Anali za istrske in mediteranske študije Annali di Studi istriani e mediterranei Annals for Istrian and Mediterranean Studies Series Historia ...

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Anali za istrske in mediteranske študije Annali di Studi istriani e mediterranei Annals for Istrian and Mediterranean Studies Series Historia ...
Anali za istrske in mediteranske študije
           Annali di Studi istriani e mediterranei
        Annals for Istrian and Mediterranean Studies
           Series Historia Naturalis, 31, 2021, 1

UDK 5   Annales, Ser. hist. nat., 31, 2021, 1, pp. 1-164, Koper 2021   ISSN 1408-533X
Anali za istrske in mediteranske študije Annali di Studi istriani e mediterranei Annals for Istrian and Mediterranean Studies Series Historia ...
UDK 5 									                                     ISSN 1408-533X
									                                         e-ISSN 2591-1783

     Anali za istrske in mediteranske študije
      Annali di Studi istriani e mediterranei
   Annals for Istrian and Mediterranean Studies

      Series Historia Naturalis, 31, 2021, 1

                   KOPER 2021
Anali za istrske in mediteranske študije Annali di Studi istriani e mediterranei Annals for Istrian and Mediterranean Studies Series Historia ...
ANNALES · Ser. hist. nat. · 31 · 2021 · 1
   Anali za istrske in mediteranske študije - Annali di Studi istriani e mediterranei - Annals for Istrian and Mediterranean Studies

ISSN 1408-533X                                                UDK 5                                    Letnik 31, leto 2021, številka 1
e-ISSN 2591-1783

                                                             Alessandro Acquavita (IT), Nicola Bettoso (IT), Christian Capapé (FR),
                      UREDNIŠKI ODBOR/                       Darko Darovec, Dušan Devetak, Jakov Dulčić (HR), Serena Fonda
                 COMITATO DI REDAZIONE/                      Umani (IT), Andrej Gogala, Daniel Golani (IL), Danijel Ivajnšič,
                      BOARD OF EDITORS:                      Mitja Kaligarič, Marcelo Kovačič (HR), Andrej Kranjc, Lovrenc Lipej,
                                                             Vesna Mačić (ME), Alenka Malej, Patricija Mozetič, Martina Orlando-
                                                             Bonaca, Michael Stachowitsch (AT), Tom Turk, Al Vrezec
              Glavni urednik/Redattore capo/
                              Editor in chief:               Darko Darovec
          Odgovorni urednik naravoslovja/
       Redattore responsabile per le scienze
            naturali/Natural Science Editor:                 Lovrenc Lipej
                   Urednica/Redattrice/Editor:               Martina Orlando-Bonaca
       Lektor/Supervisione/Language editor:                  Polona Šergon (sl.), Petra Berlot Kužner (angl.)
             Prevajalci/Traduttori/Translators:              Martina Orlando-Bonaca (sl./it.)
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ANNALES · Ser. hist. nat. · 31 · 2021 · 1
   Anali za istrske in mediteranske študije - Annali di Studi istriani e mediterranei - Annals for Istrian and Mediterranean Studies

UDK 5                                                 Letnik 31, Koper 2021, številka 1                               ISSN 1408-53 3X
                                                                                                                     e-ISSN 2591-1783

                 VSEBINA / INDICE GENERALE / CONTENTS 2021(1)

BIOINVAZIJA                                                               SREDOZEMSKI MORSKI PSI
BIOINVASIONE                                                              SQUALI MEDITERRANEI
BIOINVASION                                                               MEDITERRANEAN SHARKS

Luca CASTRIOTA & Manuela FALAUTANO                                        Primo MICARELLI, Francesca Romana REINERO &
Reviewing the Invasion History of the Blue Crab                           Emilio SPERONE
Callinectes sapidus (Portunidae) in Sicily (Central                       Notes on a Rare Case of Bluntnose Sixgill Shark
Mediterranean): an Underestimated Alien Species ...                   1   Hexanchus griseus Stranded on the Coast of
Revizija zgodovine invazije modre rakovice                                Tuscany in the Central Tyrrhenian Sea .................       31
Callinectes sapidus (Portunidae) na Siciliji                              Zapis o redkem primeru morskega psa
(osrednje Sredozemsko morje):                                             šesteroškrgarja Hexanchus griseus, ki je nasedel
podcenjena tujerodna vrsta                                                na toskanski obali v osrednjem Tirenskem morju

Alan DEIDUN, Bruno ZAVA, Maria CORSINI-                                   Alen SOLDO
FOKA, Johann GALDIES, Antonio DI NATALE &                                 The Occurrence of the Common Angel Shark
Bruce B. COLLETTE                                                         Squatina squatina in the Adriatic Sea ...................     37
First Record of the Flat Needlefish, Ablennes hians                       Pojavljanje navadnega sklata (Squatina squatina)
(Belonidae) in Central Mediterranean Waters                               v Jadranskem morju
(Western Ionian Sea) .............................................    9
Prvi zapis o pojavljanju ploščate morske igle,                            Hakan KABASAKAL, Deniz AYAS &
Ablennes hians (Belonidae) v vodah osrednjega                             Deniz ERGÜDEN
Sredozemskega morja (zahodno Jonsko morje)                                Intentional Stranding of a Blue Shark,
                                                                          Prionace glauca (Carcharhiniformes:
Mohamed Mourad BEN AMOR,                                                  Carcharhinidae), in Pursuit of Prey .......................   45
Khadija OUNIFI-BEN AMOR,                                                  Namerno nasedanje sinjega morskega psa,
Marouène BDIOUI & Christian CAPAPÉ                                        Prionace glauca (Carcharhiniformes:
Occurrence of Reticulated Leatherjacket                                   Carcharhinidae), med zasledovanjem plena
Stephanolepis diaspros (Monacanthidae)
in the Central Mediterranean Sea,                                         Patrick L. JAMBURA, Julia TÜRTSCHER,
and New Record from the Tunisian coast .............                 17   Alessandro DE MADDALENA,
Pojavljanje afriškega kostoroga,                                          Ioannis GIOVOS, Jürgen KRIWET,
Stephanolepis diaspros (Monacanthidae),                                    Jamila RIZGALLA & Sara A. A. AL MABRUK
v osrednjem Sredozemskem morju in                                         Using Citizen Science to Detect Rare
prvi podatek za tunizijsko obalo                                          and Endangered Species: New Records
                                                                          of the Great White Shark Carcharodon
Sara AL MABRUK, Ioannis GIOVOS &                                          carcharias Off the Libyan Coast ........................      51
Francesco TIRALONGO                                                       Uporaba ljubiteljske znanosti za
New Record of Epinephelus areolatus in the                                pridobivanje podatkov o redki in
Mediterranean Sea: First Record from Syria ..........                23   ogroženi vrsti: novi podatki
Novi zapis o pojavljanju rdečepikaste kirnje                              o pojavljanju belega morskega volka
(Epinephelus areolatus) v Sredozemskem                                    Carcharodon carcharias
morju: prvi podatki za Sirijo                                             ob Libijski obali
ANNALES · Ser. hist. nat. · 31 · 2021 · 1

IHTIOLOGIJA                                                                Tülin ÇOKER & Okan AKYOL
ITTIOLOGIA                                                                 On the Occurrence of Pomadasys incisus
ICHTHYOLOGY                                                                (Haemulidae) in the Turkish Aegean Sea
                                                                           (Eastern Mediterranean Sea) ..................................... 123
Sihem RAFRAFI-NOUIRA, Christian REYNAUD &                                  O pojavljanju vrste Pomadasys incisus
Christian CAPAPÉ                                                           (Haemulidae) v turškem Egejskem morju
A New Record of Clinitrachus argentatus                                    (vzhodno Sredozemsko morje)
(Osteichthyes: Clinidae) from the Tunisian
Coast (Central Mediterranean Sea)............................         63   Sihem RAFRAFI-NOUIRA, Mohamed Mourad BEN
Novi zapis o pojavljanju srebrnice Clinitrachus                            AMOR, Khadija OUNIFI-BEN AMOR, Marouène
argentatus (Osteichthyes: Clinidae) iz tunizijske                          BDIOUI & Christian CAPAPÉ
obale (osrednje Sredozemsko morje)                                         First Substantiated Record of Opah, Lampris
                                                                           guttatus (Osteichthyes: Lamprididae), from
Mauro CAVALLARO, Giovanni AMMENDOLIA,                                      the Tunisian Coast (Central Mediterranean Sea)........ 129
Ignazio RAO, Alberto VILLARI & Pietro BATTAGLIA                            Prvi dokumentiran zapis o pojavljanju svetlice,
Variazioni pluriennali del fenomeno dello                                  Lampris guttatus (Osteichthyes: Lamprididae), iz
spiaggiamento di specie ittiche nello stretto                              tunizijske obale (osrednje Sredozemsko morje)
di Messina, con particolare attenzione alle
specie mesopelagiche ..............................................   69   FLORA
Večletne spremembe v nasedanju ribjih                                      FLORA
vrst v Mesinski ožini s posebnim ozirom                                    FLORA
na mezopelaške vrste
                                                                           Claudio BATTELLI & Marcello CATRA
Sihem RAFRAFI-NOUIRA, Christian REYNAUD &                                  First Report of Cystoseira aurantia (Sargassaceae,
Christian CAPAPÉ                                                           Fucophyceae) from the Lagoon of Strunjan
Skeletal and Pughead Deformities in the Saddle                             (Gulf of Trieste, Northern Adriatic) ............................ 139
Bream Oblada melanura (Osteichthyes: Sparidae)                             Prvo poročilo o vrsti Cystoseira aurantia
from the Tunisian Coast (Central Mediterranean Sea) ...               85   (Sargassaceae, Fucophyceae) v strunjanski
Deformacije skeleta in glave pri črnorepki, Oblada                         laguni (Tržaški zaliv, severni Jadran)
melanura (Osteichthyes: Sparidae) iz tunizijske
obale (osrednje Sredozemsko morje)                                         Amelio PEZZETTA
                                                                           Le Orchidaceae di Pinguente (Buzet)........................ 147
Murat BILECENOGLU & Seydi Ali DOYUK                                        Kukavičevke Buzeta
Uncommon Thermophilic Fishes
from the Marmara and Black Seas ............................          95   FAVNA
Nenavadne toploljubne ribe iz                                              FAVNA
Marmarskega in Črnega morja                                                FAVNA

Christian CAPAPÉ, Adib SAAD, Ahmad SOLAIMAN,                               Ahmet ÖKTENER & Ivan SAZIMA
Issa BARAKAT & Waad SABOUR                                                 Caligus minimus (Copepoda: Caligidae)
First Substantiated Record of Armless Snake Eel                            Parasitic on the Gills of a Remora Echeneis
Dalophis imberbis (Osteichthyes: Ophichthidae)                             naucrates Attached to a Seabass Dicentrarchus
from the Syrian Coast (Eastern Mediterranean Sea) ... 101                  labrax in Köyceğiz-Dalyan Lagoon Lake,
Prvi dokumentiran primer pojavljanja kačaste jegulje,                      Aegean Sea, Turkey .................................................. 159
Dalophis imberbis (Osteichthyes: Ophichthidae),                            Caligus minimus (Copepoda: Caligidae),
vzdolž sirske obale (vzhodno Sredozemsko morje)                            zajedavec na škrgah prilepa (Echeneis naucrates),
                                                                           pritrjenega na brancina (Dicentrarchus labrax) v
Khaled RAHMANI, Fatiha KOUDACHE,                                           laguni Köyceğiz-Dalyan v Egejskem morju, Turčija
Amaria Latefa BOUZIANI & Alae Eddine BELMAHI
Length-Weight Relationships and Metric Characters                          Kazalo k slikam na ovitku ....................................      165
of the Atlantic Horse Mackerel, Trachurus trachurus                        Index to images on the cover ...............................        165
(Perciformes: Carangidae), Caught in Béni-Saf Bay,
Western Mediterranean (Algeria) ................................ 107
Odnos med dolžino in maso in metrični znaki
navadnega šnjura, Trachurus trachurus
(Perciformes: Carangidae), ujetega v zalivu
Béni-Saf, zahodno Sredozemsko morje (Alžirija)
ANNALES · Ser. hist. nat. · 31 · 2021 · 1

received: 2021-05-10							                                                                   DOI 10.19233/ASHN.2021.06

                                                      Alen SOLDO
                                 Department of Marine Studies, University of Split, Croatia

    The common angel shark Squatina squatina is considered a critically endangered species in the Mediterra-
nean, so much so that in Croatian Adriatic waters it deserves the highest level of protection. While in the 19th
and the first half of the 20th century it was a common species here, it has been very rarely encountered over the
last few decades. This paper aims to present the data on two additional records of S. squatina from the Adriatic
and discuss its recent status with a proposal for effective management measures.

        Key words: angel sharks, Squatina squatina, critically endangered, Adriatic Sea, Mediterranean Sea


    Il pesce angelo Squatina squatina, specie in grave pericolo di estinzione nel Mediterraneo, merita il più alto
livello di protezione nelle acque adriatiche croate. La specie, precedentemente comune nel 19° e nella prima
metà del 20° secolo, è stata trovata molto raramente durante gli ultimi decenni. L’articolo mira a presentare i dati
su due ritrovamenti aggiuntivi di S. squatina nell’Adriatico e a discutere il suo stato recente, con una proposta di
misure di gestione efficaci.

           Parole chiave: pesce angelo, Squatina squatina, pericolo estinzione, Adriatico, Mediterraneo

ANNALES · Ser. hist. nat. · 31 · 2021 · 1

                   INTRODUCTION                                    with many requiring urgent conservation action
                                                                   (Dulvy et al., 2014). All three Mediterranean species
    Angel sharks are a group of at least 22 species, all           are assessed as critically endangered in the Mediter-
in the genus Squatina (Ellis et al., 2020). Three species          ranean due to past population declines, running an
of angel shark are present in the Mediterranean with               extremely high risk of extinction in the wild (Gordon
overlapping ranges. Of these, the sawback angelshark               et al., 2019).
Squatina aculeata Cuvier 1829 is mainly documented                     In relation to the Adriatic Sea, Brusina (1888) wrote
in the central basin along the southern Mediterranean              that in the Gulf of Trieste and Dalmatia S. oculata was
coast as far as the eastern basin, including the Aegean            rarer than S. squatina; Jardas (1996) defined S. oculata
Sea (Başusta, 2002; Soldo & Bariche, 2016; Gordon et               as rare throughout the Adriatic Sea; and now, after
al., 2019), but not in the Adriatic Sea, while the other           several decades without any new records of S. oculata
two species, the smoothback angel shark Squatina                   in the Adriatic, we can presume this species to be
oculata Bonaparte, 1840 and the common angel shark                 locally extinct.
Squatina squatina (Linnaeus, 1758), are reported as                    The body in S. squatina is strongly flattened dorso-
Adriatic species (Lipej et al., 2004).                             ventrally, with a very wide head and very wide pec-
    Angel sharks have dorso-ventrally flattened                    toral and pelvic fins and no anal fin. The origin of the
bodies and broad pectoral fins, which gives them a                 first dorsal fin is above the pelvic fin free rear tip, the
ray-like appearance. However, the anterior margins                 caudal fin lower lobe larger than upper lobe. Nasal
of the pectoral fins are not fused to the side of the              barbels are not fringed and spiracles are large. There
head, and the five pairs of gill slits are lateral, not            are 5 pairs of gill slits, not visible when the shark rests
ventral, thus distinguishing angel sharks from rays                on the sea bottom. Dorsal surface of light brown-gray
(Compagno, 1984; Gordon et al., 2020). Unfortu-                    color or dark with 1–3 straight dark bands on pectoral
nately, the body shape and preference for coastal                  fins and small white and dark spots and dark patches;
waters of many angel sharks makes them susceptible                 ventral surface white. Upper teeth with one cusp,
to capture by a variety of demersal fisheries, both                small and pointed; lower teeth similar. S. squatina can
commercial and recreational, from the very birth. As               reach a maximum size of 244 cm. The size at birth is
a result, angel sharks have been identified as one                 24–30 cm, at maturity the size of males is 80–132 cm,
of the most threatened families of chondrichthyans                 and of females 128–169 cm (Compagno, 1984; Lipej
(sharks, skates, rays, and chimaeras) in the world,                et al., 2004).

Fig. 1: Capture and release site of two male specimens of S. squatina.
Sl. 1: Mesto ulova in izpustitve dveh samcev sklata (S. squatina).

ANNALES · Ser. hist. nat. · 31 · 2021 · 1

    Brusina (1888) reported that (at his time) the                 Tab. 1: Morphometric measurements of the specimen
common angel shark was abundantly caught in the                    caught on 8 March 2007.
Adriatic Sea. Jardas (1996) considered S. squatina to              Tab. 1: Morfometrične meritve primerka, ujetega 8. marca
be rare throughout the Adriatic while only in the area             2007.
of the Neretva River and Zadar did it seem to be more
common. Bello (1999) wrote that the angel shark was
infrequently caught in the southeastern part and rarely             Morphometric parameter                          mm/g
netted in the southwestern part of the Adriatic Sea.
                                                                    Total length - TOT                              1080
Matjašič et al. (1976) inserted S. squatina on the list of
the fauna and flora of northern Adriatic. In the Kvarner            Precaudal length - PRC                          940
region, this species was not registered between 1973
and 1996 (Jardas et al., 1998).                                     Pre-second dorsal length – PD2                  825
    Previous data indicate that S. squatina was often a             Pre-first dorsal length – PD1                   690
by-catch of bottom trawls. Angel shark was reported as
a caught species in 1948 during the Hvar expedition,                Preorbital length – POB                          52
but the Medits expedition which took place 50 years                 Prepectoral length – PP1                        135
later, in 1998, failed to confirm the presence of this
species (Jukić-Peladić et al., 2001). Soldo (2006) con-             Preanal length – PAL                            495
sidered both Adriatic angel shark species as very rare              Dorsal caudal margin – CDM                      160
and critically endangered within the local area. Based
                                                                    Pectoral anterior margin – P1A                  310
on that opinion Croatia, within its waters, accorded
both angel shark species the highest level of protection            Pectoral base - P1B                             160
(strictly protected status) in the Adriatic.                        Width with fins                                 635
    In Croatia, angel sharks were historically targeted,            Body width                                      245
in fact, one of the large mesh size gillnets was called
                                                                    Clasper inner length – CLI                      165
sklatara after the Croatian term for the angel shark –
sklat. Something similar was indicated by Fortibuoni et             Mouth width – MOW                               135
al. (2016), who reported that according to naturalists’             Internarial space – INW                          80
accounts and historical documents, the species was so               First dorsal height – D1H                        95
abundant in the Northern Adriatic in the 19th and early
                                                                    First dorsal inner margin - D1L                  80
20th centuries as to sustain targeted fisheries, and large
quantities of S. squatina were sold in the main fish mar-           First dorsal base – D1B                          50
kets, but during the 1960s, the species collapsed and               Total weight                                    11204
became economically extinct. However, Fortibuoni                    Liver weight                                    338
et al. (2016) also concluded that even if S. squatina
                                                                    Stomach weight full                             381
was never detected in the area during scientific sur-
veys conducted between 1948 and 2014, it emerged                    Stomach content weight                          184
from interviews with fishermen that the species is not
extirpated from the Adriatic Sea. Such conclusion was
also supported by occasional records from the Adriatic;                The first specimen was caught and landed dead
Holcer & Lazar (2017), for example, reported 4 records             during a scientific survey, and therefore fully measured
from the 2008–2016 period (two from the Murter area                to the nearest mm and weighed to the nearest 0.01 g.
and two from Kvarner).                                             After the dissection of the specimen, its stomach was
    Thus, this paper aims to present new and older data            isolated and examined.
on the occurrence of common angel shark in the Adri-                   The second specimen was landed on a boat alive.
atic and to discuss the recent status of this critically           The fisherman contacted the Pula Aquarium and their
endangered species.                                                staff collected the specimen, taking it to the water tank
                                                                   in the aquarium, where it was kept alive.
    The first specimen was caught on 8 March 2007
by a gillnet with 180 mm mesh size, at a depth of 50                  Based on the diagnostic characteristics described
m, near Point Križ – the Island of Sestrunj (Fig. 1). The          by Compagno (1984) and Lipej et al. (2004), both
second specimen was caught on 23 April 2021 with a                 specimens were identified as males of S. squatina. Mor-
trammel net at the depth of 23 m in front of Debeljak              phometric measures of the first adult specimen (Fig. 2)
Bay, near Point Kamenjak (the southernmost tip of the              taken according to the guidelines of Compagno (1984)
Istrian Peninsula) (Fig. 1).                                       are presented in Table 1.

ANNALES · Ser. hist. nat. · 31 · 2021 · 1

Fig. 2: The adult male specimen of S. squatina caught on 8 March 2007 by gillnet.
Sl. 2: Odrasel samec sklata (S. squatina), ujet 8. marca 2007 v zabodno mrežo.

    The analysis of the stomach content revealed an                                       DISCUSSION
omnivorous diet for S. squatina as the content included
a whole black scorpionfish Scorpaena porcus Linnaeus                   Historically, S. squatina was common across large
1758, remains of gilthead seabream Sparus aurata                   areas of coastal, continental and insular shelves of
Linnaeus 1758, as well as several beaks of squid and               the Northeast Atlantic (southern Norway to Western
cuttlefish. Leaves of seagrass Posidonia oceanica were             Sahara), and the Mediterranean and Black Seas.
also found in it, but it could not be concluded whether            Nowadays, records of this species are reported
they had been ingested intentionally or accidentally               throughout the Mediterranean including the south-
during the pursuit of prey. Interestingly, this specimen           ern coasts of the western and central basins, the
was caught in the very Zadar archipelago area that had             Ligurian, Northern Tyrrhenian, and Adriatic Seas on
been historically identified as the habitat of the common          the northern coast, and the Levant and Aegean Seas
angel shark.                                                       in the eastern basin (Gordon et al., 2019). It has also
    The second specimen was landed alive (Fig. 3) on a             been documented in the Sea of Marmara and is the
fishing boat on 23 April 2021 and transported and kept             only angel shark species known to have been present
alive in the water tank of the Pula Aquarium. Their staff          in the Black Sea, with contemporary captures around
only performed basic measurements in order to keep the             the Bosporus Strait (Serena, 2005).
handling at a minimum and thus increase the specimen’s                 However, although angel sharks are reported,
chances of recovery. This immature male measured 68                their records are rare. Usually, these rely on fisher-
cm in length, 37 cm in width, and weighed 3.2 kg.                  ies data and reports of by-catch, as well as novel
After nearly two weeks in the Aquarium, the specimen               approaches such as citizen science, social media,
successfully recovered and it was decided it should be             and interviews with fishers aimed at increasing
released alive on 4 May 2021 in the adjacent waters of             knowledge on distribution (Fortibuoni et al., 2016;
the Marine Protected Area of the National Park Brijuni             Gordon et al., 2019). On the other hand, the use-
(exact location known but not publicly available).                 fulness of scientific surveys, which are normally

ANNALES · Ser. hist. nat. · 31 · 2021 · 1

Fig. 3: The immature male specimen of S. squatina caught and landed alive on 23 April 2021.
Sl. 3: Mladostni primerek sklata (S. squatina), ki je bil ujet in izpuščen 23. aprila 2021.

considered a good source of various data, has been                shark catches, including interviews with fishermen,
questioned in relation to detection of rare species,              Bakiu & Soldo (2021) concluded that the reported
due to a complete lack of data on angel sharks in                 catches were likely misidentified, like presumably in
scientific trawl surveys conducted in the Adriatic Sea            some other Mediterranean countries (Gordon et al.,
since 1948 (Jukić-Peladić et al., 2001; Fortibuoni et             2019).
al., 2016; Holcer & Lazar, 2017).                                     Given the critically endangered status of angel
    An additional problem, quite common in the                    sharks in the Mediterranean, there are several exist-
Mediterranean, is that frequently records from fisher-            ing protective measures that can be implemented for
ies only classify angel sharks at genus level, which              these species. In a binding Recommendation adopted
affects the possibility to determine the population               by the 24 parties to the GFCM (GFCM/36/2012/3,
status at species level. Precise data on angel sharks             amended to GFCM 42/2018/2) it has been agreed
are thus hidden due to misreporting in fisheries or               that retention and sale of 24 elasmobranchs listed
marketing under alternative common names. In                      in Annex II of the Barcelona Convention, includ-
many Mediterranean areas, angel sharks have been                  ing all three species of the Mediterranean angel
confused with other species, e.g. Lophius spp. or                 shark, should be prohibited. The European Union
rays, particularly guitarfishes (species of the genus             (EU) transposed the GFCM Recommendation into
Rhinobatus). A recent analysis from the Adriatic                  EU Regulation (EU 2015/2102), prohibiting the
Sea (Bakiu & Soldo, 2021) pointed to the reported                 retention of all three species of angel shark in the
landing of angel sharks and sand devils nei group                 Mediterranean and augmenting the prior listing of S.
(Squatinidae) in Albania. This Adriatic country was               squatina as a prohibited species under the Common
regularly reporting angel shark catches, with the                 Fisheries Policy annual fisheries quotas (Gordon et
largest catch stated in 2010 (78 tons). The last report           al., 2019). However, the implementation of full pro-
dates to 2016, when a catch of 3 tons was declared.               tection measures at national levels by EU Member
However, after conducting a scientific survey on                  States has been poor. A positive example is Croatia,

ANNALES · Ser. hist. nat. · 31 · 2021 · 1

which is recognized as a champion in the protec-                  can be presumed that those habitats will be defined
tion of sharks and rays. The group of 28 species of               within the inshore area, where proclaiming a marine
sharks and rays that have been declared as strictly               protected area is a very sensitive and lengthy (if even
protected species, includes both Adriatic angels                  possible) process, with different responsibilities, au-
sharks. Nevertheless, being granted the maximum                   thorities, and interests overlapping, usually between
level of protection alone will not prevent the spe-               fishery and environmental protection administration,
cies from being caught, especially the angel sharks               the goal should be to determine limited, but large
inhabiting the inshore area, where the fishing effort             enough habitats where the use of bottom fishing gear
and the use of a broad range of bottom fishing gear               will be restricted exclusively to the selective gear
in small- and large-scale fisheries are the most ex-              that cannot be used to target angel sharks. Having
tensive. Therefore, the efforts of conservation action            a protected area where the use of large mesh size
should not stop at the implementation of relevant                 gillnets and trammel nets, as well as towing fishing
international and regional obligations into national              gear (which is completely unselective to relatively
legislation, as fishery within angels sharks’ habitats            larger marine species) will be forbidden could result
will continue. Although the results of this paper                 in giving a chance to angel shark populations to re-
show that some angel sharks can indeed be landed                  cover from depletion and hopefully reach the levels
alive and subsequently released back into the sea,                where they would not be endangered anymore.
proper management cannot rely on the possibility
that the shark will be landed on a boat in good con-                                ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
dition and that the fishermen involved will have the
incentive and be motivated to release the protected                   I would like to express my sincere gratitude to the
species properly. Thus, the vital conservation issue              staff of the Aquarium Pula, led by Milena Mičić, for
is, after the implementation of conservation meas-                providing the data on a caught specimen and especially
ures into national legislation, to identify and map               for their enthusiasm and effort in saving and releasing
the critical habitats occupied by angel sharks. As it             the specimen alive.

ANNALES · Ser. hist. nat. · 31 · 2021 · 1

                                                        Alen SOLDO
                                   Department of Marine Studies, University of Split, Croatia


   Navadni sklat (Squatina squatina), danes opredeljen kot kritično ogrožena vrsta v Sredozemskem morju, ima v
hrvaškem delu Jadrana najvišji nivo varovanja. To, še v 19. in 20. stoletju pogosto vrsto, so v zadnjih desetletjih le
redko ujeli. Avtor v pričujočem prispevku poroča o dveh primerih ulova navadnega sklata v Jadranskem morju in
razpravlja o njegovem trenutnem statusu ter predlaga učinkovite mere upravljanja z vrsto.

     Ključne besede: sklati, Squatina squatina, kritično ogrožena vrsta, Jadransko morje, Sredozemsko morje

ANNALES · Ser. hist. nat. · 31 · 2021 · 1


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