April 2021 Vol 56, No 4 - The Carbide Dump - the Blue Ridge Grotto

Page created by Sandra Deleon
April 2021 Vol 56, No 4 - The Carbide Dump - the Blue Ridge Grotto
April 2021, V56, #4   The Carbide Dump

                                          April 2021
                                         Vol 56, No 4
April 2021 Vol 56, No 4 - The Carbide Dump - the Blue Ridge Grotto
28                                                       The Carbide Dump                                                 April 2021, V56, #4

The Carbide Dump is published monthly by the Blue Ridge Grotto of the National Speleological Society in Roanoke, Virginia. Distribution date
is approximately the second week of each month. An issue may be skipped if insufficient material is received. Contributions of articles and
artwork are invited and will be gratefully acknowledged. Art work originals will be returned. Contributions should be sent to the editor. Regular
and associate grotto membership ($10) includes a Carbide Dump subscription. Subscriber rate is $10.00. Exchanges with other grotto and caving
organizations are invited. Direct exchange mail to Mary Sue Socky.
     EXCHANGE MAIL                               EDITORS                                            TRIP COORDINATOR
     Mary Sue Socky                              David & Mary Sue Socky                             Susan Burr
     6572 Woodbrook Dr                           6572 Woodbrook Dr                                  4544 Cordell Dr SW
     Roanoke, VA 24018-5402                      Roanoke, VA 24018-5402                             Roanoke, VA 24018
     H: (540) 989-7693                           H: (540) 989-7693                                  H:540-989-5809
     email: sockymss@cox.net                     email: sockydr@cox.net or sockymss@cox.net         email: pondlady97@gmail.com

The Blue Ridge Grotto holds its monthly meetings every third Friday of the month at 7:00 pm. Meetings are virtual for
now. See the Grotto meeting announcement in this issue.
                                             GROTTO OFFICERS AND COMMITTEES

Chairman                            Vice-Chair                     Secretary                 Treasurer             Safety & Techniques
Marian McConnell                    Lauren Appel                   Mary Sue Socky            David Socky           Dan McConnell
C: 540-309-4707                     C: 804-937-5409                H: 540-989-7693           H: 540-989-7693       C: 540-597-7909
marian.mcconnell@gmail.com          luvchickenft3@gmail.com        sockymss@cox.net          sockydr@cox.net       danomcconnell@live.com

Opinions expressed in The Carbide Dump are those of the editors, unless otherwise acknowledged. No part of this publication may be reproduced,
except by the National Speleological Society and its various internal organizations, without the written consent of the Blue Ridge Grotto.
                      You can access the Carbide Dump electronically at: https://blueridgegrotto.org/carbidedump.htm
                                               Copyright 2021 by the Blue Ridge Grotto

Contributors: David & Mary Sue Socky, Bob Gulden, Marian McConnell, Meredith H. Weberg, Bob Alderson, Nick Socky,
              Bill Koerschner and Jerry Fuller.
Cover: “Max Cave Slug” Formation in virgin passage in Maxwelton Sink Cave, WV. Photo by David Socky

                                                             Treasure's Report
Apr 16: BRG Zoom meeting. 7:00 pm                               03/19/2021
Apr 17: Last day to vote for your                       Cave Bucks               $ 146.00             Twenty-one members and friends at-
Favorite Five newsletter covers!                        Conservation             $    0.00            tended the March 19, 2021 BRG
                                                        Equipment                $ 133.87             ZOOM Meeting.
May 21: BRG Zoom meeting. 7:00 pm                       General                  $3,491.79
                                                        Total                    $3,771.66            The program, was a slide show on
May 28-31: Speleofest, Lone Star Cave                                                                 Dave Socky’s “Recent Cave Trips -
Preserve, Bonnieville, KY. hosted by                                                                  adventures in McClung Cave (WV)
the Louisville Grotto. Pre-registration is                                                            Maxwelton Cave (WV) and Roppel
encouraged; special rules may apply.                                                                  Cave, KY.
For more info, see Speleofest.com
                                                                                                      If you have not received your 2021 BRG
                                                                                                      Membership packets, please contact Mary
June 18: BRG Zoom meeting. 7:00 pm                     Long Cave Lists                                Sue Socky sockymss@cox.net
July 25- July 30, 2021: Virtual NSS                      maintained by Bob Gulden
                                                      USA Long & Deep, World Long &                   Know of a potential caver? Bring them
Convention, from Weed, CA. See the                                                                    to a BRG meeting, sponsor them on a
website: http://nss2021.caves.org/                       Deep, & World Big Rooms
                                                       www.caverbob.com/usalong.htm                   BRG activity, do lots of fun things with
                                                       www.caverbob.com/usadeep.htm                   the best cavers around ~
Aug 13-15, 2021: Karst-O-Rama – at
Great Saltpetre Cave Preserve, Mt.
                                                                                                       Cave Softly and Safely
Vernon, KY. KOR is hosted by the
Greater Cincinnati Grotto with pre-                    www.caverbob.com/wdeep.htm
registration discounts and info available
soon! For more information, see our
website at: http://karstorama.com/

Sept 17-19: FALL VAR 2021 at the
RASS Field station in Bath Co. VA.
April 2021 Vol 56, No 4 - The Carbide Dump - the Blue Ridge Grotto
April 2021, V56, #4                              The Carbide Dump                                                               29

                                                                                           Carl Cornett, long-time BRG member,
                                                                                           is also an avid bicyclist and has ridden
                                                                                           across the USA multiple times. His last
The April 16, 2021 meeting of the Blue                                                     trip was cancelled unexpectedly, due to
Ridge Grotto will be held as a virtual                                                     personal issues of the couple leading the
                                              Lowmoor Cave, intersecting an aban-          trip (the woman drives the car). They
Zoom meeting. The meeting starts at
                                             doned limestone mine, has 5.8 miles of        had made it from St. Augustine, FL to
7:00 pm. See the announcement on
                                             passage. Lots of walking, mazes,              just inside AL but then had to come
page 30 for link information. Also, as a
                                             crawling, and even some cool for-             home. Things have been resolved so
reminder, the link will be sent out be-
                                             mation areas. There are some places in        today (4-2-2021) they are driving to San
fore each meeting.
                                             the cave that require climbing and            Diego, CA (their original destination)
The program this month will be a 1990        some exposure, but most of the cave is        which will take about 3 days, and com-
NSS slide show on Locomotive Breath          horizontal and makes for an excellent         plete the trip back from west to east (CA
Cave, VA                                     beginner trip. This is a fun and mostly       to AL). They changed it to avoid the
                                             easy cave.                                    worst of the heat of the desert they have
                                                                                           to cross out west. Carl is safe and doing
                                                                                           well; his usual "energizer bunny" self!
                                                                                           (Report from Marian McConnell.)
Date & Time: Saturday, April 17,                                                           NSS Virtual Convention - The NSS
2021. Meet at Hanging Rock Orange                                                          has officially announced that the 2021
Market at 8:30 am.                                                                         convention has been moved to an online
                                                                                           platform. While details are still forth-
Leader: Doug Feller                                                                        coming, the NSS virtual convention will
Coordination: Susan Burr 540-580-9409                                                      take place the week of July 26th, 2021.
           pondlady97@gmail.com                                                            The official release is below. For contin-
                                                                                           ued updates please check back soon on
Requirements: Horizontal trip. Basic                                                       the official NSS Convention website.
caving gear. Beginner cave trip. Please                                                    Click here for the Press Release. Click
contact Susan Burr to sign up.                                                             here for the Convention Website.
Limits: 15 cavers.                                                                         SPECIAL BOG MEETING 4-19-
                                              Ed Saugstad in Lowmoor. Photo                2021 - The NSS's Board of Governors
                                                     by Dave Socky                         (BOG) is having a special meeting on
                                                                                           Monday, April 19, 2021. It will be at 7
                                                                                           p.m. Central time, which is 8 p.m. East-
                                                                                           ern (I'm pretty sure). All are welcome to
                                                                                           join the Zoom meeting. Zoom details
BRG Meeting Minutes – can be read                                                          will be posted to caves.org closer to the
                                             A New Home for BRG? Everyone is               meeting. The agenda is here at the fol-
on the BRG webpage at:                       adjusting to ZOOM, but eventually we
https://blueridgegrotto.org under the                                                      lowing link: NSS_BOG_Agenda. If you
                                             will be able to hold in-person meetings       are running for the BOG, you might
‘BRG Organization’ button.                   again. WHERE? We can try to return to         want to attend this meeting. If you are
NSS        Membership:                       Jersey Lily’s in Salem, VA. Or we can         interested in how the NSS runs, you
Would you like to join or                    find a new place to meet. It does not         might want to attend this meeting. All
renew with the NSS? See                      have to be a restaurant; we have held         are welcome at any open BOG meeting.
this link for details.                       meetings in a classroom, a fire station,      I'm making this announcement now be-
                                             and at member’s houses. Must be 3rd           cause a lot of cavers seemed like they
Closed Caves: Remember that some             Friday of the month evening meeting.          think the BOG operates in secrecy when
caves are closed in the winter for bats.     NEEDED: a FREE convenient place,              we do not. Many were surprised by the
Please respect all cave closures.            private meeting room with a TV and Wi-        move to not print the Members Manu-
VA-Winter closure dates: Oct.15-Apr.15.      Fi. If a restaurant, food service for 20 or   al anymore. I posted on Facebook that I
WV - Winter closure dates: Sep.1 – May 15.   so, and no rental charge if everyone or-      would try to let y'all know in plenty of
                                             ders food. Non-Smoking place is a re-         time about meetings. Here is your notice.
Vote for Your Favorite Five! Each            quirement! Report any suggestions to          Thanks, Meredith Hall Weberg, BOG
year, Carbide Dump covers win awards         the BRG Officers.                             Member.
in the NSS Convention. BRG cavers
know how to select the winners! Vote         QUESTION: Would you be willing to
for your favorite five covers (or one        attend an “In Person” BRG meeting?
cover five times). Covers are in the Jan.
and Feb. 2021 Carbide Dumps. Send            Cave Bucks: Thanks to following
votes to sockymss@cox.net Vote well          cavers for donating to Cave Bucks!
& vote often! Contest deadline is April      Lynn Ott and Gene Harrison, Kevin
17, 2021.                                    Johnson and Carrie Doupnik, and Dave
April 2021 Vol 56, No 4 - The Carbide Dump - the Blue Ridge Grotto
30                                                  The Carbide Dump                                          April 2021, V56, #4

                                                                                          NSS BOG Updates (from Meredith
              Blue Ridge Grotto Virtual Zoom Meeting(s)                                   Weberg, BOG Member):
 Time: Every month on the Third Friday, until Dec17, 2021, 13 occurrences, at 7:00
 pm (Eastern Time - US and Canada).                                                        • NSS BOG meeting recently decided
                                                                                             to drop the printed NSS Member’s
          April 16, 2021 07:00 PM                  Sept 17, 2021 07:00 PM                    Manual. You can access the Mem-
          May 21,2021 07:00 PM                     Oct 15, 2021 07:00 PM                     ber’s Manual on the current NSS
          June 18, 2021 07:00 PM                   Nov 19, 2021 07:00 PM                     Website (under Member Portal, not
          July 16, 2021 07:00 PM                   Dec 17, 2021 07:00 PM                     Publications). Some folks are work-
          Aug 20, 2021 07:00 PM                                                              ing to make a hardcopy printed NSS
                                                                                             directory available. It will be basic,
 Please download and import the following iCalendar (.ics) files to your calendar sys-       not glossy, and may be at an addi-
 tem for the monthly BRG meeting by clicking on this link.                                   tional cost.
 Join Zoom Meeting by clicking here https://zoom.us/j/99370232398                          • Geary Schindel was chosen as the
                                                                                             NSS President for 2021.
 Meeting ID: 993 7023 2398                Dial by your location
 One tap mobile                                +1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)               • NSS BOG has created a “LO” Land
 +16699006833,,99370232398# US (San Jose)      +1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)                   Owner designation, and is offering a
 +12532158782,,99370232398# US (Tacoma)        +1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)                  membership discount to cave own-
                                               +1 929 205 6099 US (New York)                 ers who join the NSS.
 Find your local number:                       +1 301 715 8592 US (Washington D.C)
 https://zoom.us/u/aO8P1uRz                    +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)                • NSS BOG voted to reimburse JSS
                                                                                             participants for their extra activities
                                                                                             fee or something like that.

     Great Savannah Cave System               General info                                 ➢   Major areas left are:

 McClung Cave                                  ➢ Bat Bone Crawl is done except for
                                                                                                • Side passages to west of Mega-
       Survey Status - Dave Socky                the WVACS Room.                                • Seven Fingers
                                               ➢ The loop between Freeman Avenue
Statistics                                       and First and Second Breakdown is
                                                                                                • Crystal Canyon
                                                 done                                           • Christmas Passage
➢ McClung total resurvey length is             ➢ The Historic Entrance Canyon is
  12.21 miles (well over halfway                                                                • Lower levels between Megalithia
                                                 done except for about 300 feet (to tie           and Liberty Bell Ave
  done).                                         in the hanging survey)
➢ Of the resurvey, 2.72 miles is new
                                               ➢ Current survey is taking place in
  cave.                                          large side leads to the west of Mega-
➢ Some, but not much, of that ‘new               lithia.
  cave’ was virgin.
➢ Total length of McClung (old survey
  + new cave) is 20.73 miles.
      • This number is used in conjunc-
        tion with Maxwelton, to come up
        with the ‘official’ length of the
        Great Savannah Cave System
   • Great Savannah Cave System is
      now 46.76 miles (20.73 + 26.03)
➢ 59 cavers have participated on the
  new survey, with 29 on more than                                                                    Portion of current working
  one trip.                                                                                           map of McClung Cave, WV.
➢ Total of 46 trips have occurred for                                                                 This is a section far west of
  the resurvey.                                                                                       the Megalithia Passage. Two
                                                                                                      hours to get here.
➢ The resurvey has been going on for                                                                  Cartography by David Socky
  four years now.
➢ In 2020, there were 21 trips. So far
  for 2021, there has been 14 trips.
April 2021 Vol 56, No 4 - The Carbide Dump - the Blue Ridge Grotto
April 2021, V56, #4                                 The Carbide Dump                                                               31

                     The ICE Survey in McClung Cave
                                              Great Savannah Cave System
                                              February 17, 2021 by
Bill Koerschner already covered our                                                          aide climb into a passage that looks like
meet and entrance time story so I don’t                                                      it has a good limestone ceiling. (Since
need to repeat any of that. The trip to the                                                  this survey, Bob and Nick returned to
Liberty Bell room was typically mun-                                                         this area. One bolt climb led to 200 feet
dane. While we were discussing how to                                                        of virgin cave, but ended in mud fill. The
organize into survey teams, Nicky Socky                                                      other bolt climb was completed, and
did an eight foot climb up over for-                                                         virgin passage still awaits… Editor)
mations and a slippery ledge into a                                                          On the way back out Nick climbed up
walking passage leading to the south                                                         into a lead at ICE8 that went north for
above the shale. Since he was up there,                                                      about 30 feet before ending: Another
we decided to survey it which broke the                                                      scooped passage that had not been sur-
crews down to Dave, Bill, and Joe mak-                                                       veyed.
ing up a team for the Quixotic quest for
the elusive Aragonite Room, and I                                                            We went to the next lead in the DAD
climbed up to survey with Nick.                                                              survey at DAD29. The canyon became
                                                                                             too tight after a couple of stations at the
Starting at LSB11 we surveyed up into                                                        DAD survey level but we found a way to
the lead which shortly became a hands                                                        climb up and continue. The passage
and knees crawl and finally a belly                                                          eventually dropped back down. The can-
crawl. From the lip of the drop off it                                                       yon went mostly NE as walking passage,
went about 58 feet, splitting at the end,
                                                                                             going over the occasional block of break
straight into mud fill and turning sharply
                                                                                             down. We stopped at ICE34 to have
left over a trickle of muddy water and
                                                                                             time to meet up with the others back in
turning back right into a small tight can-
                                                                                             the Liberty Bell Passage at 7:00PM. The
yon about 1.5 feet high varying 6 to 10
                                                                                             passage continues, through a short
inches wide with little horizontal ledges.
                                                                                             crawlway it opens up again and contin-
It was too tight to pursue and did not
                                                                                             ues as a meandering passage.

                                                   Bob Alderson looking up at bolt
                                                    climb. Photo by Nick Socky.
                                                 have noticeable air. Nick rigged a pull
                                                 down with webbing so we could arm
                                                 rappel down the 15 foot pour off next to
                                                 the climb. We were unable to pull the
                                                 webbing down so Nick climbed back up
                                                 to rig it differently so we could pull it
                                                 down. The passage was not virgin but it
                                                 had not been previously surveyed.
                                                 Next, we moved on down the DAD sur-
                                                 vey toward Megalith, bypassing the first
                                                 crawlway on the right going to the can-
                                                 yon coming in from the NE at DAD34.
                                                 Starting with ICE5 it went two stations
                                                 SE and then turned NE. It ended in a
                                                 dome room about 35’ high. ICE12 is
                                                 below a tributary waterfall coming out
                                                 of the ceiling at the south end of the
                                                 room. A ledge around the north end of
                                                 the room is about 15’ below a canyon
                                                 lead looking like it heads NE. While
                                                 Nick was sketching the complicated
                                                 room I used the mason’s hammer to
                                                 make a trail against the north wall over
                                                 to a ledge, SW, above the lower passage
  Bob Alderson in first high lead.               we had come in by. A further climb
       Photo by Nick Socky                       went to a ledge at ICE15 below a 10
                                                                                              Aragonite. Photo by Nick Socky.
April 2021 Vol 56, No 4 - The Carbide Dump - the Blue Ridge Grotto
32                                                  The Carbide Dump                                          April 2021, V56, #4

             The Aragonite Room in McClung Cave
                                            Great Savannah Cave System
                                       February 17, 2021 by
Participants: Bill Koerschner, Dave           The North end of the Aragonite Room
Socky, and Joe Zokaites.                      has a major display of flowstone col-
                                              umns and twisty stalactites. Some of
Objective: Wrap up survey of Liber-           these are encrusted on their upwind side
ty Bell Avenue.                               with aragonite crystals. The whole pas-
We met at the cave at 10 am with our          sage is noticeably colder and puffs of
cave clothes already on and managed to        cool air could be felt coming from the
get into the cave at 10:15 am. We trav-       end of the passage. This is consistent
eled together with Nick Socky and Bob         with conditions favorable for the deposi-
Alderson to Liberty Bell Avenue (LBA)         tion of aragonite. The passage continues
and dropped them off at LBS11 to pur-         up a BD cone into an upper room that
sue a canyon lead above an 8ft waterfall.     terminates in a debris cone with flow-
Our first objective was to locate the         stone. Opposite the cone and directly
Aragonite Room, which is shown on the         above where you enter the upper room
old map with a note saying “go straight       there is a 0.5Hx10W crawl at ceiling
down through hole.” At noon we began          level. Joe shot the DistoX 45ft at 218
our ARM survey at a likely looking hole       deg into the crawl. I initially dismissed
with major ‘elephant tracks’ located          this as a tensional gap above a sagging
along the left wall below LBS28. This         breakdown slab but closer examination
went down a tight BD slot into a wall-        revealed the floor is laminated clay fill
parallel fissure that went nowhere. Ap-       several feet thick over gravel. This is a
parently, the hordes seeking the pretties     nearly-filled paleo-passage and is proba-           In the Aragonite Room.
in the elusive Aragonite Room had made        bly the same one that crosses LBA at                 Photo by Dave Socky.
the same mistake.                             ceiling level at LBS13. This is worth an
                                              exploratory dig but will be hard to ac-      of the trip surveying in circles until we
We searched further along the wall and                                                     reached the final hole in the rimstone
                                              cess safely due to its location.
soon located the correct hole across from                                                  floor. This drops 4ft to the steam near a
LBS29. A short squeeze through BD             Our next lead was the paleo drain to the     body-sized hole at the top of a waterfall
opens into a 20ft wide stoopwalk pas-         right of LBS22. This dry, gravel-floored     into a lower canyon. There are scuff
sage with a floor of mud-coated flow-         drain ended at a pour-off into a previ-      marks in the hole with indicate that this
stone and walls encrusted with masses of      ously surveyed side lead and we were         is the place that Shawn Hogbin emerged
white aragonite. To the right is a            able to close the loop and kill two leads.   from during his explorations of the low-
splashy waterfall dropping into an 8 ft       We then worked on the dig at LBS25.          er levels in this area. We set our final
pit. A stream flows South in a trench         Here we busted out a clay ridge that was     station (ARM50) where it can be easily
along the right wall and connects             obscuring view of the continuation of        seen from below. It should be possible
through a bellycrawl to the base of the       the passage. After about 30 minutes we       to drop the pit on the route to Megalithia
pit. The stream exits the base of the pit     had opened a big enough gap to see that      and survey back upstream to close this
into a bellycrawl in water blocked by         the floor on the far side dropped away       loop. We emerged from the BD into the
chip BD. This dig is a low priority as        only slightly into a crystal-lined rim-      overlying room to eat and dress for exit
this water reappears at the base of the       stone pool (dry) and then rose steadily      just as Bob and Nick returned from their
BD slope in LBA.                                 up a flowstone slope until the floor      survey objectives. We reached the sur-
                                                 met the ceiling about 17 ft beyond.       face at 8:30pm after a productive 10.25
                                                 Totally hopeless.                         hour trip.
                                                We retreated to LBS7 and surveyed
                                                the lower stream passage that is iso-
                                                lated from LBA below a false floor of
                                                rimstone-cemented breakdown. We
                                                were able to survey this all the way
                                                back to the start of LBA at LBS1.
                                                After making the tie-in, we continued
                                                ahead into a crawlway above the rim-
                                                stone floor as the stream could no
                                                longer be followed. We passed sev-
                                                eral holes that connect down to the
                                                stream but the lower passage was
  Joe Zokaites at the white flowstone           impassable. At ARM40 we entered a
  just past the Liberty Bell. Photo by          maze of breakdown and spent the rest        Joe Zokaites in Aragonite Room.
              Dave Socky                                                                         Photo by Dave Socky.
April 2021 Vol 56, No 4 - The Carbide Dump - the Blue Ridge Grotto
April 2021, V56, #4                                   The Carbide Dump                                                                    33

                                                                                                 along with the geology. Joe didn't
 2/20: Paxton Cave VA (in addition to            2/28: Roppel Cave, KY. David Socky,             mind doing point, while Dave
 the official trip report in the March           Bob Alderson, Bill Koerschner, and              sketched plan and Carol & Tisha did
 2021 DUMP): Nick Schmalenberger                 Holly McClintock. We went in the                instruments. We got 1141 feet in 9
 said the trip was fun, and it was a             Weller entrance and out to Popcorn Al-          hours of survey.
 winter scene, with snow and ice all             ley. Outside, it rained 4 inches. Inside
 over the trees at the top of Potts Mt.          the cave - there was LOTS of water. At          3/11: Maxwelton Cave, WV. David
 Jeff Huffman related how he and                 the bottom of the third ladder, we found        Socky, Nick Socky, and Joe Zokaites.
 Doug Feller tried going “a more diffi-          a veritable torrent running directly down       We continued pushing leads only 20
 cult way” through a slippery canyon.            the fourth long ladder. We would get            minutes into Maxwelton Cave. Nick
 Jeff ended up with “Turf Toe” – from            soaked to the bone, so we donned rain-          did another bolt traverse, but this one
 hyperextending his left toe to stay out         coats and plastic bags. Even with all the       was a bust – a flowstone choke. We
 of the bottom of the canyon.                    water, our survey was mostly dry, with          cleaned up a few other easy mop-up
                                                 the end of the trip pushing dry tight           survey tasks and then continued the
 2/20: McClung Cave, WV. David                                                                   survey in the narrow canyon Nick and
                                                 crawlways which Dave didn’t fit into.
 Socky and Joe Zokaites. We surveyed                                                             Dave had explored a month ago. More
                                                 Again, we surveyed some new cave, but
 the last undone passage in Batbone                                                              virgin cave, which continued for an-
 Crawl and then went to survey the               every lead got too tight, even for Kirsch.
                                                                                                 other 300 feet before we were stopped
 major side lead in the Junction Con-            3/1: Roppel Cave, KY. David Socky,              by a flowstone pinch.
 nector passage (GDS survey at                   Bob Alderson, Bill Koerschner, and Jim
 GDS25) which was supposed to have               Borden. Went in the Daleo Entrance.             3/13: Dry Cave, WV. David Socky,
 100+ of unsurveyed passage.                     Holly McClintock came to the entrance           David Smallwood, Matteo Bucalossi,
                                                 but didn't go on the trip. We went back         Nikki Fox, Greg Springer, and Joe
 2/27: Roppel Cave, KY. David                                                                    Zokaites. Dave Smallwood, Matteo,
                                                 to where Bob, Alex Faunce, and Dave
 Socky, Bob Alderson, and Bill                                                                   and Dave Socky made up the entrance
                                                 had surveyed last year (2020) over Me-
 Koerschner. Went into the Weller                                                                room team. The rest started surveying
                                                 morial Day weekend. It took us 2 hours
 entrance past Stonehenge, the Fleece-                                                           from the start of the water. Our en-
                                                 and 20 minutes to get to the survey. It
 way, and other locations and eventu-                                                            trance survey actually got some virgin
                                                 was a long trip, but not really hard. And
 ally ended up at the Princess B sur-                                                            cave. Dave Smallwood crawled
                                                 we got to survey in big passage this
 vey. Vertical gear was required to get                                                          through a really tight loop in the en-
 to our lead, which was a tight, narrow,                                                         trance room, and then pushed a lead
 high canyon, where we surveyed                  3/6: McClung Cave, WV. David                    going south. It will take some tech-
 mostly through the top. It was also             Socky, Tisha Springer, Bill Koerschner,         nical digging, but it goes and has
 floorless most of the way. We were              Joe Zokaites, and Carol Zokaites. We            good air flow. The other team sur-
 stopped by a flowstone pinch. We                surveyed from the historic entrance to-         veyed 53 stations in the stream pas-
 couldn’t get past the 4 inches of space         wards First Breakdown (yes, a hanging           sage. After surveying, we went past
 to continue. We surveyed about 300              survey). It was a team of five, but it          the Blowhole to change out Greg’s
 feet of virgin cave on a fun 10 hour            worked out well because Bill did a great        depth probe. All in all, it was a good
 trip.                                           job of doing profile and cross sections         12-hour trip.

                                                 According to the Galax Fire Department,         Teams began their searches, and the hikers
                                                 tones were set at 9:25 p.m. Monday alerting     were located by 10:13 p.m., alive and well.
 (From some cavers’ email list serve)            to three missing persons in the 3000 block of
                                                 Iron Ridge Road. At that time, the Carroll      Removing them from the caves took another
Date: Wednesday, March 31, 2021                                                                  45 minutes. All units as well as the hikers
                                                 County Sheriff’s Office requested the Galax
I live in this area, and as said in the video,   Volunteer Fire Department, Pipers Gap Res-      were back at the Command Post by 11:30
cell service is pretty spotty on top of the      cue Squad and Baywood Search and Rescue         p.m. Blacksburg Rescue was canceled in
ground there. These folks were very lucky        Squad to provide manpower to search for         route, the Galax Fire Department spokes-
their cell phone caught enough signal to get     three missing female hikers.                    person said. Some 60 Twin County first
help. I very seldom hear of mine rescues in                                                      responders worked seamlessly to affect a
the area. Cave rescues are far more com-         The hikers had entered the old, abandoned       positive outcome to an extremely difficult
mon in this area.                                Iron Mines around 6 p.m. and became una-        incident.”
                                                 ble to get back out. Thankfully, they found a
The mine in question is most certainly the       ventilation shift where they were able to get   Link to local newspaper
Iron Ridge Mine, known through history as        one bar on a cellphone and call for help,       Link to video newscast from nearby city
Bumbarger Pit, Great Outburst Mine, Huey         according to a spokesman with the Galax
Pit, and Monarat Mine.                           Fire Department. A command post was es-
From the news reports:                           tablished at Midway Baptist Church. Teams
                                                 were formed, including a search dog from
"Three female hikers are safe after being        Galax Police Department.
rescued Monday night from the old Iron
Ridge mines in Carroll County.                   The Blacksburg Technical Rescue cave res-
                                                 cue team was requested to respond as well.
April 2021 Vol 56, No 4 - The Carbide Dump - the Blue Ridge Grotto April 2021 Vol 56, No 4 - The Carbide Dump - the Blue Ridge Grotto April 2021 Vol 56, No 4 - The Carbide Dump - the Blue Ridge Grotto
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