ANNUAL REVIEW STENA AB 2016 - Stena Realty
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“To run a company is to live with CONTENTS change.” THIS IS STENA AB FLAP 2016 AT A GLANCE CEO COMMENTS SHIPPING AND FERRY OPERATIONS SUSTAINABILITY 1 2 6 8 2 CEO COMMENTS STENA AB STENA STORIES 10 NINE COMPANIES IN THE STENA GROUP 12 STENA LINE 14 STENA DRILLING 16 STENA BULK 18 STENA RORO 20 NORTHERN MARINE GROUP 22 STENA TEKNIK 24 STENA PROPERTY 26 STENA ADACTUM 28 STENA STENA FINANCE 30 STORIES OVERVIEW OF FLEET AND PROPERTIES 32 STENA AB BOARD 33 STENA SPHERE STENA SPHERE 34 STENA METALL 35 STENA SESSAN 36 COORDINATION GROUP 37 SPHERE ADVISORY BOARD 37 STENA STENA LINE PROPERTY Read more about the financial performance and Stena AB’s sustainability work in the Financial Report and the Sustainability Report. STENA.COM The cover picture shows the entrance to the port of Gothenburg. Stena started its successful journey in 1939 on the island of Donsö, ten STENA nautical miles west of Gothenburg. Today Stena ADACTUM has a worldwide presence.
THIS IS STENA AB REVENUE ACTIVITIES ALL 16,0001) MSEK 34,799 OVER THE WORLD EMPLOYEES 2) 3) 168 VESSELS 28,200 96 WIND INCLUDING NEWBUILDINGS RESIDENTIAL AND TURBINES COMMERCIAL UNITS 1) Including seagoing 2) Owned, chartered and managed 3) Owned and managed GROUP SUMMARY MSEK 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 Total revenue 27,388 30,240 33,563 36,417 34,799 EBITDA, excluding sale of assets 7,060 7,947 9,646 10,118 10,550 Operating profit 3,401 3,887 4,865 6,801 4,013 Profit/loss from investments in associates 18 –51 –5 60 66 Profit before tax 1,777 2,148 2,799 4,504 2,262 Vessels 40,708 40,956 46,141 46,398 43,064 Investment property 26,658 27,831 29,367 30,617 35,466 Other non-current assets 26,412 28,150 37,070 31,077 33,214 Cash and cash equivalents and short-term investments 3,676 3,747 4,754 3,172 2,216 Other current assets 7,446 7,528 8,485 8,004 9,739 Equity including deferred tax liabilities 34,479 39,214 42,838 47,999 51,156 Other provisions 1,994 1,356 1,335 1,206 1,281 Other non-current liabilities 56,939 55,919 68,422 58,043 56,755 Current liabilities 11,488 11,723 13,222 12,020 14,507 Total assets 104,900 108,212 125,817 119,268 123,699 Operating free cash flow including investments –4,872 –1,631 4,375 3,897 4,203 Number of employees, average 10,565 11,348 11,231 10,416 11,183 Number of vessels1) 117 137 151 151 142 1) Including owned and chartered-in tonnage
BUSINESS CONCEPT To make money by using our compe- We are 16,000 employees tence in particularly service, trading and ships, in the business areas Ferry and we make a difference Operations, Offshore Drilling, Shipping, Property, New Businesses and Finance. worldwide. To create new companies for the future. To take care of our most important asset in the long term, our customers, in For a sustainable future. such a way that we contribute to their development as well as the positive development of society. Your future. CUSTOMER RELATIONSHIPS RESPONSIBILITY IN OUR BUSINESS RELATIONSHIPS Always the customer’s first choice By building long-term relationships with our customers, suppliers and subcontractors, we are committed to deliver- Leader in quality and quality- ing high quality and best-value services. We shall meet assured partners the highest safety standards. Trust is the basis of all our Always efficient and effective with relationships in society. our own and others’ resources Our responsibility is to meet our customers’ expectations A clearly delegated business in respect of responsible business practices. responsibility We have high standards of corporate social responsibility, We have committed to comply with the which we share with our business partners. We may with- standard formulated by the Logistics & draw from a business relationship if we feel that the stand- Transportation Corporate Citizenship ards we uphold are not being met by a business partner. Initiative of the World Economic Forum. Read more about the financial performance online or in Stena AB’s Financial Report. SEE STENA.COM FOR MORE INFORMATION
2016 AT A GLANCE With care, innovation and efficient performance as their guiding principles, our 16,000 employees around the world work every day to create value for our customers in Ferry Operations, Offshore Drilling, Shipping, Property and New Businesses. Here is a selection of events from our operations during 2016. BERGEN GOTHENBURG New Businesses. The Envac project in Bergen. Stena Property has acquired a newly built Norway’s second largest city will house the property in Mölndal for the tenant SCA world’s largest automated vacuum system for Hygiene. The lease is for 20 years. waste collection, which will transport 30 tonnes of waste every day using vacuum technology. GLASGOW Northern Marine Group acquired Clyde Group to further NYNÄSHAMN/VENTSPILS Stena Line continued to showed expand its customer offering and strong volume growth in both the presence in the marine training and travel and freight segments. marine travel segment. BRITISH GUYANA WEIHAI KINA Stena Drilling. Our drillship Stena RoRo. Construction of four Stena Carron began a one-year new RoPax vessels at the Chinese contract with Exxon and was AVIC Weihai Shipyard. The first vessel part of Exxon’s successful will be delivered in 2019 and the drilling on the Liza oil fi eld. others in 2020. DUBAI SINGAPORE Stena Bulk opened a new offi ce in Dubai via Northern Marine Group. Construction of Stena Weco, in order to get closer to customers new combined warehouse and offi ce space and continue to develop transportation to accommodate the growing business. The of chemicals and petroleum products. inauguration is scheduled for mid-2017. We are 270 trips around the world yearly.* *The “We are” concept was developed by Stena in 2016 to describe an exciting and complex business with a personal and inviting touch.
CEO COMMENTS THE WORLD ECONOMY IS DOING OK AND EUROPE HAS STARTED TO GROW AGAIN This has positively affected the volumes of passengers and freight for our ferry business, Stena Line. By digital marketing “To run a company is our yields are also up. Our vacancies of office-space in the Netherlands starts to be filled. Immigration into Sweden and to live with change” the strong growth in Swedish economy has created a shortage of housing that LNG and LPG gas tankers have rendered sitions would the opportunity arise. Our will take years to fill and we have slots us management of 45 ships. With zero strategic position is at present strong to continue to build on for the next eight lost time incidents 2016 for Stena Bulk enough though to enable us to keep on years. Our reputation for understanding we consider ourselves to be the leading operating the activities we have, without and reliably implementing care has also operator. The LNG market went through any other acquisitions then modernizing rendered us the possibility to acquire an its worst phase in 2016 and is now our fleet of ferries. In order to safeguard office and laboratory building rented to a slowly recovering. Offshore drilling will such a modernization, we have ordered first class client and 1,250 apartments be our biggest headache for years to four RoPax vessels in China with deliver- from the municipality of Landskrona. Our come. Never theless we have entered ies in 2019 and 2020. businesses in Stena Adactum are increas- into three new contracts for our Ultra ing their margins and are in total keeping Deep Water Drillships The DrillMAXes MANUFACTURING IS INCREASING WORLD- their profits up. for drilling in 2017. EBITDA for 2016 was WIDE BUT NOT AS MUCH AS NEW SERVICES Our tanker business is doing OK, but substantial. Our unit Stena Forth has The biggest changes in the GDP compo- future deliveries of tonnage will saturate worked for Hess for six years and has sition take place in increasing share of the market for the next two years. In only exceeded its AFEs1) with 1,6% in services. Our ferry services benefit from April 2017 we acquired the other half of total over these years. What the result people´s wish for new experiences by Stena Weco from Weco Shipping AS. of our negotiations with Samsung for travel. Being the sole owner of this operation of the Stena MIDMAX will render is an Something that socially affects macro 65 owned or chartered medium sized open question, but somehow it will conditions are service jobs with low product tankers (47 000–58 000 tons), make us a stronger operator. knowledge content and high content. As we can continue to develop the same With 43% of our assets in non-ma- employment in many cases despite into new trades with our light chemical rine activities we can both rely on other increasing production in the industrial tankers the IMOIIMAXes. The acquisition income as well as other assets in case of sector goes down many of the unem- makes us a true leader in this field. Our a drawn out negative period for off- ployed, dependent on location and skills, SuezMAX operation in partnership with shore drilling. With SEK 19.1 billion in cannot find jobs as well paid as the previ- Sonangol will benefit from flexible char- liquid assets we have a good cushion. ous ones. Digitalisation and automation tering of tonnage. Our skills to operate It might also be used for strategic acqui- are amplifying these trends with social 1) budgeted times for drilling a well. 2 STENA AB ANNUAL REVIEW 2016
unrest as a consequence in most devel- oped countries. Manufacturing is nevertheless increas- ing worldwide with positive effects for trade of raw materials and energy as well as new services. Increasing needs for raw material and energy create opportunities for countries with natural resources. Oil and gas consumption in emerging mar- kets is rising, which creates need for both transportation and drilling. Coal is in view of its negative climate effect still surprisingly popular as a resource of energy. Gas is taking market share. Oil is losing market share, but its consumption grows at present with close to two per- cent per year. Depletion of oil-wells will start to set in during 2017. It is already leading into increased offshore drilling enquiries and projects for new develop- ments. The role of shale oil production is uncertain, but it will certainly bounce back. DEMAND FOR CLEAN ENERGY IS INCREASING Investments in renewables start to equal investments in fossil fuels. In some devel- oped countries the investments are already of such magnitude that electric- ity prices have started to go down. As HIGHLIGHTS 2016 nuclear energy in the developed world Newbuilding projects: STABLE RESULTS seems to be on its way out prices will no Revenue1), SEK 34.8 billion – 1 drilling unit doubt start rising again. Our permits to – 4 RoPax vessels EBITDA1), SEK 11.0 billion – 9 IMOIIMAX build two hundred windmills on top of Profi t before tax, SEK 2.3 (4.5) – 1,000 apartments the one hundred, we currently operate in billion Sweden might then be highly valuable. As STRONG BALANCE SHEET 2) STRONG LIQUIDITY AND CREDIT PROFILE Book value of vessel and rig environmental concerns in cities are Available cash, unused credit fl eet, SEK 43 billion increasing, wishes for electric cars and facilities and fi nancial assets, Market value of property means of electric transportation are SEK 19.1 billion2) portfolio, SEK 35.5 billion increasing. Stena Teknik is already highly Cash conversion cycle 8 (5) days with LTV 50% (52%) Operating free cash fl ow including Net debt excl. property loans, engaged in the conversion of the ferries investments, SEK 4.2 (3.9) billion SEK 32 (33) billion running between Helsingborg and Hel- Net debt to EBITDA excl. singoer, a twenty minute journey. The property loans 3.5x (3.2x) STRATEGIC EXPANSION vessels are to be driven by electricity Total investments in 2016, SEK 7.0 Equity incl. deferred tax, SEK 51 (48) billion stored in batteries. When stationed at billion. Mainly new building of vessels for Stena Bulk and Stena port, most of our ferries are already 1) Including net income from the sale of Line, MPD3) for Drilling, newbuild- assets and changes in the value of powered by electricity from shore. A pro- ing, and acquisitions by Stena investment properties ject for 2017/2018 will be to run one of Fastigheter 2) As of 31 December 2016 our big ferries on electricity for a sub- 3) Managed Pressure Drilling stantial part of its journey. It could well STENA AB ANNUAL REVIEW 2016 3
CEO COMMENTS be that for our shorter routes the next service vessels the Stena SeaWells were ment monitoring, ship journey monitor- generation of ferry from 2030 will be achievements in offshore subsea. The ing, commercial communication totally run by electricity. high speed ferries the HSSs were revolu- exchange and services to clients, part- tionary by combining semisubmersible ners and suppliers, we are carrying out OUR INNOVATIONS ARE RUN BY techniques with a catamaran hull fea- projects, being helped by an established CONTINUOUS IMPROVEMENTS AND ture. The Stena Tay and Stena Don were virtual unit of people called the Digital TRANSFORMATIONAL ASPIRATIONS purpose built for Shell and Statoil. The Lab. By supporting the top management Our first class operational success is built Stena DrillMax concept has been the with young mentors we see to it that on care for collaboration as well as base on which Samsung has sold their we do not loose speed neither in visuali- always repeating and adhering to our drillship new-buildings. Our success has zation nor in application. processes with ambitions for continuous not only been due to our flexible techni- So far digitalisation is a helper for innovations. It is performed by our oper- cians, but also to our habit to involve our business and not a disrupter. It will ational people loyal to their tasks and people from our operation in the devel- be interesting to follow what new prod- ambitions to be the best or at least be opment. Such new development is our ucts and services we can develop by this second to none. By delegated authority new device developed by our team technique. and trust we have managed to achieve a together with Cameron for low pressure culture, where we do not blame each drilling (the MPD) enabling faster drilling OUR BELIEF IN FUTURE SUCCESS IS other, but consistently help each other through porous layers. We are the first STRONG DESPITE PRESENT SETBACKS in individual decisions. Consistent meas- drilling contractor to both own and IN OFFSHORE ACTIVITIES uring is a good help for communicating operate such a device. 2017 will be a tough year from a profit between each other as well as achieving Beside the technique to develop point of view. To run a business, important results. ships, digitalisation in combination with though, is to live with change. With our Transformational innovation is not a artificial intelligence is now on top of strong base we feel secure in looking complete new challenge for us. Over our list for developing new services and forward to our future with good confi- the years Stena has built more than one routines. The necessity is a consequence dence and long term optimism. hundred ships, ferries, offshore vessels of new cheap easily accessible digital Thanks to consistent care and collab- and drilling units. Some of these units technologies. Developments will require oration we keep on delivering innova- have been revolutionary. Such as ferries flexible people capable to develop the tion and performance. I want to thank with two cargo decks for lorries, techniques to our needs and will also everyone for their diligent work to extended accommodation decks to the require people to collaborate in han- achieve our objectives in 2016 and 2017. stern enabled by twin-skeg Propellers. dling the resulting installations. Our big- These propellers also reduced fuel-con- gest steps of progress are in digital sales sumption and lead to shallow draft and yield of passenger bookings, where tankers such as the V-Maxes and we now have achieved 80% digital P-Maxes with increased safety func- share. Seamless digital communication tions. The first purpose built sub-sea with our freight customers is another Dan Sten Olsson construction vessels the Stena Sea- area, where we make substantial pro- CEO Stena AB Spreads and the first purpose built well gress. In all areas, such as ship equip- Gothenburg March 2017 4 STENA AB ANNUAL REVIEW 2016
THE WHITE BOOK Stena’s success and survival is rooted in our business philosophy, which is set out in the white book. The book describes how we should act within Stena and how we should approach our business. Dan Sten Olsson has said: “By describing the values we want at Stena, we ensure that everyone acts in the right way and that we take proper care of our customers, resources, and each other.” NO WHITE BOOK? YOU CAN DOWNLOAD A COPY HERE: STENA AB ANNUAL REVIEW 2016 5
SHIPPING AND FERRIES SHORT-TERM FOCUS AND LONG-TERM PERSEVERANCE Shipping is a cyclical industry and Stena AB is a company with a broad portfolio of activities. Stena Line is beginning to deliver acceptable results and is expected to do so in the years ahead, thus compensating for the weaker financial performance expected from Stena Drilling. Between these two areas, we are The tanker segment is still character- emissions into the air compared with exposed through the tanker products, ised by high volatility, partly due to previous fuel. Emissions of sulphur crude oil and gas, which each have their global shipbuilding capacity and a high oxides and particulate matter are own cycles. risk appetite among many investors. reduced by 90% and emissions of Regardless of where each business area This affects shipping in general and is nitrogen oxides by 60%. is in the cycle, we must ensure we have the particularly intensified in the Suezmax In the long term, battery power is a best operation, both in terms of customer segment. Stena’s MR vessels, particu- feasible way of managing the carbon value and quality. It is therefore particularly larly the newly delivered IMOIIMAX challenge. During 2017/2018, batteries pleasing that Stena Bulk was able to report vessels, are performing strongly in the will be installed on Stena Jutlandica to zero LTI1) in 2016, as a result of a constant Stena Weco system. The short-term LNG replace three of the four auxiliary focus on safety and quality. market has been under pressure, but engines. In the medium term, the aim is with the expected increase in demand for the ferries to run on battery power HIGH EFFICIENCY IN A STRONG ECONOMY over the next few years, the outlook is in environments close to cities. In Stena Stena Line has been successful during the gradually improving. Jutlandica’s case, this would mean zero year, due to its focus on increased utilisa- An important development in 2016 emissions between Vinga and Masthug- tion of the cargo deck and improved pric- was the expansion of maritime services get. With similar solutions on other ing strategies. More customer segments in Northern Maritime Group. The lines, we are showing that shipping are being served by more differentiated Group’s acquisition of Clyde Group has plays a vital role in creating sustainable freight rates while the filling ratio is strengthened its product portfolio and cities and communities. increasing. To achieve an average filling it is now able to offer external and inter- A number of other projects primarily ratio of 70% is an absolute target for the nal customers marine services within designed to influence behaviour are next three years. training, travel and recruitment. being conducted within Stena Line. One In 2017, we are seeing the full effect of project involves reducing the amount of Stena Line’s 2016 reorganisation, which SUSTAINABILITY STRENGTHENS plastic we handle onboard by half over means that responsibility for results has THE OFFERING the next three years and we are intro- been clarified. Full commercial ownership The rapid technological development in ducing complete onboard waste separa- of the business is close to the customer sustainability and digitalisation affects tion at source during 2017. We have and production. Efforts to reduce pro- all operations. also installed the world’s first closed- duction costs through standardised pro- Stena Line’s project on running Stena loop scrubber on Stena Britannica with cesses are in progress and will be facili- Germanica on methanol has been tech- good results. This new way of ensuring tated by the organisational changes that nically successful so far. The evaluation that no residue is released back into the have been made. is continuing and the focus is on creat- water has significant margin benefits Stena RoRo has also benefited from ing demand to ensure production of and will be evaluated carefully. a stronger economy, with an excellent bio-methanol is relevant in terms of In addition to seeking new fuels that profit from the sale of vessels. volume. Methanol dramatically reduces will ensure long-term competitiveness, 1) LTI stands for Lost Time Injuries, and means the time that operations are at a standstill due to accidents. 6 STENA AB ANNUAL REVIEW 2016
we work continuously on everyday rationalisation. The internal target of a reduction of 2.5% per tonne-mile was achieved this year. A fully loaded Suez- max tanker doing 14 knots currently has less than half the fuel consumption it had 15 years ago. This is the result of intensive work by captains, masters, project groups, Stena Teknik and onshore operators. DIGITISATION BRINGS COMPETITIVENESS Another cornerstone of our change work concerns quickly and effectively capitalising on the opportunities offered by technological development. This is essentially an issue of attitude and organisation, which is why initia- “We take advantage of tives such as Stena Challenge, Stena Turntable Mentoring and Stena Digital developments in sustainability Transformation Lab are key to our con- tinuation as a business-oriented and and digitalisation.” entrepreneurial company. We use data- bases and algorithms to optimise vessel operation for Stena Bulk, Stena RoRo in a more unstructured organisation will term focus and long-term persever- and Stena Drilling and pricing for Stena become increasingly important. ance have built Stena historically and Line. Many commercial decisions are Shipping is cyclical, as I have already they are also the watchwords for our driven by empirical data these days, said, but our fundamental belief is future. and this will be increasingly the case in that the world continues to grow and the future. integrate. This means that maritime This requires employees who can transport will remain important and match the company’s production pro- will grow in the foreseeable future. If cesses with new technology, good busi- we are our customers’ first choice, we ness acumen and transparency. Having shall ensure that the cyclical market Carl-Johan Hagman the ability to communicate and interact changes play to our advantage. Short- Head of Stena Shipping and Ferries STENA AB ANNUAL REVIEW 2016 7
SUSTAINABILITY RESPONSIBILITY FOR PEOPLE AND THE ENVIRONMENT Stena’s sustainability work is based on the Group’s shared values. Stena’s key sustainability issues have been identified as those related to the environment, safety, employees and community. Stena’s operations are involved in and promoting more effi cient use of COMMITMENT TO EMPLOYEES contribute to value creation and commu- energy on land and at sea, minimising AND LOCAL COMMUNITIES nity development in various ways. These greenhouse gas emissions, managing The Stena Group employs a total of include creating jobs for thousands of waste and training employees. Each approximately 16,000 employees people around the world, offering safe individual company is responsible for around the world. It is the employees homes in the Group’s properties, gener- formulating its own environmental who drive the business forward, and ating electricity from wind power and goals, which are tailored to the areas Stena shows care for their well-being providing maritime transportation of in which the company has its main and development by creating good goods, vehicles and passengers. About environmental impact. An example working environments and providing 90% of world trade is conducted by sea of the Group’s environmental work opportunities for growth. Stena Voice is and shipping is the most environmentally is the trend towards use of new fuels, an employee survey which is conducted friendly mode of transport in relation to with Stena having produced the regularly, in which employees answer cargo volume. world’s first methanol-powered pas- questions about the experience of their Stena’s corporate responsibility is a senger ferry. work situation. cornerstone of its entire operations. Providing a safe and secure environ- The different Stena companies cater Working to ensure sustainability for future ment for employees, passengers and for a wide range of customer needs that generations is part of Stena’s business tenants is a top priority for Stena, and exist in society. Stena also strives to be philosophy and has long been a policy the Group has a vision of zero acci- an active and engaged member of soci- that is reflected in the Group’s core val- dents. Safety work is in constant pro- ety, contributing to continuing develop- ues. This has been given even clearer gress around the Group and involves ment and sustainable business in the emphasis in recent years and sustainabil- both continuous improvements and to areas in which the companies operate. ity issues have been highlighted in many keeping safety awareness updated The goal is to be a responsible company contexts around the Group. among employees. Regular safety drills that is part of the community and works are carried out in all parts of the busi- in close dialogue with the authorities ACTIVE WORK ON ENVIRONMENT ness. All employees are also encour- and societal functions, either directly or AND SAFETY aged to constantly make risk assess- through interest organisations. Stena works actively to contribute to ments, and to abort an operation if reducing the climate impact of its vari- there is a danger of accidents. ous operations. These efforts include 8 STENA AB ANNUAL REVIEW 2016
HEALTH AND SAFETY, LTIF 2014 2015 2016 Northern Marine Group (NMG) 0.58 0.41 0.65 EM Stena RoRo 0.39 0.41 0.00 TY P FE Stena Drilling 0.00 0.29 0.15 LO SA Y EE Stena Bulk 0.18 0.00 0.00 S CARE Stena Line1) 1.82 1.80 1.58 1) Including service staff for passengers Lost Time Injury Frequency is a measure of workplace safety used for the INNOVATION PERFORMANCE crew on board. The number of LTI (injuries that leave the employee unable to work the following day) are reported per million exposure hours worked. V IR EN TY ON NI ME N MU T C OM STENA AB SUSTAINABILITY REPORT 2016 Stena’s Sustainability Report is complementary SUSTAINABILITY FOR STENA to the Financial Report and Annual Review and describes Stena’s work within the priority Stena’s sustainability work is based on the Group’s sustainability areas. shared values. Stena’s key sustainability issues have been identified as those related to the environment, safety, employees and society. LEARN MORE ABOUT STENA’S SUSTAINABILITY WORK AT STENA.COM MORE EFFICIENT USE OF FUEL INDEX 100 95 90 14 15 16 The graph shows an indexed average value Stena RoRo is involved as project manager of the fleet’s fuel consumption per nautical mile. In 2016 the consumption decreased by during the construction of the world’s largest 3.3% compared to the year before. hospital ship. LEARN MORE ABOUT MERCY SHIPS ON PAGE 10 AND AT STENA.COM/STENASTORIES STENA AB ANNUAL REVIEW 2016 9
STENA STORIES STENA STORIES > Every day, around the clock, Stena’s 16,000 employees affect the everyday lives of people across the globe. Here are some stories that describe this work. All texts are available in their entirety on > THE FOUR MACRO TRENDS > FULL-SCALE MODELS > ACTIVE AND CLOSE OWNERSHIP Stena AB is active all over the world, This is the largest RoPax order placed In the early 2000s, there were well- and draws on previous experience in China for the international market. founded concerns about peak oil. Fore- when the company manages global Employees from Stena RoRo have casts showed that the turning-point trends: urbanisation, digitalisation, visited shipyards and subcontractors would come in 2005. The founding sustainability and globalisation. to assess which ones can deliver of the investment company Stena sufficiently high quality. Safety is Adactum in 2002 marked a new differ- tested at the shipyard by building entiated strategy. What makes Adac- full-scale models. tum’s business acumen so successful? > THE WORLD’S LARGEST HOSPITAL SHIP Mercy Ships is an international aid organisation that pro- vides medical care on board what is currently the world’s largest hospital ship. The organisation’s activities are now being doubled in an international project to construct an even larger ship with the working name Atlantic Mercy, with Stena RoRo taking the role of project manager. The ship is expected to be taken into service in 2018. Stena Line is also cooperating with Mercy Ships and working to raise awareness of the organisation. 10 STENA AB ANNUAL REVIEW 2016
F or th runnin e second y g, Ste e na P ro a r p er t y FUTUREWINS for it s INDEX 2 traine wo rk on p 016 es, ap lacing inte summ prentices a rns, er wo n rkers. d Stena Property offers summer jobs to young people living in Stena’s residential areas. Every year, 300 young people gain an insight into the property sector – and for many, this will be their first job. > SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY CREATES ATTRACTIVE AREAS Stena Property has been working on Every year, after the summer holidays, with trainee and job placements. We then social sustainability under the trade- Stena Property and the local tenants’ engage in dialogue with the supplier that mark-protected Relationship Manage- association arrange a large family day in won the tender to ensure the placements ment concept (Relationsförvaltning®) Tynnered. At the most recent family day, are created,” says Sari Isberg. for many years. young people took on greater responsi- By working actively on social responsibil- “It is our method of developing sus- bility for the activities. ity, Stena Property gives young people an tainable residential areas so that our “The young people were in charge of opportunity to enter the labour market. tenants are happy and want to stay,” all the performances on stage and did a With a job and their own income, young says Sari Isberg, Relationship Manager sterling job! It’s really great to see how people gain confidence in the future. at Stena Property in Gothenburg. they have developed from year to year,” “For us, it is important to contribute to Working with tenants and other says Sari Isberg. positive social development, and this is partners, Stena Property conducts a Stena Property works with contractors one way,” concludes Sari Isberg. large number of social projects and to create jobs for unemployed young activities to create safe, stable and people living in Stena Property’s residen- comfortable living environments. “We focus on children and young people, as their well-being is an impor- tant factor in creating safe and pleasant residential areas,” says Sari Isberg. tial areas. This can happen, for example, during major renovations, projects and new construction. “In the tender documentation, we ask suppliers to describe how they can help 300 SUMMER JOBS EVERY YEAR LEARN MORE IN THE STENA AB ANNUAL REVIEW 2016 AT STENA.COM STENA AB ANNUAL REVIEW 2016 11
STENA AB BUSINESS AREAS IN THE STENA GROUP The Stena Group is one of Sweden’s largest family-owned companies and operates in the following business areas: Ferry Operations, Offshore Drilling, Shipping, Property, New Businesses and Finance. MARITIME office in Gothenburg, with offices in and is one of Sweden’s largest privately Ferry operations are run by Stena Line, Houston, Singapore, Copenhagen and owned property companies. The inter- one of the world’s largest international Limassol. Stena RoRo’s head office is in national part of the business is based in passenger and freight service operators, Gothenburg. Shipping operations also Amsterdam, and owns property in the in Scandinavia, the North Sea, the Irish include technical management of ships Netherlands, France, Luxembourg, Sea and the Baltic Sea. and marine services via Northern Hungary, the United States and the UK. The Drilling business, with semi-sub- Marine Group, which has its head Stena Adactum, based in Gothen- mersible rigs and drillships, is operated office in Glasgow, and offices in Manila, burg, invests in companies not directly by Stena Drilling from its head office Mumbai, Singapore, Shanghai, St Peters- related to Stena’s traditional core busi- in Aberdeen in Scotland and through its burg, Gothenburg, Houston, Copenha- ness. The portfolio currently includes global organisation, with offices in the gen and Aberdeen. Stena Teknik in Ballingslöv, S-Invest, Envac and US, Norway, Cyprus, Luxembourg, Gothenburg is responsible for technical Stena Renewable, and the associates Korea and Australia. development. Gunnebo, Midsona and Svedbergs. Shipping operations are conducted Stena Finance is the Group’s central by Stena Bulk in the tanker and LNG ONSHORE finance department and operates from (Liquefied Natural Gas) market and Stena Property, with its head office in Gothenburg, Luxembourg, Limassol, Stena RoRo in the RoRo and RoPax Gothenburg, mainly owns properties in Zug, Amsterdam, London and Singapore. ferry market. Stena Bulk has its head Gothenburg, Stockholm and Malmö, We are more than 76 years of experience. 12 STENA AB ANNUAL REVIEW 2016
STENA AB STENA LINE At year-end 2016, Stena Line operated 20 routes in Northern Europe, with 38 ferries. Stena Line also owns five ports and is an important part of Europe’s trade and infrastructure. Managing this business in a cost-effective, safe and environmental way is a daily challenge for our dedicated employees at sea and on land. 36% 12,600 MSEK REVENUE ROPAX FERRIES 31 SHARE OF GROUP 5,100 EMPLOYEES 13,500 MSEK CAPITAL RORO FERRIES 7 REVENUE EMPLOYED ANOTHER YEAR OF INCREASED PROFIT FOR FERRY OPERATIONS Stena Line has once again achieved an globalisation and urbanisation by meet- expertise is brought together and excellent year, both in terms of volume ing needs to transport people and strengthened. Niclas Mårtensson took and results, with good growth. Much of goods and benefit from new sustainable over as CEO at the end of September the increase is attributable to strategic technologies. with the mission of ensuring implemen- investment in marketing, and sales of net- Stena Line’s strategy is based on a tation of the new strategy. work solutions enabling freight customers strong belief in the RoPax concept – a to use several routes in the network. One combination of freight and passenger A CUSTOMER-ORIENTED ORGANISATION quarter of the freight is from customers transport – in Northern Europe. The To strengthen Stena Line’s commercial with pan-European logistics systems. The operations are characterised by custom- focus, a number of new functions have vessels’ utilisation rates have increased ised solutions, quality and good service. been established, with the aim of opti- from 56% in 2012 to 64% in 2016. Sustainability and digitalisation are mising each sailing based on the cus- The business has also benefited from important parts of the strategy, tomers’ needs. Responsibility for income a low bunker price and the company has together with a constant focus on and expenses rests at local level, ensur- continued to strengthen its customer increasing efficiency by improving qual- ing dynamic decision-making that is offering to ensure good profitability ity and reducing costs. The sustainability close to the market. even when oil prices and the economy work is aimed at continuing reductions Stena has ordered four new RoPax are less favourable. in fuel consumption and development vessels, with an option for an additional of fossil fuel alternatives. Cost-effective four, with a focus on flexibility and “CONNECTING EUROPE and eco-efficient transport is not only a efficiency to meet future demand. FOR A SUSTAINABLE FUTURE” solution, but also a prerequisite for sus- The vision “Connecting Europe for a tainable communities. Sustainable Future” summarises what In order to deliver in line with the Stena Line aims to accomplish: to enable digital strategy, the company’s digital STENALINE.COM 14 STENA AB ANNUAL REVIEW 2016
7.3 MILLION PASSENGERS TRAVELLED WITH US IN 2016. In September 2016, Niclas Mårtensson took over the role of CEO of Stena Line from Carl-Johan Hagman. REVENUE PER ACTIVITY MSEK 8,000 We are 20 routes. 6,000 4,000 2,000 0 12 13 14 15 16 Passengers Onboard sales Freight READ MORE ABOUT DEVELOP- MENTS IN 2016 IN THE WEB VERSION AT STENA.COM NICLAS MÅRTENSSON > CEO We continue to see great potential in developing our freight customer and passenger offerings and the onboard experience, and being able to price our services more dynamically, which means that we can improve and increase the utilisation rate for our vessels. This requires close cooperation with our customers, a good understanding of their needs and continued streamlining of our processes. During the last year, much focus has been placed on a new integrated booking system and the development of artificial intelligence to help the customer in the purchase process. We look forward to continued good relationships with our cust- omers and thereby a continued growth of our business. STENA AB ANNUAL REVIEW 2016 15
STENA AB STENA DRILLING Stena Drilling is one of the world’s leading independent drilling operators, with four drillships for ultradeep water and three semi-submersible drilling rigs operating in a global market. With several successful new newbuildings and refurbishment projects, Stena Drilling been a pioneer in several areas of technological development and innovation in the offshore industry. 21% 7,400 MSEK REVENUE DRILLSHIPS 4 SHARE OF GROUP 1,100 EMPLOYEES 32,400 MSEK CAPITAL 3 REVENUE EMPLOYED DRILLING RIGS REDUCED COSTS BRING INCREASED COMPETITIVENESS Since the peak of 2013–2014, activity in all units with exception of Stena Clyde, ENGAGED EMPLOYEES the oil sector has declined. High operat- which has been laid up outside Australia One reason that Stena Drilling has man- ing and development costs in combina- during the year. aged to sign contracts when few other tion with low oil prices have reduced oil No new long-term contracts were companies have succeeded is the long companies’ oil extraction budgets by up signed in the sector during 2016, but relationships the company has with to 30%. There is an oversupply of deep- Stena Drilling was successful in signing customers. Customers’ experience water rigs, which had a low utilisation three shorter-term contracts for 2017. from previous assignments gives them rate in 2016. Stena DrillMAX will be working off knowledge of Stena Drilling’s motivated In 2015, Stena Drilling initiated a pro- Senegal, Stena IceMAX off Ireland and employees and their ability to offer gramme to reduce costs to the levels in Stena Spey in the North Sea. In 2016, high-quality service. the early 2000s. The 2016 target was to we invested in MPD1) equipment to fur- For Stena Drilling, digitalisation is part reduce costs by MUSD 100, which was ther strengthen our customer offering. of the ongoing development work to achieved and has had an immediate Delivery of Stena MidMAX, a semi- increase productivity and safety. Digital effect to the result. submersible drilling rig for harsh environ- processes are used for dynamic posi- ments, was scheduled for March 2016, tioning systems, control systems for EFFICIENT RIGS AND SHIPS but has been seriously delayed. The rig is energy supply and monitoring systems Stena Drilling owns four drillships and not expected to be ready until the middle for process safety. three semi-submersible drilling rigs. of 2018. Samsung Heavy Industries and The utilisation rate has been high for Stena Drilling are in discussions about the implications of this delay. STENA-DRILLING.COM 1) Managed Pressure Drilling – enables efficient drilling through porous layers. 16 STENA AB ANNUAL REVIEW 2016
DRILLING CONTRACTS1) Unit Stena Clyde Customer Warm stacked Expiration 2) N/A We are Stena Don Stena Spey Warm stacked Repsol 3) N/A Q2 2017 pioneers. Stena DrillMAX Cairn Energy Q4 2018 Stena Carron Exxon Q1 2018 Stena Forth Hess Q2 2017 Stena IceMAX Providence Resources 4) Q3 2017 1) As of March 2017 2) Including options 3) Commencing April 2017 4) Commencing June 2017 100% 75 50 25 Operational use as % of total 0 available days. 12 13 14 15 16 0.15 LOST TIME INCIDENTS (LTI) DURING THE YEAR ERIK RONSBERG > CEO We are optimistic about 2017 as we anticipate higher oil prices. The supply of oil will fall, as both OPEC and Russia are expected to cut production, while demand is expected to increase at the same time. Stena Drilling’s strategy is to be the customers’ preferred supplier, thus enabling extended and recurring contracts with customers. First-class performance and being a flexible supplier with effective decision-making means that we will continue to distin- guish ourselves in the market. With our high investments in quality maintenance, well-developed safety systems and motivated employees, customers have confidence in us. STENA AB ANNUAL REVIEW 2016 17
STENA AB STENA BULK Stena Bulk is one of the world’s leading tanker operators, offering safe and cost-effective transportation of crude oil and refined petroleum products by sea. This requires a holistic per- spective – from development and construction to crewing and chartering of first-class tankers. 4% 1,200 MSEK REVENUE TANKERS 96 300 7,300 LNG TANKERS 3 SHARE OF GROUP REVENUE EMPLOYEES INCLUDING SEAFARERS MSEK CAPITAL EMPLOYED SHUTTLETANKERS 6 AN EFFICIENT OPERATION GIVES A HIGH LADEN RATIO The tanker market turned downwards ter part of 2016, an office was opened nities it offers to develop the existing one quarter earlier than expected, in Dubai, to focus on transportation of business model. which had an adverse effect on Stena chemicals through Stena Weco and Stena Bulk’s three LNG tankers are all Bulk. However, the combination of new Golden Stena Weco. After six successful chartered out and had a high utilisation contracts and customers, an efficient years together, the remaining 50% of rate in 2016. The weak market is affected organisation and profound business Stena Weco was acquired from Weco by the oil price, while many of the acumen enabled the company to main- Shipping A/S in April 2017. Stena Weco planned LNG production projects have tain its market position. The company’s currently has a fleet of about 65 owned been delayed. However, the LNG market income per vessel per day was USD and chartered vessels. appears to have bottomed out and the 2,000–3,000 higher than that of com- Stena Bulk has positioned, arranged freight market seems to be on an upward petitors in 2016. and handled the timing of its time char- trend. ter portfolio well. By summer 2017, 90% WELL DEPLOYED FLEET of the positions taken in 2014 and 2015 FOCUS ON DIGITAL DECISION SUPPORT Stena Bulk took delivery of additional will have been completed or renegoti- Stena Bulk is developing a more sophisti- four IMOIIMAX vessels during the year. ated at lower rates, making profitability cated system for bringing together charter- Stena and Concordia have ordered a possible despite a weaker market. The ing, commercial operations and business total of 13 ships from Guangzhou Ship- goal is to manage and develop the busi- control in a single platform. Both new and yard in China, with the last in the series ness model within Stena Weco in order old data is collected, creating an intelligent scheduled for delivery in early 2018. to optimise the laden ratio and growth. system that gives the customer quick and These flexible vessels are well suited for For Stena Sonangol Suezmax Pool, the easy access to customised information. trading with chemicals, petroleum prod- aim is to take advantage of the market ucts and vegetable oils. During the lat- downturn in 2017 and use the opportu- STENABULK.COM 18 STENA AB ANNUAL REVIEW 2016
Stena Weco was named winner of the Lloyd’s List Global Award in 2016, in recognition of first-class performance. The class that Stena Weco won was ClassNK Tanker Operator of the Year. 0.0 LOST TIME INCIDENTS (LTI) We are explorers. DURING THE YEAR ERIK HÅNELL > CEO 2017 is expected to be a challenging new year in the traditional tanker market, with many vessel deliveries scheduled, particularly in the VLCC, Suezmax and Aframax categories. We shall continue to establish ourselves in niche markets that deal mainly with petroleum products, chemicals and vegetable oils, while also developing our business model in the Suezmax segment, and we expect to continue to be well positioned for the future, both in the short and long term. The traditional tanker market is expected to bottom out in spring 2017, and then make a slow upward turn in the end of 2018. We are monitoring the LNG market, which is likely to be better next year. STENA AB ANNUAL REVIEW 2016 19
STENA AB STENA RORO Stena RoRo provides vessels, innovative solutions and project management for RoRo and ferry operators like ourselves. Its customers are operators and shipping companies around the world. The company’s expertise, dedication and financial resources create customer value, growth and profitability, and make it an attractive place to work. 3% 1,000 MSEK REVENUE RORO FERRIES 10 SHARE OF GROUP 280 EMPLOYEES 1,900 MSEK CAPITAL 8 REVENUE INCLUDING SEAFARERS EMPLOYED ROPAX FERRIES STRONG YEAR FOR RORO AND ROPAX Both the RoRo and the RoPax market in 2019 and the others in 2020. The on a consulting basis for overseeing the were relatively strong in 2016. The plan is to employ them on Stena Line’s construction and the commercial nego- RoPax market is currently showing a routes. The vessels will have 50% tiations with the shipyard. Stena’s per- balance between supply and demand, higher capacity and 25% lower fuel sonnel have made numerous factory while the RoRo market is experiencing consumption than the vessels they will visits to obtain assurance on suppliers’ a large number of new orders. Already be replacing. product quality. The construction of the in 2017, the RoRo market will receive an Marine Atlantic Inc., which had hospital ship, with interiors five times as addition of new large vessels. Highlanders on a five-year charter, extensive as Stena RoRo’s RoPax vessels, decided to exercise its option to pur- has helped increase our knowledge ORDER FOR FOUR NEW VESSELS chase the vessel. Highlanders was about shipbuilding in China, creating a Stena has ordered new RoPax vessels delivered in February and generated a strong position prior to the above-men- from the Chinese AVIC Weihai Shipyard. good capital gain. tioned order for new vessels. This is a milestone for Stena, as the order concerns standard tonnage where GOOD LESSONS FROM MERCY SHIPS the vessels are not built for a specific The Mercy Ships project continue accord- line. The order includes four new ves- ing to plan at the Chinese Tianjin sels, plus an option for additional four Xingang Shipyard and delivery is sched- vessels. The first vessel will be delivered uled for 2018. Stena RoRo is responsible STENARORO.COM 20 STENA AB ANNUAL REVIEW 2016
3,100 LANEMETER GOODS ON NEW E-FLEXER Training on full-scale models provides security. LEARN MORE ABOUT THE NEW E-FLEXER ROPAX VESSEL CONCEPT ON PAGE 10 AND AT STENA.COM/STENASTORIES PER WESTLING > CEO Our assessment is that the RoRo market will be somewhat weaker in the future, due to the influx of new tonnage, which will put pressure on rates. Many of our RoRo vessels are predominantly ice class, built with high quality and depreciated to a large extent. Together, these factors mean that we are well-equipped for the future. The market for RoPax vessels will remain in balance in 2018 and into 2019. We have a good position with our current fleet and if we include new orders and options, we will be able to take advantage of our position in the market. The new vessels are built to a high standard and, with their flexible and fuel-efficient design, are well suited for employment in most RoPax markets worldwide. STENA AB ANNUAL REVIEW 2016 21
STENA AB NORTHERN MARINE GROUP Based in Glasgow, Scotland, Northern Marine Group (NMG) provides ship management services to the Stena Sphere and selected external clients through our global network of offices in Aberdeen, Bombay, Glasgow, Gothenburg, Houston, Manila, St. Petersburg, Shanghai, Copenhagen and Singapore. 2% 670 MSEK REVENUE SHARE OF GROUP 7,600 EMPLOYEES 500 REVENUE INCLUDING SEAFARERS1) MSEK CAPITAL EMPLOYED 1) Employees are distributed as follows: Stena vessels 2,800, external vessels 4,100, onshore 700. ENGAGED EMPLOYEES CREATES INCREASED BUSINESS In May 2016 the Clyde Group became STENA MARINE FAR EAST EXPANSION A NUMBER OF DIGITAL INITIATIVES IN 2016 part of the Northern Marine Group. The A new office and warehouse facility is A new electronic Safety Management Clyde Group provides support services to being built in Singapore. In Shanghai, System eSMS (Blueline) has been the marine, offshore operations at Tang Li Marine and Off- deployed aboard all Northern Marine and commercial business sectors, and shore grow with the strategic relocation managed vessels. Maintenance manage- consists of three main trading divisions: of office space alongside expanded ment has been revolutionised with the training, travel and recruitment. warehouse and distribution facilities. creation of a internally developed soft- Clyde Training Solutions offers an Francois Marine Rotterdam opened its ware system, Aurora. This software has extensive range of onsite accredited mari- doors for business in early 2017, increas- been approved by DNV GL, the industry time safety courses at its newly con- ing the global logistical supply chain leading classification society. A cloud- structed training centre in Glasgow. The capability. based training management system has centre offers multiple classrooms, dedi- During 2016, 20 vessels were wel- allowed for significant levels of automa- cated deep-water pool, HUET (Helicopter comed into full management, four of tion to aid efficient running of training Underwater Escape Training module), which were Stena’s newbuildings, the facilities. and full fire training ground, complete IMOIIMAX vessels. The managed fleet with training stack and helideck. stands at 169 vessels of which 107 are under full management. NMM-STENA.COM 22 STENA AB ANNUAL REVIEW 2016
VESSELS UNDER TECHNICAL MANAGEMENT 120 90 60 30 0 11 12 13 14 15 16 Gas Oil RoRo/RoPax We are 24/7–365. 0.65 LOST TIME INCIDENTS (LTI) DURING THE YEAR HUGH FERGUSON > CEO The market for ship management continue to grow but the ability to provide stable, effective management becomes even more important in supporting our cli- ents’ success. Every vessel must always be able to perform safely and efficiently to ensure its position as ‘the customer’s first choice’ is maintained. The expansion of our operations in Shanghai, Singapore and Europe provides a solid global footprint to support our existing client base requirements, and the platform to further enhance our strategic growth plans. STENA AB ANNUAL REVIEW 2016 23
STENA AB STENA TEKNIK Stena Teknik is a technical resource for Stena’s marine-related business areas. The broad and extensive knowledge of its employees enables the company to develop solutions that increase the competitiveness of our business areas. 19 EMPLOYEES 3 NEWBUILDINGS ON ORDER QUALITY ASSURANCE DURING VESSEL CONSTRUCTION Construction of the IMOIIMAX vessel the entire Stena Sphere participated in installing batteries to cover some of the series is in progress and Stena Teknik the study, which resulted in unique con- energy requirements in and out of port has had personnel on site at the ship- sensus on the alternative fuel choices. on one of the ships in Stena Line’s fleet. yard to ensure that the vessels are deliv- The study took into account availabil- Stena Teknik is also investigating the ered according to contract and specifi- ity, price and environmental impact at feasibility of completely fossil-free oper- cation. The project manager is based in every stage “from well to propeller” for ation within ports and groups of islands Gothenburg, while the inspection team each fuel. Low-sulphur diesel fuel or for existing vessels by installing electric and manager are stationed at the ship- high-sulphur fuel oil in combination with motors and batteries. yard in China. The project has been suc- exhaust gas cleaners (scrubbers) are con- cessful so far, which is a result of the sidered to be the main alternatives in a BETTER DECISION SUPPORT FOR good relationship with the shipyard and ten to fifteen year perspective. Methanol INCREASED SAFETY its subcontractors. and LNG may also be options, but for Safety is high on Stena Teknik’s agenda. Stena Teknik is also involved in specific routes. Together with the Lighthouse Maritime inspection work during construction of Battery technology will also be devel- Competence Centre, a study is being the Stena MidMAX drilling rig in South oped in terms of capacity and price, so conducted on how technology for Korea, with personnel based in Gothen- that vessels built for shorter routes could increased autonomy could be used to burg and stationed at the shipyard. be fully operated using electricity. Stena provide better and more user-friendly Teknik is currently developing a fully decision support onboard with the help ELECTRIC SHIPS ARE THE FUTURE electric future vessel concept for Stena of information from existing systems Stena Teknik conducted a study on Line. As part of this development and to and complementary sensors. possible future fuels together with an acquire the necessary knowledge and external consultant. Companies from experience, the initial phase involves STENATEKNIK.COM 24 STENA AB ANNUAL REVIEW 2016
THE YEAR’S MEASURES REDUCED CO2 EMISSIONS BY We are lower 8,000 TONNES emissions. HARRY ROBERTSSON > TECHNICAL DIRECTOR To further improve energy efficiency, the vessels displacement needs to be reduced by decreasing the lightweight of the vessel. The maritime regulations often hinder that we use lighter weight materials and equipment on our vessels. A framework for ener- gy-efficient vessels (Energy Efficient Craft Code) should therefore be developed. Lighter vessels require lower installed engine power, which can lead to alternative and more efficient propulsion arrangements. The IMO’s Ballast Water Management Convention comes into force in 2017. The Convention, which is aimed at preventing micro-organisms in the ballast water being transferred from one marine area to another, will involve investment in new equip- ment to treat incoming ballast water. Stena’s fleet will be reviewed and a priority list for the installations will be established. STENA AB ANNUAL REVIEW 2016 25
STENA AB STENA PROPERTY Stena’s property operations are managed by Stena Fastigheter in Sweden and by Stena Realty interna- tionally. The total owned and managed portfolio comprises 2.4 million sqm, where of the majority is in Sweden. With tenancy as its form of tenure, Stena Property develops long-term, attractive residential environments and workplaces. Stena Property’s goal is to be the first choice of tenants. 12% 4,100 MSEK REVENUE 24,300 RESIDENTIAL SHARE OF GROUP 300 EMPLOYEES 36,500 MSEK CAPITAL 3,900 REVENUE EMPLOYED COMMERCIAL CUSTOMER SERVICE AROUND THE CLOCK AND IN ANY LANGUAGE Stena Property has building rights in its In Haninge, construction of student apart- DIGITALISATION PROVIDES own residential areas, with the possi- ments and ordinary rental apartments is BETTER SERVICE bility to build 10,000 apartments. The complete. In Landskrona, Stena Property Within two years, most of the tenants company will double its rate of con- acquired 1,225 apartments in great com- will have access to the fibre network. struction to 1,000 apartments a year petition from the municipality-owned By using algorithms, customer service between now and 2020. Landskronahem. can be offered around the clock and in Half of the 1,000 apartments now The SCA building in Mölndal was any language. Tenants can get answers under construction will be condomini- completed and taken over in December to frequently asked questions and man- ums. In Nöbbelöv in northern Lund, four 2016. The building is environmentally age the service more easily themselves. tower blocks are being built on land certified according to BREEAM, level Pilot projects are being performed that was previously parking or unused Excellent, and houses high-tech business, during 2017. green space. Two of the properties will which places high demands on property Digitalisation is used in the sale of be housing associations and two will be management. owner-occupied apartments. Advanced rental properties – all offering the same Stena has purchased land in Sophia VR technology means that speculators standard. Antipolis in France to double the 50,000 can see a preview of what the apart- sqm that the company already owns. In the ments will look like. HIGH DEMANDS ON MANAGEMENT Netherlands, the company has let 36,000 Stena has sold three small properties sqm of office space and converted an office in Stockholm and one in Mölndal. building into residential units. STENAFASTIGHETER.SE 26 STENA AB ANNUAL REVIEW 2016
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