Science for Saving Species - Research findings factsheet Project

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Science for Saving Species - Research findings factsheet Project
Science for Saving Species
Research findings factsheet

Using reintroductions and long-term monitoring to unravel
causes of decline and extinctions of threatened mammals

In brief

This project trialled the                 Translocated captive-bred predators          Predation (by foxes and dogs) and
reintroduction of 28 southern brown       are less skilled at hunting than wild-       being hit by cars emerged as the
bandicoots (eastern subspecies)           born predators. With this in mind,           greatest threats to reintroduced
Isoodon obesulus obesulus and             we provided supplementary feeding            quolls. In response to these
60 eastern quolls Dasyurus viverrinus     stations for reintroduced captive-           findings, park management and
to Booderee National Park                 bred eastern quolls. Monitoring              reintroduction strategies were
between 2016 and 2019.                    revealed that the quolls used these          adjusted; this included translocating
                                          feeding stations but in addition were        animals to areas with less traffic,
Careful monitoring allowed adaptive
                                          able to forage for food in the wild.         and increasing already substantial
management of threats as they
                                          Their diet was diverse, including            monitoring and control for foxes
emerged and new ecological
                                          mammals, reptiles, birds, frogs,             and installing road signs to increase
insights that will benefit the planning
                                          invertebrates and fish.                      awareness of quolls in the park.
of future reintroduction programs.
Southern brown bandicoots                  Booderee National Park rangers (Shane Sturgeon, Gavin McLeod, Tyson Simpson-Brown)
preferred heath and woodland               processing an eastern quoll. Photo: Parks Australia
vegetation communities over the
more widespread forest community.
Future reintroductions of bandicoots
should release individuals into these
preferred habitats. Male bandicoots
have larger spatial requirements
than female bandicoots. Releases
of male bandicoots should allow for
adequate distance between other
males to minimise antagonistic
behaviour and overdispersal of
subordinate males.
The founder bandicoot population
has good genetic diversity. However,
if future supplementation is required,
individuals from the Melbourne
region would yield the greatest
increase in genetic diversity.
Maintaining good genetic diversity
is important for the long-time
viability of the population.
Science for Saving Species - Research findings factsheet Project
     Reintroductions are increasingly        genetically different individuals
     being used as an effective way          (outbreeding) both cause a decline
     of re-establishing locally extinct      in fitness. However, the latter is
     or declining faunal populations.        generally overstated. Reintroduction
     However, the chances of successful      programs benefit from using source
     establishment of reintroduced           populations with healthy genetic
     species are often low due to            diversity. Supplementing individuals
     incomplete knowledge of the factors     with high genetic diversity relative to
     that influence successful outcomes      the founder population can maintain
     of survival and establishment.          or augment the genetic diversity of
     Well-designed and monitored             the ongoing population. We went
     reintroductions can provide insights    through a process of planning,            A radio transmitter attached to a southern brown
                                                                                       bandicoot tail. Photo: Natasha Robinson
     into the original causes of species     implementing and reviewing the
     decline and local extinction, current   reintroductions of southern brown
     threats to their re-establishment,      bandicoots (eastern subspecies)            Main aims of research
     and what the species need to            Isoodon obesulus obesulus and
                                                                                        The research aimed to:
     survive and persist in the              eastern quolls Dasyurus viverrinus
     contemporary environment.               to Booderee National Park                  •    trial the reintroduction of
                                             between 2016 and 2019.                          southern brown bandicoots
     Key to improving the success                                                            and eastern quolls to
     of reintroductions are careful          Both southern brown bandicoots
                                                                                             Booderee National Park
     consideration of threats, identifying   and eastern quolls are nationally
     and reducing those threats, and         threatened ground-dwelling small           •    monitor the survival, dispersal,
     monitoring; and then making             to medium-sized marsupials.                     diet, genetic diversity, breeding,
     improvements to management from          The two species were common                    body condition and habitat
     what is learnt from these actions.       in the area before their local                 preferences of the animals
                                             extinction in the early 1900s.                  released
     Genetic diversity is an important
     consideration in reintroductions.       Foxes pose a serious threat to both        •    test management strategies
     Research shows that genetic             species. Booderee National Park                 and make improvements to the
     diversity is not well integrated        has conducted intensive fox control             reintroduction program (e.g.,
     into reintroduction. Concerns for       since 2003. The park is unfenced                release methods, supplementary
     adverse outcomes such as mating         and co-managed with the local                   feeding, timing of release)
     between closely related individuals     Indigenous community, the                  •    measure genetic diversity of
     (inbreeding) or mating between          Wreck Bay Aboriginal Community.                 the southern brown bandicoot
                                                                                             founder population, simulate
Shane Sturgeon releases a
                                                                                             change in genetic diversity
southern brown bandicoot
Photo: Thea OLoughlin                                                                        from supplementation of this
                                                                                             population from other source
                                                                                             populations and provide
                                                                                             recommendations for suitable
                                                                                             source populations for future
                                                                                             genetic supplementation
                                                                                             of the population
                                                                                        •    understand any risks that either
                                                                                             species might pose to other
                                                                                             species in the park, for example,
                                                                                             the possibility that eastern quolls
                                                                                             could threaten southern brown
                                                                                             bandicoots via predation.
Science for Saving Species - Research findings factsheet Project
What we did
This project was a collaboration        and forest. Post-release monitoring         of all individuals of both species
between Parks Australia, the            revealed that bandicoots preferred          released to assess genetic diversity.
Australian National University, Wreck   heath and woodland over forest.             We monitored the movements of
Bay Aboriginal Community, Taronga                                                   translocated animals via GPS and
                                        We sourced the eastern quolls from
Conservation Society, Forestry                                                      or VHF transmitters. We mounted
                                        three captive-breeding sanctuaries:
Corporation of NSW, Rewilding                                                       VHF transmitters on the tails of
                                        Devils@Cradle, Trowunna and
Australia and WWF Australia.                                                        southern brown bandicoots; and
                                        Aussie Ark. Sixty captive-bred eastern
The southern brown bandicoots           quolls were released over two years:        monitored animals day and night for
were sourced from the nearest           20 individuals (10 male, 10 female)         four weeks from the initial release
viable wild population, in New South    in 2018 and 40 individuals (21 male,        date. Quolls had GPS/VHF collars.
Wales, from state forest around         19 female) in 2019. Quolls were             We tracked the quolls daily for four
Eden, around 250 km south of            transported by air and land vehicle         weeks then two to three times
Booderee National Park.                 to Booderee National Park.                  per week for up to three months
                                                                                    post-release. Both methods allowed
Over three years we caught and          For both species of reintroduced            us to monitor survival, movement
released 28 wild southern brown         animal, the research team                   and habitat use of the animals.
bandicoots: 2016 (11 individuals),      monitored survival, dispersal, habitat      In addition, we used cameras to
2017 (12 individuals) and 2018 (5       preferences, body condition,                detect individuals and visually check
individuals). The release locations     breeding, genetic diversity and             their health, and cage-trapping to
were approximately evenly               diet. We investigated the diet of           physically check health (e.g., for
distributed between three primary       reintroduced eastern quolls by              body weight and parasite load)
vegetation types assessed as            collecting scats and analysing their        and breeding status (checking
suitable habitat: heath, woodland       contents. We also took ear biopsies         for pouch young).

                                                                Shane Sturgeon and Dion Maple set up an eastern quoll feeding station.
                                                                                                           Photo: Natasha Robinson
Science for Saving Species - Research findings factsheet Project
Key findings
Our findings contribute new              diversity relative to other populations       provided at feeding stations and
knowledge about how to improve           across their range. We used genetic           scavenging from other sources.
translocation methods for these          data from different potential                 The quolls used the supplementary
two nationally endangered small          source populations to simulate                feeding stations, indicating that this
mammals, and by extension to             supplementation scenarios and the             may be an important strategy to
other species.                           resulting genetic diversity within            assist with their establishment in
                                         the Booderee population. This                 the wild. Quolls also foraged freely
Reintroduced southern brown
                                         modelling identified the Melbourne            and we observed them hunting
bandicoots and eastern quolls
                                         region population as the most                 small prey, for example, insects.
survived and successfully bred in
                                         suitable future source of bandicoots;
the park. Offspring were captured                                                      Evolutionary theory was used to
                                         supplementation of individuals from
before their natal dispersal. The                                                      investigate the survival, dispersal
                                         this source population would yield
founding populations of the two                                                        and change in body condition
                                         the greatest increase in genetic
species are still small. Ongoing                                                       of reintroduced eastern quolls.
                                         diversity within the Booderee
monitoring and management will                                                         Theory was found to make useful
                                         bandicoot population.
be required to help ensure these                                                       predictions. Smaller quolls were
species remain in the park over          Translocated captive-bred
                                                                                       found to disperse further than larger
the long term.                           predators are less skilled at hunting
                                                                                       quolls, in support of the “social
                                         than wild-born predators, and
We found that reintroduced                                                             subordinate” hypothesis. Female
                                         therefore more prone to starvation
bandicoot males dispersed twice as                                                     quolls had marginally higher rates
                                         post-release. Knowledge of the
far as females, but that the home                                                      of survival than males, and regained
                                         diet and foraging behaviour of
ranges of the sexes were similar in                                                    body condition following release;
                                         the translocated captive-bred
size. We also found that bandicoots                                                    this supports the senescence (or
                                         eastern quolls was therefore an
preferred heath and woodland                                                           ageing) theory, which predicts that
                                         important consideration in their
vegetation communities and avoided                                                     ongoing survival and body condition
                                         reintroductions. We found that the
forest. Our monitoring revealed                                                        are influenced by evolutionary
                                         diet of the translocated eastern
that eastern quolls rarely use the                                                     drivers (e.g., factors that maximise
                                         quolls in Booderee National Park
same habitat as southern brown                                                         breeding potential). Evolutionary
                                         includes a variety of prey: small
bandicoots. The different habitat                                                      theory was found to be useful for
                                         mammals, birds, invertebrates, fish,
preferences of the species indicates                                                   predicting translocation outcomes.
                                         reptiles and frogs. Eastern quolls
that the threat of eastern quolls                                                      More informed predictions can
                                         also consumed larger mammals
predating on bandicoots is minimal.                                                    improve the design of future
                                         (e.g., macropods); however,
Predation by the introduced red fox      this was likely quolls consuming              releases and improve the likelihood
was a known threat to translocated       macropod carcasses that were                  of successful outcomes.
eastern quolls. Parks Australia
implement intensive fox control.          Chris MacGregor and volunteers catch southern brown bandicoots.
                                          Photo: Natasha Robinson
However, even low densities of
foxes (and dogs) can be problematic.
Monitoring revealed predation and
vehicle collisions to be a major
threat to translocated quolls.
Targeted monitoring allowed us to
quickly identify these threats and to
revise and adapt mitigation strategies
for them. Founder quolls have bred
each year since their release.
The southern brown bandicoot
founder population at Booderee
National Park had good genetic
Science for Saving Species - Research findings factsheet Project
Tyson Simpson-Brown and Phillip Brown tracking
                                                                                            eastern quolls. Photo: Natasha Robinson

Good planning, monitoring,              evaluating habitat suitability for future   minimising quoll–vehicle interactions
communication, engagement               translocations and management.              will be integral to supporting the
and responsive management are                                                       species’ persistence in the park.
                                        The findings about the habitat
essential for reintroduction success.   preferences of the southern                 As our findings support evolutionary
Our team conducted a thorough           brown bandicoots point to a                 theory, it leads us to recommend
review of threats before releasing      recommendation that future                  that theory be better integrated into
animals, found ways to lessen           bandicoot reintroductions to                translocation planning as it can help
those threats, and monitored the        Booderee National Park take                 make more informed predictions,
outcomes. The team was also able        place within areas of heath and             and that translocation programs
to quickly respond to unforeseen        woodland, and that future releases          be adapted accordingly.
threats. Good communication and         consider the potentially larger
                                                                                    Finally, genetic diversity is an
engagement with the community           spatial requirements that male
                                                                                    important consideration in
and stakeholders ensured that the       bandicoots have, including their
                                                                                    reintroductions. Our genetic
program was supported by the local      need to be able to avoid each other.
                                                                                    research with the southern brown
community, and the knowledge
                                        Future translocations and ongoing           bandicoots at Booderee will enable
gained and shared will be applied
                                        management of eastern quolls                managers to make informed
to future translocations.
                                        at Booderee will benefit from the           decisions about how to maximise
Knowledge of the foraging and           knowledge gained about the main             the long-term persistence and
hunting behaviour of the eastern        threats to their persistence. Ongoing       genetic diversity of reintroduced
quolls will be important for            introduced predator control and             populations.
Science for Saving Species - Research findings factsheet Project
Cited material
Robinson, N.M., Blanchard, W.,
MacGregor, C., Brewster, R., Dexter,
N., Lindenmayer, D.B. 2020. Finding
food in a novel environment: The
diet and foraging behaviour of a
reintroduced endangered meso-
predator to mainland Australia.
Plos ONE 15: 12, e0243937.
Robinson, N.M., Blanchard, W.,
MacGregor, C., Brewster, R., Dexter,
N., Lindenmayer, D.B. 2021. Using
theory to predict survival, dispersal
and post-release body condition
of a reintroduced threatened
mammal 11: 2, pp. 1002-1012.
Robinson, N.M., Dexter, N.,
Brewster, R., Maple, D., MacGregor,        Eastern quoll in trap. Photo: Natasha Robinson
C., Rose, K., Hall, J., Lindenmayer,       Gavin McLeod releases an eastern quoll. Photo: Parks Australia
D.B. 2020. Be nimble with threat
mitigation: Lessons learned
from the reintroduction of an
endangered species. Restoration
Ecology 28:1, pp. 29–38.
Robinson, N.M., MacGregor,
C.I., Hradsky, B.A., Dexter, N.,
Lindenmayer, D.B. 2018. Bandicoots
return to Booderee: Initial survival,
dispersal, home range and habitat
preferences of reintroduced
southern brown bandicoots
(eastern sub species: Isoodon
obesulus obesulus). Wildlife
Research 45, pp. 132–142.
Robinson, N.M., Rhoades, C.,
Pierson, J., Lindenmayer. D.B.,
Banks, S.C. 2021. Prioritising source
populations for supplementing
genetic diversity of reintroduced
southern brown bandicoots
                                                                              Further Information
Isoodon obesulus obesulus.
Conservation Genetics.                                                            Natasha Robinson

                              Cite this publication as NESP Threatened Species Recovery Hub. 2021. Using reintroductions and long-term monitor-
                              ing to unravel causes of decline and extinctions of threatened mammals, Research findings factsheet.

                              This project is supported through funding from the Australian Government’s National Environmental Science Program.
Science for Saving Species - Research findings factsheet Project Science for Saving Species - Research findings factsheet Project Science for Saving Species - Research findings factsheet Project Science for Saving Species - Research findings factsheet Project
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