AMTCNews - AMTC & Associates

Page created by Alexander Lynch
AMTCNews - AMTC & Associates
                                 JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2022

                                 Caring Means Protecting
Caring involves                     At AMTC, we care deeply for our     participate. At the same time, strict
                                 clients and the individuals they       measures are taken to protect
protecting the                   serve. Among many things, caring       student information, such as locking
                                 involves protecting those we serve.    hard copies of assessments in
individuals we serve.            Safeguarding the data and              restricted areas, with access to
Safeguarding the                 information of our clients is          select personnel only.
                                 essential.                                Cindy Walker is one AMTC team
data and information                AMTC & Associates recently          member who helps ensure AMTC
                                 delivered a webinar on protections     and our clients stay current on
of our clients is                under the guidelines of two federal    youth protection. A research
essential.                       acts, the Protection of Pupil Rights   methodologist with extensive
                                 Amendment (PPRA) and the               real-world experience, she is
   – angela turner               Children’s Online Personal             featured on page four. Please find
                                 Protection Act (COPPA), which is       more information about PPRA and
                                 the topic of our first article.        COPPA throughout this newsletter.
                                    In addition to understanding           Wishing you good health in the
                                 these laws, other goals of the         new year and beyond,
                                 webinar included identifying ways
                                 schools should notify parents,
                                 recognizing the importance of state    Angela Turner
                                 and school district policies, and      Principal
                                 differentiating types of consent.
                                    The second article focuses on
                                 how Peacemakers Family Center of
AMTC News                        Miami-Dade County, Florida,
Joshua Becker, Writer & Editor   balances protecting youth and
                                 curricular transparency for parents.
4465 N. Oakland Avenue
                                 For example, parents are notified
Suite 200
                                 before programs are implemented to
Milwaukee, WI 53211
                                 ensure they are on board every step
Phone: (414) 316-4530
                                 of the way and can view the
Fax: (414) 316-4545
                                 curricula at any time. A parent may
AMTCASSOCIATES.COM               also withdraw consent to
AMTCNews - AMTC & Associates

                                                                                           Topic Areas

  OUR YOUTH’S                        PRIVACY                                           The following require notification
                                                                                       to parents and parental consent
                                                                                       when collecting data:

    It’s no secret that data is being       likewise applicable. Some clients of        Political affiliations
mined about all of us, bringing             AMTC host online services, for
privacy issues into the spotlight. Still,   example, delivering asynchronous            Mental and psychological
                                                                                          problems potentially
in our work at AMTC & Associates            online curricula modules that include         embarrassing to students and
and our clients’ operations,                individual profiles of youth and may          their families
measures are taken to ensure that           also host online student data.
we uphold the protection of                 Further emphasizing its applicability       Sex behavior and attitudes
program participants. It’s not only         to clients, Brandon
our ethic—it’s the law. Recently,           Osborn, AMTC                                Illegal, anti-social, self-
AMTC held a webinar for its clients         Research                                      incriminating and demeaning
who work with youth on adhering             Associate and
to, and the importance of, the              Internship
federally mandated Protection of            Program Director,
                                                                                        Critical appraisals of other
                                                                                          individuals with whom
Pupil Rights Amendment (PPRA) and           said, “The more                               respondents have close family
the Children’s Online Personal              we can share                                  relationships
Protection Act (COPPA).                     about PPRA and
                                                                  Brandon Osborn,
    PPRA requires schools and               COPPA, the more AMTC Research               Legally recognized privileged or
partner agencies to notify parents of       prepared staff        Associate and           analogous relationships, such as
minors when a government-funded             can be to make        Internship Program      those of lawyers, physicians, and
                                                                  Director                ministers
survey, study, or evaluation will be        sure they are
administered to their child. The law        compliant in their local communities.”
                                                                                        Religious practices, affiliations,
further restricts specific analyses of         Compliance is not one-size-fits-all.       or beliefs of the student or
student data. Parents have the right        Every jurisdiction (i.e., community,          student’s parent
to view surveys beforehand and/or           school board, university, etc.) has its
can exempt their children. PPRA             own set of protocols and standards          Income (other than that required
applies to several asking points:           that must be followed. Ethical                by law to determine eligibility for
political affiliations; potentially         considerations are established by             participation in a program or for
                                                                                          receiving financial assistance
embarrassing psychological                  what’s known as an Institutional
                                                                                          under such a program)
problems; self-incriminating and            Review Board (IRB). While each IRB
illegal behavior; privileged                has its regulations, the bottom line is
relationship protections, such as           that each IRB is tasked with
between patient and physician;              protecting human subjects.
religious beliefs; and income.                 After all, the very purpose of
                                                                                       So urce: A M TC webi nar, “The
    These considerations are relevant       assessing youth is to help them grow       Protect i o n of Pupi l Rights
to AMTC and our clients because             and for AMTC and our clients to learn      A men dment (P P RA ),” Novemb er
they work with youth and administer         how to serve youth better. Protecting      12, 2021.
surveys/assessments. The COPPA is           youth is essential to this mission.

2                                                                                              AMTCASSOCIATES.COM
AMTCNews - AMTC & Associates
 transparency & protection :
Peacemakers Strikes a                                                                    Does It Apply?

Perfect Balance                                                                     PPRA applies to public school
                                                                                    programs and DOE-funded

   Recent news coverage centers on parents wanting more transparency                 Programs and activities of
about school curricula. AMTC & Associates and its clients believe that
parental involvement fosters student success. AMTC clients provide health
                                                                                     Recipient of funds under any
curricula that elicits sensitive information, so protections must be in place to      program funded by the U.S.
protect students’ names and other confidential data, such as private                  Department of Education
information that youth provide on surveys. Transparency and protection are
not mutually exclusive.                                                              Any research funded by the U.S.
   Peacemakers Family Center is an AMTC client that strikes a balance                 Department of Education
between parental access to curricula and protecting the confidentiality of the
students it serves. Based out of Trinity Church in Miami-Dade County,                Research/Evaluation/Surveys in
                                                                                      public schools receiving USDOE
                          Florida, Peacemakers delivers within schools
“Our highest goal         evidence-based curricula focused on healthy
                          relationships, teen pregnancy prevention, and
is always to
                          positive youth development, to name only a few of
protect the
                          their many services.                                      So urce: A M TC webi nar, “The
students in the                                                                     Protect i o n of Pupi l Rights
                             “Our highest goal is always to protect the students
schools we are            in the schools we are serving,” said Crystal Agnew of
                                                                                    A men dment (P P RA ),” Novemb er
                                                                                    12, 2021.
serving... We shift Peacemakers. These efforts include training staff in
to make sure              steadfast protocol to protect youth and to emphasize
whatever they’re          the importance of protections. Answers to surveys
sharing, they feel        and assessments are strictly guarded; only select
safe.”                    AMTC evaluation staff have access to de-identified
– crystal agnew           data. At the same time, Peacemakers is completely
                          transparent with its programming. Parents may view
                          the entire curricula at any time, and in the coming
                          months, curricula will be posted on the school district
                             Protections and parent access are mainstays of
                          youth programming, but shifts in procedures might
                          reflect the times, such as with COVID-19. Students
                          receive protections at home, such as not completing
                          certain forms that they would have otherwise
Crystal Agnew of          completed in-person (in case they are in an unsafe
Peacemakers  Family
                          environment). “We shift to make sure whatever
                          they’re sharing, they feel safe,” emphasized Agnew.

AMTCNews - AMTC & Associates
Meet our
                        Associates                             Our diverse team delivers fast, relevant results for
                                                               our clients. Here is one individual who contributes
                                                               to those efforts.

                            CINDY WALKER
                            PRESIDENT AND CEO,                  “I love this work because it makes a
                            RESEARCH ANALYTICS                   difference in the lives of youth and
                            CONSULTING, LLC
                                                                 young adults... AMTC and their clients
                            MS, BS in Mathematics; PhD           have figured out how to do it
                            in Educational Psychology,           exceptionally well.”
                            University of Illinois at
                                                                                                – cindy walker

Name some recent work with AMTC.                               How does your work impact your sense of fulfillment?
I oversee all AMTC evaluation projects in some capacity.       I love this work because it makes a difference in the lives
However, lately, I have been spending a lot of time on         of youth and young adults receiving programming from
the Personal Responsibility Education Innovative               AMTC clients. It’s a community-engaged scholarship. It’s
Strategies Program (PREIS), a research grant that              everything they talk about doing at the university level
Peacemakers Family Center received to study its healthy        but don’t do well. AMTC and their clients have figured
relationship and pregnancy prevention program. We              out how to do it exceptionally well, so I am constantly
have been finalizing our processes to get Institutional        learning.
Review Board (IRB) approval [see page two]. I have also
been working to ensure all AMTC clients with new               What takeaways do you have about PPRA and COPPA?
grants in 2022 receive IRB approval. Another large part        The purpose of the IRB is to make sure that the
of my work is for our Healthy Marriage and Relationship        evaluation and research protects human subjects. The
Education clients. I have been working to ensure we            PPRA and COPPA must be adhered to, or we wouldn’t
have valid and reliable measures for evaluation purposes.      get IRB approval.

How does this work impact AMTC and its clients?                What’s new personally?
It helps to ensure all of our evaluation work is as rigorous   We have a new camper to explore my new state of
as possible, feasible, and adheres to federal regulations,     Florida.
such as the protection of human subjects.

      PPRA                                                      USDOE, What is PPRA FAQ:

    ADDITIONAL                                                    rights-amendment-ppra
                                                                USDOE, Regulation Language:

    RESOURCES                                                   USDOE, History of PPRA:
                                                                Language on Students Rights in Research, Experimental
    To learn more about PPRA and how it                           Programs, and Testing:
    might impact your organization, be sure
    to explore these resources.                                 Student Privacy PPRA FAQ:

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