An equity-oriented systematic review of online grocery shopping among low-income populations: implications for policy and research

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Special Article

An equity-oriented systematic review of online grocery
shopping among low-income populations: implications for
policy and research
Angela C.B. Trude           , Caitlin M. Lowery, Shahmir H. Ali, and Gabriela M. Vedovato

                                                                                                                                                   Downloaded from by guest on 26 June 2022
                     Context: Online grocery services are an emerging component of the food system
                     with the potential to address disparities in access to healthy food. Objective: We
                     assessed the barriers and facilitators of equitable access to healthy foods in the on-
                     line grocery environment, and the psychosocial, purchasing, and dietary behaviors
                     related to its use among low-income, diverse populations. Data Sources: Four
                     electronic databases were searched to identify relevant literature; 16 studies were
                     identified. Results: Barriers to equitable access to healthy food included cost and
                     limited availability of online grocery services in food deserts and rural areas. The ex-
                     pansion of online grocery services and the ability to use nutrition assistance benefits
                     online were equity-promoting factors. Perceived low control over food selection was
                     a psychosocial factor that discouraged online grocery use, whereas convenience
                     and lower perceived stress were facilitators. Findings were mixed regarding health-
                     fulness of foods purchased online. Although few studies assessed diet, healthy food
                     consumption was associated with online grocery use. Conclusion: Researchers
                     should assess the impact of online grocery shopping on low-income families’ food
                     purchases and diet.
                      Systematic Review Registration: PROSPERO registration no. CRD: 42021240277

                        INTRODUCTION                                       diverse communities in the United States,3–5 which are
                                                                           more likely to be under-resourced, underserved, and at
In the United States, noncommunicable diseases such                        high risk for poor diet, food insecurity, and obesity.6
as obesity, type 2 diabetes, and cardiovascular diseases                         Of note, efforts to address income-related dispar-
disproportionately affect diverse racial and ethnic                        ities in access to healthy food have focused on improv-
groups, including Black, Hispanic, and Native                              ing the availability of healthy foods at local food
American populations.1,2 Disparate access to and avail-                    vendors, including the Healthy Food Financing
ability of healthy food, combined with economic in-                        Initiatives,7 Staple Foods Ordinances,8 and the Healthy
equality, have contributed to health disparities in                        Corner Stores Initiatives.9 However, structural barriers

Affiliation: A.C.B. Trude is with the Department of Pediatrics, University of Maryland School of Medicine, Baltimore, Maryland, USA. C.M.
Lowery is with the Department of Nutrition, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, North Carolina, USA. S.H. Ali is with the
Department of Social and Behavioral Sciences, New York University School of Global Public Health, New York, New York, USA. G.M.
Vedovato is with the Institute of Health and Society, Federal University of Sao Paulo, Santos, Sao Paulo, Brazil.
Correspondence: A.C.B. Trude, 411 Lafayette St, New York, NY 10003, USA. E-mail:
Key words: diet, equity, food purchase, low income, online grocery, policy, Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program.
C The Author(s) 2022. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the International Life Sciences Institute.
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1294                                                                                                     Nutrition ReviewsV Vol. 80(5):1294–1310
to food access remain because households in low-                     In a previous scoping review, Jilcott Pitts et al22 de-
income communities may have limited access to reliable          scribed barriers and motivators to online grocery shop-
transportation and live disproportionately far from             ping. However, few studies included in the review
sources of healthy foods, compared with predominantly           focused on diverse populations from low-income back-
White and high-income neighborhoods.10 In response,             grounds, which are at greatest risk for health and social
there has been an emerging focus on interventions               disparities. Furthermore, the Jilcott Pitts et al22 review
aimed at addressing physical barriers to healthy food by        was conducted before the implementation of the OPP
bringing food to people, such as the green cart program         and the COVID-19 pandemic. Since then, online gro-
in New York City11 and a virtual supermarket in                 cery shopping has become more accessible and addi-
Baltimore, Maryland.12 Nevertheless, there is a pressing        tional studies on the topic have been published. In the
need to expand and refine these approaches.                     present systematic review, we aimed to synthesize the
     Online grocery shopping is a new and growing               existing evidence of the perceptions about and impact

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component of the food system that addresses barriers            of online grocery shopping on low-income and diverse
related to physical access to healthy foods. In 2018,           populations and to identify opportunities to inform pol-
34% of US shoppers reported purchasing groceries                icy and promote equity in the online food retail space.
online at least sometimes.13 Of those, 30% were from            Therefore, using an equity lens, we examined online
low-income households (< $40 000 annual household               grocery shopping behaviors among diverse, low-income
income) and 64% were parents with children.13 In                populations and aimed to answer the following ques-
the United States, from January 2020 to January                 tions: (1) What are the barriers to and enablers of equi-
2021, online retail sales increased by 39%.14 Specifically      table access to healthy food in online grocery services?
for families living in low-income areas who may lack            (2) What are the psychosocial, purchasing, and dietary
access to grocery stores and personal vehicles,15 online        behaviors associated with online grocery service use
grocery services have the potential to address barriers         among families from low-income backgrounds?
related to transportation. However, many underserved
families have not been able to realize the benefits of                                  METHODS
online grocery shopping, due to disparities in technol-
ogy access16 and digital literacy,17 limited delivery serv-     This systematic review was registered with the
ices,18 delivery and membership fees, and minimum               Prospective Register for Systematic Reviews CRD:
order policies.19                                               42021240277.
     The 2014 Farm Bill mandated a pilot program with
food retailers to test the feasibility of allowing the use of   Data sources
Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP)
benefits as payment for online grocery orders.18 The            Four electronic databases were searched for applicable
ability to use the SNAP Electronic Benefits Transfer            articles: MEDLINE, PsycINFO, Web of Science, and
card online may address barriers related to physical ac-        Business Source Ultimate, spanning the public health,
cess to healthy foods and the card provides an alterna-         behavioral sciences, and business literature. The system-
tive payment method for purchasing groceries online             atic search took place from September 2020 through
for low-income households. Additionally, during the             October 2021 and included relevant studies on online
COVID-19 pandemic, online purchasing became a safe,             grocery shopping targeting low-income families and di-
socially distanced option to purchase groceries, which          verse ethnic or racial populations.
motivated the rapid expansion of the SNAP Online
Purchasing Pilot (OPP) to 48 states and additional              Search strategies
retailers.20 The SNAP OPP expansion marked an im-
portant change in online grocery access among low-              A search strategy was developed on the basis of Medical
income populations in the United States: redemption of          Subject Heading terms and information from key
government benefits online increased to 67 times the            articles identified a priori.23–25 Boolean operators were
amount of prepandemic redemptions.21 Although in-               used to combine keywords and Medical Subject
creasing use of online grocery services has the potential       Heading terms for a more focused search. Three topics
to improve access to healthy foods, understanding bar-          were developed on the basis of the study research ques-
riers to its use and possible unintended consequences of        tion: online, grocery shopping, and low income. Search
online grocery shopping on food purchases and dietary           terms included: online, internet, grocery shopping, gro-
habits among low-income and diverse populations is              cery purchasing, food, produce, food assistance,
critical for the development of health- and equity-             Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, Women
promoting policies.                                             Infants Children Program, low-income, racial, and

Nutrition ReviewsV Vol. 80(5):1294–1310
ethnic diverse groups. The complete search strategy is       in its design, conduct, and analysis, and required the
described in Appendix 1 in the Supporting Information        following responses for the JBI tool: “yes,” “no,”
online.                                                      “unclear,” “not applicable”; and, for the Mixed Methods
                                                             Appraisal Tool and Center for Evidence-Based
Eligibility criteria                                         Management’s too, “yes,” “no,” “can’t tell.” The answer
                                                             “yes” means that a given appraisal criterion for satisfac-
This review included interventional or observational         tory quality was met. The quality threshold was set by
studies implemented in real-world settings, that used        the research team a priori, in which studies scoring be-
quantitative and/or qualitative methods, and were con-       tween 60% and 100% were deemed of moderate to high
ducted among low-income populations experiencing             quality and were included in the review.
food insecurity, participating in supplemental nutrition
assistance programs (SNAP or the Special Supplemental        Evidence synthesis

                                                                                                                                 Downloaded from by guest on 26 June 2022
Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children
[WIC]), and/or racially or ethnically diverse groups.        An adjudication approach informed by the theory of
Outcomes of interest included psychosocial, purchas-         planned behavior (TPB)29 and health equity frame-
ing, and dietary behaviors, or equity promotion of ac-       work30 was used for evidence synthesis. Domains for
cess to healthy food in the online grocery environment.      extraction included methods and findings related to the
No restrictions were placed on geographic location of        4 pillars of the health equity framework (ie, reduce
studies or the date of publication. Systematic, scoping,     deterrents, build community capacity, improve social
or narrative reviews; conference or dissertation             and economic resources, and increase healthy options)
abstracts; and general information articles were ex-         and psychosocial constructs of the theory of planned
cluded. Study selection was completed using Covidence        behavior (ie, perceived barriers, attitudes, social norms,
(Melbourne, Victoria Australia), following the methods       and perceived behavioral control), in addition to pur-
outlined in the Preferred Reporting Items for                chasing and diet assessment and outcomes. Additional
Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses guidelines. The         data extracted included target population, model or
eligibility criteria are described in Table 1, using the     theory, study aims, target foods and food groups, diet
PI(E)COS (population, intervention/exposure, compari-        and purchase measures, sample size, study design,
son, outcome, and study design) criteria.                    methods, results, equity considerations, quality of re-
                                                             search, study limitations, and study recommendations.
Data extraction                                              Meta-analysis was not possible owing to the heterogene-
                                                             ity of the study designs, exposures or interventions, and
Title, abstract, and full-text extraction were conducted     outcomes.
by 2 research assistants independently using Covidence
with a random agreement of 90%. Two reviewers                                         RESULTS
(C.M.L., G.M.V.) analyzed each study independently.
A third author (A.C.B.T.) was available to resolve           Search results
disagreements. Backward reference searching of in-
cluded articles was conducted to identify additional         The search criteria returned a total of 1612 citations,
papers.                                                      which dropped to 466 citations after the removal of
                                                             duplicates (Figure 1). Two additional articles were in-
Critical assessment                                          cluded from the bibliographic review. All titles and
                                                             abstracts were screened and a total of 43 full-text
The methodological quality of each paper was assessed        articles were reviewed for eligibility. Overall, 16 articles
using JBI’s critical appraisal tools,26 which have pub-      were included for evidence synthesis, including
lished checklists for most study types (eg, analytical       4 cross-sectional studies,18,31–33 5 mixed-methods stud-
cross-sectional studies, randomized control trials, quali-   ies,12,19,24,34,35 3 qualitative studies,36–38 2 case stud-
tative research). No checklist was available from JBI for    ies,39,40 and 2 experimental studies.23,41 All studies
mixed-methods studies and case studies. Thus, the            were of moderate to high quality after the critical
Mixed Methods Appraisal Tool was used for critical ap-       assessment.
praisal of studies using mixed-methods designs27 and
the Center for Evidence-Based Management’s critical          Study characteristics
appraisal of a case study was used for case studies.28
     The checklists included questions to determine the      Studies included in this review were published between
extent to which a study addressed the possibility of bias    2013 and 2021, all conducted in the United States

1296                                                                                   Nutrition ReviewsV Vol. 80(5):1294–1310
Table 1 PICOS criteria for inclusion and exclusion of studies
 Parameter                                           Inclusion criteria                                     Exclusion criteria
 General                          Published in English
                                  Peer-reviewed publication
 Study design                     Experimental, cross-sectional, quasi-experimental,            Reviews, abstracts
                                    qualitative, natural experiments, mixed methods
 Population                       Low-income (defined as living in poverty, food insecure,
                                    participating in supplemental assistance nutrition
                                    programs [SNAP or WIC]) and/or racially or ethnically
                                    diverse populations
 Intervention/exposure            Online ordering of groceries (supermarkets, grocery
                                    stores, farmers’ markets)
 Setting                          Urban and rural settings                                      Not real-world setting (ie, ordering
                                                                                                  from laboratory that does not deliver

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                                                                                                  the groceries selected)
 Outcomes                     Psychosocial, purchasing, diet behaviors, or equity
                                promotion in online grocery environment
 Abbreviations: SNAP, Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program; WIC, Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants,
 and Children.

(Table 2). Nine studies targeted food insecure or low-                    Barriers and enablers of equitable access to healthy
income, racially diverse populations,12,19,23,31,32,35,39–41 5            foods via online grocery services
were conducted among individuals participating in nu-
trition assistance programs (SNAP or WIC),24,34,36–38 1                   Figure 2 summarizes the findings from this systematic
targeted regions with low access to healthy foods or                      review. This is an equity-oriented framework focused
food retailers,18 and 1 examined US states participating                  on health promotion in online grocery services building
in the SNAP OPP expansion.33 For most studies                             on the 4 domains of Kumanyika’s framework for equity
(n ¼ 11), whether the work was informed by a theoreti-                    in obesity prevention (ie, reduce deterrents, build com-
cal model or theory was not reported. Of those articles                   munity capacity, social and economic resources, and in-
in which that information was provided (n ¼ 5), 2 stud-                   crease healthy options).30 Central to the present
ies were based on the theory of planned behavior,24,37 2                  conceptual framework are the 4 equity domains that act
on the nudge theory,23,41 and in 1 study, the authors                     as pillars for policy or systems interventions and com-
used a service ecosystem framework.19 Sample size var-                    munity capacity to ensure that the online food environ-
ied across the studies depending on whether the study                     ment supports equitable healthy food availability and
was targeted at the regional (eg, 1250 census tracts in                   access. In turn, the online food environment influences
the OPP states),18 retailer (eg, 2 retailers34 or 1 re-                   and is influenced by an individual’s perception of bar-
tailer39), or individual (eg, ranging from 736 to 206                     riers, attitudes, and intentions to purchase groceries on-
adults19) levels. Among the studies reporting a nutrition                 line, in line with the theory of planned behavior.29
outcome (n ¼ 9), 3 focused on specific healthy and un-                          Equity in online grocery shopping refers to the dif-
healthy food and beverage items,12,23,24 1 looked at                      ferential impact of policies and retailers’ practices (ie,
fruits and vegetables only,35 and 5 assessed all grocery                  disparate cost of grocery items online vs in the store19)
items purchased.19,23,31,34,41                                            on online grocery shopping uptake and healthy food se-
                                                                          lection among rural and urban populations,18 and
Online grocery services                                                   groups of different ages, incomes, and races or ethnici-
                                                                          ties.39 Five studies included in this review highlighted
The types of online grocery ordering services varied                      the importance of reducing deterrents to online grocery
across the studies. The majority of the studies (n ¼ 9)                   shopping to increase uptake and improve the quality of
were conducted in the context of a grocery store or                       foods purchased by low-income, racially or ethnically
food retailer that accepted orders online and offered                     diverse populations.18,19,32,39,40 Disparate cost of equiva-
grocery pick-up and/or delivery.18,19,23,24,36–40 Of those,               lent grocery items at online retailers was reported in 1
3 studies were implemented with a pick-up option at a                     study, in comparison with brick-and-mortar vendors in
community location,12,19,35 3 with store pick-up                          low-income neighborhoods in the United Sates40 In an-
only,32,34,36 and 3 offered pick-up or delivery serv-                     other study, authors motivated by the SNAP OPP found
ices.23,31,39 Six studies examined topics related to the                  that grocery ordering and delivery services were rarely
SNAP OPP.18,19,24,39,40                                                   available in rural food deserts.18 Researchers who

Nutrition ReviewsV Vol. 80(5):1294–1310
Eligibility Criteria

                                                                                                 1) Published between 2010-2021
                                                                                                 2) Conducted in humans
                                                                                                 3) Published in English only
                                                                                                 4) From peer-reviewed journals
                                                                                                 5) Study design: cross-sectional,
                                                                                                 experimental, qualitative, case-study,
                                                                                                 mixed methods (no reviews or
                            Records identified through database searching                        simulations)

                                                                                                 6) Outcome: psychosocial,

                                                                                      N = 1612
                            MEDLINE (n = 626)                                                    purchasing, diet behaviors, or equity
                            EMBASE (n = 641)                                                     promotion in online grocery
                            PsycINFO (n = 244)                                                   environment
                            Business Source (n = 101)                                            7) Target population: Low-income
                                                                                                 populations living in poverty, food

                                                                                                                                                     Downloaded from by guest on 26 June 2022
                                                                                                 insecure, participating in assistance
                                                                                                 nutrition programs (SNAP or WIC),
                                                                                                 and/or racially or ethnically diverse

                                               Records after duplicates removed                         Duplicate records
                                                           (n = 466)                                        excluded
                                                                                                           (n = 1146)

                                                            Title and abstract
                                                                 screened                          Irrelevant studies excluded
                                                                (n = 466)                                   (n = 423)

                                                        Full-text articles assessed                Full-text articles excluded,

                                                               for eligibility                       with reasons (n = 27)
                                                                  (n = 43)                        • Not peer-reviewed (n = 9)
                                                                                                  • Not online grocery (n = 10)
                                                                                                  • Abstract only (n = 3)
                                                                                                  • Review (n = 1)
                                                                                                  • Not low income (n = 3)
                                                                                                  • Duplicate (n = 1)
                                                          Studies included in
                                                          qualitative synthesis
                                                                (n = 16)

                                                         Cross-sectional (n = 4)
                                                         Mixed methods (n = 5)
                                                           Qualitative (n = 3)
                                                           Case study (n = 2)
                                                          Experimental (n = 2)

Figure 1 Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses flow diagram of studies included in the systematic
review.61 Abbreviations: SNAP, Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program; WIC, Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants,
and Children

examined receipts from 2 retailers serving primarily                        of considering environmental and social barriers to
low-income communities in Maine found that shoppers                         SNAP participation, as well as disparate grocery costs
with lower incomes and who enrolled in a nutrition as-                      and declining purchasing power of SNAP benefits.19 In
sistance program were less likely to shop online than                       terms of uptake of online grocery services, a case study
their higher-income counterparts.32 Authors of an ana-                      in Alabama reported that older, rural populations were
lytical essay examining neighborhood variation in                           not using SNAP online as frequently as younger shop-
SNAP enrollment in NYC highlighted the importance                           pers were, and that online SNAP purchases made up a

1298                                                                                                       Nutrition ReviewsV Vol. 80(5):1294–1310
Table 2 Description of the studies included in the systematic review by domains of the equity-oriented framework to promote healthy food purchasing and diet in online
                                          grocery environments targeted at underserved populations
                                          Reference           Study design         Setting and        Online retailer busi-        Outcomes                 Methods                Main findingsa        Policy implications    Quality, %
                                                                                   population             ness model
                                                                   Increase healthy options

                                          Appelhans et al    Cross-sectional Chicago, IL              Home delivery           Psychosocial: accept-   Psychosocial factors:     Online grocery and      Online grocery          10026
                                            (2013)31                           Adults with children                             ability of online       perceived conve-         inequities: higher       needs competitive
                                                                                 in an urban food                               grocery services        nience, ease of          SSB purchase on-         prices, 1-d deliv-
                                                                                 desert (n ¼ 34)                              Purchase: items pur-      use, and satisfac-       line; food prices        ery, to accept
                                                                                                                                chased while on-        tion; planned fre-       perceived to be          SNAP, and to be
                                                                                                                                line grocery            quency of future         high                     available for
                                                                                                                                shopping (in            use                     Online grocery and        home delivery

Nutrition ReviewsV Vol. 80(5):1294–1310
                                                                                                                                office)               Online purchasing:         food assistance:
                                                                                                                                                        receipts from gro-       most purchases
                                                                                                                                                        ceries ordered at        composed of pro-
                                                                                                                                                        research center          tein; F&V and calo-
                                                                                                                                                        with study-pro-          ric beverages also
                                                                                                                                                        vided voucher            common
                                                                                                                                                      Equity: residents of      OPP and online gro-
                                                                                                                                                        food desert areas        cery: Ability to pay
                                                                                                                                                                                 with SNAP would
                                                                                                                                                                                 influence decision
                                                                                                                                                                                 to buy groceries
                                          Burrington et al   Mixed methods     New York (rural)       Delivery to a com-      Psychosocial: im-       Psychosocial factors:     Online grocery and      Nutrition or cooking    7327
                                            (2020)35                           Low-income families      munity location         prove knowledge         self-efficacy for         inequities: in-         classes in combi-
                                                                                with children at                                and attitudes to-       cooking, attitudes        creased children’s      nation with a F&V
                                                                                risk of obesity who                             ward F&V                toward trying new         F&V intake, house-      Rx program with
                                                                                qualify for free or                             consumption             foods                     hold food security      online produce
                                                                                reduced school                                Purchase: order F&V     Online purchasing:          at post-online F&V      delivery increased
                                                                                meals (n ¼ 10)                                  from online pro-        voucher redemp-           ordering                F&V access and
                                                                                                                                duce market             tion or online data                               consumption by
                                                                                                                              Diet: increase con-       monitoring                                        children.
                                                                                                                                sumption of F&V       Diet: daily servings
                                                                                                                                                        of F&V consumed
                                                                                                                                                        by child and
                                                                                                                                                      Equity: rural com-
                                                                                                                                                        munities, child-
                                                                                                                                                        ren’s eligibility for
                                                                                                                                                        free or reduced
                                                                                                                                                        school meals;

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Table 2 Continued

                                          Reference            Study design         Setting and        Online retailer busi-        Outcomes                Methods              Main findingsa        Policy implications      Quality, %
                                                                                    population             ness model
                                          Lagisetty et al     Mixed methods    Baltimore, MD           Store pickup and de-    Psychosocial: to       Psychosocial factors:   Online grocery and      Allow payment with        7327
                                            (2017)12                           Primarily Black           livery to commu-        evaluate barriers      satisfaction with      inequities: Ability       SNAP for online
                                                                                 women aged 60          nity location           to program             program, barriers      to have commu-            grocery delivery
                                                                                 and stakeholders                                implementation         to healthy food        nity drop-off/pick-       (using hand-held
                                                                                 from Virtual                                  Purchase: self-          access                 up locations and          devices at
                                                                                 Supermarket                                     reported change      Online purchasing:       pay with cash or          delivery).
                                                                                 Program (n ¼ 93                                 due to the             self-reported          EBT was key to
                                                                                 customers;                                      program                change                 participation.
                                                                                 n ¼ 14 key                                    Diet: perception of    Equity: participants    Online grocery and
                                                                                 stakeholders)                                   eating more            living in low-in-      food assistance:
                                                                                                                                 healthfully due to     come neighbor-         higher purchases
                                                                                                                                 the program            hoods (food            of F&V and fewer
                                                                                                                                                        deserts)               snacks and des-
                                                                                                                                                                               serts, but more jui-
                                                                                                                                                                               ces and sodas
                                                                                                                                                                              OPP and online gro-
                                                                                                                                                                               cery: Participants
                                                                                                                                                                               were satisfied with
                                                                                                                                                                               the ability to pay
                                                                                                                                                                               with SNAP at
                                                                    Reduce deterrents
                                          Brandt et al        Cross-sectional Rural and urban          Store pickup or         Equity in geographic   Online purchasing:      Online grocery and      Ability to use SNAP       7526
                                            (2019)18                              food deserts in        home delivery.          reach of the SNAP     Nielsen TD-Linx          inequities: Online      online may im-
                                                                                  8 US states                                    OPP                   Database to iden-        grocery purchas-        prove food avail-
                                                                                  (n ¼ 1250; 13 134                                                    tify SNAP retailers;     ing and delivery        ability for those in
                                                                                  census tracts)                                                       Google to identify       were rarely avail-      urban food
                                                                                                                                                       OPP participation        able in rural food      deserts, although
                                                                                                                                                       and delivery area        deserts.                access is limited
                                                                                                                                                      Equity: rural and ur-                             in rural areas.
                                                                                                                                                       ban food desert
                                                                                                                                                       census tracts
                                          Cohen et al         Analytic essay   NYC, NY                 Not specified           Equity: to examine     Equity: measuring       Online grocery and      Consideration of en-      8026
                                            (2019)40                           Individuals with low                              city and neighbor-     SNAP at the com-       inequities: dispa-       vironmental and
                                                                                 income (eligible                                hood characteris-      munity scale:          rate grocery costs       social barriers to
                                                                                 but not enrolled in                             tics that affect       Program Access         (high costs in gen-      SNAP participa-
                                                                                 SNAP) living in 3                               SNAP                   Index for Public       trifying                 tion, disparate

                                                                                 Public Use                                      participation          Use Microdata          neighborhoods)           grocery costs and
                                                                                 Microdata Areas                                                        Area                  OPP and online gro-       SNAP benefits not
                                                                                                                                                                               cery: Geographic         adjusted for
                                                                                                                                                                               variation in food        higher cost of
                                                                                                                                                                               prices can be re-        living
                                                                                                                                                                               duced through in-
                                                                                                                                                                               creased use of

Nutrition ReviewsV Vol. 80(5):1294–1310
                                                                                                                                                                               online grocers.
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Table 2 Continued
                                          Reference              Study design          Setting and        Online retailer busi-        Outcomes                 Methods               Main findingsa       Policy implications       Quality, %
                                                                                       population             ness model
                                          Cohen et al           Mixed methods      NYC, NY                Delivery to a com-      Psychosocial: shop-     Psychosocial factors:    Online grocery and     Low-income individ-        7327
                                            (2020)19                               Low-income, pre-         munity location         ping practices, and     barriers to buying      inequities: prices      uals are unlikely

                                                                                    dominantly Black                                perceptions of on-      healthy and afford-     online higher than      to fully switch to
                                                                                    adults (n ¼ 466                                 line shopping           able food online,       in store                online shopping
                                                                                    registered in the                             Purchase: grocery         logistics of grocery   Online grocery and       unless grocers of-
                                                                                    pilot; survey,                                  purchases before        delivery                food assistance:        fer deals compara-
                                                                                    n ¼ 206; focus                                  and after the pilot   Online purchasing:        potential cost sav-     ble to those in
                                                                                    group, n ¼ 6)                                 Equity: uptake of on-     grocery receipt         ings online; more       store. Community
                                                                                                                                    line grocery            analysis (pre- and      promotions or dis-      input and buy-in

Nutrition ReviewsV Vol. 80(5):1294–1310
                                                                                                                                    shopping                post-pilot)             counts in store;        were key to iden-
                                                                                                                                                          Equity: price com-        positive experien-      tifying and
                                                                                                                                                            parison of in-store     ces online              addressing bar-
                                                                                                                                                            vs online prices;      OPP and online gro-      riers to online
                                                                                                                                                            low-income resi-        cery: Participants      shopping.
                                                                                                                                                            dents in food de-       wanted online
                                                                                                                                                            sert; pilot design      stores to have the
                                                                                                                                                            with input from         same sales and cir-
                                                                                                                                                            community               culars as local
                                          Hingle et al          Case study         Low-income, older      Home delivery, de-      Equity: to identify     Online purchasing:       Online grocery and     Maintain support for       7028
                                            (2020)39                                 adults in rural        livery to a com-        barriers and op-       stakeholder inter-        food assistance:       EBT online post-
                                                                                     Alabama (n ¼ 1         munity location,        portunities to im-     views and docu-           Majority of online     COVID and expand
                                                                                     grocery store          curbside pickup         prove equitable        ment review               purchases were         online access to
                                                                                     chain) and low-in-                             online access to       (proportion of pur-       non-SNAP. Older        other food assis-
                                                                                     come Hispanic                                  nutrition              chases online and         rural populations      tance programs.
                                                                                     adults in urban                                programs               in store with             were not using       Work with grocers
                                                                                     California (Double                                                    SNAP/EBT)                 SNAP online as         and local partners
                                                                                     Up SNAP                                                              Equity: proportion of      frequently as          to create grocery
                                                                                     Incentive                                                             online purchases          younger custom-        drop-off/pick-up
                                                                                     Program)                                                              and program               ers who lived in       centers in hard-to-
                                                                                                                                                           enrollment                town.                  reach rural areas
                                          Zatz et al (2021)32   Cross-sectional    Maine                  Store pickup            Equity: sociodemo-      Online purchasing:       Online grocery and     Expand the SNAP            10026
                                                                                   Low-income families                              graphic differen-      retail scanner data       inequities: Only        OPP to other
                                                                                    with children, pre-                             ces between            (specific code for        shoppers were           regions and
                                                                                    dominantly non-                                 families who           online orders)            more likely to          retailers; retailers
                                                                                    Hispanic White                                  shopped online vs     Equity:                    have higher             to reduce or
                                                                                    (n ¼ 863) grocery                               in-store               Sociodemographic          incomes and less        waive fees for
                                                                                    shopping at 2                                                          determinants of           likely to partici-      low-income con-
                                                                                    supermarkets                                                           online and in-store       pate in SNAP or         sumers; marketing
                                                                                                                                                           purchases at              WIC.                    campaigns to in-
                                                                                                                                                           supermarkets serv-                                crease awareness
                                                                                                                                                           ing low-income                                    of the SNAP OPP


                                                                             Downloaded from by guest on 26 June 2022
Table 2 Continued

                                          Reference            Study design          Setting and       Online retailer busi-         Outcomes                   Methods              Main findingsa        Policy implications     Quality, %
                                                                                     population            ness model
                                                                   Build on Community Capacity
                                          Coffino et al       Experimental     New York (urban)        Home delivery           Purchase: feasibility      Psychosocial factors:   OPP and online          Supports the use of      6926
                                            (2020)23                           Adults with food in-                              and initial efficacy       nutrition literacy,     shopping: in-           “nudges” (ie,
                                                                                security who do                                  of default online          dietary preferen-       creased healthful-      changing defaults)
                                                                                not receive SNAP                                 shopping cart on           ces, impulsiveness      ness of food            to promote
                                                                                benefits (n ¼ 50)                                quality of foods         Online purchasing:        purchases using         healthier food
                                                                                                                                 purchased (whole           the Thrifty Food        default cart            purchases in on-
                                                                                                                                 grains; F&V; calo-         Plan Calculator for     options for food        line shopping
                                                                                                                                 ries; total fat; satu-     price, consump-         insecure
                                                                                                                                 rated fat; sodium;         tion, and nutrition     individuals
                                                                                                                                 cholesterol; fiber)        data
                                                                                                                                                          Equity: 6-item
                                                                                                                                                            household food
                                                                                                                                                            security screener
                                          Coffino et al       Experimental      New York               Not specified           Purchase: effect of a      Online purchasing:      OPP and online          Nutrition education      7526
                                            (2021)41                            Adults with low in-                              default online             Grocery items           shopping:               by itself may not
                                                                                 come (n ¼ 38),                                  shopping cart on           were matched            Prefilled shopping      be enough to sup-
                                                                                 food pantry                                     quality of foods           with nutrient data      cart arm had            port healthy food
                                                                                 patrons                                         purchased                  and examined as         greater nutrition       purchasing by
                                                                                                                                                            HEI, total energy,      quality (HEI score)     SNAP online pur-
                                                                                                                                                            and energy              and fewer total         chasers. Use of
                                                                                                                                                            density.                calories and en-        principles of
                                                                                                                                                          Equity: self-reported     ergy density com-       nudges for
                                                                                                                                                            income, education,      pared with              healthy prefilled
                                                                                                                                                            SNAP participa-         nutrition educa-        grocery carts may
                                                                                                                                                            tion, food insecu-      tion arm                support healthful
                                                                                                                                                            rity, and access to                             purchasing behav-
                                                                                                                                                            kitchen and                                     iors among con-
                                                                                                                                                            computer                                        sumers with low
                                          Dunn et al          Cross-sectional   United States: 46      Store pickup or         Equity: nationwide         Equity: program, re-    OPP and online gro-     Need to improve          10026
                                            (2021)33                              states and             home delivery           assessment of offi-        tailer, health and      cery: Most states       state communica-
                                                                                  Washington, DC,                                cial communica-            nutrition, and          had identified au-      tion about the
                                                                                  participating in                               tion about SNAP            communication           thorized retailers,     SNAP OPP, which
                                                                                  the SNAP OPP                                   OPP                        accessibility about     half informed           mainly focused on
                                                                                3 state-level infor-                                                        the SNAP OPP            about pickup and        basic program
                                                                                  mation sources                                                                                    delivery fees, and      and retailer infor-

                                                                                  about the SNAP                                                                                    few included in-        mation and lim-
                                                                                  OPP                                                                                               formation about         ited about
                                                                                                                                                                                    health and              nutrition and
                                                                                                                                                                                    nutrition.              health.

Nutrition ReviewsV Vol. 80(5):1294–1310
                                                                          Downloaded from by guest on 26 June 2022
Table 2 Continued
                                          Reference            Study design           Setting and       Online retailer busi-        Outcomes                Methods              Main findingsa          Policy implications    Quality, %
                                                                                      population            ness model
                                          Martinez et al      Mixed methods       NYC, NY               Store pickup and        Psychosocial: per-     Psychosocial factors:   Online grocery and        Online grocers or       7327
                                           (2018)24                               Adult SNAP              home delivery           ceptions of and        attitudes, behav-      inequities: online         USDA may need

                                                                                    recipients                                    intentions toward      ioral control, bar-    SNAP purchases             to use motivators
                                                                                  n ¼ 148 individuals                             online grocery         riers, motivators,     higher in sweets,          (eg, increased
                                                                                    (purchase data);                              shopping               and intentions to-     salty snacks, and          transparency and
                                                                                    n ¼ 35 (focus                               Purchase: online         ward online gro-       lower in fruit than        customer control)
                                                                                    groups)                                       shopping and the       cery shopping.         non-SNAP                   to facilitate up-
                                                                                                                                  use of SNAP online   Online purchasing:       purchases                  take of online
                                                                                                                                                         sales data from on-   Online grocery and          shopping among

Nutrition ReviewsV Vol. 80(5):1294–1310
                                                                                                                                                         line grocery store;    food assistance:           SNAP recipients.
                                                                                                                                                         purchases from         lack of control
                                                                                                                                                         itemized receipts      over food selection
                                                                                                                                                         (planned, but were     and sensorial ex-
                                                                                                                                                         unable to analyze)     perience; concerns
                                                                                                                                                       Equity: SNAP recipi-     about delivery,
                                                                                                                                                         ents in low-income     food quality, secu-
                                                                                                                                                         zip codes              rity, return policies
                                                                                                                                                                               OPP and online gro-
                                                                                                                                                                                cery: SNAP online
                                                                                                                                                                                acceptance was a
                                                                                                                                                                                motivator. Lack of
                                                                                                                                                                                awareness and in-
                                                                                                                                                                                formation about
                                          Rogus et al         Qualitative         New Mexico (urban)    Store pickup and        Psychosocial: behav-   Psychosocial factors:   Online grocery and        Address negative        9026
                                            (2020)37                              Adult SNAP recipi-      home delivery           iors, knowledge,       attitudes, subjec-     inequities: percep-        attitudes to make
                                                                                   ents with children                             and attitudes of       tive norms, per-       tion that online           online grocery
                                                                                   (n ¼ 18)                                       SNAP recipients        ceived behavioral      shopping could             more appealing to
                                                                                                                                  toward online          control                benefit elderly or         subgroups that
                                                                                                                                  grocery              Equity: focus on         disabled people            could benefit
                                                                                                                                                         SNAP participants      and those without          from the service.
                                                                                                                                                         from families with     a vehicle
                                                                                                                                                         low income            Online grocery and
                                                                                                                                                                                food assistance:
                                                                                                                                                                                low uptake of on-
                                                                                                                                                                                line grocery
                                                                                                                                                                               Barriers: cost, quality
                                                                                                                                                                                control, liking gro-
                                                                                                                                                                                cery shopping
                                                                                                                                                                               Motivators: online
                                                                                                                                                                                features, discounts,
                                                                                                                                                                                and delivery


                                                                            Downloaded from by guest on 26 June 2022
Table 2 Continued
                                          Reference              Study design          Setting and         Online retailer busi-        Outcomes                 Methods               Main findingsa        Policy implications    Quality, %
                                                                                       population              ness model
                                                                Improve social and economic resources

                                          Jilcott Pitts et al   Qualitative       North Carolina           Store pickup            Psychosocial: advan-       Psychosocial factors: Online grocery and       Ability to use WIC      9026
                                             (2020)36                             Adult, female WIC                                  tages and disad-           perceived advan-        inequities:             online could help
                                                                                    participants                                     vantages of online         tages and disad-        Inadequate substi-      with linkage to
                                                                                    (n ¼ 7)                                          grocery shopping           vantages of in-         tutions, fees, lack     nutrition educa-
                                                                                                                                   Purchase: impulse            store vs online         of control over         tion programs, im-
                                                                                                                                     purchases                  purchases; self-        item selection,         prove access for
                                                                                                                                                                reported planned        and inability to        disadvantaged
                                                                                                                                                                vs impulse buys         find deals were         groups.
                                                                                                                                                              Online purchasing:        deterrents to us-
                                                                                                                                                                online grocery          ing online grocery
                                                                                                                                                                shopping experi-        shopping.
                                                                                                                                                                ence (in the office)    Participants made
                                                                                                                                                                and annotated           more impulse pur-
                                                                                                                                                                receipts from in-       chases online;
                                                                                                                                                                store and online        most were chips
                                                                                                                                                                purchases               and candy but
                                                                                                                                                              Equity: women with        sometimes con-
                                                                                                                                                                children enrolled       sisted of fruit.
                                                                                                                                                                in WIC
                                          Zimmer et al            Qualitative        East Tennessee           Home delivery and       Psychosocial: WIC       Psychosocial factors: Online grocery and       Pilot tests for WIC     906
                                             (2020)                                  Adult WIC recipients       store pickup             participants’ per-     perceptions about       inequities: Online      online ordering;
                                                                                     (n ¼ 23)                                            ceptions about or-     online ordering         shopping would          facilitate WIC food
                                                                                                                                         dering groceries       and WIC                 address transpor-       retail operations
                                                                                                                                         online               Online purchasing:        tation issues and
                                                                                                                                                                food shopping ex-       barriers related to
                                                                                                                                                                perience (in-store      shopping with
                                                                                                                                                                and online)             children.
                                                                                                                                                              Equity: focus on WIC
                                          Zimmer et al            Mixed methods East Tennessee                Store pickup            Psychosocial: accept- Psychosocial factors: Online grocery and         WIC online is feasi-    7327
                                             (2021)                                  Adult WIC recipients                               ability and feasibil-   experience, bar-       inequities:              ble; need for con-
                                                                                     (n ¼ 24)                                           ity of WIC in online    riers, and facilita-   Challenges of lo-        sistent WIC
                                                                                                                                        grocery service         tors of using WIC      cating WIC items         labeling policies
                                                                                                                                      Purchase: online          for online order       and using the F&V        in store and
                                                                                                                                        shopping (office)       and pickup.            cash value may re-       online
                                                                                                                                        using WIC             Online purchasing:       duce acquisition of
                                                                                                                                                                online order from      produce online.
                                                                                                                                                                WIC costumer and Online grocery and
                                                                                                                                                                transaction            food assistance: All

                                                                                                                                                                receipts from WIC      participants placed
                                                                                                                                                                retailer               an order with WIC
                                                                                                                                                              Equity: feasibility      and 96% picked
                                                                                                                                                                trial of WIC as pay-   up the order.
                                                                                                                                                                ment for online        Mean order total
                                                                                                                                                                ordering               was $30.60.

Nutrition ReviewsV Vol. 80(5):1294–1310
                                          Abbreviations: EBT, electronic benefits transfer; F&V, fruits and vegetables; HEI, Healthy Eating Index; NYC, New York City; OPP, Online Purchasing Pilot; SNAP, Supplemental Nutrition
                                          Assistance Program; Rx, prescription; WIC, Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children; USDA, US Department of Agriculture.
                                           Online grocery and inequities refers to the potential of online grocery to promote or hinder equity in healthy food access; online grocery and food assistance refers to psychosocial and behav-
                                          ioral factors associated with online grocery shopping among families enrolled in federal food and nutrition assistance programs such as SNAP or WIC; OPP and online grocery refers to factors
                                          associated with the ability to pay for groceries online using nutrition assistance program benefits.
                                                                            Downloaded from by guest on 26 June 2022
Potenal policy and systems change intervenons

                                                                                                                       Low availability of online
                                                                                                                       grocery services in rural
          Online Grocery Services                                                                                      communies
                                                               Online Food Environment
                                      Increase Healthy                                       Reduce Deterrents         Targeted online markeng
          Online Produce Market       Opons                                                                           Delivery fees
                                                                                                                       High costs of healthy foods
                                                                    Individual level

                                                                    Perceived Barriers

                                      Sale Items
                                                         Behavior                                  Delivery services
                                                                                                       and fees

                                                                                                                                                            Downloaded from by guest on 26 June 2022
                                                         Perceived              Healthy
                                                         Behavioral           purchase and
                                      Payment                                     diet
                                                          Control                                 Food Selecon

          SNAP                                                               impulse                                   Improve consumer control
                                    Improve Social and                      purchases        Build on Community        over online orders
          WIC                       Economic Resources                                       Capacity                  Healthy default online cart
                                                                                                                       Address impulse purchases
          Fruit and vegetable
          prescripon program

                                                   Individual and community resources and capacity

Figure 2 Equity-oriented framework to promote healthy food purchasing and diet in online grocery environments targeted at un-
derserved populations. Abbreviations: SNAP, Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program; WIC, Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for
Women, Infants, and Children

smaller share of all online purchases (20%) compared                               means to increase social and economic resources to im-
with in-store purchases (40%).39 Four qualitative studies                          prove food access for disadvantaged groups.34,36,38
with SNAP and WIC families explored reasons for the                                     In 3 studies, researchers pilot tested approaches to
low use of online grocery programs and all highlighted                             increase healthy options in the online grocery environ-
the perceived lack of control over grocery selection, es-                          ment among socially disadvantaged communities.12,31,35
pecially of fresh produce and meats, as one of the major                           One intervention (Virtual Supermarket Program) facili-
barriers, in addition to cost.24,36–38                                             tated grocery delivery and SNAP payment at commu-
     Study authors recommended future programs and                                 nity hubs for low-income, urban older adults.12
interventions build community capacity to order gro-                               Participants placed and received grocery orders in des-
ceries online by improving customer control in the on-                             ignated hubs, including public libraries, schools, and se-
line environment,24 and by improving state                                         nior housing centers.12 The Internet Grocery Service
communication about the SNAP OPP to include nutri-                                 tested the feasibility of a grocery delivery service to in-
tion and health information.33 Two interventions                                   crease access to healthy foods in a low-income urban
intended to build community capacity to select health-                             food desert by providing vouchers for groceries and de-
ier foods online tested nudges, using a healthy default                            livery fees.31 Last, an intervention in rural communities
shopping cart.23,41 The pilot program was promising;                               tested the feasibility of an online produce market where
participants in the intervention arm selected more                                 participants redeemed Fruit and Vegetable Prescription
healthier items than those in the control condition (re-                           Program vouchers and picked up orders from a com-
ceiving nutrition education materials).23,41 Although                              munity site.35
provision of health and nutrition information is lacking
in state communications about the online policy,33                                 Psychosocial factors of the TPB related to online
Coffino et al23,41 empirically demonstrated that con-                              grocery shopping
sumers benefit from a virtual food environment that is
supportive of healthy food choices. Additionally, 3 stud-                          In 10 studies included in this review, authors assessed
ies recommended that the US Department of                                          psychosocial behaviors related to online grocery shop-
Agriculture allow the use of WIC benefits online as a                              ping. In most of these studies (n ¼ 6), psychosocial

Nutrition ReviewsV Vol. 80(5):1294–1310
domains were assessed qualitatively19,24,34,36–38; quanti-     Purchasing and diet behaviors related to online
tative survey items were used in the other 4                   grocery shopping
      Overall, attitudes toward online shopping varied by      Of the 11 studies in which researchers assessed online
study. Some authors reported a lack of interest in or          food purchasing behaviors,12,19,23,24,31,32,34–36,39,41 con-
low perceived benefit of online shopping.24,37 In others,      sumer purchasing data were collected from itemized
participants expressed interest in online grocery serv-        store receipts in 7 studies,19,24,31,32,34,36,41 from online
ices, although most seemed to view it as an occasional         data monitoring in 1 study,35 from stakeholder inter-
convenience rather than a complete substitute for in-          views and document review from a retailer in 1 study,39
store shopping.31,36,38 For example, after the Internet        and were self-reported in 2 studies,12,35
Grocery Service intervention, 54.5% of participants                 In 2 studies, authors quantitatively assessed impulse
responded that they would use the service 1–6 times per        buying during online grocery                    shopping.23,36

                                                                                                                                   Downloaded from by guest on 26 June 2022
year, 24.3% said they would use it at least monthly, and       Participants in 1 study purchased more on impulse on-
only 9.1% reported they would never use it in the              line than they did when shopping in a store, although
future.31                                                      not all impulse buys were unhealthy.36 In another study,
      Concerns about control over food selection               Coffino et al23 did not find a difference in impulse pur-
emerged as a major barrier to uptake of online grocery         chases between consumers who received nutrition edu-
services,19,24,36,37 particularly with regard to the quality   cation (the control condition) and those who received
of fresh items37 and the potential for losing money on         the healthy-default shopping-cart intervention.23
unsatisfactory purchases.19 Perceived high cost of online           The impact of online grocery shopping on nutri-
grocery shopping was another barrier to its uptake by          tional quality of purchases was mixed. A healthy-default
underserved families. The potential for losing money           shopping cart increased the healthfulness of food pur-
on unsatisfactory purchases was a main concern19,36,37;        chases and decreased fat, sodium, and cholesterol from
participants cited fees and the relative paucity of deals      foods purchased,23 and led to greater overall nutritional
online compared with in-store purchases as disincen-           quality.41 The most frequently purchased items in the
tives for online shopping.36 Additionally, the lack of so-     Internet Grocery Service pilot were animal proteins,
cial interaction during grocery shopping was another           fruits and vegetables, and caloric beverages.31 SNAP
reported deterrent to online shopping, although some           Electronic Benefits Transfer online purchases were
participants felt that the benefits offset the loss.38         higher in sweet and salty snacks and lower in fruits
      Online grocery ordering was perceived to be less         than non-SNAP online purchases in a study24 and had
stressful than in-store grocery shopping among women           greater nutritional quality. In other studies, researchers
with children enrolled in WIC, because it eliminated           were limited in their ability to quantitatively assess
the need for transportation and addressed the chal-            the impact of online grocery services on the healthful-
lenges of shopping in a store with children.38 Although        ness of food purchases, because of low uptake of online
the evidence supporting reduced impulse purchases              grocery shopping. For example, after a planned ran-
when shopping online is mixed,23,36 participants also          domized controlled trial of online ordering failed due
felt that online grocery shopping might result in fewer        to low uptake, Martinez et al24 pivoted to a mixed-
impulse buys of both unhealthy (eg, sweet snacks and           methods design to understand low use of online serv-
chips) and sometimes healthy (eg, fruits) foods, com-          ices. Cohen et al19 did not report on the food types
pared with in-store purchases.38 Additional benefits of        that were purchased but noted that online orders
online grocery services identified by participants in-         made up a small percentage of dollars spent on food
cluded saving time and delivery of heavy or bulky              (3.1%).
items.19                                                            Dietary intake was assessed in only 2 studies. In 1
      Both perceived behavioral control and normative          study, authors assessed changes in daily servings of
beliefs positively influenced use of online grocery shop-      fruits and vegetables among children and their care-
ping during an intervention that was co-created by resi-       givers in response to an online food-market program.35
dents of a low-income housing community and                    The online program resulted in improved self-reported
researchers.19 Participants reported that ordering gro-        fruit and vegetable intake among children and de-
ceries online was easier than they had anticipated,19 a        creased household food insecurity.35 No dietary change
finding that was echoed by mothers participating in            was observed among caregivers. In the other study, self-
WIC in another study.36 Participants also noted that al-       reported intake data related to the Virtual Supermarket
though they were generally wary of online shopping,            Program were collected.12 Customers reported purchas-
they trusted residents of their community and were             ing more fruits and vegetables and sugary drinks since
willing to try the online grocery pilot.19                     the start of the virtual program. They also attributed

1306                                                                                     Nutrition ReviewsV Vol. 80(5):1294–1310
eating more healthfully and perceived having greater ac-     hubs and reduce delivery fees may be a promising strat-
cess to affordable foods due to the program.12               egy to improve access to healthy foods.
                                                                  The few studies in which online food purchasing
                                                             and dietary behaviors were examined among under-
                          DISCUSSION                         served populations reported potential increases in both
                                                             unhealthier and healthier food choices. Fewer impulse
In this systematic review, we examined the potential for     purchases and reduced influence of children on parents’
online grocery services to promote equitable access to       buying behavior (ie, “pester power”) in the online envi-
healthy foods among underserved populations. Interest        ronment are possible mechanisms to explain fewer un-
in the topic has grown substantially over the past few       healthy food purchases online. These findings are also
years, as evidenced by the burgeoning research and the       supported by the multiple selves theory, because order-
SNAP OPP. Perceived barriers and TPB constructs as-          ing groceries for delivery in the (relatively) distant fu-

                                                                                                                          Downloaded from by guest on 26 June 2022
sociated with online grocery shopping identified in this     ture predicts more healthy food choices (should-self),
systematic review focusing on low-income, diverse pop-       whereas immediate purchases predicts more unhealth-
ulations are consistent with findings from a previous        ier food choices (want-self).42,43 Conversely, the poten-
scoping review.22 Furthermore, the perspective afforded      tial for targeted online marketing and personalized
by the equity-oriented framework advanced the under-         recommendations have been hypothesized to increase
standing of the main deterrents to online grocery shop-      unhealthy food purchases online.44,45 Although, to our
ping among low-income and diverse populations (eg,           knowledge, the effect of online marketing on unhealthy
perceived high cost) and identified promising strategies     food selection has not been empirically tested, various
to build on community capacity (eg, improving cus-           simulated, online-grocery, experimental studies have
tomer control over online purchases), opportunities to       demonstrated that targeted online marketing of healthy
improve social and economic resources for food access        foods and provision of nutrition information were
(eg, allowing use of government benefits online), and        promising strategies to improve quality of foods pur-
strategies to increase healthy grocery options (eg,          chased in the virtual environment.46–48 On the other
expanding online ordering and delivery services of           hand, there is plausible evidence that food and beverage
healthy food vendors).                                       industries have disproportionately targeted marketing
     This investigation identified low availability of on-   of unhealthy items to low-income, diverse populations
line grocery services in rural communities, perceived        across media markets.49–51 Authors of a 2013 study,
high costs, and perceived low behavioral control over        which was outside the scope of the present review,
food selection as important barriers to uptake of online     assessed the nutritional quality of Bronx, NY–based
grocery services by disadvantaged groups, which could        grocery store circulars available online and found that
widen inequities in access to healthy food. The ability to   >84% of products advertised on the first page were
pay for groceries online with SNAP benefits was a moti-      processed.52 The influence of grocery store circulars on
vator,24,31 making an important case for future research     online grocery purchases merits further investigation.
on the expansion of the US Department of Agriculture         Given the potential for personalized online marketing
online purchase pilot to other programs such as WIC          of unhealthy foods in the online grocery environment,
and the Fruit and Vegetable Prescription Program. Pilot      there is a need to better understand existing online mar-
interventions tested strategies to improve healthy-food      keting in the virtual grocery environment and to ex-
purchasing that could be incorporated into existing on-      plore avenues for interventions to support selection of
line grocery programs, including the default healthy-        healthy foods online among underserved populations.
food online grocery cart,23,41 and centralized delivery           One mechanism that could explain greater pur-
locations like public libraries and schools in hard-to-      chases of healthy items online is through future episodic
reach communities.12,19,35 More research is needed on        thinking, which is required for planning grocery shop-
the feasibility of the use of other government benefits      ping,53 and aligns with the premise of the TPB to un-
(eg, WIC, Fruit and Vegetable Prescription Program) in       derstand behavioral intentions. However, no study in
the online grocery environment as a means to improve         this systematic review tested the influence of meal plan-
social and economic resources for access to healthy          ning on online grocery purchases of healthy items. In 1
food. Furthermore, researchers should examine and            study included in the present review, authors held com-
compare the cost-effectiveness of creating hubs for          munity cooking classes as part of an intervention to im-
community grocery pick-up, expanding delivery buf-           prove access to fruits and vegetables.35 They reported
fers, and/or creating more supermarkets, with a particu-     an increase in fruit and vegetable consumption by chil-
lar focus on rural communities. Partnership with             dren.35 In a recent study among a sample of majority
community centers and retailers to create community          non-Hispanic White women in Maine, researchers

Nutrition ReviewsV Vol. 80(5):1294–1310
reported that online purchases were associated with           maintain support for SNAP online post-pandemic and
lower spending on sweet snacks and desserts compared          to expand online access to other food assistance pro-
with in-store purchases.54 A potential explanation for        grams, like WIC.39 Zimmer et al38 highlighted the po-
the findings suggested by the authors included meal           tential benefits of online ordering to facilitate WIC food
planning and the shopping lists built in to online gro-       retail operations, and Jilcott Pitts et al36 noted that the
cery services.55 Those authors also found that consum-        ability to use WIC online could help with linkage to nu-
ers spent more dollars per transaction online compared        trition education programs, improving access and food
with in-store shopping.54 Given that affordability of         literacy for disadvantaged groups.
food is 1 of the main barriers to healthy diets among               All but 2 studies33 included in this systematic re-
low-income populations56 and that disparities in the          view collected data before the COVID-19 pandemic,
cost of foods have been found between online and phys-        which has affected the food system and families’ pur-
ical stores,19 studies should be conducted to examine         chasing and dietary habits.57–59 The pandemic also

                                                                                                                                 Downloaded from by guest on 26 June 2022
the financial impact of online purchases compared with        prompted the US Department of Agriculture OPP’s
in-store grocery purchases on low-income consumers’           rapid expansion to most US states and the inclusion of
spending. Most studies in which the influence of online       additional authorized retailers, thus increasing access to
grocery shopping on nutrition outcomes was evaluated          online grocery services among underserved popula-
relied on self-reported measures of purchase and diet.        tions.21 However, most studies included in this review
Therefore, the impact of online grocery shopping on           were conducted prior to the roll out and expansion of
supporting healthy eating practices should be further         the OPP when online grocery purchasing surged.60
examined. Investigation of how the ability to use na-         Therefore, interest in and uptake of online grocery
tional food and nutrition assistance benefits online          shopping among low-income diverse populations pre-
affects healthiness of food selection and dietary behav-      sented in this systematic review are likely underesti-
iors is another area that warrants more investigation.        mated. Because of the increase in online grocery
                                                              shopping uptake, social norms, attitudes, and barriers
Policy and research implications                              may have shifted, thus necessitating evaluations to ex-
                                                              amine changes among underserved populations due to
Studies included in this review highlighted the impor-        the pandemic.
tance of research to inform, develop, and evaluate pol-
icy and program efforts in the online grocery                 Limitations
environment to promote the purchase and consump-
tion of healthy foods among underserved populations.          This systematic review has some limitations. First, al-
Findings from various studies underscored the need to         though information on online grocery shopping may be
make online grocery services more attractive to low-          available in gray literature reports, websites, or other
income groups through improving consumers’ percep-            unexamined documents, we focused exclusively on
tion of control over grocery selection24,36–38 and            peer-reviewed literature. The exclusive use of peer-
addressing financial barriers by offering deals compara-      reviewed literature helps ensure reasonable quality of
ble to those in-store.19,37                                   the research reported. Second, the use of only peer-
     Environmental and social barriers to SNAP partici-       reviewed literature may lead to publication bias because
pation exist, especially for low-income populations in        studies with negative or null outcomes are less likely to
areas with a high cost of living.40 In 6 studies, research-   be published. Third, the tools used to assess quality of
ers explored perceptions and attitudes toward online          study varied by study design and may not be compara-
grocery shopping among SNAP participants.                     ble with each other, although all the tools are widely
Researchers identified barriers to online grocery serv-       used and were selected to enhance comparability with
ices and suggested strategies to promote more equitable       other reviews. Fourth, studies included in this review
food access for low-income populations, including in-         varied methodologically in terms of study design, sam-
creased transparency and customer control,24 competi-         ple size, and locale. Only 2 studies had randomized con-
tive prices, 1-day delivery, SNAP Electronic Benefits         trolled design; most studies had small and convenient
Transfer online payment acceptance,31 and use of hand-        sample sizes. Thus, findings should be interpreted with
held devices to allow for payment at delivery,12 some of      caution and may not be generalizable. Yet, the inclusive
which have already been included in the OPP expan-            search strategy of a wide array of disciplines using both
sion. Nonetheless, the low availability of grocery deliv-     quantitative and qualitative designs is a strength of this
ery service in the US Department of Agriculture–              review. Fifth, all studies included in this systematic re-
defined food deserts and rural areas is still a deterrent     view were conducted in the United States, despite the
to equitable access to healthy foods.18,39 It is crucial to   extensive literature on online grocery shopping in

1308                                                                                   Nutrition ReviewsV Vol. 80(5):1294–1310
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