Appointment of Associate Director, User Experience Information Pack - Australian Catholic University 2021 - ATEM

Page created by Luis Cross
Appointment of Associate Director, User Experience Information Pack - Australian Catholic University 2021 - ATEM
Appointment of
Associate Director,
User Experience
Information Pack
Australian Catholic University 2021
Appointment of Associate Director, User Experience Information Pack - Australian Catholic University 2021 - ATEM
About Australian Catholic University                03

Mission, vision and values                          04

University governance and structure                 05

Why choose ACU?                                 06 - 07

ACU organisational chart                            08

About the Student Administration Directorate        09

About the position                                  10

Selection criteria and capability development       11
Salary and benefits                                 12

The staff experience and the student            13 - 14
Our campuses                                    15 - 16
Appointment of Associate Director, User Experience Information Pack - Australian Catholic University 2021 - ATEM
Australian Catholic University
At Australian Catholic University         We’re closely integrated into our
(ACU) we pride ourselves on offering      communities and industries, working
a welcoming environment for               with them to answer the big
everyone. ACU’s mission is central to     questions, and to create tangible
the university and informs every area     results. From hospitals, to schools
– integrating the dignity of the human    and any number of far-flung places,    Further information
person, the common good, and ethical      our students and staff have always
and social justice considerations into    rolled up their sleeves to be fully
our core activities of student learning   engaged in the real world.
and teaching, research and service.
                                          Currently we have more than 34,000
We are a publicly-funded Catholic         students and 2,500 staff.
university which has grown rapidly
                                          ACU is a place where people go
over the past few years. We’re young,
                                          places. We pursue performance
but we are making our mark: ranking
                                          excellence and offer an environment
among the top universities worldwide.
                                          where we value and reward our
We have eight campuses around
                                          staff. In return we expect the same
Australia, more than 200 partner
                                          commitment and dedication to quality
universities on six continents, and a
                                          from you.
campus in Rome, Italy.
                                          At ACU it’s education, but with a
Currently we have four faculties at
                                          bigger purpose.
ACU: Education and Arts, Law and
Business, Health Sciences, and
Theology and Philosophy.

                            ACU has been recognised for its leading work place practices and has been
                            awarded the Employer of Choice for Gender Equality citation.

Appointment of Associate Director, User Experience Information Pack - Australian Catholic University 2021 - ATEM
Mission, vision and values
OUR MISSION                                  CORE VALUES                                 SERVICE
Within the Catholic intellectual tradition   ACU is founded on a long history            ACU is a university of service. We
and acting in Truth and Love,                of commitment to truth, academic            seek to serve the wider community
Australian Catholic University is            excellence and service, all within the      through research, education and
committed to the pursuit of knowledge,       Catholic intellectual tradition. These      engagement, especially by
the dignity of the human person and          values are the principles behind all our    providing opportunities for those in
the common good.                             actions and guide us in living out our      need and by educating students to
                                             mission and realising our vision:           be socially and morally
                                                                                         responsible persons.

OUR VISION                                   TRUTH                                       ACU pursues all its core values
                                             We are committed to the lifelong            within the Catholic intellectual
ACU is one of the leading Catholic
                                             pursuit of knowledge, freely seeking        tradition. We are committed to
universities in the world and is one
                                             truth through research, critical inquiry    serving the common good and
of the principal intellectual assets of
                                             and active discovery.                       upholding the sacredness in life.
the Church in Australia. We exercise
                                                                                         We respect and welcome all faith
nationwide leadership in the key focus       We share this pursuit through
                                                                                         traditions and uphold the dignity of
areas of health, education, theology         teaching, scholarship and
                                                                                         all human persons.
and philosophy, and social justice.          engagement, contributing to the
Guided by the principles of Catholic         growth and betterment of society.
social teaching, our students, staff and
graduates will be influential in bringing    ACADEMIC EXCELLENCE
about changes in the communities we          ACU, through its pursuit of excellence
live in.
                                             in teaching and research, strives to
                                             produce the highest quality intellectual,
                                             educational and learning experiences
                                             through innovation and creativity.

Appointment of Associate Director, User Experience Information Pack - Australian Catholic University 2021 - ATEM
The governing body is the Senate          •   three persons elected by and
which consists of:                            from the academic staff of the
•   five persons (Chancellor, Pro-            university
    Chancellor, Vice- Chancellor and      •   one person elected by and from
    President, the Chair of Academic          the professional staff of the
    Board and one cleric) who are             university
    members ex-officio                    •   one student of the university.
•   eight persons elected by the          The Academic Board is constituted
    Members of the Corporation            by the Senate to administer and
    following nominations by State        implement academic policies.
    Chapters (four Senators) and a
    panel (four Senators) having          The university has also established
    regard (among other things) to        four Chapters, based in the
    the need for broad community          communities it serves. These provide
    involvement                           advice to the Senate on local needs
                                          and demands and serve as important
                                          links to community interests.

The Vice-Chancellor and President         Each faculty is headed by an
is the chief executive officer of the     Executive Dean, who is supported by
university. The Provost, Chief            Associate Deans whose portfolios
Operating Officer, Deputy Vice-           encompass learning and teaching,
Chancellors and the Vice President        and research.
have delegated responsibility for
assigned areas of policy.                 Each campus has a student
                                          association and there is a national
Associate Vice-Chancellors in             student body, ACUNSA (Australian
Sydney, Melbourne and Brisbane are        Catholic University National Students’
the Vice-Chancellor and President’s       Association) and a national
representative in their local region,     postgraduate body, ACUPGA
as are the Campus Deans at Ballarat       (Australian Catholic University
and Canberra.                             Postgraduate Association).

The Vice-Chancellor and President is
also assisted by the Faculty Executive
Deans, the Pro Vice-Chancellor,
International, and other Directors with
national portfolios.

Appointment of Associate Director, User Experience Information Pack - Australian Catholic University 2021 - ATEM
Appointment of Associate Director, User Experience Information Pack - Australian Catholic University 2021 - ATEM
Appointment of Associate Director, User Experience Information Pack - Australian Catholic University 2021 - ATEM
Appointment of Associate Director, User Experience Information Pack - Australian Catholic University 2021 - ATEM
About the
Student Administration
The Student Administration Directorate, led by the Academic Registrar and Director, Student Administration, and headed by
the Chief Operating Officer, consists of four core divisions:

         1.   Administrative Services – responsible for TAC Admissions Services; Direct Admissions Services; Timetabling &
              Room Bookings; and Examinations & Results.
         2.   User Experience – responsible for change management and user experience; Graduations & Protocols;
              Enrolments & Scholarships; and Fees.
         3.   Student Systems – responsible for Student Systems Operations; Student Systems Development; and the
              Student Systems Futures Project.
         4.   The Office of the Academic Registrar and Director, Student Administration – responsible for Student Policy and
              Appeals, Curriculum Management, and AskACU Service Operations (incorporating the AskACU Contact Centre
              and AskACU Centres).

The Student Administration Directorate supports the university’s academic decision-making processes through academic
policy formulation, providing operational support for student and academic-related administrative matters, and delivering
process improvement initiatives to improve the student and faculty user experience.

Appointment of Associate Director, User Experience Information Pack - Australian Catholic University 2021 - ATEM
About the position
                                                 Work closely with faculty and school       Analyse student and staff feedback to initiate
The Associate Director, User Experience,         representatives to develop greater         improvements in response to feedback.
plays a pivotal role in the development of a     understanding of service delivery across
user-centred service design across all           ACU for all activities under the Student   Develop and manage systematic process
Student Administration functions. The role       and Academic Administration                optimisation and improvement strategies across
requires an understanding of the needs of        component of the ACU Service               areas of the Division’s responsibilities.
users, both students and staff, using user       Catalogue.
experience and responsive design best                                                       Continually review and develop operational
practices to deliver both digital and non-       Strategic Planning, Management             processes and systems with an emphasis on
digital experiences and process solutions        and Project Management                     improving service, efficiency and effectiveness.
that aim to meet the expectations of all.
                                                                                            Develop and maintain operating procedures and
                                                 Provide knowledgeable advice to the        systems that enable staff to undertake their work
The position formulates, develops and
                                                 Academic Registrar in regard to the        effectively.
implements solutions that fulfil the strategic
                                                 Student Administration Organisational
and operational plans of the Directorate and                                                 Service Culture & Service Standards
                                                 Unit Plan, the Portfolio Strategic Plan
drives student centric initiatives to ensure a
                                                 and the university’s Strategic Plan.
strong service culture in line with the                                                      Develop, monitor and report on service
mission, vision and goals of the university,                                                 standards across Student Administration
                                                 Lead the development and
with specific reference to the student
                                                 implementation of business processes,
experience.                                                                                  Provide leadership in the continual development
                                                 systems, service delivery and
                                                 operational plans for the Service           of a strong service culture within the Division
Key to this role is supporting and leading the                                               and Directorate.
                                                 Delivery Division, in line with Student
User Experience team through leadership,
                                                 Administration’s organisational and
coaching and setting clear expectations.                                                     Lead, build, and strengthen high performing
                                                 strategic plans.
                                                                                             teams, facilitating consistent, responsive and
The Associate Director is responsible for                                                    timely service delivery within a dynamic work
                                                 Work with other areas of the university
high level management of the following:                                                      environment to ensure achievement of service
                                                 (including staff and students) to ensure
• The university student and academic                                                        excellence.
                                                 projects, functions and systems
   administration experience – service
                                                 initiated and managed meet
   improvement initiatives and projects, in                                                  Lead, identify and cultivate continuous
                                                 stakeholder needs and respond to
   line with the University’s service                                                        improvement and measurable outcomes in the
                                                 changing priorities both in the internal
   excellence agenda and the Student and                                                     provision of all services provided by the
                                                 and external university environment.
   Academic Administration component of                                                      Division.
   the ACU Service Catalogue.
                                                 Initiate and/or assist in the
• Enrolments and Scholarships                                                                Workforce and Resource Management
                                                 development of new strategies,
• Fees
                                                 systems and services and effectively
• Graduations                                                                                Lead and support collaborative and collegial
                                                 manage implementation of resultant
                                                 changes.                                    interactions within the Division, the Directorate
                                                                                             and across the university.
User Experience                                  Undertake research, initiate and
                                                 contribute to academic decision-            Motivate staff to deliver innovative, effective and
Plan and develop a user-centred service          making processes and to policy              efficient work practices.
design program across all Student                formulation and review.
Administration functions.                                                                    Develop individuals and teams to grow
                                                 Support broader Student                     capability fit for now and the future through the
Maintain an overview of a student’s              Administration objectives by providing      provision of mentoring, coaching and
experience across all administrative services    high level, expert advice across the        professional development activities.
while fully understanding the scope of           Directorate.
operational challenges to deliver a great                                                    Communicate across the Directorate to
student experience.                              Initiate and prepare submissions,           coordinate effort, facilitate cross-functional
                                                 recommendations and reports on              involvement and learning, and encourage
Develop services that are innovatively           initiatives to enhance the student          ongoing professional development.
delivered with the goal being a superior         experience and service delivery.
student experience.                                                                          Deputise for the Academic Registrar & Director
                                                 Effectively manage projects, including      Student Administration as required.
Build an understanding of faculty academic       the deployment of project resources.
administration requirements and develop                                                     TYPE OF APPOINTMENT
strategies to provide cross university digital   Process and system development,            This position will be offered on a full-time, fixed
and non-digital solutions to improve the user    review and implementation                  term basis for a period of one year to cover a
experience.                                                                                 period of parental leave.
                                                 Ensure the successful delivery of all
Identify shared objectives to facilitate co-     services and processes managed by
production of services that are responsive to    the User Experience Division.              The position is located at the Melbourne Campus.
the needs to students.

Key selection criteria
ESSENTIAL                                   Proven ability to effectively lead and          Demonstrated commitment to cultural
                                            manage a team of professionals to deliver       diversity and ethical practice principles
Completion of a relevant                    outstanding outcomes and to develop and         and demonstrated knowledge of equal
postgraduate qualification and/or           integrate contemporary approaches to            employment opportunity and
relevant work experience.                   driving performance.                            workplace health and safety,
                                                                                            appropriate to the level of the
Demonstrated experience in project          Work collaboratively and cooperatively in       appointment.
management and the ability to               teams across ACU to build relationships
develop and implement strategies            while influencing to achieve organisational
in a fast paced and high-pressure           objectives.
                                            Outstanding interpersonal (written and
Highly developed problem-solving            verbal) communication skills, the ability to
skills with the capacity to think           influence, negotiate, reconcile, and
creatively, act strategically, be           coordinate the needs of a broad range of
flexible, establish priorities and          stakeholders with tact and diplomacy.
work to competing deadlines.
                                            Highly developed organisational and time
                                            management skills with proven ability to deal
                                            effectively with high volume workload,
                                            competing priorities and unexpected events,
                                            exercising judgement and taking action
                                            accordingly, and ensuring tasks are
                                            completed on time.

 Capability Development
 The Capability Development                       The CDF applies to everyone. It           opportunities, both to strengthen
 Framework (CDF) describes the                    enables a whole-of-organisation           capability in the current role and
 essential competencies that are                  approach to developing and                understand expectations at the next
 needed in all ACU staff to achieve our           strengthening capability, and it is       level.
 strategy and support our Mission. The            part of the ongoing investment by         Further information is available on the
 CDF is one of several frameworks and             the University in the professional        ACU Website.
 standards that express the University’s          development of our staff.
 expectations of the conduct, capability,         The CDF enables a clear view of
 participation and contribution of staff          the competencies that support
 (such as the Code of Conduct, the                achievement of excellence. It
 Learning for Life Framework and the              supports conversations between staff
 Academic Performance Matrices).                  and supervisors in identifying
                                                  professional development

Salary and benefits
The university has a broad
                                       •   Long Service Leave –
range of employment                                                            CATEGORY A (FBT EXEMPT)
                                           eligibility after seven years
conditions and benefits                                                        BENEFIT ITEMS
                                           of service
available to staff members.
                                                                               • Personal Portable Computers –
These include:                         •   Recognition of previous
                                                                                 Notebook/ Laptop
                                           service from other Australian
•   standard fortnightly salary                                                • Car Parking
                                           higher education institutions
    payments                                                                   • Superannuation (must be a
                                           for long service leave
•   Flexible Working Conditions            purposes*                             complying fund)
    which aim to support ACU’s                                                 • Financial Counselling Fees
                                       •   Parental leave provisions*
    commitment to work-life                                                    • Salary Packaging Administration
                                           including maternity, paternity,
    balance                                                                      Fees
                                           adoption, foster and child
•   generous employer                      rearing.
    superannuation contributions
    of up to 17%, with flexible            *conditions apply
                                                                               CATEGORY B (CONCESSIONALLY
    employee contribution options                                              TAXED) BENEFIT ITEMS
•   salary packaging* including                                                • Motor Vehicle (for private use) via
                                       REBATABLE EMPLOYER
    rebatable employer status                                                    Novated Leases
•   a comprehensive range of           As a rebatable employer Australian
    professional development           Catholic University is eligible for a
    programs and opportunities                                                 CATEGORY C (FULL FBT) BENEFIT
                                       rebate of 48 per cent of the amount
•   study support entitlements,        of Fringe Benefit Tax (FBT) that
                                                                               • Own Home Mortgage Payments
    encompassing leave and             would otherwise be payable.
    financial assistance.                                                      • Private Home Rental Payments
                                       The grossed-up taxable value of         • Amounts payable on or amounts
                                       benefits that can be provided to an        already paid off credit cards (not
GENEROUS LEAVE                         ACU employee per FBT year, without
CONDITIONS:                                                                       debit cards)
                                       losing the rebate concession, is
•   33 recreational leave days per     cappedat $30,000.
    annum including annual leave       Most ACU employees will benefit
    (20 working days), public          from salary packaging such items
    holidays (10 working days)         as motor vehicles, superannuation
    and university closure at          and laptop computers, however
    Christmas (three working           only income earners falling in the
    days)                              higher tax brackets are likely to
•   17½% annual leave loading          benefit from salary packaging “Full
•   20 working days personal           FBT Items” such as mortgage
    leave per annum, which             payments, rent and credit card
    incorporates a number of           payments. This is dependent on
    leave types, including sick        personal circumstance and
    leave, carers leave, to move       independent financial advice.
    house, to attend graduation, to    ACU employees, dependent on
    recognise culturally significant   individual circumstance, have
    events                             access to the following benefit items
                                       for salary packaging purposes:

The staff experience
We know our number one asset is our people. It’s their character, enthusiasm, and engagement that
make ACU a university like no other. We believe in showing our genuine, ongoing appreciation for
the great work of our staff, and we do it by offering excellent leave and employment conditions, and
fostering a work environment where staff can grow and develop.

GENDER EQUALITY                        SUPPORTING PARENTS                      ABORIGINAL AND TORRES
In 2021, we received an Employer       ACU has one of the most generous        STRAIT ISLANDER PEOPLES
of Choice for Gender Equality          paid parental leave schemes in         At ACU, we understand the
(EOCGE) citation by the Workplace      Australia. Our parental leave          importance of implementing
Gender Equality Agency for the         provisions support both birth          proactive strategies to help
tenth consecutive year.                parents and their partners and also    redress the disadvantage
Some of our achievements include:      provide support for adoptive and       experienced by Aboriginal and
                                       foster parents. Birth parents can      Torres Strait Islander peoples,
• consistently high levels of
                                       access up to 12 weeks’ leave at full   and our recruitment practices
  women represented in
                                       pay – as well as up to 40 weeks’       seek to increase employment at
  leadership roles – 60 percent of
                                       paid leave at 60 per cent of their     all levels of the university. We
  our managers are women
                                       normal pay.                            support prospective Aboriginal
• a range of flexible working                                                 and Torres Strait Islander
  options accessed by many                                                    employment by encouraging both
  women and men                        OUR PRINCIPLES                         mainstream and targeted
• 10-days paid leave for staff         Embedded in our code of conduct        employment.
  experiencing domestic violence,      are the principles that ACU staff
  including access to other leave      uphold to support our mission and
  on a case by case basis              vision:
• zero tolerance for sexual            • Respect
  harassment and sexual assault.       • Honesty
                                       • Courage
                                       • Sustainability
The student experience
COURSES                                                                       THE CORE CURRICULUM
                                    • Law
We offer a wide range of            • Nursing, midwifery and                  Our Core Curriculum is a key part of
exceptional undergraduate,            paramedicine                            every student’s ACU education –
postgraduate and research           • Nutrition and biomedical                giving them time to reflect on ways
courses. Many of these are            science                                 they can change the world by
accredited by peak professional     • Philosophy                              applying the principles of Catholic
bodies and designed in              • Psychology                              social thought. Principles such as
collaboration with industry         • Public health and                       the common good, dignity of the
experts. Undergraduate and            administration                          human person, solidarity with
postgraduate study is offered       • Sport and exercise science              others, and stewardship of the
across four faculties:              • Teaching and education                  earth. The Core is unique to ACU. It
•   Faculty of Education and Arts   • Theology                                challenges our students to see the
•   Faculty of Health Sciences                                                world from different perspectives
                                    Masters by research and PhD
•   Faculty of Law and Business                                               and engage with the world in a
                                    doctorates are offered in arts,
•   Faculty of Theology and                                                   meaningful and transformative way.
                                    education, health sciences, law,
    Philosophy                                                                Students can elect to undertake the
                                    business, theology or philosophy.
                                                                              Core in Australia or in multiple
and a range of areas, including:    A CULTURE OF SUPPORT                      offshore locations including Rome.
• Allied health                     Our wide range of services helps
• Business                          students navigate through some of
• Creative arts                     the more challenging parts of uni         COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT
• Early childhood education         life. We offer financial advice, study,   At ACU we’re all about making an
• Global studies                    counselling and career services,          impact. We offer a huge range of
• Humanities and social             and tailored support for students         community engagement and
  sciences                          with disabilities There are also          volunteering opportunities, both in
• Inclusive education and           support programs for elite athletes       Australia and overseas, and it’s built
  disability studies                and performers, student leadership        in to almost all our undergraduate
• Information technology            opportunities, and equity programs        programs.
                                    and scholarships.
Our campuses

Situated in the northern suburb of Banyo, the campus is 12           Just a few minute train ride over the famous Sydney Harbour
kilometres from the Brisbane city centre. The campus is set on       Bridge from the CBD, the campus is conveniently located in the
40-hectares of beautiful natural surroundings and combines           North Sydney business precinct.
state-of-the-art facilities with a history extending back to 1863.

Our Strathfield Campus is situated in one of Sydney’s older,         The campus is conveniently located on the fringe of
established suburbs, 15 kilometres west of the city centre. It       Melbourne’s CBD. It’s a short walk to popular retail strips on
features many picturesque buildings, including an Italianate         Brunswick and Smith streets, where you’ll find many cafes,
Romanesque-style chapel, and beautifully landscaped grounds.         shops, and art galleries. Some of Melbourne’s finest parks,
                                                                     gardens, and recreational facilities are also within easy walking
                                                                     distance of the campus..

BALLARAT CAMPUS (AQUINAS)                                            CANBERRA CAMPUS (SIGNADOU)
Ballarat is 125 kilometres west of Melbourne. The campus is          Situated about five kilometres from the Canberra city centre,
located near Ballarat’s commercial centre and is within easy         the campus is small and friendly with around 40 staff and 600
reach of facilities. The beautiful old buildings of the campus       students.
reflect the history of the town.

Our campuses

The campus is in the suburb of Thebarton and conveniently       Located a short distance from the Vatican, the campus offers
co-located with the Catholic Education South Australia (CESA)   living quarters for undergraduates, a wing for postgraduate
offices.                                                        students, apartments for visiting faculty, a chapel, garden,
                                                                and other amenities.

We've partnered with Blacktown City Council to open a new
ACU campus in Blacktown, Western Sydney.
•   Student information centre opened 2020
•   Range of courses on offer from 2021
•   Excellent transport links close by

                                     NORTH SYDNEY
CRICOS registered provider: 00004G

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