Page created by Brad Carlson
The Adecco Group Foundation
The Adecco Group Foundation (AGF), created in 2017, focuses on
supporting underserved populations to access to the labour
market and be holistically healthy and able to work. We deliver
this through three types of activities: thought leadership and
insights, a social innovation lab and global programmes. These
activities allow us to drive rigorous research and host stakeholder
interactions, to create practical solutions to challenges related to
employment, and to disseminate and scale these models with
target audiences around the world. Flagship programmes include
CEO for One Month, Experience Work Day and Win4Youth.
Further information can be found at

Boston Consulting Group
Boston Consulting Group partners with leaders in business and
society to tackle their most important challenges and capture
their greatest opportunities. BCG was the pioneer in business
strategy when it was founded in 1963. Today, we help clients with
total transformation – inspiring complex change, enabling
organizations to grow, building competitive advantage, and
driving bottom-line impact. To succeed, organizations must blend
digital and human capabilities. Our diverse, global teams bring
deep industry and functional expertise and a range of
perspectives to spark change. BCG delivers solutions through
leading-edge management consulting along with technology and
design, corporate and digital ventures – and business purpose. We
work in a uniquely collaborative model across the firm and
throughout all levels of the client organization, generating results
that allow our clients to thrive. Learn more at

                                                                       INTELLIGENCE IN
                                                                       THE WORKPLACE
                                                                       CREATING EFFECTIVE MACHINE-WORKFORCE

 Introduction to this report
                                                               The Changing Roles of Humans and Ma-
                                                               chines in the Workplace

 6 ways to encourage human-machine
                                                               Introducing the Bionic Organization
 collaboration                                                 Chart

 Summary of best practices and recom-
                                                               Closing remarks

 About the Study


Copyright picture p. 4: robotic arms with empty conveyor belt (copyright) phonlamaiphoto #120657036/

                                                                                                                      | 5

      What do the advertisements we watch,         In this study, we aimed to understand         The study disconfirms the prevalent          jobs being replaced. However, we have
      the games we play, the virtual assistants    what it will take to ensure effective         opinion that technology will replace         also found that a significant portion
      we talk to, and the marketing e-mails we     machine-workforce interaction with a          human jobs, and reinforces the value of      of respondents feel overwhelmed by
      receive have in common? All these            specific focus on white collar workers.       advanced software – also recognized by       advanced software, and may need help
      activities, often taken for granted,         The decision to focus on white collar         the workers. The report finds a positive     to adjust to it. Reaping the full value of
      are increasingly being powered by            workers was motivated by the scarce           attitude towards the future use of           AI, thus, requires organizations to upskill,
      intelligent algorithms which process         research on the segment. Despite the          machines, with only a very low share of      enable and motivate workers for more
      huge amounts of data to imitate              significant impact they have experienced      workers being concerned about their          efficient use of intelligent machines.
      cognitive human capabilities.                – and continue experiencing – on
                                                   their working lives, skills and roles, the
      Advances in Artificial Intelligence (AI)     majority of studies focus on the blue
      and other technologies, such as robotic      collar population. To deeply understand
      process automation, are transforming
      the workplace and driving radical shifts
                                                   the challenges white collar workers
                                                   and their employers are facing, a
                                                                                                   How do we
      in the way organizations operate and the
      roles workers play. The most successful
                                                   survey with more than 1,000 workers
                                                   and HR practitioners was conducted.
      organizations are moving towards a
      bionic model, combining capabilities of
                                                   This perspective was complemented
                                                   by in-depth interviews with business
      humans and machines to drive superior
      results and customer solutions. Yet, while
                                                   leaders. Spanning across nine countries,
                                                   the research focused primarily on the
      the potential of these technologies to       financial services/insurance industry and
      boost human potential and unlock             on the consumer/retail segment; both
      significant business value is increasingly   subject to the major digital disruption
      recognized, many struggle to adapt to        and significant employers of white-collar       For the purpose of this study, we have
      and adopt these.                             workers. Within these industries, we            used a broad concept of AI, defining
                                                   surveyed people in roles that are likely to     it as advanced forms of software that
      In 2019, when The Adecco Group               be impacted by technological changes            have the ability to imitate cognitive
      Foundation and BCG set out to explore        such as Finance Advisors, Traders or            human capabilities in various fields
      how machines and employees can better        Sales representatives (see Appendix).           of activity. These technologies can
      collaborate, we did not yet imagine how      This approach provides not only a global        update themselves in real time, adapt to
      COVID-19 will turn the world upside          picture on key qualitative trends, but          changing environments, autonomously
      down, speeding up our dependence on          also offers sufficient data to generate         improve information processing, and
      technology and digital tools at an           quantitative insights. While our research       interact with workers in a collaborative
      unprecedented rate. As they continue to      was conducted before the COVID-19               way. Applications include optimizing
      work remotely, hundreds of millions of       crisis, we feel that the insights gathered      prices in real time, using augmented
      people are now in closer contact with the    are still relevant. As workers' exposure to     reality to create visualizations of
      tech solutions they need for their jobs      digital tools and technological solutions       products or automating customer
      than with their human team members. If       has recently skyrocketed, and human-            service to answer queries.
      employers are smart, they’ll use the         machine touchpoints have significantly
      opportunity to optimize these person-to-     increased, this topic is more important
      technology interactions to create a          than ever.
      modern bionic organization that’s poised
      for the future.

6 |                                                                                                                                                                                          | 7
Rather than fearing substitution, most                             majority of workers (83%) stated that
                                                                                                                                workers displayed a fairly positive                                advanced software will help perform
                                                                                                                                sentiment towards new technologies;                                their tasks more efficiently in three
                                                                                                                                especially positive in light of the majority                       years from now (Exhibit 2), and nearly
                                                                                                                                of workers exposed to some kind of                                 all respondents saw a clear added
                                                                                                                                advanced software (83% worked with                                 value of advanced software to their
                                                                                                                                at least one). Looking forward, a large                            jobs (96%).

                                                                                                                                 Exhibit 2

                                                                                                                                                                                                   In 3 years, will your tasks be performed

      THE CHANGING ROLES OF                                                                                                        How many types of advanced
                                                                                                                                   software are integral to your job?
                                                                                                                                                                                                   more effectively through the application
                                                                                                                                                                                                   of an advanced software?

      HUMANS AND MACHINES IN                                                                                                              5%
                                                                                                                                                9%   8%


      THE WORKPLACE                                                                                                                 20%

                                                                                                                                                     45%                                                 83%

      AI will augment, not displace                                                                                                       0               1                                              No
                                                                                                                                          2-3             4-8                                            Yes
      With machines increasingly capable                             by technology in the medium-term.
      of replicating tasks that otherwise                            However, our survey results suggest that                             9-16            I don’t know
      required human cognition, jobs of                              full substitution situations are unlikely
      many white-collar professions are                              to occur frequently in the near future;
      expected to be disrupted. With AI-                             rather, AI will augment the contributions
      enabled software being able to detect                          of humans. This is evidenced by the fact
      emotions, recognize speech, analyze                            that less than 5% of respondents felt that
      text, and respond accurately to visual                         their tasks are completely substitutable
      data, it has been put forward that many                        by advanced software in the next six
      white-collar workers will be displaced                         years (Exhibit 1).                                             For those with basic to advanced knowledge on AI, do you feel
                                                                                                                                    you achieve the value expected from advanced software? (Multiple selection)

        Exhibit 1: Percentage of respondents indicating a                                                                          60%
        substitution situation2                                                                                                    50%

                                                                                                                                   40%           49%
                                                                                                                                   30%                                    40%
                                     3.4%                                                                                          20%
                                                                                                                                                                                             33%                   32%
           30%                                                                                                                       0%
                                                                                                                                             Advanced                   Advanced           Advanced              Advanced           Advanced
                                                                                                                                           software helps            software helps         software           software helps     software does
                                                                                                                                               me work                 me conduct         helps me to             me make          not add any
                                                                                                                                              faster and            better predictions   reduce errors         more targeted    value to my tasks
           10%                                                                                                                             more efficient                                                       suggestions
                                     3.8%                                      4.0%
                                    in 3 years                                in 6 years

        1 N (all workers) = 1,088                                                                                                3 N (all workers) = 1,088

      2 Substitution situations: These refer to instances wherein current human roles become irrelevant because they are com-
      pletely taken over by advanced software.

8 |                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 | 9
Workers are willing to leverage the potential of AI – even if not
       fully ready                                                                                                                          Exhibit 4: Are you overwhelmed by the advanced technology
                                                                                                                                            software you work with?4
       But how well prepared are workers to                                      Our survey shows that only 13% of
                                                                                                                                              100%                                                           I feel it is difficult to keep track
       adapt to the new collaboration models?                                    respondents greatly enjoy working with                        90%                                                           or am unable to cope with the
       According to our research, they are not                                   advanced technologies, and 34% are                            80%
                                                                                                                                                            31%                 24%                          advanced software in my work-
       (yet) fully ready. Employee resistance                                    comfortable with advanced software in                         70%
       and organizational inertia to adopt                                       their workplaces. 26% feel challenged                         60%                                                           I am indifferent
                                                                                                                                               50%          29%
       advanced software are still there, and                                    or unable to cope – a high number
       workers seem to lack confidence in their                                  considering that all our respondents                                                                                        I feel confortable or greatly enjoy
                                                                                                                                               30%                                                           working with advanced software
       ability to perform well in the workplace                                  work in roles which will be significantly                     20%
       of the future.                                                            transformed by technology (Exhibit 3).                        10%
                                                                                                                                                         Non-STEM               STEM
                                                                                                                                                                                                            N (Non-STEM) = 398; N (STEM) = 690

        Exhibit 3: Are you overwhelmed by the advanced technology
        software you work with?3                                                                                                           Despite feeling seemingly unprepared,           not want to work more closely with
                                                                                                                                           the survey revealed a willingness of            advanced software”. Here again, the
                                                                                                                                           employees to engage with and leverage           number was higher for respondents over
            40%                                                                                                                            technology going forward; a positive            55 (14%).
                                                                                                                                           signal for future developments. In fact,
                                                                                                                                           when asked about their feelings towards         More interestingly, 81% of workers from
            30%                                                                                    34%
                                                                                                                                           the use of advanced software in their           developing countries indicated being
                                                                                                                                           jobs, many workers indicated they               open or keen to work more closely with
                                                                                                                                           were either open or keen to work more           advanced software (only 14% being
                                                     20%                                                                                   closely with machines (~55%) and 35%            neutral, 5% skeptical). For respondents
                                                                                                                                           were neutral towards it. For respondents        from developed countries, the share of
             10%                                                                                                           13%             between 18 and 54, less than 10%                individuals showing a positive attitude to
                                                                                                                                           displayed a negative attitude, indicating       technology was only 49%.
                               6%                                                                                                          they were “skeptical or absolutely did
                          I am unable to    It is difficult for me to   I am indifferent     I feel comfortable    I greatly enjoy being
                           cope with the     keep track of all the                         with working with all      surrounded and
                        advanced software    advanced software                               the existing types        working with
                         at my workplace        at my workplace                            of advanced software     advanced software       Exhibit 5: How do you feel about using advanced software in
                                                                                                                                            your job?5 6
                                                                                                                                              100%                                5%
            N (all workers) = 1,088                                                                                                            90%                               14%                         I am skeptical or absolutely do
                                                                                                                                               80%                                                           not want to work more closely
                                                                                                                                                                                                             with advanced software
                                                                                                                                               70%          40%
                                                                                                                                               60%                                                           Neutral
       Unsurprisingly, the survey shed light                                     a significant impact of educational                                                             81%
                                                                                                                                               40%                                                           I am open or keen to work more
       on generational and educational                                           backgrounds on the acceptance of                              30%                                                           closely with advanced software
       differences in being prepared to work                                     intelligent machines. While 51% of                            20%
                                                                                                                                                                                                          N (all workers)= 1,088
       with new technology. For instance, the                                    respondents educated in STEM fields
                                                                                                                                               10%                                                      6
                                                                                                                                                                                                          Workers from Developing countries:
       older respondents indicated they face                                     (science, technology, engineering, and                         0%                                                      China & India (N=369) ; Developed
                                                                                                                                                          Developed           Developing                countries: US, UK, France, Germany,
       difficulty in distinguishing the types of                                 math) stated they greatly enjoyed being                                                                                Italy, Switzerland, Japan (N=719)
       advanced software in their workplaces                                     surrounded by intelligent machines and
       when compared to younger people. In                                       felt comfortable with working with all
       fact, only 8% of respondents over age 55                                  types of advanced software, a smaller
       indicated they would be able to name                                      proportion (40%) of non-STEM-educated                     While the above paints a mixed picture,         develop a comprehensive strategy for
       all types of advanced software they                                       respondents agreed (Exhibit 4).                           it reveals the need for equipping               encouraging collaboration between
       work with. For those aged between 18                                      In contrast, we did not find major                        workers with the necessary skills and           workers and machines, learning from
       and 34 years, the percentage doubled                                      differences based on gender.                              confidence to work with advanced                best practices in the market, such as the
       to 15%. Additionally, the survey revealed                                                                                           software, leveraging on their willingness       ideas presented in the next chapter.
                                                                                                                                           to engage with it. Organizations should

10 |                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                | 11
Empower managers as digital champions

                                                                                                                         Our interviews suggest that managers                           specifically, leaders need to be trained
                                                                                                                         have an important role in the successful                       to navigate the new environment, but
                                                                                                                         integration of AI into the workplace. They                     also to ensure they are able to support
                                                                                                                         need to be seen as champions, and be                           the development of workers and guide
                                                                                                                         empowered to build the digital journey                         the reskilling efforts. They should also
                                                                                                                         of their divisions. This requires the                          be enabled to communicate difficult
                                                                                                                         development of a targeted leadership                           messages: success cases had leaders in
                                                                                                                         development strategy addressing the                            common who made the need for
                                                                                                                         organizational challenges of the                               change clear and benefits and
                                                                                                                         advanced software adoption. More                               tradeoffs transparent.

                                                                                                                              As part of its digital transformation efforts, L’Oréal created a leadership

       RECOMMENDATIONS TO                                                                                                     development program specifically addressing the knowledge, ways of working,
                                                                                                                              and mind-set needed for leading people into the digital age. To date, over
                                                                                                                              1,000 executives have gone through the process of building digital journeys for

       IMPROVE HUMAN-MACHINE                                                                                                  their particular business divisions and have modelled the critical team
                                                                                                                              behaviors needed for success. These included a willingness to experiment,
                                                                                                                              openness to collaborate and build external partnerships, and team structures

       COLLABORATION                                                                                                          that are more autonomous.

                                                                                                                         Overcome resistance to tech change

                                                                                                                         Resistant workers – e.g. due to lack                           to build a company culture that
       Overall, the survey results shed light                          advanced software, most are lacking               of faith in advanced software, weak                            encourages positive attitudes towards
       on the discrepancy between the value                            a clear direction, as highlighted by an           understanding of technologies, or fear                         advanced software have been developed.
       workers see in advanced software and                            interviewee from a leading global bank:           of job loss – represent a key challenge                        Creative incentives and rewards for the
       their abilities to deal with it. In order to                    “for the moment, we are just trying to            for successful adoption of AI. While the                       use of advanced software have been
       understand what leading companies are                           figure out how to use AI in different             survey revealed the early willingness of                       widely used, complemented by strong
       doing to overcome this, we interviewed                          ways, and are unclear on the full picture         many workers to engage with advanced                           positive messaging and role modeling
       CHROs, technology managers, and                                 of workforce implications”. Still, our            software, best practices have shown the                        by CEOs. The examples below depict
       business leaders from 15 companies.                             interviews uncovered several good                 need to push efforts further. To address                       different methods to get workers on the
       The interviews revealed that while                              practice measures, summarized in 6 key            the challenge, innovative measures                             boat.
       organizations are taking various steps                          intervention areas.
       towards improving the way they harness
                                                                                                                              Wipro has developed a concept called Botcoins to reward developers and sales
                                                                                                                              teams for using technology and coming up with new ideas for integrating
         Exhibit 6: Six best practices to encourage human-machine col-                                                        digital tools into everyday work. These Botcoins can be converted into cash
         laboration in your company                                                                                           rewards, supporting Wipro’s overall automation strategy.

                                                                                                                              Vanderbloemen introduced an advanced AI-based marketing software product
                                                              1     Empower managers as digital champions                     called Hubspot to increase the company’s sales. To drive quick adoption within
                                                                                                                              the firm, the CEO launched a contest, in which the employee who generated
                                                                                                                              the highest internet traffic over one month won two first class airline tickets. “It
                                                              2     Overcome resistance to tech change
                                                                                                                              was a way to make it fun for people and also a way for us to unearth the folks
                                                              3     Cultivate people's ability to learn
                                                                                                                              we didn’t know were experts,” the CEO said. “Now I have those people teaching
                                                                                                                              others how to do it.” 7
                                                              4     Close the divide between experts and workers
                                                                                                                              Alibaba has developed a company culture that places its people at the center.
                                                                                                                              By repeatedly communicating with employees and leadership that machines
                                                                                                                              will not replace humans but should be seen as team members, the CEO
                                                              5     Step up investment in learning culture
                                                                                                                              constantly seeks to create a positive momentum. His communication focuses
                                                              6     Build a holistic strategy from a Bionic Org. Chart
                                                                                                                              around the importance of human creativity, as a key differentiator in the era of
                                                                                                                              intelligent machines, in order to grow the willingness of employees to work with
                Managers                Workers           Digital Experts                                                     machines and overcome the potential resistance.

       Copyright picture p. 12: Alexander Limbach/
                                                                                                                             Harvard Business Review, Convincing Skeptical Employees to adopt New Technology, 2015

12 |                                                                                                                                                                                                                               | 13
Cultivate people’s ability to learn

       As the resistance is often driven by the                        hard skills is another major roadblock.
       lacking ability to understand the                               Successful reskilling efforts require
       technology, it is also crucial to build                         innovation both in how needed skills
       workers’ capabilities. This includes                            are defined as well as in how learning
       building capabilities to learn as well as                       interventions are delivered. This is
       developing hard tech skills.                                    even more true in the post-COVID
                                                                       world, where learning needs to happen
       First, to cope with the ever-changing                           mostly virtually. Best practices include
       technological requirements, workers                             defining individual reskilling plans
       need to widen their mental boundaries,                          for each persona and leveraging AI-
       i.e. improve their learning agility. In order                   driven predictive analytics to create
       to do so, organizations have, for example,                      customized, on-demand, and adaptive
       developed mindfulness trainings;                                training content. These allow for
       allowing employees to free up mental                            organizations to improve the targeting
       capacity and broaden their perspectives.                        of training interventions and maximize
                                                                       benefit for the organization and the
       While an open mind is key to adapt                              employees.
       to new technologies, lack of needed

           Jaguar Land Rover conducts mindfulness trainings to enable continuous learning.
           The firm believes that mindfulness – the state of being present in the moment –
           helps employees navigate the heavy inflow of information in the digital age and
           let go of their judgements. A recent BCG study8 has confirmed this assumption,
           having found that mindfulness helps develop the clarity and open-mindedness
           required to successfully adapt to today’s digital challenges and unpredictable
           environments. Ultimately, mindfulness helps employees build mental agility,
           increasing the comfort and willingness to work with the new technologies.

           L’Oréal has enrolled more than 15,500 of its digital marketing employees in an
           upskilling program, which includes competencies such as digital analytics, digital
           media allocation, and search engine optimization. The company has appointed
           a digital transformation learning director to establish a baseline of digital
           knowledge that is relevant for each employee and has partnered with General
           Assembly, the training provider, to create tailored content. A range of methods,
           such as employee incentives, executive communication, and gamification, have
           helped the company to achieve a 90% global completion rate and enabled its
           marketing, communications, and go-to-market strategy to be digitally powered.

           IBM uses AI-generated advice to build employee-specific training programs
           based on employees’ previous and current roles, anticipated future roles,
           interests, and trainings they have completed in the past. Beyond technical skill
           development, the company has also created exclusive training programs – with
           animated simulations of different personas, which showcase useful behaviors,
           such as providing constructive criticism – for employees who will be working in
           agile or cross-functional team setups

       Close the divide between experts and workers

       Beyond the lack of skills, one of the                           handful of experts can be dangerous,
       major challenges in the establishment                           as digital transformations can lose a lot
       of an effective human-machine                                   of momentum when colleagues with
       collaboration is the deep divide between                        unique tech expertise leave. Experts
       digital experts and workers who are                             not being available to help the average
       everyday users. Relying only on a                               workers through everyday challenges
        BCG, Unleashing the Power of Mindfulness in Corporations, 2018
       Copyright picture p. 15: Techno girl pressing virtual buttons (copyright) Elnur #117167188/

14 |                                                                                                                | 15
of using tools and resolving teething        Companies are also setting up expert            the resources for learning and a flexible     framework to use them.
       troubles can also rapidly lead to workers    units comprised of data scientists and
       feeling unable to collaborate effectively    digital tool developers that employees          Summary: choose the right intervention by developing an
       with the machines.                           can directly and quickly interact with          overarching man-machine collaboration strategy
                                                    when encountering tech challenges or
       In order to avoid this, employers should     developing new solutions. These units           In the AI-led revolution, companies           2. The machine view: the type of
       consider democratizing technology,           can also help to implement initiatives          able to treat intelligent machines as            software used, the frequency of
       training a larger group of workers to be     ranging from formulation to execution.          high-potential colleagues will be the            human-machine interaction, and the
       advanced users instead of focusing only                                                      winners. However, as our interviews              business criticality and cost of the
       on the bare minimum of skills.                                                               highlighted, employers often lack a              technology
                                                                                                    conscious, comprehensive strategy to
                                                                                                    enable employers to work with new             Understanding these dimensions helps
                                                                                                    technologies in an efficient partnership.     provide a roadmap with regards to how
                                                                                                    In defining an AI strategy and deciding       and in which parts of the organization
        Aegon NL believes in the idea of democratizing technology and in the                        on the collaboration types needed and         to implement the best practices above.
        importance of ensuring its employees are comfortable using it. Thus, employees,             how to support upskilling, two major
        irrespective of seniority, have been provided Robotic Process Automation (RPA)              perspectives must be jointly considered.      The Bionic Organization Chart,
        software licenses and provides free training on it. The company has also trained                                                          introduced in the next chapter, is one
        70 volunteers on collaboration with its 70 automation bots. The company plans to            1. The human view: the worker who             possible tool to gain transparency on the
        have 150 RPA bots in use by the end of the year and to ensure that they are user-              uses the technology, including             adoption of intelligent machines and
        ready for employees across all levels. This is a major shift from previous strategy            their skills, motivation, qualification,   their role and place in the organization.
        which relied on a few experts to deal with these technologies.                                 organizational position

        IBM has introduced IBM Garage, a network of physical innovation hubs that
        are designed to enable agile working capabilities and enhanced technology
        collaborations. Inside the Garage, IBM experts sit near their client employees and
        work with them to rapidly develop, test, and improve new ideas.

       Step-up investment in learning culture
       Beyond providing the right training          skills in novel ways. In light of the current
       opportunities and incentives,                need for upskilling millions of workers at
       organizations need to re-think where         an unprecedented speed, such a flexible
       ownership lies for training interventions.   yet consistent approach can prove
       In a fast-changing world, empowering         extremely beneficial in helping to build
       both employees and managers to take          a continuously learning and self-tuning
       responsibility for learning needs is         organization.
       essential for future success; an outcome
       achieved through two interventions.          Second, innovative financing methods
                                                    fostering ownership in employees can
       First, learning contracts, which align       also be helpful to master the reskilling
       the learning journey of an organization      challenge. This approach advocates
       with the learning intent of individuals,     the benefits of shifting training related
       are recommended. Learning contracts          decisions to the hands of the employees
       emerge from a discussion between             – engaging them in the selection and
       employees and employers and enable           completion of their trainings. In France,
       companies to grow empowerment in             for example, a learning account has
       leaders. Ultimately, managers become         been developed, where each worker
       coaches helping employees define their       is entitled to a right of twenty hours of
       path and apply learnings into real work.     training to be spent as he or she sees fit;
       However, the learnings contracts to be       a sort of “government-created statutory
       successful, enterprises must commit to       right to training” financed by the
       measuring and rewarding business and         Mutualized Contribution CPF. Employers
       learning outcomes – “proxy” credentials,     could consider implementing a similar
       for example, often used to recognize new     approach that provides employees both

16 |                                                                                                                                                                                          | 17
contact centres, for example, use various                           on their level of tech savviness (e.g.,
                                                                                                   intelligent tools to support most roles, as                         self-assessment survey/employee focus
                                                                                                   depicted in the illustration.                                       groups), and on the opinion of their
                                                                                                                                                                       managers and senior leadership of
                                                                                                   Once identified, the traditional org                                the unit (e.g., survey/workshops). The
                                                                                                   chart of this unit, showing reporting                               output is shown on the illustration
                                                                                                   lines, different job roles, and the size of                         below, representing the tech savviness
                                                                                                   teams should be drawn up and serve                                  levels of the different teams and roles in
                                                                                                   as a starting point. Next, organizations                            the contact centre. Insights from such
                                                                                                   should define their ideal level of digital                          an exercise make it possible to plan
                                                                                                   preparedness, and assess each worker’s                              interventions that can bring about mind-
                                                                                                   comfort with using the required                                     set shifts within the workforce based on
                                                                                                   technology. Ideally, the assessment is                              current levels of preparedness (Exhibit 7).
                                                                                                   based both on workers’ own opinion

                                                                                                    Exhibit 7: Mapping the human aspect of the Bionic Org Chart

       INTRODUCING THE BIONIC                                                                                                                                                          COO

                                                                                                                                           HEAD OF CUSTOMER SERVICE                                                HEAD OF IT

                                                                                                           25               15              60                  30                 30                  12             50
       While companies often recognize               areas of human-machine collaboration
                                                                                                       WORKFORCE        SITE MANAGER    TRAINING TEAM        QUALITY AND     ANALYTICS TEAM          CUSTOMER    IT SUPPORT TEAM
       a gap in the adopting of intelligent          within an organization. This can be used          MANAGEMENT                                           PERFORMANCE                              LIFECYCLE
                                                                                                          TEAM                                                  TEAM                                MANAGEMENT
       machines, most also face the challenge        to keep track of and assess the human-                                                                                                             TEAM

       of understanding how to direct their          machine collaboration points, and plan                                 70
       investments effectively to create most        interventions to enable humans to work                             SUPERVISOR
       impact and ensure workers are on-             effectively with machines.                                                                         600                         150
       board with the technology. This is
       mainly fuelled by the lack of visibility      In the following chapter, we illustrate                                                     CUSTOMER SERVICE
                                                                                                                                                ADVISOR (GENERALIST)
                                                                                                                                                                              CUSTOMER SERVICE
                                                                                                                                                                             ADVISOR (SPECIALIST)

       of the technologies used within the           the step-by-step process of introducing        Source: Extract of BCG Bionic Org. Chart, the human view
       organization, the missing overview            a Bionic Org Chart using a generic
       of the availability of skills needed to       example of a contact centre organization.
       leverage these and the insufficient           In a nutshell, first, the human view – an     Creating the machine view
       communication around the importance           overview of key organizational units
       of technology solutions.                      collaborating with technology, and their      After the human view, companies should                              Once these solutions are identified, their
                                                     level of savviness – needs to be created.     create a comprehensive list of major                                importance to running the business
       Addressing the challenge and gaining          Second, the machine view should be            software solutions that are in use by                               must be assessed, i.e. what value would
       transparency requires companies to            added: a list of the advanced software        the various teams of the focus unit in                              be lost if a disruption or downtime
       move away from considering employee           that supports the various units, their cost   order to define the technology view. In                             concerning the specific software would
       skills and needs separately from              and business importance. Third, the full      our contact centre example, this might                              arise? Rating can be assigned based
       technology. To help companies identify        picture including the level and frequency     include a CRM system, a speech analytics                            on input from both IT and business
       worker-technology interdependencies           of collaboration between humans and           solution, a chat interface, etc. To get a                           stakeholders, and marked, as seen on
       and combine human workers and                 machines should be drawn; serving as          full view, we recommend to start from                               the example, from low to high. Further,
       technologies in one view, BCG has             a decision support tool for defining the      an existing IT solutions landscape and                              the running cost of the machines should
       developed the Bionic Organization Chart,      right strategy to create the workplace of     complement it by asking the employees                               be explored, in order to help steer future
       a visual tool to capture business-critical    the future.                                   themselves what software and digital                                investment decisions. From these two
                                                                                                   tools they use. In companies with a                                 perspectives, an initial prioritization of
       Creating a human view                                                                       decentralized governance, or with a                                 machines in question – moving from
                                                                                                   strong entrepreneurial spirit, various                              high cost, high value-add solutions to
       To introduce a Bionic Org Chart,              where human colleagues and machines           teams may be using custom made,                                     low cost, low value-add technology – can
       organizations must first identify key areas   collaborate closely. Banks’ customer          self-developed solutions that are not                               be derived.
                                                                                                   transparent to a central IT team.

18 |                                                                                                                                                                                                                               | 19
Exhibit 8: Mapping the machine view of the Bionic Org Chart                                                                            Exhibit 9: Full view of the Bionic Org Chart


            Core Banking System    Cards Management             CRM                    Case Management Tool       Online Account Portal

                                                                                                                                                                                                         HEAD OF CUSTOMER                                                                     HEAD OF IT

               Chat Interface       Contact Routing
                                     (IVR, ACD etc.)
                                                       Communications Portal
                                                                                          Analytics Package         Forecasting Tool
                                                                                                                                               25                        15                         60                       30                    30                           12               50
                                                                                                                                            WORKFORCE               SITE MANAGER              TRAINING TEAM               QUALITY AND            ANALYTICS               CUSTOMER LIFECYCLE   IT SUPPORT
                                                                                                                                          MANAGEMENT TEAM                                                              PERFORMANCE TEAM            TEAM                   MANAGEMENT TEAM         TEAM

                                                                                                                                                            +                       +                            +                        +                     +                         +                 +

                                                                                                                                                            +                       +                            +                        +                     +                         +                 +
                Workforce           Knowledgebase         Next Best Action                  Call Recording/           Performance
                Scheduling                                                                                             Dashboard
                                                                                           Speech Analytics

                                                                                                                                                            +                                                    +                        +                     +                         +
                                                                                                                                                            +                                                                                                                             +                 +
                                                                       Business Critical importance       High   Medium         Low
                                                                             Machine Running cost         High   Medium         Low
                                                                                                                                                            +                                                                                                                             +                 +

        Source: Extract of BCG Bionic Org Chart                                                                                                             +                                                                                                                                               +
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 600                                 150                                                    +
                                                                                                                                                                                                           CUSTOMER SERVICE                    CUSTOMER SERVICE
       Identifying areas for intervention                                                                                                                                           +
                                                                                                                                                                                                          ADVISOR (GENERALIST)                ADVISOR (SPECIALIST)

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 +                                   +                                      +
       Finally, the human and machine view                              organizations can focus their attention                                                                     +
       should be combined to create the                                 on the changes needed to improve                                                                                                                         +                                   +                                      +
       full Bionic Organization Chart. After                            the quality and efficiency of these                                                                         +
       integrating both angles, the chart                               human-machine partnerships. Moving                                                                                                                       +                                   +                                      +
       becomes a useful tool to identify areas                          from a team-specific view, a full                                                                           +
       for intervention, derive the workplace                           organizational view can be created,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 +                                   +                                      +
       strategy, and prioritize investments,                            which would then provide a basis for                                                                                                                     +                                   +
       for example.The highest priority would                           company-wide changes that need to
       be to upskill teams with low savviness,                          be made to people processes such                                                                                                                         +                                   +                                      +
       but frequent interactions with a costly,                         as workforce planning, recruitment                                                                          +
       business critical tool. Reciprocally,                            and selection, skill development or                                                                                                                      +                                   +                                      +
       interventions that involve groups of                             workplace infrastructure. Leaders should                                                    Users with low savviness

       people who only have rare interactions                           also keep in mind that the Bionic Org.
                                                                                                                                                                    collaborate with critical,
                                                                                                                                                                    expensive tools – likely need                                +                                   +                        Some IT support colleagues
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              could be moved closer to
                                                                                                                                                                    training                                                                                                                  the frontline to increase
       with less important machines, or                                 Chart delivers most value when kept
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 +                                   +                        capabilities
       interventions that focus on groups with                          updated, helping capture shifts in tech
       already reasonable skill level, should                           savviness, collaboration intensity, type                                                                                                                 +                                   +
       be de-prioritized. The illustration below                        of tech solutions, and can be then used                                                                                          Too complex collaborations
       shows the exemplary full view for the                            as a measure of the effectiveness of the                                                                                         for generalists with low tech
                                                                                                                                                                                                         skills – should be simplified
       contact centre example, and highlights                           various people-related interventions.
       the most pressing needs for intervention                         Overall, a Bionic Org Chart enables a
       by evaluating the value to business,                             common understanding as well as a                                       Business critical importance       High        Medium            Low

       degree of collaboration and overall                              higher level of transparency on how                                           Machine running cost         High        Medium            Low

       preparedness level (Exhibit 9).                                  advanced software is being leveraged,                                                    Frequency     +   High   +    Medium        +   Low

                                                                        and where investments are needed to
       After having identified the most                                 ensure that existing tools truly augment
                                                                                                                                               Source: Extract of BCG Bionic Org Chart
       important areas for collaboration,                               human capabilities.

20 |                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 | 21

       Based on the insights from our survey, the success stories of different organizations
       and the opportunity presented by the Bionic Organization Chart, this paper drew
       a roadmap for organizations to be successful in navigating the new, challenging
       environment. The six-step plan is summarized in the visual below.

                            Empower managers as digital champions
                            Create a targeted leadership development strategy to build digital leadership skills

                            Equip leaders with needed communication skills to motivate employees to work with technology

                            Overcome resistance to tech change
                            Introduce innovative incentives and reward programs to encourage technology adoption

                            Create a culture where workers feel empowered and willing to work with advanced software

                            Cultivate people's capability to learn
                            Invest in large scale upskilling programs addressing both hard skills and mental agility (e.g. through mindfulness)

                            Leverage new methods (e.g. predictive analytics) to create adaptive training content
                                                                                                                                                  Build a holistic strategy
                                                                                                                                                  with a Bionic Org Chart
                            Close the divide between experts and workers
                            Establish joint expert-worker teams and encourage close collaboration                                                 Create a combined human-machine
                                                                                                                                                  view of the organization, ensuring
                            Democratize technology by increasing skill level of the whole organization rather than selectively training experts
                                                                                                                                                  transparency of most pressing
                                                                                                                                                  challenges and critical intervention areas

                            Step up investment in learning culture
                            Encourage managers to act as learning coaches through a learning contract

                            Introduce innovative financing methods (e.g. learning accounts) to empower employees to take ownership

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CLOSING REMARKS                                                                                      ABOUT THE STUDY

       Being concerned about the impact of                      alongside machines – a challenge            The insights in this publication were       completion of their tasks, and their views
       technology on workers is by no means a                   underlined by the surge of virtual          derived from and supplemented by two        on the value provided by advanced
       new phenomenon. For the past century,                    working arrange-ments during the            key sources: (1) a worker survey and, (2)   software. The survey also reveals workers’
       economists have often prophesized the                    recent COVID-19 crisis..                    in-depth interviews with executives.        and HR practitioners’ opinions on the
       “end of work” due to massive                                                                                                                     possible interventions organizations
       technological unemployment. However,                     In our report, we laid out several          (1) Between December 2018 and January       should make in order to adapt to and
       these predictions have not yet come                      initiatives employers can undertake to      2019, The Adecco Group Foundation and       capitalize on future changes in human-
       true, as technological progress so far                   improve human-machine collaboration,        BCG conducted an extensive online           machine collaboration in the workplace.
       always had a double effect: displacing                   both by addressing leaders, workers, and    worker survey. Approximately 1,100
       some jobs, but also creating and                         tech experts through targeted               workers and 100 human-resource              The survey segmented demographic
       augmenting others.                                       interventions, and by implementing the      practitioners answered the survey           information, making it possible to
                                                                right enablers, such as the Bionic Org      released by Survey Sampling                 analyze respondents’ attitudes along
       Based on the insights from our study,                    Chart. However, a comprehensive             International, a specialized research       a number of parameters, including
       workers and leaders in fields heavily                    solution will also require governments to   agency. The sample covered white-collar     nationality, age, gender, education level,
       affected by automation and AI tend to                    act, for example by incentivizing           workers, focusing on 11 preselected         industry, specific job role, employment
       think that this trend will continue. Jobs                investments in reskilling through tax       distinct job profiles from financial        type, size of organization, maturity level
       being displaced by advanced software is                  policy, or by redesigning the education     institutions, insurance firms, and          of organization, and years of experience.
       not among their top concerns, but                        system for the digital age. And at the      consumer goods and retail companies.
       collaborating effectively with new                       same time, affected individuals will need   The survey analyses the specific job-       (2) The Adecco Group Foundation and
       technological solutions is certainly a key               to take ownership of their employability    related tasks for each of these 11 job      BCG also conducted a series of interviews
       issue. Our survey and interviews have                    as well, by constantly improving their      profiles.                                   with executives from both industry and
       highlighted that both corporate and                      technolog-ical skills, and by being ready                                               academia. Interviewees were selected so
       social competitiveness will depend on                    to accept machines as team members.         The survey provided insights into           as to understand what different
       how well workers can adapt to working                                                                workers’ perspectives on a variety of       organizations are doing to integrate
                                                                                                            topics, including their feelings towards    technology into their operations and to
                                                                                                            new technologies, their levels of comfort   gain insights into the operational
                                                                                                            in working with advanced software, their    challenges of doing so. While not the
                                                                                                            knowledge of AI, differences in the time    primary focus of the survey, the
                                                                                                            they spend on job-specific tasks in the     interviews also provided insights into the
                                                                                                            past and present, perceptions of the        perspectives of upper management level
                                                                                                            relevance of advanced software for the      executives.

       Source: 2020 BCG/Adecco Group Foundation web survey
       and analysis.
       Note: Percentage may not total 100 because of rounding
24 |                                                                                                                                                                                                 | 25

       Demographics: A Survey of 1'192 Workforce Respondents
       in 9 Countries

         1'192                                                Age                                           Geographic
         respondents                                          distribution                                  location

                                                                                                               66%                        France        UK         Switzerland       Japan
                                                                                                                                            15%         15%            4%             19%
            58%            42%
                                                                                                            Developed countries
                                                                                                                                           Italy      Germany         USA
                                                                                                                                            13%         13%           20%
           Male         Female
                                                                                                                                           India       China
                                                                 20   30     40   50   60                   Developing countries            51%         49%

         Occupation                                                   Company
                                                                      size                                   Human Resources       9%                    8%        Bank Teller
                                       HR practitioners
                                                                                                   Sales Representatives    11%                                     15%     Finance Advisor
                                                                      28%              2'001+
                                       white collar Workers                                           Stock Controller     8%
                                                                      18%              500-2'000                                                                      7%     Loan Counselor

         Industry                                                     17%              200-499
                                                                                                     Market Research/
                                                                                                                                            Roles                     4%     Fraud Investigator
                                                                                                     Marketing Analyst     6%
                                                                                                                                                                   7%      Traders
                                         Finance/                     21%              51–199
                                                                                                                         Buyer    13%                         6%     Insurance Claims Processor
                  Retail                 Insurance
                                                                      16%              1–50                                             Sales Agent   6%

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       This report is the second in a series on the Future of Work, produced in a
       collaboration of The Adecco Group Foundation and Boston Consulting

       Nadjia Yousif, Managing Director and Partner, BCG London
       Andreas Liedtke, Managing Director and Senior Partner, BCG
       Orsolya Kovacs-Ondrejkovic, Associate Director, BCG Switzerland
       Theodore Roos, Principal, BCG London

       Cynthia Hansen, Head of the Adecco Group Foundation and Social
       Liana Melchenko, Head of Thought Leadership, The Adecco Group
       Teppo Paavola, Chief Digital Officer, The Adecco Group
       Jake Schwartz, CEO, General Assembly

       We thank Zoe Hökfelt, Pragya Maini, Laura Niculae, and Joseph Nelson
       for their contribution in research, coordination, and analysis.

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