ANNUAL REVIEW 2017 - EuroGeographics

Page created by Duane Cook
ANNUAL REVIEW 2017 - EuroGeographics
ANNUAL REVIEW 2017 - EuroGeographics
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    CONTENTS                                                                        OUR
    OUR MEMBERS                          3       ITALY                      34
    PRESIDENT’S REPORT                   4-5     LITHUANIA                  35

    ABOUT US                             6-7     POLAND                     36

    A FEW HIGHLIGHTS FROM 2017           8-13    PORTUGAL                   37

    MEMBERS’ CASE STUDIES                        ROMANIA                    38
                                                                                    Our members are the National Mapping, Cadastral and Land
    ALBANIA                              16-17   RUSSIA                     39      Registration Authorities in Europe.
    AUSTRIA                              18      SERBIA                     40

    BELGIUM                              19      SLOVAKIA                   41
                                                                                    As the official bodies responsible for national cadastre, land registration, geodetic surveying and
    BOSNIA & HERZEGOVINA                 20      SLOVENIA                   42      mapping activities in Europe, EuroGeographics’ members fulfil an essential role providing official,
                                                                                    definitive and detailed geospatial information and services. These are underpinned by professional,
    CROATIA                              21      SPAIN                      43
                                                                                    scientific and technical expertise and support a wide range of requirements for national decision
    CZECH REPUBLIC                       22-23   SWEDEN                     44      making, including positioning, navigation and emergency response.

    DENMARK                              24-25   SWITZERLAND                45      By simplifying access to their data, members are driving applications to realise a wide range of social,
                                                                                    economic and environmental benefits, as well as quicker, more efficient, secure and reliable land
    ESTONIA                              26      THE NETHERLANDS            46
                                                                                    registration in support of an equitable property market.
    FRANCE                               27      TURKEY                     47

    GEORGIA                              28      UKRAINE                    48-49

    GREAT BRITAIN                        29      LIST OF MEMBERS            50-51

    GERMANY                              30-31   MANAGEMENT & HEAD OFFICE   52-53

    HUNGARY                              32      FINANCES                   54-57

    IRELAND                              33
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    A society empowered by our members’ authoritative geospatial services

                                 In an ever-changing world,              Environment Agency. The aim is to make more national
                                 EuroGeographics’ members play an        authoritative geospatial information available through the
                                 important and often critical role in    European Commission’s flagship initiative for earth observation
                                 helping to address the key global       and monitoring, and our new Copernicus KEN is established to
                                 and regional issues that affect         develop this important relationship.
                                 society, such as climate change,
                                 sustainable development, a digital      The importance of harmonised European geospatial data from
                                 economy, migration, security and        official national sources is also recognised at the global level.
                                 health. With these challenges           We are delighted that EuroGlobalMap, our open data which was
    extending beyond national borders, society now expects a             updated and enhanced in 2017, is being included in the United
    borderless digital economy and property market, as well as           Nations Second Administrative Level Boundaries (SALB) initiative.
    fully connected national databases for stronger cross-border         Internationally, we contribute to the United Nations Committee
    emergency planning and environmental monitoring.                     of Experts on Global Geospatial Information Management (UN-
    At our 2017 General Assembly, our members set out a clear            GGIM) and made a number of important interventions on behalf
    strategic response to these important issues of today and            of our Association at its Seventh Session in New York. We are
    tomorrow, as well as critical applications required for the public   also a permanent member of the Executive Committee of UN-
    good. Together, we have laid the foundations to achieve              GGIM: Europe, for which we provide the secretariat.
    our ambition of a society empowered by the use of trusted            In addition, EuroGeographics continues to provide a voice
    geospatial services from official national sources.                  for members in the European institutions and, in 2017, our
    European Location Services are integral to our future plans.         activities culminated in invitations to contribute to European
    At its April 2017 meeting, the EuroGeographics Management            Commission consultations on both the Directive on the Re-use
    Board reconfirmed its commitment to delivering this fundamental      of Public Sector Information (PSI) and the review of the
    resource for Europe by approving the programme of work and           Database Directive.
    investment required to develop operational services. In May, we      For EuroGeographics and its members, 2017 was an extremely
    launched the Open ELS project, itself a core component of this       busy and productive year with our Association growing once
    wider vision. The Project, co-financed by the European Union’s       again as we welcomed Malta Land Registry and Registers of
    Connecting Europe Facility, aims to develop pan-European             Scotland to the membership. I am delighted to present this
    open data services using authoritative geospatial information        review of our joint activities.
    along with an associated business model, whilst also respecting
    EuroGeographics members’ national policy, legislative and
    business requirements.

    The European Commission and its institutions continue to have
    access to our pan-European geospatial information and related
    services through our agreement with Eurostat. Our collaboration
    with the European Commission was further strengthened                  Ingrid Vanden Berghe
    when we signed a partnership agreement with the European               EuroGeographics’ President
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                            ABOUT US
                                                                                                                                         Knowledge Exchange                                                    We offer standardised, transparent pricing and licensing
                                                                                                                                                                                                               agreements, including an open data licence for our 1:1 million scale
                                                                                                                                         EuroGeographics members place tremendous value on                     European topographic dataset, EuroGlobalMap which is produced
                                                                                                                                         collaborating to find solutions to common challenges. This            with support from The National Institute of Geographic and Forest
                                                                                                                                         willingness to share experiences and best practice is central to      Information (IGN France).
                                                                                                                                         the success of our Knowledge Exchange Networks (KENs) which
                           EuroGeographics - Connecting you to maps, geospatial and                                                      provide an open forum for discussing issues of mutual interest.       The development and delivery of our dataset of official
                           land information for Europe                                                                                                                                                         administrative and statistical regions, EuroBoundaryMap, along
                                                                                                                                         The KENs organise a comprehensive calendar of annual events,          with our 1:250 000 scale multi-themed topographic mapping,
                                                                                                                                         including webinars, workshops and conferences, and also issue         EuroRegionalMap, is coordinated by Germany’s Federal Agency
                            EuroGeographics is an independent international not-for-profit organisation representing Europe’s National   a range of publications such as the results of research, policy       for Cartography and Geodesy (BKG).
                            Mapping, Cadastral and Land Registration Authorities. We believe in a society empowered by the use of        papers and best practice guidelines.
                            our members’ authoritative geospatial data and services.                                                                                                                           European Location Services
                                                                                                                                         EuroGeographics also collaborates with organisations beyond
                            Our strength lies in our extensive membership and we are proud to represent 63 organisations from 46         the national mapping, cadastral and land registry sector. This
                                                                                                                                                                                                               EuroGeographics is working with its members to further
                            countries covering the whole of geographical Europe. We deliver benefits for each regardless of the          includes those which have common interests, complementary
                                                                                                                                                                                                               develop European Location Services. The goal is to provide
                            geographical, technical, political, organisational, linguistic and business parameters in which they work.   expertise and programmes of work which support our members’
                                                                                                                                                                                                               the single access point for international users of harmonised,
                                                                                                                                         activities and promotes them to a wider, yet relevant, audience.
                                                                                                                                                                                                               pan-European, authoritative geospatial information and services.

                            What we do                                                                                                   These partnerships complement and add to the development of
                                                                                                                                                                                                               The Open ELS Project, co-financed by the European Union’s
                                                                                                                                         our KEN activities, bringing greater opportunities for professional
                            EuroGeographics supports the public good by representing our members’ interests, maintaining networks                                                                              Connecting Europe Facility, is part of wider operational
                                                                                                                                         development. In this way, we help our members improve their
                            that help our members improve their capabilities and role, and by facilitating access to and use of our                                                                            European Location Services. It aims to provide certainty about
                                                                                                                                         capabilities and role, and contribute more effectively to the wider
                            members’ geospatial data and services. By providing a single point of contact, we enable government,                                                                               what is free, what is charged for and under what terms and
                                                                                                                                         public good.
                            business and citizens to benefit from their collective expertise, products and services.                                                                                           conditions. The Project will also maximise the benefits and use
                                                                                                                                                                                                               of authoritative geospatial information by making it easy to find,
                                                                                                                                         European geospatial data and services                                 access and re-use.
                                                                                                                                         from official national sources
                            EuroGeographics is committed to representing members’ interests in the European institutions and
                                                                                                                                         Facilitating access to and the use of our members’ geospatial
                            internationally to ensure that their roles, capabilities and concerns are understood. We are registered on
                                                                                                                                         data and services is a core strategic goal of the Association.
                            the EU Transparency Register and are bound by its code of conduct. We are an observer organisation
                                                                                                                                         We do this in two ways. First, we promote the importance of
                            at the United Nations Global Geospatial Information Management Initiative (UN-GGIM) and are also a
                                                                                                                                         our members’ authoritative geospatial data and services, a key
                            permanent member of the UN-GGIM: Europe Executive Committee, for which we provide the secretariat.
                                                                                                                                         strategic objective within our representation activity. Secondly,
                            We are a passionate advocate for European geospatial data from official sources. By providing a strong,      we produce pan-European products and we are developing
                            independent voice, we support our members in making this case to their national governments, as well as      European Location Services.
                            internationally through our networks and partnerships.
                                                                                                                                         Products and Services
                            Our representation activity is based upon the principle of constructive participation. This enables us to
                            demonstrate members’ relevance by delivering value to policy development and legislative programmes          EuroGeographics currently offers four European geospatial data
                            in those areas where they have a track record, significant expertise and a legitimate interest.              products. All are harmonised to standard specifications, so users
                                                                                                                                         can be confident that the information provided is consistent,
                                                                                                                                         comparable and easily shared — regardless of its national
                                                                                                                                         source. The data is updated annually and can be used in a wide
                                                                                                                                         range of applications including analysis, planning and research.
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    A FEW
    FROM 2017
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                                                                                                                                                                                             Visit to the
                                                                                                                                                                                             Spanish Cadastre

     Members                                                                                                                                                                                 Mick Cory visited the General Directorate for the
                                                                                                                                                                                             Cadastre, Spain to find out more about its work
                                                                                                                                                                                             and discuss European Location Services, to which
                                                                                                                                                                                             Spanish Cadastre is an important contributor.

     Applications from the Malta Land Registry and Registers of Scotland were approved by members at our 2017
     Extraordinary General Assembly in May. As a result, we now represent 63 organisations from 46 countries.                                                                                Products

                                                                                                                                                                                             EuroGeographics Data Producers met in

                         Collaboration and Representation                                                                                                                                    November at the Directorate General for Territory
                                                                                                                                                                                             Portugal. The 55 experts from across Europe
                         EuroGeographics represented members at a number of international and regional events:                                                                               discussed the achievements, progress, working
                                                                                                                                                                                             plans and technical issues related to creation of
                         •   Delegates discussed data quality and usability at our joint international workshop with EuroSDR and
                             Ordnance Survey                                                                                         Contributing to                                         our pan-European products.

                         •   EuroGeographics joined 100 delegates from 15 countries at the 10th Regional conference for Cadastre     UN Boundary
                             and Spatial Data Infrastructure in Skopje, FYRO Macedonia

                             Our President Ingrid Vanden Berghe joined Kristian Moller, Director General, Agency for Data Supply
                                                                                                                                     Information Initiative
                             and Efficiency, Denmark to chair a workshop on NMGAs in a digital economy at the 2017 Cambridge
                             Conference, an international meeting organised by Ordnance Survey Great Britain
                                                                                                                                     We announced that harmonised European open
                         •   Our Secretary General and Executive Director Mick Cory gave the opening address at the VIII Iberian     data from official national sources is to be included
                             Conference on Spatial Data Infrastructures (JIIDE) and the II National Meeting on Infrastructures for   in the United Nations Second Administrative Level
                             Geographical Information (ENIIG) which took place in Lisbon, Portugal on 15 November 2017               Boundaries (SALB) initiative.                           General Assembly

                                                                                                                                                                                             Our Strategy for 2017-2020 was unanimously

                                                                                                                                     Visit to the State                                      approved by members.

                                                                                                                                     Committee on                                            Colin Bray, Chief Executive Officer & Chief
                                                                                                                                                                                             Survey Officer, Ordnance Survey Ireland and
                                                                                   United Nations                                    Property of the                                         Amalia Velasco Martín-Varés, International Affairs

                                                                                   Representation                                    Republic of Belarus                                     Coordinator, Spanish Directorate General for
                                                                                                                                                                                             Cadastre were elected to our Management Board.

                                                                                                                                                                                             It was an honour to join the hosts of our 2017
                                                                                   We continue to contribute to the United           We were delighted to visit and find out more about      General Assembly, the Federal Office for Metrology
                                                                                   Nations Committee of Experts on Global            the work of the State Committee on Property of          and Survey (BEV) for celebrations marking 200
                                                                                   Geospatial Information Management (UN-GGIM)       the Republic of Belarus. Discussions focused on         Years of Cadastre in Austria and the countries of
                                                                                   and made a number of important interventions      closer cooperation including the provision of data      the former Austro-Hungarian Monarchy. We
                                                                                   on behalf of our Association at its Seventh       and participation in our Knowledge Exchange             were also pleased to participate in the Common
                                                                                   Session in New York.                              Networks (KENs).                                        Vision Conference.
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        Participating in Group
        on Earth Observation
        EuroGeographics was recognised as a Participating
        Organisation in the Group on Earth Observations
        (GEO). We hope to develop our collaboration with the
        earth observation community by acting as the interface
        between GEO and the European National Mapping,
        Cadastral and Land Registration Authorities.
                                                                                                                            Cooperation with the European Environment Agency
                                                                 Knowledge Exchange
                                                                                                                            Our cooperation agreement with the European Environment Agency (EEA) signals a commitment to make more national

        Joint Cadastre and                                                                                                  authoritative geospatial information available through Copernicus, the European Commission’s flagship initiative for earth
                                                                                                                            observation and monitoring. The newly-created Copernicus Knowledge Exchange Network (CoKEN) builds on this partnership.
        Land Registration                                        The Quality Knowledge Exchange Network (QKEN)
                                                                 marked its 20th anniversary during its Plenary hosted
        workshop, Lausenne,                                      by Germany’s Federal Agency for Cartography and
                                                                 Geodesy (BKG).
                                                                 A successful workshop was held in November on
                                                                 the challenges and opportunities of land use and               European Location Services
        Our President, Ingrid Vanden Berghe gave the             cover products was organised by our INSPIRE KEN,
        welcome address at the joint CLR KEN and UNECE           the EEA and EuroSDR. Delegates focused on sharing
        WPLA workshop in Lausanne Switzerland. Discussions       knowledge, experience and research to help fulfil user         European Location Services Programme Management arrangements were put into place, and agreed by the
        focused on the importance of stable and efficient        requirements and legal obligations.                            Management Board. The ELF project completed its project work and handed over ownership to EuroGeographics. In
        systems of land administration, the challenges and                                                                      March, Mick Cory was joined by Haico Van der Vegt from Kadaster to speak about the journey to European Location
                                                                 The Copernicus Knowledge Exchange Network (CoKEN)
        opportunities presented by the digital age, and the                                                                     Services at a joint meeting of National Mapping Authorities and National Statistical Institutes hosted by Eurostat.
                                                                 was formally established, and held its first meeting in
        needs, developments and opportunities arising from
                                                                 December in Brussels.
        the third dimension.                                                                                                    The Open ELS Project, co-financed by the European Union’s Connecting Europe Facility, was launched in May 2017. By
                                                                                                                                the end of the year research by the Open ELS Project revealed that open data is available from most European NMCAs.
                                                                                                                                The survey found that that 98% of respondents provide at least some of their data free of charge and, of these, 37% make
                                                                                                                                all their data available under an open licence.

                                                                 Goals and Land
                                                                 Administration                                                 Marine                                                            Updated Open Data
                                                                                                                                Cadastre Report
                                                                                                                                                                                                  Users of our pan-European open data benefit from
                                                                 At the 10th session of the UNECE Working Party for
                                                                                                                                                                                                  a series of enhancements to EuroGlobalMap. Three
                                                                 Land Administration (WPLA), Mick Cory and Dr Daniel            Our joint report on Marine Cadastre, commissioned
                                                                                                                                                                                                  themes are now generalised from our more detailed
                                                                 Steudler, Chair of the Cadastre and Land Registry KEN          with our Common Vision partners, CLGE, ELRA,
                                                                                                                                                                                                  products, giving even greater confidence that the
                                                                 called for further work on the impact of the Sustainable       EULIS and PCC, was published. The objective is
                                                                                                                                                                                                  information provided is consistent, comparable and
                                                                 Development Goals (SDGs) on cadastre and land                  to raise awareness and trigger discussions about
                                                                                                                                                                                                  easily shared.
                                                                 registries in Europe.                                          potential benefits in Europe’s Blue Economy.
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     Albania marks major milestone with                                                                                                                          Albania enhances property
     development of national geoportal                                                                                                                           data and modernises registration services

       Delivering an                         The portal,      ASIG is also responsible for drafting
                                                                                                                                      Albania’s Central       More than 2,680 cadastral zones from         phase before being passed to the data
                                             al, is a crucial step in the development     geoinformation standards, which are                                 a total of just over 3,000 have been         quality team. The Improvement, Update
       INSPIRE compliant                     of a sustainable, modern and efficient       based on those of INSPIRE. During 2017,     Office of Immovable     completed so far. In addition, IPRO          and First Registration Project is being
       national geoportal                    National Spatial Data Infrastructure         it prepared standards for the themes on     Property Registration   has developed and improved                   funded by revenue generated from
                                             (NSDI). It enables search, view, download,   transport network, geology, elevation,                              working procedures, quality control,         IPRO services. Each cadastral zone is
       was a significant                     and transformation services which meet       orthoimagery, Coordinate Reference          (IPRO) continues        product standards, and has been              allocated specialists including a lawyer
       achievement                           ISO and OGC standards.                       Systems, protected sites, land use, and     its commitment to       continuously training its staff to deliver   and a cartographer.
                                                                                          geographical grid systems.                                          this priority activity.
       for Albania’s                         Public users can freely access 85                                                        completing the                                                       IPRO is one of a number of organisations
                                             datasets, such as orthoimagery, cadastre,    Large-scale digital maps for the main                               IPRO has also started a digitisation         in the Western Balkans working with
       State Authority                       infrastructure, protected areas, land        economic area of Albania, Tirana-Durres
                                                                                                                                      first systematic        project to enhance data from 1995 to         Kadaster, The Netherlands’ Cadastre,
       for Geospatial                        use and geology. The user-friendly           are being created through a joint           registration of         2000 which is held in its maps and           Land Registry and Mapping Agency as

       Information (ASIG)                    design also includes tools for creating
                                             and editing geospatial data, a 3D Map
                                                                                          agreement with Japan International
                                                                                          Cooperation Agency (JICA). They will
                                                                                                                                      immovable property      registers. The process involves improving
                                                                                                                                                              and updating the immovable property
                                                                                                                                                                                                           part of a project to modernise services
                                                                                                                                                                                                           in the region. The participants aim
       in 2017.                              Viewer, thematic maps and a multi-           be shared with local authorities and the    in the electronic       registry with data on 556,200 properties     to strengthen their institutional
                                             functional search. The development           public through the national geoportal.
                                                                                                                                      title registry.         in 180 cadastral zones, completing the       and organisational capacity as
                                             of the geoportal was made possible                                                                               process of initial registration of 168,000   service providers.
                                             thanks to a donation from the Norwegian      In addition, rhe project, the Geospatial                            real estate properties in 23 urban
                                             Government through Kartverket, the           Information for Sustainable Territorial                             cadastral zones, and creating a digital      IPRO hosted the first project workshop
                                             Norwegian Mapping Authority.                 Development in the High Intensity                                   immovable property register for 724,200      in Tirana which saw representatives
                                                                                          Area Development of Tirana-Durres,                                  properties in 203 cadastral zones.           from Albania, Bosnia-Herzegovina,
                                                                                          focuses on technology transfer, including                                                                        Macedonia, Montenegro, Kosovo
                                                                                          hardware and software infrastructure, as                            During 2017, 61 cadastral zones were         and Serbia join Kadaster to
                                                                                          well as training for ASIG employees.                                completed as part of the first phase with    share experiences.
                                                                                                                                                              a further 32 completed in the second

     Geoinformation Standards

     The co-operation agreement between ASIG and JICA                                     National Geoportal
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     Austria                                                                                    Belgium
     Celebrating the 200th                                                                      Implementing INSPIRE through a federal
     Anniversary of the Cadastre in Austria                                                     platform for spatial information in Belgium

       The Austrian                                                                               In Belgium, the
       Cadastre celebrated                                                                        federal platform for
       its 200th Anniversary                                                                      spatial information
       in 2017.                                                                          is
     This jubilee marked a special occasion
                                                                                                  contributing to better
     for the Federal Office for Metrology and                                                     cooperation in the
     Surveying (BEV) which commemorated
     the history, evolution and importance of
                                                                                                  implementation of the
     the cadastre for the Austrian economy                                                        INSPIRE Directive.
     and society.
                                                                                                In 2014, the National Geographic Institute
     In 1817, Emperor Franz I commissioned                                                      of Belgium (NGI) began development
     the military service to survey the entire                                                  of the federal geo-platform (www.geo.
     area of the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy                                                      be) making publicly available the spatial
     and plot the boundaries of all parcels                                                     data and services from the Federal
     in cadastral maps thereby creating the                                                     Public Services (SPF) and in conformity
     cornerstone for the establishment of                                                       with the INSPIRE Directive. This has
     the cadastre. The territory covered an       and decision making at all levels of public   been realized in partnership with the
     area of more than 300,000 square                                                                                                        the INSPIRE Directive. Both datasets          recommendations. NGI also offers set-
                                                  administration and plays an important         FPS Economy (Statistics Belgium), the
     kilometres comprising over 50 million                                                                                                   and services are documented in a              up support and hosting of the network
                                                  role in the economy and society.              FPS Finance (General Administration for
     parcels of land.                                                                                                                        multilingual federal geo-catalogue, which     services on behalf of the partners.
                                                                                                Patrimonial Documentation, previously
                                                  Continuous interaction with the land                                                       is national and international in scope, and
                                                                                                the Land Register), the Royal Belgian                                                      To ensure the geo-broker role, NGI has
     The so-called “Franziszeischer Kataster”     register ensures the basis for a secured                                                   accessible via
                                                                                                Meteorological Institute, the Royal                                                        extended the partnership to a group
     was finalised in 1861 and was the first      land administration under the rule of         Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences,       To allow the development of the geo-          of experts of Spatial Applications Data
     complete registration of every single        law. The current Austrian land register       the Royal Observatory of Belgium and         platform, a partnership between the           Division from the Leuven University
     parcel of land in today’s Austria on         is a digital public register documenting      the Royal Belgian Institute for Space        federal spatial data owners and NGI           and a consortium of private companies
     approximately 54,000 map sheets. All         the location, the boundaries and other        Aeronomy and the Belgian Interregional       has been established with bilateral           GeoSolutions/GeoCad. The federal geo-
     the original maps are kept in the archives   relevant additional information of nearly     Environment Agency, which are all            agreements describing the concrete            platform become operational in 2017 and
     of the BEV and digital copies of these       10.2 million parcels of land that can be      involved in the implementation of the        distribution of tasks, the data and           is now looking to Horizon 2020.
     documents can be obtained from the           used online at all times.                     INSPIRE Directive and provide spatial        services to deliver and the support
     BEV Geodata Portal.
                                                                                                datasets covering most of the themes         required. NGI acts as a geo-broker and
                                                  The highlight of the 200th anniversary
     The Austrian Cadastre has developed                                                        from Annex I to III.                         is responsible for validating the federal
                                                  celebrations was a ceremony on 4
     into an indispensable information            October 2017 at the Festive Hall of                                                        metadata, datasets and services in
                                                                                                NGI is leading the work and is in charge
     system with technological progress and       the Austrian Academy of Sciences in                                                        compliance with INSPIRE. NGI supports
                                                                                                of the development and maintenance
     continuous adjustments of the legal          Vienna where around 250 guests from                                                        the partners in the implementation
                                                                                                of the technical geo-platform, which
     framework contributing to its success.       Austrian government, politics, business                                                    of the Directive by offering INSPIRE
                                                                                                currently provides a network of spatial
     Today, it provides the basis for planning    and science gathered with official                                                         expertise, and support through specific
                                                                                                datasets and discovery, viewing and
                                                  representatives from all over Europe.                                                      training, workshops, guidance and
                                                                                                download of services according to
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     Bosnia & Herzegovina                                                                     Croatia
     Benefiting the public by delivering essential                                            Continuing the modernisation
     data and services in Bosnia and Herzegovina                                              of the Croatian Cadastre

       Data and services                          To provide relevant e-services, a special
                                                                                                An increase in                          The State Geodetic Administration (SGA)      SGA has also developed a methodology
                                                  portal was developed.                                                 is at the heart of this continuing work      for the homogenisation of cadastral maps
       provided by the                            This has been providing free access           online transactions,                    to build an effective land management        which originate from the 19th century
       Federal Administration                     to information since 2014 and in 2017 a
                                                                                                improved cadastral                      system that contributes to the               and are still in official use. Following
                                                  record number of 8 million views were                                                 development of society and an effective      extensive testing using three types of
       for Geodetic and                           recorded. Registered users can access         maps and a new                          real estate market.                          transformation parameters; identical
       Real Property Affairs                      portal services via the Web Map Services      application for                         A joint information system, comprising a
                                                                                                                                                                                     points, existing geodetic records, and
                                                  (WMS), Web Feature Services (WFS) and                                                                                              boundaries of isolated areas, this has
       (FGA) are essential                        Web Coverage Service (WCS) protocols.         producing geodetic                      common database of the cadastre and          now been implemented in more than one
       to the infrastructure                      The system is capable of providing            reports are helping                     land registries and a single application     hundred cadastral municipalities.
                                                  payable services but all government                                                   for real estate data, was established
       benefitting the general                    agencies can access the data at no cost.      to modernise land                       with the Ministry of Justice. As a result,   More than 55,000 geodetic reports
       public in Bosnia                                                                         administration                          citizens benefit from better, faster and     are submitted in cadastral offices every
                                                  Working in a demanding and developing                                                 simpler access to land registration and      year, making them the most widely
       and Herzegovina.                           environment, means that the future-           in Croatia.                             cadastral data through an online one-        used product for surveyors. SGA has
                                                  oriented management and dedicated                                                     stop-shop. In May 2017, this service was     built an application for establishing
     The demand for better quality services,      staff of FGA are well aware of the role,                                              expanded with a new module for issuing       and implementing such reports using
     accompanied by greater accountability        challenges and international trends in                                                official cadastral documents.                Geographic Markup Language (GML).
     and transparency, lies at the core of        land administration. With the support                                                                                              This is currently being tested.
     public sector reforms and e-government       of international partners, such as the
     strategies. Customer awareness and a         World Bank, the Swedish International
     need for value for money are important       Development Cooperation Agency
     drivers for change within FGA.               (SIDA) and Government of Norway,
                                                  FGA is improving the availability,
     Continued implementation of the land
                                                  accessibility and efficiency of its
     administration sector reform, and creation
                                                  service to the public, professional
     of new client-oriented products, have
                                                  users and government organisations.
     been facilitated by the new Cadastre
     IT system. By formulating, establishing/     Data improvement to provide more
     creating, disseminating and setting-up       accurate and reliable real estate data
     databases of harmonised real estate          via a high-quality, timely, and easy-to-
     data, data on property transactions,         use customer service, is evidence of
     address data and other geographical          the continued development of land
     information, FGA is progressively using      administration to support the reform of
     information technology to improve            public institutions and European Union
     services and transparency in the land        aspirations in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
     administration sector.

                                                                                              Cadastral map before and after homogenisation
22   EuroGeographics Annual Review 2017                                                                                                    23

     Czech Republic
     Czech Republic completes
     digitisation of cadastral maps

       In 2017, the Czech                        The long-term aim was to combine            demand for enriched cadastral content,
                                                 digitised records on ownership and          up-to-datedness of the database
       Office for Surveying,                     other material rights, technical data and   and more precise localisation of
       Mapping and                               cadastral maps from different sources in    the real estate cadastre parcels.
                                                 one database. This ensures easy access      Furthermore, it contributes to better
       Cadastre completed                        to real estate information and smooth       links between the cadastre and other
       the digitisation of its                   and speedy registration of rights into      geographical databases.
                                                 the real estate cadastre. In addition,
       cadastral maps.                           it also promotes the use of cadastral       The Office has been responsible for the
                                                 information in the geoinformation           real estate cadastre, land registration
     The milestone is the final goal in the                                                  and land surveying and state mapping
                                                 systems of public administrations.
     transformation of the Real Estate                                                       activities since 1993. Priorities now focus
     Cadastre and Land Registry.                 Digitisation of data is complemented by     on the development of new electronic
                                                 the development of quicker and more         services, new cadastral mapping and
     At the beginning of the social and
                                                 efficient electronic services as well as    new procedures for updating land use
     economic transformation of the Czech
                                                 new applications. Approximately half of     information, building objects, public law
     Republic in 1993, the decision was taken
                                                 all submissions for registration into the   restrictions. Linking with other registries
     to renew the land registry, including
                                                 real estate cadastre are electronically     to offer a wide range of high quality
     the registration of material rights and
                                                 delivered, especially by notaries, state    information to customers is also vital to
     the multi-purpose real estate cadastre.
                                                 authorities, courts and banks.              future plans.
     Historical real estate records were used
     together with information from historical   Digitised information also enables
     land registries and other sources.          the Czech Office for Surveying,
                                                 Mapping and Cadastre to respond to

     Cadastral map                               Digital cadastral map with orthophoto       Original Stable cadastre map –
                                                                                             Imperial imprint
24   EuroGeographics Annual Review 2017                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       25

     Modernisation of the Danish                                                                                                                                                       Delivering a digital foundation for growth
     real property data registers                                                                                                                                                      in Denmark

       The Danish Geodata                                                                                                                 Denmark estimates                         As a result of the open data policy, and      both international and national modelling
                                                                                                                                                                                    SDFE’s efforts to make data easy to find,     standards. Based on the experiences
       Agency continues to                                                                                                                that the value of                         use and combine with other data, the          from the pilot project, SDFE will
       play a major role in                                                                                                               its open geospatial                       online portal ‘Kortforsyningen’ received      commence full scale production
                                                                                                                                                                                    a record 4.5 billion data requests during     during 2018.
       the modernisation                                                                                                                  data has more than                        2017. Private companies are now using
       of the Danish                                                                                                                      doubled since the                         SDFE’s data in new and innovative
                                                                                                                                                                                    ways, and it is evident that geospatial
       real property                                                                                                                      introduction of the                       information creates added value for the
       data registers.                                                                                                                    open data policy                          users in many applications. Some recent
                                                                                                                                                                                    use-cases relate to buying real estate,
     It is currently testing a new IT system
                                                                                                                                          in 2013.                                  renting city bikes, assessing the risk for
     to support the updating of the new                                                                                                                                             burglary, and illustrating the geospatial
                                                                                                                                        The Danish Agency for Data Supply and
     registers in the Danish Real Property                                                                                                                                          distribution of tax rates.
                                                                                                                                        Efficiency (SDFE) was established in
     Data Program.
                                                                                                                                        January 2016 when the former Danish         SDFE is a key contributor to the Danish
     In Denmark, a number of administrative                                                                                             Geodata Agency (GST) was divided            Digitisation Strategy and is responsible
                                                  The Danish Minister of Energy, Utilities and Climate, Lars Chr. Lilleholt (centre)
     processes ensure that property changes                                                                                             into two new and separate agencies.         for the national ’Data Distributor’, a one-
                                                  declares the Danish Geodata Agency’s new premises in Aalborg open. Director-                                                                                                    Use of SDFE’s open data
     are consistent with building regulations                                                                                           SDFE aims to create a better digital        stop distribution channel giving access
                                                  General of the Danish Geodata Agency, Pia Dahl Højgaard, is pictured right with
     and spatial planning. Before a change        Mayor of Aalborg, Thomas Kastrup-Larsen on the left.                                  foundation for growth, not only in the      to a range of interoperable basic public
     can be registered in the cadastre, it must                                                                                         private sector, but also by freeing up      data on individuals, businesses, real
     be first approved by the municipality.                                                                                             time and resources in the public sector.    property, geospatial data etc. The first
     Within the Real Property Data Program,                                                                                             It is in charge of collecting, managing     service, Place Names went online in
     these administrative processes will be                                                                                             and making available geographic and         November 2017, and it is planned to be
     modernised and digitised. The focus                                                                                                administrative public sector data to        fully operational by mid-2019.
     here is on being able to reuse data and                                                                                            Danish decision-makers, businesses
                                                                                                                                        and citizens.                               SDFE has a well-established mapping
     on being able support the municipality’s
                                                                                                                                                                                    programme with a yearly updating cycle
     formal review of the case.
                                                                                                                                        As part of a broader plan for open data     for topographic information for Denmark.
     Following the Agency’s move to Aalborg,                                                                                            within the Danish Digitisation Strategy,    Creating a new digital topographic map
     a significant number of qualified new                                                                                              all of SDFE’s data were made publicly       for Greenland, however called for a
     staff have been recruited and, after a                                                                                             available in 2013. In 2017, a follow-up     different approach. In 2017, after three      Distribution of basic data
     focused training period, are already able                                                                                          analysis was carried out to estimate        years’ intensive work, SDFE finalised a
     to process many cases independently.                                                                                               the impact of open geospatial data in       pilot project to map four areas equivalent
     However, the casework time has not yet                                                                                             Denmark. The socio-economic value           to approximately twice the size of
     been reduced to the level of before the                                                                                            was calculated on the premise that it       Denmark in close cooperation with the
     relocation and work continues to improve                                                                                           generates both a production/market          Government of Greenland.
     services for users and stakeholders alike.                                                                                         and an efficiency effect. The analysis
                                                                                                                                        estimated that the value of free and open   The project had already delivered the
                                                  The Land Cadastre Project under the           The Danish Geodata Agency moved
                                                  Danish Real Property Data Program             to Lindholm Brygge 31 in Aalborg on 1   geospatial data was almost €500 million     digital elevation models and orthophotos
                                                                                                November, 2016.                         in 2016, more than twice as much as         upon which the topographic vector
                                                                                                                                        estimated in 2012.                          data was produced. In parallel with the
                                                                                                                                                                                    data production, a digital geographic
                                                                                                                                                                                    infrastructure was established, based on      Mapping Greenland
26   EuroGeographics Annual Review 2017                                                                                                                                                                                                                                27

     Estonia                                                                                                                       France
     Switch to new height system                                                                                                   Reference datasets in France
     simplifies cross-border projects in Estonia                                                                                   respond to public policy needs

       Estonia is benefiting              Following approval by the Minister of       Preparations for using the Amsterdam
                                                                                                                                     Delivering reference                       IGN’s public partnerships also extend
                                          the Environment, the Regulation on the      Ordnance Datum were thorough with                                                         to the fields of space and geoportals
       from the transition                Geodetic System saw Estonia switch          an extensive reconstruction of Estonia’s       databases to respond                       and in 2017 it signed several European
       to a new height                    from the Baltic Height System (BK77)        levelling network taking place between         to the needs of public                     contracts related to space geodesy for
                                          to the European Vertical Reference          2003 and 2016. Today, the network                                                         Galileo. In addition, it was entrusted to
       reference system                   System (EVRS) which is used by many         consists of 3,144 benchmarks, 4,238 km         policies is a key                          provide new quality evaluation services
       that helps to reduce               European countries, including its           of levelling lines and an average distance     activity for France’s                      for industrial production related to
                                          closest neighbours. Its introduction        between benchmarks of 1.4 km. The                                                         Sentinel data and a comparative
       costs, simplifies the              not only benefits the implementation        accuracy of the levelling network is           National Institute                         study of Digital Terrain Model (DTM)
       implementation of                  of international construction and           ± 1.7 mm.                                      of Geographic                              quality by the European Space Agency.        3D representation for a hydrology study
                                          infrastructure projects but also the                                                                                                                                               by the Hydratec start-up
       cross-border projects              management of pan-European spatial          As a result of the switchover, the             and Forest                                 Visits to the IGN Geoportal, which

       and enhances                       databases, data exchange and                southern region has seen an average
                                                                                                                                     Information (IGN).                         features in 10 major governmental
                                                                                                                                                                                websites and now incorporates a 3D
                                          navigation at sea as all nautical charts    15 cm increase in absolute height
       marine navigation.                 and data of shipping routes of the Baltic   with an average of 23 cm in the north.
                                                                                                                                   This reflects user demand for less
                                                                                                                                                                                viewer, have increased. To position the
                                                                                      These differences are due to differing                                                    Geoportal at the heart of the government
                                          Sea now use a common system.                                                             generic reference data and
                                                                                      postglacial land uplift values. For                                                       information system, the infrastructure is
                                                                                                                                   a requirement for more specific
                                          Due to the transition, the Estonian         example, Estonia’s highest point was                                                      being migrated to the inter-ministerial
                                                                                                                                   reference databases.
                                          geoid model also needed updating            previously 317.2 m above sea level and is                                                 cloud web-hosting service. This will
                                          with the new model, EST-GEOID2017,          now 317.4 m.                                 In 2017, the productivity of the Land        foster mutualisation of public geographic
                                          used for converting GNSS height                                                          Parcel Information System greatly            data and services. In this spirit, the       The Urban Planning Geoportal
                                          values to EH2000. An online calculator                                                   improved and benefited from the              Urban Planning Geoportal (geoportail-
                                          is available via the Estonian National                                                   Ministry of Agriculture’s confidence. gained momentum in
                                          Land Board’s geoportal.                                                                  IGN also worked in partnership with the      2017 by incorporating more than 3,000
                                                                                                                                   Tax Administration, to approve the new       urban planning documents.
                                                                                                                                   technical basis for the convergence of
                                                                                                                                                                                The IGNfab incubator continues to
                                                                                                                                   the cadastral vector map and the large-
                                                                                                                                                                                foster start-up innovation – from the
                                                                                                                                   scale topographic database, and the
                                                                                                                                                                                development of a hydraulic simulation
                                                                                                                                   Road Safety Administration, with whom it
                                                                                                                                                                                tool based on the IGN iTowns 3D
                                                                                                                                   setup the national database of reference
                                                                                                                                                                                platform to a platform enabling forest
                                                                                                                                   points of the road network. The latter has
                                                                                                                                                                                operators to find new wood resources.        Producing the national Land Parcel
                                                                                                                                   now ordered IGN to setup an ambitious
                                                                                                                                                                                In addition, the Minecraft on-demand         Information System (LPIS)
                                                                                                                                   information system to map speed
                                                                                                                                                                                service (, which combines
                                                                                                                                   limits. In terms of future development
                                                                                                                                                                                video games and 3D cartography to
                                                                                                                                   of altimetry data, IGN has tested High
                                                                                                                                                                                generate maps of the user’s favourite
                                                                                                                                   Density Lidar data.
                                                                                                                                                                                places, received an award at the 2017
                                                                                                                                                                                International Cartographic Conference.

     Estonian levelling network           Height corrections (cm) for conversion      Estonian geoid model ESTGEOID2017                                                                                                      The Minecraft on-demand service
                                          from BK77 heights to EH2000 heights
28   EuroGeographics Annual Review 2017                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           29

     Georgia                                                                                                                             Great Britain
     Implementing land                                                                                                                   Helping the UK become a
     registration reform in Georgia                                                                                                      global leader in geospatial

       Georgia has seen                            role in significantly improving the         mediation. Detailed statistical data is
                                                                                                                                           Ordnance Survey (OS)                        By combining their geospatial and             international engagement. Today OS is
                                                   coverage, completeness and accuracy         available at                                                 property expertise, HMLR and OS are           working with countries all over the world,
       a sharp increase in                         of the national cadastre database by                                                    continues to deliver                        supporting and encouraging disruptive         taking exemplar work and expertise
                                                                                               Activities also include a pilot project
       land registrations as                       recording previously unregistered rural
                                                                                               for the systematic registration of land     on its ambitious                            forces in the PropTech and GeoTech            to support projects in several nations.
                                                   land plots.                                                                                                                         markets. The benefits of this investment      From Smart City projects in Singapore
       a result of ambitious                                                                   plots supported by the World Bank. This     strategy to remain at                       are expected to be seen across the            to automated change detection work in
                                                   The reform, which has improved the          covers 12 settlements selected by issue
       reform implemented                          accessibility of land registration to       and geographic diversity. A nationwide
                                                                                                                                           the forefront of the                        legal, financial and property sectors,        the UAE. OS is also supporting several
                                                                                                                                                                                       stimulating growth for the wider              developing nations to enable them
       by the National                             citizens across Georgia, is underpinned     methodology and recommendations             geospatial industry.                        economy and bringing more                     to realise the benefits from accurate,
                                                   by a legislative framework, technical       will be developed using the analysis of
       Agency of Public                            support and a new cadastral standard        the results.                              The strategy focusses on three areas –
                                                                                                                                                                                       opportunities to the UK.                      maintained geospatial data. One
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     example is the collaboration with World
       Registry (NAPR)                             to ensure the high quality of the                                                     Best for Britain, Global Growth and Fit for   OS data continues to support the UK           Bank to help build geospatial data
                                                                                               The reform not only supports
       under the Ministry                          cadastral data. In addition to simplified
                                                   procedures concerning the legalisation      improvement of registration and
                                                                                                                                         the Future – which have been at the core      Government in the delivery of key
                                                                                                                                                                                       policies and public services at every
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     expertise in Tanzania.
                                                                                                                                         of the last 12 months’ activity.
       of Justice.                                 of land ownership rights, they also         cadastre accuracy and coverage in the                                                   level of government. From the Ministry
                                                   provide a mechanism for NAPR to             country, but also has a positive impact   In August 2017, OS announced a                of Housing, Communities & Local
     All services within the reform are free for   mediate in disputes and address             for Georgia, contributing to the          strategic partnership to help propel the      Government – where OS provide
     citizens with cadastral survey fees being     the problem of overlapping of land          efficiency and sustainability of land     UK towards becoming a global leader           essential location data that helps monitor
     reimbursed by the Government until the        boundaries. Enquiries and the collection    administration system, welfare of         in the land and property market. The          the development of new housing – to
     end of 2017.                                  of documents from other administrative      landowners, land market development       pilot partnership sees HM Land Registry       emergency services – where data
                                                   authorities are also done by NAPR.          and economic growth.                      (HMLR) join OS at its Geovation Hub           is used to coordinate planning and
     The objective is to address the main                                                                                                and aims to encourage and support             response to events, such as flooding.
     legislative issues and challenges to          To date, more than 400,000 land plots                                                 innovation and property technology
     eliminate barriers to land registration. In   have been registered and 783 cases                                                    businesses. Geovation is based at a           The last year has seen OS support the
     particular, the project plays an important    have been successfully resolved through                                               dedicated location-data lab in London         Government’s Industrial Strategy, which
                                                                                                                                         that supports and enables open                aims to build a Britain fit for the future.
                                                                                                                                         innovation and collaboration across           Building on previous years, OS continues
                                                                                                                                         many sectors. The Geovation mission           to position location data at the heart of
                                                                                                                                         is to expand the use of location and          technology, innovation and infrastructure
                                                                                                                                         land and property data in the UK’s            projects. Highlights include: The Internet
                                                                                                                                         innovation community.                         of Things (CityVerve) demonstrator
                                                                                                                                                                                       project in Manchester, embedding
                                                                                                                                         Participants in the pilot programme           geospatial and digital twin concepts
                                                                                                                                         receive up to £20,000 in grant funding        into the 5G initiative in Bournemouth,
                                                                                                                                         and a range of resources and services         partnering with Microsoft on machine
                                                                                                                                         that will help them develop their             to machine learning in geospatial data
                                                                                                                                         businesses. Geovation provides the            capture, and helping shape national
                                                                                                                                         support that participants need, including     infrastructure capable of supporting
                                                                                                                                         access to experienced software                autonomous vehicles through the
                                                                                                                                         developers, geospatial expertise from         E-CAVE project.
                                                                                                                                         OS and property expertise from HMLR.
                                                                                                                                         Business mentors are also available           These tech and innovation projects
                                                                                                                                         to assist with business proposals and         are not just benefiting Great Britain.
                                                                                                                                         investor relationships.                       but they’re also essential to OS’s
30   EuroGeographics Annual Review 2017                                                                                                                                                                                                                           31

     Aligning German reference data                                                                                                                                      BKG Germany fulfills INSPIRE Directive using
     with INSPIRE Annex I data themes                                                                                                                                    experience of European Projects

       A transformation                                                                                                                     Germany’s Federal            As a result, Germany met the November       When implementing INSPIRE, BKG’s
                                                                                                                                                                         2017 deadline for all European Union        focus was not only on fulfilling the legal
       specification to align                                                                                                               Agency for                   member countries to provide their spatial   mandate, but also on actively contributing
       reference data with                                                                                                                  Cartography and              data of the themes of INSPIRE Annex I in    to the INSPIRE initiative with Europe-wide
                                                                                                                                                                         a compliant and interoperable way.          interoperable spatial data. The results
       INSPIRE Annex I                                                                                                                      Geodesy (BKG) has                                                        of the European Location Framework
       data themes has                                                                                                                      used its experience          BKG has fulfilled this legal requirement    (ELF) Project were taken into account
                                                                                                                                                                         and implemented it for its own spatial      and BKG’s implementation also used
       been created by the                                                                                                                  of harmonising and           data products. INSPIRE-compliant spatial    its previous experience of harmonising
       surveying authorities                                                                                                                edge matching                data is available for regional level of     and edge-matching European
                                                                                                                                                                         detail, (approximately 1:250 000 scale)     georeference data for EuroGeographics
       of the Laender of the                                                                                                                EuroGeographics              for the following INSPIRE themes:           products, EuroBoundaryMap and
       Federal Republic of                                                                                                                  products to                  Administrative Units, Hydrography,          EuroRegionalMap. The benefit of this
                                                                                                                                                                         Transport Network, Protected Sites,         approach is that the implemented
       Germany (AdV).                                                                                                                       comply with the              Geographical Names and Land Cover.          schema transformations can be directly
                                                                                                                                            INSPIRE Directive.           It is provided as open data by the BKG      applied to both products, for which
     Under the INSPIRE Directive, the German
                                                                                                                                                                         Service Center via INSPIRE-compliant        BKG is production manager. It will
     cadastral and mapping administrations
                                                  target object is defined, accompanied       The improvement in accuracy is an                                          download services Web Feature Service       now discuss their release as INSPIRE-
     have to provide INSPIRE compliant
                                                  by a human readable and executable          important step in the application of GNSS                                  (WFS) and view services Web Map             compliant European Locations
     data sets which are usually transformed
                                                  transportation rule (HALE Alignment).       technology provided by the German                                          Service (WMS) from a dedicated area of      Services with EuroGeographics.
     from the original source data. Whereas
                                                                                              satellite positioning service, SAPOS.                                      its website:
     the source and target models are well        Germany: Integrated Geodetic
                                                                                              Today SAPOS, which integrates ‘cm                                          geodaten/gdz?l=down_inspire.
     defined, there was a strong need for         Spatial Reference
                                                                                              geoid GCG2016’, can be also used to
     a clear description of mapping rules
                                                  Professional understanding of               determine normal height. The integrated
     to transform the source data in a
                                                  official geodetic spatial reference in      geodetic spatial reference is considered
     harmonised way.
                                                  Germany has evolved consistently            a basic infrastructure  and part of AdV’s

     AdV has created a complete, formal           over past decades, with the “Repeated       legal remit.
     and executable data transformation           measurements in the German main
     specification to transform authoritative     height network (DHHN)” in particular
     data to INSPIRE Annex I data sets.           contributing to new approaches.
     The transformation rules are defined
                                                  Today Germany has established the
     by the HUMBOLDT Alignment Editor
                                                  integrated geodetic spatial reference as
     (HALE) Alignments, which can be
                                                  a holistic approach to the geometrically
     directly executed or easily transformed
                                                  and physically defined components.
     to other schema transformation tools.
                                                  AdV has placed this at the centre of its
     HALE Alignments are used as a formal
                                                  product view and definition for geodetic
     description of the transformation rules.
                                                  spatial reference. Special attention was
     These are much more precise than the
                                                  also given to the quality assurance
     Excel sheets which were previously used.
                                                  of the reference framework, which is
     The transformation rules are interactively
                                                  realised by the unified field of geodetic
     documented and published at www.adv-
                                                  control points. For each source object the                                                                                                INSPIRE Administrative Units   INSPIRE Hydro - Physical Waters             INSPIRE Rail Transport Network
32   EuroGeographics Annual Review 2017                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         33

     Hungary                                                                                                                               Ireland
     Hungary continues to benefit                                                                                                          Ordnance Survey Ireland 2017 achievements
     from access to national spatial data

       In 2017, the Institute                   Since 2002, the operation and                structures of the different land cover
                                                                                                                                              The National Mapping
                                                development of the Land Parcel               categories making them suitable for
       of Geodesy,                              Identification System (LPIS), an exclusive   identifying different agricultural crops.        Agreement came
       Cartography (FÖMI)                       reference, land area identification          The fusion of radar and optical data             into operation on 1
                                                and spatial information system for           provided better results, proving that radar
       was integrated into                      agricultural and rural development           features can give added information to           January 2017 and
       the Government                           support, has been carried out by FÖMI        describe the crops’ condition. Radar-            provides Ordnance
                                                and now its successor. A major task          based information is also important
       Office of the                            has been to prepare the system for the       for other remote sensing tasks,                  Survey Ireland
       Capital City of                          challenges of the 2014-2020 Common           such as grassland monitoring,                    (OSI) with a secure,
                                                Agricultural Policy (CAP) reform. Within     identification of agricultural damages
       Budapest, Hungary.                       this framework, the entire national          and crop monitoring and will further
                                                                                                                                              centrally funded
     Now known as the Department of
                                                system and its basic data were reviewed      improve results.                                 license agreement.
                                                to ensure that the LPIS complies with
     Geodesy, Remote Sensing and Land                                                                                                                                                     OSi CEO Colin Bray, General Manager and Geospatial Solutions Lorraine McNerney
                                                CAP, keeps up to date with changes                                                         By enabling a platform approach to
     Offices, it continues to deliver its                                                                                                                                                 with ESRI President, Jack Dangermond at ESRI’s 2017 FedGIS conference.
                                                in the land surface and ensures the                                                        providing the public sector and academia
     professional tasks and services.
                                                enforceability of the policy.                                                              with direct access to national mapping, it
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    OSi hosted a series of training seminars
     Income from national spatial data has                                                                                                 is a vital step in realising OSi’s vision of   National Data
                                                As part of the consortium led by the                                                                                                                                                explaining what Linked Data is and how it
     increased. To enable bilateral exchange                                                                                               being the national providers of trusted,       Infrastructure Strategy                   is constructed.
                                                Ministry of Agriculture, the Department
     of information, data has also been made                                                                                               maintained geospatial data and platforms
                                                has been participating in a European                                                                                                      The draft National Geospatial Strategy,
     available free of change to a number
                                                Union Nature Conservation Strategy
                                                                                                                                           to ensure the State’s location data is easy
                                                                                                                                                                                          completed by OSi at the end of 2016, is
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Tailte Éireann
     of government authorities. In addition,                                                                                               to find, share and use.
                                                Project. A precursory high-resolution                                                                                                     to be incorporated into the overarching   The development of the Conceptual
     citizens can download two property                                                                                                                                                   National Data Infrastructure Strategy
                                                ecosystem map was created with the                                                         European Forum for                                                                       Data Model for Tailte Éireann, the
     sheets each year at no cost.                                                                                                                                                         being developed by the Office of the
                                                intelligent combination of national                                                                                                                                                 Government body to be formed from the
                                                                                                                                           Geography and Statistics,                      Government Chief Information Officer.
     Free instant public access to the Corine   in-situ thematic and Copernicus land                                                                                                                                                merger of OSi, the Property Registration
                                                cover data. In 2018, the results will be
                                                                                                                                           Dublin                                         This is a very positive development,      Authority and the Valuation Office, is
     and Copernicus High Resolution Layers
     via the Copernicus browser –      enriched with earth-observation based                                                      Hosted by Ireland’s Central Statistics         demonstrating a strong understanding      being facilitated by ESRI Ireland and is – has been enriched     information and used for the assessment                                                    Office (CSO) and OSi, the 2017                 of the role of geospatial information     expected to be completed in 2018.
     to include Sentinel 2A mosaics, spectral   of ecosystem services (MAES).                                                              conference showcased the benefits of           amongst policy makers for evidence-
     indices and water-logging frequency                                                                                                   collaboration between the statistical          based decision-making.                    ESRI FedGIS
                                                Research into the use of radar                                                             and mapping communities, particularly
     maps, with Open Street Map and archive
                                                polarimetry for agricultural purposes                                                                                                     Collaboration to record                   conference 2017
     orthophotos as basemap. No registration                                                                                               in facilitating the development of
                                                also continued in 2017. Polarimetric radar                                                 valuable decision-making tools. OSi
                                                                                                                                                                                          Ireland’s geospatial                      OSi CEO Colin Bray and General
     is required to use the online service.
                                                features are sensitive to the geometrical                                                  and CSO are working together to fulfil         information as linked data                Manager, Geospatial Solutions Lorraine
                                                                                                                                           Ireland’s reporting responsibilities under     on the web                                McNerney spoke at ESRI’s 2017 FedGIS
                                                                                                                                           the United Nations 2030 agenda for                                                       conference at the invitation of ESRI
                                                                                                                                                                                          Following a collaboration to make
                                                                                                                                           Sustainable Development. This was                                                        President, Jack Dangermond. Colin also
                                                                                                                                                                                          geospatial information available as
                                                                                                                                           further endorsed by Lorraine McNerney                                                    joined Susan Gordon, Deputy Director of
                                                                                                                                                                                          Linked Data at, the
                                                                                                                                           who presented Ireland’s progress at the                                                  the US National Geospatial-Intelligence
                                                                                                                                                                                          ADAPT Centre for Digital Content
                                                                                                                                           Fifth High Level Forum on UN-GGIM.                                                       Agency to discuss how GIS is
                                                                                                                                                                                          Technology, Trinity College Dublin and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    used to innovate and modernise
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    across government.
34   EuroGeographics Annual Review 2017                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        35

     Italy                                                                                                                               Lithuania
     A new website to better meet                                                                                                        Implementing the digital agenda in Lithuania
     user demands unveiled in Italy

                                                                                                                                           State Enterprise
       A new e-commerce                           An interactive map on the geo-products
                                                                                                                                           Centre of Registers
                                                  page enables users to visualise a low-
       website, available                         resolution preview before selecting
                                                                                                                                           (SECR) is contributing
       in both Italian and                        which they want to purchase. There
                                                                                                                                           to the implementation
                                                  are more than 362,000 items available,
       English, was launched                      including 254,000 aerial photos of Italy                                                 of Digital Agenda
       by the Italian Military                    taken between 1940 and 2010, 6,800
                                                                                                                                           in Lithuania.
                                                  printed maps, 66,000 geodetic elements,
       Geographic Institute                       3,700 10 km by 10 km Digital Terrain
       (IMGI) in June 2017.                       Model cells, 2,300 relief maps and 2,700                                               It is responsible for administering the
                                                  elements of orography. The website also                                                Real Property Cadastre and Register that
                                                  offers atlases, books and all issues of the                                            contains cadastral data on residential
     Developed to better meet user needs,                                                                                                and non-residential buildings and
                                                  “Universo” magazine, which has been is accessible via desktops,                                                   The home page                            engineering utilities, as well as land
                                                  published by IMGI since 1920.
     tablets and mobile phones. It features                                                                                              parcels. Information about engineering
     reorganised and updated content to                                                                                                                                              information, is prepared. The cadastral     Lithuania is focused on delivering
                                                  The free of charge coordinates                                                         networks and transport communication
     provide clearer and more accurate                                                                                                                                               data is then signed with the qualified      innovations and the transfer of public
                                                  conversion tool, Verto online (https://                                                is collected when buildings, structures
     information. Professional users can easily                                                                                                                                      electronic signature, automatically         services into the electronic environment.
                                         converts                                                and utilities are built, reconstructed or
     consult technical sheets and metadata                                                                                                                                           transferred into the Real Property          SECR constantly strives to improve user
                                                  in real time the coordinates of the most                                               undergo major repairs. The cadastral
     for each product; a user account is only                                                                                                                                        Cadastre and Register and stored            perception of spatial information and to
                                                  popular reference systems used in Italy:                                               data collected may be harmonised
     required for purchases.                                                                                                                                                         in the electronic archive. The digital      facilitate decision-making by citizens,
                                                  Roma40, ED50 and ETRS89, based on                                                      with the Measurement Code for the
                                                                                                                                                                                     documents replace millions of pages of      business, state and municipal institutions.
                                                  ETRS89 and ETRF2000.                                                                   Floor Area of Buildings prepared by
                                                                                                                                                                                     paper documents previously required         Its aim is to create three-dimensional
                                                                                                                                         the Council of European Geodetic
                                                  IMGI is now working to further improve                                                                                             to complete the process. Cadastral data     models of buildings and structures on the
                                                                                                                                         Surveyors (CLGE) and the International
                                                  services by developing new applications.                                                                                           for buildings and structures is used for    basis of data stored in the Real Property
                                                                                                                                         Property Measurement Standards of
                                                                                                                                                                                     various purposes such as mass valuation     Cadastre and Register, and to open them
                                                                                                                                         the International Property Measurement
                                                                                                                                                                                     models for the annual estimation of         to the users with the help of electronic
                                                                                                Topographic map 1:25 000 scale           Standards Coalition.
                                                                                                                                                                                     average market values, which are used       regional geo-informational environment
                                                                                                coverage and technical characteristics                                               for calculating taxes and other purposes.   service at
                                                                                                                                         The majority of surveyors in Lithuania
                                                                                                                                         use the e-Surveyor advanced electronic      The electronic system reduces costs
                                                                                                                                         service developed by SECR for data          and ensures the high quality of mass
                                                                                                                                         processing. Using this service, an          valuation results.
                                                                                                                                         electronic file of cadastral data for a
                                                                                                                                         building or structure, including spatial

                                                                                                Guided tours page
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