swimming Communication with Risk assessments of others (e.g. extended visits and journeys to school provision, be undertaken by visit lettings, regular leaders. visitors, etc.)
Swimming is offsite and requires Lettings to be updated To focus on local area the childern to be transported by coach . Lessons will not be booked for the Autumn term Any groups hiring the From the autumn facilities must refer to term, non-overnight relevant government educational visits only guidance or their own associations and national governing body for guidance on running the club or event following the COVID-19 guidelines Plans revisited so that visits will be local and in walking distance only in Autumn term to avoid additional risks associated with transport at this stage The school can ask any hiring organisation to provide evidence of their risk assessment Provided by Pro Stars Review existing lettings/hire agreements and amend or supplement as necessary to include specifics of
what the school will do and what the hirers are responsible for (e.g. cleaning, sharing equipment, hand washing or sanitiser, what happens if anyone shows symptoms or tests positive to COVID-19, etc.). Pro tars to be responsible for day to day cleaning. Pro Stars will pay Glen cleaning for the cost of a deep clean if required following a positive test. HT to be informed of all tests and results • • during-the-coronavirus-covid-19-outbreak/protective-measures-for-out-of-school-settings-during-the-coronavirus-covid-19-outbreak
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