Antarctic Flights Behind the scenes at Harewood Terminal - #210 - RNZAF

Antarctic Flights Behind the scenes at Harewood Terminal - #210 - RNZAF
Bringing Aid   New Kit        Training the
                                                                       # 2 10
                       to the         for our        Trainers in the
                       Solomons       Firefighters   Mountains

Behind the scenes
at Harewood Terminal
Antarctic Flights Behind the scenes at Harewood Terminal - #210 - RNZAF
04                             14                             News


Comms Team                     Bringing Aid to the            #FacesOfYourForce                           First Word
Getting the Word Out           Solomons
                                                              21                                          22
                               A Boeing B757 has              Medical Emergency Training                  Our Heritage/Our Future

                               delivered more than two
                               tonnes of election, medical    24                                          32
                               and women’s refuge aid         High Dining in New                          Sport
                               to the Solomon Islands         In-Flight Kitchen
Operation Icecube                                                                                         33
                                                              26                                          Notices/Quiz
Behind the scenes of getting                                  Air Power – Air Mobility
flights and scientists to
                                                              28                                          Photo of the Month
                                                              DSSG Awards

                                                              Our mission                                 Published by
                                                              The RNZAF will provide New Zealand          Defence Public Affairs
                                                              with relevant, responsive and effective     HQ NZ Defence Force
                                                              Air Power to meet its security              Wellington, New Zealand

                                                              interests. Air Force News is the official
                                                              magazine of the Royal New Zealand           Editor
                                                              Air Force (RNZAF) —established              Rebecca Quilliam
                                                              to inform, educate and entertain its        Email:
                                                              personnel and friends.
                               New Kit for our Fireys                                                     Design and Layout
                                                                                                          Defence Public Affairs

12                                                            COVER:
                                                              Behind the scenes of Antarctica flights
                                                                                                          Printed by

                                                              Photographer:                               Private Bag 39996, Wellington
A Middle East                                                 SGT Sam Shepherd
Deployment Success             Qualified Flying                                                           Email:

                               Instructor Training                                                        Editorial contributions and ideas
                                                                                                          are welcomed. They can be emailed

                                                                                                          directly to the Editor and do not need
                               Training the trainers in the                                               to be forwarded through normal
                               beautiful South Island                                                     command chains.
                                                                                                          Contributions need to include
                                                                                                          • writer’s name, rank and unit
Base Contingency                                                                                          • photos provided separate from the
Force Pyro Training                                                                                       text – at least 300dpi.
                                                                                                          Contribution deadline for the March
                                                                                                          issue 18 February, 2019
                                                                                                          Air Force News will hold the copyright
                                                                                                          for submitted articles or photographs
                                                                                                          it publishes. Articles and photographs
                                                                                                          published in Air Force News cannot
                                                                                                          be published elsewhere without
                                                                                                          ISSN 1175–2327


2 | Air Force News #210
Antarctic Flights Behind the scenes at Harewood Terminal - #210 - RNZAF


                                              appy New Year to you all and          This means continuing to prepare
                                              welcome back. I hope you have         ourselves for the P-8, and working
                                              taken the opportunity to relax        towards complementary surveillance
                                      over the holiday period and to spend          capabilities, plus major decisions about
                                      well-earned time with friends and             replacement of our iconic C-130s.
                                      family. As usual a number of you were
                                                                                    Building the future means that we need
                                      committed to operations during the
                                                                                    strong foundations in place to build on,
                                      break and my special thanks go to you
                                                                                    and the areas of people, training and
                                      and your families.
                                                                                    safety in particular will feature highly
                                      Last year was a typically eventful            this year. I will talk more about these
                                      year for New Zealand’s Air Force, and         areas as the year gets underway, but
                                      I expect 2019 will be no less so. We          I will make particular mention of our
                                      will be working closely together with         transition to the Defence Aviation Rules
                                      partners in our communities, throughout       framework this year, which is going to
                                      New Zealand and our region, and across        align us with international best-practice
                                      the globe to deliver on the air operations    in the area of military airworthiness.
                                      that people rely on us for.
                                                                                    Public awareness of the tasks that we
                                      As we all know, military air operations       perform for New Zealand is important
                                      can be needed anywhere at any time,           to us. A number of opportunities will
                                      and so we will stay focussed on our           exist for us to engage with Kiwis
                                      core business. All of our operational         this year in the course of our duties.
b   chief of air force
y   Air vice– marshal Andrew C lark
                                      squadrons will remain ready to deploy         We will also have opportunities at
                                      throughout the year and I have no             the larger airshows, including Wings
                                      doubt that all of them will be called         over Wairarapa and Classic Fighters
                                      upon to respond to sudden operational         Omaka. Add to that our engagement
                                      demands at various times. Responses           with NZ Cadet Forces, and the very
                                      for humanitarian aid and disaster relief      successful School2Skies programme
                                      within our region will be a certainty, but    at Woodbourne among others.
                                      we are also prepared for operational
                                                                                    We have a great year ahead of us and
                                      deployments further abroad should our
                                                                                    a great bunch of people to tackle it
                                      country require it of us – in harm’s way if
                                                                                    with. I look forward to working with you
                                      necessary. To be ready to conduct these
                                                                                    all. Whether it’s in delivering safe and
                                      operations, we will continue to sharpen
                                                                                    effective air operations, or in building
“We have a great year                 our skills at home and abroad.
                                                                                    the NZDF of tomorrow, make sure that

 ahead of us and a
                                      Last year was a big year for the              your voice is heard, and that the voices
                                      RNZAF in setting our course for the           of others are heard. There’s a lot of
 great bunch of people                future, especially with the decision to
                                      acquire the P-8. This year will see us
                                                                                    talent in our air force and together we
                                                                                    can make a big difference.
 to tackle it with.                   continuing to build that future as part
                                      of the NZDF’s 2025 networked combat
                                                                                    Ko te Tauaarangi o Aotearoa

 I look forward to                    force. The generational modernisation
                                      of our longest serving capabilities
 working with you all.”               will continue to focus our energy.

                                                                                                         Air Force News #210 | 3
Antarctic Flights Behind the scenes at Harewood Terminal - #210 - RNZAF
| e x ercises

                            Kieran Martin
                                aligning a
                              KU Satellite
                            Personnel on
                            patrol during
                             the exercise

Getting the                                  T
                                                    he exercise is designed to             patrol without escort through an area
                                                    prepare personnel for operations       that was thought to have enemy in it;
                                                    and the scenario mirrors previous      along to Afghanistan where RNZAF CIS

Word Out                                     operations where communications
                                             personnel have been deployed to
                                                                                           (Communications Information Systems)
                                                                                           personnel were pulled out of the
                                             conflict zones.                               command post and went on patrol with
                                                                                           Army during the earlier stages.
b   ED ITO R                                 “We are responsible for providing the Air
y   R E b ecca Qu i lliam                    Force with Command, Communications,           “They had Kevlar helmets and flak
                                             Control and Intelligence (C4I) for            jackets and lots of ammo,” he said.
                                             deployed operations. Whether it be            “The exercise is designed to simulate No.
                                             No. 5 Squadron in the Middle East,
Personnel from                               No. 3 Squadron deployed in the field or
                                                                                           3 Squadron operations, because that’s
                                                                                           the hardest type of communications
No. 230 Squadron’s                           providing personnel to man a command          – the aircraft is constantly mobile and
                                             post in Afghanistan,” Trevor Lewis from
communications and                           No. 230 (Mission Support) Squadron said.
                                                                                           following the contours of the land, which
                                                                                           means it is often difficult to communicate
intelligence sections                        Exercise Tunex encompasses not only           to and from.”
                                             deploying C4I assets in the field, but also
deployed in the field                        conducting some of the tactical training
                                                                                           The CIS team was providing man
                                                                                           portable small satellite communications,
recently for the                             that we might require on operations, Mr       long range high frequency radio
                                             Lewis said.
squadron’s test and                                                                        communications, short range radio
                                             “A lot of this harks back to lessons learnt   communications where the radio is
evaluation exercise.                         when the Air Force was in conflict areas      automatically changing frequency/
                                             including Mogadishu, in the 1990s; in         channel up to 100 times a minute, and
                                             East Timor, where personnel had to            Internet and NZDF computer network
                                                                                           connectivity through high speed satellite.

4 | Air Force News #210
Antarctic Flights Behind the scenes at Harewood Terminal - #210 - RNZAF
e x ercises |

                                                       “ While we may not be doing tactical
                                                         operations at the moment, it’s
                                                         something we have done historically, so
                                                         we should keep those skills going so in
                                                         the future, we know what to do.”
                                                       – Corporal Joel Dickinson

Corporal (CPL) Joel Dickinson said           It was the first time that Tunex had         It was essential for the Intelligence and
one of the CIS training requirements         involved personnel from both units in        CIS teams to cooperate in setting up and
was to work in a group of four, doing        No. 230 Squadron – CIS Flight and            providing defences for the FOB. These
24-hour shifts.                              Intelligence Flight, CPL Dickinson said.     essential tasks had to be managed
                                             The Intelligence Flight team deployed        alongside the intelligence taskings.
“We worked three hour shifts then nine
hours rest – when we would eat, sleep,       alongside the CIS team to consolidate        “When not digging shell scrapes,
man the vehicle check point and be on        junior leadership and trade skills in a      patrolling or cooking up rat packs,
sentry duty,” he said.                       tactical environment.                        analysts were responsible for providing
                                             An Intelligence Flight personnel* said       situational awareness products and
“Conditions were normal field conditions –
                                             the exercise demanded the basic or           briefings to EXCON staff as the notional
we were in tents, eating rat packs while
                                             corps military skills that is often taught   command element. This simulated the
at the Forward Operating Base (FOB)
                                             in theory but not practiced within a         support that would be provided to rotary
and Rotary Wing Forward Element.
                                             scenario for a prolong period of time.       wing and ground assets.”
Once we got into that 24-hour phase,
that’s where we were having to deploy        “Getting ambushed on the way to work
out somewhere further into the forest        made for a refreshing day at the office
with our own hoochie, and rat packs and      for intelligence flight personnel, some
setting up the comms equipment.              of whom had not been in the field since
“Not only did the team have to deal          the distant days of recruit course. Both
with the challenge of maintaining            Geospatial and Electronic Warfare
communications with big hills in the way,    analysts got stuck into the field craft
but most nights there were contacts          not often used in the office, which
from enemy party. This added to the          provided a good chance for the team
stress levels for team leaders, who were     to build on leadership skills. Working
also suffering from a lack of sleep in       alongside CIS personnel was a valuable
some cases.”                                 experience with some lessons learned
                                             on how we can help each other out in a
                                             field setting.”
                                                                                          *Not named for security reasons

                                                                                                              Air Force News #210 | 5
Antarctic Flights Behind the scenes at Harewood Terminal - #210 - RNZAF
hard yards
  to the ice
                 BY ED ITO R
            R EB ECCA Q U illiam

       Every summer season
   Christchurch Air Movements
terminal is buzzing with hundreds
  of passengers ready to check in
     and take off to Antarctica.
Antarctic Flights Behind the scenes at Harewood Terminal - #210 - RNZAF
F E AT U R E |
Antarctic Flights Behind the scenes at Harewood Terminal - #210 - RNZAF
Antarctic Flights Behind the scenes at Harewood Terminal - #210 - RNZAF
F E AT U R E |

“It’s a difficult environment to
 be operating in down there
 and we’re one of the few
 organisations that sends cargo
 directly to the ice. Knowing
 that we’ve been a key part
 of getting stuff to and from
 Antarctica, which is going to
 help be part of the ongoing
 research is a great thing.”
– Flight Lieutenant Reece Fenton

         upporting international           Flights to the frozen continent are
         scientific programmes on          dictated by the whims of its fickle
         the frozen continent is the       weather, so the trip’s postponement isn’t
  New Zealand Defence Force’s longest      an uncommon scenario for the teams that
  ongoing operation. The weather can       are tasked to get the aircraft ready and
  be treacherous for No. 40 Squadron’s     conduct cargo and passenger loading for
  Hercules and Boeing aircraft, which      the long-haul flight.
  carries researchers and cargo to the     Aircraft fly to Antarctica throughout
  remote area, so Air Force News           the year, but the summer season, from
  joined the team to find out just         October until February, is the busiest
  what it takes to get flights to the      with the long daylight hours perfect for
  inhospitable region.                     fitting in as much scientific research as
  It is still dark when the detachment     possible.
  commander and air crew gather in         Air Movements Section Commander
  a hotel room near Christchurch’s         Flight Lieutenant (FLTLT) Reece Fenton
  Harewood terminal to study weather       said if poor weather puts flights back
  reports showing conditions at            for a few days in a row, the result is a
  Antarctica’s Scott Base.                 backup of cargo at the terminal – known
  A C-130 Hercules was due to leave        colloquially as The Yard. Pallets that
  later that morning with 41 passengers,   have been built may need to be pulled
  including Italian and American           apart and rebuilt differently, or aircraft
  scientists and Antarctica New Zealand    loads re-sequenced because items for
  staff, but low cloud and fog has meant   Antarctica get reprioritised, he said.
  a 24-hour delay.

                                                                                        Air Force News #210 | 9
Antarctic Flights Behind the scenes at Harewood Terminal - #210 - RNZAF
At the start of the season, flights were   Much of the information comes                “I’m excited as always. I’m anxious to
     delayed for two weeks due to storms        not from Antarctica, but more than           finally get on the ice and see all my
     hitting the area. The impact was major     13,000km away from the Remote                co-workers down there and get some
     for the terminal and once the weather      Operations Facility at Charleston,           work done and see the beauty of the
     cleared, there was a flurry of flights     Houston, which combines air traffic          continent,” he said.
     leaving Harewood to move the backlog.      control and meteorological information,      The passengers are all weighed,
     Twelve permanent staff are based at        he said.                                     along with their carry-on luggage in
     Christchurch, with an extra 18 from        “This season we’ve got a fairly              order for the aircrew to calculate the
     all services and trades brought in         large amount of flying for Operation         largest amount of cargo they will be
     especially for the summer season.          Antarctica. We initially had 10 flights      able to load.
     Air Force personnel have to apply for      planned, where we normally hover             Pilot Officer (PLTOFF) Ryan George
     positions to be on the team and FLTLT      around the 5–8 mark. We’ve had               said after checking in all the
     Fenton encouraged them to take up the      another flight requested, which puts us      passengers they fill as much as they
     opportunity.                               to 11 and there’s scope for another one      can with cargo.
     “It’s definitely beneficial to the         on the horizon. For us, in maintaining
                                                the capability and the crew exposure         “We want to get as much on these
     serviceperson, they are doing                                                           flights as we can, because we can
     something different and seeing another     and experience, this season is pretty
                                                much exactly what we need.”                  never be sure of the next opportunity
     side of the NZDF and supporting the                                                     to get a flight down.”
     NZDF’s longest ongoing operation.          Back at the Antarctic Passenger
     Some of these people are Air Force         Terminal, passengers line up to be           Behind the scenes PLTOFF George
     logistics personnel, so it’s also adding   checked in after a 24-hour delay. Despite    and his team also take on a lot of the
     to their experience in air movements.”     the muggy Christchurch weather they          management of the flights and act as
                                                need to be kitted up in their extreme cold   a liaison with other agencies including
     Many of the Antarctic scientific                                                        Customs and the Ministry for Primary
     programmes involve gathering data to       weather gear, as there are no changing
                                                facilities on the aircraft. One of the       Industries. Returning passengers
     learn more about the effects of global                                                  also have to be checked for correct
     warming and climate change, and it         passengers, Tyler St Germaine, doesn’t
                                                mind the extra layers and is keen to get     paperwork and to ensure nothing illicit
     was a privilege to be able to support                                                   is brought back into the country.
     that work, FLTLT Fenton said.              on the Hercules.
                                                It’s the American graduate student’s         “Occasionally passengers return from
     Detachment Commander Squadron                                                           Antarctica with things like rocks – like
     Leader Brad Scott said a large portion     forth trip to the ice and he will be
                                                working on Bicep (Background Imaging         a little rock they’ve found that could
     of his job was keeping an eye on the                                                    be a souvenir, but the Antarctic Treaty
     weather, tracking trends and identifying   of Cosmic Extragalactic Polarisation),
                                                at the South Pole.                           prohibits anything like that back being
     any potential incoming hazards,                                                         removed without proper authorisation,
     including incoming storms.                                                              so we pass that information on to their
                                                                                             respective Antarctic agency.”

                                                                                        B y the N umbers :


                                                                                              Passengers moved

                                                                                              Kgs of cargo moved

10 | Air Force News #210
F E AT U R E |

Air Force News #210 | 11
| O P E R AT I O N S

 Hercules a Heavy Lifter
 for Coalition Forces in
 the Middle East
 An air transport team
                                          32-strong detachment and             “The exchanges provide an opportunity
                                          a C-130 Hercules aircraft            for junior members to build professional
 is contributing to                       have been operating with the         relationships and gain an appreciation
                                  Australian Defence Force’s Air Mobility      for working with other equipment
 stability and security           Task Group to transport supplies and         and aircraft, as well as gain insights
 in the Middle East,              personnel required for New Zealand,          into different cargo and passenger
                                  Australian and coalition operations in       procedures.
 flying more than 2000            the Middle East.
                                                                               “They have also helped foster better
 coalition troops and             NZDF air transport team Detachment           cohesion and working relationships with
                                  Commander Squadron (SQNLDR)                  our coalition partners.”
 about 550 tonnes of              Leader Ben Woodhouse said flying
                                                                               The NZDF team includes
 supplies across the              personnel in and out of theatre and
                                                                               aircraft technicians, logistics
                                  transporting essential equipment and
 region since their               supplies was vital to sustaining coalition
                                                                               and communications specialists,
                                                                               maintenance personnel, and an
 mission began in May.            operations across the region.
                                                                               Air Movements Load Team that is
                                  “Airlift support serves as a lifeline to     supporting coalition aircraft in the region.
                                  these land-based missions,” he said.
                                                                               The current mission builds on the
                                  “The entire team has done a lot of heavy     success of air transport deployments in
                                  lifting together with our Australian         2016 and 2017.
                                  Defence Force partners.”
                                  The integration of the air transport team
                                  with coalition partners had been boosted
                                  by the recent start of brief exchanges
                                  with the Royal Air Force’s (RAF) Air
                                  Movements Load team, SQNLDR
                                                                               B y the N umbers :
“ In a tangible way, we           Woodhouse said.
 have contributed to              Through the exchanges, NZDF Air Load         2,350 coalition troops
 maintaining security             personnel worked briefly with the RAF’s
                                  Air Mobility Division and learned how
 and stability in the             they load and unload British military        550 tonnes of supplies
                                  transport aircraft, including the Airbus     delivered (approx.)
 Middle East.”                    A400M, Boeing C-17 Globemaster and
                                  Voyager, as well as their procedures in      570 hours
– Squadron Leader Ben Woodhouse   handling cargo and passengers.               flown (approx.)

 12 | Air Force News #210

 Preparing                         B
                                           ase Contingency Forces              The BCF carries out different training
                                           (BCF) are required to help          each month.
                                           when disasters strike their

 for the Worst
                                                                               “This includes chainsaw training courses
                                   local areas, which means they need to
                                                                               –if trees are down across roads, we have
                                   prepare for the worst, whatever that
                                                                               the ability to clear them, we also focus
                                   may be.
                                                                               on stress resilience and critical incident
 b   EDITOR                        Recently, the team at Base Ohakea           response management where there
 y   REbecca Quilliam              broadened their skills by completing        is a potential for coming across some
                                   a pyrotechnic handler’s course using        gruesome stuff.
                                   flares and smoke devices.
“ We could be asked to             Officer in charge of the training, Flight
                                                                               “Next month we’re doing some training
                                                                               with some rural fire fighters, plus there’s
  attend the scene if a            Lieutenant (FLTLT) Liam Barrack, said       also some monsoon bucket training for
                                   the training was in case they were ever     the helicopters,” FLTLT Barrack said.
  plane ever went down             needed at a crash scene.
                                                                               “We have to think about a wide range
  or if we were needed             The devices were day/night flares, with     of scenarios that we could be called on

  at a vehicle crash. This         a flare at one end and coloured smoke
                                   at the other.
                                                                               to do. The only thing for certain is that
                                                                               everything is uncertain.
  is the training that we          “We could be asked to attend the            “One guy in the team said ‘We embrace
  would need for items             scene if a plane ever went down or if
                                   we were needed at a vehicle crash.
                                                                               the suck’. It speaks to what the Defence
                                                                               Force does at times, sometimes we are
  that we would be                 This is the training that we would need     put in difficult situations that we have to
  required to use in that          for items that we would be required to
                                   use in that scenario.”
                                                                               deal with.”

  scenario.”                       The team was also taught an
                                   appreciation and respect for the
– Flight Lieutenant Liam Barrack   equipment, he said.

                                                                                                    Air Force News #210 | 13
| O P E R AT I O N S

                           Bringing Aid to                                T
                                                                                 he Boeing delivered about two
                                                                                 tonnes of voting equipment for
                                                                                 the Solomon Islands’ national and

                           the Solomons                                   provincial elections this year, supplies
                                                                          for the Fred Hollows Foundation, and
                                                                          more than a dozen boxes of aid to refuge
                                                                          organisation, the Ples Health Clinic.
                           b   EDITOR
                           y   REbecca Quilliam                           Air Component Commander Air
                                                                          Commodore Tim Walshe said the
                                                                          Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade was
                                                                          providing voting screens to the Solomon
                           No. 40 Squadron has kicked off the             Islands Electoral Commission.
                           New Year by delivering essential aid to        “New Zealand, together with our Pacific
                                                                          partners, contributed to restoring peace
                           the Solomon Islands. A Boeing B757             and stability in the Solomon Islands
                           touched down recently loaded up with           in the early 2000s,” Air Commodore
                                                                          Walshe said.
                           voting equipment, medical supplies and         “We are pleased that we can support the
                           aid for the island’s refuge that looks after   Solomon Islands again in a tangible way
                                                                          as it prepares for the elections.”
                           survivors of domestic violence.
                                                                          Boeing captain, Flight Lieutenant Sam
                                                                          Hatrick, said the scheduled flight also
                                                                          delivered operational supplies for The
                                                                          Fred Hollows Foundation New Zealand,

14 | Air Force News #210
O P E R AT I O N S |

                                                                                           Donated items delivered to
                                                                                           Seif Ples, Falu Maesugea
                                                                                           Seif Ples items being
                                                                                           collected from the airport
                                                                                           at Honiara
                                                                                           The New Zealand Police
                                                                                           deliver donated parcels
                                                                                           of charitable freight to Base
                                                                                           LAC Megan Cosgrove
                                                                                           processing the donated
                                                                                           goods at Air Movements AK

a non-governmental organisation               boxes of sanitary products, bags, hair
working in the Pacific to treat and           product containers, toys and other items
prevent blindness.                            they asked for.”
Engagement Director Margi Mellsop said        The council realised the delivery costs
the Foundation’s Regional Eye Centre in       and logistics of the donations to the
Honiara would use the supplies to deliver     Solomon Islands were going to be a
eye care services to communities across       “major problem”, Ms McInally said.
the country.
The National Council of Women was
                                              “That’s when the Air Force came to the
                                              fore. The NZ Police picked the items up
                                                                                          “ We have been working
behind the initiative to get 13 boxes of      from my house and delivered them to           for more than a year
aid to Seif Ples, which offers care to        Base Auckland.
women and children survivors of domestic                                                    to get these materials
                                              “If we didn’t have the buy-in of the free
violence. Among the items donated were
sanitary products, bags, clothing and toys.
                                              transportation, we could not even have        to the Solomon
The council’s Auckland Branch Executive
                                              considered helping the women in the
                                              Solomon Islands. It just would not have
                                                                                            Islands. Without the
Member, Catherine McInally, met with          been a possibility.”                          NZDF’s assistance
Waitematā Police to collaborate and
deliver the items to Base Auckland.
                                              The donations arrived in Honiara and          we would not have
                                              were received by Seif Ples coordinator
“We were told not to send money, but          Falu Maesugea, who said they relied on        been able to get them
to send items. We got in touch with Seif
Ples and they gave us a list of what
                                              donations and had run out of sanitary
                                              products the previous week. She
they needed. We put that list out to our      thanked New Zealand as a whole for
members and organisations we look             being so supportive and assisting with      – Margi Mellsop
after, and we ended up with boxes and         the running of the centre.

                                                                                                                    Air Force News #210 | 15
| A ll geared up

      In the                              Head Protection
                                          Locally made in

      Hot Seat
                                          Whanganui, the helmet
                                          is especially designed
                                          for aviation and Army

      Our firefighters are about
      to be issued custom-made
      firefighting clothing fitted with
      heat-dispersal technology.
      The gear meets Australia/
      New Zealand safety
      standards and allows the
      firefighters to work in
      military theatres around
      the world. The clothing
      will be in use from May,
      but Sergeant Nick Hawke
      gives us a sneak peek
      at the new kit and the
      advantages it will bring.

         Jacket and Trousers
         Designed in Bristol,
         England, the clothing has               Boots
         small bubbles between
         each layer that allows                  The leather boots are
         pockets for air to pass                 imported from Croatia.
         through. The system                     The material disperses
         disperses heat, rather than             heat more effectively
         trapping it underneath,                 than rubber boots and
         allowing the body to stay               do not melt like their
         cool. Both the jacket and               rubber predecessors.
         trousers have been fit                  They meet ICAO
         ergonomically to each                   (International Civil
         firefighter. It features radio          Aviation Organisation)
         pockets and knee and                    safety standards, are
         elbow protection                        lightweight and fit

16 | Air Force News #210
all geared up |

             Breathing Aparatus                                                                              Radio
             Worn when entering                                                                              Allows the user to operate
             an aircraft or building                                                                         on VHF and UHF on the
             where there is a toxic                                                                          base and working alongside
             environment, smoke                                                                              Fire and Emergency
             and heat                                                                                        New Zealand

                                                                                                              Entry Tool
                                                                                                              Designed to open doors
                                                                                                              and windows that are
                                                                                                              locked, to gain entry into a
                                                                                                              building or aircraft

                                                                                                              Jaws of Life
          Used for identifying
                                                                                                              For extraction of trapped
          hazards and risks inside an
                                                                                                              people inside an aircraft or
          aircraft or building
                                                               Rural Firefighting Helmet                      crashed vehicle
                                                               Used when fighting wildland fires

                                                                                               To find out more about being a
                                                                                               Royal New Zealand Air Force fire fighter,
*Note: the gloves pictured are from the previous firefighter clothing and will be phased out   visit

                                                                                                                           Air Force News #210 | 17
| F LY I N G H I G H

Hone Skills in
South Island
Keeping a stream of            All the pilots on the course are
                               converting from other RNZAF aircraft
                                                                           “For example, pilots on the Orion
                                                                           would not have a lot of mountain flying,
highly skilled pilots          and have been captains on either C-130      but plenty of search and rescue and
                               Hercules, P-3K2 Orion, Boeing B757          surveillance experience.”
flowing through the            and NH90 MUH capability.
                                                                           The pilots were training out of
veins of the RNZAF             They are getting to grips with the          Christchurch over December and
comes down to the high         capability and power of the T-6C Texan II
                               aircraft in navigation, formation and
                                                                           January. Being away from home base
                                                                           with four T-6C aircraft familiarised them
calibre of qualified flying    low-level flying in terrains they may not   with operating around the country with
                               have encountered before.                    the aircraft in scenarios they would
instructors, some of which                                                 encounter with future students.
                               The flying instructors’ course can be
have honed their skills        considered in two parts. The first part     “We really appreciate the communities
in the South Island skies      is converting already skilled pilots onto
                               the T-6C and the second part is training
                                                                           around New Zealand that welcome us
                                                                           to train in their back yards. We need
recently as part of a flying   those pilots to be excellent instructors.   to be able to train in all terrains and
                                                                           scenarios to ensure we are ready for all
instructor’s course.           “They all have different skillsets, and
                                                                           eventualities,” says SQNLDR Peters
                               this is a great opportunity for them
                               to cross pollinate the knowledge,           “Qualified Flying Instructors are crucial
                               experiences, thought processes and          to keep the ab initio pilot training going
                               tactics they have gathered over their       and to ensure we have an uninterrupted
                               careers,” says Central Flying School        flow of pilots through the Air Force.
                               Flight Commander Squadron Leader
                                                                           “This is a high priority flying course in
                               (SQNLDR) James Peters.
                                                                           the Air Force, as these future instructors
                               “They all bring something different         will grow the next generations of RNZAF
                               to the table and this course is about       pilots and aircrew.”
                               standardising those skills and getting
                               everyone at the same level.

18 | Air Force News #210
F LY I N G H I G H |

“ This is a high priority
  flying course in the
  Air Force, as these
  future instructors
  will grow the next
  generations of RNZAF
  pilots and aircrew.”
–Squadron Leader James Peters

                      Air Force News #210 | 19
| # facesofyourforce

Aeromedical                          T
                                            he Senior Medical Officer has          After Pharmacy studies and compulsory
                                            been New Zealand’s Head of             military training there, he qualified as
                                            Delegation for the Aero-Space          a doctor at Pretoria University Medical

Evacuation                           Medical Working Group (AMWG) to AFIC
                                     for the past 15 years and recently hosted
                                                                                   School, and returned to work in accident
                                                                                   and emergency at a hospital in Cape

                                     the group’s annual meeting, in the new        Town.
                                     Air Medicine Unit at Base Auckland.           Due to the political situation in South

                                     Aeromedical evacuation includes               Africa, he and his family moved to
                                     medical evacuations normally carried          Dargaville where he worked as a General
                                     out by C-130 Hercules and NH90s. They         Practitioner and was involved with the
                                     range from short haul local flights to        local air training corp.
b   S enior communications advisor   international flights.                        “I was encouraged to go to Waiouru
y   suzi ph illips
                                     WGCDR Hurley said the challenge               Military Camp and attend the Regular
                                     was to maintain the same level of care        Officer Selection Board for the Army.”
                                     for a patient during transportation in        He was offered a commission and took a
Wing Commander                       an unforgiving environment as any             posting to Linton Army Camp.
                                     other time.
(WGCDR) Peter Hurly                                                                While WGCDR Hurly was working as a
                                     “Medics need to be proactive in               GP in Palmerston North, Base Ohakea’s
has specialised in                   assessing a patient’s needs during flight     then Base Commander invited him to
aeromedical evacuation               as sometimes trying to carry out certain
                                     procedures in flight can be very difficult
                                                                                   take up a reservist position there. In
                                                                                   2001 he became director of Air Force
for nearly 20 years and              and not without some risk.”                   Medicine and in that role, took over
                                                                                   as head of delegation at ASSC – the
that work has recently               Deputy Chief of Air Force Air
                                                                                   forerunner to AFIC.
                                     Commodore Mark Brunton said WGCDR
been recognised with a               Hurly had contributed significantly to the    “In my time with AFIC I was involved in
commendation for his                 organisation in many aspects and guises
                                     over the years and was instrumental
                                                                                   training aeromedical evacuation crews
                                                                                   and in progressing the initial drive to
service to the Air Force             in providing a level of consistency that      develop a capability especially with a
                                     has ensured the AMWG has continued            partnership with RAAF,” he says.
Inter-operability Council            to add value across all the Five Eyes         “I revamped courses and restarted the
(AFIC), a Five Eyes group.           operational and training spheres.             Search and Rescue (SAR) course, which
                                                                                   had fallen into limbo - and we opened
                                     “Peter’s achievements for AFIC include
                                                                                   training to all services.
                                     re-writing the publications on malaria,
                                     and the aircrew medications to be used        In the future WGCDR Hurly would like
                                     while maintaining flying status, helicopter   to see progress on the aeromedical
                                     under-water escape apparatus and flying       evacuation simulator for training, as
                                     and diving.”                                  well as developing advancement of
                                                                                   Aviation Medical Officer (AvMO) training
                                     WGCDR Hurly immigrated to New Zealand
                                                                                   and credentialing.
                                     from Cape Town in South Africa in 1987.

20 | Air Force News #210
eX E R C I S E S |

Preparing for a                         T
                                              he inter-agency exercise’s           A Boeing B757 with six crew collected
                                              fictional scenario was centred on    the New Zealand citizens and the
                                              an outbreak of Middle Eastern        exercise began with the aircraft en route

Health Crisis                           Respiratory Syndrome (MERS).
                                        The scenario was carried out as part
                                                                                   to Whenuapai after leaving Abu Dhabi
                                                                                   International Airport.
                                        of the ongoing collaboration between       Near to New Zealand, the captain
b   S EN I O R communications advisor   New Zealand ’s border agencies to          reported a number of health issues
y   suzi ph illips                      support the status of Whenuapai            emerging with the situation fast
                                        Airfield as a designated international     deteriorating. One New Zealand citizen
                                        Point of Entry.                            was reported deceased, one severely
                                                                                   unwell and nine mildly unwell.
An aircraft with                        “The border health exercise aimed to
                                        practice, assess, and review all the       MERS required notification to the World
passengers suffering                    tasks required to deliver an appropriate   Health Organisation and New Zealand
                                        response to a notifiable disease           had to implement border entry and exit
from a potentially fatal                incident at Base Auckland and the          measures due to the potential public
disease was the focus                   subsequent processing and quarantine       health risks.
                                        of passengers,” says exercise planner
for Base Auckland                       and Whenuapai Airport manager,
                                                                                   The exercise focused on a parked
                                                                                   Boeing at the base and required
in a border health                      David Bacon.                               participants to work closely with the
                                        “We have to ensure personnel               Auckland Region Public Health Medical
exercise recently.                      are trained and current with their         Officer of Health who came on site.
                                        knowledge of emergency procedures,         Other agencies involved in the exercise
                                        so that we are ready to respond to a       included St John Ambulance, Ministry
                                        potential border health emergency.”        of Health, Customs, Ministry for Primary
                                                                                   Industries, NZ Police, and the Auckland
                                        In the exercise scenario, the
                                                                                   Council’s Civil Defence team.
                                        New Zealand Government evacuated
                                        embassy staff from a number of             “Like every exercise there are lots of
                                        countries in the Middle East due to        lessons learnt, but feedback from the
                                        the threat from MERS – a potentially       Auckland Region Public Health service
                                        fatal disease.                             and our supporting agencies was
                                                                                   positive,” says Mr Bacon.
                                        The NZDF was tasked with
                                        transporting 24 New Zealand citizens       “It was timely because the Ministry of
                                        from the United Arab Emirates after        Health is predicting some significant
                                        the national carriers from a number        strains of illness to come out of certain
                                        of regional states refused to carry        parts of the world next year,” he says.
                                        Western diplomats and embassy staff.       “All New Zealand Ports of Entry are
                                                                                   required to exercise their border health

                                                                                                        Air Force News #210 | 21
Head in
       the clouds
       Air Force technology is
       constantly developing and
       it’s interesting to see how
       far we’ve come over the
       years. This is the first piece
       in a series looking at our
       modern kit compared with
       the historical versions our
       airmen used.

       Gosport Tube
       Flying Helmet
       YEAR:    c1940

       In the earliest days of aviation
       communication between crew members
       in aircraft with open cockpits was virtually
       impossible. These leather ‘Gosport tube’
       flying helmets were designed towards the
       end of World War I in an effort to improve
       inter-cockpit communications. Each
       helmet had provision for earphones, and
       a simple speaking tube fitted to the side
       with a mouthpiece, which would in turn
       connect to the head set of the other crew
       member, enabling them to speak to each
       other. This design was used right through
       the inter-war period and into World
       War II. Eventually, as radio transmitting
       technology improved, specialised flying
       helmets were developed that incorporated
       radio communications equipment.

        From the collection of the Air Force Museum of New Zealand

22 | Air Force News #210

YEAR:   2018

Our helmets have come a long way in
nearly 80 years. Pilots who fly the T-6C
Texan aircraft wear state-of-the-art
helmets that incorporate the latest
technology. The graphite outer shell is
light in weight but delivers solid head
protection and inside is lined with an
energy-absorbing liner that absorbs
and reduces impact forces. It provides
enhanced sound reduction for the aircrew
with improved hearing protection and
speech communications and allows the
aircrew member to communicate both
inside and outside the aircraft. The snap
on visor can be removed quickly and
offers protection from windblast, high light
intensity and debris from canopy or wind
screen failure. Attached to the helmet is
an oxygen mask providing breathing air to
the pilot.

                                          Air Force News #210 | 23
| what ’ s cooking

                                                                           “ What we’ve ended
New Facility                                                                 up with is a totally
Brings Peace                                                                 re-furbished facility.
                                                                             The walls, ceiling,
of Mind                                                                      floor, chillers, office,
                                                                             storage, layout and
                                                                             air conditioning are
b   ED ITO R
y   R E b ecca Qu i lliam

                                                                             all new.”

The heart of the home
                                    ase Auckland is pleased to have         The catering was always being completed
                                    its ‘new and improved’ in-flight        to a high standard, but before the
is the kitchen and                  kitchen up and running, which           remodel, staff were ‘making do’ with the
                            looks really good and it’s operationally        facility that wasn’t built specifically for
Base Auckland’s heart       efficient and compliant to modern               in-flight meal preparation”. Mr Letica said.
has just undergone a        regulation” Hospitality Business                There was a fair amount of uprooting
                            Manager Neven Letica said.
major make-over. The        The refurbishment has been a long time
                                                                            during the work, with the in-flight
                                                                            kitchen moved to the Officers’ Mess
long-awaited work on        coming and was initiated about three            and the Officers’ Mess moved to the
                            years ago after it was decided a new            Combined Mess.
its in-flight kitchen has   floor was necessary.                            “During the renovation period the
resulted in state-of-       “The floor was completely unsafe, so            Combined Mess staff prepared all the
the art equipment and       I wanted a new floor, but there were
                            legacy issues with the rest of the
                                                                            food for the base customers and the
                                                                            Officers’ Mess prepared all the food for
a design layout that’s      building as well,” Mr Letica said.              the aircraft. We operated like that for
                                                                            about seven months and the contractor
fit for purpose.            “What we’ve ended up with is a totally
                                                                            ESS, did a really good job providing
                            re-furbished facility. The walls, ceiling,
                                                                            uninterrupted delivery during this time
                            floor, chillers, office, storage, layout and
                                                                            of major disruption.” he said.
                            air conditioning are all new. It’s built
                            to modern standards, to modern code             “From my point of view it’s a great story
                            and to best practice, including strict          about ESS, our commercial caterers
                            in-flight kitchen standards. This total         working closely with the squadrons
                            upgrade has given me greater peace of           and how well they work together. The
                            mind knowing there is a fully functioning       switch-back to ‘normal ops’ was also
                            facility that’s fit for purpose.”               seamless.
                            The building is attached to the Bristol         “It’s the NZDF’s responsibility to have
                            Block and provides in-flight catering           a facility that is fit-for-purpose for the
                            for No.s 5, 6 and 40 Squadrons as               contractor, so that was one of the
                            well as other visiting domestic and             drivers behind me pushing for the
                            international aircraft.                         project to go ahead.”

24 | Air Force News #210
Air Force News #210 | 25

                      Air Power –

                      AIR MOBILITY

Air mobility creates
                                                  ir mobility is a vital capability that   theatres) or intra-theatre (within a
                                                  allows a country to project its          theatre), and can use a traditional ‘hub
strategic effects by                              forces to and within crisis areas        and spoke’ logistics delivery model as
                                          in the quickest possible time, often             well as providing direct access to smaller
moving personnel,                         over significant distance. Air mobility          and/or austere airfields. Air logistic
materiel or forces using                  aircraft utilise the air power advantages        support operations, particularly inter-
                                          of speed and reach, but limitations in           theatre, can, and often do, include the
airborne platforms, and                   payload, basing, and cost can often              use of civilian aircraft. Naval helicopters
it enables operational                    make them impractical for transporting
                                          anything more than a small proportion
                                                                                           provide vital fleet air logistic support by
                                                                                           delivering ship-to-shore, and ship-to-ship
and tactical manoeuvre                    of bulk cargo needs, such as during a            transfers of personnel and supplies.
                                          humanitarian disaster. Therefore, air
and sustainment.                          mobility is often accompanied by sea
                                                                                           Airborne operations is about moving
                                                                                           combat forces and their logistic support
                                          and/or land mobility capabilities.
                                                                                           into a contested objective area and
                                          The air mobility role includes the air           subsequently sustain, or extract them,
                                          power missions of: air logistic support,         when required. Delivery may be achieved
                                          airborne operations, air-to-air refuelling,      by either air-land, where the aircraft
This article is part of an occasional     and aeromedical evacuation.                      lands at its objective, or air-drop, where
series of articles produced by the                                                         the cargo is dropped out of the aircraft
                                          Air logistic support is conducted to
Air Power Development Centre to help                                                       while in flight. Airborne operations
                                          deploy, distribute or recover personnel,
demystify the concepts of air power, so                                                    generally consist of short to medium
                                          materiel or forces, and includes the
we can all understand how air forces                                                       distance flights, and may involve
                                          transport of VIPs in a secure travel
use air capabilities to influence the                                                      significant physical risk, especially from
                                          environment. Air logistic support
                                                                                           enemy ground fire. It facilitates rapid air
course of events.                         missions may be inter-theatre (between
                                                                                           movement of forces and supplies within

26 | Air Force News #210

                                                                                             C-130 Hercules
                                                                                             RIGHT TOP:
                                                                                             RIGHT BOTTOM:
                                                                                             Boeing B757

                                                                                             transportation. It consists of activities
                                                                                             ranging from evacuating casualties
                                                                                             from the battlefield to a field hospital, to
                                                                                             repatriating wounded personnel back
                                                                                             home. The capability includes the ability
                                                                                             for patients to receive critical care from
                                                                                             the point of embarkation.
                                                                                             Four Air Force squadrons have air
                                                                                             mobility capabilities. The capability
                                                                                             to project New Zealand’s forces
                                                                                             internationally (inter-theatre air logistic
                                                                                             support) is vested in No. 40 Squadron,
                                                                                             which operates the Boeing B757 and
                                                                                             C-130 Hercules aircraft to achieve
                                                                                             some of the principle roles of the NZDF:
                                                                                             supporting New Zealand’s Antarctic
                                                                                             presence, conducting operations in the
                                                                                             South Pacific, supporting peace and
                                                                                             security in the Asia Pacific region, and
a theatre, and can enable a numerically        of refuelling to extend their range, and      contributing to international peace and
small force to dominate a large                the ability to take off with less fuel than   security. Intra-theatre air logistic support
geographical One such aircraft used            would otherwise be needed also means          is delivered by No. 40 Squadron’s
by the RNZAF was the Andover, which            that heavier payloads are able to be          Hercules, No. 42 Squadron’s King Air
was a versatile six-tonne payload airlifter    carried. Air-to-air refuelling aircraft are   KA350, No. 6 Squadron’s SH-2G(I)
that was operated widely throughout the        force multipliers and therefore valuable      Seasprite, and No. 3 Squadron’s NH90
Pacific, and further afield in support of UN   targets. The development of stealth           and A109. Airborne operations is the
missions in Africa and the Middle East.        aircraft and long-range missiles has          preserve of No. 3 Squadron’s NH90
                                               meant that large tanker aircraft are          and No. 40 Squadron’s Hercules while
Air-to-air refuelling has become a critical
                                               becoming more and more vulnerable             the latter’s Boeing can be reconfigured
enabler of force projection as it extends
                                               to enemy attack, and therefore may            to provide a specialised AME fit. The
the range and endurance of the receiving
                                               require the support of fighter aircraft to    RNZAF does not currently have any
aircraft, and enhances payload. Modern
                                               protect them, along with use of modern        air-to-air refuelling capability, either
fighter aircraft are often called upon to
                                               countermeasures.                              tanker or receiver.
travel vast distances to their targets and
back, provide persistent air patrols, or       Aeromedical evacuation (AME) is the           In the next article, we will explore the
transit across oceans to staging areas.        movement of patients to and between           idea of ISR.
Transport aircraft benefit from this type      medical treatment facilities by air

                                                                                                                   Air Force News #210 | 27
| organising e x cellence

DSSG Celebrates Achievements
Defence Shared Services
                                   he event provided the perfect
                                   opportunity to recognise
Group (DSSG) held                  exceptional accomplishment of
                            individuals and teams. Emphasis was          recipients:
their second Excellence     on excellence in ongoing business
Awards evening at Ohakea    improvement, innovation, customer
                                                                         DSSG Game Changer
                            centricity and leadership skills. There
recently, celebrating the   were nine awards, with a rigorous            Neven Letica (Whenuapai)
success of their world-     nomination and judging process.              and Ivan Fedoryshchev
                            DSSG General Manager Rik Anderson
class shared services,      noted the significant number of
                                                                         “Hospitality Survey” (Woodbourne)

nationwide organisation.    nominations this year, including those
                            from New Zealand Defence Force               Rookie of the Year
                            (NZDF) personnel. It was the first time      Pauline Fa’avae (Burnham)
                            external submissions were possible.
                            “People outside of DSSG, who have
                            seen DSSG supporting those who serve,        People’s Choice
                            have taken it upon themselves to come        Renee Bruckner (Trentham)
                            forward and nominate our people”.
                                                                         Virginia Gotlieb (Trentham)
                            DSSG Director Glenda Parata was
                            humbled by the continued efforts of          Felicity Wilson-Albert (Linton)
                            the staff, who were operating in a           Jo Atkinson (Whenuapai)
                            challenging fiscal environment, yet
                                                                         Alice Attridge (HQNZDF)
                            went to extraordinary efforts to ensure
                            minimal disruption to outputs. She
                            defined the qualities required to win the    Director’s Award for
                            DSSG Director’s Award for Excellence,        Organisational Leadership
                            “innovative, passionate about what we
                                                                         Alice Attridge (HQNZDF)
                            are doing, customer focused, has fun,
                            is dedicated, but looks for innovation
                            across DSSG. Not just across their team      Supporting Those Who Serve
                            or their location, but excellence across
                                                                         Team Whenuapai
                            the whole organisation”.
                            Ainslie Hollow was the winner of the
                            Director’s Award, who received multiple      Service Centre of the Year
                            nominations. Ainslie’s nominations           Team Ohakea
                            supported her consistent demonstration
                            of the DSSG Director’s Principles: people
                            orientated, professionalism, team DSSG,      Paradigm Shift Award
                            and accountability. Notably, Ainslie was     Courtnay Grant (HQNZDF)
                            commended for her drive and passion of
                            training others, as well as her ability to
                            inspire high morale.                         Lynette Davies Award for
                                                                         Performance Excellence
                            A new memorial award was presented
                            this year for Performance Excellence,        Caroline Jensen (Whenuapai)
                            with the trophy donated by Wing
                            Commander Mike Lefebvre, husband of
                                                                         Director’s Award
                            the late Lynette Davies, a well-regarded
                                                                         for Excellence
                            and respected Customer Support Agent.
                                                                         Ainslie Hollow (Whenuapai)
                            DSSG supports NZDF’s strategic
                            outcomes, and is responsible for the
                            efficient and effective delivery of shared
                            services to the entire New Zealand
                            Defence Force.
Ainslie Hollows

28 | Air Force News #210
e x tra – curricular |

Weekend at                                A
                                                   ll junior personnel at the       Other regular trips are:
                                                   Marlborough base have the
                                                                                    • Rafting on the Clarence River
                                                   opportunity to take part in

Woodbourne                                extra-curricular activities through the
                                          In Loco Parentis scheme, including
                                                                                    • Kayaking to Bluemine Island
                                                                                    • Marlborough Sounds boat trip to Ship
                                          skiing, rafting and tramping. The           Cove and Motuara Island
                                          activities are planned and run by
                                          enthusiastic volunteers from base.        • Tramping up Mt Owen

The fun doesn’t stop                      The NZDF provides support through         • Completing the West Coast’s
                                          vehicles, food, and some facilities or      Charming Creek walkway
at Base Woodbourne                        equipment. The Base Welfare Fund          • Mountain biking to St Arnaud and
just because it’s the                     provides some subsidies towards             Kaiteriteri
                                          activities and use of Hire equipment.
weekend.                                  The activities offered are geared
                                                                                    • Snorkelling and gathering paua
                                                                                    • Fishing
                                          towards either a sports intro session,
                                          an adventurous activity, or a regional    Any enquiries or suggestions for trips
                                          Marlborough showcase type of activity     can be directed to Flight Sergeant Garth
                                          – many branch out across all three of     Haylock at LTS. We are always grateful
                                          these areas.                              to have people volunteer to run a trip.
                                          Recent activities have included
                                          clay target shooting and ski trips to
                                          Rainbow ski field, with the ski field
                                          generously donating free ski passes
                                          for the last trip.

Havoc Unleashed
Manoeuvrist Approach
The manoeuvrist approach seeks to shatter the enemy’s
cohesion through a series of actions orchestrated to
a single purpose that creates a turbulent and rapidly
deteriorating situation that the enemy cannot cope with.

Air Power in Action

                                                                                                       Air Force News #210 | 29
| capability

                            Right Capability
                            Delivering the Right
                            Military Effect

                           “ My vision for the Defence Capability
                             Change Action Programme is always
                             seen through the eyes of our sailors,
                             soldiers and airmen. It’s about
                             getting the right military capability
                             that delivers the military effect
                             expected. It must provide our men
                             and women with the competence
                             and confidence to operate when we
                             put them in harm’s way.”
                           – Chief of Defence Force, Air Marshal Kevin Short

                                  ogether the Ministry of Defence        to ensure our people are equipped
                                  and the New Zealand Defence            with the right tools to do their jobs; to
                                  Force are aiming to become an          ensure mission success; to provide
                            International Exemplar in capability         confidence that our people are
                            management for a nation of this size,        protected; and that our people have the
                            by 2020. To realise this goal the joint      right skills to use the new capability.
                            Defence Capability Change Action             At the time of initiating the DCCAP
                            Programme (DCCAP) was initiated in           programme, Defence’s forecast
                            2015 to lead both organisations through      capability investment was in the region
                            the changes.                                 of almost $20 billion through to 2030.
                            To ensure success, the DCCAP                 As part of her vision for the DCCAP,
                            programme is a partnership co-owned          Ms Quilter wanted to move from a
                            by the Secretary of Defence Helene           functional approach to capability
                            Quilter and the Vice Chief of Defence,       management to a structured, integrated
                            Air Vice-Marshal (AVM) Tony Davies,          approach based on understanding
                            who are leading the effort to embed the      capability management as a complex,
                            changes over the next 18 months.             interdependent system.
                            The DCCAP is improving how Defence           She wanted New Zealand to be
                            procures all types, sizes and scales of      recognised as an international
                            capability, and how these capabilities are   exemplar where Government could
                            introduced into service.                     expect complex military capabilities to
                                                                         be defined, developed and delivered
                            It is important we purchase the best
                                                                         on time, within budget, to quality
                            capability available for our needs, not
                                                                         standards, and for the purpose
                            just from a financial perspective, but
                                                                         intended by Government.

30 | Air Force News #210
P-8A Poseidon cockpit

At the heart of all the changes is the       “This means using our military expertise       “But more importantly, that service
Capability Management System (CMS).          as subject matter experts, bringing the        people know about and genuinely look
The CMS is the guidance, standards,          expertise into the projects a lot earlier to   forward to the new capabilities, and they
frameworks, enablers, tools and people       support better quality capability, more        receive the training and preparation they
required to undertake Capability             seamless integration, and a ‘no surprises’     need ahead of time,” she says.
Management activities.                       approach across our Services.”
It is underpinned by the Capability          The DCCAP is a big project with
Management Framework (CMF)                   ambitious goals, Defence is currently just
Online. CMF Online sets out the roles        over the halfway point and the Ministry is
and responsibilities processes and           pleased with how change is progressing,
procedures for how Ministry and NZDF         noting the future state will significantly
staff jointly deliver capability projects.   improve how Defence manages all                  Projects underway in
It can be accessed by all Defence            aspects of new capability.                       the air domain using
staff and ensures Defence processes
are implemented in a consistent,
                                             Ms Quilter said by 2020 we will be in a          the new CMS:
                                             position to better anticipate our future
repeatable way.                              capability needs over a longer period.           • Air Surveillance Maritime Patrol
AVM Davies said fundamental to the           “We would have improved how we                   • Future Air Mobility
CMS was the early lifecycle thinking         achieve better accuracy in acquisition             Capability Project
and planning for critical elements           costs, the personnel needs to operate
such as user requirements, capability                                                         • NH90 Flight Training Device
                                             and support the new capability, and our
integration and through life support.        ability to fund the capabilities through
                                             their lifetime.

                                                                                                                Air Force News #210 | 31

High Calibre                    T
                                       here is one date of importance      Dix Cup, awarded to the competitor
                                       in the calendar of any RNZAF        obtaining the highest individual score
                                       service rifle shooter and           was awarded to SGT Nicholas Ransfield.

at Shooting                     competition is getting fierce. The 2018
                                Inter-base service rifle competition was
                                                                           Top Shot awarded to the competitor
                                                                           obtaining the highest aggregate score

                                conducted on Parsons Range to select a     was awarded to SGT Nicholas Ransfield.
                                team for the New Zealand Service Rifle
                                Association (NZSRA).                       RNZAF has grown very quickly in the
                                                                           discipline of service rifle shooting and
                                Compared to the 2017 competition           the team selected to represent at the
b   SQ UA D R O N LE A D ER     this Inter-base shoot had grown
y   WI N WALKE R                                                           Easter 2019 Service Rifle Competition
                                in competitor’s numbers and the            will be a credible threat to the top prizes.
                                competitive edge shown by both teams       The growth of experienced RCO’s
                                and individual shooters.                   and key range appointments has also
What does winning look          The event consisted of various serials     enabled the team to be self-reliant.
like you may ask? It’s          from the Inter-base Service Rifle Course   Combine this with the fast handling and
                                of Fire with ranges out to 300m. The       highly capable MARS-L and the winning
the single patch on the         look and feel of the competition was       formula is complete.
ragged group of an RNZAF        set up to accustom shooters to what
                                they would expect from an NZSRA
                                                                           An acknowledgement and many thanks
                                                                           to Linton Military Camp S7 Branch and
service rifle target!           shoot with preparedness being an           RNZAF Base Ohakea for hosting the
                                individual shooters responsibility.        competition and providing support to the
                                Competitors travelled from Wellington,     competitors. No. 42 Sqn and LC(A) for
                                Woodbourne, Ohakea and Whenuapai           providing transport. Thanks also to the
                                for the event which produced numerous      organisers, RCOs, supporting trades and
                                marksmanship winning performances          the participants themselves for injecting
                                with the following being awarded           so much energy into the competition.
ABOVE:                          trophies in prize categories:
Shooters on the 300m mound.                                                Should any readers be interested in
                                RNZAF Rosebowl, awarded to the five        participating in future competitions or
The MARS-L has enabled
shooters to achieve better      person team obtaining the highest          being selected for the Service Rifle Team
results at longer ranges with   aggregate score was awarded to RNZAF       then please contact your local base
the enhanced optics             Base Auckland                              shooting sports club for details.

32 | Air Force News #210

Notices                                                                                                                        Air Power
Boy Entrant                                                    579 Aircrew                                                     Centre Quiz
Class of 1961!                                                 reunion                                                         1.      Describe the rank distinguishing
                                                                                                                                       flag (pennant) of an Air Vice-
60 Reunion for 17 Course
                                                               The 40 year reunion of
RNZAF Boy Entrants                                             579 Aircrew will be celebrated on                                       Marshal of the RNZAF.
                                                               the weekend of 17–19 May 2019                                   2.      Who wrote: “Once the command
The anniversary will fall in January
                                                               in the Auckland area.                                                   of the air is obtained by one of the
2021. If any K, J and L Flights are
interested in joining M Flight in                              A lot of laughs anticipated!                                            contending armies, the war must
celebrating this occasion in February                          If you were part of the                                                 become a conflict between the
2021 at the Marlborough Club                                   579 Aircrew course in May 1979                                          seeing host and one that is blind”?
Blenheim and Base Woodbourne,                                  or know someone who was,                                        3.      Which WWII bomb was bigger: the
contact Ralph Brunsdon at                                      please contact Paul Simpson;                                            Grand Slam, or Tallboy?                              or
                                                               021 1420388                                                     4.      In broad terms, what is the range
                                                                                                                                       of an IRCM, an Intermediate Range

No. 41                                                                                                                                 Ballistic Missile?
                                                                                                                               5.      Anti-Access is a military deterrence
Squadron                                                                                                                               strategy. What does it mean?
Notice                                                                                                                         6.      Which RAAF squadron operates
                                                                                                                                       the P-8A Poseidon Maritime Patrol
No. 41 Squadron
RNZAF 2019 reunion
registration is now                                                                                                            7.      Name the ‘V Bomber’ types that
open.                                                                                                                                  comprised the British strategic
                                                                                                                                       nuclear strike force of the 1950’s
The reunion will be                                                                                                                    and 1960’s.
held in Christchurch April 12–14, 2019.
                                                                                                                               8.      When was RNZAF Station
For ex-squadron members, registration
                                                                                                                                       Woodbourne established?
forms are available from:
2019 Reunion Committee, C/- 4                                                                                                  9.      Describe air and space battle
Chesterfield Place, Rangiora,                                                                                                          management.
Christchurch 7400, or via email:                                                                                               10. Precision is an air power                                                                                                               characteristic. What does it mean?

                                                               was formally established.
                                                               continued flying from Woodbourne after the Base                                         1500-3000nm (2800-5500km).            4.
                                                               Reconnaissance Squadron was based there, and                         being re- named.
                                                               However, in September 1939 the Wellington General                    started development as the Tallboy(L) bomb before
                                                               7 December 1939, as Service Flying Training School.        8.        a mere 12,000lb in comparison. The Grand Slam
                                                                Victor.                                                             The Grand Slam at 22,000lbs. The Tallboy was             3.
      proportionality.                                          Vickers Valiant, Avro Vulcan, and the Handley Page        7.           assuredly applied to war.
      achieve effects accurately, with discrimination and                Edinburgh, South Australia.                                   successfully developed by 1950, and would be
  10. The ability to employ lethal or non-lethal force and               Number 11 Squadron, based at RAAF Base           6.           he also predicted that the aeroplane would be
 and space assets in operations.                                commonly called ‘A2’.                                                  progress on human thought, 1902. In the book
 planning, directing, coordinating, and controlling air         from entering an operational area. Anti-Access is                      H.G. Wells in his book: Anticipations of scientific   2.
 air and space military operations. It encompasses              designed to prevent an advancing enemy force                         and a light blue mid-portion with two red stripes.
 Air and space battle management is the control of        9.    An action, activity, or capability, usually long-range,   5.         Rectangular with dark blue bands top and bottom,        1.


                                                                                                                                                              Air Force News #210 | 33
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