Animal Carcinogenicity Studies: 3. Alternatives to the Bioassay - Andrew Knight

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ATLA 34, 39–48, 2006                                                                                                   39

Animal Carcinogenicity Studies: 3. Alternatives to the

Andrew Knight,1 Jarrod Bailey2 and Jonathan Balcombe3

1Animal Consultants International, London, UK; 2School of Population and Health Sciences, Faculty of
Medical Sciences, University of Newcastle upon Tyne, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK; 3Physicians Committee for
Responsible Medicine, Washington DC, USA

       Summary — Conventional animal carcinogenicity tests take around three years to design, conduct and
       interpret. Consequently, only a tiny fraction of the thousands of industrial chemicals currently in use have
       been tested for carcinogenicity. Despite the costs of hundreds of millions of dollars and millions of skilled
       personnel hours, as well as millions of animal lives, several investigations have revealed that animal car-
       cinogenicity data lack human specificity (i.e. the ability to identify human non-carcinogens), which severely
       limits the human predictivity of the bioassay. This is due to the scientific inadequacies of many carcino-
       genicity bioassays, and numerous serious biological obstacles, which render profoundly difficult any
       attempts to accurately extrapolate animal data in order to predict carcinogenic hazards to humans.
       Proposed modifications to the conventional bioassays have included the elimination of mice as a second
       species, and the use of genetically-altered or neonatal mice, decreased study durations, initiation–promo-
       tion models, the greater incorporation of toxicokinetic and toxicodynamic assessments, structure-activity
       relationship (computerised) systems, in vitro assays, cDNA microarrays for detecting changes in gene
       expression, limited human clinical trials, and epidemiological research. The potential advantages of non-
       animal assays when compared to bioassays include the superior human specificity of the results, substan-
       tially reduced time-frames, and greatly reduced demands on financial, personnel and animal resources.
       Inexplicably, however, the regulatory agencies have been frustratingly slow to adopt alternative protocols.
       In order to decrease the enormous cost of cancer to society, a substantial redirection of resources away
       from excessively slow and resource-intensive rodent bioassays, into the further development and imple-
       mentation of non-animal assays, is both strongly justified and urgently required.

       Key words: alternative, animal experiment, animal test, bioassay, cancer prevention, carcinogenicity,
       chemical classification, chemical safety, computer simulation, in vitro, risk assessment.

       Address for correspondence: A. Knight, Animal Consultants International, 91 Vanbrugh Court, Wincott
       Street, London SE11 4NR, UK.

Introduction                                                    as described in the peer-reviewed biomedical litera-
                                                                ture. We propose an alternative carcinogenicity
Due to limited human exposure data, the identifi-               testing protocol, highlight developments which
cation and regulation of exposure to potential                  deserve further research and investment, and offer
human carcinogens has relied heavily on animal                  suggestions designed to aid regulatory implementa-
carcinogenicity studies, of which several thousand              tion.
have been conducted since the first chemical
bioassay in 1915 (1). However, surveys of the US
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and                       Methods
National Toxicology Program (NTP) toxic chemi-
cal databases and the International Agency for                  We surveyed the peer-reviewed biomedical literature
Research on Cancer (IARC) Monographs series,                    to locate papers describing bioassay alternatives
and the findings of other investigators, have all               which exist or are in the course of development. The
illustrated the poor human specificity (the ability             “Medline” bibliographic biomedical database was
to identify human non-carcinogens), and hence                   searched by using the following search terms and
the poor human predictivity, of animal carcino-                 combinations of them: alternative, animal, bioassay,
genicity data (2–10).                                           carcinogenicity, chemical, computer, Environmental
   Alternatives to the conventional rodent carcino-             Protection Agency, experiment, International Agency
genicity bioassay exist, which offer superior human             for Research on Cancer, in vitro, mice, mouse, rat,
specificity and require substantially less time and             rodent, simulation, test and regulation. Additional
expense. We present a review of the current status              relevant papers were sourced from the reference lists
and likely future development of alternative assays             of papers thus located.
40                                                                                                  A. Knight et al.

Results and Discussion                                    toxic and non-genotoxic chemicals, carcinogens and
                                                          non-carcinogens. He concluded that, while these
                                                          models might be suitable as screening assays, they
Bioassay modifications                                    did not offer definitive specificity for human carcino-
                                                          gens, nor could they definitively distinguish between
Proposed modifications to the conventional rodent         genotoxic and non-genotoxic carcinogens. However,
bioassay have included the elimination of mice as a       Goodman (15) asserted that genetically-altered mice
second species, the use of genetically-altered or         generally exhibit the ability to detect genotoxic com-
neonatal mice, decreased study durations, initia-         pounds, although, in most cases, these would also be
tion–promotion models, and greater incorporation          detected by a standard battery of in vitro genotoxicity
of toxicokinetic and toxicodynamic assessments.           tests, rendering the in vivo tests unnecessary.

Eliminating the use of mice                               Neonatal mice

Mice have long been thought to be particularly poor       The short-term to medium-term neonatal mouse
indicators of potential human carcinogens (11). In        bioassay has been used experimentally in various
their survey of the 254 chemicals within the com-         forms since 1959, to test a large number of chemi-
prehensive Berkeley-based Carcinogenic Potency            cals. Neonatal mice have been shown to be very sen-
Database (CPDB) that were positive in at least one        sitive to genotoxic carcinogens, but not to
rodent sex–species group, Gold et al. (6), found that     carcinogens acting via epigenetic mechanisms (20).
85–90% would have been identified by choosing a
single sex from each species. The most sensitive
combination appeared to be male rats with either          Shortening the bioassay
sex of mice. Also, after reviewing a wide range of
studies, Alden et al. (12) were unable to locate an       Several investigators have criticised the two-year
example of a mouse tumourigenic finding that pre-         duration of the traditional rodent bioassay. Given
dicted or confirmed a probable human response             that over 80% of rodent carcinogens are detectable
with negative findings in a rat bioassay. In survey-      within 12 months, Grice and Burek (21) were
ing all the pharmaceuticals tested for carcinogenic-      among the first to advocate a shortened 12-month
ity for which a marketing authorisation had been          protocol. Davies et al. (22) analysed 210 rodent car-
applied for in Germany and The Netherlands since          cinogens from Volumes 1–70 of the IARC Mono-
1980, Van Oosterhout et al. (13) found no instances       graphs series, and found that 66% of chemicals
of chemicals causing mouse-specific tumours that          tested showed tumourigenic effects within the first
ever led to regulatory restriction or even precau-        12 months of exposure, that 93% did so within the
tionary labelling. Similarly, a negative mouse study      first 18 months, and that most of the tumour types
was rarely used to declare positive rat findings irrel-   not detected in the first 18 months were of “dubious
evant to humans. Consequently, these investigators        relevance” to human risk assessment. Hence, they
endorsed earlier suggestions (11, 14) that mice           concluded that rodent bioassays should not exceed
should be eliminated from the standard two rodent         18 months duration. Although longer study dura-
species bioassay protocol.                                tions may afford an increased chance of detecting
                                                          less-potent carcinogens, they are complicated by
                                                          spontaneous tumours and other rodent geriatric
Genetically-altered mice                                  pathology, such as hepatic or renal disease. Good-
                                                          man (15) concluded: that carcinogenicity testing in
Various transgenic and knockout mice have been            rats, coupled with an assessment of toxicokinetic
described as potentially suitable for regulatory pur-     considerations (absorption, tissue distribution,
poses (15–17). Transgenic mice have activated onco-       metabolism and excretion) and an assessment of
genes (that facilitate neoplasia) introduced into their   genotoxic potential, provides a sound carcinogenic
genomes, while knockout mice have tumour suppres-         evaluation; that mice are usually unnecessary; and
sor genes deleted. However, these models have not         that the duration of rodent bioassays should be
been validated, although at least one regulatory          shortened to 18 months.
agency, the US Food and Drug Administration, is
accepting transgenic mouse data as part of the safety
assessment for selected pharmaceuticals (18). Cohen       Initiation–promotion models
(19) assessed the use of two transgenic (TgAC, Tg-
rasH2) and three knockout (heterozygous p53,              Exposure to a carcinogen during tumour initiation
homozygous XPA and homozygous XPA-heterozy-               can be followed by prolonged exposure to a non-car-
gous p53) genetically-modified mouse models by            cinogenic promoter, or vice-versa, thereby hasten-
means of exposure to 21 chemicals, including geno-        ing the process of carcinogenesis and potentially
Alternatives to the animal carcinogenicity bioassay                                                          41

shortening the bioassay (23). In 1997, the Inter-       the presence of molecular substructures or other
national Conference on the Harmonisation of             chemical moieties which confer biological activity
Technical Requirements for the Registration of          on the parent molecule. Quantitative structure-
Pharmaceuticals for Human Use (ICH), represent-         activity relationships (QSARs) are mathematical
ing the pharmaceutical industries and regulatory        descriptions of the relationships between the phys-
agencies of the EU, Japan and the USA, agreed that      icochemical properties of molecules and their bio-
rodent initiation–promotion models could be used.       logical activities (27).
The ICH considered an assay for the detection of          In 1991, Ashby and Tennant (28) showed that the
hepatocarcinogens that employs an initiator fol-        presence of aromatic amino/nitro-groups, alkylating
lowed by several weeks of exposure to a promoter.       agents and certain other chemical groups increased
Another multi-organ carcinogenesis model involves       the likelihood of rodent carcinogenesis, in a survey
the use of up to five initiators followed by several    of 301 chemicals tested in the NTP. Cronin et al.
months of exposure to the test substance (24).          (29) described a number of electrophilic molecular
                                                        substructures common to a range of potentially
                                                        multi-species toxicities, including mutagenicity and
Pharmacokinetics, pharmacodynamics, and short-          carcinogenicity.
term to medium-term rodent and human studies               Despite initial disappointments, more-recent
                                                        QSAR databases have been shown to be very useful
With respect to human pharmaceuticals, Ashby (25)       for predicting the carcinogenicity of test com-
proposed that an appreciation of chemical structure     pounds. Matthews and Contrera (30) described the
and anticipated pharmacokinetics (absorption, dis-      beta-test evaluation of a QSAR computerised sys-
tribution, metabolism and excretion) and pharma-        tem that demonstrated 97% sensitivity for rodent
codynamics (drug mechanism of action), combined         carcinogens and 98% specificity for non-carcino-
with the short-term evaluation of properties such as    gens. When compared to conventional rodent bioas-
genetic, tissue-specific and rodent toxicity, would     says, computerised SAR and QSAR [(Q)SAR]
permit confident predictions of genotoxic and/or        analyses also have the marked advantages of being
non-genotoxic carcinogenic potential, and that the      very rapid and relatively inexpensive.
resource-intensive two-year, two-species protocol
should, in most cases, be abandoned. Monro (26)
similarly proposed the use of in vivo genotoxicity      In vitro assays
studies combined with three-month to six-month,
two-species toxicological studies and phase I and II    In vitro assays, involving bacterial, yeast, protozoan,
clinical trials, with the aim of identifying carcino-   mammalian and human cell cultures, can all con-
genic risk factors such as genotoxicity, immunosup-     tribute information toward a weight-of-evidence
pression, hormonal activity or chronic irritation/      characterisation which is sufficient to render the
inflammation. At least one of these properties was      rodent bioassay unnecessary. Brusick (31) found a
possessed by all of the 19 pharmaceuticals consid-      correlation of approximately 90% between in vitro
ered to be definite human carcinogens by the IARC.      microbial mutagenesis and mammalian carcinogenic
Hence, Monro concluded that the conventional            properties for a large array of chemicals. Tennant et
rodent bioassay is redundant.                           al. (32) successfully predicted the outcomes of 86% of
                                                        44 chemicals undergoing carcinogenicity testing by
Non-animal alternatives                                 the NTP, by using the Salmonella mutagenicity and
                                                        sub-acute (90-day) rodent toxicity tests combined
Other investigators have proposed the greater use of    with chemical structural information. The Ames
non-animal assays in conjunction with, or to replace    Salmonella typhimurium reverse mutation and chro-
the conventional rodent bioassay. The non-animal        mosomal aberration (CA) genotoxicity assays have
assays currently in existence or under development      been accepted by regulatory agencies for many years
include quantitative structure-activity relationship    (33).
(QSAR) systems, in vitro assays, the use of cDNA           Cell transformation assays detect morphological
microarrays to detect changes in gene expression,       changes that provide the earliest phenotypically
human clinical trials and epidemiological research.     identifiable signs of carcinogenicity. These assays
The existing data, much of which remains unavail-       were comprehensively reviewed by Combes et al.
able within the proprietary files of pharmaceutical     (34), and the Syrian hamster embryo (SHE) cell
and chemical companies, could also be better shared.    transformation assay has since been described as
                                                        the most predictive short-term assay for rodent car-
                                                        cinogens (35). It detects morphological cell trans-
SARs and QSARs                                          formation — the earliest phenotypically identifiable
                                                        stage in carcinogenesis. Pienta et al. (36) showed a
Structure-activity relationships (SARs) predict bio-    91% correlation between the morphological trans-
logical activities such as carcinogenesis, based on     formation of SHE cells, despite their prior cryo-
42                                                                                                   A. Knight et al.

preservation, and the reported carcinogenic activity         The specificity of the Ames test for rodent car-
of numerous carcinogenic and non-carcinogenic             cinogens was reasonable (74%), but both the mam-
chemicals. The particular advantage of the SHE            malian cell tests showed very low specificity (below
assay in comparison to other in vitro assays, is its      45%), which declined to extremely low levels when
ability to detect some non-genotoxic chemicals, as        they were combined as a battery. When all three
well as genotoxic carcinogens (37–38).                    tests were performed, 75–95% of rodent non-car-
   The SHE assay is still undergoing improvement.         cinogens gave false positive results in at least one
Most of the difficulties encountered in earlier ver-      test in the battery.
sions have been overcome by culturing SHE cells at           However, by adopting relative predictivity
pH 6.7 (35, 39). In a study on 56 chemicals (30 car-      (RP) ratios of true:false results, it was estab-
cinogens, 18 non-carcinogens, 8 inconclusive),            lished that positive results in all three tests indi-
LeBoeuf et al. (40) reported an overall concordance       cated that the test chemical was more than three
of 85% (41/48) between the pH 6.7 SHE cell trans-         times likelier to be a rodent carcinogen than a
formation assay and rodent bioassay results, with a       non-carcinogen, and conversely, that negative
sensitivity of 87% (26/30) and a specificity of 83%       results in all three tests indicated more than
(15/18). Furthermore, the assay exhibited a sensi-        twice the likelihood of rodent non-carcinogenic-
tivity of 78% (14/18) for Salmonella negative car-        ity than carcinogenicity. Hence, Kirkland et al.
cinogens, demonstrating its ability to detect             recommended the use of RP ratios to assess the
non-mutagenic carcinogens. Both 24-hour and 7-            likelihood of carcinogenicity or non-carcinogenic-
day exposures were used. Mauthe et al. (37)               ity for chemicals with batteries of positive or
described the testing of the SHE assay during the         negative results.
Health and Environmental Sciences Institute                  The very short time-frames (hours to days), large
(HESI) branch of the International Life Sciences          financial savings, and tiny quantities (micrograms
Institute (ILSI) Alternative Carcinogenicity              to nanograms) of test chemical required by in vitro
Testing (ACT) collaboration, which began in 1996.         assays, all offer strong logistical advantages over
A total of 19 ILSI compounds were tested in the           the traditional rodent bioassays. However, despite
SHE assay — 16 compounds were either known                such obvious logistical advantages, the use of in
rodent carcinogens and/or human carcinogens, and          vitro cell cultures is limited by concerns that they
three were non-carcinogens. The overall concor-           do not adequately mimic the response of in vivo
dance between the SHE assay and rodent bioassay           cells at the target site within humans. Such con-
results was 89% (17/19), whereas concordance with         cerns can be minimised by using human primary
known or predicted human carcinogens was a more           cells, and complex organotypic culture systems,
disappointing 37% (7/19). However, Zhang et al.           with cofactors and metabolic supplements added to
(35) demonstrated the potential for further               increase longevity and maintain cellular differenti-
improvement, by showing a 1.4–2.5-fold increase in        ation (18). Nevertheless, continuing problems with
sensitivity when the cellular incubation time was         human cell transformation systems require further
reduced from the usual 24 hours to less than six          development (34).
hours, prior to seeding onto feeder layers.                  The possibilities for in vitro testing will continue
   Batteries of several in vitro assays offer potential   to expand with future research. Lichtenberg-Frate
as screening tests. Kirkland et al. (41) examined the     et al. (42) demonstrated the genotoxic and cytotoxic
ability of a battery of three of the most commonly        sensitivities of a genetically modified yeast (Sacch-
used in vitro genotoxicity tests, namely, the Ames        aromyces cerevisiae) assay, which used a yeast-opti-
Salmonella typhimurium, the mouse lymphoma                mised version of green fluorescent protein (GFP)
assay (MLA), and in vitro micronucleus (MN) or CA         fused to the RAD54 yeast promoter, which is acti-
tests, to correctly identify rodent carcinogens, by       vated upon DNA damage. The result was green flu-
using a large database of over 700 chemicals com-         orescence in the presence of several genotoxic test
piled from the CPDB, NTP, IARC databases and              compounds. Thereafter known as “GreenScreen”,
other publications.                                       this assay permits high throughput testing and
   Of 553 rodent carcinogens for which valid geno-        requires only minimal quantities of test substances.
toxicity data were available, 93% gave positive              The spectrum of compounds detected by
results in at least one of the three tests, indicating    GreenScreen is somewhat different to that detected
a high sensitivity of the test battery for rodent car-    by bacterial genotoxicity assays, hence, as Cahill et al.
cinogens. Only 9.2% (19/206) of the rodent carcino-       (43) propose, this assay, in combination with a high
gens tested in all three tests gave consistently          throughput bacterial screen and an in silico SAR
negative results, and most of these were either non-      screen, might provide an effective battery of genotox-
genotoxic carcinogens (liver enzyme inducers, per-        icity screening tests for regulatory purposes. An
oxisome proliferators or hormonal carcinogens),           investigation of the ability of GreenScreen to accu-
were considered of minimal relevance to humans, or        rately identify carcinogens, and its potential for
were extremely weak (presumed) genotoxic carcino-         incorporation into carcinogenicity screening batter-
gens.                                                     ies, therefore seems to be warranted.
Alternatives to the animal carcinogenicity bioassay                                                           43

cDNA microarrays                                         of microarray work remains the ability to convert a
                                                         long list of expression results into an interpretable
cDNA microarrays, containing hundreds or thou-           form, necessitating further research into data
sands of microscopic spots of complementary DNA          analysis (47).
(cDNA) transcripts of mRNA templates (from
which the non-coding intron sequences of the origi-
nal DNA have been excised), hold particular prom-        Epidemiological research
ise for detecting changes in gene expression caused
by carcinogens or other toxins (toxicogenomics),         Increased epidemiological research, linking cancer
long before more invasive effects arise. Unlike pre-     incidences with exposure factors in human popula-
vious methods, such as the analysis of mutation fre-     tions, would identify more likely human carcino-
quency by phenotypic selection, analysis of              gens and presumed non-carcinogens, thereby
transcription (mRNA) by Northern blotting, or            increasing the data set available for validation stud-
analysis of translation (proteins) by Western blot-      ies and for (Q)SAR predictive systems. Currently,
ting, microarrays offer the ability to examine many      despite our extensive tradition of animal testing,
genes simultaneously, and to characterise pheno-         too little is known about the human carcinogenicity
typic changes in whole cells or organs.                  or non-carcinogenicity of chemicals. Many of the
   Although the use of cDNA microarrays for the          substances classified as definite human carcinogens
detection of carcinogens is very recent, early studies   by the IARC are human viruses, radioisotopes, mix-
have yielded promising results. Lee et al. (44)          tures, or exposure circumstances not amenable to
demonstrated alterations in the gene expression          testing (48). Furthermore, most epidemiological
profiles of mouse lymphoma cells when exposed to         studies for carcinogens are currently performed on
three genotoxic compounds, namely, hydroxyurea           substances already known to be human carcinogens
(a carcinogen); p-anisidine (a non-carcinogen); and      (49).
paclitaxel (carcinogenicity unknown). Seven genes           Cancer Centres should be funded, to establish
were consistently upregulated and 12 were down-          tumour registries aimed at identifying new infor-
regulated more than two-fold by the three genotox-       mation on lifestyle, occupational, environmental
ins. By using additional genes, the expression           and medical carcinogens. Post-marketing surveil-
pattern induced by the genotoxic non-carcinogen p-       lance of human pharmaceuticals, with mandatory
anisidine could readily be distinguished from that       reporting of adverse side effects, is already required
associated with the genotoxic carcinogen, hydrox-        in most jurisdictions, and this should be fully
yurea, while the profile for paclitaxel was observed     utilised.
to be more similar to that of the genotoxic non-car-        Increased research should be conducted with the
cinogen.                                                 goal of identifying biomarkers of carcinogenicity,
   Particularly exciting, given the current scarcity     such as chromosomal alterations, the presence of
of suitable alternative models, is the ability of        mutagens in body fluids, cellular markers of expo-
cDNA microarrays to detect non-genotoxic carcino-        sure (50), and the presence of carcinogen activating
gens (45). After exposing rat hepatocytes to several     and detoxifying enzymes (51). This would facilitate
rodent genotoxic and non-genotoxic carcinogens, as       biomonitoring for early signs of carcinogenicity in
well as to two non-carcinogenic hepatotoxicants,         human populations.
during 5-day, repeat-dose in vivo studies, Kramer et
al. (46) hybridised fluorescently-labelled probes
generated from liver mRNA against rat cDNA               Data sharing and evaluation
microarrays. Correlation of the resulting data with
the estimated carcinogenic potential of each com-        All existing data about a test substance should be
pound and the dose level, identified several candi-      collated and examined in a critical and unbiased
date molecular markers of rodent non-genotoxic           fashion, to determine which, if any, remaining tests
carcinogenicity, including transforming growth fac-      are scientifically justified, prior to any actual test-
tor-beta-stimulated clone 22, and NAD(P)H                ing. Contrary to the public interest, many existing
cytochrome P450 oxidoreductase.                          data remain within pharmaceutical and chemical
   However, microarray technology remains in its         company files, excluded from the public domain for
infancy, and several existing limitations would ben-     commercial reasons. The Carcinogenicity and
efit from further research and development.              Genotoxicity eXperience (CGX) database, freely
Clearly, not all genes can be included in microar-       offered on the internet by the scientific education
rays, so the hybridisation results will only represent   charity, LHASA Limited (see http://www.lhasalim-
a subset of the global changes in gene expression., provides a
Care must be taken to ensure that the array chosen       large number of published genotoxicity results for
is appropriate for the hypothesis under investiga-       rodent carcinogens and non-carcinogens, and is an
tion, lest important changes in expression be            example of how such information might be organ-
missed. Despite this limitation, the major challenge     ised and freely shared.
44                                                                                              A. Knight et al.

A combination testing protocol                           mechanisms of carcinogenesis, and substantial sav-
                                                         ing of financial, human and animal resources.
The conventional rodent bioassay takes upwards of
two years to produce results of poor human speci-
ficity, and consequently of inadequate predictivity,     Further research
and is very costly in terms of finances, skilled per-
sonnel hours and animal lives. We propose its            The further development, validation and imple-
replacement with the following protocol, based on a      mentation of some of these alternative assays will
tiered combination of alternative assays.                no doubt require a redistribution of funding. Areas
                                                         that clearly merit further research, development
1. Before any assay is conducted, all existing infor-    and validation include the following:
   mation about the test compound should be col-
   lated and reviewed in a critical and unbiased         1. (Q)SAR computerised systems, particularly for
   fashion, to determine what, if any, further test-        initial screening, should be further developed
   ing is scientifically justified.                         and expanded from their traditional reliance on
                                                            chemical analogues to include information on
2. Initial screens should include (Q)SAR comput-            the structural properties of cellular receptors
   erised systems, cell or tissue cultures, and cDNA        which facilitate toxicity, as this information
   microarrays, where possible. (Q)SAR systems              becomes available. Toxicity testing data should
   should be used to identify and estimate the              be used retrospectively to enlarge the (Q)SAR
   toxic effects of specific chemical groups. The           databases.
   Ames, SHE cell transformation, Saccharomyces
   GreenScreen, human basal and target organ cell        2. Cell and tissue assays, particularly those
   or tissue culture assays, and other appropriate          involving human cell lines, the SHE cell trans-
   in vitro screening assays, should be fully utilised      formation assay, other assays sensitive to non-
   to seek evidence of cytotoxicity, mutagenicity,          genotoxic carcinogens, and the Saccharomyces
   genotoxicity and cell transformation. Well-cho-          GreenScreen assay, should be further devel-
   sen and well-conducted cDNA microarray assays            oped, validated and implemented. The avail-
   of genotoxicity and non-genotoxicity should be           ability of human cells and tissues for toxicity
   analysed for changes in genetic expression.              testing should be increased.

3. Following these initial screens, human toxico-        3. Research into improving the reproducibility and
   logical studies using barrier models and biologi-        interpretation of cDNA microarray data should
   cal simulations, microdosing and non-invasive            continue.
   biomarker analyses, should be appropriately
   selected, to model toxicokinetics and to estimate     4. Predictive biomarkers of toxicity should be iden-
   target organ concentrations.                             tified through genomic, proteomic and clinical
                                                            research, thereby permitting the speedier gener-
4. In the case of human pharmaceuticals, and non-           ation of results, well prior to the onset of neo-
   pharmaceuticals for which a human carcino-               plasia and enabling biomonitoring for early signs
   genicity assessment is also considered of high           of carcinogenicity in human populations.
   importance, and for which human carcinogenic-
   ity or other toxicity is not already suggested on     5. Increased human epidemiological research
   the basis of data acquired through the other             should be conducted, in order to identify more
   methods specified in stages 1–3, limited human           known human carcinogens and presumed non-
   trials utilising fully-informed and consenting           carcinogens, thereby increasing the dataset
   volunteers (phase I, II and III human clinical tri-      available for validation studies and (Q)SAR pre-
   als in the case of pharmaceuticals) might be con-        dictive systems. Cancer Centres should be finan-
   ducted with considerable caution, commencing             cially supported to establish tumour registries
   with microdoses.                                         focused on identifying new human carcinogens,
                                                            and the post-marketing surveillance of human
Properly collating and examining the more-targeted          pharmaceuticals should be fully utilised.
data obtained through such a testing scheme for
evidence of carcinogenic risk factors such as geno-
toxicity, immunosuppression, hormonal activity or        Validation and regulatory acceptance
chronic irritation/inflammation, is likely to yield a
weight-of-evidence characterisation of superior          Despite the 1997 ICH recommendations, and the
human predictivity to that currently offered by the      criticisms of numerous experts, modernisation of
conventional rodent bioassay. Additional advan-          the bioassay protocols has been painfully slow.
tages include the likelihood of greater insights into    Battershill and Fielder (52) demonstrated that the
Alternatives to the animal carcinogenicity bioassay                                                             45

published genotoxicity data were not sufficient to           Despite this enormous investment of resources,
allow a full assessment of the mutagenic potential        however, the poor human specificity, and hence,
of 75% (57/76) of the CPDB chemicals for which            the inadequate predictivity, of animal carcino-
bioassay data existed, despite the clear value of         genicity data, has been illustrated by several inves-
such data in interpreting bioassay results, and the       tigators (3–10). The reasons for this are numerous.
far greater resources required for conducting the         When subjected to careful scrutiny by the IARC,
bioassays themselves.                                     the majority of animal carcinogenicity studies
   Although a slowly increasing number of alterna-        have been found to be scientifically inadequate
tive protocols are being submitted to regulatory          (56). However, the very high level of scientific
agencies (53–54), and although the US FDA is              rigour required in order that potentially useful
accepting genetically-modified mouse data as part         data can be derived is only the first barrier that
of the safety assessment for selected pharmaceuti-        must be crossed. Numerous serious biological
cals (18), for the most part, fear of lack of accept-     obstacles remain, which render it profoundly diffi-
ance of alternatives by regulatory agencies is            cult, if not impossible, to accurately extrapolate
discouraging the use of alternative assays. Con-          human carcinogenic hazards from animal data
sequently, the conventional two-year, both-genders,       (59).
two-rodent species (usually, mice and rats) bioassay         Some investigators have proposed modifications
persists, despite extensive criticism centred on its      to the conventional rodent bioassay, including the
very poor human specificity, and its subsequent           elimination of mice, the use of genetically-altered or
inability to meet the stringent human validation          neonatal mice, decreased time-frames, initiation–
standards required of alternative protocols.              promotion models, and the greater incorporation of
   Clearly, regulatory agencies should be required to     toxicokinetic and toxicodynamic assessments.
consider data from promising existing and new             Others have proposed the greater use of non-animal
alternative testing methodologies, including              assays in conjunction with, or instead of, the con-
(Q)SAR computerised systems, appropriate in vitro         ventional rodent bioassay. Non-animal assays cur-
assays, cDNA microarrays, human toxicological             rently in existence or in the course of development
studies and clinical trials, and biological simula-       include (Q)SAR computerised systems, in vitro
tions, alongside conventional rodent bioassay data.       assays, the use of cDNA microarrays to detect
The validation of promising alternative assays            changes in gene expression, human clinical trials,
should be accorded a high priority, and once they         and epidemiological research. Existing data, much
have been satisfactorily and independently vali-          of which remains unavailable within pharmaceuti-
dated, regulators should be required to accept the        cal and chemical company files, should also be bet-
data they have provided. Where validation has not         ter shared.
yet been completed, regulators should nevertheless           In contrast with animal bioassays, both the
incorporate appropriate test data into weight-of-         human specificity and sensitivity of alternatives
evidence assessments. Regulators should be                such as (Q)SAR computerised systems and in vitro
required to make science-based decisions about var-       assays are very promising. Non-animal alternatives
ious test methods, according to the human sensitiv-       may also yield results nearly instantaneously, in the
ity and specificity data of each of them, rather than     case of (Q)SAR computerised systems, or in as little
continuing to rely on the current testing traditions.     as six hours in the case of the enhanced SHE in
   Finally, it is of fundamental importance that the      vitro protocols, compared with two years for con-
harmonisation of testing requirements be achieved         ventional rodent bioassays. Other advantages
among regulatory agencies, as has been achieved in        include potentially enormous savings of financial
other circumstances under ICH, with significant           and personnel resources, substantial replacement
reductions in the quantity of pharmaceutical test-        of animal use, and requirements for only tiny quan-
ing required (55).                                        tities of test chemicals.
                                                             Inexplicably, however, in the face of their very
                                                          substantial potential for increasing human speci-
Conclusions                                               ficity, predictivity and overall efficiency, the regula-
                                                          tory agencies have been frustratingly slow to adopt
Conventional carcinogenicity bioassays take around        alternative protocols, preferring to cling to the
three years to design, conduct and interpret.             bioassay traditions that yield results of poor human
Unsurprisingly therefore, by 1998, only about 2000        specificity and predicitivity, at great cost, and after
(2.7%) of the 75,000 industrial chemicals then in         two or more years.
use and listed in the EPA Toxic Substances Control           With the 1996 repeal of the Delaney amendment
Act inventory, had been tested for carcinogenicity        to the US Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act,
(56). The cost of testing just these 2.7% of industrial   which had outlawed additives demonstrably car-
chemicals in use was hundreds of millions of dollars      cinogenic in many species, the major US legislative
(23), millions of skilled personnel hours (57), and       impetus for animal carcinogenicity testing is gone
millions of animal lives (57–58).                         (60). In order to minimise the enormous cost of can-
46                                                                                                         A. Knight et al.

cer to society, a substantial redirection of resources             cancer bioassay in safety assessment. Toxicologic
away from the very slow and resource-intensive                     Pathology 24, 722–725.
rodent bioassay, into the further development and            13.   Van Oosterhout, J.P., Van der Laan, J.W., De Waal,
                                                                   E.J., Olejniczak, K., Hilgenfeld, M., Schmidt, V. &
implementation of non-animal alternative assays, is
                                                                   Bass, R. (1997). The utility of two rodent species in
strongly justified and urgently required.                          carcinogenic risk assessment of pharmaceuticals in
                                                                   Europe. Regulatory Toxicology and Pharmacology
                                                                   25, 6–17.
Acknowledgement                                              14.   Anon. (1983). Report of the FRAME Toxicity
                                                                   Committee. In Animals and Alternatives in Toxicity
This research was partly funded by the Physicians                  Testing (ed. M. Balls, R.J. Riddell & A.N. Worden),
                                                                   pp. 501–540. London, UK: Academic Press.
Committee for Responsible Medicine, Washington
                                                             15.   Goodman, J.I. (2001). A perspective on current and
DC, USA.                                                           future uses of alternative models for carcinogenicity
                                                                   testing. Toxicologic Pathology 29, Suppl. 1, 173–176.
                                                             16.   Thompson, K.L. & Sistare, F.D. (2003). Selection of
Received 6.8.05; received in final form 18.12.05; accepted         drugs to test the specificity of the Tg.AC assay by
for publication 19.12.05.                                          screening for induction of the gadd153 promoter in
                                                                   vitro. Toxicological Sciences 74, 260–270.
                                                             17.   Cannon, R.E. (2003). The Tg.AC mouse model passes
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