Aquatic Invasive Species (AIS) Control Plan

Page created by Sylvia Sanchez
Aquatic Invasive Species (AIS) Control Plan
Aquatic Invasive Species Control Plan                             Golden Alga
               Division of Environmental Services                           Updated June 2021

 Aquatic Invasive Species
   (AIS) Control Plan:

              Golden Alga

 This control plan is a living document that
  will be updated, as needed, to reflect the
 status of the species within Pennsylvania.

           Natural History                         Figure 1. Micrograph of Golden Alga
Description: Golden Alga is a single-celled,       morphology. Source: University of Nevada.
flagellated, photosynthetic microorganism
that is capable of releasing toxins which can      Origin: Golden Alga is spreading globally
cause extensive kills of gill-breathing            through multiple introductions from discrete
aquatic animals.                                   locales; the strain occurring in the United
                                                   States likely originated in Europe (Lutz-
                                                   Carrillo et al. 2010). In the United States,
                                                   Golden Alga was first reported in water
                                                   samples from a 1985 fish kill on the Pecos
Common name: Golden Alga
                                                   River, Texas (Southard et al. 2010). Since
Family: Prymnesiaceae
                                                   then, it has been reported in scattered
Species: Prymnesium parvum
                                                   locations mainly in the southern and western
Integrated Taxonomic Information System
                                                   United States (Sallenave 2018). In
(ITIS) Serial Number: 2170
                                                   Pennsylvania, Golden Alga may have been
                                                   introduced from the south-central part of the
Morphology: Each cell has two hair-like
                                                   United States.
flagella used to swim through the water
(Figure 1). There is also a shorter stiff hair-
                                                   Food Preferences: Golden alga can
like structure called a haptonema, which can
                                                   manufacture its own food when abundant
be used to attach the cell to other cells or
                                                   nitrogen and phosphorus are available or,
objects (Sallenave 2018; Figure 1). Each cell
                                                   when these nutrients are limited, it releases
has a C-shaped or “saddle shaped”
                                                   chemical substances called prymnesins that
chloroplast which contributes to the yellow-
                                                   allow it to envelop and digest bacteria and
green color of the organism (Sallenave
                                                   other algae (Barkoh and Fries 2010). These
2018; Figure 1).
                                                   prymnesins also inhibit growth of other alga,
                                                   giving it a competitive edge over other

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Aquatic Invasive Species (AIS) Control Plan
Aquatic Invasive Species Control Plan                               Golden Alga
               Division of Environmental Services                             Updated June 2021

species and leading to the potential for large       temperature range of about 5°C to 35°C
blooms (Barkoh and Fries 2010).                      (41°F to 95°F). Besides salinity and
                                                     temperature, many factors influence the
Reproduction: This organism typically                growth of this species including phosphorus
reproduces asexually through simple cell             (P) and nitrogen (N) levels, cationic
division. Fish kills generally occur at cell         substance levels, and pH. Toxic blooms of
counts > 50 -100 million cells per liter.            the Golden Alga typically occur during
Golden Alga can form dormant cysts when              cooler water temperatures and periods of
stressed or conditions become unfavorable.           limited nutrients (Sallenave 2018).
Sexual reproduction exists but is not well
documented outside of the laboratory                     Distribution and Status
(Edvardsen and Paasche 1998).

Notable Behavioral Characteristics: Golden           Distribution: Golden Alga has been reported
Alga exhibits a characteristic swimming              from at least 14 countries among every
motion of moving forward while spinning              continent but Antarctica (Southard et al.
on its longitudinal axis.                            2010). In the US, at least 23 States,
                                                     including Pennsylvania and West Virginia,
Historic Vectors: Numerous and non-                  have reported Golden Alga. In
specific. Both natural (birds, mammals) and          Pennsylvania, Golden Alga has been
anthropogenic (bilge water, industrial               documented in Greene County within the
equipment, fishing gear) vectors have been           Dunkard Creek and Whiteley Creek
proposed (Sallenave 2018).                           watersheds (Figure 2).

Current Pathways/Vectors: Because of the
distances involved (North Carolina being the
previously closest state with infestations),
circumstantial evidence points toward
possible introduction of Golden Alga to
Pennsylvania/West Virginia waters by
means of cells (possibly encysted) carried on
industrial equipment, which later spread by
unknown means.                                       Figure 2. County-level distrbution of
                                                     Golden Alga in Pennsylvania (December
Preferred Habitat: In general, Golden Alga           2020).
is found in brackish waters but tolerates a
wide range of conditions (Salenave 2018).
The species has a salinity range of ~1- 40
PSU (Practical Salinity Unit) and a

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Aquatic Invasive Species Control Plan                             Golden Alga
               Division of Environmental Services                           Updated June 2021

                                                  organisms; therefore, it is not known to be a
                                                  human health concern (Texas Parks and
Pennsylvania Legal Status: As of April            Wildlife 2009; Sallenave 2018).
2021, Golden Alga is not regulated in 58 Pa.
Code §71.6 and §73.1.


Toxicity: Blooms of Golden Alga release
toxins under stressed conditions, such as
when nutrients become limited (Sallenave
2018). Golden Alga can release several
chemical compounds called prymnesins that
combine with cations (such as magnesium
[Mg++] and calcium [Ca++]) in the water to        Figure 3. Fish kill resulting from Golden
make toxins. The type of toxin created is         Alga bloom. Source: Michael Hooper
dependent on the water chemistry and              (USGS).
usually there is a combination of toxins in
the water. The toxins cause cells without         Environmental and Economic: Severe
protective layers, such as on the surface of      economic losses can occur from fish kills
gills and fins, to fail. Exposed cells either     caused by Golden Alga (Figure 3). Recent
die due to chemical damage or lyse due to         economic losses to communities and
excessive osmotic pressure (Sallenave             hatcheries in Norway and Texas, for
2018). In fish, the gills become so badly         example, are estimated in millions of U.S.
damaged that they are unable to function,         dollars (Barkoh and Fries 2010; Sallenave
and blood vessels in the gills hemorrhage.        2018). Despite years of research on Golden
Affected fish behave as if there is not           Alga, no proven strategies have been
enough oxygen in the water. They travel at        developed to prevent or mitigate bloom
the top of the water surface or rest on the       formation or toxicity effects in large water
bottom in edges and shallow areas, and            bodies (Barkoh and Fries 2010).
ultimately succumb to asphyxiation
(Sallinave 2018; Figure 3). These toxic           In Pennsylvania, fisheries in colonized
effects extend to other aquatic organisms,        waters having the potential to reach the
including amphibians, invertebrates,              optimal conditions necessary for a Golden
plankton, and bacteria (Barkoh and Fries          Alga bloom are at risk of producing large
2010).                                            fish kills. This occurred in 2009 within
                                                  Dunkard Creek in Greene County, which
Human Health: Golden Alga toxins have no          decimated populations of many fish species,
apparent lethal effect on non-gill breathing      freshwater mussels, and Mudpuppy

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Aquatic Invasive Species Control Plan                              Golden Alga
               Division of Environmental Services                            Updated June 2021

Salamanders (C. Urban, personal                        during routine water quality sampling.
communication).                                        This can be accomplished by examining
                                                       water samples for Golden Alga via
             Management                                microscopy or by Environmental DNA
                                                       (eDNA) sampling (Sallinave 2018).
Management Goals: Golden Alga already
resides in Pennsylvania. Therefore,                •   Consider the inclusion of Golden Alga
management of the species must focus on                on the invasive species lists in 58 Pa.
containing or eliminating existing                     Code §71.6 and §73.1.
populations, on preventing their spread, and
on preventing new incursions of the species        •   Encourage the incident reporting of
from out of state.                                     aquatic invasive species within
                                                       Pennsylvania. Although Golden Alga
Containment and Prevention Actions:                    may be difficult to identify outside of a
Efforts to stop the spread of Golden Alga in           laboratory setting, the reporting of
Pennsylvania need to focus on containing               suspected observations is encouraged.
the existing Dunkard Creek and Whiteley                Online reporting can now be conducted
Creek populations (both in Greene County),             at the following PFBC web site:
on identifying potential habitat for new     
incursions, and on preventing the alga from            as well as PA iMapInvasives at:
infesting those areas:                        and at
                                                       the national level, USGS Nonindigenous
•   Initiate a public education effort to              Aquatic Species website:
    acquaint the populace with the threat of 
    and measures to prevent the spread of              px
    Golden Alga. Because Golden Alga can
    potentially spread on recreational             •   Discuss the water hauler disinfection
    equipment such as boating gear, waders,            procedures and regulations within
    and fishing tackle, education efforts              Pennsylvania with appropriate state
    should include best practices to disinfect         partners and initiate guidance or
    gear. These include completely draining            regulatory oversight to prevent the
    water from watercraft bilges, live wells,          spread of AIS such as Golden Alga.
    and other areas; allowing all materials or
    equipment to fully dry for at least three      •   Initiate and support research to elucidate
    days; or disinfection with 10% bleach              the ecological requirements of Golden
    solution (Sanninave 2018).                         Alga in Pennsylvania waters and
                                                       develop strategies to prevent or mitigate
•   Request Federal and Pennsylvania State             bloom formation. This includes
    agencies to monitor for Golden Alga                engaging with appropriate state and

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Aquatic Invasive Species Control Plan                            Golden Alga
               Division of Environmental Services                          Updated June 2021

    federal partners to monitor Golden Alga            Alga (Prymnesium parvum). Journal of
    in Pennsylvania watersheds, particularly           the American Water Resources
    in the southwestern region of the                  Association. 46: 24-32.
                                                  Sallinave, R. 2018. Toxic Golden Algae
Rapid Response Options:                               (Prymnesium parvum). New Mexico
• Implement public outreach efforts in the            State University ACES Circular Number
   vicinity of a Golden Alga bloom.                   647.

•   Consider application of algaecides such       Southard, G.M., Fries, L.T., and Barkoh, A.
    as ammonium sulfate or copper-based              2010. Prymnesium parvum: the Texas
    algicides to control small blooms in             experience. Journal of the American
    ponds or lakes, following cost-benefit           Water Resources Association. 46: 14-23.
    analysis considering possible impacts to
    non-target species (e.g., fish,               Texas Parks and Wildlife. 2009. Golden
    amphibians). Treatment is often                  Alga. Management Data Series 236:
    unachievable in flowing water or large           Management of Prymnesium parvum at
    water bodies (Sallinave 2018).                   Texas State Fish Hatcheries.


Barkoh, A. and Fries, L.T. 2010. Aspects of
   the Origins, Ecology, and Control of
   Golden Alga (Prymnesium parvum):
   Introduction to the Featured Collection.
   Journal of the American Water
   Resources Association. 46: 1-5.

Edvardsen, B. and Paasche, E. 1998. Bloom
   dynamics and physiology of
   Prymnesium and Chrysochromulia. Pp
   193-208 In: Anderson, D.M., Cembella,
   A.D., and Hallegraeff, G.M. (eds).
   Physiological Ecology of Harmful Algal
   Blooms. NATO ASI Series Vol. G 41.

Lutz-Carrillo, D.J., Southard, G.M. and
   Fries, L.T. 2010. Global Genetic
   Relationships Among Isolates of Golden

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