ANNUAL PLAN BIRKDALE PRIMARY SCHOOL 2019 TO 2021 - SCHOOL CHARTER, STRATEGIC and - Submission date to Ministry of Education
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SCHOOL CHARTER, STRATEGIC and ANNUAL PLAN BIRKDALE PRIMARY SCHOOL 2019 TO 2021 Principals’ endorsement: Board of Trustees’ endorsement: Submission date to Ministry of Education: Birkdale Primary School Charter 2019 -2021 1
Our Vision To empower positive, creative kaitiaki (guardians) of the future. Our Mission To inspire a community of caring, curious thinkers who aim the highest. kaitiakitanga resilience, curiosity, self-directed Our Values manaakitanga respect, caring, honesty whanaungatanga community, relationships, friendship Birkdale Primary School Charter 2019 -2021 2
Birkdale Primary School Strategic Plan 2019-2021 Mission: Inspiring a community of caring, curious thinkers who aim the highest through a Culture of Responsiveness Our Strategic Goals Strategic Outcomes Core Strategies for Achieving Goals 2019- 2021 VALUES Why … is this important? How …do we do it? What … do we need to do? 1. Learning Increasing student achievement through: • Pertinent, relevant opportunities for teacher development to • High quality effective teaching practice creates 21 st improve pedagogy and knowledge and skills. Learning is extended century learners • Powerful learning opportunities Facilitated Learning Manaakitanga - respect, ‘from their reach to (dialogic culture) enabling voice and agency triggering high beyond’ increasing levels of curiosity, divergent thinking, creativity, risk taking. caring, honesty success and raising • Evaluative capability lifts individual and collective • Responsive learning through deliberate, consistent and student achievement for capacity i.e. I THINK I KNOW I WONDER effective assessment practices, self review and Teaching as all Inquiry, Collaborative Teacher efficacy • Integration of Digital technology to improve learning • Integrated Birkdale Primary School Curriculum • Equity and excellence supporting all students to stand • Celebration of cultural diversity increases success strong in their worlds. • MaSaM- Māori Achieving Success as Māori 2. Environment • Personal growth and development continues to be • Innerfit that is integral to everything across the curriculum building strength of character within each individual Kaitiakitanga - curiosity, self- enabling and empowering nurtured resilience, • Green gold enviro award achieved through the principles of directed students within a safe and • Emotional wellbeing is nurtured and developed enviro (sustainability) caring our environment • Physical environmentally sustainable community • Create a safe and nurturing environment where continues to reach our local and wider environment increasingly realistic achievement expectations build mana, • Inclusive environment enables access to every aspect rights and dignity. (Knowing the child) of the curriculum. 3. Partnerships • Strong communication, active engagement • Use of digital and other forms of communication with community, relationships, consolidating our learning community. increasing effectiveness for interactive learning and Whanaungatanga - Enriching partnerships between home, school and local • Learning partnerships Parents as Partners voice and feedback. agency • Increased opportunities for involvement in literacy and friendship community raising student achievement • Attendance, Induction, Transition processes effect numeracy workshops supporting learning of their positive social, emotional, physical and academic tamariki. outcomes • Relationships with ECE, external agencies provide opportunity for improved pathways. • Induction process for students, parents and staff effects a positive and ‘knowing’ culture. Leadership • PLD opportunities support and grow an effective and • Research, review and develop best leadership practices build the collective strength by collaborative lead team including leaders across school. • Succession plan leadership through a range of growing knowledge and skills opportunities • Leadership continue to build capacity to effective continually improve teaching • Development of strong evaluative practices at leadership evaluation practices raising student achievement and learning. level filters to teacher and student levels. • The BoT uses best governance practices to ensure • The board commits to upskilling in governance practices student progress and well being of staff and children Birkdale Primary School Charter 2019 -2021 3
2019 Annual Plan Key Improvement Strategies (SEE BELOW FOR BASELINE DATA Strategic Goal 1:1 Learning … is extended from their reach to beyond increasing success for all Improvement Strategies 2019 Actions Budget Timeframe Personnel Responsibility Maths PLD is sought building upon the 2017/2018 PLD continuing to focus on: 12 release days Teachers with support from for observations, syndicate leaders, PL o improving pedagogy, content knowledge and teaching of mathematics Ongoing 2019 modelling and facilitators of Maths and o Strand maths content knowledge and pedagogy feedback $3600 Innerfit, and principal o development of maths OTJs Term 1 to • Development of a Maths Curriculum Team (MCT) –utilising staff strengths $0 establish. Laurie O $4000 (2019) MCT High quality effective • Maths resourcing audit Term 1 teaching practice Innerfit PLD continues to strengthen teacher knowledge and understanding teaching 6 release days for st creates 21 century character building: observations, Teachers with support from Throughout 2 learners raising modelling and syndicate leaders, PL o modelled and co-taught with new teachers feedback $1800 terms facilitators of Maths and student achievement o observations with feedback from facilitator and peers. +pld $4150 o Transference of skills across all teaching and learning Facilitated Learning (dialogic culture) i.e. teacher practice moving from instructional to guided (triggering high levels of curiosity, divergent thinking, creativity; risk taking; voice and agency). o Deliberate opportunities for teacher collaboration to build depth of pedagogy i.e. $0 Teacher strengths utilised teachers actively engage Talk Moves when interacting with each other; then transferring those skills to practice: o teachers as learners alongside their each other and their children. o questioning supports thinking (much more than simple recall) o encouraging elaboration of ideas or more detail (thinking in different ways) o challenging each others thinking o giving reasons, justifying; negotiating their position and changing their mind o answers are justified, followed up and built upon rather than merely received o feedback which informs and leads thinking forward as well as encourages o contributions which are extended rather than fragmented o classroom organisation, climate and relationships which make all this possible. $0 Ongoing Senior Leaders, colleagues • Regular reflections shared with facilitator and team leader (Teaching as Inquiry) with PLD facilitator/s, i.e. own ability to take risks, to be wrong, to fail, to change direction, to start teams again. • collaboration with peers seeking feedback Birkdale Primary School Charter 2019 -2021 4
Fostering Collaborative Teacher Efficacy (CTE): Senior Leaders with • Strengthen understanding of CTE identifying our current position with our teachers, syndicates and practice $0 leadership team • Provide time for regular and deliberate discussions, sharing, planning and activating suggestions, which may determine focus areas and how together we Ongoing can support each other. • Opportunities to respond to challenges • Reviewing ETC’s influence on teacher practice using progress and achievement data as evidence. PLD –use of data with a focus on impact and effectiveness of teaching: 2 release days Laurie with leaders then • Close monitoring of disparity, progress and acceleration (longitudinally and short Terms 1-3 each per term for leaders with syndicate term) using a wider range of evidence leaders to work teachers o Review current monitoring and tracking system for early identification. with teachers o Increased learning opportunities for all teachers to maximise their use of the $5400 data to identify gaps and needs Evaluative capability lifts individual and o a range of evidence to form an OTJ including use of effect size, scatter ongoing collective capacity graphs etc I THINK o developing greater use of Probe/running records, asTTle and PAT evidence I KNOW for learner progressions I WONDER o using the available data to inform and justify planning and teaching o Ensure we get the most out of our SMS o Ongoing reviews re approach to assessment to maintain consistancy and clarity Evaluation teams: ETeam Maths (Laurie) ET Reading (Peter) • formed for Reading, Writing and Maths to support the collection and collation of Feb 2019 ET Writing (Carly) data. Adrienne supports across • Criteria finalised across the teams to form roles and position of the teams Monitoring and evaluating Target Students (see Targets 2019) Senior leaders with teachers • at teacher level - teachers regularly checks formal and informal evidence, Ongoing questioning and discussing to seek understanding of shifts. At least 3x per Evaluative teams • at syndicate level – sharing PoPs children – being open to learning, receptive, term challenging. Evidence always available • at leadership level - when the data has enabled SMS reports to be produced or leaders then At least 2x per when syndicate leaders bring discussion to the SL team. Evidence always term each leader with syndicate available additional but can be sought. teachers Analysis of data to inform progress and achievement narratives ET Team Maths (Laurie) Classes shared ET Reading (Peter) Birkdale Primary School Charter 2019 -2021 5
during blocks 1x per term ET Writing (Carly) • Tuakana teina teams (TTT) are established to support narrative development by when the ET is Adrienne supports across the ETs. working. Tuakana • Evidence to be available to support the narrative i.e. examples of good practice Teina days or children’s work. • Draft reports given to Adrienne to be finalised with SLs. $0 • ET’s to deliver report to board. Strong focus on: Leaders, peer to peer, • monitoring assessment for learning (formative assessment practice) i.e. goal $0 ongoing setting, learning intentions, success criteria, next learning steps that are collaboratively developed with students; displayed and measured • monitoring use of modelling books, anecdotal notes, next steps, feedback etc • use of learning progressions Review: • assessment systems and processes $0 • tsunami graphs including accuracy of achievement expectations against NZC /TMOA levels, links to standardised testing tools and Term 1 • use and purpose of ASSEMBLY i.e. types of reports, domains, ASSEMBLY: with Brett M (facilitator) Release days for • Development and trialing of Learner profiles. SL’s +costs for Leadership Team • Systems for tracking longitudinally Brett M • Systems for tracking to measure disparity $2000 • Tsunami Reports Integration of Digital technology 35 additional ipads/cases 2 additional ipad T1 2019 PLD provided to support teachers to deliberately plan and use digital technology across purchase learning areas: minis $5750 Digital Innovation Team Purchase /lease Laurie to lead • Students use ipads to collaboratively create video clips of their learning 10 extra ipads PLD ongoing • Teachers use apple tvs as a collaborative learning tool $3000 TBC • Teachers collaborate to share digital tools to create, communicate and interact. • Students presenting through digital tech $0 PLD Formation of Digital Innovation Team (DIT): MoE funded Laurie • roles and position of the DIT to be finalised $0 T1 Integrated Birkdale • PLD to begin development of digital curriculum T 2/3 Primary School • Action Plan presented T3/4 Birkdale Primary School Charter 2019 -2021 6
Curriculum Digital Innovation Team • supports at syndicate level $0 Ongoing Laurie to oversee • meets regularly to share and plan feeding back at syndicate level. 2x per term • Reports to the board May /Sept • Devices including apple TVs, additional ipads /chrome books leased $34000 (TBC) Peter Term 1 / T2 Contextualising the Curriculum: authentic, flexible, problem based, developing curious, inquiring minds Formation of Curriculum Innovation Team (CIT): Peter to oversee • roles and position of the CIT to be finalised $0 Ongoing • supports at syndicate level 2x per term • meets regularly to share and plan feeding back at syndicate level. August /Dec • Reports to the board $4000 Terms 1/2 CDT • Literacy resources audit Review of: Health / PE curriculum • Review team established March • Plan established including working with Health Promoting Schools and Sue Innerfit April - May • Key competencies are deliberate, evident, observable and self assessed within Adrienne, all contexts Completed 1 SL end T 2 Teachers with interest • Integration of Treaty of Waitangi principles (PPP) $0 • Consultation with: June o Parents o Students o Community $2400 (to be Synd T2 disbursed • Progress meetings with teachers for feedback between SS, • Draft plan presented to teachers Tech, Science • Audit resources Review of Maths • Review team established June • Plan established including working with Bina? August • Key competencies are deliberate, evident, observable and self assessed within all contexts $0 Laurie / Peter / Adrienne • Integration of Treaty of Waitangi principles (PPP) Teachers from Maths Curriculum Team Consultation with: Early August o Parents Birkdale Primary School Charter 2019 -2021 7
o Students Synd 2x T3/4 o Community November • Progress meetings with teachers for feedback Completed • Draft plan presented to teachers end T4 Māori Achieving Success as Māori: (MASAM) Treaty of Waitangi: $450 Hilary Fogat • refresher PLD ToD Jan 2019 • Incorporate Treaty of Waitangi principles (PPP) into BPS contextualised $0 ongoing All teachers supported by curriculum i.e. pepeha; Maori legends; history kaiako Graduate Profile: Te Puāwaitanga: Whānau / Carly, Mere, • Complete a review of Graduate Profile. Pati, Adrienne Celebration of cultural • Develop a framework for measuring student success against the Graduate $0 Term 1 diversity increases Profile. success • Review of Powhiri protocols English immersion whānau / interested Te English Immersion: Puāwaitanga whānau (Equity and excellence supporting all students to • Develop with consultation, a draft of a Graduate profile $0 Term 2-3 Carly, Mere, Pati, Teachers stand strong in their worlds). Adrienne • Te Puāwaitanga students become tuakana for English immersion students and teachers as they learn e.g. syndicate partnerships • English immersion senior students (Years 5/6) trained as tuakana o the school karakia recited daily. o a repertoire of waiata All teacher with support • Māori English Immersion senior students have the opportunity to join Te $0 ongoing from kaiako Puāwaitanga: o during powhiri o Te Puāwaitanga’s kapahaka ropu • All students have opportunity to join school kapahaka ropu Te reo: DP with te reo tchr • A te reo teacher (budget dependent) to deliver weekly lessons to English $10500 (TBC) Term 2 start (Kendall) immersion classes. Teachers remain in class at the time. $1000 resources • Te reo strengthened across classes. Term 2 start Carly with eng tchr (Louise) English classes Mahoe yrs 5/6 $10500 (TBC) Birkdale Primary School Charter 2019 -2021 8
PLD All English immersion • Consideration given for teachers participating in ‘He Papa Tikanga’ PLD through $0 Terms ¾ to teachers. Te Wananga o Aotearoa to build language and tikanga start Te Puāwaitanga kaiako to • Teachers learn waiata and karakia recited at PLD meetings and assemblies. support MAC –Māori Achievement Collaborative: ($TBC) Principal attends MAC hui • Adrienne to attend MAC meetings sharing with SL’s Taranaki • MAC Matrix to be reviewed with actions to be followed up. Term 1-4 Adrienne with leaders, transferring to syndicates Pasifika Achieving Success as Pasifika: (PaSaP) • Students have opportunities to take part in the Pasifika Dance group. Ongoing All teachers • Teachers provide opportunities for students to learn about Pacific Islands $0 cultures and language Adrienne • The Pasifika community and Pasifika students is consulted on how they wish to T2 emphasise the Pacific Islands culture. Teachers provide opportunities for cultural celebrations linked to: o Language weeks /days $500 from o Book Week cultural celebrations curriculum budget TBC T2 TBC All staff o Displays depict the diversity of cultures at Birkdale Primary School. ongoing Key Improvement Strategies (SEE BELOW FOR BASELINE DATA Strategic Goal 2: Environment … enabling and empowering students within a safe and caring environment Improvement Strategies 2019 Actions Budget Timeframe Personnel Responsibility Innerfit PLD: ToD 25 Feb 2019 Innerfit –Ken and Sue • Building a staff culture which is innerfit $850 ongoing facilitators • Syndicates create their mission statement based on the ToD learnings • Revisit the mission statements regularly Every staff member • Transfer learning to classroom for an innerfit culture - construct Treaty Growing and nurturing Statement with students. $0 Feb 2019 All teachers Personal growth and • Student voice: Is our school a winning school yet? What do we want it to look development like? continues to be nurtured Review of SEL: • Share with SEL what has been reviewed to date Early March Peter • Share the changes or adaptations $0 Emotional wellbeing • Share the next areas for focus including Consultation with staff and community. is nurtured and • Use student voice form the BTB ‘Y-chart’ activity Term 2 Peter +SEL developed • SEL Review completed SWIS $500 ongoing Birkdale Primary School Charter 2019 -2021 9
Behaviour management tracking continues with action taken based upon the presenting trends and patterns. Student leadership: • Distribute student leadership of Cool Schools. Training refresher to be $0? Lead person TBD considered. Term 1 • Deliberate and regular teaching across the school for the Tuakana Teina $0 All tchrs programmes so that student leadership continues to develop Ongoing • Big buddies refresher training within Tuakana Teina • Teachers seek opportunities to grow leadership - linking to Citizenship Celebrating successes: • Citizenship Awards to be developed Term 1 SEL team • Review the PB4L awards $200 tbc • Review and strengthen house systems. Ongoing SLs with syndicates • Monitor emotional wellbeing and social skills growth using the information to Peter strengthen the SEL and the SENCO programmes Sharon • Concerns shared with SL/ SENCO • Communicate regularly with parents /whanau $0 As necessary Teachers • Engage external agencies where appropriate Adrienne /Sharon Create a safe and nurturing environment: • The PB4L values are displayed and highly visual in any setting. Early T1 All teachers • Remodel PB4L /SEL displays in classrooms – useful and utilised Unsure yet? SEL to monitor • Recognise PB4L in action at any time and voice that. • Continue to build the mana of every child and staff member in our school: At all times Physical recognise them as individuals, provide support and acknowledgement for effort. environmentally • Maintain the dignity of every person. sustainable community continues to reach our local and wider Green gold enviro award environment Form an Enviro Team: • Establish roles and position of the CIT to be finalised • Review current position within green /gold with support from Sustainable Unsure yet? Term 1 Enviro team TBD Schools Advisor Environmental Services Unit Auckland Council • Involve students and parents /whānau, local community to get voice as to types Term 2 of projects they want or could support Birkdale Primary School Charter 2019 -2021 10
Term 2 • Action Plan presented identifying achievable projects that demonstrate the sustainability of this enviro principles in this first year. Inclusive environment Enrich our supportive learning environment within the wider school & local community enables access to $0 Early term 2 • Unpack the end of 2018 Inclusive Practices Survey outcomes planning for every aspect of the next steps to strengthen our inclusive envronment. curriculum. • Well Being Survey to be undertaken within the Health and PE Review (gather Term 2 parent /whānau, student and staff voices) SEL • Innerfit helps to establish an inclusive culture through character building Costs above Ongoing • Use the information from surveys to make changes or adapations to our environment • Continue to monitor wellbeing through the behaviours and needs of our more vulnerable children. onßgoing • Consider our classroom and playground environment for ways to meet the needs for all learners!/scene/148 All teachers • Adapt the environment to engage and encourage learning (what suits the learner $unknown at this Ongoing rather than the teacher) stage • Teachers to visit the MoE UDL website for ideas and innovations which may help a struggling learner. Continue to monitor effectiveness of ESOL: • ESOL teacher works with teachers providing PLD and guidance T1/2 Judy/ SENCO/ principal $18000(TBC) ongoing SENCO with teachers /TAs • Teachers implement ESOL PLD re assessment, planning and montiitoring. • TA’s trained to support ESOL in the classroom. Tchrs plan for this. LSN TA budget: SENCO T2 onwards • Deliberate closer monitoring and planning is reflected in outcomes of ESOL TBD SENCO with RTLB students in the classroom. • ELLPs indicators reflected in planning for each ESOL child. GATE: • Using the PLD 2018, develop a GATE register $500 TBC T2 SENSO with support from • Develop a profile for each GATE student Brooke. • Seek support for planning adaptations and programmes from RTLB Learning Support Programme: • Continue to review the Special Ed Register updating regularly $0 Per term Birkdale Primary School Charter 2019 -2021 11
• Review of IEP /CAP management Early T1 • Work closely with TA’s meeting regularly Each Wed (20 SENCO /Adrienne /RTLB • PLD for TA’s identified through RTLB $0 mins) • SENCO meetings networking and PLD through RTLB Release day $0 • Upgrade the term by term profile of all support programmes and interventions • Explore additional programmes which may support those who require learning $750 (steps and / or behaviour support licence) Key Improvement Strategies (SEE BELOW FOR BASELINE DATA Strategic Goal 3. Partnerships … Enriching partnerships between home, school and local community raising student achievement Improvement Strategies 2019 Actions Budget Timeframe Personnel Responsibility Digital communications are used more effectively: • Students develop a digital portfolio of learning through Seesaw which is shared $0 with parents /whānau Ongoing All teachers • Teachers communicate regularly through Seesaw Explore the use of digital and other forms of communication • School app upgrade $2500 (TBC) Term 1 Leanne /Adrienne • Upgrade of website $50 Consultation with community re options for communication Term 1 Leanne /Adrienne Increased opportunities for parent /whānau involvement in learning workshops supporting learning of their tamariki. • Parents join te reo classes once they have started $0 Term 2 Learning partnerships Parents as Partners voice and • ‘Reading Together’ offered to help parents /whānau to support their children Teachers with leaders $100 agency Term 3 • Breakfast with Dads – sharing tips for support and be involvement in their child’s $100 Term 1 learning • Develop a home learning programme linked to term inquiries, which build vocab, experiences and discoveries. Focus group Parents as Partners meetings for Māori, Pasifika, New parents and others • Invitations for each group - seeking discussion and ideas about ways we can best support parents to support their children. $100 Feb Term 1 Adrienne Birkdale Primary School Charter 2019 -2021 12
• New parents morning tea – getting to know each other • Plans developed with aspirations and actions to met those aspirations. Adrienne with Michelle Pilot programme: Term 1 Planned with tchrs • Invitations to parents to collect the home learning pack and participate in a mini $30 workshop to offer suggested approaches to help parents to use the resource Term 2 packs. (Teachers released during school to do this) Adrienne • Grand celebration with parents for parents recognising their contribution to with key teachers. engaging their own students in learning: • Invitations to be part of a presentation afternoon with their child to share the Term 3 end success of the parents home support. Attendance, Attendance tracked for patterns, trends and procedures Induction, Transition processes effect • Review our current system positive social, • Identify the responses to our trends from the attendance $0 emotional, physical • Consider the types of engagements / relationships with families and Adrienne with leaders and academic external agencies within our current practice. outcomes • Student / parent voice – how we can improve Review our Induction process: • Seek new staff feedback re: o Current induction programme $0 Term 2 • Development induction programme Adrienne with new staff o Before, within 2 weeks, follow up o Systems and processs i.e. PB4L; accessing information, assessment $0 Term 3 and reporting practices etc. o PCT induction and mentoring programmes o Support i.e. appropriate PLD , montioring, • Review of staff and reliever handbook Transition: • Strengthen relationships with local ECE’s including visits to them or to Birkdale Primary School. • New parent focus group (includes parents of children moving between Term 1/2 Adrienne, Leanne, NE / Yr schools) to provide feedback and recommendations on current transition 1 teachers in Eng and process Māori immersion. • Transition plan from the focus group response. • Open Days for all to showcase our school. TBD • Invitations to attend any events, which might occur pre starting e.g. book Week, Cultural Days etc. Birkdale Primary School Charter 2019 -2021 13
• Review of our Information Pack. • Website updates on our processes for transition. • Review of information that follows ‘exiting’ children. • Key Improvement Strategies (SEE BELOW FOR BASELINE DATA) Strategic Goal 2: Leadership: build the collective strength by growing knowledge and skills continually improve teaching and learning. PLD opportunities Leadership practices All leaders support and grow an Develop and enrich leadership capability though: effective and • Research including Best Evidence Synthesis, Hattie, Visible learning Fortnightly collaborative lead ; collaborative impact, current $0 senior team including leader strengths, networking leadership leadership across the • Investigate Visible Learning PLD for leaders in the first instance and in meetings and school particular: collective teacher efficacy. $? ongoing Leaders / syndicates / teachers. • Influences related to student achievement. • Building sustainable, collaborative practice through discussion; decision making; review; voice and agency (evaluative capability) Succession plan leadership through a range of opportunities: $0 • Development of Innovation Teams (Its) i.e. Curriculum, Digital, Partnerships Term 1 and All leaders /teachers • Build leadership capability within the IT’s ongoing • Development of Evaluation Teams taking lead roles leading to ‘we know’ • Recognise initiative linked to accelerating achievement P/Unit • Leadership development in Te Puāwaitanga Tutor Tchr allwnce 2019 TBC • Mentor roles offered for PCT’s Leadership continue to Leaders with all teachers build capacity to effective evaluation • Fostering Collaborative Teacher Efficacy through powerful learning 4X per year practices raising conversations at leadership and syndicate levels +more student achievement • Regular critical analysis ensures Review of Assessment and Reporting regularly including: $0 informal. o current assessment tools, procedures for consistency of implementation, timelines PLs T’s 1/3 o maximising use of ASSEMBLY for reports; PAT longitudinal reports tracking All Others T’s All leaders / teachers disparity. 2 /4 o Closer monitoring of 2109 Targets • Review of board reports (ET’s) Appraisal process: • Goal setting (professional) linked to evaluative capability at leadership and teacher levels $0 Adrienne with leaders Birkdale Primary School Charter 2019 -2021 14
• Opportunities for observation and feedback based on evidence and new learning including ITs / ETs • Collaboration with peers / Innovation Groups / Evaluation Team ongoing The BoT uses best The board of trustees governs within the Board of Trustees Framework ensuring: governance • wellbeing of its staff, Ongoing practices to ensure • approprite resourcing $0 All members student progress and • continued motnitong of progress and achievement. well being of staff and children Twice per year • The board as an entity regularly reviews its performance Birkdale Primary School Charter 2019 -2021 15
Key Improvement Strategies (SEE BELOW FOR BASELINE DATA) 3.0 Personnel To support teachers and staff to undertake their positions in a professional and effective manner Improvement Strategies 2018 Actions Budget Timeframe Personal Responsibility All staff are empowered as leaders of their own learning and practice maintaining a professional learning culture of self-responsibility, Develop effective $4000 (TBC) term 2 to term 2 Board • Principal appraisal - Action recommendations leadership capacity, $0 term 2 to term 2 Principal • Senior leaders appraisal capability and consistency across all Release days x9 Principal with maths levels of leadership i.e. • Continue Maths PLD at leadership level and distribute $8900 facilitator BoT, principal, senior leadership to syndicate level to all teachers (PLD yet to be leadership, teachers. confirmed) Provide and embed MoE $4000 T 1-4 • Accelerating Literacy Learning (ALLS) – 1teacher professional learning $3000 T1/2 • Continue Maths PLD –3 new tchrs 3 days (Bina) 9x release opportunities supporting days $4150 terms 1/2 Principal teachers to enhance effective practice and • Continue Innerfit PLD –all Moe funded terms 1 lead learning • Oral Language (2 tchrs) RTLB funded terms 2/3 • incredible years teachers $0 T1/2 • ESOL for TA’s Strengthen appraisal $1200 (4 Term 1 end SL team, principal • Complete the 2018/2019 appraisal cycle system linking Tataiako leaders) + $1200 • Establish professional and personal goals 2019/2020 release days Term 1 April Principal with all teachers to the reviewed (2018) standards for the teaching profession Mentor programmes • PCT’s and their mentor teachers to attend PLD with local PCT Mentor teachers, PCTs, for: Terms 1-4 principals network.(Otago University) $0 • 2 PCTs • Mentor teachers to provide ongoing support and written progressive reports. Birkdale Primary School Charter 2019 -2021 16
Other 2019 Key Improvement Strategies to Achieve Strategic Vision To provide Governance and Leadership to support improved student outcomes NAG 2 Self Review and Documentation Actions Who will lead? Resourcing When by Indicators of Progress Implement the Board Governance Manual Boardchair Term 1- Board Policy Framework has been reviewed and early T/ß2 implemented Engage the Board in ongoing professional Boardchair NZSTA (free) Ongoing as 2019 NZSTA series of professional development workshops development and training modules completed by the board. arise. Provide effective self- review of school policies Boardchair $1400 Cyclical Review policies informing SchoolDocs of changes and procedures. calendar Policies and procedures have been reviewed in a timely and cyclical manner MOE Reports: To review and provide direction Boardchair 1 March The 2018 Analysis of Variance Report, Charter, Strategic and with regards to NAG 7 and 8 reports 2019 Annual Plan are submitted Board Triennial Elections process completed Boardchair $900 approx 17 April The new board is duly elected into office. within the legal guidelines 2019 Other 2019 Key Improvement Strategies to Achieve Strategic Vision Nag 4:2 Property 4.2 To ensure the 5YA/10YP funding is used to reflect the strategic direction of the school Actions Who will lead? Resourcing When by Indicators of Progress Manage and review the capital works 5YA remaining Term 1 • Library repaired and open for learning and maintenance initiatives outlined in $? awaiting the school’s 5YA / Martyn Hooper confirmation of 10 YPP. (Property Manager funds (MoE) Awaiting • Refurbishing Durham Hall completed liaison between confirmation • Autex Bock 1rooms (TBC 5YA) school and MoE) from MoE with the principal in Maintain an efficient building consultation with Birkdale Primary School Charter 2019 -2021 17
maintenance programme Board of Trustees April Holidays • Block 2 toilet paint-over Monitor and review the long term $47400 maintenance plan • Painting Block 1 classrooms exterior ($11700 +gst) • RTLB office facia (%620 +gst) Ongoing • Planning and rebuilding of the playgrounds to meet Health and Safety requirements – (Property Manager to undertake) • Maintain an efficient building maintenance programme - painting of admin, blocks 3 and 4 • Monitor and review the long term maintenance plan Playground maintenance – top up Property manager $84000 (Lion Term 2 Fundraising for Sand pit top up ($500); Shade for library deck sandpit, Seek funding though Lion Foundation) ($25000), pool, ($25000), sandpit ($33500) Foundation for shading: sandpit, pool, library TreeHut Playground Stage 1 designed Property sub- $12000 Mid term 4 Plans completed with building progress evident Committee (approx.) 2019 Playground complies with H&S and Playground Standards schools/school-facilities/playgrounds/ Stage 1 started Other 2018 Key Improvement Strategies to Achieve Strategic Vision Nag 4:1 Finance - • Monitor and control expenditure. To ensure funds are allocated to reflect and support the school’s strategic and operational • Ensure that annual accounts are prepared and audited. plans • Improve the financial position of the school. Monthly reports are completed Accountant Mary $7500 Monthly • Monthly reports are prepared and discussed with the showing income and expenditure Shelley (Top Class) accountant current position. Principal Each board • Monthly reports are shared at board meetings and Board mtg 2x per ratified by the board. term • Recommendations from Mary shared with the board • Board recommendations acted upon All financial audits completed Auditor $8645 annually All documentation is prepared and presented to the MoE Accountant Mary Shelley approved auditors (Top Class), principal, principal’s PA Birkdale Primary School Charter 2019 -2021 18
Other 2018 Key Improvement Strategies to Achieve Strategic Vision 5.0 To ensure that health and safety systems and processes enable a safe and happy environment for students to learn and play, for staff to NAG 5 Health and Safety work and families to participate in. Actions Who will lead? Resourcing When Indicators of Progress Complete Property Health and Safety audits Principal with $190 per month As needed Regular property meetings Property Manager and MoE / school Each board mtg Property Report filed at each board meeting liaison Martyn Hooper Associates Health and Safety meeting minutes are shared with all Twice per term at staff least Carry out emergency evacuations i.e. fire, earthquake, lockdown, gas and chemical Principal Each term Emergency procedures reviewed and shared with all staff. leaks Consultation with emergency services as required. Health and Safety checks of the playground Property Weekly and building are carried out Manager $500 Annually Boiler checks made – annual certificate 2x daily at least Pool checks and maintenance – audit checklist available while pool in use Security systems maintained Property $10000 Each term Regular alarm monitoring completed ensuring smoke Manager alarms and fire alarms are checked. Any security incidents which require intervention i.e. police, fire, medical are reported to the board. School cleaning meets health and safety Property $33500 (pa) Ongoing General report book available for concerns to be fed back standards Manager ACE Cleaners General checks made by property manager annual Carpet clean $1200 Incident reports completed Principal As required All notifiable incidents have been reported to WorkSafe NZ with recommendations followed Birkdale Primary School Charter 2019 -2021 19
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