Article Type: Original Investigation Longitudinal Associations Between Low Serum Bicarbonate and Linear Growth In Children With Chronic Kidney Disease

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Kidney360 Publish Ahead of Print, published on February 9, 2022 as doi:10.34067/KID.0005402021
                                                               American Society of Nephrology
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How to Cite this article: Denver Brown, Megan Carroll, Derek Ng, Rebecca Levy, Larry Greenbaum, Frederick Kaskel, Susan Furth, Bradley
Warady, Michal Melamed, and Andrew Dauber, Longitudinal Associations Between Low Serum Bicarbonate and Linear Growth In Children With
Chronic Kidney Disease, Kidney360, Publish Ahead of Print, 10.34067/KID.0005402021

Article Type: Original Investigation

Longitudinal Associations Between Low Serum Bicarbonate and Linear Growth In Children With Chronic
Kidney Disease

DOI: 10.34067/KID.0005402021

Denver Brown, Megan Carroll, Derek Ng, Rebecca Levy, Larry Greenbaum, Frederick Kaskel, Susan Furth, Bradley Warady, Michal Melamed, and
Andrew Dauber

Key Points:
*Poor linear growth is common in children with CKD and identifying modifiable risk factors is crucial to improving pediatric CKD care.

*Our study shows a negative longitudinal association between metabolic acidosis and linear growth in children with varying CKD severity.

*We found that persistent use of alkali therapy was associated with improved linear growth in children with CKD.

Background: Poor linear growth is a consequence of chronic kidney disease (CKD) that has been linked to adverse outcomes. Metabolic acidosis (MA)
has been identified as a risk factor for growth failure. We investigated the longitudinal relationship between MA and linear growth in children with CKD
and examined whether treatment of MA modified linear growth. Methods: To describe longitudinal associations between MA and linear growth, we used
serum bicarbonate levels, height measurements and standard deviation (z-scores) of children enrolled in the prospective cohort study, Chronic Kidney
Disease in Children. Analyses were adjusted for covariates recognized as correlating with poor growth including demographic characteristics, glomerular
filtration rate (GFR), proteinuria, calcium, phosphate, parathyroid hormone, and CKD duration. CKD diagnoses were analyzed by disease categories, non-
glomerular or glomerular. Results: The study population included 1082 children with CKD: 808 with non-glomerular etiologies and 274 with glomerular
etiologies. Baseline serum bicarbonate levels {less than/equal to}22mEq/L were associated with worse height z-scores in all children. Longitudinally,
serum bicarbonate levels {less than/equal to}18mEq/L and 19-22mEq/L were associated with worse height z-scores in children with non-glomerular
CKD causes, with adjusted mean values of -0.39, (95%CI: -0.58, -0.20) and -0.17, (95%CI: -0.28, -0.05), respectively. Children with non-glomerular
disease and more severe GFR impairment had a higher risk for worse height z-score. A significant association was not found in children with glomerular
diseases. We also investigated the potential effect of treatment of MA on height in children with a history of alkali therapy use finding that only persistent
users had a significant positive association between their height z-score and higher serum bicarbonate levels. Conclusions: We observed a longitudinal
association between MA and lower height z-score. Additionally, persistent alkali therapy use was associated with better height z-scores. Future clinical
trials of alkali therapy need to prospectively evaluate this relationship.

Disclosures: M. Carroll reports the following: Ownership Interest: Verily Life Sciences; and Research Funding: Verily Life Sciences. A. Dauber
reports the following: Ownership Interest: Biomarin, Novo Nordisk, Ascendis; and Research Funding: Biomarin. L. Greenbaum reports the following:
Consultancy: Arrowhead Pharmaceuticals, CorMedix, Novartis, Advicenne, Alexion, Roche, Aurinia, NephroDI Therapeutics, Abbvie, Otsuka, Natera;
Research Funding: Alexion, Advicenne, Abbvie, Apellis, Aurinia, Reata Pharmaceuticals, Horizon Pharmaceuticals, Vertex; Honoraria: Alexion; Advisory
or Leadership Role: Alexion; and Other Interests or Relationships: DSMB payments: Alnylam, Relypsa, Travere, UCSD, Akebia. R. Kaskel reports the
following: Research Funding: NIDDK; and Advisory or Leadership Role: Frost Valley YMCA; Nephcure Inc. M. Melamed reports the following:
Advisory or Leadership Role: American Board of Internal Medicine Nephrology Exam Committee; and Other Interests or Relationships: New York
Society of Nephrology; American Society of Nephrology. D. Ng reports the following: and Consultancy: Ashvattha Therapeutics. B. Warady reports the
following: Consultancy: Amgen, Reata, Bayer, Relypsa, UpToDate, Lightline Medical; Research Funding: Baxter Healthcare; Honoraria: Relypsa, Reata,
Amgen, Bayer, UpToDate; and Advisory or Leadership Role: North American Pediatric Renal Trials and Collaborative Studies, National Kidney
Foundation, NTDS Board of Directors, Midwest Transplant Network Governing Board. The remaining authors have nothing to disclose.

Funding: Developmental and Translational Nephrology Training Grant:, T32 DK007110; HHS | NIH | Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of
Child Health and Human Development (NICHD):, K12HD001399

                                           Copyright 2022 by American Society of Nephrology.
Author Contributions: Denver Brown: Conceptualization; Data curation; Funding acquisition; Investigation; Methodology; Supervision; Writing -
original draft; Writing - review and editing Megan Carroll: Data curation; Formal analysis; Methodology; Software; Validation; Writing - original draft;
Writing - review and editing Derek Ng: Data curation; Formal analysis; Methodology; Software; Writing - original draft; Writing - review and editing
Rebecca Levy: Methodology; Writing - review and editing Larry Greenbaum: Methodology; Writing - original draft; Writing - review and editing
Frederick Kaskel: Methodology; Writing - original draft; Writing - review and editing Susan Furth: Conceptualization; Methodology; Writing - review and
editing Bradley Warady: Conceptualization; Methodology; Resources; Writing - review and editing Michal Melamed: Conceptualization; Methodology;
Supervision; Writing - original draft; Writing - review and editing Andrew Dauber: Data curation; Investigation; Methodology; Supervision; Writing -
original draft; Writing - review and editing

Data Sharing Statement:

Clinical Trials Registration:

Registration Number:

Registration Date:

  The information on this cover page is based on the most recent submission data
from the authors. It may vary from the final published article. Any fields remaining
                    blank are not applicable for this manuscript.
Longitudinal Associations Between Low Serum Bicarbonate and Linear Growth In
Children With Chronic Kidney Disease

Denver D. Brown,1* Megan Carroll2*, Derek K. Ng2, Rebecca V. Levy3, Larry A. Greenbaum 4,
Frederick J. Kaskel5, Susan L. Furth6, Bradley A. Warady7, Michal L. Melamed 8+, Andrew
Dauber9+ for the CKiD Study Investigators

1.  Division of Nephrology, Children’s National Hospital, Washington, DC
2.  Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, Baltimore, MD
3.  Division of Pediatric Nephrology, University of Rochester Medical Center, Rochester, NY
4.  Division of Pediatric Nephrology, Emory University School of Medicine and Children's
    Healthcare of Atlanta, Atlanta, GA
5.  Division of Pediatric Nephrology, The Children’s Hospital at Montefiore, Bronx, NY
6.  Division of Pediatric Nephrology, The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia, Philadelphia, PA
7.  Division of Pediatric Nephrology, Children’s Mercy Hospital, Kansas City, MO
8.  Department of Medicine, Albert Einstein College of Medicine, Bronx, NY
9.  Division of Endocrinology, Children’s National Hospital, Washington, DC
* Co-First Authors
+ Co-Last Authors

Address correspondence to: Dr. Denver D. Brown, Division of Nephrology, Children’s National
Hospital, 111 Michigan Ave, NW, Washington, DC

Key Points
   •   Poor linear growth is common in children with CKD and identifying modifiable risk
       factors is crucial to improving pediatric CKD care.
   •   Our study shows a negative longitudinal association between metabolic acidosis
       and linear growth in children with varying CKD severity.
   •   We found that persistent use of alkali therapy was associated with improved
       linear growth in children with CKD.


Background: Poor linear growth is a consequence of chronic kidney disease (CKD) that has
been linked to adverse outcomes. Metabolic acidosis (MA) has been identified as a risk factor
for growth failure. We investigated the longitudinal relationship between MA and linear growth in
children with CKD and examined whether treatment of MA modified linear growth.
Methods: To describe longitudinal associations between MA and linear growth, we used serum
bicarbonate levels, height measurements and standard deviation (z-scores) of children enrolled
in the prospective cohort study, Chronic Kidney Disease in Children. Analyses were adjusted for
covariates recognized as correlating with poor growth including demographic characteristics,
glomerular filtration rate (GFR), proteinuria, calcium, phosphate, parathyroid hormone, and CKD
duration. CKD diagnoses were analyzed by disease categories, non-glomerular or glomerular.
Results: The study population included 1082 children with CKD: 808 with non-glomerular
etiologies and 274 with glomerular etiologies. Baseline serum bicarbonate levels ≤22mEq/L
were associated with worse height z-scores in all children. Longitudinally, serum bicarbonate
levels ≤18mEq/L and 19-22mEq/L were associated with worse height z-scores in children with
non-glomerular CKD causes, with adjusted mean values of -0.39, (95%CI: -0.58, -0.20) and -
0.17, (95%CI: -0.28, -0.05), respectively. Children with non-glomerular disease and more severe
GFR impairment had a higher risk for worse height z-score. A significant association was not
found in children with glomerular diseases. We also investigated the potential effect of treatment
of MA on height in children with a history of alkali therapy use finding that only persistent users
had a significant positive association between their height z-score and higher serum
bicarbonate levels.
Conclusions: We observed a longitudinal association between MA and lower height z-score.
Additionally, persistent alkali therapy use was associated with better height z-scores. Future
clinical trials of alkali therapy need to prospectively evaluate this relationship.
Linear growth impairment is a consequence of chronic kidney disease (CKD) that has been
associated with profound risk for adverse outcomes.[1-3] In an early investigation from the
Pediatric Growth and Development Special Study, every 1 standard deviation (SD) decrease in
height was an associated 14% increased risk for death.[1] Similarly, in the North American
Pediatric Renal Trials and Collaborative Studies, compared to children with heights ≥1st
percentile, children with heights below the 1st percentile had a two-fold higher risk of death.[4]
Poor growth also has profound psychosocial impact. Children with CKD who suffer from short
stature report lower physical functioning scores on health-related quality of life assessment
tools.[2, 3] Higher parental scores of physical and social functioning have been associated with
increases in height z-score.[3] Since growth failure is estimated to affect up to 35% of the
pediatric CKD population[5], it is important to understand factors that contribute to short stature
in order to better manage these patients.

The etiology of growth failure in pediatric CKD is complex but numerous studies point to
metabolic acidosis (MA) as a contributing factor.[6-11] The theorized mechanism involves
disturbances of growth hormone (GH), and its mediating hormone, insulin-like growth factor-1
(IGF-1).[12-14] MA has been reported to impair GH secretion, reduce hepatic IGF-I mRNA, and
alter concentration of and sensitivity to IGF-1. Baseline data from the Chronic Kidney Disease in
Children (CKiD) study, shows that as many as one third of children with mild to moderate CKD
have low serum bicarbonate levels, a proxy for MA.[7, 15, 16] In a cross-sectional analysis of
the CKiD cohort, Rodig et al., found that children with a serum bicarbonate of
mL/min/1.73m2. CKiD has enrolled children 6 months old to 16 years old at study entry; our
study required a minimum age of 2 years old (minimum age for standing height measurements).
In the first year, participants are seen twice then annually thereafter. At each study visit
demographic and clinical data are obtained; this includes growth measurements and serum
samples for measurement of kidney function and related biomarkers. A full description of the
CKiD study and cohort has been previously published.[18] All participants and families provided
informed assent or consent. All protocols were approved by the Institutional Review Board.

Primary Exposure: Serum Bicarbonate
Serum bicarbonate results were obtained and measured at local study site laboratories. Low
serum bicarbonate was defined as ≤22mEq/L and normal defined as >22mEq/L.[19] For both
baseline and longitudinal analyses, abnormal serum bicarbonate was further clinically
categorized as ≤18mEq/L (very low) and19-22mEq/L (low). We also looked at height z-score on
serum bicarbonate as a continuous predictor in specified analyses.

Primary Outcome: Linear Growth
A wall-mounted stadiometer was used to measure height (i.e., linear growth) at study visits.
Final recorded height was based on averaging two separate measurements, to the nearest
0.1cm. If the measures differed by more than 0.3cm, a third measurement was made and an
average of all three measurements used. Height was converted to height z-scores (i.e.,
standard deviations) and percentiles according to CDC estimates for the normal population
adjusted for age and gender.[20] Longitudinal analyses included participant-visits during regular
study follow-up among those < 20 years of age with complete data on serum bicarbonate
(exposure) and height z-score (primary outcome).

Stratification and Covariate Definitions
The CKD diagnoses were broadly classified into two primary disease categories: non-
glomerular or glomerular (specific CKD diagnoses are described in Supplemental Table 1),
and all analyses were stratified as such. In longitudinal analyses, participants were also
stratified by GFR, ≥45mL/min/m2 (mild-moderate CKD) and
Missing covariate data were imputed using multiple imputation by chained equations (MICE)
methods to limit the impact of missing follow-up data. The method used Gibbs sampling to
perform 5 imputations of missing values for the “target covariate” based on values from all other
covariates in the dataset. Missing values were imputed separately for those with non-glomerular
and glomerular diagnoses.

Statistical Methods
Median, interquartile ranges, and proportions described the demographic, clinical history,
growth and kidney disease characteristics of the cohort at participants’ first available visit.

To characterize the association between serum bicarbonate and linear growth, we used
repeated measures linear regression models with height z-score as the outcome and
bicarbonate from the previous year as a categorical exposure. Models were stratified by
diagnosis and were unadjusted (i.e., no covariates), partially adjusted (specifically, age, sex,
abnormal birth history, mid-parental height and previous levels of eGFR and proteinuria), and
fully adjusted (the same covariates with the addition of calcium, phosphate, iPTH, and CKD
duration). Generalized estimating equations (GEE) were used to account for longitudinal
measurements within an individual. As a supplementary analysis, we investigated serum
bicarbonate as a predictor of growth velocity z-scores.

Additionally, we characterized the relationship between serum bicarbonate and height z-score
among participants 13 years and younger (i.e., pre-pubertal age range) by longitudinal alkali
therapy use. Specifically, the unit of analysis was pairs of visits, we restricted to participants
who reported using alkali therapy at the first visit, and compared those who discontinued use
(i.e., used alkali therapy at the previous visit, but not at the current visit) to those who were
persistent users (i.e., used alkali therapy at both the previous and current visit). For children with
varying alkali therapy use during yearly follow-up (i.e., discontinued user during follow-up who
became a persistent user or persistent user who became a discontinued user), they could
contribute data to both groups. GEE were also used to account for correlated repeated
measures within an individual. Estimates of differences are presented with two-sided 95%
confidence intervals: differences were statistically significant if the interval did not contain the
null value (0) which corresponds to p
CKD etiology. In both primary disease groups, baseline serum bicarbonate ≤22mEq/L was
associated with lower height measurements, worse height z-scores, and a higher number of
patients on GH therapy. Regarding alkali therapy, in patients with non-glomerular disease,
serum bicarbonate ≤22mEq/L was associated with a borderline higher rate of reported alkali
therapy use while it trended in this direction in children with glomerular disease but was not
statistically significant. For patients with non-glomerular diseases, 45% (360/808) had a
baseline bicarbonate of ≤22mEq/L and 34% (122/360) of those patients reporting treatment with
alkali therapy. For children with glomerular diseases, 35% (97/274) had a baseline bicarbonate
of ≤22mEq/L and 16% (16/97) endorsed alkali therapy treatment. Reported GH therapy use was
low in the overall analyzed cohort at 9%.

For longitudinal analyses, we grouped serum bicarbonate from the previous study visit (i.e.,
lagged values) by clinically relevant categories as very low (≤18mEq/L), low (19-22mEq/L), and
normal (>22mEq/L) and examined the distribution of height z-scores across bicarbonate groups.
This was done to examine the clinical utility of bicarbonate levels in predicting future height
outcomes. Figure 1 demonstrates that, longitudinally, worse serum bicarbonate levels were
associated with worse height z-scores in all children with CKD, independent of CKD etiology. In
fully adjusted models, current serum bicarbonate and growth measurements were utilized. In
these analyses we continued to find that very low and low bicarbonates were associated with
significantly worse height z-scores in children with non-glomerular CKD, fully adjusted mean -
0.39, (95%CI: -0.58, -0.20) and -0.17, (95%CI: -0.28, -0.05), respectively (Table 2a). When
restricted to patients who had measured GFR available, we found this association continued to
persist and was more pronounced (Table 2b). Height z-scores were overall higher in children
with glomerular CKD compared to those with non-glomerular CKD (Figure 1). In examining
whether lower serum bicarbonate was linked to worse height z-score in children with glomerular
diseases, the only significant association noted was in unadjusted analyses of children with
serum bicarbonate 19-22mEq/L (Table 2a and b). In sensitivity analyses excluding the children
who reported GH use, associations were unchanged for children with non-glomerular CKD. Due
to the small number of children with a glomerular diagnosis, data from low bicarbonate groups
were combined and height z-scores in children with serum bicarbonate ≤22mEq/L were
compared with children with normal bicarbonates with no significant relationship observed.
(Supplemental Table 2).

In analyses stratified by GFR, both estimated (Table 3a) and measured (Table 3b), using ≥45
(mild to moderate CKD) and
higher serum bicarbonate in the previous year. In fully adjusted models, we observed that a
1mEq increase in serum bicarbonate was associated with increases in height z-scores in all
children with CKD; however, this relationship was not significant.

In a categorical exploratory analysis of the entire cohort restricted to pre-pubertal aged children,
low serum bicarbonate levels were linked to lower height z-scores, achieving significance in the
very low serum bicarbonate category when eGFR was used for fully adjusted models. When
measured GFR was utilized, this relationship was significant in fully adjusted models for both
very low and low serum bicarbonates (Supplemental Tables 4a and b).

Finally, we investigated the effect of treatment of MA on height z-score in pre-pubertal aged
children (Table 4a and 4b). We examined current height z-score as a function of change in
serum bicarbonate in participants reporting alkali therapy use at the previous study visit. Height
outcome was separated by current reported alkali therapy use (i.e., “persistent” use if still being
treated with alkali therapy versus “discontinued” use for those no longer reporting use of alkali
therapy). In these models that utilized bicarbonate in a “lagged” manner, persistent alkali
therapy users had a significant positive association between their height z-score and serum
bicarbonate levels; the significance of this association was lost when measured GFR was
utilized. Independent of the GFR used, there was a positive but not significant relationship in
discontinued users.

Using annual serum bicarbonate values over a robust duration of follow-up, our data suggests a
longitudinal association between MA and lower height z-score. After adjusting for demographic
characteristics, markers of CKD severity, and pertinent clinical variables, serum bicarbonate
≤22mEq/L was associated with lower height z-scores with the worst height z-scores observed in
the lowest bicarbonate category (≤18mEq/L). This association reached significance among
children with non-glomerular CKD only. Though overall height z-scores were reduced in all
children with CKD, children with non-glomerular diseases had greater deficits in height z-score
than children with glomerular diseases. Not unexpectedly, use of measured GFR data showed
similar associations compared to use of eGFR except when measured GFR was dichotomized
as >45 and ≤45mL/min/1.73m2. In these analyses, in participants with non-glomerular diseases,
very low serum bicarbonate was associated with worse height z-score across both measured
GFR groups compared to analyses that utilized eGFR where this association was only seen in
children in the ≤45 group. This is noteworthy because while use of measured GFR is not routine
clinical practice, it is more accurate than eGFR suggesting that the association of worse height
z-scores with MA may be present in the milder CKD group. Finally, and of clinical relevance is
that our data suggest that alkali therapy use as a marker of treatment of MA, was associated
with improved height z-score, particularly in persistent users.

We found height outcome differences between children with non-glomerular and glomerular
etiologies of CKD. Observed differences in linear growth could be attributed to sample size
differences between the groups, later age of CKD onset in children with glomerular disease (i.e.
less time during which the sequelae of CKD can affect active linear growth), older age of the

participants with glomerular disease, and previously published evidence that indicates these
primary disease groups may not be similarly affected by CKD comorbidities.[16, 23]

Our findings are, in part, in line with previous baseline investigations of the relationship between
low serum bicarbonate and growth. In a prior cross-sectional study using the CKiD cohort,
Rodig et al., observed that baseline height was lower in children with a baseline serum
bicarbonate of
agents.[7, 16] Data from our current investigation suggests that long term use of alkali therapy
may have beneficial effects on height in children with CKD. However, clinical trials of alkali
therapy in children with varying severity of impaired kidney function are needed to better inform
practitioners of the potential benefits of treatment, as no such trial exists to date.

While our study has several strengths, there are limitations. Nutritional data in this cohort was
incomplete so we were unable to fully account for its effect on height. We do include data on
underweight children (based on BMI; Tables 1a and 1b). Only 4% of the entire cohort is
underweight reflecting the likely low occurrence of severe malnutrition. Serum bicarbonate was
used as an indicator of MA in this study because serum pH data was not available; it is possible
that serum bicarbonate was not equivalent to actual acid/base status. Additionally, we were not
able to assess true duration of alkali therapy as exact start dates were unknown, and for those
with historical use, we were unable to determine when the alkali agent was discontinued.
Important to note is that we were unable to confirm adherence with alkali therapy in those who
reported use. Another limitation is that we were also only able to account for the previous year’s
level of bicarbonate and other covariates measured one year prior. It would have been
preferable to account for longer duration of clinical covariates in a marginal structural model
framework, but data were limited to account for longer than one year earlier. An additional
limitation is the inclusion of the small number of children on GH in primary analyses, however,
sensitivity analyses showed no significant changes in study conclusions when these patients
were excluded. Finally, we are aware that results may be affected by confounding by indication
as children with more severe acidosis and complications were more likely to be prescribed alkali

Despite its limitations, to our knowledge, our study is the first to examine the longitudinal
relationship between MA and linear growth, as well as the potential effect of acidosis correction,
in a multi-ethnic cohort of children with varying CKD severity. Since there are safe and effective
therapies to treat metabolic acidosis, an increased understanding of this relationship may inform
treatment practices and prove crucial to improving pediatric CKD care. While our observed
associations were small by number, our findings of the negative correlation between low serum
bicarbonate and linear growth in children with CKD, as well as the suggested height benefits of
alkali therapy are important given the profound impact impaired growth may have in this
vulnerable population. Future clinical trials of alkali therapy need to prospectively evaluate this
relationship and other important disease outcomes in children with MA and chronically impaired
kidney function.

M. Carroll reports the following: Ownership Interest: Verily Life Sciences; and Research
Funding: Verily Life Sciences. A. Dauber reports the following: Ownership Interest: Biomarin,
Novo Nordisk, Ascendis; and Research Funding: Biomarin. L. Greenbaum reports the following:
Consultancy: Arrowhead Pharmaceuticals, CorMedix, Novartis, Advicenne, Alexion, Roche,
Aurinia, NephroDI Therapeutics, Abbvie, Otsuka, Natera; Research Funding: Alexion,
Advicenne, Abbvie, Apellis, Aurinia, Reata Pharmaceuticals, Horizon Pharmaceuticals, Vertex;

Honoraria: Alexion; Advisory or Leadership Role: Alexion; and Other Interests or Relationships:
DSMB payments: Alnylam, Relypsa, Travere, UCSD, Akebia. R. Kaskel reports the following:
Research Funding: NIDDK; and Advisory or Leadership Role: Frost Valley YMCA; Nephcure
Inc. M. Melamed reports the following: Advisory or Leadership Role: American Board of Internal
Medicine Nephrology Exam Committee; and Other Interests or Relationships: New York Society
of Nephrology; American Society of Nephrology. D. Ng reports the following: and Consultancy:
Ashvattha Therapeutics. B. Warady reports the following: Consultancy: Amgen, Reata, Bayer,
Relypsa, UpToDate, Lightline Medical; Research Funding: Baxter Healthcare; Honoraria:
Relypsa, Reata, Amgen, Bayer, UpToDate; and Advisory or Leadership Role: North American
Pediatric Renal Trials and Collaborative Studies, National Kidney Foundation, NTDS Board of
Directors, Midwest Transplant Network Governing Board. The remaining authors have nothing
to disclose.

This work was supported by the Developmental and Translational Nephrology Training Grant
(T32 DK007110) and HHS | NIH | Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and
Human Development (NICHD) (K12HD001399).

Data in this manuscript were collected by the Chronic Kidney Disease in children prospective
cohort study (CKiD) with clinical coordinating centers (Principal Investigators) at Children’s
Mercy Hospital and the University of Missouri – Kansas City (Bradley Warady, MD) and
Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia (Susan Furth, MD, PhD), Central Biochemistry Laboratory
(George Schwartz, MD) at the University of Rochester Medical Center, and data coordinating
center (Alvaro Muñoz, PhD and Derek Ng, PhD) at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of
Public Health. The CKiD Study is funded by the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and
Kidney Diseases, with additional funding from the National Institute of Child Health and Human
Development, and the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (U01-DK-66143, U01-DK-
66174, U24-DK-082194, U24-DK-66116). The authors thank Ankur Patel for assistance in
preparing revisions of this manuscript. The CKID website is located at and a list of CKiD collaborators can be found at

Author Contributions
Denver Brown: Conceptualization; Data curation; Funding acquisition; Investigation;
Methodology; Supervision; Writing - original draft; Writing - review and editing. Megan Carroll:
Data curation; Formal analysis; Methodology; Software; Validation; Writing - original draft;
Writing - review and editing. Derek Ng: Data curation; Formal analysis; Methodology; Software;
Writing - original draft; Writing - review and editing Rebecca Levy: Methodology; Writing - review
and editing. Larry Greenbaum: Methodology; Writing - original draft; Writing - review and editing.
Frederick Kaskel: Methodology; Writing - original draft; Writing - review and editing. Susan
Furth: Conceptualization; Methodology; Writing - review and editing. Bradley Warady:
Conceptualization; Methodology; Resources; Writing - review and editing. Michal Melamed:
Conceptualization; Methodology; Supervision; Writing - original draft; Writing - review and

editing. Andrew Dauber: Data curation; Investigation; Methodology; Supervision; Writing -
original draft; Writing - review and editing.

Supplemental Materials
Supplemental Table 1. Distribution of diagnoses within non-glomerular and glomerular
Supplemental Table 2. Unadjusted, partially adjusted, and fully adjusted models of height z-
score on serum bicarbonate, using a categorical predictor AMONG NON-rGH users. Missing
data were imputed for covariates in the partially and fully adjusted models.
Supplemental Table 3. Unadjusted, minimally adjusted, and fully adjusted models of height z-
score on previous visits’ serum bicarbonate. Generalized estimating equations used to account
for repeated measures within an individual.
Supplemental Table 4a (among children < 13 with adjustment of glomerular/non-glomerular
diagnosis as a covariate and eGFR. Missing data were imputed for covariates in the partially
and fully adjusted models.
Supplemental Table 4b (among children < 13 with adjustment of glomerular/non-glomerular
diagnosis as a covariate and measured GFR. Missing data were imputed for covariates in the
partially and fully adjusted models.
Supplemental Table 5. List of principal site investigators of the Chronic Kidney Disease in
Children (CKiD) cohort study.


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Table 1a. Descriptive characteristics of study population with a non-glomerular CKD diagnosis overall
and by bicarbonate levels at baseline. % (N) or median [IQR]
                                                                             Serum bicarbonate (mEq/L)
                                       Overall                     >22                  19-22                     ≤18
    Characteristics                    N = 808                   N = 448               N = 274                   N = 86           p-value
    Age                            8.09 [4.38, 12.72]          8.69 [4.79, 13.2]    6.87 [3.76, 10.86]     9.13 [4.23, 14.07]
Table 1b. Descriptive characteristics of study population with a glomerular CKD diagnosis overall and by
bicarbonate levels at baseline. % (N) or median [IQR]
                                                                            Serum bicarbonate (mEq/L)
                                         Overall                 >22                 19-22                    ≤18               p-
    Characteristics                      N = 274               N = 177               N = 77                  N = 20            value
    Age                              14.2 [10.8, 15.8]     14.4 [11.9, 15.9]       12.1 [8.7, 14.9]      15.0 [12.1, 16.0]     0.001
    Male sex                               53% (146)              51% (91)               57% (44)               55% (11)       0.693
Table 2a. Unadjusted, partially adjusted, and fully adjusted models of height z-score on serum
bicarbonate, using a categorical predictor. Missing data were imputed for covariates in the partially and
fully adjusted models. Bold indicates p < 0.05.

 Serum Bicarbonate                 N                  Unadjusted               Partially Adjusted                Fully Adjusted
 (mEq/L)                                           Mean (95% CI)                Mean1 (95% CI)                  Mean2 (95% CI)
 Non-Glomerular                3239
 >22                                                     Reference                      Reference                     Reference
 19-22                                          -0.27 (-0.40, -0.14)          -0.17 (-0.28, -0.05)           -0.17 (-0.28, -0.05)
 ≤18                                            -0.58 (-0.79, -0.38)          -0.38 (-0.57, -0.19)           -0.39 (-0.58, -0.20)
 >22                                                     Reference                      Reference                     Reference
 19-22                                          -0.28 (-0.52, -0.04)           -0.07 (-0.25, 0.11)            -0.07 (-0.25, 0.10)
  ≤18                                             -0.38 (-0.92, 0.16)            0.16 (-0.31, 0.62)            0.14 (-0.33, 0.61)
1 Adjusted for age, sex, abnormal birth history, mid-parental height, and previous levels of eGFR and UP/C
2 Adjusted for age, sex, abnormal birth history, mid-parental height, and previous levels of eGFR, UP/C, calcium, phosphate,

iPTH and CKD duration in years

Table 2b. Unadjusted, partially adjusted, and fully adjusted models of height z-score on serum
bicarbonate, using a categorical predictor restricted to person-visits with directly measured GFR only.
Missing data were imputed for covariates in the partially and fully adjusted models. Bold indicates p <

 Serum Bicarbonate            N               Unadjusted                   Partially Adjusted             Fully Adjusted
 (mEq/L)                                     Mean (95% CI)                  Mean1 (95% CI)                Mean2 (95% CI)
 Non-Glomerular             1413
 >22                                           Reference                       Reference                     Reference
 19-22                                     -0.32 (-0.47, -0.16)           -0.19 (-0.34, -0.05)           -0.20 (-0.34, -0.05)
 ≤18                                       -0.68 (-0.94, -0.42)           - 0.53 (-0.76, -0.30)          -0.53 (-0.77, -0.29)
 >22                                           Reference                       Reference                     Reference
 19-22                                     -0.43 (-0.78, -0.08)           - 0.07 (-0.38, 0.23)           -0.03 (-0.31, 0.26)
  ≤18                                        -0.33 (-0.91, 0.25)            0.16 (-0.35, 0.66)            0.16 (-0.37, 0.69)
1 Adjusted for age, sex, abnormal birth history, mid-parental height, and previous levels of GFR and UP/C
2 Adjusted for age, sex, abnormal birth history, mid-parental height, and previous levels of GFR, UP/C, calcium and phosphate,

iPTH and CKD duration in years

Table 3a. Unadjusted, partially adjusted, and fully adjusted models of height z-score on serum
bicarbonate, stratified by eGFR < and ≥ 45 ml/min/1.73m2, using a categorical predictor. Missing data
were imputed for covariates in the partially and fully adjusted models. Bold indicates p < 0.05.
    Serum Bicarbonate   N      Unadjusted                                    Partially Adjusted                          Fully Adjusted
    (mEq/L)                    Mean (95% CI)                                 Mean1 (95% CI)                              Mean2 (95% CI)
    Non-Glomerular      3239
                               eGFR < 45              eGFR ≥ 45              eGFR < 45               eGFR ≥ 45           eGFR < 45              eGFR ≥ 45
    >22 mEq/L           2014   Ref                    Ref                    Ref                     Ref                 Ref                    Ref
                        970          -0.34                  -0.11                  -0.29                   -0.03                -0.28                 -0.03
    19-22 mEq/L
                               (-0.50, -0.18)         (-0.29, 0.08)           (-0.43, -0.14)         (-0.20, 0.14)          (-0.43, -0.14)        (-0.20, 0.13)
                        255          -0.63                  -0.31                  -0.52                   -0.21                -0.51                 -0.25
    ≤18 mEq/L
                               (-0.85, -0.40)         (-0.63, 0.01)           (-0.74, -0.30)         (-0.51, 0.09)          (-0.73, -0.28)        (-0.55, 0.06)
    Glomerular          853
    >22 mEq/L           609    Ref                    Ref                    Ref                     Ref                 Ref                    Ref
                                     -0.12                  -0.29                  0.07                    -0.12                0.10                  -0.12
    ≤22 mEq/L
                                (-0.42, 0.18)         (-0.60, 0.02)           (-0.20, 0.34)          (-0.35, 0.11)          (-0.17, 0.36)         (-0.35, 0.11)

1 Adjusted for age, sex, abnormal birth history, mid-parental height, and previous levels of eGFR and UP/C
2 Adjusted for age, sex, abnormal birth history, mid-parental height, and previous levels of eGFR, UP/C, calcium, phosphate,
iPTH and CKD duration in years

 Table 3b. Unadjusted, partially adjusted, and fully adjusted models of height z-score on serum
bicarbonate, stratified by measured GFR < and ≥ 45 ml/min|1.73m2, using a categorical predictor.
Missing data were imputed for covariates in the partially and fully adjusted models. Bold indicates p <
                        N         Unadjusted                                       Partially Adjusted                           Fully Adjusted
    Serum Bicarbonate
                                  Mean (95% CI)                                    Mean1 (95% CI)                               Mean2 (95% CI)
    Non-Glomerular      1413
                                  iGFR < 45             iGFR ≥ 45                  iGFR < 45               iGFR ≥ 45            iGFR < 45             iGFR ≥ 45
    >22 mEq/L           904       Ref                   Ref                        Ref                     Ref                  Ref                   Ref
                        407              -0.35                  -0.17                    -0.29                   -0.04                  -0.29                 -0.03
    19-22 mEq/L
                                     (-0.55, -0.14)         (-0.41, 0.07)           (-0.48, -0.10)          (-0.25, 0.18)        (-0.48, -0.09)         (-0.24, 0.18)
                        102              -0.62                  -0.68                    -0.54                   -0.61                  0.52                  -0.66
    ≤18 mEq/L
                                     (-0.93, -0.31)         (-1.09, -0.28)          (-0.81, -0.26)         (-0.99, -0.23)        (-0.81, -0.24)        (-1.03, -0.28)
    Glomerular          403
    >22 mEq/L           293       Ref                   Ref                        Ref                     Ref                  Ref                   Ref
                                         -0.08                  -0.45                     0.14                   -0.21                  0.06                  -0.16
    ≤22 mEq/L
                                     (-0.46, 0.29)          (-0.96, 0.07)           (-0.22, 0.50)           (-0.65, 0.22)         (-0.31, 0.42)         (-0.55, 0.23)

1 Adjusted for age, sex, abnormal birth history, mid-parental height, and previous levels of GFR and UP/C
2 Adjusted for age, sex, abnormal birth history, mid-parental height, and previous levels of GFR, UP/C, calcium, phosphate, iPTH
and CKD duration in years.
3 For those with glomerular diagnoses, serum bicarbonate was dichotomized at 22mEq/L because there were n= 126 and 277

person-visits for those less than 45 ml/min|1.73m2 and greater than 45 ml/min|1.73m2, respectively

Table 4a. Unadjusted and adjusted models of height z-score on previous visits serum bicarbonate
stratified by discontinued and persistent alkali therapy use based on two annual study visits. Generalized
estimating equations were used to account for repeated measures within an individual. Missing data were
imputed for covariates in the partially and fully adjusted models. Analysis used estimated GFR. Bold
indicates p < 0.05.

                                                 N                      Unadjusted                                  Adjusted
                                                          Mean Difference (95% CI)                Mean Difference a (95% CI)
    Previous serum bicarbonate, per 1-unit
    Discontinued alkali therapy use over 1
                                                86            +0.017 (-0.03, +0.065)                  +0.025 (-0.011, +0.062)
    Persistent alkali therapy use over 1 year   653         +0.056 (+0.023, +0.089)                    +0.04 (+0.008, +0.073)
aAdjusted for age, sex, abnormal birth history, mid-parental height, and previous levels of eGFR, UP/C, calcium, and phosphate,
iPTH and CKD duration in years

Table 4b. Unadjusted and adjusted models of height z-score on previous visits serum bicarbonate
stratified by discontinued and persistent alkali therapy use based on two annual study visits. Generalized
estimating equations were used to account for repeated measures within an individual. Missing data were
imputed for covariates in the partially and fully adjusted models. Analysis used measured GFR. Bold
indicates p < 0.05.

                                                 N                    Unadjusted                                    Adjusted
                                                        Mean Difference (95% CI)                  Mean Difference a (95% CI)
    Previous serum bicarbonate, per 1-unit
    Discontinued alkali therapy use over 1
                                                15         +0.042 (-0.171, +0.254)                    +0.078 (-0.035, +0.191)
    Persistent alkali therapy use over 1 year   130        +0.061 (-0.005, +0.126)                    +0.043 (-0.013, +0.099)
aAdjusted for age, sex, abnormal birth history, mid-parental height, and previous levels of GFR, UP/C, calcium, and phosphate,
iPTH and CKD duration in years

Figure 1

      Figure 1. Distribution of height z-score by previous visit bicarbonate levels among person-visits
      contributed by participants with (A) non-glomerular and (B) glomerular CKD diagnoses.
Supplemental Materials: Table of Contents

Supplemental Table 1. Distribution of diagnoses within non-glomerular and glomerular participants

Supplemental Table 2. Unadjusted, partially adjusted, and fully adjusted models of height z-score on
serum bicarbonate, using a categorical predictor AMONG NON-rGH users. Missing data were imputed
for covariates in the partially and fully adjusted models.

Supplemental Table 3. Unadjusted, minimally adjusted, and fully adjusted models of height z-score on
previous visits’ serum bicarbonate. Generalized estimating equations used to account for repeated
measures within an individual.

Supplemental Table 4a (among children
Supplemental Table 1. Distribution of diagnoses within non-glomerular and glomerular participants

 Non-Glomerular diagnoses                           Glomerular diagnoses
 Primary diagnosis                      N     % Primary Diagnosis                        N          %
 Aplastic/hypoplastic/dysplastic                  Focal segmental
                                      197    24.5                                        79    28.8
 kidneys                                          glomerulosclerosis
 Obstructive uropathy                 192    23.9 Hemolytic uremic syndrome              52    19.0
                                                  Systemic immunological
 Reflux nephropathy                   140    17.4                                        37    13.5
                                                  disease (including SLE)
 Congenital Urologic Disease
                                       52     6.5 Chronic glomerulonephritis             22     8.0
 (Bilateral Hydronephrosis)
 Non-Glomerular Other                  50     6.2 Familial nephritis (Alport's)          19     6.9
 Polycystic kidney disease
                                       38     4.7 IgA Nephropathy (Berger's)             17     6.2
 (Autosomal recessive)
 Renal infarct                         27     3.4                                        12     4.4
                                                  glomerulonephritis type I
 Cystinosis                            19     2.4 Henoch schonlein nephritis              9     3.3
                                       15     1.9 Other glomerular diagnosis              8     2.9
                                                    Idiopathic cresentic
 Perinatal Asphyxia                    14     1.7                                         7     2.6
 Medullary cystic
 disease/Juvenile                      12     1.5 Membranous nephropathy                  4     1.5
 Syndrome of agenesis of
                                       11     1.4 Congenital nephrotic syndrome           4     1.5
 abdominal musculature
 Vactrel or Vater Syndrome              9     1.2                                         3     1.1
                                                  glomerulonephritis type II
 Wilms' tumor                           8     1.0 Sickle cell nephropathy                 1     0.4
                                        7     0.9
 Polycystic kidney disease
                                        7     0.9
 (Autosomal dominant)
 Methylmalonic Acidemia                 5     0.6
 Oxalosis                               2     0.2
Supplemental Table 2. Unadjusted, partially adjusted, and fully adjusted models of height z-score on
serum bicarbonate, using a categorical predictor AMONG NON-rGH users. Missing data were imputed
for covariates in the partially and fully adjusted models.

 Serum Bicarbonate            N               Unadjusted                   Partially Adjusted                 Fully Adjusted
 (mEq/L)                                     Mean (95% CI)                  Mean1 (95% CI)                    Mean2 (95% CI)
 Non-Glomerular              2635
 >22                                           Reference                          Reference                     Reference
 19-22                                     -0.30 (-0.45, -0.15)            -0.22 (-0.34, -0.09)           -0.21 (-0.33, -0.08)
 ≤18                                       -0.53 (-0.75, -0.32)            -0.34 (-0.53, -0.15)           -0.31 (-0.51, -0.12)
 >22                                           Reference                          Reference                     Reference
  ≤ 22                                       -0.21 (-0.45, 0.03)            -0.03 (-0.22, 0.16)          -0.02 (-0.20, 0.17)
1 Adjusted for age, sex, abnormal birth history, mid-parental height, and previous levels of eGFR and UP/C
2 Adjusted for age, sex, abnormal birth history, mid-parental height, and previous levels of eGFR, UP/C, calcium, phosphate,

iPTH and CKD duration in years.
3 For those with glomerular diagnoses, serum bicarbonate was dichotomized at 22mEq/L because there were n= 225 and 575

person-visits for those less than 45 ml/min|1.73m2 and greater than 45 ml/min|1.73m2, respectively

Supplemental Table 3. Unadjusted, minimally adjusted, and fully adjusted models of height z-score on
previous visits’ serum bicarbonate. Generalized estimating equations used to account for repeated
measures within an individual.
                                                     N               Unadjusted          Partially Adjusted          Fully Adjusted
                                                                  Mean (95% CI)           Mean1 (95% CI)            Mean2 (95% CI)
 Previous Serum Bicarbonate, per 1 mEq/L
                                                                  -0.003                    -0.001                  0.01
 Non-glomerular diagnosis                         3239
                                                               (-0.03, 0.02)             (-0.02, 0.02)          (-0.01, 0.03)
                                                                   -0.01                     0.02                   0.03
  Glomerular diagnosis                              853
                                                               (-0.07, 0.04)             (-0.04, 0.08)          (-0.03, 0.09)
1 Adjusted for age, sex, abnormal birth history, mid-parental height, and previous levels of eGFR and UP/C
2 Adjusted for age, sex, abnormal birth history, mid-parental height, and previous levels of eGFR, UP/C, calcium, phosphate,

iPTH and CKD duration in years
Supplemental Table 4a (among children 22                      1150              Reference                       Reference                     Reference
    19-22                       606         -0.21 (-0.35, -0.07)           -0.09 (-0.21, 0.04)            -0.09 (-0.21, 0.03)
  ≤18                           139         -0.49 (-0.75, -0.22)            -0.25 (-0.49, 0.00)           -0.25 (-0.50, -0.01)
1 Adjusted for diagnosis, age, sex, abnormal birth history, mid-parental height, and previous levels of eGFR and UP/C
2 Adjusted for diagnosis, age, sex, abnormal birth history, mid-parental height, and previous levels of eGFR, UP/C, calcium,

phosphate, iPTH and CKD duration in years.

Supplemental Table 4b (among children 22                    544                 Reference                       Reference                     Reference
    19-22                  261              -0.28 (-0.47, -0.09)           -0.18 (-0.36, 0.00)            -0.19 (-0.36, -0.01)
  ≤18                      61               -0.53 (-0.87, -0.19)           -0.37 (-0.67, -0.07)           -0.39 (-0.69, -0.09)
1 Adjusted for diagnosis, age, sex, abnormal birth history, mid-parental height, and previous levels of GFR and UP/C
2 Adjusted for diagnosis, age, sex, abnormal birth history, mid-parental height, and previous levels of GFR, UP/C, calcium,

phosphate, iPTH and CKD duration in years.
Supplemental Table 5. List of principal site investigators of the Chronic Kidney Disease in Children
(CKiD) cohort study.
 Study Investigator(s)               Institution                           City        State/Province
                               University of Alabama at
 Sahar Fathallah-Shaykh, MD    Birmingham (Children’s of      Birmingham          AL
 Anjali Nayak, MD; Martin
                               Phoenix Children’s Hospital    Phoenix             AZ
 Turman, MD
 Tom Blydt-Hansen, MD,         British Columbia Children’s
                                                              Vancouver           British Columbia, Canada
 FRCPC                         Hospital
 Cynthia Wong, MD; Steve       Stanford University Medical
                                                              Palo Alto           CA
 Alexander, MD                 Center
                               University of California –
 Ora Yadin, MD                                                Los Angeles         CA
                               Los Angeles (UCLA)
 Elizabeth Ingulli, MD;        University of California –
                                                              San Diego           CA
 Robert Mak, MD, PhD           San Diego (UCSD)
 Cheryl Sanchez-Kazi, MD       Loma Linda University          Loma Linda          CA
                               Children’s National Medical
 Asha Moudgil, MD                                             Washington          DC
                               Nemours/Alfred l. duPont
 Caroline Gluck, MD                                           Wilmington          DE
                               Hospital for Children
 Carolyn Abitbol, MD;
 Marissa DeFrietas, MD;
 Chryso Katsoufis, MD;         University of Miami            Miami               FL
 Wacharee Seeherunvong,
                               Children’s Healthcare of
 Larry Greenbaum, MD, PhD                                     Atlanta             GA
                               Atlanta / Emory University
 Lyndsay Harshman, MD          University of Iowa             Iowa City           IA
                               Ann & Robert H. Lurie
 Craig Langman, MD             Children’s Hospital of         Chicago             IL
                               University of Illinois at
 Sonia Krishnan, MD                                           Chicago             IL
                               Riley Hospital for Children
 Amy Wilson, MD                                               Indianapolis        IN
                               at Indiana University Health
 Stefan Kiessling, MD;
                               University of Kentucky         Lexington           KY
 Margaret Murphy, PhD
 Siddharth Shah, MD, Janice    University of Louisville
 Sullivan, MD; Sushil Gupta,   (Novak Center for              Louisville          KY
 MD                            Children’s Health)
 Samir El-Dahr, MD; Stacy
                               Tulane University              New Orleans         LA
 Drury, MD
 Nancy Rodig, MD               Boston Children’s Hospital     Boston              MA
                               University of Manitoba
 Allison Dart, MD MSc,         (Children’s Hospital
                                                              Winnipeg            Manitoba, Canada
 FRCPC                         Research Institute of
                               Johns Hopkins University
 Meredith Atkinson, MD         (Johns Hopkins Children’s      Baltimore           MD
 Arlene Gerson, PhD                                           Baltimore           MD
                               Children’s Hospital of
 Tej Matoo, MD                 Michigan / Wayne State         Detroit             MI
 Zubin Modi, MD                University of Michigan         Ann Arbor           MI
                               Spectrum Health Hospitals /
 Alejandro Quiroga, MD         Helen DeVos Children's         Grand Rapids        MI
Children’s Mercy Hospital -
Bradley Warady, MD                                          Kansas City       MO
                             Kansas City
Rebecca Johnson, PhD         Children's Mercy Hospital      Kansas City       MO
                             Washington University in St.
Vikas Dharnidharka, MD       Louis (St. Louis Children’s    St. Louis         MO
Stephen Hooper, PhD          University of North Carolina   Chapel Hill       NC
Susan Massengill, MD         Levine Children’s Hospital     Charlottesville   NC
Liliana Gomez-Mendez, MD     East Carolina University       Greenville        NC
Matthew Hand, DO                                            Lebanon           NH
                             Medical Center
                             Rutgers-Robert Wood
Joann Carlson, MD                                           New Brunswick     NJ
                             Johnson Medical School
Hanan Tawadrous, MD;         St. Joseph’s University
                                                            Paterson          NJ
Roberto Jodorkovsky, MD      Medical Center
                             University of New Mexico
Craig Wong, MD, MPH                                         Albuquerque       NM
                             Health Sciences Center
                             Albert Einstein College of
Frederick Kaskel, MD, PhD;
                             Medicine/Montefiore            Bronx             NY
Shlomo Shinnar, MD, PhD
                             Medical Center
                             Icahn School of Medicine at
Jeffrey Saland, MD                                          New York          NY
                             Mount Sinai
Marc Lande, MD; George       University of Rochester
                                                            Rochester         NY
Schwartz, MD                 Medical Center
                             State University of New
Anil Mongia, MD              York, Downstate Medical        Brooklyn          NY
Donna Claes, MD; Mark        Cincinnati Children’s
                                                            Cincinnati        OH
Mitsnefes, MD                Hospital Medical Center
                             Case Western Reserve
Katherine Dell, MD           University/Cleveland Clinic    Cleveland         OH
                             Nationwide Children’s
Hiren Patel, MD                                             Columbus          OH
                             Oklahoma University Health
Pascale Lane, MD                                            Oklahoma City     OK
                             Sciences Center
                             Hospital for Sick Children
Rulan Parekh, MD                                            Toronto           Ontario, Canada
                             (Sick Kids)
Amira Al-Uzri, MD, MCR;      Oregon Health and Science
                                                            Portland          OR
Kelsey Richardson, MD        University
Susan Furth, MD, PhD;        Children’s Hospital of
                                                            Philadelphia      PA
Larry Copelovitch, MD        Philadelphia
                             University of California –
Elaine Ku, MD, MAS                                          San Francisco     SF
                             San Francisco (UCSF)
                             University of Texas Health
Joshua Samuels, MD                                          Houston           TX
                             Science Center at Houston
                             Baylor College of Medicine
Poyyapakkam Srivaths, MD                                    Houston           TX
                             (Texas Children’s Hospital)
Samhar Al-Akash, MD          Driscoll Children’s Hospital   Corpus Christi    TX
                             INOVA Children’s Hospital
Patricia Seo-Mayer, MD       / Pediatric Specialists of     Fairfax           VA
Victoria Norwood, MD         University of Virginia         Charlottesville   VA
Joseph Flynn, MD             Seattle Children’s Hospital    Seattle           WA
                             Medical College of
Cynthia Pan, MD                                             Milwaukee         WI
Sharon Bartosh, MD           University of Wisconsin        Madison           WI
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