An adverse lipoprotein phenotype-hypertriglyceridaemic hyperapolipoprotein B-and the long-term risk of type 2 diabetes: a prospective ...

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An adverse lipoprotein phenotype—hypertriglyceridaemic
hyperapolipoprotein B—and the long-term risk of type 2
diabetes: a prospective, longitudinal, observational cohort
Karol M Pencina, Michael J Pencina, Line Dufresne, Michael Holmes, George Thanassoulis, Allan D Sniderman

Background This study examines the risk of new-onset diabetes in patients with hypertriglyceridaemic                                  Lancet Healthy Longev 2022;
hyperapolipoprotein B (high triglycerides, high apolipoprotein B [apoB], low LDL cholesterol to apoB ratio, and low                   3: e339–46

HDL cholesterol). The aim was to establish whether this lipoprotein phenotype identified a substantial group at high                  See Comment page e312
risk of developing diabetes over the next 20 years.                                                                                   Section on Men’s Health, Aging
                                                                                                                                      and Metabolism, Brigham and
                                                                                                                                      Women’s Hospital, Harvard
Methods In this prospective, longitudinal, observational cohort study, we used data from the Framingham                               Medical School, Boston, MA,
Offspring cohort (recruited in Framingham, MA, USA). Participants were aged 40–69 years and free of diabetes and                      USA (K M Pencina PhD); Duke
cardiovascular disease at a baseline examination done between April, 1987, and November, 1991, and were followed                      University School of Medicine,
                                                                                                                                      Biostatistics and
up until March, 2014. Cox proportional hazards regression with hierarchical adjustment for age and sex, waist
                                                                                                                                      Bioinformatics, Duke Clinical
circumference, and fasting blood glucose were used to model the relationship between each lipid marker and                            Research Institute, Durham,
incident diabetes, as well as the relationship between hypertriglyceridaemic hyperapoB (defined as values greater                     NC, USA (M J Pencina PhD);
than sample medians of triglycerides and apoB, and less than medians of HDL cholesterol and LDL cholesterol to                        Mike and Valeria Rosenbloom
                                                                                                                                      Centre for Cardiovascular
apoB ratio) and incident diabetes.
                                                                                                                                      Prevention, Department of
                                                                                                                                      Medicine, McGill University
Findings Of 3446 individuals aged 40–69 years who completed baseline examination, 2515 participants were eligible                     Health Centre, Montreal, QC,
and included in all analyses. During median 21·1 years (IQR 11·1–23·1) of follow-up, 402 (16·0%) individuals                          Canada (L Dufresne MSc,
                                                                                                                                      G Thanassoulis MD,
developed diabetes. Age (p=0·032), waist circumference (p

                    Research in context
                    Evidence before this study                                        hyperapoB identified a group of people with an extraordinarily
                    We searched PubMed from inception to Dec 31, 2021, for            high risk of diabetes over the next 20 years. The known risk
                    papers published in English using terms “apoB” AND                factors for diabetes, such as obesity, are continuous markers
                    “lipoproteins” AND (“incident diabetes risk”) AND “prediction”    (eg, the risk increases as body-mass index increases).
                    NOT (“cardiovascular” OR “stroke” OR “myocardial infarction”      Hypertriglycerideamic hyperapoB is a categorical marker (ie, a
                    OR “coronary artery disease”), which yielded 31 results.          yes or no marker). Categorical markers can be more useful to
                    Previous studies have examined the relation of individual         physicians than continuous markers. The predictive effect of
                    markers, such as apolipoprotein B (apoB), triglycerides, or HDL   hypertriglycerideamic hyperapoB for diabetes incidence
                    cholesterol (and ratios such as apoB to apoA1), or created a      includes, in part, the predictive effect of obesity or glucose, but
                    panel of markers specifically chosen to be associated with        even after these are accounted for, hypertriglycerideamic
                    insulin resistance.                                               hyperapoB remains a substantial marker of increased risk.
                                                                                      We also suggest a pathophysiological mechanism that might
                    Added value of this study
                                                                                      account for the relationship between hypertriglycerideamic
                    By contrast, this study tests within the Framingham Heart Study
                                                                                      hyperapoB and diabetes risk, but further work is required to test
                    a hypothesis, generated from a previous Mendelian
                                                                                      its validity.
                    randomisation analysis, that a specific lipoprotein phenotype—
                    hypertriglyceridaemic hyperapoB—which is characterised by         Implications of all the available evidence
                    increased plasma triglycerides, elevated atherogenic apoB         Diagnosis of hypertriglycerideamic hyperapoB should alert
                    particle number, and low HDL cholesterol, is associated with an   physicians to a high risk of diabetes in a patient so that
                    increased risk of diabetes. Thus, the hypothesis from the         preventive measures can be emphasised and instituted.
                    previous Mendelian randomisation analysis was tested explicitly   These results suggest new lines of research to understand the
                    within a well characterised, long-term, prospective               pathophysiology of diabetes and the mechanisms by which
                    observational study. This study extended the power of lipid       statins, for example, might increase the risk of diabetes.
                    factors, such as high triglycerides and low HDL cholesterol, to   Our findings also add to the evidence suggesting that apoB
                    indicate an increased risk of diabetes by adding an index of      should be measured along with the conventional lipid panel for
                    particle number to demonstrate that hypertriglyceridaemic         routine assessment of lipoprotein status.

                  triglycerides. By measuring apoB as well as the                     Accordingly, the objectives of this study were to
                  conventional lipoprotein lipids, the different apoB                 determine whether apoB, LDL cholesterol to apoB ratio,
                  dyslipo­proteinaemias can be identified.6 Hypertrigly­              and HDL cholesterol are independently associated with
                  ceridaemic hyperapoB is characterised by elevated                   new-onset diabetes in a model that accounts for age, sex,
                  triglycerides, elevated VLDL, and elevated LDL particle             waist circumference, fasting blood glucose, and
                  number, and therefore by elevated apoB, lower                       triglycerides. We also aimed to assess whether hypertri­
                  LDL cholesterol to apoB ratio, and lower HDL cholesterol.6          gly­ceridaemic hyperapoB precedes and predicts new-
                  The elevated triglyceride and apoB are due to increased             onset diabetes in a long-term prospective follow-up.
                  secretion of VLDL particles by the liver with increased
                  production of LDL particles from VLDL particles. The                Methods
                  lower LDL cholesterol to apoB ratio and lower HDL                   Study design and participants
                  cholesterol reflect increased core lipid exchange.7 Hyper­          In this prospective, longitudinal, observational cohort
                        ceridaemic hyperapoB is the most common                       study, we used data from the Framingham Offspring
                  atherogenic lipoprotein phenotype in patients with                  cohort (recruited in Framingham, MA, USA), which
                  type 2 diabetes,9 but its temporal relation to diabetes has         offers high-quality data and a prolonged follow-up of
                  never been determined.                                              participants. Framingham Offspring cohort participants
                    A recent multivariable-adjusted Mendelian random­                 who attended examination 4 (an in-person examination
                  isation of multiple health outcomes in first-degree                 by a physician) between April, 1987, and November, 1991,
                  relatives of participants from the UK Biobank                       were eligible for this study if they were aged 40–69 years,
                  demonstrated that higher apoB concentrations led to                 with no diabetes or cardiovascular disease diagnosis.11 In
                  decreased longevity and increased cardiovascular                    this analysis, participants were followed up at subsequent
                  disease.10 Further analysis demonstrated that when                  examination cycles 5 to 9 conducted every 4 years, unless
                  evaluated together, higher concentrations of apoB, but              they had no follow-up assessment for diabetes incidence,
                  lower concentrations of LDL cholesterol, were associated            had triglyceride concentration of 400 mg/dL or greater
                  with an increased risk of diabetes, consistent with risk            (excluded to facilitate the use of the Friedewald
                  increasing with increasing numbers of cholesterol-                  approximation for LDL cholesterol), or did not have
                  depleted LDL particles but decreasing with increasing               records for baseline lipids, fasting blood glucose, or
                  numbers of cholesterol-enriched LDL particles.                      waist circumference. Follow-up extended until

e340                                                                                                Vol 10 May 2022

examination 9 (April, 2011, to March, 2014), with diabetes   parameters (triglycerides, apoB, LDL cholesterol to
status confirmed at examinations 5 to 8 based on             apoB ratio, and HDL cholesterol), adjusted for age, sex,
measurement of fasting glucose or reported diabetes          waist circumference, fasting blood glucose, and the
treatment. Censoring occurred at the last examination        incidence of diabetes. We chose to use the
with available data at or before examination 9.              LDL cholesterol to apoB ratio to reduce the impact of
  Diabetes status was defined as fasting blood glucose       the correlation between these two markers and as a
concentrations of 126 mg/dL or more or as receiving a        surrogate for cholesterol-depleted LDL particles.
glucose-lowering agent. Prevalent cardiovascular disease     Linearity of association between lipids markers and
was defined as myocardial infarction, angina, coronary       diabetes incidence was graphically inspected, and
insufficiency, stroke, transient ischaemic attack,           proportionality of hazards’ assumption was examined.
intermittent claudication, or congestive heart failure.      We first considered a baseline model (model 1) with
  All participants in the Framingham Heart Study gave        standard risk factors for incident diabetes, which
written informed consent and the study protocol was          included age, sex, waist circumference (standardised
approved by the McGill University Health Center              within sex), fasting blood glucose, and the natural
Institutional Review Board.                                  logarithm of triglycerides. To this model, we added
                                                             apoB, LDL cholesterol to apoB ratio, and HDL
Procedures                                                   cholesterol to create model 2. To investigate the extent
Collection and adjudication of cardiovascular disease        to which the observed effects can be explained by
status in the Framingham Heart Study have been               bodyweight change during follow-up, we re-ran the last
described previously.12 Lipid markers and other              model with waist circumference as a time-dependent
characteristics were measured at baseline (examination 4).   covariate, forming model 3. We calculated hazard ratio
Plasma cholesterol and triglyceride concen­trations were     (HR) estimates and the corresponding 95% CIs for all
measured by enzymatic methods and HDL cholesterol            continuous measurements (lipids, waist circum­ference,
after precipitation of apoB lipoproteins with dextran-       and fasting glucose) per 1 SD change.
sulphate magnesium reagent. LDL cholesterol concen­            To assess the association of hypertriglyceridaemic
trations were calculated using the Friedewald formula        hyperapoB with diabetes risk, we created three groups,
and non-HDL cholesterol was calculated as total              which were defined as follows: an optimal phenotype
cholesterol minus HDL cholesterol. ApoB was measured         group, in which participants had apoB less than the
by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (developed in-          sample median (98 mg/dL), HDL cholesterol greater than
house at Tufts University, Boston, MA, USA). Blood           or equal to the median (49 mg/dL), LDL cholesterol to
glucose concentrations were measured after at least 8 h of   apoB ratio greater than or equal to the median (ratio 1·35),
fasting. Waist circumference was measured at the level of    and triglycerides less than the median (96 mg/dL); a
the umbilicus when the patient was standing. Body-mass       hypertriglyceridaemic hyperapoB phenotype group, in
index was calculated as bodyweight (kg) divided by the       which participants had apoB greater than or equal to the
square of height (m). Seated systolic and diastolic blood    median, HDL cholesterol less than the median,
pressures were measured on site at the Framingham            LDL cholesterol to apoB ratio less than the median, and
Heart Study clinic using a mercury column sphygmo­           triglycerides greater than or equal to median; and a mixed
manometer and were calculated as an average of               phenotype group, which consisted of all remaining
two physicians’ measurements. Current smoking status         participants. This grouping was chosen to achieve an
and lipid and blood pressure lowering medications were       adequate sample size in each subgroup. Similar to
obtained through physician interview at baseline             analyses of continuous lipid measurements, we employed
(examination 4).                                             Cox proportional hazards models adjusted for age, sex,
                                                             waist circumference, and fasting blood glucose to
Statistical analysis                                         compare relative risk of hypertriglyceridaemic hyperapoB
Baseline characteristics are shown for all participants by   versus optimal and mixed versus optimal lipid phenotype
diabetes incidence status, and for individuals with          groups. Model 1 included age, sex, waist circumference
missing records for covariates. Values are expressed as      (standardised within sex), and fasting blood glucose. To
mean (SD) or median (IQR) for continuous variables,          create model 2, we added a factor for the lipid phenotype
and as numbers and percentages for categorical data.         and compared relative risk of the hypertriglyceridaemic
Pearson correlation coefficients were calculated to assess   hyperapoB versus optimal and mixed versus optimal lipid
the magnitude of the associations between continuous         phenotype group. The last analysis included all variables
variables (apoB, LDL cholesterol, LDL cholesterol to         from model 2; however, waist circumference was added
apoB ratio, natural logarithm-transformed triglycerides,     as a time-dependent covariate, forming model 3. Baseline
HDL cholesterol, waist circumference, and fasting blood      characteristics of the study partici­    pants were also
glucose).                                                    evaluated by lipoprotein phenotype. The 20-year incidence
  Cox proportional hazards models were applied to            of diabetes (adjusted Kaplan–Meier estimates) calculated
investigate the associations between continuous lipids       in optimal, hypertriglyceridaemic hyperapoB, and mixed Vol 10 May 2022                                                                                          e341

                                   lipid phenotype groups was estimated using direct                                          We also did several sensitivity analyses. To mitigate the
                                   standardisation methods based on a stratified Cox                                        impact of early-onset diabetes we re-ran the analyses
                                   proportional hazard model, which was fully adjusted for                                  excluding individuals with diabetes events occurring in
                                   age, sex, waist circumference, and fasting blood                                         the first 4 years after baseline examination. Although the
                                   glucose.13,14 Sensitivity of hyper­triglyceridaemic hyperapoB                            LDL cholesterol to apoB ratio is a better approximation of
                                   and optimal lipid phenotype cohorts are presented as a                                   particle size with low correlation with apoB, we re-ran
                                   ratio of the expected numbers of events in the group                                     the analyses including LDL cholesterol instead of
                                   divided by the expected number of events in the entire                                   LDL cholesterol to apoB ratio in the model. Furthermore,
                                   sample. Similarly, specificity is shown as one minus a                                   to account for different distributions of some of the lipid
                                   ratio of the expected numbers of non-events in the group                                 markers in women versus men, we re-ran the analyses
                                   divided by the expected number of non-events in the                                      with the lipid phenotype defined using sex-specific
                                   entire sample. Expected numbers of events and non-                                       medians.
                                   events were calculated as a product of group size and the                                  All hypotheses were tested at the two-sided α level
                                   corresponding Kaplan–Meier estimate.                                                     of 0·05. Analyses were done using SAS (version 9.4).

                                                                                                                            Role of the funding source
                                                   No diabetes            Diabetes             Total sample
                                                   incidence              incidence            (n=2515)                     The funder of the study had no role in study design, data
                                                   (n=2113)               (n=402)                                           collection, data analysis, data interpretation, or writing of
  Age at baseline, years                             52·1 (7·9)             53·0 (7·7)            52·3 (7·9)                the report.
       Female                                      1162 (55·0%)           180 (44·8%)           1342 (53·4%)
       Male                                         951 (45·0%)            222 (55·2%)          1173 (46·6%)
                                                                                                                            Of 3446 individuals aged 40–69 years who completed
  Median follow-up, years                             21·8 (15·2–23·2)      11·5 (8·0–17·9)       21·1 (11·1–23·1)
                                                                                                                            examination 4, 2515 (73·0%) participants were included in
  Current smoker                                    477 (22·6%)            107 (26·6%)           584 (23·2%)
                                                                                                                            all analyses. 215 individuals (6·2%) were excluded due to
                                                                                                                            diabetes status at baseline, 253 (7·3%) had prevalent
  Body-mass index, kg/m²                             26·0 (4·2)             30·0 (5·4)            26·6 (4·6)
                                                                                                                            cardiovascular disease at baseline, 46 (1·3%) had
  Waist circumference, inch                          34·3 (5·4)             38·9 (5·0)            35·0 (5·6)
                                                                                                                            triglyceride concentration of 400 mg/dL or greater, and
  Fasting blood glucose, mg/dL                       89·9 (7·9)             99·3 (10·4)           91·4 (9·1)
                                                                                                                            417 (12·1%) did not have records for baseline lipids, fasting
  Treatment for blood pressure                      270 (12·8%)             98 (24·4%)           368 (14·6%)
                                                                                                                            blood glucose, waist circumference, or follow-up records
  Treatment for hypercholesterolaemia                55 (2·6%)              17 (4·2%)             72 (2·9%)
                                                                                                                            for diabetes incidence.
  Systolic blood pressure, mm Hg                    125·3 (17·2)           133·1 (17·0)          126·5 (17·4)
                                                                                                                              The baseline characteristics of the 2515 participants
  Diastolic blood pressure, mm Hg                    78·7 (9·5)             83·4 (9·9)            79·5 (9·8)
                                                                                                                            included in our study, both overall and stratified by
  Apolipoprotein B, mg/dL                            97·7 (23·6)          109·8 (24·6)            99·6 (24·1)
                                                                                                                            diabetes incidence, are shown in table 1. The median
  Total cholesterol, mg/dL                          206·2 (36·7)          214·2 (39·8)           207·5 (37·3)
                                                                                                                            follow-up was 21·1 years (IQR 11·1–23·1; maximum
  HDL cholesterol, mg/dL                             52·2 (14·8)            44·1 (12·7)           50·9 (14·8)
                                                                                                                            26 years), during which time 402 (16·0%) participants
  Non-HDL cholesterol, mg/dL                        154·0 (39·0)           170·1 (39·2)          156·5 (39·5)               developed diabetes. Mean baseline lipids and fasting
  LDL cholesterol, mg/dL                            132·5 (34·1)          140·2 (36·1)           133·7 (34·5)               blood glucose concentrations differed between those
  LDL cholesterol to apolipoprotein B ratio             1·37 (0·25)          1·28 (0·23)               1·35 (0·25)          participants who developed diabetes and those who did
  Triglycerides, mg/dL                              107·4 (61·9)          149·5 (70·9)           114·1 (65·3)               not develop diabetes (table 1). The mean waist
 Data are mean (SD), n (%), or median (IQR).                                                                                circumference of women who developed diabetes was
                                                                                                                            37·1 inches (SD 5·6) versus 31·2 inches (4·4) for women
 Table 1: Baseline characteristics of study participants by incidence diabetes status and overall
                                                                                                                            who did not develop diabetes. In men, the mean waist

                                                                          LDL cholesterol      LDL cholesterol       Natural logarithm- HDL cholesterol             Waist                Fasting blood
                                                                                               to apoB ratio         transformed                                    circumference        glucose
                                      ApoB                                 0·821; p

                                            Model 1                                    Model 2                                                                            Model 3*
                                            HR (95% CI)            p value             HR (95% CI)             p value                                                    HR (95% CI)          p value
  Age, years                                1·02 (1·00–1·03)         0·032              1·02 (1·01–1·03)         0·0087                                                   1·02 (1·01–1·04)      0·0050
  Female, yes or no                         0·95 (0·77–1·17)         0·64               1·10 (0·88–1·38)         0·38                                                     1·28 (1·03–1·61)      0·028
  Waist circumference*                      1·67 (1·52–1·84)

                                                               Model 1                                    Model 2                                       Model 3*
                                                               HR (95% CI)            p value             HR (95% CI)              p value              HR (95% CI)            p value
                    Age, years                                 1·02 (1·00–1·04)         0·0025             1·02 (1·00–1·03)          0·010              1·02 (1·01–1·04)         0·0047
                    Female, yes or no                          0·88 (0·72–1·08)         0·23               0·98 (0·80–1·21)          0·87               1·11 (0·90–1·37)         0·31
                    Waist circumference*                       1·81 (1·66–1·97)

documented that pancreatic islet cells can be injured by         adverse lipid phenotype.29,30 Genetic data suggest similar
increased uptake of LDL particles by the LDL pathway or          effects in the case of variants that decrease PCSK9 activity
by decreased efflux of cholesterol.17–22                         or concentration and therefore increase activity of the
  If injury to islet cells, which leads to reduced insulin       LDL receptor pathway.31 Whether other drugs, such as
secretion, is related to increased uptake of LDL particles,      ANGPTL4 inhibitors, might preserve pancreatic function
this might explain the observed finding that triglycerides,      by avoiding receptor-mediated clearance of apoB particles,
which are principally in VLDL particles but are not taken        thereby reducing the risk of diabetes, warrants further
up by these cells, lose their significance as a risk factor      consideration.
when apoB and LDL cholesterol to apoB ratio are                    Our study has important limitations. The Framingham
accounted for. However, increased VLDL apoB secretion            Heart Study recruited principally White people from
produces hypertriglyceridaemia as well as increased              the USA. Therefore, our findings cannot necessarily be
production and clearance of LDL apoB. Thus, hypertri­            extrapolated to other groups of people. Moreover, the
glyceridaemia would be associated with, but not directly         total number of participants in the Framingham Heart
related to, increased uptake of LDL particles by pancreatic      Study and the total number of individuals who developed
islet cells. The hypothesis that islet cell injury is due to     diabetes is relatively small. On the other hand, the
excessive uptake of LDL particles and the cholesterol they       Framingham Heart Study has almost unique strengths
contain is also consistent with previous observations that       for this type of investigation in terms of the length, detail,
the risk of diabetes is reduced in patients with familial        and quality of the follow-up, almost all of which was in
hypercholesterolaemia in whom the defining abnormality           the pre-statin era.
is reduced clearance of LDL particles by the LDL pathway.23        In summary, these data demonstrate that patients
  We recognise that our present observations establish           aged 40–69 years who are normoglycaemic with
only a temporal sequence, not a causal relationship.             hypertri­glyceridaemic hyperapoB are at a high risk of
However, our findings are consistent with the results of a       new-onset type 2 diabetes over the next 20 years, and
recent Mendelian randomisation analysis10 and with the           that this relation remains potent even when waist
results of the ATTICA study, which demonstrated that             circumference, fasting blood glucose, and other
the risk of diabetes was directly related to the                 diabetes risk factors are accounted for. Our observations
LDL cholesterol to apoB ratio, indirectly related to apoA-1,     do not establish a causal relation, but identification of
the major apolipoprotein in HDL, and directly related to         this specific dyslipo­proteinaemic phenotype—hypertri­
the triglyceride to apoA-1 ratio.24 Our findings are also        glyceridaemic hyperapoB—should alert the patient and
consistent with previous work implicating smaller                the physician so that aggressive preventive measures
cholesterol-depleted LDL particles in increased risk of          can be undertaken. Further studies are necessary to test
diabetes.4,5 Accordingly, we believe the pathophysiological      the hypothesis that injury to pancreatic islet cells from
hypothesis that hypertriglyceridaemic hyperapoB might            excess uptake of LDL particles might underlie the
injure pancreatic islet cells and thereby increase the           association. We hypothesise that a similar mechanism
likelihood of diabetes merits further investigation.             might explain the increased risk of type 2 diabetes
  Our findings might have additional clinical                    associated with statin use. If so, therapies that reduce
implications. Statin therapy has been shown to be                apoB lipoproteins by LDL-receptor independent
modestly associated with an increased risk of type 2             mechanisms might avoid the pro-diabetic effect and
diabetes.25 Statins decrease apoB by increasing the activity     lower the risk of type 2 diabetes.
of the LDL pathway, which increases LDL clearance,26             Contributors
which might then injure islet cells. Genetic variants that       KMP was the primary statistical analyst and contributed to the design
are associated with lower hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-              and analysis of this study. MJP and GT contributed to the design,
                                                                 analysis, and writing of the study. LD contributed to the statistical
coenzyme A reductase activity are also associated with           analysis of the study. MH contributed to the writing of the manuscript.
lower levels of LDL cholesterol due, presumably, to              ADS contributed to the design, analysis, and writing of the manuscript.
increased activity of the LDL-receptor pathway. These            KMP and MJP have accessed and verified the data. All authors had
genetic variants have also been linked to a greater risk of      access to the data reported in this study. All authors had full access to all
                                                                 of the data and the final responsibility to submit for publication.
diabetes, supporting the hypothesis that the excess risk of
these variants might be related to injury to pancreatic islet    Declaration of interests
                                                                 KMP reports funding from the non-profit Doggone Foundation.
cells due to excess uptake of LDL particles.27 Moreover, the     MJP reports funding from the non-profit Doggone Foundation, past
risk of type 2 diabetes following statin use has been            grants to Duke from Regeneron/Sanofi and Amgen, and has participated
related to the decrease in LDL cholesterol: the greater the      in the past in an advisory board for Boehringer Ingelheim. GT has
decrease in LDL cholesterol, the greater the number of           participated in advisory boards and speaker bureaus for Amgen,
                                                                 Regeneron/Sanofi, HLS Therapeutics, Ionis, Servier, and Novartis and
LDL particles removed per day by the LDL pathway and,            has received grant funding from Servier and Ionis. All other authors
thereby, the greater the risk of diabetes.28 Finally, the risk   declare no competing interests.
of diabetes is greater in individuals with obesity and high      Data sharing
triglycerides and low HDL cholesterol receiving statin           All participant data for the analyses included in this paper were obtained
therapy—that is, individuals who are likely to have an           from the Framingham Heart Study. As secondary users of the data we do Vol 10 May 2022                                                                                                               e345

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