Analysis of artisanal fishing effort in San Nicolás, Paraná River delta, Argentina
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Analysis of artisanal fishing effort in San Nicolás, Paraná River delta, Argentina JORGE LIOTTA Dirección de Planificación y Gestión de Pesquerías, Subsecretaría de Pesca y Acuicultura, Ministerio de Agricultura, Ganadería y Pesca de Argentina, Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires, Argentina Museo de Ciencias Naturales “Antonio Scasso”, San Nicolás, Buenos Aires, Argentina. * Corresponding author: Abstract. River fisheries in La Plata river basin in Argentina are very important, both in social and economic terms. Published data about quantification of the effort carried out by fishermen is very scarce, although this information is key to evaluate the total effort of this activity. The objective of this work is to present data referred to fishing effort, obtained from the activity of a group of fishermen which land their catches in San Nicolás city, in the north of Buenos Aires province. Their dedication to work is diverse: some are completely dedicated to the activity; for others, fishing is complementary to other works, such as construction. Others in addition, care for or possess cattle in wetlands. The mean dedication to fishing was 158.9 ± 53.9 days worked per year, with a median value of 131. The median of the CPUE is 104.4 kg per fisherman and day, or 13.6 tn per fisherman and year. The dispersion of the values is high. Factors related with environmental and climatic phenomena, demand for fish and operational aspects, modulate the time invested in fishing. Key words: small-scale inland fisheries, CPUE. Resumen: Análisis de la dedicación a la pesca artesanal en San Nicolás, delta del río Paraná. Las pesquerías fluviales de pequeña escala de la cuenca del Río de la Plata en Argentina son significativamente importantes en términos sociales (como aportes a la seguridad alimentaria y a las economías familiares) y económicos. Son muy escasos los datos publicados sobre la cuantificación del esfuerzo efectuado por los pescadores, aunque esta información es clave para evaluar la magnitud de la actividad. El objetivo de este trabajo es presentar datos de dedicación a la pesca artesanal, y analizar la influencia de diversos factores sobre aquella, de un grupo de pescadores de cauce del Delta del Paraná, que desembarcan sus capturas en San Nicolás, en el extremo norte de la provincia de Buenos Aires. La dedicación a la pesca fue de 158.9 ± 53.9 días trabajados por año, con una mediana de 131 días. La mediana de la CPUE del período fue de 104.4 kg/pescador.día, o 13.6 tn/pescador-año, utilizando ambas medianas. Todos los valores mostraron una amplia dispersión. Algunos pescadores se dedican por completo a la actividad; otros, la complementan en proporciones variables con tareas como el cuidado de ganado vacuno en zona de islas, la construcción o diversas tareas temporarias. Factores relacionados con fenómenos ambientales (variaciones de nivel hidrométrico) y climáticos (fuertes vientos), disponibilidad y demanda de pescado y aspectos operativos modulan la dedicación a la pesca. Palabras clave: pesquerías continentales de pequeña escala, CPUE. Introduction they use only manual work in capture, processing, River fisheries in the Río de la Plata basin in distribution and marketing of resources, they are Argentina are of a small-scale or an artisanal type: usually practiced by individuals, family or Pan-American Journal of Aquatic Sciences (2020), 15(3): 218-225
Artisanal fishing effort in Paraná River delta 219 community groups settled in coastal communities or city (33°20'S, 060°15' W) was recorded daily for riverside, from boats with little autonomy, and worth 588 days (from October 2016 to May 2018). arts and techniques of minimum modernization Biweekly, semi-structured interviews (Diaz (Parlatino 2017). Small-scale fisheries are Bravo et al. 2013) were conducted. For this purpose, significantly important in social (contributing to an "interview guide" was prepared, with questions food security and family economies; Araya et al. grouped by topic, aimed at gaining knowledge about 2009; FAO 2015) and economic terms (generating aspects of the activity, on two-time scales: the last genuine revenue cushioning crises situations; Mahon fishing trip (corresponding to the landing present at 1997; FAO 2005; Daw et al. 2009). However, in the time of the survey) and the previous two weeks. most of temperate and tropical river systems, Questions concerning the last fishing trip refer to: (i) information on this activity is fragmentary and landing composition and volume, (ii) fishing gear, sparse, generating an underestimation of its (iii) gear modality and intensity of use, (iv) aquatic magnitude, and therefore insufficient consideration body -river, lagoon, among others- in which each by government administrations (Castello et al. 2007; gear was used, and (v) duration of trip in days. The Welcomme et al. 2010; FAO 2018). topics asked for the previous two weeks were: (i) The time invested by fishermen in obtaining dedication to other works and (ii) elements that their catch, known as fishing effort, is a key hindered fishing. parameter to evaluate the magnitude of this activity. For each fisherman, the number of landings The designation of professional or full time, part- carried out (L) and mean time (=fishing effort, FE, time and occasional fishermen is usual; FAO (2016) in days) of an individual trip were calculated. The estimates that by 2014, 36% of fishermen engaged in annual fishing effort (AFE) was obtained. It is the activity as full-time, 23% part-time and the rest defined as AFE = L * FE. The values were obtained were occasional or without specifying situation. for the whole period of study and standardized to Different criteria can be used to justify this 365 days. The number of landings that occurred per classification (Welcomme 1992, OIT 2003): time day and per week, and the days with increased spent in activity; occasion of fishing (for special frequency of landings were also obtained. celebrations, for example); percentage of revenue Values of catch per unit effort (CPUE), in kg earned from fishing; destination of the fish (own or per fisherman and day (kg/ and % community consumption, sale); number and were calculated for the most representative species complexity of the fishing gear used. of this fishery: sábalo Prochilodus lineatus, boga For inland fisheries in Argentina, only few Megaleporinus obtusidens, patí Luciopimelodus authors mention proportions of fishermen with pati, armado común Pterodoras granulosus, dorado different dedication. In Paraguay river, 44% of 3,300 Salminus brasiliensis, surubí pintado fishermen were full-time (Espinach Ros & Delfino Pseudoplatystoma corruscans, and for the total 1993). For lower Paraná alluvial plains fisheries, catches for each time a fisherman was interviewed. fishermen spent, on average, 50% of their time to Graphs of water level (WL) of San Nicolás fishing, ranging from less than 25% to 90% port since October 2016 to May 2018 were made (Espinach Ros & Fuentes 2000). In the province of using data from the Prefectura Naval Argentina Corrientes, Iwaszkiw (2001) mentions that 62.5% of website 640 fishermen were full time, and 37.5%, part time. ( These works, however, do not identify the criteria s/index.php). For the same period, daily weather used for classification. conditions (temperature, precipitation, and wind The objective of this work is to present data intensity) data was obtained from the Experimental on CPUE and fishing effort, obtained from the Station of Instituto Nacional de Tecnología record of the activity of a group of fishermen from Agropecuaria San Pedro San Nicolás, at the northern end of Buenos Aires ( province. Variables that limit fishing are described meteorologica-eea-san-pedro), located about 64 km and analyzed. SE from San Nicolás. Materials and methods Results The arrival of fishermen to land their catches There are about 25 active fishermen in San in a sector called "Paseo Costanero" in San Nicolás Nicolás (recent official statistics on these values were unavailable). The activity develops throughout Pan-American Journal of Aquatic Sciences (2020), 15(3): 218-225
220 J. LIOTTA the year. Fishermen work in the main channel of fisherman is presented (and summarized in Table II) Paraná river and adjacent wetlands, in an from data obtained during 87 interviews (in 36 dates approximately semicircular area with a radius of 15 from the period). km from the landing site. There, around 10 Fisherman 1 and 2 had a similar fishing mode. fishermen sell their catches in individual stands. At Both were highly dedicated fishermen, although they early morning, the fishermen land their catches, also owned livestock in wetlands, where they obtained from the previous hours, or on few permanently reside. Most of them used nets, such as occasions from two days prior; one of them passive fishing gear in lagoons, and dragging in the (identified here as fisherman 7) landed just one day a main channels. They sold fish mainly to the public, week (on Sunday) but fishes 3 or 4 days per week. although in times of plenty, they delivered part of The values of AFE are shown in Table I. Three of their catch to "acopiadores” (collectors that sell in the fishermen were not considered in this analysis local markets or for export). Fisherman 3 was since landed their catches less than 5 times in the exclusively dedicated to fishing, being specialist in period (and so they were considered here as the use of hook gears (although sometimes used also occasional fishermen). different nets); in general, he fished less days than The resulting statistics for AFE are (in days of the previous two; their catches had a great diversity, work per year): mean = 158.9; standard deviation = with prices on average higher than that of the most 53.9; first quartile = 128; median = 131 and third common species (sábalo). He sold exclusively to the quartile = 204.1 (Fig. 1). public. Fishermen 4 and 5 showed a variable A maximum of 7 fishermen worked dedication to fishing, with periods of intense activity simultaneously on the site, being more frequent the interspersed with times almost without presence in presence of 2 during the period (Fig. 2). Almost 10% their stands. They fished in environments of the of the days there was no activity. The days with most alluvial valley near the landing site and their landings were Saturday, Sunday and Friday in equipment was more limited than that from the descending order. Those days, the average number previous ones: for them, fishing is an activity that of three fishermen with landings was exceeded (Fig. takes place in times when more money is needed, or 3). The minimum frequency of landings was on when catches are especially abundant or profitable. Monday. They sold to the public, although they sometimes The median of the CPUE for all the fishermen delivered fish to collectors. Fisher 6 specialized in and the whole period was 104.4 kg landed per the capture of large, valuable specimens, such as fisherman and day (Q1=83.5; Q3=137.7). The main surubí pintado and dorado: he worked exclusively in species was sábalo (54%), followed by patí (12%) the main course, with passive nets located deep in and boga (7%). The former two species were backwaters, or long lines with large hooks; as captured all the year. CPUE of boga and armado fishermen 1 and 2, he owned cattle; in winter (when común were greater in autumn and spring (with their preferred species are less abundant) very little differences between years). Dorado and surubí time was devoted to fishing. He sold to the public, or pintado were caught mainly in summer, although in (on request) to fish restaurants. Fisher 7 landed his small numbers and percentages (Fig. 4). catch only on Sunday, but fished at least three days a The annual CPUE obtained was 13.6 week and sometimes even with more than one tn/fisherman.year (using the median values for daily canoe; he worked with helpers; as a result, his CPUE and AFE). A brief description of each landings were much larger than those of all previous; Table I. Parameters used to calculate the time invested in fishing. Parameter Unit 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Mean N Total landings number 318 323 189 203 210 141 85 - L Landings / year 197 201 117 126 130 88 53 130.3 L% Landings / year (%) 54% 55% 32% 35% 36% 24% 14% 35.7% FE Worked days / landing 1.13 1.14 1.12 1 1 1 3.5 - AFE Worked days / year 223 229 131 126 130 88 186 158.9 AFE% Worked days / year (%) 61% 63% 36% 35% 36% 24% 51% 43.5% Pan-American Journal of Aquatic Sciences (2020), 15(3): 218-225
Artisanal fishing effort in Paraná River delta 221 he sold to the public, although he sometimes delivered part of the catches to collectors. Fishermen 8 and 9, who landed less than 5 times in the period, were not included in the study, nor fisherman 10, who generally got their fish from fishermen from other places. The sequence of certain meteorological and hydrological parameters and the weekly frequency of landings is observed in Figure 5. Specific events of heavy rainfall (end of December 2016, February 2018), strong winds (end of August 2017) (see Fig. 5 A and B) or persistent fog hindered fishing, are related with low frequency of landings. Discussion The effort and the catch values obtained allow characterizing the magnitude of the fishery. The AFE Figure 1. Boxplot of annual fishing effort (in days per obtained is variable, with 158.9 ± 53.9 days worked year). Diamond: mean value. per year, and a median value of 131 day/year. These are the first concrete values of fishing effort for this small-scale fishery. The CPUE values obtained (104.4 kg/fisherman/day) agree with the values of “more than 110 kg” mentioned by Quirós et al. (2007) for the lower middle Paraná. Most of the fishermen showed important fluctuations in their landing frequency over the whole period. This was caused by various factors: some fishermen are completely engaged to the activity; others complement it in varying proportions with tasks like cattle care in wetlands, construction or diverse temporary works. Among the causes that modulate frequency of Figure 2. Number of landings per day of the week. landings, the environment imposes some of them. At the beginning of the period, with the WL fluctuating around 2.5 m, the level which surpasses the bankfull level (therefore connecting the main channel to the floodplain), landings were more numerous. From mid April 2017 onwards there was a period of high WL and low air temperatures, which coincided with fewer landings. The WL remained high since the beginning of 2018 until the end of the analysis period, coinciding again with lower frequency of landings. For fishermen, the greater difficulty of catching fish in situations of large flooded areas is clear and predictable, as well as the ease of catching them in lagoons and canals in low waters. The inverse relationship between fishing intensity Figure 3. Percentage frequency of the number of (expressed here as landing frequency) and the NH in fishermen landing per day. floodplain rivers, mentioned by Neiff (1999) and Arthington et al. (2004), is confirmed here. Strong Pan-American Journal of Aquatic Sciences (2020), 15(3): 218-225
222 J. LIOTTA Figure 4. CPUE (in percentage) for the main species landed in San Nicolás from oct-16 to jun-18. Table II. Characterization of the fishermen. The notation +, ++, +++, ++++ refers to a scale of increasing relative value. Catches’ destination Annual Restaurant Use of Fishing gears Landing Collectors N Seasonality fishing effort Other activities Public habitats diversity volume (% of a year) 1 Both All year 61% Cattle ++ +++ +++ + 2 Both All year 63% Cattle ++ +++ +++ + 3 Channel All year 36% No +++ ++ ++++ When jobless or Construction, 4 Floodplain 35% + ++ ++ ++ high catches others When jobless or Construction, 5 Floodplain 36% + ++ ++ ++ high catches others 6 Channel All year 24% Cattle + + ++ ++ 7 Both All year 51% No +++ +++ +++ + Pan-American Journal of Aquatic Sciences (2020), 15(3): 218-225
Artisanal fishing effort in Paraná River delta 223 Figure 5. A) Daily mean wind intensity; B) daily rainfall; C) Mean weekly air temperature; D) water level (at 2,5 m, the WL surpasses the bankfull level, connecting the main channel to the floodplain); E) weekly landings frequency. winds, persistent fog and heavy rainfall can also their migration stages: boga in autumn, silverside reduce the frequency of landings. Odontesthes bonariensis during winter and armado Other environmental causes that reduced común in autumn and spring; the most valuable landings were the abundance of piranhas species, dorado and surubí pintado, are mainly (carnivorous fish of the family Serrasalmidae, which caught in summer. There is also a significant can break nets especially in summer times) and the increase in the demand for fish at Easter (coincident drift of branches, water hyacinths, and debris with the upward migration of several species). It is (mainly during high WL). common for fishermen to work more intensively In this region, channel fisheries are several weeks before, storing their catches, because particularly active during upstream and downstream collectors and the public buy more these days. migration of fishes (Segura & Delfino 1991; Finally, a monthly fluctuation was mentioned, Espinach Ros & Delfino 1993). This results in associated by fishermen to a lower availability of increases in the demand for certain species during money from consumers at the end of each month. Pan-American Journal of Aquatic Sciences (2020), 15(3): 218-225
224 J. LIOTTA Inconveniences of the fishermen themselves, & Petr, T. (Eds.). Proceedings of the second such as health problems or difficulties with their international symposium on the equipment (mainly broken engines) also reduced the management of large rivers for fisheries, frequency of their landings. Strictly speaking, volume 1. FAO, Bangkok, Thailand. 356 p. however, the time spent in repair and maintenance of Boivin, M., Rosato, A. & Balbi, F. A. 2000. boats, engines and fishing gear (not quantified in this Incidencia del evento de inundación de 1982- study) should be considered as dedicated to the 83 sobre el asentamiento humano en el área de activity. islas del departamento de Victoria, Entre Ríos. There were also situations of temporary Relaciones de la Sociedad Argentina de dedication to other activities (times of vaccination or Antropología, 25: 27-40. transfer of cattle, increase in the demand for labor in Castello, L., Castello, J. P. & Hall, C. A. S. 2007. other fields, such as construction or industry). The Problemas en el manejo de las pesquerías fact that fishermen work simultaneously or tropicales. Gac. Ecol., special number, 84-85: alternately in different productive activities has been 65-73. recognized as part of the island's way of life in the Daw, T., Adger, W. N., Brown, F. & Badjeck, M.- C. Paraná Delta (Boivin et al. 2000); The same strategy 2009. Climate change and capture fisheries: occurs in a large number of inland fisheries in the potential impacts, adaptation and mitigation. world (Welcomme et al. 2010). Pp. 107-150. In: Cochrane, K., De Young, C., The observed complexity, typical of small- Soto, D. & Bahri, T. (Eds). Climate change scale fisheries, makes it difficult to consider a implications for fisheries and aquaculture: fisherman as full- or part-time. The calculation of overview of current scientific knowledge. statistical parameters of fishing effort for a complete FAO Fisheries and Aquaculture Technical set of fishermen allows obtaining effort scenarios, Paper. No. 530. Rome, Italy, 212 p. useful in small-scale fisheries such as these, often Díaz Bravo, L., Torruco García, U., Martínez with limited data (Welcomme 2011). Hernández, M. & Varela Ruiz, M. 2013. La entrevista, recurso flexible y dinámico. Inv. Acknowledgements Ed. Med., 2(7): 162-167. To Mr. Ramón Carabajal (†) for kindly Espinach Ros, A. & Delfino, R. 1993. Las helping in the record of data used in this work. To pesquerías de la cuenca del Plata en Bolivia, Beatriz Giacosa, for her involvement in the Paraguay, Argentina y Uruguay. Pp 36-51 . execution of tasks on the site, in conducting surveys Anexo IV. Informe de la sexta reunión del and suggestions for an earlier version. To Ariana Grupo de Trabajo sobre Recursos Liotta for her help in the English translation. To all Pesqueros. Montevideo, Uruguay. FAO the fishermen and helpers for sharing their Informe de Pesca. No. 490. Roma. 80p. experiences and contributing data to this analysis. To Espinach Ros, A. & Fuentes, C. 2000. Los recursos an anonymous reviewer for valuable suggestions. ícticos y pesquerías de la Cuenca del Plata, Part of this work was carried out under the Artisanal Pp. 353-388. In: Bezzi, S., Akselman, R. & Fishing Landings Monitoring Program of the Boschi, E. (Eds.). Síntesis de las pesquerías Dirección de Planificación y Gestión de Pesquerías, marinas argentinas y de la Cuenca del Subsecretaría de Pesca y Acuicultura, Ministerio de Plata. Años 1997- 1998, con la actualización Agricultura, Ganadería y Pesca de Argentina. de 1999. Publicaciones especiales. Instituto Nacional de Investigación y Desarrollo References Pesquero, Mar del Plata, 388 p. Araya, P., Hirt, L. & Flores, S. 2009. Algunos FAO. 2005. Increasing the contribution of small- aspectos de la pesquería artesanal en el área scale fisheries to poverty alleviation and food de influencia del embalse Yacyretá. alto río security. FAO Technical Guidelines for Paraná, Misiones, Argentina. B. Inst. Pesca, Responsible Fisheries. No. 10. Rome, Italy. São Paulo, 35(2): 227 - 238 79 p. Arthington, A. H., Lorenzen, K., Pusey, B. J., Abell, FAO. 2015. Directrices voluntarias para lograr la R., Halls, A. S., Winemiller, K. O., Arrington, sostenibilidad de la pesca en pequeña escala D. A. & Baran, E. 2004. River Fisheries: en el contexto de la seguridad alimentaria y Ecological Basis for Management and la erradicación de la pobreza, accessible at Conservation. Pp. 21-60. In: Welcomme, R. L. I4356ES.pdf. Pan-American Journal of Aquatic Sciences (2020), 15(3): 218-225
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