Applying Permutations and Cuckoo Search for Obtaining a New Steganography Approach in Spatial Domain

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Applying Permutations and Cuckoo Search for Obtaining a New Steganography Approach in Spatial Domain
International Journal of Network Security, Vol.23, No.1, PP.67-76, Jan. 2021 (DOI: 10.6633/IJNS.202101 23(1).09)        67

   Applying Permutations and Cuckoo Search for
   Obtaining a New Steganography Approach in
                 Spatial Domain
                                     Dieaa I. Nassr and Soheir M. Khamis
                                         (Corresponding author: Dieaa I. Nassr)

                  Computer Science Division, Department of Mathematics, Ain Shams University
                                              11566 Cairo, Egypt
                         (Received July 29, 2020; revised and accepted Nov. 10, 2020)

Abstract                                                       The importance of reducing the risk of information be-
                                                               ing detected during transmission is increasingly impor-
Video Steganography is an art and science of embedding         tant among research topics nowadays. Steganography has
secret information into a carrying video file in such a        become one of the most robust techniques for transmit-
way that others cannot observe the embedded informa-           ting confidential messages between parties [18]. Steganog-
tion. Cuckoo Search (CS) is a meta-heuristic algorithm         raphy is an art and science of invisible communication,
which has been developed by Xin-She Yang and Suash             which is used to embed secret data into modern cover
Deb in 2009. CS is very effective in solving many opti-        types such as text, audio tracks, digital images, and video
mization problems that have been found in previous liter-      files. Due to the increased transmission rate of video files
ature. In this paper, a new efficient approach for embed-      on websites such as Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube,
ding a secret image in a digital video is proposed. Gener-     video files now pay more attention to steganography.
ally, any colored image consists of three color components
(Red, Green, and Blue). So, an image’s pixel has three         Video steganography is the process of embedding some
bytes; each of which belongs to one different color com-   secret information within a video [4]. It can be presented
ponent. For security purposes, each secret image’s color   as an extension of image steganography. Basically, a video
component is embedded separately into a selected cover     stream is a set of frequent images and audio. There-
video’s frame. The proposed approach is based on the       fore, many researchers have applied image steganographic
permutations on 3 sections of a secret byte, 3-3-2 bits.   methods on the video to yield video steganography sim-
These three sections are permuted to obtain five different ilar to image steganography, e.g., [2, 10, 23, 24] Video file
patterns of a specified secret byte. Then, the popula-     is a moving stream of images in which a large amount of
                                                           data can be embedded inside it without being observed.
tion of five different pairs is built; each pair consists of
one different pattern repeated twice. Good pixels are so   The advantage of using video files in hiding information
chosen via using CS algorithm to achieve the minimum       is the added security against the attack of hackers due to
distortion in carrier pixels due to embedding. The sum of  the relative complexity of the structure of video compared
absolute values of sectional differences is used as an ob- to image files. Video-based steganographic techniques are
jective function to compare all the distances between the  broadly classified into the frequency domain and spatial
3-3-2 Least Significant Bit (LSB) values of a cover frame’sdomain [6,27]. In the frequency domain, frames are trans-
pixel and the generated different patterns of a specified  formed to frequency components by using Fast Fourier
secret byte. Experimental results show that the efficiency Transform (FFT), Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT), or
of the suggested approach is successful since the Peak Sig-Discrete Wavelet Transform (DWT), and then, messages
nal to Noise Ratio (PSNR) is above 52 decibels.            are embedded in some or all of the transformed coeffi-
Keywords: Cuckoo Search; Lévy flights; LSB; PSNR;         cients. Embedding may be at bit level or at the block
Video Steganography                                        level. Moreover, in the spatial domain, the bits of a
                                                           message can be inserted directly in intensity pixels of a
                                                           video in LSB positions. However, most LSB techniques
1 Introduction                                             are prone to attack as described as in [6, 25, 27]. This
                                                           makes researchers interested in designing new methods.
Due to the rapid growth in Internet usage, a lot of infor- In (2015, [25]), a new idea in video-based steganography
mation has been shared and transferred through it [29]. has been given, where secret message bits are embedded
International Journal of Network Security, Vol.23, No.1, PP.67-76, Jan. 2021 (DOI: 10.6633/IJNS.202101 23(1).09)          68

in a cover file by using the LSB technique. For embed-
ding, the selection of cover file RGB pixels is done on the
basis of its color intensity value. LSB technique is used to
embed bits in a specified cover file. This approach leads
to a very high capacity with low visual distortions.
   In the next, the following terms and notations are used.
Cover-video refers to a video file that is used for embed-
ding secret information. A secret-message refers to confi-
dential data that is embedded in a specified cover-video.
Stego-video is obtained from combining the cover object
with embedded data [12]. Embedding Efficiency (EE)
and Embedding Payload (EP) are two important factors             Figure 1: A generalized block diagram of video steganog-
that every successful steganography system should take           raphy procedure [15]
into consideration. EE means good quality of the stego-
video and fewer amounts of changed data in a cover-video.
While EP means higher capacity allocated for conceal-
ing a secret-message inside a cover-video [16]. There is         number of pixels in a frame, the number of frames per
a trade-off between EP and EE. When the capacity of              second (fps), and the frame’s size. The number of fps
hidden information is increased, the quality of the stego-       is often standard (between 24 and 30 fps) in most of
object is decreased [11, 20, 21].                                common video formats. But, the other two parameters
                                                                 vary from one video standard format to another. Each
   In fact, the underlying problem for selecting good pix-
                                                                 frame consists of pixels having three or four color compo-
els locations for embedding data can be viewed as an op-
                                                                 nents such as RGB (Red-Green-Blue) or CMYK (Cyan-
timization problem [30]. Cuckoo Search (CS) is one of the
                                                                 Magenta-Yellow-Black) [15]. The basic model of video
most intelligent algorithms that can be chosen as a com-
                                                                 based steganography consists of five basic elements as il-
prehensive search method in many optimization problems.
                                                                 lustrated in Figure 1. Some information of these elements
The proposed approach in this paper is a kind of video
                                                                 is given in the following:
steganography in the spatial domain. This approach is
based on trying to hide large data with minimal distor-            ˆ Cover-video: An input video used for data conceal-
tion in the host video stream. It depends on the concept             ing.
of permutations on secret bits and then, CS is used for
finding good embedding pixels locations in which a se-             ˆ Sent data: A given data that is to be hidden.
cret message can be embedded. A secret-message is con-
cealed in RGB components of the founded carrier pixels             ˆ Embedding technique: A technique to conceal a sent
using the 3-3-2 LSB technique. A specified secret byte is            data behind cover-video.
permuted according to five different pre-indexed patterns          ˆ Stego-video: A digital video that has a secret-
before embedding. Finally, these permuted secret bytes               message hidden inside.
are embedded randomly in certain video’s frame pixels.
So, it is difficult for the attacker to retrieve secret infor-     ˆ Stego-key: The key is built during the embedding
mation from a given stego-video. The rest of this paper              stage and then, used for extracting purpose.
is organized as follows. Section 2 gives an overview of
video steganography. In Section 3, some selected related           ˆ Extraction technique: A technique to retrieve the
works are presented. Section 4 introduces the Cuckoo                 secret-message behind stego-video.
Search algorithm. In Section 5, the suggested CS-based             ˆ Retrieved data: The obtained data after applying the
video steganography approach is described. Experimen-                extraction technique.
tal results and concluded remarks are given in Sections 6
and 7, respectively.                                                Least Significant Bit (LSB) is a popular technique used
                                                                 for embedding information in a cover file [7,8,25]. The ba-
                                                                 sic step of LSB technique is to replace LSB values which
2     Video Based Steganography                                  are necessary for embedding a secret-message. This mes-
                                                                 sage is decomposed and embedded into LSBs of a cover
Steganography is the process of embedding secret infor-          frame so that hackers cannot detect it.
mation inside a host medium such as text, audio, image,             In the classic LSB, the size of a secret-message that can
and video [16]. Its ultimate objectives are un-detectability     be embedded is equal to 12.5% of the cover image’s size.
and robustness of embedded data. Video consists of               Thus, it is considered a small storage capacity. Conse-
stream of frames (images) and audio. Any frame of                quently, some researchers have used the base technique 3-
a video can be selected for embedding sent data [14].            3-2 for embedding a secret-message [8]. Figure 2 illus-
The quality of a video depends on a set of parameters;           trates 3-3-2 method in which the first 3 bits of a byte
three of them are considered in this paper, namely; the          from a given message are embedded into the last 3 bits of
International Journal of Network Security, Vol.23, No.1, PP.67-76, Jan. 2021 (DOI: 10.6633/IJNS.202101 23(1).09)           69

                                                                k-dimensional, velocity for each dimension, a fitness value
                                                                based on a given fitness function, and a flag to specify
                                                                whether a cat is in seeking mode or tracing mode. Exper-
                                                                imental results have shown that the proposed CSO based
Figure 2: A sketch of embedded one byte of a secret-            scheme can achieve a good solution with less computation
message in 3, 3, 2 bit position of LSB of R, G, and B           time. In (2013, [22]), a new image steganography method
components respectively of a cover frame (For interpreta-       has been introduced. This method is based on combining
tion of the colors in this figure and Figure 3, the reader      Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) and Simulated An-
is referred to the web version of this article)                 nealing (SA) together in order to select an optimal LSB
                                                                substitution matrix for embedding. Comparing the simu-
                                                                lation results of both PSO and SA algorithms with their
                                                                combination (PSO-SA) in terms of PSNR values, it can
the Red component; the second 3 bits are embedded into
                                                                be shown that the stego-image yielded by the combined
the last 3 bits of the Green component, and the last 2 bits
                                                                PSO-SA has a higher quality than each of the two algo-
of the message are embedded into the last 2 bits of the
Blue one. Since the variation in blue is perceptible more
than both Red and Green to the human eye, researchers
choose to put only 2 bits in the Blue component. This           4     Cuckoo Search
means that byte can be hidden in each pixel of the color
image (24-bit), as shown in Figure 2. So, this method           Cuckoo Search (CS) is a nature-inspired metaheuristic
increases the embedding capacity up to 33.3% from the           algorithm developed by Xin-she Yang and Suash Deb
size of a cover file.                                           in [30]. It was inspired by the breeding behavior of cuck-
   Video steganography can be classified into two main          oos. A cuckoo breeding can be illustrated as an act of
types. The first one embeds data in uncompressed video,         parasitism by laying its egg in a random nest of other
which is compressed later [19, 28]. The second type tries       host birds (of other species) [3]. Sometimes, a host bird
to embed data directly in compressed video stream [6]. In       discovers the alien egg and throws the alien egg away or
this paper, the authors simply consider the uncompressed        simply abandons its nest. A cuckoo might have the char-
video steganography in spatial domain using 3-3-2 LSB           acteristic of shape, size, and color of the host eggs to
replacement technique for embedding a secret-message.           protect his own egg from being discovered. A cuckoo may
                                                                take aggressive action by removing other native eggs from
                                                                the host nest to increase the hatching probability of its
3    Related Works in Steganogra-                               own eggs. A hatched cuckoo chick may even throw other
                                                                eggs away from the nest to improve its feeding share. CS
     phy                                                        depends on Lévy flights to determining a random walk.
                                                                Lévy flights, named by the French mathematician Paul
In the last decades, the number of meta-heuristics algo-        Lévy, represent a model of random walks characterized by
rithms that are used to optimize the steganography pro-         their step lengths which obey a power-law distribution. It
cess in the spatial domain, is growing rapidly. In [7], 3-3-2   has a characteristic of an intensified search around a so-
LSB based technique has been enhanced using Genetic Al-         lution, followed by big steps in the long run. In CS, a
gorithm (GA) to get an optimal imperceptibility of hidden       random walk is used to produce a new solution (a host
data. The obtained results have shown that PSNR lies be-        nest) from the current solution according to Equation (1).
tween 20 and 40 decibels (dBs). An algorithm for optimiz-
ing the payload capacity subject to minimal visual degra-                     xi
                                                                                 (t+1)      (t)
                                                                                         = xi + α ⊕ Lévy(s, λ),          (1)
dation has been proposed in [5]. In that algorithm, Logis-
tic Maps have been used for the random selection of pixels.     Where xi
                                                                                is the ith Cuckoo at instance t + 1; α >
The randomness of selected pixels has been improved by          0 is the step size; λ is the Lévy distribution coefficient;
GA subjected to the less distortion of a cover-image. Ex-       and the product ⊕ means entrywise multiplication. The
perimental results have shown the robustness of the pro-        Lévy flight essentially provides a random walk while the
posed algorithm. A technique that can be used to conceal        random step length is drawn from a Lévy distribution
a secret-message into the LSBs of a cover-image and to          which is given by Equation (2).
overcome the level of security issues has been described
in [9], which is adopted Ant Colony Optimization (ACO)                     Lévy(s, λ) ∼ s−λ , where 1 < λ ≤ 3.           (2)
algorithm to find the optimal LSB substitution matrix.
The obtained results have shown that the efficiency of          The incidental walk via Lévy flights is more efficient in ex-
ACO and the PNSR value of stego-image goes beyond 35            ploring a search space, as its stride length is much longer
dBs. Cat Swarm Optimization (CSO) algorithm has been            in the long run. In [30], Yang and Deb have discovered
adopted to achieve an optimal or near-optimal solution of       that the random-walk style search is better performed via
stego-image quality problems in [26]. Each individual cat       using Lévy flights rather than a simple random walk. The
has four attributes, namely; its own position composed of       idealized rules of CS can be summarized as follows [30].
International Journal of Network Security, Vol.23, No.1, PP.67-76, Jan. 2021 (DOI: 10.6633/IJNS.202101 23(1).09)               70

Each cuckoo lays one egg at a time and dumps its egg in
a randomly chosen nest. The best nests with high-quality
eggs would carry over the next generations. The number
of available host nests is fixed and the probability of dis-
covering the laid egg by the host bird can be calculated
as pa ∈]0, 1[. The fraction pa of the n nests is replaced by
new ones.
   A pseudo-code of CS is outlined in the following steps:

Algorithm 1 CS
Input: n is the number of nests, pa is the fraction of n
Output: The best solution.
 1: Begin
 2: Randomly initialize population of n host nests Xi =                     Figure 3: The 5 different patterns of (10101100)
    (x1i , . . . , xdi ) for i = 1, 2, · · · , n, and d dimensional
 3: Define objective function:                 f (X); where X =
    (x1 , · · · , xd ); {the goal is to maximize the objective        5.1     Generating the Different Patterns
    function}                                                         In the suggested approach, any secret message is entered
 4: G ← 1                                                             byte by byte. First, each byte is divided into 3-3-2 bit
 5: while (G < MaxGeneration) or (stop criteria) do                   sections noted as R, G, and B, respectively. Then, these
 6:    for i = 1 to n do                                              three sections are permuted to construct the five different
 7:         Randomly get a new Cuckoo Xi using Lévy                  patterns for a specified byte. For instance, suppose that
    flights Equation (1);                                             the current secret byte is (10101100), the constructed dif-
 8:         Evaluate its quality/fitness: f (Xi );                    ferent patterns are shown in Figure 3. The main aims
 9:         Choose randomly a nest, say, j, among n host              of these permutations are to increase the security level of
    nests;                                                            the information to be hidden and the chance of matching
10:         if f (Xi ) > f (Xj ) then                                 the secret byte with carrier pixel’s LSB.
11:             Then update j th nest by the new solution;
12:         end if
                                                                      5.2     Matching   Between    the  Video-
13:    end for
14:    The worst nests are abandoned with a probability                       Steganography and CS Terminologies
    (pa ) and new one are built;                                      Once the 5 different patterns of a given secret byte are
15:    G = G + 1;                                                     generated and a carrier-video is accomplished, CS algo-
16: end while                                                         rithm can be applied. The CS algorithm is structured
17: Find the best solution by ranking the values of n host            upon five main elements: egg, nest, search space, objec-
    nests;                                                            tive function, and Lévy flights. These elements have the
18: End                                                               following meaning in treating this problem.
                                                          i Egg: As usual, a cuckoo lays a single egg in one nest,
                                                              eggs have the following properties: An egg in a nest
5 Solving the Video Steganogra-                               is considered a feasible solution adopted by one in-
                                                              dividual in the population. An egg of a cuckoo is a
      phy Problem with CS                                     new solution that candidates for a place in the pop-
                                                              ulation. In the steganography problem, we can say
In this section, a new approach to solve video-based          that an egg is equivalent to one of the secret byte’s
steganography problem in spatial domain is proposed.          patterns.
The key of this approach is based on creating five dif-
ferent pattern of each byte of a given secret message. ii Nest: As in CS algorithm, the following characteristics
Subsection 5.1 gives the detailed description of generat-     can be imposed regarding to a nest:
ing the different pattern while Subsection 5.2 is devoted
                                                              - The number of nests is fixed.
to combine this approach with CS. It is used for seeking
about optimal (or nearest optimal) pixels for embedding       - A nest is an individual of the population and the
the given secret-bytes inside its RGB component values             number of nests equals to the size of the popu-
to obtain the stego-object. The suggested steganography            lation.
approach is described in Subsection 5.3. Finally, Subsec-     - An abandoned nest involves the replacement of an
tion 5.4 contains the extracting process.                          individual of the population by a new one.
International Journal of Network Security, Vol.23, No.1, PP.67-76, Jan. 2021 (DOI: 10.6633/IJNS.202101 23(1).09)       71

    By the projection of these features on the sug-
    gested video-based steganography approach, a nest                               section1   section2    section3
    has shown as an individual pixel in the population
    (as mentioned in the next, the size of the popula-
    tion is equal to ten) that is used to carry the current             CP-LSB     10001101    10101110    10000010
                                                                                      (5)         (6)         (2)
    secret byte in the shape of its own pattern.

    Furthermore, on the discovery of alien eggs in its                     SB         010         011         01
    nest, a host bird would either get rid of these eggs                              (2)         (3)         (1)
    or quit its nest altogether in quest of setting up a
    new one elsewhere. Hence, some nests might be re-
    moved which is in line with the host bird’s attitude.         The objective function is determined by
    To simulate this behavior, a fraction of pa , 20% from
    the population’s individuals, are removed from the             D(CP − LSB, SB) = |5 − 2| + |6 − 3| + |2 − 1| = 7.
    current iteration, and hence, new ones at new loca-
    tions are created by Lévy flights.                           Evidently, the goal is to minimize the suggested ob-
                                                                  jective function. This means that the least cost value
                                                                  is called a best solution or equivalently a best nest,
                                                                  otherwise is called a worst nest.
iii Search Space: Generally, every digital video file con-
     sists of a set of frames and audio. So, both audio and v Lévy flights: One of the most powerful features of CS is
     frames can be used to embed the secret data. In the          the use of Lévy flights to generate a position of a new
     present work, a carrier video file is decomposed to a        candidate solution. And according to [17], in some
     set of frames (images) and audio. Hence, according           optimization problems, the search for a new best so-
     to the size of a secret-message, a suitable number of        lution is more efficient via applying Lévy flights. In
     frames are selected and given as input to the sug-           the given approach, the Lévy flight term is associated
     gested approach. A digital frame is considered as a          with the step lengths to improve the quality of search
     two-dimensional matrix of elements, in which each            as outlined in CS.
     element corresponds to a single pixel in a frame and
     each pixel has two coordinates, x, and y. A secret-
     message can be either embedded in a single frame of 5.3 New Steganography Approach
     a video or in multiple frames, to guarantee security In this work, the data required for each nest is gathered in
     and hard-detect.                                        a record called Nest Structure abbreviated by (NStruct).
                                                             As shown in Figure 4, each nest structure consists of five
                                                             fields. The first one, byte’s order, contains K which is an
iv Objective Function: The current secret byte will be integer number refers to the order of the current secret
     embedded into the selected pixel’s RGB 3-3-2 LSB byte in a secret-message. While the second field, SB,
     components. As mentioned in Subection 5.1, a is the current secret byte to be hidden. The third field,
     secret byte is divided into 3-3-2 bit sections. Also, Pattern, contains the pattern’s index which corresponds
     as explained in Section 2, the pixel’s 3-3-2 LSB to the pattern shape of the current secret byte. The fourth
     sections are extracted. During the search, the cost field, Location, contains the location of candidate pixel for
     is calculated for each candidate solution (nest) by embedding. The last one, D, is the sum of absolute values
     calculating the sum of absolute differences between of sectional distance between the current secret byte and
     the decimal value of the 3-3-2 LSB sections and the current pixel. It is clear that the contents of the first
     the corresponding decimal value of the secret byte three fields are fixed. But the last two fields are updated
     sections. This summation of absolute Differences, in the process of generating a new solution in the same
     D, is used as objective function which is determined iteration. This is done by performing a random walk via
     by Equation (3). In this equation, CP-LSB is the using Lévy flights.
     current pixel’s 3-3-2 LSB; SB is the current Secret         At the beginning (the preparing step), the Binary-byte
     Byte; each of which has three sections; and xz is the   Stream   array, BinStr, for the given RGB image is con-
     decimal number of z’s binary number.                    structed.  This array consists of three consecutive parts,
                                                             each of which has the same number of bytes. The first one
                              X                              contains the red component of the image; The second part
        D(CP − LSB, SB) =            x        −x         (3)
                                  CP −LSBsection
                                                             has the green component; while the last part contains the
     For instance, suppose that the candidate pixel’s blue component. This is done because the suggested ap-
     RGB components and the secret byte are given as proach is based on embedding each color component (R,
     follows.                                                G, and B) in one frame chosen arbitrarily from the cover
International Journal of Network Security, Vol.23, No.1, PP.67-76, Jan. 2021 (DOI: 10.6633/IJNS.202101 23(1).09)        72

                                          Figure 4: A nest structure (NStruct)

    Now, a description of the suggested steganography ap-       values of the NStruct are saved as a stego-key. Then, the
proach for embedding a specified RGB image within three         stego-key and the frame numbers contained in the hidden
video frames is given. The main idea depends on repeated        secret RGB-image will be sent to a receiver to be used in
each pattern of a secret byte twice which is collected in a     the decoding stage. The aforementioned suggested solu-
pair. So, we deal with each pair of a similar pattern as        tion would be consecutively repeated to embed each secret
two distinct eggs. This leads to the current population         byte from the desirable RGB image in the chosen three
has 10 individuals, each pair of individuals are compared       cover frames. The outlines of the proposed approach are
together to decide the best nest and the worst nest us-         formulated in Steganography (SG) Algorithm 3
ing the suggested objective function. Each pair has two
copies of the pattern and all of these patterns should be       Algorithm 2 SG
unchanged over all iterations until the best location of the
current byte is obtained and then get the next new byte.
Hence, it is well-known that the Elitism process is based
                                                                 Input: H, W; the height and width of the given
on the best solution that is kept unaltered and automat-
                                                                    RGB image.        BinStr; The Binary-byte Stream
ically will be carried over to the next generations unless
                                                                    is a one-dimensional array having consecutively
a more favorable solution is found. In this approach, the
                                                                    HW-byte R-component, HW-byte G-component,
Elitism process is applied for each pair separately. So,
                                                                    and then HW-byte B-component of the given
the suggested population has 5 elitists’ solutions and this
                                                                    RGB image. Nest; 5 × 2 array of 10 NStruct to
considers a modification of our previous work [26] which
                                                                    save the information of the current feasible solu-
kept one elitist solution.
                                                                    tions. F1 , F2 , F3 ; three cover-video frames, where
    The steganography algorithm works iteratively as fol-           (F1 , F2 , and F3 ) are arbitrary chosen to embed
lows. In any iteration, the candidate pixel for each nest           R, G, and B components of RGB image, respectively.
is evaluated by the objective function. Once this process
is completed for all five pairs of nests, the best individual
of each pair is determined and stayed at its current pixel       Output: Three stego-frames, Stego-key.
(location). These best nests are carried over to the next
generation. After that, the location of the worst individ-       1:   Begin
ual of each pair is updated by performing a random walk          2:   Define the objective function D(CP − LSB, SB) as
via applying Lévy flights. Then, the sectional differences           given in Equation (3); { where CP − LSB, SB are
between each updated nest and its corresponding pattern               the current pixel’s 3-3-2 LSB and underlying secret
are evaluated.                                                        byte, respectively.}
    Next, for each pair, compare each new nest with its          3:   Z ← H × W ; {the number of pixels in the given RGB
corresponding best nest to update its rank. A fraction                image}.
pa , 20% of the population (≡ two worst nests in our ap-         4:   for i=1 to 3 do
proach) is removed and new nests are created by using            5:     Zf irst ← (i − 1)Z + 1, Zlast ← iZ;
Lévy flights. A new generation consists of five new pairs.      6:     for J = Zf rist to Zlast do
This process is repeated until the termination condition         7:        for p =1 to 5 do
is achieved, i.e., the maximum number of iterations is           8:          Nest[p, 1].K = Nest [p,2].K ← J;
reached or an acceptable result has been found depending         9:          Nest [p, 1].SB =Nest [p,2].SB ← BinStr[J];
on a sectional differences threshold value (stop criteria).     10:        end for
When the termination condition is satisfied, the best five      11:        G ← 1; stop criteria ← true;
nests from the last generation are ranked and the lowest-       12:        Generate the five different patterns correspond-
cost individual (best nest) is determined. Then, the secret           ing to five eggs named by
byte is embedded by its pattern inside the RGB compo-                          X1 , X2 , . . . , X5 for BinStr[J];
nent values of the selected carrier pixel in 3, 3, 2 order      13:        for k=1 to 5 do
as described in Section 2. After the secret byte is em-         14:          Duplicate the egg Xk to produce the related
bedded in the selected pixel, the three fields (1, 3, and 4)          pair (Xk , XK   );
International Journal of Network Security, Vol.23, No.1, PP.67-76, Jan. 2021 (DOI: 10.6633/IJNS.202101 23(1).09)           73

15:           Choose randomly two non-flagged pixels (host
      nests) (Lk , L′K ) for embedding (Xk , XK   ′
                                                    ), respec-       After the embedding process is finished, the stego-
      tively;                                                     frames are formed and then merged with the remaining
16:           Evaluate dk = D(Lk , Xk ) and d′k =                 frames and audio to build a stego-video
      D(Lk , Xk′ );

17:           if dk < d′k then
18:              Keep index of Xk ,Lk and dk in three fields      Lemma 1. Algorithm SG is a polynomial-time algorithm
      (Pattern,Location,and D)of Nest[k,1],respectively;          for solving the video steganography problem with low visual
19:              Keep index of Xk′ ,L′k and d′k in three fields   distortions by using CS.
      (Pattern,Location,and D)of Nest[k,2],respectively;
20:           else                                                Proof. It is easy to show that steps from 6 to 49 of algo-
21:              Keep index of Xk′ ,L′k and d′k in three fields   rithm SG are repeated 3 (H × W ) times where H × W is
      (Pattern,Location,and D)of Nest[k,1],respectively;          the number of pixels in the given RGB image that want
22:              Keep index of Xk ,Lk and dk in three fields      to be secret; each pixel has 3 SB. In two outer For loops,
      (Pattern,Location, and D)of Nest[k,2],respectively;         there exist inner two loops, namely For-loop from Steps 13
23:           end if                                              to 27 and While-loop starts from step 28 and ends at
24:           if Nest[k,1].D ≤ sectional differences - thresh-    step 44.
      old then                                                       Clearly, Steps from 14 to 26 inside the For loop are re-
25:              stop criteria ← False; go to 45                  peated 5 times. Since each operand has only 8 bits except
26:           end if                                              dk and (d′k ) (small integer numbers) and all operations
27:        end for                                                such as assignments, calculating objective function, and
28:        while (G < Maxieteration) or (stop criteria) do        comparison between small numbers are taken unit-time
                                                                  execution so this loop does not affect the running time
29:          Stay(Nest[1,1],Nest[2,1],. . . ,Nest[5,1]) in the    of the algorithm except step 15 depends on the size of a
      current iteration;                                          suggested frame, say M (hight)timesN (width ), of cover-
30:          for k=1 to 5 do                                      video, i.e., is not exceed than 5.O(c1 + M × N ), where
31:             Update Nest[k,2].Location by using Equa-          c1 is a some constant. As a result, the complexity of this
      tion (1) to get new non-flagged (L′k );                     loop is O(M × N ). While-loop contains For-loop (from
32:             Evaluate d′k = D(L′k , Xk′ );                     steps 30 to 40). Evidently, this For-loop has simple math-
33:             Nest[k,2].D ← d′                                  ematical operations and assignments, so the time of this
34:             if Nest[k,1].D > d′k then                         part is not exceeding than 5.O(c2 + M × N ), where c2 is a
35:               Swap Nest[k,1] and Nest[k,2];                   constant. Also, this takes O(M × N ). It is not difficult to
36:               if Nest[k,1].D ≤ sectional differences -        consider the running time of While-loop depends only on
      threshold then                                              its condition and the size of the cover-videos frame, i.e.,
37:                 stop criteria ← False; go to 45               O( number of iterations ×M × N ). All steps that are not
38:               end if                                          mentioned explicitly are considered to be a limited num-
39:             end if                                            ber of unit-time of execution. Based on the above, the
40:          end for                                              whole complexity time of Algorithm SG is in O(the size
41:          Choose randomly two nests (Nest[m,2] and             of the given image times the size of cover video’s frame ),
      Nest[n,2]) ; where m,n are any two different numbers        since the condition of While-loop executed via a limited
      from 1 to 5 { to achieve the probability of discovering     number of iterations (from 50 up to 100).
      the laid egg by the host bird (pa = 0.20)};
42:          Execute steps from 31 to 36 twice for k = m
      and k = n; {execute for each chosen nest};
                                                                    It is worthy to say that the size of the given image
43:          G ← G + 1;
                                                                  H × W and the size of cover-video’s frame M × N are
44:        end while
                                                                  both limited integer numbers, so the suggested algorithm
45:        Determine q at which Nest[q,1].D (1 < q ≤ 5) has
                                                                  SG is an efficient one and runs fast in practice.
      lowest value (best nest) from the current iteration;
46:        Embed Xq into Nest[q,1].Location inside Fi using
      3-3-2 LSB as described in Section 2;
47:        Mark embedding pixel Nest[q,1]s.Location as            5.4    Extracting Process
      Flagged pixel;
48:        Save Nest[q,1].K , Nest[q,1].Patern, and               The process of hiding any secret message into a cover-
      Nest[q,1].Location in the stego-key;                        video to produce a stego-video is successful when the re-
49:      end for                                                  ceiver able to retrieve the secret message. Via using stego-
50:   end for                                                     key and stego-video, the receiver can extract the specified
51:   End                                                         image. For decoding or extracting process, one can follow
                                                                  these steps:
International Journal of Network Security, Vol.23, No.1, PP.67-76, Jan. 2021 (DOI: 10.6633/IJNS.202101 23(1).09)                                   74

Algorithm 3 SG
                                                               Table 1: The detailed information of the secret-images
Input: Stego-video, stego-key;
                                                               and cover-video
Output: Retrieved secret RGB-image.
 1: Begin                                                                   Secret Images information         Cover-Video File information

 2: Unplug frames from stego-video;                                          Secret-Image    Resolution   Frame/sec   No. of frames   Resolution
                                                                            (see Figure 5)   (H × W )                                 (M × N )
 3: Use stego-key to select the three frames F1 , F2 ,and F3                      A           30 × 20
                                                                                                             30           450         240 × 320
    that contains R, G, and B components of the required                          B           70 × 70

 4: Create the row image named by retrieved secret RGB
    -image with dimension H × W pixels, each pixel con-
    tains 3 bytes corresponding to RGB components;
 5: BinStr ← 0; { 1-dimentinal array for saving the re-
    trieved secret-message that has 3HW bytes;}
 6: Z ← H × W ;
 7: for i = 1 to 3 do
 8:     Zf irst ← (i − 1)Z + 1, Zlast ← iZ;
 9:     Use Fi to retrieve HW secrets bytes hidden behind
10:     for k = Zf rist to Zlast do                                        A                                  B
11:       Read stego-key [k] to get pixel location and the
                                                                                 Figure 5: Secret-Images
    pattern’s index;
12:       Retrieve and rearrange 3-3-2 LSB according to
    pattern’s index to obtain Original Byte[k], OB;
13:       Save OB in BinStr[k];                                6.2    Evaluation Criteria
14:     end for
15: end for
                                                               Generally, in steganography, the Peak Signal to Noise Ra-
16: Use BinStr to write its contents on the retrieved RGB-
                                                               tio (PSNR) in decibels (dBs) is used as a visual quality
    image in the suitable bytes of the corresponding pixels    metric to evaluate the quality of the stego-object. In or-
    to obtain the correct secret image;                        der to determine PSNR, the Mean Square Error (MSE)
17: End
                                                               between the cover-frame and the stego-frame is first com-
                                                               puted by Equation (4).
                                                                                             M X N
   Obviously, Algorithm Extraction depends on the size                                  1   X
                                                                                                             ′ 2
of retrieved secret RGB-image, i.e., O(H.W ),so it’s also                M SE =                     (Ii,j − Ii,j )                                 (4)
                                                                                      M × N i=1 j=1
an efficient one.
                                                            Where I( i, j) and I(′ i, j) are intensity of pixel located at
                                                            (i, j) in cover-frame and in stego-frame, respectively, and
6 Experimental Results                                      M × N is the frame’s size.
This section provides the experimental results of the sug-      Depending on MSE value, the PSNR is calculated by
gested SG algorithm applied to the given dataset. Also, it  Equation    (5).
contains a description of the used dataset and illustration
of the evaluation criteria, the suggested parameters, and                     P SN R = 10 log10          ,             (5)
finally the evaluation of results.                                                                M SE
                                                            where L is the peak signal level for an image color compo-
                                                            nent value = 255. The performance of the steganography
6.1 Dataset                                                 approach has been evaluated by doing the simulation us-
To test and evaluate the steganography approach, an un- ing MATLAB 7.6 (R2009a) on an Intel Core i7 CPU, 2.67
compressed AVI cover-video file and five different size GHz, 4 GB RAM PC, and windows 8.1 pro.
secret-images are considered. Table 1 shows the detailed
information of secret images and cover-video. In this 6.3 Setting up Cuckoo Search Algorithm
work, a digital color image is used as a secret-image                for Video Steganography
and it is preprocessed before the embedding phase; the
whole pixels in the image file are converted into an array The parameters that we have used in the applied cuckoo
of binary bytes. Due to the use of 3-3-2 LSB embed- search are n = 10 nests and the discovery rate of alien
ding method, if the carrier-frame has size M (height)×N solutionspa = 0.20. Due to the Lévy flights, the val-
(width ) , the maximum size of the secret bytes can be ues used for the Lévy exponent λ = 1.5 and the step
embedded at most 31 (M × N ).                               size α = 1. As stopping criteria, the maximum number
International Journal of Network Security, Vol.23, No.1, PP.67-76, Jan. 2021 (DOI: 10.6633/IJNS.202101 23(1).09)             75

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