Are pre-trained text representations useful for multilingual and multi-dimensional language proficiency modeling?
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Are pre-trained text representations useful for multilingual and multi-dimensional language proficiency modeling? Taraka Rama Sowmya Vajjala University of North Texas, USA National Research Council, Canada Abstract language agnostic guidelines to describe different levels of language proficiency, from A1 (beginner) Development of language proficiency models for non-native learners has been an active area to C2 (advanced). Hence, a universal, multilingual arXiv:2102.12971v1 [cs.CL] 25 Feb 2021 of interest in NLP research for the past few language proficiency model is an interesting possi- years. Although language proficiency is mul- bility to explore. From an application perspective, tidimensional in nature, existing research typ- it will be useful to know if one can achieve cross- ically considers a single “overall proficiency” lingual transfer and build an AES system for a new while building models. Further, existing ap- language without or with little training data. Va- proaches also considers only one language at jjala and Rama (2018) explored these ideas with a time. This paper describes our experiments basic features such as n-grams and POS tag ratios. and observations about the role of pre-trained and fine-tuned multilingual embeddings in per- The usefulness of large, pre-trained multilingual forming multi-dimensional, multilingual lan- models (with or without fine-tuning) from recent guage proficiency classification. We report NLP research has not been studied for this task, experiments with three languages – German, especially for non-English languages. Italian, and Czech – and model seven dimen- Further, AES research generally considers lan- sions of proficiency ranging from vocabulary guage proficiency as a single construct. However, control to sociolinguistic appropriateness. Our proficiency encompasses multiple dimensions such results indicate that while fine-tuned embed- dings are useful for multilingual proficiency as vocabulary richness, grammatical accuracy, co- modeling, none of the features achieve consis- herence/cohesion, usage of idioms etc. (Attali and tently best performance for all dimensions of Burstein, 2004). CEFR guidelines also provide lan- language proficiency1 . guage proficiency rubrics for individual dimensions along with overall proficiency for A1–C2. Model- 1 Introduction ing multiple dimensions instead of a single “overall Automated Essay Scoring (AES) is the task of grad- proficiency” could result in a more fine-grained as- ing test taker writing using computer programs. It sessment for offering specific feedback. has been an active area of research in NLP for the Given this background, we explore the useful- past 15 years. Although most of the existing re- ness of multilingual pre-trained embeddings for search focused on English, recent years saw the training multi-dimensional language proficiency development of AES models for second language scoring models for three languages – German, proficiency assessment for non-English languages, Czech and Italian. The main contributions of our typically modeled using the Common European paper are listed below: Framework of Reference (CEFR) reference scale (of Europe, 2002) in Europe. • We address the problem of multi-dimensional Most of the past research focused on monolin- modeling of language proficiency for three gual AES models. However, the notion of language (non-English) languages. proficiency is not limited to any one language. As a matter of fact, CEFR (of Europe, 2002) provides • We explore whether large pre-trained, multi- 1 lingual embeddings are useful as feature repre- All code, data and related supplementary ma- terial can be found at: sentations for this task with and without fine- nishkalavallabhi/MultidimCEFRScoring tuning.
• We investigate the possibility of a universal et al., 2018) has not been explored yet for AES in multilingual language proficiency model and non-English languages. zero-shot cross lingual transfer using embed- Further, most of the approaches focused on ding representations. modeling language proficiency as a single vari- able. Although there is some research focusing on The paper is organized as follows. Section 2 briefly multiple dimensions of language proficiency (Lee surveys the related work. Section 3 describes our et al., 2009; Attali and Sinharay, 2015; Agejev and corpus, features, and experimental settings. Sec- Šnajder, 2017; Mathias and Bhattacharyya, 2020), tion 4 discusses our results in detail. Section 5 none of them focused on non-English languages or concludes the paper with pointers to future work. used recent multilingual pre-trained models such 2 Related Work as BERT. In this paper, we focus on this problem of multi-dimensional modeling of language profi- Automated Essay Scoring (AES) is a well- ciency for three languages—German, Italian, and researched problem in NLP and has been applied to Czech—and explore whether recent research on real-world language assessment scenarios for En- multilingual embeddings can be useful for non- glish (Attali and Burstein, 2004). A wide range of English AES. features such as document length, lexical/syntactic n-grams, and features capturing linguistic aspects 3 Datasets and Methods such as vocabulary, syntax and discourse are com- monly used (Klebanov and Flor, 2013; Phandi et al., In this section, we describe the corpus, features, 2015; Zesch et al., 2015). In the recent past, dif- models, and implementation details. We modeled ferent forms of text embeddings and pre-trained the task as a classification problem and trained in- language models have also been explored (Alikani- dividual models for each of the 7 dimensions of otis et al., 2016; Dong and Zhang, 2016; Mayfield language proficiency. The rest of this section de- and Black, 2020) along with approaches to com- scribes the different steps involved in our approach bine linguistic features with neural networks (Shin, in detail. 2018; Liu et al., 2019). Ke and Ng (2019) and Kle- banov and Madnani (2020) present the most recent 3.1 Corpus surveys on the state of the art in AES (focusing on In this paper, we employed the publicly available English). MERLIN corpus (Boyd et al., 2014), which was In terms of modeling, AES has been modeled also used in the experiments reported in some past as a classification, regression, and ranking prob- research (Hancke, 2013; Vajjala and Rama, 2018) lem, with approaches ranging from linear regres- and in the recently conducted REPROLANG chal- sion to deep learning models. Some of the recent lenge (Branco et al., 2020). The MERLIN corpus2 work explored the usefulness of multi-task learning contains CEFR scale based language proficiency (Cummins and Rei, 2018; Berggren et al., 2019) annotations for texts produced by non-native learn- and transfer learning (Jin et al., 2018; Ballier et al., ers in three languages: German, Czech, and Italian 2020). Going beyond approaches that work for a in seven dimensions which are described below: single language, Vajjala and Rama (2018) reported on developing methods for multi- and cross-lingual 1. Overall proficiency is the generic label ex- AES. pected to summarize the language proficiency Much of the existing AES research has been fo- across different dimensions. cused on English, but there is a growing body of research on other European languages: German 2. Grammatical accuracy refers to the usage (Hancke and Meurers, 2013), Estonian (Vajjala and and control over the language’s grammar. Lõo, 2014), Swedish (Pilán et al., 2016), Norwe- gian (Berggren et al., 2019) which explored both 3. Orthographic control refers to the aspects language specific (e.g., case markers in Estonian) of language connected with writing such as as well as language agnostic (e.g., POS n-grams) punctuation, spelling mistakes etc. features (Vajjala and Rama, 2018) for this task. However, to our knowledge, the use of large pre- 2 Available here for download: https:// trained language models such as BERT (Devlin
4. Vocabulary range refers to the breadth of vo- half of the documents (247) for the sociolinguistic cabulary use, including phrases, idiomatic ex- appropriateness dimension had a score of “0”. The pressions, colloquialisms etc. corpus manual does not provide any explanation for the missing annotation, therefore, we excluded this 5. Vocabulary control refers to the correct and dimension from all experiments involving Czech appropriate use of vocabulary. data. 6. Coherence and Cohesion refers to the ability Inter-dimensional correlations Bärenfänger to connect different parts of the text using ap- (2013)’s analyses on MERLIN corpus show propriate vocabulary (e.g., connecting words) that correlations among the different dimensions and creating a smoothly flowing text. (including overall proficiency) range from 0.2−0.8 7. Sociolinguistic appropriateness refers to the in different languages.4 In general, correlations awareness of language use in different social between any two dimensions and specifically contexts. For example, using proper form of with overall proficiency dimension are higher for introduction, ability to express both in formal German and Italian than for Czech. There is no as well as informal language, understanding consistent high correlation of overall proficiency the sociocultural aspects of language use etc. with any single dimension. The variations show that these individual dimensions as are indeed Detailed description of a dimension at each different from each other as well as overall CEFR level is provided in the structured overview proficiency dimension, and we could expect of CEFR scales document (of Europe, 2002). In that a model trained on one dimension need not the MERLIN corpus, these annotations were pre- necessarily reflect on the language proficiency pared by human graders who were trained on these of the test taker in another dimension. This well defined rubrics. More details on the exami- further motivates our decision to explore a multi nation setup, grade annotation guidelines, rating dimensional proficiency assessment approach in procedure, inter-rater reliability and reliability of this paper. rating measures can be found in the project docu- mentation (Bärenfänger, 2013). We used the texts 3.2 Features and their universal dependency parsed versions – One of the goals of the paper is to examine if text shared by Vajjala and Rama (2018) – consisting of representations computed from large, pre-trained, 2266 documents in total (1029 German, 803 Italian, multilingual models such as mBERT (Devlin et al., 434 for Czech). 2018) and LASER (Artetxe and Schwenk, 2019) The German corpus had A1–C1, Italian corpus are useful for the AES task. We trained classi- had A2–B1, and Czech had A2–B2 levels for the fiers based on these two pre-trained models and overall proficiency category. More CEFR levels compare them with two previously used features— were represented in the corpus for other proficiency document length baseline and the n-gram features dimensions.3 In this paper, we treat the annotated used in Vajjala and Rama (2018). All the features labels in the corpus as the gold standard labels. are described below: Missing labels Less than 10 documents had an • Baseline: Document length (number of to- annotation of 1 instead of the CEFR scale (A1–C2) kens) is a standard feature in all AES ap- for some of the dimensions. The documentation proaches (Attali and Burstein, 2004). did not provide any reason behind this label assign- ment and we removed them from our experiments. • Lexical and syntactic features: n-grams In the case of German and Italian, for less than (1 ≤ n ≤ 5) of Word, Universal POS ten documents, some individual dimensions had a tags (UPOS) from the Universal Dependen- score of “0” while the overall rating was A1. For cies project (Nivre et al., 2016), dependency these documents, we treated “0” score as A1 rating triplets consisting of the head POS label, de- for that dimension. In the case of Czech, about pendent POS label, and the dependency label 3 More details on the corpus distribution can be found in extracted using UDPipe (Straka et al., 2016). MERLIN documentation, and the result files we shared as 4 supplementary material contain CEFR level distributions for For details: Refer to Table 4 for Czech, Table 11 for all the classification scenarios, for all languages. German, Table 17 for Italian in Bärenfänger (2013).
While word n-grams are useful only for mono- 3.3 Models and Evaluation lingual setting, the syntactic level n-grams As discussed in Section 1, our motivation in this pa- were used in multi/cross-lingual scenarios as per is to evaluate whether pre-trained multilingual well, as they are all derived from the same embedding representations are useful for perform- tagset/dependency relations. ing multidimensional AES, whether they can be used to achieve a universal representation for this • LASER embeddings map a sentence in a task (multilingual), as well as transfer from one source language to a fixed dimension (1024) language to another (cross-lingual) and if the pre- vector in a common cross-lingual space al- trained embedding representations can be trans- lowing us to map the vectors from different ferred to the AES task (fine-tuning). To explore languages into a single space. Since the num- this, we trained mono/multi/cross lingual classifi- ber of sentences in an essay is variable, we cation models using each of the features described map each sentence in the segmented text to in Section 3.2, for each of the 7 dimensions. a vector and then compute the average of the All the traditional classification models based on vectors to yield a 1024 dimension representa- n-grams, LASER and mBERT were tested using tion as our feature vector. traditional classification algorithms: Logistic Re- gression, Random Forests, and Linear SVM. The mBERT fine-tuned model consists of a softmax • mBERT: We apply the 12-layer pre-trained classification layer on top of the CLS token’s em- multilingual BERT (trained on Wikipedias of bedding. We used the MERLIN corpus texts to 104 languages with shared word-piece vocab- fine-tune mBERT for this task in all the three clas- ulary) for mapping an essay (truncated to 400 sification scenarios. tokens which is the upper bound of the length We evaluate the classifiers in monolingual and for 93% of the documents) into a 768 dimen- multilingual scenarios through stratified five-fold sion vector. Specifically, we use the vector validation where the distribution of the labels is for the CLS token from the final layer as the preserved across the folds. Owing to the nature of feature vector for non-finetuned classification the corpus and the presence of unbalanced classes experiments. We used the MERLIN corpus in all the languages and dimensions in the dataset, texts to do task specific fine-tuning of mBERT. we used weighted F1 score to compare model per- formance, as was done in the REPROLANG chal- It is possible to use other representations such as lenge (Branco et al., 2020). In the cross-lingual using average of the tokens’ embeddings of the last scenario, we trained on the German dataset and layer instead of using CLS token for mBERT, or ex- tested separately on Czech and Italian languages. plore other recent pre-trained mono-/multilingual 3.4 Implementation representations. Our goal is not to explore the best representation but rather test if a representative ap- All the POS and dependency n-gram features were proach could be used for this problem. To our computed using UDPipe (Straka et al., 2016). All knowledge, only Mayfield and Black (2020) stud- the traditional classification models were imple- ied the application of BERT for AES in English, mented using the Python library scikit-learn and its utility in the context of non-English and (Pedregosa et al., 2011) with the default settings. multilingual AES models has not been explored. LASER embeddings were extracted using the python package laserembeddings.5 The ex- Although, it is possible to use the “domain” fea- traction of mBERT embeddings and fine-tuning tures such as spelling/grammar errors which are was performed using the Hugging Face library commonly seen in AES systems, our goal in this and PyTorch.6 The code, processed dataset, and paper is to explore how far we can go with the repre- detailed result files are uploaded as supplementary sentations without any language specific resources material with this paper. for this task. Considering that such representations 5 are expected to capture different aspects of lan- guage (Jawahar et al., 2019; Edmiston, 2020), we laserembeddings/ 6 could hypothesize that some of the domain specific v2.2.0/model_doc/bert.html# features are already captured by them. bertforsequenceclassification
4 Experiments and Results Italian. The performance of the different systems on Coherence/Cohesion dimension is much better As mentioned earlier, we trained monolingual, mul- than the Overall Proficiency. Orthographic Control, tilingual and cross-lingual classification models for which seemed to be the worst modeled dimension all the seven proficiency dimensions. We report for German and Italian, does better than grammat- results with logistic regression, which performed ical accuracy and vocabulary control. There is a the best in most of the cases. The results for the larger difference between the baseline performance other classifiers such as Random Forest and Linear and the best performance for most of the dimen- SVM are provided in the supplementary material. sions, than it was for German and Italian. 4.1 Monolingual Classification The main conclusions from the monolingual clas- sification experiments are as follows: Figures 1, 2 and 3 show the results of monolin- gual classification for German, Italian and Czech • The feature groups don’t capture multiple di- respectively for all the feature sets and proficiency mensions of proficiency well and there is no dimensions. single feature group that works equally well across all languages. German The fine-tuned BERT model performs the best (from Figure 1) for the Overall CEFR pro- • Pre-trained and fine-tuned text representations ficiency prediction dimension closely followed by seem to perform comparably to traditional n- POS n-grams. Except for the Vocabulary Range gram features in several language-dimension dimension, none of the other dimensions seem to combinations. perform on par with Overall proficiency in terms of absolute numbers, though. Fine-tuned mBERT One possible reason for the variation across di- performs the best for Orthographic control dimen- mensions could be that the corpus consists of texts sion, where the rest of the feature sets performed written by language learners, coming from vari- rather worse. Overall, these results seem to indi- ous native language backgrounds. It is possible cate that all our features only capture the ‘Overall that there are no consistent n-gram patterns in vari- proficiency’ dimension well, and to some extent ous dimensions to capture due to this characteris- the ‘Vocabulary Range’ dimension. All features tic. Further, models such as LASER and mBERT perform rather poorly at the task of prediction of are pre-trained on well formed texts, and may not orthographic control. be able to capture the potentially erroroneous lan- guage patterns in MERLIN texts. We can hypoth- Italian The word n-grams perform the best for esize that the overall proficiency label potentially Overall Proficiency closely followed by POS n- captures some percent of each dimension, and is grams and fine-tuned mBERT model. There is probably easier to model than others. However, not much variation among the features, with lit- even this hypothesis does not hold for the case tle improvement over the strong document length of Czech, where Coherence/Cohesion dimension baseline for any feature group. Further, the perfor- perhaps much better than the overall proficiency. mance on other dimensions seems far worse than Clearly, more analysis and experiments are needed Overall Proficiency, compared to German. Ortho- to understand these aspects. The current set of ex- graphic control is the worst performing dimension periments indicate that it is a worthwhile future even for Italian. Word n-grams are the best fea- direction to pursue. ture representation across all dimensions for Italian. Although mBERT fine-tuning improved the perfor- 4.2 Multilingual Classification mance over non fine-tuned version, both LASER and mBERT based models don’t perform better In multilingual classification, we work with a sin- than word or POS n-grams in any dimension. Thus, gle dataset formed by combining the essays from while there are some similarities between German all the three languages. We trained and tested clas- and Italian classification, we also observe some sifiers for all combinations of feature sets and di- differences. mensions on the single large dataset. Since CEFR guidelines for language proficiency are not specific Czech Across all the dimensions, the results (Fig- to any one language, we would expect multilingual ure 3) for Czech are different from German and models to perform on par with individual mono-
German: Monolingual Doc.len. baseline Word ngrams POS ngrams Dep ngrams LASER BERT-no tuning BERT-fine tuned 0.7 Weighted F1-score 0.6 0.5 0.4 Overall CEFR Gram. Accuracy Orthography Vocab. range Vocab. control Coherence Sociolinguistic Cohesion Appropriateness Dimensions Figure 1: German monolingual five-fold validation results. All POS and Dep n-grams are based on Universal Dependencies framework. Italian: Monolingual Doc.len. baseline Word ngrams POS ngrams Dep ngrams LASER BERT-no tuning BERT-fine tuned 0.9 0.8 Weighted F1-score 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 Overall CEFR Gram. Accuracy Orthography Vocab. range Vocab. control Coherence Sociolinguistic Cohesion Appropriateness Dimensions Figure 2: Italian monolingual five-fold validation results lingual models. The results of our multilingual all proficiency dimension, for example, the best experiments are given in Figure 4. result is achieved with fine-tuned classifier based on mBERT (0.745), which is closer to the average Our results show that the fine-tuned mBERT of the results from the three monolingual models. model performs the best on most of the dimen- While German (0.693 in monolingual vs 0.683 in sions, closely followed by the UPOS n-grams fea- multilingual) and Italian (0.829 vs 0.826) saw a tures. To understand the relation between the mul- slight dip in the multilingual setup, Czech (0.669 tilingual model and its constituents, we looked at vs 0.718) saw a 5 point increase due to multilingual how each language fared in this model. For over-
Czech: Monolingual Doc.len. baseline Word ngrams POS ngrams Dep ngrams LASER BERT-no tuning BERT-fine tuned 0.9 0.8 Weighted F1-score 0.7 0.6 0.5 Overall CEFR Gram. Accuracy Orthography Vocab. range Vocab. control Coherence Cohesion Dimensions Figure 3: Czech monolingual five-fold validation results Multilingual Doc.len. baseline POS ngrams Dep ngrams LASER BERT-no tuning BERT-fine tuned 0.8 0.7 Weighted F1-score 0.6 0.5 0.4 Overall CEFR Gram. Accuracy Orthography Vocab. range Vocab. control Coherence Cohesion Dimensions Figure 4: Multi-dimensional, Multilingual language proficiency classification. The doclen baseline for Orthog- raphy domain is 0.3956 which is less than the minimum threshold of 0.4. classification. language backgrounds, although more experiments are needed in this direction to confirm this. Clearly, multilingual classification is a beneficial setup for languages with lower monolingual per- 4.3 Crosslingual Classification formance or less data, without compromising on Here, we train different classification models on those languages that had better performance. How- German, and test them on Italian and Czech. We ever, there is still a lot of performance variation in chose German for the training side since German terms of absolute numbers across dimensions. As has the largest number of essays in MERLIN cor- with the case of monolingual models, we can po- pus. In the case of mBERT, we performed fine- tentially attribute this to the fact that we are dealing tuning on German part of the corpus, and tested with a relatively smaller sized dataset in MERLIN, the models on Italian and Czech texts respectively. with texts written by people with diverse native The goal of this experiment is to test if there are
any universal patterns in proficiency across the lan- 5 Summary and Conclusions guages and understand if zero-shot cross-lingual In this paper, we reported several experiments ex- transfer is possible for this task. ploring multi-dimensional CEFR scale based lan- UPOS n-grams consistently performed better guage proficiency classification for three languages. than other features for most of the dimensions, Our main conclusions from these experiments can in both the cross lingual setups. There is more be summarized as follows: performance variation among the different dimen- sions for Italian compared to Czech. In the case 1. UPOS n-gram features perform consistently of Czech, similar to the monolingual case, the well for all languages in monolingual classifi- Coherence/cohesion dimension achieved superior cation scenarios for modeling “overall profi- performance than others, even with the baseline ciency”, closely followed by embedding fea- document length feature. This is a result worth tures in most language-dimension combina- considering further qualitative analysis in future. tions. More details on the results of this experiment can 2. Fine-tuned large pre-trained models such as be found in the Figures folder in the supplemen- mBERT are useful language representations tary material. Our cross-lingual experiments seem for multilingual classification, and languages to indicate that the embedding representations we with low monolingual performance benefit chose are not useful for zero-shot learning, and that from a multilingual setup. UPOS n-grams may serve as a strong baseline for building AES systems with new languages. 3. UPOS features seem to provide a strong base- line for zero-shot cross lingual transfer, and 4.4 Error Analysis fine-tuning was very not useful in this case. We observed substantial performance differences 4. None of the feature groups consis- across features/dimensions/languages in various tently perform well across all dimen- experimental settings. While we don’t have a pro- sions/languages/classification setups. cedure to understand the exact reasons for this yet, examining the confusion matrices (provided in the The first conclusion is similar to (Mayfield and supplementary material) may give us some insights Black, 2020)’s conclusion on using BERT for En- into the nature of some of these differences. There- glish AES. However, these results need not be inter- fore, we manually inspected a few confusion matri- preted as a “no” to pre-trained models. Considering ces, posing ourselves three questions: that they are closely behind n-grams in many cases and were slightly better than them for German, we 1. How does a given feature set perform across believe they are useful to this task and more re- different dimensions for a given language? search needs to be done in this direction exploring 2. How do different features perform for a single other language models/fine-tuning options. dimension for a given language? Pre-trained and fine-tuned models are clearly useful in a multilingual classification setup, and it 3. How does a given feature set perform for a would be an interesting new direction to pursue for given dimension among the three languages? this task. As a continuation of these experiments, In all these cases, we did not notice any major one can look for a larger CEFR annotated corpus differences, and the confusion matrices followed for a language such as English, and explore multi- the expected trend (observed in previous research) lingual learning for languages with lesser data. – immediately proximal levels such as A2/B1 or The results from the experiments presented in A1/A2 are harder to distinguish accurately as com- this paper highlight the inherent difficulty in cap- pared to distant levels such as A1/B2 along with turing multiple dimensions of language proficiency the expected observation that levels with larger rep- through existing methods, and the need for more resentation have better results. It is neither possible future research in this direction. An important di- to cover all possible combinations nor is it suffi- rection for future work is to develop better feature cient to gain more insights into the models just representations that capture specific dimensions of by looking at confusion matrices alone. Carefully language proficiency, which can potentially work planned interpretable analyses should be conducted for many languages. Considering that all the dimen- in future to understand these differences further. sions share some commonalities and differences
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