Anti-edema treatment after orthognathic surgery - Aesthetic ...
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Anti-edema treatment after orthognathic surgery Postępowanie przeciwobrzękowe po zabiegu ortognatycznym INTRODUCTION Stellate epithelium is an extremely complex All bone abnormalities in the jaw, mandible, te- Maria Lorent ¹ ORCID: structure that undergoes constant reconstruc- eth and other structures included in the above- 0000-0001-5268-529X tion throughout our lives. It is primarily respon- -mentioned complex are corrected by orthogna- Agata Kalemba ² ORCID: sible for chewing, articulating, swallowing, and thic procedures [2]. 0000-0002-2256-2798 even breathing. It consists of many craniofacial They aim to change the position of the upper Ewa Z. Gieysztor ³ elements, the proper functioning of which de- and lower jaws, as a result of which the patient ORCID: 0000-0002-4759-5385 pends on each other, i.e. teeth, bones of the ma- obtains the correct crossbite anterior. One of 1. Student Research xilla and mandible, the musculoskeletal system the most common malocclusion bone defects is Group of the Developmental or nervous tissue. They also include the tempo- progenia (mandibular prognathism). Its charac- Disorders of Children romandibular joints that connect the mandible teristic feature is the front hypertrophy of the and Youth, with the temporal bones. Dysfunction of the mandible in relation to the maxilla, which can be Department of Physiotherapy, facial-maxillofacial complex can lead to serio- observed as an excessive protrusion of the chin. Faculty of Health us problems in everyday life, such as problems Surgical treatment remains the only and effecti- Sciences, Medical University, ul. Bartla 5 with chewing and swallowing, and breathing ve method of relieving the patient from progenia. 51-618 Wrocław disorders. Moreover, it plays an important role If left untreated, it can lead to problems with che- P: +48 571 206 006 in human appearance, therefore its dysfunction wing food and speech disorders [3]. E: maria.lorent@ may be associated with complexes and a sense 2. Student Research of rejection [1]. Group of the Developmental » 436 Disorders of Children and Youth, ABSTRACT STRESZCZENIE Department Malocclusions of varying severity affect approxima- Wady zgryzu o różnym nasileniu dotyczą około of Physiotherapy, Faculty of Health tely 60% of the world’s population and they include 60% populacji na całym świecie i obejmują niepra- Sciences, Medical abnormalities in the position of the maxilla in rela- widłowości w położeniu szczęki względem żuchwy. University, ul. Bartla 5 51-618 Wrocław tion to the mandible. If left untreated, they can have Nieleczone mogą mieć bardzo poważne konse- P: +48 668 097 603 very serious consequences for the entire body. The kwencje dla całego organizmu. Jedyną skuteczną E: agata.kalemba@ only effective form of treatment turns out to be ortho- formą leczenia okazuje się operacja ortognatyczna 3. Laboratory gnathic surgery, which determines the correct cross- warunkująca prawidłowy zgryz. Oprócz poprawy of Clinical Bases bite anterior. In addition to improving the quality of jakości żucia, oddychania i połykania, pacjent of Physiotherapy, chewing, breathing and swallowing, the patient also zyskuje także idealną harmonię twarzy w wyni- Department of Physiotherapy, gains perfect face harmony as a result of changes ku zmian w obrębie tkanek miękkich: nosa, warg, Faculty of Health in the soft tissues of the nose, lips, cheeks, chin and policzków, brody i podbródka. Niestety w ciągu Sciences, Medical jawline. Unfortunately, in the first few days after sur- pierwszych kilku dób po przebytej operacji poja- University, ul. Grunwaldzka 2 gery, symptoms such as swelling, bruising or sensory wiają się objawy w postaci obrzęków, siniaków czy 50-355 Wrocław disturbances appear in the jaw area. This paper aims zaburzeń czucia w okolicach żuchwy. E: ewa.gieysztor. to present ways to reduce swelling after orthognathic Celem pracy było przedstawienie sposobów surgery, and to use kinesiotaping as one of the main redukcji obrzęku po zabiegu ortognatycznym z ze received / otrzymano methods. szczególnym uwzględnieniem kinesiotapingu. 14.09.2020 corrected / poprawiono Keywords: orthognathic surgery, progenia, Słowa kluczowe: zabieg ortognatyczny, 10.10.2020 temporomandibular joint, facial edema, progenia, staw skroniowo-żuchwowy, obrzęk accepted / zaakceptowano kinesiotaping twarzy, kinesiotaping 14.10.2020 5 / 2020 / vol. 9 Aesthetic Cosmetology and Medicine 435
ORTHOGNATHIC SURGERY - STAGES healing wounds, bones and soft tissues, and also regener- Orthognathic surgery, depending on the operated area, is ates nerve fibers [8, 9]. The results of the research confirm divided into: single-jaw surgery (it covers only the jaw or the effect of slowly changing electromagnetic fields, where only the mandible) or two-jaw surgery (covers both bones) after ten days the patients gave up on painkillers and the (rehabilitation of patients after orthognathic procedures). swelling disappeared [10]. The anti-inflammatory effect is Due to the interference with soft tissues, large groups of also demonstrated by a low-energy laser (1-6 mW) [4]. First which are present on the face, post-operative rehabilita- of all, it is characterized by analgesic and regenerative ef- tion is recommended as soon as possible. Physiotherapy fects. It accelerates the improvement of peripheral circu- should include both physical and manual therapy. Treat- lation, including the absorption of hematomas, including ments, after prior consultation with a doctor or physiothe- postoperative ones. It reduces lymphoedema and the for- rapist, should be aimed at analgesic, anti-inflammatory mation of blood clots. The dose should be selected individ- and anti-swelling effects. ually for the patient, taking into account the repeatability of laser treatments, i.e. at least ten days [11]. Preoperative stage The effects of heat and cold therapy can also be used The patient should seek physiotherapeutic advice imme- to reduce swelling. The most common form is the use of diately after the surgical consultation and discussion of the compresses. In the case of higher temperatures, it can be treatment plan. The physiotherapist determines whether paraffin or peloid compresses. Heat has an anti-congesti- it is possible to start rehabilitation before the surgery or ve, analgesic, relaxing and regenerative effect [11]. Paraffin introduces the patient to the treatment plan immediately wraps (42-48°C) consist of applying liquid paraffin to the after and a few days after the surgery [4]. A physiotherapist swollen area. By peeling off the paraffin from the skin, it is obliged to perform a functional and manual examination additionally detaches the dead cells, exudate and bacteria in order to check the correct functioning of the facial-ma- remaining on the skin [12, 13]. xillofacial complex [5]. Peat compresses have an anti-inflammatory effect on the gums and reduce bleeding. Moreover, they reduce Early postoperative stage swelling and act analgesically. Where possible, it is re- Ideally, rehabilitation should start on the zero day, i.e. the commended to use peloid instead of paraffin, especially day of surgery. If this is not the case, the patient should see in women, due to the research on paraffin causing oste- a physiotherapist in the first week after the operation [5]. oporosis [13]. Peat and paraffin wraps should be perfor- Late postoperative stage includes all activities after the fo- med 2-3 times a day, for 10-15 minutes, every other day in urth week after surgery. Completion affects the recovery of a series of 10-15 treatments [14]. full mobility and efficiency in the masticatory system, which Heat therapy also includes the use of lamps. A sollux is individual. Physiotherapy in maxillofacial surgery [4]. lamp (infrared radiation) with a red or blue filter is used. The red filter is used in the treatment of inflammation of SWELLING REDUCE soft tissues. The use of blue filter has an analgesic effect AFTER ORTHOGNATHIC SURGERY and has a positive effect on the treatment of neuralgia The anti-edema management is part of the early postope- [15, 16]. Irradiation lasts 15 minutes, approx. 20 cm from rative stage. The swelling is greatest 48-72 hours after the the irradiated area, 8-10 treatments in series. Irradiation operation. with the sollux lamp shows a superficial effect, it is not ef- The first actions are usually lymphatic drainage and fective in irradiating the muscles of the deep layer, such kinesiotaping. They have both anti-edema, analgesic and as, for example, the lateral wing and the medial pterygoid anti-inflammatory effects. It is recommended to use them muscles [17]. In turn, cold therapy has anti-inflammatory, earlier than 48 hours after surgery [6, 7]. They move fluid analgesic and anti-swelling properties. Cold compresses from the swollen area to the nearby lymph nodes, which do not require specialized equipment. Ice packs, gel com- leads to faster relief of the swelling and prevents inflam- presses - coldpacks or a cooling mask are used [4]. The mation. Additionally, this procedure limits the spread of cooling time and breaks should be determined by the doc- postoperative hematoma. They do not require specialized tor, however, cold compresses can be used relatively often equipment, so they can be done in a hospital room next to (up to 8 times a day), in short series, taking into account the patient’s bed. breaks at least twice as long as the cooling period [18, 19]. Other postoperative methods include the use of slowly changing electromagnetic fields, such as magnetostimula- tion and magnetoledotherapy. The magnetic field affecting the tissues has an analgesic, anti-inflammatory and an- ti-swelling effect. In addition, it speeds up the process of 436 5 / 2020 / vol. 9 Aesthetic Cosmetology and Medicine
KINESIOTAPING AS A METHOD OF SWELLING REDUCE AFTER ORTHOGNATHIC SURGERY Kinesiotaping, or dynamic taping, involves covering the skin surface with special plasters that do not restrict the movement of muscles and joints. The phenomenon of self- -healing of the body is used, because the patches do not contain drugs. Kinesiotaping has a positive effect on mi- crocirculation, supports the natural anesthetic systems of the human and normalizes muscle tension [20]. The pat- ches are resistant to water and can be kept on the skin for several days. They support the tissues, reducing pain in muscles and joints, reducing swelling, helping in muscle work and ensuring the proper positioning of a joint. Lymphedema usually increases up to four days after surgery and gradually subsides over the next few weeks. Fig. 2 Ways of taping by Valerio Palmerini therapy of temporomandibular joints – side of the jaw Source: authors’ own archive Research shows that the use of kinesiotaping significan- tly reduces swelling 10 days after the procedure [21, 22]. The advantage of using dynamic taping is that it does not preclude or interfere with the use of other physiothera- peutic activities. Examples of slicing methods are shown in the following photos (Fig. 1-3). The tapes are put on wi- thout stretching. When wrapping the neck, the patient ta- kes a head position that stretches the tissues over which the patches will run. Taps will take a folded form when the head returns to the axis. Fig. 1 Ways of taping by Valerio Palmerini therapy of temporomandibular joints – side of the neck Fig. 3 Ways of taping by Valerio Palmerini therapy of temporomandibular joints – whole taping: Source: authors’ own archive sides and front of the neck and side of the jaw Source: authors’ own archive 5 / 2020 / vol. 9 Aesthetic Cosmetology and Medicine 437
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